, Equilibrium Composition
Index absolute activity , 301 benezene, tables and T -$ chart, 158- 9, absolute azeotropy , 379 165 absolute entropy , 411 , 444 , 451 Bernoulli 's equation, 35 absorption refrigeration , 240 - 2 blower, Roots, 214- 16 acentric factor , 468 - 72 boiler , feed-water heating, 273- 8 acid -base equilibrium , 426 - 7 boiling point , see vapour pressure acidity constant , 426 - - , elevation of, 320 activity , 307 Boltzmann's constant, xiii - , absolute , 301 Boltzmann's distribution law, 438, 467 - coefficient , 307 - 18 , 324 , 326 - 8 Boyle's law, see gas, perfect - - , mean 327 , 430 - 1 Boyle temperature, 138 - - , single -ion 326 - 7 Brayton refrigeration cycle, 252- 3 adiabatic compressibility , 151 B -$ chart, 112 - efficiency , 200 , 229 bubble point , 346ft - process , 6 Bunsen coefficient, 323 - - , in a perfect gas, 86 , 193- 4 - reaction , 416 - 20 calorie, thermochemical, 413 adsorption , 331 - 4 calorimetry, 38- 45 advancement , see reaction , extent of carbon dioxide, properties of, 451 affinity , 395 - 6 - - , solid, 246 air , cooling of , 253 Carnot cycle, 56ft, 232ft - , equilibrium composition, 455 - heat engine, 56ft - , liquefaction of , 256 - heat pump, 60- 1 - , separation of , 367 - principle , 62- 5 alcohol , distillation of , 378 - 9 , 386 - refrigerator , 60- 1 allotropy , 343 - 5 cascadeliquefier, 264- 7 alloys , 381 - 2 - refrigeration cycles, 248- 50 Arnagat 's law , 295 - 6, 302 centrifugal compressor, 23, 219, 225- 7 ammonia , heat capacity of , 89- 90, 168 characteristic equations, see fundamental - absorption
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