Dean's Report 2015 John A. Burns School of Medicine
!"#$%&'!(#)*+,!-./0!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1*2%!34!56+%'!782**9!*:!;#<=8=%#! ! ! ?#',=@696>A! 9*+#>!=)'6>!<*9*+! !"#$%& *'+,-!.-$$'+!-/%(0! '=,!$>#,4! +-(1-2!3%.#-0! (#$-+'#4#!3%.#-0! ,5/4%(-/.'(!3-$0! '()*%& $%6'$#)! ,-./012,/3&/2&4$5#)& 50TH ANNIVERSARY GALA "6&7885'9'9:&;5)8'9:& <(8'%5!&=$5!8>&6"#&7!!& JABSOM DAY DECLARED, MORE THAN $940,000 RAISED FOR MEDICAL STUDENT SCHOLARSHIPS +"!"#& JOHN A. BURNS The sea of elegantly appointed tables was so wide, you had to move your NAMED AMONG head back and forth to take them all in. Every seat represented a generous TWENTY BEST U.S. investment in the future. A row of congratulatory proclamations lined a MEDICAL SCHOOLS !"#$%& foyer, one from each county mayor, the Hawai!i State Legislature and the The University of Governor. An internationally known musician prepared to perform. The fresh Hawai`i John A. Burns faces of young medical students smiled as they chatted with magnanimous School of Medicine (JABSOM) is among the patrons who sponsored their attendance. And everywhere, the room was +"!"#& top 20 best primary care abuzz, filled with the sounds of old friends exchanging laughter and warm medical schools in the hugs as they were reunited in one special evening. country, according to the 2016 “Best U.S. Medical The John A. Burns School of Medicine (JABSOM) 50th Anniversary Gala Schools” rankings released on Saturday, July 18, 2015 — officially declared “John A. Burns School of in March, 2015 by U.S. Medicine Day” in Hawai!i — was magical. News & World Report. Along with Governor David Ige, Former !"#$%&' Governor Ben Cayetano and his wife Vicky ;*+#!B$9$!C*?#+$D#!! (!')"*+',#' E#F!5**GA!H1357I;A!0.! ,'-.,%/,0&' J#$+'!*:!K#$9=%DL!! *1'23' 1357I;!#M)$%<'!;"! 45"*,6'!' C9$''!7=N#! ,7'8.*/%' 396>%6'!C*>#'!K*>#!,*! JABSOM leapt to #19 *1'09&':*9"' C2$=+!76+D#+O! from #57.
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