5 YEAR STRATEGIC PLAN 2005/06 - 2009/10 To obtain additional copies of this document please contact: P.P.R. Mohoje (Mr) Tel: (051) 404-8213 Fax: (051) 404-8209 Email:
[email protected] M. B. Monnane (Mr.) Tel: (051) 404 8436 Fax: (051) 404 8209 E-mail:
[email protected] Private Bag X20565, BLOEMFONTEIN, 9300 PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENT FREE STATE FOREWORD BY MEC We are pleased to present the Strategic Plan for the period 2005-2009. A Strategic Plan is a way of facing the future. It is about identifying priorities, deciding where we would like to be at a future date, and assessing the best route or routes to get there. It is also a way in which the Department can demonstrate its accountability to the public for the trust placed in it. This plan articulates the Department’s objectives, strategies and targets for the 2005-2009 period and shows how we propose to measure our progress. At the same time the education environment is not static, and changes may occur during the course of the plan. However, the Department will ensure that the implications of change are fully understood at all levels and then effectively implemented. The document will pave the way to ensuring that our Department responds correctly to the challenge to help provide a better life for all and advance the goals of reconstruction and development as well as to discharge our responsibilities both at political and management levels in such a way that it improves systems of governance and accountability to our people.