Advanced Program The conference language is English, simultaneous translation in French and German will be provided for Plenary Sessions on 10 11 !uly and for "or#shop $$$ on 10 !uly% Wednesday, 9 July 2014 Pre-Conference Institutes separate registration required# &enue' (niversitätsclub Bonn, +onviktstrasse ,, -.11. Bonn 1/'00 - 10'00 Pre-Conference $nstitute 1 Prof. Dr. jur. Hildegund 2language' German3' Sünderhauf, Lutheran "echselmodell4paritätische University Nuremberg, 5oppelresiden6 in der aktuellen Germany 7echtsprechung in 5eutschland Pre-Conference $nstitute 8 Jan Piet de !an, "hild and 2language' English3' #amily Psychologist and #amily Shared Parenting 9rrangements : !ediator, %elgium Content and Form Welcome $eception at the Old 'o(n )all of the City of Bonn &enue' 9ltes 7athaus der Stadt Bonn, ;arkt 8, -.111 Bonn 10'.0 "elcome 9ddress &e'resentative of the "ity of %onn Plenary +ession I, Conference &pening &enue' (niversitätsclub Bonn, +onviktstr. ,, -.11. Bonn 1,'00 "elcome Prof. (dward *ru+, !SW, PhD, University of %ritish "olumbia, -"SP President, "anada 1,'10 $ntroduction to the Conference Prof. Dr. Hildegund Sünderhauf, Lutheran University Nuremberg, "hair of -"SP Scienti.$ "ommittee, Germany 1,'.0 +eynote Speech Dr. Ned Holstein, #ounder and "hairman of the %oard of National Parents /rgani0ation 1NP/2, USA 'hursday, 10 July 2014 &enue' "issenschafts6entrum Bonn, 9hrstrasse /-, -.10- Bonn 0<'00 =n-site 7egistration of Participants 0,'00 "elcome 9ddresses N.N. 1&e'resentatives of Politi$s and4or So$ial /rgani0ations2 Plenary +ession II: Empirical Evidence on +%ared Parenting 0,'80 Shared Parenting 27>sidence Prof. G5rard Neyrand, altern>e) in France' a Course Universit5 6oulouse --- Paul 7evealing 7esistance to the Sabatier, #ran$e 5emocratization of Family 10'00 Status of $nternational 7esearch on Prof. Dr. jur. Hildegund Shared Parenting Sünderhauf, Lutheran University Nuremberg, Germany 10'.0 7efreshment *reak 11'00 The Essential ?eeds of Children Prof. (dward *ru+, !SW, PhD, after Parental Separation University of %ritish "olumbia, "anada 11'.0 ;ental @ealth and Aife Quality of !alin %ergstr7m, PhD, "entre Children Aiving in a Shared for Health (quity Studies Parenting 9rrangement 1"H(SS2, Sweden 18'00 Panel 5iscussion Spea+ers 4 !oderator9 N.N. 1Journalist2 1.'00 Aunch Wor.sho!s (ith Pa!er Presentations 1/'.0 "orkshops with paper presentations 2see neCt pages3 1D'00 7efreshment *reak 1D'.0 "orkshops with paper presentations 2continued3 1<'00 End of "or#shops 9ll day Film presentation' EAa m>diation Helene van den Steen, familiale, une aide à la co mediator, %elgium responsabilit> des parents s>par>s 2h>bergement altern> ou non3G 80'00 Conference 5inner' Cruise on 7hine 7iver 2optional booking3 Status' 801/ 0- 1D 245 $nternational 1onference on Shared Parenting 801/ Wor.shop I: Chair: Malin Bergström, PhD, Sweden Co-chair: Jan Piet de Man, Child and Family Psychology / )ealt% Psychologist and Family Mediator, Belgium The relationships among post divorce custody Amandine %aude, PhD, "entre de &e$her$he arrangement, family processes and childrenHs (#3&, "anada adjustment Early childhood trauma - chronic transcriptome Prof. Dr. rer nat. Peter %eyerlein, 6e$hni$al reprogramming as result of adverse 2social) University of a''lied s$ien$es ,ildau, environments Germany "hat further empirical scientiJc research do we Jan Piet de !an, %elgium needK Psychological eLects of joint physical custody on (mma #ransson, PhD, "entre for Health children in Sweden (quity Studies 1"H(SS2, Sweden Genetics in support of Shared Parenting Ni$holas Grammati+a+is, PhD, National "entre for Scienti.$ &esear$h "Demo+ritos:, and John Pa'arigo'oulos, Gree$e Self esteem, psychovampires and life-balance' Dr. med. habil. Hamid Peses$h+ian, Psychological barriers and challenges for separated ,iesbaden 3$ademy of Psychothera'y parents 1,-AP2 and Psychothera'y "enter, Germany Self Esteem of French Children in Shared 7esidential Prof. em. G5rard Poussin, Universit5 Pierre Custody !end;s, #ran$e Wor.shop II: Chair: Prof !lu"s Flaquer $ilarde%&, 'ni(ersitat )uton&ma de Barcelona, S*ain +ociology / 0emography Co-chair: Dr )lexander Masardo, 'ni(ersity of Bath, 'nited ,ingdom Swedish childrenHs narratives about growing up in &a+el %erman, PhD Student, University of shared residence Gothenburg, Sweden The importance of egalitarian role-sharing for Dr. !argret %ürgisser, Swit0erland parents and children : in the case of married couples as well as in the case of separated or divorced couples : two studies from Swit6erland% Co-parenting rhythms of care post-separation' how Dr. Ale<ander !asardo, University of %ath, law, culture and society are shaping the development United *ingdom of shared residence in comparative perspective The parental conflict against shared parenting in Dr. Sahra !e+boul, "-!(&SS, #ran$e French justice decisions Judicial Separation and 5ivorce in the Circuit Court in Dr. &=is>n /?Shea, Di', %3 1Hons La)2, PhD, $reland 2title to be conJrmed3 mediator, -reland Prevalence and Constellations of Separated and Prof% 5r% 9nja Steinbach, (niversity of Stepfamilies in Europe 5uisburg-Essen, Germany Status' 801/ 0- 1D 345 $nternational 1onference on Shared Parenting 801/ Wor.shop III: Chair: Prof -dward Kru., MS/, PhD, Canada Child and 1amily Policy and Practice Co-chair: Dr Chantal Clot-0rangeat, Docteure en *sychologie clini#ue, 1CSP $ice-President, France The Politics of Shared Parenting Prof. Dr. Ste'hen %as+erville, Patri$+ Henry "ollege, USA The ;yth and 7eality of Joint custody - or the right of St5'hane Dit$hev, mediator, #ran$e access to alternating residence and alternating residence parity The Gap between Empirical Evidence and Political and Prof. !i$hel Grangeat, University Grenoble Aegal Practice in France Al'es, #ran$e The Fall of $carus' The Presumptions of Egalitarian Prof. (dward *ru+, !SW, PhD, "anada Fatherhood Case for Shared Parenting as EBest $nterestsG George Pis+or, Lawyers 4 Shared Parenting, Standard "anada Effects of the loss of parental care on the well-being Dr. med. Aittorio Ae00etti, -talian Asso$iation of children after parental separation of Professionals of the #amily, -taly Wor.shop IV, Chair: Prof Dr 2ur 3ildegund S4nderhauf, 0ermany 3a( Co-chair: Martin /idrig, MLaw, 'ni(ersity of Fri%ourg, Switzerland Shared Parenting at Family Courts in Germany: Dr. Jorge Guerra Gon0Ble0, Leu'hana Barriers : Barriers to the Barriers University, Germany The factors which affect courts in deciding Prof. Dr. Coav !a0eh, /no 3$ademi$ "ollege, applications for relocation -srael Policies and proposals for the reconciliation of the Dr. Simone Pillon, #orum of #amily parental couple after separation and divorce 3sso$iations, -taly Shared Physical Custody and @uman 7ights !artin ,idrig, !La), Swit0erland Status' 801/ 0- 1D 445 $nternational 1onference on Shared Parenting 801/ 1riday, 11 July 2014 &enue' "issenschafts6entrum Bonn, 9hrstrasse /-, -.10- Bonn Plenary +ession III: +olutions for +ocio-3egal Practice of +%ared Parenting 0,'00 Breaking the systematic lin# of Dr. "hantal "lotDGrangeat, parental conMict with shared Do$teure en 'sychologie $lini8ue, parenting impossibility -"SP Ai$eDPresident, #ran$e 0,'.0 7ights T= 4 =VER 4=F Children Anne &eiser, 3ttorneyDatDla), ChildrenNs current legal status, a Swit0erland stress test of our society% $n the name of the child : how to separate without tearing each other apart 10'00 Presentation 2to be deJned3 N.N. 10'.0 7efreshment Break Plenary +ession IV, Interdisciplinary Cooperation on +hared Parenting 11'00 7esults of "orkshop $' Psychology !alin %ergstr7m, PhD, O @ealth "hair of ,or+sho' - 11'1- 7esults of "orkshop $$' Sociology Prof. Llu>s #laquer, "hair of O 5emography ,or+sho' -- 11'.0 7esults of "orkshop $$$' Child and Prof. (dward *ru+, !SW, PhD, Family Policy and Practice "hair of ,or+sho' --- 11'/- 7esults of "orkshop $&' Aaw Prof. Dr. jur. Hildegund Sünderhauf, "hair of ,or+sho' -A 18'00 Plenary 5ebate' Bridging the gap !oderator9 /liver Hun0i+er, between empirical evidence and President of the Swiss 3sso$iation socio-legal practice for Shared Parenting 1Ge"o%i2, -"SP Ai$eDPresident 18'.0 Conference Conclusions Prof. Dr. jur. Hildegund Sünderhauf, "hair of Scienti.$ "ommittee 4 Prof. (dward *ru+, !SW, PhD, -"SP President 18'-0 1losing 7emarks Angela Hoffmeyer, -"SP Se$retary General 14:00 1are(ell Status' 801/ 0- 1D 545 $nternational 1onference on Shared Parenting 801/.
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