Chapter-01 Introduction

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Chapter-01 Introduction Chapter-01 Introduction Fish has been having a special place in history since the beginning of human civilization. The endless potentiality of this resource as food and nutrient source is unexplainable and has been playing vital role in meeting the ever-increasing universal food shortage in the context of growing human population. This has led to the improvement of fisheries in many countries both in terms of capture and culture fisheries or aquaculture from a local based to a commercially capital intensive industry. As such fish is exploited in many ways, as food, for its aesthetic value, as biological agent, for promoting tourism, for scientific research and its by-products are used for animal and human consumption, medicinal and various other industries. The fisheries industry also creates job for millions of people around the globe contributing significantly to the economy. Oceans and seas occupy about 70% of the total global area. The total surface area of the marine waters is calculated at 360 million sq. kms. Marine fishing is mainly restricted to the continental shelf, which forms about 8% of the total marine waters but contributes about 80% of the total catch from seas or ocean. It is hard to maintain sustainability after balancing increased population demands, this is major issue. This has caused international and national initiatives to maintain sustainability. In fisheries the adoption of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea in 1982 gave a new skeleton for better management of marine fishery resources by the maritime states, which gives the coastal states rights and responsibilities for the management and the use of fisheries resources within their Exclusive Economic Zones (EEZ), that comprises 90% of the world's marine fisheries. Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) started a code of conduct addressing the issue of responsible fisheries as a means of threats. These threats are mainly from over- exploitation of important fish stocks, modification of ecosystems, significant economic losses and international conflicts on management and fish trades, which continue to threaten the long-term sustainability of fisheries. Garcia and Newton (1997) established that 75% of all marine stocks are either fully or excessively fished. Living aquatic resources although renewable are not unlimited and need to be properly managed if their contribution to the nutritional, economic and social wellbeing of the world's growing population is to be sustained (Welcomme, 2001). Harpodon nehereus (Ham. Beach, 1822), world wide known as Bombay duck, is one of the inshore shallow water and estuarine fish of the Bay of Bengal, Indian ocean and the Arabian sea. Bombay duck is locally familiar as ‘Lotiya mach’ or Loittya’ around the coastal areas of Chattogram, Chattogram hill tracks and Cox’s Bazar of Bangladesh. It is a indescribably soft fish and for its highly perishable body composition, a large part of the catch particularly during the peak fishing season is sundried and a small portion is sold fresh in the markets. The average percentage of carbohydrate (0.85%), protein (14.61%), fat (2.75%), moisture (80.75%) and ash 1 (1.03%) were observed in the muscle of H. nehereus (Bhuiyan, 1992). Calcium content in Harpodon nehereus is 339.15 mg/100g (Zafar et al., 1993). Bombay duck has a big demand among the people of coastal areas of all country. Because of lacking of well transportion facilities and processing plants, Bombay duck is not very well- known to the people’s of the interior districts apart from coastal region. The fishes are usually sundried specially on constructed raising bamboo platforms and dried fish finds special favour with some sections of the people in the coastal districts. The dried fish is also exported to the countries like U. K, Singapore, Middle-East and Srilanka. A large number of this fish is caught every year from the coastal areas of Bangladesh located between Latitudes 20°N to 22°N and Longitudes 84°E to 92°E (Sarker, 1967). Because of commencement of mechanized fishing crafts, the marine fishing activities of the Chattogram coastal region has geometrically enhanced in recent periods. The amount of Bombay duck along the Chattogram coast is gradually being enchanted. Bombay duck fishery is under constant pressure for various stresses such as habitat blasting due to pollution, over-exploitation, randomly killing of juveniles etc, which in turn help the decline of this fish stock. Therefore, there is an immense need to manage the fisheries more carefully to ensure sustainable fish production in future. In this regard fish stock assessment plays an important role in the rational management and conservation of this resource. The population Dynamics and stock assessment helps to know about fish growth, mortality rate, spawning time, catch rate, maximum sustainable yield, maximum economic yield etc (Larkin, 1977). Harpodon nehereus (Bombay duck or Loitta), is small to medium-sized (maximum 40 cm), a predator-cum-scavenger which ascends to the upper part of the estuarine zone. It is one of the important fishery species of the upper Bay of Bengal. The fish is caught in good quantities from the shallow waters of the estuaries, mainly in the river mouths by trawl and behundi nets. (Hussain, 1971; Rainboth, 1978a). Bombay duck (Harpadon nehereus Ham.) also forms one of the most important commercial fishery along the Saurashtra coast of India wherein it accounted for 13% of the total catch during 2002-2006 (Mohanraj et al., 2007). However, bulk of the fishery is concentrated within a narrow belt of 45 km at the depth range of 20 – 70 m and the important landing centres are Nawabunder, Rajpara and Jaffrabad. It forms a fishery of commercial importance in the south and south east estuarine systems of Bangladesh. The species thrives well in marine ecosystem and found in abundance in shallow sandy inshore areas. As the fishery is labour intensive, the fishing effort is regulated during the fishing season. In the beginning of the season when the catch rate is high, only a single haul is taken but as the catch rate comes down, 2-3 hauls are taken. However, when the catch is very poor the fishing is suspended due to economic reasons. 2 The major portion of the fish is caught by the local fishermen and annually about one lakh tons are harvested. Kutubdia, Moheskhali, Cox’s Bazar, Sonadia, Khulna and the coastal areas of Chittagong are the most important fishing place for H. nehereus. In the Bay of Bengal, Bombay duck contributed a major part of the catch of fish population. The Bombay duck is generally caught by the ‘Behundi nets’ (Fixed purse nets) with mesh size varying from 70 mm at the wider part to 10 mm at the codend. The length and breadth of the net is varied according to the desire of the fishermen. The net is generally used in the estuaries and shallow coastal water. It is placed against the tidal flow and each haul of at least 4 hours duration. At the end of the high and low tides, the bag is taken up from the water to collect the fishes. The fishermen use both country boats and mechanised boats’ for fishing. The occurrence of juveniles of H. nehereus in the estuaries and channels throughout the year for their availability of food. The peak season of fishing commences from July and continues for a period of about 5 to 6 months. In other months, they occurred in comparatively small number. Though H. nehereus is one of the highly esteemed table fish at home and abroad, but there no published report on age and growth of this species in Bangladesh. So, an attempt was made to study of the condition factor of H. nehereus from the Bay of Bengal. Hecht (1916) also reported on the development of the condition factor idea. He stated that Hensen (1899), at the suggestion of Reibisch (1899), “divided the weight of a series of plaice by the cube of the length, in an attempt to get some weight-length relationship.” He also pointed out that Meek (1903) found a relationship between weight and the cubic function of length and expanded on this in Meek (1905). Hecht (1916) suggested that Fulton (1904) was unaware of these activities and these results. Johnstone (1912) noted that Henking and Heincke (1907) adopted the formula given by D’Arcy Thompson. This exchange of ideas and applications was also recorded separately by Hecht (1916) when he reported that Heincke and co-workers adopted the cubic relationship, based on suggestions by D’Arcy Thompson, and used it for all their work on plaice. Heincke (1908) also published the length-weight formula but additionally described the variability in the length-weight relationship over seasonal cycles and in relation to the spawning cycle. Significantly, he goes on to define K as a measure of the nutritional condition of a group of plaice caught at the same time and location. Heincke was probably the first to link K with fish condition, and stated that the better the condition of the fish, the higher the value of K. Thus, it was probably Heincke (1908) who first introduced K as an index of “condition” of fish into the literature. Johnstone (1911) commented on the dependence of the value of a (normally referred to as K) on season and that this was the only “convenient index of condition” of plaice inhabiting a particular fishing ground (in this paper he wrote the word condition in quotation marks). However, Johnstone (1912) gave a fully developed description of fish condition. This was probably the first comprehensive definition of the “condition index.” In this paper the equation K = W/L3 3 was called the Meek-D’Arcy Thompson formula.
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