Peak Oil and Our Future How Energy Depletion Will Change Our Lives by Doug Craft
[email protected] Updated March 2013 © 2013Charles Douglas Craft Image Sources (ASPO Spain 2002, DOE 2004, EIA 2007b) Peak Oil and Our Future How Energy Depletion Will Change Our Lives by Doug Craft
[email protected] Doug's Resume Art: Original June 2007 – Updated March 2013 © 2013 Charles Douglas Craft SUMMARY Peak Oil and declining energy supplies represent the most serious crisis we have ever faced as a species. Current world population and our relatively luxurious way of life in America are completely dependent on cheap and readily available energy. Our civilization has developed over the past 150 years because we have discovered and exploited abundant – but finite – fossil fuels for cheap energy. Coal, oil, and natural gas were formed millions of years ago, and our use of this one-time planetary energy endowment has significantly increased food production and has led to exponential population growth. Cheap energy has produced social progress and technological wonders, but it has also allowed our population to expand seriously beyond the ability of the earth's natural (non-fossil fuel) carrying capacity. Production of all finite natural resources over time follows a bell-shaped curve of increasing production, peaking maximum production, and then decreasing production. Unfortunately, this behavior is a fundamental property of nature and the laws of thermodynamics. While there's a large amount of underground oil remaining in the world, we have already used the higher quality and easy to produce half of known reserves and are at or very near the ultimate peak of world production – Peak Oil.