Lehigh County Has Yielded a Fairly Large Variety of Minerals, Some
Census of Lehigh Cow@ farms Item 1940 1939 Number of farms ............................. 2,074 2,325 Full owners ...... \ .......................... 1,488 1,731 Part owners ............................... 192 74 Managers ................................. 31 74 All tenants ............................... 363 446 Value of farms (land and buildings) .......... .$13,709,179 $21,81)6,2’91 All land in farms, acres ....................... 152,385 160’,314 Aver,age acre,age per farm ..................... 73.5 69.0 Horses and colts .............................. 3,381 5,O,l6 Cattle ........................................ 9,823 lo,,611 Hogs and pigs ................................. 9,522 12,841 Corn for ,a11 purposes, acres .................... 18,616 18,315 Corn for grain, acres ......................... 17,640’ 17,480 bushels ....................... 543,785 60’7,238 Wheat threshed, acres ........................ 20,128 25,542 bushels ...................... 400’,112 464,416 Oats threshed, acres .......................... 11,031 U&133 bushels ........................ 262,398 271,853 Oats cut ,and fed unthreshed, .acres ............. 419 439 Barley threshed, acres ........................ 2,530 1,276 bushels ...................... 77,531 23,869 Rye threshed, ,acres ........................... 974 2,706 bushels ......................... 13,741 42,635 Mixed grains threshed, ,acres .................. 190 189 bushels ............... 4,673 5@9 Irish potatoes, acres .......................... 12,626 13,560, bushels ........................ 1,483,067 1,681,211 All hay, and sorgums for forage, acres ....... 25,654 24,729 tons ........ 26,0~0’6 331650 MINERALOGY By BENJAI~IN L. MILLER Lehigh County has yielded a fairly large variety of minerals, some- what less than some of the counties of the southeastern portion of the State, but far more than the northern, central and western counties. The variety is due largely to the different types of rock present in the county.
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