Poor Ran Servke, Home Lack Seen Bar to Summit Growth
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j^^* vr~Mr>1fr RGKT CANCER WITH YOU* $m Sitfc 4? 13 A TfAt nil iii.iiUJisg^^^^^^^^^^w—MMtjM 6 CENTS Larger Bastes Owriook Doctors IkyScoiit for Poor Ran Servke, Home Lack Dbtikt HNO IWtcd Aid Board MM: PW^e CoopertHon Seen Bar to Summit Growth sA Hst» aad r cant* r drive mm**,* fs OM «^g« s€ WBOteiis«rt*d DUtoiet 96. I of U» of civic responsibility of- ot*i«Uoa arnon, all group. s»rv. WOO New Families May It Forced <**•* Otascit. attended fsre#to the merchaata and fcttsl- ing th« hospital highlighted # din- asasaaM of SuMmlt by Wtttast g Out of Town, Firms Tell Chamber ) O. Savage, hiosalf « vstacan total MW gives TbiuiwUy eveaiag st 'atiday, April *. a* the WUaaai Additional housing facilities, increased rmilgtmt bans* busineMman, aniiouaosaMatt o( ths Hot.) Bssehwood by Janw. JL . Pitt fat Chatham, *•©•• appointment m ehalrman Karrigaft, retiring president'of tht portataon and improved restaurant condition* were asked At U»s tNMUmw taf*ti*f fttaaky °t Utf Uaiud Campaign'a busl^ for Summit *y official, of j«^ todttttrtet located or antk> 0 Morgaa of Colony court Mas Soard of Trustees to nwmbera of ness division was mads yesterday the Board, ths assdioal ataff, oS- ipating location in this aty at * special meetmr of tha t-eeted district chairmaa to »uc- *>y Woodruff J. English, Cam- Chamber of Commerce Monday night w the auditorium M«d Giistav &, rtscbsr of Mafia paign chairman. clals of the woman's auxiliary and ttrtet who ted jcrvcd is that the nursing school commutes. I*. of the TMCA. "It behooves tacb of us busl- opacity for U» put five jean. cJudsd among ths 14 gutsts was Heading tat U«t «f g At* tl«t«*wt« ctjrtt r.Bn. ncssmia to support ths bettar> prowemeitu was a demand for a tef of Motmtsia *vsan« a* vie** . Wnttata 0. Savag* Men* of this outataauUag city of Uwreno. J. Ma«Or«g«r, former proportMnat , amount of lowtr tiuurmui«ad U«r4 W, Stengel of Hvmdi Bm$tn*u DbUUm ours by even more gcaerous giv- enslrman of ths Citisens' Com- priced housing on the presate* .Piae Grovo maat ap District ing to our United Canpalgk thaa salttet for a Better Overlook. that by «srly JM» ta« jlafts «f J has been our practice in >ast tht tndwtrtei will have inrrresssd U •••* • - • - •' • All who made brief addresses Toe followiag were ckctsd mem- years," Mr. ftBttsge said In ac- by approximately 3J60 persona, wtr« unanimous in their opinion hers-at-larg* to the District Com Oratory School cepting his appoltttment. Company t*pii»cittaaiirt» irks suttee: J. & Edwards. A. M. Tar- Ufjgw Qtaatsr Gtffta that from now on Overtook must •pok* •* Ui» ane*tlBg w«re. Qttor aailn*, C, 1. Fischer, C 3. Froscb, "I propose to have the needs go forward snd that past disputes Thurwan, Jr, administrative as- G J. ObsiM, Edward Young. C. Student Critically of these eight local youth aad between ths Summit Medical distant. Air Reduction Sake* Co, F Benacr, O. H. Hufnall, L. V. welfare agencies, which combine Group and the independent doc- Murray HiH; M- B. Loag, vice- president, Bell Twaeptiaa* Radtk*. Eseo Long, A. C Bernard, their principal fund-raising effort tors of the area serving the hos- I Howard SUits, Walter Hartig. Al- Hurt by Auto into our annual "Bed Feather tori**, Murray Hill; «. «r. J pital most be patched up with the I lea Roberta, & O. Morgan, Walter Donald Schilling:, 16, a student Day" United Campaign, present- busmciM manager. Gtiaasssv'Oaf* I .«*•*••.• at Oratory School, is in critical ed to our businessman in such aid of ths Trustees, rtoration of America. SUBSBOU; W, K The District Ootanlttce appolnt- condition at Overlook Hospital a manner that they'll glvs more John R. Montgomery, new H. Pratt, dotneitic »at<*i manager* Ctba rii*rniaeetitic^l Co, Summit, f i the following as Neighborhood after being involved In an accident planning to the size and direc- right) Board president, in reviewing the and Dr. Akael G. Olacn, manager. CoramiasiOB*!*: Robert L. Hanson, with a car about 6:4$ p. m. Tues- tion of their giving for commun- hands over a baseball bat andgkm to EJugent Btilea, co-chairman of work of the Board, said that cer- day on Morris avenue near Bed- ity needs. I believe many of ua pubUclty (second from Jtft) «s t>ftici*Jly open the Twins; Men's Civic tain revisions to the by-laws made Central Itemrth Labor Tories of Arthur r MoUtor. A. L. Seaver, the Uentrsl/tAtoda Corp., which ford road. The car, it is stated, would' like a little more balance Council's driv* for used spojir «tuipwcnt to be shipped oversea, to from the floor during the annual Jr. John Potter. and proportion In 'what, where witl locaj* ta Millburn Towtuhlp. Roland SttaMoa. field soout ex- waa operated by Mrs. Clifford E. ths youth of occupied and mriwravag^l countries. Included in the meeting of the Association last Dunn, a guest at the Hotel Subur- and how* we are called upon to month had been included in toe Follc.*rlof the addresses Mayor ecutive; was Introduced and made give. For example, many of us above picture an Edward <J.M«4WB; Council pmldent, <flrst left) Max*tll Loatter, Jr, discussed the «few remark* Russell C. Lauver. ban. Tho victim la the son of Mr. lawj and approved by the Board. and Mrs. William A. Schilling of do not realize that United Cam- and WalUr ». Uoby (boMlisi.hat). atofr a co-chalman of publicity. The by-laws are now in the hands meamrea advocated by tbrTepre- tcost executive of the Watchung paign contributions, although so- ienUtivct. Area Council, was guest speaker Burnett terrace, Maplewood. Mrs. of local attorneys for a final legal Schilling, In Florida at the time licited each October, can be paid check and after final approval by N««d Mottiple Horn* »nJ stressed the importance of In installments over a period of of the accident, is reported flying Mayor Endorses state officials will be submitted working together so that the Scout time." DrcJaring that lie nouiing ait- •ill be the recipient of the ffttll here., again at the resumed meeting of Has uatioa was paramount, Ut. Felker program offered la the Scouting Unconscious when the ambu- "Most of our red feather agen- Dtywkle Drive ths Association, tentatively set for »ali there was « need for muWpls irovemeaL lance arrived, the youth waa cies need to expand to meet the this month. The by-laws a* now $14,000 Goal for family homes which he asJd "can enlarging needs of our growing stand are patterned after model pay a return in taxes In propor- A. Cttffoftf Bernard, on behalf treated at the hospital by Staff Doctor Robert ML Miller of Sum- city," continued Mr. Savage, who ones r«comm*nded by ths Amsri- tion to their load, of the Stouten of die District, pre- For Sport can Hospital Association and In- mit who called in Dr. R. D. is proprietor of the Easo Service- World Youth Fund "The companies nptsasnttd sented llr. Fischer with sua la- center at Springfield and Morrla Mayor Maxwell Loster, clude a aaggagtioa made at Tren- Boy Scout statuette in ap- Swain, Newark brain specialist, The Sumntit tMCA World here," Mr. Ftlker said, "enplay at a consultant The ambulance Avenues. "Prices are up .their dorsed th« Young Men'; ton that tht duties of the adminis- Youth fond drive will be of the many tasks fW- Council drive for used many proleaiional persons. Th« attendant was Miss Jennie expenses are up, our contribu- trator bs more clearly defined. launched Monday, May 9 st a young; chemist or cBgineer, with, ?il!ed by him daring his chairman- equipment 100 per cent and Ostopo, operating-room nurse. tions must go up! This is your Na Difeeton Named meeting at • p.m. in the audi- a reajoojible hwoot*. n**4t a town—and by Its efforts on be- up his support with a contrj; The accident was investigated A dlraetor has not ytt been torium of the Central "Y." Ernest small and reasoaabty priced half of these worthwhile agencies to the campaign. by Identification Officer Frank Earned. Mr. Montgomery said, but Y. Leathern, chairman of the drive, home." the United Campaign is helping announced ys^stsrday. The go*i of Vaft Tronk and Officer George Civic Council oflfc.Uls ths field has teen aarrowsd from to make it aa sveh better plae» I »»o*M)c«d tiiat th* rampaigy. which is bting par- AIM pojntiag out the lack of Qerity utter Sergeant Earl Love? Ht ^' the modKratejjr Mice* small ben** ' LawrcsMBt. J. t» which to live and t« dj>.busl- |hav» ic*n.««n.,...1%_ ,,., ti' Aterf .4»>by m«r« tfian i,«© 'ftessWo, gentleman; we •DUUinesi' drive i/.tKpidiy gjalnlng' SifiCA's t/LPUghout tr-fc Uciud or aitartBasMa-rw '*lx*mm*l<y. dtnt of The Summit Trust Co., |n an- the professional pw*a» waa ICr. resident of Chatham, is one of Voccinoftom TTott d 3.500 men will plan now to be gen- turn., posters and collect 8tnt« aaVTl.-anada is >«.«50,000. erous .and give the limit on Red aouaced that a joint committee of Summit's sfutt* is |l«,«Hi Thurnuui cf Air Redastioa, the candidates for delegate to the Board of Health offictaLt yester- pot* are"*(nw being set Tmataes and Citisena* Committee Constitutional Convention from Feather Day, October 19th!" store* ai|| * list of the*% jakced The- fund, Mr. Leathern de- He..s*Ji *B» the.