Typhoon Lynn surprises CNMI House I By Nick Legaspi telling of the storm's approach of emergency after the typhoon victims. Staff reporter said it was supposed to hit , slammed with winds of Tenorio said a team from the files a Typhoon Lynn hit the Northern but suddenly the reports changed 103miles per hour. The declara­ Federal Emergency Management Marianas early Monday and left and local civil defense personnel tion of a state of emergency al­ Agency were expected to arrive with damages estimated to be said the storm would hit Saipan lows the mobilization of re­ Thursday to assess the typhoon lawsuit more than $6 million. But, many and almost head-on. sources and personnel to provide damage. He said results of the on the island were unprepared Acting Governor Pedro A. food, shelter, medical supplies FEMA survey will determine because early news broadcasts Tenorio declared a 30-day stale and other services to typhoon See "LYNN", Page 17 to even CUC is in budget charge now By David T. Hughes split editor (, For all practical purposes, the By Nick Legaspi .1 Staff reporter Commonwealth Utilities Com­ The House ofRepresenta­ mission has assumed control of tives wants the court to de­ the utilities, and executive direc­ clare that each house of tor Pelc Sasamoto said last week Legislature must receive that "I am starting to get a handle S1.04 million for operations on things - I even have a radio out of the constitutionally now!" limited legislative budget of But, all is not necessarily rosy with the takeover. Sasamoto said $2.8 million :i ye:ir. "I want the court to settle although the bw which g:r:e the this problem so we don't CUC control over the utilities waste time in dividing the Home destroved also gives them control over Many families, like the Cruz family of Kolblervile, lost their hbmes in the winds of Lynn. See other photos See "TAKEOVER", page 46 legislative budget every throushout today's issue. year," Speaker Joe R. Li- , foifoi said in an interview before the suit was filed OcL.15. The complaint for decla­ ratory judgment filed by House counsel Dennis Boaz at the Trial Court cites Con- stitutional Amendment No. 9 which limits the legislative persons in February this y~. The settlement agreementr~moves budget to $2.8 million a Continental's equity interest in Air Micronesia and gave Micronesian year. According to the com­ Al()t of J>eople gdt alot ofcredit but everybody agrees that Jose C. governments and citizens majority ownership, although Air Mike wili plaint, the amendment pro­ Tenorio and Lairy L. Hillblom were the main reasons why Microne­ continue to be managed by Continental as a joint venti.Ire. ··•• .• •·· vides that the budget be di­ sians now lookto the future with an airlirie they own and operate. Hillblom, following the signingof the settlement agreement, gave vided equally between the · The consensus came out during the signing Tuesday of the closing credit to Tenorio for the successfulconclusion of the disputes. "He was House and the Senate but agreement among Continental Airlines, Ine.,Texas Air, Air Microne­ a stubborn man," Hillblom said of Tenorio in an interview. · docs not provide specific sia, Inc;, United Micronesian Development Association,lnc;,Peopleof He said that Joeten, popularly known as Joeten, took some hard guidelines on how to divide Micronesia,lnc;;Hillblom, Russ Curtis and Conrado L;G. Crisostomo. decisions to keep Air Mike in Micronesian hands. Hillblom .said the funds. >·111ecfosirigagreemerit pr()videsforwaivers to·speedup·theimple­ See ''AIR MIKE'', Page 19 The Senate, according to meritcd. There can be absolutely no justification for l:lli ves' sa larics (S.10,000 ing marks on voters' ballots for such a scheme. It constitutes a each or a total or S·Vi0,000). the purpose of monitoring their The Senate approa<:l1, direct subversion of the freedom electoral choices is repugnant to to vote as one chooses,"Judge See "HOUSE", age 21 the democratic principles upon Arson suspected in fire Stephen Reinhardt said in his Charred boo~s, wet p~pers and scorched office walls are fire signatures which the United States, the that lea,d police fire officials to think that a attorney Randy See "TINIAN", page 27 .an~ Commonwe.alth, and our com- Fennell s law office Is arson. See story page 47 for more details. ::

Typhoon Lynn a new sensory experience

Mercy! It really has been quite sleep. correct in its basic facts - that a week around the islands ..... We One of the major problems in certain legislators were not al­ have had a typhoon thatshouldn 't my bachelor household was the ways in the legislature, so the story was right. I also told them have hit us; Power outrages; no lack of water. I have been known that they could ask for an inter­ water; and finally, a lawyer's to go a day or two without a shower, but by Monday I was a view or write a letter to the editor office get torched. to put their side of it in the paper Yes, all-in-all, quite a week liule gurney. One of my neigh­ bors decided he was a little too views and opinions ex· and let the people decide. indeed. pressed herein are strictly I can say that if the legislature I am sure many of you arc ripe, too, so I saw him run outside those of the wr~er. They rmy. or may not· reflect the does haul a reporter before it in an wondering what happened with into a rainstonn with shampoo and soap in-hand, He stood under attempt to intimidate him or her, last week's paper. I want to here­ or to act as a court of law because with offer my apology for the the eaves and let tl1e rain pour may not be earning the money the ccrns about the mindset of any down on him, gelling clean in the taxpayers provide for their salary. public servant who feels that the their feelings are hurt, that a lot of story jumps that were not there unfavorable publicity will come and a few other problems: But., process. I figured "what the hell, I am also a great believer in pro­ public docsn't have the right to their way from the mainland be­ there is an explanation. why not?" and die! the same thing, tecting the identities of those who know what goes on in the halls of ~ cause story will be carried on the ~ Something happened to the as did.the two girls who live up­ want to tell the media whenever the legislature. Trying to intimi­ ~ wires of the Associated Press ~~ device that keeps the line voltage stairs. there is a person· in government or date a journalist is not the way to world-wide. constant to our computer system. The only problem was that at in other business who is not being foster confidence in voters. ~~ r.') The Commonwealth is part of ·~1' Whatever it was caused some first that water was COLD! But honest. I am sure that the legislators the United States in many re­ weird electrical interference with after a few minutes it was quite Nick Legaspi and I share this didn't like the story, especially if spects. Weareafreecountry. The I I> 1967 CARTOONEWS INC. SYNDICATE. NEW YORK. the hard disk system that we use pleasant and brought back common belief. We may differ on they were one of those named in ill~[ First Amendment guarantees free to contain our electronic files. It memories of when I was a child others, but in the belief that the the story. I have had several tell speech and a free press. No group ti\ scramblcd,thc data so badly that I and stayed al my grannie's farm. people who who come to us with me the story was "distorted", that of thin-skinned politicians can was unable to recover the pages We used rainwater then loo and information can have confidence "I was out of the Commonwealth l; change that. affected, OR the original stories had a great time. in our integrity, we arc both stead­ on government business." I as­ I have a lot of respect for the I that were involved. fast. ked the solons who talked to me; Holmes answers ******* people of the legislature. They Because of several factors, On a more serious 11otc: Sev­ Now I hear the legislature "were you then in-fact not in the have a tough job trying to bring story's charges including the fact I didn't have eral things happened at the close wants lo drag Nick before them to legislature as outlined in the order and self-government to an Dear Editor: enough actual time to re-write oflasl week that are of concern to ask who gave him tl1e information story?" At first they answered area used to years of being told According to your article, "Cable Lawsuit" in that portion of the story that was me, personally. I am a great be­ about the absences of certain yes, then no, then yes again. what to do. But, I would like to Friday's Variety, Mr. Hillblom said, "I don't want lost, and the fact that page 12 had liever in the people's right to legislators. They have the "right" Fina II y, I think I got at least people to get the idea that it's .... me against him ... already been printccl, all I could know how their government to ask the questions, but as a 25- one to understand that the story See "POINT", Page 4 . If the others backed out of this lawsuit, I would be do was be embarrassed that the works and who in govern.ment year journalist, I have grave con- Nick wroteaboutall~ndance was sunk." incident happened. If his lawsuit depends on tlle malarky he has been But, in the computer business, feeding the Variety, Mr. Hillblom is already sunk. as well as life, these things hap­ First, Mr. Hillblom knows HBO, ESPN, The pen. ( Letters to edito0 The BOTTOM line Disney Channel, and other Cable TV programs are Aiso, you may be wondering non-exclusive. So are all TV station progreams. So why our paper is very late this The San Francisco de Borja Fiesta is a tradition that goes back many Saipan Cable TV has nothing exclusive, except great week. It's because of Typhoon years and is of great significance to the people of Rota. It allows us an Perhaps we are not asking the right questions ... No people. Lynn. We haven't had any power opportunity to share our customs and hospitality with the people of one seems to be participating in our survey. Are you Second, Mr. Hillblom says himself he wants to PW executive criticized in our offices for four clays. As a surrounding islands and countries. losing interest? control the news. You say we have no reporter on maucrof fact, I am writing this in I wish to thank you for your effort in portraying this occasion and The FEW answers we had regarding a possible gaso- Saipan. Cable News has a temporary reporter on Dear Editor: my home early Wednesday hope that you will join us again next year. 1ine tax to help pay for better roads (the way it is in the US Your article on the overpaid employees was very Saipan, and Is looking for a permanent reporter. morning because I can at least Sincerely yours, of A) were mixed. Most said they would be for it, but interesting but was only part of the story. The Next, Mr. Hillblom claims Martindale Hubble have some power there. ls/Victor B. llocog didn't want the money collected on Saipan to go for roads listings are wrong. Attopmeys say each law firm highest paid civil service employee, Ms. Nieves The winds totally destroyccl a Representative elesewhcrc in the CNMI. Babauta, is also the most powerful person in \j We had one very fine reply, but it wasn't signed and gives the facts and pays to be in. If Mr. Donnici is ·, 1} large storage building in which listed by Donnici and Lupo as being special counsel government. In addition to her salary and overtime was housed thousands of boxes Car purchase is criticized alas, they didn't indicate an answer on their ballot!. we all know that she runs Public Works. Anyone I': Please take time to answer this week's question and to the CNMI legislature, and Mr. Hillblom as being ' and shceLS of paper. Plus the who crosses her is in big trouble and she can hie Dear Editor: Order for it, put it al I.he school and bring it by the office, mail it, or take it to Joetcn Center. "of course'', the information came from them. building itself gol into the power It is common knowledge in t11e keep it registered under our name Last, any Saipan Cable TV stockholder who asked whoever she pleases. lines feeding the office and CUC island of Rota that the Mayor has (maybe we could even use it for The most recent example of her power and the knew the company's financial status. They all had won't turn Lhc power back on used his office to promote his collateral for a Imn - what a great reason for this letter is the transfer from DPW to the access to the books. Those who came to the October until that can be fixed. family business. The most recent deal). CUC. Pete Sasamoto wanted to take over the an emergency. 9 morning meeting got the June 30 statements. Yet Mr. l can finally say that I have news about the purchase of the This is a great business tactic The spirit of Saipan's people to clean things up and get Mr. Hillblom's suit that afternoon said they didn't present building where the cue will conduct busi­ Ii ved through a typhoon. That can Mayor's car is an example of tliis (Laimi pat Kombalachi) we can ness and where the utility, water, power, and ac­ back to business should also be praised. Almost as soon have information. Nuts! now be added to me experiences practice. The Mayor pleads inno­ !cam from Paul and his father, the counting sections are located. This takeover would as the winds quit blowing, residents were outside seeing As for losing money on Rota, it was over $89,000 of living through a Florida hurri­ cence in this case. I suppose tJiat Mayor. In this regard mabye MiD have required that the only people to move would be to date at August 31, before additional losses on cane, several tornadoes, major means it was alright to buy a car, what needed cleaning up and then getting it done. the Administration or Ms. Babauta and her staff. Corp. really stands for Most Ideal depreciation, interest, and debt payments. ice and snow storms and a nood. have it registered under his wife's As of today, with the exception of some squashed trees She rcfusccl to move and told the Director to tell Deliberate Corruption Corp, The Saipan system has had positive cash flow for I guess the only thing left for me name, buy it from your children's and a little more junk on the beaches, anyone landing here Sasamoto that he could have the building next Lo I hope that an audit of the several years, but not enough to cover deprecation now is to be near a volcanic ex­ company (MID Corp. who never would hardly know we had a fight with Nature and it was them. This building is only a store house and the Mayor's Office is completed soon and be profitable. Mr. Mr. Hillblom knew that before l plosion and an earthquake, and actually owned it according to carpenter shop. Since the move would require a f and tJ1e results arc publishccl. The a draw. he filccl his suit, and certainly before he talked to you. my sensory experiences can be records, but who took the great expense Mr. Sasamoto asked the governor to people of Rota will not stand for The fact remains he wants to control Cable News, complete. $15,000. for it), and allow tl1e assist him but again, Ms. Babauta prevailed and f corruption in our government or and he is not going to. Several folks asked me if I was taxpayers to pay for it. forced the CUC to move to tlie vacant building. Last misuse of our tax dollars. It's tft!arianas (,Variety Sincerely yours, scared. l truthfully answered ... Maybe weshoukl buy"giflsfor about time these things were tJJew$ ~ CView$ week the Director had twenty men moving equip­ ls/Lee M. /lo/mes "not exactly." An addition Lo my the government" too. We could brought to light. ment and material to the vacant building. The cost to apartment house is under con· PUBLISHERS renovate the building is about $100,000. Of course purchase aS20,000. computer for /s/Joe H. tvlundo struction and there is (or rather - a "gift" for the school, use it 6 I/ ABED & PAZ CASTRO YOUNIS Thanks for coverage they did not move telephones so if you try to call tl1e Songsong, Rota was) a makeshift shelter with a 2 months, then gel a Purchase Phone 532-3426 Dear Editor: water or power offices no one will answer. Also the tin roof right next to my bedroom DAVIDT. HUGl'.IES motor shop and other maintenance shops cannot do EDITOR I would like to commend you and your newspaper window. As the winds escalated w for the terrific coverage of our annual San Francisco their work because they have equipment in botl1 higher aml higher that tin clat­ NICK LEGASPI buildings and since the typhoon work has stopped Dear Editor: H REPORTER de Borja Fiesta. The stories and photographs cap­ tered more and more. 1was afraid Being here for almost two years now after being away for 20 some . : on the transfer. Everybody blames the workers for Fttfrec to LJ.3C more paper to extend 70ur tured the spirit of Rota's biggest event and allowed y commrnls. Plme com pie I< this poll b! to go to sleep because I worried years, l never dreamed of ever writing LO the Editor on matters dealing '''I Publl1hed WHkly on S•lp•n by things not getting done but as you can see it is tlie TuesdJy and mall It lo the ne'"1paper al P.O. those who could not join us in our celebration to share the tin would be corning through with politics. However, having had tJ1e rare opportunity in talking with Box 231, Salpan, 96950.0231. OR drop II the festivities through your articles. administrative branch tlrnt causes the problems. the window. Finally, the wind ? In our nandy ballot box at Jotlcn Center. Signed (optional) @!lounis ilrt studio, inc. Please do 1101 use my 11ame or I would getfirecl. P.O. Box 231, S.lp1n, CM 96950 • Tel: 234.e:W1/234·7678 Continues on page 3 blew the tin away and l got some 11~--=::::::::::=:nm:....:.:,.r.: .....,,,:~:::.e:1m::::::-:::::Ma:1~=====•=•=•:;;a:sa::a;uzz;;Mi;Q;;;;a1m~m'!~ ,!,·.·· . ------•. ,-

------~O~C~TO~B::;E~R~2=::3'..!...,~19.87 - MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS & VIEWS -- Page 5 Page 4 -· MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS & VIEWS -- OCTOBER 23, 1987 lnterPacific Group unviels ·$200,000 program · Will train qualified residents·for careers training education, determine Feds looking at utility grant programs By Nick Legaspi Schwenke, a media co-sponsor the awards must have worked or serving" by a panel of educators, the amount they need and justify Staff reporter business and community leaders will provide editorial or advertis­ fulltime at.least two years in any rity numbers of family members variety of jobs in any capacity. He their proposed expenses. based on two test criteria: the to re-certify program beneficiar­ The InterPacific Group is who will comprise the program's ing space to promote the program By Nick Legaspi 1986, up by $2,000 from previous proof of income such as check cited as an example a person who Awardees who need more than asset test which takes into ac­ ies on the two islands and to cer­ launching a career development board of directors. to minimize costs. This will allow Staff reporter annual grants of $32,000. stubs and other information had been working for minimum a year of training or school has to count the household's money in tify prospective beneficiaries. awards to help qualified residents Marian Aldan-Pierce, vice more funds to go directly to Households whose electric He said his department had wage and would like to train in apply for scholarship every year. the bank, savings and stocks or which would be used for verifica- .. ~. .. of Guam and the Northern Mari­ president of Duty Free Shoppers award recipients. bills are paid with federal money asked the DOT to raise the tion purposes. Letters will be sent 1 Guam to become an automotive This will enable the board to bonds, and the household size Santos said the dates for the l anas to pursue further training Ltd.(Saipan), was appointed as Continental Air Micronesia, will be surveyed soon to deter­ amount to$89,DOO in anticipation interview with heads of house­ to participants lo inform them of "1'·1 according to Picarro, would pro­ mechanic. monitor their progress. of the Commonwealth Utilities and income. and education for their chosen acting chairman of the board mine whether Liley arc still eli­ holds would be announced by the the time and date of their inter- . ; vide40 round trip tickets to award InterPacific expects to start the Corporation's metering program. He said that a single person career. while Younis was named as gible for the aid program, Ray department. Participants must view at the DCCA office at t recipients from Guam and the He said prospective recipients grant of monetaryf awards in Electric bills are expected to go earning not more than $4,472 a The San Francisco-based in­ board member. Santos, director of the Depart­ bring with them the social secu- Lower Base. f Commonwealth, also as a co­ must do their homework: they Guam and the Commonwealth in up once CUC starts charging year is eligible for the program. A vestment firm which owns and Younis, publisher of the Mari­ ment of Community and Cultural sponsor of the program. should look for the place or January. A similar program is household with four members ~·\ operates the Pacific Islands Club anas V:ariety, agreed to co-spon­ Affairs, said Oct. 16. consumers based on the amount .. Schwenke said applicants for school where they want to go for being prepared for Hawaii. Santos said in an interview that of power they use instead of the earning a total of$5, 172.96a year Ju ry finds Ludwick guilty in Guam and the Surf Hotel in sor the program. According to a about 230 households in the current Oat rate system. may also avail itself of assistance. t Saipan is providing $200,000 a The U.S. Congress has appro­ In general, handicapped per­ of first - degree murder rt year for the awards program in Commonwealth were receiving '} sons and senior citizens (65 years Guam and the CNMI, according assistance under the Low-In­ priated a total of $275 billion for Three of Ludwick's co-ac­ ~ By Nick Legaspi .." to Reg Schwenke, president of come Energy Assistance Pro­ the program. or older) are eligible for assis­ cused were earlier convicted for Staff reporter Promotion Concepts 808 which gram of the United States Dept of Santos said during the inter­ tance. A six-man jury ended nine days lesser offenses in connection is organizing the program. Energy. The program pays up to view that the DCCA would con­ The mass re-certification proj­ of closed-door deliberations Oct. with the assault on Luke and oLhcr Schwenke said in a. meeting $25 a month for each household's duct a mass re-certification ect, according to Santos, will 15 when it convicted Sinoro people in Chinatown May 26 this Oct.8 with Duty Free Shoppers power consumption. process to determine whether the determine whether participants Ludwick for the first degree year. \ (Saipan) Tom Picarro and Saipan Santos said DCCA, which current beneficiaries are still eli- in the program are still eligible for murder of Hyatt Regency waiter Sinoro, his brother Sipen, and assistance. He said survey teams Chamber of Commerce President administers the program locally, - gible for assistance. He said eligi­ Charles Luke. John Jones and Kinteno Joseph received $34,000 in fiscal year bility for assistance is determined would also go to Rota and Tinian went to Luke's house in China­ Abed Younis that InterPacific's town May 26, allegedly to apolo­ scholarship program is open to gize to Frank Mo!, Luke's anybody in any field regardless of housemate,to apologize because age, religion, sex, national origin of a previous dispute. Mol was or political preference. not in the house. A fight ensued, The monetary awards are also leaving several people hurt and available to those who have not Luke dead, with stab wounds and finished high school and to those lacerations on the head. who want to finish college or Sinoro and Joseph were work toward postgraduate de­ charged with first degree murder, grees. Sipen with principal to first de­ Monetary awards of $2,000 to gree murder and Jones with sev­ $10,000 a year will be provided to eral counst of assault with a as many as 12 Guam and CNMI dangerous weapon. residents judged as "most de- The jury started deliberations Oct.7 after hearing the prosecu­ Ten or iO asks tion and defense. It came out Oct. 13 and convicted Jones for a for new 9.02 count of assault with a dangerous NMI weapon. Jones was found not rep for guilty of two other counts of as­ Saipan (CNS) - Gov. Pedro P. sault with a dangerous weapon Tenorio has written to President and the lesser offense of assault Reagan asking him to appoint a and battery. new U.S. Representative to the The jury on the same day found Covenant 902 negotiations. In an Joseph not guilty of first degree oct. 6 letter to President Reagan, murder but convicted him for the Governor said that former second degree murder. He was Assistant Secretary for Territo­ also found guilty of assaulting rial and International Affairs Bender Bernard with a dangerous ~ichard T. Montoya was appo­ weapon. mted as the Presidenl's special Sipen Ludwick was convicted representative at Lhe 902 consul­ Oct.14. He was found not guilty tations. The Governor appointed Lt. of principal to first degree murder Gov. Pedro A. Tenorio and six but was convicted for principal to WWW

OCTOBER 23, 1987 - MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS & VIEWS -- Page 7 }>age 6 •• MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS & VIEWS ·-OCTOBER 23, 1987 Gavenda presents paper on nuke dumping hazards in U.S.A. Carmen safeway-Meitetsu Ken Govendo of the Northern Dumping Convention in Septem­ level waste disposal study which Marianas College presented a ber, 1985and theeffortsofCNMI was examining sites for dumping paper in late May at the Fifth citizens to persuade Japan not to in the same area where the Ja. Symposium on Coastal and dump its nuclear waste 600 miles panese would like to dump. "Re­ ~ r3~r3m1mma mm1 limDtili~ Ocean Management at the · north of Saipan. alistically, the federal govern­ Westin Hotel in Seattle. The ment no longer has any valid OCT.23 - OCT.29,1987 Symposium is held every other "Over 100 people attended the reason for continuing its "option year and is sponsored by the presentation of the paper", said open" policy on ocean disposal. American Society of Civil Engi­ Govendo. "Most Americans Just about the entire world voted neers, NOAA and other organiza­ don't know about the Marianas, for the moratorium on ocean tions. the Japanese plan and the present dumping. The United States has Close-Up Govendo' s paper, entitled, U.S. policy towards nuclear not dumped nuclear waste in the Folger Inst. Pineapple 1.89 oceans since 1970 and the envi­ Coitee 8 oz. 4.98 Juice 46 oz. Toothpaste "Nuclear Waste Dumping in the dumping in the ocean. Hopefully, 4.6 oz. Ocean · - Is it Over?", outlined the this talk educated some people ronmental movement, both in­ history of nuclear dumping, the who are involved in the ocean­ side and outside the government, Sliced efforts of Nauru and Kiribati to coastal management field." is too strong for the U.S. to ever Folger Ground Colgate totally ban ocean dumping, the Govendo said he learned that resume dumping", Govendo Coffee 3 lbs. 9.98 Halves 1 09 said. .Peaches • Toothpaste 2.98 moratorium vote at the London the U.S. has abandoned its high 16 oz. 9.4 oz. Help for r ~;i;::~r~~~are av~.uab1e to help people with drinking problems Oak Luncheon al co h 0 I Al-Anon meetsf~ 8-9.:30 p.m. every Monday' attbe Maturana Yo~th center 1.39 Cream Style I 09 · n Navy Hill. . .: :; · Meat 12 oz. Corn 17 oz. • White ·r< , · . · Toothpaste problems .Alcoholics Anonymolis(AA)/Basta Bulacbo also meets Mondays, from 7-8:30 1A9 .ll&ble p.m. at the Department'Of'Community and Cultural Affairs in Lower Base. 190g. ava Information on either,gl'Ollp can be obtained at 234-5248, from 8 a.m. to 4:30 Oak Danish .m. . . . ·:·.'·· . Ham 16 oz. Whole Kernel 78 ~ j Corn 17 oz. " --·---·------Zest Soap 5 oz. GRE test Real Fresh Milk 32 oz. 1.19 Tomato Catsup89~ 14 oz. ~ forms are available Slice Light Meat Pineapple 6 9 C at college Tuna 185g. 79~ 8 oz. Those who arc interested in Coast Soap taking the Graduate Record Ex­ 1: 5 oz. amination (GRE) on Saipan De­ ,. Mackerel in : , -'-'"' ~ Tomato f \· ~... 69~ cember 12, 1987, may pick up Natural Oil ...~.../ • .---1 Sauce 15 oz. Salt Added application forms at the office of 89C Dr. John Romisher at the North­ 150g. Kao Rinse Slice ern Marianas College. 220 ml. Applicants must send their Pineapple 1.19. applications and fees' to the 20 oz. Testing Service in New Jersey u.c.c. before November 6, 1987, for Oolong Tea regular registration. 190g. 69C If l 0 or more students arc inter­ Kao ested, Romishcr will offer a two­ J.T.S. INSURANCE COMPANY, INC. u.c.c. session Continuing Education ·wonderful 2.98 workshop on How To Take the Lemon tea 79C 1.3kg. GRE on Saipan, November 20, 250g. 1987 and December 11, 1987. THE FIRST DOMESTIC INSURANCE The fee is $10 for the workshop. COMPANY IN THE C.N.M.I. Sanitary Kao Students must supply their own u.c.c. book. Application forms arc Coffee 250g. 79C Napkins 1.5 9 Wonderful available from Romishcr. He 28 cts. 500g. 1.19 may be reached at 234-7394 for - We BOND CONSTRUCTION additional information. 1 PROJECTS ' I Lemon Dish .69 CUC payment Detergent 1 - WE BOND NON-RESIDENT Prawn 32 oz. sites announced Crackers 7 9~ 3.59 As announced earlier, the WORKERS FOR LABOR (Made in ) " Dish Detergent Commonwealth Utilities Corpo­ 85g. Japanese Fresh 1.98 ration is assuming control and - WE BOND DEPENDENTS FOR Royal 600 ml. responsibility for the operations and maintenance of power, wa­ IMMIGRATION ter, and wastewater in the Com­ monwealth of the Northern Mari- - WE BOND DOLLAR REMITTANCE Happy Time an as. Biscuits In our continuing efforts to CENTERS 7.50 bcuer serve you, effective Oct 01, 1987 you will br, able to pay Rice Sticks your Utility Bills at the follow­ ing: Located At: Meridian Bldg., Middl.e Road, soc/CAN. 500g. I. Bank of Guam Gualo Rai, Saipan 11.981cs. 2. Bank of Hawaii 3. CUC Business Office - Lower Base Telephone Number: 234-8808 I 234-8809 ~~~. ,·_,flfJl!for shopping at CARMEN SAFEWAY-MEITETSU SHOPPING CENTER Problem bills will be referred ·,:~:·::\\ ~~u1~where you'll always fin dthe. best service,saving,quality and varietyt to their business office for action. ,I ...... 1 ~.•~a~·-~d.[•~-;>,~ _:a.-.:~ ~~:~~-=~~~~~~-~~~·~~~~-m~~~~ffi~.~·-·_w;u._ ~ ,...... ~';f;L·~.~.~~'l!~~~..JIAU:J~~'"V~~ ...~ w .... ~A ...... ~~~~~~ L.'...~~~;... ;;n:;;~.- ... ~-"'-~• ~ \ ,. ~------~------..______~~~ 4

OCTOBER 23, 1987 - MARIANAS VARlETY NEWS & VIEWS -- Page 9 Page 8 -- MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS & VIEWS--OCTOBER 23, 1987 Food stamp benefits get better Arts board sets public hearing Food stamps recipients will see a four percent increase in their benefits beginning October 1, 1987, and a nine percent increse iri their maximum gross income, according to Nutrition Assistance Program dates on Saipan, Tinian, Rota South Pacific's 40 Administrator Pat DeBeer. The Commonwealth Council National Endowment for the Ans November 13,Fridayat5:30p.m. DeBeer said the recent increase came as a result of a recent increase in the CNMI's consumer price index. for Arts and CulL~re Board ~nd these hearings are being held for al the Capitol Hill Convention She said a recent survey showed that there is a 4.27 percent increase in food items in local stores and a nine staff_ mem~crs "."'111 be holding the first time and will take place Center. Input from the commu- years honored by percent increase in other items, for the period July 1,· 1986 to June 30, 1987. pubhc hcanngs m Lhe month of on Rota, November 10. niLy, questions, comments and Although she expects to sec an increase in the number of participants in the program, DeBeer said that all Nov~mbcr .. The hearings will ~e Also, Tuesday at I :00 p.m. at suggestions about future plans in depends on a legislation pending before the Governor which raises salaries of certain government for discussion of the State Basic Lhe Roundhouse; Tinian, Novem- the Arts of the Northern Mariana Tenorio, other govs employees. Plan for the Art~, yc:ars 1989 - ber 12, Thursday at 7:00 p.m. at Islands is encouraged at these Currently, there arc about 4,200 individuals who are receiving food stamps benefits in the entire CNMI, 1991. Asa new dtrecuve from the the Social Hall; and Saipan, meetings. The 40Lh Anniversary of the South Pacific Commission costing about S3. 7 million annually. · (SPC) is being celebrated al Headquarters, Noumea, New As an example of what the food stamps benefits increase means, DeBeer said that for a single household Caledonia. The conference will be attended by top govern­ with a zero income who is receiving $97 maximum allotment per month of food stamps benefits, will now ment administrative representatives from twenty-seven Paci­ get $101. For a 22 size household with a current monthly benefits of $1,596, will now get SI ,660, plus $75 fic Island members (CRGA). more for each additional member. Governor Pedro P. Tenorio, Speaker of the House, Jose R. Lifoifoi, and President of the Senate, Julian Calvo left for JUSTIN S. MANGLONA New Caledonia October 6th. Ray Guerrero, Special Assistant Candidate for Board of to Lhe Governor, will attend for the sixth time as Senior Educalion Representatives of the Commonwealth. "This is the firsttimc an anniversary will be celebrated and tJ1e first time an artist EDlfCATION from each island member is invited to attend. Artists will Q!IALTFTCATTON: share traditional cultural activities such as songs, dance, - Master of Science chants, weaving, basketmaking, jewelry making, wood and Degree from .Oregon coconut carving in the Omstrom Auditorium," Guerrero said. College of Education Manuel Perez, Artist and Master Craftsman was selected by Governor Tenorio and the Council for Arts and Culture to - Bachelor of Arts Degree · represent the Commonwealth of the Northern Marianas. from Currently Perez works for the Department of Education and was granted leave to attend this event. He has participated in - Education Administra­ many exhibitions, works as an artist in the schools of Saipan, tion Certificate from East­ Tinian, and Rota, and has given many workshops for students West Center, University and teachers in traditional and contemporary art activities. He of Hawaii works in the traditional mediums of coconuts and palm - Management Certificate fronds, wood, and Pandanas. "I am very proud to represent my from the University of people as an artist in Noumea, and to share the skills and Nebraska Extension l'li~,, knowledge I have acquired in many years of work," Perez Ground broken for new eatery Program ~.,, Groundbreaking for the new San Antonio Elementary cafeteria was held earlier this month at the school. said. (CNS). Participating in the ceremonies were (from left) Rep. Gregorio Sablan, principal Jose B. Aldan.It. governor Pedro 'VQRK EXPERIENCE: A. Tenorio. DOE CIP planner Herman Cabrera, mayor Gilbert Ada, PT A president Pedro Nakatsukasa, construction company owner Vic Villacrusis, vice principal John Castro and engineer Ill Bonifacio Magahiz of public works. A. Mathematics Teacher - Hopwood Jr., Sr. High School 1967-1968 J B. Principal of the following schools: The old swimming cavern ... Folks on the mainland have their "old swimming holes", but we here in the San Roque and Tanapag Elementary Schools Maraianas go them one better. We have our own cavern -the Grotto where u all classes of water freaks can gather. Here swimmers, divers, and just 1968-1969 Garapan Elementary School 1969-1970 plain sitters mingle for an afternoon"s fun. Hopwood Jr. High School 1970-1974 8 C. Acting Principal of the following schools: Chahm Kanoa Elementary School Nov.-Dec. T Fil-Am Assn. approves .,. -m•·=a•">~~l 1974 Please Come to the First and Only Marianas High School Mar-June 1976 I Constitution and will D. Secondary Education Coordinator - HQTRS ask forconsulate here Education Feb.'75- Uec. ·7s N FUNDAAI ING DINNER for !\ E. Acting Chief, Elem./ Sec. Teacher Education The general membership has unanimously ratified the constitution I ~ i \ which has been adopted by the board of directors during the general HQTRS Education Oct. '77- Aug. '78 s. membership meeting held last September 26. As of press time, !he Anicia Q. Tomokane, Candidate ~ ~I F. Acting Chief, Adm. Services Division - I-IQTRS officers under President Adolfo "Pogi" Serrano and the board under ~ ~ ! \ Education - Aug. '78-Dec. '78 chainnan Nick B. Loste arc putting in the final touches for !he 1 association to be chartered. The association is currently drawing in for Board of Education #12, on r_ i ~l G. Chief, Adm. Services Division - HQTRS crowds due to new concepts incorporated in its organizational set-up. 1 Education Dec. '78-July '80 ~ tvlcmbcrs have more benefits and security. Saturday, October 31, 1987, l1 ~ ~j -: Other points which the association has undertaken for the benefits of H. Homestead Administrator - i\'larianas Public ;, Land Corporation July '80 to pn:-sent A all Filipinos in the Commonwealth as well as the citizens of the CNMI ::~ from 7:00 to 10:00 p.m. at the ~ · lil .. were the adoption of board resolution no. 87-03 which requests 8 In addition to the above positions, I have also - Philippine President Corazon Aquino to establish a consulate office in 1 ~ [. '.i~ Caro1·1n1·an Utt be·h·1nd the m) r:!: conducted workshops for teachers, taught N the CNMI. mathematics for ABE participants as well as ~- The othcralLernativc which is board resolution no. 87-04 requests the Garapan Basketball Court. Career Education Course for the Community (j ::: Philippine Labor Secretary for the transfer and assignment perma­ I~ II college of Micronesia. nently to the CNMI, the Philippine labor attachc currently assigned in .·. Guam. n; Donation is $15.00 per person. ~i, I am running for membership in the Board of - :1 ;: i: : Education because I WANT TO IlELP. Please L - ~[· There will be Door Prizesy H r vote for me so together we can plan and achieve - Duenas tapped for bi-lingual success by providing realistic educational and :; training opportunities for our children and our 0 .,, scholarship award honors Please come and support our Only Woman Candidate ;. · }; people. :J. I~ ~ ;; ·~.·.: ~. Of the 13 canclidatcs running for till' Boar~•=-==c='~'",,g=w«~=-~~,,..,.•• ~"'"'''"'==r.~•~··~·~~···~-~-~-· -- -··--~----·--~~-~~•-n•~=----"-••·--~~~·~'"· :j .•fii ·.~:l .'.r, ~.J:'~J!fDM-~mt!';Jt»~'·=.:m ... ______...,...... ,....,.====,,...._------


HERMAN'S FOOD BASKET/GARAPAN MONDAY TO SUNDAY 6:00 AM TO ·12:00 AM erman's HERMNJ'S FOOD BASKET/AIRPORT ROAD ..1NVENTORYw. ' ' MONDAY TO SATURDAY 7:00 AM TO 7:00 PM ~'i SUNDAY ONLY 7:00 AM TO 6:30 PM I EFFECTIVE: OCT. 22 TO 28, 1987 food basket · ... ) ![_~~.~~-----~----= I~,--;··~ ; (t1ttorme1J ~=-- . .~."'#~ . ·~, 1~· •. : ~- _,:, . I . / .. "" --t.~ ~- ~::=~~~ -·~ ~. ·-:~-~~ . ~~ ; I ALL HARD > ,ii HornieT- Hormel ~ . LIQUORS Whole U.S. Chicken Frosty Corned Beef Spam Reg. Delmonte Sliced Delmonte Del Monte Delmonte Chicken Ground Thighs Acres Corn Fresh Green 12 oz. or less salt Yellow Cling Cut Green Whole Kernel Seedless 25°/o Fryers Beef 10# 10# Cobs 8/ears Choice Oragnes Cabbage 12 Peaches 16 oz. Beans 16 oz. Corn 17 oz. Raisin 15 oz. 32# JCS 1.65 oz.1.59 Off llb /Lb 79C 65C 1.05 24.85 1.59 /Lb. asc 1.25 /pK 1.95 /pl< 45C 604 ALL I . . GERBER ! . . ~~.~l ft~.,~ AND .! BEECH-NUT ...... '..... ___~:1 :.:;;.- Hills Bros ~/ Marca Penguine Brunswick ~LI Delmonte Instant FOODS U.S. Large U.S. U.S.\Med. EI Rey Sardine In C&H Sugar Everyday Yellow Sardine In Pineapple Coffee 4 oz. Gold Medal 9" Med Onions Eggs Extra-Lg. Eggs Chorizos Soya Oil Vegetable 5# ALL SIZES Natural Oil Juice 46 oz. Juice 12 oz. A/P Flour 5# Paper Plate Eggs oz. I 6# 15 oz. 3.53 I 25°/o I ioz. 3.25 1A9 40C 1Lb IAOrm 1.65 1.29102. 28.90 s·9c 69C 1.05 soc 2.25 1.95 Off

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;. .. ! F~rmstead iPl<.11- "Coast" llh. DRINKS DEPT. ~ ..... ~- . Sliced BAKING DEPT. I : ;:::;.. - f;con 2.15' .· Salami 1.39 . -- n»: Duncan Hines Budweiser 13 95 Asst. Cakes Beer • Foster Farm "Coast" /Lb Mixes 1.3S Weekend Only Baking Hens 95C Bologna 1A9 18.25 oz. 24112 oz. ~ /Lb · Tai-Koo Schlitz Sugar Beer u.s. 1.85 HotChorizos 12.50 liiJ' 4.4# 1.15 24112 oz. Bottom ,~ Round Steak /Lb !Lb 1• 99 ·: Gold Medal Asst. Can NP Flour Soft Drinks U.?. Polish 2.99 24112 oz. 11.50 Pnme3x~ Ribs 2.79\ifl \;.!<~·. Sausage 2 • 35 '· ;.~.:..-,: 10# /Lb /f._b , ~~l'------':Jf--~--~~~ ~ Kingsford Hi-C Drinks .35 Corn Starch 2718 oz. ~~~:en .95 ~;~~~~~ 2.30 ~.:..·~-~~.- 16 oz. . Stewing 30# I Lb . / l-D. -- ~- a.95 THANK YOU For Shopping At Herman's Food Basket we Accept NAP Food Page 12 ··MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS & VIEWS -- OCTOBER 23, 1987 OCTOBER 23, 1987 - MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS & VIEWS •• Page 13 Blue Pacific chopper . "( ;:···t· turns angel of mercy It's here! The Obyan Latte site echoes during typhoon wind the Commonwealth's past . By Nick Legaspi Staff reporter SU Blue Pacific Helicopter Co., I.he only Saipan-based firm of its kind, ® by J oseplz P. DI. Guerrero and sailing canoes which he used to when their inhabitants were is fast becoming a necessity in local emergencies. Micha_el A. Fleming return Lo the bcleagured Spanish moved lo Guam by the Spanish While flights on fixed wing aircraft are cancelled during typhoons for you Located along scenic Obyan colony at Agana. colonial administration. Blue Pacific evacuates stranded persons to safer places and patients to Beach at the southern end of Within Len years of Quiroga's Today, Obyan is a popular pic­ the hospital. Saipan are the remains of the visit, Obyan was abandoned and nic and fishing spot and is en­ Kim Anderson, Blue Pacific's marketing and office manager, said in New - check out the value ancient Chamorro settlement of islanders relocated Lo two mis­ joyed by island residents and an interview Wednesday that seven hunters were picked up from Goal Obyan, one of the few places on sion villages established at other visitors. Next Lime you are there, Island Sunday morning when it became apparent that Typhoon Lyn DL Hatchback island which retains its prehis­ locations on Saipan. Eventually, take the time to visit the latte site would hit the Northern Marianas on that day. She said the Tinian toric name. these villages also were deserted and enjoy a liLtle island history. mayor's office contacted Blue Pacific to take the hunters back to Originally, Obyan probably Tinian. contained a dozen or more latte Later that day the company was again asked to take an appendectomy sets and other remnants of prehis­ patient from Tinian to the Commonwealth Health Center. On Monday, toric life but rai !road construction wil.h strong winds still prevailing over Saipan and Tinian, Blue Pacific undertaken by the Japanese in the Upper: Objan Latte Stone clearP.d of surface vegetation, prior to picked up a woman who was due to deliver her baby. She was brought 1920s destroyed much of the vil­ excavation. Lower photo shows shaft looking north, top of shaft lo Saipan International Airport where an ambulance was waiting to lage. Today, the site contains has weathered away/. lake her to CHC. only one latte house tucked pro­ Anderson said a helicopter is not as subject to typhoon and heavy tectively in a small cove along the winds as aircraft with large wings. "lt's a lot more stable," she said. clifflinc. She added that Blue Pacific's pilot, Rufus Crowe, "is very experi­ OFF Archaeological research con­ enced in bad weather flying." ducted at Obyan in the late 1940s Crowe, according Lo Anderson, said that winds were extremely indicates that the village enjoyed heavy, blowing about 30 to 40 miles an hou~, before and after the a long period of human habita­ typhoon. During his emergency flights Crowe observed a lot of tion. Fertile land and easy access devastation on the ground in Saipan and Tinian. to protected off-shore waters OFF would have made this location particilarly attractive to early is­ land settlers. Radio debate is Obyan was visited by a Spanish military expedition in 1684 under the command of Captain Jose de off for KSAI offer Quiroga. The Spanish requested the assistance of Ohyan vii lagers The proposed debate between Saipan.KCNM also planned a in securing a peace treaty with the democratic incumbent Washing­ live broadcast. nearby village of Agingan. The ton Representative Froilan C. Tenorio, in his leuer to accep­ peace was shorllived, however, Tenorio and republican chal­ tance, said, "Of course, I am and Quiroga, upon learning of a lenger Jesus P.\Mafnas has been most anxious to debate the is­ native uprising on Guam, sacked Obyan and commandeered eight Latte sites have been overgrown with vegetation over cancelled. A date acceptable to sues affecting [the the years boLh candidates could not be Commonwealth's] relationship scheduled. with the Federal government al The debate was proposed by any forum which is convenient radio station KSAI, which was to to Mr. Mafnas ..." sponsor the event. The Saipan Mafnas wrote to KSAI, "I will For the best homeowners insurance, Chamber of Commerce had be pleased to participate." agreed to host the candidates fo­ Mafnas added, "Because of rum. prior scheduled commitments, don't fiddle around. Doug Campbell, KSAI Gen­ however, the only time ... avail­ ~ ' eral Manager, said busy sched­ able is November 2, 1987." - -- -, .' - i. ules during the final weeks of the Come see us.

campaign weresitedas the reason November 2 will be widely • ' ~:~ ~ ' ! '·) ' ! : ; for the conflict of dates. observed as the All Saints Day "Mr. Tenorio and Mr. Mafnas holiday. \1 lf you own a home. you need agreed in writing to participate in Campbell said other dates I more than just good fire the debate but apparently the were suggested but were unac­ insurance. You also need candidates have commitments ceptable by one or both candi­ protection for theft damage from which prevent them from agree­ dates. wind and hail. liability coverage ing on a date," Campbell said. "I "We looked at dates as early and much more. am disappointed because the vot­ as October 19 and as close to And. with today's escalating ers will miss an opportunity to election day asNovember6, but GL Turbo 3-Door Coupe prices you want to make sure hear the candidates address the could not reach agreement," he you're covered for your home's major issues of the campaign." said. "The date also had to be $1,,.. 5ii.ll. "·'~UJ'.l_Vu~ f{'(1 (li; 11·~_v replacement value and for that of KSAI had planned to broadcast acceptable to the Saipan Cham­ your most precious belongings. the debate live throughout the ber of Commerce, but the OFF So, don't fiddle around when it Commonwealth. The station is Chamber was willing Lo do all it 30 comes to homeowners insurance. heard in Guam, Rota, Tinian, and could Lo accommodate the date Let us help you find the best the Northern Islands as well as requirements of the candidates. Over..BBi'Jew SUBARU at Great Savings coverage for your needs. Call us today. We Take TRADE-IN'S LISTEN TO STEREO ON 234-6142/6442/65 71/ 7185 THE 1987 SUBARU!' KZMl-FM 93.9 Happy Birthday!!! Inexpensive. And built to stay that way. ON YOUR DIAL LENI MOYLAN'S INSURANCE UNDERWRITERS (INT'L), INC. Sablan Building From someone --lRIPljt ·"'~rZ&V·l01rl\1YRS-- m P.O Box 206. Saipan. CM 96950 who cares MOYLAN'S Fax: 234-8641 TEL: 234-7133 ~/ GARAPAN, BEACH ROAD Hom1• ol ltll' (jewel Guy\ Telephone 234-6142/6442/65 71/ 7185 Page 14 -- MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS & VIEWS -- OCTOBER 23, 1987 OCTOBER 23, 1987 - MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS & VIEWS -- Page 15 CHC patients given video movie boosters Over 500 tickets are 1ai Saipan's Town and Country to support the television service The program service, which cable TV system which was in­ CHC who fall under the unit are dismissed Video Rental in San Jose Village now being offered to patients at has been offering entertainment stalled at the time the CHC was operating the VCRs which carry By Nick Legaspi is supplying an unlimited num­ the Commonwealth Health Cen­ to patients at no charge since built. the movies between 9 a.m. and 9 Staff reporter Pit Hank Hettmansperger, Chair­ p.m. ber of videotapes on a daily basis ter. early September, is carried on the A total of 570 traffic . cases man of the CHC's "Cinema Earlier contributions to the pending in the last three years Committee" which is responsible system included a VCR and TV were closed by the Trial Court I Need Your for the service welcomed the monitor from Mr. and Mrs. Juan Oct. because the alleged viola­ most recent contribution, saying S.N. CabreraofSaipan. A second 16 that "it will certainly simplify the VCR and TV monitor came from tors were not brought to I.rial. . ~- Of the total pending cases, Joeten Enterprises to the CHC d ~ problems involved in gelling the right kind of tapes every day." Volunteers, who in tum pre­ eight have been outstanding since · ...... 1984, 187 since 1985 and 375 00 II Previous! y, the system had sented them to the service. Microl __ ·: ·-. ·... ·.·ff.~- been oeprating on an experimen­ Corporation contributed yet since 1986, or a total of 570 cases. ~ tal basis, with tapes brought in by another TV monitor. Court record show that this year a total of 489 traffic cases arc still " staffers and others provided by Plans for the CHC television T's Video Express of Susupe system also include a permanent pending. VOTE Village. While the policy has library of tapes. Saipan's TripleJ Judge Jose S. Dela Cruz, in his been to show only G and PG­ Motors has made a monetary order,said that arrest warrants Frances For House of Representatives rated films, some material not cont.ribution toward this goal, as were issued by the court lo bring Garapan, San Jose, appropriate for CHC audiences have individual CHC staffers and the alleged offenders to trial but '"KILILI'' has slipped by. "With the regular members of the public. the warrants were not executed Oleai, Puerto Rico, & within the time required by Rule supply of tapes, we'll have a Hettmansperger said that con­ The Northern Islands better handle on what's playing," t.ributions of videotapes or cash to \ 5 of the Commonwealth Rules of SABLAN buy videotapes would be "most Traffic Procedure. Ruic 5 pro­ Hcttmansperger said. Paid for the committee to elect, FRANCES SABLAN (KILILI) CHC assistant hospital administrator Ned Arriola, volunteers Betty Hefner, Barbara Hettmansperger is also Chief welcome." Checks should be vides for a 30-day period within Hofstra, Clarence Tenorio of Joeten Ent. and volunteer president Susan Schwarz ready a of Support Services al the CHC made to the "Commonwealth which persons who arc cited for VCR to play some of the donated tapes. Hospital phone operators at the Health Center, "for videotapes." traffic violations must be ar­ rested. Ir they arc not, the court is required by the rule to mark the CNMI men cases closed on its records, sub­ ject to being re-opened if the SHOP alleged violators arc brought to get a break court. Records of the closed cases on draft will be given to the Bureau of STOCK Motor Vehicles, the Department The U.S. government an­ of Public Safety and the Attorney nounced that it has agreed to a General's Office. Margaret Pa­ PRICE request by Resident Representa­ lacios, clerk of court, said that tive Froilan C.Tenorio not to persons cited in the traffic cases prosecute local young men who could still voluntarily pay their have so far failed to register with fines to clear their records and their local draft boards. Officials avoid being arrested. They will of the U.S. Selective Service have to pay $20 additional fine for late payment. System also said, in a letter re­ VISIT leased to the public, they have approved Representative Businessman & Tenorio's request to extend the deadline for draft registration tourist robbed until December of this year. /Jy Nick Legaspi In Saipan, the Resident Repre­ Staff reporter sentative called the decision a Three men broke into the PAC BARGAIN HOUSE major victory for local residents house of a businessman in Gara­ NEXT TO MORGEN MINI MART BEACH ROAD, SAN JOSE who have not been able to register pan Tuesday, robbed him and with the draft board because of left him with knife wounds on STORE HOURS: 9:00am to 9:30pm technical problems and in many the neck and shoulder. cases are totally unaware they arc Police said In Ike Han, owner now violating federal laws. of Oricmal Services, w;1s asleep -·-:'."·''" "Although the federal draft in his house at about 2:30 a.m. registration law was supposed to when two men, one wearing a take place six months after the mask, entered and put a kni fc on full implementation of the Cove­ his neck and forced him to sur­ Please Re-Elect ~ nant, the confusion over the ci­ render his money. The two took tizenship question and the inabil­ Han's wallet and other personal ·,\t ity of the Selective Service to get items. Cong. its operation going here on sched­ While this was going on a third J< ule has made it nearly impossible suspect entered the house .. •· j\~ for our young men to obey the through a window and joined the ~;~l " law. This is why I requested both two men. The suspects cut Han's ,... ~-- ' .. the waiver of prosecution and the neck and left shoultkr slightly -~$-~ ~~ii~, deadline extcntion grace period then put him inside a room be­ EDWARD and why I am very pleased that it fore they lkd with about $550 in f I has been granted as I asked," cash and other items. Representative Tenorio said. In another incitknt, a female In a letter sent Lo Governor Japa11l'.SC tourist itkntiricd as MASGA DELEON Pedro P. Tenorio, the Washing­ Chicni Ya111ada, 23, lost her ( ton Representative and various purse lo a snatcher l'vlond:1y. 'f I federal officials, Jerry Jcn11ings., Police spukcsman Lino Acting Director of the Selective Tenorio said Yamada was walk­ Service System said his agency ing at about 8: I 0 p.m. on the will "temporarily forego prose­ driveway of the Saipan Beach cutions of NMI residents for fail­ l lotel whne she was slaying GUERRERO ure to register" with their local when a man walked towards her Paid for by Committee to Elect Edward Masga Deleon. Guerrero ' draft boards as is required under '--~~~~-~~~:==::=::=::=::=::==-~~~~~s~~c:R:~~~e;:::r-~=--___:.:..:.-=..:.:.:.:.::..:~~~~~~~~~~~~_J See "ROBBED", page 21 federal law." ' ~ -·------~ . -=---·. -·L .•-• •• -~ --·-·· __. .- •---,.,~~~---- -


Continued from Air Mike Page 1 Micronesians would control 70 percent of the airline's for the people of Micronesia," Lifoifoi said. Tenorio said former Guam Speaker stocks. Theodore Mitchell, who represented POM, Hillblom worked ~or the unity among Micronesians. Gutierrez, who lo~t t?, Ricardo Bordallo for the governor's post in Guam, and Tenorio in ~e numerous lawsuits which piled up in several years of fight for control of Air Mike, said during said: Maybe I lost because of this case, but the people of the signing of the closing agreement that Hillblom was the Micronesia finally won out." "but" in the successful conclusion of the dispute. "But for Tenorio also cited the contribution to Micronesian unity hillblom it would never have happened," Mitchell by UMDA Chairman Kasiano Joseph and UMDA Direc­ said."He bought and paid for Air Mike several times and tor Tony Giayangian, former UMDA Chairman and Palau Senate President Joshua Koshiba. turned them over to Micronesians. Tenorio said that with the conclusion of the settlement . UMDA Preside?t Manny Tenorio expressed apprecia­ and with the closing agreement Air Mike will have guar - uo~ to Co~ado Cnsostomo, a local shareholder, for being anteed money to run smoothly and would be viable. He patient while the battle for Air Mike control dragged said legal fees, which Continental would pay, came to through the years. "It was a long and hard battle " he about$5 million. At least28 lawsuits were filed in federal said,"everyone deserves the best." ' courts for control of Air Mike and its lucrative routes from Acting Governor Pedro A. Tenorio said: "To sec that the Micronesia to Japan and the . people of Micronesia are protected - I think this is what Other government officials and private citizens were Larry, Joeten and other people have accomplished." cited for their contribution and support to the airline battle "I believe that the Micronesian people really built the during the signing ceremony at rhe Southern Cross Restau­ airline," Air Mike city manager John Carey said."Without the Micronesians I don't believe Continental would have rant Among them was Speaker Joe R. Lifoifoi who, with Re­ made it here at all." presentative Pedro R. Guerrero and then Rep. Juan T. ~e recalled that during Typhoon Kim people (at Air Guerrero, participated in meetings here and in San Mike) went to work all wet, with no shoes, leaving t11eir Francisco to protect the interests of local shareholders. typhoon-damaged houses. "I'm happy now that we're here signing this document The closing agreement was signed by Jocten and Manny

I • How to Win: 1st Prize: $5,000 cash 1. Write your complete name, address, age and social security nur;ib.e~ on ~ny pack of Benson & Hedges, 2nd Prize: $3,000 cash ~arlboro, V1rg1nia Slims, Lark, Merit or Players 3rd Prize: $1,000 cash cigarettes. 2. Drop your empty pack off in the box provided at IT'S TIME stores selling the cigarette brands above. 50 Consolation Prizes: 3. You do not have to be present to win. Lucky draw will be held on October 24th, 1987. FORACHANGETOTHEBEST! Marlboro Quartz Watch 4. You must be 18 years of age or over. DRAWING DATE : SATURDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1987 No purchase necessary. See Pacific Trading Company DRAWING PLACE : J & G PAYLESS MARKET for details. Mailing Address: P.O. Box 78 BY APPOINTMENT TO THE Saipan, CM 96950 ROY AL DANISH COURT ------SURGEON GENERAL'S WARNING: Smoking Tel: 234-5790 PACIFIC TRADiNGCOMPANY~T~ Tix: 693 GOLDBA SPN By Pregnant Women May Result in Fetal Fax: 234-5737 Marlboro King's &100's 16 mg "tar," Injury, Premature Birth, And Low Birth Weight. 1.0 mg nicotine av. per cigarene, FTC Reporl Feb. '85

..... ------7=::""."'.C7:7.;"77"~;-:-7"===".""";""------__::0~C~T..:::0'..:'.B:=:E~R.:::2~3,_:1~98~7...:::-~MARI~~s_y_~!~TY NEWS & VIEWS -- Page 21 , bb d h . iR. ·a· h he··········~·•••ihffi .Pa'g•eis 1 an d gra e er purse. c.< ...... ·.~·:P•: ...... Y .. •·•·•:•:'•::•:•:•.:<<.:/<>.J Yamada resisLed and was draggcaaown on the con ere Le ilfiveway, hurling her knees and her shoulder. The suspecL Look off wilh $35 in cash and a traveler's checkbook. At aboul 10:58 p.m. on Lhe smne day, Jose Ramon, 37, a security THE guard at Marlin's Place in Gara pan was beaLen up by two unidentified THE 1988 MODEL COVENANT men. SUPPORT Ramon told investigators Lhat he was on duty Lhat night when the two suspects approached him and asked if Lhe place was open. Ramon NISSAN CARS On November 7, 1987 Specimen told Lhem it was closed.The suspecLss suddenly jumped on Lhe guard Ballot and beat him up, dragging him into Lhe mud. (Front Page) Ramon called for help. Before anoLher security officer arrived Lhe AND TRUCKS suspects fled in a car. INSTRUCTIONS: Continued from ENGLISH: ARE HERE! MARK ONE BOX ONLY, EITHER "YES" OR "NO" WITH AN (X) OR I J ) WITHIN THE BOX; House page 1 DEPOSIT YOUR BALLOT IN THE BALLOT BOX. according to the complaint, is a salaries of all senators and repre- Vote violation of the equal protection sentatives totaling S720,000 be CHAMORRO: clause of the Commonwealth deducted from $2.8 million be- Constitution. fore dividing Lhe balance ($2.08 N;""" '""" MATKA UN KAHON HA, "HUNGGAN"PAT "AHE" YAN UN IX) PAT(./) GI HALOM I KAHON; The House, in its complaint, million) equally to give each w.,,~~-CL DEPOSITA I BALOTUMO GI HALOM I KAHON BALOTU. is asking the courL to declare that houseSl.04 million for expenses. ,./]__,----·--., ,_c..l-,.:...;_.;__,;...;-...... -Jp.:,:.;:..;.;..,,..,...,,,~-::::;;~:ri*9

CAROLINIAN: , , / , , MAKKllY SCHAGH EWW KOWUN, "AWER" NGARE "EHE" (X) NGARE ( v ) LLOL KOWUN; ISALllLONG SCHEEL FFIL MWU YOOMW LLOL KOWUNUL FFIL. Verdict '' against S inoro Ludwick Oct.15. He was found not guilty of assaulting Daniel Luke, Charles' brother, with a dangerous weapon but was found COMMONWEALTH.WIDE INITIATIVE NO. 1 guilty of first degree murder.

ENGLISH: Jo'seph will be sentenced Nov.25. No date has been set for the sentencing of the three other convicts. DO YOU APPROVE THE PROPOSED GENERAL LAW, ENTITLED "TO REAFFIRM THE .::OVENANT GUARANTEEING SOVEREIGNTY TO THE· PEOPLE OF THE COMMON­ WEALTH OF THE NORTHERN OVER ALL INTERNAL AND LOCAL Nissan Pathfinder on Initiative #1 AFFAIRS,".AS PRINTED IN ITS-ENTIRETY ON THE REVERSE SIDE OF THIS BALLOT? CHAMORRO: To One And All: KAO UN APRUEBA I MAPRUPOPONI NA LAI HINERAT NI MA'TITTULO "PARA U We extend to each of you our most profound MA'AFITMA I CONTRATA (COVENANT) NI HA·GARENTITIA I DIRECHON I TAOTAO I COMMONWEALTH I SAN KATAN NA ISLAS MARIANAS POT GOVIETNAN MAISA YAN heartfelt gratitude for your support and • Authored by Task Force on Termination of UMA GOVIETNA SIHA GI TODO ACTIVIDAD GI HALOM MARIANAS," COMO MA dedication in our collective efforts to raise PRINTA GI ENTERAMENTE GI SAN TATTEN ESTE NA BALOTU? U.N. Trusteeship. funds to foot the ever escalating cost of • Created under CNMI Public Law· 5-6 (House CAROLINIAN: running for public of-fice. u APREBAAY ALLEGH LAPALAP YE, EBWE GHI ALLEGHU FISCt!llY ALLEGH Bill 5-78) .LAPALAP YE LEMELEMIL TIPEER ARAMASfoL COMMONWEALTH MEL,LOL}-.lgRT~E~N Our success in this regard will not have been MARIANA ISLANDS REEL ALONGALLO AWEEWEEL ME MWOGHUTUGHUTUL • Endorsed by 2,500 voter petitioners. Nissan Sen tr a E FALEEY .. ''.!YE AA FFEERE wow MELLOL ALONGALLO ME PEIGH YE EPEIGH realized if it weren't for your hard work and MELLOL SCHEEL AFFIL YEEL?" personal sacrifices. Indeed, we are indebted 2-Door Sedan to you for your great and tireless sense of YES NO dedication for which we will remember you in HUNGGAN AHE &J AWER EHE our thoughts and prayers. We are confident that all your hard work and tireless efforts will subsequently be translated (Back Page) into the protection of our people's interest and TO REAFFIRM THE COVENANT GUARANTEEING SOVEREIGNTY TO THE PEOPLE OF THE COMMONWEAL TH OF THE NORTHERN MARIANA ISLANDS OVER ALL INTERNAL AND the future of our children to which I am fully LOCAL AFFAIRS. committed. Again, our heartfelt gratitude and

WHEREAS the purpose of Section 4 of the Congressional resolution (Public Law 94-241) approving sincere "Si Yuus Maase" for your support in all the executive agreement known as the Covenant To Establish a Commonwealth of the Northern our fundraising activities. And thank you so Mariana Islands in Political Union wi\h the United States of America !hereinafter referred to as the Covenant I was acoording to its sponsor United States Senator Jacob Javits, to give the people of the much for your willingness to see this election Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands the opportunity to review their vote on the Covenant through with my family. because that agreement "might not give to the Marianans participation in the United States Govern· ment which they may later desire and also to neutralize any argument that this was a step toward Greg M. Camacho and Family 4-Door Sedan Why are we voting on Initiative #1? American "colonization" of part of its "trust" Section 1. The Covenant is hereby reaffirmed with the clear and unambiguous understanding that •,,, Because U.S. Congress required that after living i O the people of the Commonwealth in granting sovereignty O\ler foreign affairs and defense in Section . ,-~_:' ' 104 clearly reserved and did not grant sovereignty over internal and local affairs (Section 103 of the Test drive the exciting line of "88 NISSANS today! years under the Covenant, we should vote to decide Covenant). 'And it is clear that the only provisions of the United States Constitution applicable in the whether we like it or not. CNMI are those specifically listed in Section 501 of the Covenant. Section 501 was effective in ' There are only few units left on 1987 model Nissan cars January 1978 when t~e Commonwealth was part of the Trust Territory and not a territory of the @ United States therefore neither the so.called Territorial Clause nor the Interstate Commerce Clause . :tJ . and truck and are priced to move. apply of their own force and can only upon the specilic consent of the people be made applicable in Get a deal and drive away a bargain today! Why should we vote "Yes" on the Commonwealth and used as a basis for local legislation in the Commonwealth.

Initiative #1? Section 2. Should the covenant's Section 902 discussions leave any substantial matters regarding self government or financial assistance unresolved as ol July 1, 1989, the people of the Commonwealth ~I Joeten Motors THENAMEIS Because we want to reafirm our rights guaranteed by by Initiative (Article, IX, Section 11 shall have the right to reaffirm, reject, or renegotiate the Covenant. ~~a BEACH ROAD. OLEAI NISSAN the Covenant: (1) the right to U.S. citizenship and f/! TEL. NOS. 234-5562, 5563, 5564, 5565 ,, FIRST ON SA/PAN" (2) the right to self-government. Section 3. The People of the Commonwealth respectfully request and strongly urge the United BUSINESS HOURS:S:OO AM-5:00 PM MONDAY THAU SATURDAY Nations ·Security Council and ' 1Trusteeship Council in any resolution terminating the Trusteeship Agreement for the formerly Japanese mandated islands" to include the following language or its Why are we asking the United equivalent: I "In terminating the "Trusteeship Agreement for the formerly Japanese mandated islands" Nations to recognize our Covenant? 1he United Nations Security Council ~nd Trusteeship Council specifically recogni'e that the RE-ELEO YOUR SENATOR People of the Commonwealth granted sovereignty only over foreign affairs and defense (Section 104 of the Covenant to establish a Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Because we want to insure that our rights guaranteed Islands! and reserved and did not grant sovereignty over local and internal matters (Section I 03 of the Covenant), and neither the Territorial Clause nor the Interstate Commerce Clause by the Covenant are recognized and respected by all of the United States Constitution are applicable in the Commonwealth Section 501 of the HERMAN ROGOL Of 01 GUERRERO governments. Covenant}". GOP Candidate for Precinct Three: San (NONG) Jose, Garapan & Northern Is.

This educational program is paid for by the Task Force on Termination of U.N. Trusteeship. Paid For Uy The Committee To Elect Greg M.Cnmad1u . NOW MORE THAN EVER Po1d for by tno Committee to Ro·oloct Senator Hermon Rogolofol Guerrero (Nong) P.O. Box 924 OCTOBER 23, 1987 - MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS & VIEWS -- Page 27 Page 22 -- MARIANAS· VARIETY NEWS & VIEWS -- OCTOBER 23, 1987 secret ballot. Reinhardt noted the ; .•. ..•.-•-·_•-• · :... -... :, }:/:.,.,.,,_..... ::. ·· : · ' , ·· :<:,:_:: .. ,.,,.· .. ,:_-,.-_.,m_:,:_•-•-·_,,•:·-:·_:_,,•_•_:_•-_•·1~,•.-•.bj I I I ::1~.-_:._<.•'1•,,•_•·a•,_<_'_\•-·~.--•·-··•,·•_.>_··_••,-• I I 0' :'. g'/j/fj(,{iJ.y~~ tf.qm p~g~ i appellate panel's opinion, as tended to preclude our review of In a footnote to his opinion :·: .•: . ···-::·.:: :·:·.·:/ ;:::.·:-.;.-···· .. ··-: .. ::::.::.:·:::; :::;:::::·: '.•':-:-::;.:.:;:::::;::-:;:;:{:;.::;::::::::::;:::;::::; .. ·.·.·.·.··.·.·.·.·.· ..·. Nabors' challenge, and it has Reinhardt noted thatP.L. 5-7 was ,,,,,,,.,., •••••• ,.,,•••••• ,....:;:::,,.,, .,.,,, •• ,.,., ••.• ,,,._, ,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,_,,, ,,,,,,.,,,.,<.,.. •...,..,,,. ,,,,,,,.,,_,~'s''''''''''ifa'ffi'hb;~:,,,,,,5:~a:::::::::;;I3YMh6:'ii follows:"This opinion should not be read to imply that this Court succeeded in doing so," Rein­ enacted when Manglona, Macar­ opinion. Nabors claimed that Manglona hardt said. anas and Villagomez were al­ The court could condones the scheme instituted and his party's representatives on Tinian. We find it extremely P.L.5-7 removed the courts' ready members of the Legisla­ not address the issue, however, intimidated, coerced and bribed disturbing that in this day and age jurisdiction over election con­ ture. He noted that Nabors did not because Public Law 5-7 signed numerous voters to obtain their tests involving legislative seats raise this point. "Nor does he on April 9, 1986 removed the votes. the democratic process can be attacked as it was on Tinian leav­ and returned it to the respective allege that any of those defen­ courts' authority to hear election Nabors also said the ballot- legislative house. Reinhardt said contests. ing the unsuccessful candidates dants voted to enact that law," he · Democratic candidates Wil- marking scheme violated the with no recourse in the courts." this was in accordance with the said. "Whatever the facts, no voter's right to secrecy of the Jirun Nabors, Esteven King and ballot. Reinhardt said that Nabors CNMI Constitution. challenge is made to the statute on filed his notice of appeal with the David Cing first contested the The board found facts amount- Reinhardt said that under P.L. the ground that i was enacted results of the November 1985 Ninth Circuit on the day P.L. 5-7 5-7 Nabors' complaint must be improperly or that a person who REASONABLE ing to a balloL-marking scheme 'was signed into law. "By its en­ transferred to the Legislature, if voted for it was not entitled to do BELOW cosiS ' election during which Republi- but not a scheme to encourage or ·-~ can candidates Herman Man- actment of Public Law 5-7, the Nabors wishes to pursue it fur­ so, and we do not consider any pR\CES -··· cause a change in anyone's vole. legislature apparently fully in- glona, Man ucl Villagomez, It confirmed the Republican can- ther. such issue here." REASONABLE Howard Macaranas and Ignacio di dates as winners in the election. Bf.LOW cosiS Qul.chocho won two seats in the Nabors then filed a complaint pR\CES Senate, a seat in the House of with the Trial Court which raised Representatives and the mayor's the issue of the secrecy of the VOTE ~"1\.lf. BOTA REASONABLE position. ballot. Manglona moved for dis- BELOW cosiS The Democrats alleged that the missal of the com plaint because it pRtCES Republicans instituted a scheme did not fall within the four rca­ which involved the use of code FRANCISCO QUITUGUA GUERRERO .d 1.1· f sons Lo declare ballots as illegal. names on th c ba 11 ot s to 1 en y CLEARANCE SALEI ~~ CLEARANCE SALEI t voters and to monitor the candi- The Trial Court agreed and dis- missed Nabors' complaint. (MASSI) EVERYTHING MUST GO! 20% to 50% dates for whom they voted. Nabors' complaint met the •BRASS BEDS - VARIOUS TYPE 20% DISCOUNT . ORIENTAL CARPETS - 6' X 10' - $ 33.00 The first election contest filed same fate when he elevated it to $ 823.00 . DESIGNER BED COVERS - KING SIZE with the Board of Eleclions dis- the appellate division of the Dis- •SOFA - LARGE SELECTION -QUEEN SIZE puted the validity of85 ballots on trict Court. The court ruled that FOR CONGRESS $349.00 & UP/ SET . MIRRORS - LARGE SELECTION which were written such names voters may waive their right to •DRESSERS - 5 DRAWERS .$ 185.00 . FIRE- PROOF SAFE - LARGE SELECTION - $ 135 & UP - 3 DRAWERS $ 107.00 . ISLAND SHOES Happy Birthday Belated •BOOK SHELVES - $ 69.00 FOR ALL FAMILY MEMBERS - LARGE SELECTION - $ 4.50 & UP ELECTION PRECINCT NO. 3 •CHINA CABINETS - 2 DESIGNS . BOY ING HAPPY BIRTHDAY w/ SLIDING GLASS DOORS VARIOUS OTHER LARGE SELECTIONS HERNANDEZ to LARGE - $ 237 00 OF HOME INTERIOR ACCESSORIES RAY ACERO (A,B,C,D, & F) 127 Greetings coming from SASMALL - $ ·0 FASHION ACCESSORIES - EARINGS BEL TS PURSE ETC. ° I I your loving family and From the Hafa Adai SAN JOSE, CHALAN KIY A, CHONG'S MAl(O . DESIGNER BLANKETS - $ 15.00 & UP CORP. CORP. friends Hotel Staff and Friends . PILLOW CASES - $ 3.00 -----~--1....--..1..---- OPEN: 9:00 AM CHALAN LAU LAU, OCEAN ENTERPRISES INC. CLOSE: 9:00 PM P.O.BOX 2462" CM 96950 TEL: 234-9030/3749 "GUALORAI, GARAPAN MYSTERIOUSLY· HYATT & THE NORTHERN ISLANDS. / ***VOTE I REPUBLICAN*** ·~ PUBLIC AND PRIVATE HOUSING DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMS It's the 5th annual Halloween Party PUBLIC construction loans for low income citizens and supplement with local at the 'ilifu@©~ifil litGSHru -Y-P-...f l fervently believe that every family funds through legislative appro­ on Saturday, October 31, 1987 shoutd have a home to call their own. priations; from 8:30 p.m. - 2:00 a.m. There I support the use of public funds will be various Costume Contests, for the loans and subsidy of public PRIVATE Fun Games, and great Prizes such as housing construction: In furthering development of activities in the private sector I, pledge to: l trips to Guam. Rota, Hotel accom­ l suppprt continuation of MIHAi fl.l modation and many other attrac­ HUD Section 8 public housing as­ Support issues to use tax exempt fj [1 tive prizes. sistance program; bonds to finance homes and other r; 1l I support continuation of Farmers residential projects; ~-. \'_1 1 Live broadcast on KCNM Radio. l'1 Home Administration Rural Hous­ Seek new ways to make available tJ. !! Live music by the "Nightmares." i i.l ing Loan Program; private home construction ::", I' Note: Adults only -- 21 years I 6Upport MlHA Turnkey Housing loans with FHA Mortgage In­ ;~ Program; surance Program that will reduce "•·' and older. ,.'~ l will seek ways and means to in­ interest rates through local banks i~ i.~ $3.00 Cover Charge crease funding availability from and other financial institutions; fl Special Treat--% price on Bud Light bqth local and federal agencies; Support designating more private j for the whole night I will assists in obtaining funds land areas for specific use!i and 'ti f• from HUD CDBG Title I for com­ development; and ' THANKS FHD.\I TllE FOl.1.0\\'INC; CO-Sl'ONSOHS: munity development programs for Support the zoning of additional Mau 1 A 1rlmes l'a1.·1{t1.• 'J'nJdmg Co. streets and roads, sewer, water and housing subdivisions situated near Guam Jl1/1u11 lh·tz 1Jroth1•rs drainage facilities; !Jcnr1ut1'1» ,\Jotfrm 1J1Jkcry Cum1t.'ll Suft·u·uy·Mclld:iu or within hotel and resort facilities Town lioUS4...'. /11c. l\u·ck':; ErJtcrprL'>t-'S I will pursue in instituting and im­ for business and commercial M1crul Co111111t•rl·w/ Ctritt•r Motl1:m ~...,·cat1

Page 28 -- MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS & VIEWS -- OCTOBER 23, 1987 OCTOBER 23, 1987 - MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS & VIEWS -- Page 29 U.S. union paper calls workers "exploited" An article appearing in the 234-5888 percent of the value of the product under dangerous conditions. sions must be held with the In­ the sweater industry's workforce P.O. Box 874 September 12 issue of the "AFL­ be added locally, Saipan is eli­ The new companies that have terior Dept. which administers was ma_dc up of local workers. Saipan, CM 96950 CIO News Alen" was headlined gible for the benefit because it's set up shop in Saipan pay no in­ relations with the Marianas, and Although Saipan's employers "Saipan sweatshops exploit tex­ part of the Northern Mariana Is­ come tax, receive multiple tax the Labor Dept. which is respon­ aren't subject Lo U.S. minimum­ tile import loophole" and ex­ lands that became a U.S. com­ incentives and place extreme sible for safeguarding worker wage laws, they arc bound by the pressed concern that American monwealth last November. burdens on scarce island water rights. Fair Labor Standards Acts pro­ leaders wewre allowing the prac­ JESUS (JESS) PAN:GELINAN MAFNAS Ten apparel factories have al­ and power resources. The profits "Jf there really is an abuse," visions regarding overtime pay. tice to continue. ready sprouted on Saipan and 11 they generate flow back 10 !11e Sorini said, "if there really is an According to a recent Labor The article said, in part" CANDIDATE FOR more are under construction. But Asian countries where the com­ effort solely Lo circumvent the Dept. internal memorandum, Gannent unions protested a instead of providing work for the panies arc based. quota with no benefit to the local Herbert A. Goldstein, assistant REPRESENTATIVE TO WASHINGTON, D.C. loophole in U.S. trade Jaw under people of the Marianas-who now The domestic apparel industry population, then obviously we regional clicctor of the wage-hour which Pacific Rim countries have are officially American ci­ has called for government action want to take some action." division, accused Saipan govern­ REPUBLICAN PARTY set up plant~ in Saipan-a tiny tizens-the companies have that would restrict importation of While the United States can't · ment officials of being "indiffer­ western Pacific island-to hired a workforce made up of alien labor to the islands. The stop· the importation of apparel ent" to L11c problems associated bypass quotas and pour textile aliens. factories would never have been "cut and sewn" in Saipan without with the local garment industiy. products into the American The factories arc owned by built were it not for !he access a change in government regula­ Recently, 45 workers tried to TO ALL VOTERS: markeL Taiwanese, South Korean and !hey afford to the U.S. market, tions, it docs maintain quotas sue their employer on charges of The unrestricted flow of ap­ Filipino finns. Because the Mari­ said Larry Martin of the Apparel overthe sweater industry because reeordkeeping deficiencies and parel rhrough this device is a anas have virtually no immigra­ Manufacturers Association. the basic panels arc produced in overtime pay violations. The suit, Good Government is not gotten by watching from the sidelines. It is NOT a sp~ctat?r sport "potential Trojan horse" that tion Jaws, 90 percent of the jobs He emphasized that the quota Asia and thus subject to country settled out of court for an undis­ since it requires active and strong participation---IN THE BALLOT BOX. By reg1ste~mg to threatens co further undermine a on Saipan have gone to workers evasion exacerbates the plight of of origin rules. closed sum, revealed that work­ domestic industry already reeling vote you showed you want to be active IN making the decisions which affect your life. from mainland China, South American industry. With 52 per­ Last month, Sorini informed ers were given paychecks tliat under the impact of imports, said Korea, Thailand and the Philippi­ cent of !11e domestic market al­ Marianas Gov. Pedro P. Tenorio included overtime. They were Ladies' Garment Workers nes. ready going to imports, Martin that the quota for the 1986-87 then required to cash the checks at I am writing this letter to tell you one of the important reasons for voting for me. As President Jay Mazur. President Jack Sheinkman of said, "adding the products of period was being reduced from the factory, where the overtime At a time when House and Resident Repre'sentative IN Washington, I will work to gain the CNMI a non­ the Clothing & Textile Workers another I 0 Lo 20 apparel plans .. 100,000 dozen to 77,910 dozen pay was taken back from them, Senate conferees arc wrestling voting status IN the U.S. Congress. My opponent doesn't want you to have that. sharply assailed this practice. "It .is more than we'il be able to because less than 40 percent of along will1 deductions. with trade reform legislation to would be one thing for these stand." How do I know? stem the import tide, the Saipan .countries to establish plans in The apparel and textile indus­ connection constitutes "a hole in Saipan to provide jobs for the tries have lost 300,000 jobs since Congressional testimony on April 10, 1986, shows Congressman Ron De Lugo, the dike" that needs to be plug­ island's workers," he said. "It's 1980, and in 1985 alone 350 ged, Mazur stressed. something else to transport apparel plants had to close shop Chairman of the Subcommittee on Insular and International Affairs, asked Froilan, The ILG WU pointed out that sweated labor into Saipan in or­ because of competition from while Congress is seeking to der to circumvent existing law." imports made by low-wage "Do you believe that the Commonwealth should have representation restore order to the rowdy trade Sheinkman insisted that Con­ workers. IN the House similar to the other insular areas?" Froilan answered, picture, devices continue to re- · gress never intended the tariff Ronald J. Sorini, deputy chief main in effect that "are too easily break to be used in !his fashion, textile negotiator forthe Office of "No, sir, Mr. Chairman. I am perfectly satisfied with the status quo. I used to promote disorder." and pledged thatACTWU would the U.S. Trade Representative, don't feel that we deserve to have a delegate in the U.S. Congress Products made in Saipan fight to close the trade loophole. said the Saipan matter has "just Nh.~k~r~ gf at this time, and as far as I am concerned, not forever." sweatshops cmcr the 0.S. ir1ai11- Til~ island has seen its alien recently" been brought to his at- land duty-free-a privilege that population swell to 11,000 in the ten Lion. Ncxema, Congress extended to all Ameri­ !:.:st four yc3.fs, COi11pared with a "We're looking into the situ­ WOW! Can you believe that? Do you accept that? You deserve much better can territories to spur local em­ local population of 20,000. The ation," Sorini said, adding that representation than this. Here's why ... ployment and economic activity. immigrant workers arc underi1aid before any action is taken, discus- Cover Girl The only proviso is thatat least SO and arc forced to work and live ------and When the CNMI is represented IN the U.S. Congress like the insular areas of RainTree Guam, American Samoa and the Virgin Islands, with our Covenant status: ~~!Jll~~/lb l ~ Produds I. The CNMI will gain greater influence with U.S. lawmakers. EXCLUSIVE DISTRIBUTORS: 2. We will be able to vote IN congressional committees and voice our needs «e@~W~l9Cf~ q[)~fe@CJ&,flllW.J..S) NO. TMl.NNJ,GU economic development and local self-government will be represented more iflj64fl9a>l1 CS en.x8270MSCO SAIPN-lOwt~ M.UJRJ~SIS oo:u! FM °"' 4500 TEL 332-0T.'ll t.'.UnJTEL 3Wl widely and be considered more seriously. Concrete flower Pots & FAX322.J714 Mo\.lJR:JTE!£X7.X)')!}41 ~ • • ·~.' '1 I • t- ~· ' ' " •• ' ., 4. The U.S. Congress, not you, will pay for the $400,000 spent every year to operate the Washington Rep's Office. Angels f OR SAlE Viva LOMA LINDA And it all starts with where you place your "X" in the BALLOT BOX. It's Good To Have A Choice ... It's Great To Make The Right One. Viva GERE Eject the incumbent; Elect Mafnas, Na Biahe. For more information, visit Viva Marianas!!! Sincerely, . ~ Isabel Villagomez at their <./ residence at Fina Sisu ·; (see map) ~~~-

SAN V!CE.'\TI I v L1'ffER.,AT1o"AL (-AIRPORT \ \ ~ -+ KOBLERVllLE -+ !f;B

D ISABEL'S ) JC SUBDIVISION RESIDENT g s. Vlll.A. GOMEZ \ IN EVERY WINNER THERE IS A WINNER· WIN WITH MAFNAS CNM! ...... _ _ _, CH.ALANI COLLEGE KANOA l 20" height E T SABLAN -TREASURER ·'( COMMITTEE TO ELECT JESUS P. MAFNAS B OBBJ • P~id for by: Comrrntte" to Elect .llSI 1:; :;;\BLAN DELEON GUEHflEHU OCTOBER 23, 1987 - MARIANAS vMlETY NbWS & VlliWS -- Page jj Page 30 -- MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS & VIEWS -- OCTOBER 23, 1987 clean and repair the damages but on various areas outside our headed by MVB Deputy Manag- incurred at the various tourist jurisdiction. ing Director. sites. In spite of our efforts in main- (Letters to edito0 Furthermorc, our crews collect In addition, we have been taining our tourist sites, we need all trash in those areas at least sponsoring trash-a-thons in areas the full cooperation of our com- one congressman regarding the deplorable road condition stretching twice a week, and have expanded outside our jurisdiction with civic munity to take part in keeping our from the gas station in Chalan Piao to Koblcrville, prompted me to alter ourlandscapingprograms. These organizations, such as boys islands clean and beautiful. As men do deserve recognition for scouts, little league teams, and you pointed out, if each one of us that dream. • J'S RESTAURANT . Acc?rding to this congressman, the Government is now prepared their dedication in their job to schools in their fundraising ac- bring along a trash b~g for our financially as well as road expansion plans to commence road construc­ beautify our islands. ti vi ties. We do recognize the per- own garbage at public places, we •GAME ROOM tion starting from the vicinity of the basketball court in San Antonio to In fact, we have received posi- ennial problem of littering on our surely can make our islands much Koblervi~le. My friends, while I do not oppose of such improvement tive comments from the commu- islands and are working with nicer for our next outing. should this congressman be telling the truth, its the rationale employed nity about our maintenance other government agencies in the Hafa Adai, . by the deciding authorities that confused me. Hence, allow me to offer crews' job ~rformance .not ?nly beautification task force es- !s/J M. Guerrero a .common prospective from a lay man on a common problem from a ~ ~~cs1gnatcd tou~t..:!tes, _ tablished by Lt. Governor and is Managing Director different exposition of principles and logic: A. Usage or road - The Disadvantages just to name a few "Nyet" to candid ate' sideas --- ~:7o~ ~~~~;:~:~'ii.~~~: 1. Transportation of school children to and from school in private allowing him two weeks hence- vehicle and or government. shown himself to be a mature and forth. Dear Editor: The state of the CNMI govern­ 2. Working people of different status. productive representative of the Il is shocking to read that a ment is like Sodom and Gomor­ 3. Unemployed people trying to make ends meet. Senatorial candidate would like people of the CNMI and also 4. Emergency vehicle to save lives or protect properties. demonstrates loyalty to our rah-a disaster. Biblical Lot, if he the island ofRota to be allied with were here today, would not be 5. Transportation of Goods/Services promoting commerce and Russia rather than with the U.S. CNMI government, it's officials and to the United States govern­ able to point out to us at least one Tourism. Mr. Paul Manglona was quoted good thing done by the present B. The Advantages - Regardless of road Condition as saying, 'The Russians would ment and their officials. I hope 1. v.ehicle owners continue to pay for license and registration foes. that the people will think about government. On the contrary, a be glad to have us and they modern-day French Jacobin in 2. Tire shops will continue to flourish. · wouldn't be telling us what to do this and ask whether they want to 3. Repair shops owners are happy. be rcprcsentcp by a person who the CNMI will have an endless OCTOBER SPECIAL, \ ~. ,,,•'- • ' - - I • ! all the time and how to run our makes such frightening state­ list of bad government doings 4. Frustration/Aggravation by vehicle owners. own business." We wonder if the 5. Government personnel and equipment continously being dis­ ments. denouncing those responsible to i . - i ,:DRAWING EVERY !~k: 51\'f· ftlITE-~H PRIZES ! ~ candidate has ever heard of face the guillotine. patched to do patch-up work that last only temporarily. Poland, Afghanistan, or East Sincerely, d What is "we do government -rc--T--·C-:;---: ·- . · :,,,,,.: ' r -~ T • .• .. • ·!f · ; 6. Should I continue? ls/Francisco R. Taimanao Germany? right"??? Is it an Orwellian dou­ -. Now Isubmiltothc thinking public for their scrutiny whether it make Perhaps he docsn 't know that blespcak, among other things, w t sense for the ~ovcrnmcnt to by-pass (for whatever rcason(s) the worst under Russian rule he wouldn't Po litical ideas .. J ...... --~~-· stretch of main road and focus on somcthin" relatively acceptable cover-up for killer bugs in our tab be allowed to run for office, he water? Hey, do not drink that under the circumstance.s "' Dear Editor: would be denied freedom of water. It might just kill you. Or, My co~clusion is that, if that congressman is telling the truth, 1lic:rc 's It is pathetic that Republican speech, would have to give up his docs it mean overpaying fifty­ a confusion on the Government part between Rationale and Prudent brother Leo needs one week to religious freedom, adn would three government employees Decision making or should we say, there's glory but no guts? Res pons~ "expound" on the Republican have to relinquish basic rights some one-hundred fifty thousand arc welcome! Party's "we do government which he now enjoys. dollars? Maybe Public Auditor Name Withheld Upon Request right" slogan. It is not that he is He stated, "if I am elected Scott Tan does not speak the lan­ not capable of expounding. It is Senator, then I will do everything guage. Anyway, the money FRIDAY AND just that there is nothing to ex­ . ~··... _,. ; , , . J§.~'ljl., I can to sec that the CNMI be- should be returned back to the IVIVB also likes cleanliness pound on the subject. Even for comes associated with some government. Or, maybe it means · •.. ; .. ' ·~,~~V~]!~~~~/~ SAT!JRDA'! Dear Fditor: cq11ipmcn1. him to list just a fow uf the right The Marianas Visitors Bureau other nation -probably Russia. ln bumpy roads. Yes, that is it! One Please allow me this opportu­ things that the Republican-con­ \l ·i:f=--lfr· TWO NIGHT" is responsible in maintaining that case, Paul, I will do everyth­ to nity to comment on your editorial trolled CNMI government did fellow complained me that he ing I can to make sure that you arc could not make out the words "we opinion "Neatness Counts!" is­ designated tourist sites on the would be an impossibility. I chal­ sued on October 16, 1987. We islands of Saipan, Tinian, and NOT elected Senator. Continues on page 34 Congressman Hocog has lenge brother Leo to mention a tt\S ~!.'~c..\\\ 1 \ J ~-~--·~+ ...· CH::~~~~ 1 share with you the concern on the Rota. While I cannot speak for 'I other agencies, I can fully vouch litter problems we have on our i islands. We support this type of for our staff who have been doing \ ,~ ....~~t•• \!'rCA~HfRIZES commendable job in maintaining effort to bring more awareness to "MAINTAIN THE INTEGRITY Of OUR our community on the impor­ those tourist sites for the enjoy­ tance of keeping our islands men Lof our visitors, as well as our clean and beautiful. We do, residents. One example, immedi­ EDUCATIONAL however, wish to set the record ately after Supertyphoon Kim hit straight on your com ment about our islands last December, and maintenance damages out in the SYSTEM" the inefficiency with Marianas .,, Visitors Bureau personnel and field putting the long hours to 'I _ ...:;·Ill':· ..• ~, READY TO SERVE YOUR MANPOWER NEEDS Lu~ M. Limes Juan B. Tudela No. 1 01\J THE BALLOT FOR THE No. 5 WE SUPPLY: ~ ~ I. CONSTRUCTION WORKERS - Tradc-tc:c'. (',,,,b months for refresher Trainin!J, Educational Advancement Studies, Family Development Bartenders, Bakers, Singers, Dancers and Musicians. and External Training Exposures. \ 6. ALL OTHER WORK CATEGORIES OTHER SERVICES OFFERED: OBJECTIVE NO. 2 - Take Full Advantage of Available Cost-Effective Teachina Resources !I • Passport Application WHY? Because of the abundance of available Cost-Effective Teaching Resources and ex­ I •Extension & Renewal of Passports I ; •Deployment of Construction Workers & n,1111c~tic S::-_ :, ·" peritse here and abroad and because of theCNMI commitment to maximize the producti­ i 1. •U.S. Visa Assiswncc vity of CNMI limited financial resources, the CNMI School System ou.!Jht to take fully ' P.ROGRESSlVE PLAY HERE IN SAlPAN •Direct Hire a.dvantage of the services and assistance bein!Joffered by volunteered teaching organiza­ i------... ------l YOU CAN WIN THE ROYAL FLUSH GIANT JACKPOT (WITH 5 BETS) tions here and abroad. Further, the system ought to give those of uswho had benefited For Particulars call or Sec Us! ! from our ed~cational _system and whose lives have been improved in part by that sv•t6m TriJllc "C" Marketing. lnr.

. I:, ' OCTOBER 23, 1987 - MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS & VIEWS -- Page 35 Page 34 -- MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS & VIEWS -- OCTOBER 23, 1987 Compact impact study is being Teachers honored by White House program Letters continued mathematics educators. do government right" driving down a certain road until he pulled his The White House has just an­ ad em y of Sciences and a dinner at Dependents Schools (DODDS), Begun in 1983, thePresidential The Presidential Awards for car Loa slop. Reading the slogan, however, got him confused because nounced that the talent, dedica­ the Department of State. and a ground of U.S. Territo­ Awards program is designed to done at Congress' new request identify, outstanding middle/jun­ Excellence in Science Mathe­ it simply docs not jibe with the things going on around. But then that tion and expertise shown by 108 Administered by the National ries-Guam, American Samoa, on what the study will encompass the Department of the Interior. the Commonwealth of the North­ ior and secondary school teachers matics Teaching program is is what !!xactly a cover-up doublespeak is all about! Saipan (CNS) - The impact on teachers has merited each a cov­ Science Foundation (NSF), and statistics needed. The level of funding to be re­ managed for the NSF by the Na­ Maybe the CNMI Republicans learned the doublespeak language the Compacts of Free Associa­ eted Presidential Award for Ex­ Presidential Awards are based on ern Marianas, and the Virgin Is­ who can serve as models for their The U.S. Congress, in ap­ ceived by each U.S. territory as tional Science Teachers Associa­ from Richard M. Nixon-the Republican who became the thirty­ tion for the Republic of the cellence in Science and Mathe­ each teacher's classroom perfor­ lands. colleagues in the important areas proving the Compacts, requested compensation for the impact on tion working in conjunction with seventh president of the U.S. of A. Remember; he said publicly that and the Feder­ matics Teaching. The teachers mance, student progress, and In addition to the Presidential of science and mathematics !hat !he study be carried out by !he he was "not a crook"-a genuine cover-up doublespeak for his in­ ated States of Micronesia on the the Compacts will be determined will come to Washington, D.C. professional activities. 1987 citation, the award carries a teaching. A goal of the program is the National Council of Teachers volvement in the Watergate scandal. Well, as you know, Nixon was American Pacific territories arc Office of Territorial and Interna­ by the U.S. Congress based on the from November 16-20 to receive Awardees are middle/junior and $5,000 NSF grant, an expense­ to encourage highly qualified of Mathematics, which repre­ nearly impeached for the scandal which eventually drove him to being studied at the request of the tional Affairs of the Department report. their Presidential Awards and to high school science and mathe­ paid trip to Washington, D.C. for individuals to enter and remain in sents the mathematics commu­ resign from the presidency. I am sure thata similar result will happen U.S. Congress. of the Interior, which in turned Gov. Pedro P. ·Tenorio urged be recognized and congratulated matics teachers from each state, 5 clays, and generous gifts from teaching. nity on state level nomination and to the people of "we do government right" during this election. Stephen p. Shipley and Dr. contracted the project out to Cabinet members to cooperate by official Washington during a the District of Columbia, Puerto various private sector contribu­ selection procedures, and, in On a narrower issue, brother Leo faults Washington Representa­ Mike Hamnett, along with Paci­ PBDC. fully with the study team. Norris reception at the National Ac- Rico, the Department of Defense tors. Eligible teachers have 5 or science, with the Council of State tive Froilan C. Tenorio for not being involved in the Covenant 902 fic Basin Development Council Thedraftreport will be submit­ said the team will be returning in more years teaching experience Science Supervisors, in coopera­ consultations. For evsryone's information, Froilan C. Tenorio was Executive Director Jerry Norris ted to the Governors of the re­ about a month to meet with and spend at least half-time tion with the American Associa­ CNMI officials in gathering tion of Physics Teachers, Ameri­ deliberately neglected ~ be appointed by the Governor to be a arrived on Saipan Monday (Sept. spected territories for review and teaching science or mathematics member of the team representing the CNMI government. It was nol 2l)and briefed Cabinet members comment before it is submitted to materials. in a public or private middle can Chemical Society, National his fault that he is not involved in the talks. Anyway, with the way Lt. school, junior high or senior high AssociationofBiologyTeachers, school. Teachers are nominated the National Association of Geol­ Governor is leading the CNMI team it appears that they just got us an . 'I unneeded used generator during the first rounds of the consulta­ Covenant suit filing is blasted by colleagues, administrators, ogy Teachers, and the National tions-a blessing for Froilan C. Tenorio. history, the significance, and the students and parents of students. Association of Earth Science Saipan (NMCL) - A lawsuit among our islands," he stated. Presidential Awardees are Teachers. The National Ac­ By the way, I am curious, brother Leo, why is it that your candidate Senator Manglona, a member real importance of our Common­ challenging the bicameral or two­ chosen by a National Selection ademy of Sciences also provides for Washington office was not appointed by the Governor to the house legislature in the CNMI of the former Marianas Political wealth Covenant agreement with Republican-controlled, laughable consultations team? Was it be­ the United States. To us, the Committee made up of scientists, important assistance to the proj­ received sharp criticism in the Status Commission which nego­ i cause the team is already loaded with enough Republican clowns? Covenant is as sacred as the U.S. mathematicians, and science and ect. Senate last week. tiated the Commonwealth Cove­ Was it because as Sue Cabrera said that your candidate would just Senator Benjamin T. Man­ nant, said that :"without this Constitution is to all Americans. I embarrass in Washington? Did the Governor know something that we And to us, just like the U.S. Con­ UNIVERSITY OF GUAM glona, Chairman of the Rota important compromise, there CNMl EXTENSION PROGRAM I do not know? And, if that is the case then arc you not looking at the Legislative Delegation, said the may have been no Common­ stitution, our Commonwealth shadow instead of the reality of things? lawsuit, filed by local enterpre­ wealth." The Rota senator added Covenant gives the people of the CALENDAR Voters, this election the Democrats ask you to exercise your right neur Larry Hillblom, was "extre­ that in his opinion Mr. Hillblom Northern Marianas equal repre­ FALL, 1987 to "demand the best". Do not be fooled by doublespeaks from the mely ill-advised" since· it ad­ should "stay out of local political sentation in one house of a bi­ Republicans. Enough of government mismanagement, hazardous DATE DAY EVFNf dressed "sensitive issues re­ concerns in which he had no right cameral legislature. Just like the drinking water and bumpy roads. The Democrats will deliver the United States of America, our ' garding key compromises which lo vote for at the time, and which Sept. 11, 1987 Friday ::>a1pan Keg1s1rauu11 best. Vote Democrat!!! resulted in the birth of the Com­ involved totally local, organic islands have united to form a Room B, Northern Sincerely, monwealth as a political entity." concerns that resulted in the self­ democracy which guarantees Marianas College ls/John S. Pangelinan determination of the people of the equal representation in the 4:00-6:00 P.M. "This important provision of First Day of Instruction our Commonwealth Covenant Northern Marianas." Senate." Oct. 26, 1987 Monday Wednesday Holiday: Citizenship Day ._. •• ·c **** was the result of good-faith nego­ Continued Senator Manglona: "Rather than spending money Nov. 4, 1987 Nov, 7, 1987 Saturday Deadline for Voluntary I Editor's note: We received a tremendous amount of mail this I tiations which were very detailed "Instead of trying to uproot the goi11g lo court ov1.:r this s1.:nsili vc , Withdrawals issue," he added, "this money week to our letters to the editor section. Many were on the same and complex," said Senator cornerstone of the Covenant Wednesday Holiday: Veterans Day 1 should be spent to educate the Nov. 11, 1987 subjects. BernuseofTyphoon damage COYcragc and the wish not Manglona. "It was over­ which unified the Northern Mari­ Nov, 26, 1987 Thursday Holiday: Thanksgiving Day to have letters dominate the issue, we will print the letters not whelmingly approved by more anas, it is more important for all public to appreciate why we have Friday Thanksgiving Recess structured our government in this Nov. 27, 1987 published this week in next week's issue. than 75% of our voters in a U.N. of us, including the many NoY. 28, 1987 Saturday Thanksgiving Recess observed plebiscite and can be statesiders now living in the manner.and how it can best work Dec. 3, 1987 Thursday Last Day to Request viewed as the cornerstone of the CNMI, to come to appreciate the for all ofourpeople in the future," Permission to Withdraw internal political relationship concluded Senator Manglona. Dec. 8, 1987 Tuesday Holiday: Constitution Day Dec. 21, 1987 Monday Holiday: Christmas Recess Please support the candidacy of Classes Resume . . Jan. 4, 1987 Monday Jan. 16, 1987 Saturday Last Day of Instruction IS YOUR DRINKING WATER PURE? · Alcohol help is available Final Examinations Should Cong. William Castro Ada be Arranged by Individual Guaha dos naotganisasion para ayu i man interesao para uma ayudan Instructors ARE YOU PA YING TOO MUCH FOR IT? maisa siha pat haye gi familia pot este i probleman gumimcn pat atkahot. Mariano Reyes Bermudes NOTE: Instructors will register Rota and Tinian Students on the CALL 322-9848 OR VISIT SAIPAN ICE CO. I Al-Anon man da'dana gi oran alas 8:00 - 9:30 gi kada pucngcn Firs! Instructional Day. Lunes guato gi maturana Youth Center gi Navy Hill. Diego Tenorio Benavente to find out why so many people are enjoying pure Sparkle-Clean Drinking I Alcoholic Anonymous (AA)/Basta Bulacho man da'dana lokue gi Water at a low price. We also produce Sparkle-Clean Ice made from the same mismo haane gi oran alas 7:00- 8: 30 gi pupuenge gi sagan dinana guato for the House of Representatives for pure drinking water. gi Depaltementun pot Komunida yan Kuttura't giya Lower Base. Para mas infotmasion pol este siha na gurupu, aagang 234-5248 gi Election Precinct 2, Susupe/Chalan Kanoa Saipan Ice Co. has its water checked regularly by the DEQ to insure pure entalo alas 8:00 gi egaan yan alas 4:30 gi despues di taloani. drinking water and ice for you. and FREDERICK MCDONALD Our Reverse Osmosis System will reject over 95% of the total dissolved Jesus P. Mafnas for Washington Representative minerals in the incoming water. Reverse Osmosis treatment removes muddy The Saipan Hash House Harriers PHOTOGRAPHER tiny particles, ionized and non-ionized solids, bacteria, viruses and fever MISMANAGEMENT Jesus Deleon Guerrero" Gere" causing substances. IS PLEASED TO ANNOUNCE S. Let's see the Reverse Osmosis System in action .... for the senate. THE FIRST RUNNING ,:;·. o ADVERTISING o EDITORIAL o PUBLICITY o TRAVEL . ~- ~~,_g" I~- Cf)~:- We would like to urge our &iends, supporters Jt;·t- ~11 . 11 ~ 0 OF TIIE o INDUSTRIAL o ARCHITECTURAL o AERIAL o UNDERWATER \, J ~~ -- - - ,\~~ .:> ~~ . REVERSE SAIPAN IIASH ·HOUSE lIEIRS and relafives to join support and vote the above 0 l~LANo;_,~~ER' · WATER SOFTENER 0 FINE SEDIMENTATION-:- 1),!:~ OSMOSIS E}Thc water softener Fl LTRATION (5 Microns) MEMBRANES on Sunday, October 25, 1987 removes calcium Very fine fiber filters catch This is tho of th& SAIPAN BASED and magnesium. and remove fino sediments filtering process which candidates on upcoming Nov. 1, 1987 election suspended in tho water. strains out molecular at 3:00 P:m. in front of MITA TRAVEL, sized contaminants FREE ESTIMATE ON ANY SIZE PROJECT THE FINAL PRODUCT such as sodium while passinp water Gara pan Si Yuus Maase SPARKLE.CLEAN molecules, DRINKING WATER!

1\11 children 16 _and under arc welcome to participate. A St1(1L'.r­ , .. , v1scd run/walk 1s no more than 2 miles, Parents with trucks arc { 234-9297 welcome. First Run is free, drinks will be provided. For more P.O. BOX 1184, SAIPAN, CNMI 96950 ~A!fA~ J~!..£BMf!~~ information call KRAMDEN at 234-7831, 8:00 a.m. 10 7 !Lill. OPEN: MON.-SAT. 8 A.M.-5 P.M. LOWER ~ASE Treasurer-Secretary Jess Takai OCTOBER 23, 1987 - MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS & VIEWS -- Page 37 Page 36- MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS & VIEWS -- OCTOBER 23, 1987 Macaraeg Hun ct. al. mauer of the estate of AAG & INO vs. Tersita Q. Cano Haramel, Lucina R. vs. pak Adoption AAG & INO vs. Rodlofo Torres Chung II Adoption Court Calendar Silapan Oct. 29 Mendiola, Mariano Castro, in re 9 a.m. the estate of CHIEF JUDGE Oct. 29 AG & INO vs. Gloria R. Macaraez AG & INO vs. Estela D. Lina Sexcion, Melecia vs. Arriola, Tudela, Estufania Toves in re the ROBERT A. HEFNER 9 a.m. l;'j[IUJIJ.l)(fl '!f [jJ~ [l[jJ[p[jJtJ Agulto vs. Villaluz, et. al. (Trial) Oct. 28 Antonio dba A's Barber (Trial) estate of Oct. 26 CNMI vs. Ramon Silva Solomon 9 a.m. 1:30 p.m. Guardianship 9 a.m. De Castro, Vicente P. In re the Victor Pangelinan vs. Roque (!'rial) Elizabeth Reyes vs. Oh, Kwang Tydingco et. al. CNMI vs. Sylvan 0. Laniyo California First Bank vs. Antonio (Trial) llr!Jt.ia A. Benavente 1:30 p.m. California First Bank vs. Jesus A. CNMI vs. Teodoro Savino Tupas· Sasamoto (Trial) Wick Construction Co. vs. Brad CNMI vs. John M. Hosono (Trial) 0)[1 [lllJ(!J(IUJil[J (j)~ T. nago Oct. 30 UJOJUJfllllJ 1:30 p.m. California First Bank vs. Joseph W. Muna & Bobbie Muna CNMI vs. Lucia P. Hemley

,...... __ __.:.______:....______~ Wick Const. Co. vs. Brad T. (Sentencing) Nago Edkeroi, Louisa vs. Marci, Edwin Transamerica Dev. Corp. vs. N. Vicente M. Sablan/Daniel 0. CNMI vs. jerome Fejeran Quitugua CNMI vs. Santos, Antonio Maria~as Int'!. Travel Agency vs. Sablan (Trial) 3 p.m. STATEMENT FOR DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Daniel 0. Quitugua P.G.s. Int'!. (Spn), Inc. vs. Ada, Demola, Russell Clement vs. The mission of the CNMI Department of Education is to promote Ronald S. Suzuko Higa Demola 'P{ace: Saipan <;rand Jfotef'Poofsicfe growth of individuals as active, competent, and effective California First Bank vs. Jesus Bermudes, Jesus C. vs. Bermudes Mary Ricking · ' 'Date: Saturriayl 0do6er 241 1987 participants in the social, cultural, economic and political SN. Cabrera, ct. al. Ban·k of Hawaii vs. Antonio L. Fcjcran, Maria S. vs. Benigno T. Ttme: 7:30-10:3ur.M ~ development of their community, the Commonwealth and the Teregeyo Fejeran world by providing to all the young people of the 10 a.m. Zablan, Franco S. vs. Zablan, LiJcaf5 ooc( Locaf 'Beau! 'Dinner Sliow Commonwealth access to the best possible quality Tenorio, Pedro P. vs. Camacho, Olivia Mallari of meaningful life for the individual and ·for the Carlos S. Santos, Margarita Guerrero vs. mu[ Jose S. Tarope vs. Igisair, Dean Pambid Santos Commonwealth as a ·whole Margarita N. (Motion) JUDGE "JJaor 'Prizes!!! Oct. 29 RAMON G. VILLAGOMEZ 9 a.m. Oct. 26 I~~~x Aguilar, Samuel vs. Dairy Farm 9 a.m. Flight Ser. Inc. et. al. CNMI vs. Bcrbetus Ambai Iyar JUDGE Torres, Cayetano S. vs. Cabrera, JOSE S. DELA CUZ Victorino ~~eey~~~:·un~~~ Oct. 26 1:30 p.m. 9 a.m. Cabrera, Soledad C. in re the dJ no.2 CNMI vs. Abraham N. Rafael estate of no.13 (Trial) Oct. 27 m 1:30 p.m. 9:30 a.m. Antonio R. Cabrera (Potu) • AUTONOMY SANTOS., CNMI vs. Riungel, Sumang l!iada AAG & INO vs. Victorino "N. SANTOS 3:30 p.m. Gonzales The Department of Education shall be Juvenile AAG & INO vs. Estrella S. Bitu- Candidate . On ' established as a nonprofit public corporation RLDDRO. ORR I OLD Oct. 28 , 9 a.m. AAG & INO vs. Prima B. Romero .8NTONIO OGDON under the general control and direction of the for EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: CNMT vs. Cahrcrn, Michael R. AG & INO vs. Ganir, Ofelia B. • EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: Board of Education. The DOE shall adopt by • MASTERS IN BUSINESS 1:30 p.m. AAG & INO vs. Tabora, Belinda laws that enumerate its purposes, duties, ADMINISTRATION (MBA)· 1974 Cabrera, Carolina P. vs. Cabrera, R. MASTER OF EDUCATION IN Board of Education I powers. and rules of organization and *BACHELOR OF ARTS IN . Sabino Reyes AAG & INO vs. Cefcrino M. ADMINISTRATION/SUPERVISION operation. ACCOUNTING (BA) • 1970 Kin An Young vs. Rcstituta B. Granatin Jr. AAG & INO vs. Dalisay S. ACCREDITATION Banlat Young BACHELOR OF ARTS IN PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: Babauta, Mitsuko vs. Babauta, Gamuza ELEMENTARY EDUCATION *ACTING VICE-PRESIDENT FOR BUSINESS Francisco AAG & INO vs. Rosemary P. As a ~rovider of elementary and secondary Lumanga education, Department of Education could be AND ADMINISTRATION, NORTHERN MARIANAS Sablan, janet M. vs. Sablan, CERTIFICATE: COLLEGE - 1987- Henry S. AAG & INO vs. Lolita A. FDUCATIONAL ADMINISTRATION assigned many avenues of service to the ..B "" .. v Commonwealth. In a period of rapid institutional 'DEAN OF BUSINESS AND PUBLIC PRQFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: development it is important that existing ADMINISTRATION, NORTHERN MARIANAS [-MARIANAS BAPTIST CHURCH programs and services be soundly established COLLEGE, 1986-1987 I' ~DEAN/DIRECTOR OF LAND GRANT ·O and significant cultural values be maintained. NORTHERN MARIANAS COLLEGE' 'PART·TIME INSTRUCTOR, NORTHERN MARIANAS FELLOWSHIPING IN HIS WORD Establishment of an autonomous Department COLLEGE, 1984-1986 . '*DEAN, ADULT VOCATIONAL/CONTINUING and Board will considerably strengthen the Text: "Then those who feared the Lord spoke to one another, EDUCATION, NORTHERN MARIANAS legal foundation of DOE. 'EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, NMI STATE OCCUPATIONAL T and the Lord heard them; so a book of remembrance was written COLLEGE . INFORMATION COMMITTEE. 1979·1986 • SPECIAL EDU.CATION before Hirn for those who fear the Lord and who meditate on His name. *PRINCIPAL, HOPWOOD JR. HIGH SCHOOL 'EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, COMMUNITY ACTION I; I The Board of l:ducation and the department AGENCY, 1974-1979 "They shall be Mine," says the Lord of hosts," on the Day ' I *PRINCIPAL, SAN ROQUE ELEMENTARY shall continue to foster growth and enhance that make them My jewels. And I will spare them as a man *ACCOUNTANT, MICRONESIAN LEGAL spares his own son who serves him." (Malachi 3: 16-17) SCHOOL delivery of services by the Special Education Program to persons with disabilities. A disabled SERVICES, 1971-1973 We should delight to gather together around the fountain of ·.•:· holy Scripture to drink in happy fellowship of the living water L­ *TEACHER, SAN ROQUE ELEMENTARY person deserves the same opportunities in life *ACCOUNTANT, TRUST TERRITORY for our common refreshment and blessing. as much as any "normal" person does. SCHOOL GOVERNMENT, 1970-1971 But it is not so. The Word of God is NOT loved and studied * VOCATIONAL EDUCATIONAL either privately or publicly. Trashy literature is devoured i~ *TEACHER, TANAPAG ELEMENTARY 'BOARD OF EDUCATION, MEMBER E private;. and music, ritualistic services, and imposing 1986-PRESENT The Board of Education and the Department ccremomcs arc eagerly sought after in public. Thousands will shall develop a comprehensive vocational and flock to hear music and pay for admission, but how few care for "STAFF DEVELOPMENT *LAND NEEDS technical school and offerings articulated with a meeting to read the holy Scriptures! These are facts, and facts 0 Establish certification standard for elementary and Northern Marianas College Vocational arc powerful arg'irncnts. We cannot get over them. There is a Growing student population in the CNMI makes it secondary teachers, vocational education and Education programs. growing thirst for religious excitement, and a growing distaste imperative to identify future school facility sites Special Education teachers, school administrators for the calm study of holy Scripiurc and the spiriiual exercises · ·.T * CAREER ORIENTATION librarians, and·counselors. To provide training t~ and to make land acquisition arrangement with the of the Christian assembly. It is perfectly useless to deny it. W c office of Marianas P.ublic Land Corporation. ,.::i. cannot shut our eyes to it. The evidence of it meets us on every all other naff for skill development and improve­ Students will !}~we to make intelligent decisions at some point In their lives about careers after ,,,:\",:·.· hand. ment. t "- they leave school and get into the world of But thank Cod, there arc a few, here and there, who really "TRANSPORTATION *DOE INFORMATION NETWORK love the Word of God and delight to meet in holy fellowship for work! DOE shall promote programs and ..' ,t.·; ... the study of its precious truths. May the Lord increase the educational activities which encourage and Continue to explore funding sources for procure· The Department of Education shall establish a . number of such and bless them abundantly. May our lot be cast I . develop student a'?'areness about jobs and ment and maintenance of a bussing fleet for all comprehensive information system network ( with them "till traveling days are done." They arc but an DELEOI GUERRERO career needs in the CNML eligible students including those with disabilities. which generate information, develop a central obscure and feeble remnant everywhere, but Lhcy love Christ and cleave to His Word; and their richest enjoyment is Lo get Accident insurance coverage for these students will * FACILITIES data bank, and develop dissemination l be required. together and think W1d speak and sing of Him. May God bless mechanisms that facilitate communication them and keep them. May He deepen His precious work in their PEDRO Rogoloioi Existing_ facilities cannot adequately facilitate "PROGRAM EVALUATION between and among schools and support service souls and bind them more closely to Himself and to one the _deltv~ry of educational programs and another, thus preparing them in the slate of their affections for \ Programs in the system must be examined for divisions at the "central" Department of services m the Commonwealth. Adequate the appearing of "the Bright and Morning Star." These arc those Education. For REPRESENTATIVE effectiveness. Evaluation will focus on proposed fundings must be ensured to upgrade who need not fear the Lord's great Day, the Day of His wrath, 1 1111 activities being implemented, quality of delivery educational facilities in order to cope with f~r ~.e "will spare them as a man spares his own son who serves San Jose "' Garapan Northern Islands methods and documented outcomes of proposed · program needs and demand. !um. projects. Paid for by Commitee to Eled Tony & Alvaro Adapted VOTE DEMOCRAT Page 38 •• MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS & VIEWS ·· OCTOBER 23, 1987 OCTOBER 23, 1987 - MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS & VIEWS -- Page 39 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES Old, young · 25¢ PER LINF/COLUMN I groups nse IN HUMBLE GRATITUDE ******* MarianasVariety ******* Minimum ad space: $2.00 1 line x 1 co ...... $ .25 6 lines x 1 col " ...... 1.50 2 lines x 1 col ...... SO 7 lines x 1 col ...... "'"" 1.75 in the Pacific We the Family of the Late CLASSIFmDADS 3 1 75 8 lines x 1 col ...... 2.00 lines x col ...... (UNIS) • The shifting age 4 lines x 1 col ...... 1.00 9 lines x 1 col ...... 2.25 structure of the Asia-Pacific * * * * * * * Ca11234-6341/7S78 * * * * * * * 5 lines x 1 col ... , ...... 1. 25 10 lines x 1 col ••.•.•...... •. 2.50 population has spawned a "new CARMEN DELA CRUZ CAMACHO '· baby boom" and a swelling num­ I< 1 FLOOR MANAGER • College 1 MANAGER - High school graduaLe, I PROJECT ENGINEER. • College CONSTRUCTION WORKERS 1 · ber of elderly. Would like to express our most profound gratitude to MANAGER/ACCOUNTANT garduate, 2 years experience. Salary: 2 years expcricne. Salary: $3.00-$4.50 graduate, 2 years experience. Salary: The problem at the opposite $1,400.00 per month. per hour. $500.00 per month. I CARPENTER · High school our Bishop, His Excellency A. Camacho, the 1 IMPORT MANAGER - College ends of the population spectrum ConLacL: HAKUBOTAN SAIPAN I SUPERVISOR - High school Comact: JEN-MARZ ENT., P.O. Box graduate, 2 years experience. Salary: graduate, 2 years experience. Salary: were highlighted in a report Techa and the Kristo Rai Church Choirs, relatives and ENTERPRISES, INC., P.O. Box 127, graduaLc, 2 years experience. Salary: 1562, Saipan, CM 96950 · Tel. 234- $2.00 per hour. $500.00 per month. Saipan, CM 96950. (10/30). $2.15-$3.50 per hour. 7129. (10(30) Contact: PACIFIC ENGINEERING & adopted Friday at the conclusion friends for your sincere expression of sympathy I GOLDSMITH - High school I ASST. FOOD & BEBERAGE Contact: OKURA CORPORATION, CONST. INC., P.O. Box 2172, of a five-day meeting of the graduaLe, 2 years experience. Salary: 1 CIVIL ENGINEER · College extended to us during our time of sorrow. We also MANAGER - High school graduaLe, 2 P.O. Box 11451, Saipan, CM 96950 - ~~~~_:~_96950. (11/6). ____ $550.00 per month. graduate, 2 years experience. Salary: Committee on Population of the years experience. Salary: Sl,200·$1,700 Tel. 234-57CXi. (10/23). $3.00 per hour. thank you all for your unselfish support and ContacL: 0 & S ENTERPRISES, -5 PLASTERERS United Nations Economic and per month. 10 CONSTRUCTION WORKERS - INC., P.O. Box 503 Cl-lRB, Saipan, I MANAGER - High school grduaLe, 2 !COOK Social Commission for Asia and assistance that you have given us. May our dear Lord 1 BAKER/PASTY COOK -Two years Two years experience. Salary: $1.75 CM 116950 - Tel. 234-7786. (! 1/6). years experience. Salary: $2.40-44.50 3 CARPEJ\'TERS experience. Salary: $2.80 per hour. per hour. the Pacific (ESCAP). shower you all with His Blessings for the kindness I ACCOUNTANT- College garduaLe, IO STEELMAN ,J 1 CHEF-JAPANESE CUISINE -1bree per hour. ContacL: AS RALPH'S CONSTRUC­ The report attributed the 2 years experience. Salary: $2.25 per I SUPERVISOR - High school and love that you have shown us. . years experience. Salary: $900.00- TION CO.,P.0. Box 2365, Saipan, \; hour. graduaLe, 2 years experience. Salary: - High school graduate, 2 years changing age structure to past $1,200.00 per month. CM 96950. C!0/23). ' I WAITRESS - High school graduale, experience. Salary: $2.15 per hour. high fertility and falling morrnli­ I FRONT OFFICE MANAGER - $2.15-$3.50 per hour. 3 monLhs experience. Salary: $373.00 FUfl I CIVIL ENGINEER - High school Contact: AMKO CORPORATION, r Dangkulo Na Si Yu'us Maase. College graduate, 2-3 years experience. ContacL: DEVELOPMENT LTD. ,·.It has resulted in an increase in permomh. graduate. Salary: S450.00-$1,000.00 P.O. Box 2702, Saipan, CM 96950 - Salary: S 1,250.00-S 1,450.00 per P.O. Box 1451, Saipan .. CM 96950 . the prop:xtion as well as the abso­ ContacL: HAFADAI BECH HOTEL month. (10123). per month. Tel. 234-9478. (11/6). lute number of women in the dba Saipan Hotel Corp., P.O. Box 338, 6STEELMANS ------The Family ' I REFRIGERATION/AIR CONDI· child-bearing ages, which is pro­ saipan, CM 96950 • Tel. 234-6495. 22MASONS -SMASONS I 110N MECHANIC-Two years experi­ 1 OFFICE MANAGER - High rl'i.• (11/6) 2WELDERS 2COOKS jected co continue until the end of ~ ence. Salary: $2.60 per hour. school grad. Salary: $500.00/mo. I ASST. GEN. MANAGER· College 3 ELEC1RICIANS - High school graduate, 2 years the century. "' 1 CHIEF STEW ARD • Two years 1 SECRETARY - High school experience. Salary: $500.00 per month. graduaLe, 3 years experience. Salary: experience. Salary: $650.00-$850.00 grad .• 3 months experience. Salary: 7 PLUMBERS Noting that some countries in 12 J>AlNTERS Contact: HONG'S CONSTRUCTION, $2,440.00 per month. pcrmonlh. $2.15 per hour. Asia and the Pacific have started ConLact: MICRO PACIFIC 10 DOMESTIC HELPERS (House I Th'\SMITI-1 P.O. Box 490, Saipan, CM 96950 - 1 RESTAURANT MANAGER - Worker) - High school graduate. Tel. 234-6564. (111')). LO experience "a second genera­ DEVELOPMENT INC .. dba Saipan College graduate, 2 years experience. 47 CARPENTERS -----·------Grand Hoel, P.O. Box 369, Saipan, Salary: $2.15 per hour. 4 HEAVY EQUIPT. OPERATORS Salary: $ 1,000.00-$1,500.00 per -1 TILE SEITER tion baby boom," the ESCAP CM 96950 ·Tel. 234-6601. {10/30). Contact: ADOLFO C. SERRANO · High school graduaLe, experience month. 2MASONS Population Committee called for dba ACS Ent., P.O. Box 1155, preferred but not required. Salary: I MANAuER · College graduaLe, 2 ConLacL: E.l.E. SAIPAN CORPORA­ Saipan. CM 96950. (11/6). 2 PLASTERERS strengthening of the existing na­ years experience. Salary: $500.00 per TION DBA IIYA TT Rl:GENCY Sl.50·S3.50 per hour. • High school graduate, 2 years tional family planning programs. monLh. SAIPAN, Saipan, CM 9 ,50 · Tel. I ACCOUNTANT · High school experience. Salary: $2.15 per hour. 1 MANAGER • High school grad., graduate, expereience preferred bUL not 2 CARPENTERS between the 1970s and 1980s, CORRUPTION, FRAUD, BRIBERY 1 CIVIL ENGINEER · College 234-1234 exL. 5118. (10/23). 2 years experience. Salary: $2.50 graduate, 2 years experience. Salary: requied. Salary: S450.00-$1,500.00 per I ELECTRICIAN I ACCOUNTANT - College graduaLe, per hour. it was noted that the ESCAP re­ monLh. - High school graduate, 2 years $450.00 per month. experience preferred buL noL rcquied. 1 ASST. MANAGER -High school gion had experienced a decline of 8 CARPENTERS I MECHANICAL ENGINEER - High experience Salary: $600.00 per month. Salary: $2.75 per hour. grad., 2 years experience. Salary: 31 percent in fertility. This had 8MASONS $2.30 per hour. school graduale, experience preferred Contact: LIM'S CONSTRUCTION ConLacL: HAFADAI BEACH HOTEL Contact: JULIM ENTERPRISES, bUL not required. Salary: $450.00- CORP., P.O. Box 968, Saipan, CM combined with the fall in mortal­ Is This Doing Government aa !ID il lli! llil If DD?. 5STEELMAN dba Saipan Hotel Corp., P.o. Box 338, 2 ELEC11UCIANS INC., P.O. Box 968, Saipan. CM $1,000.00 per month. 96950 - Tel. 234-6564. (11/6) ity rates to increase life expec­ Saipan, CM 96950 · Tel. 234-6495. - High school graduaic. 2 years 96950 - Tel. 234-6564. (11/6). I ELECTRICAL ENGINEER · High (10/23). tancy. experience. Salary: SI .75 per hour. school grad., experience preferred buL -1 ELECTRICIAN , I ASST. GEN. MANAGER· College 1 ACCOUNTANT - College grad .• noL required. Salary: $450.00·Sl,000.00 2MECHANICS In many developed and de­ ContacL~ MELTON COMPANY, P.O. 1 year experience. Salary: $700.00 Box 102!, Saipan, CM 96950 · Tel. graduate, 2 years experience. Salary: per monlh. - High school graduate, experience veloping countries of the region, per month. preferred but not required. Salary: 234-9974. (! 1/6). $1,400.00 per month. Contact: TOWN HOUSE. INC. dba ContacL: SABLAN CONSTRUCTION the report pointed out that "popu­ ConLacL: CHALAN KANOA BEACH $ I.50-$3.50 per hour. 1 ACCOUNTANT - College gradua1e, J & G Company, Inc., P.O. Box 167 CO. LTD., P.O. Box 1430, Saipan, lation is aging very rapidly". This CLUB CORPORATION, p.O. Box l CARPENTER 2 years experience. Salary: S550.00 per SaiPan. CM 96950. (11/6). CM 96950. (11/6). I;) 356, Saipan, CM 96950 . (I 0/23). 3 HEAVY EQU1PT. OPERA TORS has created new population-re­ monlh. - High school graduate, experience lated problems, such as providing 1 GENERAL MANAGER - lligh 1 ASST. MANAGER FARM LABORERS (( ContacL: BLACK·MICRO CORPORA· 1 ARCHITECT preferred but not required. salary: $2.15- TION , P.O. Box 545, Saipan, CM school grad .• 2 years. experience. income maintenance and social - High school grad., 2 years ex­ $3.50 per hour. 96950-Tel. 234·6549. (10/30). Salary: 1 FARMER • lligh school graduate, security. perience. Salary:. $2.15 per hour. ContacL: SABLAN ROCK QUARRY, I SUPERVISOR - High school grad., Contact: PEARL COMMERCIAL expereincc preferred buL not rcqurcd. · Countries in the region should ,. ing ages would make it more dif­ ~ I MANAGER · College graduaLe, 2 monlh. Roland G. JasLillana, P.O. Boll 331, {j Salary: Sl65.00 per momh. ficult to attain further declines in years experience. Salary: S600.00 per 6COOKS Saipan, CM 96950 ·Tel. 234·6609. ComacL: JESUS V. DL GUERRERO, 3MASONS ;g month. 2 QUALITY ASSURANCE lnspccwrs 00a3) P.O. Box 1292, Saipan, CM 96950 - 3 CARPEJ\'TERS fertility levels. ConLacL: JO!lN JOYr\ER dba TriniLy 350 SEWING MAC! IL"\E Operalors 2 ELECTRICIAN According to the report, many I CIVIL ENGINEER · College Tel. 234·8225. (10/30). Ventures, p.o. Box 2167, Saipan. CM 3 MAINTENANCE ELECl'RIC!ANS graduaLe, 2 years experience. Salary: - High school graduate, 2 years ESCAP countries have already ,t I 96950 ·Tel. 234·7226. (10/30). · High school grad., 2 yrs. experience S3.00 per hour. I FARMER · High school graduaLe. experience. Salary: $2.15 per hour. been grappling with unemploy­ 1 ACCOUNTA!'\T - College graduale, Salary: $2.15 per hour. Contact: C & P CONSTRUCTION Salary: 5200.00 per momh. ConLacL: A-1 CONSTRUCTION, P.O. ment, and this problem would 2 years experience. Salary: $2.15 per 10 MAINTENANCE REPAIRERS AND ENTERPRISES, P.O. Box 524, Contact: ROMAN M. BEl\:A VENTE, Box 1 CHRB, Saipan, CM 96950. (10(30). worsen with the entry of a grow­ hour. (I lclpcr) Saipan. CM 96950 - Tel. 234·8715. P.O. Box 846, Saipan, CM 96950. ContacL: RODRIGO C. PEREZ dba 3 MAINTENANCE REPAIRERS ·High I 01231. (10(30). ing number of young adults into school grad. Salary: $2.15 per hour. ·2 PLUMBERS - High school Perrez Enl., P.O. Box 2034, Saipan, 2 CIVIL ENGINEERS · College graduate, 2 years experience. Salary: the labor force. @,1o1Alt1/\UA'ilt1V•lh ContacL: LINSON {Saipan), INC., P.o. CM 96950 ·Tel. 234-7182. 110/30). graduaLe. 2 years experience. Salary: 4 FARM WORKERS · To perfonn SI. 75 per hour. Box 2706, Saipan, CM 96950 • Tel. 234 Aside from creating difficul­ u,, $500.00·$800.00 per month. Lransplant, prepare seedlings and ocher 2 CIVIL ENGINEER - High. school I GEN. MANAGER · College 3481. (I 0/23). ties for the economy to absorb 1 ELECTRICAL ENGINEER · related duties. Salary: $200.00 per graduate, 2 years experience. Salary: graduate, 3-10 yrs. experience. Salary: them, the rcpon warned that the College graduaLe, 2 years experience. monLh. $400.00-$500.00 per month. Restore Honesty to our Government 52,000.00 per monLh. 11 ACCOUNTANT - CoUegc graduaLc, Salary: S500.00-S700.00 per month. ConLacL: MARY LEE !'. AQUINO, 2 FOREMANS - High school grduaLe, continuing increases in the num­ 2 years experience. Salary: $450.00 to r 40 CARPENTERS P.O. Box 902, Saipan, CM 96950. 2 years experience. Salary: SI. 75 per ber of working age population Contae1: l!Eli\Z STAl'FLER dba Tao $550.00 per monlh. 2 HEAVY EQUlPT. OPERATORS (10123). hour. \1 would pose a threat to political On November 7 Development Group, P.O. Box 706, I MANAGER· High school graduaLc, 2 - High school graduale, 2 years ContacL: ROLAND G. JASTILLANA Saipan, CM 96950 - Tel. 234-7748. years experience. Salary: $450.0Q. stability, as well as place a burden experience. Salary: S l.75-S2.25 per 1 FARM WORKER · PlanLing fruiLs, dba Arjay ConsLruction, P.O. Box 331, (I 0/30). $500.00 per month. hour. veg .• harvesting and olher relaLed on urban infrastructure and I 11.E. OPERATOR - High school Saipan, CM 96950 - Tel. 234-6609. I AUTO MECHANICS duiies. Salary: $200.00 per month. services. "Some countries," it 1 GENERAL MANAGER . High graduate, 2 years experience. Salary: 2 ELECI'RlC!ANS ContacL: MANUEL T. CABRERA, [email protected]_····----·------school graduaLc. Salary: S 1,000.00 per $2.15·S2.50 per hour. noted, "arc facing such social -2 PLUMBERS P.O. Box 1563, Saipan, CM 96950. 1 HEAVY EQUIPMENT MECHANIC month. I SALES MANAGER . College problems among their youth • lligh school graduaLc, 2 years (10(30). - High school graduate or its 4 SCUBA DIVERS (Guide or graduaLe, 2 years e~pericnce. Salary: ' ~~ .. experience. Salary: $ l.75·$2.50 per equivalent, 2 years experience. Salary: population as early marriage, lmtrucLor) · lligh school graduaLe. $500.00-S600.00 per monlh. hour. $2.15 per hour. unwed motherhood and drug Salary: $1,000.00 per monLh. Subscribe today Lo get che Contact: TRANSAMEIUCA CORl'O· ContacL: H.S. LEE CONSTRL:C'llON Contact: CERON BODY BUILDERS PAID FOR BY DEMOCRATIC PARTY --d·.f·.~;1 ConLaet: BLUE SEA SPORT, P.O. best news in Micronesia. addiction." RA'110N, P.o. Box 1579, Saipan, CM CO., INC., p.o. Box 440, Saipan. CM & ENGINEERING SERVICES, Box 47, Snipan, CM 96950. (10/30). .... 96950- Tel. 234·7833. (10/23)). 96950 ·Tel. 234·5201. f!Ol23l . Saipan, CM 96950. (10130).- r'"' -


~~~~~~~~~~~~- 1 LIVE-IN-MAID - Two years TRIMMERS - High school graduate, CONSTRUCTION WORKERS I PAL'ffER - High school graduate, 2 1 HOUSE WORKER - Clean 1 LABORER (Store) - High school 5 1 ENGINEER years experience. Salary: $475.00 per experience. Salary: $150.00 per month. house, wash dishes and other relat· graduate, 3 mans. experience. Salary: 6 months experience. Salary: $2.1 S per 1 ARCHITECT INVITATION TO BID Contact: HERMINIA M. FUSCO, J>.o. CLASSIFIED ADS - College grad., 2 years experience. 2 MASONS month. ed duties. Salary: $150.00 per $2.15 per hour. hour. I STEEL\1AN Contact: BENIGNO T. FEJERAN, Box 426 CHRB, Saipan, CM 96950 - month. Contact: ONE STOP KOOL SPOT, 1 ACCOUNTANT- College graduate, 2 4 INSPECTORS (Sewing Room) Salary: $600.00 per month. Tel. 322-9063. (10/23). Contact: JOSEPHA C. UNTALAN, I ACCOUNTANT - College graduate, - I! igh school graduate, 2 years p.O. Box 2268, Saipan, CM 96950 - P.O. Box 802, Saipan, CM 96950 - years experience. Salary: $450.00 to 13 PRESSERS The Procurement & Supply is inviting for sealed bids for a P.O. Box 736, Saipan, CM 96950 - High school grad., 2 years experience. 2 years experience. Salary: $500.00 per experience. Salary: SJ.90-$2.50 per Tel. 234-3276. (11/6). Tel. 234-7290. (I 1/6). $550.00 per month. 1 LIVE-IN-MAID - High school grad., ·Tel. 234-9225. (10/25). Salary: $2.15-$2.50 per hour. month. one-year lease with option to purchase the following type hour. 1 MANAGER - High school graduate, 2 2 years experience. Salary: $200.00 per 1 STORE SUPERVISOR - College years experience. Salary: $450.00- 3 INSPECTORS - High school grad., 3 3 H.E. MECHANICS - High school of vehicle: Contact: RV ENTERPRISES, P.O. -1 MECHANIC - High school 1 LIVE-IN-MAID - High sohool month. graduate, 2 years experience. Salary: yrs. experience. Salary: $2.15-$2.50 per grad., 2 years experience. Salary: $2.25 Box 192 CHRB, Saipan, CM 96950. graduate, 2 years experience. Salary: garduale, 2 years experience. Salary: $500.00 per month. Contact: JESUS LG. T AKAi, p.o. Box $2.50 per hour. 1 H.E. OPERATOR - High school hour. per hour. (10!30). $2.15 per hour. S150.00 per month. 1987 Jeep, 4 cylinder, 4 speed standard 263, Saipan, CM 96950.(10730 Contact: SAINT TRADING CO., graduate, 2 years experience. Salary: 4CUTTERS Contact: A.B.C. ENTERPRISES, Contact: FRANCES T. DEMAPAN, 4 FARM WORKERS - High school transmission, 4 wheel drive, complete ELECTRICIANS - At least high INC., dba Santcrs, P.O. Box 2690, $2.15-$2.50 per hour. 3 BUTTON MACHINE OPERATORS Saipan, CM 96950 - Tel. 234-8654. 1 LIVE-IN-MAID (House Worker) · P.O. Box 680, Saipan, CM 96950. grad., 2 years experience. Salary: undercoating, rustproofing, spare tire I school graduate, min. 2 years (11/6). Saipan, CM 96950 - Tel. 234-3990 1 SALES MANAGER - College - High school grad., I year experience. High school graduate. Salary: $150.00 (10/23). S150.00 per month. experience. Salary: Sl.75-$2.75 per per month. 1 SEAMSTRESS (Dress Makers) - graduate, 2 years experience. Salary: Salary: $2.15-$2.50 per hour. 1 HANDICRAFr and w/complcte maintenance during lease I hour. 3COOKS I MECHANIC· High school graduate, Contact: MR. & MRS. JOE TAIROPI, MISCELLANEOUS . · · High school graduate. Salary: $2.35 per $500.00-$600.00 per month. 2 WOOD CARVERS period, fully insured, must meet FMVSS. Contact: ACS ENTERPRISES/Adolfo 2 years experience. Salary: $500.00 per P.O. Box 1970, Saipan, CM 96950. hour. Contact: TRANSAMERICA CORPO­ 2 PRESSERS 1 BODY FENDER (TINSMinI) Bids must be CIF Rota Public Works. No C. Serrano Sr., P.o. Box 1166, month. (10/23). Contact: LILIA H. MANANSALA dba RATION, P.o. Box 1579, Saipan, CM 177 SEWING MACHINE Operators 5 H.E. OPERATORS Saipan, CM 96950 - Tel. 322-3355. Contact: JOSE M. BABAUTA dba I PIPEFI'rfER -Two years experience. 3 PACKERS bid bond will be requested for this 1 HOUSE WORKER - High school Lily's Tailoring & Dress Shop, P.O. 96950 - Tel. 234-7833. (10/23\l. 1 CONS1RUCTION AUTOM011VE (10/23). Ray Anthony Repair Shop, Saipan, Salary: $2.15 per hour. - High school grad., 2 years experience. project. graduate. Salary: $150.00 per month. Boii: 2115, Saipan, CM 96950 - Tel. 2 PRODUCTION MANAGERS - ELECTRICIANS CM 96950. (11/6). Contact: RV ENTERPRISES, P.O. Salary: $2.15 per hour. Contact: C.E. WHITE, P.O. Box 525 ~4-~~~:5_.:S_Q_!~} ______I ASST. MANAGER - High school graduate, 2 years I CARPENTER Box 192 CHRB, Saipan, CM 96950 . 2 BUTfON HOLE MAKERS (Hand) - CHRB, Saipan, CM 96950 - Tel. 234- - High school grad., 2 yrs. experience expereience. Salary: $2.15 per hour. Bids must be submitted in .sealed envelope, marked I ELECffiONIC TECl!NlCIAN DOMESTIC HELPERS (11/6) 2 STENOGRAPHER - High school High school grad., 1 year experience. 9110. (10123). Salary: $700.00-$800.00 per month. 2 ELECTRICIANS IFB88-0002, to Procurement & Supply Office, Lower - High school graduate, 2 years graduate, 2 years experience. Salary: Salary: 2.15 per hour. 1 GEN. MANAGER - High school grad. 2PLUMBERS experience. Salary: $2.15 per hour. 7 DOMESTIC HELPERS (House 1 LIVE-IN-MAID (House Worker) - $2.30 per hour. 2 PRODUCTION CONTROL Base, no later than 2:00 p.m., October 30, 1987, at which 2 GARDENERS - High school grduatc. 4 years experience. Salary: $1,00.00 per 25 CARPENTERS Contact: FRANK C. ADA dba China Workers) - lligh school graduate. High school graduate. Salary: ~250.00 Salary: $2. I 5-$2.60 per hour. Contact: COMMONWEALTH CLERKS - high school grad., 2 years time and place, all bids received will be publicly opened month. 25 MASONS Town Enterprises, Saipan, CM 96950 - Salary: $2.15 per hour. per month. Contact: SAIPAN DIAMOND HOTEL STENOGRAPHIC SERVICES, p.O. experience. Salary: $700.00-$1,700.00 ', /'. 6COOKS 2 TIREMANS (Vuleanizers) and read. Any inquries on this bid shall be directed to the Tel. 234-3827. {I 023/S7. Contact: JOSEPHINE S. SABLAN dba Contact: JUAN T. GUERRERO, P.o. COMPANY LTD. Saipan Diamond Box I CHRB, Saipan, CM 96950. ,. per month. dba 2 QUALffY ASSURANCE Inspectors 2PAINTERS project with wastewater branch or CUC Engineer, Mr. Sablan"s Management Services, P.O. Box 1218, Saipan, CM 96950 - Tel. Hotel, P.O. Box 66, Saipan, CM 96950 (10/30). I INS'ffiUCTOR - High school grad., 4 DRAFTSMAN - College graduate, 2 350 SEWING MAC! lINE Operators - High school grad., 2 years experience. J Box 2481, Saipan, CM 96950 - Tel. 234-6139. (10/23). - Tel. 234-5900. (11/6). yrs. experience. Salary: $1,000.00- Edward D. Babauta at 322-9371. Bids received late will years experience. Salary: $350.00 per -1 AC/REF. MECHANIC - High 3 MAINTENANCE ELECJ1UCIANS Salary: $1.75-$2.00 per hour. 322-3617. (11/6). 1 LIVE-IN-MAID (Jouse Worker) - High $1,700.00 per month. not be considered. The government reserves the right to month. school graduate, 2 years experience. - lligh school grad., 2 yrs. experience Contact: AUGUSTIN T. CAMACHO ' school grduate. Salary: $150.00-$200.00 4 MAINTENANCE MAN - High 1 MATERIAL CONTROL 4 ELECTRICIANS Salary: $2.15 per hour. .~, Salary: $2.15 per hour. dba Camacho Equipment Company, reject any or all bids and to waive minor imperfections in I -I LIVE-IN-MAID (House Worker) - per month. school graduate. 3 mons. experience. I EXPEDITER - College graduate, 3 yrs. 4 CARPENTERS Contact: IKE DLG. DEMAPAN, p.o. 10 MAINTENANCE REPAIRERS P .. O. Box 53, Saipan, CM 96950 - the best interest of the govenunent High school graduate. Salary: $150.00 Contact: MRS. CECILE Salary: 52.15-$2.30 per hour. experience. Salary: $1,700.00/month. 3MASONS ~~~~-~:2!~~:J!_q!?_~_L ______(Helper) Tel. 322-9715. (10/30). per month. YOSHIMOTO, Saipan, CM 96950 - tel. Contact: SUMIKI MITA , P.O. Box 1 PERSONNEL MANAGER - High - High school graduate, 2 years 3 MAINTENANCE REPAIRERS - Higt ------Contact: MS. JOSEPllINE S. 234-6513. 777,, Saipan, CM 96950. (11/6) I REFRIGERATION MECHANIC - school grad., 2 years experience. Salary: /s/DA YID M. AP AT ANG experience. Salary: $1.60 per hour. school grad. Salary: S2.15 per hour. 2 AUTO BODY REPAIRERS SABLAN, P.O. Box 2481, Saipan, CM (10/23). High school ·graduate, 2 years 1,700.00 per month. contact: SYSTEMS SERVICES Contact: LINSON (Saipan), INC., P.o. S 2 AUTO MECHANlCS 96950. (11/6). 2 SCUBA TOUR GUIDE - High experience. Salary: $600.00 per month. 1 GEN. MANAGER - CoUcge grad. 7 COMPANY dba Maria C. Arizala, I LIVE-IN-MAID (House Worker) - Box 2706, Saipan, CM 96950 - Tel. 234 - High school grduale, 2 years school grduatc, 2 years experience. Contact: CHONG'S CORPORATION, yrs. experience. Salary: $2,500.00/mo. P.O. Box 752, Saipan, CM 96950. lligh school graduate. Salary: $150.00 3481. (10/23). experience. Salary: S2.l 5 per hour. 1 HOUSE WORKER - To do all house per month. Salary: $500.00 per month. P.O. Box 800, Saipan, CM 96950 - 1 SH!Pl'lNG MANAGER - High Contact: JESUS C. CABRERA dba (10!30). . I GENERAL MANAGER - High workersssss. Salary: $200.00 per month. Contact: RAMON M. & NENITA B. contact: SAIPAN CORAL REEF, Tel. 234-6560. (10/30) school grad .. 2 yrs. experience. Salary: Filipinas Auto Repair Shop. P.O. Box school grad., 2 years. experience. OCEAN VIEW VILLA Contact: JOSEPH C. PEREZ, P.O. Box SAN NICOLAS, P.O. Box 516 CHRB, INC., p.O. Box 771, Saipan, CM $2,000.00 per month. 2374, Saipan, CM 96950. (10!30). 2 CONSTRUCTION WORKERS - 5 SEAMSTRESS Salary: 1279, Saipan, CM 96950 - Tel. 234- Sajpan CM 96950. 00123). 96950 - Tel. 234-3020. (11/6). 3 ASST. MANAGERS - High school NAVY HILL High school graduate., 2 years 5 DOMESTIC HELPERS 3007. (11/6). 1 SUPERVISOR - lligh school grad., grad., 2 yrs. experience. Salary: I. STORE SUPERVISOR - College experience. Salary: $2.15 per hour. I LIVE IN MAID (House Worker) 2 AUTO BODY REPAIRERS - High school graduate, 2 years 3 yrs. experience. Sa.lary: $2.15-$3.00 $1,700.00-$2,00.00 per mon•h. grduate, 2 years experience. Salary: EXECUTIVE TYPE APARTMENT Contact: ROLANDO T. DIZON dba High school graduate. Salary: $150.00 experience. Salary: $2.15 per hour. per hour. 4 HOUSEKEEPERS - High school 2 AUTO MECHANICS 2 OVERHAULERS - I:igh school $2.50 per hour. R.D. Painting Services & Const., per month. Contact: J.J.'S ENT. (Dress Shop & 2 CARPENTERS - High school grad., FOR graduate. Salary: $2.15 per hour. - High school grduatc. Salary: $2.15 grad., 3 yrs. experience. Salary: $700.00 Contact: SAINT TRADING CO., Saipan, CM 96950. (10!30).- Contact: VICENTE C. LIZAMA, p.o. Domestic Helpers Services, p.O. Box 2 yrs. experience. Salary: $2.15 per Contact: EPCS dba Env. Protection per hour. - $1,000.00 per month. INC., P.O. Box 2690, Saipan, CM LEASE Box 11593 Saipan, CM 96950 hour. 1 DRAFTSMAN - College graduate, 2 Cleaning Services, P.o. Box 777, Contact: PACIFIC INTER.NATIONAL -~~?.~!~!!E~~!.~~-2~?:5.:.~}_9{~~: ______1 SUPERVISOR (Cuuing Room) - 96950 - Tel. 234-3990. (10/30). MARIANAS, INC .. dba Midway 1 MASON - High school grad., 2 yrs. High school grad., 3 yrs. experience. o 4 Units Still Available (out of 21 units) years experience. Salary: $350.00 per Saipan, CM 96950 - Tel. 234-5436. 1 LIVE-IN-MAID (House Worker) - 1 BEAUTICIAN -- High school Motors, P.O. Box 887, Saipan, CM experience. Salary: $2.15 per hour. Salary: $650.00-$900.00 per month. I BOOKKEEPER - College graduate, 3 month. (11/6). High school graduate. Salary: $170.00 graduate, 2 years cxpcreince. Salary: o Fully Furnished with Adequate Water Supply 96950 - Tel. 234-6826. (11/6). Contact: K & N CORl'ORA'I10N. I PAlTERN MAKER months expericne. Salary: $2.15 per 4 ELECTRICIANS per month. $2.15 per hour. P.O. Box 2416, Saipan, CM 96950 - c: Landscape, pave road, good neighborhood 2MARKERS hour. 4 CARPENTERS I LIVE-IN-MAID (House Worker) - Contact: AGNES P. DLGUERRERO, contact: .CIIINA ART CORP. , P.o. Tel. 234-5064. 00.23). 1 ASST. ESTTM ATOR - College - High yrs. c~pcricncc. 3MASO~S High school graduate. Salary: $150.00 Ilux 2469, Saipaa, CM 96950. si:hool grad., 4 3 DOMESTIC HELPERS (House P.O. Box 1271, Saipan, CM 96950. I GENERAL MAINTENANCE - High - High school graduate, 2 years per month. graduate, 2 years experience. Salary: Salary: $600.00-$800.00 per month. Worker) - High school garduatc. Salary: For Inquiry, Please Contact Mrs. Lydia Ke (L & T) (10130) school gradfuatc, 2 years experience. experience. Salary: S 1.60 per hour. Contact: TITO R. LAJ\11YO, Saipan, $300.00-$500.00 per month. Q_~(}_?)~------8 SPREADERS · lligh school grad.. $2.15 per hour. lat'l. Corp., Opention Manager) at Phone Nos. 322- S:ilary: S2.15 per hour. contact: SYSTEMS SERVICES CM 969~0. 0 I /6). 1 LIVE-IN-MAID - High school grad., 2 SURVEY ASSISTANT - College 1 ASST. CHIEF COOK - High school Sabty: $2.15-$2.50 per hour. Contact: HERMAN BERMUDES dba 2 years experience. Salary: $200.00 per graduate. 3 years experience. Salary: Contact: DIEGO'S MART, p.o. Box 9006/9054/9915). COMPANY dba Maria C. Arizala, 1 LIVE-IN-MAID - lligh school graduate. Salary: $1,800.00 per month. 2 SORTERS - High school grad., ex­ Manpower Mgt. Service, P.o. Box month. 1699, Saipan, CM 96950. (10/23). P.O. Box 752, Saipan, CM 96950. graduate. Salary: $200.00 per month. $300.00-$400.00 per month. 2 WAITER SUPERVISORS - High perience preferred but nor required. 2383, Saipan, CM 96950. (10/30). L Contact: ANA MAGOFNA '4 ENGINEER TECHNICIANS school graduate. 2 years experience. Salary: $2.1 per hour. (10!30). Contact: MAGDALENA TUDELA, 2 PHOTO DEVELOPERS - High S ROBlNSON, P.o. Box 542 CHRB, College graduate, 3 years experience. Salary: $600.00 per month. 2 SUPERVISOR (Sewing Room) - 2 CONSTRUCTION WORKERS - P.O. Box 692, Saipan, CM 96950. school graduate. Salary: S2.15-$3.00 per Saipan. CM 96950. (10/23). Salaiy: $400.00-S500.00 per month. 2 FRONT DESK SUPERVISORS - 1 OFFICE MACHINE MECHANIC - (11/6). hour. High school grad., 2 yrs. experience. High school graduate., 2 years AMERICAN INVESTMENTCOElP. High. school grduate, 2 years 1 LIVE-OUT-MAID - High school 2 MECHANICS - High school High school graduate, 2 years Salary: $600.00-5900.00 per month. experience. Salary: $2.15 per hour. 1 LIVE-IN-MAID - Cleaning. washing garduatc, 2 years experience. Salary: Comae!: CENTRAL AMERICA PACIFIC INTERNATlONAl CORP. experience. Salary: $400.00 per month. graduaet, I year experience. Salary: experience. Salary: S650.00·pcr month. I SUPERVIOR (Finishing Room) - Contact: ROLANDO T. DIZON dba ironing an~ other related duties. Salary $1.68-$3.00 per hour. SAIPAN, INC. , P.O. Box 1880, 1 ACCOUNTANT - High school S220.00 per month. Contact: IIAFADAI 13EACll HOTEL High school grad., 3 yrs. experience. R.D. Painting Services & Const.. PACIFIC GARMENT MANUF~CTURING CORP. $200.00 per month. 1 ENGINEER - High school gradllate, 3 Saipan, CM 96950 - Tel. 234-8556. graduate, 2 years experience. Salary: Contact: ELOISE & JOHN FUREY, dr., Saipan Hotel Corp., P.O. Box 338, .i Salary: $700.00-$900.00 per month. Saipan, CM 96950. (10/30).- Contact:· PRISCILLA SANTOS, P.c years experience. Salary: $500.00- (10/23). AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL KNITTERS CORP. $460.00 per month. P.O. Box 2316, Saipan, CM 96950 - 'i:,q,11n, CM 96950 - Tel. 234-6495. Contact: W. CH. KIM dba l\EO Box 2787, Saipan, CM 96950. (10/23). $700.00 per month. \ Contact: MODERN STATIONERY & Tel. 234-5103. (10!30). Fashion, l'.o. Box 2571. Saipan, CM I FARM WORKER - Planting fruits, Contact: OCK CONSTRUCTJON 1 FARM WORKER - Plants, main­ TRADING CO. INC., P.o. Box 799, I LIVE-IN-MAID - Cleaning, washing, tain the field & other related jobs. 'lfi950 - Tel. 234-9378. (10/23). veg., harvesting and other related HAVE Ll.MITED, p.o. Box 1120, Saipan, CM I WA!{EHOUSE SUPERVISOR - Saipan. CM 96950. (10(30). -I DOMESTIC HELPER - High school ironing and other related duties. Salary: Salary: $150.00 per month. 1 LIVE-IN-MAID - Cleaning, washing duties. Salary: $200.00 per month. 96950 - Tel. 234-7028. (11/6). High school graduate, 2 yeas experience. IMMEDIATE JOB OPENINGS FOR graduate, 2 years exprience. Salary: $200.00 per month. Contact: MARGARITA P. KIN­ ironing and other related duties. Salary: Contact: MANUEL T. CABRERA, 2 HEAVY EQUIPMENT Operators - Salary: $2.15-$3.50 per hour. $2.15 per hour. Contact: PRISCILLA SANTOS, P.o. TOL, P.O. Box 310, Saipan, CM $200.00 per month. P.O. Box 1563, Saipan, CM 96950. High school graduate, 2 years 2COOKS 96950 -Tel. 322-3799. (10/25). Contact: NIPPON KOKAN KOJI Box 2787, Saipan. CM 96950. (10/23). I BOOKKEEPER - High school Contact: PRISCILLA SANTOS, P.o (10/30). FACTORY WORKERS experience. Salary: $600.00 per month. graduate, experience preferred but not 3 IRON WORKERS (SAIPAN) LTD., P.O. box 949, Rota, I GENERAL MAlNTENAl\'CE - High Box 2787, Saipan, CM 96950. (I 0/23). 2 ELECTRICIAN S - High school (LIVE-IN-MAID - High school grad., required. Salary: $450.00-$900.00 per 4 BU110N ASSEMBLERS only needappfy CM 96951. (10/30). school gradfuatc, 2 years experience. I LIVE-IN-MAID - High school grad., I SEAMSTRESS (Dress Makers) - LOCAL RESIDENTS graduate. 2 years experience. Salary: 2 years experience. Salary: $200.00 per month. 7 FOLDERS Salary: $2.15 per hour. 2 years ex pericnce. Salary: $200.00 per Develops, designed typed of materials. $500.00 per month. month. 11 CUTfERS 3 DOMESTIC HELPERS (House 1 SALESPERSON - High school Contact: DIEGO'S MART, p.o. Box month. Salary: $2.35 per hotir. Contact: KIM HYUNG HAN dba Kim's Contact: ANA MAGOFNA 41 SEWING MACHINE OPERA TORS vcpo•Rl!NC• NOT IUQUIRIEO. OUlt COM~ANIU WILL ~ROVIDS Worker) - High school graduate. Salary: graduate. Salary: 52.15-$3.50 per hour. 1699, Saipan, CM 96950. (I0/23). Contact: ANA MAGOFl\'A Contact: LILIA H. MANANSALA dba Corp., p.o. Box 46, Saipan, CM 96950 ROBINSON, P.o. Box 542 CHRB, - Iligh school graduate, 2 years ON-TH•.JOS-TRAININQ TO ...SUR• VOUlt CARDlt QltOWTJt. $2.15 per hour. I llEA VY EQUJPT. OPERATOR ROBINSON, P.o. Box 542 CllRB, Lily's Tailoring & Dress Shop. l'.o. - Tel. 322-3466. (10/23 ). Saipan, CM 96950. (10/23). experience. Salary: $2.15 per hour. Box 2115, Saipan, CM 96950 - Tel. Contact: JUAN I. ESTEVES dba 3 CARPENTERS 2 PHOTO DEVELOPERS - High Saipan, CM 96950. (I 0/23 ). 'LEAS• Al"l'L V IN l"W:RSON AT Nl'llOHNCL 01'1'JCIE AT LOWIUt Contact: TOMORROW ENTER­ 234-5935. ( 10!30). llASI: !"ROM MONDAY THAU l'RIDAY UTIW:•N t1NAM TO Emerald Enteprises, P.O. Box 1501, I PLUMBER school graduate. Salary: S2. I 5-S3.UO per . ENTERTAINERS 1 LIVE-IN-MAID (House Worker) I ELECTRICIAN PRISES, INC., P.O. Box 1848, 5 MAINTENANCE 1:00 '"'·'LIA.SI: Bl'llNQ I t.O. "CTUR&. Saipan, CM 96950. (10!30). hour. I STORE SUPERVISOR - College - High school ll?ad. Salary: 3 MASONS Saipan, CM 96950 - Tel. 322-3531. 5 DOMES'l1C HELPERS $150.00 per month. Contact: CENTRAL AMERICA gr I HEAVY EQCIPT. MECIIA!\IC . school graer hour. Salary: $2.15 per hour. Contact: TEOHLO SISON dba New­ ANCE U.\DERWRITERS, INC., P.O. $2.15 per hour. Contact: NICK BENJAMIN, P.O. Box SABLAN, P.O. Box 2542, Saipan, ING (Saipan), LTD., P.O. Box 712, INC. P.O. Box 2002, Saipan, CM Contact: STS ENTERPRISES, INC. Saipan, CM 96950 - Tel. 234-9018. l3ox 710. Saipan. CM 96950 - Tel. 234- Contact: A.C.S. Ent. (Adolfo C. Contact: K.C. POONS, INC., P.O. town Builders, Saipan, CM 96950. 39 CllRB. Saioan. CM 96950. CM 96950. (11/6). Sairian, CM %950. (J0/23). P.O. Box 542, Saipan, CM 96950 - Box 1468, Saipan, CM 96950 -Tel. II 7861. (10/23). 96950 -Tel. 234-5396. (10/23) Serrano) dba ACS Beauty Shop, (10/23). Tel. 234-6198. (11/6). 234-6907. (11/6). I Sai1>an, CM 96950. (lljG).

·"'fl' \. & Page 42 -- MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS VIEWS -- OCTOBER 2_3_:_,1_9_87 ______OCTOBER 23, 1987 - MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS & VIEWS -- Page 43 1 GENERAL MANAGER - Col­ 20 SEWING MACHINE Operators lege grad. Salary: $650.00/mo. - High school graduate, Salary: INVITATION TO BID PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE CLASSIFIED ADS 4 WAITRESS - High school grad. $2.15 per hour. PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE Contact: UNITED INTERNA· Commonwealth of the 3 mons. experience. Salary: $2.15 CUC-ITB-001 Commonwealth of the Commonwealth of the 1 BOOKKEEPER • College graduate, 3 per hour. TIONAL CORPORATION, P.O. CLASSIFIED ADS Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands months expericne. Salary: $2.15 per Box 689, Salpan, CM 96950 • Tel. Northern Mariana Islands Contact: DOLORES T. SABLAN The Executive Director's Office will receive sealed bids for 3 CARPENTERS Northcm Mariana Islands Northern Mariana Islands Commonwealth Trial Court hour. dba SWU'lse Ent., P.O. Box 542, 234-3250. (11/6). 1 MASON Commonwealth Trial Court Commonwealth Trial Court the Construction of the Maui IV /Calhoun Reservoir 1 ELECTRICIAN Commonwealth Trial 3 DOMESTIC HELPERS (House Salpan, CM 96950. (11/6). 2 EQUIPMENT OPERA TORS • High Civil Action No. 87-490 Worker) - High school garduate. Salary: Waterline Project, Saipan, Commonwealth of the - High school graduate, 2 years ex· Court Civil Action No. 87-467 1 ACCOUNTANT - High school school graduate, 2 years ellpcricnce. perience. Salary: $500.00 per Civil Action No. 87-663 $2.15 per hour. grad., 2 yean experience. Salary: Salary: $600.00 per month. Northern Mariana Islands. Sealed Bids in duplicate will Contact: HERMAN BERMUDES dba month. Notice of Hearin2 $500.00 per month. 2 MASONS - High school graduate, 2 be accepted in the Office of the Chief of Procurement and Contact: YUN:s CONSTRUCTION Civila Action No. 87- Bank of Hawaii, Manpower Mgt. Service, P.o: Box Contact: ROLAND G. JASTIL· years experience. Salary: $2.15 per COMPANY, P.O. Box 2292, Sai· In the matter of the Plainttiff, Notice to Creditors LANA dba Basic Const. Supply, 630 2383, Saipan, CM 96950. (10/30). hour. Supply at Lower Base, Saipan until 2:00 p.m., local time pan, CM 96950. (11/6). P.O. Box 331: Saipan, CM 96950 Guardianship of the estates vs 1 GEN. MANAGER • High school on November 16, 1987 at which time and place the bids I CHEF • High school graduate, 5 years ·Tel. 23~609. (11/6). 5 MAINTENANCE of experience. Salary: $1, 140.00 per graduate, I year experience. Salary: Amended Notice of Lucia DLG. Pangelinan, In Re the Estate of 1 SENIOR ARHITECT • 5 year will be publicly opened and read aloud. 5 DOMESTIC HELPERS month. $800.00 per month. Hearing and Notice to aka Lucia M. Guerrero, TECHELED N. TARO degree in Architecttue, 10 yrs. • High school graduate, 2 years PATRICIA LANIYO 2 HOUSEKEEPER • High school experience. 2 ACCOUNTANTS • High school A bond of 15% of the total bid price must accompany the ellperiencc. Salary: $2.15 per hour. Creditors Deceased. graduate, 3 months ellpcricnce. Salary: 2 JUNIOR ARCHITECT - 5 year graduate, 2 years experience. Salary: bid. This security may be a certified check, cashier's Contact: TEOFILO SISON dba New­ SEMAN, Amended Summons $500.00 per month. 52.21 per hour. degree in Architecture, 2 years ex· town Builders, Saipan, CM 96950. minor child I. That on the 29th of 3 WAITRESSES • Iligh school gradute, perience. Contact: UNIQUE ENTERPRISES, check, bid bond, or other fonn acceptable to the Govern­ In Re Estate To the above-named Contact: FRANK J. MARTIN, (10/23). by I 3 months experience. Salary: $2.15 per INC. P.O. Box 2002, Saipan, CM ment made payable to the Treasurer, Commonwealth of of defendant October, 1987, Petitioner, 1: Architect & Eng., P.O. Box 528, hour. 96950 ·Tel. 234-5396. (10/23). 1 COOK · High school graduate, 2 SINFOROSA LANIYO Barbara Taro will present to Saipan, CM 96950. ~11/6). the Northern Mariana Islands with a notation on the face of Angelina Medaliwal Rivera You are hereby summoned 1 DRUMMER· High school graduae, 2 years experience. Salary: 2.15 per hour. SEMAN, .\ 2 PHOTO DEVELOPERS • High the check: "Credit Account No. BA0587-4493." Contact: JTG ENTERTAINMENT & Deceased and notified to file any the Commonwealth Trial years experience. Salary: $450.00 per Petitioner. 65 SEWING MACHINE Operators school graduate. Salary: $2.15-$3.00 PROMOTION dba Saipan Bowling Court of the Commonwealth month. answer you wish to make to • High school graduate, 2 years per hour. Center, P.O. Box 29, Saipan, CM The petition of Sinforosa of the Northern Mariana Is­ 1 SINGER . High school graduate, 2 The bidder is required to submit with his proposal, a copy To: The Heirs, General the Complaint, a copy of experience. Salary: $2.15 per hour. Contact: CENTRAL AMERICA 96950 - Tel. 234-6420. 00/23). Laniyo Seman seeking lo be lands, for final settlement of years experience. Salary: SS00.00 per Contact: MICHIGAN INCORPO­ SAIPAN, INC. , P.O. Box 1880, of his Business Permit in compliance with the Contractor's Public and Creditors of the which is given you herewith, RATED, P.O. Box 693, Saipan, CM 1 COOK - lligh school graduate, 2 month. Saipan, CM 96950 - Tel. 234-8556. Registration and Licensing Laws of the Commonwalth of . ' appointed as guardian of the withint twenty-one (21) days administration of the estate of Contact: MICRO PACIFIC 96950. (11/6). ~ years experience. Salary: $2.15 per decedent, or of her estate (10123) the Northern Mariana Islands. estates of the minor child, after the fourth publication TECHELED N. TARO, dece­ DEVELOPMENT, INC. dba Saipan hour. • .. Patricia Laniyo Seman, has dent when and where all Grand Hotel, P.o. Bo1l 369, Saipan, Contact: JOHN BOYS RESIAU- You are hereby notified of this Summons, and to been set for hearing before CM 96950 ·Tel. 234-6601. (ID/23). REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS The project consists of the construction of approximately RANT, P.O. Box 29, Saipan, CM that Sabina R. Taro, deliver or mail a copy of pers~ns interested in said I 96950 ·Tel. 234-6420. (I 0/23). the Commonwealth Trial estate may appear and object 1, 2 AUTO BODY REPAIRERS 3,600 feet of 6" diameter water transmission line; Saipan, Mariana Islands, your answer to White, Novo­ 1 BAKER · High school graduate, 2 Court, Sai pan, Northern 2 AUTO MECHANICS chlorination, emergency power generation facilities, and has petitioned the Com­ Gradac and Thompson, the to said settlement. • High school grduate, 2 years The Department of Education is soliciting proposals years experience. Salary: $525.00 per Mariana Islands, on the 5th 2. That in the matter of said discharge piping for two deepwells; and the renovation. of month. monwealth Trial Court Lo Plaintiffs attorneys, whose cllperience. Salary: $2.15 per hour. day of November, 1987 at estate of TECHELED N. Contact: JESUS C. CABRERA dba for trash collection at all public schools on Saipan a booster pumping station and appurtenant control cqmp­ Contact: HERMAN'S MODERN be appointed as administra­ adderss is Post Office Box BAKERY, P.O. Box 2, Saipan, CM the hour of 1:30 p.m. TARO, decedent, Petitioner Filipinas Auto Repair Shop, P.O. Box and the Central Office for Fiscal Year 1987-88. The trix of the estate of 222 CHRB, Saipan, CM ment. 96950 ·Tel. 234-6139. (10/23). Any person who has any 2374, Saipan, CM 96950. (10/30). Angelina Mcdaliwal Rivera, 96950. as soon as practicable has filed in said court her duly Department requires pick-up of all solid-waste at objection to this petition verified Petition asking for a I SEAMSTRESS (Dress Makers) • A non-refundable payment of $100.00 is required for each deceased. The attorney of after filing your answer or each site at least three times a week and at least once 1 ASST. MANAGER • College may file his or her objection Develops, designed typed of materials .. set of Plans, Specifications and Proposal Forms, available record is Vicente T. Salas, sending it to the Clerk of judicial determination of the graduate, 2 years experience. Salary: with the Commonwealth Salary: $2.35 per hour. a week during the summer vacation. The service on or after October 15, 1987 at the Water Service Branch, or Borja & Salas, P.O. Box Couris for filing. heirs of said decedent, and Contact: LILIA H. MANANSALA dba S500.00-S600.00 per month. Court al any time before the selling forth her relationship Lily's Tailoring & Dress Shop, P.o. provider must provide own dumster truck and waste Commonwealth Utilities Corporation, Saipan. A pre-bid Contact: EQ CONS11WCTION P.O. 1309, Saipan, CM 96950. Your answer should be in Box 1073, Saipan, CM 96950. hearing, or may appc'.lr at the writing and filed with the to decedent, and setting forth Box 2115, Saipan, CM 96950 · Tel. container at each pick-up site. Pick-up of trash must conference for this project is scheduled at 2:00 p.m., local time set for hearing to The hearing on the petition 234-5935. (10/30). (I J/13). of Sabina R. Taro has been Clerk of this Court at the names, post-office occur while school is not in session. time, November 2, 1987 at the Water Service Branch, present such objection_ or I ARCHITECTURAL ENGINEER · Susupe, Saipan. It may be addresses and relationship of ICOOK Commonwealth Utilities Corporation. interest in the above-capuon­ reset for Sept. 19, 1987, at I CLUB SUPERVISOR College graduate, 4 years experience. the Commonwealth Trial prepared and signed for you all persons who are or claim Salary: $2,500.00 per month. . ed matter. -At least high school graduate, one year 1. Availability of dumster truck and containers Court, al 1:30 p.m., or as by your counsel and sent to 10 be heirs of decedent so far experience. Salary: $2.lS-$3.00 per Attention is called to the Labor Standard Provisions for Contact: TOKYO CO.\'S-TRUCTION Dated this 14th day of 2. Collection Schedule soon thereafter as the matter the Clerk of this Court by as known to Petitioner. hour. Wage Rate Dctennination of the CNMI Classification and COMPANY, LTD. dba Tokyo Const. October, 1987. 3. That on the 29th day of 3. Cost (Spn), Saipan, 01 96950. (J l/13). can be heard. All interested messenger or mail. It is not 3 LABORERS - Will assist in the Salary Structure Plans, and payment of not less than the October, 1987. the said Trial construction, year experience. JR. SOILS/:1u.Trn.L\l.S E:;G1>:Ern . necessary for you to appear 1 4. Management qualifications /s(Felix M. Sakisat pa1tics should appear at this Salary": $1.75 per hour. minimum salaries and wages as set forth in the College graE. OPERATORS · lligh school Contact: CONSTR. & MA TL. I LIVE-IN-HOUSEBOY (Live-In-Maid) C Salary: $2.15 per hour I UVE-IN-MAID (HOUSE WORKER) decedent may appear and grad., 2 years experience. Salary: SUPPLY. INC., P.O. B 0 X • Normal duties of a housemaid. Contact: Amado Dayrit dba Micro· .·•· • High school graduate. Salary: present their proofs. /s/PEDRO A.SASAMOTO S 1.70 per hour. 609,Saipan, CM 96950. (I 1/13). Salary: $JSO.OO per month . Phil Enterprises. P.O. Box 7148 $150.00 per month. 4. Saipan ~M 96950 2 ACCOU!\TAl\TS • College grad., 2 1 FARM WORKER. Normal duties of Notice is also hereby Executive Director, CUC 2 REFJUGERA TION MEC- Contact: ~1R. & MRS. RICARDO years experience. Salary: $600.00 per a farmer. Salary: $1 SO.OD per month. given to all creditors, heirs 1 GEN. MANAGER - Two years 11 ANIC · High school gra

. J \.'i r -, I \; Page46 ··MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS & VIEWS --OCTOBER 23, 1987 OCTOBER 23, 1987 - MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS & VIEWS -- Page47 Takeover Cops think fire Takeover Continued from page 1 much of the physical plant that Continued from page 46 once belonged to the division of was torch job standby power generation was in ~· public works, he hasn't had much By Nick Legaspi place to talce up the slack - that luck dislodging certain DPW Staff reporter could be as late as six - to - eight employees from their offices. 1. months. Police suspects arson in the fire that hit lawyer Randall Fennell's t CUC's ,boss said that he had Members of the CUC board office in Susupe Tuesday morning. asked DPW director John also expressed concerns about i'.~ Another fire which broke out inside the Atis Night Club Wednesday Pangelinan fo set up some sort of the sporadic growth on island. No I morning was believed caused by accident a schedule'to move the DPW final decision was made, but Lino Tenorio, police spokesman, said that evidence was found in the offices into a smaller space so the Sasamoto asked the board mem­ CUC offices and warehouses ILILllll two-storey concrete building being rented by Fennell which prompted bers to formulate a firm policy for i wouldn't have to be moved. But, the detectives and the assistant fire chief to say that arson was involved I'. in the incident. all developers - whether they are \I Pangelian has refused to allow private or governmental. Some '\ Tenorio said the fire was reported at about 6:06 a.m. Detectives were the move, and although Sasamoto members of the board, including ,\ called to the scene following discovery of the piece of evidence. says the CUC has the authority to Ines, said they felt the '111 lllLll Tenorio declined to identify the evidence. He said investigation on the make the DPW employees move, governmnet should not be incident was still going on. "I am not going to push this. We brought under a policy regarding The amount of damage was not available. Tenorio said the fire want to get along and I think development of housing areas things can be worked out,": he destroyed tables and desks inside the building and stained the ceiling. because they are limited by avail­ told lhe directors during last ~ · VOTE • riJOHN S. REYES Employees told members of the media earlier that day that sawdust able public lands. soaked with dielsel fuel was found in several places in the law office. week's meeting of the CUC Other board members said they A reporter also observed a downstairs desk which had papers and an board - the first since they took felt the government was one of accellerate piled on it when the fire started. over on Oct. 1. the greatest abusers, citing new Sasamoto said the various NOVEMBER 7,1987 The attorney told the media that the bank records of a defunct bank were rcaltively undmaged .. housing being built at Dan-Dan. RFP's for improvements and Paid for by F. Atalig "It could be as long as five years other work on utilities are under­ The second fire incident was reported to the police at about 3:30 a.m. before the people there get Wednesday. Herbert M. Taisacan, owner of the Atis Night Club, told way. Bids were expected to be power, much less water and opened this week on emergency the police that one of his waitresses woke him up and told him that the club was on fire. sewer," CUC board member Paz power generation facilities. Younis said. These facilities will be needed to The early morning fire was believed to have started at the club's air conditioning unit, which was found to be badly stained. . If approved at a later date, all supplement generation capacity Beaches left a mess developers would be required to Firemen who responded to the call for assistance broke down the lost when the big engines now Micro Beach was turned from a nice and sandy area to a seaweed and bring cue into the development used to generate power are over­ The Republicans say -- club's main door to control the flames inside the building. beer can strewn area by the typhoon. Much work is ahead to get our beaches back into tourist shape. plans, and would also be ex­ hauled later this year. No mention pected to provide the intra-devel­ was made of how the CUC was 00 opment infrastructures, such as going to pay for the power gen­ This is doing Government DD OOITlliJrnI1f power lines, water lines, sewer eration if and when they choose a facilities, etc. But, board mem­ low bidder. bers said they wanted developers Some discussion was held re­ to tell those moving to the area garding the $5.9 million budget that it could be years before CUC approved by the legislature for has enough money to stretch the CUC. Sasamoto said that power and other utilities to the money would only last until the new housing. first few months of 1988 because Because CUC has so little of the need to buy fuel and pay money to work with, the board salaries of workers. He said that members said they felt that the perhaps the best way to handle people should realize that if they that money was to let the govern­ build away from the main areas ment continue to pay workers now served by the utility lines, from that budget, and use monies that they run the risk of having a collected from rate payers to help house, but no water or power and pay for the rest of the year. But, not being able to sell or even use CUC members agreed that the the houses until they are pro~ budget given to the utility was vided. probably not going to be enough Take it from me ... Several members of the press to get things started on. took exception to several items No exact date is also known for proposed by Sasamoto which when the overhaul will begin. were to be topics of discussion Former CUC director Eloy Inos FOSTER'S is during an "executive session" of said in July that he expected the the board. Pacific Daily News work to begin in 45 days, but that one of the fastest reporter Victoria King made a date is long passed. All the CIC fonnal voiced objection, saying directors could say is that all the growing beers on Saipan! that the special session wasn't on parts have not been ordered from the agenda in the first place, and Mitsubishi, and the giant com­ You can find it anywhere that only personnel matters pany has not set a date to expect should be discussed. the overhaul supervisors on is­ Sasamoto and other members land. beer is sold. said they were not discussing Sasamoto admitted the engines anything in secret, but did bring now have an average of about up matters dealing with vendors 18,000 hours on each of them -or Apremium and RFP considerations. almost ·three times the recom­ Sasamoto said that he felt that mended number between over­ imported beer at your regular domestic price. those matters should not be hauls. He said there was nothing It's rime To do It Really DO [fil IT lliJ rnI 1f DD s=discussed in a public meeting. theCUCcoulddotoprodMitsub­ Check your favorite grocer, bar, or club King agreed that some person­ ishi to start overhaul work. He nel matters are OK, but disagreed also said that overhaul would also and ask for Foster's. that any discussion about RFP's probably not be started until should be held in secret She said wmJ crr ~ WJ~ mm mJ ~ IID rm 1f rr ~ that she would check with attor­ Distributed by: neys before going any farther with the criticisms. MICROL CORPORATION We'll Hel}J ON NOVEMBER 7 COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENT Amtr1Qn PHONE: 234·5911 Rid Cron Will You'? PAID FOR BY DEMOCRATIC PARTY We~llHelp. + Will You? . + I ''. ' . . Pagc48 -- MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS & VIEWS--OCTOBER 23, 1987 FASA will hold board meeting Filipino Amateur Sports Asso­ ciation president Jun Fidelino announced that theFASA's regu­ '-'· lar board meeting would be held this coming Saturday, October 24, at 7:30 p.m. at the Lyn Kitch­ enette (Mat Elba's place), in Gara pan. Agenda inclurles the forthcom­ ing division championship games, awards, and other impor­ tant issues. Game Schedule for Sunday, October 25, 1987 2:00 p.m. - Santos & Sons Eagle Snack vs. Starlite Marpac Dist. 3:30 p.m. -RB Ambros Inc. vs. Agbanlog Bud Light 5:00 p.m. - Valdez Spuds Mackenzie vs. Transpacific Anheuser

. '. 6:30 p.m. -Basic Busch vs. PIC '. Natural Light Aircraft damaged by typhoon winds Games for October 18, 1987 Two aircraft parked at the Saipan International Airport were damaged during the high winds of Typhoon Lynn. Witnesses said the light plane owned by are re-scheduled after the cross a CNMI senator may not have ben tied down and was suddenly blown several hundred feet under the larger plane. No one was injured in the collision, over games, and will be an­ and the larger plane only sustained minor damage. The light plane was severely damaged in the cockpit area. - nounced accordingly. Renewable resources use urged Saipan (CNS) - Governor Pedro P. Tenorio released copies of testimony sent by the CNMI to the U.S. Congress concerning the use of renewable resources in development planning. The Governor's testimony stresses the importance of proper managementand use of water and energy resources in develop­ ment. In it he also proposes the creation of Technical Assistance Missions or TAMs similar to USAID missions to work in U.s.­ affiliated island jurisdictions. The testimony focuses on policy recommendations given to the U.S. Congress in a report prepared by one of its agencies. the Office ofTechnology Assess­ ment (OT A). "We have taken this Congres­ sional initiative very seriously, since we believe federal assis­ tance in formulating and imple­ menting renewable resource management strategies could have important long-range bene­ fits for our development," the Governor said in his transmittal letter of September 22, 1987. The OT A report, is entitled "Integrated Renewable Resource Lawsuit amended to include new charge Management for U.S. Insular By DA VW T. HUGHES their credit or business repute." Areas". Its main theme is in­ editor Put into "people English", Hillblom said he is filing that part of the creasing self-sufficient for the The stock fraud lawsuit filed against Saipan Cable TV president Lee action instead of another libel suit against Holmes. The cable executive island economies. Holmes by a group of minority stockholders in the company has been alleged in a press release thatan aLtorney listed in a law director as being "The CNMI strongly recom­ amended by one of the parties - Larry Hill bl om - to include allegations the legal counsel for the CNMI Legislature assisted in writing laws fa- mends that the Congress add to its of a criminal nature. vorablc to Hillblorn an/oroLher minority stockholders in Lhe company. program on integrated manage­ The addition Lo the$ JO million action alleged that "Holmes, with Lhe The basis of the charges is founded in an obscure law of the ment of renewable resources the intent to force plaintiff Matawan Investment and its officers and Commonwealth which makes it illegal for someone to attempt to force essential renewable resources directors to sell shares they lawfully own in the Cable (company) has someone to do something against their wll. through threats or unavo-

'·· upon which all development is through words and a course of conduct threatened to publicize facts, rablc publicity. \ ~ 1\