[email protected] 1812 February 7th Charles John Huffam Dickens is born at 13 MileTerrace, Landport, Portsmouth, second child of John Dickens and Elizabeth Dickens [Barrow]. Sister Fanny was born October 28th, 1810 March 4th Charles is baptized at St.Mary’s in Portsea The Dickens family moves at least twice over the rest of the year 1814 March 28th Birth of Dickens’ brother Alfred Allen September 6th Death of Alfred of ‘Water on the Brain’ 1815 January Dickens family moves to London to live at 10 Norfolk Street – now Cleveland Street – because John Dickens was transferred to work at Somerset House – [This address is located a few doors removed from the CLEVELAND STREET WORKHOUSE] 1816 April 23rd Birth of sister Letitia Mary 1817 John Dickens is moved again to Chatham, Kent 1819 August Birth of sister Harriett Ellen who dies in infancy August 14th John Dickens borrows 200 GBP 1820 July Birth of brother Frederick William 1821 Summer Charles is sent to a school kept by Wm. Giles December 11th Aunt Fanny, who has lived with the family, marries Dr. Lamert and moves. Dr. Lamert had taken Charles, along with his own son, James to a number of theatrical performances to the Theatre Royal, Chatham and other theatres. These visits are continued by James Lamert after his father’s departure 1822 March 11th Birth of brother Alfred Lamert June John Dickens is transferred back to Somerset House, moving the family to Camden Town September Death of Aunt Fanny in Ireland - After the move back to London, John Dickens’ debts become dire – Charles is NOT sent to school again at this time 1823 April 9th Fanny Dickens, Charles’ sister, becomes a pupil at The Royal Academy of Music – remains ‘til 1827.