SUGAR Cniie: 8.8 Re. par 111., $77.20 WEATHER , inln., 76. lierton. Th'f Bar. 8 . HI., 0 B HootH, 10b. 09ilj. ier cwt , Rain, llh. . m.. .02 f 85.60$ iwr ton. Wind. Urn., UXK Telephone 2365 Star Buinr Offirr The Largest Daily Paper in The Territory SECOND EDITION. TWENTY vol. xx PAGES. HONOLULU, HA WAII, S,1TK1)AV, )1 l ? TWENTY PAGES. NO NOMINATION HAS COME AS YET KANSAS FINALLY BREAKS FROM CHAMP CLARK COLUMN Buchly Will Super Meets Split BRYAN PUT Old Friends f HIMSELF OUT In a letter received at tho local Y. w Fiddle While i Chinese M. C. A. from General Secretary Paul All Sii)ier yesterday, the latter stated that ' he was attending a conference of the OF RUNNING employed officers of the Y. M. C". A.1 in North America at Silver Hay, Lake Things Burn George, N. Y. Secretary Super said (Associated ' overnment Prets Cable to the 8tar.) j he met a number of his old secretarial UALTIMOHE, June 'frlmulu nil if rlinm ll'tii-.-i mnnh tntnt- - the eighteenth ballot there was ' Nero fiddled while burned, , a warship In , . little variation. Home to burn the harbor In Asf., .,, ... ,, ... The Sun Ohong Kwock Ho quotoiithe provisional government, The poll stood. Clark, r,3r,; Wilson, 361; Underwood, -- ...I IV. 11. 1.. I .1. - J 1 .1.- - ...... iu.o unu iuc tuuuuuicB iu uuuibo ui wv . uruer iu nuw uie wuriu wnen in its issue of today news, from China1 l Rpo 23; Marshall, 30; Bryan, 1; luai l,(jine a strategic point "It rumored that Wornrcj i.nnt?"O Kern. absent, 3&. .i , ..... becai of Hawaii, 3; i.'iuiiiiuu ui i uiiuuuuwi uii iuu uigm i iiuuuuiiu ueieur.ues no cuy can contained in cablegrams to a San Fran- has control on the fourteenth gave oiucr the population of Anglo-Saxo- Latins of tho army In Canton. ballot Wilson, l; Clark, 4; Under- or July 4 lias arranged to nave a hope to compete with original- - cisco paper, of which tho fol owlng Is wood, 1, and her in and Orientals. "PKKIN, June 18. The minister of continued. Nero liddle during this unique and lty. The warship which will fired a translation: Bryan made a be The thrpp ni'W ninn fnr lin trfnl education, Choy Yuen Pui, has nlso sensation when be explained his vote for Wilson on (spectacular . . "I'EKIN, the conflagration. Iludolph for the occasion Is the old Kalmlloa. force of v ,r n u.m op .lune IS. The promier, left Pekln for Tientsin. fourteenth ballot. He said he would withhold , his vote from Clark Buchly has been selected as the prop-- relic of the royal Hawaiian navy. C. , Tang Shao Yl, heard that there would "The assembly as New York was for hure IlltJ Au d tQ b(j. sent a dispatch, to him as the latter represented only the wishes of er person to impersonate Nero bo-,1- Drown, the present owner of be au attack made mon him and his Premier Tang Murphy, representing the gtll work September J. A physical Shao Yi ordering him the Interests which sought to dominate at Chicago. of his skill with the musical , vessel, has entered into the plans for pollciea by the army. Iast night hear to return. On hi.? Wilson mude an impassioned rcctor for tho nle nnsJ noUbeen Hc. refusal the assembly speech to the convention amid uproar. instrument and because, when burning the ship Ho ing the lire of guns, this mornjug ho held a special It is believed Bryan attired, with enthusiasm. clim, ns yel but Socrcl s cx. meeting, at which sonio has eliminated his own chances as a candidate. In tOKa sandals, Mm . .. . . took a special to Tientsin, to and with a wreath will restore thn nimrnh'iirtiir,i1 nf train members suggested that an official There was no nomination on I pecis io secure a capable man soon the nineteenth or twentieth ballots. laurel on in- - . avoid an attack. to vyhuu of his brow, It is believed; ship, with spars and rigging iu ,hrr.i, t, ..,.-.- command the premier to return bo zviiHBiui ueserieu Clark for Wilson. be will look part of Itoman place "Tho Irsllent, Yuan Shlh Kal, on adopted. Others, The the the flammable materials, and will bureau j suggested that tho Underwood delegates are regarded ns pivotal. account emperor. i oil and gunpowder in the hold to make .p,...... ,... ., .. of the departure of Tang Cabinet should be dissolved. The as BALTIMORE, June 2U.-- On '..,. the 20th ballot Clark had 512 votes WIN All the supplies necessary to make blaze on see- - .,, . . . shao Yi from t'ekln, sent his private tembly has not yet decided steps so.n S88. On the the Sand Island worth ' nf v n , what 21st. the Clark vote was COS antf Wilson's 3H5. sucrelary- - So YI- - Roman holiday "Nero" Buchly ing; JJt wlth an offll'lal to take." 29-T- a for h I II i h i The! " document coh.manalng Yl V1" Clark, 512; Wilson. arrived on the Ventura yesterday. All arrangements for the ble civic V . i Tang Shao ilaymond Hoe, translator for tho mVri 121 Harmon. 7fl: M..rUhmibt:jn. n .. me return oi sec rpsum rosH' Standard Associated and Union Oil parade on the.1 morning of the "'ro to return to freldnan.l hlB otn. Sun Chong Kwock Bo, said In connec James, 3. ' """"' l' ' Fourth ,.ctary Super Ju,y Th(J ,argc room , 3l t.,u, jiosiuon.-- . Hon with compaules have donated the fuol nec- practically completed . the foregoing news: have been "C ...Ir. tUiA nnrlhannl r.v.AM - - . BRYAN STIRS CONVENTION...... UCUot vuiin--i ui l.iuB ijiisc- hpi-v-I essary and is expected this feat- I...... 1. "The nvlvate Reretniv thn "When Or. Sun was Inaiigura'cd afl it lncidDpn?nf8 th0 ne July rem'er and govern nPt'eCU CC?,oned the most sensational ure of the 4th of celebration ing to enter in the "Antiques and ?ho 1 Provisional He leaned on " ST 'TV" M VI the rail, holding a palmleaf will bo the most spectacular ever giv- nned not nnnounc " Ta Sh0 ment China was nivlded be.We en north and shaking a HorrlhW clafl BDon oruors ana a room. warning finger at tho delegates. A defiant S3 J pantry absolutely refused, to obey the com - , glaro was in en in any country. intentions but can come In up to , . and south and It was feared the divl 8'ream,nK their t ,WU8 frm h'8 fnce' hla lce wa Husky, ho content un- mand. tlon might, become permanent. madrffl Not with the hitherto the last moment providing they report for a progressive candidate and platform. "Owing to the refusal of Iho premier "Yuan Shlh Kal was remarks Hla paralleled feat of calling a volcano at the drlllahcd before the parade bo- - then premier were greeted with cheers, yells, hisses and queries DIVORCES KEEP to return, the president h.i.s now ap.j tnd, he hnd In - Wilson may into action to celebrate the Nation's gins to move at 8 o'clock. after succeeded secur- possibly reach Baltimore today. He ignored pointed the minister of foreign Effairs, a telegram birthday, the committee has arranged; Tlve.) ing the overthrow of the monarchy, from Senator Stone asking him to withdraw in Ft (Continued on Pago favor of Clark Look Jin Chon, ns acting premier. wsw elected president by tho assembly. The Senate of Georgia wired that a resolution had been in-str- "CANTON, June 18. A ing introduced 'r COURT BUSY circular has "Doth the premier and the minister the delegation to swing to Wilson if ,t was 't bcfii distributed In Canton fiercely at-- ENOUGH MONEY FOUND of education are. members of the Tung had no chance. The delegation voted to ignore the inStrucUouL it 10 flllf tacking Dr. Sun., SciiHjul.Uie Wn, one nf.-thc- r -- . U is currenHyrreportedlthara govrpiun seven Wlttcnl dear is on foot for" stet. Woo Hon Mun. t aside in einor, This circular: societies that existed th limn f favor of Clark, the former to be named for the Speakership Nicholas K. Hoopll wants u wns aigned by Wong See Lung, u tulli- - rwenty-secon- d ballot: r,00; divorce the overthrow Lately the other six Clark, Wilson, 396; and others little change. IY OFFICERS E from his wife Margaret He alleges ,arv officer, who was governor under! (Continued on Page Five.) in - s his libel that Margaret Is consld- CORNELL WINS AS USUAL. erable of a booze-fighte- She goes POUGHKIOEPSIB, June 2!.--In the race today Cornell was first on periodicals at frequent Intervals, BOCOml COll,m"ltt' Officers In Department of Ha-wa- li be paid when funds lowing" S'rac,ls. I'ennsylvania and Stanford fol- - the are available for rendering it unsafe and impossible LINK cheering the purpose. HEARING received news this for him to continue to live with It is considered possible that a her morning through a cablegram from and making It Inadvisable to strict interpretation of this order for her the paymaster general at Washington, be permitted to continue to might result In putting an end to exercise' QUEEN STREET PAVING stating that he had discovered enough construction work in trinces ' where control or authority over their five FROM M CA THY money remaining from the last army this is being performed by day labor mIllor children, tho custody of whom appropriation to pay the officers In under the direction of the quarter- he prays the court to award to him CONTRACT Hawaii for the month of June. The master. The marriage of lwa. Joseph to Wil- AND in- mm enlisted men will not be paid but, General orders received yesterday liam Joseph was annulled by Judgo asmuch ns they are provided with ra- relieve Captain Clifton C. Carter from Whitney this morning, on tho show-- ! TAKES WAR PATH tions and clothing, the fullure to re- duty with the 15'Jth Company, C. A. C. ing by the libellant that the libelled' ITEM $14 000 APPROVED ceive their pay will not affect thorn and direct him to report at tho prop- had another wife when he married her.! tr the extent It would the officers anil el time for duty on grant-- None of - the stair of the Judgo Whitney this morning ' the parties, locally or na- Jarrett. in McCarthy's ollice, at Me- ;$, tho tradesmen dependent on the lat- commanding officer of the Artillery ed Jiose McCarthy a divorce from tionally. have anything on the local Carthy's Invitation. Wo shook hands After a war or words on each matter a. ter. District of Chesapeake Uay. Captain Democrats good pavement, it was not a heavy Frederick McCarthy on the ground of, when It comes to kicking and agreed to support one another preceding a foregone Another cable received this morn- Carter served as chief of to conclusion, the tralllc pavement, he staff nonstipport. ,up u row among themselves. Link after a talk In which I explained ald and toltf ot ing to provident measures to that board or hiipervlsors this afternoon elticvs on the related General Macomb uutil recently when In McCandless morning 1 mainland where it waB the divorce matter of Manzuburo this paid his didn't llko some of the things Jar-Chld- a to ba be taken in view of the failure of tho the ofllce was voted Queen .street paved with torn up after being -- abolished. Judge Whitney today ordered respects to Col. C. .1. McCarthy down only a few I andjrett bad done with the county com-th- e bitullthic aud to give $14,000 in aid years. army appropriation bill to become Captain Edward Carpenter, C. A. C, Wooden blocks would cost husband to pay the costs of court Sheriff Jarrett, In terms that were mitlee. Within two I projected" (1. law. The message directed that clas- has been relieved duty weeks found of blinding the X. H. arm $30,000 but would X1 from with the . last thirty or mora and an attorney's fee of $25. j lately the fashion in Chicago. opposing mo., - ory. sified employees of the quartermas- general stuff and has been ordered to Jarrett There was noth- yocrs. Warren ICalani, being It all because McCarthy Brothers of Boston were department bo fur- James who is sued for "'as had lag for nie to do but fight back, and In the p.ning matter the resolution ter's placed on the ir9th Co., presumably to take selling the bitullthic to con- divorce, was tern- - Ba,d would support 1 materials d today ordered to pay that he not Link if did so. was to have lough without pay and that unclassl-fie- Captain Carter's place. The order the work done according tractors, while here Gilinatrs company porary alimony in the sum of 3 per l"ik didn't support Jarrett and that "It was a contest for to the specifications employees be discharged because takes effect Oct. 1. delegates, and of the engineer hnd the patent right and the monopoly week, and also tho costs of court moreover if Link opimsed I got ten-ye- of the failure of the appropriation. First Lieut. Walker C. Howell, Med- and Jarrett the them, didn't I? They tried to and under a guarantee, on a of using bitullthic. Provision is made for tho retention Corps, an attorney's fee of $10 colonel and his friends would "work' control the convention ncainnt mo ,i board, by the Honolulu llitulithic ical Reserve has been reliev- and Murray and Low made the fight for ol sufficient employees as may be from duty Schoflejd actively" against Link. I won. That's politics. Concrete Company, a cost to ed at Barracks at not bitullthic and McCIellan himsolf voted necessary to the execution of tho or- granted a two "They talk like a lot of children," "Now, If they exceed $2i;.mio. and leave of months want to fight mo let for the contract after a test vote on der, when their duties as such can- and twenty-si- x days. Captain Leartim EVO said McCandless. "What has the them got tho control of con .MeClellau plei'ded In valu for delay taking tho next the matter up at all today show-e- d not bo performed by enlisted men. J. Owen the samo corp has sheriff's job got to do with the can- - tlir iiii'iiiheis of been vention and do what they feel like. As until had time to look that bitullthic was the choice ot Those so retained will enter into con- ordered Ucnjamln Harrison, didale for delegate to Congress any- - tin- - 1I.1 ;i i Is. from Fort far an supporting Jarrett Is concerned, Inio While hitullthii' us (Continued on page Five) tracts which specify they that will fnd., to Schofield Barracks. SDNS OFFICERS way? What sort of a reason for sup-jo- t course I can't do it as effectively porting 1 or opposing mo, for Congress, now as could have done if he bad 1 is it that 1 support or opposo Jarrett not forced mo to fight ' him before. I STANLEY HEMENWAY AND IVERS 3 NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS AND SUBSCRIBERS for sheriff? can not, with as good effect, go to 1 At the annual meeting of the Hawal- - "In tho convention McCarthy said, the same men 1 asked to onnose him 1, -- I On Monday, July 1912, the Hawaiian Star and Evening Ian Society Sons of tho Kevo- - he would support 1 American the nominee of the before and now usk them to work for ARE FINED Bulletin will he joined under one management, and one evening lutlon, held iu Cooke Hall of tho Y.' convention, and I hecamo the nominee.' him. FOR CONTEMPT i newspaper, the Honolulu Star-Bulleti- n, issued from the Alakea M. C. A. on Juno 17, followlug or-- Now ho tho makes It conditional, says ho "I don't know who Is advising Mc- street offices. This paper will have a minimum guaranteed fleers were elected to servo will support me If I will support some-ensuin- g for tho Carthy and his crowd, but all I have circulation of over 4000 copies. year: jono olse. What kind of kindergarten to say Contempt of Tax Appeal f is that talk such as McCarthy For Court comes from the city of frogs and rain. The advertising 1, IU 13, be President, Itobert J. Pratt; vice' politics we, rate until January will on the have anyway? gives is very ill advised. They talk ol Ililo: It appears that the court declared A ! basis of fifteen president, Perley T. Home; Ilegister, I Judgo Stanley cents an inch with the usual increase for short "Before the convention talked with like a lot of children." Circuit $10.00 a recess or luncheon shortly after Howard ('. Mohr; treasurer, Hemeuvvay. 10.00 term, special position, etc. This is twenty-fiv- e per cent. lower Charles General oon lust Saturday, giving witnesses H. Dickey; D. Can-fiel- than the combined rates of the two papers, and a circulation secretary. Ira P. Richard Ivors 2.1.00 and counsol an hour In which to sup. directors, H. f is offered which, under the advertising rates prevailing on the Clarence Cooke, MRS CARTER A ply the Innnor man. The end or the John W. Jones. Frank C. Atherton. 'flu above aro the lines that wero fcour found mainland, would call for twenty-fiv- e cents an inch as a the supplying apparently t minimum. Imi'oned Inst Saturday, by Presiding still iu progrew, for neither Stanley, Judue Delbert K. Motzgor, of the Tax Heinenway fir All the subscribers of the Hawaiian Star and Kvcnini? nor Ivors showed up. A LARGE LOTifATL KAALAWA Appeal Court of the district of East Wilder was on time. Star-Bulleti- LITTLE With all Bulletin will receive' the Honolulu n' for the full RISE tho for actions which Ills Honor mithorlty or a formor justice lime they have paid , of tho on either or both papers. ted were n grave retlecllon up-11- 1 supreme i Hy a transaction negotiated by Tho ot (n.i court he Informed the tax The subscription rates will be the usual ?8 per year purchased Is located b Hi. dignity of tho court. nppeal Mrs. court that It was boing TriiBt Company for yond Diamond , treated $4 six months, $2 for three months, and $.75 one month. Sugar a Head, on tho water hii. was attondlng (lie court as contempt, l men ver0 cheeied bit again Oeorge It. Carter and James W. Pratt edge, ' with and that it was cloth, Star-Bullet- semi-week- and has nn or 3.01 Es-i:.- '. The Honolulu in ly will take the today by news of another slight area acres . tin ney in fact for the Brower od with just ns rise for A. W. Carter, Mrs. Carter today It is between much authority as semi-week- the lot Oeorge It. in place of the Hawaiian ly and Evening Bulletin in tho price of beet sugar. Tho quo- Car the matter of various appeals. sny circuit to punish any ? Star became tho owner of nearly four tor alrendy had person who, weekly. tation today was 10s 0 or $85.00 and the WodolioiiB-- 1 Manley and Heinenway wore atlor-- n happening to have a aoros of land 011 tho beach at Knala-wit- l, lot. contompt for it Carter Is nway and in fee. M) to spetik. Judge A. A. The Semi-Week- ly SUr-Bullet- in per ton, ns against $S.".07 yostorday. showed such contempt In II" subscription rate of the Honolulu adjoining tho progent Carter the doal was negotiated n vlBlblo 11 Is lout; in the name! ilder appeared for the other side, and practical munner. will be $2 per year. another Indication that the home, and about doubling tho slzo of 01 .mis. nolen S. Cnrtor. It gives both in fact and foe, and he nppotu's scries of drops has about finished, and tho Carter paid When Stanloy and Heinenway lot. The piico Is thorn a vory largo lot along party gives hopo of a rising market. tho boacn to be tho really responsible for strolled In, flftoon minutes late. Judge beyond Dlanfond Hoad. i the fine, according to the story tlmt (Continued on Pago Five.)

4m tffriiffti iiiVh I UK UIAX STAR. SMTRDAY. Jt'N'K -- . I'M'. 1 1 A N CIVIC T H E H AWA STAR NEW! DAILY 8MMIWUMKIiY. SIPPING MWATERFRONT (except Sunday) by the HaaliMi ur LEAGUE MEETING Dally published every afternoon Association, Ltd., 1IMS1 Merchant Street. Yo--t Newspaper From Yokohama, per Persia, .Inly Tenyo from Honolulu at ns second-clas- s mall matt.r. I ' y: -- Entered nt tho Postolllco at Honolulu 12(1. kolmma, Mny 10. , Kohah MldKet. June With - ' M. STEAMERS SMUGGLING OPIUM Ventura, from S. F. for Hon., Juno President Arthur Mason in the chair,! ADVANCE. P. OUT. SUBSCRIPTION RATES, PAYABLE IN 22. 1 p.m. pud Hecretary O'llrlen nt tlie Irttjo, .1 .11 ,1nm 2!'. Dally, nnywhero In tho iBlands. per month To Yokohama, per Nile. a i core of gentlomon answered Virginian, from Hllo for Sallna half months . a. oi por Persia, July roll-ca- Dally, nnywhero in tho Islands, three To San Frnnclsco, rrur., 13. to their names nt the of The . 4.01 June Dally, anywhero In tho Islands, six months 2d. Wllhelmlna, ar. S. F. from Hon., Kohala Civic League, at hair-pas- t two . 8.01 1 on Mongolia Confiscated by Dally, nnywhero in the Islands, one year Consignment To Australia, per Sonoma, July 8. o'clock, or maybe three, or possibly . 12.01 June 2C. Dally, to foreign countries, one year per July half-pas- t quarter- To Vancouver, Mnrama, W. F. Horrln from Kaanapall at three anyway it wasn't quite . J.0I Federal Uthcials Mongolia Semi-Weekl- nnywhero'ln the Islands, one year 1G. four on Wednesday afternoon, June . 1. 01 May 20. Semi-Weeld- Plot-Arr- ests S. F., y to foreign countries, one year Involved in INTER-ISLAN- SAILINGS. 10. master Zoalandln, ar. Victoria from Hon., Advertising ratoa supplied upon request. The special object of the meeting For Hawaii Ports via Mam. 25. Made. June L. D. ....MANAGER I.-- I. every was to take action on the Invitation TIMMONS. Mauna Kea, S. N. Co., Sailing Vessel. Wednesday Saturday. from the Hllo Bonrd or Trade to take Business Office Telephone 2305; Pastofflco Box, 366. and Alert, schr from Hen. at Grays Inter-Islan- d S. N. Co. part In a gathering at Hi'o, In Septem- wero put in lief Claudlne, 11. "Thousands of dollars worth of opium thousand tons of coal Harbor, June Chamber of passongers every Friday. Hon. at Qrnys ber, to which the Honolulu nuitPil..- - hunkers and a few wero A. B. Johnson, from B ? iiu y j u- - j ti iuuftfivu For Maul, via Molokal. Commerce, The Honolulu Merchants' COMPANY Yokohama and Hongkoug, Harbor, May G. OCEANIC STEAMSHIP It States through San Francisco by the booked' lor MIkahala, every Tuesday. Atsociatlon, The' Maui Chamber of F. Coates, schr., ar. Kahuul from SIERRA, SONOMA, VENTURA. Btoamers Mongolia ami Siberia during among tnein mciuueu mo iokoikum.i For Kauai Ports. A. Kona Improve- Commerce, nnd The JUNE 12SONOMA ARRIVE S. F. . .JTJNB 18 ., have boon I.-- Muklteo. SONOMA LEAVE HON.... n.u ftnot vmrc ntui nithnnifti mmiv trntmo of acrobats who W. Q. Hall, r. S. N. Co., every ment Society were also Invited. moving picture Grays Harbor, June VENTURA LEAVE HON.... JULY 3 VENTURA ARRIVE S. P. ..JULY I fines have been imposed upon their showing at the local Thursday. Abert, bk., ar. The object of this gathering is to bo San First-clas- J65; Round trl. past month I.-- from Honolulu to Francisco: masters, the result bus been negligible houses for the Klnau, I. S. N. Co., every Tuesday 11. a drawing together of all tho elements Rates nt. Port $110. Cabin with bath, J50.00 extra. owing to the fact that upon applica- MAUNA KEA'S ARRIVAL. For Kona and Kau Ports. Alton rnnto. Hon. from so represented, and the discussion of Forty-Eigh- t noun prioi Hllo I.-- I. Reservations will not be hold later than tion these fines have been rea'ueed to The Mnuna Kea arrived from Ktlauea. S. N. Co.. alternate Gamble. Juno 13. forming a permanent conference, to f nr. passen- from advertised sailing tlmo unless tickets are paid for In full. ridiculously small amounts. this morning with cabin Tuesday and Fridays. Andrew Welch, bk., at S. F., rotate around the Islands. Tho League tho brought to gers 3C deck. Her purser report I 14. FOR PARTICULARS, APPLY TO These facts have been and Dpn.iPr.TPn' arrivals. Hon.. June was asked to exprcsvj Itself as to the investigation light . Annlo .Tnhnson. bk.. from S. F. at light as the result of an ed a smooth sea with trade Ventura, from San Francisco, June - nrnnrietv of such a movement, the C. BREWER & CO., LTD. begun last week by Collector Stratton. winds on both the outward and inward n m I iuttuunwiti.) ' " number of delegates each body should Aber-Nil- " StMinlni AuMit. W. Bean and cargo ot n Arago, bktn., from Hon. for T" 7 ' GENERAL AGENT. Lemuel voyages. Her consisted from San Francisco, June 28J have and the powers that should bo a W. Smith of San 10 or old - j Customs Agent John M. T. beer kegs, barrels frmii Hun T.VnliplKr.n. Juno . utl-- J""1- lu given them. ir. Everett, Francisco, who have already brought sacks," 2G packages of tank material, Ariel, scb., for Hon., from Invitation, was accepted and 28. The Canadian-Australia- ' customs officers 2 19. n Royal Mail Steamship Co, charges against three ten cords of wood, barrels of wine, PROJECTED DEPARTURES. June Messrs. Mason, Watt and Tulloch ap the contraband 1 1 40 ar. Port Townsond accused of smuggling 10 tubs of soy, sacks awa, sacks Persia, for San Francisco, July Ilakeey, schr., pointed to represent tho League, with" Steamers running m connection tne u. f. it., netween vancouyer ano " June-'2- 3. oft Pacific Mail liners. carrots, 10 sacks barley, sacks kero- Nile, for Yokohama, June 28. from Hon., power to act In' to the three Sydney, and calling at Victoria, Honolulu and Auckland. the Impression that night oil, 00 bundles ohia flooring, G Camano, schr. at Port Ludlow, frotr Under sene TRANSPORT SERVICE. propositions just stated. FOR FIJI AND AUSTRALIA FOR VANCOUVER of customs wero engag- 250 Dove, schr., from Muklltco, car watchmen the crates chickens, 1 crate turkeys, Carrier A resolution wns unanimously 8. S. ZEALANDIA JULY 17 S. S. MARAMA JULY 16 traffic, the two treasury Tho Buford Is in San Francisco. ap ed in this head sheep, 4! packages of sundries at Knhului, June 15. ried to the effect that the Leaguo S. S. MARAMA AUGUST 14 S. S. MAKURA AUGUST 13 on the The Warren is on duty in tho Phi agents concealed themselves and 1 crate ducks. Cecellla Sudden, schr., at Grays proves of the of Judge CALLING AT SUVA, FIJI, ON BOTH UP AND DOWN VOYAGE. evening lippine islands. Mongolia's dock early on the following sugar is reported as Kahulul, Juno 10. Atkias as district magistrate, his term The Tho Crook Is in San Francisco. Harbor, from H. DAVIES & CO., GEN'L AGENTS nf Tunsdnv. Juno 18. awaiting shipment: Olaa Go00, Wala-- Cumberland from Hon. at expiring soon. The Judge has served THEO. and! The DJx Is on Pupet Sound. For several hours they watched 5700, Hilo Sugar May 22. faithfully for over twenty kea 3000, Hawaii Mill Tho Thomas from Honolulu for Ma- Aus., the district waited until 11:30 when they saw 7S00, schr., S. JT., from Ha is no other aspirant 11,500, Onomea 13,952. Honuapo June 14. Defender, at years, and there A. K. Hcilman desceno nila, Night Guard Hakalau 15,250, Laupahoohoe 21,800, in Francisco na, 30. for the position. Pacific Mailer. The Sheridan Is San Pacific Mail Steamship Co. the gangplank of the G145, Kukaiau GOO, Hamakun Edward Sewall, ship, from Kahulul A motion was made by Mr. Tulloch away Kauwikl Tho Logan, from Honolulu at San 'offlclals followed Hel'.man i Breakwater, May 18. McDougall, that Two Mill 20,200. Paauha-- 0000. Houokaa Francisco, June 9. for Delaware and seconded by Mr. down the dock to a spot where they 9335. Hon. at Port SupervVsors be asked to 8200, Kukuihaelo 10,200, Punaluu The Sherman from Nagasaki for Eldorado, schr., from the Board of aummara ot tka aboTo company frill call at Honolulu aat Inn ttli stopped and .searched him. All his load- May 22. bridge Puwaiole Gulch The Enterprise is reported as Hon., June 20. Townsend, state if the at n r ftDout ina aaies monuona a eeiow: aud a hand-satche- l which he Tocopilia for Hon., by or day la- pockets ing at Hllo, tho schooner S. T. Alex- The Buffalo from Hon., at S. F. May Eric, scb., from was to be buiit contracj; For th Orient: For San Franclaaa. were crammed with the drug being "respectfully re carried ander arrived Wednesday and is at 29. June 1. bor, the Board S. S. MONGOLIA JTJL-- 4 8. S. KOREA JUL I amounting to fifty tins val- the the total the Railroad wharf discharging lum- Erskine M. Phelps, ship, from Hon quested" to communicate with S. S. KOREA AUG. 1 8. S. SIBERIA vXUliY 10 $2000. committing it ued at ber. The schooner 'Annie Johnson for Philadelphia, Feb. IB. League before definitely S. S. SIBERIA AUG. 16 S. 8. CHINA -.- ..JULY 10 questioned llellman declared When sails from Mahukona today with sugar Elfreldo, ship, at Newcastle, fron. self to the latter. will itll at Manila. S. S. MANCHURIA. ... t..iDQ, 7 seized the contraand off rcso".utlon that ho had for San Francisco. Where Vessels Are Hon., April 14. The occasion of this capacity as custom.s by the steamer in his following passengers arrived vn E. M. Phelps, ship, at Delaware which was carried, was a statement was on his The Steamers. official and when seized morning: Breakwater 'rom Hon., June 5. P. P. Woods that the lowest bid on in- the Mauna Kea this information appljt t way to turn the drug over to the Alaskan, from Hilo at Sallna Cruz Grays Arlole Bros., was for senaral From Hilo and way ports per S. S. E. K. Wood, schr., from Har this bridge, that of on watch. June 7. considered too spector Kea, June 20 Hilo to Hono bor at Hon., May 25. $300,0, and this wtii - - Mauna s H. - was stationed on a barge Arizouan, from Island ports for proposition-wn- made Hackfeld & Co., Ltd. Agents Hel'man lulu: N. Schultz and wife, Mrs. Rourke, Falls of Clyde, ship, from Gavlota high and so the alongside the steamsuip for the cocst. Board to o'o it by lying Mrs. J. J. Monell, J. N. Mills and wife for Hon., June 5. by a member of the preventing any opium be- Buvo Maru. from Hon. for Yoko the po purpose of J. French and wife, R. W. , J. 'Flaurenco Wnrd, schr., at Hon. tron. lavs' works. More about Schedule, from the steamer to hama, Feb. 20. this, later. The Ko Matson Navigation Cos 1912 ing transferred Wornser, U. F. Heastard, .1. I. Morris, Midway, Jan. 15. siblo animus in Being taken suddenly in, China, trom Hon., at Yokohama, want an the barge. Mrs. V. Weight, J. M. Slade, schr., at Grays Har hala Civic League doesn't G. W. Weighty C F. from San Franclaco. &all for San Franclaco. went on board the Mongolia June kind in the (lis Arrlva he said, he Shaeuwalri, Mrs. L. Heidclbergcr, Mifis bor, from Hon., Jan. 6. other bungle of that 3 way to the lavatory Chiyo Maru, from S. F. for Hon. cost S. S. LURLINE JULY S. S. LURLINB JULY 9 nmi was ou his Stanley, R. Ivors, Miss Foohng Suey, bk., from Mahukona. trlct. There is one bridge that fifty tinsl F, Mo'ir, W. L. 15. S. S. WILHELMINA . , JULY 9 .8. S. WILHELMINA....JULT 17 over the June $1 (.000 by days' labor, and it drag when he stumbled Sotnerfleld, Miss M. S. Lawrence, T. 'for Delaware Breakwater, May 15. over covered wim a Columbian, from Hilo at Sallna end but S. S. HONOLITLAN JULY 17 S. S. HONOLULAN JULY 31 which wore on deck M. Greenbaugh and H. Hackfeld, ship, from Hamburg ged ou, and on, world without by Agent Sasaki, Sasaki, Cruz, May 24. S. S. LURLINE JULY 31 S. S. LURLINE AUG. 6 piece canvas. When asked 13. 24. of wire. A. J. Balfing, H. Moses San Pedro for Hon.. March no "Amen." why he haa' 'not reported his Crown of Arragon, irom at Bean and wife, Miss H. Hitchcock, 17. Hawaii, bktne, from Mahukona o Honolulu direct on or about July 31, Rush of the cus- tnr a V Atirll S. S. Hllonian sails from Seattle r seizure to Lieutenant G. H. Force, II. G. Junkin, A. L. Rud b June 1&- - PRIVILEGES FOR not give any Enterprlse, at Hilo from S. F., June 22, 1912. toms Inspectors, he could .1. l. .). PRINCE OF WALES dle, A. U. Gurrey, Breantt, 23. Herzegln Ceciie, snip at Newcastle, of the regula- a reason for this breach M. K. Saito Miss Toor, Mohu-kon- LONDON, June 19 Will the Prince reported Hard, Glacier, from Hon. tor Manila from Hon., Feb. 27. CAATLC A COOKE. LT D GENERAL AQENT8. but said that he had Honolulu J. S. Hargie, A. A. Hon., of Wales be legally ot age on June tions, to April 19. Heleno, schr., from Tacoma for U. Harris, a guarding 18, The news I the matter to It. Wilder, J. F. AVoods, Mrs. Low.. Miss May 24. 2P,d. when he is or not? Guernsoy from Newcastle, Austra inspector on board the steamer. M. Dunn, Mr.i. L. Bal, J. Lightfoot, Hana, nanors are making a feature of this American-Hawaiia- 11a, for Hon, June 8. Honolpu, schr., at S. F. from n Steamship Co. May Dismiss Watchmen Miss Pierce, niiestion, but with contrary views. It Mrs. .1. R. Pierce, Harpalion, from Hon. at Newcastle, Juno 16. . L J 1.1 was questioned about H. P. customary for heirs to the throne When Hnrr'fi MolaIe wlfe and ellia. Mrs. Mahukona, at is m - Aus., May 16. Irmgard; bktne., from r n w m nun i wnn i w ivtiviaw i.w via a guuouiicovi f a4 aA tai ft by the special agent he com- , M(,fil.e0..s to Honolulu: A. I. to be reckoned of age when they nre th nffalr - 15. at all at Company'a Wharf, 41st BtraaL . f "tnrn.' from Hon. for S. F S. F., May rroleat racalred tlmai tha laata ... .,,.1(,iQ- HonoluIan. 18, and many newspapers on this as routed ne ueiecuve iimn"""- . Suva, E. R. .Murray, iurs. annul, .miss Inca, schr , from Mahukona for raaklTB. . .. ., .,.,,1 "tromhllnE . , , Julie Ju. sumption listing various privi- - are FROM SEATTLE OR TACOMA TO HONOLULU DIRECT! ::s :T;M,r.rd .an mio & R. 3am Astoria, June 15. automatically accrue vtji H.ive.Mrr-W. A. Conway, K. r; leges which will S 8TH :i Mrs. Dele-war- e S. ALASKAN TO SAIL iikk icui. 20. John Ena, ship from Hllo, for ABOUT JULY t.-- a seiz on 23d and othev? .i omm c.nirwthiniru about C. miss A, uuu. to the Prince June S S. AHI550NAN TO SAIL 19TH jinui uuu wife. Miss scnoiuo. M from Hon. for Yo. Breakwater, May 19. ABOUT JULY only a hazy ir in 1013. The society journal, Truth '. i he had Lahaina to ure to him. but Mrs. Hei., MlM Lyons. L Stanford, bktne., at S S. VIRGINIAN TO SAIL ABOUT JULY 30TH was. Jane (a dubs these ignorant, absurd inven- iaea of what it Honolulu: Willie Sam, N. Mahuka,' ...,' Hon., Hon., 24. Tot further Information apply to Collector Hyades, from Seattle for Juno Harbor, from March tions, saying no subject attains his Special Agent Uean and R. P. Quar'.es, T. M. Harrison, E. Hon., from suff- '1. James Johnson, bk., at majority 18, and that the Prince H. HACKFELD & CO., LTD.. Acenta. Honolulu agreed there was not I). McVeigh, S. Weiuzhelmer, at Stratton Jllor, J. Klyo S. Ame- - port Townsend, May 6. 1915 i. P MORSE, General Freight Agent of i.- k Maru, from Hon. for will bo legally an infant until to warrant the arrest ... t - rr . nmiiKi icient evidence bouza. m. jucuiw, Ipn. - Kllkitat, bktne. from Port GamDlp wc f. Mmch 19r- Whether he is legally of age ot the men, but that there A. C. Tin Sing. H. Kaeha either of S. Tobriner, Indlan Monarch from Mojl for Hon, at Hllo. May 9. not, now responsibilities will fall on tr. their dismissal ir.'J K. Wil- - BUIHWVlii-...... t, - nmi wif AUiKter Kaehu. M. Turner, schr., at Grays Harbor in-- ' the Prince on Sunday. He will re service. The report of the M(8a y Mrs A K noaillii, from the chol Korea, from Honolulu at Yokoha from Hon., April 11. n'aco the Queen as potential regent x Toyo sent to the Secre ninety-si- Kisen Kaisha. vMtiiralloii will be HoaiilU, cabin Misses (2).. Hon., May 26. Marion Chilcott, ship, for Hon., from of realm and will come Into the with the recom- the tary of the Treasury, Inward, 113 u'eck. Robert. Lowers schr. from Port Gavlota, May 13. vast of the Duchy of Corn agent and the Col estates mendations of the BOUND FOR HILO. Townsend at Hon., May 22. Mary E. Foster, schr., from Port wall, the Income from which in 1911 maimer of the .bore Company will call at and laara Buaolm . m they be dlsm'.ssed for vio well-know- Hilo, lor only $125,000 .aaut tka tfatea mentioned balow: lector that n Honolulans are Robert Searles, schr., from Ludlow Honolulu, June 13. was $770,000, of which regulations. Several at lating the men booked for niln Port Townsend, May 11 Mary Wlnkleman, bktne., from Eu- went to the state. lie will also be FOR THE ORIENT: FOR AN FRAlMCtaCO- - and Hairis , King Heilman mh t..,Ti,, fl.,Qhm ma. May 27. reka, at Hllo, June 13. entitled to represent the at state 3. 8. NIPPON MARU...... JULY 12 S. S. SHLNYO MARU IULY 16 two ea s an the service about gan LuU at functions and attend levees and roynl 8. S. TENYO MARU JULY 18 S. S. CHIYO MARU 13 th' Melrose, schr., at Port Townseno AUG. celvlug waBcB o $.0 Hon., 5. courts, which never hitherto has been S H Al A T? IT AnfiTTST H 3 R QCn'H 1 4 o.c,0cU. xho followlllK ,ms. June from Mahukona, April 22. ... .j. SlIIMvn ...... u...... Vlimnv ItilH!w J U L . , o $00 sa era mont b al ...... vv..i fcoen cut from g R Hon June Minnie A. Calne, schr., from Port done, and accompany the King on S. S. CHIYO MARU AUGUST fi S. S. TENYO MARU SEPT. 10 ne ai polnte Williams is a Ad.' Makurn. for Hon, from Vancouver Puget Sound, Juno 21. tho opening of Parliament, occupying uaija i G0 , Mr8. Crane. Miss Cowles. Allen at ai manna ouiiiuue vbii ouniijjutu, Jelo . watchman end recohr. June Muriel, schr., from Honolpu at San- - a place on his majesty's right side - His social status becomes vastly cllla Canarlo. Mrs. S. P. Jacobson. Francisco, June 14. &, .ot" nu bS. different. He will be able to enter- Oastle Cooke5 Ltd., Agents twenty K,0,.once O. Nuuanu, bk., In dlstresa at Kalklann dock with tins oV"- nnd accept In the Tonrr Mj "oJJn. Islands, Nov. 18. tain his own friends . . l.ta clothing. R nhart. John Louis. M. P.. opium stuneu "ir - May 23, vitations to social and other func of of Harrison. Mrs. Mary Hitchcock. Prosper, schr., from Hilo at Colum WHEN THE SI Grlfall, quartermaster Mrs. Hon.,, June 21. tions. The Princo will also get a Peter Mexican, at t, bia ,RIVer, June 11. UNION-HACIFI- TRANSFER CO. Mongolia. As there was MIgB Kviyn Schoen. Miss Hitchcock foreign decorations, it Is he steamship Mexican, from Tacoma for Hon., Repeat, schr., from Tacoma, at Hon.. shower of wan - rj. uui- - HANDLE YOUR BAGGAGE IT GETS ON THE - his gUllt, ue unci imuu, nr. .un .iciiumn, 1& expected he will begin his university RIGHT no Qouut as iu . . Juno May 29. - Marshal Kinou,,,,iit den, Virginia caires. Miss May uaris-o- n Oxford In the winter 5TEAMF.R "'stedby Unlteu- States MIssourlan, from Hon. for Island R. P. Rithet. bk from S. F. tor career at charging him with tlan, Mrs. Jno. Marcallino, Miss Laura Offict King St., next Young Hotel. Telepnonea 1874 and 1873 a complaint Ports, June 17. S. C. Allen, bktne., for Honoullu Commission- - Anderson. Mrs. F. F. Lewis, Mrs. J. VOLCANO RISING FAST. smuggling. United States Mongolia, from Hon. at S, F., June Gragg, May 7. $1000. from Fort ond at P Lewis, If. E. Decker, W. Prestidge, e er Franc'.s Krull fixed his 17. S. N. Castle, bktne, from Hon, at Rising seventy-fiv- feet in four days nor Hell- - A. Leleo. Hattie Sllva, Mr. and Neither Wi'llams, Harris Hannah Nile, for Hon. from S. F., June 23. S. F., June 13. the volcano Is once more keeping the suspended from duty jir8. jt. H. Sheard and daughter, Mr. man has been Nippon Maru, from Honolulu at Yo S. T. Alexander, schr., from Eureka scientists ou the jump. Hustace Peck Co. Ltd. - invcstlga- ,T, V. San-tio- n pending the result of the allrt Mrs Mitchell. Miss kohama, May 4. for Hllo, June 0. Pop Simpson of tho Crater House tos, Miss It. Azevedo, C. H. Helntze, Persia, for Hon. from Yokohama, Spokane, schr., from Hllo. nt Port was In town yesterday and he says 63 Queen St. Phona 22i About a year ago a night Inspector w. H. Meinecke. K. F. Lee, Miss M. June 22. from Hon., April 19. that there Is every indication that the named Gibbons was d'mlssed from Stacker. R. G. Hattie, Mrs. C. O. Hat-th- e Prometheus, from Makateo at Hon. , schr., at Redonrto, trom HI lava will continue to rise for some FIRE WOOD, COAL, ROCK AND SAND? service under similar conditions, tie, Mrs. Onderdonl: MUs Stokes, May 21. Gamble, May 15. yet. time DRAYING AND TEAMING. n 1.0,1 cnrorni tinE r mihini niidi-- r his .ludcn and Mrs. W. L. Whitnov. C. Santa Maria, at Gavlota from Hon. T. P. Emlgh, bktne., at Port Town A big crowd will be over on tho - coat after he left his watch on one of Kennedy, H. S. Canarlo; Miss H. Ka- March 29 sen, from Hllo, May 2. Mauna Kea on Sunday morning nnd Intercepted by Ina, W. K. Akana, Detor, Mas. Ga- - the steamer.s, ano' was John Santa Rita, from Honolulu at If Madame Pelo continues behavini Vi a custonib inspector as he was on a Giles. Mrs. Jno. M. Giles, Brothers vlota, May 13. WORLD-WID- E FAME. herself they should go back bigger way uptown. He told Frank, George Albert, .Matthias and Yoko- - Horo Is a remedy that will euro street cr.r on his Shlnyo Maru, from Hon. at boosters than uver. I In wall Herald. Don't Allow Your Freight the inspector that he ivas going to the Raymond. S. T. Hoyt, Chlng Pong, haraa, June 3. your cold. Why waste time and mon- wolzure room report his find. Ho had Mr.and Mrs. O. M. Hudson, W. J. Shiatsu Maru trom Mel- - ey experimenting when you can get to Euraka for ODD FELLOWS BUILDING When you are told the teams are busy and your freight can- - of has won a world-wld- o failed to notify the lieutenant the Beyer, Robert, Thomas, Florence and bourne, May 11. a preparation that roof garden, Odd Fellows a .a. In the - was f ) r lin 1 ,v.n..n r.11 . . . - ., reputation by its cures of this not be removed when you want it, telephone to us; our tacih- watch, and for this failure he """" w,iiiiir,D. i niut'iiu, air. vokoiiama, rrom nun., building, Fort street, Sunday, 8 p. m., from the service. THE MAILS. Juno 11. dlsenso nnd can always be depended Wilson Frltch will lecture on The ties will help you out. THE NILE'S DEPARTURE. IN, I Siberia, from Honolulu, for Yokoha- - upon? It Is known everywhere as Blue Bird; Us Philosophy In relation Cough Honolulu Construction & Draying Co., Ltd. The Pacific Mall steamer Nile pull. From San Francisco, ier Lurllne, ma, June 11 Chamberlain's Remedy, and Is to Orthodoxy. Liberalism, Agnostl I of real merit. For salo by Theosophy, Ac.d away from Alakea wharf for tho July 3. St, Kllda, from Honolulu, at Kuraka a medicine clsni, Christian Science, Robinson Building. :: :: Queen Street. JlPrlent at 10 o'clock this morning after From Australia, per Marama, July Sonoma, at S. F., from Hon., Juno nil dealers, Bonson, Smith & Co., the Now Religion, etc. A delightful a-- twonty-hou- r stay In port. Seven 1C. 12. agents for Hawaii. hour In a cool placo. All wolcome. TIIK HAWAII W STAR. SATIU1 Jl ? ;2 iftftca

s McCarthy Backers SPORTING SCRIBE No Transpacific ICS EG E TO W Come At Finish D SPORTSMAN White Wings Are OLYMPIAD BY COMPARISON With Big Rush Yet In Offing Records of London Olympiad In IflOS.j Best performences of Americans (his One hundred meters Walker (South year: Africa), 10 5 seconds. One hundred meters Ira Courtney, Mike Paton will bo the third man The principals in the main event Two hundred meters Kerr (Can- - Id 5 seconds. Sulll-vim'- The town is now on the qui vlve for same de- In 3p. m. s distance ahead of the Hawaii, In the ring 1M3 afternoon. This was vill weigh at at Dick 2-- ada), 22 5 the signal whistle which wll announce The Nnttose was close behind the second. Two hundred meters Ira Courtney, principals place. Cordell haB a forfeit . cided at a conference of 5 Haw-all- . Four hundred meters Halswellc 21 teiond,-)- two that one of the transpacliic racing After all the boats had cross- - promoter nine o'clock this posted to make 155 pounds hours ' and held at (England), 50 seconds. Four hundred meters Reidpatb, morning. before the fight but judging from ap- yachts is off Dlumond Head. ed the line it was evident that on the ICIght hundred' meters Sheppard 19 5 seconds. McCarthy wnnted Dick Sullivan and pearance it Is exceedingly doubtful It The general consensus of opinion wind mine of the boats could touch (American), I minute 52 seconds. Right hundred meters Edmundson, Cordell hung out for Mlko I'aton. Pro- ho will be able to fulfil his obligation is that the list or the quartet will put the sftfaior. The Senrarer had Ink-I- n One thousand live hundred l:Sfi 3-- moter Ayrca suggested either Joel In this respect. nn appearance some time tomorrow, en down i.l! hor ligl. sail. while the nietori beppurd (American I, I minutro 3 2-- 5 One thousand five hunored meters Cohen or Eddlo Madison as a com- Statement of the Men. After crossing the starting line, the otbera, anil parilcif.arly the Hawaii, 3:5(i 0 three-quarter- s eeonds. Kint, (World's re?ordi. promise. Cordell remained obdurate, night Johnny McCarthy course was ono and seemed to be l03lng tlm by trylnx Seen last One hum! red ten meters, Five tntMer.i finally the McCarthy-Ite- s miles along the shore to stake. From to llgnt ' rnd hurdles Soot., 15:06 however, nnd a make their sails draw. 1 said: - i gave lu was named go S'til'lison inrrii nn l. 2' (world', record t. and I'aton I "Now that I am giving away a lot this point the boats were free to At 1.20 the Seafarer was an easy I One bundled and ten meters, hurdles Ten thousand meters Hamer, 32:12 Mike is a. capable referee and well of wcight, but I figure that I am In ns they chose. After crossing the line half-mil- o ahead of the liUrllne, which Smlthsou (American), 15 seconds. liked and the choice is a good ono sucu goou- tri,n that I can go the limit ; the schooners all sent up fishermen's had widened the distance between Running high jump Porter (Amer- Hurdle race (110 meters) Ke'.ly, from whatever angle It is viewed. ns a crack as may bo neces stay-sail- s but the Limine seemed to herself at fast and the Hawaii. The little C - ican), feet 3 inchew. Running high jump George Horine, All eight boxers who figure on to- sary j consider that I have a very have trouble lu making hers draw. Nnttose was surprising overybody by - Standing high jumi Kwry (Amer- 0 feet 7 Inches. day's card reported to the promoter J g0oa- chance of catching the referee's All the way to the stake all the boats holding the Hawaii. All the boats - ican), 5 feet 2 inches. Standing high jump P. Adams, 5 in the best of fettle early this morn- CyC; In fact I don't think that I shall teemed to be traveling faster then had by this time realized the folly of lng. Running broad jump Irons (Arner- - feet 2 Inches. have any trouble with Cordell at all. the Hawaii. At 1:11 the Seafarer carrying their light sails, but the shal-- ' , ...... ' running as fol- I ieei u i- - incnes. Running broad Jump Gutterson, 24. The order of the is I shall be coming when he is going rounded the stake and hauled up on low draft boats, the Nattoso and the, lows: and just about then the happenings Standing brond jump Kwry (Amer- - feet 5-- 8 of an Inch. H. M. AYRES, the wind, at that time being about a Lurllne. were making the mistake of ., 3 p. m. Morlarty vs. Kid Baker, n, J0 f t jj j inches Standing broad jump P. Adums, will occur." quarter of a mile ahead of the Lur It eix rounds. Cordell had the following to say to Retiring Sporting Kditor of the Ha- - Pole Vault Gilbert and Cook (Amer- - feet. line, which was In turn about the (.uonuuueu on i'age 7 3:30 p. tn. Trooper Bauersock vs. a newspaperman who took a run out wniian Star. leans), 12 feet 2 inches. Hop, step and jump Not decio'ed so Denny Leary, eight rounds. to Walkiki Inn last night to interview Shot put Rose (American), 46 feet far. 'Yamo-Eata-, 1:30 p. m. Kltf Cabral vs. the middleweight on his chances: 7 Inches. Pole vault Gardner, 13 feet 1 inch. AN four rounds. "I? I were matched with McCarthy, BOMBARDIER IS DUKE'S BRILL TSWlMMNG Discus Sheridan (American), 134 Throwing the discus, best hand 5 p. m. Johnny McCarthy vs. Jack the lightweight, the match would be feet 2 Inches. Duncan, 15C feet 1 3-- 8 inches. Cordell, fifteen rounds. regarded as a poor one. McCarthy Throwing sixteen-poun- hammer Throwing the javelin, right and left Last night and this morning rife is a welterweight today, however, and PUTS HIM ON RELAY TEAM Flannagan (American) 170 feet 4 hands combined Brundo Brodd, 268 odds were even on the Cordell-Mc-Carth- y looks like developing Into a good one PROVED A LEMON Inches. I feet 1 inch. go but toward noon there was at that. I expect to win, but am not Marathon race Hayes (American), Putting the weight, best hand nose, quite a lot of McCarthy money look- underestimating my opponent's 2 hours, 55 minutes, 18 seconds. 51 feet. ing for placement. chances just the same. I am feeling SAN FltANCISCO, June 29. A!. Tug of war England: Putting the weight, right and left referee the pre- good surprised I Eddie Madison will and shall be if don't Palzer defeated Bombardier Wells Team race (threo milesEngland), hands Rose, 91 feet 2 2 Inches. I get early." 3-- liminaries. home handily in their bout last night, the 14 minutes 39 5 seconds. Marathon' race, about twenty-tlve- . taking count in latter the the third Throwing javelin (free style) lem- mlltw Ryan, 2 hours 21 minutes 18 5 round. ming (Sweden), 178 fect'7 2 inches. seconds. Al. Palzer Is hea- POLO SCHEDULE SALORS Tom O'Rourke's Throwing javelin (held in middle) Cross-countr- y race Kramer, 3C:45, NW vyweight protege and has won the lemming (Sweden), 179 feet 10 2 made last winter. right to be considered America's fore- inches. I Relay race, 400 meters None holfi most "white hopo." Ten-mil- e walk Iarner (England), 1 so far. IS ARRANGED AT THE CREASE Bombardier Wells is the EngHsh hour, 15 minutes, 57 5 seconu's. Team race, 3000 meters New York champion heavyweight and last Relay race (1600 metors), America, Athletic Club holds world's record night's battle was the first that the 3 minutes 27 5 .seconds. for one mile of 3:11 4-- inter-islan- Britisher haB fought In the States. The date of the d polo A game of cricket is being played tournament has been fixed and the at Maklki this afternoon between Palzer wi 1 undoubtedly challenge Flynn-Johneo- n OOOOOOOO0OKOOOCKO0O first game will be played on July 20. elevens representing the Honolulu the winner of the light Kauai will not be represented in the Cricket Club and the British S. S. In at Las Vegas on July 4. tournament this year but Maul will dian Monarch. LEADS AND COUNTER be In the running again after a lapse The teams are as follows: COAST FILES. of a season. Indian Monarch Itamsay (captain), The Johnson-FIyn- n battle will be The championship schedule is as Cnpt. Wood, Moffatt, Dunn, Griffen, stages at 2 p. m. and F. VV. Smith, xoa0oKoo follows: Rowlands, Poison, Boii, Winter, Gib the well-know- n spoiling writer, will It looks like a good card today. be the renl thing and then some. July 20, Oahu vs. "Maui. son, Hatfield. referee. o o July 24, Maui vs. Fifth Cavalry. Honolulu II. Anderson (cnptaln), Yamogato will be banzaled by hun- The chief handicap that senior Dr. A. Collins, twenty-roun- July 27, Oahu vs. Fifth Cavalry. Ilenz, Hath, Marshall, Danny O'Brien got a d dreds of his countrymen this after- league baseball is suffering from ia Usborne, Brown, G. Max The Fifth Cavalry team has been Marshall, decision over Danny Cullen. noon. lack of competent umpires. well, L. G. Hlackman, It. G. Gray, practicing steadily for some lime and o o will go into training quarters at Mo- - Deasc, Jopsou. Jack Dillon defeated K. O. Brown .Kid Baker would be better for two Joy Is whaling the pill In analua on July G. Next Saturday there will be a match of Chicapo in twelve rounds. Interest in polo is'on the increase between Scotland and the ColonialB. weeks more work. big leaguo style this season and. the coming tournament promises there's no blooming error about that. and Tommy is now promoting In to be most successful on record. BIG LEAGUES. Morlarty challenges any d the the Calgary district. Coast boy in tho Territory. j Why Isn't there a basebal team In W 1. Pet Honolulu called the Hoosevelts. Such Gravis, the American professional Charlie Miller won a four-roun- d de- Vernon 45 20 .60S Bauersock will need his punch a team ought certainly to be thero golf champion, failed to qualifj in cision over Al. Kauffmun. Los Angeles 42 32 .508 against Leary. with the big the British open championship. stick. Oakland 42 33 .500 Manuel Vierra won from John- 41 old-tim- Sacramento 31 .131 Denny Leary, as lie is, Is hand-steppin- son. som() 0f the boys are playing g San Francisco 31 41 .113 about the ring as sprightly hall but the majority are giving their Portland 27 39 .409 as a attention to highballs. Athletic Jim Andrews won from Ike Cohen. Park National. McCarthy has Kid Miller and Kddlo Hube Marquard of the Now York SATURDAY, JUNE 29, AT 3 P. M. W L Pet Madison In view ns prospective op- Giants tied tho world's pitching rec- SEAFARER New York 11 It .788 ponents. WAS by DUKE KAHANAMOKU. 15 ROUNDS 15 Pittsburg 30 .22 .577 ord winning fourteen mnjor league games in a row. Chicago .. ..28 22 ..560 Jack Cordell may make a trip to Cincinnati 31 2C .544 Australia In tho near future though ERST AWAY Wishing Ring, a four-year-o- colt, NEW YORK, June 12. Duko Kaha temperature also preented them from Philadelphia . . 21 27 .438 would like match In Ho- McCarthy won a race nimioku, of Honolulu, Hawaii; .lames doing their best and many complaine- he another 'Louis 24 35 .407 at Latonla with the odds St. d" of fatigue. nolulu before going south. Brooklyn 20 31 .392 of 100 to 1. II. ileilly and Nicholas F. Nerleh, o, Twelve men qualified. They were ANGELES, 16. 39 .316 the Now York Athletic Club, and Ken LOS June With a Boston ...18 divided Into four heats, which elimin- Nigel Jackson declares that ho Is The Harvard freshman crew was surprising burst or siced, which neth Herszagh, of the Chicago Atlilo'. ated any possible fouling. ono best bet for tho MoanaluaAVai-klk- l American. defeated by tho Yalo freshman four placed her far In the lead at the very ' ic Association, were selected for the Duko Kahauamokii, by one and a half lengths. In tho of Honolulu, race next Thursday. Go tq It BAUERSOCK vs. LEARY. W L Pet 800-met- - outset, the sehoonor Seafarer, Captain Olympic relay team follow- competed In tbo second heat and was old boss, and more power to your MORIARTY vs. BAKER. 38 19 .CC7 raco between the graduates eights Norrls of San Francisco, crossed tho heat n j lug tho trial testB at a meeting of pitted against Kenneth Herszagh, of Harvard won by two lenglha. spidery nether limbs. YAMOGATA vs. CABRAL. CfUi:ago 35 24 .593 tile aquatic committe held last night. the Chicago Athletic Association, and starting lino in tho annual transpa- cific Vilcht. Snu Vashington 35 25 .583 Harry Hcb-nc- r, rum frnm Pnitrn tn Pony McGillvray and Leslie Rich, of the llrookline Swim- The open season for yacht arrival Ringside Seats $2.00 Philadelphia 32 23 .582 Miss .Mary Brown of California won Athletic Club, who ming Club nonoIulu jU t o.clock of the Illinois of Boston. The Hawaiian rumors has commenced. .. Reserved Seats 1.00, Gc. Detroit 28 32 .407 the championship in American Lawn had won their spurs by their splen- coveied tho distance In 2 minutes f0 Following the Seafarer was the Ha- rt ' o f .455 by defeating Covered Illeachers nul5( Clevelr-nr-t 20 30 tennis Eleanor Scars in did consistent performances, were seconds, tho fastest that was accom- waii, of Honolulu, Captnln Stroud; Watch the chic yachting c.lps bios General Admission 3Cc,New York 1" 31 .333 tho women's national champions! ip chosen as substitutes. plished tho Lurllne, San Pedro, Captain Har- som out during the noxt day or so. Louis 15 39 .291 tournament nt Philadelphia. Those who were placed on the sup- Herszagh trailed the dark-skinne- d ris, and the Mattose, of Victoria, B. Tickets on sale at M. A. Gunst At Co., St. plemental list wero L. II. Goodwin, swimmer by live yards and was clock- C, Captain Ashe, In the order named. 3 p. m. reputed to be Northwestern. Jack Lester, who defeate l Bill Lang J G. Morris, Ebeu Cross, Jr., Leslie ed six seconds Inter, tho second best Tho Hllo Scots are The start of the fourth raco DON'T FORGET. McKinleyiteH annual W I, Pot lust year, was glvon the decision Rich and Richard H. Frizell. time of the afternoon. Rich also a warm bunch nnd tho to Honolulu oould scarcely huve been mey navo Victoria !H 30 .531 over cat uoran or victorii1. in the It was announced that ten swim- swam a good raco. Disqualification will sure be aware tnai under more fnvorable conditions. Tho wills-e- d Seattle 83 31 .510 eleventh round of a scheduled mers would compose tho squad. faced the swimmers who were detect- - heen in a game beforo tho final sea was comparatively smooth, a fair HO 30 .500 will also swim in the e pushing themselves off, nnd this tie has sounded. ATHLETIC PARK Spokane fight at Melbourne. , breeze was blowing and un Immonso Tacoma '1 32 .492 race, Rellly In tho 100 and ruie maue them cautious. 'Ii.0 Duke, -o-- "gallery" of private and public craft 1500 Ilebnor In the Herszagh and Rich a start, merry-go- - ...... , Vancouver 31 .485 Lex" Richard, former boxing pro- metro contests. made false Tho Hllo and Kabulul ollt to rnnnra aixn back stroke swim, Michael McDer-mott- , and In fear or committing this or-- open up noxt Thursday, Portland 30 33 .470 moter, is to become manager of a rounds will Not changing the course after sho Sunday Chicago Athletic Asso- fence held for two hoc- - Baseball For big land and cattle company near of tho their marks o - Cl'OHSml IllO Ktnrlllir-- Una lin Confn.. ciation, In the breast stroke; George end after tho pistol had been fired. tjmt , JUNE 30. at the Athletic Park: C. Ayres. claims to have Tho30 who cnlm to know flay nr fitor., A Tomorrow Puenos He - C, Guldzlck, of the Chicago Athletic As- Kahannmoku started first and gain- iinnni,.!,, n . ' A. U. vs. Whltci; 10:30 a. m., J. A. turned his back on politics and the bnir.mllo truck he other entrants taking sociation, and Arthur McAloenan, .It., d H slight lead. His easy dudgeon n" L tho lead ot vs. Athletics. In tbo Junior league sor roped nrena. l) th" tI ',, r"nol8 HAWAII vs. STARS. of Now York Athletic Club, lu the troke. but powerful leg motion drove San. tn,. " Igh! 1:30 ii. m., Stars vs. llnwaiis; line and the ASAHI vs. P. A. C. fancy and high diving. him rapidly through the water. H "ll four were out of slcht p. m., P. A. C. i. AsUik. Tho Tho San Francisco "Seals," under Smith Is tho prime mover 3:30 Th0 tests wero hold at Verona veered slightly off the course at fifty within an hour. two games may close the flrsi new leadoiHhip of BUI Heldy, are In the local Fourth ot July racing WHh Reserved seats tor center of grand last the Lake, Verona, N. J., yesterday over n jards, but ho soon recovered hf-- t falr ,voath(Jr (l wns oxpectod sonior league. beginning some games and card. Help him along when he eomea Hand and wings can be booked at E. series of tile to win fiosh and still water course of IP' lane. At the end of the first lap no tho Wer of tho race would rch out of tho collar. y 1 ,ur u O. Hall & Son's Sporting Department, hnvo crawled jnrdB and return. The committee so led-b- two yards over Herszagh In roll,lu " niuin'ii. Honolulu within fourteen days, has won both sorlos in the 0 I (entrance King street) up to one p. Wnianac lected thlB trial, as the condition mlnulo 10 3.5 seconds. Tho Cliii-a- League. The Ewn protest finally agreed to UoxIiiK at Sohofiold Barracks Is on- - m after one p. m., at M. A. Gunst Plantation Jack Johnson lias would groatly rosomble those at Mvlminer finished strong. Kalnly Yoll ,Vou.t wet to ovorlook Ul0 oa. grounds of tho 17-f- t. & Co., King and Fort, against tboni on the tho uso of a ring In tho fight Stockholm. Tho contestants, however blightly on the Hawaiian. Rich pressed Joying a boom. m ,.,mokor tonight. beon alleged use of corker bats has hotwoon hlniBolf and Jim I'lynn at wore much dlsploaBod as they ha Ilerssngh down tho final stretch, bat ' Prices 50c, 35c ana 25c. thrown out. Iis Vogas, Mexico, July 4. boon practicing In suit water, and the wotikniiiiil nn.. ..nv.iu r.,.i iu e,.:it Tho Hen In 11 1 stnokor (onlicbt will I ArfrilHnnnt Onn.i. t-- EPtm Till! HAWAIIAN STAR, SATURDAY, JUKI! , 9U

., -- mm - w m- w w r A T T TV I 1 ' ' I I I world. To keep thorn In tdueh tho GOLF, TENNIS, BATHING. 11 K O I'OKtiiinBtur-denotu-i or Onimdii has n TAILOR m HAWAIIAN Nothing Is more Invlfiorntlng tlmu LADIES weekly new letter sent them by wlro-los- GRATITUDE n gnnio of tennis or golf and nothing Correct modoH followed. mhll-h- -- (except BumUy) by the IlnwMlan Star The lotter Is Kent to the ed erery fternlwu clow more refreshing nt the closo than a ' . . .. . m.. ti..l1Jln. Mnwih-- nt Htrflpt. Honolulu. who road It at the close of tho Sun- IT.""!1"!"" - dip In tho oconn whom tho bench Is By WALT MASON. day HPI'VlCOB. J. E. Rocha IftAi A I W n r''"""'emtiTLJ .EDITOR freo from coral like at Halolwa, This Is certainly a novel device for that In Elite llulldlng. Hotol St. Setting go Visitors pronounco It tho best tho JINK 1 people to to church. m.IR!XV ...... I'm glnd the people don't insist that should tor an office run Islands nnd the manngomotit of tho they ve tumbled to the fact. 1 wist, that 1 don't lik. that sort of fun Halolwa Hotel aro confident that tho (100D llYtf! So thoro'H n possibility that the "The Store for Good Clothes." An delegations seek nn door to tell nie that the state demands mv Judgment passed by tourists la cop presence muslc'makoiH of tbo tounty tuny on the House's lloor. the service of my brain and hands. No a cost six dollars and another strike. That's tho devil of n note! rcct. At of editorship of the Hawaiian Blur to undertake patriots come all is lost if 1 rise knock In leaving the round to sav that don't and fifty cents one may Journey to Halo' Siiva's Toggery Jkiriii nr wnrit. lite umiersiuneu in u mm ...... -0 the welkin loose today with facts, statistics, nipedteams, lies. I d j ' t mnv 111 According iwa on the limited Saturday after ..... iI.ri 1tni.tilf not list to Toms or Dicks unwind their campaign rigmarole; the stale to J.he gentlemen ot the Army, Uncle Sam Is running the noon and return by tho samo fast LIMITED. tun jratnc ol politics imparts the willies to my soul. I ve seen th greatest hold-u- p game of them all. train Sunday night nnd that covers tiresome game so long I seen the roorback pounded flat; I've Building. King 81 Innhero of lnvnl mid heluful sorvlce. I've all expenses at the hotel nnd for Elks' H Is too soon to say; seen the same old shnekinir throntr demanding' this, rebukintr that it Html good-by- to journalism I Is a cheap trip Whether this Is - mn Informed by the city editor transportation. It to renders who And always when the noise' is done, expired the musu- and the thrills, hut at least It may prove to he a lonR absence. And bo. that a special delivery letter from San and mnny persons aro taking advan been loyal and the chronic statesmen get the 111011. the voters have to foot the bills. huve been friendly and forbMirlnB, to colleagues who have Francisco, In tho Venturn mail, was tage of tho low rate. to nn The statesmen know ! do not care who wins or loses in the light: Mexican Hats no aunlitlcatlon for his duties, delivered at office be- faithful, to a mtccoHBor who lacks I the Stur only tuey know will not paw the air, or lug transparent by night ; thev In all sizes staunch In their 1 tween Job Printing. Star Offic ownership and management that have been know will not toot a horn or waddle with the other geese, and so three and four hours after the Fino farewell. ordinary postage Itself, herewith Is greeting and 1 letter mail began to J. & to tho old paper they pass me up with scorn, and enjoy a splendid peace. -- HAWAII SOUTH BE WALTER G. SMITH. eotwo In. This is remarkably oulck Copyright, 1912, by George Matthew Adams. WALT MASON. ooooco CURIO CO. work. Tho Honolulu postofflce ought to be reported to Washington for spe- YODNO B0U.DIN fish, In cases, soned minces of meat or packed Individual are all favorites cial consideration. A New Stock One hotel makes a specialty which the advantage I Wood-Ainswort- of cold deviled crabs have S h Feud of being eaten out of tho she doing away with unnecessary The and therefore The present weather is warm dishes. 12 Size Howard l . . enough to boll even the political pot. AUTOMOBILE . .1... 1.1 k ,, frtilrl pnase 01 u.e The serving of salad is always more or less of a problem with this sort To the Editor of the Sun-- Sir: There is one uu.i. Ainswori 11 that of luncheon. One tearoom solves it by removing the crumb portion of flaky existing between Doctor General Wood and Doctor General A boxer who wins a contest by a Watches Is, the vlct m. or biscuits and filling the cavity with lobster, crab meat or chicken salad. the press and public have seemingly lost sight of: that shade may have had a hot time just INSURANCE army. matter which side Long linger rolls may also be Illicit In the same way. These have ad- the martyr. In this case Is the regular No the the same. Just Arrived rather men of the reg- vantage that they are easily handled. ins In the ultimate controversy, the officers and enlisted Carry a Policy in tho these two mil- Cold eggs are capable of so much vnrlety that they are always In de ular service will have Buffered from the combat between Heard 011 tho Rlalto: mand. The hard cooked yolks mixed with sardine or anchovy paste or with I This Is watch most sought itant medicos." "You are a mutt " the from the mass of caviare are delicious. One restaurant makes a specially of dipping the Hm-niutt- v It has already resulted In great injury to the service "Yes, the for, because It is thin model; up Army appropriation bill, highly seasoned stuffed eggs In batter. They are then fried to a golden 111 advised and radical measures tacked onto the o to date and reliable. enmity these two men. brown. It takes a good gucsser to discover at first just what he's eating, I QUEEN all of which are the direct offspring' of the between Every aviator dates his lights from Wood owes bis lie knows It's good, but further than that he Is undecided. Their career- - and characters are very similar. General last fall. "Rough conspiracy, which Highly seasoned sandwich butters are responsible for the subtle flavor We Are Agents For Howards. 0 first Instance to the llider ffl - advancement in the many The "Dollar for Dollar Company."- n,.iw..i nnnthor notable uisturiter to tbo political aim miiiiarj of snndwlches. These are made by creaming ordinary butter and Goodbye o'd Star, we're packing up has 1 ...... i i n ..ft'li.lnnt mixing It with finely chopped peppers, onions, parsley or cucumbers. affairs of our country. Hacked uy powenui uie..u au Horse our chattels, J. 0. lfielra & Go. radish Is a good addition to the sandwich butter, so 1 "press bureau," General Wood, it is said, has "made good." and is cheese. Scissors and' paste and other kindred largely duo to no less The use or nuts and cheese in sandwich making nn Increase, General Ainsworth's rapid rise in military life is is the as tools, JEWELERS index" system in the such combinations are nourishing as well as palatable. Many daring exploit than tho introduction of the "card cereal breads Tearing from walls the old in private are used for sandwiches, some familiar 113 Hotel Street adjutant general's office. He has also rendered valuable service and have chopped nuts kneaded Into the legends, good will of Senators and Congressmen. dough before it lias been put to rise for the second time. Oatmeal bread Hawaiian pension claims which won him the Plucking the gum from 'neath the of mind, to become the supreme with peanuts is a specialty of one tearoom. H is used in thin slices spread OOOO-O'O-O-OO-O'O-- Both men have had a common goal in fice stools. ; they have ridden rough-sho- d with pimento cheese. A favorite sandwich at another oo power in our military service. To attain this end establishment is tilled with finely cold Iamb, opposition. Some of the ablest and most experienced officers minced moistened with mint sauce. CIgnra and pipes and ancient umbrel Trust over all by one or the other in A novel addition to the cold luncheon is offered by one tearoom kept by I Com p"a n y, In the army have been sacrificed or humiliated the las, became crucial a Southern woman. These are cinnamon AVhlle this contest for supremacy. The struggle between them waffles. still hot they are At!as and record wo take home Limited s jt jo Staff; one or the other had to covered with a glaze In which cinnamon and sugar figure in just right. vfhen General Wood was detailed as Chief of the today;. For Rent 823 FORT BTRHBa whip hand and succeeded proportions, so protected, tne wattles keep they would yield and for a time tho h Rider held the their freshness as The Star has set and all it.3 merry adversary. Now it seems not otherwise do. j at last in bringing about tho retirement of his fellows uisiougeu ......, that General Ainsworth is having his innings aim "as From this time on will draw an alien' iMfciNT TRUST CO., LTD., brother from the exalted position of Chief of Staff. pay. FURNISHED. Honolulu, Hawaii. quarrel between these tho meantime, who has borne the brunt of the HOUSE FOR in country. No more will they, you RENT. Tho regular army and the organized militia of the that may shine two parvenus. LITTLE ' Furnished if one advocated a measure the other INTERVIEWS tho brighter. . House on Green Street. In the pursuit of their personal fight Tantalus, 3BR $ 40.OO' consequence there has not been one Scour the town for all that smells opposed it as a matter of policy. In Two Bedrooms $45 per month. Kalmuki, Sth ave., 3BR. 40.00 proposed ' during tho present Congress to increase the like news, Gulick ave., sensible measure MAYOR FERN I 2BR 25.00 among medical men understand the much rather wait and see what Is go- Nor will they - army. It is a well known dictum more at strawless brick- Kinau 3 efficiency of the new party is to be called Pan Ka ing to happen House on Kewalo Street. St., BR 60.00 you must remove the cause. It would well apply in Instead of chewing tho work labor that to effect a cure (110 work). Kalakaua ave., 3BR t..v.t If rt..f iii n Ht.tali nil thp Hana more subject over every .hour day after When 33.00 this case. Let these two nenicose geuuunien n". "Den" demanas some "Little per Pacific Heights G. C. BLISS K. KNAPP, C. S. B left in day. Three bedrooms $75 month 5BR. . .. 100.00 retired list and give the army a chance to recuperate Interviews." the Nile this morning to (Continue CAPTAIN LAPRAJK (Nile) It was Beretanla St., 4BR 7G.0o New. York, June 15. College his lecture tour around the world. a litqe bit' roiigl the first day out biilpplng end sport scribe lav their Hills, 3BR 75.00 I of 'Frisco but.'oH"tne pens dowu sadly, Wahiawa, 2BR 35'00. WALTER THtlRTELL I am tired whole we had an Ideal voyage. Every 1 stop Court man and .sob miss quit you' Pacific Heighth, 1BU of proofreading, but my hat Is in the time .. 20.00 in Honolulu the better 1 with a sigh; , Cor. Walalae " ring for the position of manager of like It and and 10th Pajamas I think that when I r It'b true avo- 3I!Jl the new evening paper is com retire shall there's lots of other natters - 55.00 I ------that T make my running, i Bishop Co., ing. home here. 0 Trust Ltd. Puunui avo 2BR 25.00 .1., complains in the Sun that "An Economical Man" from Montclair, N. JOSHUA TUCIvER Some of the Still they won't be just quite Bethel Street. 1 1th and Pahoa .. 1. t, o mill the ave., 2BR 25.00 111s Asr 4nw,c tfrn:ii JOHN OROUHKF We expect to ot pajamas ueiuie ura buyers of the Kuliouou neg- same good-bye- ! Cor. he wears out the "trousers lots have Hackfeld and Luna- - of "coats" with no corresponding "trousers." entertain a crowd of over 300(1 at lected to therefore he accumulates a lot come through as required Hlo St., 3BR pajamas" he has to buy complete "suits." Hoolulu Park on the Fourth of July. Goodbye, old Star, the boys away 12500 Further when he wishes "more and I have sent them notitication that are Unfurnished some manufacturer put forth suits ot pajamas And wo can do It too. The more drifting, as a remedy that unless they do so within a HIGH-GRAD- Walplo, He suggests reason E SHOE REPAIRING 3BR coat. the merrier; let them all come. Some 'cross way 1200 including two pairs of trousers with one able time their purchases will be de. the and others o'er Judd St., 2 BR .'. 2o.'oo remedy. Our Montclair correspondent's com-plai- JOHN MARTIN I'm sorry to lose el'ared null the sea; The Best of .Materials and Workman' , There is a much happier and void. Wilder ave., GBR presuppose's. suggests as a matter of course pajamas. But the Star. would'ave Its joke "Tho Onlooker" C0.00 connotes, It little CAPTAIN CHASE (schooner Pros with fitting rites lies ship. King St., pajamas? Is there any statute my expense 2BR 22 50 why pajamas? Is there any law compelling at but, all the same, it per; we carried a large load of buried Kalmuki, go to bed wearing "trousers" and me many 'enrty Maunaloa ave requiring members of the body politic to 'as afforded nn larf., lumber to Africa from the Sound tMs Beneath the shadow of the "Coco MANUFACTURERS SHOE CO. 3011 : js " I forgive it with a in my heye. 27.50 a "coat" in other words, a "sun nui tear trip and are returning under ballast. Tree." 1051 Street. worn throughout the day? Even to a Fort ough uncomfortable enough when H. B. WELLER The Japanese 011 It has taken us just ninety-tw- o days why continue the discomfort casual philosopher it would seem so. Then Maul would like to see Yamogata box to reach here from Durbar and we of which may bag at by "turning in" with another suit on. the trousers and I believe that ho could draw a shall get away as soon as the work knees or elsewhere suffer disrepair? big house at Pala theater provided he of restocking the old girl is com the No great Pajamas are a fad, unmanly, unconstitutional. were matched with a suitable oppon- pleted. I Wirclfiss remote as that of a THE CLAIMS man ever wore pajamas. The concept is as infinitely ent. INTERVIEWS MADE FOR wearing fluent, luxurious, trimmed, pruned and gardened whisk-er- s great man 11. (1. KIVENBURGH If soin0 of DANIEL LOGAN Tho Punchbowl not only uncomfortable; they are unhygienic. On n Pajamas are the men on the Democratic central eruption for tho Fourth Is not alto- it and save delay. compel a palpably distressing and harmful constric- stout man the trousers committee are also on the county gether a now Idea. On the stroke of On a thin man they are kept In proper tion about tho vanished waistline. committee, as is reported, it Is con- twelve midnight of November 15, 18SC, difficulty. There is no health in them. Henry place with annoying trary to the rules adopted by the a huge bonfire on the summit of Waterhouse correspondent from Montclair abandon his shredded Let our economical Punchbowl blazed up, while cannon in the place of his pajamas lay in a stock of fresh, wholesome, trousers, and HOARDING OFFICER TAYLOR on tho same elevation roared, usher- Trust Company inviting night shirts. Then thero will bo no further lamentation as to wear- This polities subject is beginning to ing in tho jubilee birthday anniver- ing out one part before another. A nightshirt is a unit, a perfection, com-- . get just a little bit wearing. I would sary of King Kalnkaua. Limited plete. total. And more than this, it is healthful, comfortable and convenient. MAY SEEM UNBELIEVABLE TO man nor tho lean man has aught to rear. ; Clad in a nightshirt neither tho fat WOMEN WHO HAVE NEVER TRIED FOR soothing, soporific. man robed SALE. The nightshirt is natural, The economical 6 IT. BUT THEY ARE NOW KNOWN in one of these will sleep deep, without sonority, his soul untrammelled by BEACH FACTS PROPERTY--70 suggestions of "trousers" grown old and frayed before their time. Under IN DOMESTIC SCIENCE SCHOOLS feet on insistent 0 The Coconut New York Sun. AND IN HOTEL KITCHENS. L10',W road, or By H. M. AYRES. 1U 9 cottages AT ALL GROCERS. ;Zesr mlC- - Hotel PUNAHOU And Tuft laft! open D,STR,CTOUSO and The Innocent The season for Blue Birds lot on Artesian ) ft) a street. Lot 75x100 started this week. 3 bedrooms, ft., The revised version Is "Colburn parlor, dlningroom, kltch' He got his name on the payroll In 18S1 and has kept It there ever slnco. cnaUiroom. Spare That Tree." Living up to zoological tradition servants' carters, only He has been a delegate to Slate and National conventions, a candidate for ' ' all sorts of offices, appointive and elective. Ile has been a United States the porcupine fish nt tho Aquarium Why did tho mango? It PROSPECT STREET Civil Service Commissioner, a New York I'ollco Commissioner, Governor of Hccauso fretted itself to death. Large lot saw tho frul tily. with small cottage for New York, and seven years he was tho President of the United States. te $3000.00. (S What did Jim Qulnii say . Tender in his inexperience, ho set out to get another nomination for when the g FOR RENT. The 'police reserves may now ho bull-do- bit his tire? President, only to lind himself surrounded by wicked and designing men, - called- In; tho chess tournament chauf-furiou- .who meanly took advantage of his innocence and sordidly traded on his at He was tho Y. M. C. A. Is over. Furnished. lack of knowledge. Sinful veterans in the ImsB usages of politics came to SILVER How TOILET SETS 1C38 Anapuni him and lilted his mind with falsehoods, which he, unhappy child, was not doth the lltle busy fly St, ?35 0o Emily Ho was recently married to Employ each shining hour Mnklkl St., able to detect. Guileless, he believed all that was told to him, being d B0 00. Alexander Y. Yee, Yee-H- my lads, By mangoes by the light of personal knowledge. In the planting worms Quadruple 1633 Anapuni St., for Yee-Ho- ! Vbieh wo eftsoons devour. Plate i So Ornishy McHarg imposed on him and led him astray, and filled him mos, from July l, 1012 eo.00 with misunderstandings and misconceptions and falsehoods. -- N. Y. Sun. JCeeaumoku St., for 2 mos. The local papor which said Tho cheorvscorors doing! Guaranteed that seoni to bo for fifteen years. ) As from July l. iyi2 GO the new Progressive party had adopt- 00 the bulk of the work at the Baltimore iceable as sterling silver and at Walkiki. 35;G0 ed bananas as battle-flags- , was .sadly convention. third the cost. misinformed. Luncheons for Automobile 3- -piece Sets - - . $ Unfurnlahed. Cigars are not generally given credit 8.00 4- -piece Sets - - . The Mooses' favorite fruit: The for being musical but It Ib' a fact, 10.50 tl.uuallo St., 3G.oo- - 5 -- piece Sets P A. P. aia, of courso. many 12.00 j Parties nathelets, that of them carry ... Matlock Ave., 27.50 their own hand. 12C0 Matlock Ave., 25,00 There must bo something radically I'llkol St., p Benson, , put-u- Smith 30cd N. Y. Sun The luncheon has been improved lately, and automo-filin- wrong & Co., Ltd with that Halemaumaii .Java, Some of tho bad breaks that Champ jLunnlilo St.. 30i'oo is largely responsible for it. To meet this demand Now York hotels, sinking just liororo tin. Fort and Fourth of Clark has mado quality him for1 Hotel Streets. , Knllhl ltd nnd Beckley restaurants and tearooms have been devising new dishes. The luncheons No St., 35.00 July. American tho appellation of "Chump" I depund in great measure upon Clark. Boretiinia St., 25 00 summed tho equipment of the automobile. volcano ought to bohuw. like that. 1arid especially on whether an ire box Is carried. Wilder Ave., July 15, 1912. 40.00 Through tho winter the Inhabitants iTHEREXALL Wulklkl, iSonio of the most elaborate of the cold dlshos for which Now York A July 10, 1912 12.50 big drop Is reported in imhuch of tho Magdalen Islnnds In tho Guir als are famous flguro hi those put up luncheons. Cold broiled smiab. sales but tho demand for insect pow. of St. Lawrence are entirely nut off STORE HENRY WATERHOU8E TRUST ions of ohloken a la .Maryland, frjgd soft shell crabs and hlchlv dor Bontlnuos . " b. unabated ;from sommunloatlon with th0 outside COMPANY, LIMITED, Corner Fort nd & Merchant! 8t - Till- HAWAIIAN SI R. SATURDAY. It l . ')2. t MAUNAOLU SEMINARY CUBANS RUSH IWEINSHEIMER CAN SIT IN STOCK SALES MARKET NEXT REPUBLICAN CONVENTION Honolulu Stin k KxchlHKc Male- - 1912 CLASS HISTORY 10 KHwtf ii Hoards. :I60 McHode, ll. 250 do. 0. i:io do. 3; SO do. 0: 2 do. C; fid Oahu, 25,ti; 60 do. 25,50, :,i do (Special Correspondence of the Star.) When I look back lo the enrs when Willelt & Gray s last circular says: If l.udwig Wolnzhoimor. mnii.igiM nf At eight o'clock this morning I'aull 25.50; 2(1 Ploneor, 80.75; 2t Hnv. Pino 1 Co., 30.511. 5 do.": fOOuo llllo 1901 WAtMTKU, June 28. One of tho Hint came, I can tee many Improve- The market for the week has been Ploneor plantation, should hmipen tu uo NaU0( Dorn iu Philippine is Silverware ti, 11. delegate Ito- - 0s, 100.75; 200 Hon. & M. Co., 2u. best histories recently written ments. Tho grounds bank of the clothes (inlet and steady as n whole but with be elected a to the next ,,, wn imi) wlllloul l!mmll.j, Is that of Alary Andriio'e, who gradu- and wood sheds were covered with times of weakness in sympathy with publican territorial convention, his Notice June 2fi, 1012: Stork of O. ,, Ho was not a citizen of the United R. L. Co. this on ated lust' week .from Mnunnolu Semin- guuva hushes and luntnnn, with only Ktirppcaii advices, closing without in .motif., ninoni inn elect will mil iitrnlti ft date basis of nou of excellent de- , h,"U 1' 0W(!l1 UltegltlUCO tO 110 capital, $5,000,000. ary. She gives facts concerning a low rows of eucalyptus trees planted change In quotations from :!.91!e. per l.i, allll,mf utnrt n 111,1 ,l I m wverclgu could ullugi Session Sales: $800(1 OIut r.s,x(i7.60. Mnunuotii that are of intortvst to all along the fences. lb. landed basis, or 2 !M(!c. c. & f. for his exclusion from the. '(.mention and claim no sign and quality. !)G deg. J auce 10 any monarch or president. $5000 do., 97.60; 5 Pioneer, 31; $500u those who know the school. It Is be- Hut about four years ago the ground test. Tho difference to be M0or - Olaa fis, 1)7.50; 25 Mcllryde. tl; 25 H. low as was plowed noted, however, is in the largely in- Now ho baa tho right to voto for Wil- she read It the day of Maunaolu and more eucalyptus trees For Ludwlg Welnzhelmei Is now a . . t, C. & S. Co., 41.70; 25 do. 41.75; 20 do creased offerings of centrifugals at iiu.ik iiiMvuui ihii, ineuuoiu uousu-Vcl- commencement: were lilnnted, they did not all grow, d American citizen. Ht. has Here you get ,., - 2(5; 5 Oahu, 20; 20 do. 20. 2 c. & f. prompt or any presidential cuudl- Class History. so the men planted a few. fruit trees, basis for and been since other about nine o'clock this lti, ,.. 1. nt 2 c. & f. Indi- lll.t.. uhri mill I"-- Dividends 1, 1912. 1 for July Cubas, ,, . ' """.'"fc, June IlalSn. When was a very young child, mj vegetables and alfalfa. uiuijiiuK. A.i iipi'i j nour ""' cating that sellers are finally becom- uaiiuuiu inai of the neoiilo ou election dav In $1.50; Pain, $1.50; Ploner. 30c. the Best at father one day asked me If 1 wanted Where the girl$ have their flower lie appeared before Federal JlldgO ing under tho influence of the Insur- V(1vi.iilii.v' 1,ir Viittn win. I.v ,i .!..,. I. Juno 5. 1912: H. C. & S. Co. (50c. to go lo school. I bad never been to gardens, papaia trees, and the lawns Clemens, attended by his sponsor wit-- ; rection possibilities in Cuba and are Blon of tll0 BUm.clao court( Wil8( llf) a spl.), 7Gc; Onoinea, 10c; Unnomu, $1 school or to a kindergarten, and It on the sides and ba?k of the house nesses, swore fealty to more anxious to get their sugar ship- the United' Filipino, without a couutiy, was nat: Juno 10, 1912: Wailuku, $1.50; Hut- the Lowest made me very happy when me had ninny tall weeds and' guava bushes, States of was he told ped out of the Island. Again it is America, and given the urallzed today. chinson, 20c; Paailhnu, 20c. I could go to tWs .school. so wo did not have much of "a play American right vote, In evident from the foreign news, latest to sit con. Six others, of various nationalities, June 15, 1912: Haw. Sug Co. M0c I came in the year 15)02, Miss ground. Everything is cleared and I ventlons, Possible when at hand, that no further purchasing hold office, and do all the were made citizens aim glveu the right spl.), 70e; Oahu Sug.. 25c; O. R. & L. Alexander was principal, am surp I appreciate all that has been things and entered' from Cuba for the European markets others that- a citizen of this to vote. They are: Co., 75c: Popoekeo, $i: Walaiua. $1. the lowest grade, and my teacher was done, for I know the way things were great Republic Is entitled to need be expected and that, on tho do. Hans 1. Derby, a natle of Denmark , Juno 19, 1012: Haw. Ag. Co., $1.50. Price. Miss No long ago. I am sure all the members ltlcc. one in this class was contrary, part of the Cuba sugars al- Welnzhelmer was one ot eight who, William James, Kane, born In Ireland June 29, 1912: C. Hrewor & Co.. $2. ex- of this class are glar' that they eamo by in school at that time, with the ready scut abroad' may find a marKet order of Judge demons, were this and bandmaster of tho Fifth Cavalry; F.wa, 20c; Walmannlo, $4; Haw. Elec. ception here, for we have learned to do many morning 11. of Lizzie Paulo. Some of the here in reshipment to our country at admitted to citizenship. Thomas Cullen, Irish by name but 7Cc; Hon. & M. Co.. 15c; I. I. s. my things nid to do them well. I have girls in grade in the Primary better parity thah exists for other Among the eight is a Filipino who born iu Scotland and formerly owing N. Co., 75c; Kahuku (15c spl.l, 25c; do- room arc married, and others are at- been very much Interested In the sugars no longer to Haw. Pine Co., 25c: Walmea, Ke-kah- abroad. need repeat himself, in allegiance to th King of England; Ma- - $2; work, fact, we all have. It - L. tending school elsewhere. The teach, mestic in We draw some conclusions here eitect, mo lugunrious lines that be- rlniis J. Jacob, of nativity, $5; II. R. T & Co. Com. liollaudish ' H. F. Wichman Ooolldge, has Beeined like a home, where we (qtiar.). $1.50; H. R. . & 1.. era were Miss Rice, Miss with as to the supplies and demands I thollirh Ilia nntnn ilrnnn liullxnln Tt Co.. I'fd Lindsay, were doing our dally work. We consumption in Tf. S. bal- (seml-au.)- . $3; Mut. Tel. Co. Miss Krnestinn Miss Burgner til for the for "Where is the man with soul so dead William Arthur Cleghorn, bora In Aus- iquar.) learned to Bew, cook, and do possi- 20c. and Mrs. Wateon. have ance of calendar year which, Who never to himself bath said tralia but resident lu Honolulu, and & Co., Ltd. Every evening about an hour before general house work. bly, do away with any necessity for 'This is my land, my native land" Sugar Quotations: deg. Centrifu Louis ('. Halverison, who renounces LEADING JEWELERS. a had lessons In domestic imports of .Tavas season except 3.S3; SS study session we went into the Lauha-l- Our class this etcetera ad lib. allegiance to the king of Norway. gals, dog. Analysis Hoots, 10s room and entertained ourselves science one year. Miss Vanderhoof was to a small extent; this Is the expec- 10. Parity, I.2S. playing games till it was bed time, our teacher, and we always looked for- tation of holders of .Tavas, who which was at .seven o'clock. We went ward to the days that we would meet no effort to sell hero nnd are asking .30c. to .10c. above-- STOCKS HOLO THEIR OWN out for walks often with Miss Coolidge. In the recitation room 'or In the kitch- tho parity QUEEN STREET Jas. F. Morgan Co. Ltd, My eleven years here in school i'o en. Our c'ass often prepared dinner of Cubas. not seem a long time. When I was for the teachers and sometimes for Our cable from Java reports no shipments In May Eu- in the Primary room I never thought guests. We learned many useful and for V. S. or AT END OF (Continued rroin Page One.) Stock rope, DULL WEEK and of the many years before me before interesting things about cooking, but we understand that about the majority. lfi.000 tons have sinco been shipped Bond Broker 1 should finish the course of study of which we think will be valuable to us Mayor Kern proposed a test of run- with U. S. options. Member of Honolulu Stock and Bon this school. If I remember correctly in the future. ning a fifteen-to- roller over the European markets have fluctuated Ending a week of drops in sugar 497.00 stock sales. The Bxchange. there were about a hundred girls, but Miss Lay, our sewing teacher, has various stocKs bitullthic pavement on Fort street, say-- l ptween 11s. fid. 12s. 0 - Stock and Bond Orders rcW and for stocks, one or two stocks rallied to- dealt in total us follows: 25-to- n i since then we have not had so many. taught us to make our own clothes, lug that boilers would' have to closing 11s. 11 4 d. prompt attention. of Beet, at for June, da" on the stock exchange. Mcllrydo Ononica, 4".2 shares, ?1!),3U5; Oanu, I think it better as it is now. Rooms and wo have also sewed for some be trucked over Queen strc Information furnished to all July and August, tho premium for 7t!5 shares, $20,;(77.70: Olaa, 1852 relative were crowded, I mean bedrooms, the younger girls. We know how to was taken In considerable quantities Only Dwight voted no on the de- STOCKS AND BONDS. August having been lost. October shares, $13,395,025; Walaluu, 115 school rooms and even the dining-roo- do all kinds of plain sewing for the nt $G.()tl, the prico of ciding rollcali. LOAN8 NEGOTIATED. Beet, influenced bv the favorable Eu yesterday. There shares, $1G,300; Hawaiian Pineapple, was crowded. And the girls were household and many kinds of fancy to On tho matter of tho Armory Low Phons 1672. P. O. Box SK ropean crop news, is quoted at 10s was more lie had at that llgure. but 14 shares, $57:7.50; O. It. & L. Co.. much older and larger. They looked work. made a vigorous speech, his strongest 2 d., the parity of 4.4150. for Cen offers of $5.1875 were not taken. 10 shares, $1700; H. C. & S. Co., 110 to me young women. Our class has had many. good times, point being tho crying need of school like trifugals. Oahu rose from f 41.75 to ?42.50. shares, $2430.25; MeRryde, 810 shares, we never forget. Trips ' accommodations. The members of this class came which shall Inter-Islan- He said there were In view of .the latest information Other stocks held their own. Pioneer $5025; d S. N. Co., 25 More Than a Million Gjissie to beach have been one of the en- 1020 children not being Tor here at different times. Iaea the wo have increased our estimate or tho showed a trilling rise. shares, $1875.00; Kwa, 15 Bhares, educated joyable parts of our recreation. want of room, and or thirty-five-: Dollars carae from the Honolulu school in 1001. Cuba crop 50.000 tons to a total pro- The week's record shows many $467.25; Pioneer, 0 shares, $155.00; thirty I I was sent rooms Keport of tho Insurance Commis- Maggie Amo from the Keokea school do feel thankful that duction of 1,850,000 tons. changes lu prices, and a total of Hon. 11. & M. Co., 200 shares, additional were needed at a $1000. more a million in l'.IOG. Elsie Crowell and Sarah here, for I consider it time well spent On advices just received we have cost of probably $30,000. Education sioner, shows that than Kahiiwaa came in 190T. Elsie from in preparing for the work we are increased our estimates of Porto was paramount although tho great dollars net Is sent out annually from territory. WailuUu and Sarah from Lahaina. about to take up, and I never .shall Itico crop 20,000 tons and Mauritius LINK BUNCH HOLDS need of money for roads was also a this .1 De- MEETING Those that came in 1008 are Kikuwo forget our Maunablu, "Mount of 10,000 tons to 1120,000 tons and 170,-00- 0 consideration. Co. Tannka, Louise Smith, Christine. Em light." tons respectively. Murray advocated the armory to Home Insurance msely. Lavina Clark, and Daisy Saf-- Many of us will continue going to Louisiana crop prospects are fairly keep 500 young men off the corners Why not patronize fery. Kikuwo, Christine and Louise school. Elsie Crowell, Lavina Clark, good considering tho recent unfavor- LONEL MISSED ALOHA AINA and out of the saloons, who he said and keep some of this money here? from the Peahl school, and Lavina and Christine Emmsely, Txmise Smith, Sar able conditions, and latest advices re- did not care to avail themselves of O'Neill Building Cor. Fort and King ah Kalaiwaa, Daisy Saffrey and my- port much less damage by the floods the Y. M. O. A. where they could not Telephone 3529. If x Daisy from Wailuku. The Jocal Democratic split grew done to him. we were in the sixth grade self expect to go to school again. Gus-sl- e than anticipated. smoke or chew. When more serious today, when reports got am a member of tho county corn-- there were eighteen in the class. Some Iaea is going to the Kamehameha Tho domestic licet crop promises This board was not going to do auy "had minee, said Col. McCarthy, "but they they wer needed school to take up sewing. Somo of big yield, having made a good start around that there been a meet- school building anyway, and education left school because sent nie no notice of a meeting. going to school girls they are needed at with largely increased sowings. ing of the county committee last niglt, "Per- was a Territorial matter among others at home, and others are the feel thft haps tllCV P.'lVn IintlPM c,m 1 l,nra.'n. E. G. Duisenberg our will during summer .11. ..1 I... .1 -1 " auuir on which the legislature hau pnsseo in Honolulu. Mrs. Haven was home. Some work give go holding daily times tluy notice bv nub tfthlm' nn teacher then, and Miss Harriette Lay to help them next fall, when they conferences with his par- the buck to tho counties. As for toads read Jarrett and Rose out of the advertisement of a meeting, in Ha. STOCKS haB been for the past two years. Dur- to school. aides and has entered into the spirit ty. they were not In such bad condition No notice of such a meeting was wauan. in the Aloha Aina. If you don't ing the time we have been here as a Some of us. live so far away that of the celebration with heart and soul to party. after all, Murray contended, alleging BONDS sent the rest of the Jarrett sue aim read mat, though a member class we have attended church and we can not expect to come here often, The Fourth of July committee has that that board had made more roads was around this morning trying lo of the committee, you get no ISURANCE Sunday school at the Makawao Union but we hope lo come back occasionally arranged for a hospital corps which notice than any other. Besides, it would take find out happened, 1 REAL ESTATE what had and Rose of the meeting. did not read yes- - church, and' on Sunday evenings we and find as many improvements as will have a place In the parade and five million dollars to cover all the was also wondering what had been terday's Aloha Aina." LOANS NEGOTIATED have had Christian Endeavor meet- there have been in the past, and to later will be on duty at Kapiolanl city and county's requirements. eager ings, and prayer meetings on Wednes- find the ranks filled with girls Park. The Hoard of Health has do tine station, and there was no danger ornble Henry E. Cooper, First Judge The resolution for the $14,000 taken 76 Herein! St. Piione 3013 opportunities. out of the hands ways day evenings. to make the best of their nated the use of its ambulance with oi ine oiseaso spreading. or tile Circuit uCort ot tho First Clr of the and means by fol- attendants and, in case of accident Dr. Rowman was around the other cult, Territory of Hawaii, on tho 17lh committee carried the ot any kind, medical aid and caro will ot re-- or mat-por- lowing vote: side tue island last week. He day June, A. I) jd12, In tho ts bo provided. that health conditions are ex-- ter of A. S. Humphreys, plaintiff, vs. Ayes Amana, Arnold, Kruger, Mur J. HOLMBERG ! AT THE THEATERS Miss Columbia will be represented cellent and that, never for years, has J. D. Castro, Frank Mendoza, Joseph ray 4. ARCHITECT. in the parado by Miss Dottio Harris, there been less typhoid fever. Mendoza and Manuol IJotelho, doing Noes Dwight, Low, McClellan 3. Estimates Furnished ou Buildings English now ap - appropriation 1)111 beautiful actress Diphtheria Is also very scarce, and business under the firm name of Ex- Tho or tho en Rates Reasonable. pearing at he Liberty and a' German the children of the Island are declared celslor Uakery, defendants, for tho suing, six months passed final read Blggerstaff Chamberlain. pany will close its Honolulu engage 160 Hotel Oregon Bldg. and will impersonate Uncle Sam in tho to bo free from the dread disease. In sum of One Thousand Ono Hundred Ing. St.. Tel. S66I ma- - ment today, and this will bo the lasi The principal occasion lo which SIxtv-tw- o i float from this theater. fact the island of Hawaii Is bettor off, and 001100 rSiiftonm rni A petition wus received from tho Hi society folk of Honolulu are opportunity to seo this entertaining sical and jis far as health conditions are con lars, I did. on tho 17th day of Juno, Country Club to provide lights for its i u, t0, iwi troupe of comedians, singers and ....,.,.i snntf JAILED SUFFRAGETTES A. D., 1912, levy upon approaches. Sugar 3.92c dancers. cerned, than it has been for a long and shall oltcr recital by Frederic Higgorstaff, pianist, ON A HUNGER STRIKE for sale and sell at public B. The company will present "Under time past. auction to von Damui, president of the Beets, am William Edwin Chamberlain, bari- LONDON, June 20. The sull'ra- - tho highest prop- 11,8 tho Matzer Tree," in which f.c Blanc bidder tho personal Central Improvement Committee, i4d tone, at Bishop Hull, Punahou, Mon- gettes now in prison, including the erty hereinafter to aud Stanhope are to be seen in their referred satisfy tho thanked tho board for Its asslstanco day evening, July 1. There will be a prominent of tliem, are on a well known character roles as the most E said Writ of Execution at tho City on Cleanup Day. T Monday evening and Puna- hunger because loaders FOR GONT MPT Auction Hono- full Jew and the German. TOlieir entry un- - strike their rooms, Bethel street, II. H. Williams was awarded the will offer an ideal setting for such huvo bepu transferred to the first divi - lulu, City nnd County of Honolulu, C6mpany. hou on the stage in a fearfully made (Continued from Page On.- i contract for burial of tho indigent n affair. Already several con- sion and their followers have been Territory of Hawaii, 12 o'clock musical is ono of their best stunts Metzger informed tin m li.iinil) tli i at dead. Momberg Honolulu Stock and Boa parties have been made up for loft behind in tho hard labor depart noon of Wednesday tho 17th day of Exchange. ceit . Tho singing nnd dancing features are their contempt would nsi them $M A resolution passed appropriating gentlemen are ment. Several of the suffragettes have July. A. D., 1912, all right tlint evening, Roth unusually good, while the dialogue is ouch, lvers was ilt. minutes beliin:l of the title $!!)!). !)5 for curbing Alapal plaza and FORT AND MERCHANT BT. best-know- n anything naturally since nnd. not eaten $- and of tho said J. D. Castro, among the artists than usual. tboin, and His llonur made it -" interest removing poles better Thursday morning. the therefrom. teachers on tho Pacific Coast. Mr.' It is expected that the company lvers signalled "S. O. S." to his attor- Err. nk Mendoza, Joseph Mendoza and i Kelr Hardle, Socialist leader iu the Harry Armltage. TI. CuBtunai artr, Blggerstaff makes his home in San vvill he swamped with flowers nnd dth- - neys in fee, but they only smiled Manuel notelho, doing business under House of Commons, tonight accused Samuel A. Walker. and Mr. Chamberlain lives or presents tonight their appreciation of tho llfteon-dolln- r tho firm name ot Excelbior Bakery, Francisco Reginald McKenna, Home Secretary bay in the college city of On Monday, when Itichard difference. defendants, in and to the following across the of differentiating between the rich Piano Song! Harry Armitage & Co, many takes over tho management of ,the represent personal property of tho defendants, Berkeley. They huvo made and poor. Hardlo became emotional Ivors then bum ho would Islands Honolulu Amusement Company, a fine He told court hU unless the sum duo under said Writ LIMITED, friends since coming to tho when ho spoke of tho pumplm; feed himself. tho that vaudeville bill will be presented, In- - wholly hav- of Execution, together with Interest, and huvo been frequently entertained ing of suffragettes. lateness was due to his Stock and Bonds eluding an Iiitauaii singing trio. Judge costs and my fee and expenses are n,,.!,. McKenna repudiated the charge ing boon thuglit a new game by Slng and sketch team and a black previously paid. Following is a list of the prominent that he had been differentiating Stanley, nt tho Hilo Hotel. The gain" BROKERS face minstrel. had kept was a kind of game, Property to Be Sold. Meinoor Honolulu Stock and BoM ladies who will act as patronesses of through his prison authorities hn- him. it i.c said, that ono cannot ulways leave. One bay maro and colt. Exchange. their concert: tween the suffragette prisoners. He Judge Met.ger started to auk him Terms cash in United' States go'd P. O. Box 683. Telephone 2101. "''Mrs. L. Tenney Peck, Mrs. Charles said the leaders had been transferred how he came out. but caught himself, coin. CabU and Wireless Addresa: .T. Wilder. Mrs. Rudolf J. Buchly, Mrs. BAD SPLIT because they had made an undertak- "Armltago." itiid said thai lvers' explanation made Dated Honolulu, City and County of HALL, Whitney, Mrs. D. Howard ing not to repeat their offense. If BISHOP Pl'XAHOU Win. L. matters much worse. Ho would con- Honolulu, Territory of nawall, this A. H. Ingalls, Mrs. C. their followers would sign i similar in Hitchcock, Mrs. (Continued from Page 11 sider reopening tho contempt case, 17th day of June. A. D., 1912. Mondny Evening, July 1st, 8.13. A. Love, Mrs. dertaking they would bo released. R, Hemenwny, Mrs. Wm. sociotlos or parties have milted' as the with a view to Increasing tho lines. WM. HENRY, Royal M. von Holt, Meanwhile .the leaders nnd followers Wm. A. Love, Mrs. H. Nationalist party, the Tung .Mun Wu It. is stilted that tho Judge regarded Sheriff, Territory of Hawaii 1j. alike would be pump fed unless the nigh Frederic Biggerstaft Mrs, E. J. Timberlake, Mrs. Benj. holding out lu separate existence. D was loft out doctor certified that it would injure the fact that he himself Co. Marx, Mrs. 11. P. Dillingham, Mrs. H. Sun Is its president. He has left Can of tho game as additional showing u Insurance thoir health. Pianist Leading Fire Company of tha World. H. Restarlqk. Mrs. A. F. Griffiths. Mrs. ton and gono to Hupeh. contempt. Don't Wear a Tnis? Place your business with a com Antonio Perry, Mrs. Robert Ilond, Mrs. "I think Dr. Sun Vat Sen will have At Hie end of the afternoon h HEALTH CONDITIONS SllimSPUS TR rADS" I!".--. pany that kaows how to face a crlali Morning Musical Club, ironi i tfuit, li'it in "it ut u. Francis Gay. to leave China." sion, iiowevor, tho fines wore remit in Is GOOD ON' HAWAII . FREE and In a position to do bo. It. Collain, Mrs. Gardner tod, Judge suggesting nn-t-- i wcurt ij id rim Wm.Edwin Chamberlain Miss Edith Wilder inaii n ! llllo Tribune, Juno Kaatrpi tu Hour Loiset Paid, $222,951,358. J. Tl. culprits did pay lines, iwv r Wilder, Mrs. Win. Wall, Mrs. The three PufciO to Chief Sanitary Agont Bowman, ot tltl It Ui.o. k I. Shingle, Mrs. ever tho hotel and tho court n- - ctlluatt eurrd, Tli. i a Baritone Athorton, Mrs. Robert BUCHLY WILL at hatP turMkifull tn&lM TlnniM.i S? llllo board of health, tho town and to that HrurtK at tome without hlD'lrance frnu nurk tefl a C. Brewer Co., Ltd. J. P. Erdman, Mrs. Alox. Lindsay Jr. hoard afterward remark tiif la plj Uti'lfa. lrM if county are free from dlsnasos of any "nil oorrry ( nnunf, o uu (unhvr uw lur tru General Agents, Territory of Hawtit In Farewell. never before appreciated the .l not Aatrlfhl linll kfmtal. U- - .I t Hunhes Company " page sort. The country dlslrlots nro In I Hi Ml ffl kfftBMMT bT aritdint tou frtil M,iilt, Rosorvod SoutB on Sale at tint Ha- urn to (Continued from one.) no of tho laws with regard to un tlllML Vr rLrtrUat,wluttlr mrh. ,i Two farowell performances joupuiiftUjItuilTOUAY. M- A number of the merchants have fine condition, and tho city of Hilo tempt court. Adr- waii Promotion Coinmitteo Rooms. REAL E8TATE INVESTMENT io Piven today by the Hughes Musical of PLAPA0 LABORATORIES, Block 873 St. Louis. Mo - Is In a condition than Juno 2"th. Comedy Company nt tho Bijou Thoa floats, and plans fur decorat hetlur It has long past. ter. Tho first will do uio niaiiiipo m Ing buildings along tho lino of march lioen for a time HIGH SHERIFF'S SALE NOTICE was one hair-pa- two o'clock, and tho second nro progiqssinK. Thoio case of muallpox, ruder hiki by virtue of a certain 0.0. Cunha Will - - .MOID Btll UlD( )H Tritl l tho performance tonight. Th8 com- I'rlnoo Kuhlo a giaud umrshal is lust wwuk, but It whs at tho quuran- Writ of ISxooutlon Iseuod by the Hon Ll'. ADMISSION $1.00 78 Mercha-- 6t. Phone 3513


of wwUMy people InclmlliiK Mitnr of the hfitt of Honolulu intnMel-i- Tin The Fashionable Women of Paris program was well selected to both hi tints opportunity to show their Idll anil the praise which followed oneb number must, have been highb Tho French racing season means a ureal deal to the fashionable gratifying to tho gentlemen who nr Parlslonne and she looks forward to It with eagerness, knowing that to make n public upponranee in she will see nil that is smart and new in dress. Bishop Hall, Punahou, next Mniulnv' Longchanips recently opened the racing season, the sun OVER THE TEACUPS. When night. Mr. nnd Mrs, Huchtoy's guests i shone ut Intervals only and the wind was cold and biting, yet the Society Editor. Included: Mrs. U Tenney Peck, Mr posage was crowded with all the most fashionable women of Paris In and Mrs. Chns. T. Wilder, Mr. and Telephone 2799. mld'suminer costumes. Mrs. A. M. Brown, Judgo nnd Mrs. There were In fact several groups represented. Naturally, tbore Lindsay, Miss Frieda Iladllch, Judge ooooooooooooooooo were the "mnnnlklns" from every well known dressmaking establish- nnd Mrs. AVhitncy, Mrs. Wuterhouse, designed by Stur-gess- , O CALLING DAYS FOR HONO- - O ment, who shlvorcd In tho filmy dresses the Miss Norah Sturgeon, Mrs. E. A. LULU. O who sent forth their creations to bo seen by. nnd incidentally Mr. and Mrs. Arthur 11. lngnlls, Mondays: Punahou, College O sold to, those who ndmlred, nnd who promptly learned where they Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Klamp, Miss Hills. Manoa. Maklki. O originated. Cornet, Mr. nnd Mrs. Royal D. Mead, iMnny u girl when she llnlshea school this Juno Wilt turn her stops to-m- Tuesdavi: Walkikl. Knpio-- O The smart Parlslenno who Impartially purchases her dresses from Mr. and Mrs. C. It. Hemenway. Mr. the business world. Some will enter II In llio spirit ot adventure, laul Park, Kalmukl, Palolo. the establishment which shows models to please her, knows each It. B. Wright, Mr. and Mrs. II. M. POWDER (looking upon the oxperlewv simply ns 'u lurk. Others will so earnestly, Wednesday: Nuuanu, Puu-nu- l, "mannlkin'' by sight, and therefore It Is simple for her to make a Ton Holt,, Mr. Anderson, Miss ambitiously. While still others will take their places with resignation Pacific Heights. First and mental nolo of the drosses, and visit the establishment employing the Weight, Mrs. W. L. Stanley, Miss Absolutely Pure , hccHUSo tlicy must, not because they want la Third Wednesdays above Nuu "mannlkln" to give an order. Danforth, Major nnd Mrs. Timber-lake- Tha only baking pawdop Mr. B. von Dnmni, Mrs. W. P. Hut no mutter whsit the spirit with which one enters this new field, cer auu Bridge. Second and Fourth It Is also considered quite correct, in Paris, to address one of the tnudofrom Royal Grapo Butler, Miss Florence Mr. tain conditions there await the newcomer. And a girl will he benefited or, Wednesdays below Urldge. 'mannlklns'" to lenrn what firm she represents, and as generally this Butler. of Tartar Buchholtz, Mrs: A. E. Huchly, Miss M. Sroam Injured according to the way she meets these conditions. Fourth Wednesday, Pacific young person receives a small percentage on all dresses sold that A. Buchly, Mr. nnd Mrs. H. Weston, HoAium.NoUme Phosphate A business experience Is helpful to almost any girl, even though she Heights. Alewa Heights, First are duplicates of tho one she Is wearing, she Is eager to "make a Mr. and Mrs. E. W. . has no Intention of upending her life In this way. It trains her to be and Third Wednesdays. sale," and gives ull Information In her power. As a rule she carries J .J J punctual, to be systoinatte. She gains an appreciation of the strain and Thursdays The Plains. a small notebook in readiness for an order, and frequently when sho mond, Wnsh. Mr. Lowe has built nn Mr. and Mrs, Edward Lowe who ntress of n business day, so that if she eventually makes a home for some Fridays: Hotels and town. reports rtt the establishment next morning she hands In the names of nttractlvo homo there for his bride, returned from their honeymoon trip worker, she Is better fitted to make tv home that will be a genuine haven of Fourth Friday, Fort ShP'ter. many prominent women who have decided lo have her dross copied. where they will resldo for the coming happiness. in Honolulu In time to bo present at rest and So that In these ways the business life Is helpful. And First Friday, Fort Kuger. Inducements are offered to famous stagefolk and there is Buch three years. S. F. Examiner. tho wedding of Mrs. Lowe's brother. the girl who is going into It lightly, or the one who is taking It up resignedly, Saturdaya: Kallhi. Third and rivalry amongst Paris dressmakers that the well known nrtisteB, re- Otis Johnson and Miss Marlon Mar would be wise to look more deeply Into this new experience, and get the Fourth Saturdays, Kamehame-h- a nowned for tho perfection of their clothes as well ns for their art, are vln, leave soon for their home In Ray (Continued on Page Eight.) good from It that It undoubtedly has for them. Schools requested to sign contracts whereby the firm concerned will have the Hut there Is also a reverse side. And every graduate who enters this, ooooooooooooooooo special privilege of dressing them both for the stage and races. the business world, this .lune. should be on her guard against some of its When the racing season opens at Longchanips every French dress- BO disadvantages. If she sees them, she can avoid them. And her sweet girl maker is present. New York leading dressmakers send representa- of fortnight, hood and the potential power she has are too valuable to be spoiled by some herself a bride a was tives also, more particularly the wrap-maker- The expense is very of the effects business life gradually weaves into character, if a girl is not matron or honor. She wore a gown great to the American, aB It always means an Investment in costly I ) on her gunrd. i0f deep pink satin and a large hat gowns, which are purchased simply for the Ideas. They are usually-sol- Special She will' now be thrown Be- - Sale into association with all kinds of people. with tulle satin of the they get suggestions and act upon them and of trimmed and at a big loss, but fore, there has been trt a certain extent, some supervision over her com- - same shade. The bridesmaids Miss reproduce to the American figure. panlons. Teachers and parents eyo have had a watchful upon the acquaint--' Alleen Dowsett, Miss Mary von Holt, Q. B. Curtis of E. W. Jordan's happened to be in New York buy- nnces made, sure, - site lias lo be even in business, she can choose her in- Miss Muriel Howatt and Miss Alice ing when somo of the representatives of tho houses who make gar- llmatu companions, but she must every day meet and rub elbows with tho'cooke, wore gowned In pale pink mes-worl- d ments for them had just returned from Paris. The result is, the in general. She must spend her entire day not with people of her nllno nnd wore hat8 of whito tlllc ladles of Honolulu will be shown at Jordan's, opening style as worn choosing but with those whom the fortunes of business have brought to-trl- wlth p,uk rll)l)on. Mr. Shor-g- e at the recent Longchumps races. her. So she needs to take a stand as to just what influence these people ,, ; j.8 Wiin.on tlo brIdc3maI(lg " uau vi . i carried bouquets of Cecil Hrunnor There will bo a tendency to gossip about fellow workers, to criticise lilies of valley .Mr. Dow-- them; and this gossip and criticism are apt to degenerate roBes and the into sarcasm and: by Miles, Miss Alice Cornet, Miss floral- - Dresses sett was sunnorted Mr. Ceo. Fullor ful refreshments were served. The unkindness. There Is, to be sure, gossip in the home and at school; the' but The ushers were Mr. Dixon Nott, Dr. invited guests Included, Mr. and Mrs. dine , Miss Alice Cooke, Mi3s gossin of store and office Is nf n dinVrent lirmw) Tim t,.i ia i Sturgeon, Hatch, ...... , Ferdinand lledeinann. Air. Edmund, Clifford Kimball, Mr. and Mrs. Elnora Miss Harriet imi,,cC ui,i,iu. .,.,,. j,, if ,ih,inisi iiutju iii nit; uiiuu. n mm a oau oueci Klamp, .Mrs. Lacy Spalding, Mr. Miss Edith Cowlos, Miss Kopke, Mr. upon mind and character. Hedemann, and Mr. Guilford Whitney, erick The ceremony was performed by the nnd Mrs. Stackable, Mr. and Mrs. Ger-Ro- and Mrs. Georgo Potter, Dr. and Mrs. She should not let her business companions influence for the worse her ' wed-jri- Wilder, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Wil- Putnam, Mr. and Mrs. Williamson, own good taste In dress. Business Leopold Kroll. Aftor the t dress should be smart, but quiet. Finery, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rice, William Began frivols and jewelry are out place. ding Mr. and Mrs. Dowsett received der, Mr. and Mrs. Sherwood Lowroy. of Yet the little new business girl with Roth, Mr. Wright, Mr. Gaylord, Miss her own money jingling in pocket, their friends at the homo of Mr. and, Mr. and Mrs. James Vvifder, Mr. aiV her and with business associates exploit- Dixon, Lieut. Connelley, Lieut. An ing fads and extremes In dress, may Mrs. Georgo Sherman, tho parents of Mis. Hartley, tho Misses Ruth and be led into apparel that is really In bad drews, Lieut. Campanolle, Mr. Ed Today taste for work. the bride; and there the decorations Eleanor Gartley, Miss Walker, Miss niund Hedemann, Dr. Hedemann, Mi Then again, if a girl is not on were even more beautiful than at the Williams, Miss Huse, Miss Nora her guard, the business world is apt to Robert Bond, Mr. Jack Halt, Mr. Cai make her hard and cold nnd Tho room where young Swanzy, Miss Rosamond Swanzy, Miss somewhat brusque In her manner. Without cathedral. the tor Gait, Mr. Torrey, Mr. Arana, M doubt, many in business assiduously couple friends was done Farley, Miss Helen Kimball,, Miss are looking after Number One. And received their Frederick Wlckman, Mr. Walto In the whirl of new experience, new green many vari- Marlon Scott, Miss Edith Mist, Miss the business girl is apt to think that in and white with Spalding, Lieut. Rowley, Mr. Holl Reg. $16.50. Now $11.75 If she Is not to be left behind, she will Helen Jones, Miss Katherine Jones, have to do the same. But If sho eties of white lilies and green ferns. way, Mr. Dunn, Mr. Robert Mist, Mr will just pause a bit in the mad rush and Miss .Margaret Waterhouse, Miss - scramble of the business life, and Mr. and Mrs. Dowsett stood beneath Sam Walker, Mr. Hoby Walker, Mi- Reg. 18.50. Now 13.25 steady herself a little, she will find that in "Mary von Holt, Miss May Damon, the end, she will stand on surer two wedding bells of white flowers Frank Armstrong, Mr. Donald Lewis ground and make more real headway by Miss Ruth Soper, Miss Helen Alexan- Reg. 20.00. Now 14.75 being gracious, kind, considerate, and tulle. The lanal where the young Mr. Theodore Cooke, Lieut. Pratt, and generous. She need not let herself be imposed upon. der, the Misses l.ow, Mr. and Mrs. - But sho can take people danced was decorated with pink Lieut. Jackson, Lieut. Vaughan, Mi- 18.75 her stand for her rights with simple, quiet Bruce Cartwright, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Reg. 25.00. Now dignity. And she can say tho and green and pink carnation leis and George Fuller, Mr. Arthur Mackin word of appreciation of another's work, she can Charles Wilder, Captain and Mrs. lend a helping hand when asparagus viues were festooned from tosh, Mr. Henry Damon, Mr. George it is needed, without losing step or falling behind in Sturges, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Water-hous- the ranks of workers. the celling to the sides of tho veran- Canavarro, Mr. Ellis. IT the graduate who is entering business will be on guard Mr. and Mrs. Edward Tenney, her against supper be- 6 things, of da. A buffot was served 'wilhelmina Tenney, Mr. All the above Dresses re these she will find much pleasure and profit in her business Miss and of neath a large tent whero the color Mrs. Ernest Ross, Mr. and Mrs. Har- The reception by Mrs. Rudolf The Effectiveness graceful scheme green and pink harmonized ceived this month. old Castle, .Mr. and Mrs, Antone at her residence at Walkikl Tues lines is nowhere more appar- on SOCIAL OF calla with tho decorations the lanal. Timber-lake- , day to Mr. William Chamber Frocks. NEWS THE DAY. and Easter lilies rested at eith-e- r Cropp, Major and Mrs. E. J. night ent than in Summer This marriage unites two Of Honolu- Mi- A wedding of more than usual side of the chancel rail. The brido Mr. and Mrs. Eben Low, Mr. lain, the well known baritone and Butterick Lines are distinct- - lu's old aristocracy for although Mrs. Timber-hike- , Blggerstaff, pianist San lere&t among the society folk of Ho- was attired in n. gown of ivory satin nnd Mrs. Robert Bond, Mr. Frederic of ively graceful. Dowsett has been in the Islands but Francisco, was delightful gathering uolulu was thnt of Miss Laura Xott cut a trifle low at the neck and em Miss Lady Macfarlane, Miss Elise h a snort time sue reany noiongs Copies of and Mr. Herbert Dowsett which was bellished with rare old lace. She woro io. FREE Honolulu. Her mother Mrs. George ,80jenmlzed last evening at SL An-- J a veil fastened with orange blossoms Sherman was formerly Miss Dixon and " The July Fashion Sheet. drew's cathedral. Like so many of and carried a shower bouquet of lilies Bob McEldowney Brings Sachs spent her girlhood days in the Islands. s .the Jane brides. Miss Nutt chose pink' of the val ey and white gardenias. may be obtained at our Pattern Counter tee Mr. Dowsett is the eldest son of Mr. and white as the color scheme for tho Mrs. George Sherman, mother of the and Mrs. J. M. Dowsett and Is promi- Home Bride From Honolulu .decorotfons and tho stately old cathe- - bride, gowned In a handsomely nent among the younger business men dial bloomed bright for the occasion broidered soft gray crepe, and wear-- of this city. Mr. and Mrs. Dowsett with Hies and Killarney roses. Tulle tng a gray portrait hat entered the hunt-he- will Le at borne to their friends after San Francltco Examiner, June l!i:j "Isn't that nice?" sho retorted, with draped of' lilies and roses chinch with her daughter. Mrs. Raw-adon:r- d tho first of August. A charming romance involving two a laugh. "Really, you are nothing but the ;ind great banks of son Warren (Miss Catherine Goodale), Ha- - I young J prominent and wealthy families of a boy, and, as am quite myself wail and Burllngamo was told yester- - we had bettor think of other things." Mrs. Alfred Aloe, wife of Captain m day when the Oceanic liner Sonoma "Ohr-I'- In no particular hurry," Aloe of tho Infantry at Lellehua, First arrived from Hono'ulu bringing Robert answered Bob. "It Is true that we arc was the complimented guest at a R. .McEldowney and h',- pretty young both young. Therefore, we can wait. Country Club on bridge tea at the bride, formerly Miss Grace Robertson, You shall have time to think about Thursday afternoon, at which Mrs. daughter of George Robertson, mil-- ! it." H. F. Lewis was hostess. The Club lionaire Hawaiian planter and Proves Business Ability. If You Have guests played bridge rooms where the of t Brewer & Co. Tho courtship which followed sup- - were prettily decorated with while The romance began just two years pl!ed goF.-ji- for the islands since the asters and American Beauty roses. ago, and for a stage setting tho big day the young man stepped from the scores The prizes for tho highest Matson liner Wilhelmlna had been pro- gangway of the steamer. Although he were little Bilver mounted satin boxes by biwy "Dan Cupid." devoted every possible moment in an vided little Not Entire 15 and they were awarded to Mrs. James to win girl's consent, Mc Meets as She Departs. effort the hi Wilder. Mrs. Klebahn, Mrs. Iickland, Eldowney atao proceeded to show his Bachol-de- Miss Robertton had just completed Princess ICalanlaanaole, Mrs. r worth by plunging into business. Mrs. a six year's course at Mills College, of Piedmont, California; E. J. chose stone busi- across the bay, and' was engaged In He the niarb'e and Timberlake and Mrs. F. W. Macfar- ness and proved so successful that ho lane. Mrs. Lewis's guests Included, bidding her friends goodby at the Satisfaction c, W Is now rated the "marble king" of , gangway, whon "Bob" Mc- Mrs. Alfred Aloe, I rincess Kalanlnna-olo- the islands. addition to this, he is Eldowney happened along nnd was In- In Mrs. Antono Crop)), Mrs. F. W, now arranging to put Into operation troduced. RustPrV Macfarlane, Mrs. M. M. Macomb, Mrs. a Eteamshlp line between Honolulu Bob just arrived from Michigan Walter C. Cowles, Mrs. James Wilder, had and San Pedro. - Hyde-Smith- , stnylng with his mother at Mrs. Elcano- Mrs. Kle- and w3 As the young man persisted in lite Burllngame home. Be Why not try our Guaranteed bahn, Miss Agnes Walker, Mrs. W. C. her beautiful attentions, the girl's objections slowly Flexibly boned Warners' Model? .1, lug only twenty-on- e yenrs old, ho Im- Neville, Mrs. A. Campbell, Mrs. W. melted away, until about a month ngo mediately proceeded to fall In love. Surely no garment could fit more perfectly or give better satis- L. Stanley, Mrs. E. J. Timberlake, she paused a moment as .she was play- "Say. Harry," confined Bob to his Mrs. Andrew Fuller, Mrs. G. George ing the "ukulele" and whispered "yes." faction. We thoroughly endorse the "'srncrs' Corsets. We the smoko of the depart Herbert, Mrs. Albert Hornor, Mrs. friend after Great Crowd at Wedding. lug was a mere blur In tho guarantee them to t- - WiHiam Williamson. Mrs. C. B. Wood, steamer The wedding was one of the notable wear long not just break or tear. We "Miss Robertson Is the sweet-es- t Mrs. Clifford High, Mrs. Atkinson, dktance. affairs of the city, and tho church 1 I have a large assortment of sizes, a la Lei-lehu- girl have ever met. know jiving the figure mode. Mrs. Lackland, Mrs. Taymor of little cou'd scarcely contain the throng that I'll do I'll just marry her. Miss Combs of LeUehua, Mrs. what gathered to witness the event. T.h'.s What?" Batcheldcr, Mrs. Putnam, Mrs. U Ten- was only n few moments before tho ney Peck, Mrs. Newton Locke, Mrs. Starts for Honolulu. Sonoma sailed, and nearly every one E. A. Jones and Miss Melntyre. In addition to being u man of reso- In Honolulu came down to the dock J & lutions, Bob wr,- also one of action. to bid the newlyweds bon vovage. Prices $1.25 Ao Hastening home to Burllngame, he $5.00 Ono of the largest and most en- Over n score, of society people went preparations and when tho Filbert-stree- t joyable social events of tho week was made his to tho whnrf to welcomo u tho dance given by Mr. and Mrs next tteamer sailed for Honolulu Mr. and Mrs. McEldownev ye.iterday. GRACEFUL FROCK OF SIMPLE MATERIAL. Francis Gay nt Wallele, their homo young man of determination and This Included" Mrs. MeE'downoy and was Checked blue and white gingham used for this little frock which In Kalilil Valloy. Tho affair was In was on board. her ton James, nn attornev at Red- has much smartness and good style. The pleau-- skirt is sot into a looso honor of their son Ernest, who linn If Mlw Robertson was surprised to wood City. Tho honoymooners are simply wltbnnd. piped at 'its lower edge with plain blue. Sleeve and neck are recently returned from a trip to the meet the young man, sho was at the St. Francis, where they will re- WHITNEY & MARSH a cuff on Is piped fan-tern- itdjted with the plain blue arid the sleeve with blue. Tho malnlnnd. Festoons of Japanese s amazed when he calmly Informed her main a few days boforo proceeding to mm wplt fusteiiK at tho bank, but an opunlug, laced across with blue ribbon Is decorated th0 lawn and tho la- that ho had como to Honolulu to win Los Ango'e.i, where McEldowney will IKgusted nt the left front. It Ib those touohes of plain color, clovorly nal which was onclosod with her consent to becomo Mrs. complete the arrangements for the now lnoMt, which give HinartnMW to simple frooks of Inoxpouslvo gingham. and bamboo. At a late hour dolight- - steamship line. 8HVHN Tim HAWAIIAN STAtt, jAlggAY. JINK 39. 1912.

We take great pleasure in announcing our Grand Opening of New Merchandise for all departments Monday. The Ventura brought us the balance of our purchases. We are proud of our grand display and the ladies will be pleased we are sure. A hearty invitation is extended to everybody whether purchasing or simply looking.


WM'ik f


Condy, 2 rounds. Won Fred Davls.ll Mont .lack Sullivan, no decision, the Fort Shatter Held meet yester- CHINESE SHOOTS 6 rounds. Pat Malloy, C rounds. Fred l.os Angeles, 10 rounds. July 14 day. AT HAWAIIAN MAN France, G rounds. Kid Dawson, 3 Billy Papke, no decision, Los Ange- Hllo Tribune, Juno 25. There was 10 30 Bojvj' League: a shooting scrap down at South Komi rounds. les, rounds. July Phil. Jaclc BIJOU"WHERE EVERYBODY GOES." 1902: Knockout Jack Lavell, 2 O'Brien, no decision, Denver, fi rounds. :: p. m Ueretanlas vs. Kauluwela last week, and a Hawaiian is now 10 Juniors. lying in the hospital as a result of rounds. Gtjorge Condie, 2 rounds. Joe Sept. 22 Hill Pettus, won, Pueblo, TONIGHT - 4:30 p. m. vs. Kakanko, sen-cisio- the gun play. wounded man will PORT Traey, 15 rounds. Barney Passow, 12 rounds. Oct. 30 Jack Burns, no de- Palama The ccover, is said, but the tore rounds. Ed Burns, 11 rounds. Jack Los Angeles, 10 rounds. Zec. 'ora it bullet through thigh very Hughes Musical AND-FLY- NN -- Angeles.l games wi'.l be played on hole his in a RING RECORDS OF JOHNSON Graham, 7 rounds. Won Willanl 31 Joe Willis, knockout, Los The above tho 1ovs' pieId diamond this attcr-decisio- dangerous place. Bean, 20 rounds. Won-fou- l Jack Gra Id rounds. Feb. S Sam Langford,. no, Comedy Company noou. It appears that tho Chinese and the ham, 5 rounds. Draw Joe Cotton, 20 Los Angeles, 10 rounds. Mar. Mor-th- e 0 Hawaiian were courting a young, good In answer to numerous enaulrles Philadelphia, C rounds, July 13 rounds. Dummy Rowan, 20 rounds 17. Sam Langford, knocked out by, NEW SHOW will pro- - looking Hawaiian girl. The two men ot Jim Flynn and ria Harris, knockout, Philadelphia, 1 1903: Wm. 20 i nu a,,...1o s miiiifU Eddio Madison referee the ring records Knockout .Malloy, ' were extremely jealous of one auoth- - NEVER BEFORE SEEN HERE round. July 13 Black Bill, no deci llmlnarles this afternoon. Jack Johnson are as follows: rounds. Kid Rowley, 2 rounds. Austin 1911. Jan. 2 Tony Capaui, won, r and, after some mouths ot hrtYd Philadelphia, 3 July 18 Jack Johnson. sion, rounds. Yale, 7 rounds. Eddie Kelly, 20 Los Angeles, 9 rounds. Mar. 28 AI feeling, tho crsis came last Tuesday. "Under the Matzer -S- won-fou- l, Chelsea, Young Lyman and Kid Cnbrul have 31, 1878, Galveston, andy Ferguson, rounds. Lost Jack Root, 8 rounds. Mindino, knockout, Muskogee, 4 Born March utnn l.nrtlrnrl f.n n ulv.rnil nr. nremnm. From information received, it seems - rounds. July -j- urnn, no ue 15 - Tex. Height, C ft. 4 in. Weight, oe Draw Tom Kinsley, rounds. Tom rounds. May 5 Al Knuffman, knock- that tho Hawaiian went about his Tree" Philadelphia, 6 Nov l,eust " m- -. rninv. hlnck. clslo. rounds. Kinsley, 20 rounds. out, Kansas City, 10 rounds. Sept. 15 ,n'Xon ' courting in his usual fashion and Ig A SCREAM 25-- Joe lost-fou-r, Philadel- - ace Miles, 3 Jeannotte, Klssile, 3 won, New York, 10 t'Ored the Chinese. The got FUNNIEST THING ON STAGE 19(11 : Knockout-Hor- Knockout Tom Carl Morris, This warm, still weather has started latter plila, 2 rounds. Dec. 1 Yg. Peter' 20 Charley Schmidt, mad about the whole proposition and, rounds. Won John Lee, in rounas. rounds. Ed. McCoy, 3 rounds. Tim rounds. Nov. the llsli biting along tho reef and Mc- - JacKson, uiaw, naiumoic, i- - louim.. (i 8 finding tho Hawaiian to be a visitor YOU'LL LAUGH TILL YOU CRY I Charley , 2 rounds. Jack Hm.(..( rou,,tlB. kj. Cooley, draw, .Fori Worth. rounds some good vntehes have been record 2-- Joe Jeannette, no decision,' . , (. to tho girl, became engaged in a rnrmiPlt. 7 rounds. Jack McCormlck, ,B Wo ed. THE JEW IS GREAT. I'hUadelphla. C rounds, fierce dispute with him. A rough ami 7 rounds. Draw-Klon- dyke, 20 rounds. Cyclone Kelly, 20 rounds. Won SO IS THE GERMAN. tumble then took pdaco, and tho Chi- out by Joe Choynskl, Gal-- . 100G: Mar. 14 Joe Jeannette, won, foul Tim Hurley, 7 rounds. Draw-A- ndy 7:15 p.m. Knocked NO WHITE WINGS nese Is said to have got tho worst First Show February 25, 3 rounds. Baltimore, 15 rounds. Apr. 2G Sam Walsh, 20 rounds. Harry Pep vestou, Texas, WHAT'S of the deal. Second Show 8:40 p.m. Lnngford, won. Chelsea, 15 rounds. pers, I round. Morgan Williams, 20 10c, (Continued from page three.) Tho Chinese Is alleged to have re. PRICES 20c, and 30c ONLY IS-C- harley Haghe. knockout, 20 Geo. Ed Johnson, 4 rounds. Joo rounds. Tommy Riley, rounds. QOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO turned to his room rounds. umy and obtained a re ; rounu. aepi. Cricket. O 4 rounds. Joe Kennedy. 4 uioucesier. i Gardiner, 10 rounds voiver. Then ho sailed out upon ifn.iv. 10 keel craft. 29. ('. S. O the 5 Klon-dyk- Dunning, draw, Milllnocket. rounds. 1905: Knockout Morgan Williams June H. C. vs. S. rounds. Jack Jeffries, rounds. I the way down tho coast the trail of tho Hawaiian. Tho two men Sept. 20 Joo Jeannette, no. decision, 4 rounds. Dummy Rowan, 4 rounds. Indian Monarch, Maklkl. ,LI. 13 rounds. Won Boh White, boats kept the same relative positions, met nt the rear of a store and. with Philadelphia, G rounds. Nov. 8 Jim Jimmy Rowan, G rounds. Andy Mal July G. Scotch vs. Colonials. O out any 15 rounds. Jim Scanlan, 17 lounds. hut tho distance between them was further talk, the Chlirese is Jeffords, no decision, Philadelphia, G low, 2 rounds. Draw Tom Riley, 10 Shootlnn. alleged to gun Pete Everett, 20 rounds. Frank increasing. Tho boats ull held the have pulled his and rounds. Nov. 2G Joo Jeaunette, Ju'y 3. Hawaiian Gun Club fired at his rival. Chllds, 12 rounds. Geo. Gardiner, 20 rounds. same course almost to San Juan, CHINESE NEWSPAPER Portland, 10 rounds. by weekly ihoot, Kakaako traps. G Draw draw, 190G: Knocked out Tommy There were a few people around the rounds. Fred Russell, rounds. where each In turn came about onto PUBLISHING AND knock-out- , Racing. place, one G Grif- 1907: Feb. 19 Peter Felix," Burns, 15 rounds. Draw Jack (Twin) and of them ran to find a Frank Childs, rounds. Hank the off-sho- tack. Just before com- - 4 20 July 4. Meeting at Kapiolani police olllcer. That oflicial was found JOB PRINTING. fon, 15 rounds. Hank Griffon, 20 Sidney, Aus., I round. Mar. Sullivan, rounds. ... i c...... i 1 4 111 UUUilL llllf OU.Il.lIUl HUB lUUUlllft Q Park. near another storo and he quickly rounds. Billy Stift, 10 rounds. J. Lang, knockout, Melbourne, 9 1907: Jan. 4 J. (Twin) Sullivan, Hie Lurllno by a Ilttlo over two miles, q July 4. Maul meeting. made for tho scone of the shootln rounds. July 17 Bob Fltzslmmons, won, Los Angeles, 20 rounds. Feb, No. 49, 5 E. Martin, (lie 3-- cor. of Smith and Hotel 1903: Feb. Denver iWhlle Lurllue was a mllo ahead of q July Hilo meeting. scrap. Tho Chinese had thrown away Sts. won, Philadelphia, 2 rounds. Aug, 28 12 J. (Twin) Sullivan, draw, Los An won, Los Angeles, 20 rounds. Feb. the Hawaii. 'o Boxing. the gun, and had returned to his Charley Cutler, knockout, Readlus, geles, 20 rounds. Apr. 17-- Geo. Gar rooiir 27 Sam McVey, won, Los Angeles, 20 The Allowances. jo July IS. Scholicld Barracks' nearby. He was arrested without 1 12 , no 18 1G won, round. Sept. Sailor diner, knockout, San Diego, rounds PLEASANTON HOTEL rounds. Apr. Sandy Ferguson, j The ratings and allowance of tho o bouts. trouble, and Is now awniting trial on tloclslon, Bridgeport, G rounds. Nov. Barry, knockout, Pitch Boston, 10 rounds. May 11 Joe But' July 18 Dave several boats, according to the seheii- - o Juno 29. Johnny McCarthy a charge of attempt to kill. Quiet 2 Jim Flynn, knockout, Coltna, 11 Sept. 11 Tony Ross, and Refined ler, knockout, Philadelphia. 3 rounds, lo, 7 rounds. ule given by (ho Regatta Commltteo o vs. Jack Cordell, 15 rounds, Tho Hawaiian Is doing well at tho l, Nov 1903: July 31 Sandy Ferguson, no rounds. won-fou- Pueblo, 18 rounds. of tho South Coast Yacht Club, Is as O Athletic park, 3:30 p. m. hospital and, as soon as It Is safe to Large, Cool Outside Rooms; - by, San decision, Philadelphia, C rounds. Oct. 1908: July 31 Ben Taylor, knock- .lack Johnson, knocked out ifollows: O Baseball, o bring him to court, tho case will conn Private Sleeping Verandas; Dec. 20 Bill 27 Sam McVey, won, Los Angeles, 20 out, England, S rounds. Dec. 26 Francisco. llTounds. Entry Rutlng Allowance "O Juno 30 P. A. C. vs. Asahls; ui). Phones In all rooms; Artesian C, 11 won, Tommy Burns, won, Australia, 1! Squires, knockout. Bakcrslleld, Plunge; NJght and Day Ten- - rounds. Dec. Sandy Ferguson, Seafarer (78ft. Sin.) Scratch O Stars vs. Hawails; Whites vs. NA R ROW ES C A P eT 4 nls. FREE Garage. finlmn. 20 rounds. rounds. . rounds. Lurllno (78t. 4lu.) 7m. 40s. O 0. A. U.; Asahls vs. Athletics. Kohala Midget, June 2(1: H. C - dec!-'- , 1909. 1908: Feb. 11 (Twin) Sullivan 1004- Feb 15 Black BUI. no May 19 Jack O'Brien, no J. Hawaii (Gift. lO'jIn.). .8h. 23m. 45s. O Smoker Davleb mot with an accident ou Sun Four Acres Beautiful G Los Angeles, 10 rounds ( PhUnrinlnlila. G rounds. Anr. 22 decision, Philadelphia, rounds. doolslou, Nattose (57ft. 4 'jln.) . .10h. 38m. 45s. O "Juno 29. Healanl Yacht and day which ordinarily would have prov , Pitts-rlsr- o 21 Ilattllng Johnson, won, Los 22 Sam MeVey, knockout, San Fran-- 30 Tony Ross, no decision, Apr. O Boat Club. en fatal but evidently luck was with Tropical Gardens 24 Bat- - 20 rounds. June 2 Frank, burg, G rounds. Sept. 9 Al. Kauf-- Anceies. 10 rounds. Mar. O Regatta Day. him. While ou his way to Mahukon Angeles. 10 ' Special Rates by the Month Chllds, won, Chicago, 6 rounds. Oct., man, no decision, San Francisco, 10 tling Johnson, won. Los o September 28. in an auto tho driver because of his ur.nv S FT 1R F.I Martin, knockout. Los Angeles rounds. Oct. 1G Stanley Ketchel,' rounds. July S Jim iiairj, O Tennis. Inexperience, made one of the curves - Home j 25 Al Kauf- was like ...... nds 'iknockout. Colma. 12 rounds. Denver. 10 roundB. Aug. ,0 Juy 15. Y. M. C. A. tourua- - too .suddenly when going at tho ret never this 9 i - 4 knock-- , by. Los Angeles. thlrty-llv- o I t inor.- Mar 28 Marvin Hart, lost.) 1910: July Jim Jeffries, man, knocked out O munt opens. of about ml us per hour, ? G i 0 Nev., 15 rounds. Nov. Jim Barry, no Heel Kupa, the Hawaiian heavyweight. Is o San Francisco, rounds. April 25 .out. Reno, rounds. Polo. with th result that tho car turned 1 Jim Jeffords, knockout. Philadelphia' Jim Flynn. einn. Los Angeles. 10 rounds. Not In town and wants to get on with o July 20. Interlslnud tournu- - completely over and landed on Its ZEAVE no decision, Los someone Just received by tho S. 8. 4 rounds. May 2 Black Bill, won, Born Dec. 24. 1879. Brooklyn. N. ,24 Battling Johnson, his size. n ment onons.'Oahu n. Maul. wheels again. ,Mr. Davlos was thrown SIerr the very fancy 2 Dec. 21 Sam o - latest hi linen Philadelphia 4 rounds. May 9 Joe Y. Height, 5 ft. 9 In. Heavy- - Angeles. 10 rounds. o July 24. Maul vs. Fifth Cav- about 'stoen foot but reports have it tailored I suits also ono piece linen decision, Philadelphia,' weight. Italian-America- Color, Langford. knocked out by. San ran Look out for Transpacific white o airy. that the driver stala' at the whool dresses and Joannetle. no lingerie waists. a rounds. May 9 Walter Johnson,' white. Cisco, 1 round wings In the offing tomorrow morning. O July 27. Oahu vs. Fifth Cav- - through It all. Tho upper works of 10 Hilly Papke. no e o ROOM CGG7-6- Philadelphia, 3 louuds.1 1901: Knockout Chambers, 1009: , Mar. o airy. the car wore .smanhod and one wheol knockout, ' Munroe. no decision, rounds. Ed Seaman, 4 rounds. Ray clslon, Los Angolos, 10 rounds. June Company K, Second Infantry, won OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO comp'otoly YOUK 3 HOTEL. h TflR HAWAIIAN UTAH, HATUHOAY. m o. a. ntaUr ABLE LECTURE FIAT LUX FOR WAILUKU ft. W. Hn4m ft C .. Sah mt mm ra.,., .pig- - - Tt TnlflrtMWH t t . .PMt- in STEVENSON ON NEXTMONDAY NIGHT If. rUtTWlpfww ...tin Muni HfiCM i .pc m Mttberl Cntloti iwul a piipn on Kob lUmotahl 3m Ob . .pg io ert Htpvt-npoi- i before tln Scot- WOODLAWN hm llj tish Thistle Club litHt Miff lit. which Wailuku And Kahului Will Be Ablaze IlHckfaM & C . .pgw it wn grwUly by the mem-bom- . 'lWMtM(t C llj aiirefltt"d .rW It wrnj a vary romprphnnsivp With Electric Light For First Time I'rfmrh UttMlfy , ..tmtte llj In which wm ably and mi Htto Hum In ill rlnrtly aketelml the life and work Their History r. U WftMrott ..pge 11' the great Scottish novelist, who lUwn New Cti ..jwge 13, of Is The Best of Manoa Valley was nn honorary chieftain of this elub Part Von ifHMiu-Ymro- g Co ,.pflle 12; (Special Corresiondence of the Star) hnve shown inbst creditable work. once favored It with a lecturo V. e. riminbartaln .. 13i and WAILUKU, Juno 28. The Island Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Sloggctt of Ha j as classic as anything he over wroto 0. Q. Yeo Hop ft Co . . 13 makuapoko returned Inst Friday from .Jgu Inter Electric Company has the wires strung Dr. Kellogg .page It or spoke. Mr. Cation bocatuo a three months trip throughout the ested In Stevenson first when intro- In nil the streets of Wailuku and Ka Honp & Co . .pao m States. They wont ivj fur East as duced to him here and had tho great hului F.lul tho llxtunvt ready for tho t WHtetliouso Co .page 10 Florida, visiting relntlves nnd friends being num- Ax tell .page is privilege thoruuftpr of turning on of the current on Monduy there nnd in Richmond nnd Now York MANOA VALLEY among tho last. bered his friends to night. Tho plnnt Is In first class and other principal cities. They had' THE WEATHER Since Stovenson's death he has cor- splendid shape. R. E. Hond, the president of a time. Saturday, Juno 20, 1012. responded with his wife and other rel- Agnes the company, has been In townjill tho Miss Alexander has been visit Temperature, t &. tu., a a. tn.; 10 atives visiting some of these together ing friends and relatives on Maul for m., morning minimum: week, and will remain over until ho i. and with old friends of Stevenson in tho tho last week. Is The Best Part of Honolulu 72, 77, 70, 81, 70. is satisfied that the running of tho Isles a few years ago. Thus V. llrltlsh plant !,i perfect. Ho brought with him Frank Crockett, who has been Barometoi teadmg: absolute was enriched by many his lecture two men Hono- spending the last three yeara in Vir (grains per cuot: toot); rola-U- t one or ndaitlona' from things not in tho books ot and about Wright ginia attending Fisk University pre- humidity and dew point at S lulu, who under Manager Scott Stevenson. paratory school, and one year In the k. m. have been working night and day to In an interesting dlscussiou that co'Jege, Is. back on a summer's vaca- - 30.05, G2, OS, C.17C. finish the job. Tho Maul Hotel has followed two ot tho nutllenco who had past week, and It Is tlon. He is with his parents, Mr. and Wind Telooit ana direct Io& at , been wired this Be Sure You Visit enjoyed the friendship of Stevenson Mrs. W. F. Crockett Misa Grace .; 8 a. m.; 10 a. m and noon: said tho fixtures are particularly at gave some reminiscences and anec Crpckett is also Jiomo from her school 4N, 3NE, SB, 12NE. tractive. The two towns will bo ablaze dotes of the famous author. In Honolulu. Rainfall Curing noun ending S with electric light for the first time :i So well did the members feel pleas a. m .02 ralnfal. In their history. Mrs. W. F. Mossman, well known on ed with tthe evening's outcome thnt, of turning Maul, is once more located In Wr.Uuku. Today movement during 14 The principal feature .the Woodlawn Total wind suggestion Chief Tosh, It hours ending ut noon, 115 miles. on the of on of tho current will be a dance Her friends are pleased that she Is to decided Io have literary even WM. B. STOCKMAN, was given In honor of the event In the llvo In town. She hoa secured tho than here- Section Director. ings oftener In the future Gymnasium In Wailuku. The Island Valo'emar Roger house, which is to bo tofore. An of long ago was Electric Company decorate the place thoroughly renovated for her. I "reclaimed" as n member by a stand- out, tho dance will be Kahului is overhauling the old The Choice in WOODLAWN Lots Are r NEWS IN A NUTSHELL Inside and and ing vote of tho club. one of the best of the season. Captain Young Men's Club, and will have there O. J. Whitehead is the floor manager. a first class theater In the future. Paragraph' That Give Condensed I NOTICE TO CREDITORS. n inrirn number of prominent ladles Rev. Tl. P. Judd and family sailed Rapidly News of the Day. Being Sold Estate of Dr. Charles T. Rodgere. have generously consented to be pat this week for Honolulu. Mrs. Judd Deceased. The benefit will remain in town .some weeks, at Elegantly rooms with ho ronesses of the affair. wrnlsned Notice is hereby given to all cred- tending the Kauai convention with 1 and cold baths at Hotel Arlington. Is'for the Hmynaslum. . itors ot Charles T. Rodgers, deceased. her husband. Mr. Judd returns to- For tne beat maao rubber stamps Personal and Social. Vj present claims, duly authen- morrow nnd will leave on Monday for co to Wall, Nichols Co.. Ltd. Thoy their The Maui schools closed this week. proper vouchers, If he will hold a them. ticated and with The attendance exerciser Iiub been a trip to Hana, where nke secur- S any exist, even If the claim is and the pupils in all the schools Sunday School teachers' institute. One from Dr. Victor large, Acre Cable advices Lots for a party of Russians ed by mortgage upon real estate, to Clark state that COMMITTEE Holy Apostles officiated and the cere Manchuria for Hawaii, the the undersigned within six months CLEANUP ( has left THANKS THE PUBLIC mony was witnessed by members of new campaign for Rus from date, either at residence of Wil first of the meeting the Cartage Com- the family and a few friends. liam D. Alexander at 1I10S Punahou At a of Bian immigration. Day cam- of residence of mittee, of tho .1912 Cleanup Miss Ellen Lyman was maid $750 Honolulu, or Choice fireworks, street, at for Don't forget about the paign, hold yesterday. It was unani- honor and Ralph E. Balding acted as fire crackers, torpedoes and bombs for Henry C. Moyers at 2431 Notley St. mously resolved that a public expres-- ' man for the bridegroom. Tho tho Fourth. Arloigh & Co., Hotel Honolulu, within six months from best sion of thanks and appreciation be was given away by Rufus Ly near Fort, havo the largest stock- - In date. bride road by this committee for generous ring and officiating town. Any claims not ao presented will be man. Carrying tho spirit or cooperation manifested very Freddy Deors. Three-quarte- rs The trustees of Kalulani Home In forever barred. as page boy was little About One and Cents per Square Foot. generally by owners ot teams and ceremony vlto all social workers and the gen Honolulu, Hawaii, Juno 6, 1912. After the was ove "tho conveyances which enabled It to very ' oral public to meet Miss Rlascoer at guests made thplr way to another WILLIAM D. ALEXANDER. greatly reduce the cost of handling the Homo, on King street on Monday room where amid pretty and artistic $250 Cash. $250 in One Year. $250 in Two Years HENRY C. MEYERS, tho great quantities of refuso which at half-pas- t ten o'clock, a. m. surroundings a fine luau was served. next Executors of will of Dr. Charles T. had to be moved. After a battle lasting over two or Several congratulatory speeches were Rodgers, deceased. The total expenditures of this com three sessions of the board, the It made and suitable responses given mittee amounted to but ?237. A large cense commissioners yesterday grant IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE number of wagons, carts and drays, ed n second class wholesale liquor 11 FIRST JUDICIAL' CIRCUIT, TER NOTICE TO CREDITOR8. , TORREN'S TITLE DEEDS together with drivers, were freely cense to Joseph Medelros of Wala- - RITORY HAWAII AT CHA- I. OF com- Estate of Kllce K. Keawe. lua. placed at the disposition of the MBERSIN PROBATE. great Tho undersigneQ, having been ap Sen-jlro- mittee, and used, to advantage. Waikikl Indies, who are Interested In the Matter of the Estate of c of All nationalities were represented fn pointed administrator of the estate and willing to help in the outdoor im- Odo, Deceased: Honolulu, this and the committee cordially Alice K. Keawe, late of provement work in that district, are NOTICE TO CREDITORS: no- all thus assisted them. Territory of Hawaii, hereby gives invited to attend an organization undersigned having been duly thanks who Tho A, tice to all creditors having claims . EMH, BERNDT, S. meeting to bo held' ut the residence appointed Administrator Of tho Es- to present the Desky against said estate, Chas. Chairman, Cartage Committee; 1912 of Mrs. Alexander Young Monday tate of SENJIRO ODO, deceased, same, duly authenticated, to him at half-pas- Cleanup Day Campaign. " morning, nt t nine o'clock. hereby gives notice to all creditors the office of Castle & Withlngton, at All the Portuguese residents of of. said deceased to present . their torneys law, No. 37 Merchant street, " REID LYMAN. at I'unchhowl have been Invited by claims, duly authenticated and with Honolulu within six (C) months from Hawaii Herald, June 28. Standing Prince Knlanlanaole to meet him at rroper vouchers, if any exist, oven if the date hereof. under a pretty Moral suspended tho Kaplolanl building on Tuesday at the claim Is secured by mortgage bell Parties Indebted to the estate are ociety twelve o'clock. A few tenants of the upon real estate, to him at his of- from an artistic canopy draped in one requested to make immediate pay- Kaplolanl Estate attended a meeting fice at 35 N. Hotel street, Honolulu, of tho rooms at the residence of W. ment to the undersigned at tho above yesterday at which John F. Col-bur- n date of G. well-know- n there within six months from the H. fleers, Jas. Reld, the office. Continued from page six.) rise LracKers presided. It is reported notice, that the first publication of this anil popular chief ofTlcer on the steam- Dated, Honolulu, T. H., June 4 th, Mrs. Anna B. Tucker announces tho Manager Colburn will try to prevent being 25th, 1912, or said date June er Enterprise, was yesterday married tni2. engagement of her daughter Anna to the sale of the preference rights lots within six months from tho day, they LOVES BAKERY to Surah I. Lyman, one of Hllo'n WILLIAM R. CASTLE, Dr. Carl Ramus, U. S. M. C. by government, even if a case will forever the fall due, or the same be popular young ladies. Rev. W. H. Administrator of tho Estate of Alice nan to be taken to the United States ii tp barred. Fcnton-Smit- h of tho Church ot tho K. Keawe. Deceased. supreme court. Honolulu, Hawaii, June 25, 1312. Doctor and Mrs. George W. McCoy Word has been received of the re- T. ODO, raH5HSH5H5HSasa5iSI5H5'aZ and family aro occupying tho homo cent deatli in California of Louis N. Administrator of the Estato of Sen-jir- of Dr. Pratt until they leave for Mo- - Touissant, a former of Hono- Odo, deceased. S lokal. resident IN THE NEWS & JUNETHE MONTH OF lulu, who for many years was manag- PERSONS OF er of the slaughter house of the Me 8ALE OF GENERAL LEASE SHSES?SilSc512S2R5ES7iS2S7i57!5a5H Mr. and Mrs. John Alfred Magoon BRIDES AND ROSES tropolitan Meat Market. He died at! UPPER POUNALA, EWA, OAHU. engagement A. L. LOUISSON, the coffee planter, a large share in assisting Walter announce the of their the home of his daughter In Snn Fran- At 12 o'clock noon, Monday, July No doubt among Is reported to have wedded a widow G. Smith, special publicity agent, to daughter Kamakia to Mr. Richard th0 prospective cisco. Mr. Touissant leaves a large 8, 1912, at the front door to tho Capl-- . In Los Angeles last week. arrange his lecture dates. Pres- Kipling of San FranciBco. Tho wed brides of merry June aro sonio of estate consisting of Honolulu realty tol Building, Honolulu, there will to ident Moore of the Panama-Pacifi- c ding will tako place on the 4th day or your young friends. and sugar stocks. Friends here be- old at pubic auction, under Part v won Exposition Compauy will also look July. Perhaps you go to his daugh- 278-18- JOHN T. MOIR of Onoraea the already lieve that this will of the Land Act of 1895, Sections 5 have the ter, as she is tho only living relative. quoit championship on board tho after Air. Smith. t J Invitations to inclusive, Revised Laws of Ha- m m m tbo wedding, , management Honolulan, traveling to The estate is under the of steamer tho Mrs. Carlos Long entertained at a Perhaps waii, a general leaso of the land REAR-ADMIRA- chief the question of suitable of the Henry Waterhouse Trust Com- Chicago convention as a delegate. STANFORD, pol luncheon yesterday for the Misses Upper Pouhala, Ewa, Oahu, contain- gifts Is giving you pany. of the bureau of yards and docks Margaret, Mona, occasional se- ing an area of 810 acres, more or Eva and Maud Hind. or Col-leg- of the Navy, is expected horo next rious As a result of the Joint meeting VAUGHAN MacCAUGHEY of tho o A large tulle draped basket filled with momenta. less. week, to Inspect the Pearl Harbor commercial bodies yostorday, on the of Hawaii, who is a member of yellow cosmos formed the centerpiece Why not settle it at once?. We Upset rental $405.00 per annum; r matter of a building to house thorn. tlie summer faculty at Cornell, is naval station, and to sit as a mom-he- semi-annuall- y for tho table when covers were laid can help you the H.j payable In advance. of board to determine H COOK. CN0nAVLD 9j o'er difficulty the subcommittee consisting of B. advertising by giving stere-optico- n the naval 1, Hawaii for Queen LiliuokalanI, Mrs. Robert r t ;. ON Wal-dro- n Term of lease 15 years from July con- with suggestions by tho score ( V. Dillingham, Fred L. the extra compensation to the TMC EVERY Paris, W. lectures. Hind, the Misses Hind, Mrs. Iaukea, f cf(?(gCr and Fred Macfarlane will can-- ' 1912. tractor for special work done In con- we're primed for such contingen- Mrs. Morion, Mrs. Charles Chilling-worth- , vass the business houses for funds. All boundaries to be fenced. nection with tho building of tho dry-doc- cies. CAPT. CLIFTON C. CARTER has Mrs. A. G. M. Robertson, Mrs, It. W. Shingle, holder of an option on Purchaser to pay cost of adver been detached from the Coast Ar Charles Hall, Beryl Hunter-Jones- , No finer display of Cut Glass rich, deep cuttings was ever tlie Sprockels properties, offers tho tising. Miss tillery at Fort Ruger and Is to re Miss Crichton Hunter-Jone- Miss shown here, and the other departments aro likewise teeming, with - site at Bishop and Merchant streets Reservation regarding land requir- C. SAKAMOTO, a musician who wa3 r port to the c.ommandant of the ar $100,000, and It Is proposed to ed for agricultural, homestead, re- at Manchuria with the Japanese Ethel' Whiting, Mrs. Bennett, Miss gift suggestions. Don't worry come in today. for tillery district of Chesapeake. have a building to cost not less than clamation, settlement or public pur army during the Russo-.lapanes- o Craig, Miss Starrett, Miss Magoon, $lfi0,000 more. George W. Smith pre poses, and the further conditions that war eight years ago for the pitr- - Miss Gallic, Lucas, Miss Buchanan, sided and II. P. Wood acted as sec- the rents of all lands withdrawn for V. SHERMAN POTTS, an artist poso of entertaining them during Mrs. Potrie, tho Misses Low, Miss retary. pineapple cultivation to bo fixed by friend of Jumcs A. Wilder, has writ- that struggle, has arrived in Hono- Smith, the Misses Colburn, Mrs. Col ten the promotion committee A Washington letter says that, for arbitration, will bo embodied tn this that lulu und will give several enter- bum, Miss Sybil Robertson, Miss W. W. Dimond & Co., Ltd. he will endeavor to present a floral tho accommodation of the Pacific Mall lease. tainments here. His first appear Johnson. Miss Freeth, Miss Peck, tho parade poster design In the prize 55-5- 7 Steamship Company, which contem- persons object be ance will bo this evening at tho Misses McCorriston, Mrs. Kerr, Mrs, King Street. All dc3lrlnt, to competition. i of a now home-steade- Asahl plates the establishment cause these lands should be d Theater. Coombs and Mrs. Long. Hawaii, transpacific line touching at or otherwise, are requested Ihe Panama Canal Hill has been S. SHEBA, editor of tho Hawaii Shin-po- . PROF. SHIGETAKA SHIGA, famous to present such objections to the Board Miss Daphne Carr Is hostess at a Helen Rockwell, Miss Magoon and will return to Hllo tho next amended by the senate committee on Is making arrangements to give Japanese lecturer, historian, travel in of Public Lands, In writing or In per- bridge tea this afternoon for Mrs Miss Stella Carr. Interoeeantc canals so as to exempt an English translation of Jnpaneso or and statesman, delivered the to spend tho vacation with his son, on or before Friday, June 28, Banker, tho wife of Captain Banker, the Pacific Mall front the prohibition plays at the Asahl Theater. Read- first of a series of lectures hold un Jt parents, Mr. und Mrs. A. G. Curtis of 1912. who Is soon to leave for China. The Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lymnn of Puna contained In tho bill against steam- ers of the Star will remember that , dor tho auspices of tho Klnyo Kwal, For maps particulars, aro planning boats owned or controlled by rail- and further a similar bilingual experiment in Friday Evening Club, at tho Opera prize for tho highest score is nn to spendvtho summer lu apply tho office tho Commis- roads using the Panama ('anal. The at of Toklo has proved a success, House last evening. A large and ivory fan. Tho Invited guests aro Visalia, their country homo. They exemption was made becauso tho com- sioner of Public Lands, Capitol build- appreciative audience greeted him. Mrs. E. W. Banker, Mrs. Douglas will leavo Hilo on tho 30th. Clerk Murphy, of tho United Statos ing, Honolulu. . 8 pany's representatives told tho com- CHARLES S. FEE, pafsonger traffle Twenty-thi;c- e yours ago the .famous Mrs, Johnson, Mrs. Ross district court, und his assistants, aro mittee that the proposed prohibition JOSHUA D. TUCKER, manager of tho Southern Pacific," nt educator visited Honolulu and is Kingsbury, Miss Edith Cowles, Miss Mr. Ralph G. Curtis who for two' very busy just now making up their would prevont them from establish- Commissioner ot Public Lands, San Francisco, has advised the pro- now renewing acquaintanceships Klllcott, Miss Betty Case, Miss Nora years lias been a Btudont at tho com-'-1 semi-annu- -- reports to Washington. ing tho new lino. Dalod at Honolulu, June 5, 1912'. motion commltteo that ho will take formed nt that time. Sturgeon, Miss Dorothy Wood, Miss merelal high school In San Francisco, This entails a great dual of work,

'4 i(i -- U. 7 istrWW mum SECOND SECTION

PAGES 9 TO 16. HONOLULU, HAWAII. SVl l MUV Jl'XI- - 29, 1912. PAGES 9 TO 16.



HALTLMORE, Juno 2!). Champ There was no speech-makin- g to sis-Clar- k "0II10AG0, Juno 20. Theodore do It." lie hud said. "I will leave that In the load on every rollcall, nlfy, no dark horses Bprung upon the KodseVoll siCl o'clock this morning to you. Hut I have been asked to but lacking a minimum of one hun- - convention, nothing at nil npproaohlng ordered his followers among the dele- - advise you and 1 am going to do It." to - dred and seventy-fou- r votes ot secur- - excitement. Tiie delegates Bweltered Kales tho Republican National Con- Claims He Was Cheated, - .ing the nomination, was the result of and voted and then sweltered and vt)t- volition to reftiso tomorrow morning "I um speaking to you," Bold Colo-long- yesterday's session of the Democratic ed again. to recognize the majority in nel Roosevelt, "us n man to whom national convention. From the as-- Governor llnrmon, Ohio's favorite the convention that elected Root some of you have done the honor to senibling of the delegates at 4 o'clock son. lost steadily from the first v Qhnlriiiau and defeated the resolution state that you wish to nominate as afternoon until five minutes call. In which ho received one hundred of Governor Deneon. President. When 1 wont into tin- - race :aftor 3 o'clock this morning, there nnd forty-eigh- t votes. An occasional Declaring that ho would not sped- - I mnde my appeul to tho people Most was nothing but a monotonous series vote wns recorded for Mayor Gaynor fy tho particular course which they or the delegates wore chosen at of rollcalls, with very little to dis- - of New York. to take, he practically ordered root primaries by the people. mads tract the attention of the delegates Throughout the afternoon nnd even- - the bolt which has so long been hang- - my fight squarely. ' and of the thousands who sat through lug yesterday the air wns thick with l!!S lire. TU action came after "I went before the people and I tho session from tho sweltering heat rumors of trades and deals and a do ti'tnuHuoua .nlng, during which won. Now 4 he committee and :i por-irwi- ls of tho afternoon nnd night. elded shift was looked for at every mm m stj .jd in Michigan avenue tion of the convention, which I.-- made Tho result of tho linnl rollcall for vote. It was thought when New York ,m under the Colonel's window, shouting a majority only by tho aid ot deje-"W- o tho session, the twelfth, was an- - suddenly swung Into tho Clark column want Teddy!" (gates not elected bul chosen u the uouueed at 3 o'clock this morning as: that the d break had Somo of the leaders of tho progres-- j National Committee, are trying to Clark) 549; Wilson, 354; Underwood, come, but no other State followed tho stvo States declared tills morning j client mo out of tho nomination. They 123; Harmon, 29; Marshall, 31; Kern, New Yorkers' lead. llioy would hot countonanco a bolt. can't do It. As far as I am concerned, l; Hryan, 1; not voting 1. j "Ross" Murphy, the chairman of "North Dakota will remain regular It makos no difference. Hut it is not Following the twelfth vote, whon It the New York delegation, In respond-wa- s and will not bolt," said Senator Qron- - me they aro cheating; It Is the people, apparent no nomination ing to the rollcall on the tenth, tin. "I have seen several Wisconsin tho rank, and file of tho Republican' that ' be arrived at Immediately, the nounced that the delegation had been delegates and thoy assure mo thoy party. . convention took an adjournment until polled nnd that elghty-on- o desired to will remain In the regular convon-- j "I did not want to give fyou any 1 o'clock this afternoon. vote for Clark, tinder the unit rule. jvlce, as I prororred to let you decide Now York Sta'te delegates, who un- - therefore, ho cast New York's ninety Senator Kenyon gave the samo as- - what to do, but now I am going to til tho tenth rollcall had voted consist- - votes as Instructed by tho majority. sura nct as to the ton Cummins votes give you my advice. - ,cntlv anil solidly for Harmon, fur- Those who are In the confidence of in Iowa. j "Governor Deneon introduced a by switching for the New York 'delegates say that the A man who qlose to very nlshed a sensation ' has been tho moderate resolution In dealing 'Clark, on this ballot the Missourian switch for Clark does not mean that Roosevelt lenders said Colonel Hooso-'wlt- h the four flagrant steals. It ask-ve- lt "receiving the highest vote so far re- - they desire his nomination, but was could not control moro than 200 ed that, tho stolen delegates from weight "corded In the session, his totnl being done in order to give moro to votes on a bolt. j California, Washington, Texas and announced at five hunureu anu miy- - iiie movx-mu- wueu mo uuu bu- - Earlier in the evening ho had or- - Arizona should not be permittpd to six. Other changes were sugiu. pious swum cornea. derod his men to walk out of tho vote, and that tho three states stolen credentials committee when that com- - bodily Washington, Arizona and inittcc refused to allow tho timo ho Texas should not put their repre- - SCIENTIST DECLARES AMERICAN thought necessary for discussion of sentatives on tho credentials commit-th- e contest cases, and all but one did tee. That motion was voted down Vy so. . substantially the same vote that elect- - PEOPLE ARE NOT REGENERATING At 11:30 ho had. met his delegates ed Root over McCSovorn. ,. in the Florentine room and told, thorn,' "In each case the majority was a ' jln a brief speech, that he would have majority only because the votes of tho ' nin.n l r. r, .. t 4 .. 1. Ii II. l .1..1....H.. . 1 .1 ,.1 .w. I'rjND OPIUM CACHE ... " pres- 111 . hour the Florontlno room was pack- - " It is given to tew ihen In the Ing any serious degree of mixed blood I'll lilt II I LI. I J J LiR ' AB'OAR D MONGOLIA.-S- counted. Anglo-Saxo- n on Lin ed, W'tin Hie corrhior outside. A' "Mr. ent day to found a new science, but. as between and Celt flCWH C bU f U! 1110 ul i Eumiiiiei', June 22. One liun- - as Root received seventy or on !tl the! Rooso-doo- r. the one sidc and Slav or Italian i fort.v-scwn- guard was Btatidhed Colonel's eighty stolen votes," continued this is what has been done by Dr. tli ed and i tins of opium the other. volt. "Deneen's wns beaten j were found on the steamer Mongolia resolution Frederick xdaniB Woods, lecturer in we assume - "Thus, even if were to FREE SUGAR, MAKES REPORT by K. Just before t o'clock Clifford Phi- today by fraudulent votes, which In e iirsterduy Customs Inspector biology at the MassaehusettsXIusti-iut- class our Immigrants was fol- - that one of air-td'ii- chot He was closely E. Eulow. It was hidden In an ft cameout. that resolution were named by the Technology and late instruc- diawn'from a 'civilization alien to of hear the funnel. Inspector Eu- lowed by Roosevelt, who was hustled vqtes of Texas, Arizona, Washington histology embryology in our own, the Amcricnn race as such tor in and noticed ono been by hjs guards through tho crowd and and the two fraudulent .votes from a"ald to from STRIKING STATISTICS! low of the .bolts had the Harvard Medical School. cannot be have suffered . Into the Klorentino room, where he California. If those votes had "historl-.ometry- tampered with, so he necureil a been - called " cause. sf This new science is this' mounted a desk and ordered the doors changed tho resolution - wrench and, unscrewing the whole would havo the measurement of his- "Hut this argument against the Hi casing, found tho opium hidden bo-lo- locked. Some ono told him there been carried. .tory and Its aim -- Is to find an an theory that tho Nation has suffered The following aro extracts from the v e shipped our products to 1'orto Rica were others besides delegates in tho "To add insult to Injury, the com- - .Bwer to tho profoundly interesting r,om immigration may be pushed a Senate Finance Committee's adverse to the vatre of ?ut 72,109, and we report- loom, but he said: mittee on credentials organized by important questiou: Why do stel, further. Broadly speaking. It Upon the customs inspector and report on the House free sugar bill: pmchased- I'orto It products to I say Is others fail? lean ing tho seizure to Deputy Surveyor "What have to particularly choosing as chairman Mr. Dovine, tho somo people succeed and nay bo said that our immigrants do - hi view of all the Important Inter- - the value of- ?;:S,4 t5,299 for the delegates, but It won't hurt the National tak- - We have a record covering .2000 not represent tho very highest type Hliun through ofliclnl channels, Col Committeeman who had ests which would bo injuriously affect- - Wo now sell our domestic products ,,,. ,,, ., others. When 1 talked to you during en part in very on years, in which human action is set ol the nations from which they have ..i...,, ,.f tiinn the theft which by It, your to the $7S,000,000 year to 1 you motives ed committee considers it value of a. 13. tile campaign told that If I was he had oassed as n momlinr nf th forth with great detail, its i sprung, for the highest types in each against Captain Henry Morton necessary nor to mako Hawaii, I'o.-t- Riro. and the Philip- - I explained, its defects described; and; rou,ury generally find a career at neither wise master of the Mongolia, as tho gov 'fairly beaten by tho people's votes National Committee. .It .. . t . u . 1.. Iifllltu Mini Fwtil til. ion I it ii it i,iiHnlinfi so , bUKKu-w- - nothing say, If V yet the past fifty years of sclentlllc home; but, leaving this small and ciiuuku - ' " -l- ornment holds masters ot vessels re- - would have to but that Urges His Forces to Revolt. dominions to elevate (.irs of question ,it i.? the proposed bill. - 1 was fraudulently defeated I would "I hope you will refuse any longer have iuct tout tho Zl A -- ' thcP "otl- 7 '1 n!''' fr ' humanity than twenty centuries oCj certain that our immigrants are more The sugar industry of the United 'S m have a great deal to say." to recognize a majority thus compos- - "X"r- - w sel1 to Cuba recorded experience. often than not drawn from the better States and our insular possessions, l"odi.cts 1ttc, 0rHM tmmm flI1IirtormaBleri Ho then went on to recount what had ed as having any title In law or to tho value of .$02,000,000 a jetir and Committee- Tho first product of hlstorlometry elements of European nations, those which together furnish one-hal- f of our of hQ MoU,ola wll0 wnB ariested Ur pencd in the National morals to be called a Republican con- - products to ct, Dr. fascinating volume on (dements which have moro persover-"Menta- l sugar represents take hor the value and the resulting majorities for Kllliu vention. We by was Woods' total requirements, -c this week by .Special Customs Agent have fair means - innnnunnn c- nnn nnn r ,..i.ti. i.. and Moral Heredity In lloy- ance, more ambition, more intellig an investment of several hundred mil- - """.""".""" " ".Smith ns ho stepped ashore from the Root and foi the tabling of Governor ulected a clear majority of the dele-- . j character and average. s"Bnr- - - today in conven- - nlty," a study of tho ence than tho lion dollars, whicli has been made In sie-- ner Wtu twenty five-tae- l cans rf Deacon's motion tho gates, anil l nope that you will noi 3000 rul- 1 I achievements of moro than "Another consideration should not good faith and is docsrving of fair 'Nipko four Islands take our prod-- ,1,1m in his possession, was given tion. in what he said, ho appeared to permit our opponents, having failed blood rela- ing monarchs and their be overlooked, namely, that In so far treatment by Congress. acts to tho valuo of $111,000,000 a au .XumInutIoii by Commissioner accept the fact mat tins majoiio was i,y fair means, to beat you by foul work was received with - tions. This as our Northern European Immigrants The following table shows our J't?ur. wo purchase their products i.Yancis Orull yestorday. At theicon- - permanently estaiiiisueit Ho contlll- ni on n k nnd swindle tho nonnln mit nf and considera- tho greatest 'Interest Intermarry with Americans ot the na sources of supply and the changes tho .valuo of $210,000,000 a year, cil)Btou taking testimony the com- - "ed, ns follows: the victory they have won. in of tion hv distinguished scientists stock, they quickly become Amor $1 , 1,000.000, 1 1 am tive which havo taken place during the""'' " "lis $210,000,000. j ,B8oner held Orifall on $2000 bonds As far as am concerned "If you aro voted down I hope you, Kurope and in the United States and) lcan,ze( anri theIr children leave past 15 years, Of our total sugar sup- - or nearly 7f. per cent, is sugar. To ))CIunB action of the Federal grand through." (Cries of No!") tho real and lawful majority of tho u& recognized as an important step our sci,0ols with scarcely a trace of ply of 2.200,000 tons in 1S00, 1,700,000 remove tho duty from sugar would jm.y Inoendiary Advice Given. convention, will organize as such, and In tho direction of putting the record influence upon them, to- i.;ul0,,eau cripple or destroy purchasing j y b minute. I hope that use, tons paid full duty, while of our total the Ilayinomi c. jayer, a former quar-suppl- "Walt you will do it if you have the cour-- of history to a highly practical ( you go con- "In regard to the lnmtgrants from of 3,d00,0o0 tons in 1011 hut Dower of these people and result In (t.rinaster of the steamer Siberia, who morrow when back to the ago .and loyalty ot your convictions. ' Effect of Immigration. - Southern and Eastern Europe, who, - corresponding loss In our export vention you wll! introduce a resolu- Re- - ' j "The statement that tho American 270.000 tons paid full duty and 1.590,- nv(s nvrcatcd on the charge of having "Lot's find out whethor the as it were, build up foreign communi In case of Cuba, R. would ashorcj1 1,0,1 tlmt n0I1 ot tllose fraudulent race Is degenerating," said Dr. 000 tons paid 80 per cent of the full trade. the BmugBC)i twelve tins of 0 plum publican party Is still tho party of ties in our midst, they have little ef- Don 110 supported by ade- duty. end to reciprooity and destroy, (i,a Ma.', wfl BOntenoa votes shall he counted. t tho plain people, the peoplo of tho Wood's, "cannot be fect one way or the other on the gcn Vt i" 12th of accept degeneracy In the advantages wo now have for our to a down again If thoy boat you with United States, or the party of tho quate, proof, ir wc our Tho sugar which wo purchased by Judge Do Haven yesterday oral character of race; but hero (Cries of 'Wo - opposite of develop- sugar-producin- g exports In the Cuban market. a fraudulent votes. bosses and tho professional polltl- , as meaning tho again wo must allow for .'two forces lSOfi from countries lino of ?i10. .Judge Do Haven took growth, question re- In- - Our Revenues Prom Sugar. to won't.') There's no use voting against clans, acting in the of spe- ment and the which are working for good one the other than Cuba and our present lenient view of tho case, owing interosts one what the - Excepting only a fow years when vnlns u'linn iIih fraudulent solves itself Into of gradual, though perhaps slow, Im sular possessions amounted to 1,112.- tho facl tlat Mayer pleaded guilty cial privileges. past I you American people were In tho ana 000 tons, and in 11)10 It amounted to wo "ad a surplus of revenue, sugar, votes aro counted. hope that "If you want my advice, I would ad- provement of tho immigrant himself ... . . 1. now. govern-t- o ..n. nt what they aro through contact with a env but 72,000 tons, only rising In 1011 8 i''0 foundation of our DOCS FARM WORK BY I"1" laK0 B,,c" "Ciioii u win umiw il vise you place no further trust, I ad- better ' "The argument is sometimes lli,s a plain tha you no longer fur-th- ronment; tho other, the powerful in- 270,000 tons because of the short- - " furnished constant and THE FIREFLIES' GLOW perfectly would advise that you waste no of vanced although Americans be- - 1 majority ot that fluence of tho companionship into age of the crop In Cuba. Our total fniltful source of revenno without I FDANON O.. June 17. Ham-- recognize this fraudulent time, I would advise that you do may have advanc the original stock poor. o which chlldron of foreign parents are consumption lor tho calendar year l"B burdensome to either rich or l.rnko ulow worms, and saddle-brok- , the Republican Mitlonai Lonvonuon. not permit yourself to be committed .1 !.. ntonnln nlllillim O Mil llllutllll u in .Hu,ai.. um.... ' Owo dis- - legal right to organize . ,, thrown in our public schools 1011 is placed at 3,752.000 short tons, of tho most striking facts flrollies will furnllh tho light at You have the in any further way, shape or form by tue general level u our unuiMimu you lor, 100,000 tons loss than our sup- - closed by a recent investigation made chore time, if the plans of Scott yourself as tho convention if have further association with these men so has been lowered b'y tno Influx of GOLF, TENNIS, BATHING. 'ply. by our State Department concerning Clark, a farmer living near here, inn- - the courage to do It. 1it us find out long as they remain in the control of Immigrants. - - Nothing is moro invigorating - 1,10 sugar situation Is Hint su- If Republican party is tho ropro- appears to a than 1,1 this connection It la. of conse- wld torlallzo tho the convention by moans of a majority "At first sight this he ...... ,. - a game of tennis or golf and nothlns ... mt.. nnt.,...nlU., I.. ,,,! recentlv, ns Scott went !'sentalivo ot the pcoplo or tho ropro- controlled In essontlal part of fraudu- plausible view, because so much em- quence to note tho....steady growth ot h wn"; Eavh evening more refreshing at tho close than a - versnlly subjected to taxation, either col-- ! sontatlvo of special Interests." phasis hns been laid in recent discus- tho domostlo tu.par Industry, osperlal- whistllng after tho cows, ho has lently seated dolegates who have not dip in the ocean where the beach Is Import duties, by Internal glow! Concluding brlolly, he Jumped down nt sions on tho fact that so many of our Iy that ot Lcet sugar, slnco first It "' "B of loeted all tho flrellles aim' the slightest right or title to free coral like 1 hustled Immigrants come from Southern and from that at Halelwa. becamo established In this poitntry: taxation, or by both. worms ho could .catch. Ho has con-- from tho table and wns the rank and file of the Ropub-'- ; pronounce It In Eastern Europe and represent clvlll Visitors tho best the Short tons Progress of Beet. structed lncubatorB and started to! through tho corridor by his guards llcan party, and aro without the 1 lolnniln ntul (lin i r n i trn m r r9 iVin appearance was ' stations widely different from that of " 1801-02- .. . 5 008 Tho agricultural and inaiiufncturlnf: brooding nature's lanterns. liack to his room. Ills slightest right or title to seats In tho I,a'e'wa boot-suga- r in- - Anglo-Saxon- . Hotel aro confident that the 1000-100- l'"t)BroBB mud by tho man laboring under groat tho 1 80 0S2 Hy an ingenious little Invention,! that of a convention." JnlBnient passed by tourists Is dustry In tho United States during was touslod, and "Hut. the moment this theory is 1005-- 0 012.020 tho charactor of. which ho rofusos tot excitement. His hair 1S00-100- t ti i.Minfni nynminntinn rect. At a cost of six dollars and tho 10 years as shown by himself WORLD-WID- it 1000-1- 0 512,109 divulge, Scott is ahlo to .measure thoisoveral tlmos ho Interrupted FAME. every point. In the fifty rents ono may Journey to Hale- - tho consus reports wherovor census ' door," as bolated brouks down nt 1011-1- 2 000,033 lighting power ot each ot his pots. to shout: "Shut that Here Is a romody that will cure Iwa on tho limited Saturday after-ico- figures aro available, is sot forth in first placet a very largo number of Im- with this bh a working basis, ho has, delegates woro continually forcing your cold. Why waste tlmo and mon- Free Sugar .As Affecting Our Export following migrants como from Notthorn and return by tho same fast the table. of his, their way Into tho room. ey experimenting whon you can get Trade. pe- figured out ono sldo and end covers wil soon during that -, from Oormany, Scandinavia, train Sunday night and that it bo that .- he - In 1891 wo sold I'orto Rico our prod- lmrn linnra ovldonco in hlno chalk There were oeoafeloiml 0' a preparation that has won a world- o aoroago incrensoU KiiKland and Ireland, and theso pen-pl- all expenses at the hotel and for riod tho in boots vuIuh of 12.155.2? I, and we marks tlmt ho did ilguro that five spoke, but as ho came to tlie point ofjwldo reputation by Its cures of this marry freoly with our native transportation. It is a choap trip ucts to tho 207 por cent., while the tons of UeeU purchased t'".' product jf that Island hundred, elthor worms or files, will ordering his men to bolt a stillness disease and can always be depended ijtock. In the second plac0 It is im- and many persons are tnklng advan- harvested Increased 399 per cent. The 180S 01 Illuminate a large lmrn so that even fell over the meeting each man .upon? It Is known everywhere at portant to nolo that tho Immigrants tage of the low rate. to the valuo of $3,10(,UO. In tons of beets per acre Increased ad the value of our oxnorts to I'orto per cent., paid for ets a man oaring "Slacks can see to do there realised the gravity of the Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, and is from Southern and Kastorn Kurope and the prlco N - course which he was being ordered a medicine of real merit. For sale by usiHilly sottlo In communities In va- For the host rnnoe rubber stamps Rico lind fallen to $l,C08,91fl, antl our tnoiflfied.8C per cent., Uib gross re- chorea." to pursue. all dealers, tHnaxm, Smith & Co., rious parts of the country, and marry m to Wall, Nichols Co.. Md. They linports lisil drorlt ' to the valuo of PxJnUng. QlSte, "I will oat tell you how yon ball agent for UawatL elderly amoiiit themselves, thus vold- - aako them. In the oalwtlar yasr 1911 (CaHUttHM m pane thlrUeu.) Vim Jsh gr mi nwvuiw stn. svirw.w it nk jn, 1012. SCENE AT ft REMARKABLE GATHERING IN Classified Advertisement LONDON OF THE BRITISH TRANSPORT WORKERS One Cent Per Word. Five Cents Per Line. One Week, 81) cent; Two Weoks, 40 renin; Ono Month, m Per Uno. BEAN 6U adB under head "Situation Wanted." SOY ccutH. No charge for 9 WHOSE STRIKE SERIOUSLY AFFECTED S P ING t AUTO 8ERVICE. CIGARS AND TOBACCO. Two moro iiaBBonsors for round-tho- - Km Sing, Cigrtri, tobrtcco. otMidle. iBlnnd tour. Auto Livery. Phono oft drlnkn nnd noveltlen. Nxt to 0 232(5, Ifimplre Theater.

Iloyri Hawaiian Garage, most up-- FU,RN'S"! 'S IS MEAL MADE AND PRODUCED IN MAN- DBLMONICO IlOTKL. A in town. Bxperlencoa chauf- - e IS FOOD POUL fours. Telephone 1910. Turnlnhed roonn, motqilito joof. CHURIA. IT THE BEST FOR - , electric lights, hot and cold bath.', cb- prlcefl. TRY AND STOCK. IT FATTENS WHERE Trips around Island ?4.7C a person. trav located. Moderate Ut Haretania street. ELSE HAS FAILED. FOR BOOK- Special rate. City Auto Stand, Phono 3604 or 1179. Two rooms suitable for houseVej. LET ON SYSTEMATIC FEEDING AND THE Ing. 78 Soutli Ueretania St. I'bom VALUE OF SOY BEAN MEAL, SEE New Packard for rent. 1320. B. M. "Wood, Young Auto Stand. Nicely furnished rooms. All modern Phono 2611. convouiencos, $2.6Q. up. Queen Hotel. 6 Nuuanu avenuo. Honolulu Auto Stnnd. Phone 2999. ru,.nisilod rooms, suits with and Y. TAKAKUWA Best rent cars. Reasonable ratoa. wlUlout boardi Tho Metropole, Ala-- koa street. DRY AND FANCY GOODS. WHERE TO EAT. Vat Loy Co. Fancy drygoods and I 1MB "ome S Clean Flaw men's furnishing goods. King ( Coki? Eat-- Cafe F1" street near Nuuanu. . tlon' J OFFICE HELP WANTED. sh furnIshea Preferably young man just out of i rior food at popular prices, school with somo knowledge of type- - writing and stenography. Apply by ROOMS AND BOARD. to M. L. office. - letter this Tho noUBalnvniea. lloomg ana- Hoard Belcct. Mrs. Rodnnet, Baretanla i, CnOuKcnY, Sang Yuen Kce & Co Tinwire. ' f rockery, fancy china ware. Tin and plumbing shop. Specialty repair work. Tho ArSt- - with or with- - out board- - 1014 Nuuanu Street. Terms reasonable. Phone 1308. C27 Beretania avenuo. PLUMBER AND TINSMITH Lin Sing Kee. Plumber and Tin Tho Alcove, 1345 Emma Street, smith. Specialty 1044 Cottages and rooms with board by 4 repair work. Nuuanu Street. Phone 2990. week or month. Phono 1007. . a family Hotel in the beat residenco DRESSMAKER. section of Honolulu. Rooms and Board

r i i i m i - Mrs. Cannon, dressmaker. Evening Berts-gown- tK"'.-rrrTw-r?s- 11 i i n a i m mi nil n w lissj reasonable. Phono 1332. 1049-5- 0 s a specialty. 9 Beretania St., tanla avenue. Shady Nook, phone 3281. ' i". The donna. You Are? DRESSMAKING. Apartment hotel. Rates $40 an! Look Older Than Miss Nellie Johnson; dressmaker. UP- - Beretania street. The gentleman to the right of the reader (sketched Dressmaking of every description. ' - Union street. FOR life) is wearing old style or pasted double-visio- n LONDON, Juno 12. While tin order railing out on strike the 300.1100 members of the Transport Workers' SALE. from THE INVATERS. federation has not resulted in a general cessation of work throughout the island, enough men obeyed the - lenses. The lines of the reading wafers are noticeably CLOTHES CLEANING. in his c.;ll to seriously alfect shipping interests. A number of sailings had to be canceled', and scores of Ainericru Th0 best blend of the finest Havaan prominent and he has difficulty adjusting eyes S. Harada, clothes cleaned, dyed tobacco. Mild and sweet. traw'eis have been discommoded. The principal point at issue in the strike is recognition of Lite union. Fitzpatrlca to the lenses. The cement used to join the two lenses and pressed, short notice. All cut agents. The stiikers are holding daily massmeetings, and they predict the will spread rapidly. Bros., has become clouded and has made his glasses misty. that s'rike flowers for sale. Phone 3029. Fort and Pauahl streets. (sketched from life) spring-les- s 0 The two figures to the left The door is locked by two Diamonds and jewelry nought, .old double-visio- n lenses. There are a special powder-proo- f nnd exchanged. Bargains in mualc are wearing Kryptok E PERFUMES ft HOME locks of cu MAM instruments. J. Carlo, Fort strett no seams on these glasses, because the reading lenses IK model and each of the live steel bolts, Hawaiian ' jewelry,' and souvenirs are fused invisibly within the distance lenses, o These CO millimeters In thickness, is pro- Fort and Hotel streets. Cocoanut plants for sale. Samoai. are ease, look dignified and tected by a special compound armor-plate- . latter two persons at IT 15 EASY 115 MAKING D HUI'' comfortable. DEVELOPING AND PRINTING. ualT' 1 The door is 2S5 millimeters, or City Photo Co., formerly K. W almost 12 Inches, In total thickness. if Henry, film developing and printing at House and lot corner KalmuM ane i Now is the time for making per- cloves add piquancy to any blend. For the test It was walled up in special 07 Alfred D. Fairweather rates. Hotel street. Seventh Avenue. Newly built, xcal-- This is as easily made at fume. just lent marine view. J200.00 cash, home as is jam, and the home-mad- e fume of violets, do rosemary oxyhydrogen flame. This had no ef' Manufacturing Optician as and WANTED. ance on m0nthiy installment. OI S product bears about the same rela- bay leaves. The only herb that may feet upon the Siemens-Marti- n steel Young lady experienced stenograph- - Rosenberg. PORT STREET.HARRISON BLOCK t A Bnap Apply H tion to that bought in the stores. In safely bo blended with rose petals is outside plate, so tho largest Fouche or desires a permanent position. Ad- - the Scientific American S. Leonard lavender, and It should be used In welding burner, worked with an oxy- - dress A. M. Star olllce. MUSIC. liastln tells how easy it Is. very small quantities. genacGtyleno mixture, was brought to " 19 Bertstrom Music Co. Alusle an - play upon It. a in L0ST- 1020-102- 0 Any highly scented llowers will This burned hole musical instruments. 1 Fort 0 yield up their perfume. They must ARMOR PLATE SAFE DOOR the outside plate, but it required 1110 A silk shawl was taken from the Btreet, Outrigger 0 be picked when fully matured and DEFIES GREATEST HEAT litres of oxygen and 100 litres of lady's drawingroom of the , safe-cracke- 49 to Club by mistake. Kindly return same Official Program 0 early in the morning. They should Scientific having de- acetylene and minutes' time GENTS' FURNISHINGS. ways do It. to Star office. COi men.g 6 0 be thoroughly dried by placing them vised and means to penetrate Ht Aong Flrat claBB fur. for the on frames of wire netting and swing- the most powerfully built burglar-proo- f After 5 hours and 2." minutes of nlshings. Hotel and Bethel Streets. 0 armor-plat- e at- FOR RENT. ing them till the air has driven away doors, a firm of safe-builde- work the Krupp was . room lanal, completely all traces of dew. Then they should in Mremi'ii, Germany, called to their tacked with a specially designed Three and PROFESSIONAL CARD, t furnished, mosquito proof cottage All Fourth of July Races, 1912 9 be picked to pieces, bruising the assistance the experts of the Krupp welding burner. After 90 minutes of DR A j qeRBY. conveniences. Apply 251 Vineyhrd petals as little as posslblo and dls- - Steel "Works at Essen, where the ar-- work the keyhole had been slightly Dentist. Btreet Spreckels' Park Kahului, Maui carding all bits of stalk or foliage. mor-plat- e for German Is enlarged, but the burner had been Boston Building. Hours 9 until 1. 9 The other materials needed aro made. They built a door which in a ruined by the heat and the experi- ' ft Walk-Ov- er Kootshop 0 large, wide-mouthe- d gluts jam, cotton test with the acetylene and oxygen ment had to be discontinued. real estate. expert had worked 0 Lattlng, a llttlo salt and pure olive blowpipe was not penetrated in seven Three welders PANTHEON BLOCK Bargains In Real Estate, on oil no oil will do. wad-- j hours, which is longer than the most seven hours, had consumed C000 liters shore, plains and hills. Teleyhne Race Running Race, y2 mile dash, free for all. .$200. other The HOTEL 8TREET. First Is Into patient and persistent burglars would of oxygen and 0900 litres of acetylene 1602. "Pratt" 101 Stangenw-l- d Uuild. 9 ding cut circular layers that, Second Race Running, Hawaiian bred, mile dash : and yet had not penetrated tho door. JL l will easily lit tho Insido of the jars, j bo likely to work. 9 JACOBSON BROB., First 200.00 It is soaked thoroughly in tho olive Tho door is made of extra strong Proprietors. 6) CANDIES. Second 50.00 9 oil. A thin layer of salt Is sprinkled angle-Iron- s with several ALL DANGER AVOIDED. Sweets' 9 Siemens-Marti- n be-o- Faultless Candles: Twice Third Race Running, free for all, mile on tho bottom of a glass 'Jar; a layer plates of steel, f During the summer months moth- - r(-- raonth tresh froni coaBt HollUtw dash i 250.00 9 the petals is placed upon this, and hind which is an insulating layer of ers of young children should watch WrrL- Hanrl me (Drug Co P3rt stret 9 then a layer of tiio d cotton; girders and mate-the- n any unnatural looseness of the Fourth Race Trotting and Pacing, 2:15 class, mile for another layer of salt, a layer of rial. The locks and bolts are guard-petal- s bowels. When given prompt atten- Highest Grade ; . 9 laces and fancy work. heats two in three 350 . 00 , AT TITI'-- 9 and more cotton, and so on ed by a layer of Krupp armor-plato- tion at this time serious trouble may Salvo's lact store. Irish. Clune Fifth Race Running, free for all, mile dash, purse 750.00 con- - S.'i by 2ii Colic, 0 until tho Jar Is full, when the centimeters long centimeters be avoided. Chamberlain's FiVpnrh T and Armenian laces and various other 14-- w 10 - Remery can aiinHfV Sixth Race Running, free for all, ponies 2 or under, e The .wide and millimeters thick, extend- Cholera and Diarrhoea European fancy goods. Fort. 8L near mile dash, purse 125.00 jar must nt onco bo tightly closod ing across tho breadth of Ihe door. always bo depended upon. For sale 777 King St. Telephone 1491 Beretania. z Y 9 that no air may reach its contents. ; This plate Is proof against drilling, ny all dealers, Benson, Smith & Co, Seventh Race Japanese owned horses, 'mile dash: i First money 150.00 screw top with rubbor ring such cutting and melting. agents for Hawaii. flLrt MERCHANT TAILOR, i l a . 6 as is used on preserving jars, answers VlOflS-lAlfiA- rl Tho PIonecr- - cmer Beretania - Second money 50.00. A 9 very well. If a cork be used tills' CA 1. vU DU J iX UU F(lrt st8, Phono 3125, C1t"es clean. 1 JT - Runnings Race, mile Hawaiian greaso-proo- X pressed and dyed. Work fo- Eiohth Race dash, must bo covered with f OOOOO'XOOOOO 000000 called bred: First purse 300.00 (1 paper. 10 aDd dcllvcred- - Meat Market , Second purse 50.00 they 0 When all tho Jars aro full a "ROSE" and The Famous DRUGS. bo placed In spot. $ Ninth Race Running Race, free for all, Y mile dash. 250.00 o should a warm If this bo whoro tho sun will shine on 0 Hawaiian Drug Compamy, Ltd., 4 Race Trotting and Pacing, frejc for all, best 0 Tenth 9 them, so much the bettor. Tho moro $ liTipUrLda Hotel Btreet, Phone 3il6. Barber two in three mile heats, purse 350.00 Telephone 3451. photographic 0 9 sunlight thoy get tho finer will bo supplies, toilet articles, 1912 supplies, etc. Phono orders recoiv 0 Eleventh Race Running Race, Maui maiden ponies, 9 the perfume. They must bo left for 14-- prompt attention. 0 y mile dash, 3 or under: First 100.00 9 nt least ten days or two weeks. Then p jp jqN Second , 25.00 tho oil Is drained off, pressing tho Papers and 0 9 All kinds Wrapping TIRES REPAIRED. cotton with a spoon and pouring tho Twelfth Race Running Race, free for all, maidens, 0 GAS IRON Twines, Printing and Writing Papers Honolulu Vulcanising Works on AU oil through a pleco of lino muslin. mile dash, winner of third race 9 kea street is now prepared to make This oil will bo found to bo highly AMERICAN HAWAIIAN PAPER & b?rrcd; purse 250.00 9 repalr t0 any 8lZ tlre l0r any vehlcU 0 perfumed. It bo away SUPPLY CO. LTD. Race Running Race, Hawaiian bred, should stored Will do a clay's ironing for only $.03 worth of GAS. Prices reasonable and quick delivery Thirteenth 9 tightly mile dash.: First 250.00 in stoppered bottles and kept Fort and Queen Sts., Honolulu. 0 for several weekB before opening. Price complete with tubing $3.00. Phone 1410. Geo. O. Guild, Gen. Mgr Second 50.00 0 CREDIT FOR MEN. 0 Tho oil may be mixed with alcohol A llttlo down and a little each pa; Fourteenth Race Cowboy Relay Race, as usual: First 25.00 9 in the proportion of part about one of day wlH you wel1 dreSBB(1- - T0 Second 10.00 fVnrliiiifpc Affpnfinri kep I oil to three or four parts of tho spirit. VTiauuaLCd rvtuciiuuii ModeIf Fort streeti next t0 the CoD. 9 Many of tho aromatic herbs may Fifteenth Race Gentlemen's Race, for members only, Honolulu Gas Company, Ltd. Anything in basket and houquet vent " es also be used, but be 0 race-hors- barred, for a cup. 0 these should woik with class ribbons at reasonable " crushed as much as possible before N0TICE- - Race Mule Race, 1 mile dash: First 35.00 9 Prices. Sixteenth .... being placed In the Jars. Several ALAKEA AND BERETANIA STS. . Subscribers not receiving Ha Second 15.00 0 the klndB of llowers nnd herbs may bo IMS- - t. TaylOr, rlOIISl "wailan Star regularly or promptly win 19 used In combination. A few crushed 00!'0-000'0C000000- C' Hotel St. opposite Alex. Young Cafe, confer a favor by telephoning 2365, TIIK HAWAIIAN STAR. SATt i'lN. JI VK Zl ')2.

Large Stock of the Favorite Brands, properly seasoned, offered by the box at Cifiar wholesale rates. Cigars from the lowest Old to Manila highest the prices. Also an assortment i of Tobacco, Pipes and othei Smokers' Supplies. Special Attention given to Orders for the Country. ;!iir9;;ii9:;i!i!.e:Ns::: 9; 6-- e 6 9i;00i0! ft. a.&ii-::i- : No. 33 N. King Street Honolulu, T. H.

P. O. Box 1 034 Telephone, 1640 I LEE



(Special mall report to The Star from San Francisco.) FAVOR OF

FOURTH OF JULY, 1912 EASTERN NEWS. exacted a promise from Orviile Iieforn leaving for the Iiaitlmore Wriulit. the Kiirvivlnu iimtimr im Hoolulu Park, Hilo, Hawai conventions Governor Dix of New he will never fly amln, that there) - lork formally announced his canul- may he no danger of losing his se- - dacy for renominatidn. crets through his sudden death. Horse Races Fivo hundred and thirty degrees ' WESTERN NEWS, Five furlongs, free for all $ 500 were bestowed upon Harvard stud- - Over sixty houses In the villi ge ot cnts by President Lowell. Kayloe, Oklahoma, were Half mile, Hawaiian bred 250 smr.ihed by a Theodore Iloosevelt has declined terrific gale. No lives were lost, but Half mile, Japanese-owne- d ponies ( 1 4 hands) .... 50 the Invitation to join the New' York two perLons wore hurt. - One and one-quart- er mile, free for all . 2,000 Men's League for Women Suffrage, al- United States Immigration officers Half mile, lunas' horses (four to enter) 75 though ho had publicly announced are closely dtrolllng the Pacific coast that he was for woman suffrage. south of San One mile, Hawaiian bred 500 FrancVico to catch boats New Hampshire has rejected the smuggling Chinese from Portuguese-owne- d ponies 25 consti-- , Half mile, proposed amendment to tho Two Kansas school teachers in Aas- - 15 tutlon In favor of woman suffrage. ir. tiiHenveroH n nini.,, ,.,. Half mile, saddle horses Llllll,i, " W The House has passed Senator Pv-kin- mile, cowboys' race 15 which they have Jivn sold for $250,-00- 0. Have been tested by leading chefs and Half hill .for the establishment of a sailors' In home San Francisco. Tho attorney general of Kansas has Miss Carol Newberry Detroit, of rendered an opinion that it Is proper domestic science teachers. Athletic Events who recently cancelled her engage- for a public olllclul to get drunk as $5 ment to Capt. W. II. Alleyne, a Brit- 100 yards dash $10 and often and as much as he pleases, pro- ish army officer, has married Frank Running broad jump $10 and $5 vided he does not do so publicly. Drooks, Jr., son of the general man- and $5 Kansas authorities are busily de- 440 yards run $10 ager of the Detroit United Ilailwiys. stroying 18,000 bottles of beer which and jump $10 and $5 !Four women In Philadelphia, incens- Hop, step were seized by the state officers. Kach and $5 ed by the btgh cost of meats, enter- is 220 yards dash $10 bottle nnvit be emp;led separately. For cooking CRISCO better than ed butcher shops and sprinkled kero- and $5 A new shipyare Is High jump $10 sene over the meats. to be opened at IJenicia, Calif., and It is expected that Relay race, half mile $20 The maneuver camps of the regulad lard. 1000 men wil. be employed in the butter or $50, $25. $10 army guard may Five miles and the national enterprise. have to be po 'tponed as a result of A fire hug has been captured in San the veto of tho army appropriation who hill hv Prnftlrient Taft. Francisco had itarted six fires and V...... I Soccer ",,,m!U,,..) BKl'1' f,. SCHOOL. President Taft signed th0 act of ""a"J HILO vs. McKINLEY HIGH. Congress which limits the working! iacticnlly all the steam tow boa.;3 ' Se Bay day ot laborers and mechanics em-- FncIsro have l:m BSt. by strong ployed by the government to eight seded gasoline launch . Tho s l'ar.-.ln- of windjammers AvttU consc-- t Al! baseball hourg. Contracts in connection with At Grocers .... i mi- -. 'inert. HUIm Imvinu a v.. ..oiu., tn?. HILO MS. ALL - HONOLULU. the ilnama canai mi uu i" ju";;a .K are exempted, the c hange. Pennsylvania University conferred Tho office of the attorney gcmHu1 ofM THE PLACE TO SPEND the honorary degree of doctor of laws!' he' --Unlted Stn.ft'3 """ounces that many prominent offi upon John Swain, president of Swarth-mor- e Southern Pacific college, and John Grier llibben cials aro guilty of acttlcl find construc- A HAPPY HOLIDAY of Princeton. tive fraud by patenting rich California An expedition hss been organized oil lands as agricultural lanc'n. Napavlne, a small town in Washing- In Joiev 'ty searcl1 'lle island - ton, lost fifty thousand dollars' worth pi TrlnldilO for several million dol- b-- of badness property by lire. B lars believed to nil? bcen burlcu TOWNSEND UNDERTAKING CO., LTD. Thornwall Fr.y, head of the Hard-ma- n pirates in tlie early hIno,?enUl cen- 0, ' ' Linen in Texas Ixmisiuna, has tury. ' Immigra-- Day and Night Calls Lumber and timber manufacturers' written a letter ;"''raging ' Promptly Attended To. 0 wl' rank third In value among tin prod- tion to tho IT. S. wlilcu l)P. Candidates ucts of the Industries of the United produced In five hundred iangiiflga or Special given may c6ftie States, amounting to $1,150,128,71" dialects in tho newspapers throughout care to the Preparing and Embalming o Tor the year 1912. the world. ' - and Through a new order, all revenue The government Is suing the South-- ' All Bodies. cutter boats are to bo furnished with ern Pacific company to recover title il Candidates may go large guns and will be rfequired to to 7ir.,00(),000 worth of oil lands in tho Best Facilities for Shipping Remains to the Coast, etc. have target practice. Elks Hill country, ICern county, Calif. President Taft has pardoned Frank- Patrick Canipbol), r. wealthy minor JNO. H. TOWNSEND, F. D. ROY J. WILLIAMSON, Mortician. lin P. Mays on the ground that his of Yuba, in his will bequeathed $200,-00- 0 BUT conviction of land frauds was secur- for the education of poor boys of Day and Night Telephone 1325. ed by Improper methods. California who w'.ih to enter the Catho- Miss Frances Petry of Paterson, lic priesthood. N. J., eloped with Dr. Darbarl Ram A band of 100 Industrial Workers Pal, of Amrltzar, India. of tho Worlu' are en route from Port- - Henry Rockwell Maker, nephew and , police aro ,,, Snn oiego. The iHSO0f$J?0S0S00-9vS0-et9?9t- 9 909S9 heir of John V. Gates, Is said to bo expecting a fight at Chico, as tho most 9 PAU dying of quick consumption. important town between Oregon and SKILLED AND CAREFUL LAUNDRESSES After testing the auto truck as n Sacramento. substitute for the army mule and Before leaving for Los Angeles, the HANDLE THE APPAREL RECEIVED BY THE ; wagons, Capt. M. K, Favllle has re- wife of General Orozco, chlot of tho ported In favor ot tho latter. Mexican rebels, deposited ?!!00.000 in 9 The Ferris Industrial School of gold in 131 Prno banks. It is reported Wilmington, Del., has adopted hobbla that (ho general sent tho money ncrosB KA skirts to be worn by the inmates. the border by hor for Eafo keeping rench Laundry Tills is to deter the hoys from run- during tho revolution. away, and is found to bo more ning The hop growers ot California and 9 efficacious than ball and chain. the Pacific coast won a victory over AND THE SHEEREST GARMENT IS NOT INJURED. Tho city Atlanta, Geor- council of tho transcontinental railroads when 9 gia, has forbidden bathing on Sun- tho interstate commorco commission 0 day in any of tho city parks. decided to suspend the railroads' pro- 9 H Tho parcels post law Is violently Dry Cleaning of Men's and Children's Clothing posed advance In rate. 9 opposed by tho National Travelers' A steamship which left Seattle for 0 Protective Association. BY ABADIE'S FRENCH METHOD. 1 Nomo with livestock, coal and provi- Stays on Forever. Tho Haroness Hortha Von Sutncr, 9 !ti reported to bo hold fubt in president of tho Austrian Ponce So- sions ciety, lias arrived in New York on Kor an icepack 200 miles from Nome. 0 At Your Grocers' way to San Francisco where she will As a result ot a feud betwoon two JOHN ABADIE 0 address tho conferonco of tho Amor families of Shorman, Texas, four peo- PROPRIETOR. 0 ican Womon's Clubs. She is too ple were Bhot, ono ontlre family being author of the well known book, "Lav wipod out. 777 KING STREET. TELEPHONE 149 I. S Soap Down Your Anns." Tho Heoco Steamship company of Honolulu Works Mrs. ('cell Clark Davis has boon Italy, oporating twenty fctoaiuTO on !'0-0- Atlantic, is seeking docking facili- Makers gi anted a divprce from Richard Hard- tho ing Davis, tho woll known author. ties in ban Francisco to two when tho Bowers' Merchant Patrol Rovorond Arthur A. King, pastor of caiif.l Is opened. Consolidated Soda Water Imitation typewriter the Kmanuol HiikIIhIi Lutheran church Tho government commission of (lull- - And Agency Confidential U work. of New York died of heart dlsenso orlc notos tho oxternilna- - Absolutely Pure threatened R.lUbl. Watchmen Furnished, while nayliiK trace at breakfaot. tion of whales In North Pacific GEO. S. IKEDA The son of Justice and Mrs. Hughes marry Miss Marjorlo Hruce Stuart or( Tho millionaire directors of tho and urges the desirability of an fhon. 10(1. P. O Doz m 1264 Fort St, , .of Washington, D. C, Is engaged to New York. Wright flying inachliio company have on Pago fourteen.) Olt? Headquarter.. Club Stable TELrPHONE t171. Tel. 11.40. I


First of Hamm-Youn- g Churcn Christ. Scientist. Company Sunday .lonleir. Sumliiv schoo. hi' 9:1ft n. in. for oun people under 'NEW TONIGHT twenty tnr; inoii leriuon at II a. The steHiiitfi "Ventura" brought lor the direct aupervlMlon or .1. Krnnk 111. Subject, "Chi istlnn Science." the von Hamm-Youn- g Co. thin week DuryoB, who h been the Inventor Wedueadry tuning lefcllnionlnl Change of Acts the Arm Kimol Kur truck over from the beglnuliiK and is now view nieotiiias at 8 o'clock. S'tevciis-Durye- brought to the IhIhihIw. This truck, I evident of the Cold All services a hod ill the Odd hyphen-i.te- d which is of the 1 2 to 2 ton typo, liti. The compHiiy took lt Koilow.V Building, Port ureo, whero was especially ordered by the Oithu name In 1900 when Irvlnn li. also u free reading room Is open to I leu & Electric Co. iur Ice delivery Page, president and treasurer of tbe the public dally ftom H a. m. to 1 p. aiound town. It Is equipped with a .1 Slovens Arms & Tool Company, be- m. I il Emerson and Baldwin special ice delivery body, of a typo came active In the motor car Indus All are cordially invited. : which Is very popular on the main-laud- . try. He was president and treasurer TRUCKS "Home of Truth." The motor Is capable of fur- or the Stevent-Durye- a Company un- Christian Healing and Teaching. nishing '10 h. p., and is equipped with til last June, when ho resigned as 1220 Kaplohml a governor which allows the car to bo president and was succeeded by 77. street, near Horetanla avenue. , driven on the high near from 3 to 25 11. Whiteside for years a conspicuous Budd and. Clare miles per hour. figure In such industrial enterprises Sunday service, II n. m. by Mrs. 2 . Other cam brought In by tho Ven- as the Westinghoiifie Klectrlc and M. M. Hunter-Jones- tura this week include a shipment of s Companies. Among the Subject "What Wait Ye Kor?" "If the well-know- n Cadillac cars. One ir.00 employees now in tho company's 1 Walt, The Grave Is My House." of these, a handsome phaeton is to bo service are several who assisted in Wednesday, 7:30 p. m. Lessons on $1,250.00 3 Chinese Quartette shipped to Mr. P. A. Romano, of building the pioneer Duryea motor esoteric nerve culture, by Dr. Weaver. Kauai. Several of the popular wagons. Thursday being the Ith of Ju'y holi- . o. b. Honolulu touring cars, all equipped The Kissel Kar, for wlflch the von day, there will be no lecture until the vlth electric self-starter- electric Hanini-Yonn- g Co. arts are agents, has following Thursday lighting system and all the met with general favor In the Isl- latest All meetings at Tho Home." wrinkles of automobile accessories ands. It Is an ideal car for pleasure, 4 Dancing Downelly's All seeking to understand Prac- were delivered to customers who were as well as for business purposes. No the tical Application of .lesus Christ's BUICK TRUCK BODY. anxiously awaiting their arrival, one staunchcr car can bo found for cross STANDARD PLATFORM WITH STAKE teaching, are cordially invited to at- of them going to Mr. o. R. Olsetu. or country runs, hunting, etc. it remain- tend these meetings. Telephone 3923. Dimensions: Knhuku, another one to Mr. W. D. ed for Mr. 1 P. Choate, Chicago Methodist Episcopal base McCallutn of Honolulu and a third to manager for the Kissel Kar Co., how- - Church. Wheel 92 in. Corner of 1 5 Dottie Harris Mr. F. Anlehl of Wninlua. One of over, to find a1 new stunt for the Kis Beretrnia and Victoria Length over all 2 ft. 6 tho cars just arrived is being held sel, which Is to say the least, very streets. ... for Back of seat 88 Mr. Alfred Castle, special hav- remarkable. The report, Sunday n: 4R a. m. a order which the school at Classes Width inside 62 ing been received by letter from Mr. von Hamm-Youn- g Co. received of this for all ages, n special feature of the Castle who Is to bo back in Honolulu stunt reads as follows: school Is the Men's Bible Class. This Height of rail AVi 6 s New Pictures next week. Ho wanted to bo sure and "F. P. Choate, Chicago manager for class is led by Mr. Cooper and very Height of stakes 31 have a new Cadillac the Kissel Kar Co.', i.3 responsible for a reserved for him Interesting discussions take place. Height from ground to platform . 40 and have it meet him at tho steamer new story that Is appearing on auto Preaching at 11:00 a. m. by the on his arrival In Honolulu. mobile row anil causing numerous Pastor on the subject, "A Great Con- Stages outside and removable. Tho Cadillac is on Manager. car so popular laughs. Choato declares ho ference." , tbe mainland that It Is almost Im- will take an oath as to the veracity The Kpworth League Service at G:30 Prices possible to get deliveries. Fortunate- of this story, and ho challenges any 1. in. is to. be led by Miw. Charles ly by anticipating Demand cno to produce a FI IENCY the The truthful one that is Nettle. The topic for the evening is COST AND EF von Hamm-Youn- g Co. were, able to nioro astounding. "The Permanence of Truth," and is 10c, 20c, 30c. get a few more cars, which are now "It seems that Mr. Choato and A. SHOULD ALWAYS BE THE DETERMINING FACTORS IN YOUR found In Daniel 12: l- -l Rove'ations op the way. When this shipment is 13. Holmes were driving up In Wiscon- TO- 2:17. PURCHASE OF A MOTOR TRUCK. THEY NEED TO GO exhausted, however, It will bo very sin last week in a big CO horsepower Matinee Saturday The evening Service at 7:30 p. m. GETHER. difficult to get any more Cadillac Kissel Kar. Manager Choato was at Rev. chosen for his sub- cars for some time. the wheel. The roads were uncertain, Smith has YOU WILL NOT HESITATE IN YOUR PREFERENCE FOR A ject "Our Glorious Fouth." k One of the two pretty Overland 4 not to say bad. The car finally camo MOTOR TRUCK WHEN IT SEEMS TO SATISFY YOUR STAND- A very is extend- passenger touring cars which arrived to the top of a hill. At the bottom cordial invitation ARD OF EFFICIENCY. The Colonial t ed to all to attend. Tourists and last week has been sold to K. Chilian, was considerable water and much tall YOU WILL, GO SLOWLY IN BUYING SUCH A 'I is a hotel in the rst class q or Maul. dead grass. Mr. Choate hesitated. strangers are especially invited. HOWEVER. from any point of view. The i Information has just been received '"Shall wo try It?' he asketV Mr. Mr. Smith has made special prepar- TRUCK WHEN ITS PRICE IS WAY BEYOND YOUR EXPECTA- location Is within walking 0 by the von Hamm-Youn- g Co. that Holmes. ation and promises an interesting dis- TIONS. distance of all amusements the well known Stevens-Durye- a cars sure was tuc answer, "Let 'cm course pertaining to Independence NOW THE REASON THAT BUICK TRUCKS MEET SUCH A and the shopping district. V have met with such enormous success Day. go.' READY SALE EVERYWHERE IS SIMPLY BECAUSE THEIR ABSO- that the factory Is obliged to put Ih a "And Manager Choate then and MISS JOHNSON v new much larger plant to take care there 'Let er go.' The big car sped Central Union Church. LUTE EFFICIENCY HAS BEEN RECOGNIZED FOR YEARS BY REP- of Emma street above Vineyard. Q the tremendous increaso of busi- down the hill and dashed through tlfe Rov. Doremus Scudder, D.D., minis- RESENTATIVE MERCHANTS AND MANUFACTURERS. AND ALSO ness. Anios - 0 water just as a flock of frightened ter; Rev. .A Ebersole, associate ...O.C-0-0000-0-0- BECAUSE THE PRICE,- OF THE VARIOUS BUICK MODELS ARE The following Information regard- mallard ducks was attempting to "es minister. ing the new plant will MUCH LOWER THAN PROSPECTIVE PURCHASERS EXPECT TO probably be cape. The ducks were not as quick 9:50 a. m., Riblo school. Mr. Wil- of interest to local people. as the car, however, for when the big liam A. Howen, superintendent. PAY. Buick Service Satisfies all Classes. SOLAR HEATER "Water-proo- f lloors to prevent not Kissel Kar finally reached dry land 10:10 a. in., Adult Bible Class for will my you money. Call and only leakage but the penetration of two thoroughly dead mallard ducks men and women, conducted by Rev. one In operation. oven dampness, and dust-pro- con- wore found in the tonneau. ACETYLENE A AGENCY F. S. Scudder. LIGHT struction throughout, are two of the " ' I wiv? more surprised than the 11:00 a. m Morning Worship. "The COMPANY. vnusual features which mark the ifew ducks,' said Mr. Choate. Tvo hunted 2 Hustac avanue, off Souta St. fatovens-Durye- a Hero Maker." Corinthians 1:12. automobile factory almost everything in the world, but 1 Hamm-Youn-g building. When completed plant C:30 p. in., Christian Endeavor The Von the never before hunted mallards In a will meeting. "Impressions of the Ser- rSERVICE DISPATCH be one of the finest industrial motor car. The two we bagged were establishments In the world. nice am fat. Did we eat 'em? Well mons of This Month." The buildings of the new Stevens-Durye- a I should guess. Wo had them broil- 7:30 p. in., Evening service Patri- plant all Company, Limited, Agents are to be very large ed for dinner, and I never tasted any- otic service. "The Political Crisis Western In ground area, but restricted in thing better in my life." " Facing Our Nation." height, to save having to lift and A most cordial invitation is ex- lower partly finished cars. Tho first tended to all visitors and strangers Pacific of the brick and steel structures, in- THE GARTERGAR In the city to attend the services on to which the company Is about mov- Sunday at Central Union Church. ! RAILWAY ing now, Is SOS feet long witli a front-tag-e THE of 80 feet on the broad boule- Reorganized Church of Latter Day vard which is one boundary of the US FEATHER HILLGLIMBER Saints. e tract the model Stevens-Durye- a Church on King street near Thom- RIVER plant will occupy, it is only four Square. stories high, each floor as but lu.ving an In attempt climb-Ing- ROUTE a recent at hill 9M5 a m., Sunday school 'with a'ea of 40,000 stpiare feet of avail- a Cartercar ascended an Incline classes for all ages. Adult class In particulars, or able spaco this one building gives as 3 rr paeseniara traliat. of 58 jier cent at Forest Grove, much working room many good both Hawaiian and English. Lesson sea as Ore. In tho past tho Cartercar has sized factories all-tol- topic, quarterly review. Also elec- have very frequently driven up a 00 per J. Frank Duryea suc- tion for tho ensuing six months of built the first cent incline which Is about 5 per cent Fred L. Waldron, Ltd.. all S. S. cessful American gasolino car within steeper than tho average car can officers. 81 6 Fort Street four miles of the new Stevens-Durye- a climb. 11 a. in., morning worship in charge p'ant, every Stovens-Durye- a and car D. II. Hull, representative, qf tho of Elder Barrett and James Kanui or "Duryea wagon" as they were Cartercar Company on tho i'acilic Preaching In both Hawaiian and Eng- called first, with- at has been produced Coast, had arranged with some con- lish. in the same radius of tho little shop tractors to build an incline at Forest G:00 p. in., Zlon's Rellgio-Lltcrar- "SHIa, '3S"'2l Biorkman's where ho made his early experiments. Grovo and then, without having 'seen Society. Thoro will be election of In 1901, twenty cars were built by it, ho took a party from Portland out officers in addition to tho regular les- the Duryea Wagon Company, Motor te show thorn what the Cartercar son and a musical and literary pro predecessor of the Stevens-Durye- a Gymnasium could really do In hill climbing work. gram. Company, and the only recognized au- owe Upon his arrival, ho was greatly as- 7:30 p. m., evening worship. Ser- tomobile building concern In this 139 Merchant Street. tonished (o see that tho contractors mon by Elder Barrett. country at that time. Tho nuniUor in- had made a mlstako and built tl)o up- Also missionary meeting In the gos- Phone 2747. creased steadily until for the last live right portions of tho wooden track pel tent on School street near Lili-h- a years tho annual production has nver-age- d 2 2 feet higher than tho blue prints more than 1200 cars; and In the street at 7:30 p. m. In chargo of called for. This mado a 17 foot meantime the number of motor car Elder McConlcy. raise in 30 feet depth, which mado it Guaranteed Under the Pure builders has increased from one to The general public is cordially in- a 58 3 per cent Incline IMART 190. vited to attend our meetings,!., Mr. Hull would not back out with- Tho expansion of tho Stovens-Dur- - out trying after h0 had gone to so ea Company has nlways been along FOSSIL CAMELS THE much trouble, theroforo proceeded to rather conservative llnes-r-wlilc- h Is SIZE OF GREYHOUNDS. Food Law seo what tho ear would do on so tho nioro remarkablo In view of the Tho lirst camels ever found GLASS steep a grade. To his pleasure and fossil fact that the company has Introduc being set up tho surprlso or those who were with intact in America are ed most of tho fundamental improve- burg, him, tho car climbed tho grade with In the Carnegie Museum in Pitt. ments la motor car construction. Tho they arc, be- little difficulty and, on repeated at- and curious little animals A new glass papor policy has been not to branch out un- stained tempts, went to tho top with seven ing not much lr.rger than greyhounds, til automobile standards became set- passengers in the machine. with slender legs and long necks. In perfect imitation of real tled; and tlio concern was satisfied It Is said on the coast this is These skeletons were clothed with I glass. Kith a plant of modernto capacity that for art fleeh ages ago, and existed in tho OUNCES 'i tho steopest any CENTS i' while It was bringing out tho incline car has over You can produco wonder- ascended. Niobrara Volley in Western Nebraska, motor It was tho pioneer whero Prof. O. A. Peterson of tho fully beautiful effects about builder of "sixes" and tho peculiari- Carnegie Museum and Dr. F. B. Loom-I- s ties of construction which it origin- PARTIAL PARALYSIS BENEFITED. the-- house at small expense. University found them. al ed, but which have since become Persons troubled with partlul par- of Yale camels are to bo fundamental in lino cars. alysis nro often very much benefited fossil tald modem Let us demonstrate. It Is proposed in tho now plant to by massaging tho affected parts thor- tho remote ancestors of the and greatly enlarge tho company's body- oughly whon applying Chamberlain's camels and dromedaries of Arabia building facilities. installlnu' high Pain Halm. This liniment also re- Africn, and or the American llamas. Your Dealer Sells It piessuro hydraulic presses to make lieves rheumatic pains. For sale by dol-,a- r Interchangeable parts of bodies so all dealers, Ronson, Smith & Co.. Bring 10 green stamps and one Wwers & Cooke, Ltd that they can be standardized, ngonts for Hawaii. for a complete noy Scout Suit. I Tho design and noustruotlon of Green Stamp Store. Beretnnla and I

FInA. .loh i. Siyojig.p(irycKi gtyg Hie ntll nndqr Prlnfitro IIIU UlUI UltH'Qi r.ori Bireein. i 'Jin- l T1IK HAWAIIAN STAR. SATrUDAV. Jl" . j.. TlHttTHBN ma r uLi! J ntire New Shapes and r mishes m lr 1 HURD'S STAT

1' I 4 The Loftus Lawn and the Lawntte are the Lateet Finishes and q We have also many New shapes and colors in the regular finishes Shapes in the popular Hurd's Stationery for personal correspondence. and many new ideas in Wedding Stationery. These New Papers will appeal to you. q We will be glad to mail you a sample of both of these papers.

A ft A HAWAIIAN NEW: COMPANY, LIMITED The Pioneer Paper House Alexander Young Building


A Knowledge ot (Continued from page nine.) You turns per acre Increasing from ?23.SS the Value a to $57. In manufacturing the number of I Want Dollar factories Increased 117 per cent., the V disbursements 417 per cent., the is essential, to financial suc- amount of sugar produced 534 per Long, Heavy Hair? cess. cent, and notwithstanding the fact A Savings Account for your that the cost of beets increased 3G Trun Then treat your hair well. See boy will be an education in this per cent., and labor and all other sup- that it is properly fed. Growth first great principle. plies in proportion, the cost of pro- ducing sugar decreased 16 per cent,, of every kind demands proper You can open an account with a very healthy development. food. Starved hair splits at the one dollar and a Home Bank ends, turns prematurely gray, will bo given you. It Is the opinion of the committee that the growth made by tho beet-suga- r keeps short and dry. Then feed Interest paid on all deposits. industry in the United States' your hair. Feed with it proper during the past '20 years fully war- i food, a regular hair-foo- d. Feed rants every reasonable effort which Si ! with fi it Ayer's Hair Vigor. Thus BANK of HAWAII. Ltd. has been or may be made to develop help nature all you possibly can 1). The rapid progress made Is es- f toward giving you rich, heavy, Capital and Surplus, pecially gratifying when the adverse luxuriant hair. Ask your doctor $1,200,060. conditions which have prevailed are about your hair and Into consideration and when - about Ayer's taken 1 Hair Vigor. Follow his advice. our development Is compared with the early growth of the German sugar i suit Case I Industry, now the largest of nny coun- ..A Ayer's Hair Vigor POOOOOOO0O try In tho world. ! During Your Ab-- It required 40 years of constant ef- If you intend traveling this summer don't DOES NOT COLOR THE HAIR fort (1S40-1SS2- ) to develop the Ger- t sence from the , man sugar industry from 12,000 tons tail to see our travel comforts. We can tHt,l by Dr. J. C, Ayer & Co.. lowll, nfan., U.S.K to 000,000 tons annual production, (1891-1912- show you a very fine line of goods Islands while in 20 years ) the the at Telephone 3197 beet-suga- P. O. Box 781 r Industry of tho United very reasonable prices KOMEYA we are prepared to manage States has grown from 0000 to G00,-00- 0 z 5. your estate and look after your tons. . . . Vulcanizing Works Interests hore. You will find it In addition to maintaining a con- greatly to your advantage to sistent protective duty which exclud- 4 180 Merchant St., near Alakea sugar, 1840 to place the management of your ed cheap tropical from Honolulu, T. H. 1003 the German. Government paid to affairs with a responsible con- its sugar manufacturers $:!51,000,'000 cern. FRATL AL MEETINGS. in export bounties, and German econ- --if Come and See Us as to Terms. omists are pleased with the results. 1 HONOLULU LODGE NO. 116, From 1840 to 1910 Germany produc- Silva's Toggery, Ltd: B. P. O. ELKS. ed r ,000,000 tons of sugar, valued at I Meets In their hall on King iitmi $4,720,000,000, and drew from other Dear Fort, every Friday evening. VI BISHOP S CO. nations ?2,fi00,000,000 in payment for 'The Store for Good Clothes" lUnr frnthwn are cordially Inrltei t the 20,300,000 tons of sugar which i tttOiJd they purchased from her. At the ELK'S BLDG. KING STREET A E. MURPHY. ED. R o Limited present time German fields not only H. DUNSHEE. Sec'y. supply the 05,000,000 German people 6 Bethel Street. 0 with the 1,350.000 tons of sugar which '4 HONOLULU LODGE, NO. SOfl, i they consume, but they yield a sur- per iiiun-no- r L. O. O. M. plus of 1,100,000 tons for export, benefiting only tho rellners and of duty on raw sugar, or In any Will meet tn Odd Fellow' Bulldlni other nations pay $.'.0,000,000 haps some of thoso who already have to indicate to prospective embarked lit tho home industry, capital that our govern- fort street, near King, ewy Fridaj Jas- annually. . . . - W. Pratt through saving them from further policy concerning the William Edward Chamberlain p. Visiting do mental further renins at 7:30 m. brota Real Estate, Insurance, Loans Ng( It must bo conceded that the ot-- beet-suga- r Industry Baritone srs cordially invited to attend. mestic beet sugar Industry has develop Wliolcsomo competition. expansion our tlated. Is not fixed and unwavering, would AMBROSE J. WIRTZ, Dictator. ed under conditions none too favor- Tho committee bollevos that an ap bo Inimical to the welfare of tho Na- fc. A. JACOBSON, Secretary. "PRATT," 125 Merchant St. able for the expansion of a new, preciable reduction in the sugar Frederick Biggerstaff somewhat hazardous, and highly scien- schedule would end tho further de- tion. tific Industry. It requires tin Invest- velopment or the homo beet-suga- r in- Because ot tho fart that the Dutm Pianist, at ) 1 many ment of $500,000 to $3,000,000 In ouch dustry; would close of tho standard and differential paragraphs CHAS. R. BISHOP beet-suga- HALL, plant, and much credit should be glv-e- weaker r plants; would per- of the present sugar schedule yield PUNAHOU. to those who have had the cour- manently destroy tho cane-suga- r pro- no revenue, and because of tho fur- age and the confidence In the good duction In tho South, and that free ther fact that their removal would not faith of Congress to inves their for- trado in sugar would wreck our con- work a serious hardship to our home tunes in tho Industry. tinental and a largo portion of our in I producers, your committee begs to re EXTRA Onc-hnl- f of tho world's supply ot sular sugar Industry, thus port n substitute bill which abolishes I i 1 1 CREAMERY sugar has been and is dependent upon in tho rellners a complete tho Dutch standard and the differi-- legislation, and had it not been lor nwnopoly ot tho sugar business. tlal ami retains the present rates ef the creation of this additional sup- STrom whatever viewpoint th0 qucs-tioj- i duty on Importations of raw sugar, j ply in tho United Statos it Is fair to bo considered, your committee presume'' sugar would bo much falls to discover wherein tho Amer- that RUSSIA SILENT it is . . . ican consumer could be assured of dearer than ON CHINESE LOAN Conclusions. any direct benefit by reason of n re- The PARIS, Juno 19. Russia, which is in tho opinion of tho committee, duction of the duty on raw sugar, or Qjjdlifjl Unsurpassed tho only power to bo hoard from . to or destroy a groit home any compensation for arresting the menace connection with tho ratification ..1 Industry which Is overcoming monop- growth or or destroying an industry tho Chinese loan or f300,000.ou uhu i) by competition and an in- which already contributes $15,000,000 oly Its was virtually agreed to here .cstci of our lunu- annually to American Industry, and dustry which Is tho llfo day by tho dologates of the groups a prize, tho which possossos such potentiality Toi AND la possessions, all for roprosontlng six pow TRY of bankers the IT under inoHt furthur Increasing our nation woalth . of which maximum size ers, tho United Stntos, Great Itiifain, to and prosperity. favorable circumstances Is United Pranco, Germany, Russia and .lupuu 11 enplta per annum, would Tho committee Is convinced that the cents per has not yot announced hor adhesion folly. goal or cheaper sugar for American YOUUMMYiSBDYIT be worse than to tho tonus. Tho committee is convinced that i consumers can bo reached most quick- Hor answer was to have arrived small cut in tho rnto or duty on raw ly and suroly through the addud com- Monday Lvenmg, Julv 1st. at 8.15. ut noon today, and tho delay sugar would bo absorbed by tho petition which would result from tli horo considerable disquietude Seals on Sale at Hawaii Promotion Rooms. bo rofloctoO in further expansion of tho domestic causing SUPPLIED BY and would not banking beet-suga- among tho International the prlco to consumers, and, further- r Industry, and that the di- group, which was congratulating It- or policy of open more, that tho only other effort ot rect nnd Indirect honollts accruing to nwiico the the door of their Himclal polllloM iuturesui. self on tho success of tho negotia- ami tho endeavor to piohoivo the Russia liilsttnl the C.Q.YEE HOP & COMPANY such reduction would be to deplete tho funnel' by ronsoti of such expan- that loan should Integrity of China. The ue-il-n no way our national revenue and retard or sion would bo of groator valuo than tions. eamploto endanger hw right In uochuhu! Manchuria, Mongolia KING STREET MONOLULU destroy tho further expansion or tho the entire sum wo expend Tor sugar. The nttltddij of tho United Statos fsotlnlloiii have been dllllcitlt and YVoaterii - recognition boot-suga- on tho matnte- ItiiFula mill .Uiwn youtht China. "4 domestic r industry, thus To make oven a slight reduction has beou liinllaiico

i mam mm4

FOURTtfKN TIIK HAWAIIAN STAR. SATURDAY. JUNE . 10IJ. Urn I'nlted Sum mtaliter to Spain. NBW YORK FILTHY IN ' 1 1 v. CONDENSED NEWS It eerlo: ,i y t an Inn nwr Oxford, THI OOOD OLD DAYS BY AUTHORITY W. WBinfiBID .?iijs,222ii. tttiglnnd. i'l( Cnul' III !. BILL NO. 47. nd MIm Mary (Jaiden g thlnkitts ot In n recent bulletin the New York I u ontiiitiett finni (iHKe eleven.) no. Pinectar upcoming mm ImprttMfti'.n In New York. lhwnl of Health riencrtlie (he condi- ordinance Ho itppotiHe - il trtrt, Kyal Ha - tion Juwt an ordinance relative to the it i of the clt.v , after the civil iSHciw Stnt- , ...... Sli leMeven thai mix u a theater M lUtilK ' establishing grades Hll'l I and y iil Mill' Hl"'l.'. the Opera would be! - ot1nR fro... the report of the of n..i itoidi. wtll preta and moii. C.,.nl.,ue of Path Sold Everywhere see, ix:mih ahsooihuou tor imh ami die .sidewalk lines in the di- linn " " Nw wrk- - in cm-d- i at TOiWpah. Novntlt. flint strict of honolulu, city and Ml"" Alnthwi Omntln, a school report of the Metropolitan Hoard lis wm rHitNirtiig men's suite for ....,.,...... n.t. Th!.t- niMth. Mill county KAHN 8Y8TEM OF REINFORCED JLt .bt i of Health for 18G6. of Honolulu, terri- girl, I.rh achieved feme by hor oil ' oil of oecifiion hae been made tmsslble "Streota," Tsnys the bulletin, "wore tory OF HAWAII. CONCRETE 50 BEHT5 ) lmlnlliiR "Tho Chair-makers,- " which to Be It Ordained by of the Cu)i Bare, Rib Motnl, H Rib. Rib-- 0 ore ofrow th h n recont lw. paved with cobblestones or even un- - the People to be exhibited In the lloyrl Academy The California po'lee are searching paved, and wore In a lllthy City and County of Honolulu: Lath, Waterproof CoatlUK. - -- WILU DO IT condition, ll ihf ft- iwiriiHl process. Try It hollliop a: London. Section 1. Grades. Datum Plane for Ali.e Soble, tao wile of a blng irregularly cleaned by contract- HONOLULU IRON WORK8 CO. (.'onsul-Gonern- l Alexander A. Thackn-r- a grades ot portion o I'lmue :M4. at a San Diego hole . The couple ors who shirked their work. Thero That tho that of Ik'i .n Ins wife are touring Honolulu. bine JpwqIs HinountltiR to $30,000 a.ul was no regular system of icmovlng llcthol Street, In the Dlstiict of Ho on es accompanied by City tor the Hawaiian which they havo stolen from guests France ashes and gnrlmgc. which wore nolulu, and County of Honolulu, Aienu llandt THE ACME Assistant-Secretar- ot State Adeo. Thlt Territory of Hawaii, lying betweon of liiu hotel. thrown loosely upon the street. In Is the sixteenth year they havo King and Hotel Street, as set After filing a suit for divorce In that Brooklyn thero was no contract for Street 1KT taken n bicye'e tour of rtlx weeks. out in Section 2 hereof, are hereby James Guild Company Automatic Dress Forms Reno, .Mrs. Kunur Manhart of Saltj the removal of garbage and the Hoard Suffragette in London attacked of Health was obliged lo undcrtako established In reference to a datum HOUSEHOLD GOODS ad- w e Lake City took bichloride of only entirely satisfactory Lloyd-Georg- plane, being Are the David chancellor of the Its ramoval where henlth was en- mcanttde at tho said fabX'ts which resu.ted In her death. Deliveries In all parte ol justable bust form on the market. exchequer, but by jumping Into a taxl-cr.- b dangered. District of Honolulu, and being locat- Dull; Free thlp-men- An explosion In tho Hastings .Mine We have Just received a new t escaped any damage except for Cellars In many parts ot city ed as follows, to wit: A bench mark the City. Collins Building, King St., of tho Victor American Fuol company the of the beat model, the full length, heavy blow by his silk hat. 0,1 top of ,nnuka C0')lnB' nt Wcsl 1,11 near Fort St. Telephone 3591, Colo., two vc a suctalned wore In a filthy condition, often full of eight-piec- e Request near Trinidad, killed Mott-Smlt- h model, which we sell at the Tho bodies of three stewards, vic- water nnd undratned. There were gle of building at the mlnom and seriously Injured others. New York price, $15. tims of tho T'.tanlc dVsaster. were few sowers connected with houses. East corner of Hotel Street and Fort Your attention is called to tho fact Edwin 1. Chalcraft. u'perintendont Street in said District of Honolulu, found H70 miles ffom the scqno of the Offensive trades, such as bones, offal that wo have just received by tho last that all who are interested 'n of the government Indian school at ib 1S.GS feet, and a bench on castattrophe, by the steamer llford. and were carried on with- mark boat from tho Coast a large shipment EHLER'S the milk question to call at our C'hetnawE, Oregon, has been removed coping at foot of pillar at the left Michael Whnlcn, the one American out hindrance; there were numerous of tho best PANAMA HATS. depot on Sheridan street and to the Jones Academy in Oklahoma. entrance of the Judiciary Building In leper on tho Islano' of Cullon In the cisterns and cesspoools overflowing Special Inspection Invited to seo see how wo handle the milk de- Ho will Lo replaced by 11. fi. Mods-wort- h said District of Honolulu, Is 1G.50 Philippines, has been elected president with filth; many cows wero kept in display our now store. No. 20 livered to our customers. To of Wyoming. feet above said datum plane. Said our at of tho ropub'ic J rat organized In the dark, crowded, stables st., Nuuanu avenue. many cleanliness man-eatin- was grades on' Heretcnla near the absolute A ful grown shark and fed upon swill adjacent dis- are a uniform straight lino 4 leper colony. from of the depot and the modern caught bv Iiatian fishermen off Angel between the adjacent points specified avenue. BEFORE The castles of the Archduke .lohann tilleries. In Brooklyn the owners of sanitary machinery tor the han- Is and. In Section 2 hereof, and are all above THE LEADING HAT CLEANER8. Orth, near Vienna, have been sold to distilleries wero oven privileged by dling and sealing of bottles will The Palace Hoiel In San Francisco tho city 1800 said datum plane the distance set cut taking a policy of life Insur- an American millionaire whose name council until to keep bo a revelation. will probably be enlarged by the ad- such stablss. These wero filthy, the in said Section 2. ance In any other company has been kept secret. He will convert Every dairy under our con- dition of 200 roonifi. animals diseased, tho milk pernicious- Section 2. That the grades on said to see tho castles into a magnificent summer Ho- & ask the trol Is as sanitary as this depot A relief tug sent nlong the Alaskan ly unhealthy and often watered. Bethel Street, between King and Alexander palace. Streets, and tho samo idea of perfect coast at tho foot of Katmal volcano, "Immense quantities of manure had tel ar0 hereby adopted and Luther Maynard Jones, partner at established with CONTRACT cleanliness Is carried out in ev- roports no landing coulu be made been allowed to accumulate, while tho reference to said that one time of William C. Whitney, wra datum plane, as Baldwin ery department. because of tho heavy deposits of sand privies were neglected nnd never follow: LIMITED. In the found, after a disappearance of three Elevation of and ashes. There was no sign of properly careu tor by scavengers , years, in an English Infirmary. Ab- Top of Top of NEW ENGLAND MUTUAL life. working for grafting contractors. The . Sugar Factors scess on the brain caused total loss North Curb South Curb Tn?URNCECOmT" Construction has begun on three er.t- - practice of keeping swine in the built-u- p COMMISSION MERCHANTS . LIFE of memory. East curb of King lng clubs at Stanford University. The portion of tho city was common." and PANY OF BOSTON, MASS. Two ouVers of the French army Street 1S.40 ft. 1S.10 ft. Honolulu project is being promoted by an eating AGENTS. i were killed Dotiai, France, when West curb of Ho- INSURANCE comp.osed of Stanford at and compare the many ad- c ub corporation ft, i ; their biplanes collided In midair. tel Street 21.00 ft. 21.00 " ' vantages it offers with those Dairymen's The French tcout dlriglb'e Conte Section 3. Sidewnlk Lino. That the AGENTS FOR Carl Petermaa of St. Louis gained of other companies. broke the world's altltuo'e record for sidewalk line on the South side of Hawaiian Commercial & Sugar nine and a half pounds In forty-eigh- t dirigible balloons, attaining a height Relhel Street, between King Street Company. houin In order to meet the weight re Association 0923 and Hotel Street, in the said District Haiku Sugar Company. U. S. of feet. nulromenns i'oi' entering the Mhsis-slpp- Honolulu, same being The United States battleship l of the the Pala Plantation. Navy. South curb line, Is hereby establish hrn gone to the aid of the garri- Maul Agricultural Company. Castle& Cooke, Telephone 164J. "3; ' " The remains of a man believed to cd as follows: son at El Cuero mlnrvj, which Is Sugar ' muraered were found r.t Commencing a point Hawaiian Company. LIMITED. have been by insurgents. at on tho Cuban Kahuku Plantation Company, i General Agents. tho bottom of a 100 foot shaft that south curb on said Bethel Street, on has been sealed for 30 years. a line with the east line of King MoBryde Sugar Company, .liaj FIREWORKS! FIREWORKS1 FOREIGN NEWS. DOG FARMS IN MONGOLIA. Street, which Is by true azimuth, !121 Kauai Railway Company. BE Sixty-fiv- e thousand black "New-chwan- g 02' 279,0 Kauai Electric Company, THE FOURTH WILL SOON It Is reported that a crop famine in and distant fpet from rfsrai7t UNION EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. HERE. GET YOUR FIREWORKS, Nlcaraugua has caused thousancY) of mats," was an Item in an cross out in tlio cement walk fit the Honplua Ranch, NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS, G. HORAOKA, Prop, FIRECRACKERS AND TORPEDOES deaths and that a revolution in the re' auctioneer's catalogue at a sale the west corner of King and Nuuanu Haiku Prult & Packing Company. AT - ," public is imminent. Streets, said cross being known as Kauai Fruit & Company. li now able to supply the families ot other day. They wore all sold and Oahu Railway & Land Tang Shao Yl of China has Land Company, fie ilossman Survey Station, tho cq Honolulu with first-clas-s cooks, wait Premier their sale spelt tho end of nil things A. B. Arleigh & Co., Ltd. Tho Stock Books of the Compan, ! era, door boys, yard boys, and cbauf HOTEL NEAR, FORT announced that he will resign from for a correspondingly large number of ordinates of which as referred to thS will be closed to transfers fioiu Jun feura. Phone 1420. his office for the reason that he has dogs. Newchwang mats, in fact, are Trianculatlon sdrvov 2Cth to July 1st, 1912, inclusive. Station 208 Beretanla, near Emma. THB lent the confidence of the foreigners. nothing more than mats made from Puowaina a being; Soutli CheeYouShinBo Stockholders are requested to et. 599.10 Two thousand federal Mexican cav the skins of dogs specially reared in feet and West 4723.50 feet, and dorse their certificates of stock foi running as alry attacked General Orozco s so dlers China for you to wipe your feet on. follows by true azimuths: ALSO KNOWN AS? THE i CO. and to send them to the. 1. 242 15' 92.5 feet along South WONG WONG three times at La Cruz ana' were re Real skins and real furs are be- undersigned before juiy flrst n x Curb of Bethel to angle in pulsed on every attack. coming so scarce that a huge trade Street Bridge BnUders tier that li'eW Certificates "may be 7s curb; and Beich Btofei tor 6e) and Comraclois General Stewart L. Woodford, one U growing up In supplying imitation sued it their place showing 2. 238 Hews Wood. ones thV 40' 233.0 feet along curb to Ueity Office, Maunakea 8L for tho market. Not faked, mind amount Capital Quick Meal Blue Flam Oli of the Stock of the South ifiiS Of lihtel Street. dtore you. When yoii aro buying a New Company Perfection Oil Stores. as of July 1st, 1912. Section 4. Sid'3vVniK Line. That thd greatest Nerve chwang mat you are told that it Is a THE LEADING CHINESK fJS&Wa. Olant Burner Gasoline Steve fxsxxsxxsxxxxxxxc . The certificates representing the sidewalk lln0 on the ftrirth side of now variety of bear skin. The slm PAPER IN HAWAII", EMMELUTH CO., LTD. TEINWAY A SON8 AND g stock dividend will be issued ready Bethel Street, between Ki'ii Street .d pld fact Is that genuine skins are be - Ten Pages. ' H Vitalizer Known for delivery on Jllly flrst. and Hotel Street, In said District fit OTHER PIANOS. coming more difficult to get and sub Payment for fractional shares wil. Honolulu, tho samo being The Paper for tho Chinese Trade. THAYER PIANO CO. stitutes must bo found. the Nort" Hotel PACKAGE SENT FREE be made by check as soon thoreaftci curb line, Is hereby Iff Street Phone Hit 50o There are hundreds of farms spa established as Castle & g TUNING GUARANTEED. as practicable. g iouows; Cook g cially devoted to dog-raisin- X. T Kellogg's Sanitone Wafers a Recent In Mon W. ' F. DILLI.VGHAM, Commencing at ft point on tho Discovery. The Most Effective Nerve golia. Most of (he dogs are killed uuhsb Treasurer Oahu Railway & Land Co north curb on said Bethel Street, on GUtftfSER'fil Strengtliener for Men and Women when oly a year old, and their SkiiiB uated Honolulu, Hawaii, Juno 21, a line with King .Celebrated Chicag 8SoeMluM V b& Found by Science, sent by thousands all over the world. the East lln0 of Ever 1912. Street, " Cats havo not yet been cultivated which is by true uzimuth, 319 CANDIES This Is tho world's ncwost, snfost, most 08' nnd distant 243.G feet from a cross PALM X ?. lor the market, though a "wlld-cit- " BANK rollublo, and cllcctlvo norvo InvlKOrutor, NOTICE. OAi. r. cut Hotel, Shipping and .Cs& rovltullzcr, brain nwnkenur, body atror.Bth-eno- pussy farm was put forward a short in the cement walk to th0 West near Port. without equal In tlio world's history corner Of King and Nuanu of of medicine. It bring nbont a clmnKo from while ago, in which the promoter sug Streets scraaa.og&.Qoa Merch&s&i g fAYMlSNT OF WATER said cross being - mission that tiwful, dull, weak, inzy, gested feeding tho cats on rats, and RATES known as tho Moss- feellni? to brightness, strength, As provided for In Chapter 45 of man Survey Station, the SUGAR FACTORS and GENERAL HONOLULU and courago which Is the rats on the bodies of tho cats the' Revised Laws of Hawaii, 190 Of which as referred to tho Baiiit INSURANCE AGENTS. LIMITED rcmurUablo. ufter they had been skinned, thus Govern TOeMGlnia specie Representing making the scheme all persons holding water privileges ment Trlangulatlon Survey Station Ew Plantation Co. Needless to say, it is not working. or thoso paying water rates arc here Puowaina - being; South 599.40 feet limited: Iasuo K. N. & K. Letters of by and West 4723.50 Walalua Agricultural Co., Lte In Germany, however, the house- notified that the water rates for feet, and running as Credit and Traveler's Checks HEAD OFFICE, YOkdrTXMA. Xohala Sugar Co. hold cat is looked upon as a distinct tho six (GT months ending Decembei follows by true azimuths: available throughout the world. 1. 243 Capital Subscribed Apokaa Sugar Mill Co. asset In case the family fortunes are 31, 1912, will be due and payable on 24' 97.7 feet along North Yen 43,0(30,000' curb of Capital Paid Up Yen Fulton Iron Works, of St. Louli iot nourishing. There aro dealers the first day of July, 1912. Bethel' Street to angle in 30,000,000' A failure to pay such- Curb; Reserved Fund 17,500.000' , Western's Centrifugals. there always willing to pay for cat-skin- watof rates ....Yen Cable Transfers within 2. 238 40' 222.3 Babcock'iS. Wilcox Boiler. tho very commonest tabby skin fifteen (15) days thereafter feet along curb to an additional charge of 10 per South line of Hotel Street. Green's Fuel Economizer. fetching a shilling. These cat-skin- s cent At G. General banking . Matson Navigation Co. make excellent rugs, pure Maltese or will be made. Section Profile and Plan. That businoas traisact-ed- ' tortoise-shel- All privileges upon Grade Map No, 1 on file in Savings account for $1 up- New England Mutual Life Insurance Lowest Rates l fetching high prices. which rates' re the office and 'Company, of Boston. Many of them are dyed main unpaid on July 1C, 1912 are sub of tho Engineer of the City and Coun wards. and used aB ty r. Aetna Insurance Co. the lining for winter cloaks. ject to Immediate shut off without fur of Honolulu is hereby approved and Fire and burglar proof vaults, with adopted as tho Safe Deposit National Fire Insurance Co. In the south of Russia thousands ther notice. profile and plan of Boxes for rent at $2 per Said grado year Citizen's Insurance Co. Hartforo oi horses aro bred for their skins. Rates are payable at th0 olflc0 of ar,l sidewalk lines. and upwards. the .Section G. This "Fire Insurance Co, flnniversary Sale Kellogg'H Smiltone Wnfera Mnko You Don't be surprised to learn that some Honolulu Water Works, Capitol Ordinance shall Jrunks and cates to be kept on building. take effect custody Ths Londor Assurance Corporation. l oci l ino All tho Time. ot the long black "fur" coats that are fifteen days from and after at moderate rates. FOR SIKN". the date NOW O. Nervo foreo cone! You nre si much the fashion nowadays are J. M. LITTLE, of its approval. Partieuiiirs to be applied for. what your nerves lire, nothing elso. If Introduced' n Superintendent of Honolulu by YU AKAI, Manager. you feel nil run-dow- from overwork or mado fronf Russian colts. The colts Water unnu other enures, If you culler from Insomnia, are killed when a few days old and Works. S. C. DWIGHT, "caved-lu- " feeling, brain fug, ojttreino Department Supervisor. iokoluio Office. UAY'8 OLD KONA eOFTEE, REMARKABLE REDUCTIONS ll nervousness, peevishness, gloominess, their skins are covered with beauti- of Public Works. Bethel and Merchant OF worry, cloudy brain, loss of niubltton, ful Bureau of Honolulu Water Works. Date of Introduction: June 27, 1912. Streets. Best in the Market iLL LINES HATS FOR MEN energy black silky hair, which makes a and vitality, loss of weight and Honolulu, T. H. 19, 1912. At a regular adjourned meeting of Tel. 2421 and 1594. P. O. Box 168 HENRY MAY ft CO ND WOMEN dlgoitlon, constipation, headaches, neural- fine substitute for genuine furs. June Phone 1271. gia, or tho debilitating elToets of tobaeeoor Pearson's Weekly. tho Board of Supervisors or tho Citv drink, for tho COo free trial paekago NOTICE MUTUAL TELEPHONE and Comity of Honolulu held on "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOC of Kellogg's Sanltono 'Wafers. 0 CO., FOR WOMi:x.-- LIMITED. Thursday, June 27, 1912, tho foregoing C. if you suffer from ner- LAWN TENNIS POPULAR IN JAPAN W. ACHI vous breakdown, oxtronio nervousness, Th stock Bill was passed on first reading and NGUANU ST. NEAR HOTHL "blue" spells, books of this company desire to cry, worry, neuralgia, Liwn tennis has become very popu- ordered to print on tlio following ATTORNEY AT LAW Wyandotte back pains, loss of u eight or appetite, will bo closed to tran&fors from Tues-- vote sleeplessness, lar among Japanese high of the said headaehos, and constipation, school and day, Jun 25, 1912, to Monday. July Board: and Real Estate. 'The Great Washing Soda, used for nnd nro nil Kellogg's .Saultono college students. Intercollegiate Ayes: Amana, Arnold, Dwight. Wafers will make you feel that thero Is both days inclusive. Kaplolanl Bldg. Hospitals and the Home. C. Brewer & Co. more to life, than you over realized before. games havo also become popular Kruger, Low, McClcllan, Murray. Send today for the Mo freo package. n' J. A. BALCII, I Cheaper than Pearllne. trial nmong the studontsuid their friends. Noes: None. Alakea Street. LIMITED. No more need of dlotlng, diversion, trnvol, Treasurer. ' OANITARY 6TEAM LAUNDRY Among tho well known institutions ti. BUFPANDEAU. tirosomo exercises., dangerous drugs, elec- Honolulu, Juno 24, 1912. "Phone Wi. tricity, massnge, or anything else Kellogg's that havo a largo numbor of enthu- Deputy City and Countv Clerk. Saultono Wafers Gts Juno 24, 25, 2G, 27, Sugar Factors do tho work for each ami siastic tennis players are the Inlaw- 28, 29. AND nil, give you nervo-torc- e and make you love Proposals to live. ing: Tokfo Higher Normal School; for Musical Instruments for If Yoa Wish To Adver- A trial package of this great Tokio NOTICE OF LOST CERTIFICATE OF the ROYAL HAWAIIAN BAND. discovery prove Commercial School (higher); tise Ja Newspapers 18 will that they do the work. STOCK. Sealed Proposals will bo received at COOK WITH They uro ituaranteed-ove- ry wafer. Mend Waseda University, Tokio, Kyoto Aarwfcm at Anytime Call on or wrtU coupon below today for free Wo trial I'nlversity, Kyoto; Third High Certificate No. 28 for ono sharo of the Ofilco of the City and County Clerk, package of Kellogg's .Saultono 'Wafers, E. C. Dakc's AdYcrtlslne School, Kyoto. tho capital stock of Kahulul Railroad Mclntyre Building, until 7:30 o'clock Agency OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS Co., Ltd., p. of The forolgn communities In tho s has been lost or destroyed. in. Tuesday, July 2, 1912, for fur 114 Banaome Bt., San S. F. Bishop Free franclico President Package Coupon ports, Yokohama, Kobe and All persons aro hereby warned nishing tho Royal Hawaiian Band with (3oo H. Robertson r. .i. KnT,T.or.o :o., ngalnBt llDfl'iiuisler Illorlc, Nng'isaki, havo tennis clubs, which negotiating or othorwiso deal-lu- g new musical instruments. S1B4. F. in or with Appllqa-tlo- hon J. McLoughlr ltallle:rli,.'Mlli, or convonlonco may bo iiddrosnod .such shares. n Specifications mty bo obtained, upon "able Addren "Takapu," W. W. North Treasurer AelKl Hie 1)V ri'ttlril tmitl ..linron Honoll HONOLULU FORGE CO. B trial of "Foreign Tennis Club," at tho varloiut has boon mado to the troasuror of application, at the Office of tho City Richard Iverg the wonderful 17S. P. O. Box III Secretary ... '"very fur nervei.. Kellogg's Haiiltonitl ports named. Tho loading foreign ten- said company for tlio issuance of a nnd County Clork. General Ship ana Machine Uik.: R- nira. i nmuv II cents In sliillUM to I I. - Gait Auditor uv,, puavmie. now Y. TAKAKUWA Tools and Springs ciada iiiki packing. nis clubs hoi'o is known as tho La- certificate. Tho Board of Supervisors re.iorvos amlthllnt. Geo. 11. Cartr Director ij C nd repaired. Estimate riven at Name dles' Lawn Tenuis Club. Tennis iac-hot- s Dated June l.Mli, 1912. tho right to rojoot any or all bids. Jomraisalon Merchant C. H. Cooke Director and Mahui. aro alroady bolug nmiiufacturod J. P. COOKE. D. KALAUOKALANI, JR. turera" Agent. Japanese R. A. Cooke Director Street Provision 111 Queen St., near Alaxea In Japan, thero being six fucUrl0s in 8ts Juno 16. 19, 22, 20, 89, July a. City and County C'erk. nd General - H Oartley Director Olty state. Mrohandle Honolulu ulono. Conmilar Report. 0, 10 - i Tokio 5ts Juno 3C, 27, 28 20, July 1. Nuuanu Btreet, near Klnj- FlftWH 1 M-- vr; Tiir. ip t ' "'MV lfl 'I Fhe Latest In Celebrations The Electrical Fourth pendence day tun something f a ker-- f Dy CHARLES N. LUniE. rur to I the fireman and the polio. Electrical Fourth Hearken now to the tnle of usl The Intcst thing In Fourths' property Rlil of the loss As a result the TUB sir., boom, adoption of In MW but pros the button, tho "safe Fourth" ot the York two years ago the dar'a lM Ijr flash and Illumination fire hns decreased more than tt par descent light cent, nnd the accidents which fomarly v program a arranged by That's the mar re. I the day's fun boon Almost i Wllllo anil have Jfno progressives. Little completely 111 v.. eliminated. Mmftcea Alary win lenvc mo own" w.w... Mother Columbia's worship toave me tlon With eyes filled with thn beauties rational with the passing of fbe of light Instead of with gunpowder. years. will take little Wll- Tapa and mamma to llo nnd Mary home In nn unmutllatod Tims Say "Stop I" condition. The ground will be strewn Certainly It was time to call a halt. with papers and peanut shells, perhaps Reliable statistics Inform us that ttt jbut not with eyes and limbs. Which im there were 466 dead and 3,ttt 'will bo well. wounded, a total of 4.449 left lying OH The electrical .Fourth of July as tho battlefield of Independence day. planned by the authorities of New In 105 the total had risen to 5,176, al- York and other cities will be a, thins though the fatalities had dropped to of beauty as well as of safety. Van 182. In 190 the fatalities were th colored lights, arranged In artistic d- same In number, but the injured wer 1 esigns, will flash out to Young Amertc i sufficient to bring tho grand total to their messages of patriotism and de- 6.466. In 1901 the high water of injury votion to onols country. Houses, mark ) arches, bridges and other cdlllces. as and doath was reiurdcd. The total waN well as trees, will bo outlined In red, 5,623, of Whom 103 persons, mostly i whlto and blue, affording topics for children, were killed. In )o: tl.c total comment to crowds Of admiring spec- was only a little lower, being 5 307, but tators. there are fifty-tw- o more graves to th New York, with Its "Great Whlto discredit of that' year's "old fashioned way" that Is the amasemetit and do Fourth." That year the figures at- light of out of town visitors, knows tracted widespread attention, and tho well how to arrange Incandescent crusade for a safer Independence day, lights In lines and masses that appeal already having many followers, re- to tho senses of form and color. With ceived a great stimulus. Next year tho the current's "winking." motion Is well melancholy roll call of dead ami simulated, and what ran bo prettier, wounded was only half as long. Last for example, than a huge American year saw a further decrease, the num- Jlag made of particolored lights, with ber of dead being only fifty-seve- n, th - lowest number of which there is au-- the tripes waving and the stars blink ' np in an effect utterly gorgeous? thenflc record, and the Injured were only 1.546, a total of 1.603. Electrical Fireworks. It Is that "only" that the "safe and ''''mm Then there are, ot courtio, the flro-wor- sane' people are after. They argua effects. It Is not bdyond tho In- that there Is no need for the sacrifice genuity of electrical engineers and the of even a single life or eye or limb in if sign designers to Imitate the (light of the sacred name of patriotism, apart, Dniuvnvi, litu Involving UL U1U pill- - of course, from tho battlefield whereon wheel, tho eruption of tho llowerpot, one fights for his country. ' tho shooting of balls by tho roman Put the Blame on John Atfams. candle. on ' Nothing will be wanting The blame for putting America but the wrono-- In noises of tho explosions and tho cries the track the matter of In dependence day celebration's Is by . and groans of those Injured by their laid 4 own or these investigators at the door of old others' carelessness or reck- John Adams, second president of tho lessness. For the Innocent nolso the States, signer music of bunds, the words tif patriotic United of the Declarer of Independence a good, all j oratory, the cheers of spectators, may tion and 'round patriot. lie told his wife in a i bo substituted to good effect. For the widely quoted hideous) noises that have made too letter that has been that many July 4 "will be celebrated by succeed- - Fourths the occasions of night- lug generations as the great anniver- - mares Instead of happy enjoyment no sary festival. ought to bo solemn- - substitute is offered nnd none Is want- It Ized with pomp and parade, with , ed. Better on tho 5th a whole boy or shows, games, sports. GUNS, bells, girl satiated with Innocent amuse- IJONFIUES and Ilium inatlona from ment than one dead or wounded and one ond of to the othor." with deadly lockjaw. this continent threatened To all of which the present day re- Not long ago prominent New York- t got Upper Left Test of Street formers bronlho a hearty and earnest ers together and tested the coming J "Amen," savo distinguish- - ; They to the words electrical Fourth. choso Riverside I Illumination For New York's ed by capital letters. Guns and bon- drlvo between West One Hundred and K fires have been tried as means of cele- Sixteenth and West One Hundreo and "Electrical Fourth." bration and have been found guilty. Twehtleth streets for their test. They And If tho refonners have their way, festooned 5,000 electrical lights from as seems likely, thuro will bo no recall tree to tree and turned on the current. of this decision. Many of tho lights were Inclosed In These Intelligent busybodlcs, who varicolored Japanese lanterns, nnd the save gorgeous. undertakers' fees and doctors' effect was truly Standing at owner of a house decided to glvo ex ground, It was estimated that It took luminated at a cost of $75,000. This, It July celebrations with a view of reduc- lent opportunity for the people of New bills for parents, tell us that one need tho lower end of the vista of lights presslon to patriotic ex- to his feelings the $10 for lanterns, lights and wiring and was said. Is not higher than the ing the number of accidents that in York to show their loyalty their not llvo In a large city to have a "safo , and lookfng north, It appeared to an In charge se- dis- ob- committee of the display about 50 cents for current. In the New pense attending a good fireworks the past have resulted from the city." and sane" Fourth. They even go so j observer as though he were standing lected a house on Riverside drive and York demonstration the company sup- play. servance of that day. The following Kvcn the folks who "believe In a real, far as to put the seal of approval on j In a long lano of gigantic Christmas strung half a dozen chains of lights plying the lights and the current said Movement Is Now National. year there were ninety-on- e, nnd last old fashioned Fourth," with guns and fireworks It the displays are safeguard- trees. "Isn't this beautiful?" ex- from roof to ground. The effect was that It could Illuminate a city block on "The movement toward a rational year there were 161. And In compari- fireworks and bonfires, must find food ed properly. There Is no need of fore- claimed one man as he stood under the very beautiful, although no attempt tho night of the Fourth for about $75. celebration of Independence day has son with this Increase the accidents of for reflection In the warnings Issued going entirely the delights of gunpow- Illuminated branches, "With a band to was made to outline the windows, company to city the day decreased from 5,30 In 190S to by If bo seo they upon The offered the free become national," said Herman Hldder, annually tho physicians and sur der caro taken to that here and perhaps a platform doors, etc. There Is room, of course, current for the electrical celebration. chairman of the committee In charge 1.60:t in 1911. geons nnd heads of fire departments are properly confined. Hut these safo fplay the people could danco this would for the exercise of an unlimited quan- The In charge of the city's sup- Until Idea of observing day and saners lay stress on things danger- committee of New York's observance recently. "If the committee can have the the the such as bo better than the old and tity of taste and ingenuity. Independence day Jubilee expects to "The example set by New York has port of the people of this city the cele- without making our children "pass patriotic music, always effective In ous displays of fireworks." Tho cost? Not greater than that of have $100,000 to spend on a "safe and spread throughout the country. bration last year, which was declared through tho lire" the practice con stirring up love for tho fatherland, For Private Illuminations. a medium sized fireworks display. In sane Fourth," and the electrical com- "In 1909 there were only twenty by every one to he the finest New York demned so severely in tho Old Testa speeches, games, parades, drills, To show what could be done In the the case mentioned, when a half dozen pany estimated that all the parks and cities In the I'nlted States that under- hns ever witnessed, will be surpassed. ment In connection with heathen rites tableaux, concerts, athletic contests matter ot private Illumination If the strings of bulbs drooped from roof to public buildings In the city could be Il took the supenvlsion of the Fourth of The 'safe and sane Fourth' Is an excel gained general acceptance Inde and pageantry.

article. Just take a look at her hack 4k look out for those jaws, please' nnd AMERICAN TEACHERS MAY ELECT ANOTHER WOMAN PRESIDENT "Have Some Terrapin?" Says Uncle Sam see whether it is marked with the pat-tev- n plainly discernible In the picture. happened In a big city restau- tho laboring man's dinner pall as well glad tidings Is the report from Nova a woman Is ' It markings one of of oc ,n ll,n .,l,lnn r.r V,n -- lnh If has the diamond back for 'Jie presidency of rant, the better surt Scotia that lobsters are so plentiful of the palustris you may a houses. man a wo- In of report: year In real order association that Is one IT eating A and the words a recent this that prices will be cut Mirtlon In your pock- - WHF.N dining. She evidently of Fish- safety. Provided greatest and most man were "United States Commissioner half." etbook will the tho ropes;" he didn't. He took eries Georgo M. Bowers has set con- When the terrapin is not busy try- stand the strain. Influential In America It follows as an "knew In tho expensive N-- w York ho glance bill of fare. "Say." he gressional mouths watering with his ing to eludo the men who want to most obvious conclusion she Is not an a at the tels recently terrapin was quoted at $4 that said to his companion, "what kind of statement that In return for a small sacrifice her on tho altar of millionaire ordinary woman. Such Is the case of to $5 a plate, but In the very, very ex Bchool a bird Is a terrapin anyway?" appropriation he will make diamond appetites she answers to the name of no one Miss Grace Charlotte Strachan, up metaphors, wilfully terrapin a staple every cot- Malaclemmys clusive University club, wherein Let's mix our back for palustris. There are may degree, Is oflletal of New York, whose name has Joyously,, say terra- tage table. His plan is simply to of Malaclemmys, dine unless he has a or prominently us and and that the start other varieties the introduced by a degreed member, ter been brought forward pin Is a rare bird. (You and I know, culture work on tho neglected Mala-clemm- hut the palustris branch of the family of a candidate for tho presidency of rapin was listed at $3. Hut whisper that of course, without looking at the plc- - palustrls (tho Latin naino for Is the only genuine, sitnon pure dla- - the National Fducatlonal association. It softly -- it was reported that It was was Miss Strachan denied with modesty not the diamond hack that served for n the beautiful gray building on Fifth that she was an aspirant the avenue, but a more humblo relative. olllce, but her ndmlrers asserted that hit's learn a little about this aristo they would support her. She has earn- crat of the reptile world that costs so ed nation wide recognition, they said, much per mouthful. In the first place, for her work In behalf of tho women she Is an inhabitant of salt and brack- teachers of New York city. ish waters, living in the marshes which The association will meet In annual fringe the North American coast from convention in Chicago July 6 to 12. The Cape Cod to Texas. Tho other terra- members will discuss educational prob- pin, not the diamond back, arc found lems which have arisen In the past sometimes In fresh water. The dia- twelvemonth, and they will signify mond back was formerly very abun- their appreciation of tho work of some dant on her native marsh, but her of tliSr leaders by electing them to toothsomeneis has been her undoing. otllee. There Is an unwritten law of The incessant extensive fishing to the association which forbids the ro-e- le G. which he has been subjected has re- tlon of tho president, so Carroll duced her numbers and has raised her Pearse, superintendent of schools of price. The principal fisheries are now Milwaukee, Wis., will vacate his place In Chesapeake bay and on the coasts at the head of tho country's school ot New Jersey and North Carolina, but mantel's and inarms. It may bo that there are also artificial hatcheries in he will llvo In the annals of the asso- addition to tho natural breeding ciation as the president who succeeded grounds. a woman, Kiln Flagg Young of Chica- Although some terrapin aro dug from go, and was succeeded by another, Miss the mud wllllo hibernating, by far the Strachan. larger number aro captured by means Two circumstances, one dependent on of seines, traps, etc., during tho sum- the other, have combined recently to mer months nnd are confined In pens, bring Miss Strachan prominently be- where they aro fed on oysters, fish, fore tho educators and general publli celery, soft shell crabs, etc., to Im- of the United States, Tho first was prove the delicacy of their flavor. Tho her carrying to a successful conclusion terrapin commonly sold have a length last year tho light, several years in the of shell of from five to eight Inches' waging, for "equal pay for equal work' nnd aro from six to ten years old. The for women teachers of New York As terrapin does not submit easily to cap- head of tho Interborough Association ture. When she feels the net draw III): of Women 1 of New York Miss about her sho tries her hardest to gel Sir i han to.iKlu Ioiik .mil bird la leg - away. She l,nni how to sim er ll,t'i' hulls and out f He in i tier well and ewn on land Is swlfter'lhan ion ' . tl. n that women ho did the almost nn other variety of turtle or sum' work us men kluiuld reit-n.- - to torte' e gain.' pay. Her success, after nuim fnlliirig and discouragements, was her- ith increasing scarcity the price of MISS GRACE C. M. t' terrapin has mounted fast. Thirty alded fur and wide. STRA.CH. ago The second circumstances to which w irj s (odd jears It was quoted some equal pay law. Hut the rules t i u.'ru she ib of Scutch-Iris- h an-ica- times as low as $4 a dozen. Now $10 reference lias been made was the move- of education jf New York, t" She .von her plaic as u Uy Amerlcun Museum of Naiu'w U,:: ry teacher Photograph apiece Is considered a moderate, de- ment by the women teachers of New which Miss Strut nun is subject, of in the public sihuols of Brooklyn by THE EDIBLE DIAMOND BACK TERRAPIN, mand, and J. P. Morgan, the connois- York to mark their appreciation of course, as she Is a district superintend- standing highest In a list of 300 candi- seur In terrapin us In other things of Miss Htruchun's work In their behalf ent of schools In Brooklyn, forbid the dates after a severe competitive ex- ture or Into the dictionary that she Sis' Terrapin) In the department's lab- inond back Some restaurants that arc more Intrinsic und loss edlhlo value, by presenting to her u large sum of raising of money for testimonials to amination. Since 1900 she has held tho Isn't a bird at all, but a kind of turtle). oratory at Beuufort. N. C. and then first cluss in other respects are sbaino-les- s payc for his terrapin $150 a dozen. money. The Income wus to muko her any parsons In the employ of the responsible position of district superin- But she's a rare turtle, so rare that oversupply the market with the deli- regarding this matter. Whe'n you Throughout this article the terrapin financially Independent for life. The board. tendent after having served as publlo even when she Is well done the restau- cacy. order terrapin there you aro never has been referred to as "she." That Is amount of tho fund to be raised was Miss Strachan Is u woman of dis- schuol teacher, member vf the faculty and hotels where they serve her "Under present conditions the dia- sure that you will get Malaclemmys because In the terrapin family the fe- estimated at between $100,000 und $200,-00- 0. tinction In person and in achievements. of the training school for teachers, rants money charge from $4 to $6 for a portion. mond back terrapin's eggs are exposed palustris or Malaclemmys centrutu. male rules the roost. Her llesh is far The was to bo raised by Tall and well built, she rail lutes a sense principal of a public school, teacher la Now, this sort of thing doesn't please to all the vicissitudes of shore life, and Plain every day turtle of some other more delicate than that of tho male, voluntary assessment on the women of tho power and determination that and principal ot an evening high your Uncle Sam, who thinks terrapin few that are laid are hatched. This variety may be your portion. and tt Is only the female terrapin that teachers who have benefited by Miss have stood well by her In the fight for school. r masses. will all be remedied when the depart- Of course If you arc permitted to seo commands the big prices. Besides, the Strachan's activity. The highest amount recognition of tho women ot Is well suited to be food for the teachers' The convention the National Edu Bo he's going to try to popularize the ment starts its breeding system, and Mrs. Turtle before she gives up her males do not attain nearly so large a named, $200,000, Is about the sum gain- claims. She has had several years of eutlonal association In Chicago will ba terrapin, so to speak. In other words, the result will be terrapin by the car- young life to become a stew you may growth ns their mates. ed In one month by the women school pedagogical experience, beginning her tho fiftieth in the history of the organ he's going to try to put terrapin into load. Coming on the heels ot these know when you are getting the genuine HltUGE K. GOItDON. teachers of New York through the teaching career in Buffalo, where she iiation. WALTON WILLIAMS, j nrrniN ' not- ttAW STAK, jATUHDAV, JUNE a to for taps, "Mn mll vMt M the hmwi art rvmala avnil ievral wwhn turn far a lirMf "T GROCERS RETURN Ikm innirtnf la Mftketm Whltmmr'on M vtt Ohumi, wtay in the talamtn m; Aim. MIm If .Inh Martin and Crorkvr haw The trli wta dannel lmil ma a alwaya vntM Hi hom pomlmt of tto Crwkm nvn huma, and Mm. um titer nntlnt. During their exmr-tiH- i FROM HONOLULU it. d muck intmvtt mmamn th mm-ikm- h Martin la In It rimanllmt In all of tli Mr. and Mm. CriH'ker vlalletl near- or th pgctattva mi In ten Finn ntn of inn lllllahtiruMili lielrwm for ly every point ttflnlereat in Hamuli. i 1k o and tb fHMitttmia. lk wpddlttn Mm. Miutln la lo be Iiiflmllna tltH voltwiiti of Kllaueii. a of Ht the wmldltm, s Hmt Kiiiiicl! n i:ihiiIiici. iiin ii; Knl .owing htr Afrtvftl oh thr Over-l- maid honor anil her They antd Hint the moat Intem-tllu- v tlitunhter, llUlu MIm Mary Tit am m1 or Mr iilul Mm Clmiltxt ml on 8timtty, Mit Ctwfw wettt to Martin, will fwttttrw of t Italr trip wbb their atny nt Hurrah ! for the 4th Tampleton Crocker from Honolulu on Nairn lo visit .Mr. ami Mra. Waller 1h one of tho llowor alrln. tin- - Mtthmt llotol on WnlklUI IIohcIi, Die Mongolia yentprdH.v followed th Martin. The Martini anil their auwt Mr. nml .Mm. Charles Tomit'clon where thoy wore the riiohIh or the arrival on Sunday or MIum Jennie ffitnt In ate ynteroay Rflsrnoon from Croekr w.uro greeted li.v many Month Out l ienor Cluli nml txtile the nut f Itt IT . Orwoker from New York lo perfec t t hoi rountrv home Ht Nann and went hen Ihoy Htepped off the liner Mon-moII- h entitle r.ntl on bom-tls- TO CELEBRATE THE FOURTH OF JULY? OF COURSE II or to he lloti-- l St KfiHiflK, they yoHlunltty. Thoy loft Sun I'rnn- - Is In the for one the most inter ttllfio Expert Surf. GOING -- i I ARR ?n ARI7 Yrr AMn wrr r ic Mil Mtrt. Urutthur, nftor whom one or the 1 wamt vaii m iaim fttntoMt ytu!ht, or the, Island wntern Js OURS IS A SAFE AND SANE named, la an expert In the surr and CELEBRATION A DEMONSTRATION had little tilllleulty in Initiating her OF OUR VALUE GIVING ABILITY THAT SHOULD INTEREST EVERY lim hand in the somowhnt dlfllcult feat HOME-FURNISHE- R. of "holm;" out throtiRh the IiIr comb-er.-- s nml riding hark on the crest of the rollers, standing erect on the surf board. 6 SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS FOR FOURTH OF JULY WEEK- - !;rho Oulrlgfiwn Club, the Myrtlb' Htiwlng Club nnd the Yacht Club out- did themselves In offering hospitality to the Crockers. '' Fir Dresser Gotden Fir White Enamel ' Ueforo leaving the islands the Crock-er- a were entertained at n dinner n la 3 Drawers, size of Base Chiffonier Metal Bed Japanesque, at the Mojizuko Club, where all the guests donned kimonos, 18x36, Bevel Plate Mir- of good proportions. It in 30, 36, and 46 voro obis nnd gctas and sat nsmiat on ror 12x20, Golden Oak stands 4 ft. high, is 33 sizes; Height of Head, customary Nipponese the floor In the in. wide, and 19 in. deep; 44 in.; Height of Foot, 'style. Finish; an exceptional has five Drawers, with in.; Pillar, in. Among the delicnciiw served at this value Celebra-tio- n 352 tiny llsli Wood Knobs Celebration Japanese dinner were silver Price which squirmed nllvo in wooden bowls. $9.00 Celebration Price $9.00 Price $3.00 The guests of the West politely passed up ths exotic dish, but the Japanese epicures ate the animated slivers of silver with gusto. Axminister Rugs Solid Oak Ex- Cane Seat TO ABOLISH SLANG AT - BY FINES tension Table Dining Chair WELLESLEY size 36x72, in Oriental, - WKIiTiRSLBY. Juno r bas mado'sueh inroads into the Floral and Conventional Golden Finish, top 33x Golden Oak, has long English of the college girl that dras- 42, extends to 5 ft. Back Posts and Brace Designs; large 2Vi measures to prevent its employ-- ' assortment tic in. ; Arms, Turned Spindle inaugurated at Wel-- ( Fluted Legs ment are to be to select from and Embossed Slats in lesley College. ' Celebration back Celebra-tio- n A lino is to bo levied 011 ali Celebration Price nominal $3.50 Price $5. Wellesloy girls who tiro caught using to Price. . . . . pl00 slang, tho sum thus obtained to go to the student government building

"My dear" is slang at Wellesloy. AGENTS FOR Then there are "celebs,' "dewbabs," AGENTS FOR "piffle," "bats," "straight credit," LUXURY STEARNS & cuts the chunks." "neauut," "crush GO CARTS MATTRESSES. es." "Celebs" means a person you ad- mire for her achievement. "Dowdabs" is another word for masculine kisses. may One recelv-do'.led- A "crush" is u person a girl fall farcical. is "lab dl dab" when streets, Lincoln, Neb., has just " tie shifted or adjusted to any position her ' genLeman she is dressed or up. ed a patent a back iipun when for device which be calls in relation to the lingers. The pitch-e- r 'town. A "pill" and " ' friend'' is out of baseball curver." This consists of may adjust it va be likes in order meaning, a CURVER FOR a "peanut" have the same PATENT la vacuum cup held in position by a to impart a whirling motion to tho square. A PITCHERS, person who is not on tho BASEBALL band to tit the finger, or in a size to lit baseball, which he can regulate as he "scream" stands for anything that is It. W. Jones of Fourteenth ana' P two more Angers in order that it may' pleases with a very litt'e practice,

II Ill nHHHHHHnHnillllllllHIIIIlll Ill IIPHHHI IIJI mi 1 Hill 1 1 :, MM f 9

a 'a . 5 ii f


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Offices: STANGENWALD BUILDING, Display Rooms: 14 Queen Street. Honolulu


PAGES 17 TO 20. PAGES 17 TO 20. HONOLULU, HAWAII. SMI IUUY, JlTT. 20. 11.: HITheMjlkihg

'ban Hioso from any other part of the built a rough frnmtnvorK oi wood and ' oilv in .siimrh ns the plaster Is put criivhb and on' tills the snlptor piles c o i' I "glit Injurs, otherwise the his clay, using, sometimes, ions of it. f iqht would cause the cheeks to sink The statue of tbo Whaleman required" ii before hardening. The queerest G000 pounds of clay. The detallg In' fc mutton is experienced when casts the clay are worked out with th oi tti cars are made, for it seems to lingers and a few jSinall tools, such a model whose physical development ho model as though he wer When onc.sees a magnificent bronze was also lost on the same ship, was under as trowels .arid kniv. All the time, . . . l .id In tV.lllV gone " v-- - , the water and that sledge hamniirs, however, I'he jdny Is kept moist so flfntnn nun a mnro impressed With Samuel ward Stanton, who unu abroad to Study German cavalry As it would not be expedient for a were being used on the car. The car, that It will cling togpther or that or tne meuiou... the wont art tnan in horses and to make sketciies or a sculptor to always have a living being flexible, londs itself nicely to slight changes may be made rrom, ot making it, and yet the several j tntj11(r model at hand, timo is saved by mau- - 'asts time to time. processes through which the statue For men. women and children for i"6 plaster casts from which the work With the casts made the sculptor When the model If completed It Is leisure, goes,- from the conception o the Idea models painters and sculptors are can be carried on nt llien has his moulds and he prepares given a coating of sweet oil and thou In making a cast the model is posed them use. or in the mind ot the artist to the final ever on the search, and it does not for further The sections casts plaster of parls are taken matter in what walk ot life the in the position desired and the work that come in two parts, such as the from It, just as from the living model. mounting of it upon Its pedestal, are mndf.1 mav he nrnvlded he or she has begins. For oxample the sculptor limbs, are treated to a coating of From these casts, which nre really most interesting. right the figure that suits the need. Often wishes a model ot the lower is put 0n bythe handful until there however, restores the cramped mus- - greasy substance, such as sweet oil, moulds, are made other casts and then In theso days there is hardly a city, artists employ a dozen or more limb and root. First there is tied j8 a thlekuessrof an inch or more, .ies and no after effects are felt. In and are then tied together. Into the the sculptor has, in sectloiiB, a replloa town or hamlet that does not desire models for one picture, taking one's around the model's limb, Just above Befoie the plaster hardens the two making casts of the body it .is much cavity Is then poured puro white of his model. These replicas are then - a string from which two a memorial of some sort. In many hair, another's mouth and chin, an- the knee, strings are pulled upward, cutting more tedious for the model for the plaster of pnris. When the plaster Is ready for the bronze worker. ji torso, and ao on until the other strings are hung, one in front, through the plaster just as a store- - plaster Is weighty. A hard; the chipping away of the mould There are two methods cases these memorials take the form other's cast made of distinct e statue may he a composite of all. and one In hack. The limb Is then, keeper cuts butter with a wire. Then the back weighed CO pounds and as begins. The mould being ochre-co- l- making rts, one by the fire perdue? of tablets, but usually the larger In the statue of the Whaleman, bathed with sweet oil to prevent the the plaster is permitted to harden, It lequlres half an hour for the plast- - ired, the sculptor tan nt once discern or lost wax, vstem and the other by cities prefer statuary, whether it he shown on this page, the sculptor had plaster adhering to the skin. this requiring about 10 minutes, dur- - er to set, it Ih no child's nlav. As when he has reached the white pins- - sand moulding. The former method to the memory of some Individual or betore him not less than a dozen men In the meantime the sculptor has ing which time the model undergoes the minutes elapse the weight be- - ter which constitutes the finished Is most generally tnployed and Is the to something typical of the place. and rrom them he composed the feat-- prepared his plaster, made of plaster not a little dlscomXprt, for his tense comes almost' unbearable and the product, and when .all of the yellow most interesting. Th. plaster model something of parls and yellow ochre, to which j muscles are pores pro- - plaster has been chipped off white or replica is sent to the It is customary for those in charge ures, embodying from held as though In a vice, dosing of the brings on a the ijundryman each, obtaining what is believed to be water Is added until the whole is tho When the cast Is hard the sculptor, fuse perspiration. replica of the modo'B body Is lett. upon whose shoulders Tails most ot the erection of memorials to aBk a typical New England seafaring njnh; consistency of cako frosting. With a with a mallet and wedge carefully re- - Casting the face is another unpieas- - With tho model to pose and with dellcnte part of tho work, the mavng sculptors note to enter a compe- ot To make a statue to represent a little of tho plaster tho strings are moves the plaster which eornes off in nit sensation. Pieces of paper aro the easts to examine in detail the of the casts, or moulds. These'caatb draw- r tition, each to submit either a gladiator, however, is, a different made fast to thp front and back or two solid ploces much to tho relief of placed oi-c- the eyes and brows to work of making the clay model be- - aro made In pieces, or sections?", for ing or model which wilt "'re'prcsent proposition, "for then onfc must have the model's limb and then the plustor the model. A row minutes massage, prevent the pladter cn'tctillig tho U,.i glru. When the statue ls'to bo or the convenience-o- r handling. Fl- - what he thinks will best typify the the model Is treated to a coat Ow, shellac and then to oil From this subject In hand. This is the begin- a ms3fflS4Sffiffi3Se & model another cast is taken, Just an ' ning of the artist's labors, for he v W " "8 - !i T m m m "I 15 13" the was ; . .- 1 S 9 V w& - V - Z cast taken from the clav- ht -- i n m m wi ua in -- must, of nil, i.tuiiusi-i- i t m m m m mJTs. m mmmm m fa ym m ui sv n un first icquiuiii mtnHtUiO' mm mm ri the artist and this cast constitutes the. bo a person am with the subject. If it ( first step in the making of the final everything pertaining to then the 1 4 mould. The mould is thon coated must be ascertained, ej ...... IUS wnn wax 10 cor-- MtLK me uepiu wnicn win whether the man bo a soldier, mer- dKU S respond with the thickness of th chant, judge or what, for according rAKtLL V?:SkI3T 5rCr:I-?V- metal, an eighth, a quarter or a occupied in life ho .By EDWIN L. SABIN. "Maybe we can get free tickets to Tau old to the position he male at I'eterkin wore and od Ilr'er Jonnlson. "I may have folded, In a ring and equipped with an inch thick, ns the case may be. not ne ap- - The bonds of Hot Tamnle Tan are the show," proffered Spuds, blithely. are a sociable bunch, the glad II my - suit-bag- s a must be posed. It would with known, but has escaped meiij- slufTed charming fete, When tile wax has hardened It is citl- - stronger) than the bonds of liquid "What's the bill?" hand perpetually out. though. a moot court, propriate to place a soldier in ory. He's a Hot Tamalo Tau, Granny favored wi'ii backed up with a special cement am arm Blue. They aro stronger than the "You big gimp! It's n Iocture," re- The latest catalogue or Hot Ta- Certainly lie Is. Yes, look him up. hlniBclf as prosecuting attorney. zens' clothes standing with one then the plaster is romoved. Thji any more than It would needle to the Pole, or the magnet to proved Duster. malo Tau frat. in our select library He gets in tomorrow afternoon at live! However, in preparation tor the bo- - outstretched then gives a replica of the statue l -,- (I versa), or was or ' - i. t. -, n,,t ri,iin.r n i,nr. the steel mean, vice the "What on?" a vintage before the days of o'clock, rrom Chicago." cial hour. Granny, our mentor, plead- pave- wax. Tho wax is carefully retouctcr" uni- automobile to the bumps In the "Egypt,"' pneumatic tires or even safeties; to' "Where will ho lie at?" we Inquired, ed with the boys to wear their coats The soldier must be clad In his over It cos ment. Anyhow, that was tho style at "Aw, I thought It might be "See- be exact, in other words. It 'dated Spuds if and then is put another form and. if a general, mounted upon at table, and warned that University, ir a Tamalo ing Chicago by (las' Ught," or some- memory IlitTy ing or cement. subject be old i'eterkin back ere tho of even "At the hotel the St. .Tames lie essayed any knife play when de a prancing steed. If the The section In Tau brother ever came Inside the thing like tU&J," answered Spuds, (who had started Into college when 'P. thoucht we'd have him tin voiirlng pio he would be muzzled. is then placed at a judge then the pose should be one that county limits hewas given the grip placidly. Chicago University wns a Daptisst to tho house to dinner." exulalned Dlff. Gran, Spuds and I were the ov(m and baked. This baking whik dignity, seated in a chair or stand- of and a meal and a chance to make a "You big gimp!" lepudiated Duster, academy and Walter Camp played Granny. i committee to meet Drotber .lones, 't Imrdens the cement molts the wal ing erect and sturdy. Some of "You in Chicago n space talk and pass the makln's. haven't been since for Yale), or of Granny, who was...... ,,- - m.,,Pli Mln .,,.P0. and to escort him to the house. Dlff, and leaves botween the U If. on the other hand, the memorial a , - us occasionally oven borrowed lit uiu me, iiuvu yuui venerauio enougn to enjoy a mous- r of urse, represented Society; Gran inner races or the cement. Into tl men mo abb. iir-e- ii.tmUnn "He'd nice tint is to typify some industry tle money fmnl j,inl just to show him 'Ho means Fort Dearfiorn," kindly tnche cup. None of us was In the represented Scholarship; Spuds was (no Is then poured tho molten bron; keeping I shan't have much time to devote subject must be strictly in tnat ne wa8 f the family; and instructed Granny. j catalogue; only our tatlicrs were. Itah-rah- , 1 was be- - Or 0e to him, myself. Dut he's a line fol- - the and there just course hero and there are ver. and be of something that the average j thcro was anything that ho could Now we bitterly wo . mo Dlff took pity on our Duster, and wished that had a ,lf) f(.uow. rse s,e you l'ilU80 everybody loved so. All tho for the air to escnpo as the mel a glance. Ket . .. . . person can appreciate at away with, he was welcome to it. reminded him: tli0 new catalogue which we were' . .. , .. ... graces and disgraces of Hot Tamalo works Its way through and when t, rush-i- n I This requires much study and thought So when Duster Drown, fresh, "I said I'd bite. How do you pledged to buy as soon as the Interest !,,.,..,, , .,,,., .. Tau were combined In Yours Truth- - Is nmi ho , , i noiirinc rnmnlotn.iw...... w .i for the in panting, at the holy hour of on our building fund was paid up,' ti4in " tho making of the draft ed know?" "We will," promised Granny, et fully. has chilled, the cement Is hroki noon, with the news, we were visibly or ns soon as some ,leHIB, "Know what?" of the follows' posse. So Dlff doiiMed his latest tie, No. away and tho statue is complete, "i design Is approved interested as much us it behooved us tho gentleman In question is had paid merely dues. G!i, nightly to It Is when the "That their "That's all right, then," encouraged Gran wroto his letter For large statuos, groups, etc., til physical work, to be Interested by a freshman who a Tamalo Tail?" Our Tamalo Tau catalogue proved girl 4:14 0:1.1. that the real work, the hearty Dr'er Jennison. "He's a writ- his at instead of at casts are made in sections nnd the ct wus allowed only at tho see-mast- told me." full of Joneses about seven to onch' begins and the sculptor becomes a "Jennison er, too!" Dy which we Interpreted Spuds got a football trim to Ills hulr, tall,- . sections aro then bolted or riveted to With lumber, clay 01"1 - "Who's Jennison?" wo chorused. letter of tho alphabet. Hot Tamalo .m u ,wl.ll...l .,UJf..jt!r.f,llt .lr.i--...... w mechanic. that he would Imply an Bcther th0 Hea,ns be,ng toole(j ofl begins "Hay, lcnows! uiu you kiww u: "Why, he's secretary of tho Y. Jl. Tau certainly ran lo Joneses, and mi; .um ma and plaster of parls he the (modifying noun used figuratively). ruuu.iieiiuii'u h:iiuiihiiu Sometimes, it Is necessary to do sonv Tbat duck Jones Is a Hot Tamalo C. A., alnt he? He got up tho course" particularly lo tho V. Joneses I'cter, fashioning of the statue to the size "You'll find as jolly as limit, pice yclept St. James. ! him tho hand work on tho statues, Tau " "How docs he know?" Paul, Punk and Prune. Petit Pols We were not too early, and wo were but ta It will be when completed. lie's shaved ills moustache, hut"you'll more skilirul moulders do not flnt squawked Duster. "Decanse lie does. Ho said so. Ho and Prince of Pllsen, and plain, gar-tol- d There upon register work, however, Thus . P. .1. not too late. tho The preliminary - know him by his iald head. this necessary. a three-taile- d me so just a few mln- I problems Jones might have beon himself, don P'h. Tho Jones for which were Inscribed tho tracks which constitutes one of the main Jones Jay for Jolly." Tho sand moulding system prett! calf instead of a duck, for all that tiles ago. lie knows I'm a Tamalo would say, whom we were looking might be P. .1. Jones. is and the greatest of these problems is was good but. as before Im- III.. it...... we. engaged in tho solemn task of Tau, and so ho told me." Was, said Duster, Drothei Parcolius! That "Jones?" echoed Jimmy tho clerk. ,MUl" ,mu mpioycu m maKin the getting of the model. Sculptors plied, nobody, not a P. J. Jones from gnawing alleged steak, could judge, if everybody's finding out about j. Jones. Naturally ho was union "P. J. Jones? Yes. lie's here, 'lint's caBl lron wrk. tho only dirrercnc work from their own Ideas but they - I""'1'1". Stanford, Tallaliasee, HoIU. until further enlightened; therefore Duster, tho rest of us will have to re- ti10 plain, garden variety, or tho P. the gentleman in tho writing room. Uc'g that the work' is done wit - follow definite lines and practically n Whitman, .Michigan or anyone- from we chilled Duster's callow entlmf.l-ahi- sign,' grumbled Spuds. "When we .iv there were thirteen. I tell von. Se0 him?" nnor Rrados of sand and with muc of work Is done from models, anywhere could trot In. and put one all their with proper frostly sllenco took him ln,.wasn't It understood that not Tamalo Tau Is a big frat. Wo saw. Led by Granny, we march- - mrc care. In this class of worl animals. i)vw 0,1 Ilot Tamlll Tau al 0,11 mcr- - men, women, children and save as Spuds clinked his teeth upon way?" wo assigned him amongst us. Dlff ed to tho writing room. Tho gen., however, It Is possible for more tli'' Naj'- - painter - 1,n' "ol ,nls era' So' tru8t" Itosa Donheur, tho celebrated hiK knll0( anJ Granny, our So'.iio "Where's he rrom?" persisted Dlff, wnB to get posted on Columbia. Gran- must ho our meat, all right, for he ono cast to bo made from the mot 1,1 Jon- - of animals, never painted without siphoned his coffee from tho to Duster. y on Stanford, Spuds on Knox. Dlifii 'B tho innuendo from Dr'er had the bald heud; and as the rost of whereas-I- n - tho clro perdue Byatt rrom models. Fred- - ( ,liB0"' who In hls I,ah"' "ndorgrailu- sketches made nioiistnrlio cup that Ills "Who?" snapped Duster. 'on Whitman Moinorlai. Shad whose him didn't look like his picture on but one cast Is possible, unless a n wrought new allegation." j Tal- - '"te ,aH at North Dakota Wosloyan erick Itemington, who a nad given him. "Tills fn cognomen was Shadraih) on the liUls we knew him for tho guilty wax treatment is given. ti corker-tincorko- Tex-',,ui- l,p n r himself. enoch in the depleting of tho running "He is!" reltorated Duster. "Uou't "Talk Ungllsh." hahasseo Agricultural, Duster on 1 l,arty- - One prepared of tho features or making horse, spent countless hours in the jou believe It?" "You won't recognize it." retorted as, Sawbones on Michigan, until wo'w to entertain Drolhcr addressed our Granny.1 fittingly. 8tntlle ,8 thltt ,t mmt b mado It In writing by your own Dlff, had lilm covered. No which Jon08 Law Dlackshm-- .. observation of the movements of tho "Submll neatly. "This Jones. What's his matter with his best Senior ' . . .u....f I rncmi ...... u our Chief-Justic-e tiuiiii. wuiuuy limbs of galloping horses, making hand", suggested Granny. chapter?" .P ' ho could be, wo could converse In addition to cramming on Ian Webstorlan voice. , is to be viewed. There will bo a n actually "Walt till I finish my pio," sug,'cst-- "1 dunno," confessed Husto", with intelligently with him about his alma respective collegos wo oven tool, a "Mr. Jones?" sketches of them us they torlal U - oili-- o difference botween a statue pictures Spuds. I cant think when l r..,..,.t.. ..n ... ,!.,...,.,.. .!.- i .... i.mtnr i' lion jnvnlt im.i mire short coui'so iii niicletit ami modern Tho guilty party was a short, rosy appeared. How much his 1 IO pmceu L...w,...i..... t iiiiiidiniito Hirvnt (n extonslvoi and n nn. w upon tho ground at EngllBh prints cat." ..oOU inn im of lint 'I'nmaln Tnu tonic rather ,., iiii liriutin.nrnun l.ui.i contrast with the old i ono 18 Dllt'y. r Hiffy bought some villainous Egyptian bo- - u,nl to bo "laced on the topi - bite," quoth "I'll bite, "Well." said Granny. "If llttlo at old Peterklu. terod and a pug nose a cross r tli a riorln- rnnns Tho fnenl nlnne. iil a boy. Who Is ho? Then go and nowsgittliorer mlsin-- l This was lucky, that w(. thus dlvld- - cigarettes. tweon a shaved Santa Glaus and a ttt" l,odstal. The difference photograph shows only too well how little lias not been - - what is known If wash your face for dinner. by tho Y. M. ('. A. b ir i i wo'd Ing Diother Parcolius up, for when! ny midnlght-ol- l llmo Peterklu cluij- Dattllng Nolson. Ho looked up llus- as iierspoctlve. Remington's are drawn. formed correct horses I or Btatuo Intendod for top ' "Why, you gimps!" gnspetl Duster. bettor have Diother Jones mi to the' Dlff and Granny and wended our ter Hot Tamalo Tau was somewhat tratcd. tho of Francis D. Millet, who lost his llfo Gwau and soak your heads! Gwnn boiiHo, thon." (enrneHt way to ronfor with Diother oxoited, I can toll you. Our duties! "Yes, I am Mr. Jones." shaft wore to bo Bet upon the gron on the Titanic, was returning - and read tbo He's that ' Sure tiling," concurred all of us. (I speak now of tho groat brother- loomed blggor and blggor. Dut In case! "A-ho- I am Drother Whltten. or vlowod from its own lovol It won ho had A.-er- ., Droth-anywa- from abroad with sketches ,,,B )e(.luror comB i tho Y. M. C Which hud been tho main thought hood of man) Jonnlsoii. Y. M. C. our distinguished frator turvUod Drothor Jonos Diother Robins, apiioar as though faulty' in dwh in Kuropo which ho proposed ' made A. Star course! And ho's a Tamalo th0 foregoing monkey-wor- k arorosaid 'Dr'or Jonnlson smilingly Spud's tablo manners and the Jap'a' oi Mltcholl, Drothor Jackson." tlio propor view point boing from

In paint- by-pla- to transfor to canvas mural Tau. too!" being Just a y kindly to train1 confirmed fioahlo Ouster's roport. pio, we had a rosorvo of other enter-- I Succeselvely wo advancod, with our low, and tho snmo holds tru ings Tor library nt tho walls of tho "Sad, if true," remarked Granny. our freshmen In tho way tlioy should Dut talumunt. Some of us projected the Hot Tamalo Tau pins prominently statue deBtlnod to stand on th P New Dodford. Another artist, who "Hut this chapter's not to blame." oxlst. On the doad, wo of Hot Ta- - "Don't know his collojio, aniiouiin-- ; dollffht of throe Froilunen blind- - (Cotitlmiod on page .0.) or at a slight elevation. '

.."4 . Jv U.. WVJ Till? HAWAIIAN STAR. HATl'MDAY. Jt'NK I, lNi. Well, allwlt Named by a mUftr ,oktfl v whI wild Him, m iMt TMt M iM m yon hmv rolle m PARGELIUS om torn hMthon in the Sopnowwr PtWnw. hi fllow, wha conMYo H wn tM MitHir t ialon, we war flat) to hava thai not anltt without tkatr poai prandlal hjr IM sinw! ararv. iv man ua inina inai wvrv um mnii iu iu going to mt MHnethlna Mpaclal tnat loom. Hour, a ammnnr Oh, maaji lm n Hut Taina n Tan, iird fioin pnne IT.) n. yi It Saves - Jont,4 prov! 'Mk! 'Hull! Labor It waa hw to bnva it before lnwwl lirrf- Brother vm ii- , rounded rheata, and Jo-Jo'- yon of after. a coeMng likely to ,1" iHaapnolntmc-nt- in reitaln Or ohm'I b to Htmven when yon da out ready with tka " T . be flavored with Oreek roota t ml h Htt onr f Tan. 'Ith! i. ran grip, an.lU;n,, (! 'n! etant h'.uory. Habitually he '.oncoct-- i t,mt we mi,Bt ,,ot forjftl. Qntmi'! Vuu have but to tliow your pin to kave you eotno up ml wltlt readlna urme an and a bank MM raw anu Klff aJDitMr.) or nl Atiu urer mt yon In. tWnner, If you ean," ii nmlar self-contr- TWna(iJ loyally: And you'll nlwnya have ihy ext pleekl it' In each band ' HM. . A ' The innovation by Brother Jotiea with hi in. Y or pie: Run: iiaii! i A telltiK had fluahml as If n lf under Jugt to develop the jollity and help all milled at rathar put our stride; but )itully the inatira;loi) of Granny ail1! TMffy hlin along to the uncorking point wo Then we rendered our yell: throe IIS. ;. k nileoxo whoop-u- p iVhite wrap-boo- and a which filing mr and the rest of v.i who hat. been in nhoed him our of dance training w programs, and of other relict, that por-- l out hands and logs Into the air. ' Up to the ohNiitaf at home gradually drew Tau This loft Brother Jones a bit With- - wxv Up oven again until, when the first the glories of Hot Fletcher-,"- ! old 1'eterkin; and all the annuals, loss. t mouthfuls of steak had been didn't understand" joki-- "1 must go!" ho Raiod, hastily, o lied to that they would pass a four- - with the about us, the pictures othor Parcollus; bnt we . . rM-ni- nan. three-quarte- wo'of US: and Dink told i story thftt tor me musi Itnn to be placed upon teen and hoiiuaue X ns well wo did. not realize l! wrn rauier a uiiiuiuiu t ot Pe'terkln Tamilea. wero golng .itrong. Unnwfciiaw ns of jollity or program than' I had expected, y iHjlitely Interrupted, Granny told his only funny story. Brother .loueft'R center grow rosy, as if be- Hi d 1 known, beforehand" 'on down to the hall in As we helped Brother Jones laugh no- (that bald place) "You' 1 be in time. It's only soven lrrnnged to' liavo body would have suspected that we ing warmed up; and wo wore quite dinner thirty," assured Biff. "We can mako va forty-five- . That will tenlors had hecrd the rttory twenty-tw- o cosy. It In ten minutes, easy." lionra." tlmos, juniors seventeen times, sophs "When 1 wes at colloge " ho Wo swarmed' hall with far from the chapter eleven tinios, and freshies already six and Granny dived Into tho all Into the him, and hustled him into his coat times. That wr.i our Jap's duty; to1 hole in the line. and s. Wo can have a car-- " practice his mathematics by keeping ,;By the way, where was that, Broth hat A Pure White Soap that will not injure the most you," quavered Brother alleged Granny, with track. er Jonrs?" ho Invited, casually. "Thank Jones, who seonied much affected at nt But our distinguish-potldo- d Dink ttarted in on a story, but it "Columbia, watn't It?" urged Biff. the parting, prospective The bonds valiantly, as had a swonr-wor- d in it, and wo chok- "Whitman Memorial I" hinted Dink. Delicate Garment. of Hot Tamale Tau are as aforesaid, ed him off. No use sending Brother "Tallahassee Agricultural I" propos- In the preamble to this sad tale. They jjploro you. That won't Jonr.i to the Y. M. C. A. lecture stage ed Shad. stretch only with pain; and they bust We allowed ourselves wltlt f swear-wor- d echoing In his mind. "Holla!" guessed 1. never. "I will say good-nigh- t, then. t. "Er I shall go, with Ulrt tucked his napkin under his chin "My college?" queried Brother Jones. you Good-nigh- t, my dear boys." He was tho chapter house, you to save his tic, and Spuds' knlfo clink-p- d "Yes!" wo chorused. "Whore flushing with his jolly flush t.nd if ho t know about the, chap once on his teeth. So wo were at joined the fraternity." Your urocer bells It was to uncork, now was the supreme ease and were comfortable. And "Oh! I came. into tho great brother- and finnl moment. But he merely add' .ered Spuds and I; "got Brother Jonrn was O. IC, too. hood at Joseph Wd Ebcnezer Unlver-alty.- " ed: "I shoiul like to have had a littlo "Past Brother Jones tho bread', Jo." : different parting something a littlo not bo late for the "Have some potato, Brother Jones." A dreadful; jmuco ensued. Brains ! moro significant of the principles ot "Let Jo help you to some meat, wero racked Dink broke the Ice in " wo our order " Ho may have been upon assured. "We'll Bro'her Jones. Nice pleco of steak another spot. M0THERH00I plenty tho verge of offering cs a stein, to eko la of time." waiting for you." "Didn't know wo had a chapter would to out our harmless art collection; or a ygnjtko uio Brother Jones wasn't fooled a bit by there," he confessed. now piano. You never can tell. How- that tent bluff; he was wUo; he'd been "Oh, yes. A chapter house ""but al t can. 'wujr'6 hero to ever, he concluded: "I can only say, SUGGESTIONS et a frat. house before. There never Is florco turmoil lnterrupted.jfurlher'.con-fldouces- . P." bless you, bless you; and good-by.- " Is, '. " : any more steak. Or if there it's for In- nos thought that he , "Hold on. We're going with you," hash. Tho tVoo blindfolded freshmen, efully convoying hlin formed Gran. Pretty soon wo felt out a little more, with at iffed salt bags, wero in tho ring Advice to Expectant Mothers post of honor on his "What! All?" with rcm oh as these, to make pltchr; impromptu amide t the pre- uttlng in on tho left "Sure. Wo escort ou down." our gi' in Granny led. cincts of tho once fair dining room! ould. Spuds and I clos- - Also we'd go in with him dead- The experience of Motherhood is a try- ',t'i that at Stanford, so Oh. the swats! 'Twas beautiful. we steared a 'triumph- - head. This wo did not announce, but ing one to most women and marks dis- tint a fact, Brothor Promptly we abandoned our prize liter street. Evor and anon the othor wrs enough. He brightened tinctly an epoch in their lives. Not ono left tho archives of Hot Tanialo woman in a hundred is prepared un- i Zeta Zip or Sir ature wonderfully, with real pleasure. or ,,"omod certain, loft them on derstands how to properly care for her- m Wkoopsllou or s not Tau am "I didn't asl ' "Good!" ho exclaimed. self. Of course nearly every woman of arggtonip .ed, and Biff tried. tho floor, and proparcd to devote our you. I was hoping. I shall be delighted, nowadays has medical treatment at 8 certainly did clean 'om minds to physical culture. lOtttrfttf brothers, delighted. And will you such times, but many approach tho at' and 'r'n nit-- j'i joI, tills 6easo,n; didn't sho, "What's the matter?" Implored you experience with an organism unfitted ftf L . This is a surprise. Blew ii . Jones? Must have a great sys-- for trial of strength, J Brother Jones, rs wo roio en masse. again." the and when it out thero." "Just a little fun," oxplained Biff. is over her system has received a shock I heard Spuds gurgle rapturously from which it is hard to recover. Fol- 'T dnro say," responded Brother them? Como on whore you'll have "See over the scheme; and with mutual lowing right upon this comes the ner- I really noticed." Jones. "But haven't n better view." congratu'atlons emanating from our vous strain of caring for tho child, and Whitman Mem- on, Jones," we all Honolulu, T. H., May 20th, 1912. "But how about "Come Brother expectant visages we flocked forth. To a distinct change in the mother results. - , viv-Tl'.- e hopefully. is ."- key orial?" prompted Dink, bade. nothing, of an Kgyptiap There is nothing more charming than - bo guests for i was, for-- "Whoro la that, may I ask?" re- Oh, revelry of a. high-tone- d kind a happy and heahy mother of children, iter lecturer, is worth the price. As previy thought and indeed child-birt- h under the right if"' .glit. Even the sponded Brother Jones. reigned supreme, and' we that M. C. A. 'MR. J. C. AXTELL, ously forecasted, the Y. hall; conditions need bo no hazard"to health owars and coats in- - So of courso he hadn't been there Brother Jones would feel at home; or is at the campus, only three blocks beauty. The uncxplainable thing is that, aweaters, and most of was fortunute, inasmuch as would revive the " which that in his breast away; and when within half a block Honolulu, with all tho evidence of shattered nerves ions wore on the couch-ha- d tho location. HI old ilayo ot .Tnsoph null v Dink bad farRotten Spirit "f jest to let the interested populace and broken health resulting from an un- been ptimevally, in-- e Yes, from Columbia to Talla- bbenozer. One blindfolded fresh had prepared condition, and with ample sir; know of our existence and our late timo water-hau-l. Dear Sir: in to floor. "P'.3 true that hassee Agricultural we made a to the fray with Huge song Hot which prepare, women will persist honors, we struck up n for in going blindly to was on the Nothing doing. Humph! But strlilps: Fwlncinc his salt-bat- : like a the trial. Tamale Tau: thai, cannl-l- y gives'jrrie inform you. both the one Every woman this time should rely uple of caps were stuck we continued our well war-clu- a second had dropped' h 'pleasure to at Oh, you must be a Hot Tamale Tau, upon Lydia E.Pinkham's Vegetable Com- er; but otherwise tho meaning little repartees, and switched on one knee, listening for an op- 'Rah! 'Hah! pound, a most valuable tonic and invig-orat- or narred by human vile-- e to Egypt. Granny elucidated on tho portunity; the third stood stock still, hundred gallon Sun Water Heaters placed at the Salvation Or you can't go to Heaven when you of the female organism. freshmen and Medics, pyramids, Biff on mummies. Dink on jabbing Into thin Fresh number air.. die! 'Hah! 'Rah! ' In many homes was abruptly changed flatfoot architecture of the human an- one stumbled and fell over fresh num- Home have given perfect satisfaction. once childless thero But ere our finale of three sneezee Army i . . - frat. hymn, and then atomy as portrayed by the native art- two; fresh number three charged are now children be- i ber ana a tiger for I on Brother Jones had toot- cause of the fact fded forward, greeting ists, Sawbones on embalming, delightedly forward, groped for the .' led out in second breath, with lift of Yours faithfully. that Lydia E. Pink-ham- 's thqlr sinewy outstretch-- i Cook round-trips- ; we faintly Interested sourco of the racket, and fell to pound- hand and frantic halt he cilt it off. Vegetable noble newly-washe- d guest, but he plainly wes holding ing weapon flall-'ik- e upon his fall- our h's "I beg of you! Not here! C. L. McCA'BE, Compound makes thunder from him. Presently these latter Isn't that in, lett we steal his en enemies. the place?" women normal, uest was visibly affect- - That was legitimate, only he could arose In red wrath and battle-roya- l en- healthy and strong. "No; opposite corner, brother," in- "ElAtFlHKHAlJr1" brother Hot Tamale a sweet fracas, So Home;. ' have trusted h's suedreally little structed Biff, as cheerfully Matron, S.A. If you want special advice write t as possible ... , . 11, each and every one, Talis. Jo-J- o took notes. He learned "Come on, Brother Jones," we en- ' Lydia L Plnklinm Medicine Co. (conf- iinoer the circumstances. "This is the idential) Lynn, Mass. Your ds," ho bubbled, a lot, this dinner. Suddenly couraged. ' ' letter will Methodist church." Manoa. , bo opened, read and answered by a a was a genuine I was at college" began '..!.' y; "When But when wc looked back, Brother "Then It Is the place! I am shocked! woman and held in strict confidence. one of the apd we pricked our Tau Brother Jones; Jones was gazing in a wabbly feshion They may have heard !" inly ho chanced to be a he merely desirea' to Etate ears. But after us, and upon his erstwhile jolly "But the Y. M. C. A. auditorium Is Vh!lo we wero hovering was at co'lege they Wright-Hustac- that when ho countenance sate strange paleness and yours, isn't it. Brother Jones?" prompt- e muling mlx-up- , a wee $1.20 a week, and boarded in a club at bewilderment. ed Gran. ' a voice which never lived well, too. Possibly something "Come!" we beckoned. The three LIMITED. "1 didn't understand so." many towns ;.nd cities, anl I am fre- - dian section of tho Victoria and jbeyed and never has about our meal called up this recollec- fresh had each other In a corner; they Phone 1148. "Certainly it is ! that's what the bills entertirlned although 1 would bcrt Museum a series of beautiful and e Tau at old l'ete-rkln- . tion; but we did not love being re- were mad; they didn't care how hard Cor. King and South Sts. say," we rssured. "Lecture on Egypt, say, without criticising, that the pro-- : highly interestln examples of Mogul, minded of the fact. they hit. Goodness me! Dearie dear! Successors to Parcellus II. Jones, April 10, Y. M. C. gram usually takes a little different Rajput and. Tibetan industrial art. " Jo-J- Following our pleasant social inter- We grinned our wished that Brother Jones would A. auditorium, eight o'clock." by you, my The most important among them is W. W. WRIGHT & CO.. LTD. tooth- tone from that employed eeboy-stewar- d pie we adjourned to hurry. y when not course and "But, me! I no on ' the toilet-trn- of a Mogul Princess, oi out- dear have lecture dear boys." through having locked picks on tho side mainly on the But he shook his head. crysta1' qulaltely rveil also Egypt." WO had Halted the house' a! his books, on the thlrri side for those who usee' them mostly With some natural reluctance we llrI1IeJ potltlona of a flower ny "We beg your pardon. We thought twen.y four suxng; but during the re- - wlt,h Kellogg & Dempsey Iiqw those Japs .study! on tho Irslde. Herewith some of the tore ourselves Iooso and went back. ",nnt yen wanted the Y. M. C. A. hall. You cent moments I had elt an cubing In 10,tlv?.: l,he ISI,1" am, Auto, Motor and Carriage In grand march, hardened devotees of the noxious "Wont you join us?" Repairing are Brother Jones?" the human tide, and a chilly back. A faith maybe the weed Immediate'y sneaked off to hit "No; excuse me, but I mcst be go- manner, the being Inlaid or Painting, Trimming, that "Yes, I'm Brother Jones, r trust." hasty gHni o revealed us to be about grandiloquently I I j aurned on one side and the pipo; Granny ing. I thank you, but must be .1. filled in with soft gold set, with cabo-- "Parco'lus Jones?" ' Horseshoeing. cigar looked like oloven weak. j er. I trusted a'so that mrterialized a that "Potlphar J. Jones is my ebon rubles and emeralds. in name." "WVie !tillorea'(Iran. "Th's noticed s barber the kind smoked by Prexy himself That was more disappointment, for sorry" This tray was made in Delhi dur-- j Uh! to of home (Granny and Jo-J- o is tho Methodist church. It sotms Inn. I t .i occasion borrowed out the seclusion his tho moot court and as a monkey "The distinguished upon thov..w ....clvtonntli... Hnvnnlnnntli. w..v..... nnit. to lecturer bo lighted for joii. ' .ho Mu Mu girls' Jap. Prexy were pals) and offered' It were still to be staged. However tury, and was evidently tho work of Egypt?" " WANTED Brother Jones declin- you granted Granny. "You're coming In, though aren't at- liieer thing happened, Brother Jones. "If think best," "Tho very humble cvangelitt, for ono of the celebrated jewelers resuscitating you wo you?" The watches was juggling iho first ed! While wo were "We'll take down. But flrst church and' soul." tached to' the court of Akhar tho other watchmakers cab on our two freshmon, Biff rushed to must have the closing hymn, you know "Not tonight, thank you," we chor- Great or of ono of his Immediate not make keep correct time. No work I' nd we were set Gran and Uh! j "Wo muEt study." too produced from tho of Hot used. successors. j difficult. Wm. Prucha, Fort St., I the instant when our the front, having Can't omit that the ring chant "At the Y. M. C. A." - I near stick- Ice-bo- we had exiled them, get "Brother Jones was .disappointed. A depression In tho center marks Pauahl. Ivo tho signal by whither Tamale Tau. I'll the fellows." "At the First Methodist church, of Egyptian cigar- "I understood that you were," he the place where the Begum's toilet q, said guest hazarded, his chef d'oeuvre tho So he hust'ed and stopped the circus this city, for one week." Chicago. got night, or next, box, of crystal, ushlng: ettes mnde on Clark Street. and untangled the three fresh, and Uh! said. "Come tomorrow also Jeweled would - some-lik- e you would prefer one of together, and assembled We have services all the week. Good- have rested. '0 not omitted "Probably the fellows The woild icelcd off a few reels of REPAIRING these. Brother Jones," he suggested, for tho ring chant. night, then; good-night- , hr I con- - o silver-gil- t and enamel per- - Of all kinds of Sewing Machines. All stars; Granny spoke. 1 I and ...... I 1. . to wash7" blurted politely. "They're tho best we could Perhaps they didn't have that at Jo- rots i uio. unu mo timinei uuiiae a nime uoxes, made....Hi, j.uckiiow miring work guaranteed. We know "We beg your pardon. Wo wero :lnd how. Thoy're either little different from those heretofore tho seventeenth century and former-- 1 d all the freshmen at get. on short notice. seph and ICbenezer in Brother Jones's to entertain you but wc thought that GI30 f, coULTEIt dago." ny me. bi'i ly property oi King n and that was what wo Egyptian or time, for he was green. However, wo you wore ;i brother Hot Tamale Tau. visited uie uio msi angrl'.y briiEheo blcv3s you." Cudh, and a Mogul kalamdnn a bo STHHDHRD SEWING WHINE AGENCY Brother Jones even formed the ring, with him following We were directed to tho St. James and we parted from him. te hold writing materials of curved . 1211 Nuuanu St Phono 3395 ow of us still retained him aside. the Instructions. You know tho Hot we saw your name on the register. The So 1 contract- Ivory aro notable specimens or Indian t civilization. "Young man, have never Tamale Tau ring. It's not secret. Fel- ahem circumstantial evidence was ""Great Scottlbus!" murmured Gran art- - 1 too cius-wor- d ju little brat." hissed ed tho habit and I hopo that am lows stand in a circle, right leg of one presumptive of your guilt.1' his strongest since he had 1 no, I can- "ei' Hems In the collection aro a m with horror I caught old to learn. And cannot engaging '.eft leg of next, and hand Granny loved the legal him- the and FIRE INSURANCE sound of kalamdan of ivory, painted not refrain from saying, my young joined with hand behind backs all the self. with a tontine po'ley. "Where do you naJl't i with sprays of n powder flask ' I am more paFsed PnrroliiiH is?" flowers; ATLAS COMPANY jiios'b head the bald cen friends and brethren, that Brother Jones My boys! TIipji I I i,lt,or - ASSURANCE 0 way around. "Yes? dear It has wtwv.... of rosewood, inlaid with engraved I In- wo jroffered to than pained, am .shocked, at the leg-wor- but joined hands. And a all We Wo didn't know. But darted LONODON. r.i the been mistake 'round. are Ivory, mother-of-pear- l, A. to and buffalo I saying, dulgence I see" he might have said sang famous closing hymn of just across to tho Y. M. C. building NEW YORK UNDERWRITERS' heard Granny we the brothers, the same, but I tuok you horn; an embroiderer's workbox of "smell" "In this vice in this chapter Hot Tamale Tan Tho Star Spangled 'or members of that glorloiu bond, the Dud out. A little knot of people were AGENCY. out-sju'- Shlsham wood, partly veneered nnd song of the noble frat. a notice on tho board take the lead. Brother home." Banner hretlnon of the Holy Grail an organ reading partly Inlaid; and a Tibetan betel box PROVIDENCE WASHINGTON "We'll cut it out, if it's offensive," great to be a Hot Tamale of Oh, It's ization the Chrlstir.n yotnh militant, of brass, formerly gilt. INSURANCE COMPANY hastily. Postponed. Train De- - npologtzed Biff, "Didn't know. Tau! with chapter? throughout tho United Jones Lecture The Queen's clft Is nxhlbited in a by tho I 3 murmured grace, and Paro'on us." It's great to clasp brother Stntes. was," ho added, generously. layed. the central case of room 2 (adjoining' TtB B. F. OMInOuSm. COulPaiig, Lid. confused that he drlp-- a "It's not offensive to me; but it's pawl "a little purr.rlBed at tho furnishing of the entrance hall) In tho Indian sec know" poised bowl of soup ungodly," reproved Brothor Jones. But there's nothing like the your homo; bu' then, you know, wo ART TREASURES FROM INDIA, j ti, of the museum. London E.v General Agents for Hawaii. ok. But Biff was game. So It was, if he referred to Spuds' edge are blessed with chapter comes in Tho Queen has presented to tho In- - proas. Fourth Floor, Stangenwald Dulldlag. i m.,pffui p


mw any MtnHtntlmrr tvtMt ikwthl LETTER tfitt). nine. OUR EUROPEAN An matter turn! at tli prment mo Refreshing as a Night's Sleep ment the throne of Hmln wowld, aftar One of the bit thln about Stenrns' HeadMlm Wafers Is tlmt thef not Alfonso XIII. and lilt ttott and hair, nly oure the hndRehe quickly but lmve your head "as olear as a bell," Alfnitto XIV., on mora Into The heavy, .rtrngity feellnR that follewa the uee of most bjadnehe remeUtea Nyanza-Prin- twaa Wiring ce Imuda, l wholly unknown to naera of louse Antiquity of Lake Jaime n onmn' and Prlncots Boat rice, three years old now, could be Spain-Princ- ess of Victoria Louise Queen of Spain. She la n lovjly iftiTo Stearns' Headache Wafers (Shac) Installations or repair work , huh. with curly locks, niio" W tidlt Many people Bay "they are as refreshing aa a night's slwp" far they Shocks Homburg Society her - satis- mother's dnuahtorT- Kvory onh In tlmply drive away the pain, leaving the head normally at ease. promptly done in a the upon imlace dotes her. You can depend upon Stearns' Headache Wafers just as millions of other factory manner. Hut tho Prince of Asturlns is hare done for years; and they relieve not only headaches but many other S. Ur. Kallx uswnld, Strange to say, the Intendoly hot air LONDON, Juno M'lendld boy, and "Ood save the future kinds of pain; yet they aro and always have been free from opiates, morphlno, I r was stimulating to tho .norvos. export on gcoloRy and Probalo Resist-o- King!" chloral and other habit-formin- g drugs. dnink a gullon of milk a day." of Nottingham, who was sent to PRINCESS SHOCKS HOMBURG. After one trial you will know that these tiny, tastoleas enow-whlt- o wafers Work NEVER COULD BE KING. All Guaranteed RERUN, Juno 8. Victoria DritJsh lCast Africa by tho British Prlncos ibould always be kept at hand. Be sure to tet STEARNS' tho gonulno. MADRID, Spain, June S. Prince Louise has been astonishing the u&' MiiRciitn, reports that ho lira'' found Alton-io- , Latest designs in Fixtures, Jaime, the second son of King tives of Homburg, the famous Ithenlsh conchiBlve evidence that tho great lake who was Bent to a private hospital watorlng-place- , by nppearlng on the Domes and Reading Lamps. of Victoria Nyanza has been In exist- In Switzerland to bo treated for deaf-tiro- s promenade in a Corfu peasant girl's by an eminent aurlst, has return- ence since the Miocene Age a matter costume she bought during her stay ed from Frlbourg very slightly Improv of 11,000,000 years or so. The lake Is at her Imperlnl father' Castle Achil- - ed. He can- - hear the sound of the iP,,n nri,D- of extent and lies an w.. i.a ' i " ' " O Co., at nltltudo Bllver trumpet given him on his ar- The Hawaiian Electric of 1000 feet, In a mountalndus region Princess Victoria Inhorlts Emperor rival by his elder brother, the Prince William's liking of the equator. In places It Is of vast for what the sarcastic of Asturlns, but he is still unable to Merlin press LIMITED depth, tho' bottom probably being be- used to call "mummery." speak and, unhappily, it seems more As a low tea level. child she once staggered the than probable that he never will do guegts Dr. Oswald found burled on the east llt a c01rt gnrdcn ar,y by np. pearing In a liome-mnd- e ern shore of the lake parts of a num- Imitation of Irons The King and the Queen took him a circus nerformer's costume and" en- - ber of preh'iitorlc mammals, Including have the Pelouse, it for a drive a few days ago through) deavoring. to perform some feats for For several years we handled and the jawbone and teeth of a dlnothe-rlu- the streets and tho royal party was costume was quite is a dandy. There is such a demand for them that we of which the not tho Tertiary Era, and some by people, , most cordlal'y greeted the strong enough. had trouble in getting our orders filled promptly. Bargain in bones of aceratherlum and anthratlie-rlum- have Mattin sympathy for who have profound the Tho Emporor used to bring the the ancient types of rhinoceros down We have several sizes and can give you any thing from prince in his affliction. wrath of his loyal subjects nbout once They were all found close to the necessary the ordinary family size up to the big Tailor's Coosc. On Wednesday it became a year by "play-acting- " somewhere or mouth of the Kujt or Kuya Hlvcr. ' to operate upon Prince Jaime for an other. He rode Into the famous ruins Have you seen the little electric stoves, toasters and $5.00 per Roll of 40 Yds Other traces of fossils were uneartheti abscess in one ear, nnd the operation of the HohkocnIg8berg in the upper rvaterheaters made by the same people? They are the at point."? five and fifteen miles distant, was performed by Prpf. Moore of Bor- Valley costume of a gene- " in what appeared to be tho tamo gully. Rhine in the best in the line and will interest you. deaux, France, to whom King Alfonso Thirty and nil The investigations were started ral of the Year's War has been several times for throat treat- Ms were to dress in close to Karungu, in what is apparent- suite compiled ment. When he wanted to ly the delta of an old river which similar fashion. Ltd. Fort Streejt Prince Alionso of course Is a Span-V- reptnt the performance and ride into E. O.Hall & Son, Japanese Bazaar formerly ran Into tho lake at that1 is to model Roman the Saal-bui-- point. At tho top of si was a cliff. soldier and attached the First Keglnient of Lino, near Homburg nsta.jft)uian gene- of basalt, and below that was the slop- the but alas! he outgrown ral bead a properfy'c'iiUiiped ing bed of tho delta. The top of this has his uniform. at th of legfon '.wnsj THE ONLY COMPLETE CAR bed was the ordinary black cotton lie Is such a big boy, fair with blue liomnn there .of eyes,, lie rage in press, wlilcli said that soil of tho district, and Immediately but has something of his the protruding lip. He Gorman soldiers are not to be Em- below that were the ordinary eocust-ru- Bourbon- ancestors' Started and Lighted INTER STATE is very clever, though indolent aud ployed' for "mumming," so the Em- beds' tho top one of gray clay, MODEL Passenger. Fore Door Touring Car. somewhat quick tempered. Yet he Is peror had n surrender K.'s project. 405 the second' ono of red clay and white MODEL 41 4 Passenger Demi Tonncau. very kind to animals, and treats all It was after that episode that some sandstone, and the third one of buff MODEL 42 Roadster type all with the splendid new now pro.-e'uia- i 'nnd gravel. " Inferiors with exquisite politeness. one 'Uoviscil tno sandstone AlA in. 5 in- - stroke ; 40 H.P. Upbringing of the Royal Children, phrase: '. "The Kaiser always wants to en bloc motor, bore. $2700 In each bed were fresh water cells, 50 7 Fore Door Touring Car. Tho royal children of Spain aro be the baby at a christening nnd the MODEL Passenger, but there were very few fossils in tho 51 4 Demi Tonncau. brought up very s,lmpjy. They have corpse at a funeral!" MODEL Passenger, top bed. There were a fair number 52 all head entresol Society is amused Nancy Leish- - MODEL Roadster type with the ntw "T" in the second bed, but the rich finds their apartments in a sort of U apartments of fane is .i 5 in. bore, 6 in. stroke motor; 50 H.P $3700 were in the third bed. that is over the privato matin's latest r,ucutui "cstr.b-ishe- splendid exquisite Paris Our trip," Dr. Oswald, s the King and Queen. In fact. Their skater and her GEO. W. MOORE mo.n-in- g skating costume alt-ait- quite as the great age of tho high lake, Majesties can hear early In the relephone 1902. Demonstrator and Selling Agent. ing exhibition. Since the Victoria Nyanza, for it is evident the patter of tiny feet overhead tho recent up, ring she has gone from the position of the old delta that that tells them It !. time to get the Ice closed skating f.nd, like the river of which It is the relic, most because the chi'.drcn will soon come in for roller many! y advantage ofi probably the old course of the present-da- down and want their morning romp. Berlin enthusiasts, takoi EXCLUSIVE PATTERNS IN HANDSOME GREYS ' asphait'paveincn's Kuji, was running thee into the The apartments of royal chil- the superb for & English and American Weares. Mado to your order with fit and very English, fyit quite pret- sport. ' lake at least the Lower dren are 0 stylo uncnualcd. - " looking tho other afternoon while she was vriv period:''" . -- ty. One would think, at The Miocene . 'V 1 According to tlie British Museum small windows from outside the palace, cutting figure eights on the sl&ewalk W. W. AHANA 62 South King Street pre experts tlje discovery of the vast ago that they could not be healthful, but in ffbnt of tlie embrssy her pather of air, ever, and bo'o an a iniirU.g 9 of Victoria Nyanza throws an entirely once inside one finds plenty sides lackeys and other new light on the problem of human there being three windows or even crowd of Welshman nntimiitv. One consenuenco Is that four for each room, with ventilators F.i'urintors. Pi luce Gorge of Greece fro n Potsdam nr civilization In Egypt may have to lie above and below the windows. with i"Other officer HIGH CLASS Tlir, an automobile cimmed as probably having existed iilnvrnnin nr stllllv fa nil wllltO veil i:uon the scene in I I) embassy. For a moment 50,000 to 500,000 years ago or J with cupbonihs everywhere fu of to c.i at the from sightly shockeJ, Upholstery and Drapery Work even longer. For, they say, if Victoria toys and children's books, simple furni the Prince looked smilingly complimented the skat Nyanza is 3,000,000 years old, tho river ture and a pretty frieze whereon the then J. HOPP & CO., Ltd. Nile, of which it is the source, is children can follow "The House that er on her skill. driswold ar not on'y of practically equal age, but Jack Huilt" and "Who Killed Cocl Mr. and Mrs. Putnian A bright Are on Tuesday. They aro has in all that almost Inconceivably Robin?" in white tiles. rived In Berlin Hotel, which during the long period (lowed in its present courso burns in the crate all winter. The at the Adlon warm will be the chief rendezvous of over 3400 miles from the equator Queen allows no other means of summer Hurd's Steel White Lawnette rooms. for visiting American artists. Leave Your Address With mi to the Mediterranean. ing her children's encourage Am?rlcau sport, in Her That means, according to the mus The night, nursery reminds mo of To I fancy Ambassador Leisb has accept Correspondence Stationery eum scientist that the Valley of the mine (when a little girl) and l'n THE SUITITORIUM eo.' the p o: a committee Nile in Egypt has remained: for more the Ang Queen lira built her way as which is t rranging i. game to IS NOW VERY POPULAR than 1.000,000 years In virtually its babies' nest just in the same played toward the last of this and have the auto call for the gown you pro.icnt physical state, with conditions the mothers in old England did. There- be . . linilrailC.d nines drawn from the . . , - fashionable sizes in exquisite shades. Illuminated wn-ii..-rntnmtlnn nnd! iiitnilnwa finltn month between Dry and as ravorawe io numau it nu iuc jhxiunci. - wished Cleaned colony the medical students. Mon.ogram on each sheet. human civilization a mil Ion years ago.i00iinE out into the beautiful garu'ens and hang as thov were 12.000 years ago, at what Tncre the clothes of tho baby ' 10 green stamps and one dol Phone 3350 Alapai St. near Hotel ...... f l.(rvMnln hlfl. nnnu Urn in irpf-- nlllte- llrV Bring is ca'ieu uit' uuwn ui i wtjiuit' uiiw. o- 6 HAWAIIAN NEWS CO. tj ,ar for a complete Boy Scout Suit tory. And, inasmuch as tue g)piwu although in Madrid everything dries . Is the last Green Stamp Store llerctania and Young Hotel Building. X culture of 1 2,000 years ago up very quickly. , There today, there is no: baby's cot, with nod raping but u lot Fort streets. ; pronounced as it is oooooaxOQDooooomo0xixioaxKQoooaooo)X aro way of limiting, by inference, tlie ac ct lovely linen. In distant corners of the future 1 tual extent of its antiquity. the simple white beds of Princess Ilea See Nine Layers of 1 PDOOOOOOOO In the course of the ages the l,ke Klnir of Snaln and I the Snow-Whi- te 1 of Victoria Nyanza may nave iuuu trice. I Cotton Brlahtest. Never Could Be only cool shirt to wear during somewhat in level, witli a correspond- Prettiest. The of the Nl'o in King. Beck ing fall in the level S We also . Bargams n tho Jaime lias ills own also there the hot summer. have the . Egypt, so that In prehistoric times Prince Mattress princo! Horn DeLuxcpl peoplo lived further back inland; so it In a corner.' Dear ltttlo Crepe by the yard. dumb, but he is it is further inland that their monuments deaf, of coune he is Large of Slightly Damaged . i. & brightest of tho tt Assortment and other remains are to lie sougiu. the prettiest and the 'pcrhar.i With In tlie ease of most of the great lakes King's chi dren, and THE ORIENTAL CREPE GOODS CO. EDS at Discounts of Fifty Per. Cent. example, Lake Michi modern treatment ho may yet talk, of tho world for 16 ' Bai- bad. King St. Next Advertiser Office. gan, In North America, nnd Lake even if his hearing is rery Bed a Real Bargain. Must be Sold sorrow of the kal, in Asln marine forms of life or This is the great prov-tu- g She often has lickly. rolirs of such have been found, Queen of Spain's life. James L. Holt that these lakes once had connec- a sari look on her face that we used BEACHWALK a connection to attribute to thut awful Anarchist tion with the sea. Such Offer ionio line lots near th car change pres bomb thrown on her bridal carriage on .OYNE FURNITURE CO., Ltd." imn les a very great from llne'at Palamn. at a bargain, also th Tlie Ice Age, her wedding day when both the King Opportunity ent phy ileal conditions. An Oalmy tea-beac- h home ) BISHOP BT. escaped and of the late is supposed to have broken tho and herself miraculously too. subjects tnlral Beckley at Marine. continuity life. over fifty of her new royal of 1 Os- 17 - - JkJESH- OOOCKOOOOC8OOOOCKaOCK0OOCK Therefore the discoveries of Dr. were killed. .i t ftiai Em i Princo of Asturlasi wald r.s to the everlasting condition A year later tho Hana BO WO is a healthy, bright; Pau ka of Lake Victoria Nyanza are, it Is was born nnd he en of the Fleet and Tourltta. Another said at the museum, of the utmost boy, full of lire and health. fat best plac In Honolulu to hug Jaime, so significance In indicating the peculiar year '.iter canio Prince luU aad Caleia Jewelry of all kinds. THAT'S REAL Valley In Egypt ho can read on every Up VEAL conditions in tho Nile clever that HAS NO RIVAL IN tOAP. l HOTEL AND SMITH STREETS. himself un- favorable to tho development, far the miration, and make FROM RAYMOND RANCH civiliz- derstood with the beautiful, expressive VEAL THE hack in tho dim past, of human LAUNDRY by In dumb animals. ation, to Nourish unaffected eves one often tees .. , , IN THIS MARKET IS THE BEST there H - I i'-l- ll I NLY isc me matter I supposed to be entirely wrcutc H M.E88ENGER BOY PHONE mini " ""' geosrsphlc or climatic changes. At first ho was I backi an absolute lit II MM I N lHI i 111 rRY IT. WE HAVE ANOTHER DE-- worked," says he coulu' never articulate, tnuraa I "The heat where we normal but Try it for ut our H PARCEL DELIVERY y mim I s sound, though be expenie nnd not L 1 STILL AN-- I Oswald, "was torrlllc. Tsotse-llle- never started at u litter 1 turmml "PICKLED SHAD". AND Dr. understanding than we claim we icturn jHjH III tun I abounded, and I have seen the midgets was almost too (piick in your money la full. lu't flH We Deliver the Goods SMOKED RED SNAPPER FROM of him. Hy mEI come over the lake in a cloud that what his nurses wanted EE parents consulted great obscured tho sun to a du'l yellow and by his HEL80N B. LAN8INQ, he had Dlttrlbuler tlngo, and tho noise of their humming doctors and discovered that of the Hourbons iff) CO., LTD. as they passed sounded like the lower one of tho sad traits ff EMMELUTH d MARKET aumn. i OLITAN MEAT C note on a pipe organ. Flying crick- born deaf and yon Street near Dorotanla. hope event- number and Sheet Metal Workera and Louis. ets as largo as sparrows were common. Of course the spoclalUtB Coyne Furniture Co. Heilbron likely Hare an entlro new line of hati BTOVES AND RANOK8. three-quarter- s of an him, but ho most There were ants ually to euro YOUNG BUILDING, Telephone 3445. to take the pinto ALEXANDER nd trimmings JuBt from the E&ittra Inch long. But what oppressed mo lli b lncnnacltated Bishop St., Honolulu. Market. Drop In and tee them. Phone 10(7. Cor. King and Bishop i. most was the droadful lonellnoBf of tho proLont Princo of AsturU. i MUHTKBN TilK HAWAIIAN STAR, SATURDAY, JUNE 29. 1012.

H Things to Interest Our Womag Readers -- t

i How to Cook the Lifetime Hear! .' June Recipes 7 )Cr d hi v- ii', w in ta m m a unev.Krr-mm- n & 3 Ml Beef Bouillon. in t'10 Summer Vegetables Rations j which c ii'Utnll Is served. Por As Is - this always ( a staple, direr- tho swcottMiod fruit Juices an tlons for Its mnklni: mnv tint rfimnlniI(, lr leslred, n maraschino or fros cherry. At thlc iWftson of the year there i,i and a half hours. Remove one Jar at If you live to the allotted years of Sk ..lit. Mr A amiss. Ofton the grape pulp, ontlt 111 you ' fruit bo HHir delicious who food tllne- - m,t the rubber which should man and carry about with the Beef bouillon proper is beof broth aim esone 6y Barba ly removed from skin and shall. be neW B'rew 0,1 1118 tow aiul veturn normal man's appetite a blossiu limn properly cooked vegetables Hut JOHN DECIDES prepared from the liquor of boiled j8orved lu glasses sot cups to the boiler to team an hour longer. thRt is one of the prime reasons for WHERE TO SPEND HIS VACATION. in outer the trouble 1b that lu many homos beef with vogetubies to season. Nolth- - bowls of shaved Ada moro water to tbe boiler this time, Imaging on through thnt allotted span ice. In this en a Whore shall we go for our vacation last summer, nnd they it was or hoof boiled.1'10 1,U,P Is shredded, well m in restaurant and hotels B0 the canB w)1 be covered. Take out there are limny hecatombs of vie said nor vegotnblos ar sweetened this summer?' asked Dolly. great." longer tnst0 n flavored cherry vegetables are not properly cooked and and cool. Keqp in a cool, dark cup tlins offered up to- tho simple husl than is necessary to cooTt'hcm,; with "Wherever you want to," replied always mosquitoes Milnln, you ' , "There's about aim suppiomon'tiry none antfslnow as desired. ofUm come on tbe table sodden with i board nose of koeplng alive. ,t ii.H ii ... juiiu. i kiiuw inula iiiu way won lakes." In Spring Salad Arrange upon crisp Tho qunlityof the victims may, dlf-- ac'cW0( are added older to get as much Chicken Croquettes. water or tough and about half done. so j mgllt nf) woll ,i "Jupiter Poto! I have We'll golatiu as possible. To five pounds They are, perhaps, lettuce loaves, one bunch of snia'l for with your taste nnd your posses-- 1 For chicken croquettes make a pi served in the latest au'last" camp. That's the host fun go.i ... 1 j . i r it . I Spring cut In rings., Ul 11 us" irom uic raiuuiOt)ftin culinary fashion, prettily garnished onions one bunch slctn of the price but, as a rule, the f j,nt isn't so," said' Dolly lndlg- - The Kid danced with doligV '" thick, white sauce. Hnve ready hat or the log allow two pounds of bono, mid delicious to look upon, but who'ly of radishct, cut in slices and three less you have of price and jho less nantly. "You know I want to go where suits mo," ho shouted. hair pound or chicken chopped eggs-- - two quarts nnd a hair or cold water, indigestible and unfit to eat. Aspara- hard boiled cut in the same way. varied are your nistiv the moro nu- yVni want to go. You are tho one "Oooh! Sloap on the ground, aifll nnd seasoned with celery salt, pelv one-hal-f j a heaping teaspoonful of salt, gus, the king of Spring vegetables, Mix a teaspoonful of salt, n inerous the victims. fcho; needs the vacation, and we'll go it rains all tho time, and there's nev- a small ,)0r, chopped parsley and a little' oi - bunch two cloves,!. Will be it "hard strinjri substance, poas dash of paprika and sis teaspoon fills This is fact versus pootry, social- Jifst" where you say." er enough to oat That's tho worst of kitchen herb's, lou jllIcc.. Whon the sauce IsIHuq oil, two peppercorns, ono onion, ono stick anil beHiis will Hot oven bo cooked of tl'n stir in gradually throe Ism and psoudophilosophy, which havo Thnt means you have tho place yet." add one beaten egg and the ohiclten, tablc&pttunfuls celery they of lemon juico; pour all along been prono to accuso tho picked out:" "Let's,"8tay homo," said John, re- of or n teaspoonful of cplery making the croquettes as sort- - ns until are soft but will bo hard ' can over was book-nate- s salt, one small carrot1 tur- and tough and onions will be strong this the salad, toss together and' wicked millionaires nnd other mng-- ' "Mother looking at some lapsing Into gloomy silence. und a halt bo hnndledj. Spread on a platt Jr to k'w today," nip. in tasto and will havo a tough outer sorvo at once. '"", of being tho dovourors of hap- - said tho Kid. "No indeed," ;satd Dolly emphati- Have the butcher ."crush the cool, then shape and cook as Savory Now Potatoes I'eol.YeJhjil f "A course," responded John. cally. "You bones lay ot sk,n- - vimi,,, .hnf fnii mnn'K nrm need a vacation. ThiTc nnd them first. ed. A little venl can be , i.u added sized ones and pack into a hutjofed ah 11,1 "UL KU- - or working all nijxt winter without Wipe off the meat .mil cut in small Vegetables require enreful cooking titc. nut the hardworking laborer, in. 4'BUl; 1UU11, , chicken, or mushrooms, calf's-o- r baking dish, sprinkle with saH and 'pep- '"g mention a sing e place, si rest this summer! it would kill pieces, removing all the fat. Lay and most varieties "should bo cooked the Unltfu States at least, Is liable to , the sweet breads. , per, pow- nut I don t know where to go," you. What you- - really ought to havo slowly, uot boiled furiously for perhaps a little minced onion, some eat more meat, although In Tower meat on tho bones, pour the cold ' sago said John a trifle anxiously. "I .are all the comforts of home, and a Fish Croquettes. toifOj&flftoen minutes, but allowed to dered or parsley, and dots of lends, than his wealthy fcllow-cltl- - water over, add the salt and place butter. Pour over halt a cupful of , . haven t time to read guide books and d table, and yet, rest and change." To two cupfuls or finely ..qhqpped bol'lIp'wly until they are an, nu v a. wwi.- - on the 'range, whore it will come very tender zuii, I'lvun"!) .....I things Wo might go to tho shore, "I'd like you to find such a place. fish add one cupful of cream saufe, a through and through. milk or stock and bake in a modorato en times a(s'himrlly on one kind of slowly to a boil. As soon ns the scum ThoreB always something you I oven for forty minutes, basting oc- doing What get is a room, a bed saltspocyiful each' of mustard and salt Asparagus which Is of princi food iS'-th- most avid millionaire not :.i rises, remove, and if the liquor boils one the there." of pine slats, and nothing to eat." nno a cayenne. pal delicacies year casionally. one too fast pour in a small cupful of cold utile Make into at this time of was a dyspeptic I;fNow York. That 'Oh, the shore! '' said DojJy'BOino- - "Yes," said tho Kid plaintively. "I Fried Summer Squash Wash and water to check boiling roll in beaten egg and crumb as much prized by the ancient world' kind represents millions on millions wliat contemptuously. was hungry all last the and make holf-lnc- h ''It-i- summer." and fry in hot lard. as It Is today. cut In slices. Season with .salt the scr.m rise. Repeat this twice. The Greeks had their of Individual lives immolated for his "I knew you wouldn't like'what I "I have it!" exclaimed Dolly ec- and pepper, dip in crumbs, then egg, 1 Shad Roe Croquettes. asparagus beds and the Itoraans nourishment, it is bread. Its lives picked out." statically. "We'll take a cottage Now add tho seasoning herbs and then in crumbs again. Fry in fat hot little To four shad roes boiled fifteen thought so much of the vegetable that are vegetable lives, and on tho order "I didn't say I didn't like It.' But somewnere some place a sliced vegetables and simmer slowly enough to brown a piece of broad in mats minutes In salted water and then they introduced It to the Gauls, Ger of eggs, that, inasmuch as tho we were there last summer. Seems! change and where you can loaf and' not boil for three or four hours, sixty counts. at drained nnd mashed allow two mans and Britons. And the early set wheat grain is the wheat plant in its to me the mountains would be a I'll feed you on all the thing's'' you but Remove vegetables and herbs be- cs Stuffed Summer Squash Itemovo sauce and seasoning to taste. S tiers In America from England and embryo. Nevertheless, when It comes change." iiKe. iwia u it. geis uuu we can in- fore they cook to "rags," the meat the pulp and seeds from a Summor and fry. Holland brought with them the seeds to any reckoning on the basis of mere 'Huh! All you do at the mountains vite some friends." only remaining in tho pot until the pulp with KM MA squash and mix the seasoned ls I'm tired enough already." yoursoIf,"-sai- PADDOCK TELFOR of the asparagus plant and asparagus numbers, the toilers of the world are cllnu. "All right, dear, suit d end of tho process. During the cooking sausage meat or chopped meat. Fill the ,,car- beds formed a prized' corner in the gar- lho nnea who demand the toll of life "An riKht' - 1111 be Just as you John, reaching for the' magazines process- the soup should boll down to shell and bake forty-fiv- e minutcsi. say. THE VALUE OF A dens of the new world. from nature in the highest estimate. "But you would like that, wouldn't about threo and a half pints. Strain, Young Turnips Stewed Peel and John knitted In selecting asparagus at tho market Hut average man can be regard- his brows. "A farm J'ou?" pour into a perfectly clean vessel and FIRELESS COOKc... quarter them, parboil for tlfteen min- the fa notice whether or not tho little purp. gourmand nor is rather dull, Isn't it?" he asked "1 like anything you HkeTV said remove When A tireless cooker ls invaluable to cupful of ed neither as the rich when cold tho fat utes, drain, and cover with a watching Dolly's face. "You get a John, opening the magazine . lish heads are fresh and erect and the the poor devourer; he Is about be- at the ready to serve, heat and serve in a housekeeper, especially In hot weath boiling milk, in which a bit of soda good rest on a farm, though." continued story. cut end,1? of the stalks a little moist tween the two, getting less than his cups. This will suffice Tor eight per- er, and' they are now so perfected an'i ' has been dissolved. Thicken with but- "Oh, farms are awfu:. "And will there be fishing ther and not brown and dry. But even share of tho luxuries, like reed birds sons. inexpensive that the woman who does ter rolled" in flour, season with salt and John sighed and looked longingly at and swimming?" asked the Kid ex- moist ends are not an infallible sign too, If quantity not own one is decidedly at a disad- and mushrooms, ajid less, of the new magazine on ta- one needs a larger tho pepper, simmer for fifteen minutes lying the citedly. "Is it one of the places yo labor-savin- g of freshness for some market men have ' vantage when method" brend and butter, because he'll dodge ble. ? abo'utMn, portions should be increased accord- a bad habit of keeping asparagus fresh and serve very hot. were reading those booklet are considered. Cooking during op the staff of life wherever he can in "Lakes ban," he suggested. today?" ''.' ingly, or supplemented by the bouil- looking by piecing the stems in water, Spring Onion Salad These very ar6nt prcsslve heat in summer is avold'ed. favor of something that tastes bet- "You have w'&ter and trees and walks "Hush!" said bolly-- with uplifted lon capsules or extract of beet d so see that the ends are not porous young onions are called rareripes in Foods can bo started at a convenient ter. But he enjoys more than his on the level and drives and ove'ry-thln- finger. In hojwater. It should b"e but of c'ose texture if you want to be one part of our country, and are es- moment and yet be in readiness foi share of moderate luxuries, Kko chick- Smith went to Mirror Lake BARBARA BOYD. rlph and stimulating, clear, with an sure your nsparagus is fresh. pecially valued as a most appetizing thV'most urgent. ens, oyster.s nnd other viands, which 'grwjable - rich brown colon Healthful foods re 10 menu n't time of A.sparagus on Toast This is the addition our this first-clas- quiring long cooking are made the wealthy are liable to noRiect, and around many of tho s cities hogs rooting in between, grubbing; If not dark enough, a little caramel cractle simplest really way to the year. Cut off part of the stalks menu, Mk and the best are majority of us of the world from the life supplies of up what the others loft, or kitchen bouquet will make all able for the daily skin and soak in cold the poor who tho. and forced'rb' It cook this most succulent vegetable. and remove the - weight of the cooked product . can't afford. ten or a dozen people. keep fat on it. ; right. Little dinner rolls or(recep- Wash the stalks carefully and cut off water for a few minutes, then lay pound of raw material is mm If one were to weigh up ' bo bread Over in France, Doctors LandouVy There are the vegetables to be con- - Hon wafers go with the bouillon, two or three Inches of the hard' part, them on some lettuce leaves and cut creased. he eats in, say, the sixty-si- x years of and Labbe have made calculations cov- sidered. Well, including the potatoes ilnlon Soups. then tie them in bundles. Some cooks up a few cucumbers, if 'you can got The flrclcss cooker is splc bread-eatin- g existence on have ering tho whole range of comestibles every year won't be liko the last Onion soups are having great vogue let the asparagus lie for half an hour them, and cover with a French dress- his the cheaper cuts f meat. Sli, the diet at the indulged in by the average man, and one for potato prices tho average these days, potage a la Clermont, as It in cold water before cooking. The ket- ing. to allow for infant meat should cook for a long ill they - popu-00- 0 ti. see in him a modern Gargantuan man manages 33,- Chop beginning. you know it would to assimilate abo n is called, being one of the most ' tle for boiling should be deep e .ough Spring Onions on Toast fine a low temperature tho cook Is i something like 30,864 a giant such as my1, and fable nev pounds, and, while he is JarV-T- o make it, cut a dozen small to allow the bundles to stand upright, one bunch of Spring onions, cover with amount to about it, most excellent medium put more a er dared imagine, wltn all tho meais he needn't be surprised if uses up.' In rings and fry to a golden foriis with the tips out of water. Pour in cold water and cook until tender, pounds, and that Is no than he onions pose. Stews and boile quarter per day. You of his life set forth as one. some 17,000 pounds of fruit mnybe brown in a butter or olive oil. boiling water, cover closely with a lid changing the water once. Drain and' pound and a little meats seem to have a better flav a" 30,000 pounds, high fine sieve, or Inverted pan to hold the steam in reheat In cream mice. Serve on could run a line of loaves of bread They allow him rather moderate for fruit comes in' Rehiove, drain in a then when cooked in the cooker than wr T7. ...1 T" . ... r , , i . i , T i l consumption meat, your ivm-i- i mum,,i. and cook tho tips, and boll twenty small rounds of buttered toast. of for French iuiujic, uutiuiu l.ilMUUII.v aim Jim uuu Itvu quiuw vcni cooked oil tllO tOVO Beef, rauf Wash these greens man ls inclined to go strong on his iauuonau to mane their estimates, or mutton, colored witn ,a nine cu-nn- d - ' minutes until tender, but not .soft or Beet Greens of the nnd lamb cooked in this way silk fringe, are reminiscent we. regard the apple glo- - Unary bouquet to an amber color. spongy. Season the water with salt thoroughly and boil for twenty min- delicious bread there's none In tho and the served a.s braised meat, as a e if days of our grandmothors. just before it is done. Have ready utes in salted water. Drain and sea- world that can be more alluring rious watermelon as our birthrights. Season with salt and pepper and minced meat warmed in Ilf" some slices of nicely browned toast, son with sal and pepper and melted anil therefore more lightly on meat. And milk it seems a fair, average serve with toasted sippets or broad serveii on toast, as wet, dry ar. chif- But even allowance to let a man have a tureen. dip it in tho Mparagus water, and' but butter. Shirrings of taffeta, lace and the French man will eat pint soaked in the o(i inBh( nB raoat nei meot, a day, ter while hot, lay on a hot plntter, Beet Greens with Iieets Pick them fon and niching of ribbon, both silk 8818',i pounds of meat in his lifetime, when we consider his table Spanish Onion Soups. and other ways In which. cookcjJO ,.iea., arrange the stalks on the toast If when the beets are no larger than a and velvet, ar much used lor the and tho American diet, for all the cream, his growing fondness for ice Peel threo large Spanish onions, are reheated. Five pounds Of meaiJ you prefer make a white sauce and walnut. Do not cut off the tops. Waih decoration of the new parasol. talk about high cost of living, won't cream, and the number of people who separate into rings and fry In could be terved for two in ten cilfferen pour over the asparagus when served. In several waters, using salt water be much less than 10,000 pounds for make it a practice to drink nt least little butter until tender and a light ways, serving half a pound at each ' Cream of Asparagus Soui Cook first. Cook quickly in salt" water un- Shadow laces and s are both the typical citizen here. We simply one glass of milk nt every meal. In brown. Take up and drain, then put nier.l. 't twelve stalk"? of asparagus In one quart til tender, drain, cut off tops and skin popular as trimming. Batisto umbrold-er- y won't break our habit of something his whole life ho probably uses up in a saucepan with two quarts of k of water. Add two sprays of pars'ey, the beets by putting in cold water and In flounces and band- like bacon at breakfast, anything from 12,000 quarts of milk, a small lake water. Cook an hour, stirring fre- - f) Excellent soup can be made fromf leaves of mint and two small rubbing off the skins. Drain tho greenB, ings is exquisitely dainty, a ham sandwich to a bite of roast that would lot hint float something quently, season with salt and pepper three tlle left-ove- r carcass of a fowl, fromji3 ' green onions. When these are tender, cut them up, mix with the beets and for lunch and n square meal of beef- bigger than a canoe and deep enough nnd add the finely sifted crumb of a .. , , . , , , i pepper, melted butter garment of rub all through a sieve, mashing and season with tat, That gay and careless steak or chops, or another roast for lu uuu uuu iu wiiuiu iiiiuuy, run. iuix iiiui uiiKiiiy, uuu itii uuui lett-ove- uiunu r beeef bones and scraps oj rubbing through as much as possible. and vinegar or lemon juice. Garnish English origin, known familiarly us suppei unless, of course, the appe- if they happened to fall into any can longer, and just before serving add beef. fire-le- ss eggs. Place in the kettle of the flro a teaspoonful with slloen hard boiled really happens working on n that could be made to hold It. yolks of . two eggs, beaten into Return to the add the blazer, is back. tite to be farm. the cooker, cover with cold water) celery salt, one teaspoonful of pap- - Then your men In tablespoonfuls vinegar and a of farmer and his hired Over Paris he Is a moderate place on the stove and bring slowly t tiny FADS AND FASHIONS. rikr., one pint of hot milk and a .Many of the prettiest of the little will get away with as much uri the drinker who takes no more than a small quantity of the soup. Mix in, a boll; then put In tho cooker over nutmeg. It comes to way, grating of When cotton and linen frocks show the city man does all day while they're pint of wine per day, and that man is stirring In ono pour into tho night. In the morning removo th boll, to tho back of the stove nro Or in a draw White and tan colored shoes sailor collar of lace or of lawn at the midday meal, nnd they'll have of the type who waters it well at tureen and serve. Soup prepared mciU an(, honca aml uge the jiqupr 0 tho yolks of two eggs beaten and add lu the lend. of linen, lace or embroidery trimmed. a pretty plenteous collation cold for two of his meals If he doesn't drink this way will keep for several days. gtocki t0 1)0 Seated and' tlaToffa a cupful cream. Put a with half a of supper. It nent, and weak enough at that, for Onion Soup as Served at the Waldorf. eor,Ung to the style of Eoup uesif tablospoonftil of finely chopped parsley Jloussollno roses In palest tints arc Charming hats for little girls arc If one of us could see marching dinner alone. But In threescore years Mix two tablespoonfuls oatmeal lu Breakfast cereals are the mot in the soup tureen, pour in the hot beige-colore- d used to trim large .hats of finest straw made of straw. The before him the sacrifices to his stom-neb- , ror little French boys can get along n little cold water until quite smooth, c,i f00ljs n ordlnnry cookery .wup and' servo at once. If you do or lace. puffed crowns are of flowered taffeta. the remainder as surely destin- well enough with their glasses of then pour In gradually three pints ,i0 tnoy rereive the long, slow not wish it so rich, one tablespoonful A single flower is fastened artistically ed to perish for his sake In the fu milk until they're ten years old at liquor in which a leg of mutton has which their nature demand.?, with table. of Hour rubbed smooth a side. ho 1200 boiled. Into tho soup pot Colors among tho reds are sunset, at the left ture as their predecessors have been least Imbibes quarters of been Put of the early rising this wou'c spoonful of butter nicy be substituted - slaughtered in the past, lie would be wine, it his kidneys hold out to let with several peeled and chopped onl- Blt&te. The tireless method eggs cream; In case raspberry, watermelon, tomato, geraif for tho and this Pumps nnd colonial models, with him. .ons, and cook until tho consistency the full valuo or nutrient; lum and flame. In purple we have shocked to view three fatted steers, the allow tho .soup to simmer ten minutes - very short vamps that show to ad weighing about 1 500 pounds apiece, It wouldn't Ikj at all hard to take or cream. A row minutes before serv- minimum dependence upon th flour. grape, night, royal, thistle and ame- after adding the up - vantage the unusually lovely silk followed by a flock of twenty-on- e these calculations for the Amer- Ing add the yolks of two or three Fruit is ofttlmes a serious Asparagus Salad Use cold boiled as thyst. Colors with a tinge of tan stockings of today, are among the sheep, weighing IfiO pounds each, lean continental population of 90,000,- - eggs, tnklng the pan from tho fire on account of expense. The paragus for this dish, spread on tender are all popular. and most popular models. five or ten calves, as they weigh- 000 and appall the fancy with the before stirring them In. method' makes available ma' lettuce leaves, ('over with French then ed from 100 to 200 pounds each, and bread supply pictured as crushing hit- - Hot Pineapple Compote. and ovaporatcd fruits', wh dreming or a rich mayonnaise. A stunning evening gown of mauve ' Linen dresses are prettlor this se& there would be eight pigs of about 165 inanity at one deluge Instead of com - This is particularly nice to serve be obtained reasonably at Fried Asptragtu Use boiled aspara inoussoline do sole, draped over a son than ever before. pounds, for wo nre getting out of the lng, as It does, in smaller quantities with the meat or game course, as n sons. Delicious eompom gus, drain, dry, dip in egg and crumbs foundation of cream lane, had a girdle way of curing for our pork at ages and more on tho order of manna, as digester. If fresh pineapple is used be made which rival and fry In deep fat. You can have deep violet velvet. of Black satin evening slippers have needed, and with cattle and hogs cut in slices, core and cook in a rath- - preserves In appearance Ibis dish in tho Winter by using tho much beyond six months. heels studded with brilliants. New York City is fond of calling 'crowding tho lifeless remains into er rich sirup. Serve hot. If the can- - vor, in no respect sugr canned vogetnbles and aip It in sea black Tho reefer coats of satin pretty are the black satin now. the Atlantic on one side nnd Pa- - ned apple Is used simply heat in Its usually .sorved or the son&il flour, then In egg and crumbs. Itself 5,000,000 people Let it the are destined to be a distinct feature models with heels covered with either clllo on the products. ICach shriv How AbparagiM go at thnt; you can't stop Now York's other. .own sirup. to Can Wash It ! ' of the Btimmer season. cloth of gold or silver. But Is just " its original size, l thoroughly, then cut the stalks to fit claims to everything now any more that the thing only Grape Fruit Cocktail. ought Is e1. with a Juicy, ar a quart Jar, lengthwlso. Place them than you could Chicago's while she mathematlclr.ns to bo fond of, This delicious appetizer, which combination of blue and white Serges nre prime favorites for tho not tho average man. as, lun- - charged with tho ft' in heads up, filling each Jar as ful as The was growing up according to her Tho easiest served first course for either decidedly strong In llghtwolght tailored suits. way to ruin his - go orlze the fruit in yon can and $till allow for the stalks seems strength. To feed such a single city appetito for his hair- ehron or dinner ls made of ora pound or ' coming on whole, when cooked. Fill suits. population for a full lifetime ambi- so of Bteak is to let him Juice, lomon ju ce nnd grapo fruit now bathing hnB to Handbags of li the Jaw with liikownnn wator, very Tho suits nro fashion- tious Texas would have to spill out know he mako nway with so Juice In equal proportions, swcHcn'Jd vogue is crnzo for - novelty. lightly tailed. Adjust the cover of So much in tho ed from black satin, over Its ample bouuii'nrlfti .for thoro much of it in a weok. So, barring to taste, flavored with shorry or mora- ono sees Jnok-ot- s black-and-whit- e " tbe Jars without tho rubbers, thou black and white thnt and checked taffeta, would be n horill of 15,000,000 fat those few suggestive hints ns to what schlnd and be'i.rc serving rtii Hod worn - place the pars in a boiler of warm of white satin with skirts tartan plnldod and plnln taffetas and steers ranging here, another of grub there Is waiting for him, sufll- slightly with charged or Ico water. A Pottlcoats of serge. water, protecting them from the bot- of bluok satin, or oven striped surahs. clnves bawling for their moth- clent for the tiny Is tho evil thereof little shaved ice, with a row sections geo and ehinn slk tom by a ra;k or boards. Cover tho ers thoro: nbout lor.,O0O,(i0O sheops nnd also tho breakfasts, dinners, of grape fru't from which every sus- - snllno nnd very s' square i kett'e, heat gradually to the boiling 'Tho parasols made with graduated Belts, if used, must bo worn In trampling tho fow Inches of suppers and midnight's luscUus plclon of tho liittor whlto fiber hhs med with pleated dn edge with narrow harmony remained, nnd clams. I win I and allow the tgfjir to boll one njfflae, iflntshod with tho costume. prairie thnt 4O,O0O,00Oj been removed, li nddod to tho gln&i no underlny,