INCLUSIVE EDUCATION: ACHIEVING EDUCATION FOR ALL BY INCLUDING THOSE WITH DISABILITIES AND SPECIAL EDUCATION NEEDS Public Disclosure Authorized SUSAN J. PETERS, PH.D.* PREPARED FOR THE DISABILITY GROUP THE WORLD BANK April 30, 2003 Public Disclosure Authorized The findings, interpretations and conclusions expressed in this report are entirely those of the author and should not be attributed in any manner to the World Bank, to its affiliated organizations, to members of its Board of Executive Directors, or to the countries they represent. The report has gone through an external peer review process, and the author thanks those individuals for their feedback. Public Disclosure Authorized *Susan J. Peters is an Associate Professor in the College of Education, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan, USA. She has been an educator and disability scholar for the past 20 years and has published in various international journals. She is the co-author and editor of two books: Education and Disability in Cross-Cultural Perspective (NY: Garland Publishing. 1993) and Disability and Special Needs Education in an African Context (Harare: College Press. 2001). She may be contacted at
[email protected] Public Disclosure Authorized TABLE OF CONTENTS INCLUSIVE EDUCAITON: ACHIEVING EDUCATION FOR ALL BY INCLUDING THOSE WITH DISABILITIES AND SPECIAL EDUCATION NEEDS Glossary of Terms Executive Summary 1 I. Introduction 9 Background II. Inclusive Education Practice: Lessons from the North 18 Background Best Practice in Canada and the United States Best Practice in Europe and other OECD Countries Special Issues: Accountability Special Issues: Parental Involvement Special Issues: Gender Summary III. Inclusive Education Practice: Lessons from the South 26 Introduction IE: The Experience of “Southern Hemisphere School System Inclusive Education Framework Challenges and Responses to IE in the South Barriers Gaps in the Literature Considerations for Future Study Zambia Honduras Vietnam India Summary IV.