The Burgee - March/April 2013 From the Commodore By David Jennings The Non-Profit Conundrum N27º20N27º20''14"14" -- W82º34W82º34''25"25" One definition of a conundrum is “a logical postulation that evades resolution.” 1717 Ken Thompson Parkway Sarasota, Florida 34230 You would think whether or not the Sarasota Sailing Squad- Phone: 941-388-2355 Fax: 941-388-5524 ron was a non-profit organization (501(c)(3)) or should create [email protected] a non profit organization is a conundrum because we have www.sarasotasailingsquadron.org been talking about it for over 20 years; one score; a fifth of a century; 30% of the Club’s existence. Manager: Craig Bridges ([email protected]) Some are now asking, “But aren’t we already a non-profit?” Webmaster: Mike Halliday ([email protected]) Maintenance Technician: Mark Schiffman The Sarasota Sailing Squadron is a 501(c)(7) which is de- ([email protected]) scribed as a “social and recreation club organized for pleas- Burgee Editor: ([email protected]) ure, recreation and other non profitable purposes and no part of the net earnings shall benefit any private sharehold- Board Members er”. Commodore: David Jennings (941-650-7354) [email protected] In short, we exist to provide services to our members. Vice Commodore: Bob Miller (941-795-4646) [email protected] This is not the same as a 501(c)(3) which is a tax exempt Rear Commodore: Barry Millbourn organization working with matters of public interest typically [email protected] Treasurer: Michelle Lee in the arts, charities, education, research and environmental [email protected] protection. No income tax is due on monies generated and Secretary: Linda Tiffan people can make tax deductible donations provided the or- [email protected] ganization is fulfilling certain requirements like providing Race Captain: Herb Larrabee service for the public and not just members. Historically, [email protected] we’ve hit a dead end in our discussions about turning the Fleet Captain: Joe Practico Club in to a 501(c)(3). [email protected] Regatta Director: Donna Hillmyer [email protected] “Could we still serve beer?” is the question that resonates Social: Vanessa Hamalian over the decades but practically speaking a conversion would [email protected] be impossible because all of our activities serve dues paying Education: [email protected] members and not a “greater good”. Several months ago the current Board of Directors formed an ad hoc Non Profit Committee led by Mike Halliday to ex- plore opportunities if we were to create a new 501(c)(3) ra- ther than continue down the dead end road of a conversion. And last month the Board, after hearing this committees first ADVERTISING IN THE BURGEE IS AN ECONOMICAL presentation voted to loan the Committee $5,000 to be used WAY TO REACH ALL 800+ MEMBERS OF THE SSS! for the creation of a 501(c)(3). FOR DETAILS, CONTACT THE SQUADRON OFFICE AT There is a lot of work involved and the current Committee 941-388-2355. BUSINESS CARD SIZE ADS ARE ONLY road map includes creating Articles of Incorporation, legal $30 PER MONTH OR $150 review of Articles, incorporating in State of Florida, obtaining A YEAR. (6 EDITIONS) a Federal Employer Identification Number, preparing finan- cial statements for the current year and proposed budgets Page 2 The Burgee - March/April 2013 for the next 2 years, applying for IRS 501(c)(3) approval and possible with your money received in the form of dues and finally, creating Bylaws. expenses. This last step; creating Bylaws, should be of the most im- portance to our membership. If we do not head down this path costs will go up as we This is the document I suggest be subject to Sarasota Sailing simply try to maintain what we have for a limited number of Squadron Board approval. And based on the amount of people. This is becoming increasingly hard to do as evi- work required to get to this point it could be put in front of denced by the State recently deciding we do not provide the next Board of Directors which would be fine with me. enough “public good” to be a candidate for a fee waived Involving the next Board will only broaden the base of peo- mooring field. But if we do go down this path we have the ple who understand and potentially support the benefits of chance to become an even greater asset to the community creating a 501(c)(3). in which everyone benefits. The Bylaws is the instrument which will detail Mission Sure, there will be some muddling forward as I am fond of Statement, Board of Directors, how money is distributed, saying. We may even need to make changes along the way. etc…until then we are simply building a boat. And although this sets up a pretty good sailing analogy I am more reminded about something Nancy Detert said. We are building a boat and have time to determine who sails it and where it should sail. Nancy Detert, one of most successful State (and local!) leg- islators recently had her “no texting and driving” bill passed A proposed mission statement is still in draft form but it in Tallahassee. But her proposal was modified in the final includes elements of our Club’s mission like promoting recre- stages potentially alienating her support. Ultimately, she ational sailing, racing, cruising, sailing instruction, boating voted for “her bill”, unwelcome modifications and all. Her safety, and youth sailing. Also being proposed is enriching quote to the media was classic and should be remembered. the local community by providing affordable sailing instruc- tion, participation in sailing competitions, water safety edu- When asked about supporting a bill she felt was negatively cation and increased environmental awareness through im- impacted by changes she said, “I decided not to let the per- proving the relationship between boaters and marine ecolo- fect get in the way of the possible.” gy. I would hope our membership feels the same way about This is not part of any final document yet but I think you can the creation of a 501(c)(3). see how symbiotic a potential “foundation” can be. A 501(c)(3) can apply for grants and receive donations cre- ating a pool of funds which can be used for a variety of activ- Welcome Aboard ities and projects which will benefit the Sarasota Sailing Squadron and the community at large. to the following new members: Imagine this…what if money this organization generates can be used to develop a classroom(s) on Squadron property Andrew Wiles to further educational goals…what if this organization can Bill Pretyka generate money for our next building project which may include more boat storage and a public presence on our Fred & Anne Prolmoli southern border (see Long Range Plan)…what if this organi- zation could help fund the eradication of exotic species Jean Furneaux around Squadron property and Ken Thompson Park…what if Nancy Vafeas this organization is better suited to provide funding to the Youth Sailing Program thus freeing up member generated Richard & Anne Lambert Meyer monies currently used for this purpose…what if this organi- zation can provide scholarship dollars to low income youths Stan Robinson wanting to learn sailing and seamanship…what if this organi- zation can provide funding to create an adult sailing program lost since Red Cross moved out? We look forward to seeing you around the “Club”. The opportunities are endless and our membership stands to benefit from such development which is currently only Page 3 The Burgee - March/April 2013 Craig’s Corner Flying Scot Fleet and E-Scows as they gathered one last time before setting up the next seasonal sail. Some The Manager’s Report great weather has kept the fleets on the water and the By Craig Bridges emerging MC-Scow fleet is noticeably more active and st regularly on our Bay and docks. The 1 quarter of 2013 has been a re- April also realized our organizations 2nd largest attend- markable dash. I hope you had the ed weekend of the year rivaling our 67th Labor Day Re- opportunity to enjoy the variety of gatta. The SYSP, Commodore Jennings, the BKYC and activities, goings-on, unusual weather, an outpouring of volunteers collectively filled Sarasota important events and merriment. The long established Bay with hundreds of sailors and boats. Not since last notion that we are genuinely the “World’s Greatest year’s Labor Day Regatta has so many Sail Boats packed Sailing Club” has been repeatedly confirmed recently. Sarasota Bay. The 2013 YSP Sailfest from most ac- 2013 has been full of fun, racing and social functions counts was a fantastic success. Over 200 sailors, quali- and you, the membership, have demonstrated the ded- ty conditions and competition made the weekend. In ication to recognize and supply all recreational water the end it was nice to see familiar young faces from enthusiasts with a venue and value without parallel. around the Club on the awards podium. Well done! The agenda and passionate approach to readily provide With Commodore Jennings guidance the Club hosted access to our Bay for the areas sailors has never been the 8th annual Gulf Coast Traditional Small Craft Festi- more apparent. It takes a superb effort and support val. Join by some of the areas famous designers, boat from the Volunteers, Fleets, Race Captain, Regatta builders, craftsmen and cool “salts” we had a marvel- Chair and sponsors to pull off such a determined sched- ous mix of boats and personalities. The beauty and art ule. of the boats was not lost and the opportunity to share Under the wonderful direction and commitment of firsthand knowledge and history was a truly unique.
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