ptrnta letti^.


NBWII IN BKIBP. HEALTH FOODS. Ne»rly one Inob of rainrsll is re- Pro|»«MlilitN to Nannrneiiire Them In J. BnteredKttbel>ostofflco,Haiion, corded for this city Inst Siiuday. the City of Maaon. MCDONALD Kiieeond-olBii matter STROUD & For flret olua ice cretni ftiid ice Messrs. C. M. Stephens and J. M. r abllahod Every Tburiday by creaiu eoda, call at Ciark'i bgiiery. Warded of Battle Creek were In Mason have Just received their spring line of A.. Li, ROSE. The stfftwberry crop will be a little yesterday IcMikiiig over the ground Ingham County's Candidate late tbia ye>r, but will be a large one. with a view of organizing a company Tsatacs for the manufacture of health foods— for Congressman The republican state convention haa Out »«*r, tl.OOi ill Mtiilht, 10 aMlt I tkr** tbe Neurn Vita and Honey Dew Flake. «aNlhi, 3S a*Mi—ia tdnMc* been called to meet in Detroit June Hi. It is proposed to form a company with Wall Paper, Window Shades aiid Carpets. a capital stock of f I60,0IHI, 23 per cent ADVKRTlilNa RATU. Mr. and Mrs. G. E.'Heuderaon enter­ Oar«dT«rtlRingr*teiin»d«knownaiafflo« tained the Wbiat club last Tuesday of whicii is to lie available at organiza­ WITH SOLID DELEGATION Hiilneiaoardilla line par yaw. evening. tion, The matter is now being can-, Call and inspect their line before purchasing vossed among the business men, and RaalneaaloealallTaaantiparllMaBebsDd Andrew Farren lias completed a 'Orarylnaartlon, „ ^ the project so far seems to meet with elsewhere. Bloue walk this weelt in front of tbe hearty approval. Samples of the food Harrlaga.blrtb.knd daatb notloaifraa. liigb school lot. Obituary notloaa, raaoluttona of raapaot can be seen at the oflice of Hon. L. T. He OOM lo the Consreaalonal Con- South of Court House Square, Mason. (ardaoftbanki atcflvaoentaalina. Reports indicate that Walter S. Root Hemans, and it is probable that a pub­ ventlon ml Penlon Nay il9 BuHineHS Cards. is Improving very satisfactorily ut tbe lic meeting will lie iield soon, when buspltai in Ann Arbor. the matter aud ita possibilities will lie sr presented. ATTOKNRTN. MASON MACCABEES Advertised I.«ll«r«. Co. B gives another dancing party The enterprise would give employ­ MASON, May 19,1902. TAWTON^f^EMANi, at the armory this evening. Miss ment to at least 30 iwrsons at its start­ The county convention, to select 21 Mrs. Kinnm Aseltlue, Hra. Frank Peraker, iNlllate m Vl$um for the Central Clly TTOBNEY AND COUNSELOR AT Mabel JohUHon of Jacicsou will fur* ing aud tlie increase would be rapid in delegates to the congressional conven­ Mrs. M^lMe Parker, Usher, Tent at JachNon. S. K.OwiMKH, Wllber Hilton. Iftwi Offloe over Plral Stale and 8av- nisli the music. Bil| 50o. the number needed for the work. An tion, was lieid in this city last Friday. iBgabankA . Vtaiion. Mich. Q. h. iirown. Dr. and Mrs. O, H. ITreeland are enterprise of this kind would indeed The convention was a large and en­ The Jackson Patriot of Tuesday has Persona calling for above ahonld aay Adver- B. MOARTUUB, Allornoy »t Law, Ma- now nicely located in their home, on be a benetlt to the town and we trust thusiastic one, every township and tlie following to say of the Mason tiaed. t'lus. W. HHOVMI, P. M. •on, MIcli, east Ash streBl, which was recently it will meet with the earnest co-opera­ ward being credited with a full delega­ Maccabees' work Monday night: • • >• purchased of Mrs. P. R. Peck. tion of all interested in the advance­ tion. The supporters of AJthur J. "Yesterday afternoon and last even­ WoNted. over Loiigyear'H ilrng more, Ma*oii. ment of tiie city's interests. Tuttie and Samuel W. Smitli were ing was a gala time for the Maccaitees In Mason and Ingli.«ni county a good onar- A. See how cheap we are selling mil- Tiie Battle Creek Kentieinen claim aliout evenly divided, and it was a of this city, the occasion being a visit ;etlu innn tn sell stock In one of the beat roili­ LKREI) AI.LEN, Lawyer, Ollloe over linery at fng propoalllooKovorotreied. Terms liberal, L Webb A Whllman'D, Miwon. MRS. J. C. KIMMEL'S. much for their health foods and are royal battle, liotly contested but in the from Mason tent No, 10. Twenty- atook sella qulcklv. Write at onoe or call A ten-inch sewer is being construct­ prepared to demonstrate its excellent. best of liumor. three members of Mason tent came in upon jBNon iC. Hammond, IIS Joaeph St., 8. AVEUY, atloriioyullaw. onicuop- on the 2:30 train yesterday afternoon Lanalng, Mich, pofilte HtidHon Houae, lianaliig, Mich. ed on B street from Oak street north The gathering was called to order at and were entertained by their Jack«on E. to connect with the sewer in the alley II o'clock by County Chairman C. B. Hurae Htrnyed Away. REPUBLICAN CAUCUSES. (raters at Maccaiiee hail in the White g. A. HMiTii o. J, noon. between Oak and Ash streets. Col ling wood, aud gave a very pleasant Light brown niusiane mare from my prem­ CJ MITH 4 HOOD, Attornoya and Counselora. block. At 6 o'clock they were given a ises In While Ouk. Figure 3 branded ou O Roorn»l7,18andl9,oIilP.O. ItldB.,Lanaliifi N. N. Rouse lias received from L, talk and a good story. Hank, also branded on alioulder. Finder Menu* Holid Tiiltie DelAfMtiona to complimentary supper in tlie banquet write me at White Oak, and 1 will paydam- H. Covode of Meadow Brook Farm, Vonnljr Cunvnullon. M. R, Carrier nominated E. S. hail. A parade liad been arranged for Avery, a Tuttie supporter, for tempor­ ttgOS. U, BHAVKllDaB. rHTNIVIANH. Nobleville, Ohio, a Pliooiiix fox terrier 7 o'clock but owing to tlie rain about which he prizes very highly. Tiie ward caucuses in this city, to ary chairman, and the selection was that time it was not a success. PloHMra Atlenlloii. o. H^IFREELANDTM. D. select deiejjatea to attend the county made unanimous. A. £. Manning At 8 o'clock the Maccabees gathered There will be a meeting of the Meoutiva PHYSICIAN AND SUKQEON. Hours 8to The residence of Mrs. Amelia convention, were.held last Thursday board of the Ingimm County Pioneer Society was chosen secretary. at their hall and five candidates were May 21 at 'i o'clock, p. in., ut the realdence of a, m., 1 to 3, and 7 to 8 p. in. - Thayer of Aurellus was burned yester­ evening. day about noon. Contents partly The following committees were then initiated, the work being performed Mrs. O. B.Stlllman, to make arrangements G. E. MANN. It is the first lime in many a day appointed: in a most creditable manner by the lor the annual meeting In .Tune, I99t, Coma saved. House insured for liSOO. that such deep interest lias been sliowii and iiaslat to prepure a program. HOMEOPATH I'llVSIOlAN .4. SUKGEON. Permanent organisation and order of degree team of Mason tent, composed Mrs. o. B. STIM.MAN, Secretary. Sneoliil altenlion Klven to Kye, Ear, None in selectiug convention delegates. It The Stockbridge K. O. T. M. tent business—F. C. Bennett, Lansing; A. as follows: Commander, J. G. Snook; ml Tliroiit Dliieusesj dUeasea of Women has elected Elmer Dickerson as so happened that the caucuses in this past commander, G. A. Bordner; lieu­ PnalNre by Ihn Week. "~ nd Kuolal DlNcaHeH. A. Lumbard, Leslie; hi' B. McArthur, delegate to meeting of great camp in city were tiie latest held in the county, tenant commander, L. A; Gregg; Hnrae«,<.>Sc: young c»lttle,'.'Oc. tiounrmies. 5VFI0B m HKAH HI.KMHIW. 1 ID5 A 7 to »p.m.. and tlie contest was so close tlirough- Mason. Hay to cut lor the money. June. He is instructed for expansion. chaplain, Harry E, Wilson; soldlvrs of Sixty or more acres of bay lo be cot for the RooinH at C. W. lirowue'R rCHldeace. out the county that tlie result here was Creilentials—H. M. Gardner, Lan­ money. Parly wllh team and tools can bava Mrs. Leola Doolittle of Vevay has the cross, G. S. Mosher, John T. supjtoseti would, and did decide wheth­ sing; George Duuckel, Locke; C. L, Fowler, Bert Wilcox, Guy E. Royston, house aud barn room, garden, orchard and 3ERTRU0E D. CAMPBELL. M. D been granted a divorce from Clark H. er Inghain would send a delegation to Miller, Ingham, imsture until Movembur or aprlng. Hy.SICIAN AND SURGEON. OFFICE D'tolittle on tbe grounds of cruelty, B. J. Wright, Felix McOaniels, Will oew3 M, L. SiiaaiiAW, Eden. at residence, north Main otruet, MaaoD. the congressional oonveniion favorable An adjournment was then taken to O, Gregg, Carlton Hardenburg; sous, amcP e hourw H a, m. toV a. in. ^2 to -t and 7 to 8 and given the custody of the two to Arthur J. Tuttie, Ingham county's one o'clock. Rrood Now for Mule. minor children. Frank O. Cook, B. H. Field; peasant, .m. UountryaDd town ualU promptly at- candidate, or to Samuel W. Smith, the J. C. Royston; guide, C. M. Rliodes, Also twowHated top buggy, konded. The Tuttie delegates assembled at '-•oup - O.C.QBiryiir. Tbe supreme court this week ren­ Oakland county candidate. Some the armory, where lunch was spread At the conclusion of the work a R. FRANK E. THOMAS, PHYSICIAN dered a declsHion, in tbe case of Looiii- lively hustling was done Thursday with their candidate as host. lunch was served, following which For NNle. audsufKeon. OUlouovur WebbAWblt afternoon, wiieu the Smith forces uau'H clotblui atore. is vs. the city of Jackwn, that abstract After tiie noon recess tbe temporary Wesley Sears was called to the ciiair House and barn with about Ave acres of books are not sultject to taxation un­ scented defeat and were anxious for a ofHoers were made permanent and the and a program was rendered, consist­ laud on North Main atreet, Maaon, W. W. ROOT, M. D.. der the statutes at present. compromise. This was not considered report of the committee ou credentials ing of music by the K. O. T. M. band; Ua. CIIAB, U. JKNKIN8, UYBICIAN AND SUHQEON. OFFICE favorably by the Tuttie workers, yet was adopted. vocal music by the K. O. T. M. quar­ Lansing, llicb. Postmaster C. W. Browne baa re­ the result was lu doubt until after the OleMiirltoii il:!iat^ hourafromone to two. and rromatzto Hon. R. C. Ostrander made a short tet and brief remarks by Commander, liveP n P.M. . ceived information to the elFuct that first vote was taken in the caucuses in Will make ihe season of 190!i atjnybarnla speech and brought matters to the tell­ N. F. Johnson of Central City tent; ofllcers of the government will be in the evening. Then it was plain the Mason. 110 to Insure niaro In foarT ' CHA8. G. JENKINS. M. D. ing point by moving that Mr. Tuttie Commander John T. Fowler of a) i A. Q. LYOH. Ingham county about June first to es­ Tuttie forces outnumbered those for RAOTICE llinltod toillsoivHesof Ey»,Ear, be permitted to select from the body of Mason tent; Hon. L. T. Hemans and tablish solid rural delivery. Smith by two to one. Upon motion DIMNIMK Room Ulrl Waated Nude and Throat. ii2« Waab. Ave. S., the convention 21 delegates to tbe con- MaJ. J. G. Snook of Mason; Rev. J. F. PLanalnB, Hlob. by Smith's supporters, the delegates At Anerloau Houae, at once. In a two-column article in the Even­ greesioual convention. Orwick, Hon. N. H. Branch, Dr. T. ing News of Monday Lew Rowley were made the unanimous choice of Sleuou aud Hun. Clarence H. Bennett I Mm Preimred. the caucuses. C. W. Clark of Ingham opposed this FARMERS' MUTUAL puts forth the name and qualifications motion and made a fine argument for of Jackson. To put in the artlilciul atone unka for any IRK INSURANCE COMPANY OF IN* Following were the delegates chosen: who desire them, Huitiember, they last a of Hon. L. T. Hemans of thiscity, and Congressman Smith's candidacy. The exercises lasted until after mid­ llfettme. bam county. Safeit.oheapeat.beat. Foi urges that he be the democratic candi­ First ward—Elias Culver, F. D. latormatloF n write to J. H.Shafer.geeralary 8. H. Row warmly supported Mr. night and were interesting through­ Phone No. 85 or write Maaon. A. I. Barlior.Prealdent.Maaon. Op' date (or governor. Woodworlh, L. N. Oansley, Wm. Tuttie. W. L. Brush of tbe fifth out. CI.A0DB BOLTOK, LtSlle. ^Blteoourtbouae, WllUami'blook, SdHoor. Fanson, Robinson, A. L. Rose. The Mason sir knights, returned Randall's celebrated pure grape ward came back strongly for Smith, No RoHbt or Ulaap|iolat«eal Second ward—W. M. McCrossen, home on the 7 o'clock train this morn­ Juice, the great summer drink, at and Judge Edward Cahill put in more When you buy Eaat Alaiedoo Short Uoras. W.C. Barker, L. B. McArthur, F. A. fine oratory for Mr. Tuttie. ing. All expressed themselves as hav­ |AR. aEo. 0. , VETERINARY Clurk's'bakeiy. * YouuK bulla and heifers for aula. U SufBooii. Olfloo and roHldenoe oornej Lester aud llurus llayiiiond. Delegate Beardsley of Willlaiiiston ing hud a most eiijoyubte visit. lauiflp J, 11, IIUMMItr., A and A

. /•;•.•;

HE LOOKED DIFFERENT. • Two important facts confront us in fusion of useful and ornamental SOUL'S pyiNG DAY. connection with this leaving of the old furniture drove into the avenue. Tlic llnrhor llnil !)linv<>a lllm Ilcforc, home. First, • we have taken due Here was contrast. How striking. HEADACHE,BACKACHE,DIZZINESS lliil riillvii tu HcvoKiiUc liU thought of movingday and planned ac­ Vet God, blessed be His mercy and llvnleil rave, "Man Goethto His Long Homc,.and cordingly, nnd secondly, wc have en­ love, is ]irovidiiig alike for all who (PE-RU-NA CURES PELVIC CATARRH.) gaged another bomc to which to go accept His Christ. I turned to the A Kiiilli sireel barber owns up thnl ths the Spirit Returneth to God." i^iillowiiin exiicM'iciico wis liis own loss tlinn when the old is left behind, '.riicinnn roughly-dressed artisan sitting' at a miiiilli iiKo. AM nctoV-l'rom n noiglilioriint who did not give due Heed to thcsct wo my side in the car nnd remarked, tiliciiler (li'Dppcil in one iifiornodii lb be mutters we would jiiiige guilty of (be |)leasantly: ''floiiig home?" "Ves, Kcrnion l)y (lie "lllKhwny niitl llywny" (fliiiVL'd, and Hecmed disiiielincd to talk. The greatest folly. Yet how exactly sim­ but 1 have a better home to go to, l|i.-irbei', f^avrf (he I'hibulclphia 'Times, isa l:o- rri'iiclivr In Wlili'h fiirt'llilu Lev liever in the llieory of his tribe llial convcr- ilar is the position of the soul wbicli soifie day," The reply, so unexpect­ ijatiuii niahes tlio proeess of Hhiiviiig easier Kiinw Are llrn«vii fritiii Com* recognizes the certainty of moving ed, struck me forcibly, and, as 1 i\uv the shaveo—llial tiie time seems to pass iiKin lllxiiurleiic'v. day, and nevertheless gives no tlionght thought ot the two loads of furni­ rnnre (piicl;iy if Die cnstomei' C;iii lie inter- il'.-lcd ill lliis or lliat topiu I'or Die few neces- to moving day nor to tbe ni.'iking sure ture which bad just gone by, I hjary miuules. lie tried tlic actor on the (Copyright, 1802, by A. N, KelloBSN'ewspa- of another bnmu. What folly. How thought: "How wonderful. lleVe is ycalhor, the beel' trust, the asphalt scandal ptrCo,) .suicidal, as we hear (Someone say: "I'll a brolher in an entirely dilVereat and ilio new, liltriilion plant without snc- Chlenijo, MaylS, take my ehances." To such the a utbor walk of life, with bumble home in a ii'-^. Then, just to keep tilings going, be Text: "llanffoctli to lilHloni?home- , . . li.'-hcd; r.nd the .spirit shall return unto Ciod Who of the book from which our text is poorer section ot the city than that "Vou have never been sliavcd in here be­ t'avo It." I'arts of J-:ccleslastes]-':5,7. taken says: "Jtejoico, O young man, in to which I was going, and yet 1^ was fore, have you, sir?" The period nroiind the lirst of Mny thy youth; and Icttby beartcheer thee looking forward to a mansion in' tbe "Oh, yes," replied the aetnr. "I was in in'tiie days of thy youth, and walk in here oiieu when we played across the street lin.'i come to be recognized iisgeneriil skies the same as 1, and the same .Mrs, Anna Martin, 'IT Hoyt street, alioul IS inontli.s HKO—in the beginning of moving time, espocinlly so in mniiy of tbe ways of thine beart,.jind in the Saviour wi'is lovingly and carefully Brooklyn, N. Y,, writes: last >Piisnn, it WHS." tbe larger cilies of tlie country, aniioint- social distinctions were to be done fered with female tronbles's'ind compli­ it in our thoughts, Kueli as leaving the this reinedi' to greater test than the Ihe.-e lakes, and plenty of good cotlngca to ing failureiand solemn, measured tread away with in Christ .Tesus. cations arising therefrom. Doctors liast year. rcni. ,liio. V,. I'armcr, G. P. & T. A.., 13.,C. old home, the new home, the furnish­ the preacher in Kcclesiastes ushers in Have you, in any degree, tbe failed to cure ine, and I despaired of Peruna is tbe acknowledged catarrh U. & N. Jl'y. Cedar Kapids, Iowa. ing of the new home, new neigh­ • ... the death scene in the twelfth chapter. thought iind spirit <>£ this shallow- being helped, Peruna cured me. in remedy of the age. Dr. Hurtman, the bors and friends, the new landlord, etc, I''»ri>tli«iiwht. Life has been experienced in all its hearted, pigniy-souled woman'? How three short months. I can hardly be­ compounder of Peruna, has written a ]{everently and prayerfully we op- lieve it myself, but it is a blessed "fact. ".Mr, Orinies," said the rector to tlie vos- varying pbuzes as the sotil has en­ about the thief on the cross whom book on the phases of catarrh peculiar Iryaiaa, "we had better take up the col- proaeh. tlie suggested tbongbt in o\n I am perfectly well now, and have not to women, entitled, "Hcnllh and Beau­ deavored to find enjoyment and satis­ .Tesus took into I'arodise with Him kvli'dii before the sermon this morning." text, and shall .seek to point out to tb'e had an ache or pain for months. I ty." It will be K«nt free to any address "Indeed?" faction in the things under the sun, on the day of His crnciflxion! How Kotil the wonderful tftith of God as re­ my suffering sisters to know lly 'The Peruna Medicine Co., Colum­ "Vcs, l.'m going to nrcaeli on 'Econ­ and not in God. Everything is tried about the sinful woman, nnd the what Peruna has done for me."—MLSB omy.' "—I'liiladelphia rress. vealed in His Word. We sball endeavor bus, 0. and the cry each time, as the utter man of Gadara, out of whom Christ Marie .Tobnson. f • to avoid unwarranted speculation as If you do not derive prompt and satis- emptiness of this world's seeking is east a legion of devils! How,about factory reisult-s from the use of Peruna Second KiiiK«, KunrlhClinpicri Tenth to unseen things, and dr«w parallels Miss lluth Kmerson, 72 Sycamore,st., Verae. realized, is "Vanity Of vanities, all is the multitudes of publicans and sin- HufTalo, N. Y., writes: '"I snffe'red write nt once to Dr. llartman, giving a between the spiritual life and linmaii If you read tlii.s verse you will find thcba- van ity." In the presence of death man liers who fbllowed .lesus and drank for two years with irregular nnd pain­ full statement of yonr case, and he will fis for the little story printed in The Four- experiences only where God's Word realizes his utter weakness and ini- of the same water of life as tbe ful menstruation, and Peruna cured be pleased to give you his valuabU ••!- Track NewB for May, which is cntitlcil gives ns authority so to do, "The I'rophet'ji Chamber." The Four-Track potency. As the friends and loved ones Samaritan woman at .Tacob's well! tne within six weeks. I cannot tell vice gratis. Ncw-s will lie sent free to any address in the The Soul's Moving Day. Our text at gather around tbjp bier of the dear de­ 'They are all there. Thousands have you how grateful 1 feel. Any agency Address Dr. Hurtman, President it |Unitcd Slates for one .vevir for 50 cents; uin- which brings health and strength to The Hartmain Sanitarium, Columbus, 0. clc copies, a cents. AddrcssGco. H. Daniels, once introduces ns to the certainty of parted one and realize tbat. the soul followed since then from every' walk J'ublisher, Grand Central Station, New Ibis experience in every bnnian life. which had occupied that lifeless clay of life, from every nation-and clime. WHAT RUSSELL SAGE SAYS. i^ ork. Xo argument is needed to enforce as a lionic while in this world has gone AH are dressed in the same robes of AcconnliMl K«r, this point. Man knowcth tbat Iii£ life into eternity and is face to face with spotless Avhite, and all are Kinging . To put a premium on brains nnd Gladys—So Ferdy has been tracing back endureth but for n season and like the its realities, liow the conversation the same song of praise to their ]{e- his ancestry? honesty is the only way to level things .lOthel—\es, and found bis first ancestor prass of the field be soon passctb loves to linger over the preparedness deemer. New neighbors and friends up. was a garbagc-cnnlractor. away, and yet oftentiiiK* be puts off of that soul to meet its God and find ill the new home location. Don't you 'There may come a time when the "I lliough the seemed'in the dumps'about tlie thought of the sonl's' moving dfly an entrance into Heaven. How we re­ want to meet them? I do. And do (•cimcthing."-Judge state will put a limit upon a man's for­ ——• for a more convenient season (which, call words and deeds to reassure our you know, dear friend, we will not tune. Ladlci Can Wear Shoea but for the patience and grace of God, hearts. We love to think of tbe loved have any time to talk party, or .•\ny restriction of the rights of cap­ woidd never come, if it ever does come, One size smaller after using Allen's Foot- one as in Heaven. dress, or politics, or gossip, or ital would work incalculable injury to and goes on living during time ns l^'if?>-r, A'',"" 'druggists, 25c. Trial package church bazars, or anything else, but the workingnnan. jl'RLE. Address A.S.01mstcd,Lel{oy,N.Y, though be bad an eternity nt bis com­ The New Home. Our text calls it onr theme will be of the One who has • Persons who are unable to acquire * mand. ".Man's long lioine," that is, his endur­ purchased with His own precious (•one, Anyway. ing or perpetual liome, lUiiiyan's money are necessarily not capable of Two beautiful tbongbts flash out of blood onr mansion/i in the skies. i 3!acon—A man can't Jake any money with Christian, whom wc have all followed its proper use or i^are. our text to which we wish to refer at |liiiii when he dies, in his pilgrimage with such intense in­ And- now may I reverently Rpeak The people know that up to tbe pres­ ]''gbcrt—Oh, I don't know. I had a friend once, that the infinite love and c^ire of terest and blessed comfort, was ever of the soul's new Landlord, if one ent time the great capitalists have jwlio owed me IjilO die last week. I t'ucss he's God may oversbadow onr souls as we taken that with him all right,—Yonkcrs journeying towards the home in the may be permitted to to use the term been only captains of industry. proceed. The words "Home" and "He- Slalesnian. Celestial Kingdom, and all other in carrying out our parallel between So long as some men have more sense • , turnelh" gently lead the soul into tbe places in life through which he patwed terrestrial and celestial things. Tlie i'.nd more self-control than others, just FOR EVERY Fits Permanently Cured. No fits nftcp presence of death and give the bripbt- first day's uso of Dr. Kline's Great Nervo were but temporary havens of rest and new landlord is always a source of so long will such men be wealthy. er side foTi dark piciiire. Tire dciVrost rtostorcr. Free r3.00 trial bottlo. Di-. U. H. rcfresliment. The reality of the eter- serious concern to the leniiHt. "Will "It is observable that the very rich KUucvLld., li;il Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa expcriencps in life are a?.= nciated with n.'il home could not be obscured by the he be fair in bis dc.-ilings? Will bo men otto-day are far more democrn lie the llio\iglils of borne. The tcudercsl I'riviile lliili.r KlinM-, glitter of gold, the jileasures of tbe supply the reasonable demands of chords of the linman heart vibrate at than ever before in the history of tbe roin—\Vliat's the matter- , old chap,-?. You world northcHopbistry and arguments tbe tenant? Will he be kindly con- the sound of the word '"home," so that world. look idl broke u| of bis friends, "for be endured as see­ sidertite nnd ngreeable in bis rela­ .liick—N'ci wonder. 1 siicnt three !iour.« even the man who never knew a home Tntelligencc, industry, honesty and ing Him who is invisible." Abraham tions to bis new tenant? We ask !a>t (Veiling in tlic home of a young eo\iple i co\ild sing "Home, .Sweet IfoniP." To thrift produce wealth, and those who with their lirst liaby.—C'liicago'Dnily Xcws. was bnt a sojourner in this world, "for these questions with tbe thought of the soul willing to bear find's voice Tie possess such qiuilitics are best fitted • be looked for a city which ha thfounda- God as onr Landlord, to set you to 1 do not believe I'iso's Cure far Con.sump- always speaks of "Monic" ns the for its custody. til"'ings, Jnd., Feb, deemed, and deat-li is robbed of its s'ling city." Into that city finally returned how wonderfully He has provided for CUTICURA SOAP, to cleanse the abla as we triumph in Christ .Tesns over it. the Lord .Tesus Himself after the jdan everyone. Is He fair in His deal­ Palmer, Jfo., ^fay lOtli.—Mrs, Luey of crusts and scaleg and soften the thick* To be good and disagreeable is liigli trea­ lint to the soul given up to it.s own de­ son against the royally of virtue of.salvation had been wrought out by ings? Listen: "Ho, everyone that Compton basi for the past eight or ten ened cuticle, CUTICORA OINTMENT, lannali vices, that will not hear tbe voice of -Marc, His vicarious death, and amidst ^tbc tbirstct-h, come yc to the wnlers, years suffered a great deal ot ]iain to instantly ollay itching, inflamma­ God, lie speak.';'in thunder tone* of tbe welcoming chorus of the eheriibini nnd and bo tbat bath no money; come and sickness. ,Sbe bad Kidney 'Trou­ tion, and irritation, and soothe and heal, 'I'D Cure a Colli In One Rny judgment seat and eternal daid\nes.s seraphiim, and the Icgicms of .ingels, ye, buy nnd oat; yea, come buy winu ble, with an awful pain in her back, and CUTICURA RESOLVENT PILLS, Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All and death. Tlie .«oiiI may deaden its aruggisls refund money if it fails to cure,'Joe, and the hosts of the redeemed, lie set and niillc without money and with­ which was so bad at many times that to ccol ocd cloance the blood. A SINGLE spiritual ear to tbe sound and only about fulfilling His promise, left asn out i)vice." "He tbat eometh unto she could scarcely get about at all. SET of these great skin curatives ia ]i\'ar not tlie scorn of ignorance nor the lie'a.r tb.c alluring music of the mer­ beacon light in the world, tbat in liis Me I •will in no wise east out." often sufficient to cure the most tortur­ slurs of pretenders,—Town Topics, maids of worldly iileasurc and ambi­ "I have been down with my back Father's House wbcrewevemany nuui- AVhero is the earthly landlord that ing, disfiguring, itching, burning, bleed­ tion which lead onto the rocks of de- 'for the past eight or ten years," she sions. He went to prepare a place for would dare make such an ofl'er? ing, crusted, scaly, ond pimply skin, s'lruetioii, but when man goctTi. tohis says, "and sometimes so Ijad I those who accepted liim as their Will He supply our reasonable de­ ecalp, and blood humours, with loss of long—I cannot say luime—goeth tohis could not get around only hy holding Saviour. mands? Listen: "if ye then, being hair, when all else fails. long eternily, he will not be able to on to a chair or some other object. ABSOLUTE evil, know bow to give good gifts "Dodd's Kidney Pills have given me shut out the sound thereof, and he The Furnishing of the New Home, unto your children, bow much more will under.^tand then what God noAv more relief than anything I have ever Millions of People Did you, ever catch tbe full signili- sball yonr Father Which is in Heaven in His love and mercy is yearning to Used. USE CuTiciTK.i. SOAP, aesl'stcd by CoTicunA canci! of Christi's comforting wordh give good things to them that asl; Ol.NTMiisr, for pro8crvln(f, purlfyliiB, nnd have him realize. "After I had nsed tbe first box I just quoted? The mansions He re­ Him," Will lie bo kind? Listen: hcauiUjingt'.io gkln, torcleanBlng tlio scalp- vvas almost entirely cured of this olcnista, sca'.es, niid dundrull, and the Btop- SECURITY. Tbe other beautiful thought in our fers to as being already in God's "Like as a father pitieth his chil­ dreadful trouble. ping of falling linlr, for sottoulng, wliHcnlng, Heaven. He says: "I go to prepare text is that of the soul returning to dren, so the Lord pitieth them tbat "I can truthfully recommend Dodd's and soothing red, rough, nnd eoro hamlB, for a place for yon." As I watched a laby rBBhcB, Itchlngs, and chafliigs, and for the God Wlvo gave it, How natural fear Him." "Come unto Me all ye Kidney Pills to anj' woman suffering Genuine heavily-loaded moving van pass the allllio purpoaoa of tlio toilet, batli, nnd nurs­ that it should do ,so. How unnatural that are weary and heavy laden and ns I have sufl'ered for so long." ery. MllUouo of Wumcn ueo CuTlcur.A -SOAP' other day, I noted tbat it Avas hiden T will give you rest.". Oh, friend, if In Iho form of h.itlis for annoying Irritations, that man by bis own wilful self-seek­ Mrs. Compton's cure was certainly with furniture old and new, but all you doubt tbe love and care of God, Inflammations, and excoriations, or too free ing .sbo\ild turn it iiv any other direc­ A remarkable one. or offensive iiorBplnitlon, In tho form of Carter's tion. Tbe carrier pigeon taken to n of it with marks of service in the take yonr Bible and trace their waelica for ulceratlvo-weakncsces, and for di..s.tant point when given its liberty re­ old home from which it had been golden threads running through ninny Banatlve, antiseptic purposoa nhlch taken. The old furniture was to be from Genesis to Itevclation. readily Buggeut tUcmsclvos to women. turneth straight as an arrow to the -CcTiounA RBO'LVEST PtLta (ChocolatO' point fromwbence it came. How nat­ used in fitting out the now home. Coated) aro a now, tastolcBS, odotlcas, eco. Little Liver puis. ural, how beautiful, How sadly pn- Ah, how dilTurently has God planned I repnirone moving season several nomicnlsubstituto for tlio celebrated liquid for you nnd nie. .Tesus Christ, who years ago, when in my neighborhood, CuTiounA UKSOLVKNT, as well as for all oiticf tbetic, when, dcflectedfrom its course, blood purlflora and humour cures. In ectew> the pigeon perishes by the wayside, is watching us day by day, is pre­ through some mistake and misun­ cap vials, containing CO doies, price SCO. and lifting its ruiTled body and power- paring our inansioii.v with just the derstanding, a house bad been rent­ Enid tlitoughoul Iho vorM. BOAI', Xlc, OmTMin'. things we need most and like best, ed to two parties, and tbe second one |Ili.,flLi.t.J.c. BrilliliDtroti Jir-StI,ChtricrluiuMSo., Must Bear Signature of les.s wings from tbe ground AVO realize LoMtm.• Frinch 1>liWIP||II<,^M«l,l>Wlj|»IIAtUlii, turning tolhe.God Who gnvc.iiTbeepiil •;••..'Jiig-breath', ••..,. ,.;,• . '-..i •: :.-y •''••: ..i-end.y,. for it \yas able to correct tbe beautiful aii.dh'.;.aUltf.ul.hpnies. Address belongs to God. By priority-right of: ': He asked forme in darkGeth.semn'ne;'-' . inist.'tike and-'fin'd'^^'ii'lioine later,'; Not' ',.i."/--v;.A'u»iA»Ti'Nc!':CdM(«ANv;: •'- A. N. KELLOGG NEWSPAPER CO. He trod for me theBepulch't-rot tleath, - otr«MT>*;NTD; ., anAND RAnioe.,MiCH. ownership, tb'en, it is but nntiiriil arid And lives; to claim nay loye eternally! . so tbe soul which puts off its prepiir- ,,: 73 W. Adami Street, Chicago. . •' r'en sojialile" tp th ink of .tli e'lspi) 1 a s fl nd-; »tu)ris:until-af tor,-God, has,given ilis ing its eternal (vbiding place in 'tiiC' '•-"Atid wlihoii'tvrfie.illsJoyJs'incompi'ete;' ^:^^ last" call to repentance and :• siiU-'a- One place Isempty until I siialt come; presence oiE its Author. 'Thesbul, if it tion, and the soul has been u.shernd Vo'tjf nana a and addreaR on a pbst«r " ^ And when I fall before.H!.-! bloss«il.fe'ot, ,1 • '• card will bring you- ^ goeth tlie,wa,y;Gqd would have it, "Khali He'ir Uftm^euo' His Heart, In my own into,the presence of the .ludge. No OLD SORES CURED -AUVRN'H Ulcet'ltiflfiaWo cnreH Vlirontn DIftm. Ron* Drinrt* retiirii to the Qod'Wio gave it." ' . Hottie;^'- .•;.„;•;, ,,-y longer the voice of pleading, "T\irn Beautiful Illustrated Pamphlets I Scriirul0i>>tIlcrrM| VRrlriiM lilrvrit Indolvnl Dlrrmt Irrcurlu •' (''ontlibopportnnltlosbttbe •' IIIrcritAVhlluKnelliuir* MUk Lrn l'»«'ini<* t^nlt Utituttti l«UT ji.,Leaving the.Old Home.,; IMovingday No r)eed,,tp; take'tbebld things of ye, turn ye, from yonr evil Avuys, Huri'Bt nil old aiew in ijjo .Imiioi" i'l»i>r viilley o'luntlon of North Dnkolii, 3y«iw!llaoll rufullciinli. u>. PISO'i^m S CURE FOR. py tljbiightsof the new. It is no hard- mticb of jt. The wagon turned off home in Heaven? This is. the q'.ies- . iVewlil Mttlion llnm cunti'itciU In four or •v» jiiiymenU., '.-, ... CURES WHlHt Alt USE f AilSi „ O PI 11M IWHIf KY and other One Bhlp to leave the old if w^ kno>y thut into ft by-street to find the. new home tion which God asks of yonr heart, we U'llliell oil craii ooiitriielii '/ . 'i'Uuno lun. • iioinprliio Uiu^v itriH;il«a todlTortlHcd:' i*/~IMIW! li»U)t« ourca. WeVwint trt at tbe other end of theline a new and in a poorer Bectlon of the city, while "To-day, if'ye wiU hear His vcicn, nrinlna uiid utiKik ralnliia unit ouii hu huuKliiiil 'iJntlma. Boiabrdruaalati. |)rlceKrani(lnMfrom>l.riillo(l'>niiriivrt), U lloiinr .». m. WtWJbfMVi Mas «.:A(laaMVs^^ better home avvaitii our occupation. . the heavily-loaded van with its pro­ harden not your hearts," • i trlt* l» B. 8, UUil8ULLJiCO„Jauii!ilowu, M. 1>, CONSUMF-'TION

m'fsmmimi^m,:Mimmm'^mmm&. mmmmmsaM FARMERS'CLUB. OhuitSMlnn'* A 0«7 M (lie CAUMty r«rM-AHMlcl Hoyt ISos - iMtiiatIo* sf llaltiMtf. KlNlS . Ordinarily It la the pleaaant day TEM MB COFFEES are prepared tpi supply the trade- that brings out tlie crowd, but there Horses «• Yen Can ighi Bisetiit is little doubt that iiad the olub meet­ with all kinds of bulk, and ing been held a week earlier, as orig­ Tradi Aimthins METNEFINnTmOWN, package ' inally planned, the attendance would have been, more general than today. By piMinf a llttia want •*>• jWch t«lii ju»t «*at you »»v* to «" "5 The weather was all that could be eichange, at a ooK o( Juit a tm BOLD ONLY BY DdieiotfsGtke dealredand tlie drive from thla city cent*. aoroes the stretch of country to the county poor farm was delightfully re- J.F.GREVE and sure resbing. Our seeds are all new •••.TH I E>•• • The noon hour found a merry com­ THE QROOER. to grow. D«iatir Pastries pany about the tables under the ahade MASON. MICH. of the front lawn, and the menu DETROIT Phone 70. served would tiave made the clief of a republican or democratic banquet lEVENINGNEWSI Our TEAS Fine Pi»4diiigs turn green with envy. Hot collee AND "^ with the essentials was furnished by The Registered Young Percheron and COFFEES Mrs, Kuofler, the matron of the iuati- Stallion, lutlon. MORNING Following (he dinner and before are of thclfinest quality. Flaky Ctitsts the formal opening ol (be exercises of CORPORAL (be day, Dr. A. F. Fergua'oa of Lan­ TRIBUNE sing, wuo has but recently retired Ada. appear In both papen, Com­ 20843 The highest market price from the board of superintendents, bined circulation eBc«ed» 100,000 will make tlie season of 1002 as fol­ having been elected a member of the coplea daily, whloh li one-fourth lows: Mondays and Fridays at home, more than the tftrent* ot all other paid for all [kinds of common council, Invited the company Detroit dtllitf. Not* the 2) miles west of Mason, on Columbia to look over the tarm and stock and road. Saturdays at Butler's barn. country produce. note the improvements made along A New Concern. LOWMTC: Mason. Yours, various lines in recent yeara. The The Lyon Land and Loan Company CORPORAL Is a handsome dapple farm, building and premises in gener­ black, 15!^ hands high, foaled-Mav 15, was organized a short time ago for the al have (he appearance of (hrif(, en­ AWORD purpose of prosecuting a general land, k 1897. IngtaOllcinntgftws terprise and good niHuageiuent. All <>n*h tvlth order. A trial will HOYT & SON TERM8-(10 to insure iu foal. All loan, Insurance, law and land olllce surface stones and those In any man­ naUHfy you ot the aupurior advan- tiiKOH of these "Want" Bdii. accidents and escapes at owner's risk. business, with H. L. Lyon and F. I, ner InlerferriiiK with gnod cultivation The Detroit Evening Ncwa and Parties disponing of mares before foal­ BOTH PHONES. Lyon aa the moving spirits iu the com­ have been removed and sold. The MornlnK Tribune are nolil In every ing will be lield for service money, pany. fences are in good repair, the fields town anil vlllnKv In MIchlKan. due at time of disposal. Property of Siklh nuirlet CoNvonlioM. It Is a winning combination, as it have been squared out and the crops THCCVnUNBNCWIMIH, To (he Republiain Kleclora 0/ the Sixtli\0(m- has push, ability,and integrity behind are all looking exceptionally well.- A OatraHi MM. H. E. WINFIELD t/rtt'ional Dlttric.tiit Mlchiiinnt it. F. I. Lyon was principal of the tine herd of cows are kept upon the P.O.-MASON.MICH, A (lUlrtcl convvntloii ol the Uepubllcnn city schools here for some time, and OUR MOTTO—No'Cwrc, No Pay Kleotoriol the Sixth OnnKruHHloiml DIttrlct premises, several full blood ahorthorns or Michigan lu her«i>y uHlled |4> meet nlthe resigned a few years ago to take up the among the number. A half dozen Do You Cet the Detroit Oner* huiiae In Kviiton, UiineHee county, study of law at the state unlveraity at two-year'Old fat steers were beauties, MoriRnRe Sale, MIchlKHD, lit U o'clnok a. m., Tbur«(l»y, Muy Sunday Ne«vs*Trlbune WiiEnCAS, Dufault liavinu ))ccn made in the which place he will graduate next every one of them, and would com­ MIcliiKan'H itrcateat Sunday newii- SI), \Wi. HHid uonventlnii 1H culled lor the month, and will be well tilted to enter conditiouB Ufa certain muricuRc Ijuaring dnto l)iir|)ofleof noniiniilliiK 11 cuudldiite forren- mand the highest market price, and | l)ai:i;r? lloautlful color cBdota, hlifh- tlio Mill day of Mfty A, D. 18U3, nittdu and ex­ practice lu all the courts, diiKH mli^cfiUttny, ipcclal artjcles, reiienlutlvo lu coniirefm, lu ho voted for in as for hogs, the yards, pens and fence' lutr-Kt news, mnfcnincent lllustra- ecuted by Frank M. AudrcHd uud Carrie K. > Kovuinlier next, iind for the traniiavtion of U. L, Lyon has been In law oflleee corners down the lane were simply tlone, etc.; S cenla • copy. AndrcHi, his wi(e,oriheTowntliip orWililnms. ouch other bUHluesx au u>ay properly comu as clerk and assistant for a number of ton, Ingham county, MictilKUV, to Jutm J. Ucfen- before II. lined with them—all ages and sizes. dorrof Ionia, MicniuHn, which said mortEauo Each county within the dlntrlct will be en­ years, and for the past four yeara has These stock features certainly showed was recorded• on th- e ..§7t.h da^y omiy,., A. U. 1898, titled to one deluKHte for each IJUO or fraction practically had control of the laud good business economy for someone in the uflicu of the KcKlsler of Deeds for the iHYAH thereof, or more than SdO voteH ca^t for gov oltlce, collection, and insurance busi­ Oounty of Incbani, iu the State of HIcblgan, in ernor In the year ItMO, aN IOIIOWN: Wayne Z7, and Dr. Ferguson charged it up large­ INDIAN GOLD BOARDERS. Liber lot of MurtcBK^s ou puh'c 2711. Aud Oakland W, UvlnKMion 11, Uenenee 'a, Iu|{- ness in the olllce of the writer. He ly to the good judgment of Superin­ whereas, in and by said mortgage, it waa ex > bnin "I. By order of the Cuininlttec, has had au experience in land oflice tendent Dennis, who is one of the Mllllnrda Vpon MllllarilM of Francs prcuHly axreca by and between the parties, that W. U. JOMKH, practice, and iu collections and.Insur­ ehouiu default lie made in the payment of prin­ foremost farmers and stoclt dealers in cipal or interest, or any part thereof, when the DETKOIT, Mich., April 128,1&02. Cbalrioan, ance not enjoyed by nine*tentlia of the Soiiiioaed to lie LyluR Idle In Pi the C4)unty While there is no un­ llldlns Plncea. Kinie was nayalile as provided in said roottvage, lawyers of the state, and is better necessary or exiiensive outlay, every­ and shunid the same or any pait thereof remain unpaid for the period of sixty days, tiiun the Olivet Wins Again. lltted by reason of experience and fa­ thing about the place, l>o(h inside and Of the outpouring- of gold which principal lum nieniioued iu taiil mortgage, *Fo« r two yeart, i in siicccHtiioii Olivet miliarity, to control and manage such out, baa a comfortable, wholesome, with ail arrearages of interest ebail at the op­ during fotir centuries has been scat­ College liHH won tlrtit plucti iu the State than most lawyers. While this ottice well-to-do appearance—a very notice­ tion of said mottgagoc become due and payable Hya-Hya Headache Powders keenly regretted lib departure, and tered nil over the world, sin immense immediately thereafter. And Oratorical Contest. able Improvement over former years. WIIKKI:AS, Ucfuult waa made on the loth day Cure Headache Tills Is a record lieltl by no other col> his future absence Is a loss to us of one A young orchard set under the pres­ portion remnius idle iu'Inilin, where nf May, A, U. 16li9, in payment of the annual lu- lege ih MichlKau. of the most reliable, (riistworthy and ent management presented a thrifty it has been imbedded. In India the slalluient of Interest which became due and Hya-Hya "Elixir" efllclenl practilioiif rs In the state, yet payable on said date on aatd note and nuirlgage, Olivet Is also the only college in the appearance. Quite a space, several gold returns to the ctirth and re­ and more than sixty days having elapsed since Cures Coughs and Colds state which han not (ailed to win a we heartily congiaiiilate the people of acres, were devoted to gardening pur­ mains tlierc more coiniUetely hidden said installmeut oi interest became dnu and pay­ place in these annual contests for the Bowells and Ward county on securing poses, for the use of the inmates and able and the Famercmaiuing iiiiiiuld and the Hya-Hya Stomach and Liver two geiilleiiien who are thoroughly than it was in its original state. The •aid mortgaiieu having exercisuti tlie option last four years. the keeper's family. The tables spread amount of j^old brought into India granted to lilm by liie tcrmH of said mortgage Pills Cu eeall ailments of einoienl in their chosen line of busi­ for the forty inmates' dinner today and has hereby elected to declare the whole The Interest in oratory was never during the past 60 years, that is to greater In Olivet than at present, and ness, and will prove most estimable had the ItVok and aroma of a well- principal sum secured by said mongage, to- Stomach aud Liver gentlemen iu evtry way, and deserve Kay, from 1837 to 1S98, is greater by gethci with all arruaragca of interest thereon the gold medal In the state contest Tor kept farm home. now due and immedintely payable. And where­ the unreslralued contldeiice of the tlu'ce milliards nine hundred and for­ two succHssive years has given au About 1:30 President Ives called the as, there is now claimed to be due and unpaid Ask your druggist for them. ueople III the thriving little city which ty-three millions of francs than the on the said mortgaie at the time of thla uoticc added liupelus to the work. meeting to order. The organ had been the sum of twelve hundred aud ninety-two and Mr. George R. Wilson, this year's is to be their future home.—The Tran­ amount exported. The soil of India IS'loo dollars ($l'.>92.45) as principal and Interest Take no others. script. brought out on the front Tawn and all winner, Is a young man but twenty joined I'•n• singin"'""i"g" ""Hcatteriu g Precious absorbs the floods of j<:oUl just as the and a further Hum ol suveutceu ami &U lUU dol­ The above is taken from The Tran­ lars (tl7.5,1) which has been paid by said mort- Money refunded if not cured. years of age. He is a member of the Seed" Band of the deserts swallows the over­ gagee for taxen past due on the properly covered junior class and U prominent in both script, a newspaper published at New In his opening remarks the Presi' flow of the great rivers, When it ia by thla moriguge, as provided In and by the Rockford, N. D., and the Messrs. Lyon terms ol said inorlgage, making a total amount athletic and society circles. He la a dent presented tlie regreta of Dr. W. remembered that this work of ab­ spoken of are former lilaaon boys, and now claimed, to he due aud unpsid on said young orator of rare promise and is au W. Root, secretary of the board, at hia sorption, has been goin^ on with little mortgage at the time of this uotice, the sum of excellent type of (he strong chriatian brothers of A. 0. Lyon of this city. luability to be present, the Dr. being one thousand three hundred and nine aud U8-100 manhood of Olivet College, interruption for ten centuries and dollars (lli;iOU.08). in Ann Arbor with hi« spu, Walter, Btill continues, it is easy to form an MAPLB ST. MARKET • •« who had recently undergone an opera­ And, WiiKUKAH, no proceeding at law, or idea of the immense treasures that otherwise, havlug been instituted to recover the Foley's Honey and Tar la peculiarly tion for appendicitis, and was still in amount due upon the said mortgage or any nart Adapted for asthma, lironchilis and a critical condition, Much sympathy are hidden iii that country. All this thereof. Now, therefore, notice Is hereby givoii H. FRAZELL, was expressed for the Dr. aud his gold remains sterile, and, consequent­ that by virtue of the power of sale contaiued iu hoarseness. W. M, McCruasen, •utd mortgage aud In pursuance of the statute in PROPRIITOR. CASTOR IA family in tjie trying ordeal through ly, is lost. It is estimated that mil­ such case made and provided, for the purpose of Central Vevay. For InCsuiti and Children. which they were passing. liards upon milliards of francs in gold collecilne the amount duo upon said mortgage, with interest, costs aud expeuses allowed by Mr. A. M. Irish is now on the road Dr. Ferguson, ou behalf of the board, lie idle in the hiding' places of India, law, including au attorney fee of g'Za.ilU, pro­ It will be my aim to give my custo­ canvassing for Chase Bros.' nurseries. The Kind You Have Alwais Bought welcomed the Club aud brielly out­ and it is known that this colossal vided for in said mortgage aud authorised by law, there will he sold to the bigbest bidder at mers the best of everything in Loii, Bolster Is sick of the measles. lined some of the more linportaut Im­ treasure is in coin that dates back public aucliouou NoudHy.tliearcniMl day the line of Bears the provements inaugurated by the Ixiard, Eeveral centuries. Mi Jun«, A. II. 1B03, at i o'clock lu the after­ J. Dunsmore visited lu this vicinity Signatnre of The Interests of the taxpayers aud the noon of laid day, at the west (front) dour of the last week. Court llonsc in the CitY of-Mnson, In «iiidCounty coniforl of the inmates hud been the of luglmni (that bcin;!onu of the places where FRESH Chiis. E, Coy went to Ann Arbor inalii coiiaideraliou. He spoke in the the circuit court for the County ol' liighiini Is Thursday with the M. H. 8. alhlelic moat conipliuientary terma of hia aa- held) the said pruuilses described In siiUl mort­ HOME TESTIMONY. gage, or so mucli thereof as iiiuy be nuceseury to AND SALT team. Real Estate Transfers. sociates, Dr. Root and Mr, Dennla, sallsl'y the ninount then duo upon salil niortguge Mias A, M. Hutchinson is vialting at aud their devoliou to the work. and nil legal costs, Including siild attorney fee; Give me a trial and be convenced The following transfers haye been said premises being dcscrib'udlu aaUl moriguge J. 8. Coy's this week. Mayor Haitiaiell of Lansing having of my ability to meet your wants. recorded in lh« oltlce of the register of Cnii .Viiy bo SIroiiirnr, (lurry Rloru as follows, 10 wit: E, P. Howe's sugar beets are up and deeds for Inirham county, for the week honoied Iheoccaaiou with hisprcaence All Uiose ccrialn pieces or parcels of land, growiug uicely. endiiiK May 17, 1902, where consider­ was called out and i{ave u happy talk WclKiit or bu noro iluiivlilviiiK situate and being hi the Township ofWIlliums- . ^ . •• ation is $30u or over: aloMK the line of the jirogress aud ad- Tliiiii IWiiNon TiiyT Ion, County ol Inglium, Slalu of Michigan, aud vaiiceiueut made during the laat quar­ described as follows, to wit; Up'to-Date Next Tuesday evening the Metho- Jacob HiiHinuviuf, l)y lislrH, to Prank S. The uortheasl (|iiarler (U) of the northwest diata will hold tlieir uiiiiiial cliurcli Wimblo una wl', e'/z lotH 11 iinU 13 bile ter of a ceutuiy. Having been reai-ed on. townshi'nahlp number four norlh of range nuinbur and w Hide or road, except hotel, lotH slate, he gave several reniiuisceiices of 11 le voracity IH nuiiuesUoiied, one east. Package «, 7 and 8 blk 0 and 0 45 11 lot S blk 51, his early experiences us u farmer. It Ton are rcudini; local cvldcnco. Eden. Mu8on InveHt.lcalinR home teHliinoiiy. Uaicd at Ionia, Michigan, this 4th day of was hinted that the Mayor was eut JliiKon newH lor Mason people. , A, D. 1U02. A. A. Opdyke audd Fif.. M. Chllda CralK M. Bhon and \vf loI'clorand Anna looking over his fences and getting Il'N not from Maine ov Monlana, J DUN J.DEFENDOHl', Garden Seeds AND Miller, lots blk 2, J. 11. Moore's Bub, Mortgagee. have added telephones lo their real- LauHiug lOOU things in line for a cougreaaiouul race. Sunplulou can't Inrk around It. deuces. lIoncBty iH ItK best clmructorlsllc. 0. B, WAiini.K, Evcroll 0. Kdlck and wf to William For the main speaker of the day Dr. lloniu ondorsomeni HH HHllent point. Altornuy for Mortpngco, Flower Seeds Mrs. Wetzel and son, Eugene, now Wandoll, unU y, ol u HO a of wH of swJi Mr. llarrlflou 0. Call, fonnt'i'ly HhorllV. and Root hud secured Hon. L. C. titorra, Business uddrcss, lonia Michigan, occupy the E. H. Chase house. 8CC 21, Alaleduu 400 n reHldutit of Muflon for forty yeiira, onilorHea Try our TEAS and COFFEES. Lydla Koovos to JiutieH 11. Slialer and secretary of the board of corrections Doan'ii KUInoy PIUR, He Kaya; "Uoan'a Dennis Walton has added a veranda wl', w44fllotllblkl8,MaiiUU 4S0 Kidney Pills are Ibe beslreniudy of tbo kind They are the best in the city. aud charities. Mr. Storrs seems emi­ 1 uvor tried, and I am pleaiied to allow my to his hotiae aud ia otherwise Improv­ Archibald McCnlUini aud wf lo Ileury nently lltted for the work to which he name lo bu naed naonu who endoraea the PANDER SALVE. We carry a complete line of ing it. H. Pollok, trnsloe, lot 0 blk 3, 0. f. has beeu chosen and his nmny years clalinH made for llioni, For two yuara I had BarnoH' sub, LauHiug u 350 palnH llirongh tny lolnH and acroHH my kid- Ui»niaEt healins ealv* In the vworlo. Canned Goods and everything in B, A. Fuy shipped another car load Minu B. Uico to Flora Rice, ndw 'r. iind of experience mukea liiiu a valuable neya. li iiuvl tosloop or llfi, and wiionovor of beaus this week, >,^ of com 85}^ ri a of uw cor luM5 blk member of the board, Mr. Storr's I cftUKht cold it Ketllcd in iriy kldneya, caus­ a first-class grocerj'. Ethel Ohapiu has the measles. 13; 0 22 a, a 8['/j fl, 0 03 '/a ft. B to Slick- coiiipnrisons of Ingham county's poor ing iucnnvcnienco and NuU'erUiK. 'i'lio necro- We pay the highest market rider'8 land, w to street n to bet;, NMl- farm aud Its management with others tlons front the kidneya wore very irregular Merle Opdyke aud Hazel Laxton llninaton 1450 find hiKhly colored. Luarnlng about lloan's price for Butter andjIEggs. lu the state placed ours in a most Kioney PiUe, I procured llieni at Lrtngyear BO YEARS''} passed the eighth grade examination Sylvester Avory and wf to Thoii. Mc EXPERIENCE Lat«hleand M.P. Howe, wi-^ ol \\vi'4 enviable liuht. He unhesitatingly Uro8'. druK store, A fow ilaya afler takluK Yours for trade, and ure lu posaessiou of their diplo­ and 20 a in sw oor of c-J.'i of nwV^aliuu prououucedit one of the best, if not tbo tlrstdose I began to feel better, and it mas. wiis but u comparatively Kliorttlmo before I sec 16, Vevay 2250 the best,- managed lu the state. His was entirely well. The pills simply worked GHAS. J. WHITING. The wind and rain storm did more John SnlowKkl and wf to AngUHt Sein- woudttrfnily. Whenever 1 bear of anyone references to Dr. Root and his thought­ BOTH PHONES. or lees damage iu this vicinity, up­ rau and wf, w S rdu of lot 10 and w 6 complaining I Invariably advlae them to pro­ rds of H 1 rd of 11 blk 2S8, LnnslUK 1275 ful cure for his wards would have made cure Uoiin's Kidney Pllla, take a course of rooting trees, killed a calf for Mr. Tall- Theodore F. Ewiina and wf to Suuiuol the genial Dr's, heuit swell with a just tieatment, and they need not bu dubious man aiid W. H, Hortou's chimney B, Muilun aud wf, u7 I'ds lot 6, and a pride had ho been present, Mr. Den­ about the result, I always kiop Uiom In the was blown down. 10 It of e 7 rda of lot S and w 2/1 rda lot bouse ami If I feel any symploms of u return 4blk7aaiKO n4rds orej^ii lot2 blk 3, nis, he characterized, as the "boss of Ihn trouble a resort to Doan's Kidney Pills TRADE MARKS Bobert Laxton's barn was moved Olaypooi'a nnb, also \t'/a rd of 0 1'/^ furmtr," He thought Keeper G. J. quickly wards oil' the atlacii," DesiQNS rds lot 4, 5 uu(t G blk 70, LauslUK 2580 Nuolier and Mrs. NuoSer, the matron, ... COPYRIGHTS &e. several inches from the fouudatiou by For milu by all dealers; price 60 cenla per Anyono aendlng »ikotch nnd dcflcrlptinn may KIDNEY DISEftSES Michael Slebort and wf to Emille Tlch- the right people in (he right place, and box. Fostor-Mllburu Co., Buffalo, N. Y., aole the wiud last Sunday, 800 aiieulH for tbo U, S. quickly ikscsruln our opinion free whether au . • • rowski, parcel on aeo 15, Lauaiug from their efforts to make all feel at Invention Is prohribly pittentiiblo, Comniunlca. Chaa, U. Bruokor and wf to Harry 0. Remember the name—Doan's—and take no tlons strictly conlldentlnl. Handbook on PMcnti are the most fatal of all dis­ Waula Otiiera to Know. home and their thoughtful care for the aubstltuto, lent tree. Oldest iKoncy for soourlnicpatenis. Bheldou and wf, parcel on aco 17, Luu- dependent and aged Inmates as ex­ Patents taken tnrouKh Muiin & COi rocelT* "I have used DeWltt's Little Early aing .,.., 1200 ijifcial nottc«i without charge, lu tbo eases. Blsers for constipation and torpid liver Obaa.K. Grieband wfto I^ncey Grieb, hibited during the Club's visit all and they are all right. I am glad to e'A of ne$( aeo 14 Leroy, ox 10 a 1000 cheerfully endorsed the sentiment. Scientific flmericatie Indorse them for I think when we Wm. II, Mewbrougli to Jobn G. MillB, If the taxpayers could, or would INVESTMENTS. A handsomoly lliustrateil weekly. I,ariteit eir. EniCVCPXEYGUREIll And a good thing wa ought to let others parcel on sec 0, Lanalng ,.».••„. IMOO oftener visit the county farm aud aee eulatlou ot any soicsitiaa journal. Terms, H a Tlioa. J. Smith, by.admr,, to AraclU. M. year; tour months, IU Boldbyall newsdealers. rULtI 0fiuarutitdlUmli know it," writes Alfred Heinze, Farkcr. a 2714 a of w M of awM and 1 a where the appropriationH for the sup­ ABSOLUTELY SAFE. Quiuoy, III. They never gripe or dis­ oil w •ld«of u}< or 8w;< aee H, Onou. port of the unfortunate go, and note or money refunded. G)ntains tress. Bure, tafe pills. Lougyear daga 600 the extreme care exercised for the ABSOLUTELY NON-TAIABLE. BiHum onoe, jn B< ett Waihlugton. D. 0. Bros. FHAMK A. LEBTBR, Register. malntalnance and comfort of these remedies recognized by emi­ people, adverse criticism would soon PRINCIPALS DIVIDENDS GUARANTEED nent physicians as the^f for You never heard of any one using be a thing unheard, Better Thau MortM. NoTrole, Kidney and Bladder troubles. Foley's Honey and Tar not being Altogether It was a pleasant and DeWIWs n Salvo Soft satisfied. W. M, McCruaaeu. helpful occasion, so those who went Nets Hor Six to Twelve Per Cent. For Plleti Burnsi Soroi* PRIdSOcaadSlXO. ami came said; those who stay were Canaea of Cancer, made mure contented with their lot. ForMormationAilta Under the heading, "The Pre-can- Harness Central News. ceroua Stage ot Cancer," a recent ROBF. Q. STEEL, LausiDjl, Ton can make your tla^ medical journal cites the following MisB Katherlne Dunham of Lansing neai atvoft aa a glove and aa louKta aiwlru by conditiona which predispose to thevisite d at J. Nichols' Saturday and Ming EIIUKKA Bar* diiease: Fiiaure of the lip, abrasion Sunday. Wa promptly obtain i;. S, and Foreign aaa on.'You can RiDgtben lu llh-makalt ot the tongue'from~ a rough or Louise MuUerlelle stayed over night luat twice aa long a* It Sunday with Mrs. J. E, Harvey, Lau- oidhuilly would. broken tooth, biting the tongue, cut* tiof a wart whilevaliaying, wound of •ing. the akin froih the tooth ot a comb, Orrle Thompson who baa. been visit- PATENTS Inquiry will demonstrate that we can chrbnio eczema. The constant prea* iug friends in Ionia, has returned home. Bond model, iketoa or pkotooIlnTeDtlonior EUREKA aure and irritation from a pipe or (roe report oa natental _tUt;^ . Itorlreeliook^^^i FILL THE BILL. On account of the slokness of Mrs. HowtoSocuro'^ cigar is supposed to be a bausativo Ftttenta and to HanaMOil factor in-the cancer of the lip in dammond, the entertainment which The choicest assorted stock and prices right. was to have been given last Thursday men, a condition which ii very rare evenluKi baa been deferred Indefl- In Trfttntift'.;- ''" '" - • • nltely.. TRY US. MoDkrota over pain, burna, ouli, Mra.. J. Harvey spent Friday KUd GASNOW. Buturday with her pHreuts,. gpraint, itlngii. - InikaDt relief. Dr. fOppoalte U.S. Patenti_ qPhomM* Eieotrlo Oil. At'itoy drug Cecil Clark la very sick kttblB time ^^ WASHINGTON 0.0. flartwick & •tore.:.":., :-'rT:\. with heart trouble. ' .,

H-fi^i:liiiiiiiiiiiK. ^ ^ SNOW iROU A CLEAR SKY. DtlfdMK Cloada Cover ttie l.andaeafe AMoac the HelBhta of the :i5^§pi^^ OWN Adiroadiicfca. AT SUMMER The most wonderful snowstorms of all thnt niny be seen every winter in tlie Adironducks are those that pre- vnil when the .sky^is cloudless. Of KIMMEL'S there are severul varieties. Ev­ UNDERWEAR You'll find the best line of WALL PAPER in Ingham countj'. The prettiest patterns ery week or two we would see what looked like a fog form about the dis­ you ever saw and prices, oh! my, hOW cheap! You can save from twenty-flve to tant hills, and then come drifting; fifty percent, by buying your Wall Paper here. All we ask is the favor to show it to across the creek valley. Doubtless it you. We know the style and prices will do the rest. We have just received a large assort­ wn,s a real snow-laden cloud that had Have you seen that beautiful line of Belts, Buckles, Brooches, Shirt Waist Sets, Chata- been driftint; along until it struck our ment—SAMPLE LOT—of underwear, con­ level (l.liOO feet above the sea) in the laine Bags? They have just arrived from New York and are the proper thing. sisting of Men's, Women's and Children's Adirondacks, when the conditions be­ Our line of FANCY HOSE at ISc a pair arc beauties. We think we h.ave the best came favorable for the release of its lOc Black Hose for ladies and children in Ingham county. We will leave it to you. Come in wear in union suits and single garments. feathery burden, says u writer in and sec them. We get them at a liberal discount and Scribner's. We saw these clouds fill HAMMOCKS! HAMMOCKS! Well, I should say we had Hammocks! Two big the air with flakes that were driven factory sample lines, bought at such a low figure that we can sell them to you at whole­ pass most of it over to you. This added along almost horizontally by a strong sale and make a fair profit for ourselves—and that is just what we will do. So come here for gnle, although the tops of our old to our already large purchases of sum­ hemlocks and spruce rose into the your Hammocks. We caifsave you money. mer underwear rather overstocks us and clear nir ai'id obstructed sunlight Well, maybe we've told you- enough. If you will only read, mark, learn and come to above the highest level of the snow- "Kimmel's for Everything," we shall be so delighted, and you sh.ill be glad you did, we have accordingly made prices to move producing nir stratum. We even saw for there is no place—truly there isn't—where you can get better goods, get better all-thc- the goods quickly. the snow so thick in the air about us year-round prices or be better suited than at thnt the trunks of trees six feet nl)ove the earth were not visible, al­ though the tree tops could be seen, nnd the sun shone down through the shallow storm with strength enough DEPARTMENT STORE to cast distinct shadows. We have KIMMEL'S stood on a i|uici, sunlit hilltop and looked down into a valley less thnn 100 feet below us, where a .siiiowstonn Avns raging witli violence, and the VETERAN MAIL CARRIER. lis m GOODS COtemperatur. e was frigid. Who llel|ifil I.Hjr Uii( iKe VIIjr of IN THE GOOD OLDDAYS. MnMon In 1811. Farmers Affenficn If you desire a Rood The Slockbrldge Sun of last week |ugIuimC0untjy|(m]Si When the White lloiiNt' Utt Waa Ciin- coutaiiied H blograpbieal sketch of HAIR TONIC verteil Into n !iikiillnR i'nnti (ur Harinou Marsli of Waterloo. Mr. the ll»« o( r.veryboil)-. March ia iiuw 87 yeara old, hale and ABRIDGMENT COMPILED LAWS Try the MAGIC Thursday, May 22. 1902. lieuriy, He lias bud six wives, all of l'ropar«(I nii«l sold by "Oh, for the good old days," sighed whom he haa survivtU "aud etili OF MICHIGAN- MRS. JAMES 8. THORBURN. nn old lady at the bronkfnst table of lives." Br Milier 1899 Cor. Oentvr uiid Meclmulc BM, MASON PERHORikl. MENTION. The aketcli coutaiiis the following: a Washington boarding limise recently. Book of 977 pages, bound in full sheep, sent fl^l ^f\ The sudden cold spell had set her to "For 31 yeara this old luau curried A. II. ItiiHh of Vevuy IH ditng«rou8ly III. the mail from Fraucisuo on the Michi­ postpaid on receipt of M»le»./V 11.0. Clin IH 111 with aolHtlo rlieumatUm. thinking, snys the Washington Star. gan Central, to Waterloo, and never "[ remember when the fire engines L. T. Ilomiiui was in LanHlug laHt MoDday. iiilsaed a trip in all that 4iiiie. He No farmer should be without this book us it saves dollars used to be taken down to the btisin, a for legal advice Mra. E, G. Rnsvell vUlted LaiiRlng laiit Moii> waa one of the nieu who helped lay out dity. line of hose run from them up to the the city of Masou, and in 1841 drove the first stake with a beetle. At that ADDRESS One More Week li. N. Giiniley WHH In LnniilnK la*t TliurH- white lot, nnd after the lianks had been day. built water pumped on the grass until lime tliere were only two faiuiliea iu the place. Of these, one John Lacy K. W. Cuaterllu Is home for a few days tlili it reached ii foot or more in depth. ROBERT SMITH PRINTING CO., weuk. One night's cold Ijreath was enough to operated a sawmill lieside iho creeic at WALTER'S that ilowa ihrough the town. No Publishers SEND MONEY ORDER H. W, Mayer.or Holt was In tlio cHy latt freeze the ice to a thickness strong vestige of this remains. He assisted THIS BOOK IS OF OR BANK DRAFT. DO Friday. cnoii(,'h to hold all the skaters who GREAT VALVE TO NOT SEND MONEY IN likewise in laying out another town LAW STUDENTS Lansing, Michigan LETTER F. T. Collver orLauiIng wni lu Uio city lait wnnted to participate. Jt wnsamerry 20 lbs fine Granulated Su{i:ar,$1.00 Friday. nine miles furlher west, on the Oraud fiiffht to sec the huadreds gliding over river, which never developed life. Good Coffee in bulk, per lb., ISc S. II. Fliinipa or Holt wai In town laat Taoaday. tlie smooth surface. Tii those days it His one earthly Joy which reiiinins 2 lbs. for 25c was very unusual to get any sort of is his spun of mustang ponies which C. 1', .MicKelaonapeut Sunday witli friends CUMNON COUNCIL. Church Services. 3 cans Corn or Peas, - 2Sc In I

'I 'M:i^i^ggjiliiiliii ^ Northwest Aurelius. South White Oak. If you>now all about |»gtamC0untj;§ewi$ W. T. Leeney and wife were in Lan­ Mr, and Mrs. R. J. Grimea visited sing last Tiiursday and Boinmon Wm. BIy last Sunday. Thursday, May 22, 1002. Bhesele^ and wife were in Lansing T. F. Patrick and Newl Wood werr Friday. in Mason last Friday. The storm last Sunday did some Mike Pulling of Wltllamstou visited Ingham and Wheatfield Line. damage by blowiug down fences, and bis father last Sunday. aLABftSTINE Dale Bemok IIHS moved onto Jubn the lightninu atruuk Uarluu Uuriia'a Mrs. Ella Biudlug Is some better Gay lord's farm. house and did cuuslderable damage. at this writing. EBNHSlOII Just call on us and see the different shades. If you M. Robart Is iinprovltiK the looks of Borne of the Inmate* were hurt. This is the aeooiid time tlial his house has Geo. H. Proctor and wife wei-e iu are not acquainted with the virtues of Alabastine. his farm very much by iwiuting hia Masou one day last week. of Cod Liver Oil is the means house and barus. oeen struck. call on us before you do your papering. Will Norrls and wife called on his Mrs. Clara Hall and Mra. Ben of life, and ei^joymentof life to Vance Putnam of Grand Rapids is Westfall oared for Mrs. Ella Biudlug It is ready for use by adding COLD WATER. visiUnK bis aunt, Mra. L, Bquiers, this brother Mllea one day last week. last week. thousands: men women and week. Sidney Robinson and wife look din­ children. Remember for Alabastine that It is not a kalmminu. All kalsomlnes are ner with W. T. Keeney last Friday. Mrs. G. L. Carter entertained her unstable aud unsanitary, "stuck on with glue," flake, scale, and rub oil on Dan WalnwrlKht Is raising hisliarn. daughter from Pine.Lake last week. clothing. Ht! is going to have a baiemeul under » ^ > •' When appetite fails, it re­ it and liuild an addition. A novel feeling of leaping, bounding Mr. and Mrs, Claud Phelps were in stores it. When food is a Alabastine Is a natural and durable stone base cement wall.coatlngto be impulses goes through .vour body. Mason last Friday, used over any solid surfacoi plaster, wood ceiling, brick or canvas'lu the place M. Hobart lias his corn planted. You feel young, act young and are A new Independent Telephone line burden, it lifts the burden. of paint, wall paper aud kalsomine for either plain or ornamental work, aud is Ward Warner and wire spent Sun- young after taking Rooky Mountain was completed to Dausville last week. When youlose brings applied with an ordinary wall brush. Oay with his pareuta, Tea. 85 cenia. Pratt & HaydeD. Mrs. J. HaKsKon and son, Clark, Alabastine, when properly applied to a olean surface will not flakeo r Miss Barah Allen Is visiting her visited friends near Leslie last Tues­ the plumpness of health. scale or rub oiT from the walls and ceilings, and in re-tinting may be coated In- aunt near Willlaiuston this week. Northwest Ingham. definitely. Unlike other preparatio s for the purpose, Alabastine is a per­ day. When work is hard and manent wall coating that hardens wltb age, Is as durable as the wall itself, Turn Wood of Bt. Louis was in our Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Wauvieaudson, Mra. R. Cole of FItohhurg visited Ivan, spentSunday at James D^rrow's duty is heavy, it makes life and anyoue can apply It. nutKhl)orh(K>d lust week, looking after her daughter, Mrs, Fannie Lathrop, bright. his I'ltt'ui here wliioh he let to Kiiberi ut Musun Tuesday. Wc have a large stock and for that reason arc making a Joiien. Mr. Joti(?rt cxpccta in piil luont Liz/.ie ittivinsaiid Mrs. Alvln By- E. A. Holden of Lansing, R, A. It is the thin edge of the of it into beans and buckwiieat. grave and (laughters were Kuests of Wright and wife and Miss Maggie wedge; the thick end is food. Mrs. C. C. Frederick last Saturday. Wright of Leslie were the guests of S. SPECIAL PRICE A RevnlNtloii. Eliza Summons has been a guest of J, Proctor the first of the week. But what is the use of food, If you will make imiuiry-it will her niece, Mrs. Jennie Hewes, the on the same for a short time. be a revelation to you how many sue* when you hate it, and can't di­ past week. will Care CoNaumptloM, We keep a full line of Paints, Varnishes and Oils. cumb io kidney or bladder troubles in Elmer Bravender and wife Sunday- A. A. Herren, Finch, Ark., writes, gest it? one form or anotlier. If the patient is edwith their sister, Mrs. Lee Hull- "Foley's Honey and Tar is the best Scott's Emulsion of Cod not beyond medical aid, Foley's Kid- berger. preparation for coughs, oolds and luug uey Cure will cure. It never dis- trouble. I know that it has cured Liver Oil is thefood that makes appoints. W. M. McCrosseti. Geo, Ward and Miss Cora Rnssetter were guests at the home of B. C. Ros- oonsumptlou Iu the firstatages. " W. you forget your stomach. RAYMOND St HALL M. McCrossen, If you have not tried It, send for West Aurelius. setter over Sunday. Tree sample, its agreeable taste will Lawns Mower, $2.50 to $3.00—guaranteed. A lot of our boya took in the excur­ Mrt. S. Grow and grandson of Jack Pitchburg. 3urDrise you. sion to Detroit last Buuday, ' son caller) Joe Munsey is building fence for one and will brobabljF be carried out Mother, Yes one package makes two as usual In fine shape, Mr. aud Mrs. Chris Roback and Mr. Ada Carrier. quarts of ba<)y medicine. See direo- and Mrs. 8. Giemmer visite«l Chas. >n WEBB & LAWRENCE o Sydney Robertson is paiullug E. O. lions. Tliere isnothingjusta.(io (or cash, wo will cndors* it. It will then ontitio you to sitlini; and Miller of Jackson visited at Thomas John Baker and wife spent Sunday the tail of the animal and isn't worth while there was married to Mrs. OHO llfe-sl7.Q inx'jn Portrait upon the payment of T.'i contB, ut Pickworth's last Sunday. with the Iatter's mother iu Lansing. as much as a bob tail dog in fly time. >n Arville Turner. The happy couple Witbeck's Art Studio, Mason, Mich. © Dorotliy Robertson was In Mason Miss Orrel Manley has returned to Our worthy old coroner hasn't made returned Saturday night, last Monday. her sciiool after having the mumps. seven cents out of the offlce In »-«-4 NOTR—Tlio work Rivnn witti thlsofTor is positively guaranteed to IwHrflt- the last four years. cluss and those not holding tickets will be citargad rcKulur prioo, $3.60. Mrs. Elizabetli Pickworth of Battle Miss Jessie and Hazel Sutherland A Card. o May, with all its bloom and promise, Greek is visiting her brother, Thomas visited at W. L. Mosiier's Sunday, We, the uudersigneti,d«i hereby agree 10 20 15 10 10 10 10 10 10 50 Pickworth. Miss Nellie Acker is visiting her always bring a touch of sadnesa with to refund the money on a 50-ceut bottle uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs, Myron every recurrence of Decoration Day. of Greeue'a Warranted Syrup of Tar If Don't waste your mouey on worth­ Joy, of Park Lake, Wltb each passing year the parade of It fails to cure your ccmgh or cold. less imitations of Rooky Mountain veterans grows perceptably smaller, We also guarantee a 25-oent bottle to Miss Mamie Gilbert of the Bandhlll until It Is really the living heros, rath­ Tea. Get the genuine made only by iu Alaiedoii visited G. Btirus Sunday. prove satisfactory or money refunded. the Madison Medicine Co. A great er than the dead ones, who touch our PRATX & HAYDEN. family remedy. ' 35 cents. Pratt & Chas. Cook and wife of South Holt hearts most. Strangely, the old veter­ The above proposition also applies to all Haydeu. and P. McKiuuey were Buuday gueats ans have lived to see the nation for LONQVBAR fiH«)S. of Wm. Gliue. whose unity they fought grow In Book Accounts. Leslie and Vevay. power and influence as a result of Aurelius. Chas, Winter of Merldan visited at James Russell's wind mill hew oyer The sad pathetic words, "Tt's over Z. Burger's Buuday. their struggle for Its national life. As the hills to ilie poorbouse; I wander they drop their flowers on the graves last Sunday. alone there to die," was aptly illus­ Chas. Kuriz and wife ot Island Cor- that lie ail too thickly, Lincoln's Bertha Parker is so Improved in nars were Sunday guests at the home health as to ride out. trated by the sad death of Mr. Brown, of her parents, Mr, and Mrs, Martin words must souud in their ears: WEBB d LAWRENCE an inmate of the county house. The Redman. "These dead shall not have died in Agues Fellows visited at Mrs. old gentleman waa taken to the county vain, for a new nation has arisen from Hill's over Buuday. house not long since, but being unable H. E. Turney and wife, Mra. Phelps the graves of those dead heroee." to reconcile himself to his surround­ and Mrs. Fulton of Lansing were Catherine Young visited her sister, ings he startetl for tlie home of his sou guests at tlie home of W. L. Mosher iSach Clark has contracted with D, who is teaching school near Dlmou- last week Sunday. M. Ferry to grow a large amount of dale, last week. J, N, THOBBURN W, E. SKVeUENCB in North Leslie, but on reaching Eden beans. He baa also contracted to'grow he became too exhausted to go farther Mrs. Tracy Cox entertained relatives Mrs. Garfield aud Mrs. Muuro of ruorniKTom or Breeders, Altentienl ououoibera for the Lealle plokle fac­ Leslie were gucets at Mr. Phillips' a His Bon was telephoned for who came from Mllletts Monday. tory. The handsome imported Ger­ aiul got his father home, On the next "" >•'#'» '" •—-•' few days last week. •" " > •'« — man Coach Stallion, Ohio 1570, day he was ugaiu taken to tlio county MI»|iN the Ooiigll Mra. ClfttilesHavnes will entertain house, where two days later be passed A Ii««Mou In HiiAlili. the next Methodist L. A. S. bay, 16>^ hands high,- weight niid wortiN uir the Cold. Healthy kidneys filter the impurities 150D lbs., maj' be found at Mason. to thenreat beyond. Laxative Bromo-Quiuiue Tablets cure from the blood, aud unless they do Wednesday ufternoo'u. May 28. MEAT A. Wood of Janes Lake is here a cold ill one day. No cure, no pay. this good lieallh is impossible. Foley's Lu»t Sunday afternoon in the hard This great young horse has working ou the McLaughlin telephone Price 25 cents. Kidney Cure makes souud kidneys storm the roof was bowu ufl Dr Swarl- grand style and action, and is of line. aud will positively cure all forms of woul'sbarn, and A. D. Barnes suttered MARKET the most royal blood of the Ger­ Mrs, Fishbeck has a new cistern. Dansvllle. kidney and bladder disease. It the loss of some buildings bowing Call on us for anything usually found man empire. There is a great strengthens the whole system. W. M, over, and a slight damage was done to iu a strictly up-to-date meat lunrket, The storm of last Sunday moyed H. Isaac Briggs, a respected resident of McCrossen^ . several farmers around here. demand for coach teams. Hodge's barn, several feet. this township, waa stricken with FEE—$20 for living colt; $15 Mr. Laberteaux of rieasaiit Lake paralysis one day last week, but is Northwest Stockbridge. Travellnsi I" nniiKerona, EitensiYG Shippers Of Live Stock. some better. to insure with foal. sold BOO bushels of beans In Leslie last Mrs. Owen Otto visited her parents Constant motion Jars the kidneys week. Frank Skadan was elected to attend iu White Oak, Monday. which are kept in place in the body THORBURN & SEVERENCE A. 0. DuBois' Mason friends will be the Maccabee grand lodge as a dele­ by delicate attachments. This is the Ben Phone 21. State Pbouo 0-18. LaFayetfe Importing Co., gate from the lodge here. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Richmond pleased to learn that he is doing a Intends to visit their son, Abram, of reason that travelers, trainmen, street OWNERS. lushing business in llie grocery line as The board of review both for the vil­ Coldwater, for a week or leu days. car men, teamsters and ail wlio drive well us the clothing line. lage and township were iu session They will start next week, very much suffer from kidney disease Foley*s Honey md Tar M, C, ROBINSON, Keeper, Sunday's storm blew down a num­ Tuesday and Wednesday. in some form. Foley's Kidney Cure ber of trees in this vicinity, Lyon had a stroke of paral­ strengthens the kidneys aud cures all toreblUrea,sate,§un, Noopl§t98. George Hawcroft recently sold two ysis last Sunday, aud was buried Tues­ forms of kidney and bladder disease. The following names have been hogs to Mason parties that weighed day, Geo. H. Hausan, locomotive engineer, placed ou the hello list: Ed. Opdyke, 1040 pounds. Lima; 0„ writes "Constant vibration IA8UM MARKETS. Eugene Chase, Walter Harkuesa and B, J. Holland and family visited FARMERS' BANK! Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Culver relatives here last Sunday. of the engine caused me a great deal of OBAIM, Oldem and SlronEest State and Savings O. B. Loycock, and Mr. and Mrs. T. 0, North on May trouble with my kidneys, and I got no WIIKAT No.l, White O 80 Bank. 19th, sons. G. W, Hopkins has the wall com­ WHBATNo.9,Whlle _ „ The writer is now entitled to talk pleted and frame laid out for his barn, relief until I used Foley's Kidney WUKATNo. » O 60 over the phone. If we make as many Mrs, G. F, Steadmap has gone to her Cure." W. M, McCrossen. WHEAT releoted ~ A ih mistakes over the phone as we did home iu Livingston county. Geo, Holland of BunkerhiU built a CORN per hundred (WMtern) •! 00 CAPITAL, $60,000. with our letters recently we'll be call­ cisteru for A, Richmond last Thurs­ OATS per bushel ~ g-le Rev. E. G. G, Benson will deliver day. OLiOVBRSBBD -„ ®S «0 ing up the President instead of one of the Memorial sermon at the M. E, T1H0TH\ SEED per bushel 3 00<» 25 M.D.OHATTSRTON, • Prealdeat our neighbors, without knowing it. chur6h next Sunday morning at 10;30. Mrs. J, M. Hague vlalted her daugh­ UYE Dcr bnsbol ; 0 M L.C.WEBB, - Vlce-Prealdent An old gentleman traveling through ter, Susie, Thursday of last week. mSOXLLAMKOUB, A.J.HALL, . Oaihier llie W. C. T. U. will meet In the SALT Skginaw, per barrel..,...., • 76 the country grafting fruit trees found Baptist church Saturday at 2:<)0 p. m. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Grandy wereln BBANB unpicked, per busbol •! 'J7 B.C. DART, Assistant Caahier employment iu our vicinity luat week, Everyone Invited to come and bring Fitohburg ou business Monday, POTATOES per buHbol O es flowers to make bouquets for Memorial EOaSfteib, per dozen « U MoneytoLoan. OallandSeeUi. What Thl'a rolka Need services Buuday, Received too late for last week. LARD per pound ...... M ~ • w I)lRBOTOKS-A. J. Unll, K. A. Barnoa, J. K la a greater power of digesting and BU^KR per pound m la Elmer, Geo. W. Brialol, H. D. Obatterton.L Geo. Hopkins is having the wall APPIiES dried.perpound...... O 1 0. Webb, a, c. Dart, Quo. M. Uort, frank assimilating food. For them Dr. King's Our Dansvllle photographer, J, G. ORBRIIIES dried, per pound O 12 Kew Life Pills work wonders. They Wigle, who has been confined to his laid for the new baaemeut barn. PBAOHES dried, per ponad Q IJ Seoly. . -• tone and regulate the digestive organs, house with luug trouble for four Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Richmond ONIONB,porba«hel,...... » 6^ 75 months, has so far recovered as to be AGRIOULTURAtiBALTpertcn,,.. «4 00 gently expel all poisons from the sys­ visited relatives Iu Stockbridge Bun- liAUD PLASTER per ton »»»..4 60O tem, enrich the blood, improve ap. able to resume business with the as­ day. HAYpetton * 009 7 00 petite, make healthy flesh, Only S5o sistance of his wife, Great credit is House-oleauing is all the rage In UVI STOCK AND MXATS. at Longyear Bros', Mason, and Field due Dr. Culver 6f this place for the re­ this vicinity. OATTLE pertanndrfldpoundg...„ 2 0096 00 & North's, DauBvllle. covery of Mr. Wigle, which eeemed H0Q8 per hundred pounds «« 26 very doubtful for many weeks. The members of the Northwest PORK dreSMd, per lOO pounds #7 SO Stockbridge M. P. church have pur­ HAMS per pound f 16 James W. Wolcott of White Oak, OHIOKBNa per pound,dressed 0 11 Kodol chased a obapel organ of Clougu & formerly of this place, died Tuesday Warren, Detroit, MIob. 0HI0KEN8 per pound, lire ,07 60 after a long illnesa of a oomplicatiou TURKEYS per ponnd.ftllT*..,; 7f 7 of diseases, Andrew Richmond and wife enter­ How About DUOKS per ponnd, •UTe..,..M m tained Mr. and Mrs, Pbllander Hoard DUOKB par pound dieiud..... • Dyspepsia Cure INFLUENCE 0. B. Collingwood of the Agricul­ ofGregory, May 11, BOItDIMa KATIBIAL, tural College waa iu town Tuesday. WATER LIMB ipier'birrel..,.. ^. TO MENTAL AND MORAL. James Hlnes, the mall carrier of Your Heart OALOIMBO PLASTBR, psr bMrel... Ql 60 Digests what you eat. 0. H, Henld and wife commence route No, 1, has purchased a new Feel your puke «few minutei. LIMBjMr barrel This preparation contains all ot tba Th« ttkt* of the mothar during gestation their annual oampiug at Pleasant PLASTERINa HAIR per bushel , B 85 digestants and digests all kinds of tnay influenc* the whole future of the child. horse. Is it regular? Are you thort of BHINOLE8 pertbouiand 1 Wn» 75 It is highly important that pregnant women Lake tbia week. LATH per Iff Mi food. It gives Instant relief and never meet.tne issue witli^ealm composure and J, M. Hague aud family and An­ breath, aftetx stight exertion fails to cure. It allows you to eat all with as little A play for the benefit of the base drew Richmond were in Munltb pain as pos­ ball olub Is being practiced. Tiiesday. , M ming up ttsih, eweeping, the food you want. The most sensitive sible. Anhnals walKtng, etc? Do you have Btumachs can take it. By Its use many oi the lower .Trent Sawyer la working at Port Rev, Oatrander and wife are gone thousands of dyspeptics have beea kingdom re> Huron In a hotel. pain ih left bieMt, tide or GHIiaiESTER'S ENGLISH ^uire no out­ for a three weeks'visit to her home. cured after everything else failed. la side aid to Edward Brotherton is on the sick Rev. Cook will All the pulpit. between shoulder bUdet, chok­ unequalled for the stomach. Child* undergo pain. list. rea with weak stomachs thrive on It. less gestation Fred Hague and Clarence Richmond ing .teniations,: fainting or- PENNYROYAL PILLS and delivery of W. W. Almoud Is putting down a went Ashing Tuesday and bad Asber- •mothering ipelli, iael^ility to First dose rellevesi Adietunnecesaary. young, (or tncy Portland cement walk infrout of hia man's luck. are npt physf- rtaldenoe. lie on left side? If you heve Ourat all ttomaoh fpaublat cally hampered — ' • • • Prepared only b; S. 0. DBWITT & Co., Obtcan or deformed by ' DoM't start WroHc tiny pf these lyinpiomi you dress. Beveala A Great Meeret. Don't starts the summer wltb a certainly have n vmk heart, Viw II. bottle contalDiSM tlmei tbosoc. m, Women » in ••*»nil DR.FENNER'S Blieum&tlBm maVe use ery forCdnsumptloQ. Here's tbeseoret. on" through the entire sissson. Take Mu^V Heart Cure «tol« metallle boiei, MAIMI wltb Uus ribbon. of the dls> - . . —' It outa out the phlegm and germ-lufeot* It in band right now. A few doses of 'Mr. F. H; Oaks of JamMtowa,!?. V, Tab* MO attar. «•«*•• *""«?»«»V,?"5;i'i' coverles o( art and lelenet that counteract ted muous. and lets the Ufe-glven oxy* One Mluute Cough Cure will set you whqu genial face appesnat taUaaa a««l lailtallMe. Buy of your DnnM. KIDNEYrt "S the fiteet'ot dress tollies. To-day in every "BscMiive UH of tolMMO'iailiisB• ' r ot NDd 4c In iUmni tor '•«'«•'•'*•','!?,"• drug store there is one liniment sold at |1 per gen eurlohKDd vitalize theDlood. It right. Sure cure for oougbs, colds, ageetcd ny ktul. I i&rsd JMIvm •iaalala and •'•cVler Itor I

J! "••