TO THE WOREIKG CLAS3E3. ;J fori!)fomfn5 Cijafttet $&tt\in&. I Ht *>*** Feeisds ,—l?o circumsta nce connected infii iie existence of Chartism has cau sed greate r ticmlo the enemy than oar recent spring eonster na Rochdils.—Mr. Edward jftgj the crash of 1842. Even the Times news- Ciafk e# of Manches ter will deliver two lectures on Sunda y , thai panders to the worst passions of the fle*t ( in paper af ternoon , a t half *past two o'clock, and in the even- ttd isj secSwis of the middling classe s, considers it to publish the spleen ing at six, in the Association Room , top of York * ueoessarf , of the LeedtTimes shtr e-street. second hand, hsnne exhausted all its owa Toca- abuse. You, however , HAUFAX.---Discour6e8 will be delivered at thtf ^^ jjj y of will und erstand , following p pro portionas we are reviled , we aw dr eaded : laces, on Sunda y (to-morrow) :—Mr ; B jj t»t in Rushton will deliver two discourses grade d by the upholders of oppression of one class in the Halifa x AND Association Room, Pellon-lane , at two o' clock in &e other , and of all of whose abas es the LEEDS GENEML ABYEHTISEE. j n& the afternoon , and six in the evening ; Times, and its name sake ©f Leeds, are con- Mr . John j0wfc» ~ Snowden , at Sowerby , at tix in the evening ; Mr. s ent supporters. So long as ihe active agitation pmcb rov^ Mir rab , furnished matter for dail y YO1- VI- NO. 306. SATURDAY, 23, ^c^ h^penkT^ at Ovenden ,at six in the evening ; Mir.
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