
1861 Kingdom of Italy proclaimed

Unification of 1871

Wilhelm II became Kaiser 1888

1911 Invasion of Libya

Giolitti became prime minister (third time)

1912 Suffrage extended

1914 Declaration of neutrality

Start of First World War

1915 Treaty of London with Entente Powers

Declaration of war on Austria-Hungary

1916 Declaration of war on Germany

1917 Defeat at Caporetto

‘Revolution from above’ 1918 Victory at Vittorio Veneto

Abdication of the Kaiser End of Italy on winning side First Fighting on Western Front Universal male suffrage World ended by armistice introduced in Italy War

The Spartacist Revolt 1919 Catholic Popular Party (PPI) founded National Assembly elections Fasci di Combattimento Weimar Constitution drawn founded up Party list electoral system Ebert became president (and proportional Germany signed the representation) introduced Versailles Treaty Treaty of Saint Germain signed

D’Annunzio occupied Fiume First general election under new system – Liberals and their allies lost control of the chamber

The Kapp Putsch 1920 signed with Yugoslavia Foundation of the NSDAP Worker occupation of the Publication of the NSDAP’s 25 factories (Bienno Rosso) Point Programme Occupation of Fiume ended by force

Matthias Erzberger murdered 1921 Italian Communist Party by Organisation Consul (PCI) formed

National Fascist Party (PNF) founded

Walter Rathenau murdered 1922 Fascist ‘March on Rome’ by Organisation Consul carried out

Mussolini became prime minister

French troops occupied the 1923 Acerbo Law passed Corfu affair Germany abandoned ‘passive resistance’ policy

Introduction of the Rentenmark

Economic recovery begins

Hitler’s ‘Beer Hall Putsch’ (Munich)

Dawes Plan 1924 Matteotti crisis

Hitler’s treason trial Italy gained Fiume

Locarno Pact 1925 Mussolini became head of government and Duce Publication of Hitler’s Mein Kampf OND founded

Hindenburg elected president The ‘battle for grain’ launched

Vidoni Pact between Confindustria and Fascist syndicates Locarno Pact

Germany admitted to the 1926 Head of government to make law by decree

Stresemann awarded the ONB founded Nobel Peace Prize Fascist one party state Bamberg Conference created

Rocco Law passed

Ministry of Corporations established

OVRA and Special Tribunal established

Protectorate declared over Albania

Unemployment Insurance Act 1927 ‘Quota 90’ and the ‘battle for births’ launched

Ruralisation campaign started

Labour Charter introduced

Reichstag elections: extreme 1928 ‘Mussolini Law’ on land right-wing parties lost ground reclamation introduced

Electoral law introduced

Kellogg-Briand Pact

Young Plan 1929 Lateran Pacts signed between Fascist state and Hitler and the Nazis invited to Wall the Catholic Church join Hugenberg’s campaign Street against the Crash

Severe economic depression began

Death of Stresemann

Reichstag elections: Nazis 1930 won 6.4 million votes and 107 seats

5 million unemployed 1931 IMI founded

Reparation payments Catholic Action dispute suspended Presidential election: 1932 Hindenburg re-elected and Hitler came second with 13.4 million votes

Reparations ended

Reichstag elections (July): Nazis won 13.8 million votes and 230 seats

Reichstag elections (November): Nazis won 11.7 million votes and 196 seats

Hitler appointed chancellor 1933 IRI founded

Reichstag Fire Four Power Pact with Germany, Britain and Reichstag elections (March): Nazis won 17.3 million votes and 288 seats

Enabling Act passed

Laws outlawing political parties and trade unions

Concordat between and the Vatican

Establishment of the Protestant ‘Reich Church’

Introduction Marriage Loan Scheme

Opening of the ‘Battle for Work’

Night of the Long Knives 1934 Confrontation with Germany over Austria Hindenburg’s death: Hitler combined posts of president and chancellor

Schacht’s ‘New Plan’

Nuremberg Laws 1935 Stresa Conference

Rearmament and military Outbreak of war in conscription announced Abyssinia

Marriage Law Hoare-Laval Pact Blood Protection Law

Law on the Hitler Youth 1936 Bank of Italy nationalised introduced Italian intervention in Nazi occupation of the began Outbre Rhineland ak of Rome-Berlin Axis ‘Four Year Plan’ launched Spanis announced h Civil War

Schacht resigned as Minister 1937 Anti-Comintern Pact of Economics

Hossbach meeting

Introduction of the Mother 1938 Munich Conference Cross award Anti-semitic decrees passed Marriage Law


Munich Conference


Hitler seized Czechoslovakia 1939 Chamber of Fasces and Corporations established Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Outbre Pact ak of Anti-semitic decrees passed Second German Albania annexed World Euthanasia programme War signed began Outbreak of Second World War – Italy stayed neutral

Fall of France 1940 Declaration of war on Britain and France

British Somaliland conquered

British naval victory at Matapan

Egypt and Greece invaded

Italian fleet defeated at Taranto

Operation Barbarossa 1941 Italian army in Libya launched surrendered USA entered the war British reconquered Somaliland

Italian armies in Ethiopia destroyed

Speer appointed Armaments 1942 Italian-German armies Minister defeated in Egypt

‘Final Solution’ adopted

German surrender at 1943 North Africa surrender Stalingrad Anglo-American invasion of Extermination camp system Sicily expanded Mussolini deposed Women compelled to Allied invasion of Italy register for state-allocated work New Italian government declared war on Germany White Rose executions Mussolini rescued by and installed as head of the Republic of Salo

July Plot 1944 Allies liberated Rome

Allied invasion of France

Invasion of Germany 1945 Mussolini executed by partisans Yalta Conference End of Second Allies defeated Germany Suicide of Hitler, Goebbels World and Himmler War Potsdam Conference

Licensing of political parties - western zones of occupation

Nuremberg Trials

Nuremberg Trials 1946 Referendum on monarchy decided Italy to become a Law for Liberation from republic National Socialism Constituent Assembly Christian Democratic Union elected founded

Economic Council of the 1947 Bizone Currency reform in the 1948 western zones

Trizonia created

Marshall Aid received

Berlin Blockade and airlift begins

West German constitutional conference

Parliamentary Council set up in Bonn

Berlin Blockade lifted 1949

Basic Law for the Federal Republic of Germany

Election of the first German

Konrad Adenauer (CDU) elected Federal Chancellor

Collective Bargaining Law on Industrial Relations

FRG joined the Council of Europe and the OEEC

Construction Law 1950

End of food rationing in the Federal Republic

Law on co-determination in 1951 the steel and coalmining industries

FRG entered the European Coal and Steel Community

Reinstatement Act

Investment Aid Law

Works Constitution Law 1952

Equalisation of Burdens Act 1953

Treaty of Paris allowed FRG 1954 to join NATO and rearm 1955

Decision made to form a 1956 German ‘Citizens’ Army’

Bundestag election: absolute 1957 majority for the CDU/CSU

Anti-Trust Law

Bonn Conventions signed

FRG signed Treaty of Rome


SPD Bad Godesberg 1959 programme

Berlin Wall constructed 1961

Der Spiegel Affair 1962

Resignation of Chancellor 1963 Konrad Adenauer

Election of Economics Minister Ludwig Erhard as his successor


Economic recession 1965

Grand Coalition formed 1966 between CDU/CSU and SPD under Chancellor Kurt Kiesinger

Stabilisation Law 1967

2 June Movement formed

Student leader Rudi Dutschke 1968 shot

‘Easter Riots’ in West German cities

Emergency Law

Bundestag elections: gains 1969 made by the SPD

SPD Chairman Willy Brandt elected Chancellor SDP/FDP federal government formed


Educational Support Law 1971

Bundestag elections: SPD and 1972 FDP gained a clear majority

Pension Act

Factory Management Law

Rise in oil prices 1973

Willy Brandt resigned as 1974 chancellor

Election of Finance Minister Helmut Schmidt (SPD) as chancellor

SPD/FDP coalition renewed

Munich Olympics - terrorist attack



Kidnap and murder of the 1977 president of the employers’ federation, Hanns-Martin Schleyer

Hijack of a Lufthansa plane

Liberation of the hostages in Mogadishu

Suicide of terrorists Baader, Ensslin and Raspe


Green Party formed 1980


Chancellor Schmidt and the 1982 SPD minority government replaced by a CDU/CSU/FDP coalition under Chancellor Helmut Kohl Bundestag elections: 1983 CDU/CSU and FDP secured an absolute majority

Green represented in the Bundestag for the first time

Bundestag re-elects Kohl as federal chancellor

Bundestag elections: 1987

FDP/CDU/CSU coalition under Kohl retained power with a reduced majority

Kohl announced his ’10 Point 1989 Plan’ for

Collapse of GDR; fall of Berlin Wall; road to re-unification begins

Using the Timelines above, pick out what you think are the ten key events of Italian history and the ten key events of German history.

You may need to research some of the events to check they are significant.

Then create a timeline, make it colourful and add pictures and it will go on display.