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U P D A T E D F E B R U A R Y 2 8 T H 2 0 1 9 E C A P R O G R A M M E | T E R M 3 , 2 0 1 8 / 1 9 | 0 1



1 Contents 2 Welcome 3 Important Information 4 Externally Run ECAs 5 - 7 Primary ECA Options 8 - 11 Secondary ECA Options

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Dear Parents,

We are very excited to share with you the British School Extra Curricular Activity (ECA) list for Term 3, 2018/19.

Term 3 sees the introduction of new DASSA and DAPSA competitive leagues which include Rounders, and . However, most of the term 2 leagues will run over in to term 3 so Netball, Rugby, Volleyball and Athletics will still play their fixtures during this time. We will continue to run a variety of recreational activities and games for all students to enjoy. We have made sure that there is a wide range of drama, music, art, STEAM and IT clubs available, amongst some well-established favourites such as Chess, Primary Band/Choir and the Pop-Up Council. We are very proud of the breadth and balance of the ECAs available this year and we hope the children enjoy the activities on offer.

The final 8 week block of activities will run from Sunday 17th March to Thursday 13th June. However, this will be interrupted by the 2 week spring break holiday in April and the Holy month of Ramadan for the majority of May.

Once again we will be using the Proactive sign-up procedure for internal activities which will hopefully make the whole process easier and more efficient. The login credentials for the Proactive system are the same as term 1 and 2, but f you cannot find these details in your email, please contact [email protected] in the admin office and she will make sure it is resent to you before the system goes online. Once you have received your username and password, and the system goes live, you can login and select 1 main activity and 2 alternative activities using a simple user-friendly format. Once your selections have been made, you will receive an email confirming your child’s first choice and when the selection window closes, another email will be sent notifying you of the availability of the alternative choices, automatically placing them on the ECA register. Furthermore, please note that most DBS competitive sports teams, drama productions or specialist activities will not be on the proactive system as students will be selected following a series of trials/auditions.

Places for our internal ECAs will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. The Proactive ECA portal will be open from Tuesday 5th March and at 6pm and will close on Thursday 7th March. Many of our activities are very popular and we would urge you to login and complete the form as soon as you have access. Although we aim to offer the opportunity for pupils to attend their first choice of activity, this may not always be possible and therefore we urge you to provide alternative choices. Please ensure that you put the favourite activity as their first choice. If this activity is full we will then look at their 2nd and 3rd choice.

The link for the Proactive ECA login page is https://office.taaleem.ae/DBSParentPortal/Forms/ParentECA.aspx

Kind regards,

Jonathan Houghton Primary & Secondary PE Teacher and ECA Coordinator E C A P R O G R A M M E | T E R M 3 , 2 0 1 8 / 1 9 | 0 3 Important Information

Key Dates - ECAs will begin the week beginning 17th March and run until 13th June - Proactive portal will be open Tuesday 5th March at 6pm and will close on Thursday 7th March. - All ECAs will run for approximately 8 weeks, unless stated on the ECA programme or specified by a coach. - No internal ECAs will run during the Spring break (Sunday 31st March – Thursday 11th April), or during Ramadan (proposed dates – 5th May-31st May) - Please note that due to weekly Primary staff meetings on Sundays, we only offer a limited choice of ECAs on this day.

ECA Timings - Primary: On Sundays to Wednesdays, Primary ECAs will start at 2.30pm and finish at 3.15pm. - Secondary: On Sundays to Wednesdays, Secondary ECAs will start at 3.15pm and finish at 4.15pm unless stated otherwise by the teacher in charge.

Logistics - There is no bus service at 4.30pm so please arrange alternative transport for Secondary Students. - Please note that in the Primary ECA tables, there is a column for the pickup locations for each activity. This is where your child should be collected at 3:15pm. - Our Kay Stage (KS) groups are: KS1 - Years 1&2. KS2 - Years 3-6. KS3 -Years 7-9, KS4 -Years 10 & 11, KS5- Years 12 & 13.

ECA Communication - Please ensure you contact email is up to date on the school’s isams system as this is our main form of communication regarding ECAs. Any change of contact details should be sent to Mrs Barry at [email protected]. - In case any emails go into your junk email, please check this regularly to avoid important communication. - If you have a query about a specific ECA activity please email the teacher in charge of each club. Their emails are included in ECA options tables.

ECA Registration - Any activities highlighted in the tables below will not appear on the proactive selection page. This is because they are competitive teams or specialized clubs where students are chosen through trials/auditions/selection. All other clubs are open to all students in the age group stated. - The DBS sports teams are selected selected following a series of trials so are not available to all students. Therefore they will not show up for selection in the registration system. Being selected for a school team is a privilege and takes precedence over the other ECAs so please check with your coach to confirm training and fixture days so they don’t clash with other activities. - Every student has 3 options. 1 main activity which, when selected, is confirmed with an email straight away. Once this choice has been made, you can make 2 additional choices but they cannot be on the same day as your 1st choice activity. This is because your 1st choice activity is confirmed and your child will not be able to attend 2 activities on the same day. Once the selection window closes, the alternative activities will be automatically allocated by the system depending on availability. - Last year there was problems when selecting a lunchtime club and after school activity which fell on the same day as the system would not allow this to happen. This year we will be adding another section called ‘Additional Activities’ which will include lunch clubs and you will be allowed to select them on the same day as a after school club. These selections are unlimited and will not count as one of your 3 main choices. if you login to the system and some of them are missing, it will be because once the activities reach capacity, it will be automatically removed so that it can no longer be selected

General - Please note there are no internal ECAs for Foundation pupils.

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Externally Run ECAs

Although staff at Dubai British School will run most of the ECA programme, we do use outside agencies for some specialist activities. E-Sports have now changed their name to East Sports Management (ESM) but will still be dealing with all external bookings and any queries relating to these activities should be directed to them in the first instance. If you would like to know more about our outside providers, I have attached the online brochure to this email or you can pick up a brochure from school reception. If you would like to contact them directly, you can use the contact details below;

ESM I Academies AJ (Adrian John) Sports Coordinator Mobile: +971 55 587 5834 Office: +971 4 369 7817 Email: [email protected] Website: esm.ae

E C A P R O G R A M M E | T E R M 3 , 2 0 1 8 / 1 9 | 0 5 Primary ECAs E C A P R O G R A M M E | T E R M 3 , 2 0 1 8 / 1 9 | 0 6 Primary ECAs E C A P R O G R A M M E | T E R M 3 , 2 0 1 8 / 1 9 | 0 7 Primary ECAs E C A P R O G R A M M E | T E R M 3 , 2 0 1 8 / 1 9 | 0 8 Secondary ECAs E C A P R O G R A M M E | T E R M 3 , 2 0 1 8 / 1 9 | 0 9 Secondary ECAs E C A P R O G R A M M E | T E R M 3 , 2 0 1 8 / 1 9 | 1 0 Secondary ECAs E C A P R O G R A M M E | T E R M 3 , 2 0 1 8 / 1 9 | 1 1 Secondary ECAs

Not all learning happens in the classroom. Young people need experiences outside the classroom to become committed, responsible and fulfilled citizens of the world.

What is the Duke of Edinburgh's International Award? The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award, also known as the DofE, is available to all 14-24 year olds and is the world’s leading youth achievement award. It equips young people for life regardless of their background, culture, physical ability, skills and interests. Doing the Award is a personal challenge and not a competition against others; it pushes young people to their personal limits and recognises their achievements.

There are three levels for the Award: Bronze – for students aged 14 and above Silver – for students aged 15 and above Gold - for students aged 16 and above. Normally students will work through each level but direct entry is possible. The Award consists of four components: physical recreation service skill expedition plus a residential aspect for Gold Award students.

The award is student driven and requires a commitment from them to complete their physical recreation, service and a skill independently, providing evidence at the end of the required time period. Students need to have their choice for each section approved and DBS staff will offer support if they are struggling to find suitable activities in any area. Please be advised it is the student’s responsibility to log their hours weekly on the online system and provide adequate evidence.

The expedition component is organised by the school in conjunction with experienced outdoor adventure companies. This year all expeditions will be overseas, and will be dependent on student numbers/interest. Students complete the expeditions in groups of 4-7 and together they are responsible for route planning, preparation and navigation under the supervision of qualified staff. Students have until they are 24 to complete any level so even if they cannot attend this year’s expedition they are still able to complete the award.

Registration for the award takes place in September/October and the costs for 2018/19 are: 150dhs for Bronze Level 200dhs for Silver Level 250dhs for Gold Level

This allows us to register them with the Award and access an Online Record Book. It also allows us to provide vital equipment for the expedition such as tents, stoves, compasses etc. For more in-depth details about the award please see https://www.intaward.org/.