Q0NTAIN8 MORE HAS THE LARGEST 5*REW8 >i THAK ANT OTflEE PAPEB- :;- Northern New Jersey. :•; *************** VOL. xxni. DOVER, MORRIS COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1893. NO. 11 Z.ETTEB FBOM B£V- A. O, DILL. A KBW OLD MAOAZINE. DEATH OF JUSTICE B0UDPEH. NATIONAL QUAUD BEOBQAHIZA- There ora no"bluBMomlJiy»"inor "Bboi Tbe pulillnbera of Tha National Uagarlnc Juitlca Edward Wallace Bcuddur, ot TIOIT. fcldi.1 totlio muneo vrtilch adjoins the Pr. have acquired tbd Megaclneof American Hia 8upnm« Court, ivdlaof American inonod lilmnn Ueorge. At present tie First Brlgote oonuleta of OLO bers their value being more tlian saved by several miles to the vestlacross a luorflis AMOSH.VANHOB1\ , Biography will edit the new ma£azlna which "Thlfl Is an mm anal atUck, fJeorge," to twelve aiiJ two Uncomtanr resiuieuU. Tha O> «DMamiPT10» UTVABI- called here by tU old Iiid.an n»na. "The Is tmlarjffd more than thirty pages, while tbe narked tbe Judge. " I nnver ei])*rieiiced cue Second Brigade It compasad of throe eight preserving.the shoe, and they are the only Male" I quote from tbe large nlitory price is reduced from fS to «?i per annum. company regtments. TLe present plan li to o' Uilv county which has recently cauie from like It before." Tfae historical prlxe competition, inaugurated Almost Immediately he complained of achange the FttEt Brigade ta as totcrra {Wt> preia at nn ex[>enB9 of Blitecn dollar* a by Tbe National HagsKloe, and offering f 2,000 regimeiiti of eight comnauies each, aud to do 73 Market Street, article of feet wear that will positively \olunie, "Fiib UOUBS" using tlie old-nsm nse of tuftucfltion. Dr. W. Elmer, of West in 14 prized Ia continued by tfae Magazine of street, was iiromftly summoned, but iwfore this new cnmpanlo* will have to bj organized keep tho feet warm and dry. My stock of it »L« hundred yean sgn, nhen Sir, Wililam American Hlatorj. Tbe ooadltloas ot tbe or- tbe puysickn arrived tbe Judge bml t« and wbat are now termed tue insubordinate Wiehos to aall tha attention of now beginnera and ptmU&aem et Juln BOO had hia " Fish liouee " or Hummer iginal contest are unchanged and particulars nway. companies will bare to be reorganised. Jersey IGS rt on tbe baubs at tho I^ocangdda where can lie bad by sending a slump to tho Maga- City is to unve tbo headquarters of ons r*gl- tliair goods now »«d save 20 per cent. I will take orders for goods zine ot American History, )B2 Hauau Ht., merit, ompoacd ol tlie lix companies of tie 1 WU.jS *XE. RUBBERS is complete, and comprise Lhe M*wnla Hall now ilamla. A umne more Iwanl Wallace Bcuddtfr was tbe son or HOW and bold them until Spring without a deposit at Uie following re- oft€L used in this vicinity than Iilts'own tbat New York City. Jasper H. Uuudder and Mary atlllnoll Uoeder. old Fourth aud two UBW companies, with ~ol. AberneLby In coiumtud MlT»6»Tw»17lT»6»Tw l dnood pricos: Boots of all grades and prices for Men, f HortbiitupUjn, "Fish House lias An appreciative and iIlsorlnilnatlnK sketch wa* burn at Hcudder'M Falls, Meroer 900 ID urowji as HA ai other villages in tbe couDty, ii Mrs. ilartha J. Lamb accompanied by au County, on August 121b, ibi2, and was tbere- Orange is to t» tue headquarters of a regtv 16 — S60 60 Antiquo Oak Bodroom Baits, reg price %p KcJuoud to $17.00 nud Lhfj m»y boaccounted tdr by tlie fact Itat admirable plotureasfroutlapleoe, finds appro- fore saveiity-one years of aze at the time of meiit composed or tbe four companies of tbe Boys, Youths, Women, Misses and Chil Its lubabltants bav* mostly beeti wealtby, priate place 111, tuo February Iraue of tbe death. Ui« anceetorH wore among tbe old Hecoud lU-giuient of lloboken, which turn tic 25 Parlor Baits, mahogany finished frame, rug cover• couserFAtlve people, with ft lave for tholr Magacine of American History, wulcb abe early net lien* of Hiring Townfhlp. Ue at-poxltlvoly rafuetid to serve in tbe present 8 71 ** .8 -ing, regular priootBO Hodnoed^ $42 60 dren; Arctics in bo%. button and buckle; talelr couutry seaM, and no desire to teaedited for so many years aud from which tended tba Trenton Avadomy, tbo Lawreiiue- Bvcunil Keglmsnt; tho three Orange com- ISO 1070 O1S tlteir twsutlful farms and gsntena laid out Into deatb called her so suddenly. Tbe articles vllle scbool and perfected hi* oducmtlmi U panies now la tlio Benuusl R»g!ment aod Uis 410 85 Parlor gaits, mahogany finieuctl frauio, pluuli Frlnc«ton College, from which Institution ht) Dover coui|mnj now In tue First Regiment, jILOO Alaskas, Storm Rubbers, and specialties of LJIOIng luU. It Is a place dleUaclly noted 'A North Carolina Monastery" and " Inci- INI oovering, regular prioe $40 Kejucod to $27.50 fur its {jlearant and putistaatinl buowstoada.' dent In tbe Ufa of Webster" have a melnn graduattxl with lilgli hoimrs lu 1»fl. In im with Lleut-'Col. Hnyder «ud LleuLOI. I not, 0 Tbo growing cities of Amsterdam^ JuhnaUiwi cuuly i(it*frest«» being the c»!j uiws nrniURw3 th* degroe ot LU D. URS conferred ujmii him hotter, at pieieut uuattnebed. lu com* all kinds- My Wool Boot for Men is the•nd OlaverBTJllo near ua on the south aud by her for tbis number. by tbe collego. After ln«vlng college be en- tuand ; Pater son It to be the headquarters ef ithfvatt havo B[treeted many of La Tour and Acadia" embraces one of the ouotbtr regiment compared of threw com- SOO « 60 10 00 17 00 oi gut nnd iretaltbtut cltlisus away, \iul panics ot Leonla, three of Pateraon, ace of «J0 » oo n oo 15 00 best in tho market. My prices are always ii iutereGting episode* In tbe Ustory botb a candidate for Vli»-Pmldciit ot tfae to-day Kortbamploo Is, the Ideal village and of HtuKuchusotbi and Nova Bcotia. Tills United Btates when Fremont ran for Presi- I'assalc, and ono of if ay on us, wltb Col. 8 CO 11 00, U DO M00 Muggy, at present uuattacbeJ, in command. 10 00 iswaiw MOO CARPETS. the lowest. parlnb. Your correnpotideut bas testedI Uiiootlo story as preaanttsl In tbe February dent. Id Koptember, IH-iJ, be iMmnm BH at- U Ml V M 3D 01 btt.uLlful Suuioicrs aud Its none tbo lees st- lumber of the Magazine of American History irnej-at-law, end four yearn later wus made Newark Is to lio lieadqusrlcra of two regl- ueo u oo! m w 16 00 tmctlce Wlutars. Tbo air Is BO pure that Ii differs somewhat from tbat of Mr. I'arfai connftollor. •nonU, Riude up as follows: First to be oom- tl o last week 1 bave slept two nlghta with 15 00 ti 00! 87 » •6 ft 2G piocoa of TapouLry Brnaaela Carpet, regular prioo In tbe January "Atlantic" Mr. Alb li. 1802 Mr. BcuJderwai elected to tbe Htoto I ss It Is at present, and the except ton ot l tlo window raised one-halT, w, Ibatthe t\ 16 JO laoo uoo110 00 peryora7Cc >. Itedaced to COcla sympathlus wltb La Tour, which Is aim tlie Benato, and lu WVi was chosen President of tbe companies commanded liy OapU, Town- MOO attitude wbioh Wlnthrop, a« governor of send, Hill and DleU, and Col. Campbell In AUDIO »» UTUl, MHUL ND> 2B pieces of All-wool Ingrain Carpet, regular price . P. O. HEAGAN, >ccupy not one-balC of the window. tint bmly. HP was a Demoi-rat of tha old Tlia il ry, crl.j), voldiiMS Is exbllarUIug. In a MasMohuHtts, raalntalutKl at the begluuiug l. In 1KII9 Gnv. UdtidolpU appaluted command, and tlia reused Fifth Uealiuent tn now 1C omm m u»». poryora75o..., neilucel to OOote of the feud. The account of tlis urtolllclal be eotniWNed of tlietie three CQuipanies, old Opp. 1)., L. & W. It. It. UOVEK, N. J few weeks Uie trout streams will lie eillve with him a Justlci of tbo Hupreiue Court. Uaver- 2fi piooea of liow-prioed Ingrain Carpot, regular price tl o Imping (hubtng streak a of risub light, as nee between Boitwi ami JA Tour i» nors liwlle, Liullnrr and Abbett lu turn reap- Company D of tbe Fit tu lUuiment, which was drawn from the (irlgin&l deed* preaurvfed hi l»lutcd bim. Tlie Juilge'a present lerm noiriil dlsband'd, the members of old Companies K . OOOPEB, peryard40o Reiluced to 30 da 'treleaR troller Jan tha batik, and tlia t gleai i of their star tuangled sides flasbes up tbe SulTolk HecordB. not eiplro until 23d, 161*7. He had id U. or tho Fifth Regiment who bave per* stream where the more gltlllful nlni- AuJonit other Intorestlng article are l*rof. eerk-ed twenty-four yeara on tbo Buprenie slBtently refiiaod to servo in Companies I and UniH IIS BOLICITOB IN COAKCIKT, rod will land ID bis btufact a frliliy li-y. We Week's Blotch of John Arcndala. tbe Quaker Court bench, HlBclrcultorlRlnully embraced 11 of the now First Itegiment, and two new ore on tbe edge of the Aillroudocks and on joy Moumouth and Middlesex counties, but a few omptinlea to be organised, with Ccl. Bernard O&oela tbe Tons BalldlBf, Qovernor of North Carolina lu 17U4; a paper Uie v lew of the inountalnt and the balsam by tbe editor, Qea. Wilson, on B&yard Tay- yeara ago be changed with Chief Justice icomaiaud. Beasley end assumed charge of tbo circuit Oiar I. A. IgCD'l 9tor«, DOVKB. M. J tntlcu air. Flowing tbroufen ths village, lor, the itoet-travetler; a Columbian Ode fur This plan was flnt suggested by Col. Bnyder PORTLAND RANGES. • POUNDS I by the famous covered bridge, four the celebration of 17U9 by John Plnlai-d, competed of tbe counties ot Mercer, Warren if Orange, aud bad apparently met wltb the .1»0 0. OOHHINS, M. D.. OF THE BEST TO EACH PUR- hundred feet long, built In 18lO. Ti.eMtnl»ra founder of the New York Historical Society, and Huutenlon. apuroral of tha other otlloers, Urig.-Geii. GRANULATED CHASER OF ONE wltbln Bbonlug; no algna of drcay, la tbeand au article on tbe Astor Library by Fred- Rluce 18fl I be lias boon a rnomber of the Mr and tbo other urigadeofUcers oresald oinuii PBMrrrnomB, I now ofler this Range, with the Duplex Gr&te aud the Improvement LccaDgada, full of game fish coming down erick Baumlars, its chief llbrarian-the first to regard this plan favorably and are noxious SUGAR POUND OF TEA AT Board of Trustees of Princeton Theological l«D' SMClAllST IH TBC TBUTMUil on ilie Oven Door, at the old price. Buy no other until yon have soon (rum tbe north In a graceful curve Itflotrti back series on tba Iwdlug libraries o( tlie Ejemlnary. oseettcarriiHlout. Th» ofllcers wilt conf»r northward aud eastward to Lucerne where tt OF KlUIUL DIBKISH. it. I would thank you (or a ur there are " nous *> ABOHITEOT, To protect enBtomors aud reap the b&nefits of my owu adverliping, Intelligence and a Rood mind. Tte cou»erva- Commissary pf ITtaouers, la a tuoit Intereft- robust kind durine bli many yenni of life. iiift rev ol nil unary document. |wor to do ulni tevcrence," for at amettlug ot please notioo tho first aamo, AMOS, and No. 79, boforo ontoring the CANNED GOODS. GROCERIES. tlbin of the qotntnunlty has yielded «t*p by Lait winter be was attacked with serious the Ltiou Abbatt Ouards of Paterson last [. J. iloknean fur the fleet time, but bad apparently storo. H«t Jersey Tonutoea Cab. . Host Uleo S ftn step to the holy inilueuces of tiod'a wonl. Tbs Ft-bmarj number ot tue magazine of treek they iiassod » eot of sarlo-comlc melo- Ttupiioin CAIA 101. Swt»t Hugar Com " . 1 hrongb tbe cQldxt weather for thirty years American History, tbs tlrat presented by Mm thoroughly recovered From it. drftmatlc reaolutlons that should bring tbs Ornci Ornuti DBPOT, nnlilan l'u-npkiii " Rnnw \\ tide Co6 T»lrfe ?cnrlira ail* Hfkaa'craHwn only. To-morrow nlgbt a Christian toclnl as tu makfl It tlie most admirable IMUO of au of gratitude and appreciation for tba White Wax Cborrtoi Sib] VanillaCronuis . . morning at ble borne it Dundeld, Warren J meotlng. Uod la saving many BOIIIB—eievon >rlcan blatorlcal ningoilne we havo ever county, ol Bright,'* dl.esw. Mr. Howey wns inestimable services rendered to the common - Bnrlettretra I c,ta Ufuce Meat were rocolred on coufeulon Uoforo January, «lVMa AND BUB ODTTUIa BALOOH, Now lUd Httltnon Fine 1 rulut Boap ii Cubes BWU. burn uear Hwwlesboro, Uloucester county, peoplo of tho Htata of New Jersey by tbat houco«l Maukcrel Largo Cake 1'tiroHonp at many more are waiting (o be received. Lion ot Democracy, Hon. Lecm Abbett, tbat " •• Bctax Braor March 1711), 1^ and van coDHequoutlr near- t j»rge Can Brook Trout Vr Prior's Cojgli Mahwi Dfnr friends In New Jersey prny for us as wo THE BUBAL NEW-YOXlKEB. ly sjxty-rour yearf old. we tender to htm cur heartfelt tbulu totbl i IBIVWn* IOLLI1*! BOTH UD DUOT,] TELEPHONE 580. Lanw Can (Jlam* Uoln l)ut Washing Powder do fur you. Of our four different chglntbrce lutrepld chatnplomhlp of tfae toilers of our Mr. Howey aerved In tbo late war OJ Cap- DOVKB, H. /. if Unoi often plug ot ono eerTicaau Iboy did Tlie Poromosit Affflcultura! Newspaper. In "A Byniposluiu ot Song" lait eroulng. tain of a company ot New Jt-j \y Voluntecn. iramon veultb, wben clutobed by tbe throat jhm DUoiliHb«tn aotlnlrioAtlod In * neat Hla early educatioa was received at the com- Very Best Minnesota Patent Flour, Per Barrel, $5 00.We l&vo tn Ibe gallery a cuoir ot adult A \>a\& stop bas been Ukon by tliat best (tad by giant monopoly and rental (tie) political mon school of bis native placo aud at thetreachery, at Governor of our (State be wu a aspsait.lv. „___ 'tugcn who have sunE togotber tor twenty toremoatof all farm papsrt, Tlie Kuril Net aOODS DELIVERED FBEE OF CIIAEOE TO ANY VA.nl OF flto •years-trained voices who sing tho old academics at Swetbsboro anil Uridgeton. At terror of monopolistic tendencies and legisla- 'TOLUTB gOTgb, Yorker, In reducing Its subscription urf< the Dga ol titnelaen he went to ftiliadolpbln, Cutfeura RescWtat, Kqt Covered Htow Puna, md oothotnu. In front nt tbe left of the from |3 to (I a year, and tbnt, too, without tive putrescence. Hence Ilka Brutus he WM THE STATE. itabued by so called friends, but unlllteBrutus Ooi. BuosniLti un> BDIMI 8M,. Acme Frying Tana, pu.pt'. a choir of young JXK>I>1Q led by t. cornet. any reduction In the quality or dimeter of liero for eight years he was engaged In gtm- 1r (Iranno'i Nm-viira, te wai not stabbed to deatb, he wu tio Good Pcrub llruati or Wltiak lira in, Directly In front a children's choir, which .li- the paper. Its publisher! b&tve acted on the ttd busluws as n. gralu aud flour ciimmlidou DO5IB, K. J. 3unlock filnod Bittern, j-itiuno of tbe people." To moat people tbfu IS InOi CoUaden, ft boy choirs of lads, from nerou tfl principle of tho greatly Incteated circulation merchitnt lu 18-W be removed and settled lu will be a new rendering of bli tory, but that Is 1. B, JOLWT. Heniy 11 roll ers, twelve years ot age, wlio slug well. Thebofi msklDft up for tha lower price. Indeed, the tbe township of Jwuowlton, Warren county, c, sug an " offertory " every Sabbath looming, paper is comtantty belug improved In all de- and, la partnership wltb Eobort Ki Killa, of a little thing. It straws that the Abbett , Bonn «ou OUIIWM U 111. partment*, and Is clearly tbo leading agricul- Pblladelphia, engaged in tho data Lusinwi, Uuard* are literary evenifttielrmemorieaare AMOS H. VAN HORN, Bood'i B*raptirilla Co tlo tural newspaper oC America, n It lias been t|(iarrylng and nnnufucturlog AlateroofltiK not tonacloiuof evcnU. Than comes another T #. BaOIOlT, DOVKB, X. J., G. 1 Tlie voung warriors ".numberabout twenty- Eoi much of the time during tht last 42 years. nnd school elated Ia 1801 acoinpauy known rhetorical t!tj rocket ttat dauWs Vat ey» and alrvllEor " . QlaM CoTtti-ed Cutter DIalieg, the "Delawn.ro Water .0op Hlato Vpm- throws tbo glamon of rcnianca over tbe last Flour fiKttvs (Stdecraiil), flvo and (ire from »ix to fourteen jours of nge. "With Ita superior corps of editors (unequalled , tllWt ad plaote ol Ta.uaUe m crsttc, and more especially hia own towmlily, epoca In the history of tbe New Jersey Ltefa.a- Doiu, V. 1. New JeresF United titatea. At family wonhlp thUtnorn- originated ot) Ita experiment grounds. Tbese, in which, however, hi received a handsome Uon that wu ignoralnom." FOB THE CELBBnATBD -, Ing I called upon an aged talutat myBldflano* In total, are estimated as having been worth majority. Be made lilmaelf a very nccept- millions ot dollars to Atnerlcon agriculture This last sentence ezpretsei a' precnant said "Grandma wou'byourepeataPialmthft bto Bbetlft* by gWlng EaUsfaction to both truth tbouga It Id not likely tbe Qusrdi in* HARDWARE j!" and laid vpou tbetablptUe Bible This town IJdltor Carman bo* a rare treat b thlt line, proposing tosand IT D«W roses, Rosa political parties during his torm of oflloa. teudod tbe meaning tua peculiar arrangemsnt - m» JBBBBI IBOH imuia oo. r- *n>— In mj hand as she repeated, tbe ono hundred of the words convey. It Is la the last pum.- Hniinuu A Savins of Two to Four Toss of Coal aud laird Pealni without a nilatata. She rugoaa hybrids, a new grope, a new early At tbe close of bis term in Congress Mr. poUto, and »Md of 200 crosi-bred tdraatoes— Howoy was ogilu made tbe candidate, but graph, however, where t)ie villain of VK plif learns a new one overy two or three days. gets in his heavy work and tlie foreshadowing iSSnoeiK BOBIUS OK IKON MERCHANT, ii uaiug tlie OS0E6LA' or QUEEN ESTHER HA^GES iviLIi reg- Hbe will be ninety ono on tlie fifteentb ol tbla all to avery «ulmar1b*r [wylng for ths mail- Democracy hid resumed Its perpendicularity IB lota of I MrM tad •pmidi. wd Myw^l 1 1 ister attachment A large line of stoves in stock as fallows: Free sampld ooples of the paper may be and though lie kept tbe majority down below if a political tragedy Is given. i. Amid, tbe pleasaul suntouuittuga ul 11 u>adbnlldui«l foil Standing serene ou a BDlentlOo plane, above for (1,000. III rf 4~1 S^«; BeW«ii.loti l WW Wright Organ & Piano Wfg Archer, various charges against hjin, OUOITvI AID MBTBBUVOHAIWBBT, political bias and .arabaal conslderaUan. .Mr. itCB more than Mr. Ho way. His candidacy Ixaae P. VreoUod and wife to Jacob II, Company, Kenmord, UuntCQ oonsldont centraliBod capital, as repre- Pastor HlUIngton la twenty-one yearn old. ogalnnt Job™ton Curnieh for Cjiigres) In tbe Vreeland, Jr., proi»rtf In Hanover townihlp , "A» VMAAT inui, DOVER, 1J. J. lattimer, , by.truatsi as a potout and uKesoary ehubMn ptutor of tho Hamburg church last campafgu ii yet too trenb In tbD infiids of fr *1. . -. ,' " RAIBOFB.1,1. ArjniB, urel, factor In our clriliutloni IIo takeatb e posl-for a year and a half, his former charge bo- the people to nt*>d commeut, He mode a George 13. Voorbeej, Jr., to tbe Electric Uou, which to supports wltb a sturdy arrnj Ing at Werrensburgr Warren oouDty, N, Y. flghtthat reduced (tie lknvwratle FM.jf.rlty UgUt Heat wiA Power Comiw«', ptojirty In L. H. & Co. Neptraie, Florence; Tl baialways Iweu store or Ion trout^u In Home Around. of fts';andllgures, tLittruttsarotboorganl- ttto-thlrdi. Mr. Howoy was a frbrewd basl- Morristown for |1. " OLIVER S. FREEMAN, HoliiiJ,' fatlou.of corporations ft*wrpbratlop s wore thoohurch, and four pastors won forced to nes* man nnd loaves contJJeralKi nt an estate. Jag. P. Carboy, executor, to William Calla- Gipsy. Bandy. tbo orgautmtlon at ladivldutvl ccpltailsla •, withdraw before Mr. Mlllington cam*.. Mr, ftji, property ID Boon ton far (35D. Fancy Goods, MllUngton decided that-the only way to bring •CarpanUr.tnd Builder, STORE AMD SHOP BTOVII. tbfit thay. are> tno legitimate and Inevitable .bout peace wan to force tho disturbers out School for Fepnie Minded Children. William H. Kills and wife to Tbomss Ellis, iiircoiiie of the businew mitboda of tbe ago, property In Hanover township for NOD. •UTSKAL'FOB 1'AKOT Hnnir. Uonarefa, Dalir Umday, PortUni, llelcor. VMolta of tbe church. He had succeeded ia getting Tbe following (nan extract from Gaveri 1 »w lal advance. Tfas large capita,! Ihoy are Frances J. Paine, Gertrude P. Waddlngtoa FDU.EI1 £ WARREH and TUB DtlBHIKO STEAM AMD HOT WATK1L IIK1TERB. Lbln to control niakea It ponlble for them tp rid of a number of them, but when he etine (o Abliett'H recent mmsag*, concerning tho lishBfl 20 Years SILKS, LACES, Plnmblnff. Tinning'and Stcata Fi^tlnK Work iloiie In all liranobeB. and Edna-E. Baker to Thomas P. Clifford, Deacon Kent he found energetic resistance: training tchool fur tvvble mimletl children at Look at my large stock befor. purcoaEinK i\ail of all labor-saving devices, all improved property In Uorrlstown for tEOO. IIANDKEKCHIEF8, metnods, and to offer the public* a better The meeting SiturtMT wu a stormy one. Vtiwlaud; article than Individual effort could furnlih, Deacon Kent accused the potor of repudiat- Tbe trulnlng sofcoo) is under private man- ~Imer H. Harrington, executor, to Sidney lUDttLOTEP 1). S. ALLEN, Dover, K J. aud at a lower price. And this Is thtlr ing bis just debta, of lying, misrepresentation agemeat, but tbe 0t«to ban generally sent all Hagnerty, Jr., property in BuccoBunna for and NOVELTIES. iulTlcIfnt reason for beiue, that they serve and violation ot established churcu cuitomi. the feeble mtadfd children to thin institution VBOO. the community better and cheaper than did The votlug wai In fnvor of tbe pastor, but because tt la situated In this State. Kelson Hughson to Andrew O. Orr, prop- Dover Boiler Works. UUIEB' ADD CHILDREN'S or cau , inialler crganlution. Thougb the when tio tuaUted' on Deacon Kent anologlilng Tbe Btato has paid for the education, cloth- erty at Mt. Freedom for 11. ocanoinlc necessity . of lhe ceutrallutlon of Deacon Rood declared be vu going too far ing and mnlutonance of lift children during Henry H&nn And *lfo to Ea.m» Cook, prop- P. F, BIRCH, - - Proprietor CORNISH'S CELEBRATED ORGANS ^ PIANOS. ipIW ia pmenUd as a self-evident proposi- and called for prayer from Deacon Benedict. tbe tlueal y«ar. Tlie reports ot tha Board of erty In Washington township for f 1. ' NOTICE. After the prayer tbe paitor's lupportew Bishop WInand Michael Wlgger to All SouU' MA5CM0TUSXB OF^ U.;n, It It oUU admitted tbat, though tb» Directors and of the officers of thisfnatitutlou Winter Underwear, Xn rcsiKMiHO tu (i larfrc niti licr ;«f publlcmsymiBunderatAndorexagKerateraou), ilopped over to the otbur side, and that Ia why Hospital, property In Morrlstown for H. U an excellent showing of tbe rapid and turn Bolkfi. Smok. SUok. oil Tcuka, riMiitcsts HIIHIO by pittruiiH in Vim It seldom invents them, aud that, therefore, to healthful devr-1 opulent of every dtpai'tinen ChMnliwl Faua, Ors.Buokou and &J1 has resigned. Reduced Instead of Fromoted." STATIONERY, vie I" It}, MCWTB. COKNISII & CO, hum arc-use tbe popular antagonism now existing, Without any aid from the 8Ute w)\ateve Uodi otlbMJIron WMi. oponc.1 n branch wnreronin in elm there must be radical errors In tha conductor William Barrett, •who has been condacUir 'SOB SiLE IT 4U. DRUG BT0BE9. TAHOT'Atm 8TAPL* For All the People, icoptapercapltii ytarly ollnwauce for Ii of tbe midnight Alorrlstown Bocommodatlon KKPA11UKO PUOHPTLV; ATTBKDRDTO tliclr local rcprcaoiitnlUo, Mr. c of trunti These ernra are Impartially noted, dlgant children, the school hu acquired aail their remedy auggnsted and impresslTely Governor Werta responded to tbe toojt for many ytnra, was reduced to tbe position Old bollen tak«o In BXcbann I Coal soil BOOKS AND BASKETS. K. DAlaKYiUI'I.fi., nt No. 5 JBUICIC : plant, chiefly throwBUtheaenorftalty ot puW of ba««KO master last week. The reaeon for Wool, Dan«lsd and LOOM Ldmo, Hair, ria*. urged . "Our State," at tbe banquet ol tbe Jersey PEARCE & MONEZ. BLOCK. DOVISH. If. *T., n hero a choh o City Dwud of Trade but Thursday night. As spirited citizens, which the management esti- thla reduction is not made public. A. great W, Cement, Front and Common brick, Kclcclion of FIA1T0S ait OBGASS "III bo on mate to bo ol the valua of (TO.OOU. Carpenters and Bjiilders. 'laolDI, BUI", Curblnt;, Bull, Slate Kan PWdentDear Introduced him the banqueters deal of sympathy is expressed for Mr. Bur- iU,««. \lcxv. Mr. Diilmnplo ve tbreo hearty cheers and a tiger, Tbe Inauguration and successful conduct of rett, as he hat been lone and favorably COR. UOBKIB AKD BIOKEttSOX BTS will I)c in nttumlnnce '•Itbaiikyou heartily for tbo sincerity of thin school, deserves just recognition, tt la mown as one oE tbe most careful and «fflclent Wa btno received recently a little' Souvenir delightfully situated at Vlueland, Aid In my nen on tha road. Be bas been with tbe road i tu recch c orders nnd Boob, Illustrated In oolora and devoted to tho your welcome," utd tbo Governor. " Tbe fcvliiltlj liwtruimmlM. tusifrned to me tbii evenliip; Is one that visits to this Institution I hare been pleased for thirty-two years, and his friends say be NOTHING EQUALS COLLSUC Zfoworic. N- description 'of tbe business of The Youth's with its management. It Is a treat ehnrlty, irres better treatment at the hands of the Companion, and especirtlly illustrating the- will challenge the attention of any speaker. OPEN ALL THE YEAH I Prlres »mo at a! Factor/. £uj pijmenl plarj to still all pochls. It In my career heretofore or hereafter I m«y intlcr the management of a Board deserving ipany than ba IB now reeling. Or* of 1 now bnlldlng, wblcb in jiiat oomploted aud if high praln for its great Work for thi Mr. Barrett's friends told a Call reporter tha NATIONAL PATRONAUK 1 ocriiplsd. Every one who It Interested fn the be able to do anything to advance tfcegl WK. E. BPA1TO&K&, Jr., (•tlnlsitum iciit fri-e «? nn> Hililrr-*> VnicRdlnsj pure It uteri oua hlttory or enhance tbe honored name of poor children, who appeal so strongly to our itfaar day that this reduction from the rank Dr. Edwards CBBE SESTCOUBSEOPBtal^ESSTRAINIrfn. paper, «ad we know tbat tho niiraber^cf ol conductor was brought about by ono ottos New Jer«y, I will think mywlt nio*t la lyinpathics for their care and comfort. FLORIST'. toast e*pansl»a 'n tima and money. Picas- . 3 nrlih Itlork. Dtivnr, IV. J., famlliifl in our vicinity who Ult« It ioMwwa railroad olUcera who was unfavorable to him rlpiM), DruuchTtlTtl^ Whomlng Ooogb, utd aall yi>ar I y year, will daeire Co Me and read this As Chief Executive of the HUte It will aly dlmanoltliltle throathrott «nrf Itingi fta tonitonic anteat location Indonrc by thousand* ot be my duty' and pleasure to administer tbe and lost no occasion to injure him. It is iOUD STBEBT, DOVEB, N. J. gradnatos and nnnclreds of tbn Jaadlng bnsl- bit of blatory cbncernlng'a fiTorlta pspor. A Successful Favorite. prbpsrUn lUpport tho B7itcm( Ttia Exptct UN men oE tbe Btato and nation. Write for laws, In FO lar Ri ii in ma lies, for the good pretty well known that favoritism and nepo- anut unloaiu the CDDsetted muoous mom* " nil* The CoiWlt»»ion isonBoltha o1de*t At tbe closing Quarterly Conference for the tTbtl tt A M "atafngue and r» oonvintwd S£^ CORNISH &'boJ, liSl md benoflt of all cltlx-ni To tbat end.whlle tism extends to aa unusual extent on this r all oocaalonrtimilataa at .lortit My H COMSHAN, Principal. rs In tUeeooatry, having boen itartol o a certain eitent one must acknowlodge year held at the First M. E. Church on Mon- road, but it is unusual for officers of tbe com- and eitrjaS* to U» Una ot th> SPECIAL BEPEEaENrATTVE FOE DOVEK: In 16.7, It is one ot the freshest and inoit ind oltey the comuiands of party, I do nnt day evening !aBt, tlto fDlIowing statement was pany to IIM authority to tbe Injury of an em- _ nude, which clearly Indicates much prosperity llavDlTAH 11 al i ^.l'jr,. JilaU, 1OU*, vifiortiOBOt all our publications and has at- obey tlie demands of party when X do net ployee far merely personal causes, as it Is TVo do bertfjy dworlully uu.te In recon* JOHN R. DALRYMPLE. P. O. Box 137 tained this unequalled circulation of six hun- believe them consistent with public good. during the three yean pastorale of the ltev. alleged nu dano tu this Instance. lending Dr, Edwardi' Cough Hprtiji as a m» Win, Dny. Ruoeired on probation 132, r«- JOHHBOH * OOOPEB, J nsdyln "Orinp," and all forma of, dred tbounnd copiw weekly. Ita prospectuj, Tola ii a criterion 1 have lived up to in the we are using It it nor families containing the sunouucemenU of authors and celvod luto memb:rohlp H7, IMIVIUK a net nmuL DIBBOTOBS past, and I intend to adhere to It in tbe BBWtureof Him. articles for the year 181)3, shows that the com- future." Increaie of niombjri 110, with-) 3on probation, AKt>OsifsiUT.Tuiunsimo UifDcmAKSM. Ins vclunie will ba, if possible, batter than after deducting {or removals, deaths, »t«. A young man has been going around through any ct Ita predeccasom. . • - On lust Sabbntb six ware received per letter, this section with a paper which beallegu was ranmal aHaDUon (Ino to all calif b; j. BLACKWELL STREET, This sentiment provoked ths wildest ap- written by Dr. Cummins ot tbls place asking JOIUSDII* OJHos aUid wanrtMtns) u the cJ " plause. ~ ten from probation tn full connection, fifteen Any DOW inibseribe. may obtain tbe Sou- admitted onvrobation. Tbemeetlng on Mon- Cor contributions for tbe ontstaira ot a maa lo>Kul»IMial,](oiTliltna:. 15-lj J A H *COU*KU-, -DEALERS IN- venir Book free by asking for it At the time ?T«irBaltlm(intN.Y. r for Aitliau, Citarrli. day evening Btronglr requested the con-who bud lost a leu. Ue had tha names of a THOXAB B. HoOfiiTH. Both Z'K, H>& COO. (Ira miioii hla: __ W, Ul|ihllierla, Croup, Scarlet tba rubscriptioD is sent. Price (l.TQn year, Fronouncea Hopeleia, Yet Saved. tlnaanw of tho services of Mr. Day, which we lumber of well known men attached to It FeTtr, Hsy Fever iurr Tlirut anJ All Ulicatea -LUMBER OF ALL KINDS-:- BostGi, Mass. ... From a Jotter written by Mrs. Ada B. Hurd, mre tho community will heartily endorse. *lth the Amount ot their contributions, and «f itic Air Fasutin.;. ot.Grolon, B. D,, ire quote: " WAS Uki mcceedrd In swindling n iiotnbor of people. Tbe Vaporiclnfc Apparatu* Iriimple >*cl ptffccr, Oood IiDOata. with a bad cold, which settled on my lungs, Be Is an Ircpofter, u Dr. Cummins never UratTtbijI lwrUinliif to lh« btuinia fm J flood lojks are mom than akin Jooji, ilep cougbset In and finally terminated in coii- il«brf it dun DOtkx. Omo. ud winnai. STORE ROOM AND LIVING *jJ I* Hie Mfdl nicllnKl or Uc^rofloa inlKalmi, Or. Hale'a Household Ointment wrote a paper of tbat kind and several of tfae th Wriltt Oiimo am m»fo Hit Col Fir tit* bf mlt Dr*[pi i 7ri