SUGAR Cniie: 8.8 Re. par 111., $77.20 WEATHER , inln., 76. lierton. Th'f Bar. 8 . HI., 0 B HootH, 10b. 09ilj. ier cwt , Rain, llh. m.. .02 f 85.60$ iwr ton. Wind. Urn., UXK Telephone 2365 Star Buinr Offirr The Largest Daily Paper in The Territory SECOND EDITION. TWENTY vol. xx PAGES. HONOLULU, HA WAII, S,1TK1)AV, )1 l ? TWENTY PAGES. NO NOMINATION HAS COME AS YET KANSAS FINALLY BREAKS FROM CHAMP CLARK COLUMN Buchly Will Super Meets Split BRYAN PUT Old Friends f HIMSELF OUT In a letter received at tho local Y. w Fiddle While i Chinese M. C. A. from General Secretary Paul All Sii)ier yesterday, the latter stated that ' he was attending a conference of the OF RUNNING employed officers of the Y. M. C". A.1 in North America at Silver Hay, Lake Things Burn George, N. Y. Secretary Super said (Associated ' overnment Prets Cable to the 8tar.) j he met a number of his old secretarial UALTIMOHE, June 'frlmulu nil if rlinm ll'tii-.-i mnnh tntnt- - the eighteenth ballot there was ' Nero fiddled while burned, , a warship In , . little variation. Home to burn the harbor In Asf., .,, ... ,, ... The Sun Ohong Kwock Ho quotoiithe provisional government, The poll stood. Clark, r,3r,; Wilson, 361; Underwood, -- ...I IV. 11. 1.. I .1. - J 1 .1.- - ... ...... ...... iu.o unu iuc tuuuuuicB iu uuuibo ui wv . uruer iu nuw uie wuriu wnen in its issue of today news, from China1 l Rpo 23; Marshall, 30; Bryan, 1; luai l,(jine a strategic point "It rumored that Wornrcj i.nnt?"O Kern. absent, 3&. .i , ..... becai of Hawaii, 3; i.'iuiiiiuu ui i uiiuuuuwi uii iuu uigm i iiuuuuiiu ueieur.ues no cuy can contained in cablegrams to a San Fran- has control on the fourteenth gave oiucr the population of Anglo-Saxo- Latins of tho army In Canton. ballot Wilson, l; Clark, 4; Under- or July 4 lias arranged to nave a hope to compete with original- - cisco paper, of which tho fol owlng Is wood, 1, and her in and Orientals. "PKKIN, June 18. The minister of continued. Nero liddle during this unique and lty. The warship which will fired a translation: Bryan made a be The thrpp ni'W ninn fnr lin trfnl education, Choy Yuen Pui, has nlso sensation when be explained his vote for Wilson on (spectacular . "I'EKIN, the conflagration. Iludolph for the occasion Is the old Kalmlloa. force of v ,r n u.m op .lune IS. The promier, left Pekln for Tientsin. fourteenth ballot. He said he would withhold , his vote from Clark Buchly has been selected as the prop-- relic of the royal Hawaiian navy. C. , Tang Shao Yl, heard that there would "The assembly as New York was for hure IlltJ Au d tQ b(j. sent a dispatch, to him as the latter represented only the wishes of er person to impersonate Nero bo-,1- Drown, the present owner of be au attack made mon him and his Premier Tang Murphy, representing the gtll work September J. A physical Shao Yi ordering him the Interests which sought to dominate at Chicago. of his skill with the musical , vessel, has entered into the plans for pollciea by the army. Iast night hear to return. On hi.? Wilson mude an impassioned rcctor for tho nle nnsJ noUbeen Hc. refusal the assembly speech to the convention amid uproar. instrument and because, when burning the ship Ho ing the lire of guns, this mornjug ho held a special It is believed Bryan attired, with enthusiasm. clim, ns yel but Socrcl s cx. meeting, at which sonio has eliminated his own chances as a candidate. In tOKa sandals, Mm . .. took a special to Tientsin, to and with a wreath will restore thn nimrnh'iirtiir,i1 nf train members suggested that an official There was no nomination on I pecis io secure a capable man soon the nineteenth or twentieth ballots. laurel on in- - . avoid an attack. to vyhuu of his brow, It is believed; ship, with spars and rigging iu ,hrr.i, t, ..,.-.- command the premier to return bo zviiHBiui ueserieu Clark for Wilson. be will look part of Itoman place "Tho Irsllent, Yuan Shlh Kal, on adopted. Others, The the the flammable materials, and will bureau j suggested that tho Underwood delegates are regarded ns pivotal. account emperor. i oil and gunpowder in the hold to make .p,... ...,... ., .. of the departure of Tang Cabinet should be dissolved. The as BALTIMORE, June 2U.-- On '..,. the 20th ballot Clark had 512 votes WIN All the supplies necessary to make blaze on see- - .,, . shao Yi from t'ekln, sent his private tembly has not yet decided steps so.n S88. On the the Sand Island worth ' nf v n , what 21st. the Clark vote was COS antf Wilson's 3H5. sucrelary- - So YI- - Roman holiday "Nero" Buchly ing; JJt wlth an offll'lal to take." 29-T- a for h I II i h i The! " document coh.manalng Yl V1" Clark, 512; Wilson. arrived on the Ventura yesterday. All arrangements for the ble civic V . i Tang Shao ilaymond Hoe, translator for tho mVri 121 Harmon. 7fl: M..rUhmibt:jn. n .. me return oi sec rpsum rosH' Standard Associated and Union Oil parade on the.1 morning of the "'ro to return to freldnan.l hlB otn. Sun Chong Kwock Bo, said In connec James, 3. ' """"' l' ' Fourth ,.ctary Super Ju,y Th(J ,argc room , 3l t.,u, jiosiuon.-- . Hon with compaules have donated the fuol nec- practically completed . the foregoing news: have been "C ...Ir. tUiA nnrlhannl r.v.AM - - . BRYAN STIRS CONVENTION. .. ....UCUot vuiin--i ui l.iuB ijiisc- hpi-v-I essary and is expected this feat- I.... .. .1. "The nvlvate Reretniv thn "When Or. Sun was Inaiigura'cd afl it lncidDpn?nf8 th0 ne July rem'er and govern nPt'eCU CC?,oned the most sensational ure of the 4th of celebration ing to enter in the "Antiques and ?ho 1 Provisional He leaned on " ST 'TV" M VI the rail, holding a palmleaf will bo the most spectacular ever giv- nned not nnnounc " Ta Sh0 ment China was nivlded be.We en north and shaking a HorrlhW clafl BDon oruors ana a room. warning finger at tho delegates. A defiant S3 J pantry absolutely refused, to obey the com - , glaro was in en in any country. intentions but can come In up to , . and south and It was feared the divl 8'ream,nK their t ,WU8 frm h'8 fnce' hla lce wa Husky, ho content un- mand. tlon might, become permanent. madrffl Not with the hitherto the last moment providing they report for a progressive candidate and platform. "Owing to the refusal of Iho premier "Yuan Shlh Kal was remarks Hla paralleled feat of calling a volcano at the drlllahcd before the parade bo- - then premier were greeted with cheers, yells, hisses and queries DIVORCES KEEP to return, the president h.i.s now ap.j tnd, he hnd In - Wilson may into action to celebrate the Nation's gins to move at 8 o'clock. after succeeded secur- possibly reach Baltimore today. He ignored pointed the minister of foreign Effairs, a telegram birthday, the committee has arranged; Tlve.) ing the overthrow of the monarchy, from Senator Stone asking him to withdraw in Ft (Continued on Pago favor of Clark Look Jin Chon, ns acting premier. wsw elected president by tho assembly. The Senate of Georgia wired that a resolution had been in-str- "CANTON, June 18. A ing introduced 'r COURT BUSY circular has "Doth the premier and the minister the delegation to swing to Wilson if ,t was 't bcfii distributed In Canton fiercely at-- ENOUGH MONEY FOUND of education are. members of the Tung had no chance. The delegation voted to ignore the inStrucUouL it 10 flllf tacking Dr. Sun., SciiHjul.Uie Wn, one nf.-thc- r -- . U is currenHyrreportedlthara govrpiun seven Wlttcnl dear is on foot for" stet. Woo Hon Mun. t aside in einor, This circular: societies that existed th limn f favor of Clark, the former to be named for the Speakership Nicholas K. Hoopll wants u wns aigned by Wong See Lung, u tulli- - rwenty-secon- d ballot: r,00; divorce the overthrow Lately the other six Clark, Wilson, 396; and others little change. IY OFFICERS E from his wife Margaret He alleges ,arv officer, who was governor under! (Continued on Page Five.) in - s his libel that Margaret Is consld- CORNELL WINS AS USUAL. erable of a booze-fighte- She goes POUGHKIOEPSIB, June 2!.--In the race today Cornell was first on periodicals at frequent Intervals, BOCOml COll,m"ltt' Officers In Department of Ha-wa- li be paid when funds lowing" S'rac,ls. I'ennsylvania and Stanford fol- - the are available for rendering it unsafe and impossible LINK cheering the purpose. HEARING received news this for him to continue to live with It is considered possible that a her morning through a cablegram from and making It Inadvisable to strict interpretation of this order for her the paymaster general at Washington, be permitted to continue to might result In putting an end to exercise' QUEEN STREET PAVING stating that he had discovered enough construction work in trinces ' where control or authority over their five FROM M CA THY money remaining from the last army this is being performed by day labor mIllor children, tho custody of whom appropriation to pay the officers In under the direction of the quarter- he prays the court to award to him CONTRACT Hawaii for the month of June.
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