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Q0NTAIN8 MORE HAS THE LARGEST 5*REW8 >i THAK ANT OTflEE PAPEB- :;- Northern New Jersey. :•; *************** VOL. xxni. DOVER, MORRIS COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1893. NO. 11 Z.ETTEB FBOM B£V- A. O, DILL. A KBW OLD MAOAZINE. DEATH OF JUSTICE B0UDPEH. NATIONAL QUAUD BEOBQAHIZA- There ora no"bluBMomlJiy»"inor "Bboi Tbe pulillnbera of Tha National Uagarlnc Juitlca Edward Wallace Bcuddur, ot TIOIT. fcldi.1 totlio muneo vrtilch adjoins the Pr. have acquired tbd Megaclneof American Hia 8upnm« Court, <Ued euMealy at bUbouie on nib«rs of tlio Nalioiml Uuavd t,r& a.nz- rtnuwp imf nuzuT BT I jUrlan Church and wssiop house an tbetory, whlub was edited liy Mrs. JI«rtha J Grcfiiivood avenue, Tronton, at l().:iO o'clock iousfy waiting to bear of further develop- )ura(iiiugo grounds. Hie mitur uoi Lamb until tei- deatb ouJanusry ltd lost last Priday night. Ue bad atU.-iided the Cir- ments in the reorgttnlzatiuu of the First Bri- SAVE TIM CENT! tbs 1A«U tennis cuurU which (a tfae Hummer Wltb tho February tituo them t cuit Court during tbe J»y, ami was In appir- d IkbMmbld time Is the favorite resort, m tbe etfbt of historical junrusli ara mergml Into on*, mt good bualtb and e^irite wlicn he left tin itln^H and plans for reorganization were RUBBERS. afUrnoon and early evening, of thttladlni and tie name, llagnxlne of Amerlmn Ulitory, lourt roam. Aft«r returning to bis Louie be uued. As tlie brigade is cou»tltuted now, s PEOPaiKTOBg. gentleman f row Uie two ho(*!« nnt hr tveay. that ot Uio older period*™!, now in it* 3tb prepared for dinner, and shortly after par- tbere 1M a great deal of ditsattf faction nxUting. horthampton is one of the old arUUicratlc volume, in retained. taking of the meal rotired to bla bathroom. It li hoped that throuRb flov. WerU ths OBoa on EUclwjll Blr«»t next door toitn of tlie empire ftats; too aristocratic Geuerat Jamai Grant Wilson well ki After leaving Ibe batli he expdrianoed trouble may be adjusted and tha guard placed T - It does uot cost you a cent to wear Hub- sown SItwa yoturi aco to allow tha railroad to B as an editor of Important historical works, feeling of oppretulvenevi and at once tmni- on a hotter footing than It Is now. C3iuo within iU liordora andsopuiliedlt-oQ" includlnz App!etau'aCycloi>ivdlaof American inonod lilmnn Ueorge. At present tie First Brlgote oonuleta of OLO bers their value being more tlian saved by several miles to the vestlacross a luorflis AMOSH.VANHOB1\ , Biography will edit the new ma£azlna which "Thlfl Is an mm anal atUck, fJeorge," to twelve aiiJ two Uncomtanr resiuieuU. Tha O> «DMamiPT10» UTVABI- called here by tU old Iiid.an n»na. "The Is tmlarjffd more than thirty pages, while tbe narked tbe Judge. " I nnver ei])*rieiiced cue Second Brigade It compasad of throe eight preserving.the shoe, and they are the only Male" I quote from tbe large nlitory price is reduced from fS to «?i per annum. company regtments. TLe present plan li to o' Uilv county which has recently cauie from like It before." Tfae historical prlxe competition, inaugurated Almost Immediately he complained of achange the FttEt Brigade ta as totcrra {Wt> preia at nn ex[>enB9 of Blitecn dollar* a by Tbe National HagsKloe, and offering f 2,000 regimeiiti of eight comnauies each, aud to do 73 Market Street, article of feet wear that will positively \olunie, "Fiib UOUBS" using tlie old-nsm nse of tuftucfltion. Dr. W. Elmer, of West in 14 prized Ia continued by tfae Magazine of street, was iiromftly summoned, but iwfore this new cnmpanlo* will have to bj organized keep tho feet warm and dry. My stock of it »L« hundred yean sgn, nhen Sir, Wililam American Hlatorj. Tbe ooadltloas ot tbe or- tbe puysickn arrived tbe Judge bml t« and wbat are now termed tue insubordinate Wiehos to aall tha attention of now beginnera and ptmU&aem et Juln BOO had hia " Fish liouee " or Hummer iginal contest are unchanged and particulars nway. companies will bare to be reorganised. Jersey IGS rt on tbe baubs at tho I^ocangdda where can lie bad by sending a slump to tho Maga- City is to unve tbo headquarters of ons r*gl- tliair goods now »«d save 20 per cent. I will take orders for goods zine ot American History, )B2 Hauau Ht., merit, ompoacd ol tlie lix companies of tie 1 WU.jS *XE. RUBBERS is complete, and comprise Lhe M*wnla Hall now ilamla. A umne more Iwanl Wallace Bcuddtfr was tbe son or HOW and bold them until Spring without a deposit at Uie following re- oft€L used in this vicinity than Iilts'own tbat New York City. Jasper H. Uuudder and Mary atlllnoll Uoeder. old Fourth aud two UBW companies, with ~ol. AberneLby In coiumtud MlT»6»Tw»17lT»6»Tw l dnood pricos: Boots of all grades and prices for Men, f HortbiitupUjn, "Fish House lias An appreciative and iIlsorlnilnatlnK sketch wa* burn at Hcudder'M Falls, Meroer 900 ID urowji as HA ai other villages in tbe couDty, ii Mrs. ilartha J. Lamb accompanied by au County, on August 121b, ibi2, and was tbere- Orange is to t» tue headquarters of a regtv 16 — S60 60 Antiquo Oak Bodroom Baits, reg price %p KcJuoud to $17.00 nud Lhfj m»y boaccounted tdr by tlie fact Itat admirable plotureasfroutlapleoe, finds appro- fore saveiity-one years of aze at the time of meiit composed or tbe four companies of tbe Boys, Youths, Women, Misses and Chil Its lubabltants bav* mostly beeti wealtby, priate place 111, tuo February Iraue of tbe death. Ui« anceetorH wore among tbe old Hecoud lU-giuient of lloboken, which turn tic 25 Parlor Baits, mahogany finished frame, rug cover• couserFAtlve people, with ft lave for tholr Magacine of American History, wulcb abe early net lien* of Hiring Townfhlp. Ue at-poxltlvoly rafuetid to serve in tbe present 8 71 ** .8 -ing, regular priootBO Hodnoed^ $42 60 dren; Arctics in bo%. button and buckle; talelr couutry seaM, and no desire to teaedited for so many years aud from which tended tba Trenton Avadomy, tbo Lawreiiue- Bvcunil Keglmsnt; tho three Orange com- ISO 1070 O1S tlteir twsutlful farms and gsntena laid out Into deatb called her so suddenly. Tbe articles vllle scbool and perfected hi* oducmtlmi U panies now la tlio Benuusl R»g!ment aod Uis 410 85 Parlor gaits, mahogany finieuctl frauio, pluuli Frlnc«ton College, from which Institution ht) Dover coui|mnj now In tue First Regiment, jILOO Alaskas, Storm Rubbers, and specialties of LJIOIng luU. It Is a place dleUaclly noted 'A North Carolina Monastery" and " Inci- INI oovering, regular prioe $40 Kejucod to $27.50 fur its {jlearant and putistaatinl buowstoada.' dent In tbe Ufa of Webster" have a melnn graduattxl with lilgli hoimrs lu 1»fl. In im with Lleut-'Col. Hnyder «ud LleuLOI. I not, 0 Tbo growing cities of Amsterdam^ JuhnaUiwi cuuly i(it*frest«» being the c»!j uiws nrniURw3 th* degroe ot LU D. URS conferred ujmii him hotter, at pieieut uuattnebed. lu com* all kinds- My Wool Boot for Men is the•nd OlaverBTJllo near ua on the south aud by her for tbis number. by tbe collego. After ln«vlng college be en- tuand ; Pater son It to be the headquarters ef ithfvatt havo B[treeted many of La Tour and Acadia" embraces one of the ouotbtr regiment compared of threw com- SOO « 60 10 00 17 00 oi gut nnd iretaltbtut cltlisus away, \iul panics ot Leonla, three of Pateraon, ace of «J0 » oo n oo 15 00 best in tho market. My prices are always ii iutereGting episode* In tbe Ustory botb a candidate for Vli»-Pmldciit ot tfae to-day Kortbamploo Is, the Ideal village and of HtuKuchusotbi and Nova Bcotia. Tills United Btates when Fremont ran for Presi- I'assalc, and ono of if ay on us, wltb Col. 8 CO 11 00, U DO M00 Muggy, at present uuattacbeJ, in command. 10 00 iswaiw MOO CARPETS. the lowest. parlnb. Your correnpotideut bas tested IUiiootlo story as preaanttsl In tbe February dent. Id Koptember, IH-iJ, be iMmnm BH at- U Ml V M 3D 01 btt.uLlful Suuioicrs aud Its none tbo lees st- lumber of the Magazine of American History irnej-at-law, end four yearn later wus made Newark Is to lio lieadqusrlcra of two regl- ueo u oo! m w 16 00 tmctlce Wlutars. Tbo air Is BO pure that Ii differs somewhat from tbat of Mr. I'arfai connftollor. •nonU, Riude up as follows: First to be oom- tl o last week 1 bave slept two nlghta with 15 00 ti 00! 87 » •6 ft 2G piocoa of TapouLry Brnaaela Carpet, regular prioo In tbe January "Atlantic" Mr. Alb li. 1802 Mr. BcuJderwai elected to tbe Htoto I ss It Is at present, and the except ton ot l tlo window raised one-halT, w, Ibatthe t\ 16 JO laoo uoo110 00 peryora7Cc >. Itedaced to COcla sympathlus wltb La Tour, which Is aim tlie Benato, and lu WVi was chosen President of tbe companies commanded liy OapU, Town- MOO attitude wbioh Wlnthrop, a« governor of send, Hill and DleU, and Col. Campbell In AUDIO »» UTUl, MHUL ND> 2B pieces of All-wool Ingrain Carpet, regular price . P. O. HEAGAN, >ccupy not one-balC of the window. tint bmly. HP was a Demoi-rat of tha old Tlia il ry, crl.j), voldiiMS Is exbllarUIug.
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