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CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE February 1, 2005 1062 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE February 1, 2005 teacher at Our Lady of Perpetual Help school, attained a well-earned reputation for academic across the United States to continue contrib- and I am now the proud father of two beautiful excellence, and it is appropriate that Congress uting to the development of strong moral, intel- children who are enrolled at St. Martin of pay tribute to their contributions to our country. lectual and social values in America’s young Tours Catholic School in our home neighbor- Catholic schools welcome children from a vari- people. I thank the National Catholic Edu- hood of South Buffalo. I am a first-hand wit- ety of social and economic backgrounds, and cational Association and the United States ness to the daily work of Catholic schools as many non-Catholic parents have turned to Conference of Catholic Bishops for their spon- they help form the characters of my John and these schools to educate their children. The sorship of Catholic Schools Week. Maeve. My family is constantly enriched by theme of this year’s week is: ‘‘Faith in Every Mr. BACA. Mr. Speaker, today, I am the lessons and principles that Catholic Student.’’ I strongly support the sound, values- pleased that Congress has recognized the im- schools profess. based education Catholic schools provide. portant role that Catholic schools play in our This year, Catholic schools will teach 7.6 I am proud to join my colleagues in support community by bringing House Resolution 23 million students at all levels of education. An of H. Res. 23, honoring the contributions of before the House floor. astounding 99 percent of all of their students Catholic schools in America and thank my col- As a proud Catholic, I know the impact that graduate, and 97 percent of those graduates league, Representative MARK KENNEDY of Min- faith-based education can have in our society go on to college. The impact of the graduates’ nesota, for bringing this resolution to the atten- and have witnessed it first hand in my district. goals extends outside the classroom and into tion of the House. Schools such as the St. Thomas Aquinas High living rooms and places of work, both in Buf- Mr. EMANUEL. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in School in San Bernardino, California, are high- falo and throughout this great nation. strong support of H. Res. 23, a resolution that ly regarded for their academic and athletic ex- I thank the National Catholic Educational honors the contributions of Catholic schools cellence, as well as the life-changing opportu- Association and the United States Conference and supports the goals of Catholic Schools nities they provide to their students. of Catholic Bishops for cosponsoring this ap- Week. Under the leadership of Bishop Gerald propriate week-long event and for helping to The many accomplishments of Catholic Barnes, the San Bernardino Diocese school increase awareness for Catholic Education schools and their positive impact on students system has invested in the future of our chil- across America. My family and I are grateful and communities throughout the nation is evi- dren by providing them the educational tools dent in the Fifth Congressional District of Illi- for the crucial contributions of America’s thou- to succeed. nois, where schools such as St. Pascal Ele- sands of Catholic schools have made for more Catholic schools in our Nation’s education mentary, St. Bartholomew Elementary and than 100 years. have been paramount in teaching the values Mr. Speaker, I am pleased to join with my Gordon Technical High School provide a qual- that we as parents seek to instill in our chil- colleagues in supporting this resolution, and ity education while instilling values that will dren. thank my colleague, Mr. KENNEDY, for his un- serve their students throughout their lives. They are sources of goodwill and arbiters of wavering leadership on this issue. These schools provide strong academic cur- moral values, providing strong foundations for Mr. KILDEE. Mr. Speaker, I rise in support ricula and promote significant parental involve- young people. Their curriculums are often full of this resolution. ment. They teach students the importance of of programs in character development and Mr. Speaker, Catholic schools provide a academic achievement while also providing a community service. high quality education to millions of our chil- balanced perspective on life that promotes re- Catholic school graduates exhibit a wide va- dren. Catholic schools teach critical values sponsibility, justice and social service. and provide their students with beneficial and Catholic schools also promote ethnic and riety of qualities that will not only help them in life enriching experiences. The contributions racial diversity. An increasing number of chil- their careers but also in their family and com- which Catholic schools make to our nation and dren in Catholic schools in my district come munity lives. our children strengthen our society and our from our minority communities. Students in It gives me no greater pleasure than to sup- place in the world. Catholic schools achieve exceptionally high port this resolution today honoring the con- H. Res. 23 recognizes and celebrates our graduation rates, and an increasing number tributions of Catholic schools and I commend Catholic schools. Fortunately, our country val- are advancing to college and giving back to Congressman KENNEDY for his sponsorship. ues education and the institutions which pro- the community through volunteer service. I also ask and pray for the quick recovery of vide it. Catholic schools are an instrumental Catholic schools foster more than scholastic Pope John Paul II, so that he may continue to part of this effort to improve the academic excellence alone. They provide spiritual guid- lead the Catholic Church and help oversee the achievement and societal values of our chil- ance to students by encouraging fundamental Catholic school system and their good works. dren. Their place in American education and ideals and an appreciation for family values, Mr. BOEHNER. Mr. Speaker, I yield our nation as a whole is strong and nec- community service, and faith in their own lives. back the balance of my time. essary. This, in turn, shapes Catholic school students The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Fortunately, both public and Catholic into leaders of tomorrow. question is on the motion offered by schools provide a strong foundation for our I want to take this opportunity to applaud the gentleman from Ohio (Mr. BOEH- nation’s children. While our public schools the recent accomplishments of the 2005 NER) that the House suspend the rules educate the vast majority of our children, our ‘‘Heart of the School’’ award winners. Each and agree to the resolution, H. Res. 23. Catholic schools provide an excellent and en- year, the Archdiocese of Chicago Catholic The question was taken. riching alternative. Together these two sectors Schools presents these awards to recognize The SPEAKER pro tempore. In the of our education system will work to ensure outstanding and innovative accomplishments opinion of the Chair, two-thirds of our excellence in the world. of individual teachers at Archdiocese of Chi- those present have voted in the affirm- In closing Mr. Speaker, I again want to cago schools. ative. stress my support for Catholic schools and I am very proud that four of these award Mr. BOEHNER. Mr. Speaker, on that also our public schools. Our children are bet- winners currently teach at Catholic schools in I demand the yeas and nays. ter off having both Catholic and public schools my district. Kevin Carroll of St. Patrick High The yeas and nays were ordered. provide them with a high quality education. School was recognized for his contribution to The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Mr. TURNER. Mr. Speaker, I am pleased to Arts Education, Marilyn Ann Skowron of ant to clause 8 of rule XX and the join with my colleagues in recognition of Guerin College Preparatory was recognized Chair’s prior announcement, further Catholic Schools Week. for Innovation and Creativity, and both Kevin proceedings on this motion will be My district is home to over 30 Catholic L. Booth of Notre Dame High School for Girls postponed. schools, serving a whole generation of young and Christopher E. Perez of St. Patrick High f people and their families. My district is also School were recognized for Leadership. I DALIP SINGH SAUND POST OFFICE home to the University of Dayton, one of the thank these outstanding educators as well as BUILDING nation’s ten largest Catholic universities and all of the dedicated Catholic school teachers in the largest private university in the state of my district for their devotion to their students Mr. ISSA. Mr. Speaker, I move to Ohio. I am a proud alumnus of the University and for setting the standard for teaching excel- suspend the rules and pass the bill of Dayton, where I earned my MBA. lence. (H.R. 120) to designate the facility of Catholic schools have enriched the lives of Mr. Speaker, I support H. Res. 23 and en- the United States Postal Service lo- generations of students. These schools have courage Catholic schools in my district and cated at 30777 Rancho California Road VerDate Sep 11 2014 10:50 Jan 11, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\FDSYS\2005BOUNDRECORD\BOOK1\SSN-OUT\CR01FE05.DAT CR01FE05 ejoyner on DSK30MW082PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE February 1, 2005 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE 1063 in Temecula, California, as the ‘‘Dalip Mr. Speaker, Congressman Dalip Mr. FILNER. Mr. Speaker, I thank Singh Saund Post Office Building’’. Singh Saund passed away in Holly- the gentlewoman from California for The Clerk read as follows: wood, California, in 1973. It is a privi- the time, and I thank the committee H.R.
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