Pohnpei Amajor Disaster Area Due to Lola
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Federal Programs included in Amendment - Page 3 Union AN OFFICIAL PUBLICATION FOR THE PEOPLE AND THE STATES OF THE FEDERATED STATES Of MICRONESIA Volume 7 Kolonia, Pohnpei, June (combined issues), 1986 Number 10 Pohnpei amajor Disaster Area due to Lola HDIONIA, Pohnpei - US President Ronald Reagan en June 3 declared Pchnpei Island, the capital of the Federated States of Microne- sia, sate 907 miles southeast of Guam, a major disaster area due COMMANDS* IN CHIEF VISITS POHNPEI - OcnnBnder In Chief of the U.S. to the damages left by Typhoon Pacific Contend Admiral Ronald J. Hays, second from left, is making Lola, according to Pohnpei State a courtesy call on President Tosiwo Nakayama, far left, during a Governor's Office release. two-day visit June 6-7 to Pohnpei. Accompanying the Commander from right are U.S. Naval Forces Marianas Contender Rear Admiral Chauncey Typhoon Lola hit Pohnpei May 17 Hoffman and fanner Status Liaison Officer Carl Taylor. Also and raged through the following accompanying the Commander was Mrs. Hays. The group also met with day, snapped electrical poles, ESM Congress Speaker Bethwel Henry, Pohnpei Governor Resio Moses and Pohnpei State Legislature Speaker Ambros Senda and participated in downed power lines, uprooted change of command at the Civic Action Team (CAT; camp in Pales, trees and crops and leveled hones Kitti, and was hosted to separate dinners by the President at the with strong winds and high seas Little Micronesia and by Gov. Moses at the village Hotel. that damaged crops on the outer islands and airstrips on Mokil and Pingelap several hundred Congress cuts snort regular session miles east of Pohnpei island be- HDIONIA, Pohnpei - The Fourth forthcoming in August. fore making its way toward the FSM Congress ended its abreviated Before adjourning its abbrevi- north west of the Pacific. third regular session on Friday, ated 24-day session, the Congress Reagan's declaration makes June 20, after approving $644,707 on June 19 passed a bill on final Pohnpei Island eligible for U.S. supplemental appropriations bill reading with a state vote of disaster assistance, something for fiscal 1986 and deferred ac- three for and one against (Yap both Pohnpei Governor Resio Moses tion on a bill intented to hike cast the "no" vote) amending the and ESM President Tosiwo Nakayama Congress matters annual salaries FSM Constitution to provide 10 had ealier requested due to se- to $27,000 from the current two-year-term members in the uni- verity of the impact of Typhoon $15,000 and the speaker's salary cameral Congress who are elected Lola which hit Pohnpei on May 17, from $18,000 to $30,000. en population apportionment to the release said. The Congress adopted June 6 a serve four-year terms rather than Assistance comes under three resolution to cut short the 30- two-year terms. Currently, cut major categories of individual day session in order to wait for of 14, four senators - one from housing assistance, public as- the results of the Compact appro- each state - are elected at large sistance and small business val process by the U.N. Security for a four-year term. (Continued on Page 3) Council which is expected to be (Continued on Page 4) FSM Nofionof Health Core Plan Committee meets 00 roiONIA, Pohnpei - Tlie ESM Na- fered by the ESM Health care Participating in the four-day tional Health Care Plan Committee system; minimizing the enormous conference with the Mercy Inter- net for several days during last liability often incurred by in- national were: Glen Haydon and week of May in Pohnpei to study dividuals and governments due to Patrick Walsh, Mercy Interna- the prooosed revisions for the costly health care services re- tional Health Services; State Health care Plan in preparation ceived outside the FSM; and re- Committee members, Alenson Solo- •o for the joint discusssions held cognizing the need to become more mon, Pohnpei, Dr. Gerhart Aten, 4) June 2-5 with Mercy International self-reliant with respect to Truk, Dr. Hiroshi Israel, Kosrae, Health Services of Mason City, shouldering the cost of health and Dr. Stan Gufsag and Thomas Iowa/ according to FSM Budget Of- care services. Ealmed (observer), Yap. National ficer and Comdttee Chairman Del The goal of the committee is to Government representatives in- Pangelinan. see a national plan implemented cluded ESM Health Services Deputy that covers all citizens and re- Administrator Dr. Kiosi Aniol and The plan essentially offers an sidents of the whole ESM, Pange- Federal Health Program Manager alternative to the current mech- linan said, noting that accomp- Isamu Abraham, Assistant Attorney anism for funding health care lishing the goal will require a General Mary Beth Walz, Personnel services with one main objective degree of acceptance and coopera- Officer Kohne Ramcn, Pangelinan, to establish some link between tion that will surely test the Reed Nena and John Carroll of the financial resources made avail- strength of this country's na- Administrative Management Divi- able to health care providers and tional character. sion of the Budget Office. the quality of health care pro- vided, Pangelinan said, adding that another important objective Esguerra, a Filipino Scientist, joins CTAS is to establish a system that will reduce the amount of money Kblonia, Pohnpei - Dr. Nelson a staff scientist for Del Monte spent on off-island referrals Esguerra, a former chairman of Corp. in Mindanao, southern Phil- while making sure that all bona- the Plant Protection Department ippines, before joining the Vi- f ide patients receive the medical at the Visayas State College of sayas State College faculty. attention they require. Agriculture, Visca, Leyte, Phil- Mercy International's involve- ippines, joined June 1 the Col- He received an East-West Center ment with this project began in lege of Tropicl Agriculture and Scholarship to work on his Mas- early 1985 when the committee de- Science as its staff entomolo- ters' degree at the University of cided it would be desirable to gist, according to CTAS Director Hawaii and visit the U.S. main- obtain outside technical assist- Ishmael Lebehn. land in 1967 and a World Bank ance to critique and review the scholarship for his doctoral stu- dies at the University of Hawaii. feasibility of implementing the Esguerra also served as direc- proposed plan, Pangelinan said. tor of the National Abaca (Manila He visited mainland China in hemp) Research He also said that if imple- 1980 as a Root Crop Germ Plasm Center at Vi- Collection Team member; Kyoto, mented, the primary source of sayas States funding would continue to be reg- Japan, in 1982, as a member of College of national pest control team; Thai- ular state government appropria- Agriculture. tions for several years with ad- land and India in 1983 for re- A native of search management systems; Cor- ditional funds coming from pre- Calambe, laguna miums paid by the public, pri- nell University, Ithaca, New Province, Es- Esguerra York, and a tropical agriculture vate, and subsistence sectors. querra, 45, was graduated from the university of the Philippines Plan, whose initial draft research center in Costa Rica, came about as a result of re- at Los Banos with a BS degree in Central America in 1984, and in solutions passed by the ESM Chief 1985 Tokyo to finalize a research Executive Conference and the agriculture and the University of agreement between the Philippines State-National leadership Con- Hawaii with MS and PhD degrees in and Japan and the Asian Vegetable ference in nri.d-1983, was prompted entomology. Research and Development Center by several major concerns includ- He served as an entomology in- in Taiwan. ing, finding the means to improve structor at the university of the Esguerra is married and has the quality of services being of- Philippines, LCDS Banos; worked as five sons. W Disaster...... Federal Programs included in Amendment 2 o (Continued from Page 1) fOIONIA, Pohnpei - The full Senate and the White House would 2 House Interior and Insular Af- be required before those new pro- loans, Federal Emergency Manage- fairs Committee, in reporting visions become law, Swartz said. a ment Agency (FEMA) Chief Tommie 2 In addition to the House Inter- M C. Hamer, who was appointed Co- legislation to approve a Compact o of Free Association with Republic ior Conmittee, the Palau Compact ordinating Officer to assist re- of Palau during latter part of has been reported by the commit- covery efforts, said. June, included an amendment au- tees on House Foreign Affairs and Residents of Pohnpei Island thorizing a three-year transition Senate Energy and Natural Resour- whose losses include hones, cook period for all U.S. federal pro- ces, Swartz said, noting that a houses, shower and outhouses in- grains being provided to the Trust sequential referral to the House cluding repair of damaged Pohnpei Territory, according to ESM Sta- W&ys and Means is still required. I government facilities and the re- tus Commission legal counsel Greg The U.S. Congress is now on re- moval of debris from roads and Swartz. cess, but final action on the Pa- urban areas will be eligible for lau Compact is expected when the direct grant compensation, the Swartz said the amendment was sponsored by Congressman John Congress returns in mid-July. release said, adding that agri- Seiberling of Ohio, who is Chair- Jackson won scholarship culture losses such as damaged man of the Subcommittee on Public HDIONIA, Pohnpei - Marris K. root crops, downed banana, bread- lands, following extensive lobby- ing by Marshall Island and FSM Jackson of Tafunsak, a Kbsraeian fruit or coconut trees or dead student at Park College, Parkvil- livestocks are not eligible under representatives.