Statement of Secretary of Defense Robert S. Mcnamara on The

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Statement of Secretary of Defense Robert S. Mcnamara on The For Official Use Only Until Released by the Senate Armed Services Committee STATEMENT OF SECRETARY OF DEFENSE ROBERT S. McNAMARA BEFORE THE SENATE ARMED SERVICES COMW ON THE FISCAL YEAR 1969-73 DEFENSE PROGRAM AND 1969 DEFENSE BUDGET Prepared 1/22/68 TABLE OF CONTENTS I . INTRODUCTION ..................................... 1 A . APPROACH TO THE FY 1969-73 PROGRAM AND THE FY 1969 BUDGET ........................... 1 B . ASSESSmNT OF THE INTERNATIONAL SITUATION AS IT BEARS ON MILITARY POLICIES AND PROGRAMS 2 The Communist Countries .................. a . The Soviet Union ..................... b . Red China ........................... Southeast Asia and Southwest Pacific Area Northeast Asia ........................... South Asia ............................... Middle East .............................. Africa ................................... Indian Ocean ............................ Latin America ............................ Europe and the NATO Area ................. United Nations ........................... C . MILITARY ASSISTANCE AND SALES ................ 32 D . IMPACT OF THE DEFENSE PROGRAM ON THE BALANCE OF PAYMENTS .............................. 36 E . CONCLUDING REMARKS ON THE INTERNATIONAL SITUATION ................................ 39 I1 . STRATEGIC FORCES ................................. 41 A . THE GENERAL NUCLEAR WAR PROBLEN .............. 41 B . THE SIZE AND CHARACTER OF THE THREAT ......... 54 1. The Soviet Strategic Offensive-Defensive Forces ................................ 54 a . Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles .. 55 b . Anti-Ballistic Missile Defense ....... 55 2 . Red Chinese Nuclear Threat ............... 56 Page No . C . CAPABILITIES OF THE PROPOSED U.S. FORCES FOR 11~~~~~~~DESTRUCTION"............... 56 1. Capability Against the "Highest Expected Threat" in the NIE .......... 57 2 . Capability Against "~reater-Than- Expected ~hreats".................... 59 D . CAPABILITIES OF THE PROPOSED FORCES FOR DAMAGE LIMITATION ....................... 61 1. Anti-Ballistic Missile Defense .......... 61 a . Defense Against the Red Chinese Nuclear Threat ................... 62 b . Deployment of NIKE-X for Defense of Our Cities Against Soviet Attack ........................... 63 2 . Anti-Bomber Defense ..................... 65 E . STRATEGIC OFFENSIVE FORCES .................. 70 1. Missile Forces .......................... 70 a . MINUTEMAN ........................... 70 b . TITAN I1............................ 70 c . POLARIS-POSEIDON .................... 71 d . New Strategic Missile Systems ....... 71 2 . Strategic Bomber Forces ................. 71 F . STRATEGIC DEFENSIVE FORCES .................. 72 Bomber Defense .......................... 72 a . Surveillance, Warning and Control ... 72 b . Manned Interceptors ................. 73 c . Surface-to-Air Missiles ............. 73 Missile and Space Defense ............... 73 a . Missile Warning ..................... 74 b . Anti-Ballistic Missile Defense ( SENTINEL) ....................... 74 c . Anti-Satellite Defense .............. 75 G . CIVIL DEFENSE ................................ 76 I11 . GENERAL PURPOSE FORCES .......................... 77 A . REQUIHEMENTS FOR GENERAL PURPOSE FORCES ..... 77 Page No . 1. NATO .................................... 2 . Asia .................................... a . India ............................... b . Taiwan .............................. c . Korea ............................... d . Southeast Asia ...................... 3. Control of the Seas ..................... B . LOGISTICS REQUIREMENTS ...................... C . CAPABILITIES OF THE GENERAL PURPOSE FORCES .. 1. Land Forces ............................. 2. Tactical Air Forces ..................... 3 . Anti-Submarine Warfare Forces ........... a . Submarines .......................... b . Air ASW Forces ...................... c . ASW Escorts ......................... 4. Fleet Anti-Air Warfare .................. 5 . Amphibious Assault ...................... 6. Theater Nuclear Forces .................. D . SOUTHEAST ASIA OPERATIONS ................... 1. The Communist Forces in South Vietnam ... 2 . The South Vietnamese Armed Forces ....... 3 . Other Free World Forces in South Vietnam 4. U.S. Forces in Southeast Asia ........... E . ARMY GENERAL PURPOSE FORCES ................. 1. DivisionIBrigade Forces ................. 2 . Supporting Forces ....................... 3 . Army Procurement ........................ 4. Reorganization of the Army Reserve Components .......................... F . NAVY GENERAL PURPOSE FORCES ................. 1. Attack Carrier Forces ................... a . Ships ............................... b . Carrier Aircraft .................... 2 . ASW Forces .............................. a . ASW Carriers ........................ iii Page No . b . Attack Submarine Forces ............. 123 c . Patrol Aircraft ..................... 124 d . Sonobuoys ........................... 124 e . Torpedoes ........................... 124 3 . Fleet Escorts ........................... 125 4. AmphibiousAssaultShips ................ 129 5 . Fire Support Ships ...................... 129 6. Mine Countermeasure Force ............... 130 7. Logistic , Operational Support, and Direct Support Ships ................ 130 8. Marine Corps Forces ..................... 131 9. Navy and Marine Corps Reserve Forces .... 132 G . AIR FORCE GENERAL PURPOSE FORCES ............ 133 1. Fighter and Attack ...................... 133 2 . Tactical Reconnaissance ................. 134 3 . Tactical Electronic Warfare Support ..... 135 4 . Night Warfare ........................... 135 5 . Special Air Warfare Forces .............. 135 6. Tactical Air Control .................... 135 7 . Tactical Missiles ....................... 136 8. Air National Guard ...................... 136 9 . Theater Air Base Vulnerability .......... 137 .IV. AIRLIFT AND SEALIFT FORCES ...................... 139 A . STRATEGIC MOVEMENT .......................... 139 B . TACTICAL MOVEMENT ........................... 144 C . AIR FORCE AIRLIFT ........................... 145 1. Active Forces ........................... 145 2 . Air Force Reserve ....................... 146 3 . Air National Guard ...................... 147 D . NAVY AIRLIFT ................................ 148 E . SEALIFT..................................... 148 RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT ........................ 149 A . OVERALL POLICY MATTERS ...................... 149 Page No . B . THE DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE SPACE PROGRAM ..... VI . OTHER MAJOR PROGRAMS ............................ A . INTELLIGENCE AND COMMUNICATIONS............. 1. Intelligence and Security ............... 2 . National Mili'tary Command System ........ 3 . Comunications .......................... 4. Other Specialized Activities ............ a . Weather Service ..................... b . Oceanography ........................ c . Air Rescue and Recovery ............. d . Nuclear Weapons ..................... B . CENTRAL SUPPLY AND MAINTENANCE .............. C . TRAINING. MEDICAL AND OTHER ................. 1. Training ................................ a . Recruit Training .................... b . Technical Training .................. c . Professional Training ............... d . Pilot Training ...................... e . Service Academies ................... 2 . Medical Services ........................ 3 . Retirement .............................. D . ADMINISTRATION AND ASSOCIATED ACTIVITIES .... 1. Contingencies ........................... 2 . Claims .................................. E . MISCELLANEOUS DEPARTMENT-WIDE ACTIVITIES .... VII . PERSONNEL MATTERS ............................... A . PERSONNEL STRENGTHS ......................... 1. Civilian Personnel Strengths ............ 2 . Military Personnel Strengths ............ B . VIETNAM-RELATED PERSONNEL MATTERS ........... C . MANPOWER PROCUREMENT ........................ Page No . D . MILITARY COMPENSATION ....................... 189 E . SPECIAL MILITARY MANPOWER MATTERS ........... 189 1. "Project 100.000" ....................... 189 2 . Project TRANSITION ...................... 190 F . EQUAL OPPORTUNITY ........................... 190 VIII . ORGANIZATION AND MANAGmNT ..................... 193 A . ORGANIZATIONAL CHANGES ...................... 195 B . THE DEFENSE DEPARTMENT COST REDUCTION PROGRAM................................. 198 1. The Initial Five-Year Program ........... 200 2 . The Permanent Cost Reduction Program .... 201 3. The Future Program ...................... 202 a . Buying Only What We Need ............ 203 b . Buying At The Lowest Sound Price .... 205 c . Reducing Operating Costs ............ 208 IX . FINANCIAL SWY............................... 211 TABLES TABLE NO. Page No. 1. Financial Summary.. 214 2. Financial Summary of Civil Defense..... ........... 215 3. Comparison of the Old (1961) and New (1968) Army Reserve Component Structures...... ........ 216 4. Reserve Components and ROTC ....................... 217 5. Department of Defense Cost Reduction Program.. 218 6. Amounts Requested for Aircraft, Missiles, Ships, and Tracked Combat Vehicles, Procurement Authorization in FY 1969 Compared with FY 1968........................................ 219 7. Source of Funds for Aircraft, Missiles, Ships, Tracked Combat Vehicles, FY 1969 Procurement Progr.............................. 220 STATEMENT OF SECRETARY OF DEFENSE ROBERT S. McNAMARA BEFORE THE SENATE AFUvlED SERVICES COMMITTEE ON THE FISCAL YEAR 1969-73 DEFENSE PROGRAM AND 1969 DEFENSE BUDGET Mr. Chairman and Members of the Committee: This is the seventh and final Five Year Defense
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