From Hoffman Square 1

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From Hoffman Square 1 FROM HOFFMAN SQUARE 1 Trip Origin Destination Duty 10:00 Hoffmansquare Langenhovenpark 4506 12:00 Hoffmansquare Langenhovenpark 4506 12:05 Hoffmansquare Wilgehof 4034 13:15 Hoffmansquare Kwaggafontein 4506 13:30 Hoffmansquare Dan Pienaar 4503 13:30 Hoffmansquare De Wet 4520 13:30 Hoffmansquare Noordhoek 4001 13:30 Hoffmansquare Pellissier 4069 13:50 Hoffmansquare Universitas 4522 14:00 Hoffmansquare Fauna 4043 14:00 Hoffmansquare Fichardtpark 4008 14:00 Hoffmansquare Heuwelsig 4017 14:00 Hoffmansquare Langenhovenpark 4214 14:00 Hoffmansquare UniversitasWest 4501 14:00 Hoffmansquare Woodland Hills 4016 14:15 Hoffmansquare Wilgehof 4011 14:30 Hoffmansquare Bayswater 4033 14:30 Hoffmansquare Dan Pienaar 4213 14:30 Hoffmansquare Langenhovenpark 4103 14:30 Hoffmansquare Noordhoek 4010 14:35 Hoffmansquare Hospitaalpark 4503 14:45 Hoffmansquare Brandwag 4516 15:00 Hoffmansquare Fauna 4520 15:00 Hoffmansquare Fichardtpark 4039 15:00 Hoffmansquare Heuwelsig 4028 15:00 Hoffmansquare Langenhovenpark 4530 15:00 Hoffmansquare UniversitasWest 4522 15:00 Hoffmansquare Woodland Hills 4203 15:15 Hoffmansquare Wilgehof 4205 15:20 Hoffmansquare Woodland Hills 4065 15:25 Hoffmansquare Dan Pienaar 4214 15:25 Hoffmansquare Hospitaalpark 4043 15:30 Hoffmansquare Bayswater 4020 15:30 Hoffmansquare De Wet 4058 15:30 Hoffmansquare Langenhovenpark 4015 15:30 Hoffmansquare Pellissier 4052 15:35 Hoffmansquare Noordhoek 4047 15:45 Hoffmansquare Brandwag 4217 15:45 Hoffmansquare Pellissier 4048 15:55 Hoffmansquare Fichardtpark 4029 16:00 Hoffmansquare Bayswater 4059 16:00 Hoffmansquare Dan Pienaar 4508 16:00 Hoffmansquare Fauna 4012 16:00 Hoffmansquare Heuwelsig 4504 16:00 Hoffmansquare Langenhovenpark 4046 16:00 Hoffmansquare Universitas 4515 16:00 Hoffmansquare UniversitasWest 4054 16:15 Hoffmansquare Wilgehof 4049 16:25 Hoffmansquare Langenhovenpark 4051 16:25 Hoffmansquare Pellissier 4050 16:30 Hoffmansquare Bayswater 4036 16:30 Hoffmansquare De Wet 4204 16:30 Hoffmansquare Noordhoek 4203 16:30 Hoffmansquare Woodland Hills 4053 16:40 Hoffmansquare Kwaggafontein 4231 FROM HOFFMAN SQUARE 2 Trip Origin Destination Duty 16:45 Hoffmansquare Brandwag 4052 16:45 Hoffmansquare Heuwelsig 4044 16:50 Hoffmansquare Lourierpark 4253 16:50 Hoffmansquare UniversitasWest 4234 17:00 Hoffmansquare Bloemside 4226 17:10 Hoffmansquare De Wet 4073 17:10 Hoffmansquare Fauna 4112 17:10 Hoffmansquare Noordhoek 4057 17:15 Hoffmansquare Bayswater 4064 17:15 Hoffmansquare Dan Pienaar 4071 17:15 Hoffmansquare Fichardtpark 4066 17:15 Hoffmansquare Hospitaalpark 4070 17:15 Hoffmansquare Langenhovenpark 4110 17:15 Hoffmansquare Pellissier 4065 17:15 Hoffmansquare Universitas 4046 17:15 Hoffmansquare Wilgehof 4012 18:30 Hoffmansquare Windmill Casino 4078 OTHER Trip Origin Destination Duty 04:40 Brandfort Central Park 4530 4:45 Zone 1 Hospitals 4202 05:20 Soutpan Central Park 4510 5:30 A5 Tempe 4035 5:30 D1 Tempe 4036 5:30 K6 Tempe 4033 5:30 W4 Tempe 4034 5:30 Zone 1 Tempe 4216 5:45 Kortpad Hospitals 4024 5:45 Phase 4 Tempe 4517 5:45 Rocklands Tempe 4518 5:45 Thaba Nchu Tempe 4218 05:50 Belgie Central Park 4506 06:05 Soutpan Central Park 4520 06:35 UniversitasHosp Central Park 4202 06:50 Mandela View Central Park 4030 15:50 Transwerke Central Park 4069 17:00 Zone 1 Hospitals 4240 17:30 Kortpad Hospitals 4085 17:35 Central Park Brandfort 4530 17:45 Hyperama Central Park 4078 18:30 Hyperama Central Park 4081 18:30 UniversitasHosp Central Park 4085 19:05 Windmill Casino Central Park 4078 19:10 UniversitasHosp Central Park 4240 19:30 Hyperama Central Park 4523 22:05 Windmill Casino Central Park 4240 TO HOFFMAN SQUARE 1 Trip Origin Destination Duty 06:30 Brandwag Hoffmansquare 4011 07:15 Brandwag Hoffmansquare 4207 08:00 Brandwag Hoffmansquare 4209 08:05 Brandwag Hoffmansquare 4511 08:25 Brandwag Hoffmansquare 4230 06:30 Dan Pienaar Hoffmansquare 4012 07:15 Dan Pienaar Hoffmansquare 4105 07:30 Dan Pienaar Hoffmansquare 4038 08:00 Dan Pienaar Hoffmansquare 4007 08:30 Dan Pienaar Hoffmansquare 4066 07:00 De Wet Hoffmansquare 4212 07:50 De Wet Hoffmansquare 4045 08:05 Brandwag Hoffmansquare 4511 08:25 Brandwag Hoffmansquare 4230 06:30 Dan Pienaar Hoffmansquare 4012 07:15 Dan Pienaar Hoffmansquare 4105 07:30 Dan Pienaar Hoffmansquare 4038 08:00 Dan Pienaar Hoffmansquare 4007 08:30 Dan Pienaar Hoffmansquare 4066 07:00 De Wet Hoffmansquare 4212 07:50 De Wet Hoffmansquare 4045 06:00 Universitas Hoffmansquare 4502 06:20 Langenhovenpark Hoffmansquare 4008 06:20 Noordhoek Hoffmansquare 4204 06:30 Langenhovenpark Hoffmansquare 4010 06:40 Wilgehof Hoffmansquare 4014 06:45 Fichardtpark Hoffmansquare 4209 06:45 Heuwelsig Hoffmansquare 4203 06:45 Pellissier Hoffmansquare 4007 06:45 Universitas Hoffmansquare 4221 06:45 Fichardtpark Hoffmansquare 4209 06:45 Heuwelsig Hoffmansquare 4203 06:50 Fauna Hoffmansquare 4206 06:50 Lillyvale Hoffmansquare 4003 06:50 Noordhoek Hoffmansquare 4104 06:50 Fauna Hoffmansquare 4206 06:55 Hospitaalpark Hoffmansquare 4211 07:00 Fichardtpark Hoffmansquare 4020 07:00 UniversitasWest Hoffmansquare 4513 07:00 Woodland Hills Hoffmansquare 4516 07:00 Fichardtpark Hoffmansquare 4020 07:05 Langenhovenpark Hoffmansquare 4213 07:15 Fichardtpark Hoffmansquare 4037 07:15 Langenhovenpark Hoffmansquare 4515 07:15 Pellissier Hoffmansquare 4027 07:15 Woodland Hills Hoffmansquare 4508 07:15 Fichardtpark Hoffmansquare 4037 TO HOFFMAN SQUARE 2 Trip Origin Destination Duty 07:20 Langenhovenpark Hoffmansquare 4214 07:25 Hospitaalpark Hoffmansquare 4217 07:25 Kwaggafontein Hoffmansquare 4520 07:25 Universitas Hoffmansquare 4106 07:25 UniversitasWest Hoffmansquare 4202 07:30 Fauna Hoffmansquare 4215 07:30 Pellissier Hoffmansquare 4029 07:30 Fauna Hoffmansquare 4215 07:35 Fruit and Veg Hoffmansquare 4041 07:35 Heuwelsig Hoffmansquare 4506 07:35 Wilgehof Hoffmansquare 4008 07:35 Fruit and Veg Hoffmansquare 4041 07:35 Heuwelsig Hoffmansquare 4506 07:45 Langenhovenpark Hoffmansquare 4046 07:45 Woodland Hills Hoffmansquare 4507 07:50 Fichardtpark Hoffmansquare 4010 07:50 Universitas Hoffmansquare 4054 07:50 Fichardtpark Hoffmansquare 4010 07:55 Hospitaalpark Hoffmansquare 4225 07:55 Noordhoek Hoffmansquare 4049 07:55 Pellissier Hoffmansquare 4050 07:55 UniversitasWest Hoffmansquare 4227 08:00 Heuwelsig Hoffmansquare 4108 08:00 Lillyvale Hoffmansquare 4043 08:00 Wilgehof Hoffmansquare 4253 08:00 Woodland Hills Hoffmansquare 4116 08:00 Heuwelsig Hoffmansquare 4108 08:05 Fauna Hoffmansquare 4012 08:05 Langenhovenpark Hoffmansquare 4110 08:05 Fauna Hoffmansquare 4012 08:20 Hospitaalpark Hoffmansquare 4509 08:25 Fauna Hoffmansquare 4224 08:25 Noordhoek Hoffmansquare 4516 08:25 Fauna Hoffmansquare 4224 08:30 Fichardtpark Hoffmansquare 4055 08:30 Heuwelsig Hoffmansquare 4064 08:30 Langenhovenpark Hoffmansquare 4027 08:30 Pellissier Hoffmansquare 4508 08:30 Universitas Hoffmansquare 4112 08:30 UniversitasWest Hoffmansquare 4059 08:30 Wilgehof Hoffmansquare 4513 08:30 Fichardtpark Hoffmansquare 4055 08:30 Heuwelsig Hoffmansquare 4064 11:00 Langenhovenpark Hoffmansquare 4506 12:30 Langenhovenpark Hoffmansquare 4506 12:40 Wilgehof Hoffmansquare 4034 BOTSHABELO TO CENTRAL PARK 1 Trip Origin Destination Duty 04:15 A1 Central Park 4007 05:00 A1 Central Park 4104 05:30 A1 Central Park 4041 06:00 A1 Central Park 4110 06:30 A1 Central Park 4112 16:05 A1 Central Park 4113 16:20 A1 Central Park 4080 04:15 A4 Central Park 4005 05:00 A4 Central Park 4103 05:30 A4 Central Park 4106 06:00 A4 Central Park 4054 06:30 A4 Central Park 4063 15:45 Bots Hosp Central Park 4074 06:00 C1 Central Park 4055 05:00 C2 Central Park 4016 05:30 C2 Central Park 4032 06:00 C2 Central Park 4053 06:30 C2 Central Park 4059 04:30 D1 Central Park 4009 05:00 D1 Central Park 4020 05:30 D1 Central Park 4039 06:00 D1 Central Park 4050 06:30 D1 Central Park 4060 04:00 M1 Central Park 4002 04:40 M1 Central Park 4010 05:00 M1 Central Park 4015 05:30 M1 Central Park 4031 06:00 M1 Central Park 4048 06:30 M1 Central Park 4062 15:30 M1 Central Park 4081 18:40 M1 Central Park 4077 15:00 M4 Central Park 4087 15:30 M4 Central Park 4109 05:00 H2 Central Park 4087 06:00 H2 Central Park 4046 04:15 J1 Central Park 4116 04:45 J1 Central Park 4012 05:20 J1 Central Park 4023 06:00 J1 Central Park 4051 06:30 J1 Central Park 4058 20:00 J1 Central Park 4084 04:15 J3 Central Park 4006 04:45 J3 Central Park 4026 05:00 J3 Central Park 4017 05:15 J3 Central Park 4025 05:45 J3 Central Park 4042 06:00 J3 Central Park 4047 BOTSHABELO TO CENTRAL PARK 2 Trip Origin Destination Duty 06:30 J3 Central Park 4061 15:30 J3 Central Park 4032 04:40 K6 Central Park 4011 05:10 K6 Central Park 4105 05:30 K6 Central Park 4029 06:00 K6 Central Park 4109 06:35 K6 Central Park 4066 15:00 K6 Central Park 4018 16:20 K6 Central Park 4060 16:20 K6 Central Park 4078 20:00 Kortpad Central Park 4115 04:15 N1 Central Park 4008 04:50 N1 Central Park 4014 05:30 N1 Central Park 4037 06:00 N1 Central Park 4052 06:35 N1 Central Park 4065 15:00 N1 Central Park 4004 15:35 N1 Central Park 4073 16:30 N1 Central Park 4079 04:15 N6 Central Park 4003 05:20 N6 Central Park 4027 05:50 N6 Central Park 4044 06:25 N6 Central Park 4057 04:35 S1 Central Park 4086 04:50 S1 Central Park 4013 05:05 S1 Central Park 4028 05:25 S1 Central Park 4045 04:15 W4 Central Park 4004 05:00 W4 Central Park 4019 05:35 W4 Central Park 4107 06:00 W4 Central Park 4049 06:30 W4 Central Park 4064 15:10 W4 Central Park 4070 15:50 W4 Central Park 4076 04:00 U7 Central Park 4001 04:45 U7 Central Park 4101 05:00 U7 Central Park 4102 05:30 U7 Central Park 4038 06:00 U7 Central Park 4108 06:30 U7 Central Park 4111 15:30 U7 Central Park 4075 16:30
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