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ISBN: 978-1-5457-0307-6 Price: ` 295.00

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EDUCREATION PUBLISHING (Since 2011) www.educreation.in




All the characters, incidents, places in this novel are fictious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental and unintentional. The author respects God in all forms and consider all religions with equal respect.


In memory of my beloved father, Shri D. Rajasekharan (1945-1997) whose memories can never be erased in the flow of time and who shall always remain in my heart forever.


Special thanks to Ms. Pallavi, my wife, who was my sole inspiration and support till the completion of this work. And thanks to little Rikki, my son, for making me smile always.


About the Author

Author is simple and self-disciplined. He was born on 24th Nov, 1984 and brought up in southern state of , India. He is very much fond of writing and initially started with poems. Later he got inspired to compile this novel which took one year to complete by the grace of God. He is a strong believer of God which inspired him to understand the existence of God and His presence across the Universe. He realizes the presence of God in one- self which is the key to awaken self-consciousness. A conscious self attains the ultimate divine knowledge which enlighten the being and shows the path to attain salvation. He consider his Guru – Brahmashri Subhananda Gurudev for making him realize this truth and thank Him in completion of this work.



S.No. Content Page

1. Introduction 1 2. Brahmashri Subhananda 13 Gurudev

3. Chapter – 1 18 4. Chapter – 2 28 5. Chapter – 3 35 6. Chapter – 4 42 7. Chapter – 5 60 8. Chapter – 6 77 9. Chapter – 7 91 10. Chapter – 8 105 11. Chapter – 9 115 12. Chapter – 10 127 13. Chapter – 11 137 14. Chapter – 12 148 15. Chapter – 13 169 16. Chapter – 14 181 17. Chapter – 15 189 18. Chapter – 16 201



Gowri Introduction

There is a beginning for everything. And every beginning has an end also. The prime evolution of all beings from plants to trees, humans to animals, insects to reptiles and birds to fishes came into existence from consciousness. The divine consciousness produced millions of species in this large bio-diversity. Every positive evolution of the consciousness produced all the goodness in the world and filled the space with positive energy. Thus there exists a positive conscious plane where all species dwell in peace and harmony with at most respect & love and care for each other. In the very beginning, darkness prevailed all around. There was no matter of any kind, not even light in the entire horizon but only dark silence that spread across the millions of space. What could be the possible origin of evolution when there is no consciousness? The consciousness! It was that element that produced the light of intelligence which was the beginning of creation of everything in this Universe. This miraculous thought of intelligence which became the prime reason for the evolution of Universe is called as “Consciousness” or “Jyothi”. The consciousness continued to evolve to become the substance of nature. The consciousness gained so much power that it produced the very first matter of the Universe – atom. The atoms continued to evolve and spread across the Universe randomly. These atoms collided each other with heavy forces that it produced sparks at high temperature. Thus the Universe almost


Gowri resembled like a sparkling sky where sparks were produced at each and every moment. As the collision further increased, the temperature and pressure increased to enormous amount that led to a great explosion which produced immense light with thunder that travelled to infinity. The consciousness which produced the light and thunder continued to evolve as the light faded away in the farthest horizons. This was followed by the combination of atoms. Two or more atoms combined to form a new element with the release of enormous heat, light and sound. Thus every combination produced different elements which became the building blocks of the Universe. The matter thus formed sustained in the vast space. This matter evolved to form the planetary objects that travelled, revolved and rotated on its own axis. These planetary objects formed the base for the evolution of life. The fusion of atoms resulted in the formation of billions of stars in the space that cluttered to form millions of galaxies. The consciousness continued to evolve to form the Solar System with Sun at its center and planet earth formed the habitable zone for evolution of life. The consciousness continued to evolve and the gases in the peripheral zone of earth formed the atmosphere. The ozone layer composed of the ions are capable of absorbing the maximum heat radiations of Sun thus making earth more comfortable for a living zone. The atmosphere then raised the massive amount of vapors in the form of clouds which produced waters on the planes that formed the vast ocean. The lower planes were


Gowri completely filled with water while the higher planes grew higher forming mountains. The vast chain of mountains was known as The Great Himalayas which was composed in a single continent. The consciousness further formed the green lands in the lower planes of the continent. The consciousness diversified itself into many forms like fishes in the waters, birds in the sky and animals in the land. Thus the entire plane was filled with living beings making it the living place in the Universe. The consciousness continued to evolve in its most dynamic and versatile way to form the ultimate form - the human form. The powerful consciousness thus formed a human form in flesh and blood at its own discretion. He, the creator of everything from stars, sun, moon, planets, earth, plants, trees, fishes, birds, animals and himself; the prime reason for the existence of everything; the one who owns the powerful consciousness came into existence as Lord . Lord Shiva opened his eyes on the Mount Kailash. He saw everything through his eyes what he has been creating with his powerful consciousness over the time. Lord Shiva with the most powerful consciousness continued in deep meditation. Since the Lord was born out of consciousness and not by any means of birth, He was attributed as GOD. He created another form form his own consciousness and it was Lord Mahavishnu lying in a snake bed - Anantha. Since he was also not born by any means of birth but from powerful consciousness of Lord Shiva, He was also attributed as GOD. Lord Mahavishnu was also blessed with all the


Gowri knowledge and consciousness of Lord Shiva. Lord Mahavishnu also continued in deep meditation and from his navel aroused Lord sitting on a White Lotus, the third of its kind. He was also attributed as GOD since he was also born out of consciousness. All the three Gods shared equal powers and knowledge but performed different functions to preserve the sanctity of the world to eternity. The eternal three Gods known as or Trinity controlled the Universe from end to end. Lord Brahma was the Creator who created the human beings further. Lord Mahavishnu was the Protector who protected the human beings while Lord Shiva was the Destroyer who destroyed the evils that were a threat to human beings. Lord Shiva accepted Goddess as His consort, Lord Mahavishnu accepted Goddess as His consort and Lord Brahma creates his own consort Goddess from his own consciousness. Since Lord Shiva was the primeval God, he came into being known as Supreme God who is the God of all Gods and Goddesses or “Devon ka Dev - Mahadev” Lord Brahma created the Devas or Gods from the light while the or Demons were born out of the darkness. Even though there were constant war between Devas and Asuras, the Devas were always preferred as they restored peace and fought for Dharma. The Devas represented the goodness while the Asuras represented the evil. The Devas built goodness around the Universe while the


Gowri Asuras destroy the goodness and try to establish evilness. Lord Brahma created the human beings on earth as a reflection of God Himself. The humans were provided the divine knowledge of Brahmand i.e. the ultimate knowledge of a Brahmand. The knowledge was transformed into verses and were dictated orally to the humans. The divine verses helped the humans to open their consciousness and learn all the knowledge of the Universe. Thus humans gained all the knowledge of Brahmand which was essential to lead an aesthetic and moral life. A human equipped with the knowledge of Universe is considered as a complete man who bore the wisdom of end to end in the Universe. The Satya was blessed by the divine and harmony of the Gods which touched the soul of the earth with happiness. The plants, trees and every being lived in harmony at the highest consciousness. There were frequent attacks from the Asuras that was a threat to the peace of the world but every time Lord Mahavishnu, the protector of human kind, incarnated to demolish the evils and restore peace in the world. In the first of its threat to the world peace, an named Hayagriva with the head of a horse, stole the or Vedic Knowledge from Lord Brahma and hid in the deep seas. Since the divine knowledge can be mishandled in the hands of an Asura, Lord Mahavishnu incarnated as Matsya that grew bigger in size. The giant fish with golden fins killed the demon Hayagriva and returned the sacred Vedas back to Lord Brahma. Thus Lord


Gowri Mahavishnu proved that the goodness shall be protected to the depth of any oceans. In the second threat to the world peace, a Great War ensued between the Devas and Asuras. In order to put an end to this war, Devas approached Lord Mahavishnu. Lord Mahavishnu told the Devas to make a truce with the Asuras to churn the ocean. The truce was agreed and Mount Mandara was used as churning rod while Great Snake Vasuki served as the churning rope. The Devas grasped Vasuki’s tail while the Asuras grasped Vasuki’s head. During churning, the Mount Mandara began to sink in the ocean. So Lord Mahavishnu incarnated as Koorma, a giant turtle that supported Mount Mandara on its back. At the end of churning the Divine Amrit (Holy water which gives immortality) came out of the mountain. As soon as the Amrit began to rise, the Devas and Asuras started battling for it. At this point of time, Lord Mahavishnu took the form of a charming lady, Mohini. Charmed by the beauty of Mohini, the Devas and Asuras invited Mohini to serve the Amrit. Mohini served the entire Amrit to Devas and they became immortal. The war ensued made sure that Devas won over the Asuras. Thus Lord Mahavishnu proved that goodness shall always win over the evil. In the third threat to world peace, the King of Asuras – Hiranyaksha conquered the three worlds Heaven, Earth and the Nether World. He went too far by hurling Bhoomi into the deep oceans. At the request of the Gods, Lord Mahavishnu took the incarnation of a giant Boar that went deep into the seas and fought with Hiranyaksha. Hiranyaksha


Gowri unaware that the boar is Lord Mahavishnu Himself, was defeated and killed by the boar. The boar then took the Bhoomi Devi from the oceans and restored in its place, thus evading all the shadows of incertitude. Thus Lord Mahavishnu proved that whenever there is a threat to Bhoomi or Earth, it shall be conquered. In the fourth threat, the younger brother of Hiranyaksha namely Hiranyakashipu preached Lord Brahma and was blessed with a boon that he will be neither killed in the day or night; neither inside or outside the palace; nor can be destroyed by , Asura or Human and nor be destroyed by any kind of weapons. Hiranyakashipu became the King and assumed himself to be the most powerful in all three worlds. His ego caused havoc among the sages and made the life very miserable for them because they were not allowed to utter even God’s name. But his son Prahlad irrespective of all the prevailing laws under his father’s Kingship prayed to Lord Mahavishnu. When asked where Mahavishnu is, Prahlad replied “He is everywhere.” Hiranyakashipu immediately broke an iron pillar claiming whether there is presence of Mahavishnu. Lord Mahavishnu came out of iron pillar as Narasimha which was a supreme figure of a man with Lion’s head. Narasimha was neither Deva, Asura nor Human. He kept Hiranyakashipu on his thighs which was neither inside or outside the palace. He tore his flesh apart using his own sharp claws which is not any kind of weapon. He killed during the evening time which was neither day nor night. Thus Hiranyakashipu was killed mercilessly


Gowri in the hands of Lord Narasimha. Thus Lord Mahavishnu proved that devotion to God conquers over the ego and self-pride. In the fifth major threat to the world peace, Asura King Mahabali, the grandson of Prahlad, was well known for his Dhan Dharma i.e the act of giving. He was so generous that his name reverberated across the globe. He conducted lots of rituals and yagas to become the most powerful King in the three worlds. The Gods were concerned about his ambition and approached Lord Mahavishnu, the Supreme Protector. Lord Mahavishnu immediately took the incarnation of a Brahmin Boy and walked to the sacrificial place where Mahabali was conducting Yaga. Mahabali who was very much devoted to Brahmins welcomed him and asked for his blessings. As a practice of fulfilling the wishes of Brahmin, Mahabali asked what he would like to have from him. Vamana just calmly replied that he need three foot steps of land. Mahabali was amused and laughed at the small wish of the Brahmin boy unaware that the boy was Lord Mahavishnu himself. He offered the three steps without any second thought. Vamana suddenly grew bigger in size as vast as the Brahmand. He took his first step on the Heaven, second on the Earth and then he asked Mahabali for the third step. Mahabali came to know that he has been conquered by the grace of Lord Mahavishnu and he offered the third step on his own head. Vamana kept his third step on Mahabali’s head and drowned him to Patal Loka. The threat of Asura was kept on bay by the intervention of Lord Mahavishnu. Thus the


Gowri negligence and ignorance was conquered by simplicity. The Satya Yuga comes to an end by the disappearance of Vamana. The Satya Yuga consisted of 4000 divine years. The morning and evening of Satya Yuga contains 400 divine years each. Each divine year consists of 360 human years. Thus Satya Yuga consists of a total of 4800 divine years or 17, 28, 000 human years. The Satya Yuga was followed by the . The Treta Yuga saw the rise of Kshatriyas or Warriors who wanted to establish Kingdoms across the world. As time lapsed, the Kings became immoral and there was a decline of Dharma which was a threat to the world. At this time Lord Mahavishnu took the of Parashuram, a sage. Parashuram was blessed with an axe by Lord Shiva that became his mighty weapon of destruction. One day, a King who visited Parasuram’s ashram during his absence stole Kamadhenu, a divine cow that gives unlimited milk. Parasuram’s father went and killed the King and brought back Kamadhenu. The King’s son came to Ashram and killed Parasuram’s father. Outraged Parashuram took a vow to destroy all the evil Kings. He killed all the evil Kings in 21 battles and restored Dharma. Towards the end of his time, he threw his axe and recreated the land of Kerala which was the same place where Mahabali ruled in the previous Yuga. Thus the immorality of the Kings were slayed by the power of a Brahmin. Towards the end of Treta Yuga, Lord Mahavishnu takes the avatar of Lord Ram and provides himself as an example of a good and


Gowri righteous King. The evil King preached Lord Shiva and gained a boon that he will never be killed by any Gods and hardly had he expected a human to be his reason of death. Lord took birth as elder son to King Dasarath and Queen Kausalya. Lord Ram provided as a perfect example of an ideal son, ideal brother, ideal husband and an ideal King. He killed evil King Ravana who was a threat to the peace of world. Thus the power of muscles and ego were challenged by the perfection of an ideal man. The Treta Yuga ends with the disappearance of Lord . The Treta Yuga consisted of 3000 divine years. The morning and evening of Treta Yuga consists of 300 divine years each. Each divine year consists of 360 human years. Thus Treta Yuga consisted a total of 3600 divine years or 12, 96,000 human years. The Dwapura Yuga, towards the end mainly focusses on a Royal family ruling over a kingdom which results in the fight among the cousin brothers, Pandavas and Kauravas for the Kingship. Since the war was inevitable, Lord Mahavishnu incarnated as Lord to lead the Pandavas in fighting the Dharma Yudh to establish dharma. At the onset of the inevitable Mahabharat War, Lord Krishna appears in the Supreme Form and recites Gita to Arjuna which provides the divine and eternal knowledge for enlightening the human souls thus bringing peace to the individual, society, state and hence the entire world. The Dwapura Yuga comes to an end with the disappearance of Lord Krishna.



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