Tracks of Tropical Cyclones in 2016

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Tracks of Tropical Cyclones in 2016 ghi TRACKS OF TROPICAL CYCLONES IN 2016 MINDULLE AUG (), ! " Daily Positions at 00 UTC(08 HKT), KOMPASU OMAIS AUG AUG the number in the symbol represents LIONROCK the date of the month AUG * +, CONSON Intermediate 6-hourly Positions CHANTHU AUG AUG +')% Super Typhoon ')% Severe Typhoon >? LUPIT SONGDA )% Typhoon JUL 3 OCT 9: '(%& Severe Tropical Storm CHABA 3OCT %& Tropical Storm #$ Tropical Depression MALAKAS NAMTHEUN SEP #$, Low Pressure Area SEP LIONROCK (1610) MALOU AUG SEP KOMPASU( 1611) AUG e MEARI * 3WNOV MERANTI SEP NEPARTAK JUL / LUPIT (1602) MALOU (1613) JUL HAIMA SEP NIDA 3 OCT AUG -. ;<= Hong Kong MEGI SARIKA \]^_` SEP MIRINAE 3 OCT T.D. NAMTHEUN (1612) f JUL MAYc MA-ON AUG DIANMU 3WNOV DIANMU (1608) AUG AUG >? SONGDA (1620) \]^_` +, 3 OCT T.D. CHANTHU (1607) AERE (1619) MAYc AUG OMAIS (1605) AERE @F 3 OCT ghi AUG CONSON (1606) 3 OCT TOKAGE MINDULLE (1609) 3WNOV AUG AUG MIRINAE (1603) RAI JUL * SEP MERANTI (1614) 9: f SEP CHABA (1618) MA-ON() 1624 ;<= SEP 3WNOV SARIKA (1621) XY MALAKAS (1616) 3 OCT RAI (1615) NOCK-TEN SEP -. \]^_` SEP 3[ DEC e NIDA (1604) MEGI (1617) T.D. MEARI (1623) JUL SEP DEC3[ 3WNOV \]^_` @F T.D. NEPARTAK(1601) TOKAGE (1625) 3[DEC JUL 3WNOV / HAIMA (1622) XY 3 OCT NOCK-TEN (1626) 3[ DEC 二零一六年熱帶氣旋 TROPICAL CYCLONES IN 2016 2 Ḵ暞ᶨᶫ⸜⋩一㚰↢䇰 Published November 2017 楁㷗⣑㔯⎘䶐墥 楁㷗ḅ漵⻴㔎忻134A Prepared by: Hong Kong Observatory 134A Nathan Road Kowloon, Hong Kong © 䇰㪲㇨㚱ˤ㛒䴻楁㷗⣑㔯⎘⎘攟⎴シ炻ᶵ⼿侣⌘㛔↲䈑ảỽ悐↮ℏ⭡ˤ © Copyright reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the permission of the Director of the Hong Kong Observatory. 㛔↲䈑䘬䶐墥␴䘤堐炻䚖䘬㗗Ὣ忚屯 This publication is prepared and 㕁Ṍ㳩ˤ楁㷗䈡⇍埴㓧⋨㓧⹄(⊭㊔ disseminated in the interest of promoting ℞ₙ⒉⍲ẋ䎮Ṣ)⮵㕤㛔↲䈑㇨庱屯 the exchange of information. The Government of the Hong Kong Special 㕁䘬㸾䡢⿏ˣ⬴㔜⿏ㆾ㓰䓐炻㤪ᶵἄ Administrative Region (including its ↢㖶䡢ㆾ㘿䣢䘬ᾅ嫱ˣ倚㖶ㆾ昛徘烊 servants and agents) makes no warranty, ⛐㱽⼳姙⎗䘬䭬⚵ℏ炻⮵㕤㍸ὃㆾἧ statement or representation, express or 䓐忁ṃ屯㕁侴⎗傥䚜㍍ㆾ攻㍍⺽农 implied, with respect to the accuracy, ảỽ㎵⣙ˣ㎵⢆ㆾ ⭛(⊭㊔㬣ṉ)炻 completeness, or usefulness of the Ṏᶵ屈ảỽ㱽⼳㈧㑼ㆾ屔ả(⊭㊔䔷 information contained herein, and in so far ⾥屔ả)ˤ as permitted by law, shall not have any legal liability or responsibility (including liability for negligence) for any loss, damage, or injury (including death) which may result, whether directly or indirectly, from the supply or use of such information. 551.515.2:551.506.1(512.317) ⮩朊 Ḵ暞ᶨℕ⸜ℓ㚰ᶨ㖍㘂ᶲIJIJ㗪䘬暟忼⚾⁷炻桙桐⥖⥚䚜⼹䲬IJıı℔慴䘬桐䛤㶭㘘⎗夳ˤġ ġ Cover Image of radar echoes at 11 p.m. on 1 August 2016 which clearly shows the eye of Nida with a diameter of about 100 km. 3 䚖抬 ġ 枩ġġ IJįġġ⺽妨ġ ġ IJįIJġ 䅙ⷞ㯋㕳↲䈑䘬㱧朑ġ IJĶġ IJįijġ 䅙ⷞ㯋㕳䫱䳂ġ IJĶġ IJįĴġ 䅙ⷞ㯋㕳␥⎵ġ IJķġ IJįĵġ 屯㕁Ἦ㸸ġ IJķġ IJįĶġ ⸜⟙ℏ⭡ġ IJķġ IJįķġ 楁㷗䘬䅙ⷞ㯋㕳嬎⏲䲣亇ġ IJĸġ ijįġġḴ暞ᶨℕ⸜䅙ⷞ㯋㕳㤪徘ġ ġ ijįIJġ Ḵ暞ᶨℕ⸜䘬䅙ⷞ㯋㕳⚆栏ġ ijķġ ijįijġ 㭷㚰㤪徘ġ ijĸġ Ĵįġ Ḵ暞ᶨℕ⸜⼙枧楁㷗䘬䅙ⷞ㯋㕳ġ ġ ĴįIJġ 䅙ⷞỶ㯋⡻ġ烉Ḽ㚰Ḵ⋩ℕ㖍军Ḵ⋩ᶫ㖍ġ ĵĶġ Ĵįijġ ⻟䁰䅙ⷞ桐㙜戨㱛ĩIJķıĴĪ烉ᶫ㚰Ḵ⋩Ḽ㖍军Ḵ⋩ℓ㖍ġ Ķĵġ ĴįĴġ 桙桐⥖⥚ĩIJķıĵĪ烉ᶫ㚰Ḵ⋩ḅ㖍军ℓ㚰ᶱ㖍ġ ķIJġ Ĵįĵġ 䅙ⷞ桐㙜暣㭵ĩIJķıĹĪ烉ℓ㚰⋩ᶫ㖍军Ḵ⋩㖍ġ Ĺıġ ĴįĶġ 崭⻟桙桐卓嗕吪ĩIJķIJĵĪ烉ḅ㚰⋩㖍军⋩Ḽ㖍ġ ĹĹġ Ĵįķġ ⻟桙桐欶欂ĩIJķIJĸĪ烉ḅ㚰Ḵ⋩Ḵ㖍军Ḵ⋩ḅ㖍ġ ĺĶġ Ĵįĸġ 䅙ⷞ桐㙜刦⇑ĩIJķIJĺĪ烉⋩㚰Ḽ㖍军⋩⚃㖍ġ IJıijġ ĴįĹġ 崭⻟桙桐匶匱▱ĩIJķijIJĪ烉⋩㚰⋩ᶱ㖍军⋩ḅ㖍ġ IJIJIJġ Ĵįĺġ 崭⻟桙桐㴟楔ĩIJķijijĪ烉⋩㚰⋩⚃㖍军Ḵ⋩Ḵ㖍ġ IJijĶġ ĵįġġ䅙ⷞ㯋㕳䴙妰堐ġ IJĵIJġ ĶįġġḴ暞ᶨℕ⸜䅙ⷞ㯋㕳䘬ỵ伖⍲⻟⹎㔠㒂ġ IJĶĺġ 4 CONTENTS page 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Evolution of tropical cyclone publications 18 1.2 Classification of tropical cyclones 18 1.3 Naming of tropical cyclones 19 1.4 Data sources 19 1.5 Content 20 1.6 Hong Kong’s Tropical Cyclone Warning System 20 2. TROPICAL CYCLONE OVERVIEW FOR 2016 2.1 Review of tropical cyclones in 2016 33 2.2 Monthly overview 34 3. TROPICAL CYCLONES AFFECTING HONG KONG IN 2016 3.1 Tropical Depression: 26 – 27 May 46 3.2 Severe Tropical Storm Mirinae (1603): 25 – 28 July 55 3.3 Typhoon Nida (1604): 29 July – 3 August 63 3.4 Tropical Storm Dianmu (1608): 17 – 20 August 81 3.5 Super Typhoon Meranti (1614): 10 – 15 September 89 3.6 Severe Typhoon Megi (1617): 22 – 29 September 96 3.7 Tropical Storm Aere (1619): 5 – 14 October 103 3.8 Super Typhoon Sarika (1621): 13 – 19 October 103 3.9 Super Typhoon Haima (1622): 14 – 22 October 127 4. TROPICAL CYCLONE STATISTICS AND TABLES 142 5. TROPICAL CYCLONE POSITION AND INTENSITY DATA, 2016 160 5 ⚾ġ ġ ġġ 枩ġ ! ⌟椾㍺⚾ĻġḴ暞ᶨℕ⸜⊿⣒⸛㲳大悐⍲⋿㴟⋨➇䘬䅙ⷞ㯋㕳嶗⼹⚾ġ ġġ ġ IJįIJġ ⸜⟙ℏ㍸⍲䘬㷔桐䪁⍲㼖㯸㷔慷䪁ᷳ↮Ự⛘溆ġ ijĶġ ijįIJġ Ḵ暞ᶨℕ⸜⛐⊿⣒⸛㲳大悐⍲⋿㴟⋨➇䘬䅙ⷞ㯋㕳↢䎦㫉㔠ᷳ㭷㚰↮Ựġ ĵIJġ ijįijġ Ḵ暞ᶨℕ⸜ḅᾳ⼙枧楁㷗䘬䅙ⷞ㯋㕳䘬嶗⼹⚾ġ ĵIJġ ijįĴġ Ḵ暞ᶨℕ⸜ḅ㚰⋩ᶱ㖍ᶳ⋰ij㗪崭⻟桙桐卓嗕吪ġĩIJķIJĵĪ䘬⎗夳⃱堃㗇⚾䇯ġ ĵijġ ĴįIJįIJŢġ Ḵ暞ᶨℕ⸜Ḽ㚰Ḵ⋩ℕ㖍军Ḵ⋩ᶫ㖍䅙ⷞỶ㯋⡻䘬嶗⼹⚾ġ Ķıġ ĴįIJįIJţġ 䅙ⷞỶ㯋⡻㍍役楁㷗㗪䘬嶗⼹⚾ġ Ķıġ ĴįIJįijġ Ḵ暞ᶨℕ⸜Ḽ㚰Ḵ⋩ℕ㖍军Ḵ⋩ᶫ㖍䘬暐慷↮Ựġ ĶIJġ ĴįIJįĴġ Ḵ暞ᶨℕ⸜Ḽ㚰Ḵ⋩ᶫ㖍ᶳ⋰Ḵ㗪㬋䘬⎗夳⃱堃㗇⚾䇯ġ Ķijġ ĴįIJįĵġ Ḵ暞ᶨℕ⸜Ḽ㚰Ḵ⋩ᶫ㖍ᶳ⋰⋩Ḵ㗪⺧⚃↮䘬暟忼⚾⁷ġ ĶĴġ ĴįijįIJġ Ḵ暞ᶨℕ⸜ᶫ㚰Ḵ⋩Ḽ㖍军Ḵ⋩ℓ㖍戨㱛ĩIJķıĴĪ䘬嶗⼹⚾ġ ĶĹġ Ĵįijįijġ Ḵ暞ᶨℕ⸜ᶫ㚰Ḵ⋩ℕ㖍䘬暐慷↮Ựġ ĶĹġ ĴįijįĴġ Ḵ暞ᶨℕ⸜ᶫ㚰Ḵ⋩ᶫ㖍ᶳ⋰Ķ㗪ⶎ⎛䘬⎗夳⃱堃㗇⚾䇯ġ Ķĺġ Ĵįijįĵġ Ḵ暞ᶨℕ⸜ᶫ㚰Ḵ⋩ℕ㖍ᶳ⋰ij㗪䘬暟忼⚆㲊⚾⁷ġ ķıġ ĴįĴįIJŢġ Ḵ暞ᶨℕ⸜ᶫ㚰Ḵ⋩ḅ㖍军ℓ㚰ᶱ㖍⥖⥚ĩIJķı4Ī䘬嶗⼹ġ ķĹġ ĴįĴįIJţġ ⥖⥚㍍役楁㷗㗪䘬嶗⼹⚾ġ ķĹġ ĴįĴįijġ Ḵ暞ᶨℕ⸜ᶫ㚰ᶱ⋩ᶨ㖍军ℓ㚰Ḵ㖍䘬暐慷↮Ựġ ķĺġ ĴįĴįĴŢġ Ḵ暞ᶨℕ⸜ℓ㚰Ḵ㖍ᶲ⋰ij㗪Ĵı↮楁㷗⎬䪁抬⼿䘬⋩↮揀⸛⛯桐⎹␴桐忇ġ ĸıġ ĴįĴįĴţġ Ḵ暞ᶨℕ⸜ℓ㚰Ḵ㖍ᶲ⋰Ĺ㗪ijı↮楁㷗⎬䪁抬⼿䘬⋩↮揀⸛⛯桐⎹␴桐忇ġ ĸIJġ ĴįĴįĵġ Ḵ暞ᶨℕ⸜ℓ㚰ᶨ㖍军Ḵ㖍⣑㔯⎘䷥悐ĩᶲ⚾Ī⍲ㇻ溻ⵢĩᶳ⚾Ī抬⼿䘬㴟⸛朊 ĸijġ 㯋⡻ġ ĴįĴįĶġ Ḵ暞ᶨℕ⸜ℓ㚰ᶨ㖍军Ḵ㖍殪欂㴴抬⼿䘬㼖ỵ⚾ġ ĸijġ ĴįĴįķġ Ḵ暞ᶨℕ⸜ℓ㚰ᶨ㖍ᶳ⋰Ķ㗪ⶎ⎛䘬⎗夳⃱堃㗇⚾䇯ġ ĸĴġ ĴįĴįĸŢġ Ḵ暞ᶨℕ⸜ℓ㚰ᶨ㖍㘂ᶲIJIJ㗪㬋䘬暟忼⚆㲊⚾⁷ġ ĸĵġ ĴįĴįĸţġ Ḵ暞ᶨℕ⸜ℓ㚰Ḵ㖍ᶲ⋰Ķ㗪㬋䘬暟忼⚆㲊⚾⁷ġ ĸĶġ ĴįĴįĸŤġ Ḵ暞ᶨℕ⸜ℓ㚰Ḵ㖍ᶲ⋰ĺ㗪㬋䘬暟忼⚆㲊⚾⁷ġ ĸķġ ĴįĴįĹġ 䀋Ṽ厚㜿㖶忻ᶨ⸊⓮㤕⣏⹰⢾䇮ᶨⷭ㢂㝞Ὰ⟴ġ ĸĸġ ĴįĴįĺġ ᶲ䑘㚱ᶨᾳ䚜⼹䲬ℕ⏶䘬堃㗇㍍㓞☐怕⻟桐⏡军梃⡄埴Ṣ嶗ġ ĸĸġ ĴįĴįIJıġ ⛐⥖⥚䘬⼙枧ᶳ炻䘥≈忻䘤䓇Ⱉ㲍⁦㾱ġ ĸĹġ ĴįĴįIJIJġ ⥖⥚⏡多楁㷗㛇攻炻大䀋㱛歱㘗䀋旬役㚱㧡㛐塓⏡Ὰġ ĸĺġ ĴįĵįIJġ Ḵ暞ᶨℕ⸜ℓ㚰⋩ᶫ㖍军Ḵ⋩㖍暣㭵ĩIJķıĹĪ䘬嶗⼹⚾ġ ĹĶġ 6 Ĵįĵįijġ Ḵ暞ᶨℕ⸜ℓ㚰⋩ᶫ㖍军⋩ℓ㖍䘬暐慷↮Ựġ ĹĶġ ĴįĵįĴġ Ḵ暞ᶨℕ⸜ℓ㚰⋩ḅ㖍ᶲ⋰Ĺ㗪ⶎ⎛䘬⎗夳⃱堃㗇⚾䇯ġ Ĺķġ Ĵįĵįĵġ Ḵ暞ᶨℕ⸜ℓ㚰⋩ᶫ㖍㘂ᶲĹ㗪䘬暟忼⚆㲊⚾⁷ġ Ĺĸġ ĴįĶįIJġ Ḵ暞ᶨℕ⸜ḅ㚰⋩㖍军⋩Ḽ㖍卓嗕吪ĩIJķIJĵĪ䘬嶗⼹⚾ġ ĺijġ ĴįĶįijŢġ Ḵ暞ᶨℕ⸜ḅ㚰⋩ᶱ㖍ᶳ⋰ij㗪ⶎ⎛䘬䲭⢾䶂堃㗇⚾䇯ġ ĺĴġ ĴįĶįijţġ Ḵ暞ᶨℕ⸜ḅ㚰⋩Ḽ㖍ᶲ⋰ij㗪ⶎ⎛䘬䲭⢾䶂堃㗇⚾䇯ġ ĺĵġ ĴįķįIJġ Ḵ暞ᶨℕ⸜ḅ㚰Ḵ⋩Ḵ㖍军Ḵ⋩ḅ㖍欶欂ĩIJķIJĸĪ䘬嶗⼹⚾ġ ĺĺġ ĴįķįijŢġ Ḵ暞ᶨℕ⸜ḅ㚰Ḵ⋩ᶫ㖍ᶲ⋰ij㗪ⶎ⎛䘬䲭⢾䶂堃㗇⚾䇯ġ IJııġ Ĵįķįijţġ Ḵ暞ᶨℕ⸜ḅ㚰Ḵ⋩ℓ㖍ᶳ⋰ij㗪ⶎ⎛䘬⎗夳⃱堃㗇⚾䇯ġ IJıIJġ ĴįĸįIJġ Ḵ暞ᶨℕ⸜⋩㚰Ḽ㖍军⋩⚃㖍刦⇑ĩIJķIJĺĪ䘬嶗⼹⚾ġ IJıķġ Ĵįĸįijġ Ḵ暞ᶨℕ⸜⋩㚰ℕ㖍军ḅ㖍䘬暐慷↮Ựġ IJıĸġ ĴįĸįĴŢġ Ḵ暞ᶨℕ⸜⋩㚰ᶫ㖍ᶳ⋰ij㗪ⶎ⎛䘬⎗夳⃱堃㗇⚾䇯ġ IJıĹġ ĴįĸįĴţġ Ḵ暞ᶨℕ⸜⋩㚰⋩ᶱ㖍ᶲ⋰Ĺ㗪ⶎ⎛䘬⎗夳⃱堃㗇⚾䇯ġ IJıĺġ Ĵįĸįĵġ Ḵ暞ᶨℕ⸜⋩㚰ᶫ㖍ᶳ⋰ℓ㗪㬋䘬暟忼⚾⁷ġ IJIJıġ ĴįĹįIJġ Ḵ暞ᶨℕ⸜⋩㚰⋩ᶱ㖍军⋩ḅ㖍匶匱▱ĩIJķijIJĪ䘬嶗⼹⚾ġ IJIJĹġ ĴįĹįijġ Ḵ暞ᶨℕ⸜⋩㚰⋩ℕ㖍军⋩ḅ㖍䘬暐慷↮Ựġ IJIJĹġ ĴįĹįĴŢġ Ḵ暞ᶨℕ⸜⋩㚰⋩Ḽ㖍㘂ᶲIJIJ㗪ⶎ⎛䘬䲭⢾䶂堃㗇⚾䇯ġ IJIJĺġ ĴįĹįĴţġ Ḵ暞ᶨℕ⸜⋩㚰⋩ᶫ㖍㘂ᶲĹ㗪ⶎ⎛䘬䲭⢾䶂堃㗇⚾䇯ġ IJijıġ ĴįĹįĴŤġ Ḵ暞ᶨℕ⸜⋩㚰⋩ḅ㖍ᶳ⋰ĵ㗪ⶎ⎛䘬⎗夳⃱堃㗇⚾䇯ġ IJijIJġ ĴįĹįĵŢġ Ḵ暞ᶨℕ⸜⋩㚰⋩ℓ㖍ᶲ⋰Ķ㗪䘬暟忼⚆㲊⚾⁷ġ IJijijġ ĴįĹįĵţġ Ḵ暞ᶨℕ⸜⋩㚰⋩ḅ㖍ᶳ⋰ĵ㗪䘬暟忼⚆㲊⚾⁷ġ IJijĴġ ĴįĹįĶġ Ḵ暞ᶨℕ⸜⋩㚰⋩ḅ㖍⛐⏰䤍忻ĩᶲĪ⍲㞜䀋忻ĩᶳĪ䘬♜慵㯜㴠ġ IJijĵġ ĴįĺįIJŢġ Ḵ暞ᶨℕ⸜⋩㚰⋩⚃㖍军Ḵ⋩Ḵ㖍㴟楔ĩIJķijijĪ䘬嶗⼹⚾ġ IJĴijġ ĴįĺįIJţġ 㴟楔㍍役楁㷗㗪䘬嶗⼹⚾ġ IJĴijġ Ĵįĺįijġ Ḵ暞ᶨℕ⸜⋩㚰Ḵ⋩㖍军Ḵ⋩ᶨ㖍䘬暐慷↮Ựġ IJĴĴġ ĴįĺįĴġ Ḵ暞ᶨℕ⸜⋩㚰Ḵ⋩ᶨ㖍ᶲ⋰IJIJ㗪楁㷗⎬䪁抬⼿䘬⋩↮揀⸛⛯桐⎹␴桐忇ġ IJĴĵġ Ĵįĺįĵġ Ḵ暞ᶨℕ⸜⋩㚰Ḵ⋩ᶨ㖍⣑㔯⎘䷥悐ĩᶲ⚾Ī⍲⣏❼ĩᶳ⚾Ī抬⼿䘬㴟⸛朊㯋⡻ġ IJĴĶġ ĴįĺįĶŢġ Ḵ暞ᶨℕ⸜⋩㚰⋩ℓ㖍㘂ᶲĹ㗪ⶎ⎛䘬䲭⢾䶂堃㗇⚾䇯ġ IJĴķġ ĴįĺįĶţġ Ḵ暞ᶨℕ⸜⋩㚰Ḵ⋩㖍ᶳ⋰Ĵ㗪ⶎ⎛䘬⎗夳⃱堃㗇⚾䇯ġ IJĴĸġ ĴįĺįķŢġ Ḵ暞ᶨℕ⸜⋩㚰Ḵ⋩ᶨ㖍㖑ᶲĺ㗪㬋䘬暟忼⚆㲊⚾⁷ġ IJĴĹġ Ĵįĺįķţġ Ḵ暞ᶨℕ⸜⋩㚰Ḵ⋩ᶨ㖍ᶳ⋰IJ㗪㬋䘬暟忼⚆㲊⚾⁷ġ IJĴĺġ Ĵįĺįĸġ 勼㝅奺㴰旚⯨旬役㚱㧡㛐塓⏡Ὰġ IJĵıġ 7 FIGURE page FRONTISPIECE: Tracks of tropical cyclones in the western North Pacific and the South China Sea in 2016 1.1 Locations of anemometers and tide gauge stations mentioned in this annual report 25 2.1 Monthly frequencies of the occurrence of tropical cyclones in the western North 41 Pacific and the South China Sea in 2016 2.2 Tracks of the nine tropical cyclones affecting Hong Kong in 2016 41 2.3 Visible satellite imagery of Super Typhoon Meranti (1614) at peak intensity at 42 2 p.m. on 13 September 2016 3.1.1a Track of the tropical depression on 26 – 27 May 2016 50 3.1.1b Track of the tropical depression in the vicinity of Hong Kong 50 3.1.2 Rainfall distribution on 26 – 27 May 2016 51 3.1.3 Visible satellite imagery at 2:00 p.m. on 27 May 2016 52 3.1.4 Radar image of the tropical depression at around 12:24 p.m. on 27 May 2016 53 3.2.1 Track of Mirinae (1603) on 25 – 28 July 2016 58 3.2.2 Rainfall distribution on 26 July 2016 58 3.2.3 Visible satellite imagery around 5 p.m. on 27 July 2016 59 3.2.4 Radar echoes captured at 2 p.m. on 26 July 2016 60 3.3.1a Track of Nida (1604) on 29 July – 3 August 2016 68 3.3.1b Track of Nida near Hong Kong 68 3.3.2 Rainfall distribution on 31 July - 2 August 2016 69 3.3.3a 10-minute mean wind direction and speed recorded at various stations in Hong 70 Kong at 2:30 a.m. on 2 August 2016 3.3.3b 10-minute mean wind direction and speed recorded at various stations in Hong 71 Kong at 8:20 a.m. on 2 August 2016 3.3.4 Traces of mean sea-level pressure recorded at the Observatory Headquarters (top 72 panel) and Ta Kwu Ling (bottom panel) on 1 – 2 August 2016 3.3.5 Tide and storm surge recorded at Quarry Bay on 1 – 2 August 2016 72 3.3.6 Visible satellite imagery around 5 p.m. on 1 August 2016 73 3.3.7a Image of radar echoes at 11 p.m.
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