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,-&l_r1ity is ur .Greatest ~ ilJ s eed-Pres. Maloney s

Linton L. Bro:)-vn . · .. December 5, 1950 ·------John J. S1i1ith. . .. Dec·ember 13, 1950 Off ICIAL NOTICE TO _t~EMBERS- John C. ·Scott · . UNION DUES ARE DUE QUARTERLY IN ADVANCE .. . and . : . Dec'ember 14, 1950 ,j1.0J 1c1 be paid before the first day of each qu!3- rter.· Members' bene­ ,,- Lon Thomas ficiaries will not"receive any benefits unless fhee -rnernber's dues are :}-,,JW SAN_' l<---:!tANOISCO D.,:A.-'-At)n1pressive City Ha.ii cere11.19nies, . .. December 15, 1950 ,paid for th~ month in which he succumb~. INSURE THE.WELFARE -ran,cisco's new city ·attorney, ·Thomas C. 'Lynch, above left, was Roy L. Helm -- O.F YOUR FAMILY, see that your dues are paid up to date, and that : in by Federal Judge Edwar"tl -P. ' Murphy. He succeed,; :Pat I .. , December 23, 1950 the Sick and. Death Assessments have been paiu. ,1," who was elected state attorney general on Nov. 7. Lyncb has·! Jam.es J . La.ne - TECHNICAL ENGINEERS, LOEJAL NO. 3-E, meeeting will pe --' '"~ ~_.P:1;iblic service 17 y~rs. He was appointed D. A. by ;\Ia.yor Rob- J. . . . December 24, 1950 held in the Union Offices at 1444 Vvebstei· St., Oaklai)d, Calif., at on. Nearly a thousand persons a.ttenifod h~s swearing-in, and all m)ot. BL Fleischer 8 p.m. Fridav, Jai~uar? 26, 1951. _____\ ______, :1r,s of life, inciudi.ng 01·ganized labor, sent COJI/l'ra.tufation£,- - ... December 30, 1950 1 .Ji, I . ~"'~rT' ~ -:, • . ~ ' . . - ...... ~ . ·' (ro·. ·M·-•' . . ~ Mr-E- EDITORIA!~-- ~:' - --.- -·~ J . - .~ .

D~oc!'"!£Y at·Home, /fl . ' I...... '; if. . ,,, . R6- .rst _Dine o , t? ,._ en_se American' businessmen, · ssid to The meeting _was called .to order at 8 p.m,, Presidel].t Clancy pre- 1D siding. Roll call showed 'all officers present. · By C. J. HA.GUERTY, b e very as t· u t e pepp 1e . usua 11 y, I · . · 2 1 fi' , . 1 d 1 1 I A synopsis of the Regular Meeting Minutes of December was read Secre,tary-Ti;easurer, Califo.1·1lia State Fede;ration ·of La,bor W_lere pro c is mvo ve ' are arge y 1· and by motion approved as reacl. . , ignorinO' the possibilities of de- . ·. . ·. · , . The hqllqay season of 1950-. 1 ~ 51 comes to t h e. A.mer1can . "' · A synopsis of the Executive Board. Mmutes.of December 13 and of people at a time when the need for national unity commands veloping their private "gold mine" January 3 r.eacl and 'the acts and recomm,mdati,ons of the Board were the attention of all who would have our country survive as of u:1ion-mana~ement cooperation, / by motion a~proved as read. . . . . d 1 -~ d ;n President Vv1lliam Green of the Cards of thanks were received· from Mrs, Ruby Glasscock and fam- 't f, 11 and onportuiJity· CI 01. I O 1 - ' · · I ·1 .. f · ·1 · f M ·· E P 11 1 r ·1 a a e . . ee · . . ,. . ,.. f L b - American Federat10n of Labor i Y, ti1e am1 y o aunce •, urse , th,e H e m 1am1 y, t l1e R oo t f am- In this present cns1s Lhe American FederaLlOn O a or . . . iJ·, Mrs. Emma Thomas and family. All were received and filed, • · 1 ' , ., ·t 1. • t ,· 1 f · t th writes m Mill and Factory maga- ,, . . . , lS preparec, to concmue 1 s ms one roe o service o e The followmg Resolut1011 was read as the second and final readmr zine, nation. B,E~OLUTWN ..! Ours has always been and ours b America th0se hopes yet live In an article entitled "How Labor WHEREAS, Local No. 3 has a Foreman's Agreem.ent with the A&;o- sh. all a1\vays• . _ be an American. in the hearts of a people who have . Can I:J:ie l p M an?gem~n t I mprove , c1ated. General Contractors prov1' d ing for a scale of wages as such, movement. Traitors anrl- renegades found in this nation a life of liberty Product,fon," Mr.. Green points out I d e t_ermi_ne . d upon t h_e_ pre d omma. t· e c 1asst . fi cat1011. over w 11ic . I1 t, !"e _ have spoken for many causes in unknown anywhere else in the _ f . h d Id that business_ is losin_g. enormous I orema,1 as supervis10n, an our national history, but we may wor , I th . 3 thank God that no traitor or rene- The Ani.erican Federation of La- potential ben~fits and 1'Jrofits that WHEREAS, e foremen, members of Local No. have taken it upon · · ·· · · · themselves to negotiate and establish for themselves, individually, gade has ever spoken in the .name bor in California will defend that could come from empl 6yers' sub- a. weekly scale of wages which in most instances is less than the of the American Federation of La- way of life whatever the cost or stituting umon· · -managemen~i t earn- l hourly wage, and · bor. sacrifice. . . , , work for blrnd and unreasonmg re- \VHEREAS, the working rules provide that no member shall make any Durmg the two world wars of Our expandmg and progi:essive sistance 'to unions, · individual agreements with his employer, and

:~sn c:~~i~~' t~u~o:eg~~iz;:i~~ic~:; unions ha?e ere~ted a rnagmfic~nt 1. , The -prE,sident ·of. the A.F. of L, WHEREAS, it is the aim and ambition of all of the member,s of Local I movetmen~ helre 111 !he secon,d larg~.. cites srJecific case histories of un- t he mightiest industrial efforts that est s ate 111 t 1e umon. . · . No. 3 to establish working .conditions and wages so that each and man has ever known. wn-management cooperatwn to every member may be .. able to enjoy a standard of living to the l · th· · W; e, l. d t We are proud ,of at pro~rass, show"h'o'w \u~io~s .. can and do help en\1y of all, therefore be 1·t are wil mg an · e ger o d I 0 , t th · · sel've aga.in, but we are alsb det,er- ,tnd "."e are ~rou · a " tH~ · .e decerit busi_ness . firms to improve RESOLVED, that Local No, 3 establish Forema,n Rights and privileges · . d th . · ·fi, ' · 1 1 b.b- American public regai·ds, us ~n. th1s production, m a i 11 t a i n· indust_rial for nae·h an. d every m· \;!mber_ of· L.ocal No, ·3 pr·oper, and th..at proper m111e . . ,l;t·t p1•0. i.eers anc. gra .. ers .h f I n ig as loyal citizens · , . · " shall not exi-'l?it ,the nati~n's1 peril. a!~rl:ya; :~:i:ei:. · · · · · · peace,. advertise thei_r _prod~cts, and cards, be pr,epared signifying upon _the face th~reof, .the :inf rrib~_r's 'vVe are equally deternm]fed that ' '. . . inGreas,e sa1_es, name anc1 register nµmb\"r, also ,the rules governing the conduct labor shall, have a voice in the 'I'oli\"e.ther W1th all men of good "By; offeri,ng unions . a working of a foreman, while actir1g as su'cl1, . Also, the card· shall show tli.e shaping of the defense- effol'~, for will,. we 10.0k ) 0 the future · an~ pa,rtl')ershi·p; whicji would not . ins, penalty to be inflicted· should ' such member ,. violate the woi·kirig th 1 nd 0 u 1• organ'zation is qualified by pray at, ~~l. shall fi us shar- vade or transgress upon the pre-. rules ,a nd be convicted of sarrie by the Union. Th_at eac_h of thes,e' . i · . 1 • , ·na th J·o· ys o·· f abundant peace. · · · ~ ..., · · ·· ·· · 1 O devot10n and experience to aid ·111 I _/ e Ch.. . t 'b li . ' rogatives of management," Mr, cards, be made availabie to e~ch aiid every member of Local No. 3, the home-front campaign. I . ; ' wpe.ll - the ns mas e s agam Greei1 writes, "private enterprise and said ca~d to be. deliyei;:ed to e~ci1 member upon his personal i·e ~ It is tragic tha,t the shapqws oi..i/'ing; out across the land· . can convert its strongest potential quest for same; his signature appearing on the card signifying his war should darken the Clidstmas I · Al)d .finally, together with those_ enemy into its most potent ally," tinten.tiorls to abide by the working rules, and be it further s~ason of 195f), ' Ho:ve?er, ~he, con;: 1· of good will, we s~a_n, _per.sist in o~r In the· concluding paragraphs of RESP,tVED;~that .any member whiie acting as a foreman who violates;, 1 fhct is not of our choosmg. We who at.tempts to establ!sn a domeSllc the article, the A.F. of L. leader 1 t}l.e _vg0l'$'\ng rules of Local 3, whether it ·be an individual agreement disarmed must prepare onJe more society which will give to the work- sets forth the steps by which such . a~,{, 1ewa~es, operating :e~uip~nenf, or to any other working rules to meet the cii:rslaughts of laggres- ing _PeoJ.)l.e of _America that e~o- an objective can be achieved. l\ii;-,. -:- ,}VB/~fl. no\!\; exist, or may be added by action of the membership sion and- tyranny. nomic anfi l)OC\~l statu$ to which Green writes: -•.:· ~·1er?st, then, 111 our practical conclusion- that it is beX;!]p~ign to mold a ter for industry to work with the', · i. · ma11 .,}',ig]J..ts. are restoreg by: .actioi1 of the Union. ·· · I fl d - nation . - ~ .,,... ) ._.. ,, . .r~_ .... ,._'f: • , • ,, . nationa} .communism, ner an , · · umons; freely chosen.by the work:t'· · t::·rt,;wq2; t~g.1"li:\.1'.1Y mo,ve~ and _secopded ._ the R.~~olution be adopted. I l· j ers, th_an to fight aga111st them, the 1~~ ~oh~~ed 8:,)°eneral di~cussion, The 1:\otion W'.3-S put and carried, Two Chris-tmasses Dftu t!Drftfj-fe f?llo~111g procedure becomes pos- rw,h_o~e vot; : ag! ist adopt111g the Resolution, . - / . Some,;fiei·e in "the l\'liddle of the VO Ir ,u ~ Jl sible. - I ' 'Fhe f ll'o~ (ng rothers were repoi,ted ill: Carl Allen, John Al,l;ionico1 Pacific. - Union crews 01\ three -Ne,; \;or i>, _., ,A)-Business and I ?-Fulk~<:c:~Jtance of free col- ,. "Jq9.~~'!;, ~e¥k?1J;,, Jt,il,),·. est . C~mpagna, Thom?-~. Cra\g, Elqter, C. C.on¥lin, ·ps o" tl1e Amer1·c-a·n P k-, eside. rl.t · d ~,- ,_.·11''m1 oani·no- over· L'ne lective bargaim,1g by management Dto fl¾0 :2:t\tans Forrest Emmick .Lorenzo Ewell Bill Fitzer€. Sl1i ~ 111 us try: -~are S·e! .., c . tt . -ui-b.1.)fi.~ , ~,,p, , ,11;--~· ,.. . , • , _ ., . . , • 0 Lines and the American- !Pioneer inadequate excess profits tax, but aJ1ct umons on all -~a ers ,at issue, ~b"v~r ·c. Goldie, G. o .. GullickSQ11, Wm, J. Harris, Elmer c._Jacks Line figured to be the only union-. their owi1 figures conroi.mct .. them, , "2~Full recogintwi:1 of the. un~ George Jones, Geor~~ McBr,ide, Clayton .M~Nee)y,_yV\Hard MpCroskey, ists in the world to enj,oy two The Ffrestone Tire & Rubber 1011 by management, i ,n .c 1 u d \ 1:g Harold M~l.(elyie,_ Er()l A Millet,-L. . D,· Olqak~r,. Joseph, Pll.jml:J, Jqseph· C"hrist.'Ilas ,D.ays, with , all. the spe- Co.,~ for example, almost doubied :~hatev~r ._form ?f um?n security Risch, ByronJ, Reynolds, Roy Reeder, Le')Vi;; StqffE:l, CharJe·s. C, Smith,. ciah holiday ,benefits. repe~teq, All its 1949 pron.ts. The Cudahy P·ack- is P.e.:missiple,. wit~. reciproca\ r~.c- L. Semenza, Floyd Steffy, Carl Seymour, J ames F, Shippey C. w_, Trex­ th th thr,ee:· ships (with . the tr4ditional ing Co. se't asales record, turned: ogmtwn by e umon of e nghts lei:,. Roy Wallace, Victor M. Woodaiid; -H1 C, Wayne, Ra-yrnond ,,Zapini, Chr.istrnas tree . fixed _ to ~he top a big 194_9 Joss into a · big 1950 of"mi11:,ag:~~ept. , . Jr., and Chas, ~· Phe,i:iix: . . , _ · of th~ ,. foremast) were s nedu1ed profit. The . stores made more . , 3-1?c- Jomt det~rm111atioi~· by ·· The followi_ng, brotµers _w.ei;:i\ . repprt~d , d~c.e?,s,e<;l: Fred- C;, Eva1is,_. to .cross.~ ..the ., Internatio:rw.11 . Date m.o!'1ey in .Chfistprns, sales than in both sidE\~ to pro)11ot~ team~,.,or_~ Maurice E. Pursell, Lii:rt?il_,I:,;. ?ro.wn, J()ti_n , J,_Smi ,th, KL, G_lass.co9k, Line, where clocks jump 24 ho~rs 1949, altho·ugh their voll\I)le of for mutual ad\lanta,ge .and P.11 J;lli_c, John C. ~cott, Geo. R , Bps'nick, Bruce._Ro_ot; · J~mes:· J, Lane!. Rol;Jert ah~,aq, 011 the day beforet Christ- sales was lovier. , int~rest, L, ThomP.S0_.'1: mas. - . *~, * * I "4-Negotiation ,_Qf a contraGt f .. The ,me.n,.1ber~hip stpoq one minute in sUeJ}Cf in respect to the de.~. * * * j I provJding:, (a), egmta,ble _stand~,ds parted broµi~_r& . . . . .· . . . I Ge' ro"' .. ~"" fqr the workers; (b) umon _secur;-" The B.4si1:1;esi,, Age,nts g_ave the.rr usual reJ.)Orts w,l1ich were ac;;ceg!ed . Chicago.-A shirt' manufacturer I ~ U'll'U\>D I ity; (c) management. sec.unty: by {i.s given. . ' . here who threatened_. to cl,ose his ' Portland, Ore. (LPA) - MO~ e the inclusion of ma~hinEJ_ry to ,,a'f. '" Ther~ beilw ,no furthei;- .bpsi11e,ss to. c9m1;;e: befpre the .mee.tin,g, ' it,. pla_nt because ~e. said , umon de- than . 2,000 employees of the Hood just. grievanc.es_ pe_aceably, a . no-· adjourned'. · marrd.s were dnv111g him to the· River Apple Growers Assn, are strike clause during the 'life of the , · · · Resp~c_tf_1..,lly i;ubmitted,. wal}, re.ceiv.:ed a surprise Christmas covered , in a contract viritn the contract and if possible· -provi~ion c . F , MATHEWS gif~ .f:rom~ ~is e:nployees., The.. gift I'reamsters, .F. rui.t W0rkers and, for Joluntar~ arbitrati;n of any' Recordi~g Secret1!~Y· . wa~ a han?_-pa~nt~~ ~hut, on the Helpers Um?i:r, . The, Teai:isters disputes that. cannot be settle.ct di- -"------~-,--­ b~~ck of Whic~ ~11 . VlVld colors was won repres~nta!l011 nght: _111 an· rectly by the parti~S to . the : con~ . pLtured a bric,{ wall. ____ 1 NLRB elect1011 111 O~tober. tract; (d) a· union-managemeIJ,t N committee to, promote teamw

· "Basically, that's all there is to (LLPE Release) . , The payments made by people on ,0 it. ·' ,Because of human frailties no l Do you wonder ju~t how national wages_ and s.a l a r i es woulci b.P. ,'t' formula depending upon human be- I health insurance_ would w9rk for mc1:~ch~.a .. by _equal. payments from havior can be perfect. But given a you? then, employers. good start, with real goodwill and I ThE; ' fqllowinr,pqiuts ~hould cµt You, wo.ulq .be eligibli( :fur these sincerity on both sides, the steps I It~r~ug~ A. pier.iq~i\ . Me<,l.ic.al A7-s0-, b~. ne~_ts also if·. you were . r~t. ired have listed can and will lead to ciat10~ . (Al,W~), P1:owgai1?a aga\n~t uiide1::Socia.T Security or a gov~­

lasting labor-management p'eace ' the, pl?(h Al.I: the. C po,i_nt_s are: in m~:fij: retil'eqJ.fllt viiui., o/ if . YOl\ . and produce dividends in high em-I your faygr,. . . ' IWf}e 're.~eiving PllPH<:: a~d. a~q'yq'µ,' : ployee morale,. sustained produc- l.7"".h~J\ y,~l,k 01: .,. a .• 11:~m1:l_e,f ~ ~f. ..c9bthl? ifiqfi wJ:fs 'p~td. b~ a,f 09 _ay' . tion, more .efficie:Qt .plant operation your : fii,m,~t~.· n~t~i;,.: 11l-ll~~3;l:_,: ~},e~ ' ~tat~.:.ag~rcy. . . .. · . - · . , I-you would call-or go .to the doctor · · ,.. · _,. · . , L . and, 111 the _lon g run, astomshmg . ·. ... ,.. ,.. :. ,_.,,,., :,< s:'·· ·· , ""~· ,,-.,.,., 3.-'Ehe_ health msurance , fund 0 \ 1 I Of YOUl' OWn Ch(llCe, · ',_,_ ' ,; '.' , ,.,.,.)!_, ·i' , '···' ·' ,,,- ·''. ·: ' , · · ~· rewards to both wor,{ers and man- . ·,,.,, ."J<' ' .~. ,.,., ·,· wouJd:be cijstr1bqt.e


Sacramento- • \Ukiah- . Eureka- ~\ .eat~er Slows Jobs But ·sn~l S:LOW Good eather Keeps ork '_, Huge ·YaJley ·Progr Ahea~ AN!. ET,,.. Going in Redwood Emnire By E . 1;, PA~I~ and H. s. CLA:RK, Busmes. Repre_sentatives, Local ~ FU nI I~ E By OTTO E. NEVER, Business Re resentative 2 At this wntmg we are still faced with a large out-of-work i:; \\fW rt ~..s , ~ or~ . . . . p 'Local 3 list which we blame almost entirely on the weather. Most of By A. R. McCAFFERY The Redwood d1stric! still enJ0?7S good weather and a fair the contractors which we have contacted assure us that they Business Representative, Local 3 amount of .wo.rk. Here. m the northwestern part of Califoi'nia ; have a considerable back log of work which they will resume Conditions in the Ukiah we ar~ enJoymg sufficient good weather to keep our out of 1 as soon as conditions permit. This situation; plus all the new area remain about the sa~e work 11st .~; the zer? ~ark. How long th~~ will la~t is hard to work contemolated leads us to predict that the coming season as last month- wet. Several say, but L 0ht now it is a grand and glonous feelmg. · · ' · · . · b h · b shut down for In the Ci;.~scent City area at the will be one of the busiest that this area has ever experienced. ·JO s ~ve, een f ~ h time of this writing we have Healy- at it to get Crowley's tank farm Of prime importance· at the mo------the wmter, and some O ..t e Tibbetts just finishing the Dutton completed. rd ment is the new rocket plant to be Brothers Cliff Hubba , Paul brothers have headed home to Dock and preparing to start an­ Marlin Tryon is still trying to nd built in the F olsom area. This has Collett, Ted Halbach a Earl complete that job that they other dock for the same company catch up on ·back orders·for cn 1-· th all the indications of being a r ush Lackey were up from e Bay area have intended to.. do for the last at Eureka. rock. job once it gets rolling and it on a couple of Moore Dry Dock rigs three or four years. Macco-M & K are 'finishing up . . There are two new miils 1.o be should provide jobs for a good during the month. They were set- Several brothers coming in from I th~ r s_hop w_ork and are closing built near Crescent· City. Oiie · is a many engineers. It is locate.a in an ting steel on the new gym at thf the North have stopped in the of- down~t11l Apnl or May. . th plywood mill. In Klamath, the I area where the weather will have Sacramento High School. Bro ers flee to say hello. Most of them F reu..;ri orthase still keeps a small same condition exists. From tllis little affect and consequently it is Jack Reasor ' and Ray Lewellen do not want their name on the crew busy at Dutton's Mill, while we judge that there will be . con­ a very welcome project. I were also in town on one of Beth- out-of-work list as they are 'head- 0 $borne and Wheelan-are still hard st th siderable work for the members FOLSOM DAM BIDS lehem's rigs, raising eel on e ed farther south. There are sev- around Crescent City. County Hospital job. I · h · Bids 011 another small job on the era] jobs wor~ing- 11g_ way mam- L"· a ; § r -- ~ . MacDonald Young & Nelson and O Folsom Dam will be opened 011 The R. M. Taylor Co . of Cotton- tenance, housmg proJeCts, sewer i ., Jgfil~)lha tJaw1nt~S . M & K have finished t heir job at January 16, 1951. This is for core wqod, California moved in to raise · and water, under ground telephone, 1,-- '1 -:9 the weather station at Requa for drilling and additional abutment the steel on the armory job in and rock, sand and gravel. _ ! if\i,i~!ll 'fr@ffitMr1Jdlfll!~~ 1. U the t ime being. They may, how­ th excavation and will apen up a spot Nevada City with Bro ers C. O. Nothing has st arted yet on the r fil! ~~ ~ \;~ij \ie~ a'()Jj U \lJ ) l,l J ever, keep a maintainer, dragline · h I - t"ll Ames and C. J enson on the rig. · t M"ddl for some of the ,brat ers. t is s i Government proJec s at i e- I ~ a jj n, r. f.l. and cat on. the job until spring, expected that the Morman Island The boys operating the Wilkins town or We~tpor t. It 1s expec~ed uii 1r~ uua ~s,i.r~r or until they can blacktop the road. project will be coming up in the Draying Co. rigs have 10st very that they will start soon, which J ;; . ""' Rumor has it that-there may b,:,. near future and this should be the little time in spite of all the bad will put quite a few of the broth- Washington (LPA)-Prices are an additional appropriation for this type of job that will solve all our weather, so says Brothers Herman ers_to work. going up, taxes have gone up and job. Lowe, Pat Billingsly, John Brazil, - ou t o f work probl ems. M&K Corp. got an extens10n on are going ·up a lot more, and the Brother A. A. Boehl still peddh,~ - h t & s · l d - T. L. Huff, J..,. B. Holtz and L. F. - p - t A Tl gravel around Klamath, complains A . T e1c er on pie ,e up an their proJect at om · rena. 1ey people have virtually 110 monE;_Y ov'ercrossing and . an underpass on Garver. a~e still fighting plenty of weather, about losing money and then grip.e~ , put away. Worse, they're in hock the West Sacramento. Freeway for PERSONAL MENTION but making progress. The broth- about his income tax. . 1 ' $387,780. This should help some of ·Brother · Bob Wagnon is home ers really earn their money on up to t heir ears. NEW LOG OUTFIT · · the ·boys who are waiting for this agam· a ft er a t np· t o th e J10sp1 · t a 1 this Job.· - Tl1 a t 1s· th· e gist- ot a repor t b y Brother Dean Langford- ha, outfit to start rolling again. for an appendectomy. Better health c. M. 3yar jobs at Willits and the Securities anq Exchange Com- taken a contract to log for a new Another contract which will help· in the future, Bob.. Middletown are 'also down. J. R. mission on "Volume and Composi- outfit- that has juSt moved into -- h" B th H d t· f I d'' ·d , s · J 1 Klamath. Brother Langford has to cut down oµr out-of-work list H ere 1s w1s mg ro er owar Armstrong's job at Cloverdale is J wn_ o n 1v1 ua 1s av111g, u Y- " Th t h th t two n ew eights and a loadi•ng don- has been awarded by the Housing K oontz a spee d y recovery f rom the down too 011 ·account of the ad- . S;. el)·. t 1950 . e repor s_ ows a Authority of the City of Sacra- illness he has su ff ere d durmg· t h e verse ' weather. ' Both of Arthur B. j1h e pu'1o ic· ' s 11qm· · cl ~avmg· h as me lt - key_ We wish Brother Dean the. m ento. This went to Carl N. Swen- past- - mont h . Th e same goes t o Siri's jobs on the coast are down, ed a; w ay t o a no mma 1 1eve 1. best of luck and sue_cess for · the coming year. son and Williams and Burrows as Brother Harry B a 1es w h o un d er- waiting for weather-one at Bacon . '1'2ie r eport shows- that total Brother Tom Hull still has a a joint venture 1;tt the figure of went an operation and will be laid Gulch; the other at Salmon Creek. Jiqmd saving of in,dividuals in the . · Lorain 75B working near Patrick's <:!2,881,500. There will be consider- up for at least a month. The brothers on Siri's maintenance t hird quart er of :).950 was $100 'I' Creek on Highway 199. Brother R. able sfreet and sewer work to be We're glad to see Brother L. W. job on the Masonite road are· los- milEon. In the same period in F. "Dud" Dudley is still pitchinr done in connection with this J·ob. Winney back on his feet again af- ing very little time, however .. Thi!, 1949 t he fig1.1re was $1.4 billion. boulders at the t rucks hauling for The Department of Education ter being iaid up with a brain con- is one of the best winter jobs t hat That's a drop of $1.3 billion. Liquid - • · - 19·o the State, while Brother. GeorgP and Finance Building has been let cussion suffered in a fall. We wish I have ever run across. savmg 111 ::i was less than one- to Parker Steffens and Pearce for him better luck in the future. The BIG FT&T JOB j fifth of one per cent bf income :;e~~~n~eeps out of sight, hearin~ 1 $2;528,847 which will be of interest same goes for B:r'iither Lloyd Dixon Pacific Pipeline and Engineers after t axes, compared with a rate CaiT & Rocco are having a· littll t o some of our hoist operators who who suffered a hand injury v,rhile Ltd. have the job installing u nd_er- . o_f over two percent in 1949 and luck on their bridge job ach:y 'e keepi·ng t·nei·r e'y·es on t'nese sta,,t·i pump f ground conduits for the P acific six per cent, before the war. Put r:.:r C k ar - • • 1 1g a · , h • . - ciunter ree . They are sti.I.1.,.:.:..:. b ·1 r · bs ; . ." , "' 1 Telephone and Telegraph Co., in anot er way, the rate of liquid . u1 u ng JO . Brotne~ ~e,t Wo~?bmy ~.1ffered Ukiah. This is part of a $1,000,000 saving before the war was 30 ing six days and some are rai11. The City of Sacramento has h d d th th days believ m e, a ea 111J_ury _ur 111g · e mon expansion program. Supt. R. J. times· that of this year, and in 1949 ' e · turned loose a couple of small an a 'Ne wis h h im a very spee d Y Em:i;nons says it is a - - - - - ; rains it .was 10 times what it has been MGM· · · Construction - Co · still street improvement jobs which are recovery and better luck in the all week long until Friday night, in 1950. keeps busy laying pipe for P. G. & going to Lentz Construction and future E. Co. When they will finish is any~ McGillivray. · then sunshine Saturday and Sun- The SEC defines nquid saving Congratulations to Brother and day, then rain Monday morning, as "saving in the form of currency body's guess. Out at Mather Field, James M. Mrs. Al Baliel who were blessed all pumps going. Bro. Ed Kam- I and bank deposits, equity in sav- Fred J. Maurer & Son has a few . P ope has picked un• $37,908 worth wi·th th e arnva· 1 o f a son on D e- meyer is sliding the loader around, ings and loan associations, private small J·obs going,· enough to keep-a of work sealing joints in the run- cember 14, 1950. h'l B W T t . t . . few of the members busy. ways. We wouldn't be surprised to Congratulations, good luck and w i e ro. · es ·mer is rymg and . government msur~1:ce and Brother Pat Furnish celebrated 'd bl k h f" ld to keep the ditching machine on pens1011 reserves, securities, and Ch _ t ·t h . . See consi era e wo1· on t, e 1e s ti · 1 t B th r1 s n1as ns t1sua 1 w1 one ex - th· .' every 1111g e se goes o ro er level keel. Bro. Floyd West, oiler, repaymen t o f mor t gage d e bt an d I t· T'I « d, , · t .- • 111 is area commg up soon. Phil Stanford who finally broke has his hands full trying to find other consumer debt." , cep _10n. ·[: e r?, e u? o a service M:UOH BUILDING down and took the vows. He was enough planks to keep the ditche·r , , . " . stat1011 and missed 1t, but ,a gr, Ther e is still considerable build- married 011 December 28, 1950. from disappearing. J d r:e f s_E~. ,-~ep~r t~d , mo~tg;l~ cious cop was close by. So, Pat to· ing going on within the area and Hopes for every success goes to Nevada Construction Co . is busy b~ll' o - mt' nt1! ~1~ds mcrteasef /950· him· all good Irishmen should sticl , _ 1 1011 111 ne 1u quar er o , together at Christmas._ The COJ although they don t offer many on Brothers John T. and J ohn W. on its channel change on the Rus- a new record rate Other con- ~ . . . tl1e spo t JO· b s f or engmeers,· th ey K au f man w J10 h ave gone 111· t· o b us1-· sian- R"1 ver, b a1·1 mg· grave, 1 . B,10. Ed sumer debt also showe· d a substan- agreed, only he said ne was a F11111, 1ea11 y ar e an 1mpor· t an t f ac to r 111· ness f or th emse1 ves. Stop b y an.a c ast1 e, at the 1evers, - says t 11e wa- tial increase,, $1.7 billion." What , happened. . to. P_ at,·~ shouldn our general work picture. On the see the boys at John's Service Sta- ter doesn't bother him but it is - - . happe,1 to any good ll1-hman . ._ , , , _ Time and savmgs deposits de- Baldw.in & Straub work whP. . larger buildings we get the excava- tion at 6699 Folsom Boulevard. kmd of rough on Bro. Bob Arch1- clined a record of $800 million and · tion, then the pile drivmg· and the Brother· Bert Faltus is another bald, his o il er. currency holdings decreased ·about they can on ·t he city w·ater -t~.··. . steel erection. Then comes the Brother who has turned to ·other Bro. Mel Aldham is the proud $lOO .million. Vi/hereas "net secu- ment plant. C. M. Syar has it . h oi· s t operat ors, compressor opera- t1·e Id s. H e is· now par t owner o f th e 0"'11er" of a new 25 North,"',• est. He rity. holdings" of ·individuals· went downT till spring. . - ./ - .,. •. t ors a n d m1x· _ermob"l I e ·opera t ors. Of W a 1 s h R oo f'mg c o., s1· d·mg an d 111· - 1·s mak1·11g the mucJ,, fl y over· at up $100 million in the third quar- he dredge Jupiter 1.I J,/ workmg t h ? JO. b s1· t e, .t h e b a t c h p 1an t opera- su1 a t·1011, e t c. a·t· 1729 13 th .:o"'t ree t , Lakeport. ter of 1949, they went down $300 north of Samoa- )l'2<'Ci'- Mad River tors and the bo·.1s in the gravel 1 phone Gilbert 2-3993. The outlook for the future look.s ·11· - I - Slough. Brothfr Jokela is doin'.g m1 10n 111 t 1e tlurd quarter of good ..RS ·i:c foverman. ; plants are all affected by the j Next t ime you feel like fishing bright, and most of the brothers 1950. The drop was most marked Brother Ray Barnes h as J·ust re~ amount of building underway. try Brother Pat Kornder's fishing will be ~ept fairly busy on various in holdings of U.S. Government While we are talking about resort located at Miner Slough at jobs this winter If the brothers T Tl1 f lk - h' turned from a trip to Oklahoma 0 - w1·11 have a 11·t.tle patience for ~ectuhn _iebs. d e ?. s abse _cas mg and has a hard time speaking Ei: buildings, vv e would like to make the 5-Points bridge. He has boats, . · 111 eir on s, anct not uymg new - - · · a short r eport on our-own building motors, etc. awhile, everybody will be busy ones. . llsh aga_m. · · that is n ow under construction on We would like to put in a plug and we will be short of operators . * * * 1 Fredrickson Bros. ~r e well r· 1 11d st S tockton Boulevard at Second Ave- ! fo r another brot her who has been again. 1 - · ganized a · ready t o art tl1- n ue. If you drop out that way, you in business around here for a long . 1 'f"i IYI E{f\~HD. ,g_ __ an . A~_,,,m .f~g: ;~i ll)ffil ll91Yl..,DH~~~ !;\li"Lae -. job _near Alton; however, iptermi can see th.at it is finally beginning time for lot leveling, grading, back_- sa,ys he wants to take a look tit · . 1 . · tent rains have held them up. to t ake shape. The foundations and filling, sub-soiling and all types of that country. · I MoSt effective insecticide againSt E~~~: a::~:~~Eof t he name• , basement have been poured and F ord tractor work. Call L. R. John Brother Glen Pritchard is back.I cockroaches aJ1d ants is a com- our brothers who have enlisted a nother week or two should see at Hlllcrest 9-4244. in town and on the job after a_l P-e-ratively - new one called chlor- 1 t h t he outside walls up. The weather Brother J. C. Younker has con- s,,vell vacation trip which took him 1' d<"fe, co'. si_d er _~d - more power_ful beBen cal!ed back in ·H e s~ F ·r f · exter-m1nat 111 - such crawlmg ros. uOr.r. Reabe, arry a; h as slowed this J·ob considerably siderable equipment available at to Monterev Mex-'"er·--- -... ____ ·· o,., "' . . , • • ', .. . · · ,n.. · irn;,ects than DDT. Buy the lowest Bill Yates and 'li\Tm . .Br yant, ,_ but we still l1ope t o be in by June. the m~me~t. Anyo:1e needmg D18 s, ,- BrotL~: - _J.e.ss Burch made a, hur-1 pri~-cd insecticide that lists .. 2 per bees; Bro. Samuei' Nevers, Nav: . . The City of Lincoln ha; a bond a blad", scrapers or pulls, call Grass n ed ,.,1-, 1, t o St. Lams over the t chlordane" among its ingre- Bro. Joy Meeks, Mal'ine Coi:ps; election coming up on January 9 Valley 975-J. Glrlistmas holidays due to illness I ~~n '.;s shown 011 the container-· Bro. Sandy Parks, Ladies' Aid. for considerable improvements in· A brnther who is availab].e.-with 'in his family back there. t ~1;;n brand name doesn't matter. Bro. Dennie D. Reynolds, wt, their water and sewer system '. W e equipment for all typ_%~f land- Beginning on J anuary 18, 1951, I Eveeh better is an insecticide that has been working near Sunnyvale. h_ave _ bee_n . spending considerable le,velii!g _i~ Homer __F-Hnt at Hill- this , office . wm re~ain open on I lists \ both . chlor dane and DDT in has opened a new Shell StationL~ time m Lmcoln the past few weeks crest c,-~~~- - _ __ Thmsday _evenmgs fr om 7 to 9 p.m. its ingr edients; you t hen have an McKinleyville. How about a liL,._ a nd.. ext end our h_~_i!J..at....Jhi&- ---one·-· of the Brothers who we inst ead of Wednesday _e venings. all-pt/rpose pr2pa;.0 ation. There a r:_e patronage for this bi,ot her? _.-t.ow-irand-{iw ] ,eu])1.e who live and haven't . seen for three years I Please m ake a note of this change several brands in the stores con- Vve have been fortunate in plac- -., - : work there will enjoy happier and popped in· from South America the and if H is _obje~tionable, we would tai11ing both. For cte st r o y in g ing sever al of the brothers on jc 1 -::. ,. m ore prosperous times in the fu- other day. Brother Fred Salas is I appreciate heanng from you. roaches, the, chlordane preparation in the woods. Scale of wages ht ture. just back from Peraitipuy, Venez- We extend our d~epest thanks to I shoulJn't be sprayed throughout been satisfactory and board a; Several of the brothers from this uela. He has been 111 charge of ex- Brothers Douglas Sickles and H. L. / the r(ltw 1, but only on- places where room is furnished for $3. .30 a d, area have been v~ry)1elpful on sev. cavation .in a diamond mine and Moretti who have· donated to the the\ ,., 5ecjs crawl or hide, such as In closing, I'd like to pass on eral occasions lately· and we wish has some interest ing stories to tell Blood Bank during the past month. cn.;ks- i;,: t&_e flooi\' undersides of' you a little tho'ught ·given to .m e b. to ext 1;;nd our thanks to Brothers about that part of the world. At the present our credits· in this dro. Ners aiid c upboards, and behind one of our old-timers. Put YOl· Emie Nelson; Harry Crigler, SaIJ1 Another Brother was in to tell us Bank are considerably low so make. 01 under.11eat11' fu.:rn.iture. It can be heart into your work and the qi., Green, Les Wilson, Tom Eaton and that he expects to leave for South an appointment for your donation ~1·aye·d ih such ar·eas or "p~nted ity of your work. wiI1 .. ' puCh0 ;Bill Hanley. · America. Brother Bob Gillespie NOW. · , .:in'' with a brush. .,. into you. · ; . · ... ;, JANUAR): .15,_'l~~i ' iNGINEE RS' NEWS ·Fiv~

I .,,:-San Jose--:- · R.e1to- ., .. ·San Rafael- Break in eathef, ·ens-Up PUSH! ·_ )1G Evacuation Nighways Are 1 J?PJ"M~q~:IB,~PHf; £~~}c .L. CAhJ~ :r~ ·\,f:t _, .Sp!~.1~2~!n.~~m,J~~~J .. ,{\!~~ \I . . Bl!smess· Re'pres.e1datwes, ,:Local 3. . . . · ' · . • · . . ._ _... - · ·· · · . ·, .. 1- _ Y 9t1r North ;Bay Busmess ·Represent_~t1v~ ,can agam report . We are -very ?appy to ·r~po:t -~hat.many _of our)ob~: have .-,: B-usine!y:s,~;l~~e~~~!~;i9c~l 3 'tha{a.'U C?n,t.~act01"s _in_the -~rea, _indli~in_g all_~uar~ies, .seem resumed operations 9-nd are cal_11pg_ back the o ld-timers _and . Isbeli -Constri.rcti0n ··.·:Com- to have,. a backlog of work mcompleted as of _iast year ·. '• .• old )1ands who w 'ere 'faiq. "off,af tl)e' onset of t~e heavy ra~ns pariy'.s two big stripping j'obs ~nd it looks like it will prob~bly be another prosp~erous year ' rec~ntly'. As _w~ have said before, some of the J~Qs have be~n -near Ely, Nevada, are fo :firtf for ·members of Local No. 3 m 1951. · 0 1 t d b t f them were· shut down m the last 30 ·. · · · · Fredrickson Bros. of Emeryville . , comp e e ' u many O ' -·, ...... shape w-ith on.,e· J mpdred< and ,;ere . recently awarded the $800, - in thi$ :area· who took tl;le {'iD,:l_e :-to . days due to ,the weather and clim~tIC condi_trons. '" . "nine rhen from the Operiting 000 plus, .. approximp.tely two-mile' s::o.me down to t~e office<;anc;l g1~e · . I\'Iany· of the jobs; nan:ely Ff'.ed- · . . - · · . . · : . ,. ·, '.E ngineers Locai' Union No. 3 tighway. improvement . job, near to the Engineers Blood Ba1;1k m ricks ,and Watson at G1Jroy, also and Bro. Al 1?e:r1yessa. ~as. the - h t . b" I b 11 . t' t Vacaville - and as _t his · goes to . San Rafael ... to Br.os.. 6e9r,ge .,;_·their·-jpb on Balsa Road out .of Hol- ·]\:Icky., pne o;n , t~at riew:JO?: ?~t e ,_ wo JO . "· S r JUS g_o pvess ;;o 'staiting date : c'an be de- $mith, )'.!. . B.,. Tipto11'. ~a;Y., ~II~- , kz_~J ster, are ·contemplatingin:i,media:te . Raymond Conqrete ' Pile - have another·new Northwest 80 _ d.~~1v~ termined. . A.dams, . Jay ()l;i,y, BiJI .· JeJJkmi;, , \. - ;. ·'. 'Wooden Shoe" -Lu!her, who _ 1s fi'iendly ·argu_ments with th€~ ·?ut Bob 'Kenmng 1s superintendent on m~ b t tl "f , . , t 1 000 1 · Ed Tobi·n and PisaJ'.lo Bros. w)1o ,,pusher. Many of these boys were. that -is to ·be expected., I still t)unk ·the· jo·b,' with Bro. Don Ostrom ? "e · · · u len, . , ~ou ~ .a · ' · · · ' · · · · · · · th fi t t . ·,. · it from tl~e other swe ... w,1en ,have many sewer jobs, and water pn th)! fii,st .section Qf this job. _ they a:re O.K ... . o~ _e _rs ~a t c~nnng :n ~~y· it is needed, which is usually in an ine- J"obs which were heki'. up for As we have mentioned bef_9r_e, Isbell · C::onst_ru'ction Company's P annmg on a ou our ca s, - · f tf e~s cail play l 1 the last two or three weeks on -P,ermanente is also· under a big work ar, ound Reno, Nevada,, is .go- b e tli· .ree ' d ozers,. .an, d u nd e cfded· on ....emergency, , . o1·geTh . P nt a~ t f .ti. ' ' th ll · d b · · no part. . . . e nex a e or ,,e account of rain: expansion program; liow~v.~.r, they . ing' a:lo.ng in fine shape -for this e pu · s an co ras. Mobile Blood Unit in this area is . A. J: Raisch, Leo Piazza, 'Ed are just about complete now, and 'time ·bf-the year . . They are putting 'Bro .. Johnny Ffoies, ·batch oper- .Jan. 24, 1951, at 9:30 a.m .. . , • .- Keeble and F,rank Marks havE; 0n1 be adding a .. few more engi- up a str.:_eam-!in€d i·_ock cr~shing ator., '.'.aftei:· working all summer at WHO KNOWS WHO' WILL NEE:):) , ·_-, opened up their big jobs of approx,i- neers soon.. plant on East .Second St: There Lowrie Paving, Hamilton Field IT NEXT ... IT MAY BE YOV \ mately a $2 million ' backlog. This we also understand that there· is a new crush-er and new .convey- '. Air Base project, taking ·off for ... ·LET'S ALL GET IN AND DO '\ will give you some idea "of ·h0w : is a double-track on a ...spur line. . ors and hoppers of all description. about 'three weeks ·in "Gld Mex- OUR PART! )'\vork can get,going and.h9w quickly We have also had rumors in this It is going to ·be a good ~lay-out ico" , : . Nice going. · \ Your Business ·Representative " men can get on anc;l off the out~of- little locality of some naval work wiien it is finfshed,, Bro. ··Ham Huffstutter recently would like .to "thank: you" to work list. Carrico_. & Gauti_er who .of great importa.nce, .about which George Miller has lots of work returned from a long-drawn-otit say'" each ai1d every member sending have the ;120 -inch .telescope job to we will tell yoti . more specifically up th€ Truckee ·river, .-n,ear Verdi, .Kansas vacation ... full of yim holiday greeting cards to my 'home the extent of $600,00.0 -at Mt. Ham- iin future issues. Nevada. There are three Bucyrus and vinegar a·nd . ready to go' to and the oflfoe . · . . however, it is ilton have also resumed operaJions. J?echt~l Corp. is making fairly rigs and a couple of tractors and work to make some more of it. impossible to write to each -of you Eaton and Smith; a$ many of you; aood progress on their ·$2 million a skip loader on the four different Bro. Lyle Hoppel', lo~g-time nut. individually . . , bi.it my _sincere know, are al] but complete on their Pacific ·Electric· Mfg. Corp. project. · jobs repairing the damage ·the flood ·buster for A. G. Raisch- Co. of a1lpreciation of your thoughtful­ Pacheco Pass jol;>. At present we Consoiidated Western Steel have did. · Black Point, taking off · for As- ness ... a;JJ.cl my best wishes for a believe they have one ·shov.eh.ahd 'the erection of. abou1: -2no· tons on BOMB SHELTER tor-ia, Oregon, as master mechanic one blade in_ operation. We mtfst this -project. John B. Powers C_ompany 'is do- for th-e · Heavy Hauling C::o .•. ·.• prosperous and happy 1951 to all. also report that . Clements & Com- BIG ·FREEZE PLANT , ing quite a Jot of . work around this looks .Jike a good pi·'c,j ect' for our people. At \ir~serit more worlf in Fort Ord.. shop"business for himself in Cu per- for a•bout 200 years . .. one of the ex :n e O -covei 1e . vece~ ans 0,. Granite is doing the e,xcavating, ·Going a little further south to- tino at the Sunnyvale - Saratoga r:al _old -tim_ers .... should receive K;~:· state AFL . s~crefary de-· t and . Ed. Keeble ,' has IT\UCh ·· of · his _wards So!ed;id, 'we cai; menticm. fhe ~oact. Said he would give any engi- his silver button this year .. ·._. has I a tl . b f · , . eq·tiipment on this prnje.ct too. Vve -1;Medium Security P.rison" where· .rieer a gooa· aeal. .Go6c;l Juck, -Bro. been a: member .since March 1926 care1 .1at 1a _or was . :\-.11 Y c?ns~i­ a:re 'in fiopes that' this· projec't will many of the boys work .i:tnd is :r,:e4r- 8orp. . , . ..- with Bro. C. L. Yodei;, also ; o~~ oft ti~~ n€e~, :~ co_opera~wi in 0 O 1 ,1 .emp1oy as many tn. en this year as ing· completion · and -\vm soon be Best wishes and good. luck go to orfe' of the old-tim·ers takincr it, er P ace. . . _or~ai'! ve er ns, · it did in t he las-t t,'vo y ears. At .ready for "g~esls." We. care nQt to Frank F elice, a-former P·e rmanente ·easy • an- a 11op · mg· t o ca' ,t c h- someb . andd . was. certam,. d u the· ' .. Jobtl ..woul d be preseht . we have matiy" well .!0'10wn. 'make· reservation,s. . ·:employee · on entering· . t' he . service fisli. · ' ,._,_ . '·- . on_. e we 11 an*e~c*·.1c1e*n y. brother·s fo their employ; ·.nam'ely' Moffett Field we. mu_st not forget .Jan'uar-y 2nd. .. . . Undergrou_ncl · Constructioi1;· with I.I . . Ear] Webster, Leonard Napier; M·. to mention, except 'to begin a big SOl'.r y to hear Earl Gish fell off Bro. Pete Madrid .. Eis foreman, on ·walks OH J@lo @;md O:i "! J . Rewis, G. R. DeSp'ain, ·Jimmie !=<~a~sion program shortly. a shovel and broke his·. heel, but he -'the telephone line ·jlist aoout fin - ·wallace, . R. R. ""Ful lington, Lee ' PERSONALS '_, will be .up and a·round SOOl1; Bro. ish ed up .. . and 'n1oving -inj,o the Onwi- of tl·u~ Coirnfry Hartsaw Bill Moore, Harold "Tie'x". , Since we have' had so •many Woody Sherman, also -fell from a· Wooc11ai; d ·area . :· ;. Bro. Ralph In Mexico City, which recently Martin, ,;w_R. .Richarilson ,' J. A. .broJher s regis'tered, on 'the out ,of ' shovel and receive d a ?erious back Peck, foreman on the Hamilton Isur vived_a strike of 200 union bull­ Price, R. B. Priest, Ernest Rains, work list who had jobs to go to injury. .· - · Field job, doin_g the winding up fighters, sports fans were appalled I f • W . E. )~ettln,. J . ·D. -Sego, Fred J ; when. weather permitted;- we ~ oulcl ·' Last Bulletin! . We understand and moving on to other parts. . I~t _the·. result of a two-week strike . ~- 1.- . Cara: ahd Ray . Chance. ·, V: e are , appreciale it gr~hi:ly'· ff, you wo'i:1ld . thete is_ so~e activity .. ?n, ~he San URGENT .. . BLOOD of professional jai-alai players: In- ',> happy to ann'ounce thi:tt we . now 1 let us know when Y9.\,! ·are called Ardo 011 Fields, as they Just re- :DONATIONS NEEDED · stead of ~asting effort on pi cket · ·.. , have something on 'this _' job fo1' I bacl~ to your-former jobs'if we h·av~ _cently moved in several pieces of Your . :Business lZepresentative [ lines, ·they emigrated en masse to which we have · !bl)g ho)J.ed · f.or. not placed yo1.1 in the ineantiip:e. 1·eqi.1ipment. We may have more ex- .would like to express-his de_ep ap- ·cuba ana· Miami where they were \ ,:{ .~ That ·is,· .a foren/an'. ·on eti,iipme1it, So here's ·thanks· to· Nicl:iolas Estok plicit 'information in·.:ne:~t iss.ue. preciatloJ1 to th,e many members guaranteed higher salaries. -· r~;;·:.{'' ,.. _; · · r • · · · ~-.'~;; ' · ' • • - - · - ~ ~y!':-.:-:. · · · · · · · / Eight ,.. ENGINEERS' NEWS JAN!JARY 15, 1951

_., Er.Jtgi ,neers ANY .NfV/ .· San Francisco . ,.. • ArcMt·ects 1 :I J !Cf , (U;k, ·Ho-·ldu~8 '·D5. '~rhorl1 n, c~··I m,t LJ n~m~~ . Vfi JrU ·- ~ u.~·, ~l ~ - ~ ~

-:~Ar··J.s . The wea::e::a~::::N;:::~::1::;::::;::der wfaps soc. SEri' ·· 11vifrandsco et ' e' ,' Sho '~~m'' •, ' for the past rnonths but from·the looks of the pending_Sllb- By R.-F .'SWANSON I By PA\r CLANCY ai{d RPSSELL SWANSON, divisions .a few; days. OI good weather should rpake a reara~nt _' The Soc;:ial~ s ·ectitity ·1aw is: still B1isihess Repre~eJI~at,iv.es, L_ocal 3 - 1 in the 0utof work list. ,:l.'t{tle planning is being ·ctone on future yo L'. ) ~\\-OASI \that's 01~_Age ?nd I BLUE SKIES = AN INCREASE OF WORK. . . hd" .. ,... b , ·' . . . , . . Smv1vbr " , Insmance) sc1ll pays Yes in out opi . th . b f . . 1 .. . , 1 ·.· b . , . su,J 1v1s10ns . ut .presenL~,0.rk 1s·he.~ng .rushed to completion. : monthly checks to the retired ', :\110:1'. ea o~e . ormu a 1s very c ose to . emg 1:his should take up the_ slac~ - . . . · , worker over· 65 ·ai1ct to ,his family cotrecc. At the .wntmg of this r~port the wea,th~r .man -1.;l·as tm;e, between pnvat~ and war m- ·stances. _This · pohcy ; 0 _11°w~ - that: if_ 11 ~- dies •be{?re rth~t age. Young:[ shown. us some cottrtesy a-nd if he co~tinues ·to .do so th.ere 948 du~t.Jy work, , _adopted In l '.'m .,\:dhtclll wa: WJ_dO\VS and n1tnOr cl11Jdren Still re- . ShOU'ld b~. an . OUt Of WOrk list that 'is ',practi_cally deVi01d Of th th rnd 1 :t .Negotiations have been · com- stated at e ir ua respon ' ce1ve· rnore ·than· :one0 third of the 1 · , ·h· · • · . . ·_ ._. . .· · . ,sibility . and ' independent judgment· h· · k .. · . ··ab . . b . d I names. T . ere are apprpxunately 200 ·brothers registered ·for pfet ed and an agreement reached ' . - . . C ec S.c,ssue · y. .th1s m eau. An ·k • ·· s · F • · · t th. •. • ' b "•f . , ·, · , . with the : Pacific - Manufacfarjng reqmred o~ .. a pro~essiona_l e,11 g1- . it ·is · stilJ true that the informed wor m . an ~anc1sco a · ls time, · ut 1 we loo:k ba:ck Just Co. on the Mill Draftsmen clas.sifi- neer . are incompatible with the worker loses none ,of -theee benefits I one year we fina that there -were--; . " . . . . . cations. The new contract caUs regimen~ation f ft:nd~me,ntally iff- But, there are great ch~nges. Th~ . over 400 · ?rothers ,on -the list .. at ·Walsh ·Const · ·a're- in ·th_e wi'i1d- for the extension of the jouPJ1ey- •"herent ·m _ ·umomzatron. ' , amount . of the many payments that time. I up stag~s and are only. workinl ;.... · rnan rate 'to the classi,fication."of . Thus, ._ N_Sf'.E _has clearly made made to retired workers -w~ves and The contractors-'i,vorki.ng. in S. F. · few engme.e.rs :at ·,the present •twie. - se11 i9r dr,aftsman.:- with i:1: rem_:nt,j its ·choice. Hbelreve? that the_ wel- ' widows and •to minor children ;,.nd ~Te: a ·fot .. better -Mf than the ma- .. Lowde 1:'.~:Ving :1ave a.?_oi.it 0,~m~ raises over';" a three-year · penod. f3:re of the,, professwn~l. e1;1gmeer dependent ,parents have been i1J- . ,Jonty -of the· contractors' wo1'ki'rig pleted t hen .. work · on AJemaney, The new · conti-act calls fQr '· rates·· wi}l be 'bett:e:· ·_served .m t he- lon!f creased. There are new payments on ,the ·di.rt jobs out :of .towi1. ·Here but ·as 0ther contractors men.Ucm ­ as -fol.l o\vs: . . . · · ·ru1;· by-,abStal11l11g from -t he labor to" dependent husbands and 'wid- : fo S.F. most. of'the jobs are able ' ed before; have jobs scattered all , . URJOn ,g.roup · approach. Inherent «' · . · · . . . . . around town .Aii'_·pTenti.~.- .__ Monthly Rate in this· no!icy. is ·the belief that""'ow~rs. For ol.dep yv orkers, t he •re- to r un· as long· as the -skyl1s clear .. · ""'i·"aftsina. (40-hr.week) ·"oth ' .., .,b. f th·. f . · quiremgi1ts for ' pa'yments when and are off OJ'1ly during··the time There are a _.· fot of ·oth'er con- ,., · · · " 11 ,_ --- · ·. e•.mem ers o · e ,pro-esswn can ~,.. , •. ; r.: . • . . • .• . .. F irst 6 months ...... $20 t OO , ,progr~ s in:,their chosen- field by they are ~:J have bee_n reduced-. It is , 1t 1s ra111mg. _. ·tractors doing· work ' around ·town Second 6 mont hs ...... 223.QO ,. sti_ckirig · clbsely to profes~ional also possible· to ~ ork for )arg~r - ·AROU~D' THE JOBS . •but .·the majority qf . those con- ~ ,., 1·rd 6 m· onths 240~ 0 . _ t f. · . . a· .d··· i·t · · d · · · wages after you are 65 and still M & I{ a· t t·he Br·oa· 0-wav Tl111-11 el tractors have been ·me1iti6ned be- 1. " ······· ······· · ·concep ·s o· . .m 1v1 ua 1 y an ac- . . b fit · J ' f }four t h 6 months ...... 257.00 cording to individual ability. receive _ene ·s. . .. have been keeping· quite a few_ ore and there has 'been very ·IiH !e F ifth 6 months ...... 274:00 .All do not ·agree ·with t_his basic If you are _65 and 1~ec~1v111g eng!neers busy and th'ese same new work in S.F. · that, would -re- Sixth 6 months ...... 291.00 premise. There are those who monthly payments unde1 OASI, engmeers should be working for quire a large number .of engi·neers. Seventh 6 months ...... 308.00 honestly b,elieve that the NSPE you may ':ork fo r as much as $50 some tirrie to come on this project. PERSONAL TOUCH Eighth 6 months ~...... 325.00 I policy is "i.n the clouds" and that a. m~n~h m en:ployn:ient covered. Devencenzi and Haskins are hard Brother Herb Nefstead has once Ninth 6 montlls ...... 342.00 I the profess\op will be wise to sub- by Social Secunty. If you are 75_ to, keep up ,vith. They .have had a again gone to -Guam to work for Ten.th 6 months ·············· 360.00 mit ,to the union movement and or over, you may work for as much _ couple of rigs working next to the B. ,. . ' . .,, · 1·1 D ti t d · .P .M. -Brother Nefsteacl was · in J.t'Em Draftsman advance '· their economic status on as you 1 s . The promotio_JJ. to Senior itself, which declared, "When en- betiveen September: 16 of 1940 ~nd Hyman and Michaels are or at said that he was _the father of a Draftsman becomes aut omatic at gineers are treated collectively by !uly_ 24, 1947· Credit f?r SUC h t ime leas·t seem to be keeping' eace baby boy, born Dec. 8, and weigh- IS gwen when · a claim · for pay- · ' '. P . the end of three years. an employer t hey may be com- t . d and contentment 111 the yard for ing in at T'pounds and one ounce. • 1· ext·e11s've orga11·i·z ·111(Y pr·o ·1 ct t ct 1 ·th 1 · ti men s is ma e. ti J · · ,c·ong·r-at11lat1·on s Ray .,, , , c "' - pe1 e o ea w1 · • 11m on · 1e All such credits are the same and 1e mec 1amcs ernploye~ there. . . • , · gr2m is under way in -t he San Jose same basis." Thanks, brothers, for beJng in such As a reminder - the '-:I1·,1•in 2.!·2a w1·t· 11 th· e two b.1g engm· e·enng · Leaving aside the details in dif- may be used together whenever regular attendance at the r egular Mr emonal.. Blood ·Bank -is 'stm in £:nn s o f L . C e d nc· M ac· Al Jee an d ference of opm10n, the · funda- earned, to fo,·ure- the amount of meeting. existence. Please donate a· pii1t of J~ .J.ar· 1< Tl10mas· expressmg· a w1s,, h 1:o mental question is clear. Which benefits \)ayable. _In this way a man --. ------'blood and' have it credited to the ro ;i,1_ ong w1·t1 · 1 th· e um· on. Th· ese road shall the profession take? rni£ht- have worked for others be- 1 Engineers' a-cc1. ;;;. tl-iis condition is not coi:·rected, it ·li·te~d as ,·s~ri::mgly as F can for 'Jegis~ : , c01J clo.11.ed ;}lnder . certain ci:rcum- · improyen:enfs or;, increased services. The labor press-our only voice!· can lead to costly damage. · _ lat1ve action." .. · _ __..:;;_, . IN#i&ld.~~~~- ~--.-· _ ' ' -°"'1'•. Ll

.Jh:t-JUA~Y 15, 1951 ENGINEER£' NEWS Nine Marysville- l-Jonolulv.- Stockton- North Valley PuUing Oul of DEFEN IS Rec d floods StUI Keep r . dD t . I H G~ @ ~~,,:-~o!:n I1 ;D C O f I ~ ~,w,?:~A~~.Lf~~tB:~t.,.~~!~~~ iNISlf' s. . cngme~[~D0!0!!1GLENNE!!.~ng The rains we have had the past two months really slowed Business Representatives, Local 3 By. J. K WAIW.AIOLE . up construction. However, things are getting a little better at Business Representa.tiv_e The. recent flood waters in this area were the highest since this time and it surely wcm't be too long .until everyone will I,;ocal 3 records have been kept and may not be repeated for 100 years. be on a payroll once more. Brother P. E. Vandewark This, among other facts, was -told by Clyde Jones, assistant H. Earl Parker has anywhere from 25 men to 100 on the spent a week in our little city County Highway Engineer of San Joaquin County. . payroll according to the work ordered by the U. S. Army assisting the Honolulu Branch The high water was described by Jones as, basically, two 1 Engine.ers, repairing levee breaks ------on cJntractual relations with floods. The first one in November, he said, saw rain falling arqup.d this area. _ ~ 1· 0 Contractors Mid-Pac. 'vVe are up to the 7500 foot level, washing Archie L . Till has quite a few § the early. snows off and soaking REPAIRING BREAH.:S o·r .. , nJtJr~,· happy to relate better cooper- u H B 1 b'dd 1 rigs on the levee at Hammonton . ·. \ .. ·. . . ~ . .: at1·011 and un -ler·s,.ar'ld1'ng no"' . ,el_ ground in the foothills and ~rms tlrosb. waks _owtl i fl er 'Old' for Yuba Consolidated Gold Fields. .L. L - , vv va ley. repamng 1e rea s 111 1e ooae E.T. Haas Company has a ditcher R· CIID b exists. We are likewise assured that E veryone thought this was the area in th€ vicinity of the iVIossdale or two around the area and keep . atel .Mm s in the event Bechtel Corporation end for a while - but -Deceml:ie r bl'idge and Paradise Cut. They had fa,irly busy, as weather permits. . . . , · \, a .· does the hyd.ro-electric plant job in storms brought more rain almost five dOzern and four scrapers \VOrk- M .G .M. are doing a small pipe- Hilo that it will be a union job: imm,ediately. The land was already ing 10 hours per day and 7 days _line job in Chico City limits. A · Washington, D. C.-Work1 -ilijury The acceler~ted defense program satui·at€d so the water which could per week. Bud Kelly had his four ditcher and sideboom working at rates in man.ufacturing have shown for our country will no doubt apply not soak into the gr'ound just ran rigs in there and he work€d the a constant upward_ trend during quite readily here in this area with off. • same hours as Harms. Joe .Alldrin· present. the first ' three. quarters of. 1950, the~ Navy reopening the Kaneohe The . J'.irst storm filled the flood put his two new electric pulls on

st 0 M. J. Ruddy Company ill has ac'cor d1·ng to p1·e11·m1·11a1·y reports Naval A ir stat10n · as a permanent con tTO .l reservoirs· and when they th1· s J·ob : Ha rms a1' s o h a d a s ..h ove_l Brother Duncan on a blade finish- recei·ved by the ··u. s. Labor· Depart- base for the :£1/[arine Corps, more were not empti. e d promptly the I a11- d cl reag1 me· on th e JO· b . 24 th ofing Oroshov.uldersille. on Highway sou men.t's Bureau of Labor Statistics. wor k· f or p .earl II- ar b or on ship· re- second c;ould not be controlled by Utah Construction Com_pa ny's Biasotti Company has a model The average injury-frequency pairs, enlarged landing mats, hous- them. This added to the run-off Bear Rivel" Dam job is still going 6 rate for manufacturing industries ing, reactivating communications problem. but we expect to hear any day NorthweSt and one cat keepi_ng the was 2 percent higher in the first centei's and the continued building HIGH TIDES ALSO that they ar'e buried in snow·. Red road clear on the highway above Camptonville, California. · .. quarter of 1950 than .in the fourth and fortification of our forward Combined with the terrific run- Russell is the dirt boss. So far, h e 1·.! Piombo Constnfcti~n Company quarter of 1949., The· rate.Jar the area bases. off of the second storm. was the. has found very little dirt but lots I .,' second quarter of 1950 was .4 per- Although Territor.ial and City highest tide in years. The · com- of "donikers." i . st st th 1 are il1 Ymied on eir E:VEe job cent above th.at for t11··e f1'rst·, a11d · a11d Cot111ty Pt1b11·c Wor·l0•s w1·11 bination resulted in high water B ro. B ob .D owner was a rece· n t· at Durham, ·Calif.,. with · only a that· for tl1e th·1·rd was 11 pe1·cent 11·1,·ely be st epp.ed up 1·n·- 1951 al•o~ ·, which . did not J\1st break levees v1s1· ·t or m· tl. 1e Sto c It< on o ffi ce. ~H e skeleton · crew doing any work. ab· ove tl1e -seco11d. p'art of the 1·11- · · 1·1 I ti h l ·11 d · · t t· l th A h'' · · Butte Creek Rock Company are it .1s not t v that .for .the corre- Pacific Oceqn Area. from the dam showing 45,000 sec- time of the .year for those who can , ville until better weather. sponding period in 1949, the rate For the next -six months a pro- ond feet, there still were 'floods. take it. ' . Oroville · Construction have a re-· for the thi,rd quart.er was 5 per.- gram of construction to include Had the dam not held bac), 40 -per'· George McBride was· also a vis- pair crew on duty an.d 'st'ock piling cent above that.fo: the sa~e ~e~·iod sewers, hig}nyays and buildings cent of the water, the damage itor to the Stockton office in De. some black stuff for future· trade. of last year. This mcrease m mJury will cost approximately-$25,000,000. done by the water would have been cember'. George was working for New York Machi~e sho~ has a rates appears to reflect the rising The bulk of the total, $14,188,000 incalculable. McBride and Britton _at Yuma ;> complete concrete ·fl~or in ~ow and erri p 1 o Yin en t, lengthened work- will be spent on -highway construe- In the November flood the 43,000 Arizona, when he slipped off . a cat 's 1 ope ·t won't be so ba,:l on week, and intensified industrial op- tion throughout the Territory. The f and b1'oke his back.~Geon1e looked let 1 1 second eet of water coming down ~ the boys bunions. erations which . were: associated br eakdown by islan d s is as follo".N s: the Stanislaus did not do · much swell but he is. still in a c: ast and 4 79 45 Dl·xon and · Arundel Cor·p. have with the increased civilian produc- Hawaii, $ , o,OOO; Maui, $ ,- damage. The 45,000 feet which .r an will be for some time to come. - called in once or twice for crane ~ion during the first half of the 000; Oahu, $8,445,000, and Kauai, down in December, ·however, meet- Bro. Ed Hearne has been pass~ crews to load out. equipm!c!nt in the year and defense preparation dur- $400,000. On Oahu, one of the ma- ing the high tides and the satur- ing .ou t cigars again. H e is a Pt'.O Ud Canyon. ing the third quarter. jor projects will be let in June. ated land did the damage. papa for the third t ime. It's · a th James Treadwell Company of Over 100,000· workers in manu- This is e Kalihi Valley Highway Hogan Dam, Jones said, was 110 boy-Galen L., on January 2, 1951, Oakland, California, have a-~rusher facturing establishments were .dis- Approach to the proposed .tunnel problem at any time with plenty and everybody coriceq1ed is doing th run~i11 P- · 1·11 the rock piles east of ab_led for one or more. .days because which will coSt $l,OOO,OOO . Ano er f fine .. 0 · h. h · t th· o water running in during the Biggs ·with Tony Madruga opefat- of work injuries experienced dur- maJor ig way proJec · on is November storm and being di s- 'Bill Owen, Jr. reports fo;: the . ing and \/\Till Strickland oiling. ing the third _quarter of 1950. This island to be let in June will be from charged before the December run- Air Cor'J)s at La~kland Field, San PERSONAL MENTION was an increase of 15 percent over Isenb.erg to old Waialae road for off ·hit the dafn. · Antonio, Texas, on J anuary .10, and Brother Charles W. Myers is :O ack the estimate for the second quarter, $l,500,000. · - SLIDE AT PARDEE Brother Keith Talli reports· to ) from . the . . Maril}e hospital. . . aft,:!r a.. a11d 18 per'cent ove·r t. hat fo· r .the The . sewer construction program Trouble the Mokelumne came G reat Lakes Naval Training Cen- th 011 checkup and feeling pretty good third qu~rter of 1949. Of the total for Honolulu will continue for e with a slid.e below Par·dee Dam, ter on. January 16 .. He is goin_g to next_sii,: months at an expenditu·re that they · didn't have to carve on number disabled; over 400 died as which shut off the flo w ·of water . -try for . the CB's. ]1im a bit. It f th · · · · and 400 of ,$l,555,35 Mail is ' ein held t th k · a resu o . e1r mJunes v,~ The . Harboro. Board .has $749,000 away from the dam and threatened ,0 g ·, a . .e s·t OC •• Brother Chuck Stewart is the others,_, are known to have. suffered. worth of work -scheduled for Jan- to flood a poill/erh·ouse belO",II/ 1·t. ton office for t he following : Robt. acknowledged ch amp ion clu ck soV(e ~er~anent body m~ia1rment. . uary and February. Tffe largest The outflow was stopped and ·st eps R Williams, Eddie L. Nieto, E. L. : hunte1e, in that Mrs. (Louise) S'.:ew- App1ox 11!1ately ~,000,0uO man- expenditure of $700,000 to be on taken to clear · the slide but the Barnett, H. 1\1, Owen_sby, C. and E. art said he went out every morning days were lost dunng_ t!1e _quarter the ·new shed on Pier _2, new storm hit before this could be R Hawley, Norman R. Wing, . H. - but neglected to tell me ho\v many as a result of these mJunes. The Besides the road construction al- dohe and then .th.e trouble. st~rted. Templ.e, Grady Fox. Will th ese he brought in. value of wage losses .alone amount- ready listed, a contract is to be let The engi·neer" . di'splay-ed a mar) . members please advise curre.nt ad- . Charles Hanke finally came down eel to approximately 20 million dol- this month for. a vocational school takell fr·om ·tlle county's .flooded dresses. from Feather River· Canyon .. He lars. This estimate, however, makes · · I on, Hawaii for $352,000; miscell.a-- areas and a number of slides taken * * * was there so long he was the her- no allowance for the continuing neous w9rk on Oahu, $1,215,000 in- f-rom mrp· 1_anes . The map s h owed mit of the mountain. Ieconomic . losses arising out of the_ eluding a contract for an aquarium th e areas fl oo d ed in the vic· inity of * * * .many deaths and permanent im- to be let in June. for $356,000, an.d Woodbridge, east o f the diverting pairments, · or. for hospital, medi- on Kauai, $220,000 for two projects. canal, Venice Island, off . Sharps cal, and other costs incidental to There will be $800;000, cfuring the Lane, and .. the main flooded a!'ea. the treatment of these injuries. next four months on T erritorial The latter area wa_s 60 square miles _ Sig)lificant increases in ·inj,,,-y- airports induding a new $500,000 in extent.. _Most spectacular break .frequency rates were r ecorded for terminal building·. at Hilo · in· April. was the loss . of 100 . feet of SP over half of the 123 separate in- The Hawaii Housing Authority Company right~of-way, west of · Having . a hard t ime rrt. ak ing dust{7 · classifications · for · which office hopes to call for bids on the Mossdale. ends· meet? comparable data was availabl~. Mayor Fred Wright Hom~s in At . the overflow bridge on High- No wonder. The cost o. liYlng is r "There is nothing very novel in ·The greatest frequency-rate in- March. This project of 364 family way 50, also west of Mossdale, the now at an all-time high-and it's ) a warning to the medical profes- crease was in the sawmill indus- units will _be ,of Class A construe, force of _the water dug down and still on the way up. --....__ sion to mend some of its ways or try, from 58.9 injm;jes per million tion and will include 2- and 3-story uprooted . co11crete pilings which _The Bur eau ·of Labor Statustic© 7 ~ P expect to lose some of its cherished man-hours in the second quarter buildings. It will cost in the neigh- had been dri-v-en 26 feet deep. rep_orted Nov. 29 t,hat living costs - freep.om. Such a warning from a of 1950 to 72.4 in t he thir d quarter. borhood of $3,500,000. A $130,000 temporary bridge Oct. 15 rose six-tenths of one pel'. j., leading member of the profession The injury rate for canning and The Corps of Engineers 4as three across the Paradise ,Cut overflow cent above Sept. 15. That is two~ .it . .. . rat<2s as unusual, if no.~ un- preserving increased from 12.6 to projects on .the.ir books for .which is expected to be completed , by tenths of , one per cent abov~ the f., pr ecedented, however. . . . 2b5 '.t7t; _ loggfing~t fdT~mk 84f.7 to 9J.t8 t hey hope to call for bids during J anua!'y 15 and allow opening of previous r ecord high of August and! , "Vi1hen lay.men say the same sort O 1mg o so:i. rm ·s, -ram 92~ ·" u the next three months. These ii1- the upper two lanes normally re- September 1948. -J of thing- as they have time and 29. 4; and miscellaneous textile elude an airmen's service club at served for eastbond traffic. Lord The ELS bases its, figures on the 1 ag·ain- they a.re rewarded ,vith goods, froin 13.8 to 20.6. Fiickan1, 25 fan1ily houses on John- & Bishop have thjs contr~ct. Consumers' P rice Index. The Index scorn, a comdescending §hrug or Despite the general increase in ston Island ·and--:t6 family houses at P ermanent repairs to:'the high ­ measures the cost of an average haughty silence. The lay critic is mJury rates, outstandingly low Tripler Hospital. The projec.ts w ill way are not planned until spring family's goods and service3. The \ reminded that he isn't ~ doctor and rates were found in many indus- have a total cost of $925,000. and no estimates of the cost avail- ELS sajd all principal commociities ,J' so canno.t know what he is talking trie,s. The optical and ophthalmic · Captain W . H. Short, Na:vy Pub- . able. · cost m,ore in October .. . about. . . . goods industry had a rate ·of 2.3; lie Works officer, has listed· a num- A · day· afte1· the BLS maill-,1-<>._<>-<>._.<,_.<>.-<>_.,n San Jose, $1,386,029 for const. const. por. Second. Hwy. sys. from of Poppy Colony, under R.I. .258-D. Technical High School. Alpha to 30 mi. south of Palisade, FRESNO, contract was awarded i . . ~ SAN FRANCISCO, c o n tr a ct EUREKA CO. (general) to Trewhitt, Shields and a warded (general) to Cjjnton Con­ DECEI\IBER 26, 1950 Fisher, 926 Parallel Avenue, Fres-· struction Co., 923 Folsom St., S. F., SACRAMENTO, contract award­ no, $183,260 for const. Adm. Bldg., _ $3,634,000 for const. Medical Sci- ed to Fredrickson Bros., 1259 65th at Fresno State College. I STOLTE, Inc. I ences Bldg., increment No. 1, Univ. St., Emeryville, $782,675 for 1.7 mi. DECEMBER 28 1950 I G C of Calif. Medical Center, 3rd and grade, cem., cone. and pltmx. surf., SACRAMENTO, c;ntract ,vas 1- · eneral on tractors ~· Parnassus. const. two parallel bridges, betw. 1 awarded to Williams & Burrows i ~ DAVIS, contract awarded (gen­ Alamo Creek and Ulatis Creek, aSntd BCarI_ N. Swen$son, 1o c afliforni.a ii eral) to Erbentraut & Summers, SOLANO CO. 1 2 881 500 0 ·, ur mgame, ; , · or con- TRinidad 2-1064 8451 San Leandro St. ' · . 696 Pennsylvania Ave., S. F., $551,- SACRAMENTO, ~contract award­ struc. 400 dwelling units in Sacra- I o 000 for . const. Home Economic ed to H. H. Anderson, 15059 E. mento. Oakland 3, California · 1- Buili;ling. · 14th ·St., San Leandro, $36,958 .. for sAN BRUNO, contra~t recom- 8 . · . . . . . f' DAVI$, . contract awarded · to o.. 2 .mi. widen , exist. bridge and mended· to Barrett & H!lp .-and De oi._:0 ,._.0 ~ 0 ,...0._,0411111i,0 ~....,0 ._.0 ~ .>~o.-.o .... - ..., ,,_ .


' RPddi:t1 JJ'- fi;ee [)rio1ks· Ch.lit ' ' '-- ~ ·.. ,"'t v -·. L'•dB· o·n·' 'A . u Jr()t' -Minneapolis. -AFL~ ,Bartenders I , bs · ·.. i @ f. h S ·,m v· . ·11 · D-- A;~t , ~ . -- 9: ; · - ·. · ti-: " r,,J her;e greeted with mixed emotions 1 JO.·.' J.J~).llr};1n ; 'ff ,'i0U 1·n' '-"_a·-1·e ),~,I ~,; . mllJi~~i ~ ' ~.& I I)@ J' 1· ~o:ev~l~~i\~~i~e~ri~~t 1~:i~1!r~.~~~ 0 0 ~ ~ 'S .a Dig. :OKe , ~.~~e: ~~~~~s~va~~e - ~~t~'e s:i~ 1::i~! p ie_~.~.ds A alt ~ather "l'&ffils;· , ';WM~: ~n~le tSa1~1 su~qe;11y/a~ ~~e~t~~:~1{~";e~~~:\J·f~~1:~~: J ~, »fK I go ,exm ·e a ou a ew uc CS. . or practice of proyiding one free · By H. T. PETERSEN-and' LYN,N MOORE, i;,~ \1,J ~ ,~,/ and General ·J.VI~tor~ w~"lt to tack dr'ii1k , after tw~c have been paid Business Represeiitatives, Local 3 on the price ~f auto1:nobiles, that's . for. · By t ;"A. HEST-ER I a case of trymg to steer ~ horse f 'We have had ?- spurt of Work created by the Army Engi- Business JRep:iesentai~ve I OJ' the tail:- definitely- a wl'Ong- I;------,-...:..__,,.; neeHs letting contracts for the nwair of Kings River levees. Local .3 . - end job, It ain't the original cost, _M~ & It CO.. R:P~ Phoenix Construction Co. and subs have moved ~n, 18 rigs vVith only three d?,ys_of sun- u,~cle, it's the turn-int General Contractors which will \ getting used Ford on a new car for $100. fOGiH,;SERG·. . a .day or two now, and then: So the bovs in. the office of the cos job due to rough operating RI INS G.~VE J - OENGTh"-EER:i:NG ".)nditions." I .lJ,~ '_'. ·s ,,'.' : .. ,~, ·~·;c.. ·- s'' . Ifo:~~lt:e;e::~~~ .~a~~:~rts\\~: ~11:~. :~:i:~ ~fbo- hwtel~gp·.h tt·so pail~~ tt1:~~utr~: CONS'.l'E;U··- ;- ,- . d' oes, the'y· e_xr)ect t o mo_ve in abm_1t ·tis·ed-c"'~,r · lot-an 1·n,n1.ed' 1·ate tL,,r11- I • MT,· D!ABLO ·BLVD._ & ELiiA,BETH· · . ST. the. Dept. of Highways, approxi- J·o· B"· S··. B.'· a:i!i . tvielve .f.igs_· on the Ha_tchet Creek over. The dealer looked 'em in the Lrilaye\te 2, Ccilil, Pli. Lalo:_ietta 37GD

mately $660,000, for a section of · rri IN • 1· job. Brother Tom Wagner, Sid Mc- eye and said $450. . 1 Highway 99, between Goshen and . ,ip'( · .. : ·, ~: - j; Broome, and Richard Damon man- I recently thought some about a -....-.....-v....-...- ...... -"'"'""v...-...-vvv...,...,..V'V.....,...,,, _ t he; KiI\gs River bridge: Our in- BJ' CHET ELI:,IOTT a.ncl Iage to keep their heads above the new car, myself. They 1old me that formation is that this company HARRY METZ high water. while the comparabk mo_del had wm w10ve in about the first - of Business R:ep{·esentatives, Local 3 . The Re,nd Constrncti;m at Mt. been going up about $'-.;00, my car, Febr uary. - · l h' h · · , b ,. Shasta will soon have their cru~h- -ivith 11,000 miles on it, had. de- This office has had a consider- . ~e~era,. lg ~ay : a~O.- s~ · .ing plant-up a11<;l· in operation. They creased $960 ! That's ,getting 12 able amount of trouble with the d1v1s1on Jobs lll this a1.ea plan to crush a lot of rock this ·miles to the dollar in .. depreciation. Pine Flat Cont ractors over inter- which were shat down due to winter for their big higl:i way jo.b: )t couldn't take it. pretations of various portions of inclement weather, have re- H. W.. Ruby Construc;tion Com- "Don't think, please, that I'm HOU~S .. FOrt ANY PURPO.$IE·, the AGC contract. After a pro- SUID!=d· operations during tl:).!2 , pany, of Corning continues .on th?ir -criticizing this situat_ion. So long 10 in. to 6 ft, . Diarµeter Jor{ged discussioµ, the company has " . t fif:teeri days and many, of job vv henever t)1_e '".eather ?enmts, as people -shop around," i oqking for by 200 ft. Deep " decided' to . refer all issues to thi:: · PP-S · · .. h. , · . il d. and . they are . com mg along very the best. deal;-turn-in pri.c.etL,v-ilf be· Grievance Comrriitt~i of the AG(,;, the contractors ave ca e Iniceiy. ' ' . ' fixed . by . competi.ti¢l1. That's Urn . :1337 25'l

vi'lmt1itms'i nv:olved npt only on this OlJr out-of-work list. · · 1 Anderson. Brother Joe. Man'ceho, top will mean new autos· for les, ,,...... A ...... :_...... job bµ,J _911~!-~_othet AGC contracts , Ba:fj"et'.t .. & . Hill) a~d .DeLuca. & ~aster . -~ecliapic and his "nut money, we might as w~ ll: :a.ll stari as W,tt ,. ·-·--f .1 ,Sou :w~re. tile , low ., b1dde;rs on. the bl\sti1f.: g~ng", Vern Dix,on, F:. C. laµghi!1g. 'fHE P0_'\(\~ij, PROJJE~ fS;;;;---'~-...... ~ _ . ].res-~/ votr jgb ,for , the City of ·San, Yarbrouth, a11d .. Gei;>rge Murphy, FAY ·· IM;f .R~V:EMEN1·· Becht~\.-M&K ·_are ·still busy-, o_~[ .Bruno,_ 1o_ca_., _te_d_ at_Mills Pa_rk . . are hav_ing a go at.it, ur . fi .. - 1 . ., e . exer(lrne_ our ng;e_rs on · c;ctMf AN.¥- clean-up wor. 1~~er Ho~v~e .· ~~-;:_- ,·c-As_~orqm:g ' to ' 111format1011 '. re- NEW' PLY."v,o9n, P:i:.,Al'.l'T pianos anll our thumb~ Ofr •cigar~ . PAVE_i\:IEN'l\ CONTIMCTORS · 4 and the dal;J: . a.!}crrt,ir.e· conh11µ1_11_g ·ceived·:'il.Vthis.offi 12 e, --th~ ~tate High7 A big, new plywood .- indus_try -ette lig·I!ters. constr~ctio11, oJ' the/ powe~ ~ h \l1;l~(! ., 'f~y-job '~\Yal1(f('l,d,,tg: Cha(>. Ha.1wtY plant is be.ing const~'ucted_ at Anc . Higqw;tYs, Street.s aQ~ . Conso,hdaJed. Weste:;:n Ste_e~ · Cclr:r;-;;: \:.P, 'wi_lf beg-i;n; op~r-aljoi'\s a:ro~111d de:i;,son. There is a b1g _pond; to be • ·.,..,,.. ,,..,.,, • • • • .-. ....,,. • ..,., • • • . . Si1bdivi!,io_ns_ of Los Angeles has moved 111 on a the'- first of February. Although, built and a lot of_ditch work to be_ 0 C JONES & SONS , Office: "I 56~7 58 .Ph~IRn ,J~uil! . Cedar an,d-'.Ith St; . B~RI~ LEY Y~I'd: 1oi c;,~ oli~a Sti'¢et , attacnment· . · . . 1-0ng· --pen-· ·0a ...... _--~- · · -~---··"' .. ·' - --.,_ .. I the:-v,.·,:mter. . / &R· ·'.H,. h-ttt-n•· •·"f a:mous · ." con' -. LAn~cap~ ..~ -342·. 4 ' Tel~phQne UN dE_iI'hilf l-26'il H. Earl Parker has mov~d m ,_a , :; 'lihe' J. 0. Archibald Co. of Red-. tractor from Sacra:mento, . "Jen­ spread of_ pu!l~ an\J, ,cats ,-01!' tfle:~r woocf-:City is· bt1sily engaged in t_he kiris ·· and Hertel"· hi d a lit tile · bad •,..•'·.;..· --.:.---,--,.------,--,--,--::-:-, . sub 0 contract Job ·on the freeway 111 · ·' · . •· ··· · . • · · · · . ' . · · " · -,~T' 1 _,, d ·'/ . . . ·· . · re1119val _of. the la~t of. the fq~1ous, luck on .their S1;-cr,arl?- ento River- J . 'D~tlHt.t:V / WfE;l!JUN,.S,.,M,ACH-1,N-E!h ~~ ~'f~F~ -~~a~i~~e~h~te~:!:~~mg -tw~~' :fl.ed Ro c; k_Hill /t BelIY)ont. !hi~ B:ri~ge job; The, pureau·:. of ~e6la- . , Ph , :-'. ,;~~~~;~:£:" rto_·_~-R'EN,t ,,_.·. i . B n PBr r . . ._. . , . . · famou_s old landmark has p~ov1dec1 , mat1911 _hands at Shas\a Dam seem · , . . _ 'I r \~--- os. t .e gr,~ng rec1iy tq matenak and-. aggr_egates fqr . the to have let out a little too much · ~ ':_ Wirn /Rcip0' :' .,. . PORTAllLE ,ARC .ANil .GAS ,· i~e .'. . pr ~~c l.0,ll, ~, t ' e .c.ana • e_c1t t major portion of ,the highways and vJater and washed everyt:hino- Splidhg;s.-ap~t,socket ing-: WELQiN:G. MAC'.Hli{E~ =- . 1, of -Mmkler. arnl w11 operate . on, a t . . · S M t d · . ·b · , . ' · . .. · "° · , · · · ,. w·1· 1h .. '' w·tli1 '1 a·· ·.1 J 'f ,·b ,. ;,· . . '· t . , · . -'._ · ' · stree s II]. c an a eo· an near Y -down the r_1ver .. A loss of: about - · Agents,....,fo1:·_,.,:-:_· _: - ; • PI,- au , ".:raor_s :1:~·t\; n:,s~~:a{t soon' -a.s . p9,urII].g: OP,: cities_ ~~ ~Jng. back to thJ ' ~ime ot $15,000. Too bad'! Ail this w ork is' ' Roeblin,gs IHiie,\,C,enter: ,'··,' ., _l ' U<;,e}1S~,d, SUahc09ll~.l'.a~tQr ' 1 . Pl . ··, 'c · t. . . C h the bmldmg· of Bayshore Highway. II to be done over. Al,]'. W· ·.orJ, ,M_:ade,to ,Qrd·er,. I, ·.··- ~--rl'l-_.,-.ili~ Sh,qp or ,on :,!h.e,_t.;J_.oh7 _ . '·. , 1oemx ons. ruct10n · o, as. Wh . ti' h'll ·· . ·d d t. , , • · ·' ' ' ~ - · - b ·' a· 1 d .·' id il b bd en 1~ . l is .re uce .,·o nqr_~ The eight Engineers that we . Guarant.eedand.,.,Insmed .. ·.-~ CaHsGfv"e-r-.;.l'.,E,mPt .A,tWi!tiOn ·' _... een _ e _ax1 .,c0 !1S.\ _er.a Y. Yi . a ,. malgradethereisfobeafactoi:,y · ·k: .. - i:- ' J ., p··· B ,.. ,. ... ,, .. ,_ .. ··-·'·· --,· ·, -·-..~,:. - ' ·,yeather conditions on the. highway . . ', .. . ' : . . .. ' . ' ha,ye wqr_, mg, ., CJ 'f': ·., - '•. r,ennan L()tl Ada· s . ' . -~ job ~a~( ot ~i~ ubq: )row~v_er, this erected on the., s.1te .~or. t h~. maJ\).1 - in aµd , a,'O}}P,d. llegding,, ge_t' just. ' g's""' I ·, ·s°:"; ,tl!:e,t}:, Wilio)1,W'etdia1 ~g.je.rv. j)~ ;:"-, ,.-2....._..::__ ...... h . . k. . facture of electromc _ eqmf)ment. enough work nowadays to Keep the er-.1:lil!~~w,y -,3,;32:36. 1 ; Phq_n.> ,G~~_i,co,.ut -:· H828.: · · _ . _ '( " Ii . b f. B . P ., B. . . cont_r ach!;lg: firm ha~ been pl)_enon1- -: T .. A. Haas -keens go~ng . pr~:~ty a so a s~a .. Jo , rom . ent ros"°· enal under t'r1e -efficient manage- ' ' · · : .. · ·. " :-- ·· · ,. .. · · . . A'.llJ~ric.~n,. .,Pipe_Construqtion ,. Co. , rriei1t ofi'Ole'' Archibald.· This ·:fii:'111; steady ~n _his ·. ~1pe ._ lme, f ~d ,~tW:~$., ,_...,.....;..,..-,---,-.,--..,.,.....,.,..,.., ...... --..,....,- , has Just about completed its plant . . · ·· f . ·· · . --- ,' : , ,. ·· d, ·d,. d1sposa+. plant• 1q Anderl)on; despite coristruction' at Lindsa'y ~ and ex- lfn a ew shorl·lt yeat.rfist' ha~tehx_penf e . a lot of .water ,and.JllU!],-tO ·- C0!1ten~. l -- ... ·' -- · · - • . rom a sma . . ou w1 a ew . · · · . ,. . . pecfs to be making pipe within· the . . t t . · . ·t · t · with. A lot of fme boys on this. Job.: · · sma11 · ca s o a -maJor- con H \C mg· . . . . ' b,oa~~·. ~o: : ! ne~t 10 _di::ys. .fl ·: w· ii'l . 'f _ th . bl· ti . : B~it, ._ 1t . appe,ar-s tq .. me; they. must DllU;J., , ~, ,• . . _ _ rm. . 1, e ,v1s1 mg e Jo , 11s · b " b f t d" FLOQP,, ~F,;.P,A:;:&~ ·- representative contacted-- B'ro'thers- a11· e · we_- o-0 e ,' · . . ... United.Concrete Pipe Co. at Tu-. S ·th , M,. K·-: . M r:< · . -L' ·'.· ·d·· ·'::;,. B_r other: D9-Ye Te11ny -is .out,of, the . _.. , _ . ... , _ ,.. ,. ., . m1 , c 1nsey, c""au:i,., QU er h ·t l b · • th · -· · I Prodµcers of',·, . -a CONf RACT0,R~ -,AND·; .·· · ~. lar·' 'e , who bough·t out Gun..·nert . &. ., ·b ack ,' B. ·ar-nes, · an d ··.many · .. · o t0·I1ers · · r osn1· .'~- · -·· and· ·· . ack, .. ·on _, .· e· Joh ..· w.1t .. · .·1 _ ·A-sohaltic•Concr,ete ,• • Ready.~~Ux !~ i1,rrrnenr;1an, ha,~n '.t decided as .Y~t who seemed' to be' li:app , in;. their ,Ell10t and _G;ist, He .1s_ ~ecove:1µg- _ ENG:IN-EE RS · 6~"ncretl &i .Qb.a1•ry P-i'lidrlilts· , wh~n it_ will stw ,t dism~nt]il')g op- occupation, . .,. 7 . from ~ ma,Jp r operat_1~n. Dave Iws ...... ~ ~ . er_ations_ on . th_io;. pla_nt "af.Por_ter - FT·ThITSHI· NG ,AIRP.ORT · been .. s1ck fqr -a Jong tl_m!?_. -He sure , (!! -,; , · . . '\, · . . ·:, · JU'U 1 J d d h f ;i P; Ct'. Bo; lOOl> lti.chmo;nd ville. _. In the meantime the com- At . (he . San Francisco A' t 00 {S goo l now, an says e ' ·ee s . li"'l 1 ~1i/. F" pth s~ ' pany ·is ~ orl~i1:i1~, ar,ound th~ dock ' irp.or ,, :fo1t'.·; AB.cft!r, know , all df' D,ave's . : '"' : ' >; >l• •: , n: ' ,' .h . 1·· -Westem D1•ive B~. ~-. c__ ~. n.. 2__-5i irn ,,..._ . . d f G the Bra.gato Paving Co,· is over- f ' d ·11 b . d t I J . ' ' 1);~5, t\;~fileliSs-' Gtdif, ' 111 01: er to ·u]fill unnert &.. ZiI11- hauling· its eqµipmertt and pi'epar- nen S, WI . e gla .. .O 1_e·ar 1J1JS; . _ _ ~ ,v ri1e1:ma11's contra(:ts._ ing . to start the first of F ebruar y Donald McDonald, · I)uane Miller, . M9rrisoi1 ~ Knt1dsen , and Has,ler on its contract job _with the City_. D. M. Kuykendall, George Marsh, ~T.£IIIID 1 \ u i g 1 ['i aye . wor_l5i.qg, on .dectn-up oper:, of . San Franci,i'c o , at San Francis- Tom Poor, Dan Barnes, Burt c1 ti o,11s after tlie' flood, in which, co's Internati,o;~al Airport. This Royer, Brice. Stark, Tom Blair, ~nd considerable .. damage was doriEi to wol'I,:: c011sists of $10.0, 000 wortli of his brother are all around lookmg Ben C~ their' sec;ti01?, oJ' ,the c~11~1• . SOJi{h '. slurry and ::i.sphalt and will' ei11ploy for what have you? ',' of Leis Barios. several members of Local 3 for Brother Arthur Ridgeway has ac- ' General . ContI-a,Ct() rS . United Conc;:r.ete Pipe and Vin- three to six months: - cepteci a i_)osition as oiler fo r Wi B. ..•. nell, in the Dos Palos area, still The Morrison-Knudsen Co . . at Jones on· the backhoe. The ·ol:ct - "Builders. oL East. Ba:i,'_s · are fighting a . water problem but s. F. Airport, is ·putting ~th e fii,;ish-. timer, Ralp];J. Hillho~se, is the op~ W harves - Piers ~ Bl'idges · Bettel' ·Homes'-:-.,,. canal excavation is continuing and ir1g touches on its wqrk, which'. fias era tor. Thes~ boys· seem . to stay_ Terminals - Foundat ions · \i:1ere;1i 'be a considerable amoG~i.t been in operation· w'ell over ~ .. J,ear. bµsy all· of· the time. ' ' Subinarine, Work . - "<; ,·if'-- sa-t w9rk 011 this job early this Bro. 'Bl)Ck Hope, who ' ha_s .. v.e.py , In my previous report, I pre- 111'2, Mqir!let ·Street•' ., ;-'" ' .lJ;5~1 lt~, --,}fa;e:et ' 'spring.'. · · ·. · effic,iently conqucted the operati_pl.11 if dieted , prosp_ec6 to lo'ok- good in . , ·'. -O:.kla;ncl .Ciilifi ( : . Rice',Brqs. _of Marysville are put:.. · · · I" l t · a - · Sei'l -Francisco, 11 . · 1 . ' . '. - . , in his capf!-C ity as su_p})) ntende1'l/J;; __L 1e cons ruct10n _gqme, but it, Ph su'':

( "":

Twelve ENGINEERS' NEWS JANUARY 15, 1951 Salt Lakz Citv- 0

! @ · \ ,. t~!/?'i 1s. ij~d· . ,· ~o·~ lrl- ·,,~n(rri '!~ ~ t1 lJ U·~i ' P"'l El Or, ll '-1 ' f.i J .. "~ ~ fil ·~ . ' . ~ ~ I At a time when you really need it, ah organization known as the Union Auto Finance Plan in Northen'l California is m aking avail­ 1.,,~.:._Jrl I'_· 'e,;;s.pl..l.fM1 ·,e·.··=_. . :1-·,~,,·}e_;r._ f able to A. F. of L. members a n interest rate on financing n ew cars , .i 'fl r.i 1 I l1 "' ,, - fl ~ .. ill e~'~p·.~. _.~., ~.1 I.·,. ,~.,. V:_ _•·- f~-' l.tt · ~!l ri#.,, ~h, ~ ~;;:,,~ ~" ---""'~ that ·can't be matched anywhere- 3 %, per cent! By BENNY BOR!'tOUGHS, C. R. VAN WINI{L.E anIAN, Busines Representatives, Local 3 sou thern California, is offered in response to the need and denYand Light storms in the valleys of Utah have permitted expressed by you, the members. Take advantage of it today ! Here's how t.he plan works: You make a one-third down pay­ the bulk of heavy industry jobs to keep underway. We ment on a nev,; car. The ·balance of two-thirds is financed over a -are @nly dispatching about five or six men a week at present, period of: 15 .months at an inte rest rate of 3 3/, per cent per year. It's ]argely to shop jobs, but the outlook is for a gradually in~ as simple as that. '.There's no r ed tape, no hidden eharges, no wait­ creased number of men to work each week for the balance of ing! Offices are located at 65· 9th St., in San, Francisco, phone the wintet. UNder hill 3-1540, and in Oakland at 610 16th St., Phone TWirioaks 3-4i37. , First heavy hiring is anticipated riding in a car that collided head-on The same plan applies to 1946 and l:lter us·ed cars at a 5 per about March 1, although Ut~h Con- with another. Result one broken cent per yea.r rate of interest, still a substantial saving over rates Etruction's Binaham Railroad Tun- lea· fo r Reed and two for Ray. Ray . ~EFENSE BOSS. - C~arles E. 0 0 . , • , .• , • H 'Wilson (above) has resigned as offered by :rny other organization. , nel Job under Supt. "Paul Bunyan ' 1s reuorted 111 rhe Vete, ans _os- . G · . E . t · · · . . • . · · preimlent of -enera1 'lectnc o '.I'he money you save now-whether 0 11 a new or u sed car- }(~ Gumn 1s expected to go three shifts , p1tal and domg fme. A qmc'1 re- 1 tl Offi ~ D f , - . -. : 11ea< 1 ie new ce o~ e ense amounts to more than a week's pay, figured over 15 months. Think J Feoruary 1, 1951, and t he first covery fellows. Mobili:w.tion. ODM will direct the of it! . Your savings alone will pay for a subst antial part or all of I· heavy work on t he $28,000,000 Dug- Recently Bob Nelson, master me- entire defense production program. your msur ance coverage. ,. way project will be let F ebruary chanic at Iron Springs was passing (LPA) The insurance offered by the Union Auto Finance Plan is avail- ·,_ 14, 1951. This latter project will be, out the cigars. Reason the arrival able to all union members, regardless of race or color. It can be under heavy pressure to get off to ,of Ba by Cherri Lynn, a seven * * * financed with the car, relieving the member from making a large a running start. · · J)ound, one ounce baby girl, the lump payment that may be a strain on the budget. Reconditioning of the Kalunite first among a family of boys. Up to 18 months may be allowed on refinancing 1946 or later plant in South Salt Lake is ready Mother, daughter c1nd father doing CONSTRUCTIOH GENERAL models. Yes, you can save even on refinancing! Better check ' up t o start. The Vitro Manufacturing fine at the last report. Congratu­ now ! SF, Sutro reservoir, lining, low: Company has taken over this prop- lations, Bob. G · C · This plan is available to A. F. of L. m embers in good standing ramte onstr. Co., Watsonville, erty formerly owned by Jack Sim- Recently Mr. W. A. Clark an- $1,019,9,35. only. It is a service organization ready to assi.st you-quickly, cour­ plot of Pocatello fertilizer fame to nounced the marriage of daughter, I teously, and gladly. Take advantage of it today, if you plan to buy convert various t ypes of uranium Fresno, Fresno Bee bldg., sub- I Kathryn, to Brother LaVar Love­ a new or used car. Use it for a uersonal Joan if you own your car ores to uranium oxide and possibly less who is employed by the w. w. bids due, $640,000. i outright. Tell your union friend; about it-they may not know of t o press other strategic metals and Clyde Company as a m echanic. CVP Folsom Power plant, low: the advantages available to them as A. F . of L. members. minerals. Much of the production They were so kind as to send us an Westinghouse, Denver, $2,525,000. Remember the name Un.ion Auto Finance Plan! Remember, from the Marysvale area will go invitation to the wedding recep­ CVP, Friant-Kern laterals, low: there are offices in San' Francisco at 65 9th St., phone UNderhill to this plant. tion. We are sor ry that we couldn't Steve P. Rados, L.A., $558,269. 3-1540, in Oakland at 610 16th St., phon~ TWinoaks 3-4137, in Los Largest of the road jobs expected attend the reception as it came Inyokern, test range, $852,833, An geles at 714 S. Hill St., Rm, 614, phone TRinity 3851. t o be let this year will be the Haddock Engineers, Montebello. upon one of our heavy meeting Call or visit today. Kaysville section of Ogden-Salt Niles, Pacific States S l:eel, addns., nights, but we wish to take this $2,500,000. Lake super highway. This job is means of thanking Mr. and Mrs. expected to amount to close to a Clark and to wish to the new Mrs. Oceanside, correct ion in r aw wa­ million dollars worth of w,ork. ter supply, $17,380,000. Operating Engineers in Utah had Loveless every happiness and to SF Naval Shipyard, repair dry- both bad and good luck over the Brother Loveless vie offer our sin- docks 2 and 3, $1,011,000. cere congratulations and ,vishes for Alameda Naval Air Sta., add. ltls: t urn of the year. Brother Doc Cook, a long and happy married life. May old t ime Local 3 member and me­ aviation facils., $5,000,000. i t bring to both of you everything chanic at Gibbons & Reed shop in Crow Landing, add. aviation fa­ that you !1ave wished of marriage. Salt Lake had a cat track sprocket cils., $2, 695,000. fall over on him and crush both * * * Mojave, add Navy air facils., s: feet:'One was amputated above the $2,695,000. Miramar, master jet field , S21,- I ankle and the other was badly '~ smashed. Doc has been in St. Marks d Housing Is 638,000. Hospital under swell care since and Br'own Field, add Navy air facils., $4,022,000. is plannh1g to be back on the job Need for VI elf are El Centro, add-. Navy 2.ir facils., . r IS on an ~rtificia-1 foot right away. fits $3,900,000. · (LLPE Release) All of Doc's friends admire the way he, has pushed his recovery Of U~S~ Children San Diego, f dd Naval air facils., A,97 way you look at it, big business never had it so _g~od. / and hope nature backs up his fine (State Fed. Release) $\~~~~~~·-Fi:~ld, jet operations fa- . In 1936 corp~rate profits before taxes were .$?-! b11l10_~~, 71:' spirit. Bis phone 11umber is Salt 1 Adoption of numerous planks in cUs .,- $l4,050,000 _ · In 1950 corporat10ns are expected to make $37 b1l1Ion. Lake 9-1383 and his address is 1910 the AFL social action progrp..m · El Toro, add jet operations, $10,- - _ That'.s an increase of about 600 per cent. Atkins Ave. I;}rop in and see him. featured the Mi~9ent'uty 7 Brother Dahl. followii1g: Morris0n-Knudsen, $10,288,413, and . state job if he lost to Sen. Lehman billion before tax.es and $22 billion PERSONAL NOTES: (1) Immediate constrnction of I Anderson Const1~. Co. and Benson- i in the Senatorial contest. Observ- efter tax es. ·"'i . - . We've been wondering wl'Jere Ray 810,000 low-rent public housing MJntin, Seattle, $9,413,765 . ers d~clared that Dewey m ade the i How many workers' pay en,,""'{ - Miller and Reed Clemerits were. units; development of a coopera- Alaska, Fort R1cllardson, quar- promise to get Hanley out of the I velopes are six times as . fat this R ecently they have been missing tive housing program geared to the ters, $959,800, low: Patti-McDon- race for governor, so Dewey could year as they were in 1936? from w: vV. Clyde's work. Reed needs of middle income families; ald, Seattle. be "drafted" for the nomination. -Th need for an excess _profit , was in the other day, and the support of slum-clearance, and use Havvthorne, Nev., Navy, convert Both hotly denied any '.'deal." tax c:n be summed up in this sin- mystery is solved. Reed had one of the "need principle" in deter- t o expws1ve· · I oa d'm g, $1 ,240 ,000 . D ewey was out -rage d a t ti1e c h a r ge gle sentence: leg encased in a cast and was on mrnrng where defense housing Boulder C;rnyo~1 Proj., eartl~- t~at he had "bought" the n_omina- Official government figures show. crutches and said he and Ray were should be built. work, etc., $520,704, R. V. Lloyd, t1on. But Hanley dropp~d his ~ght that since 1946 weekly wages of (2) Support of President Tru- Coachella. for the GOP gubernatonal nomma- workers measured in terms of pur- man's civil rights program, "be- * * * tion to run" against ,,Lehman, and ·chasing 'power, have increased o!tly Arkansas Bans Certain ICalls€ it represents our faith in SCHOOLS Dewey was drafted. Dewey won. 8 per cent while net profits, meas- . democracy"; removal o!' all racial UC at Davis, health center, low: Hanley lost. Now Hanley has a ured the same way, increased 43 Peaceful ·, Pkketinn restrictions in the na_tion'is p apitaL B & R Constr. Co., S.F., $728,700. job. per cent. ~ (3) Efforts to raise the wage Alameda, high school bldg., Ft. Smith, Ark. (LPA)-The Ar- earning abilities of low income $995,800, Haas & Rothschild, S.F. , Oakland . * * * kansas State Supreme Court, in a groups. San Jose, tech hi gh, low: O. E, San Mateo Co. hosp. plans await [ 6 to 1 decision, has affirmed a (4) Schools, labor, industry and Anderson, San Jose, $1,272,456. · OK, $3,000,000. &HG fUR HAlH. lower court injunction restraining community agencies should im- Salinas, jr. high, bids due, $750,- * * * - f California hunters and trappers a local of the Intl. Brotherhood of prove and expand their personnel, 000. HOUSING accounted for a total haul of3 .5,- . Electrical Workers - (AFL) from evaluation, plac-ement and voca- UC at Davis, Home Ee. bldg., Sacramento, public housing; low: 008 fur-bearers and predatory ani-· . picl