ptrnta letti^. VOL. XLIV-NO. 21 MASON, MICH.. THURSDAY MAY 22,190'i. WHOLE NO. 3J6I. NBWII IN BKIBP. HEALTH FOODS. Ne»rly one Inob of rainrsll is re- Pro|»«MlilitN to Nannrneiiire Them In J. BnteredKttbel>ostofflco,Haiion, corded for this city Inst Siiuday. the City of Maaon. MCDONALD Kiieeond-olBii matter STROUD & For flret olua ice cretni ftiid ice Messrs. C. M. Stephens and J. M. r abllahod Every Tburiday by creaiu eoda, call at Ciark'i bgiiery. Warded of Battle Creek were In Mason have Just received their spring line of A.. Li, ROSE. The stfftwberry crop will be a little yesterday IcMikiiig over the ground Ingham County's Candidate late tbia ye>r, but will be a large one. with a view of organizing a company Tsatacs for the manufacture of health foods— for Congressman The republican state convention haa Out »«*r, tl.OOi ill Mtiilht, 10 aMlt I tkr** tbe Neurn Vita and Honey Dew Flake. «aNlhi, 3S a*Mi—ia tdnMc* been called to meet in Detroit June Hi. It is proposed to form a company with Wall Paper, Window Shades aiid Carpets. a capital stock of f I60,0IHI, 23 per cent ADVKRTlilNa RATU. Mr. and Mrs. G. E.'Heuderaon enter­ Oar«dT«rtlRingr*teiin»d«knownaiafflo« tained the Wbiat club last Tuesday of whicii is to lie available at organiza­ WITH SOLID DELEGATION Hiilneiaoardilla line par yaw. evening. tion, The matter is now being can-, Call and inspect their line before purchasing vossed among the business men, and RaalneaaloealallTaaantiparllMaBebsDd Andrew Farren lias completed a 'Orarylnaartlon, „ ^ the project so far seems to meet with elsewhere. Bloue walk this weelt in front of tbe hearty approval. Samples of the food Harrlaga.blrtb.knd daatb notloaifraa. liigb school lot. Obituary notloaa, raaoluttona of raapaot can be seen at the oflice of Hon. L. T. He OOM lo the Consreaalonal Con- South of Court House Square, Mason. (ardaoftbanki atcflvaoentaalina. Reports indicate that Walter S. Root Hemans, and it is probable that a pub­ ventlon ml Penlon Nay il9 BuHineHS Cards. is Improving very satisfactorily ut tbe lic meeting will lie iield soon, when buspltai in Ann Arbor. the matter aud ita possibilities will lie sr presented. ATTOKNRTN. MASON MACCABEES Advertised I.«ll«r«. Co. B gives another dancing party The enterprise would give employ­ MASON, May 19,1902. TAWTON^f^EMANi, at the armory this evening. Miss ment to at least 30 iwrsons at its start­ The county convention, to select 21 Mrs. Kinnm Aseltlue, Hra. Frank Peraker, iNlllate m Vl$um for the Central Clly TTOBNEY AND COUNSELOR AT Mabel JohUHon of Jacicsou will fur* ing aud tlie increase would be rapid in delegates to the congressional conven­ Mrs. M^lMe Parker, Homer Usher, Tent at JachNon. S. K.OwiMKH, Wllber Hilton. Iftwi Offloe over Plral Stale and 8av- nisli the music. Bil| 50o. the number needed for the work. An tion, was lieid in this city last Friday. iBgabankA . Vtaiion. Mich. Q. h. iirown. Dr. and Mrs. O, H. ITreeland are enterprise of this kind would indeed The convention was a large and en­ The Jackson Patriot of Tuesday has Persona calling for above ahonld aay Adver- B. MOARTUUB, Allornoy »t Law, Ma- now nicely located in their home, on be a benetlt to the town and we trust thusiastic one, every township and tlie following to say of the Mason tiaed. t'lus. W. HHOVMI, P. M. •on, MIcli, east Ash streBl, which was recently it will meet with the earnest co-opera­ ward being credited with a full delega­ Maccabees' work Monday night: • • >• purchased of Mrs. P. R. Peck. tion of all interested in the advance­ tion. The supporters of AJthur J. "Yesterday afternoon and last even­ WoNted. over Loiigyear'H ilrng more, Ma*oii. ment of tiie city's interests. Tuttie and Samuel W. Smitli were ing was a gala time for the Maccaitees In Mason and Ingli.«ni county a good onar- A. See how cheap we are selling mil- Tiie Battle Creek Kentieinen claim aliout evenly divided, and it was a of this city, the occasion being a visit ;etlu innn tn sell stock In one of the beat roili­ LKREI) AI.LEN, Lawyer, Ollloe over linery at fng propoalllooKovorotreied. Terms liberal, L Webb A Whllman'D, Miwon. MRS. J. C. KIMMEL'S. much for their health foods and are royal battle, liotly contested but in the from Mason tent No, 10. Twenty- atook sella qulcklv. Write at onoe or call A ten-inch sewer is being construct­ prepared to demonstrate its excellent. best of liumor. three members of Mason tent came in upon jBNon iC. Hammond, IIS Joaeph St., 8. AVEUY, atloriioyullaw. onicuop- on the 2:30 train yesterday afternoon Lanalng, Mich, pofilte HtidHon Houae, lianaliig, Mich. ed on B street from Oak street north The gathering was called to order at and were entertained by their Jack«on E. to connect with the sewer in the alley II o'clock by County Chairman C. B. Hurae Htrnyed Away. REPUBLICAN CAUCUSES. (raters at Maccaiiee hail in the White g. A. HMiTii o. J, noon. between Oak and Ash streets. Col ling wood, aud gave a very pleasant Light brown niusiane mare from my prem­ CJ MITH 4 HOOD, Attornoya and Counselora. block. At 6 o'clock they were given a ises In While Ouk. Figure 3 branded ou O Roorn»l7,18andl9,oIilP.O. ItldB.,Lanaliifi N. N. Rouse lias received from L, talk and a good story. Hank, also branded on alioulder. Finder Menu* Holid Tiiltie DelAfMtiona to complimentary supper in tlie banquet write me at White Oak, and 1 will paydam- H. Covode of Meadow Brook Farm, Vonnljr Cunvnullon. M. R, Carrier nominated E. S. hail. A parade liad been arranged for Avery, a Tuttie supporter, for tempor­ ttgOS. U, BHAVKllDaB. rHTNIVIANH. Nobleville, Ohio, a Pliooiiix fox terrier 7 o'clock but owing to tlie rain about which he prizes very highly. Tiie ward caucuses in this city, to ary chairman, and the selection was that time it was not a success. PloHMra Atlenlloii. o. H^IFREELANDTM. D. select deiejjatea to attend the county made unanimous. A. £. Manning At 8 o'clock the Maccabees gathered There will be a meeting of the Meoutiva PHYSICIAN AND SUKQEON. Hours 8to The residence of Mrs. Amelia convention, were.held last Thursday board of the Ingimm County Pioneer Society was chosen secretary. at their hall and five candidates were May 21 at 'i o'clock, p. in., ut the realdence of a, m., 1 to 3, and 7 to 8 p. in. - Thayer of Aurellus was burned yester­ evening. day about noon. Contents partly The following committees were then initiated, the work being performed Mrs. O. B.Stlllman, to make arrangements G. E. MANN. It is the first lime in many a day appointed: in a most creditable manner by the lor the annual meeting In .Tune, I99t, Coma saved. House insured for liSOO. that such deep interest lias been sliowii and iiaslat to prepure a program. HOMEOPATH I'llVSIOlAN .4. SUKGEON. Permanent organisation and order of degree team of Mason tent, composed Mrs. o. B. STIM.MAN, Secretary. Sneoliil altenlion Klven to Kye, Ear, None in selectiug convention delegates. It The Stockbridge K. O. T. M. tent business—F. C. Bennett, Lansing; A. as follows: Commander, J. G. Snook; ml Tliroiit Dliieusesj dUeasea of Women has elected Elmer Dickerson as so happened that the caucuses in this past commander, G. A. Bordner; lieu­ PnalNre by Ihn Week. "~ nd Kuolal DlNcaHeH. A. Lumbard, Leslie; hi' B. McArthur, delegate to meeting of great camp in city were tiie latest held in the county, tenant commander, L. A; Gregg; Hnrae«,<.>Sc: young c»lttle,'.'Oc. tiounrmies. 5VFI0B m HKAH HI.KMHIW. 1 ID5 A 7 to »p.m.. and tlie contest was so close tlirough- Mason. Hay to cut lor the money. June. He is instructed for expansion. chaplain, Harry E, Wilson; soldlvrs of Sixty or more acres of bay lo be cot for the RooinH at C. W. lirowue'R rCHldeace. out the county that tlie result here was Creilentials—H. M. Gardner, Lan­ money. Parly wllh team and tools can bava Mrs. Leola Doolittle of Vevay has the cross, G. S. Mosher, John T. supjtoseti would, and did decide wheth­ sing; George Duuckel, Locke; C. L, Fowler, Bert Wilcox, Guy E. Royston, house aud barn room, garden, orchard and 3ERTRU0E D. CAMPBELL. M. D been granted a divorce from Clark H. er Inghain would send a delegation to Miller, Ingham, imsture until Movembur or aprlng. Hy.SICIAN AND SURGEON. OFFICE D'tolittle on tbe grounds of cruelty, B. J. Wright, Felix McOaniels, Will oew3 M, L. SiiaaiiAW, Eden. at residence, north Main otruet, MaaoD. the congressional oonveniion favorable An adjournment was then taken to O, Gregg, Carlton Hardenburg; sous, amcP e hourw H a, m. toV a. in. ^2 to -t and 7 to 8 and given the custody of the two to Arthur J. Tuttie, Ingham county's one o'clock. Rrood Now for Mule. minor children. Frank O. Cook, B. H. Field; peasant, .m. UountryaDd town ualU promptly at- candidate, or to Samuel W. Smith, the J. C. Royston; guide, C. M. Rliodes, Also twowHated top buggy, konded. The Tuttie delegates assembled at '-•oup - O.C.QBiryiir. Tbe supreme court this week ren­ Oakland county candidate. Some the armory, where lunch was spread At the conclusion of the work a R. FRANK E. THOMAS, PHYSICIAN dered a declsHion, in tbe case of Looiii- lively hustling was done Thursday with their candidate as host.
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