Extensions of Remarks E353 EXTENSIONS of REMARKS
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March 21, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E353 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS TRIBUTES HONORING FORMER As a veteran, whose long-term health suf- O le lagia lava lea o le Tafatolu o lau CONGRESSMAN FALEOMAVAEGA fered due to his service in Vietnam, Eni dedi- faigamalo Amerika Samoa, tulou, tulou, tulou, ENI FA’AUA’A HUNKIN, JR. cated his life to improving the conditions for tulouna lava. our veterans in American Samoa, and took Taluai o lea ua ou tula’i mai i le tofi Faipule HON. AUMUA AMATA COLEMAN great pride in securing funds to build the local i le Konekeresi i le Laumua i Uosigitone, o lea VA Clinic, which has served our veterans well. ou te fa’apea atu ai i le Faletua ia Hinanui ma RADEWAGEN Although I myself am not a veteran, I come OF AMERICAN SAMOA le nofo a Alo loto fa’avauvau aemaise le tagi from a family with a strong military tradition. mai ala o le paia i Aiga ma Paolo ma Gafa sili IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES My grandfather, father, several brothers and i lagi tainane le Malo o Amerika Samoa ma le Tuesday, March 21, 2017 three nephews are, so I appreciate the needs tapuaiga I le Malo Tuto’atasi i le Usoga Mrs. RADEWAGEN. Mr. Speaker, I rise of our veterans and am as devoted to them as Tumua ma Pule: today to honor my friend and former Member Eni was. As a member of the House Veterans Affairs ‘‘Amuia e fa’anoanoa, aua e of Congress Faleomavaega Eni Fa’aua’a fa’amafanafanaina i latou.’’ Hunkin who served honorably as the rep- Committee, I was in a position to offer legisla- resentative for American Samoa for 26 years. tion to name our local VA clinic in his honor. f I want to thank everyone for being here and He was primarily responsible for the establish- particularly want to acknowledge my friend ment of this clinic, so I could think of no more appropriate way to permanently honor his CELEBRATION OF THE LIFE OF Hinanui Hunkin, who came all the way from ENI F.H. FALEOMAVAEGA Utah with her children to be at this service. memory and legacy than by dedicating the Because he spent over 30 years of his career clinic to him. Because of his long service in in the nation’s capital, it is only fitting to have the House, he is remembered by many Mem- HON. COLLEEN HANABUSA a memorial service for Eni here. He would be bers on both sides of the aisle who helped gratified to see how he touched so many peo- smooth the path for this tribute. As much as OF HAWAII ple who would come out to pay tribute to him. people complain about the slowness of the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Congressman Faleomavaega was a soldier legislative process, my bill passed the House Tuesday, March 21, 2017 and a statesman who dedicated his entire life in less than a week, the Senate passed it a to serving the United States and the people of week later and in short order it was on the Ms. HANABUSA. Mr. Speaker, I remember president’s desk for signature. American Samoa. Indeed, his entire career the first time I met Eni. It was in the Supreme After enactment of this legislation, I made was devoted to public service and social jus- Court of the State of Hawaii. As the Judiciary arrangements for Members to speak of their tice. He was a champion of Native Americans, and Hawaiian Affairs Chair for the Hawaii colleague Eni on the floor of the House and Native Hawaiians and the Melanesian natives State Senate, I was speaking on behalf of a am pleased to say that those tributes were de- of West Papua. His causes were many. He Circuit Court Judge, the first of American Sa- livered for the record, in addition to press strenuously fought against nuclear weaponry, moan ancestry who was confirmed by the statements made and remarks by several from confronting France in French Polynesia Senate and there to receive his oath of office. members on the Floor when we debated the over nuclear testing to pressing for nuclear Eni was there, the Delegate to the Congress VA clinic bill. In most of the stories written cleanup in Central Asia. He took up the cause of the United States from American Samoa, to about Eni’s passing, he was described as the of Korean comfort women, expressed concern show his support for the Judge. Eni was so longest serving Member of Congress in Amer- about disputes in the South China Sea and proud, as if he was being sworn in. I do know even helped solve land disputes in Rapa Nui. ican Samoa’s history. That is a title I expect will be his alone for many, many years to that American Samoans in Hawaii looked up Even as his health began to deteriorate, he re- to Eni as if he was their ultimate role model. fused to cut back his workload or give up any come, perhaps forever. of his important causes. Goodbye My friend. Farewell and God- I was fortunate to serve four years in the Although we had our political differences, it speed. House of Representatives with Eni. I learned never affected our personal friendship or de- (The Samoan version is as follows): from him how we each represent a constitu- votion to the people of American Samoa. E muamua ona ou Fa’atulou Le Pa’ia o le ency that deserves our advocacy, albeit that There was very little on which we disagreed Maota Namu Asi, i le Paia O le lagi, ma le we may come from islands in the vast Pacific when it came to the territory and, in fact, when lagi, ma le lagi tulou, tulouna ia, tulouna lava. Ocean. I learned that our voices are equal to I came into office, I picked up right where he O Paia o le aufaigaluega totofi a le Atua i ona our colleagues and it is up to us to ensure that left off in a lawsuit before the U.S. Supreme Tafa’i Va’aia, ou to fa’atulou atu. we are heard. Court involving Samoan citizenship and voting E le vaea fo’i le fala fofola loa o Samoa mai My favorite memory of Eni comes from 2012 rights. We both believed American Samoa’s Saua e o’o atu i Salafai nu’unu’u atu fa’atini o when he performed the formal Samoan dance political should not be decided in a federal tausala. O lo’o mamalu fo’i le aofia i le Afio with his niece to honor the retirement of our courtroom thousands of miles away; most im- Mai O Le Kovana Sili o le malo o Amerika much beloved and respected Senator Daniel portantly, it should be decided by our own Samoa, le tofa i le to’oto’o ia Lolo Moliga ma K. Akaka. Eni told me Senator Akaka was his people at a time of own choosing. Our ap- le Masiofo ia Cynthia, le afio i le Lutena friend and his Senator. Eni proudly showed proaches to issues were different and that Kovana ma le kapeneta, le paia o maota e lua me his tattoos, made the traditional way. I was often put us at odds with one another, but it i le afio o le Peresetene ma le senate, le in awe of his strength and perseverance. Fofogafetalai ma le Maota o Sui, o le mamalu was always with the utmost respect and Most importantly, I will never forget the lava lea o le afio o le fa’amasino sili ma le grace, which allowed us to form the bond that friendship of Eni and his wonderful smile and vaega o fa’amasinoga tulou, tulou lava. we would come to share . One I am very big bear hug I was so fortunate to receive E le fa’agaloina le tapuaiga i uso i sisifo i le thankful for, and will never forget. Ours was a whenever I saw him. Upon my return to Con- afio i le ao o le malo tuto’atasi, le Palemia ma true friendship that demonstrated that, despite gress, my first questions were about Eni and le Palemene o Samoa, ma le usoga ia Tumua our differences in political party, we can all if anyone had seen him. come together for the good of those we serve. ma Pule. Partisan differences on national issues never Ua tu mai nei Lagi le laga’ali a Tamafaiga, I will miss you my friend. interfered with our relationship because we a ua tagita’amilo le Manuali’i ina ua ta’ape My condolences to his wife, Hinanui were very much of one mind when it came to papa, ae tafea le tau’ofe i le Afioga a Bambridge Cave, and their five children. federal policy and funding for American Faleomavaega Eni Hunkin sa tu i le tofi o lo’o Mahalo (Thank You) for sharing him with us Samoa. o’u tauaveina nei i Uosigitone. for all these years. ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:48 Mar 22, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A21MR8.001 E21MRPT1 lotter on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E354 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks March 21, 2017 HONORING THE LIFE AND LEGACY the extraordinary life of Eni Fa’aua’a Hunkin I’m Congressman PAUL GOSAR and I rep- OF REP.