1 APPOACHING ENGLISH GRAMMER THROUGH Author: Muayyed J.Juma ISBN: 978-9933-9232-2-8 رقم اﻻيداع يف دار الكتب والوثائق ببغداد )( لسنة 2017 ﺀ iraqibookish Art Printing Press مكتبة ألوان يطلب حصرا من املركز املتخصص يف عامل الطباعة الرقمية iraqibookish بغداد - اﻻعظمية - مقابل حدائق النعمان بغداد مول النخيل هاتف: 07709814644 - 07711177646 Email:
[email protected] © A مجيع احلقوق حمفوظة للمؤلف، وﻻ جيوز، بأي صورة من الصور، والتوصيل، املباشر أو غري املباشر، الكلي أو اجلزئي، ﻷي مما ورد يف هذا املصنف، أو نسخه، أو تصويره، او ترمجته أو حتويره أو اﻻقتباس منه، أو حتويله رقميا أو ختزينه او استرجاعه أو إتاحته عرب شبكة اﻻنترنيت، إﻻ بإذن خطي مسبق من املؤلف. 2 Preface Preface The idea of writing this book started after observing students (foreign language learners of English) suffering from the lack of actual daily-life situations in the English used in their grammar course. They usually separate the grammatical rules from the contexts in which they are used, and memorize them as a poem. Some beginner students translate these rules into their native languages and fall at the danger of transfer. As a result, most of these courses have created a great deal of difficulty to students at all levels of their language proficiency. Another problem I have noticed is related to what might be called real and artificial contexts used in explaining the grammatical rules. As foreign language learners of English, students have always had a tendency towards using the English they perceive when they watch or hear series, movies, and songs in English. In contrast, when they read the books of grammar full of monotonous formal contexts with names of unknown people and fake stories, they usually have the sense that the English used in these books is different in one way or another.