The prize giving ceremony of the MAXXIS FIM World Championship in St Flour (GP AMV of ) on September Sunday 13 th was the opportunity for ABC communication to tribute 2 sacred monsters of Enduro.

Indeed, Anders ERIKSSON (S - BMW), 7 times World Champion and Björne CARLSSON (S - Husaberg) winner in 1996, stop their careers with almost 20 seasons of Enduro at the highest level (17 world seasons for Björne CARLSSON always with Husaberg)

The surprised notification of " his retirement " by Samuli ARO (SF - KTM) 5 times World Champion was also the great emotion of this evening. The Finnish was so affected that he was not able to control his tears....

Another new with also the retirement of Alessandro BELOMETTI (I - KTM) on his international career at the end of the 2009 season. Already, last year, (Australia) bowed out of World Enduro to return at home...

In less than 2 seasons, the WEC has undoubtedly made a new start with the retirement of these sacred monsters as MERRIMAN, ARO, ERIKSSON, CARLSSON and others.

Alessandro BELOMETTI (I)

Is the WEC generation ready ?

Is the " WEC generation " issued for most of them from Junior World Enduro Championship created in 2005, ready to take over ? Not so sure, because Enduro is also based on experience and control.

Respectively EJ winner in 2005 and 2006, 2007, Cristobal GUERRERO (E - Yamaha) and Joakim LJUNGGREN (S - Husaberg) are the perfect illustration of these remarks. Very fast and determined, but sometimes injured, these 2 riders fought themselves until the last Grand Prix the 3 rd Final rank in E2. Their improving is real, but maybe not enough fast as wished…. Joakim LJUNGGREN (S)

Tomas OLDRATI (I - KTM) Junior Champion in 2008 seems to improve faster than these 2 predecessors. Without an injury in Greece, he would be able to attend the 3rd final rank in E1 to his most experienced co-riders Simone ALBERGONI (I - KTM)

However, other Junior riders as Marc BOURGEOIS (F - HVA), or Simon WAKELY (UK - HVA), Tom SAGAR (GB - Husaberg) have more difficulties to overcome the gap between Juniors and Seniors…

So, Oriol MENA (E – Husaberg) just new Junior Champion knows what he will Oriol MENA (E) have to face….

Scandinavian Enduro " out of order "..

CARLSSON, ERIKSSON ARO, SILVAN …. Sweden and has lost many of their leaders for last season ! Mainly Sweden, except Joakim LJUNGGREN is expecting new talents and prepares hiself to a couple of difficult years. Moreover, this important Enduro nation is no longer one of the favourite for the ISDE.... And without "Junior" riders, no alternative !! If Finland does not react, it will have to face a shortage while ! Of course SALMINEN , AHOLA are still there for a couple of season but TARKKALA , MATTILA , REMES .. has still not realized their goal and the expectation of their Teams. And no Finnish Junior rider took part into the 2009 WEC !!! Samuli ARO (SF)

Les Latins au top !!

On the other hand, the Latins "come back" on the top was confirmed in 2009. As the French riders who represent almost 25 % of the whole riders and have sometimes scored in 2009 until 8 podiums out of 12 ( MEO, GAUTHIER, AUBERT, THAIN, NAMBOTIN, CERVANTES, FORTUNATO, JOLY in Grand Prix of Greece)...!

Spain, with the leader CERVANTES improves season after season with GUERRERO and also the very good Enduro Junior team (MENA, Victor GUERRERO, SANTOLINO …) who will be also the main favourite at the ISDE.

Cristobal GUERRERO (E)

But some difficulties also on " Latin side " for Italy that did not win one Grand Prix in 2009 except few podiums of ALBERGONI and OLDRATI !!! The FMI can worry about the situation...

BELOMETTI stops, BOTTURI and DINI resist, ALBERGONI , ZANNI , PAOLI , BETONI prefer to take part into the European Championship (!).

Many transalpine Juniors riders have never confirmed (BELOTTI, CANOVA, FALGARI, COMINOTTO...) and GRITTI delay to win... Undoubtedly, Tomas OLDRATI is the only Italian replacement... with perhaps Oscar BALLETTI (HM Honda).

So if France and are really "healthy", other nations and East countries may be worried with the only rider " OBLUCKI " () are really far from their prestigious past ...

Last solution : the MOTOCROSS ?

Met the day before the Grand Prix of Greece, Fabio FARIOLI , Team Manager of KTM Racing did not conceal his problems to compose his 2010 Team and find the future(s) champion(s) "If he was in the WEC actual Paddock, we would know him ! There are many very good riders but probably no one of them able to win next year... "."

And if the solution was again the Motocross ?

As Johny AUBERT (F – KTM) arrived on the WEC in 2006, many Crossmen joined the World Enduro Championship recently. Mainly in 2007 and 2008, SMETS, BOLLEY, SEGUY, CAPS …tried at riding between tape without great success !!

To be quite honest, a few of them succeed in !! CERVANTES (arrived in 2003),

AUBERT and on a less important degree Rodrig THAIN (F – TM), Fabio Antoine MEO (F) MOSSINI (I – HM) and of course the "phenomenon " Antoine MEO (F – HVA) !! Do not forget also Christophe NAMBOTIN (A promising French Cross rider).

On the other hand , riders as SEISTOLA (SF – HVA), KADLECEK (CZ – TM), Aaron BERNARDEZ (E – BMW) have rather disappointed while some of them as BEGGI et CHERUBINI have disappeared during the season !!

So, where is the solution ??

So difficult to say… Son let's dream to the venue of "some rookies " from Australia and managed by Stefan MERRIMAN or also the venue during one complete season of Kurt CASELI (USA – KTM) or Ricky DIETRICH (USA – Kawasaki) who improve quickly the young American Enduro !! Our Teams Managers will have the necessary flair ….


Actually, the 2009 WEC turned off …… so we wait impatiently the 2010 WEC !!!