“Public Policy Challenges – European and Regional Dimensions” Written Revised Versions of Seminar Proceedings 9 Eminar 201 Summer S

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“Public Policy Challenges – European and Regional Dimensions” Written Revised Versions of Seminar Proceedings 9 Eminar 201 Summer S XX Summer Seminar for Young Public Policy Professionals from Southeastern Europe and the Black Sea Region “Public Policy Challenges – European and Regional Dimensions” Written revised versions of seminar proceedings 9 eminar 201 Summer S The XX Summer Seminar is organised by the Economic Policy Institute with the kind support of the: Summer Seminar for Young Public Policy Professionals from Southeastern Europe and the Black Sea Region Public Policy Challenges – European and Regional Dimensions Written revised versions of the presentations delivered at the XX Edition of the Summer Seminar for Young Public Policy Professionals from Southeastern Europe and the Black Sea Region, held in the period June 3 – 7, 2019 in Albena resort (Bulgaria) Sofia 2019 © 2019 Economic Policy Institute TABLE OF CONTENTS 1463 Sofia, 126 Vitosha Boulevard, fl. 6, unit 11 Responsible: Mariana Trifonova LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS ............................................................................................................. 5 Design & prepress: ID TEAM Ltd. Print: Simolini 94 LIST OF PARTICIPANTS ................................................................................................................ 6 PREFACE © All the materials in this publication may not be reproduced, transmitted or Yasen Georgiev, Economic Policy Institute .......................................................................11 disseminated in any form, without the permission of the authors. The content of this volume does not fully cover the list of topics on the Semi- nar’s agenda and does not include the presentations of all contributors. For fur- ther information, please refer to the List of Contributors, to EPI’s website – www. INTRODUCTION epi-bg.org or to Summer Seminars’ separate website available at www.summer- András Inotai, Economic Policy Institute ...........................................................................18 seminars.epi-bg.org. The findings, interpretations and conclusions expressed here are those of the ADDRESSES BY PARTNERS authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the institutions they repre- sent, the Economic Policy Institute or the Seminar’s supporting organizations. Klaus Fiesinger, Hanns Seidel Foundation ........................................................................22 The current edition of the seminar is financially supported by the Hanns Seidel Foundation, the Black Sea Trust for Regional Cooperation, the Representation of Ognyan Zlatev, EC Representation in Bulgaria ................................................................26 the European Commission in Bulgaria, the Central European Initiative and the Austrian Embassy in Bulgaria. The printing of this publication is funded from the Federal Foreign Office in accordance with a resolution of the Deutscher Bun- CHAPTER 1: POLITICAL, ECONOMIC AND SECURITY CHALLENGES destag. ON THE EUROPEAN AND GLOBAL AGENDA ................................................................27 Europe in the 2020s: Reform, Redesign or Resign? All comments regarding this publication are welcome to: Prof. Dr. Eckart D. Stratenschulte .............................................................................................29 Economic Policy Institute The publication is disseminated elec- The Future Budget of the EU 126 Vitosha Boulevard, fl. 6, unit 11 tronically and on hard copy for free. To Prof. Ingrid Shikova......................................................................................................................42 1463 Sofia view the e-publication, kindly refer to Artificial Intelligence and European Economic Policy BULGARIA the ‘Publications’ section of the Sum- Paramjeet Berwal LL.M ...............................................................................................................51 Tel./Fax: (+359 2) 952 29 47 mer Seminars’ website or EPI’s main E-mail: [email protected] homepage: Futurology in the Public Policies www.epi-bg.org Milena Andreeva ..........................................................................................................................59 www.summer-seminars.epi-bg.org ISSN: 1314-2151 CHAPTER 2: THE REGIONAL FOCUS: WAY(S) AHEAD FOR SEE & WIDER BLACK SEA AREA Mapping of Public Policy Challenges in 15 SEE & Black Sea Countries: Third Annual Survey Results Mariana Trifonova .......................................................................................................................67 The Corruption Challenge to Southeast Europe List of Contributors to Summer Seminar 2019 Emil Tsenkov, Ph.D. ......................................................................................................................81 Alexandre Revia Prof. Ingrid Shikova EU Neighbourhood Policy: Current State of Play and the Way Ahead Sebastian Schäffer .......................................................................................................................90 Chairman, LEPL Public Private European Studies Department Partnership Agency, Tbilisi Sofia University “St. Kliment Public Policy Coordination in Montenegro (SS2016 alumnus) Ohridski” Zeljko Vukcevic .............................................................................................................................99 Prof. András Inotai Mariana Trifonova Honorary President Senior Analyst CHAPTER 3: VOICES FROM THE BLACK SEA Economic Policy Institute, Budapest Economic Policy Institute, Sofia (in partnership with the Black Sea Trust for Regional Cooperation) Boyko Blagoev Milena Andreeva Influence of the EU’s Enhanced Focus on Public Administration on Turkey’s Head of Communications Senior Expert Accession Process European Commission Representation Protocol and Bilateral Cooperation Çiğdem Akin Yavuz ....................................................................................................................119 in Bulgaria Directorate Ministry of Defence of Perception of integrity and corruption in Black Sea area countries and the Desislava Petrova the Republic of Bulgaria opportunity to apply EU framework for anti-corruption policy in the national Director “European Projects and (SS2014 alumna) context Programs” Ognian Zlatev Hermine Katvalyan ....................................................................................................................133 Economic Policy Institute, Sofia Head of European Commission Corruption and State Capture In Moldova: Symptoms and Effects Detlev Boeing Representation in Bulgaria, Sofia Nicolae Arnaut ............................................................................................................................152 SAA Coordination and Connectivity Paramjeet Berwal LL.M. Desk Officer Transport, Energy & Invited University Lecturer, Environment Researcher & PhD Candidate, Tbilisi DG NEAR, European Commission, (SS2018 alumnus) Brussels Pavel Ivanov Dragomir Belchev Executive Director Finance Director Institute for Public Administration, Economic Policy Institute, Sofia Sofia Prof. Dr. Eckart D. Stratenschulte (SS2006 alumnus) Acting Chairman of the Board Sebastian Schäffer German National Foundation, Berlin Managing Director Emil Tsenkov, Ph.D. Institute for the Danube Region and Security Program Central Europe, Vienna Center for the Study of Democracy, Yasen Georgiev Sofia Executive Director George Randelov Economic Policy Institute, Sofia Public Sector Director CEE MCE Acting Country Manager Ukraine, Georgia, Moldova, Microsoft 5 List of Participants AT Summer Seminar 2019 Kenan Refael Aslanli Pande Dimoska AZERBAIJAN NORTH MACEDONIA Andrei Curararu Esma Yücel Senior Public Policy Analyst Associate – Analyst, Ministry of Defence MOLDOVA Turkey Entrepreneurship Development (Alumni Ambassador) Foundation (EDF) Consultant Assistant Expert for EU Affairs Rashad Hasanov Administration of the President of Ministry of Foreign Affairs- Directorate Lana Turashvili Azerbaijan Moldova for European Union Affairs GEORGIA Deputy chairman of the Managing Board Anna Branets Filip Kresic Specialist, Ministry of Internal Affairs of “Spektr” Socio-Economic Researches and UKRAINE Bosnia & Herzegovina Georgia Development Public Union Project Assistant, CRISP Specialist in Division for EU Assistance Marina Balta Shota Tkhelidze Coordination CROATIA GEORGIA Anton Koretskyi Directorate for European Integration UKRAINE Senior Expert Advisor Analyst of European and Middle Eastern Research Manager Fuad Shahbazov Ministry for Demography, Family, Youth Affairs STEPS Center of the National Academy AZERBAIJAN and Social Policy Georgian Public Broadcasting (GPB) of Sciences of Ukraine Senior Analyst, Center for Strategic Martin Janev Stanimir Minkov Communication Bogdan Banjac NORTH MACEDONIA BULGARIA SERBIA Hermine Katvalyan Associate in the Department for Support Senior Expert, Administration of the Advisor, Commissioner for Protection of ARMENIA of the Minister, Ministry of Defence Council of Ministers Equality of Serbia Deputy Head for the Department of Meri Gogebashvili Vuk Petrović International Economic Integration GEORGIA SERBIA Çiğdem Akin Yavuz Prime Minister’s office TURKEY Leading Specialist Lawyer-Linguist, Ministry of European Expert on EU Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Ivona Savicevic Parliament of Georgia Integration Affairs MONTENEGRO Nicolae Arnaut Yuliia Ushchapovska Advisor in Department for Foreign Daniela Ciornîi MOLDOVA UKRAINE Economic Relations, Ministry of Project Coordinator Chief Specialist on Foreign Economic MOLDOVA Economy of Montenegro Ministry of Justice FARM.ltd Activities Zhytomyr Regional
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