ISSUE DATE: EXPIRATION DATE: DOCKET #: COFA 04/13/17 3/28/2023 LPC-19-7367 COFA-19-07367

ADDRESS: BOROUGH: BLOCK/LOT: 75 Apt/Floor: 12 226 / 1 Holland Plaza Building, Individual Landmark

Display This Permit While Work Is In Progress


Frank Saphire Hines 75 Varick Street 2nd Floor New York, NY 10013

Pursuant to Section 25-307 of the Administrative Code of the City of New York, the Landmarks Preservation Commission, at the Public Meeting of March 28, 2017, following the Public Hearing of the same date, voted to grant a Certificate of Appropriateness for the proposed work at the subject premises, as put forth in your application completed on March 1, 2017.

The proposal, as approved, consists of the removal of modern assemblies of single light double-hung and transom windows at three bays of the twelfth floor of the north (Watts Street) façade, and installing dark grey painted metal bi-fold doors, with a fixed glass guardrail partition set outboard of the doors, as shown in a digital presentation, titled “75 Varick Street – Horizon Media,” dated March 28, 2017, and prepared by Architecture + Information, including 22 slides, consisting of photographs and drawings, all submitted as components of the application and presented at the Public Hearing and Public Meeting.

In reviewing this application, the Commission noted that the Holland Plaza Building Designation Report describes 75 Varick Street (aka 73-93 Varick Street, 73-99 Watts Street, and 431-475 ) as a modern-classical style manufacturing building, designed by Ely Jacques Kahn, and built in 1930.

With regard to this proposal, the Commission found that the work will not include replacing any historic fabric or altering masonry openings; that all or nearly all of the historic multi-light windows at the building were replaced prior to the designation of this Individual Landmark with new single-light windows, therefore the proposed single-light configuration of the doors will not detract from an intact historic fenestration pattern; that, when closed, the bi-fold doors will closely match the existing fenestration pattern at this portion of the building in terms of proportions, configuration and finish, thereby supporting the unity of the composition; that the void, created when the bi-fold doors are open, will be small in scale in relation to the size of the building; and that the work will only be minimally visible from a public thoroughfare at a distance and through an existing railing. Based on these findings, the Commission determined that the work is appropriate to the building and voted to approve the application.

Prior to the Public Hearing and Meeting, on January 20, 2017, the Commission received filing drawings, including drawings G-000.01, G-100.01, DM-104.01, A-104.01, A-105.01, A-114.01, A-124.01, A-220.01, A-540.01, A-602.01, and A-630.01, dated January 12, 2017, and prepared Bradley Lawrence Zizmor, RA.

Staff reviewed these materials and found that the design approved by the Commission is shown; and noted that these materials include additional work, consisting of the installation of planters at the twelfth floor terrace; and interior alterations at the twelfth floor, including the demolition and construction of nonbearing partitions and finishes, and electrical work. With regard to this additional work, staff found that the installation of planters will not result in damage to, or demolition of, a significant architectural feature of the building; and that the planters will not be visible from a public thoroughfare. Based on these and the above findings, the drawings have been marked approved with a perforated seal, and this Certificate of Appropriateness is being issued.

This permit is issued on the basis of the building and site conditions described in the application and disclosed during the review process. By accepting this permit, the applicant agrees to notify the Commission if the actual building or site conditions vary or if original or historic building fabric is discovered. The Commission reserves the right to amend or revoke this permit, upon written notice to the applicant, in the event that the actual building or site conditions are materially different from those described in the application or disclosed during the review process.

All approved drawings are marked approved by the Commission with a perforated seal indicating the date of the approval. The work is limited to what is contained in the perforated document. Other work or amendments to this filing must be reviewed and approved separately. The applicant is hereby put on notice that performing or maintaining any work not explicitly authorized by this permit may make the applicant liable for criminal and/or civil penalties, including imprisonment and fine. This letter constitutes the permit; a copy must be prominently displayed at the site while work is in progress. Please direct inquiries to Samantha Cesarini.

Meenakshi Srinivasan Chair

PLEASE NOTE: PERFORATED DRAWINGS AND A COPY OF THIS PERMIT HAVE BEEN SENT TO: Hector Lopez, Milrose Consultants cc: Bernadette Artus, Deputy Director; Hector Lopez, Milrose Consultants

Page 2 Issued: 04/13/17 DOCKET #: LPC-19-7367