Program of the International Conference on Shared Parenting

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Program of the International Conference on Shared Parenting Advanced Program The conference language is English, simultaneous translation in French and German will be provided for Plenary Sessions on 10 11 !uly and for "or#shop $$$ on 10 !uly% Wednesday, 9 July 2014 Pre-Conference Institutes separate registration required# &enue' (niversitätsclub Bonn, +onviktstrasse ,, -.11. Bonn 1/'00 - 10'00 Pre-Conference $nstitute 1 Prof. Dr. jur. Hildegund 2language' German3' Sünderhauf, Lutheran "echselmodell4paritätische University Nuremberg, 5oppelresiden6 in der aktuellen Germany 7echtsprechung in 5eutschland Pre-Conference $nstitute 8 Jan Piet de !an, "hild and 2language' English3' #amily Psychologist and #amily Shared Parenting 9rrangements : !ediator, %elgium Content and Form Welcome $eception at the Old 'o(n )all of the City of Bonn &enue' 9ltes 7athaus der Stadt Bonn, ;arkt 8, -.111 Bonn 10'.0 "elcome 9ddress &e'resentative of the "ity of %onn Plenary +ession I, Conference &pening &enue' (niversitätsclub Bonn, +onviktstr. ,, -.11. Bonn 1,'00 "elcome Prof. (dward *ru+, !SW, PhD, University of %ritish "olumbia, -"SP President, "anada 1,'10 $ntroduction to the Conference Prof. Dr. Hildegund Sünderhauf, Lutheran University Nuremberg, "hair of -"SP Scienti.$ "ommittee, Germany 1,'.0 +eynote Speech Dr. Ned Holstein, #ounder and "hairman of the %oard of National Parents /rgani0ation 1NP/2, USA 'hursday, 10 July 2014 &enue' "issenschafts6entrum Bonn, 9hrstrasse /-, -.10- Bonn 0<'00 =n-site 7egistration of Participants 0,'00 "elcome 9ddresses N.N. 1&e'resentatives of Politi$s and4or So$ial /rgani0ations2 Plenary +ession II: Empirical Evidence on +%ared Parenting 0,'80 Shared Parenting 27>sidence Prof. G5rard Neyrand, altern>e) in France' a Course Universit5 6oulouse --- Paul 7evealing 7esistance to the Sabatier, #ran$e 5emocratization of Family 10'00 Status of $nternational 7esearch on Prof. Dr. jur. Hildegund Shared Parenting Sünderhauf, Lutheran University Nuremberg, Germany 10'.0 7efreshment *reak 11'00 The Essential ?eeds of Children Prof. (dward *ru+, !SW, PhD, after Parental Separation University of %ritish "olumbia, "anada 11'.0 ;ental @ealth and Aife Quality of !alin %ergstr7m, PhD, "entre Children Aiving in a Shared for Health (quity Studies Parenting 9rrangement 1"H(SS2, Sweden 18'00 Panel 5iscussion Spea+ers 4 !oderator9 N.N. 1Journalist2 1.'00 Aunch Wor.sho!s (ith Pa!er Presentations 1/'.0 "orkshops with paper presentations 2see neCt pages3 1D'00 7efreshment *reak 1D'.0 "orkshops with paper presentations 2continued3 1<'00 End of "or#shops 9ll day Film presentation' EAa m>diation Helene van den Steen, familiale, une aide à la co mediator, %elgium responsabilit> des parents s>par>s 2h>bergement altern> ou non3G 80'00 Conference 5inner' Cruise on 7hine 7iver 2optional booking3 Status' 801/ 0- 1D 245 $nternational 1onference on Shared Parenting 801/ I: Chair: Malin Bergström, PhD, Sweden Co-chair: Jan Piet de Man, Child and Family Psychology / )ealt% Psychologist and Family Mediator, Belgium The relationships among post divorce custody Amandine %aude, PhD, "entre de &e$her$he arrangement, family processes and childrenHs (#3&, "anada adjustment Early childhood trauma - chronic transcriptome Prof. Dr. rer nat. Peter %eyerlein, 6e$hni$al reprogramming as result of adverse 2social) University of a''lied s$ien$es ,ildau, environments Germany "hat further empirical scientiJc research do we Jan Piet de !an, %elgium needK Psychological eLects of joint physical custody on (mma #ransson, PhD, "entre for Health children in Sweden (quity Studies 1"H(SS2, Sweden Genetics in support of Shared Parenting Ni$holas Grammati+a+is, PhD, National "entre for Scienti.$ &esear$h "Demo+ritos:, and John Pa'arigo'oulos, Gree$e Self esteem, psychovampires and life-balance' Dr. med. habil. Hamid Peses$h+ian, Psychological barriers and challenges for separated ,iesbaden 3$ademy of Psychothera'y parents 1,-AP2 and Psychothera'y "enter, Germany Self Esteem of French Children in Shared 7esidential Prof. em. G5rard Poussin, Universit5 Pierre Custody !end;s, #ran$e II: Chair: Prof !lu"s Flaquer $ilarde%&, 'ni(ersitat )uton&ma de Barcelona, S*ain +ociology / 0emography Co-chair: Dr )lexander Masardo, 'ni(ersity of Bath, 'nited ,ingdom Swedish childrenHs narratives about growing up in &a+el %erman, PhD Student, University of shared residence Gothenburg, Sweden The importance of egalitarian role-sharing for Dr. !argret %ürgisser, Swit0erland parents and children : in the case of married couples as well as in the case of separated or divorced couples : two studies from Swit6erland% Co-parenting rhythms of care post-separation' how Dr. Ale<ander !asardo, University of %ath, law, culture and society are shaping the development United *ingdom of shared residence in comparative perspective The parental conflict against shared parenting in Dr. Sahra !e+boul, "-!(&SS, #ran$e French justice decisions Judicial Separation and 5ivorce in the Circuit Court in Dr. &=is>n /?Shea, Di', %3 1Hons La)2, PhD, $reland 2title to be conJrmed3 mediator, -reland Prevalence and Constellations of Separated and Prof% 5r% 9nja Steinbach, (niversity of Stepfamilies in Europe 5uisburg-Essen, Germany Status' 801/ 0- 1D 345 $nternational 1onference on Shared Parenting 801/ III: Chair: Prof -dward Kru., MS/, PhD, Canada Child and 1amily Policy and Practice Co-chair: Dr Chantal Clot-0rangeat, Docteure en *sychologie clini#ue, 1CSP $ice-President, France The Politics of Shared Parenting Prof. Dr. Ste'hen %as+erville, Patri$+ Henry "ollege, USA The ;yth and 7eality of Joint custody - or the right of St5'hane Dit$hev, mediator, #ran$e access to alternating residence and alternating residence parity The Gap between Empirical Evidence and Political and Prof. !i$hel Grangeat, University Grenoble Aegal Practice in France Al'es, #ran$e The Fall of $carus' The Presumptions of Egalitarian Prof. (dward *ru+, !SW, PhD, "anada Fatherhood Case for Shared Parenting as EBest $nterestsG George Pis+or, Lawyers 4 Shared Parenting, Standard "anada Effects of the loss of parental care on the well-being Dr. med. Aittorio Ae00etti, -talian Asso$iation of children after parental separation of Professionals of the #amily, -taly IV, Chair: Prof Dr 2ur 3ildegund S4nderhauf, 0ermany 3a( Co-chair: Martin /idrig, MLaw, 'ni(ersity of Fri%ourg, Switzerland Shared Parenting at Family Courts in Germany: Dr. Jorge Guerra Gon0Ble0, Leu'hana Barriers : Barriers to the Barriers University, Germany The factors which affect courts in deciding Prof. Dr. Coav !a0eh, /no 3$ademi$ "ollege, applications for relocation -srael Policies and proposals for the reconciliation of the Dr. Simone Pillon, #orum of #amily parental couple after separation and divorce 3sso$iations, -taly Shared Physical Custody and @uman 7ights !artin ,idrig, !La), Swit0erland Status' 801/ 0- 1D 445 $nternational 1onference on Shared Parenting 801/ 1riday, 11 July 2014 &enue' "issenschafts6entrum Bonn, 9hrstrasse /-, -.10- Bonn Plenary +ession III: +olutions for +ocio-3egal Practice of +%ared Parenting 0,'00 Breaking the systematic lin# of Dr. "hantal "lotDGrangeat, parental conMict with shared Do$teure en 'sychologie $lini8ue, parenting impossibility -"SP Ai$eDPresident, #ran$e 0,'.0 7ights T= 4 =VER 4=F Children Anne &eiser, 3ttorneyDatDla), ChildrenNs current legal status, a Swit0erland stress test of our society% $n the name of the child : how to separate without tearing each other apart 10'00 Presentation 2to be deJned3 N.N. 10'.0 7efreshment Break Plenary +ession IV, Interdisciplinary Cooperation on +hared Parenting 11'00 7esults of "orkshop $' Psychology !alin %ergstr7m, PhD, O @ealth "hair of ,or+sho' - 11'1- 7esults of "orkshop $$' Sociology Prof. Llu>s #laquer, "hair of O 5emography ,or+sho' -- 11'.0 7esults of "orkshop $$$' Child and Prof. (dward *ru+, !SW, PhD, Family Policy and Practice "hair of ,or+sho' --- 11'/- 7esults of "orkshop $&' Aaw Prof. Dr. jur. Hildegund Sünderhauf, "hair of ,or+sho' -A 18'00 Plenary 5ebate' Bridging the gap !oderator9 /liver Hun0i+er, between empirical evidence and President of the Swiss 3sso$iation socio-legal practice for Shared Parenting 1Ge"o%i2, -"SP Ai$eDPresident 18'.0 Conference Conclusions Prof. Dr. jur. Hildegund Sünderhauf, "hair of Scienti.$ "ommittee 4 Prof. (dward *ru+, !SW, PhD, -"SP President 18'-0 1losing 7emarks Angela Hoffmeyer, -"SP Se$retary General 14:00 1are(ell Status' 801/ 0- 1D 545 $nternational 1onference on Shared Parenting 801/.
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