The Burgee - March/April 2013 From the Commodore

By David Jennings

The Non-Profit Conundrum

N27º20N27º20''14"14" -- W82º34W82º34''25"25" One definition of a conundrum is “a logical postulation that evades resolution.” 1717 Ken Thompson Parkway Sarasota, Florida 34230 You would think whether or not the Sarasota Squad- Phone: 941-388-2355 Fax: 941-388-5524 ron was a non-profit organization (501(c)(3)) or should create [email protected] a non profit organization is a conundrum because we have been talking about it for over 20 years; one score; a fifth of a

century; 30% of the Club’s existence. Manager: Craig Bridges

([email protected]) Some are now asking, “But aren’t we already a non-profit?” Webmaster: Mike Halliday ([email protected]) Maintenance Technician: Schiffman The Sarasota Sailing Squadron is a 501(c)(7) which is de- ([email protected]) scribed as a “social and recreation club organized for pleas- Burgee Editor: ([email protected]) ure, recreation and other non profitable purposes and no part of the net earnings shall benefit any private sharehold- Board Members er”. Commodore: David Jennings (941-650-7354) [email protected] In short, we exist to provide services to our members. Vice Commodore: Bob Miller (941-795-4646) [email protected] This is not the same as a 501(c)(3) which is a tax exempt Rear Commodore: Barry Millbourn organization working with matters of public interest typically [email protected] Treasurer: Michelle Lee in the arts, charities, education, research and environmental [email protected] protection. No income tax is due on monies generated and Secretary: Linda Tiffan people can make tax deductible donations provided the or- [email protected] ganization is fulfilling certain requirements like providing Race Captain: Herb Larrabee service for the public and not just members. Historically, [email protected] we’ve hit a dead end in our discussions about turning the Fleet Captain: Joe Practico Club in to a 501(c)(3). [email protected]

Regatta Director: Donna Hillmyer [email protected] “Could we still serve beer?” is the question that resonates Social: Vanessa Hamalian over the decades but practically speaking a conversion would [email protected] be impossible because all of our activities serve dues paying Education: [email protected] members and not a “greater good”.

Several months ago the current Board of Directors formed an ad hoc Non Profit Committee led by Mike Halliday to ex- plore opportunities if we were to create a new 501(c)(3) ra- ther than continue down the dead end road of a conversion. And last month the Board, after hearing this committees first ADVERTISING IN THE BURGEE IS AN ECONOMICAL presentation voted to loan the Committee $5,000 to be used WAY TO REACH ALL 800+ MEMBERS OF THE SSS! for the creation of a 501(c)(3). FOR DETAILS, CONTACT THE SQUADRON OFFICE AT There is a lot of work involved and the current Committee 941-388-2355. BUSINESS CARD SIZE ADS ARE ONLY road map includes creating Articles of Incorporation, legal $30 PER MONTH OR $150 review of Articles, incorporating in State of Florida, obtaining A YEAR. (6 EDITIONS) a Federal Employer Identification Number, preparing finan- cial statements for the current year and proposed budgets

Page 2 The Burgee - March/April 2013 for the next 2 years, applying for IRS 501(c)(3) approval and possible with your money received in the form of dues and finally, creating Bylaws. expenses. This last step; creating Bylaws, should be of the most im- portance to our membership. If we do not head down this path costs will go up as we This is the document I suggest be subject to Sarasota Sailing simply try to maintain what we have for a limited number of Squadron Board approval. And based on the amount of people. This is becoming increasingly hard to do as evi- work required to get to this point it could be put in front of denced by the State recently deciding we do not provide the next Board of Directors which would be fine with me. enough “public good” to be a candidate for a fee waived Involving the next Board will only broaden the base of peo- mooring field. But if we do go down this path we have the ple who understand and potentially support the benefits of chance to become an even greater asset to the community creating a 501(c)(3). in which everyone benefits.

The Bylaws is the instrument which will detail Mission Sure, there will be some muddling forward as I am fond of Statement, Board of Directors, how money is distributed, saying. We may even need to make changes along the way. etc…until then we are simply building a boat. And although this sets up a pretty good sailing analogy I am more reminded about something Nancy Detert said. We are building a boat and have time to determine who sails it and where it should sail. Nancy Detert, one of most successful State (and local!) leg- islators recently had her “no texting and driving” bill passed A proposed mission statement is still in draft form but it in Tallahassee. But her proposal was modified in the final includes elements of our Club’s mission like promoting recre- stages potentially alienating her support. Ultimately, she ational sailing, racing, cruising, sailing instruction, boating voted for “her bill”, unwelcome modifications and all. Her safety, and youth sailing. Also being proposed is enriching quote to the media was classic and should be remembered. the local community by providing affordable sailing instruc- tion, participation in sailing competitions, water safety edu- When asked about supporting a bill she felt was negatively cation and increased environmental awareness through im- impacted by changes she said, “I decided not to let the per- proving the relationship between boaters and marine ecolo- fect get in the way of the possible.” gy. I would hope our membership feels the same way about This is not part of any final document yet but I think you can the creation of a 501(c)(3). see how symbiotic a potential “foundation” can be.

A 501(c)(3) can apply for grants and receive donations cre- ating a pool of funds which can be used for a variety of activ- Welcome Aboard ities and projects which will benefit the Sarasota Sailing Squadron and the community at large. to the following new members:

Imagine this…what if money this organization generates can be used to develop a classroom(s) on Squadron property Andrew Wiles to further educational goals…what if this organization can Bill Pretyka generate money for our next building project which may include more boat storage and a public presence on our Fred & Anne Prolmoli southern border (see Long Range Plan)…what if this organi- zation could help fund the eradication of exotic species Jean Furneaux around Squadron property and Ken Thompson Park…what if Nancy Vafeas this organization is better suited to provide funding to the Youth Sailing Program thus freeing up member generated Richard & Anne Lambert Meyer monies currently used for this purpose…what if this organi- zation can provide scholarship dollars to low income youths Stan Robinson wanting to learn sailing and seamanship…what if this organi- zation can provide funding to create an adult sailing program lost since Red Cross moved out? We look forward to seeing you around the “Club”. The opportunities are endless and our membership stands to benefit from such development which is currently only

Page 3 The Burgee - March/April 2013 Craig’s Corner Fleet and E- as they gathered one last time before setting up the next seasonal sail. Some The Manager’s Report great weather has kept the fleets on the water and the By Craig Bridges emerging MC- fleet is noticeably more active and st regularly on our Bay and docks. The 1 quarter of 2013 has been a re- April also realized our organizations 2nd largest attend- markable dash. I hope you had the ed weekend of the year rivaling our 67th Labor Day Re- opportunity to enjoy the variety of gatta. The SYSP, Commodore Jennings, the BKYC and activities, goings-on, unusual weather, an outpouring of volunteers collectively filled Sarasota important events and merriment. The long established Bay with hundreds of sailors and boats. Not since last notion that we are genuinely the “World’s Greatest year’s Labor Day Regatta has so many Sail Boats packed Sailing Club” has been repeatedly confirmed recently. Sarasota Bay. The 2013 YSP Sailfest from most ac- 2013 has been full of fun, racing and social functions counts was a fantastic success. Over 200 sailors, quali- and you, the membership, have demonstrated the ded- ty conditions and competition made the weekend. In ication to recognize and supply all recreational water the end it was nice to see familiar young faces from enthusiasts with a venue and value without parallel. around the Club on the awards podium. Well done! The agenda and passionate approach to readily provide With Commodore Jennings guidance the Club hosted access to our Bay for the areas sailors has never been the 8th annual Gulf Coast Traditional Small Craft Festi- more apparent. It takes a superb effort and support val. Join by some of the areas famous designers, boat from the Volunteers, Fleets, Race Captain, Regatta builders, craftsmen and cool “salts” we had a marvel- Chair and sponsors to pull off such a determined sched- ous mix of boats and personalities. The beauty and art ule. of the boats was not lost and the opportunity to share Under the wonderful direction and commitment of firsthand knowledge and history was a truly unique. As Donna and Herb, and an outpouring of volunteer sup- you read this Commodore Jennings is debriefing the port, we hosted the successful Flying Scot Mid Winter event and has set a date for the 2014 9th annual GCTSC Championships with a fleet of over 60 boats. We fol- Fest. I hope everyone will mark that date and join us. lowed that immediately with the North American Sun- Once again, like last year, the Club was well repre- fish Midwinters and then rounded out the week with sented at the BKYC Sarasota Bay Cup and much of the our own Pot o’ Gold regatta and Club’s traditional Irish awarded hardware made its way back to the Sarasota Dinner. A few days off to regroup and we rolled out Sailing Squadron. Great showing! the welcome for the One Design Midwinters competi- Finally, a well attended Passage Makers social gave tors. It was quite a stretch with over 170 boats partici- opportunity for members come together and share in pating in a 2 weeks period. In excess of 400 sailors, a some good fixings and Cruising knowledge. It was a fun sturdy foundation of on and off the water support and evening at the Club and with the first gathering in the guests from around the globe enjoyed our Club. Once “books”, keep an eye out for the Passage Makers event again you provided memorable times, camaraderie and #2 coming soon. experiences for members and guest alike without par- I hope you’ve noticed some of the improvements and allel. new offerings: New exterior seating/ patio chairs, hoist March also welcomed the newly appointed Social Co- repair, pruning of the Pines along the drive and new ordinator Vanessa Hamalian. She was immediately rock, new Gantry ordered for the “work area”, “In and introduced to the vigorous March event calendar. As Out” launch service for our Membership and our ex- she had done in the past, Vanessa jumped right in with panded rental fleet program. If both feet. She quickly orga- these services seem like “fits” nized the 2013 Easter Egg hunt for your needs, please contact that established its best the office for details at 941-388 attendance ever. Over 1000 -2355 (Office hours are 9am- stuffed eggs made it into bas- 6pm 7 days a week). kets around the Club. Hat’s off Please keep an eye on the to those involved. Club Calendar for more fun and We also celebrated the end of festive events. the winter “season” with the

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all just one point differences. Ursula Olson came in 4th; Smooth Spring Sailing Nanette Reuss finished in 5th and won the First Place By Diane Banyard and Linda Tiffan Apprentice Award. Linda Schwartz was 8th overall. Con- The Luffing Lassies had a great spring sailing season gratulations to all the Luffing Lassie sailors who com- with busy Thursdays on the Sarasota waters. In addi- peted in the Rainbow Regatta. tion, several Lassies headed out of town to the Boca Ciega Yacht Club for the Rainbow Regatta in April. The regatta is a Florida Women’s Sailing Association (FWSA) regatta that has been held every year for the past 30+ years. The Lassies had a great showing at the Rainbow Re- gatta. Our outstanding pram team came in second overall. Jane Owens had the best finish in her many years of racing in the Rainbow Regatta coming in 6th out of 26. Zoe Burnett, who was a first time participant in the regatta, was consistently in the top third. Maria Rainbow Regatta Friedli had a 4th place finish and Danielle Grttv- Photo courtesy of The Salty Sisters, from St Petersburg rd Dooyeweer had a 3 place finish in the last race! You Somehow the 2012-2013 season is coming to a close. ladies did us proud! We want to thank our fantastic board of directors headed by Captain Nanette Reuss, First Officer Diane Banyard, Treasurer Gail Seidman and Secretary Gillian Whatmore for their tireless efforts on behalf of our sailing club. We are very excited to announce our fab- ulous new board to lead us into the 2013-2014 season. The Lassies look forward to the great leadership of Captain Lorri Kaighin, First Officer Penny Durham, Treasurer Donna Farina and Secretary Brenda Scanlon. The Lassies are also looking forward to an exciting May. The Lassies host the FWSA Championship at the SSS on Rainbow Regatta Prams May 9. Look for J22s, 420s, sunfish and prams out on Photo courtesy of The Salty Sisters, from St Petersburg the race course. FWSA also celebrates its 40th anniver- The sunfish sailors had a successful day too. Rita Steele sary May 16 with a great luncheon at the St. Peters- was on her game with three firsts in a fleet of 20 sail- burg Yacht Club. We expect to see many Lassies in ors. She won first place overall and won the masters attendance to celebrate this great organization. category as well. Second, third and fourth places were See you around the Squadron or out on the water.

Page 5 The Burgee - March/April 2013 Flying Scot Fleet 36 News By Bob Twinem We are starting the time of year when we will race a couple of times a month perhaps a little more informal- We had a terrific season racing our Flying Scots this ly. Check the Squadron calendar for dates and times. year. Season Series races, Squadron Monthly races, District races, National races. Something for everyone. Although a few of us gathered at the Squadron on May Fleet 36 Season awards were given out to Overall and 4th, it was not a good afternoon for sailing. When we Challenger divisions. met things looked promising and 3 boats were launched before we sat down for a pre-sail sandwich. Challenger Division Season Top 3 are: By the time lunch was over the front came through and 1st Against The Wind the breeze was up to a stiff 22-25 kts. We felt fortunate 2nd Snowbird that we were not caught out on the bay when the front 3rd Serenity came through. We called an audible and rescheduled for May 11th, starting at “I” at 1:30. Overall Season top 3 are: 1st Eight Ball 2nd Leprechan Tip of the day: Sail, Sail, Sail. Time in the boat is 3rd Zoom a sure way to improve crew work and boat speed. Like other sports practice goes a long way. Final results are on the Flying Scot page on the SSS website.

We had a very good turnout for the Sarasota Bay Cup Regatta at the Bird Key Yacht Club. 10 Scots made up the largest, most competitive fleet at the regatta. Con- ditions were varied from full out hiking to sheets eased, keep the speed up in the bumps and look for the next puff. The race committee sent us on 3, windward, lee- ward, 2 times around courses using drop marks. Jelly Bean was 3rd and after breaking a tie in total points, Mojito edged out Patchwork Princess for the top hon- ors. As Lainie pointed out during the awards ceremony, the Bird Key YC has the right idea for a regatta. A few hours of racing sandwiched between 2 good parties is a darn good time. Team Eight Ball followed closely by Team Braveheart during the 2013 Sarasota Bay Cup. Photo courtesy of the Bird Key Yacht Club.

Bird Key Yacht Club ~ Sarasota Bay Cup Flying Scot Results 1 5577 Mojito John Domagala PYC 1 2 4 7 2 400 Patchwork Elaine Pardey SSS 3 1 3 7 3 3917 Jelly Roll Chuck Tanner SSS 2 8 1 11 4 15 Sidewalk Express Ron Pletsch SSS 5 6 2 13 5 5141 Eight Ball Bob Twinem SSS 6 3 5 14 6 5622 Zoom J. Pether/R. Dockery SSS 4 5 6 15 7 5350 Braveheart Jim Starr SSS 7 4 dns 22 8 4140 Serenity Norris Elswick SSS 8 7 7 22 9 5519 Marvin Quin BKYC 9 9 8 26 10 4442 Wayne Curtis SSS dns dnc dnc 33

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move, be ready to go up, so don’t tack too close or you will The Racing Rules acquire a penalty. By Herb Larrabee 16 CHANGING COURSE 16.1 When a right-of-way boats changes course, she I have had positive feedback on these shall give the other boat room to keep clear. articles so I will keep them focused on 16.2 In addition, when after the starting signal, a port- issues that you ask about. tack boat is keeping clear by sailing to pass astern of a - board-tack boat, the starboard-tack boat shall not change course if as a result the port-tack boat would immediately need to change course to continue keeping clear. 14 AVOIDING CONTACT You cannot change your course without giving other boats A boat shall avoid contact with another boat if reasonably room to keep clear. This is not tacking, that’s rule 13, this is possible. However a right-or-way boat or one entitled to just changing your course. The second part of the rule is room or mark-room what most of you think of as the hunting rule. If you are port (a) need not act to avoid contact until it is clear that tack and tack to avoid a starboard tack boat, the starboard the other boat is not keeping clear or giving room tack boat cannot change course immediately if it forces you or mark-room, and to change course. As before, immediately is no more than a (b) shall be exonerated is she breaks this rule and the few boat lengths, it’s not indefinite. In crossing situations contact does not cause damage or injury. starboard should hold their course unless contact is proba- At one time, the philosophy was unless you touch, there was ble, only then alter course. Remember rule 14, no contact. room. Sailors would have deliberate contact to prove they Sailing is not a contact sport. had been infringed which was unsafe. Rule 14 changes this significantly. If you have contact you broke a rule and are at 17 ON THE SAME TACK, PROPER COURSE risk of being disqualified. New this year is a clarification of If a boat clear astern becomes overlapped within two of her (b). Before it was not be penalized, now it states exonerated. hull lengths to leeward of a boat on the same tack, she Exoneration is for the boat with right-of-way, room, or mark- shall not sail above her proper course while they remain on room. This is limited by damage or injury. If there is damage, the same tack and overlapped within that distance, unless and there is no threshold on damage, then even if you were in doing so she promptly sails astern of the other boat. This right-of-way, room, or mark-room, you could be disqualified rule does not apply if the overlap begins while the wind- and probably will. ward boat is required by rule 13 to keep clear. A significant “un-seaman like” (crash) course change will This is an interesting rule because it introduces some key satisfy the protest committee that you did not have room. concepts. This change makes the sport safer and less expensive. Your First is the two lengths. This concept of two lengths is used gel coat or varnish appreciates this change. Your crew with as the general measurement for when most rules begin to their legs or other body parts over the side really appreciates apply for average . It is stated here but used as guid- this change. ance for most other rules. When a boat is further away, you should be planning, within two lengths, it’s time to begin 15 ACQUIRING RIGHT OF WAY acting. When a boat acquires right of way, she shall initially give Second is the boat required to keep clear defines the length the other boat room to keep clear, unless she acquires right of two boat lengths. This is important when the boats are of way because of the other boat’s actions. not one-design. Let’s say you are on starboard going to windward. A port Back to the rule itself, if you are overtaken to leeward, that tack boat approaches and tacks under you. They become boat cannot take you up while the overlap exists. The over- leeward and under rule 11 ON THE SAME TACK, OVER- lap must be within two boat lengths. If the leeward boat falls LAPPED may take you up. The overlap was not established off past two lengths the overlap is broken. If the leeward from clear astern. However they must give you time to pre- boat then comes back up, it makes a new overlap which is pare for a boat being to leeward. That typically is having not from clear astern, but is from leeward. That leeward sailed a few boat lengths. It is definitely not immediately. boat can now take you up. Let’s change the scenario a little which changes the rule. The The definition of PROPER COURSE is: A course a boat would port tack boat can just clear ahead of you and does so but sail to finish as soon as possible in the absence of other tacks above you. As it completes their tack an immediate boats referred to in the rule using the term. A boat has no overlap is established giving you immediate right of way by proper course before her starting signal. No proper course their actions. You are free to begin taking the windward boat before the start allows a boat coming from clear astern in up immediately. If you are the port tack boat making this

Page 7 The Burgee - March/April 2013 the starting area to take you up, BUT once the start signal is is now in the series. Your PRO’s wanted a closed line. One given, they must come to their proper course. PRO provided a write up from Dick Rose which has been Another proper course consideration is that boats do not adopted. If you sail inadvertently through the line, you exon- always have the same proper course. If the boat below you erate yourself by taking a one-turn penalty, just like hitting a can sail higher, even though it established an overlap from mark, preventing sailing into a starting or finishing boat. Two clear astern, you will eventually have a problem; tack away very experienced sailors said they could not recognize their while you have room. class flag color clearly at a start. There are new PHRF flags, If you establish an overlap from clear astern and to leeward, the same colors as before, but shapes are added so the class make sure there is room for the boat above you to avoid flag can be read in difficult light conditions. One other club is you. If you begin the overlap so close the windward boat adopting this flag concept. cannot change course without contact, you just broke rule When I talk with many of you, you tell me about the history 15. This applies to starting maneuvers before the start signal. of the years I was not here. You tell me of a huge number of There may not be a proper course but there is always the boats that sail and I should not upset this stunning success. I need to give room. This goes back to rule 14, we are not can assure you that I do not want to interfere with anything bumping cars anymore. that is working well. Enough for now, next time will be mark roundings. I did not make any changes to the remaining Sunday Series races which went through March 2013. I was targeting the Change Friday Night series to begin adjustments which I hoped would lead to increased turnout. However I was told very I moved to Florida in 1980 and began sailing a San Juan 21. In loudly: 1980 that was the most active one design fleet. Day Sailors 1) everything was perfect were just beginning and growing. The San Juan’s raced every 2) turnout is great, that the number of boats coming to the other Sunday with the Sarasota Bay area PHRF fleet which line for series racing is high, has not changed much and was not resident at the Squadron. Just before I left Sarasota remains high in 1994 Jim Barr just got his first E-Scow. I looked back at this 3) it is what the sailors want, in fact they want more of it period as San Juan’s were thriving. I returned in 2012 to just 4) don’t change anything because it will hurt participation 3 San Juan’s, I was disappointed thinking that it was such an I acquiesced to the demands, it is your program. I did howev- active fleet. Andy Hodgsen reminded me that before I left, er assemble statistics. The data and perceptions don’t agree. the fleet had just begun its decline. Reflecting on that, I real- The data is in 2 forms, first a Friday Chart then a Sunday ized that it had indeed begun to move toward extinction. At Chart. The charts reflect the data. Charts are followed by the the time I didn’t want to accept its decline had begun. Now data extracted from the records. Data shown in the charts is it’s undeniable. The only constant is change. limited to races sailed. A canceled race is not included. The I am an old timer new timer. I have history from 80 to 94 zero boats of a canceled will distort the trend lines and not followed by a long absence until early 2012. San Juan’s have give a true trend or prediction of participation. Boats count- just a few left, mine is in Colorado and now up for sale. Day ed do not include a DNS. Only boats that began the race are Sailors are completely inactive at the Squadron, having been counted. Boats that do not finish or are disqualified are replaced by the thriving Flying Scot fleet that has eclipsed counted, they started. Racing dates are not included in the San Juan’s in numbers. E-Scows are relatively abundant, just charts. Data is assembled by calendar year. don’t try and identify one by its sail number. In just the last There is a 26% drop in attendance from 2011 to 2012. The year the MC-Scows have exploded into a serious fleet; Vipers largest attendance was 19 for Friday and 22 for Sunday, both are on the rise, approaching what I hope will be significant in 2011. Attendance is inconsistent. Adjusted average takes numbers. I am very fond of one design racing so seeing these into account that a race not sailed should not be counted. fleets prosper is terrific. In those years there has been The attendance averages relate to races sailed only. Also a change. In the sailing world today it’s all about DNS is not counted since the boat did not race. There is in- and monohulls with sprit poles. Lots of change. sufficient data to tell if this trend has continued. What has remained? The Youth Sailing Program has been the To determine if this is an area wide challenge, I asked Davis jewel of Sarasota for this entire period. YSP sailors Island how their Thursday Night program is doing. It re- have distinguished themselves in serious regional, national bounded 13% from 2011 to 2012. I will look at this more and international competition. It has put Sarasota on the closely soon, they count registration only. short list of youth sailing programs and brought positive The Squadrons challenge is volunteerism, also in decline. attention to the Squadron. Another crown jewel is the Typically the racers supported their series, and with fewer Luffing Lassies. They have been a center of excellence for boats, the supply of Race Committee volunteers also dwin- women’s sailing then and build upon that mission today. dles. To meet the demands of frequent racing with declining Positive changes. participation is a major challenge. We must avoid burning At the Racer’s Forum in January, you asked for the one-turn out our volunteers who also staff our regattas. penalty which has been introduced with the first regatta and Page 8 The Burgee - March/April 2013

It may be time for Rabbit Starts and Pursuit races without a race committee. This would provide race frequency without volun- teer burden. That puts sailors back on the water in lieu of too frequent Race Committee duty. The racers want windward lee- ward, cruisers want reaching, which may translate to multiple courses. This would fit the Summer period where turnout is tra- ditionally low, along with the wind. For those who want to race frequently, this is an alternative. This will be tested soon. Change is hard, especially at the Squadron, the numbers indicate change is already occurring. Change is after all a constant. Has the time come to rethink your program? Regardless the Squadron will be here for us, it is the stunning institution that is our Crown Jewel throughout all of its years on the bay. Its members change, its boats change, the Squadron has survived, the Squadron has prospered. I am open to ideas so please communicate. Charts

Let’s look at the data on a curve which includes trend lines. A trend line is used to predict future outcomes.

The Friday Night Series trend lines continue downward for 2012 and 2011. There are instances of canceled races in the data set which are not included. 2012 data does fall below 2011 data rather consistently. The trend lines are parallel with 2012 below 2011 showing no change to the decline.

The Sunday Series trend lines also continue downward for 2012 and 2011. 2013 does not have enough data to predict the year for either Friday night or Sunday.

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Friday Spinn Non Ports Fun Cruising Multi Total 2012 Adj Avg 3.813 2.438 0.313 0.688 0.000 1.125 8.375 2011 Adj Avg 6.714 2.286 0.000 0.000 0.429 2.000 11.429 Sunday 2012 Adj Avg 0.154 5.231 0.000 0.000 2.808 0.038 8.231 2011 Adj Avg 0.040 6.680 0.000 0.000 4.280 0.120 11.120 Friday Night and Sunday have almost identical numbers. In 2011 the average is just over 11 boats; in 2012 it’s down to just over 8 boats. That is a 26% decline or about 3 boats are no longer racing. Now all the numbing data: The Data

The totals for the calendar years 2012 and 2011:


Friday 2013 Series Spinn Non Ports Fun Cruising Multi Total DNF 12-Apr-13 A1 1 4 0 0 0 0 5 1 19-Apr-13 A2 2 4 0 2 0 0 8 0

Friday 2012 Series Spinn Non Ports Fun Cruising Multi Total DNF 6-Apr-12 A1 2 1 0 0 0 2 5 2 13-Apr-12 A2 6 4 0 2 0 5 17 1 27-Apr-12 A3 4 5 0 3 0 6 18 0 11-May-12 A4 6 4 0 1 0 1 12 0 18-May-12 A5 3 3 0 0 0 1 7 0 25-May-12 A6 3 4 0 2 0 2 11 1 8-Jun-12 B1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15-Jun-12 B2 4 2 0 0 0 0 6 0 22-Jun-12 B3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 29-Jun-12 B4 5 2 0 0 0 0 7 0 13-Jul-12 B5 3 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 20-Jul-12 B6 6 0 0 1 0 1 8 0 27-Jul-12 C1 7 1 0 1 0 0 9 1 10-Aug-12 C2 3 1 0 1 0 0 5 0 17-Aug-12 C3 0 4 0 0 0 0 4 0 24-Aug-12 C4 4 4 2 0 0 0 10 0 31-Aug-12 C5 3 0 1 0 0 0 4 0 6-Sep-12 C6 2 4 2 0 0 0 8 0 2012 Adj Avg 3.813 2.438 0.313 0.688 0.000 1.125 8.375 total 61 39 5 11 0 18 134 5 Friday 2011 Series Spinn Non Ports Fun Cruising Multi Total DNF 1-Apr-11 A1 10 3 0 0 0 4 17 0 8-Apr-11 A2 12 3 0 0 0 4 19 1 15-Apr-11 A3 8 0 0 0 1 4 13 1 29-Apr-11 A4 6 3 0 0 0 3 12 1 6-May-11 A5 6 1 0 0 0 3 10 1 13-May-11 A6 9 2 0 0 0 1 12 2 27-May-11 A7 8 2 0 0 0 4 14 1 3-Jun-11 A8 5 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 10-Jun-11 A9 7 5 0 0 1 0 13 0 24-Jun-11 A10 5 1 0 0 0 1 7 0 1-Jul-11 B1 3 3 0 0 0 0 6 2 8-Jul-11 B2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 22-Jul-11 B3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 29-Jul-11 B4 4 5 0 0 1 0 10 0 5-Aug-11 B5 5 2 0 0 2 2 11 0 19-Aug-11 B6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 26-Aug-11 B7 6 2 0 0 1 2 11 1 9-Sep-11 B8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2011 Adj Avg 6.714 2.286 0.000 0.000 0.429 2.000 11.429 total 94 32 0 0 6 28 160 10

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Sunday 2013 Series Spinn Non Ports J24 Cruising Multi Total DNF 13-Jan-13 B1 2 7 0 0 6 0 15 2 27-Jan-13 B2 1 9 0 3 7 1 21 0 17-Feb-13 B3 0 3 0 0 1 0 4 0 10-Mar-13 B4 0 6 0 0 3 0 9 2 2013 Adj Avg 0.750 6.250 0.000 0.750 4.250 0.250 12.250 total 3 25 0 3 17 1 49 4

Sunday 2012 Series Spinn Non Ports Fun Cruising Multi Total DNF 15-Jan-12 1.2 0 8 0 0 5 0 13 0 29-Jan-12 1.3 3 7 0 0 5 0 15 0 5-Feb-12 1.4 0 8 0 0 4 0 12 2 19-Feb-12 1.5 0 3 0 0 1 0 4 0 18-Mar-12 1.1 0 0 0 0 6 0 6 3 1-Apr-12 1.2 0 7 0 0 4 0 11 0 15-Apr-12 1.3 0 6 0 0 4 1 11 0 29-Apr-12 1.4 0 3 0 0 6 0 9 0 20-May-12 1.5 0 2 0 0 4 0 6 0 27-May-12 1.6 0 5 0 0 2 0 7 2 3-Jun-12 2.1 0 5 0 0 1 0 6 0 10-Jun-12 2.2 0 6 0 0 0 0 6 0 17-Jun-12 2.3 0 5 0 0 1 0 6 0 1-Jul-12 2.4 0 5 0 0 1 0 6 0 8-Jul-12 2.5 0 5 0 0 0 0 5 0 15-Jul-12 2.6 0 3 0 0 2 0 5 0 22-Jul-12 2.7 0 2 0 0 4 0 6 4 29-Jul-12 2.8 0 3 0 0 3 0 6 0 5-Aug-12 2.9 0 6 0 0 2 0 8 0 12-Aug-12 3.1 0 7 0 0 2 0 9 0 19-Aug-12 3.2 0 5 0 0 1 0 6 0 16-Sep-12 3.3 0 8 0 0 0 0 8 3 30-Sep-12 4.1 0 9 0 0 3 0 12 0 25-Nov-13 4.2 0 7 0 0 2 0 9 0 16-Dec-12 4.3 1 5 0 0 6 0 12 0 23-Dec-12 4.4 0 6 0 0 4 0 10 0 4-Jul-05 Adj Avg 0.154 5.231 0.000 0.000 2.808 0.038 8.231 4-Jul-05 total 1 94 0 0 38 0 133 14

Sunday 2011 Series Spinn Non Ports Fun Cruising Multi Total DNF 16-Jan-11 1.3 0 8 0 0 6 0 14 7 30-Jan-11 1.4 0 9 0 0 6 0 15 0 6-Feb-11 1.5 0 8 0 0 3 0 11 1 20-Feb-11 1.6 0 8 0 0 11 3 22 1 20-Mar-11 2.1 0 3 0 0 9 0 12 0 27-Mar-11 2.2 0 9 0 0 10 0 19 6 3-Apr-11 2.3 0 4 0 0 8 0 12 2 24-Apr-11 2.4 0 4 0 0 6 0 10 0 1-May-11 2.5 0 6 0 0 5 0 11 4 15-May-11 2.6 0 4 0 0 6 0 10 2 22-May-11 3.1 0 7 0 0 3 0 10 0 29-May-11 3.2 0 5 0 0 2 0 7 1 5-Jun-11 3.3 0 8 0 0 5 0 13 1 26-Jun-11 3.4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10-Jul-11 3.5 0 11 0 0 1 0 12 0 24-Jul-11 3.6 0 6 0 0 2 0 8 1 31-Jul-11 3.7 0 6 0 0 3 0 9 0 7-Aug-11 3.8 0 9 0 0 1 0 10 0 14-Aug-11 3.9 0 9 0 0 4 0 13 0 21-Aug-11 3.10 0 8 0 0 0 0 8 0 28-Aug-11 3.11 0 6 0 0 4 0 10 2 11-Sep-11 3.12 0 8 0 0 2 0 10 1 18-Sep-11 4.1 0 8 0 0 1 0 9 0 2-Oct-11 4.2 0 7 0 0 5 0 12 3 16-Oct-11 4.3 0 2 0 0 0 0 2 1 23-Oct-11 4.4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 18-Dec-11 1.1 1 4 0 0 4 0 9 2 2011 Adj Avg 0.040 6.680 0.000 0.000 4.280 0.120 11.120 total 0 110 0 0 44 0 154 35

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George Luzier on property on Sunday morning. He spent Classic Craft Festival time on Baby Doll, his personal boat for close to 50 years By David Jennings now owned by Squadron member Pat Ball. Later that after- noon, George hosted a few participants at his workshop in th st On Saturday and Sunday April 20 & 21 the Squadron Sarasota. th played host to the 8 annual Gulf Coast Traditional Small Craft Fest. It has been held in Cortez Village for six of the The folks from Historic Spanish Point were a welcome guest prior years but we also hosted one year when construction and brought two boats and a handful of volunteer “docents” in Cortez threatened cancellation. to speak about them.

There were approximately 50 hulls on property ranging from Other notable craft included a 24’ New England lobster boat sailing kayaks designed by Hugh Horton of Cedar Key, to rebuilt by Jerry Bien from Erie, Pennsylvania (another long prams built by founding Squadron member George Luzier distance participant) and Dennis Bradley’s Ralph Munroe and renovated skipjacks brought in from the multiple county Chapelle named Egret which he sailed up from Bokeelia. It area. took him two days. (pictured below)

The people who travelled the farthest were Meade Gougeon from Bay City, Michigan (owner of West Epoxy) and Michael & Olga Bill from Turnersville, NJ. Michael is the president of the Delaware River Traditional Small Craft Association and came to support the local chapter.

We even had new boats on site built by Joe of Storm Port Boatworks from Homosassa. He was showing “Oyster Cracker” which combined 1940’s styling with the demands of the modern day angle.

Meade Cougeon showing off Woodwind! I hope the membership will help me welcome this festival back in 2014 which promises to be an even more successful event. T Shirts are still available by calling the office at 941- On Saturday night, original Squadron member and re- 388-2355. nowned architect Tim Seibert gave a presentation on the sailboats he has been designing for the last decade. Tim has won 3 international design competitions held by Classic Boat magazine based in London, England. All of his boats have a strong Florida connection as he grew up sailing the waters of Sarasota Bay and now Charlotte Harbor.

When asked if other architects of the “Sarasota School of Architecture” sailed he said quite frankly, “Yes, but not as well as me.”

We were also honored to have Sarasota Sailing Squadron founding member (1947) and renowned boat builder All photos this page courtesy of David Jennings

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The Burgee - March/April 2013

1 Flying 1:30PM Scot Racing 8 6PM PassageMakers Pot Luck 15 Work SSS 9AM Party “Bunkie” 10AM Re- gatta Flying 4:30PM Scot Racing 22 6PM PrivateEvent 29 Sat

May31 5PM FinalFriday Docktail 6PM FridayNight B Series Race 7 6PM Attack” “Jack Race 14 21 6PM FridayNight Se- B ries Race 28 5PM FinalFriday Docktail Fri

May30 Luffing 9AM Lassies 6 13 20 27 Thu

May29 “Ball” 10AM Buster WorkParty 7PM SSS Committee Night 5 “Ball” 10AM Buster WorkParty 12 “Ball” 10AM Buster WorkParty 19 “Ball” 10AM Buster WorkParty 26 “Ball” 10AM Buster WorkParty Wed

May28 4 11 7PM BoardMeeting 18 25 Tue

May27 2013 10AM Race AroundLido SSS 10AM Open House 3 10 SYSP 9AM Summer Opens Camp 17 24 Mon

May26 2 9 16 23 30 Sunday 11am A Series Race Sun June 2013 June

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The Burgee - March/April 2013

6 13 20 Work SSS 9AM Party Movie 6PM SSS Night 27 Aug3 Race 10AM Manage- Workshopment (at St YC) Pete Sat

5 6PM Attack” “Jack Race 12 19 6PM FridayNight Se- B ries Race 26 5PM FinalFriday Docktail Aug2 6PM Attack” “Jack Race Fri

4 Independence 12PM Regatta 11 18 25 Aug1 Thu

3 “Ball” 10AM Buster WorkParty 10 “Ball” 10AM Buster WorkParty 17 “Ball” 10AM Buster WorkParty 24 “Ball” 10AM Buster WorkParty 31 “Ball” 10AM Buster WorkParty 7PM SSS Committee Night Wed

2 9 Board 7PM SSS Meeting 16 23 30 Tue

1 8 15 22 29 Mon

7 14 Sunday 11AM Series Race A 21 28 Sunday 11AM Series Race A Sun July 2013 July

Page 15 The Burgee - March/April 2013 Ballbuster’s— February thru April 2013

By Pat Murphy stuff in the storage lockers and throwing out the rest. Bill Icely checked out an electrical box at the ceiling while Larry SQUADRON DATE 020613 MacMillan and Bill Waggner cleaned the bar counters in the Another Wednesday Ball- Pavilion buster get-together with SQUADRON DATE 030713 Blowing stink with the wind indi- more members than last cator on the wave fence stuck on 32 for several hours until time. Ron & Don did the amazingly correcting itself and registering 28, 23. MPH and bar while early arriver the wind indicator on the Main Dock not coming on at all Ron Schwied straightened until I pulled the power supply out , waited at least 30 sec- up all the table & chairs onds before plugging it back in. Not much to do today, how- on the Pavilion, Porch and main dock deck and finished it off ever, Ron & Don after changing the batteries in the bar clock by washing all the tables. Dennis O’Brien along with John finished their job on the Pavilions storage boxed while Ruth Lundy & Tom Morris, old members, went down to Marine Nordman aided by John Wolfe and later Nora Zellmer (after Max and filled at least 6 gas cans for storage. Newer mem- she finished picking up trash at the Small Boat Storage area). ber Andy Lindgren cleaned out and straightened up Owen’s She and Ruth also did a thorough job of cleaning the kitchen. Condo, the storage building just west of the hoist, and fin- Ron Schwied picked up trash behind the boats and later he ished by blowing off the floor of the Pavilion. I got rid of a and John Wolfe put a couple banquet tables into a storage barnacle encrusted line wrapped around a 4 by 4 supporting box, while Chuck Nordman did yard work. the roof of the Main Dock Deck. SQUADRON DATE 031313 A different day with different SQUADRON DATE 021313 Middle of the month with a cold chores. The Flying Scot Midwinter’s were in full swing this front trekking across the Gulf and low hanging fog blowing in Wednesday so we concentrated on emptying garbage can & from the south thick enough to feel like rain when you taking care of the bar. Carlos Schafer did the first starting walked through it. John Wolfe stocked the bar while Doug with the ones in the clubhouse and then those outside and Stuart took Harry Castleman & Angelo Bettema to Marine then finished by changing out bulb in one of the sconces Max and filled 5-6 gas cans after topping off the boats. Harry along the west wall of the clubhouse. Fortunately Ruth Castleman who was an early arrival straightened up chairs of Nordman showed up and took care of the bar in her usual the porch before and after returning we three moved a fashion while her husband Chuck cleaned up the seaweed in porch table to a better location correcting a mess left from the launching ramp. Dennis O’Brien and Mark did a diesel last night’s Board Meeting. Ron & Don attached a set of gas run to Marine Max for the tractor. When Dennis came wheels to one of the swinging doors enclosing the banquet back he cleaned junk out of one of the drainage ditches back table storage boxes at the Pavilion. As soon as they get more of the Boat Work Area and moved where the water hose hinges they will finish the other side of the storage box. was to a better, more accessible location. Ron & Don moved SQUADRON DATE 022013 One of those days in which I had various pictures on the east wall of the foyer to make room more Ballbuster members than I knew what to do with. Con- for the Chart Board that was on the porch which was moved sequently we got a lot done. Former flyer, John Lundy, took to make way for a cork board. In this process they also care of the bar while Ron & Don continued work on the stor- trimmed the Chart Board with new 1 X 2 rough sawn cedar. age south cabinet in the Pavilion attaching a wheel to the bottom outside bi-fold section supporting it to make it easier to handle. Our early arrivals of the day were a father & son team of Ric & Nick Iaquinto who early straightened up table and chairs on the porch and Pavilion and then picked up tons of trash in the Small Boat Storage area south of the storage racks. Doug Stuart, Larry MacMillian and others such as John Wolfe and Nick Colnese aided in this job also. Late comer Sue Tschesnok volunteered to clean the chair rail that sur- rounds both sides of the porch. SQUADRON DATE 022713 Today was a different Ballbuster Work Party with Angelo Bettema and Bill Waggener taking care of the bar, Tom Morse & John Lundy filling at least 7 gas cans at Marine Max and taking care of the boats used for race activities last weekend. Nick Colonese and former mem- ber Mike Warren (who showed up to do any job) cleaned off Photo by Craig Bridges all the work benches in the Work Area putting most useable Preparing to race at the 2013 One Design Midwinter Regatta!

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SQUADRON DATE 032013 Fortunately we did not have a lot Zimmerman and Carl Meyers raked sea weed off the beach of members show up as I did not have a lot for them to do. between the two small docks and John Lundy & Tom Morse Bob McKowski, Dennis O’Brien, Ron Birney and I moved sev- straightened up and cleaned the table tops in the Pavilion. eral tables on the porch back to where they belonged. Bob & Doug Stuart gassed the boats and John Schoon and wife Dennis continued doing the same in the Pavilion and I did Marion picked up trash everywhere as did Larry MacMillan also on the same on the Main Dock Deck. Bob then emptied and Ed Fisch. I walked around picking up trash on the point garbage cans inside and out all over the property while Larry leading to the Wave Fence and out back. MacMillian and Doug Stuart stocked the bar. Ron and Don IN MEMORIUM George Bachar former proprietor of the St. Clair finished putting the cedar trim on the map board Chart House Pub at Longboat Marina passed away. Not while I departed early to get my computer from Computer many current members of the Sailing Squadron will remem- Repair Inc. on Bee Ridge that unfortunately had become in- ber him unless you had raced small cruisers on the bay in the fected with 44 viruses on Tuesday. Works fine now. mid 70”s but he sold the best hot dogs & chili in town. He SQUADRON DATE 032713 Coldest day of the year, conse- totally resisted adding Hamburgers to his menu as he wasn’t quently few people showed up but those who came did set up to handle it. So did we. Only at the BBQ. great. Ruth Nordman came early and started stocking and SQUADRON DATE 041713 Middle of April and my air has cleaning the bar & kitchen area as usual with her husband been on for the last two weeks and normally it doesn’t get working outside. Fortunately a new member Fred Promoli turned on until about May 1. It went from winter to summer came and got a variety of small to large jobs. Dumped a large just about immediately. Not a lot of members showing up bucket of fire place ashes, brought in a large load of fire- today, however Ruth Nordman came and did the bar and wood and lit a fire, emptied the garbage cans out back and was assisted from time to time by Doug Stewart and Larry with Denis O’Brien cleaned the mantle and shelf over the MacMillian who also with the blower blew the Pavilion floor sliding glass doors and did clean. Ruth cleaned out the the same to all the trophies coffee pots and let them that reside there. Denis also soak with vinegar inside as I made the tables and chairs noticed that for the last in the Pavilion look present- week or so the coffee was able again. Ron & Don con- tasting quite rough and just tinued with their job of to drink a cup I had to add moving pictures in the Foy- extra sweetner. Chuck er. Nordman worked outside SQUADRON DATE 040513 A along with Dave Bridges. very quiet day with few Doug Stuart helped Larry Ballbuster’s in attendance. straighten up tables and Fortunately Denis O’Brien chairs in the Pavilion and I showed up and got to do walked around taking care some of the things that Ron of a little pick up and with & Don do, like moving the aid of Ron Birney some pictures in the foyer Photo circa 1947 or 1948 of some of the original members of the Sarasota moved wood garbage can to better locations so oth- Sailing Squadron! Courtesy of Lynne Seibert, wife of Tim Seibert, an original holders out back away from ers could be put in their squadron member! the roof line so they would place. This was after he not fill with rain water. Ron helped me reposition three Birney & Don St. Claire be- very heavy tables on the porch & making the Pavilion tables gan redoing the trim on one of the bar’s storage areas. Ber- and chairs look neater. He also got rid of a couple plastic nie Gerstein took care of the BBQ. chairs that were broken during the weekend activities. Ruth SQUADRON DATE 042413 The usual crew today of regulars. Nordman also was there and did the bar & was aided by Denis O’Brien came for the last time as he shortly leaves for Nora Zellmer who also picked up throw-a-ways all over the his summer activities up north but promises to return by property. Ruth’s husband Chuck as usual worked outside. I October 1 in the Fall and said “Work Me hard today!” So he varnished some new picture trim in the foyer. got the job of helping me roll up a couple of drop curtains at SQUADRON DATE 041013 Lots of members today showing the BBQ and Pavilion and then blew off both with the blower up at staggered times. Dennis O’Brien was one of the first later as well as taking care of the table & chair situation. and got the job of moving chairs and tables in the Pavilion Doug Stuart gassed the boats that needed it while a new and on the porch keeping all green chairs on the porch, showee, Jim Starr raked up seaweed from the launching White chairs to the Pavilion and Tan chairs on the Main Dock ramp to the small south dock and put it into the proper Deck. Tom Catero got the job of cleaning the junk off the dumpster. Fortunately Ruth Nordman came to work the bar BBQ grill while Bruce Abranowitz took care of the bar. Frank with her husband working outside along with Larry MacMilli- Page 17 The Burgee - March/April 2013

an. Ron & Don rebuilt two wood garbage can holders at the cruise together to places along our Gulf Coast. The hoist and checked on an electrical wire problem at the be- first cruise of the Passage Makers is to Caya Costa and ginning of the Wave Fence. I cleaned and added blue food is scheduled for Memorial Day Weekend “headed up” coloring to a Archimedes Barometer in the foyer that had by Cheri McNulty. been donated by our long time city manager, Mr. Kenneth If you would like more information, or wish to join Thompson before he died and fixed a wood working prob- lem behind the bar. Cheri and other sailors to Caya Costa, contact Cheri at SQUADRON DATE 050113 A cloudy and later rainy day with [email protected]. Whether you are a cruis- just enough members showing up to take care of what need- er, a racer, or even a social member, you are invited to ed to be done. Ruth Nordman & her husband Chuck came join the Passage Makers. The group is for young, old, early with Ruth doing her thing at the bar and Chuck doing novice, experienced, or somewhere in between. The his outside on the grounds. Larry MacMillan helped me emp- gathering on April 27th brought sailors from all walks of ty several full garbage cans in the small boat area and on the life, including past and present board members, com- Main Dock Deck and then went back to cleaning the BBQ. modores, long time cruisers, and beginners. We would John MacKay emptied garbage cans around the club and on love to have you join us in making passages at “the the area leading to the Wave Fence while Bruce Abranowitz best sailing club in the world”! blew off and straightened up the tables and chairs in the The next gathering of the Passage Makers is on June Pavilion. Ron & Don built a wood hinge for a new door be- th hind the bar and straightened up a crooked picture in the 8 , at 6pm for a pot luck dinner. Come and check it foyer. out, bring a dish to share, bring your boat to the dock and sleep under the stars, or make your way by land – but please come and join this wonderful fellowship of Making Passages …………… sailors. We will have a great presentation and plan our By Sue Forrest next Passage together. Contact Sue Forrest at [email protected]. for information. On April 27th over 60 members of the SSS joined to- See you then! gether in the first ever “Passage Makers” gathering. A pot luck dinner started the evening followed by a "Twenty years from now you will be more disappoint- presentation on “Great Anchorages” by Carol Anderson ed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you and Cheri McNulty. The group was formed in an effort did do. to unite members at the squadron who are interested So throw off the bowlines. in cruising, learning, and helping one another in the Sail away from the safe harbor. fellowship of sailing and in the spirit the Sarasota Sail- Catch the trade winds in your sails. ing Squadron was built on. A center focus of the group Explore. Dream. Discover." - Mark Twain is to organize a monthly “Passage”, where sailors can

Pictured left is a group photo taken at the first ever “Passage Makers” gathering held at the SSS on April 27, 2013. Be sure to mark your calendar and attend the next gath- ering on June 8th at 6PM.

Photo credit Jason Roznos

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Minutes of 12 February 2013 Board Meeting Manager's Report, Craig Bridges by Linda Tiffan (Secretary) Membership  Membership has remained steady and regular with a Call to Order at 7:05pm by Vice Commodore Bob Miller. total 770 active memberships. The roll was called and a quorum certified with 9 directors  2013 volunteerism is exceptional even by our standards. present. Directors present: Bob Miller: Vice Commodore, With property enhancements, seminars and regattas all Barry Millbourn: Rear Commodore, Linda Tiffan: Secretary, leading. Michelle Lee: Treasurer, Joe Pratico: Fleet Captain, Herb Lar- Maintained & Maintenance rabee: Race Captain, Donna Hillmyer: Regatta Director, Cas-  With the influx of activity the office will be focused again sandra Roznos: Social Coordinator, Laurel Kaiser: Education on usage and storage in 2013. Standing Rule 11 (a) this Coordinator. Directors absent: David Jennings - Bob Miller is a not for profit sailing club open to anyone sincerely served in Commodore Jennings' absence. interested in the sport of sailing. IT IS NOT AN ORGANI- ZATION TO PROVIDE A PLACE FOR THE STORAGE OF Meeting Minutes INACTIVE SAILBOATS. Usage agreement is * once a Motion by Joe Pratico and 2nd by Barry Millbourn to accept month for at least 6 months out of the year. the Minutes of the 8-Jan-2013 Board Meeting as read. Mo-  Noticeable improvements: Meeting Kevin Brunning tion carried unanimously. Member attorney to finalize indemnification document Motion by Laurel Kaiser and 2nd by Barry Millbourn to accept and commence dock work. A Gantry for the member the Minutes of the 31-Jan-2013 Board Meeting as read. Mo- work area, Led lighting, exterior seating/ patio chairs tion carried unanimously. and pruning of the Pines along the drive and new rock in early March.

Events Member Access  24 boats and flawless conditions, the 2013 Snowbird  Robert Messina-Inquired about the status of his appeal Regatta continued the streak of well attended and com- regarding his application for a mooring. Joe Pratico stat- petitive races. ed that the selection committee had been reinstated and letters were being sent out to all those with appeals  The 2013 Fire Side Chat fun and as always Cassandra before the committee regarding their status. and friends packed in great food, chili, entertainment. When the smoke cleared Scott Pagington took top hon-  Tom Donovan-Delivered a written request to the board ors as Chef’s choice winner. (pictured below) regarding the process used for determining fees. Board will take it under consideration prior to March board  With the meeting. help of the YSP, for the 4th year  Mike Collins-Questioned the board regarding their basis we are gladly for increasing fees for the mooring holders. Submitted a hosting the Prince- document for board review. ton University  Hans Dettmers-Proposed four questions for the board. Sailing Team. They are: Does the SSS have a serious funding problem? Thanks to the Ban- Does the SSS have too much money? Is SSS money being yards for organiz- spent wisely? What is the SSS financial reserve and what ing and hosting is it for? the welcome BBQ  Brian Kelly-Emphasized need to address dock safety. for the Sailing Sited three incidences of children falling through or off Team. the docks due to docks' poor condition.  Race Cap-  David Hays-Pointed out the need for the open position tain Herb Larrabee on Sarasota Youth Sailing (SYS) board to be filled as soon Race Seminar as possible with a SSS member. Described new mar- overflow attend- keting efforts underway to promote SYS. ance.  Gene Bauer (late request for member access)-  Donna & Concerned that the board didn't consider mooring com- All who created a Cherry Pie weekend that realized 60 mittee recommendations when it made decisions about boats racing on Saturday. fees. He questions whether the board has the authority  Next up Windsurfing Classic. (I believe it notable to rec- to charge mooring holders. Joe Pratico shared some of ognize the diversity of sailing enthusiast that have and his perspective as chair of the mooring committee. will be around this year).

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Membership is currently at 770. Volunteerism is at its high- Corinthian Fund, John Huber est level in years. Several improvements are underway John provided an overview of Corinthian Fund activity to around the property. Dock construction has met with some date. obstacles, but they are being addressed. The club has been Luffing Lassies, Diane Banyard very active with sailing and social events. Craig encouraged The winter sailing season is in full swing. The Lassies are rac- everyone to come out and enjoy them. ing Prams, Sunfish, 420's and J22's. The Luffing Lassies are hosting the annual Championship Regatta at the SSS this Organizational Reports spring and the planning is underway. This is a regatta for Sarasota Youth Sailing (SYS), David Livingston spinnaker J22's and non-spinnaker 420's. Participants include David announced that registration for summer camp begins sailors from all the FWSA clubs along Florida's west coast. March 1, 2013. This year parents will be offered adult sailing Several Lassies attended the recent race management lessons in addition to the kids. Incorporating STEM US Sailing course offered by the SSS. curriculum into summer program. Sailfest is April 20-21. Three high school teams will qualify for Sarasota Finals which Old Business is precurser to qualifying for US Olympic Development Team. None Two Youth World qualifiers - Ravi Parent and Sam Armington. Learn to Sail Sunday classes that are open to the New Business public are being offered starting March 10th for 10 weeks. Nomination of Mike Kaighin to be SSS liaison to SYS board SYS has developed an action plan that emphasizes SYS being of directors more of a community asset this year. SYS is becoming more Motion by Michelle Lee and 2nd by Linda Tiffan visible regarding its mission and offerings. Investing more in Discussion: Mike Kaighin and his family have been long time its marketing and advertising to the community. SYS has members of the SSS and extremely active in the youth sailing been named a US Sailing Sanctioned Sailing Center. program as volunteers and as parents of youth sailors. Motion carried unanimously. Questions raised by Mike Collins, Hans Detters, Gene Bauer and Tom Donovan during member access Discussion: Board agreed to table discussion of questions until March board meeting so all questions can be reviewed in order to provide thorough and comprehensive response.

Board/Committee Reports Treasurer's Report, Michelle Lee Michelle summarized the Treasurer's report by announcing YTD budget is tracking in a similar manner to 2012 and is on track with projections for 2013. Full report can be found on the SSS website. Secretary's Report, Linda Tiffan Linda introduced members of the Standing Rules Committee - Ed Steenstra, John Proctor, John Huber and Herb Larrabee. They meet regularly to address needed changes and revi- sions. She answered questions regarding the committee's role and encouraged members to share their suggestions for Rules and By-laws updates with any member of the com- mittee. Rear Commodore, Barry Millbourn Reported that obstacles still exist to starting the dock pro- ject. Efforts continue in quest to remove obstacles presented by the DEP and City of Sarasota. David Jennings and attorney David Levin are in close contact and are actively pursuing the DEP for decisions regarding our status. Barry stated that there are things we could be doing now such as making tem- Boats preparing to launch during Sailfest 2013! porary repairs to hazardous docks. Laurel Kaiser offered to Photo by Craig Bridges form a committee of volunteers to fix some of the more dan- gerous dock hazards. Several members volunteered. They,

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Laurel and Barry will convene following the board meeting to nator. Directors absent: Cassandra Roznos resigned from make plans and take action. the Board on February 28th. Vice Commodore, Bob Miller No report. Meeting Minutes Fleet Captain, Joe Pratico Motion by Barry Millbourn and 2nd by Michelle Lee to ac- The mooring committee has been meeting to discuss fees, cept the Minutes of the 12-Feb-2013 Board Meeting as fee structure and foul weather preparedness. The committee amended. Motion carried unanimously. Revisions were wants more transparency when changes affecting the mem- made to the Education Coordinator's report. bership are made by the board. The last reported can be found on the SSS website. Member Access Debby Lenehan announced her interest in the position of Race Captain, Herb Larrabee social coordinator to fill the open position on the board left The racing seminar held at the Sarasota Yacht Club was very by Cassandra Roznos' resignation earlier this month well attended with 21 people there. The next Racing Forum will be Saturday, February 16th at the SSS. Mike Collins thanked the board for attempting to communi- Regatta Director, Donna Hillmyer cate with the membership via the Board article posted on Cherry Pie weekend was a huge success with over 60 boats the SSS website. By reading the article and talking with on the water. Volunteers made it all possible. The event ben- Michelle Lee, Mike has a better understanding of FOAM fees. efitted the sailors, the boats and the club. Many more great He feels these efforts at opening up the dialogue are a good events are coming up: Wind Surfing, Flying Scots, Sunfish starting point for future discussions. He referenced a pro- and One Design regattas to name a few. This activity is rais- posal being put forth by Joe Pratico and feels that it has mer- ing the profile and enhancing the club's reputation through- it and should be reviewed. out the sailing world. Everyone congratulated Donna on a job well done. Social Coordinator, Cassandra Roznos No report. Education Coordinator, Laurel Kaiser Cruising for Class course offered by Stan Zimmerman is un- derway. Level 1 sailing class is full and is offered March 10- 13. Executive Committee's Report, Bob Miller In Commodore Jennings' absence, Vice Commodore Bob Miller reported that a request has been made to have our webmaster/technology guru, Mike Halliday give some basic instruction and training to one or more of our SSS staff. This will enable other qualified individuals to input and revise the SSS website in the event Mike is unavailable.

Adjournment Motion by Bob Miller and 2nd by Cassandra Roznos to ad- journ at 8:45pm was adopted by common consent. The next meeting is 12 Mar 2013. Executive Committee meets at 5:30pm, full Board at 7:00pm.

Minutes of 12 Mar 2013 Board Meeting by Linda Tiffan (Secretary)

Call to Order at 7:01pm by Commodore Jennings. The roll was called and a quorum certified with 9 directors present. Directors present: David Jennings: Commodore, Bob Miller: Vice Commodore, Barry Millbourn: Rear Commo- dore, Linda Tiffan: Secretary, Michelle Lee: Treasurer, Joe Pratico: Fleet Captain, Herb Larrabee: Race Captain, Donna The Easter Bunny pays a visit to the Sarasota Sailing Squadron! Hillmyer: Regatta Director, Laurel Kaiser: Education Coordi- Photo by Craig Bridges

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of the SSS since January which makes for a very good reten- Manager's Report, Craig Bridges tion rate of new sailors. Stated that member retention is very important to club. He shared retention rates over the last several years to show Old Business trends. Volunteering increasing and he reminded everyone Answers to Member Questions of the need to track volunteer hours when at the club for David Jennings announced that the Board position paper any volunteer activities. Craig also reported on the problem focusing on the introduction of FOAM fees, changes for of dead boats and the need to clear them from the property. mooring holders and the status of our negotiations with the Social events are drawing a diverse group to the SSS and are FDEP is being distributed through several channels. It is post- resulting in new memberships. Camping has recently been ed as an article on the SSS website at http:// confined to a designated area on the property. Craig is con- sidering charging for camping during regattas and will take overview-of-recent-board-decisions-and-relevant-history-2/, this up with the finance and standing rules committees for hard copies are in the office, it will be in the Burgee this further discussion. Full report can be found here: http:// week and in the Breezy Blast next week. He stated that the article is an attempt to answer member questions from last squadron_news-manager_reports/managers-report-12-Mar- month's board meeting as well as address more general 2013/ questions. The article on the website is the first in a series of articles that will appear in a new section of the website Organizational Reports called the Board Corner. Link to website article here. Sarasota Youth Sailing (SYS), David Livingston David Livingston unable to attend board meeting. His report Joe Pratico handed out a position paper he wrote and sub- was read by David Jennings. The SYS is happy to have Mike mitted it to the board for review. In it he offers an alterna- Kaighin be part of the SYS board as he was voted in at our tive fee structure to consider. Joe feels that this handout last SYS board meeting. Summer Camp registration starts contains information that should have been taken into ac- online on the SYS web page next week. Spring Learn to Sail count when FOAM fees were being discussed. This proposal begins on Sunday, March 17th. Sailfest will be held April was never fully presented to or reviewed by board and Joe 20,21. Always looking for RC help, mark boat help, and many requested that it be looked at now. He and Laurel Kaiser other ways that make this a very successful event. Sarasota recommended that a special committee be formed to review High School, Pine View and SMA all have qualified for the rate structures and that John Huber chair it. Discussion fol- SAISA qualifiers that determine who attends Nationals. lowed regarding the necessity for a special committee when Three schools of 7 from Florida were from Sarasota Youth the finance committee is already engaged in this activity. Sailing! Many kids sailed this week in Jensen Beach for the Postion paper attached. State of Florida championships. Details are in the SYS news- Motion by Laurel Kaiser and 2nd by Joe Pratico to form a letter. special committee to look at how SSS rates are structured and how the rates are determined. Corinthian Fund, John Huber Voting FOR: Joe Practico, Laurel Kaiser No report. Voting AGAINST: Linda Tiffan, Bob Miller, Michelle Lee, Herb Larrabee, Donna Hillmyer, Barry Millbourn Luffing Lassies, Nanette Reuss Motion fails. The Luffing Lassies have completed their winter series. Thank you to the SYS and David Livingston since the Luffing Lassies Motion by Michelle Lee and 2nd by Barry Millbourn to invite use their 420's and J22's to do their big boat sailing. The Las- John Huber to participate on finance committee as anon- sies have added 10 new members to their rosters and those voting subject matter expert to help look at overall rate structures.

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Motion carried unanimously. Motion by Joe Pratico and 2nd by Laurel Kaiser to add two more people to the finance committee - Paul Cogsdill and Joe Pratico who will be present at all meetings pertaining to fee structures. Voting FOR: Joe Practico, Laurel Kaiser Voting AGAINST: Linda Tiffan, Bob Miller, Michelle Lee, Herb Larrabee, Donna Hillmyer, Barry Millbourn Motion fails.

Motion by David Jennings and 2nd by Laurel Kaiser that the Commodore appoint John Huber and Paul Cogsdill to attend finance committee meetings Voting FOR: Joe Practico, Laurel Kaiser Voting AGAINST: Linda Tiffan, Bob Miller, Michelle Lee, Herb Larrabee, Donna Hillmyer, Barry Millbourn Motion fails.

Motion by Herb Larrabee and 2nd by Michelle Lee to send Joe Pratico's proposal to the finance committee for review. The finance committee will then hold an open meeting to receive member input into their recommendations. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by David Jennings and 2nd by Laurel Kaiser to use the open meeting with finance committee and SSS members as the beginning of a series of meetings for ongoing dia- logue. Photo by Craig Bridges Voting FOR: David Jennings, Laurel Kaiser, Joe Pratico Voting AGAINST: Linda Tiffan, Bob Miller, Michelle Lee, Herb Members of the YSP visit with the Southeastern Guide Dogs Larrabee, Donna Hillmyer, Barry Millbourn during a training session held at the SSS on April 27, 2013. Motion fails.

Motion by David Jennings and 2nd by Donna Hillmyer to Candidates for Open Social Coordinator Position start a Committee Night at the SSS on the last Wednesday of Bob Miller introduced Vanessa Hamalian who has expressed every month. an interest in the position. She and her family are active Discussion: Centered on need for committees to meet more members of the SSS and she currently volunteers at many regularly, be accountable for outcomes and share more. social events. Since filling an open board position is done Acknowledged there are other ways to do this and getting through board appointment, Bob made a motion. everyone together on one night could be complicated. David Motion by Bob Miller and 2nd by Donna Hillmyer to appoint Jennings would organize the first Committee Night which Vanessa Hamalian to position of social coordinator for the would be held on March 27th. remainder of existing term. Voting FOR: Laurel Kaiser, Joe Pratico, Donna Hillmyer Discussion: It was brought to board's attention that the oth- Voting AGAINST: Bob Miller er two candidates who volunteered for the position did so Abstaining: Linda Tiffan, Herb Larrabee, Michelle Lee, Barry with the idea that if more enthusiastic or qualified candi- Millbourn dates came forth they would put their support behind them. Motion is adopted. Motion carried unanimously.

New Business Final Notices Seeking a new Burgee Editor Motion by Michelle Lee and 2nd by Bob Miller to change the Deb Saint James has done a great job and needs to pass the wording of Standing Rule X,3 to read "the SSS will make a torch to someone else. Anyone interested in this position final attempt to collect via mail, email, telephone, in person should contact David Jennings. or by whatever means the manager deems most appropri- ate. Discussion: Covered issues such as - the cost is high for mail- ing and this gives the office flexibility, saves time, money and Page 24 The Burgee - March/April 2013 work hours. Phones and emails are more current than mail- Members in Good Standing ing addresses. Increased likelihood of collecting on past due Motion by Michelle Lee and 2nd by Herb Larrabee that each accounts if the SSS has a better chance of reaching the delin- quarter, the office will post on the website and in the club- quent member. Is the office going to notify members of this house a list of members in good standing. change? Discussion: Evident by absence from list that one is no longer Voting FOR: Linda Tiffan, Bob Miller, Michelle Lee, Herb Lar- a member of the club. No need for two lists. rabee, Donna Hillmyer, Barry Millbourn, Joe Pratico Voting FOR: Linda Tiffan, Michelle Lee, Herb Larrabee, Donna Abstaining: Laurel Kaiser Hillmyer, Joe Pratico Motion is adopted. Voting AGAINST: Barry Millbourn, Laurel Kaiser Abstaining: Bob Miller Transient dockage Motion is adopted. Motion by Michelle Lee and 2nd by Donna Hillmyer that the manager will have the discretion to determine if any boat is too large or other conditions preclude allowing dockage. Transient dockage is $30 per day for boats 30' and under. For each foot a boat is over 30', the transient rate increases by $2 a foot per day. Discussion of larger boats' impact on docks, whether some boats are too large to dock at the SSS, manager's authority to determine whether a boat can dock at the SSS or not. Voting FOR: Linda Tiffan, Bob Miller, Michelle Lee, Herb Lar- rabee, Donna Hillmyer, Barry Millbourn, Joe Pratico Abstaining: Laurel Kaiser Motion is adopted.

Use of SSS Debit Card Motion by Michelle Lee and 2nd by Linda Tiffan that only SSS employees are allowed to use the SSS debit card. The pre-set limit on the debit card will be kept to less than $500. The treasurer will review the prior spending and any proposed new purchases before new funding is added to the debit card account. Discussion: Members find it convenient to use the card for regatta and event shopping. Member usage bypasses all con- trols and creates a risk. Office staff needs control of spend- ing. Voting FOR: Linda Tiffan, Bob Miller, Michelle Lee, Herb Lar- rabee, Donna Hillmyer, Barry Millbourn Voting AGAINST: Joe Pratico, Laurel Kaiser Motion is adopted.

Members in Good Standing and Revoked Memberships Motion by Michelle Lee and 2nd by Herb Larrabee that each quarter, the office will post on the website and in the club- house a list of members in good standing and a list of people whose dues and/or fees are not current and who no longer Board/Committee Reports have club privileges. Treasurer's Report, Michelle Lee Discussion: Need for better monitoring of who may legiti- Report can be found at mately be using the club facilities vs. the possibility that it wp-content/uploads/2013/03/Treasurers-Report-2013-03- may be overly punitive and raise legal issues. 12.pdf Voting FOR: Michelle Lee Voting AGAINST: Bob Miller, Barry Millbourne, Linda Tiffan, Secretary's Report, Linda Tiffan Herb Larrabee, Donna Hillmyer, Joe Pratico, Laurel Kaiser The standing rules committee has met regularly since Janu- Motion fails. ary to review, update, revise and add to the current rules of the SSS. Goal is to bring them up to date and to make sure

Page 25 The Burgee - March/April 2013 they address key issues. Report can be found here http:// regattas come together. Intercoastal Medical Group has again signed on as the title sponsor for the Labor Day Re- Secretary-Report-March-12-2013-1.pdf. gatta and the SSS will be working with All Faith's Food Bank to tie into the Sarasota community this year. Rear Commodore, Barry Millbourn In February the FDEP visited the SSS and the squadron just Social Coordinator heard that they received our application. Should be getting No report. permits to proceed with docks so SSS can begin the bid pro- cess for doing the work. Barry gave a heads up about an up- Education Coordinator, Laurel Kaiser coming board matter - Gantry hoist needs replacing and is As an addendum to Joe Pratico's mooring committee report, costly. Laurel added that the mooring committee has asked Com- modore Jennings to copy representatives Ray Pilon and Boyd Vice Commodore, Bob Miller on the letter from our attorney David Levin to FDEP so Pilon A boarding ladder has been acquired for docks. This is a safe- and Boyd could exert influence while it is under review. Re- ty feature that is to be installed soon. Bob also located a re- garding education - Jabbo Gordon is teaching the upcoming source for fire hose that can be installed to prevent boats class on US Level 1 sailing certification. Outreach has been from rubbing directly on docks. Going to install as soon as made to the Coast Guard Auxilliary and Mote Marine Labs possible. for classroom space. Since the squadron is limited in training venues, this would open up space for multiple training and Fleet Captain, Joe Pratico educational programs. Laurel announced that the Long Boat The mooring committee has created sub-committees to ad- Key Coast Guard Auxiliary is offering a safe boating course to dress safety, communications and power boats. Mooring SSS members at reduced rates. Details are in the Breezy committee has spent time discussing the board position pa- Blast. per. Have also discussed Joe Pratico's position paper and asked that it be presented to the board. Report can be found Executive Committee's Report, David Jennings here David Jennings reported that the Execitive Committee uploads/2013/03/Fleet-Captains-Report-2013-03-12.pdf. meeting addressed the following items: The process for posting minutes, Burgee and Breezy Blast distribution, FDEP Race Captain, Herb Larrabee pending approvals and the open Social Coordinator position. Race seminars have been well attended. Friday night race The board discussed the need for developing a procedure for series begins in March. Pot of Gold regatta is this Saturday. filling open board positions when they occur. Saturday night party will include sailors participating in the Sunfish Midwinters. Volunteers are still needed for the week- Joe Pratico asked that the board revisit Rear Commodore's end. report in which Barry Millbourn raised concern about the safety of the Gantry hoist located in the work area. Regatta Director, Donna Hillmyer Motion by Joe Pratico and 2nd by Barry Millbourn to replace Donna attended the SBYA meeting in Feb. Herb Larrabee and Gantry hoist immediately because it is dangerous. Randy St James also attended with her. There was a lot of Discussion: Centered on the fact that money is not currently information covered in the meeting. Donna wants to encour- in the budget and the need to determine how to pay for new age members to contact her if they have questions about hoist before replacing it. SBYA. The next SBYA regatta is the Sarasota Bay Cup hosted Directors absent: Bob Miller by the Bird Key Yacht Club April 20th. On the same weekend Voting FOR: Laurel Kaiser, Joe Pratico Sailfest will be hosted by the SYS. Regatta events are at the Voting AGAINST: Linda Tiffan, Michelle Lee, Donna Hillmyer, top of the first mountain this year with the current Flying Barry Milbourn, Herb Larrabee Scot Midwinters going on with approximately 70 boats. A big Motion fails. Thank You to the SSS Flying Scot Fleet and Regatta Chair John Motion by Barry Millbourn and 2nd by Donna Hillmyer to Domagala. The Sunfish Midwinters will begin on Friday order a new Gantry hoist when SSS board determines how to thanks to Regatta Chair Cindy Clifton and will be followed by fund it. One Design Midwinters chaired by Jim Barr and Travis Yates. Discussion: Focused on whether or not funding sources need The next mountain will be Labor Day quickly followed by the to be in place before money is spent Buzzelli Multi-Hull Regatta and the F-18 Americas. Will con- Directors absent: Bob Miller tinue to reach out to volunteers to make each of these re- Voting FOR: Linda Tiffan, Michelle Lee, Donna Hillmyer, Barry gattas successful. Have been advertising in the Southwinds Milbourn, Herb Larrabee and promoting both the regattas for the year as well as the Voting AGAINST: Laurel Kaiser, Joe Pratico sponsors who support them. The sponsors really make the Motion is adopted.

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Motion by Laurel Kaiser and 2nd by Joe Pratico to purchase new Gantry hoist now. Stop use of the current gantry. Enforce existing standing rule to collect fees for work area use before starting work. Discussion: Debate regarding safety issues vs. ability to pur- chase new hoist without having determined how to pay for it. Directors absent: Bob Miller Voting FOR: Laurel Kaiser, Joe Pratico Voting AGAINST: Linda Tiffan, Michelle Lee, Donna Hillmyer, Barry Milbourn, Herb Larrabee Motion fails.

Motion by David Jennings and 2nd by Joe Pratico that the Fi- nance committee will develop a funding proposal before the end of March and convene a conference call board meeting to act on proposal. Directors absent: Bob Miller Voting FOR: Linda Tiffan, Michelle Lee, Donna Hillmyer, Barry Milbourn, Herb Larrabee, Joe Pratico Voting AGAINST: Laurel Kaiser Motion is adopted. Motion by Laurel Kaiser and 2nd by Joe Pratico to purchase a new gantry hoist now, have a funding proposal readied within 14 days and enforce upfront fee collection for use of hoist. Directors absent: Bob Miller Voting FOR: Joe Pratico, Laurel Kaiser Voting AGAINST: Linda Tiffan, Michelle Lee, Donna Hillmyer, Barry Milbourn, Herb Larrabee Motion fails. Adjournment

Motion by Herb Larrabee and 2nd by Barry Millbourn to ad- journ at 9:55pm was adopted by common consent. The next meeting is 9 Apr 2013. Executive Committee meets at 5:30pm, full Board at 7:00pm.

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Sarasota Sailing Squadron 1717 Ken Thompson Parkway Sarasota, FL 34230


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