
English Speaking Doctors and Medical Facilities in the Consular District

(The Florence district includes the provinces of Emilia-Romagna and )

Disclaimer: The U.S. Consulate General in Florence assumes no responsibility for the professional ability or reputation of the persons or medical facilities whose names appear on the lists. Inclusion on these lists is in no way an endorsement by the Department of State or the U.S. Consulate General. Names are listed alphabetically and the order in which they appear has no other significance. The information on the lists regarding professional credentials and areas of expertise is provided directly by the medical professional, medical facility or ambulance service. The U.S. Consulate General is not in a position to vouch for such information. You may receive additional information about the individuals by contacting the local medical boards and associations or the local licensing authorities.


Public Hospitals

Centro Traumatologico Ortopedico, Largo Palagi 1, Florence; Tel: 055/7948227

Ospedale di Careggi, Largo Brambilla 3; Operator: Tel. 055/ 794 111 Foreign Patients: 055/794-7057 or 055/794-9888 Emergency Room: 055/794-9354 Neuro-reanimation: 055/794-7034

Ospedale di S. Maria Nuova, Piazza S. Maria Nuova 1, Florence; Tel: 055/69381

Ospedale di S. Maria Annunziata (Ponte a Niccheri), Via dell'Antella 58, Antella, Florence; Tel: 055 69361

Nuovo Ospedale di San Giovanni di Dio a Torregalli, Via Torre Galli 3, Florence; Tel: 055/69321

Ospedale Pediatrico A.Meyer, (Pediatric Hospital), Viale Pieraccini 24, Florence; Tel: 055/56621 –

Villa Monna Tessa (Emodyalisis) – Largo Brambilla 3, Florence; Tel: 055/42 77 11


Villa Dei Glicini e Villa Ulivella, IFCA, Via Pergolino 4/6, Florence; Tel: 055/42 96 11

Santa Chiara, Piazza Indipendenza 11, Florence; Tel: 055/503 811

Villa , Piazzale Donatello 14, Florence; Tel: 055/50 975

Villa Maria Teresa, Via della Cernaia 18, Florence; Tel: 055/474741

Istituto di Neuroscienze, Viale Ugo Bassi, 1, Florence; Tel: 055/581051


Istituto Medico Carafa, Lungarno A. Vespucci 58, Florence, Tel. 055 29 52 60 Analisi Cliniche Lamarmora, Via Lamarmora 24, Florence; Tel: 055/504 81 56

Istituto Leonardo da Vinci, Via Colletta 22, Florence, Tel. 055/247 8063

Analisi Mediche Donatello, Piazzale Donatello 16, Florence; Tel: 055/578 242

Centro Medico Sangallo, Viale Matteotti 27, Florence; Tel: 055/574-943

Fanfani, Prof. Manfredo, Piazza Indipendenza 18/b, Florence; Tel: 055/49701

Ultramicroanalysis Laboratory, Viale Mazzini 16, Florence, Tel. 055/242642

Istituto Analisi Dr. Mayer, Via Roma 1, Florence; Tel: 055/282002

Istituto Prosperius, Viale F.lli Rosselli 60, Florence; Tel: 055/2381634

Istituto Fiorentino di Analisi, Via Verdi 16, Florence, Tel. 055/24 48 13

Doctors in Florence


Studio Medico Associato, Address: Via Roma 4, 50123 Florence; Tel: 055/475411. Fax: 055/474983 E-mail: [email protected]. Webiste: www.medicalservice.firenze.it. Office Hours: Monday – Friday, 11:00 am – 12:00 pm, 1:00 pm- 3:00 pm. 5:00 pm- 6:00 pm. 24 hours on call. Can arrange for home consultations

Italian Red Cross Medical Service General Medical Examination: Address: Lungarno Soderini, 11, 50124 Florence Tel. 055/293801 Office Hours: Monday –Friday 9:00am – 02:00pm Specialist Visits and Physiotherapy Performance Address: Via di Camerata, 8, 50133 Florence Tel. 055/574251 Office Hours: Monday –Friday 8:00am – 8:00pm

CORSI, Alessandro: Hospital: SMN Emergency, Piazza Santa Maria Nuova 1, Tel: 055/6593712. Hospital Hours: 7:00 am- 7:00 pm. Office: Cell: 328/564-0427. Office Hours: Monday – Friday 10:00 am – 1:00 pm, 3:00 pm – 7:30 pm. Specialization: General Surgery

KERR, Dr. Stephen: Office: Piazza Mercato Nuovo 1, 50123 Florence; Tel: 055/288055. Cell: 335/836-1682. E-mail at website www.dr-kerr.com. Office hours: Clinic by appointment: weekday mornings and afternoons. Without appointment: weekday afternoons 3:00 pm – 5:00 pm. Specialization: General practioner/ Family physician trained in Britain.

PIERALLI, Dr. Filippo: Home: Viale Fratelli Rosselli 39. Firenze; Tel: 055/357845. Office: Careggi University and General Hospital; Tel: 055/7942000. Cell: 3356769455, E-mail: [email protected] Office Hours: Wednesday 4:00 pm- 8:00 pm. Specialization: Internal Medicine and Emergency Medicine, Cardiovascular Medicine, Diabetes.

SMORLESI, Dr. Carlo: Home: Via A. Poliziano 9, 50129 Florence; Tel: 055/489-162. Office: Medical Service 50123 Florence. Tel: 055/475-411 Fax: 055/474-983 Cell: 335/808-9492 (emergencies only) House calls: 24 hours a day. Specialization: Gastroenterology, toxicology, and anesthesia.

WEBER, Dr. Antonio: Home: Via Palestrina 20, 50144 Florence; Tel: 055/355-812. Office: Via delle Porte Nuove, 18 Florence; Tel: 055/359-935. Cell: 335/530-9805. Office hours: Monday – Friday: 9:00 am – 10:00 am, 2:30 pm - 7:30 pm. Visits by appointment. Specialization: Cardiology, Endocrinology. M.D. University of Florence in 1974. Training Hospital Sandos, Lausanne in 1975. Training in Internal Medicine at S. Maria Nuova Hospital, Florence. AVAILABLE FOR EMERGENCY CALLS

ZIPPELIUS, Dr. Karl: Office: Costa San Giorgio 12, 50125 Florence. Office hours: Tel/Fax: 055/2478534 Cell: 339/417-5758; E-mail: [email protected]. Visit by appointment. Website: www.drzippelius.com. Specialization: Traditional Chinese Medicine (Acupuncture, herbal treatment, Chinese medicated diet, Chinese massage). Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, VR China; Shou Zhong, Educational Center for Traditional Chinese Medicine; Berlin, Germany

ZUCKERMANN, Dr. Michele: Home: Via F. Crispi 7, Florence; Tel: 055/461-152, Cell: 348/334-9968 Office: Via dello Statuto 7, Firenze, FI, 50129 Tel: 055/487082. Office Hours: By appointment all the other days of the week. Specialization: General Medicine/Surgeon. Liver and Pancreas Diseases. Languages: English, French, German, and Italian


OLIVOTTO, Dr. Iacopo: Home: Via di Legnaia 13, 50018 (Florence); Tel: 055/7309209 Office: UltraMicroAnalysis, Viale Mazzini 16, Florence; Tel: 055/242642. Fax: 055/7949335; Cell: 333/3314844. Email: [email protected]. Office Hours: Monday 1:00 pm- 6:00 pm, Friday 8:30 am- 1:30 pm or by appointment. Fee: € 150 (includes ECG and echocardiography) Specialization: Cardiology

WEBER, Dr. Antonio: Home: Via P.L. da Palestrina 20, Florence; Tel: 055/355-812. Office: Via delle Porte Nuove 18, 50144 Florence; Tel: 055/359-935. Fax: 055/3289631, Cell: 335/530-9805. Office hours: Monday – Friday: 9:00 am – 10:00 am, 2:30 pm - 7:30 pm. Visits by appointment. Specialization: Cardiology, Endocrinology, Internal Medicine. M.D. University of Florence in 1974. Training Hospital Sandos, Lausanne in 1975. Training in Internal Medicine at S. Maria Nuova Hospital, Florence..

DR.SSA STEFANIA FANFANI: Piazza Indipendenza 18, Florence, Tel. 055/485 216. SPORTCLINIC - Human Performance Center, (Physical Therapy Center). Office: Via Scipione Ammirato 102, Florence; Tel: 055/676-141

CHECCHI, Marta: Office: Via San Gallo 79, Firenze; 348/ 928-5966. Visits: By appointment. Fee: €60 per hour. Specialization: Dance Movement Therapy. Languages: English, Italian

KINNARD, Dr. Louis: Office: Viale Belfiore 50, 50144 Florence; Tel: 055/332-001. Visits: Monday – Friday: 8:30 am – 12:30 am, 2:30 pm – 6:30 pm. Just for March 2011 Mon Wedn Friday(8:00 am to 1:00 p.m – 2:00 pm to 6:00). Fee: €38. Specialization: Sports Medicine, Othropedic Surgery and Sports Chiropractic.

DIVANBEIGHI, Ghahraman: Office: Via Borghini 1,Florence, 055/572 380. Office Hours: 10:00 am - 13:00 pm, 3:30 pm - 7:30 pm. Specialization: Osteopathy


CASTALDI, Dr. Adriana Luzzi: Office: Via Lorenzetti 40, Arezzo Tel: 0575/23330 Fax: 0575/23330 Cell: 335/100-3352. Office Hours: Monday – Friday: 9:00 am – 12:00 pm, 4:00 pm – 7:00 pm. Everyday by appointment. Specialization: Dentistry (Dentist since 1985, member of the Associazione Medici Dentisti Italiani). Languages: Italian, English, and French

FAZI, Dr. Giovanni: Office: Via A. La Marmora 22, Florence; Tel: 055/583-258, Fax: 055/583258, 2nd line: 055/583258. Office Hours: Monday – Friday 9:30 am –1:00pm; 2:30 pm – 7:30 pm. Email: [email protected]. Specialization: Dentistry, Implants, Periodontology, Othodoncitcs, U.S. Trained. Languages: Italian, English

MARCHESI, Dr. Alessandro: Home: Via Benedetto Varchi, 21 Tel 055/2466042. Cellular: 329 1050588. Office: Via della Cernaia 5, 50129 Florence; Tel: 055/486-014. Office hours: Monday – 15:00-19:00. Tuesday: 9:00am - 12:00 pm ,15:00p.m. 19:00 pm. Wednesday -9:00-12:00. Thursday: 9:00am - 12:00 pm ,15:00p.m. 19:00 pm. Specialization: Dentistry. Six years in the Department of Maxillo-facial Surgery at the University of Florence. Available for check-ups. There is also an orthodontist and a dental hygienist on staff. AVAILABLE FOR EMERGENCY CALLS

MARCHESI, Dr. Laura: Home/Office: Via della Cernaia 5, 50132 Florence; Tel: 055/486-014. Office hours: 8:30 am - 12:30 pm, 3:00 pm - 7:00 pm. (by appointment). Fees: According to case. Specialization: Orthodontics and Periodontics. Medical Degree at Florence; professional training in .

MOLL, Dr. Elena Speranza: Home: Via Mantellini 12, San Domenico, Fiesole; Tel: 055/597-075. Office: Via Ponchielli 21 B (interno), Scandicci, Florence; Tel/Fax: 055/755-347, Cell: 331-6368-628 E-mail: [email protected]. Website: www.dental-studiomoll.com. Office hours: Monday Specialization: Implantology, periodontology, general dentistry, laser dentistry, University of Amsterdam, yearly postgraduate courses in Boston. AVAILABLE FOR EMERGENCY CALLS

MONTIGIANI, Dr. Cristina: Office: Via Masaccio 52, 50122 Florence, Tel. 055/243 972; Fax: 055/240 888. Office hours: Visits by appointment: Monday – Friday 9 am-12 pm/2 pm-7 pm. Home: Via Pietro Tacca 26/5, Tel. 055/680 1225, Mobile: 339/442 1105. Specialization: General Dentistry, Orthodontics, Peridontics, Pedodontics, Endodontics. Dental Hyghienist. Specialized Children Dentistry AVAILABLE FOR EMERGENCY CALLS ONLY DURING WORK HOURS. Languages: English, Italian

PELTONEN-PORTMAN, Dr. Marja-Leena: Home: Via Santa Reparata 38, 50129 Florence. Office: Via Cherubini, 20, 50123 Florence; Tel/Fax: 055/218-594 Cell: 3282143887. Office hours: Monday – Thursday: 10:00 am - 6:00 pm, Friday: 10:00 am – 13:00. Visits by appointment. Specialization: General Denstry, Degree in Dentistry at the University of Helsinki, Finland in1969. Degree in Dentistry at the in 1984. AVAILABLE FOR EMERGENCY CALLS

RICCI, Dr. Giano: Office: Via Gino Capponi 26, 50121 Florence; Tel: 055/247-9471. Office hours: Monday – Friday: 8:00 am – 5:00 pm (Visits by appointment). Fees: According to case. Specialization: Periodontics.


MASTROLORENZO, Dr. Antonio: Home: Via Leonardo Da Vinci 5, Florence; Tel: 055/500-2177. Office Via Della Fortezza 6, (piazza independenza) Florence. Tel: 055/470521 Cell: 3470/730524 Fax: 055/476560. Email: [email protected]. Office hours: Wed. and Fri. 2pm - 7pm. Fees: €80 and up for office visits/ home visits depending on situation. Languages: Italian and English


LUZZI, Dr. Saverio: Home: Loc. Antria 38, Arezzo; Tel:0575/315-118. Office: Via Lorenzetti 40, Arezzo; Tel/Fax: 0575/233-30 Email: [email protected]. Office hours: Everyday by appointment. Office visit €100, home visit €150. Specialization: Neurology since 1983 and Neurophisiopatology since 1986. Member of the American Academy of Neurology. Languages: Italian, English, Spanish, and French. Other contact info: Tel: 055/509-75 Villa Donatello, Florence, Tel: 0575/603-162 Piazza de Gasperi ,33Cortona. Tel: 0564/491-785 Grosseto


BRODBECK, Dr. Barbara: Office: Via della Fortezza, 6 (1st Floor) Florence; Cell: 335/835-3612 (between 8:30-9:00, or for emergencies). To schedule an appointment please call between 9:00- 19:00, 055/470521 or 055/485524. Office Hours: In Florence: Monday-Wednesday, Thursday and Friday morning and Tuesday and Friday afternoon. In Scandicci: Tuesday morning and Thursday afternoon , for appointments please call 055256660. In : Wednesday from 2pm to 4pm , for appointments please call 0574 592071. Languages: English, Italian, German. AVAILABLE FOR EMERGENCY CALLS

CATANIA, Dr. Francesco: Home: Via XXV Aprile, 32, (AR) Tel: 0575/735-922. Office: Arezzo: Ospedale San Donato, Via Pietro Nenni, Arezzo, Sansepolcro (Valtiberina): Ospedale di Sansepolcro, Via F. Redi, Sansepolcro (AR). Cell: 340/616-8630, Email: [email protected]. Office Hours: Arezzo – Fridays 3:00 pm – 8:00 pm. Sansepolcro – Mondays 3:00 pm – 8:00 pm, Saturdays 8:00 am – 12:00 pm. Visits by appointment, House calls: By appointment. Specialization: Obstetrics & Gynecology (High risk pregnancies, infertility, laparoscopic procedures, menopause, gynecologic oncology, urogynecology). Background: M.D. from the University of (1989); Residencey in Obstetrics and Gynecology completed at the Ohio State University Medical School and Arthur James Cancer Center, Columbus, Ohio (2001). Member of the American College of Obstetrics & Gynecologists (ACOG) since 1997, Board Eligible; Member Association of Gynecologic Laparoscopists (AAGL) since 2001. Languages: English, Italian AVAILABLE FOR EMERGENCY CALLS – call cellphone number MONTELEONE, Dr. Patrizia: Office: Ospedale Campo di Marte, Edificio D, Lucca 345/3437940. Email: [email protected]. Office hours: Friday3:00 pm – 6:00 pm. Specialization: Obstetrics and Gynecology. AVAILABLE FOR EMERGENCY CALLS

SCUDERI, Dr. Angelo: Home: Viale Alessandro Volta 72, 50131 Florence; Tel: 055/321-5375. Office: Viale Alessandro Volta 72, 50131 Florence; Tel: 055/574-404. Cell: 348/303-3496. Office hours: Usually in the afternoon. Appointments necessary, but flexible hours. Fees: € 100. Specialization: Obstetrics and Gynecology. Working also at the Ospedale S. Maria Annunziata (Divisione Ostetricia e Ginecologia). AVAILABLE FOR EMERGENCY CALLS


FALCO, Dr. Leonardo: Home: Via Pietro Dazzi 9, 50141 Florence; Tel: 055/454-710. Office: Centro Oculistico, Via Fossombroni 2/a - 50136 Florence. Tel: 055/2344569 – 243442, Fax: 055/240-326, Cell: 335/773-0984, Email: [email protected] Website: http://www.dottori.it/leonardo-falco- 138069. Office hours: Monday: 8:30 am - 17:30 pm Tuesday: 8:30 am – 12:30 pm. Friday: 2:30 pm - 12:30 pm – 5:30. By Appointment. Fees: € 110 first consultation, € 70 follow-up

MASTELLONE, Dr. Guido Richard: Home: Via Dei Della Robbia 39, 50132 Florence; Tel: 055/247- 9532. Office: Via G. Milanesi 83, 50134 Florence; Tel: 055/476-087. Via Pisana 289, 50018 Casellina, Scandicci, Florence, Tel: 055/755-746. Fees: € 61.97. Visits by appointment. Visits at home. Specialization: MD from the University of Florence in 1985. Specialization in Opthalmology from the University of Florence in 1989. Hospital Assistant in London 1989-90. Ph.D. (Dottorato di Ricerca in Fisiopatologia Oculare) from the University of Florence in 1994. AVAILABLE FOR EMERGENCY CALLS - (Tel: 339-1543151)


BERTONI, Dr. Maurizio: Home: Via Scipione Ammirato 35, Florence. Office: Via Scipione Ammirato 35, Florence; Tel: 055/3830564. Office hours: Monday 4:00 pm – 8:00 pm; Tuesday 16:00 pm - 19:00 pm. Thursday or Friday 9:00 am-12:00 pm. Visits by appointment. Specialization: Orthopedics and Traumatology - Sports Medicine.M.D. at the University of Florence in 1975. Graduated at the Medical School in Florence. Fellow of the Massachusetts General Hospital-Boston. AVAILABLE FOR EMERGENCY CALLS

INDELLI, Dr. Pier Francesco: Home: Viale Alessandro Volta 82, 50131 Florence; Tel: 055/582-980. Office: Istituto Medicina dello Sport. Tel: 055/33 23 79, Email: [email protected]. Specialization: Orthopedics Surgery, Sports Medicine. Degree in Medicine (cum laude) and Specialization (post-doctoral) Knee and Hip bone at the University of Florence. Fellow Adult Reconstruction at Duke University, Fellow Orthopedic Surgery at Stanford University and Fellow Sports Medicine at University of Arizona.

PREZIUSO, Dr. Lorenzo: Home: Via Donizzetti 12- 50018 Scandicci, FI Tel: 055/752765. Office: Piazza Dalmazia 19, Firenze. Office Hours: Tel: 055/4360912 Cell: 348/3854489. E-mail: [email protected]. Language Spoken: English, Italian. Specialization: Laurea in Medicina e Chiururgia all’Università di 1994, M.D.S (specializzazione) Orthopaedics University of Florence, M.D.s Hand and Upper Limb Surgery University of Florence, past fellow in University of Florence, past Consultant in General Surgery Ospedale di Prato, past Consultant in Orthopaedics Istituto Ortopedico di Firenze, Consultant for Hand and Upper Limb Surgery, Ospedale Piero Palagi, Firenze, Consultant Orthopaedics Surgery Ospedale S. Giovanni di Dio, Firenze.Specialist(M.D.s.) in Orthopaedic Surgery University of Florence, M.D.s Hand and Upper Limb Surgery University of Florence (Master in Foot Surgery, Master in Microsurgical Technique)


PORRO, Dr. Francesco: Home: Via S. Francesco di Paola, 20, 50124 Florence; Tel: 055/222-036. Office: 338/8203612 or 055/222036 Office hours: By appointment. Fees: € 80. House calls: 24 hours a day. Specialization: Pediatrics. AVAILABLE FOR EMERGENCY CALLS – (Cell: 338/820-3612). PLASTIC SURGERY

FEDERICO ROMANO, Dr. Gianmaria: Office address: Studio-Romano-Fuhr, Via Claudio Monteverdi Tel: 055/410180. By Appointment Office hours: Monday, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays: 9:00 am – 1:00 pm, 15:00 pm – 19:30 pm E-mail: [email protected], www.studio-romano-fuhr.com Fees: € 100 Specialization: Specialist in Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery & Consultant for Metabolic-Balance Languages: English, German, Italian

FUHR, Dr. Jasmin Fuhr: Office address: Studio-Romano-Fuhr, Via Claudio Monteverdi Tel: 055/410180. By Appointment Office hours: Monday, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays: 9:00 am – 1:00 pm, 15:00 pm – 19:30 pm E-mail: [email protected], www.studio-romano-fuhr.com Fees: € 100 Specialization: Specialist in Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery & Consultant for Metabolic-Balance Languages: English, German, Italian

LUCCIOLI, Dr. Paolo: Home: Piazza Vittorio Veneto 2, 50123 Florence. Office: Via dei Serragli 21, 50124 Florence; Tel: 055/294-847. Office Hours: Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday 3:00 pm - 6:30 pm. Specialization: Facial surgery. Training Michigan University. In his office he has specialists in Endodontic and Orthodontics. AVAILABLE FOR EMERGENCY CALLS

SCATOLIN, Dr. Alberto: Office: Villa Donatello, Piazzale Donatello, 50132 Florence; Tel: 055/509-75. Office Hours: Fridays: Afternoons. Tel: 360/888576 (Talk to Dr.Orlando) . By Appointment. Fees: € 100. Specialization: Plastic surgery.


BACCHINI, Dr. Eugenio: Home: Viale G. Galilei 219, 59100 Prato; Tel: 0574/465-651. Office: Via Emanuele Repetti 14, 50132 Florence; Tel: 347/001-2432. Email: [email protected], www.counselingolistico.it. Office hours: By appointment. Specialization: Pedagogical counseling and psychosynthesis techniques to help individuals and groups grow and better understand themselves. Use of above techniques to allow the patient to discover and resolve concerns personally. Professional Counselor enrolled in the Italian Registry of Professional Counselors of S.I.Co. Received a Master in Clinical Pedagogy in Florence through ISFAR. Other three year certification for psychosynthesis done also in Florence. Received a Degree in Pedagogy and Major in Psychology from the University of Florence, “Facolta di Magistero” (1991).

BELLINI, Dr. Mary Ann Santoro: Home: Via del Pignoncino 25, 50142 Florence; Tel: 055/701- 548.Office: Lungarno Cellini 25, 50125 Florence, 3rd floor; Tel: 055/680-721 Cell: 339/570- 5988.Email: [email protected]. Office hours: 10:00 am - 2:30 pm, 3:00 pm - 7:00 pm. Visit by appointment. Fees: According to case. Specialization: Clinical Psychology; individual and group psychotherapy for adolescents and young adults, cross-cultural couples counseling, anti-stress and motivation training, relaxation techniques, hypnosis, computerized psychological testing. B.A. University of Rhode Island (USA). Graduate at University of Rhode Island in clinical psychology and psychotherapy. Diplomas in Psychosomatic Medicine and Clinical Hypnosis. Clinical training in psychiatric social work, behaviour modification therapy and child guidance, Rogerian psychoanalysis. Also available for instruction in Lamaze natural childbirth techniques.

CASINI, Dr. Carla: Office: Via Marsala, 11, Florence; Cell. 349/2808579. Specialization: Psychology and Psychotherapy. Universita’ degli Studi di Firenze: degree in psychology. Italian Society of Psychosynthesis Psychotherapy; Specialization in Psychosynthetic Psychotherapy. Languages: English, Italian.

CIPRIANI, Dr. Alberto: Office: Via Buonvicini 34 Firenze; Cell. 335/5497977. Email: www.acipriani.org. Website: www.albertocipriani.org. Office hours: Monday - Friday 9.00 am - 9.00 pm. Saturday 9.00am – 5.00pm. Fees: € 80 - € 100 First consultation free of charge. Specialization: Doctoral Degree in Psychology and Pedagogy, post doctoral training in Psychotherapy – Certified Psychotherapy Specialist – Member of the “Ordine Psicologi della Toscana” and authorized Psychotherapist Nr. 24 74 from January 1993. Languages: English, Italian. AVAILABLE FOR EMERGENCY CALLS FORTINI, Dr. Linda Root: Home: Via , 5/A; Tel. 055/577-127. Office Hours Evenings. Email: [email protected]. Fees: € 50. Specialization: Psychoanalytic psychotherapy. B.A. degree at Sarah Lawrence College (New York) Universita’ degli studi di Firenze: equivalent to M.A. in psychology. Profesional background: 30 years as a psychologist and psychotherapist in the Italian Public Health Service.

PALLANTI, Dr. Stefano: Office: Viale Ugo Bassi, 1, Florence; Tel: 055/587-889, 055/575-716, 055/588-166, Fax: 055/581051. Office hours: Monday – Friday: 8:00 am - 8:00 pm. Visits by appointment. Saturday & Sunday: 9:00 am - 1:00 pm. Fees: € 130. Specialization: Associate Prof. of Psychiatry Univ. of Florence. Adjunct Assoc. Prof. of Psychiatry Mount Sinai School of Medicine, NYU. AVAILABLE FOR EMERGENCY CALLS

PASSERI, Dr. Silia: Home: Borgo Pinti 3, 50121 Florence; Tel: 055/234-3346. Office: Borgo Pinti 58r, 50121 Florence; Tel: 333/617-5904, Cell: 339/855-5211. E-mail: [email protected]. Office hours: Monday – Friday: 9:00 am – 3:00 pm. Fees: Covered with HTM worldwide. Specialization: Doctor of Psychology (Developmental and Educational). Psychological and counseling services for students and families undergoing a period of crisis. Degree from University of Florence. Author of international journal articles and conference posters of pyschopathological disordres. Langauges: English, Italian. AVAILABLE FOR EMERGENCY CALLS

PLACIDI, Dr. Giovanni P.A.: Home: Via del Boschetto 13, 56010 Vicopisano (PI); Tel: 333/734-9006. Office: Piazza dell’Unità Italiana 7, 50123 Florence. Cell: 333/7349006. Email: [email protected]. Office hours: Tuesday mornings. Visit by appointment. Fees: Office visit € 130, home visits € 180. Specialization: Psychology, Mood Disorder; MD at University of Pisa, Board Certified in Psychiatry at University of Pisa, Fellowship at Columbia University (NY). Also practices in Pisa, Genova,and . Languages: English, Italian. AVAILABLE FOR EMERGENCY CALLS

SANTOCCHINI, Dr. E. Barbara Gerg: Home: Via San Jacopo, 1574B, 50036 Pratolino (FI); Tel: 055/409140. Office: Via San Jacopo, 1574B, 50036 Pratolino (FI); Tel: 055/409140, Cell: 335/6071166. Email: [email protected]. Office hours: By appointment. Fees: € 80. Specialization: Clinical psychology, eating – sleeping – anxiety – disorders, stress and relationship problems, trauma & PTSD (post traumatic stress disorders), focusing on the body. Languages: German, Italian, English, French

WAIN, Dr. Anna Diana: Home: Via 37, 50129 Florence; Tel: 055/576-121. Cellular: 338/226-0060. Office hours: Monday & Friday: 3:00 pm - 7:00 pm. Visits by appointment. Specialization: Psychology; Psychodiagnostics; psychotherapy for children and adults, couple family problems.


BERNINI, Dr. Andrea Office: Via Bracci Ospedale, 53100 Siena; Tel 0577 585695 and 0577/ 52524. Tell: 348/2937923. Specialization: General Surgery. Fellow of the American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons. Languages: English, Italian

TADDEI, Dr. Gino: Home: Via della Fittaccia 21, 50030 Bivigliano, Florence; Tel: 055/406-510. Office: Via 35/R, 50121 Florence; Tel: 055/234-4405. Office hours: Monday: 9:00 am - 11:00 am, 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm. Visits by appointment. Specialization: Surgery and organ transplant. Professional training at Columbia University, N.Y.; at University of Minnesota, Minneapolis campus, MN; and at Paul Brousse Hospital in Paris, France. Staff Surgeon and chief of the Organ Transplant Department at Careggi Hospital. Also practices in a private clinic with English speaking doctors and nurses.

SELLI, Dr. Cesare: Office: Ospedale Cisanello; Tel: 050/997740. Office hours: Wednesday 9:00 - 11:00 am. Specialization: Knee surgery Ostrostopic Surgery Two years of Fellowship in the U.S. Presently associated professor of urology at the University of Florence. Consultant urologist for the U.S. Army, Camp Darby, Pisa. AVAILABLE FOR EMERGENCY CALLS ZUCKERMANN, Dr. Michele: Home: Via F. Crispi 7, Florence; Tel: 055/461-152, Cell: 348/334-9968. Office: Via dello Statuto 7, Florence; Tel: 055/480-411 and 055/461-039. Office Hours: Mon - Fri 9:00am - 12:30pm, 3:00pm - 7:30pm. Specialization: General Medicine/Surgeon. Liver and Pancreas Diseases. Languages: English, French, German, and Italian


RAFFAELLI, Dr. Libertario Donato: Home: Via Malpighi 6, Florence; Tel: 055/461-661. Office: c/o Farmacia Zanobini, Via Pagnini, 66. National Health System ASL 10 Firenze; Cell: 330/418-852, email: [email protected]. Fees: Consultation: € 70 (included Eco-scan: €150). Home consultation: €100. Specialization: Urology. AVAILABLE FOR EMERGENCY CALLS



Ospedale Maggiore Largo Bartolo Nigrisoli 2, Bologna; Tel. 051/6478-111; Reanimation Unit 051/6478215

Ospedale Bellaria Via Altura, 3, Bologna; Tel. 051/6225-111


Ospedale della Misericordia, Via Senese, Grosseto; Tel. 0564/485-111


Ospedale di , Via Vittorio Alfieri, Livorno; Tel. 0586/223-111


Ospedale di Pisa, Via Paradisa 2, Cisanello, Pisa – Centralino: Tel. 050/992-111, 050/996111 Pronto Soccorso: Tel: 050/992 300


Ospedale di Stato della Repubblica di San Marino, Via Sciajola 1, Cailungo; Tel. 0549/994262


Santa Maria alle Scotte, Viale Bracci, Siena; Tel. 0577/585-111

Doctors Outside of Florence


General Medicine

CARUSO, Dr. Paul Frederick: Office: Via Cracovia 5, 40139 Bologna. Visits: By appointment Tuesday: 2:00pm-7:00 pm Tel: 051/466-987 Cell: 320/617-9621. Specialization: Chiropractor, Sports Injuries, Rehabilitation, Balance Improvement, Fall Prevention. E-mail: [email protected].

NACCARELLA, Dr. Franco: Office: Via Mascarella 77/3, 40126 Bologna; Tel: 051/240-242; Cell: 335/6281412. Email: [email protected]. Office hours: Visits by appointment. Specialization: Cardiology. AVAILABLE FOR EMERGENCY CALLS

SABIONI, Dr. Annarita: Home: Via Angelo Custode 3/2, 40141 Bologna; Tel: 051/472-892. Office: Galleria del Leone 2, Bologna; Tel: 051/221-704. Cell: 338/6215567. Office hours: Monday-Tuesday 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm. Wednesday – Saturday 11:00 am – 12:00 pm per appointment. Specialization: Dermatology and venereal disease; homeopathic dermatology. AVAILABLE FOR EMERGENCY CALLS

CARUSO, Dr. Paul Frederick: Office: Via Cracovia 5, 40139 Bologna. Visits: By appointment Tuesday: 2:00pm-7:00 pm Tel: 051/466-987 Cell: 320/617-9621. Specialization: Chiropractor, Sports Injuries, Rehabilitation, Balance Improvement, Fall Prevention. E-mail: [email protected].

NACCARELLA, Dr. Franco: Office: Via Mascarella 77/3, 40126 Bologna; Tel: 051/240-242; Cell: 335/6281412. Email: [email protected]. Office hours: Visits by appointment. Specialization: Cardiology. AVAILABLE FOR EMERGENCY CALLS

SABIONI, Dr. Annarita: Home: Via Angelo Custode 3/2, 40141 Bologna; Tel: 051/472-892. Office: Galleria del Leone 2, Bologna; Tel: 051/221-704. Cell: 338/6215567. Office hours: Monday-Tuesday 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm. Wednesday – Saturday 11:00 am – 12:00 pm per appointment. Specialization: Dermatology and venereal disease; homeopathic medicine.Aesthetic dermatology. AVAILABLE FOR EMERGENCY CALLS

Arezzo General Medicine

CATANIA, Dr. Francesco: Home: Via XXV Aprile, 32, San Sepolcro (AR); Tel: 0575/735-922. Office: Arezzo: Ospedale San Donato, Via Pietro Nenni, Arezzo. Sansepolcro (Valtiberina): Ospedale di Sansepolcro, Via F. Redi, Sansepolcro (AR). Tel: 0575/757-648, Cell: 340/616-8630, Email: [email protected]. Office Hours: Arezzo – Tuesdays 3:00 pm – 8:00 pm. Sansepolcro – Wednesdays 2:00 pm – 8:00 pm, Saturday 8:00 am – 2:00 pm. Visits by appointment. House calls: By appointment. Fees: € 100 for office visits, € 200 for home visits. Specialization: Obstetrics & Gynecology (High risk pregnancies, infertility, laparoscopic procedures, menopause, gynecologic oncology, urogynecology). Background: M.D. from the University of Catania (1989); Residency in Obstetrics and Gynecology completed at the Ohio State University Medical School and Arthur James Cancer Center, Columbus, Ohio (2001). Member of the American College of Obstetrics & Gynecologists (ACOG) since 1997, Board Eligible; Member Association of Gynecologic Laparoscopists (AAGL) since 2001. Languages: English, Italian. AVAILABLE FOR EMERGENCY CALLS – call cellphone number

CASTALDI, Dr. Adriana Luzzi: Home: Loc. Antria 38, Arezzo; Tel: 0575/315118. Office: Via Lorenzetti 40, Arezzo Tel/Fax: 0575/23330,0575/23895 Cell: 335/100-3352. Office hours: Monday – Friday: 9:00 am – 12:00 pm, 4:00 pm – 7:00 pm. Every day by appointment. Specialization: Dentistry (Dentist since 1985, member of the Associazione Medici Dentisti Italiani.). Languages: Italian, English, and French.


AZZOLINI, Dr. Paolo: Home: Via dei Romei 45, 44100 . Office: Piazza di Combattenti 6, 44121 Ferrara; Tel: 0532/760098. Office hours: Monday - Tuesday: 9:00 am - 12:30 pm, 3:30 pm - 7:30 pm; Wednesday: 3:30 pm. 7:30 pm; Friday: 9:00 am – 12:30 pm. Specialization: Dentistry; minor oral surgery. Member of the American Dental Association; member of Italian Society of Periodontics.

GROSSETO GORI, Eugenio: Home: Via XX Settembre n. 49, Monte Argentario 58019 Grosseto; Tel: 050/356-69. Office: Dept. of Emergency Medicine, Ospedale “S. Giovanni di Dio”. ASL N. 9 Orbetello 58015 Grosseto; Tel: 0564/869-111. Cell: 339/649-0440 Email: [email protected]. Office hours: Monday - Friday 8:00 am – 5:00 pm. Office visit €100 Home visit €150. Specialization: Internal medicine, Emergency Medicine and Surgery, Occupational Health. Medical School completed at University of Pisa, specialty diplomas’ in Internal Medicine and Emergency Surgery also completed at University of Pisa. Member of College of Physicians and Surgeons of Pisa, British Medical Association, American College of Physicians, and International Society of Internal Medicine. Languages: English & Italian, some knowledge of German, Spanish & French.


GHERARDUCCI, Dr. Fabio: Home: Via di Monte Balbano 5, 55100 Massaciuccoli, Lucca. Cell: 336/535-619. Office: Via Veneto 52, 55100 Lucca; Tel: 0583/493-747 Fax:0583/467140. Office Hours: Monday – Friday 9:00 am – 6:00 pm. Specialization: General medicine, occupational medicine. AVAILABLE FOR EMERGENCY CALLS


MONTELEONE, Dr. Patrizia: Home: Via Settembrini 21, Pisa; Tel: 050/550-608. Office: Via Aurelia, 10, Pisa; Cell: 348/7431998. Email: [email protected]. Office hours: Saturday 9:00 am – 6:00 pm. House calls: By appointment. Specialization: Obstetrics and Gynecology, Gynecological Endocrinoloy, Adolescent Gynecology. AVAILABLE FOR EMERGENCY CALLS

PLACIDI, Dr. Giovanni P.A: Home: Via del Boschetto 13, 56010 Vicopisano (PI); Tel: 333/734-9006. Office: Milamesi 81, 50123 Florence. Cell: 333/7349006. Email: [email protected]. Office hours: Tuesday mornings. Visit by appointment. Fees: Office visit € 130, home visits € 180. Specialization: Psychology, Mood Disorder; MD at University of Pisa, Board Certified in Psychiatry at University of Pisa, Fellowship at Columbia University (NY). Also practices in Pisa, Genova,and Turin. Languages: English, Italian AVAILABLE FOR EMERGENCY CALLS

ROY, Dr. Robert: Home: Via Fucini 12/E Ghezzano, 56010 Pisa; Tel: 050/878-379. Office: Via S. Cecilia 2, Pisa; Tel/Fax: 050/540-198. Email: [email protected]. Office hours: Monday -Friday 9:00 am-1:00 pm, 3:30-7:00 pm. Specialization: Dentistry and Oral Surgery. Medical degree from University of Pisa, followed by specialization in the above listed areas.

CHOUB, Dr. Anna: Office: Via Roma 9, Pisa 56125; Cell. 339/568-7775, Fax: 050/43172. Email: [email protected]. Office hours: Weekdays 9:00 am – 1:00 pm, 3:00 pm – 7:30 pm, Sat. 9:00 am – 12:00 pm. Sundays emergencies only. Visits by appointment. Fees: € 110. Home visit fees depend on location. Available for emergency calls. Specialization: Residency in Psychiatry, Mount Sinai Hospital, NY; Clinical Asst Professor, Mount Sinai Hopsital, NY (2000-2004); Board Certified in Psychaitry and neurolagy. Specializes in Adult Psychiatry and Sleep Disorders. Languages: English, Italian.

PEDETTA, Dr. Francesco: Home: Lungarno Galilei 2, Pisa; Tel: 050/46226, Cell: 335/600-3980. Office: Via Cavour 4, Pisa; Tel/Fax:050/971-1094. E-mail: [email protected]. www.pedettaortodonzia.it. Also available in Florence, Arezzo and Pistoia, for appointments in these cities call: 050/971-1094. Office Hours: Monday -Friday 9:30 am -5:30 pm. Visits by appointment. Fees: Office visit: € 80. Specialization: Orthodontics and dentofacial Orthpedica. MD, DDS Certificate of Orthodontics (University of Pennsylvania), Clinical Professor of Orthodontics (University of Pennsylvania) AVAILABLE FOR EMERGENCY CALLS


HAMATI, Dr. Denise Awad: Home: Via Debbia 20, 42031 Baiso, ; Tel: 0522/844- 655.Office: Via Dorale 8/a, Rotadlia; Tel: 0536/853066. Office hours: Monday, Tuesday, and Thurdays 8:30 am – 12:00 pm, Wednesdays – Fridays: 17:00 pm – 19:00 pm. Specialization: General Medicine. AVAILABLE FOR EMERGENCY CALLS