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Travel Taste of Norway’s UNESCO Mousse fit for a World Heritage Vårt liv kan ikke være fullkomment queen Sites uten venner. – Dante Alighieri Read more on page 8 Read more on page 9 Norwegian American Weekly

Vol. 124 No. 5 February 8, 2013 Established May 17, 1889 • Formerly Western Viking and Nordisk Tidende $1.50 per copy News in brief Find more at blog.norway.com Norway’s naming game News Afghanistan’s President Hamid Nora and Lukas Karzai will this week arrive for an official visit to Norway, at the top the list for invitation of Prime Minister . The President will 2012’s most be received in audience by King Harald, and he and Stoltenberg popular names will sign an agreement to continue in Norway cooperation between Norway and Afghanistan, even though nearly all Norwegian troops have been withdrawn. Norway plans to Statistics Norway spend NOK 750 million a year up to 2017, on among other things to help form a stable form of government, fight corruption, Nora had been the “top ten” strengthen the position of women for 12 years before it finally was and other causes. chosen as the most popular girl’s (Norway Post) name in Norway last year. Lucas / Business Lukas has dominated the past five Approximately 40,000 citizens years, and was the most popular from within the European boy’s name in 2012. Economic Area (EEA) and The name Nora appeared in close to 10,000 workers outside Norway in the mid-1800s. The of the EEA were granted work Photo: Marte Kopperud – Visitnorway.com permits in Norway last year. See > names, page 6 Statistics Norway has revealed the most popular baby names in Norway for 2012: Nora for girls, and Lukas for boys. The largest group of workers, 15,000, arrived from Poland, according to figures released by the Norwegian Directorate of Munch + Warhol In theaters near you! Immigration (UDI). There is also a large number of Swedes that The American-Scandinavian Foundation Norwegian director come to Norway to work, but the announces exciting exhibition in New York Tommy Wirkola’s directorate does not register them as immigrant workers. “Hansel & Gretel- (Norway Post) Witch Hunters” now playing in the U.S.

Royal Norwegian Embassy What’s inside? Washington, D.C. News 2 – 3 Norwegian director Tommy Business 4 Wirkola’s Hollywood debut, Research & Education 5 “Hansel & Gretel – Witch Hunt- Opinion 6 – 7 See > movie, page 7 Photo: Hanselandgretelmovie.com Taste of Norway 8 Travel 9 Roots & Connections 10 “Make it or break it” Obituaries & Religion 11 Kristin Størmer Arts & Style 12 Photo courtesy American-Scandinavian Foundation In Your Neighborhood 13 Andy Warhol’s Madonna and Self-Portrait with Skeleton Arm (After Munch), Steira crushed the 1984. Norwegian Heritage 14 competition in Sochi Sports 15 Special Release TV 2 American-Scandinavian Foundation $1 = NOK 5.4737 updated 2/4/2013 The American-Scandina- prolific and inventive printmakers, Kristin Størmer Steira crushed vian Foundation (ASF) presents Norwegian Edvard Munch and In comparison the competition in the FIS Alpine MUNCH | WARHOL and the Mul- American Andy Warhol. Orga- 1/4/2013 5.6097 World Ski Championships when tiple Image, an exhibition featur- nized in honor of the 150th anni- Polish skier Justyna Kowalczyk 8/4/2012 5.9812 ing two of the 20th century’s most Photo:KristinSteira.no 2/4/2012 5.7976 See > munch, page 6 See > steira, page 15 2 • February 8, 2013 norwegian american weekly Nyheter fra Norge Nyheter Ny utstilling EU foreslår opphevelse av NSBs monopol Får ulvene navn? EU-kommisjonen foreslår at all innenlands passasjertrafikk med tog skal konkurran- Ask og Embla, Hans og Hennes Majestet seutsettes innen desember 2019. Det betyr Dronningen var til stede at utenlandske togselskaper kan konkurrere Grete, Fenris og Frøya, med NSB i Norge. Det Senterparti-styrte Ulvåga og Mariulv, da Kulturminister Hadia Samferdselsdepartementet liker ikke tan- Tajik åpnet utstillingen ken på at NSB skulle risikere å konkurrere Rask og Rusle. Hva bør med utenlandske selskaper om togpassas- Sølvbryllupsgaven jerene på norske strekninger. – Det som er ulvene hete? mest kritisk sett fra norsk side er punktet om Kongehuset konkurranse på nasjonal passasjertransport. VG Vi ønsker ikke anbud på det norske jern- Sølvbryllupsgaven finnes ved Nord- banenettet og vil jobbe fremover for at dette norsk Kunstmuseum i Tromsø 4. februar. ikke skal bli en del av virkeligheten i Norge, Pågangen i kommentarfeltene til NRK Utstillingen viser malerier gitt som folkeg- sier statssekretær Geir Pollestad til Aften- og VG har vært enorm. Over to tusen, mer ave til Oscar II og Dronning Sophie til deres posten. I tiden som kommer skal departe- bryllupsdag i 1882. eller mindre seriøse, navnekombinasjoner Foto: Øyvind Nordahl Næss / VG mentet kontakte berørte aktører, innhente har kommet inn. I alt er det sytten malerier som vises synspunkter og utforme en endelig norsk For å begrense navneforslagene ned til fram – hvorav seksten til daglig henger på posisjon. Regjeringen vil også forsøke å en håndterbar størrelse ble det nedsatt en ul- Av de navnene som derimot kom med Det kongelige slott. Det gjelder blant annet skaffe seg alliansepartnere i andre EU-land. venavnjury. er det to som spiller på norrøn mytologi. Ask Christian Krohgs dramatiske Hardt le. Det – Vårt viktigste argument er at vi har et jern- og Embla, som var de to første menneskene har sin vanlige plass på Hans Majestet Kon- banenett i Norge som i liten grad er egnet Den besto av Hilde Nilsson Ridola fra NRK, Arnodd Håpnes fra Naturvernforbun- på jorda, og Fenris og Frøya. Fenrisulven er gens kontor, men er nå sentralt på utstillin- for storstilt konkurranse. Markedet er nokså gen i Tromsø. lite. I -området vil det være en fordel å det, religionshistoriker Jan Ingar Thon, og sønnen til Loke og Angerboda, mens Frøya Mange av Norges viktigste billedkun- kunne sikre at samme operatør kjører på alle Kari Tone Flågen, nyhetsleder i VG. er fruktbarhets- og kjærlighetsgudinnen. stnere fra perioden er representert, og ut- linjene, sier Pollestad. Til slutt satt juryen igjen med fem – I norrøn myologi står ulven for makt (NRK) navnepar som passerte sensuren. og høg status, og det er helt naturlig at de stillingens kurator Knut Ljøgodt beskriver Det var flere navn som ikke nådde helt får navn derfra, sier religionshistoriker Thon. samlingen som et tverrsnitt av 1880-årenes Rekordmange tatt for juks ved norske uni- opp, og mest uenighet var det rundt to poli- Håpness’ favoritt kombinasjon er Ul- kunstliv. I tillegg til Christian Krohg, finner versiteter tikere som ikke akkurat er kjent som ulvetil- våga og Mariulv. vi andre store navn som Hans Gude, Fritz Thaulow, Harriet Backer, Adelsteen Nor- Stadig flere studenter blir tatt i å jukse med hengere. – De kommer fra stedsnavnene Mari- mann og Otto Sinding. oppgaver og eksamensbesvarelser. Ved – Sandra og Trygve røk ut, på tross av holtet og Elvåga i Østmarka, sier han. Universitetet i Oslo ble det i fjor gransket at NRK prøvde å bestikke oss i VG, forteller De to siste er Hans og Grete, som er et Tanken var at samlingen skulle presen- 74 tilfeller av juks, og i 65 av dem ble stu- Flågen. eventyr fra brødrene Grimm, og Rask og tere Kongeparet for et tverrsnitt av Norge. denten funnet skyldig i å ha jukset. Året før Håpnes i Naturvernforbundet mener at Rusle som er et av navneforslagene som er Sølvbryllupsgaven er en del av utstilling- ble 38 saker innmeldt, mens det ble påvist det det ville blitt dobbelt feil å kalle dem opp sendt inn til NRK og VG. srekken Den kongelige reise – Regjeringens juks i 32 av dem, skriver Aftenposten. Ved etter senterpartipolitikerne, på tross av at et gave til Kongeparets 75-årsjubileer. Universitetet i Stavanger ble 22 studenter helt enormt antall forslag på deres navn. English Synopsis: Norwegian news corporations VG avslørt i juks i fjor, mot 15 året før. I English Synopsis: Culture Minister – Det blir feil overfor ulven, og det blir and NRK have conducted a reader survey to name the opened an exhibit on Feb. 4 in Tromsø which displays ble 33 saker innmeldt i fjor, mot 16 året før. feil overfor dem, sier han. two wolves in Østmarka forest outside Oslo. paintings given to Oscar II and Queen Sophie in 1882. Høgskolen i Oslo og fikk 38 saker på sitt bord i fjor, og i 33 av dem endte det med at studenten ble utestengt. Fem saker er fortsatt under gransking. Av de 35 sakene SV vs. KrF, FrP som ble innmeldt ved Handelshøgskolen BI Angrepet av en elg i fjor, er ni hittil avslørt som juks. To saker SV-leder er frafalt, mens de øvrige er til behandling. Skallet ned Urd Kari Året før ble 22 studenter tatt i juks. NTNU råder KrF og Venstre til å mistenkte 14 studenter for juks i fjor, og har gå i regjering med Høyre (42) torsdag kveld, skutt konkludert med at elleve av dem er skyldige. De resterende tre sakene er fortsatt til behan- og Frp eller droppe målet fredag morgen dling. om regjeringsskiftet (VG) Østlandets Blad Høyre med tidenes beste meningsmåling NRK Det var fredag kveld at hundeeier Urd Høyre får en oppslutning på 36,1 prosent Kari Yri fra Ås var ute på sin daglige kveld- på en fersk meningsmåling. Det er partiets Lysbakken sier SV, KrF og Venstre har stur med hundene. Men denne turen vil hun beste måling noensinne. Men Høyre-leder felles interesser i å blokkere for oljeutvin- aldri glemme. Hun ble skallet og tråkket på tar knallmålingen med ro. Hun ning i Lofoten og Vesterålen. Nå råder han av tre elger. har vanskelig for å tro at valgresultatet skal KrF og Venstre til å trekke sine vedtak om Episoden skjedde i nærheten av vanntår- Foto: Wikimedia Commons bli like solid som oppslutningen på TNS å jobbe for regjeringsskifte dersom de selv net i Aschjemskogen i Ås. Det var også an- Det var en elgku som angrepet Urd Kari Yri. Gallups måling for TV 2. Høyre går fram ikke sitter i regjeringen. hele 3,9 prosentpoeng fra januarmålingen. dre turgåere og barn i nærheten da elgene Da mister de nemlig muligheten til – Det er klart jeg var redd, sier Urd Kari – Dette kan komme til å justere seg litt. Vi gikk til angrep. Urd Kari Yri husker ikke alt å blokkere utvinningsvedtak gjort av en på spørsmål om hva hun tenkte med tre store har veldig høy lojalitet og andre partier lav som skjedde, men hun glemmer aldri red- Høyre/Frp-regjering med støtte fra Arbeider- elger tråkkende rundt henne. lojalitet. Alle lover om meningsmålinger selen da tre elger sto over henne og tråkket partiet i opposisjon ved et eventuelt skifte. – Jeg fikk ringt mannen min etter hen- vil tilsi oss litt lavere og andre partier litt og sparket. – KrF og Venstre er like opptatt av et delsen, men den samtalen husker jeg ingen høyere. Men det viktigste er at det er borg- – Jeg var på min daglige tur da jeg plut- oljefritt Lofoten og Vesterålen som det SV ting av. Mannen hennes kjørte henne til lege- erlig flertall, sier Solberg. Om målingen var selig ble angrepet av først en elg, så to styk- er. Den avgjørende grunnen til at vi ikke vakten i Ski, men hun ble raskt fraktet videre valgresultatet, ville Høyre vært det største ker til. De var ute etter den største hunden har åpnet disse områdene for oljeboring, til Ahus for videre undersøkelser. partiet på Stortinget – hele 10 prosentpo- min, som jeg hadde bundet fast til kroppen er at SV har sittet rundt bordet de to siste Viltnemnda i Ås fikk melding torsdag eng større enn Arbeiderpartiet. Etter en til- min i en lenke rundt magen, sier Yri. periodene når beslutningen har blitt tatt, sier kveld om de tre aggressive elgene som hadde bakegang på 3,1 prosent fra forrige måling, – Jeg gikk på skolestien da hundene ville Jens Stoltenberg og hans mannskap fått Lysbakken. gått til angrep på Ås-kvinnen. Da ØB kon- plutselig stoppet. Da så jeg elgen, som kom 26,1 prosent. Det som er helt sikkert er at KrF-leder sier han takter Knut Kvarme i viltnemnda fredag for- mot oss. Så stoppet den opp, og vi skulle den rødgrønne regjeringen vill røket ut av setter pris på rådet fra SV-lederen. middag, kan han fortelle at elgkua ble skutt prøve å gå rundt den. Da dukket kalvene opp regjeringskontorene, tross relativt oppløf- – Men det er ikke noe godt råd. KrF etter bare fem minutter, og at jakten fortsetter bak moren. Hadde jeg sett dem før hadde vi tende resultater for SV og Sp på henholds- ønsker å få til et regjeringsskifte fordi det på elgkalvene til de er funnet. snudd og gått en annen vei. vis 5,2 og 6 prosent. Fremskrittspartiet får trengs. Også må man spørre seg hva alter- – Elgkua ble skutt helt i nærheten av der Det rakk Urd Kari aldri, for plutselig an- på sin side tilbake hele 3,7 prosentpoeng fra nativet er. Jo, det er å gi en støtte til at den Yri ble overfalt, og vi har også sett kalvene, grep elgkua og stanget henne rett i bakken. januarmålingen til 13,1 prosent. KrF går til- sittende regjeringen skal fortsette, sier Ha- men de har vært umulige å skyte på. Men vi – Det jeg husker videre er at jeg har tre bake 1,2 prosentpoeng til 5,0 prosent, mens reide. gir oss ikke, sier Kvarme. Venstre er så vidt over sperregrensen med elger som går i ring rundt meg og tråkker og 4,5 prosent. English Synopsis: New proposals to drill for oil sparker meg over hele kroppen. Jeg brølte English Synopsis: A Norwegian woman was at- (VG) in Lofoten are pitting political parties in Norway og viftet med armene for å skremme elgene tacked by 3 moose as she walked her dog. She was against each other. vekk, men det hjalp lite. not critically injured, and the moose was later shot. Norwegian american weekly Online: blog.norway.com/category/news February 8, 2013 • 3 News This week on Norway.com “They represented the best” Customs call for increased border surveillance Following a major seizure of 11 cars on Memorial service for Saturday, Norwegian Customs call for Statoil’s five employees a better surveillance of the Norwegian border with Sweden, Finland and Russia. killed in Algeria hostage In a major operation on the border with crisis Sweden, at Svinesund early Saturday morning the customs officers stopped a group of 11 vehicles, which contained a NTB total of 10,600 liters of beer, 900 liters of liquor and 118,000 cigarettes. 11 persons were arrested. The police suspect that the With head bowed, emotional Statoil group is part of a well organized smugling CEO Helge Lund spoke of the five Norwe- ring, making frequent trips to Norway. gians who lost their lives during the terrorist Several of the cars were equipped with attack in Algeria in January. The memorial modified suspension, making the cars service was held at the historic Håkonshall appear empty, while in fact some weighed in Bergen on Feb. 4. several tons each. The Customs Service “We waited a long time for an answer. Photo: Kjetil Alsvik / Statoil now wants to store information about cars Uncertainty has been heavy, and unfortu- In Amenas gas facility in Algeria, where only a few weeks ago 48 foreign workers were taken hostage from closed circuit TV cameras on the and killed by Islamic militants, including five Norwegians. nately it was not comforted by the response border for a whole year. we got at the end. Five men are dead, and (Norway Post) have become innocent victims of brutal ter- Tore Bech (58), Hans M. Bjone (55), terrorist attack. rorism. It feels unfair and pointless,” said Thomas Snekkevik (35), Alf (43) and “We remember Alf for his good humor The faces strong reactions Lund. Victor Sneberg (56) were killed during the to oil expansion See > statoil, page 15 After the Labour Party has opened up for an impact assessment study of oil exploration in Lofoten, their sudden change of mind Transit treats faces strong reactions, and it comes too More doctors, please! early according to some. Whereas Helga Environmental group Pedersen from the Labour Party (Ap) says Minister of Health that the party had all the information they rewards passengers for needed in order to come to a conclusion in Jonas Gahr Støre to using public transportation the question of oil exploration in Lofoten, end doctor quota on a comprehensive report concerning the project is still six months away. “The hospitals government has completed the research Bergens Tidende that was needed,” Pedersen says. (Norway Post) VG “We think that those who use public Royal Palace to get new gravel transport deserves some extra praise for After years of seeing rains wash away the not using the space on the roads, says Nils gravel around the grounds of Norway’s Tore Skogland, head of Naturvernforbundet Royal Palace, state officials are allotting (Norwegian Society for the Preservation of Today, the Norwegian government puts NOK 70 million to replace it all with a Nature) in . a limiting quota on how many doctors a hos- Photo: Flickr.com new, more permanent type of gravelly On Feb. 4, he and Helena Flotve, prod- pital can employ. This was done to ensure ground cover. The palace grounds are uct manager at Bergens Tidende newspaper enough doctors would serve in hospitals in He proposes to phase out the quota sys- supposed to get their facelift in time for rural areas. (BT), boarded line 2 bus line in Bergen with tem, which he calls “outdated.” bicentennial celebrations of Norway’s But the good-intentioned rule has led to as many bags of fresh-baked buns as they “People move, and our health picture constitution in 2014. problems at the Akershus University Hos- could carry to distribute to all those onboard. changes. Therefore, we have hospitals that (Newsinenglish.no) pital, which has not managed to employ can hire the specialists they need, when they The passengers got something delicious to enough doctors to provide good enough need them. We must review the approval sta- bite into, and a brochure with information medical coverage, reports Aftenposten. tus and regulations that currently stand in the about “Pust,” BT’s new environmental cam- “A too-rigid scheme does not work well way of good changes,” he said. paign to improve air quality in Bergen. enough anymore,” said Minister of Health Støre doesn’t worry that hospitals in ru- In the winter, Bergen’s air quality is and Care Services Jonas Gahr Støre. See > doctors, page 6 See > transit, page 11 Enjoy Norway all year long. Keep up with Norway and the Norwegian-American community with the only Norwegian newspaper in North America! $ Subscribe – it’s easy! one year subscription: 59 Call us toll-free at $79 in Canada and $179 in Norway and all other countries (800) 305-0217 to start a new subscription

Questions? Call us toll-free at (800) 305-0217, email [email protected], or write to us: Norwegian American Weekly, 7301 5th Ave NE Ste A, Seattle, WA 98115

Norwegian American Weekly (USPS 679-840) (ISSN 1942-1389) is published weekly except the last two weeks of July, the first two weeks of August and the last week of Dec. by Norwegian American Weekly Inc, 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115. Periodicals postage paid at Seattle, WA and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Norwegian American Weekly 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115. Phone: (206) 784-4617 • Email: naw@norway. Proud to bring you the Norwegian American Weekly com • Website: www.norway.com. Annual subscription cost: USD $59 domestic; USD $79 to Canada; USD $179 to Norway and all other foreign countries. 4 • February 8, 2013 Online: blog.norway.com/category/business norwegian american weekly Business

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2401 NW 65th St, P.O. Box 70567 Seattle, WA 98107 Telephone: (206) 789-2511 Fax: (206) 789-4484 Photo: CH / Visitnorway.com With a solid employment market and natural energy resources, Norway is consistently ranked one of the best places to live.

Rasmus Falck LUNDE MARINE ELECTRONICS, INC. Oslo, Norway Sales and Service Norway is consistently ranked one of As in previous years, one country comes the world’s best places to live. Powered by out well ahead of Norway. That country is nature, energy resources make the country a Luxembourg. The very high per capita of major supplier of renewable energy to Eu- GDP of Luxembourg is partly due to the fact rope and beyond. Viking boldness set the that a large number of cross-border workers Seattle,WA Tacoma,WA Dutch Harbor, AK stage for one of the largest maritime indus- commute into GDP without being part of the phone (206) 789-3011 phone (253) 627-6968 phone (907) 581-1498 tries on the planet, and 35 million people en- resident population. fax (206)782-3188 fax (253)383-4965 fax (907) 581-1402 joy Norway’s seafood products every single In order to form a more robust picture of day of the year. the living conditions in various countries, we Norway has a solid employment market. need to look at other indicators in addition to The last reported figure on unemployment GDP per capita. One such indicator could be [email protected] was 3.2 percent. There are 87,000 unem- for instance Actual Individual Consumption 5415 24th Ave NW, Seattle 98107 ployed and 45,000 vacancies. According to (AIC) per capita. AIC measures the amount Statistics Norway, our gross domestic prod- of goods and services consumed by indi- uct (GDP) per capita was 86 percent above viduals and will in many cases reflect house- the EU average. We might be in a league of holds’ living standards better than GDP. Russ Oberg, CLTC, CLU our own among European countries. Norway is just 35 percent above the EU In international comparisons, GDP per average if we look at AIC per capita. Nor- Independent Insurance Broker capita is often used as a measure of material way’s AIC per capita is 16 percent higher Long-Term Health Care Insurance living standards. In recent years, Norway has than Sweden’s and around 20 percent higher Should you consider it? established itself firmly in the European top than AIC per capita in Denmark and Finland. league, even after the high price level in the For some American companies Norway Call me for honest straightforward advice. country is taken into account. could be a market to consider. Since 1999 (206)362-5913 Preliminary figures for 2011 published AmCham in Oslo, with over 200 corporate www.obergltc.com by Eurostat indicate that our GDP per capita members, has become increasingly influen- 5650 24th Ave NW, Ste 603 Seattle, WA 98107-4155 is 86 percent higher than the average for tial within Norwegian-American business the 27 EU Member States and 18 percent relations. They encourage business relations LEWIS O. TITLAND Quality Accounting & Tax Services for: above Switzerland, which is next on the list. and strengthen the bonds between our two Certified Public Accountant Small businesses Switzerland is followed by the Netherlands, countries by providing necessary informa- (206)789-5433 Ireland and Austria. Compared to the Nor- tion about these markets. They also facilitate Individuals dic countries, Norway was 45 – 50 percent networking opportunities something wel- 3824 18th Ave Specialized Assistance Seattle, WA 98119 ahead of Sweden and Denmark, and approx- comed by newcomers. imately 60 percent ahead of Finland.

Advertise in the Weekly! Business News & Notes Reasons to advertise: Reach over 20,000 Smakraft to Build Six Hydropower Plants in e-mail. They’ll produce 65 gigawatt-hours of Norwegian-American readers • Affordable! $10/col inch for Norway in 2013 power a year and be financed through Smak- EVERY week! B&W, $15/col inch for color Smakraft AS, majority-owned by Norway’s raft’s owners, he said. Norway generated about • Free ad design biggest utility Statkraft AS, plans to build six 95 percent of its electricity from hydropower • Support the only Norwegian- hydropower plants this year at a cost of about in 2010, according to International Energy Agency statistics. Smaller hydropower instal- American newspaper! 270 million kroner ($49 million). The plants that will generate electricity by running water lations are generally considered more envi- through turbines will have a combined capac- ronmentally friendly as building big dams and For details, call (800) 305-0217 or email [email protected] ity of 25 megawatts, Rein Husebo, managing water reservoirs for storage isn’t required. director of Bergen-based Smakraft, said by (Bloomberg) norwegian american weekly Online: blog.norway.com/category/research February 8, 2013 • 5 Research & Education Bugs reveal richness of species on Earth An international team of researchers has carried out a survey of the biological diversity of arthropods in a tropical rainforest to answer a key question: how many species exist on Earth?

Photos: teejaybee / Flickr A rainforest katydid feeds on vines in the jungle. A team of researchers, including a Norwegian researcher, collected and identified over 130,000 bugs during their rainforest study.

Anne Ditlefsen & Else Lie Research Council of Norway

“After nearly ten years of work, we The rainforest holds the key biodiversity is long and all the arguments are existential questions of this type. Previous have determined that Panama’s San Lorenzo Frode Ødegaard and his international sound. According to Dr. Ødegaard, the most examples include the collaborative efforts to forest is home to 25,000 arthropods. This team of 102 researchers went directly to the important argument is that the human race map the human genome and understand the is the very key to resolving the question of source. And this led them to the core of the is entirely dependent on diversity in nature. nucleus of the atom at CERN. how many species there are in the world,” mystery. “We can think of it in terms of being on Frode Ødegaard has already embarked states Frode Ødegaard, the sole Norwegian After 10 years of examining every inch an aeroplane. The Earth is the plane and the upon follow-up research. He and the rest of involved in the project and one of the prime of the San Lorenzo forest in Panama, from species are the bolts holding the machine the team are currently in Papua, New Guinea movers behind the study. Frode Ødegaard is Senior Scientist at the forest floor to the top of the forest cano- together. Some of these bolts are more im- comparing the calculations from Panama the Norwegian Institute for Nature Research py, the researchers have collected and iden- portant than others. We can lose some of the with findings on another continent. They are (NINA). tified 130,000 bugs representing over 6,000 bolts, but if too many go missing the plane is investigating issues such as how diversity “Norway has just recently endorsed the different species. going to crash.” progresses in higher terrains. goals of the new international strategy for A large portion of all species discovered “This study has shown that the time has The results of the study have been pub- biodiversity to 2020. The findings of Dr. in the forest were found in a rather small area come to think big,” Frode Ødegaard says. lished in the highly prestigious periodical, Ødegaard’s research team come at a very – a fortuitous development for the research- Only by means of large-scale collaboration Science: Basset et al. 2012. Arthropod Di- convenient time in terms of our commit- ers. projects will we be able to gain insight into versity in a Tropical Forest. ments to seeing the strategy through,” says “What this means, basically, is that we Per Backe-Hansen of the Research Council can determine the diversity of species within of Norway. a tropical forest by examining smaller areas The Research Council co-financed Dr. and then extrapolating the findings,” Dr. Ødegaard’s participation in the project from Want to study Ødegaard explains. 2007 to 2009. or work in The significance of arthropods A greater diversity of flora means more species How many species inhabit the Earth is a longstanding question. There is no lack Yet another interesting result of the Norway? of calculations or models which attempt to study is that the number of arthropods can provide an answer; the problem has been the be determined based on the number of plants Apply for a scholarship or grant absence of empirical data. living in the forest. This greatly simplifies from Lakselaget! The primary source of uncertainty in the census work. Surprisingly, this also ap- calculating the answer has been the status plies to non-herbivores. This finding lends of arthropods. “Arthropod” (phylum Ar- support to earlier theories that postulate that thropoda) is a collective term comprising in- the richness of species increases in correla- For more information and tion with the diversity of plant life. Who is eligible? sects, arachnids, and crustaceans, commonly • Minnesota women applications, visit referred to in the vernacular as “bugs.” Al- The researchers discovered that for ev- ery species of plant found, there would be 20 currently enrolled at an lakselaget.org. Click the though arthropods make up the majority “Foundation” tab! of all living animal species, little is known species of arthropod. Similarly, there are 83 American university or about their true numbers. arthropods per species of bird and 312 per college who would like to Knowing that arthropods comprise ap- species of mammal. study in Norway proximately 70 per cent of all living species, Application deadline: Now that we know the answer, what is the • Minnesota women who and that the vast majority of them live in question? have a short-term work tropical rainforests, it makes perfect sense March 1, 2013 that you can carry out a census of all the While we may have found the answer, opportunity in Norway bugs in the rainforest to find an answer to the we still need to determine the real question. overriding question. This is precisely what Why is it so important to protect all these the researchers have done. species? The list of ecological, political and ethi- Lakselaget is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization for professional women and college and university students who are also cal arguments for why we should safeguard Norwegian, of Norwegian descent, or are interested in contemporary Norwegian issues and all things Norwegian. 6 • February 8, 2013 norwegian american weekly opinion

An opinion column about current issues in Norway < names From page 1 Join the conversation! name is a shortened form of Eleonore, but On the EDGE the meaning is unknown. According to the Placing language in the forefront census of 1900, there were 132 women By Kelsey Larson named Nora in 1877, the year when “A Doll’s House” was released. It was mostly children who bore this name, and popularity “But that which we fear above views held by Sylfest Lomheim and rose up to 1900. Between 1950 and 1980 the all else is…språkterminatoren.” The other Norwegians who are concerned name was however almost gone, before the “language terminator,” a tall, Arnold about the language’s future. This popularity rose again in 2000 and ended up Schwarzenegger-reminiscent man, brings us to the second “camp” in the at its current height of fashion. with dark glasses and a machine gun, debate: the Norwegians who think, Lucas / Lukas is a typical biblical boy destroys Norwegian dictionaries and quite frankly, that Lomheim is exag- names. The name means “man from Luca- grammar books as the terrified future- gerating. In 2010, Kagge Forlag AS nia.” Luke has been a well-known name, inhabitants of Oslo race for cover. published a book by linguists Guro but it has been used very little in Norway. “Mission…terminate all use of Æ, Ø, Fløgstad and Anders Vaa. Sporting Figures from the census shows that there and Å,” the terminator growls. This, an eye-catching title of “Norwegian were 51 people named Lucas in 1801, while a scene from the Norwegian televi- is a little language which is about to there were 57 people named in 1865 and 64 sion program Typisk Norsk (Typical die out” and subtitle “and other myths in 1900. The occurrence of the name Lucas Norwegian), portrays—with a bit of Photo: Typisk Norsk / NRK1 about language,” the authors dedicate was so low in the 1800s that it is not visible silliness—a common fear in Norway The “language terminator” wants to “terminate all use an entire chapter to the lack of any dan- in the figure. It was only in the 1970s that the today: that the is of Æ, Ø and Å.” ger faced by the Norwegian language, name popularity began to rise, and in 2000 it threatened by the rising use of Eng- diction and think it is okay. The issues sur- and how it will surely survive despite rose rapidly. lish. The English language can be found rounding the debate are complex and not all the stress placed upon it by English. The past two years have shown many everywhere in Norway, despite the fact easily solved. Clearly, however, there are Of the 6912 languages that this research changes among popular boys’ names. In that Norwegian is spoken there on a daily two main “camps” within the debate. takes into account, only eight are spoken 2012, 527 boys had the name Lucas or Lu- basis and is the official language. Eng- The first “camp,” which has found by more than 100,000,000 people: these kas. This is over 100 more than those who lish words are found in ads, on products, a ringleader in the Norwegian Language are Mandarin, English, Hindi, Arabic, were named Emil and Mathias, who landed clothes, street signs, names of businesses, Council’s director, Sylfest Lomheim, Spanish, Russian, Bengali, Portuguese, in second and third places respectively last and even instruction manuals for digital prognosticates the premature death of Japanese, and German. Meanwhile, only year. Oskar / Oscar climbed 12 places in two watches (leaving any Norwegian who is the Norwegian language. “There are few 264 languages have one to ten million years and ended up in seventh place in 2012. unable to understand English helpless to things that are safer to say about the future speakers. This means that only 5% of the In the biennium 2011-2012, Henrik grew in program their new watch). Not to men- than that the Norwegian language will dis- world’s languages have more than one popularity, name went up 10 places and fin- tion the overwhelming amount of English appear,” Lomheim predicted in the book million speakers! And, according to Fløg- ished in 12th place. The name Liam, which songs on the radio or programs on TV. But Kampen for Språket. The Norwegian Lan- stad and Vaa, this also means that Norwe- is a variant of William, went up the 24 seats is English really a threat to Norwegian? guage Council states: “The goal for work gian, with almost five million speakers, is and ended in 14th place. Isaac climbed 13 Norway itself is split on the issue: in the Language Council is that Norwe- ranked in size at number 114 out of 7000 spots to 16th place. The name Matheo ap- some Norwegians perceive the English gian be in use in all aspects of societal life, languages. It is, in fact, one of the world’s peared in 2002 and is now amongst the 40 language as a leviathan threat to their na- in the future as well—and that it won’t be largest languages. most popular names in Norawy. In the past tive tongue. With only 5 million speakers, set to the side by English.” As part of this So is the Norwegian language really two years, Matheo climbed 43 spots and end- such a fear is understandable. Others are goal, they have created a list of avløseord in any immediate danger? Probably not. ed up at 31st place in 2012. Noah’s increase, not troubled. A 2007 survey by the Nor- (“replacement words”) on their website, The Norwegian Language Council has, however, stopped, except in Molde. wegian Language Council (Språkrådet) which includes a list of frequently used perhaps, sounded the alarm a bit prema- On the popular girl’s names, Emma is reveals that 60% of Norwegians believe it English words (“whiplash” for example) turely in many ways. by far the most commonly used name in this is important to protect their language and and an idea for a Norwegian equivalent millennium. In 2012, Emma landed just be- actively use Norwegian words and phras- (nakkeslang). This editorial was previously printed hind Nora, while Sofie took third place. Next es. Just under 50%, however, also pro- Recently, however, many arguments in the June 15, 2012 edition of the Norwe- positions? Some girl names are relatively fessed to using English words and phrases have arisen in response to the negative gian American Weekly. small changes compared to 2011. Neverthe- in their daily speech. They see no contra- less, both Live and Lilly made great progress in the last year and finished respectively in The opinions expressed by opinion writers featured in “On the Edge” are not necessarily those of Norwegian American Weekly, and our publication of those views is 32nd and 38th place. not an endorsement of them. Comments, suggestions and complaints about the opinions expressed by the paper’s editorials should be directed to the editor.

Norway’s Top 10 Boy Names in 2012 1. 52,717 Lucas / Lukas < munch < doctors From page 1 strategically, employing prints to augment From page 3 2. 42,413 Emil their respective commercial enterprises. De- 3. 40,713 Mathias / Matias versary of Munch’s birth in 1863, the exhi- spite their positions at opposite ends of Mod- ral areas could face a shortage of doctors. 4. 40,513 Jonas bition closely examines four graphic motifs ernism’s arc, both artists were preoccupied “We will not relinquish the control op- 5. 38,512 Alexander / Aleksander produced by Munch at the turn of the century with certain themes of the age: anxiety and tions with this quota. But the current situa- 6. 37,312 William — The Scream, Madonna, The Brooch. Eva alienation, ideal beauty, sex and mortality. tion is such that hospitals can afford to hire 7. 37,312 Oscar / Oscar Mudocci, and Self-Portrait with Skeleton Above all, both Munch and Warhol skillfully doctors they need and can treat more people 8. 36,811 Magnus Arm — and later revisited by Andy Warhol mined the iconic power of the image, in part with better care by doing it,” concluded 9. 36,711 Markus / Marcus in a little-known, but extraordinary, series of to craft their own mythic identities in self- Støre. 10. 35,511 Oliver prints from 1984. Comprising over 30 origi- portraits and in life. ASF President Edward nal works from private and museum collec- P. Gallagher: “In view of the ASF’s mission Norway’s Top 10 Girl Names in 2012 tions — some of which will be seen for the to advance the dialogue between American 1. 43,814 Nora / Norah first time — the exhibition reveals remark- and Scandinavian cultures, we thought it fit- 2. 43,614 Emma able affinities between the two artists. Curat- ting to honor Munch’s legacy by exhibiting Don’t 3. 42,714 Sofie / Sophie ed by Dr. Patricia Berman and Pari Stave, the Andy Warhol’s homage to the artist in his 4. 39,513 Linnea / Linea exhibition will be on view April 27 through After Munch series.” 5. 35,211 Sara / Sahra / Sarah July 27, 2013 at Scandinavia House: The The single-venue exhibition will feature 6. 34,711 Emilie Nordic Center in America. works on loan from the Munch Museum, The forget! 7. 34,611 Ingrid / Ingri The comparison of Munch and Warhol Museum of Modern Art (MoMA), The Andy 8. 33,811 Thea / Tea draws striking results, for what at first seems Warhol Museum, and several distinguished All subscribers have 9. 32,511 Leah / Lea a stark contrast in artistic sensibilities — the private collections in the United States and full access to our new 10. 32,210 Sofia / Sophia existentialist-expressionist at one extreme, Norway. digital edition! Email master of emotional detachment at the other The American-Scandinavian Founda- The biblical boy names, except Lucas — on closer inspection reveals remarkable tion @ Scandinavia House: The Nordic Cen- [email protected] to / Lukas, falling slowly in popularity after a affinities in each artist’s approach to the ter in America is located at 58 Park Avenue, activate your account. peak in 2006. The name Matheo probably graphic medium. Both Munch and Warhol 38th Street in New York, NY. For more infor- stems from Matheus, but is not considered a used printmaking experimentally, exploring mation call (212) 779-3587 or email info@ themes through seriality, variation, and per- amscan.org. Visit their website at scandina- See > names, page 15 mutation; and both approached printmaking viahouse.org & amscan.org. norwegian american weekly February 8, 2013 • 7 opinion Norwegian American Weekly Letters to the Editor Published since May 17, 1889 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115 Do you have something to say? Send your letters to us! Toll-free: (800) 305-0217 • Local: (206) 784-4617 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115 Fax: (206) 448-2033 • Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Publisher Norwegian American Foundation [email protected] Managing Editor Dear Editor, Prize. They also receive recognition on the going on? Kelsey Larson [email protected] The Greater Tacoma Peace Prize com- GTPP perpetual plaque, a specially designed Assistant Layout Editor mittee needs your help to find the most de- medallion, a Certificate of Commendation, Sincerely, Harry Svenkerud [email protected] serving recipient of a meaningful award. The and a unique piece of glass artwork created Liv Knudsen GTPP exists to spotlight, support, and honor especially for the GTPP by Tacoma’s Hilltop White Bear Lake, Minn. Advertising individuals, groups, and organizations in Artists. Erik Krippaehne [email protected] the greater Tacoma/Pierce County area who The Nobel Peace Prize and Norway’s Subscriptions work toward peace, but first the committee efforts toward world peace inspired the cre- Call (800) 305-0217 [email protected] needs to know about them. Nominations for ation of the Greater Tacoma Peace Prize, Dear Liv, Contributing Editors the Greater Tacoma Peace Prize Laureate founded in 2005 to coincide with, and honor, Thank you for your letter! The post of- Melinda Bargreen Everett, Wash. for 2013 are being accepted from now until the 100th anniversary of Norway’s peaceful fice does not always inform us right away Carla Danziger McLean, Va. March 31, 2013. Anyone can make a nomi- separation from Sweden. The GTPP com- when someone has a change of address; in Sölvi Dolland Fraser, Mich. Erling Dugan Ventura, Calif. nation. mittee represents the Norwegian-American fact, it can take several months before we re- Gary G. Erickson Sunburg, Minn. Are you aware of someone genuine- community of the greater Tacoma area and ceive a change of address from them! Rasmus Falck O oslo, Norway ly committed to creating a more peaceful includes two members each from the Sons of I would suggest that, if you or a family Marit Fosse G geneva, Switzerland Judith Gabriel Vinje Burbank, Calif. world? Are they doing hands-on work with a Norway, Daughters of Norway, and Pacific member are moving soon, you give our of- Shelby Gilje Seattle, Wash. focus on peace that reflects the community’s Lutheran University. fice a call and let us know about your change Line Grundstad Hanke Seattle, Wash. Heidi Håvan Grosch Sparbu, Norway diversity and has a real impact? The nomi- For more information, visit http://www. of address over the phone. Call us toll-free Victoria Hofmo Brooklyn, N.Y. nee’s peacemaking work must be in addition tacomapeaceprize.org/howyoucanpartici- at (800) 305-0217. You can also email us at Leslee Lane Hoyum R rockford, Minn. Else Hvistendahl New York, N.Y. to, or outside of, their paid employment, and pate.html. [email protected]. Inger-Torill Kirkeby Miami, Fla. that work must make a significant contri- Scott Larsen New Westminster, B.C. bution to local, regional, national, or world Sincerely, Sincerely, A. Larsen Fishkill, N.Y. Jerry Larson Zimmerman, Minn. peace and harmony. If you know of a good Greater Tacoma Peace Prize Committee Editor Solveig M. Lee S seattle, Wash. candidate—of any race, religion, national- Tacoma, Wash. Richard Londgren Thousand Oaks, Calif. Donald V. Mehus New York, N.Y. ity, or ideology—please consider nominat- Berit T. Mesarick Williamsburg, Va. ing them for the 2013 Greater Tacoma Peace David Moe S sun City, Calif. Ken Nordan Batavia, Ill. Prize. You can find the nomination form, list Do you have something to say? Write to us! Bill Osmundsen New York, N.Y. of previous winners, and more information Dear Editor, Sada Reed Woodbury, Minn. on the GTPP website, shown below. My mother moved from her home in John Erik Stacy S seattle, Wash. Letter to the Editor Rolf Kristian Stang New York, N.Y. Each year, the recipient is awarded a Minneapolis to an assisted living home sev- Norwegian American Weekly Kjell Olav Strømsli Trondheim, Norway trip for two to Oslo, Norway, to participate eral months ago, and she is still receiving 7301 5th Ave. NE, Ste A, Seattle, WA 98115 Larrie Wanberg Grand Forks, N.D. Daytona Strong Seattle, Wash. in the events surrounding the Nobel Peace your papers at the wrong address. What is or send a note to [email protected] CORRECTIONS: Norwegian American Weekly strives to make its news report fair and accurate. If you have a question or comment about news coverage call (206) 784-4617. • Norwegian American Weekly reserves the right to edit any and all submissions for style, grammar, accuracy and/or space, and the right < movie not to print submissions deemed libelous, in poor From page 1 known Swedish actor Peter Stormare (The seen at 3,372 cinemas across North Ameri- taste, or not suited for publication in this newspaper. Big Lebowski) and Dutch actress Famke ca. Despite being an extremely slow movie • The opinions expressed by opinion writers and Janssen (X-Men), Norwegian actors such weekend due to heavy snowstorms in the letter writers are not necessarily those of Norwegian ers,” topped of the box office charts in the American Weekly, and our publication of those views is U.S. on its opening weekend, with a take of as Ingrid Bolsø Berdal (Fritt Vilt), Christian Midwest and on the East Coast, the movie not an endorsement of them. Comments, suggestions $19 million. Rubeck (Max Manus) and Bjørn Sundquist still made $19 million U.S. in its opening and complaints about the opinions expressed by (Koselig med peis) have central parts in the weekend. Recently released numbers reveal the paper’s editorials should be directed to the “Hansel & Gretel – Witch Hunters” in publisher. • Norwegian American Weekly is published 3D premiered Thursday, January 24 at the movie. that the movie is the most popular film in 18 weekly except the first week of the calendar year, prestigious Grauman’s Chinese Theater in It was important for Wirkola to use countries. the last two weeks of July, and the first two weeks Norwegian actors in this major Hollywood “Hansel & Gretel – Which Hunters” of August by Norwegian American Weekly, INC. • Los Angeles. The director, Tommy Wirkola, Please send address changes to 7301 Fifth Ave. and the two lead actors, Jeremy Renner (The production. In a recent interview he suggest- has received mixed reviews, but this was, NE Suite A Seattle, WA 98115 • Annual Subscription Hurt Locker) and Gemma Arterton (Tamara ed that there aren’t any reasons not to use according to Wirkola, expected. In a text Cost: US$59 Domestic, US$79 to Canada, US$179 to Norway and all other foreign countries. Drewe) all made appearances on the red car- Norwegian actors in international movies: message to the Norwegian newspaper Af- pet, adding a glamorous touch to the gala “they are just as good as Swedish, Danish or tenposten, Wirkola wrote, “What matters is SINCE MAY 17, 1889: American actors,” he said. what the audience thinks. I made this movie Formerly Norway Times reception. Western Viking & Washington Posten The movie, a modern take on the Grimm Wirkola is the second Norwegian direc- for the audience, not for the movie critics.” Comprising Nordisk Tidende, Decorah- Brothers’ classic fairytale, portrays Hansel & tor, after Harald Schwartz (The Karate Kid), The movie premieres in Norway Friday, to reach the top of the box office in the U.S. February 1. Posten og Ved Arnen, Minneapolis-Tidende, Gretel as adult bounty hunters who track and Minnesota Posten, Norrona and kill witches for a living. Alongside the well- On its premiere weekend, the film could be NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY, INC. Han Ola og Han Per 8 • February 8, 2013 norwegian american weekly Taste of Norway Fit for a queen Delicious Queen Maud’s Mousse, with a lovely blend of cream and chocolate, is perfect for entertaining

Sunny Gandara ArcticGrub.wordpress.com

This lovely dessert, seen on many Nor- animal rights and children, and also enjoyed wegian tables across the country, was in- horse riding, music and art. Although she vented in honor of Norway’s Queen Maud remained British, she tried her hand in cross when she and King Haakon VII went to country skiing in an effort to embrace the Haugesund in 1906 to get crowned, after Norwegian culture. Regardless, she never Norway got its independence. The pudding quite managed to capture the heart of the is also referred to as “Haugesund dessert,” Norwegian people, who viewed her as a while others call it Dronning Maud’s Pud- bit of an odd creature. She often didn’t un- ding (pudding) instead of “fromasj” (mousse derstand what people said, and she kept to in Norwegian). Today, fittingly, you will see herself indoors while traveling around the the Queen Maud’s Mousse on dessert tables country. Quite an independent woman de- on 17th of May, which is Norway’s Inde- spite her conservative and aristocratic back- pendence Day. This incredibly light and airy ground, she surprised people with her liberal dessert is a lovely dish with few ingredients, views on women’s rights. She was also very and can technically be made in 10 minutes fashionable and was known for her incred- or less. Best made the night before serving – ibly tiny waist. Queen Maud died in 1938 of it’s also great for entertaining since you can heart complications after a stomach surgery do everything in advance. in England. Queen Maud was Norway’s first queen I always loved reading about the roy- who wasn’t also the queen of either Swe- als growing up – they were a bit mysterious, den and Denmark. She was born Her Royal and not like us regular mortals – but more Highness Princess Maud Charlotte Mary than anything, they still represent a piece of Victoria of Great Britain and Ireland, and her history that is still living among us today. dad was the count of , and later King The Norwegians are divided in their opinion Edvard VII of Great Britain, and the count- about whether or not to keep the royal house, ess of Wales, previously Princess Alexandra but it’s undoubtedly a sense of pride and joy of Denmark. In 1896 she married Prince for many when the royals come visit their Carl of Denmark at Buckingham Palace, and home towns. Regardless of how one might in 1905, when the union with Sweden was feel about this subject, I thought it was fit- dissolved, Prince Carl was offered the throne ting to give you a little “briefing” on Queen of Norway. After a public vote, he accepted Maud now that you will be attempting to and took the name King Haakon VII. Queen make her dessert! Maud never lost her love for Great Britain, Some people add a bit of port wine to and she went back to visit many times. She the mousse, and decorate with fresh berries was very involved with charities involving like strawberries, blueberries or raspberries.

Queen Maud’s Mousse Dronning Maud’s Fromasj

5 large eggs 2 cups heavy cream 5 tbsp sugar 1 tsp vanilla extract 5 sheets of gelatin 100g dark chocolate, grated 2 tbsp hot water

Photos: Tine.no / Wikimedia Commons Whip the heavy cream with the vanilla extract until thick and place in the fridge. Top: Queen Maud’s Mousse is pleasing to the eye as well as delicious. Center: King Haakon, Queen Whisk eggs and sugar in a stand mixer until light and fluffy, about 8 minutes or so. Maud and Crown Prince Olaf of Norway, photographed in 1913. Meanwhile, place the gelatin sheets in the hot water and stir to incorporate. Pour into the egg mixture while on low speed, until well combined. Remove the whipped cream from the fridge and carefully fold in to the egg mixture with a spatula so that all traces of yellow disappear and the cream is evenly incorporated. Be careful not to over mix. Grab a big dessert bowl, pour in one third of the mixture, cover with some grated choco- late repeat two more times until you have a layered dessert with the grated chocolate on top. Alternatively, pour the layers into individual serving glasses for a more decorative and fun look. Place in fridge to let firm up for a few hours or overnight.

Sunny Gandara, a native Norwegian, is the voice of Arctic Grub, a blog dedicated to delicious Norwegian recipes. In 2008 she founded her own company, Fork and Glass, a food and wine event company, located in the Hudson Valley of New York. Visit arcticgrub.word- press.com, facebook.com/forkandglass or twitter.com/forkandglass for more information. norwegian american weekly February 8, 2013 • 9 TRAVEL Visit a World Heritage Site in Norway Urnes and the rock carvings in Alta are among Norwegian sites on UNESCO’s World Heritage List

Photos: Per Eide, Terje Rakke/Nordic Life, C.H. / Visitnorway.com Left: Urnes Stave Church in Luster is the only stave church in the world on UNESCO’s World Heritage List. Right: a couple studies the rock carvings in Alta. Lower right: detail from the Urnes Stave Church.

Visit Norway

A UNESCO World Heritage Site is a The stave churches are Norway’s unique place (such as a forest, mountain, lake, des- contribution to the world’s cultural heritage. ert, monument, building, complex, or city) Most were built between approximately 1130 that is listed by the UNESCO as of special and 1350, when the Black Death brought all cultural or physical significance. Ratified in new building to an end. 1972, the UNESCO World Heritage program Urnes stave church is located in Luster, includes 962 sites around the world. Seven by the Sognefjord. of these are in Norway. The UNESCO-protected rock carvings Urnes Stave Church in Luster, beside in Alta, , bear witness to human the Sognefjord, is the only stave church in activity in already in the the world to be included on UNESCO´s prehistoric period. This group of rock carv- World Heritage List. ings in Northern Norway bears the traces A stave church has been built three times of a settlement dating from around 4200 to on the same site here at Orneset. A hundred 500 B.C. It constitutes the most important years would pass between the first and the piece of evidence documenting the existence third, the one we can visit today, which was of human activity on the fringes of the Far built in 1150. It was once a private church North in prehistoric times – hence its status for a powerful high-born family. Its builders as a UNESCO world heritage site. were aware of international trends in archi- The first petroglyphs were discovered in tecture, and transferred these trends from the 1960s. Since then thousands of paintings stone to wood. and engravings have been found at some Tours to Scandinavia The timber was felled in the years 1129- 45 sites in the region, the largest of them at with a personal touch! 1130. On the long northern wall, original Hjemmeluft, the only area open to the pub- Escorted tours: decorated sections from the demolished lic. This is where the Alta Museum is situ- • Stunning Stockholm, Fabulous Finland church have been used: the portal, wall ated. Approximately 3,000 figures have been and Natural Norway: June 16 – 30, 2013 • Norway Heritage Tour: Aug. 9 – 19, 2013 planks and a corner post. The decorated ga- found here. bles from the same church are now covered Alta Museum consists of an open air Independent tours: to prevent wear and tear. museum, where visitors follow a well- • Cruise with Hurtigruten • Customized tours for individuals and In 1979 it was included on UNESCO’s marked path and boardwalk to view the rock Visit our website for details: group World Heritage List. Ownership of Urnes carvings, and an excellent indoor exhibition www.noramtours.com Contact us if you have any plans to visit stave church was transferred to the Society explaining the rock art and giving a broader (262) 743-1814 • [email protected] Scandinavia! for the Preservation of Norwegian Ancient introduction to Finnmark’s prehistory. The Monuments in 1880. The society’s logo is exhibition also shows how, in the Sámi re- taken from the carved capitals inside the ligion, nature was regarded as possessing a Subscribe to the Norwegian American Weekly! church. soul and being alive. Only $59 for a year’s subscription. Similar churches existed elsewhere in Europe, but only the Norwegian ones have For more information about the UNES- survived. Of the original approximately CO-protected rock carvings and the other 1,000 churches, 28 remain. Urnes stave seven sites in Norway inscribed on the World Call (800) 305-0217 or email at [email protected]. church is the oldest and most highly deco- Heritage List, see whc.Unesco.org. rated of them. 10 • February 8, 2013 norwegian american weekly roots & Connections

A monthly feature to share Brought to you by with kids and grandkids BarnebladBarneblad Heidi Håvan Grosch

Rodhette og ulven (Little Red Riding Hood)

I am guessing that you have read the story of Little Red Riding Hood before. It is popular in Norway too, and often children find it in their English textbooks at school. In Norwegian, Little Red Riding Hood is called Rødhette. Here is a newly written song by Siri Randem telling the story. If you go to her website you can also print out the notes and hear the melody. Her site is a wonderful place to hear and learn lots of Norwegian children’s songs, and she even sometimes writes in English!

Lille Rødhette skulle av sted; Little Red Riding Hood was going visiting kaker og drikke hadde hun med she had cake and drink with her Hun skulle finne Bestemors hus because she was going to Grandma’s house langt inn i skogen; hør vindens sus. deep in the woods; listen to the sound of the O-o, o-o-o wind O-o, hør vindens sus

Veien var farlig, veien var lang the road was dangerous, the road was long Rødhette plukket blomster og sang Little Red Riding Hood picked flowers and Hun gikk og trallet, hun var så gla, sang Hun hadde glemt det, som moren sa she skipped and hummed, she was so happy O-o,o-o-o she had forgotten what her mother had said Han tok på kappe, han tok på skjørt He took her cape, he took her dress O-o, o-o-o, som moren sa. han drakk opp drikken, for han var tørst He drank up her drink because he was thirsty Han skulle finne bestemors hus He would find Grandma’s house “Pass deg for ulven, min lille venn! “Watch out for the wolf, my little friend! langt inn i skogen; hør vindens sus. Deep in the woods, listen to the sound of the Hold deg til stien, gå pent på den! Stay on the path, and be good O-o,o-o-o wind Ikke no’n somling, ikke no’ tull Don’t do anything silly or irresponsible O-o, o-o-o, hør vindens sus. Langt inni skogen, der bor en ulv: Because deep in the woods, there lives a O-o,o-o-o wolf.” Veien var farlig, veien var lang The road was dangerous, the road was long O-o, o-o-o, der bor en ulv”. Ulven, han plukket blomster og sang the wolf picked flowers and sang Han gikk og trallet, han var så gla He skipped and hummed, he was so happy Veien var farlig, veien var lang. The road was dangerous, the road was long “Bestemor skal jeg spise i dag “Today I will eat Grandma!” Rødhette plukket blomster og sang. Little Red Riding Hood picked flowers and O-o,o-o-o Bakom en busk sto ulven på lur. sang O-o, o-o-o, spise i dag”. Spiste Rødhette mens hun gikk tur. Behind a bush, the wolf waited O-o,o-o-o He ate Red Riding Hood as she walked down Han banket på og så gikk han inn He knocked on the door, and then went in O-o, o-o-o, mens hun gikk tur. the path Bestemor lå med roser på Grandma was there with her rosy cheeks “Lille Rødhette, er det nå deg? “Little Red Riding Hood, is that you? Øyne så store, ører på snei, Your eyes are so big, your ears a little O-o,o-o-o crooked Anna Solberg Cloud Seattle WA O-o, o-o-o, ører på snei.” Elaine Christianson Sidney MT Barbara Larsen Mauston WI “Deg vil jeg høre, deg vil jeg se, That’s so I can hear you, and see you 12. februar nå vil jeg sitte her på ditt kne” Now I would like to sit on your knee Fritz Scholberg Minneapolis MN “Lille Rødhette, er det nå deg?” “Little Red Riding Hood, is that you? Merle Gregerson Onalaska WI Tenner så store, kjeften så brei? Your teeth are so big, your mouth is so wide Bobbie Gosnell Pawnee OK O-o,o-o-o Pat Ponnay Eureka CA O-o, o-o-o kjeften så brei”. 8. februar 13. februar Otto Oliversen Madison WI Sigurd Rognebakke Milwaukee WI Og med et glefs var bestemor vekk Then with a snap, Grandma was gone Johanna Owen Seattle WA Edith Strom Hall Federal Way WA Nå lå de begge i magesekk. and both she and Riding Hood lay in the Orville Noss Eau Claire WI Kalmer Berg Freeport ME Ulven var søvnig, ulven var trett wolf’s belly Kari Hammon Seattle WA Han gikk og la seg, han var så mett. The wolf was sleepy, the wolf was tired 9. februar Martin Ellefson LaFarge WI Lawrence Anderson Tacoma WA Labial Zither Jacobean Hilands Ranch CO O-o,o-o-o He went to bed, he was so full Magna Garstad Edmtn Albta Can Laura Hanson Seattle WA O-o han var så mett. Mrs. Alfred Smemo Eau Claire WI Asta Sleveland Redmond WA 14. februar Da kom en jeger til Bestas hjem Then a hunter arrived at Grandma’s house Liv Hallin Med Hat Alberta Can Alice Myhre Bremerton WA Tok fatt i ulven, sa: “Du er slem” Took hold of the wolf, and said “You are Allen Mark Herset Kalispell MT Lawrence Piontak Little Falls MN Donald V. Mehus New York NY Slik er historien, ulven ble tatt bad!” Olav Jentoft Tucson AZ / Haugesund N Lille Rødhette og Besta spratt And that is the story, the wolf was defeated U-u, u-u-ut Little Red Riding Hood and Grandma 10. februar U-u, u-u-ut! Begge spratt ut. jumped out Laila Berg Portland OR Want to see your birthday in the Olaf Enger Coeur d’Alene ID Ragna Aas Lichtwarck Svolvær Norway Norwegian American Weekly? “Pass deg for ulven, min lille venn! Louise Corneliusen Salol MN Hold deg til stien, gå pent på den! “Watch out for the wolf, my little friend! George Solheim Drake CO Call at (800) 305-0217 or email naw@norway. Det er moralen, ikke no’ tull Stay on the path and be good com. Birthdays must be submitted at least one Langt inni skogen, der bor en ulv: That is the moral, it is no joke 11. februar month in advance. O-o,o-o-o Deep in the woods, there lives a wolf Einar Brekken Biri Norway NB: Has someone on our birthday list passed O-o, o-o-o, der bor en ulv.” Astrid Sørdahl Anaheim CA away? Please notify us! Rødhette og ulven by Siri Randem © 2012 Siri Randem norwegian american weekly February 8, 2013 • 11 obituaries & Religion Pastor Larson’s Corner Pastor Jerry Larson retired to his cabin in Zimmerman, Minn., after 39 years In Loving Memory in parish ministry for the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. In 2011 he Do you have a loved one or friend who has recently passed? published a book entitled “Speaking the Word Freely: Writing with purpose, Contact us at (206) 784-4617 or [email protected] to place an obituary. preaching with power.” Contact him at [email protected] Arnold Simonsen January 1, 1916 – December 19, 2012 You have to be taught

Arnold Simonsen went to be with his the First Baptist Church. Three years ago, Lord and Savior on Dec. 19. He would have after the death of his wife, he came to Tal- Twenty years ago, here in Minnesota, There are a number of things that peo- been 97 years old on New Year’s Day. A lahassee to be near family. He lived with his a group of naturalists formed a Friends ple think just come naturally to humans, resident of Harbor Chase Assisted Living in daughter before moving to Harbor Chase in of the Trumpeter Swan association. The but which actually do not. Believing in Tallahassee, Fla., he had a deep and abiding September, where he was happy to be able Trumpeter Swan had become extinct in God is one of those things. People do not faith, and his knowledge of the Bible was an to attend church services and Bible studies Minnesota, and their goal was to reintro- just naturally believe in God. If a child’s inspiration to so many. once again and to forge strong friendships duce this majestic bird back into the wild. parents do not believe in God, they will While born in Brooklyn, N.Y., on Janu- with many of the residents. They brought in eggs from the far north not teach their children about God. The ary 1, 1916, he grew up in , He is predeceased by his wife, Dagny, where the Swans still lived, hatched and chances of that child ever believing in a returning to N.Y. in his early twenties. He and his sisters, Ruth and Elsie. He leaves raised the first Swans in captivity, and loving God are minimal. worked for Exxon (then Esso) fueling ships behind two daughters, Astrid Reynolds and gradually reintroduced them to the lakes Jesus Christ spent his entire life in New York harbor and soon rose to become Janet Gough (Gary Gough); three grandchil- and marshes of Minnesota. The project teaching us and showing us the true na- a captain. He and his wife were members of dren, Kristina Osterhaus (Tim Osterhaus), was tremendously successful. There are ture of God. He then instructed us to go The First Evangelical Free Church in Brook- Erin Horton (Christian Horton), and Chris- now hundreds of these swans reproducing into the world and teach others about God lyn, which had a vital Norwegian congrega- tian Gough; and four great grandchildren, each year in the state. and God’s love for the world. We can- tion. He retired, at age 56, to Edgewater, Fla. Elizabeth, Will, Annie, and Ian Osterhaus. The only problem is that since the not take this assignment casually or think His wife had special needs and he ministered Interment will be at Sea Pines in Edge- original Swans did not have any parents to that someone else will do it. If we do not to her faithfully. Both became members of water, Florida. teach them where to go in the winter, they teach them, the next generation, our own do not migrate. It does not come naturally children and grandchildren included, will for Tundra Swans to migrate. It is not in never know how much they are loved and their DNA. They have ended up gathering cared for by God. They will never know Marit Blattmann Falk in the winter at a spot on the Mississippi the power of forgiveness nor will they November 3, 1912 – January 28, 2013 river that is warmed by the cooling water know about the hope we share for the life from a Nuclear power plant. There they to come. “Bestemor/Oma” Marit Blattmann Falk (Dale), Karen (Kip), Stephen (Kathy); 13 survive only by being fed. passed away on January 28, 2013, of causes grandchildren, 15 great grandchildren and a incident to age. She was 100 years old. Marit sister, Aase B. Strand. She was preceded in was born on Nov. 3, 1912 in Oslo, Norway death by her husband, parents, 8 siblings, a to Anton Caspar Blattmann and Hilda Ma- granddaughter, and a great grandson. rie Mortensen. She was raised in Drammen, The family would like to express their Norway and was proud of her Norwegian thanks to the doctors, nurses, and aides who The Scandinavian Hour heritage. She came to Utah in 1939, where have been so compassionate to Mother these Celebrating over 50 years on the air! she met her eternal companion, Werner Hans last two and a half months. Falk. They were married in the Salt Lake Marit’s family will greet visitors from KKNW – 1150 AM Temple in 1947 and raised their three chil- 6:00 to 8:00 pm Friday evening February dren in the East Mill Creek area. Werner died 1, 2013, at the Holbrook Mortuary, 3251 Saturdays 9 – 10 a.m. PST in 1983. So. 2300 East, SLC. A funeral service will Streaming live on the internet at: Marit was a faithful member of the be held at the East Mill Creek LDS Chapel, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 3750 So. Hillside Lane, SLC at Noon on Sat- www.1150kknw.com serving in many callings. She loved teach- urday, February 2, 2013 with a viewing be- ing the boys in the Guide Patrol class. She fore, from 10:30 to 11:30 am. Interment will served a mission to the Stockholm Sweden follow at Wasatch Lawn Memorial Park. Temple, had an unwavering testimony of Je- Messages to the family can be posted at: sus Christ and was a great example of faith www.HolbrookMortuary.com Don’t let economic uncertainty and fortitude to her family. If she could, Marit would thank every- She loved to ski, hike, garden, cook and one with a plate of Krumkakes or a bowl of affect your fi nancial future. she was a skilled seamstress and knitter. An home grown raspberries and tell them to “be avid genealogist, her family has all benefited strong and faithful.” As a Fortune 500 fi nancial services organization with more than 100 years of from her research. Published in Deseret News from Janu- experience, Thrivent Financial is uniquely positioned to help you weather She is survived by her children: Carol ary 31 to February 1, 2013. these uncertain times. Put the strength and stability of Thrivent Financial to work for you. Contact < transit a fi nancial representative or visit Thrivent.com/strong. From page 3 drive together,” she says. Hakan Sicakkan was also pleasantly surprised with the snack before dinner. The often the worst throughout Norway and Eu- “Pust” campaign was not on his radar before rope, and city officials and environmental he got on the bus. advocacy groups are working to lower pol- “But I see here that there is a competi- lution in the coastal city. tion, so maybe I should suggest to my boss Several other bus lines in the city were that we join. I usually take the bus,” he said. treated to the same surprise and Naturvern- The main goal of Naturvernforbundet is forbundet plans to repeat it several times this that the buns will become a talking point for week. people to discuss city air quality and mea- The buns were received with cheers on sures to reduce traffic. line 2. “This was very nice, because I was “We see that the majority of people on hungry,” says Lena Irgens. Irgens is a student public transportation are a little surprised at the teacher college, and takes the bus ev- Securities and investment advisory services are offered through Thrivent Investment Management Inc., to be rewarded for something they do every 625 Fourth Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55415, a FINRA and SIPC member and wholly owned subsidiary of Thrivent ery day to and from school. day anyway. But it’s good for people see that Financial for Lutherans. For additional important disclosure information, please visit Thrivent.com/disclosures. “I think it’s important that we think of something is happening on the bus that does Appleton, Wisconsin • Minneapolis, Minnesota • Thrivent.com • 800-THRIVENT (800-847-4836) the air quality, and make people aware of not happen when you are sitting alone in a 27675NAWA N1-13 601493 the issue. And it’s not that hard to carpool or car,” says Skogland. 12 • February 8, 2013 Online: blog.norway.com/category/culture norwegian american weekly Arts & Style Reflections for a film Calendar of Events Dr. Steinar Opstad reflects on the new ‘Kon-Tiki’ film and on his years-long friendship with Thor Heyerdahl What’s going on in your neighborhood?

California celebrate its 100th Anniversary with this Heritage Day 2013 Western Tour coupled with a spe- March 16 cial Norway 100th Anniversary Tour cul- Palm Desert, Calif. minating with a June 16th concert at Ni- Presented by Solskinn Lodge #150. Food daros Cathedral in Trondheim, Norway. demonstration, entertainment, Viking Tickets available at stolaftickets.com. Room, vendors, travel info., meatball lunch and lefse. 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. at Hope Norway Night Church, 45900 Portola Ave. For more February 13 & 20 information call (760) 699-7436 or visit Fergus Falls, Minn. http://www.solskinn.org. Enjoy exclusive food samples: Tradi- tional and new tastes of Norway. See and Florida hear the presentation: “A journey through Norway: the last 40 years.” By Lise Vik- A Fiddle Special Event March 2 en (owner Nordic Galleri). Tickets are Estero, Fla. $8 per person. 7 p.m. at Nordic Galleri, Presenting Karen Torkelson Solgård. Riverfront Square, 221 W Lincoln Ave., Join us for an evening of enchantment, Fergus Falls. Tickets must be purchased March 2, at 5 p.m. at the Breckenridge in advance due to limited places. Stop Golf & Tennis Club, 20091 Wimble- in at the store, call (218) 739-9665 or don Court, Estero, Fla. Karen Torkle- e-mail [email protected]. Vel- son Solgård grew up on a farm north of kommen! Visit www.nordicgalleri.com. Crookston, Minnesota in a musical fam- Find us on Facebook! ily. She excelled in music as a young Photo courtesy SEBRA FILM AB girl, studied at the University of Min- New York Steinar Opstad (left) talking with Thor Heyerdahl and the TV-producer Bent Jonson nesota School of Music in Minneapolis, Annual Fastelavn from SEBRA FILM AB in the front. Taken near San Augustin in southern Colombia. and pursued a career in cello for ten years February 24 New York, N.Y. before taking up Hardanger fiddle seri- From 2 – 6 p.m. the Scandinavian East ously. Please bring a dish to share. Mem- On Feb. 22, we will know if the Norwe- some visions on the future for cross-Atlantic Coast Museum will be holding their An- bers and guests $5 each. Coffee, water, gian film “Kon-Tiki” is to receive an Oscar. relations. nual Fastelavn Celebration (Danish Mar- and sodas provided. For reservations The Norwegian team is anxious and hope- “But our relations were initially on the di Gras) at the Danish Athletic Club, lo- and information, call Maxine Batrawi ful. The film has already been seen by more publicity for his many projects, newspaper cated at 735 - 65th Street. All are invited (239) 405-4026 or e-mail: treasurer@ people than any other film in Norwegian cin- relations, books and TV-programs. The larg- to come and celebrate this wonderful tra- gulfcoastvikings.com. ema, and the mentions in Norwegian media est project was the creation of the famous TV dition. Decorate branches for the return are very positive. series ‘The Kon-Tiki Man,’ which has been of spring, hit the barrel to rid yourself Dr. Steinar Opstad shares his thoughts sold to more than 60 national TV channels Illinois of bad luck and eat delicious Fastelavn on the film’s success, and his friendship with worldwide, and the book of the same name 10th Annual Dinner Dance & Fund Raiser buns to increase your good luck. Games, Thor Heyerdahl, the man himself. sold and translated into several languages. March 2 and prize for best costume (costumes are Des Plaines, Ill. “The new Norwegian film success ‘Kon One of the scenes for this series was shot in optional). Music by Ellen Lindstrom. All Social Hour 6:30 p.m., dinner 7:30 p.m. Tiki’ based on the incredible story of Thor Columbia, South America and during that inclusive price (dinner included) is $30 at Des Plaines Elks Club, 495 Lee Street, Heyerdahl and his crew sailing 101 days rather strenuous visit we came even closer for adults, $17 for those 7 – 17 and $12 Des Plaines, Ill. Scandinavian Park, Inc. across the Pacific Ocean on a balsa raft – to to each other and I learned more about the for those 6 and under. For reservations NFP will present their 10th annual din- prove the possibility for people hundreds of man Thor Heyerdahl than I already knew. call Victoria at (718) 748-5950 or Reidun ner dance and fund raiser to celebrate the years ago to have made the same journey – is “After studies at the University of Oslo at (718) 748-7844. This event is spon- 60th Anniversary of Vasa Park, South El- now in the public eye. The young zoologist, and a yearlong expedition to the remote is- sored by the Scandinavian East Coast gin, Ill. Dance music provided by Dave biologist, anthropologist and scientist Thor land Fatu Hiva – the southernmost island of Museum. Kyrk Trio. Cash drawing and raffle Heyerdahl from Larvik, Norway could not the Marquesas Islands, in French Polynesia table with prizes donated by Scandina- Washington swim and was not a friend to ocean water, – and a shorter expedition to the western vian organizations and businesses. Do- but he was so sure about his theory and vi- part of Canada, Heyerdahl was educated as Annual Nordic Heritage Day nation $45 per person. For reservations sion that he placed himself and the crew on a parachute solider in “Little Norway” in March 9 and information call (630) 852-0598 or that raft and let wind and currents bring them Canada during WWII. He was dropped be- Bothell, Wash. send reservations with check payable across the huge ocean. No rescue systems hind the German lines in occupied Finmark, Annual Nordic Heritage Day Saturday, to Scandinavian Park, Inc. NFP to Jack were planned or could be allocated. Norway during the winter 1944-45. March 9, 2013 from 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. Grandin, 7011 Sierra Court, Darien, Ill. “I have also seen the old ‘Kon Tiki’ film “Heyerdahl has received several hon- Open to the Public. Free Admission. 60561. visit www.vasaparkil.com for several times, the one Heyerdahl made back orary doctorate degrees and several honors Free Parking. There will be food, dem- more information. in the late 1940s. I have heard Thor Hey- from scientific institutions all over the world. onstrations and sampling: craft demon- erdahl himself tell stories from the expedi- He initiated and directed several archeologi- strations, music and genealogy. Plus, the Minnesota tion several times, and had his voice in my cal expeditions, among them the Maldivian horse is coming! Lunch available St. Olaf Choir 2013 National Tour memory when I sat down in the local cinema expedition in 1983, Tucume in Peru in 1989, for purchase: pea soup, open face sand- February 16 and watched the new ‘Kon Tiki,’ the one Tenerife in 1991 and Azov in 2001. I was wiches, rømmegrøt and desserts. For Stillwater, Minn. now presented for the Oscar nomination. privileged to be part of some of them. additional information please call (425) The St. Olaf Choir sings at 7:30 p.m. at I remember the first ‘Kon Tiki’ film was “Thor Heyerdahl died in 2002, and 385-2144 or visit www.bothellsonsof- Trinity Lutheran Church in Stillwater, awarded an Oscar back in 1950. The new among many others, the King and Queen norway.org. Minn. The choir has toured annually ‘Kon Tiki’ is a marvelous film and a story of Norway participated in his funeral. Thor since 1912, when it was founded by a well told, I can only recommend it. Heyerdahl’s archives were in 2011 regis- Norwegian named F. Melius Christian- “My relation to Thor Heyerdahl began tered at UNESCO’s register as a part of the sen. The 1920 tour to the major music in 1972. I was a young editor of a profes- world’s memories. centers of the East Coast sowed the seeds sional magazine at that time, and met Thor “I had the privilege to travel with Thor of the ensemble’s national reputation and at an international congress for editors. Thor Heyerdahl on several expeditions, from the established its unaccompanied style of was the keynote speaker. We became friends visits to the Maldives to the recording of singing as a significant force in Ameri- from the first day we met, and we worked ‘The Kon-Tiki Man’ in South America. He can choral music. The choir continues to together on and off for close to thirty years, was a very dedicated man, clear on what until just before we was diagnosed with can- he wanted to achieve and how he would Send your event to [email protected] or call (206) 784-4617 cer and died. Our last appearance together achieve it. He was easy to communicate with to be added to the Norwegian American Weekly! was at a large symposium organized by and friendly. I have only positive memories Event listings are free, but space is limited. Please contact us at least one month prior to event. Augsburg College, Minneapolis, Minn. in from the many years we worked together,” the year 2000. He spoke on the history; I had says Dr. Steinar Opstad. norwegian american weekly Online: blog.norway.com/category/norway-in-the-us February 8, 2013 • 13 In your neighborhood Nordic music to Seattle Art exhibit in N.Y.C. Beginning on Feb. 10, the Nordic Chamber Music Series Odd Andersen’s maritime paintings will be displayed will feature pan-Scandinavian musical talent in February at the Swedish Seamens Church

Photos courtesy Nordic Heritage Museum Photo courtesy Roy Jorgensen Inger-Kristine Riber from Norway (left) and Erika Lux from Ger- Odd Andersen with one of his N.Y. maritime paintings. many are making their U.S. debut! Norwegian-born pianist Inger- Kristine Riber, graduate of the Norwegian Music Academy and the Hochschule für Musik, Theater und Medien in Hannover, is joined by Hungarian-born pianist Erika Lux, a graduate of the Ferenc Liszt Academy in Budapest and prize winner in the Worldwide Piano Competition in Tokyo for this unusual one piano–four hands program, which includes pieces by Norwegian masters Grieg, Backer-Grøndahl, David Monrad Johansen, and Alf Hurum along with rarely heard works of Liszt and Wagner! Roy Jorgensen Hopewell Junction, N.Y.

Special Release Nordic Heritage Museum Odd Andersen brings his interpreta- Port Newark and the Brooklyn waterfront tions of landscapes from Scandinavia and among other projects. the United States as well as some of his Odd’s talent for art exhibited itself ear- The Mostly Nordic Chamber Music Se- America,” says artistic director Lisa Berg- New York City maritime life to Manhattan ly and as a teenagers he took lessons from ries and Smörgåsbord starts its 18th season man. “No other series presents such a spec- at the Swedish Seamens Church, 5 East 48 Thorn Norheim in Brooklyn. Later he stud- on Sunday, February 10, with the first of five trum of music history while remaining fo- St., New York City. Of particular interest is ies were at the Ridgewood, N.J. School of concerts that feature internationally and na- cused on only one of the five Nordic coun- work from the 100-year-old Swedish colony Art and the O’Reilly League of Artists, tionally acclaimed artists representing all the tries per event. These artists, who hail from in northern Maine. His interpretations in White Plains, N.Y. Odd is, however, large- Nordic countries. The first concert will focus all over the world, are true ambassadors of their realistic style are easily appreciated by ly self-taught. The exhibit at the Seamens on Iceland with violinist Elfa Rún Kristins- culture who are happy to mingle with audi- all viewers Church is open through February. He also dóttir from Iceland and Seattle pianist Debo- ence members following the music.” He is of an old seafaring family from has paintings on display at Heritage Hall the rah Dewey. The subsequent concerts will Single ticket prices are $45 for Museum Norway/Sweden and Bay Ridge, Brooklyn exhibit of The Norwegian Immigration As- take place on March 10, April 7, May 5, and Members, $50 for non-Members (including who sailed the high seas on square riggers sociation, Inc., 1250 – 67 Street, Brooklyn, June 2. See the full schedule below. smörgåsbord) and concert-only tickets are one even working as a young teenager on NY. That exhibit is open seven days a week. Mostly Nordic is known for spotlight- $20 for Members, $25 for non-Members. whaling expeditions to Antarctica. Odd, The Galleries at the church are open ing rarely heard masterpieces and musicians Season tickets for all five concerts (includ- himself, was in the U.S. Navy working on Monday through Friday, noon – 6 p.m., Sat- making their U.S. debut, creating a truly ing smörgåsbord) are $195 for Members and small ships in the Delaware River. As an urdays noon – 4 p.m. and Sundays after the unique experience for the audience. Each of $215 for non-Members. adult he was always close to the water as he 11 a.m. church service until 4 p.m. There is the concerts is presented in a dinner theatre Tickets may be purchased through the spent many years as a dockbuilder working no admission fee. Open-faced sandwiches format with a smörgåsbord of gourmet Nor- Nordic Heritage Museum by calling (206) on the Tappan Zee, Throgs Neck and Bea- may be had in the cafe. For more informa- dic delicacies from the featured country. In 789-5707, ext.10. Or a ticket order from con-Newburgh Bridges and on the docks at tion, call (212) 832-8443. addition, admission to all Nordic Heritage may be download from the Museum website Museum exhibits is free to concert-goers be- at http://www.nordicmuseum.org/events. fore each performance. aspx#mostlynordic. A brief neighborhood note “This series is unique in all of North St. Olaf Choir 2013 National Tour Francisco, Calif.; Feb. 6 San Luis Obispo, The acclaimed St. Olaf Choir is coming Calif.; Feb. 8 Santa Barbara, Calif.; Feb. to a performing arts center near you! Jan 9 Pasadena, Calif.; Feb. 10 Phoenix, Ariz.; 26. Sioux Falls, S.D.; Jan 27. Mason City, Feb. 11 Tucson, Ariz.; and Feb. 16 Stillwater, Iowa; Jan. 30 Seattle, Wash.; Feb. 1 Eugene, Minn. See our Calendar of Events for more Ore.; Feb. 2 Portland, Ore.; Feb. 3 Salem, information, and for ticket information visit Ore.; Feb. 4 Sacremento, Calif.; Feb. 5 San stolaftickets.com. Advertise in the Weekly! Reach over 20,000 Reasons to advertise: Norwegian-American readers • Affordable! $10/col inch for EVERY week! B&W, $15/col inch for color • Free ad design • Support the only Norwegian- Photos courtesy Nordic Heritage Museum American newspaper! Also appearing in the concert series: Multitalented musicians from Umeå and Luleå in Northern Sweden, Pia Karin Helsing (soprano, cello, violin), Görel Särs (accordion, piano, guitar), and Cay Nyqvist (clarinet, percus- sion, composer). Right: Icelandic-born violinist, Elfa Rún Kristinsdóttir, Grand Prize winner of the 2006 J. S. Bach Competition in Leipzig, European Council’s Pro Europa incentive award and concertmaster of Akademie für For details, call (800) 305-0217 or email [email protected] Alte Musik Berlin. 14 • February 8, 2013 Online: blog.norway.com/category/norwegian-americans norwegian american weekly norwegian heritage Norwegian Language Corner Learning to tell stories NORWEGIAN FOLK TALES, FAIRY TALES AND TROLLS The small town of Northwood, N.D., steeped in Norwegian heritage, acts as center for soldiers and veterans

With 18 classic folk tales, fairy tales and trolls from Norway in Norwegian and English, “Tuss og Troll” is now serialized in the Norwegian American Weekly’s Norwegian Language Corner. The stories are from the col- lections of Peter Christen Asbjørnsen and Jørgen Moe, and retold by Øyvind Dybvad, Gard , Velle Espeland, Johannes Farestveit and Nana Rise-Lynum. “Tuss og Troll” was edited, designed and published by Deb Nelson Gourley of Astri My Astri publishing. Copyright © Norsk Barneblad.

Photos courtesy Larrie Wanberg Left: The cemetery in Northwood, N.D., is lined with American flags. Right: the “Warriors of the North” use a Viking logo.

Larrie Wanberg N.D. Contributing Editor Veslefrikk med fela Little Frikk and the Fiddle

Så gjekk han ei stund att til han vart trøytt. Then he walked a little further till he was What would be your nomination for the ings together with the Auxiliaries. The other Då laut han setja seg og kvila. Men straks han tired. And then he sat down and rested. But just vel hadde sett seg, kom det til han ein fattig- most patriotic town that you know? half of Main Street is a beautiful Memorial as he sat down, there came another poor man, and Some may say that a major Veteran Park, honoring the names of veterans in en- mann att, og han var så stor og stygg og lang at he was so big and ugly and tall that the boy had to guten såg oppetter og oppetter til han såg like look up and up and up till he looked high into the Day’s parade takes their vote or Memorial- graved placques. The cemetery on the edge til himmels før han øygna hovudet hans. sky before he could see his head. Day speeches with dignitaries deserve their of town is lined with American flags like no Då han retteleg fekk sjå kor stor og stygg When the boy actually saw how big and vote. other to my knowledge. og fillut han var, sette han i å skrika. — Ver ik- ugly and how ragged he was, he began screaming. But small rural towns capture my nomi- Twenty minutes to the North is Grand kje redd meg du, guten min, sa mannen. — Eg “Don’t be frightened of me, my boy, said the man, nation, because awareness and recognition Forks Air Base, home of “Warriors of the gjer deg ikkje noko, for eg er berre ein fattig- I won’t do you any harm, because I am only a poor mann som bed om ein skilling i Guds namn. man who wants to ask for a penny in God’s name!” of patriots over the generations are literally North,” with its Viking logo for missileers — Betre meg, sa Veslefrikk, — eg har berre “Oh dear,” said little Frikk, “I have only one penny a part of every day life, for both young and that operated a string of cold war missile ein skilling att! left!” old, for both last generation and youth of to- sites along the border to Canada. Now days, — Ja, eg har ingen skilling, eg, og større “Well, I have no pennies, and a larger body, day. the Air Base supports drone aircraft that pa- kropp og mindre klede, så det er verre for meg and fewer clothes, so it is worse for me, than it is Most every rural town across the prai- trol the borders and support worldwide mis- enn for deg, sa fattigmannen. Så fekk han få for you,” said the poor man. “Well, you better have ries of ND has both a Veteran’s “Memorial sions. skillingen då, sa Veslefrikk, det var inga råd the penny then,” said little Frikk, there was nothing med det, for så hadde kvar sin og han sjølv in- else he could do, and now each of the poor men had Building” where community events are held Twenty minutes to the West is the Os- gen, og sidan var det ikkje meir å gje bort. their own, and he had none, so now there was no regularly, and a Memorial Park where names car Zero Missile Site, now a state museum, — Ja, sidan du har slikt eit godt hjartelag more to give away. of veterans are chiseled in stone, honoring where visitors can experience how crews at du har gjeve bort alt det du åtte, så skal eg “Aye, since you have been so good-hearted those patriots who served in previous or worked deep underground in defense of pos- gje deg eit ynske for kvar skilling, sa fattig- as to give away everything you owned, I will give mannen. For det var den same fattigmannen contemporary battlefields. Some towns have sible missile attack. you a wish for each penny,” said the poor man. For American Legion or VFW centers that serve Twenty minutes to the East in Grand som hadde fått alle tre skillingane, han hadde it was he, the same poor man who had received all berre skapt seg om kvar gong, så guten ikkje of the three pennies, he had only changed himself veterans and community groups on a daily Forks at the University of North Dakota kjende han att. each time so that the boy would not recognize him. basis. (UND), over 500 recent returnees are en- — Eg har støtt hatt slik hug til å høyra “I have always had a longing to hear a fiddle One town in Grand Forks County is the rolled as students in pursuit of new civilian fela låta, og sjå at folk var så lystige og glade play, and to see people who were so cheerful and most visual patriotic town that I know of in careers. A plan is in place to enlist 5-10 re- at dei dansa, sa Veslefrikk. — Så om eg får yn- happy that they danced,” said little Frikk. “So if the state. cent returnees enrolled as students to form a skja det eg vil, då vil eg ynskja meg ei fele som I can wish for what I want, then I will wish for er slik at alt som har liv, må dansa etter henne. myself a fiddle, which is so — that everything that Northwood, population 945, has held film crew for short, documentary-type films — Det skal du få, sa fattigmannen. has life must dance for her.” “That you shall have,” the honor of the highest number of citizens using cell phone applications. — Men det var eit skrøpeleg ynske, så du said the poor man. with Norwegian ancestry, per capita, in the Learning to tell their stories can be per- får ynskja betre for dei andre skillingane. — “But that was a feeble wish, so you must wish nation. Northwood also claims the highest sonally helpful in adjusting to stresses from Eg har støtt hatt slik hug til å jakta og skyta, sa better for the other two pennies.” “I have always percentage of Norwegian ancestry at 55.5% re-entry to civilian life; while at school, Veslefrikk. — Får eg ynskja det eg vil, så vil wanted to hunt and shoot,” said little Frikk. “So if I and likewise the highest percentage of resi- learning the soft skills of 1-3 minute crafted eg ynskja ei børse som er slik at eg råkar alt eg can wish for what I want, then I will wish myself a siktar etter, om det er aldri så langt borte. rifle that will hit everything I aim at, even it is ever dents in ND speaking Norwegian. digital films enhances their skill-set for most In Northwood, the American Legion any future career. so far away.” 7.NAW.Holand.6Jan2013_Layout 1 1/6/13 7:09 PM Page 1 4.NAW.Vangsgutane.6Jan2013_Layout 1 1/7/13 12:20 AM Page 1 Post and the VFW share a “storefront” on Translated into English by Alexander Knud Huntrods and Odd-Steinar Dybvad Raneng Main Street for meetings and social gather- See > stories, page 15 Price: $29.95 with FREE shipping in the U.S.A. • www.astrimyastri.com

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Made in America! or order from website Astri My Astri Publishing www.astrimyastri.com Astri My Astri Publishing www.astrimyastri.com Deb Nelson Gourley Phone: 563-568-6229 Deb Nelson Gourley Phone: 563-568-6229 602 3rd Ave SW, Waukon, IA 52172 [email protected] 602 3rd Ave SW, Waukon, IA 52172 [email protected] norwegian american weekly February 8, 2013 • 15 Sports < Steira From page 1 go at first. But the skating portion was not Ski in the U.S. so bad. I felt refreshed, thinking that now Races and events in the U.S.’s favorite Nordic-inspired winter sport had to drop out of the race. “I felt refreshed,” you can just make it or break it,” said the she said after the victory. 31-year-old to TV 2. The Norwegian women’s cross-country Asked how she feels about her VM skiers followed up the sprint final from the form, Størmer Steira replied, “It seems that Feb. 17 Kongsbergers Stampede & Skiathlon will be held Sunday, February 17, Feb. 1 race in Sochi, Russia, where Celine the shape is now beginning to appear. I have 2013 at the Cabin Creek Sno-Park near Snoqualmie Pass, Wash. The Kongs- Brun-Lie took bronze. struggled a bit after the Tour de Ski, but now bergers Stampede is the second of three Kongsberger Ski Club cross-country In the 15 km. skiathalon, Kristin Størm- it seems as if I am making a comeback.” ski races this winter and the club’s oldest race. The Stampede is a fun and er Steira was clearly the strongest. Justyna Kowalczyk was not in top form approachable race for both new and experienced racers. Again this year, Stam- The pack stayed together for about ten during the 15 kilometers. After six kilome- pede features a 15 km. Skiathlon pursuit (in place of traditional 15 km. free- km., but the five km. left were enough for ters, the Polish skier had to drop from the style) and a 7.5 km. freestyle citizens’ race. Both are mass starts. Skiathlon Størmer Steira. She moved ahead of the oth- race. is a one-day, continuously run pursuit consisting of one lap classic, followed er competitors, and had full control all the “I wasn’t in form. It is only the second immediately by one lap freestyle. Equipment change (ski, poles and boots) for way to the finish. time in this career I have broken. I had not Skiathlon is permitted at lap point. Winner is first racer to finish. Størmer Steira had 19 seconds on Julia planned for that to happen,” she said after the Tsjekaleva from Russia who finished second. race. Feb. 23 The YooperBeiner ski race comes to the U.P. of Michigan just as the days This was Størmer Steira’s third World Cup Skiathlon Sochi is part of the sample are getting longer, the temperatures are getting milder, and the snow is getting victory. Olympics, in addition to being a part of the deeper. On Feb. 23, we know the lovely winter days are numbered. We snow- “It was very good. I had a good day and World Cup. The race was marked by snow shoers and skiers celebrate winter together at the YooperBeiner and hope you it just kept going my way. I was a bit unsure and a heavy track. will join us. The 2013 YooperBeiner will be held at 11 a.m. There are three if I had started the sprint early, but I kept Other Norwegian skiers Astrid Uhren- choices: 3 km. or 5 km. tour/walk, 5 km. race or 10 km. race. The location is at ahead,” said Størmer Steira to TV 2 Sport holdt Jacobsen took fourth place, while Mar- Wolverine Ski Trails a few miles from Ironwood, Mich. 100% of the funds are after the race. the Kristoffersen ended up in 16th place. used to help the local ski club to maintain the trails. If you register online or It was tough for the women with a heavy Champion Norwegian skiers Marit Bjør- via email by Feb. 22, you will receive a $5 discount. Visit http://www.yooper- snowfall during the 15 km. race. gen and Therese Johaug were not competing beiner.com/5.html for more information. “The classic portion was characterized in Sochi over the weekend of Feb. 1 – 3. by the snowy weather, and it was hard to Feb. 23 The Sons of Norway’s District Six, Colorado Lodges are proud to invite you to participate in the children’s Barneløpet for young people ages 0 – 16. Barneløpet is a noncompetitive ski event for children. It is modeled after simi- lar ski events in Norway. Literally translated, Barneløpet means “children’s race.” Every skier finishes a winner! Sons of Norway’s Barneløpet is a FREE < Stories event open to boys and girls of all skill levels. It’s an event where the whole From page 14 general population. Many returnees enroll in family can get involved. Parents, Grandparents and other spectators can line college to acquire new skills, but according up at the finish banner to cheer the skiers on with cowbells and flags. All In the proposal, a team of veterans is to the Huffington Report, half of graduating skiers receive a beautiful gold medal! 9:00 a.m. at Legett Hall, Snow Mtn tasked to produce a short film of each other, college students find it difficult to find em- Ranch, YMCA. Winter Park, Colo. For more information: http://www.sofn. then themselves as a first person narrative, ployment. com/Events/public/show/1119 and them teach others to do the same. If stu- The Northwood Legion has provided a dent-veterans work with high school students seed grant to train three high school or college to produce stories on iPhones and then coach students in short digital films in an iPhone older veterans to document their stories, then format. The central idea is to assist veterans one has an appealing way to engage a grow- in developing personal video resumes to help ing membership in Legion activities. recent returnees to market themselves for In ND, there are 215 Legion Posts, jobs through a dedicated Website that is ac- < statoil with 16,500 paid members, 13,000 auxiliary cessible to potential employers on any smart From page 3 terrorist attack was done on purpose with de- members and 700 “Sons of Legionnaires,” phone or desktop. sire to harm. which can range in age from school age to Northwood as a community not only and optimistic outlook. Hans met with re- “That’s why so many feel sorrow with seniors. looks patriotic, but is applying modern tech spect, had a great spirit and a strong pres- you today. A whole nation and the whole A growing trend is for college-based tools, like iPhone Cimematography, to level ence. Colleagues talking about Thomas world has marked their distaste for the sense- Posts for veterans and “Cyber Posts,” where the playing field for veterans in the job mar- his infectious good humor. He was a good less terrorist attack,” he said. your Zip code is replaced by a passcode. ket. conversation partner, and close friend of Borten Moe said the five killed were Statistically, many veterans are unable It’s a simple application of a teaching many colleagues. Tore was a respected and highly respected Norwegians: “They were to find a job, as unemployment rates are model: see one, do one, teach one. thoughtful leader, and everyone who had the good representatives of equality, human dig- considerably higher for returnees than the pleasure of working with him felt significant. nity and democracy. Norwegian values ​​that Victor was one of our most experienced na- stand in stark contrast to the contempt for life tional managers. He always wanted to learn that this attack represents.” something new, and was a warm and friendly He also thanked the English representa- manager and showed great care,” said Lund. tives of the Algerian oil company Sonatrach < names “These five represented the some of the who had come from Algeria to participate in From page 6 3. Julia Lucas best we have. They were highly respected the memorial service in Bergen. 4. Ella Hugo and competent employees, and lost their The last of the five missing Norwegians, biblical name. 5. Maja Elias lives on the job for us. We are gathered here Victor Sneberg (56), was confirmed dead Local variations are hard to find, but in the sense of loss and grief,” he continued. Feb. 1. Statoil has not decided when the body some trends are visible across the country. In Norway, 49.4 percent of children Lund also talked about his despair over will be transported home. Liam is a popular name in Østfold. Mo- have middle names, while 8.5 percent have a the loss of five good men was for their fami- On Jan. 30, the four other bodies arrived hammad, with many different variations, is hyphenated last name. In this way, the child lies and survivors. at Gardermoen airport. the most popular name in Oslo. In og continues with both parents’ names. The use “On behalf of the Government, I express A total of 37 foreign nationals from Fjordane, the name Nikolai shares first place of hyphenated surname has risen after it was our deepest sympathy in your grief,” said Oil eight countries and one Algerian were killed with several other names. Theodor is the widely accepted in 2003, and is rising steadi- Minister Ola Borten Moe when he spoke at during the terrorist attack. In addition, 29 of third most popular name in Nord-Trøndelag, ly. This is perhaps also the reason that only the memorial service. He stressed the evil the captors were killed, while three survivors while Matheo is the most popular in . 21.5 percent of boys and 26.1 percent of girls were arrested. Some girl names are even harder to find lo- get more than one first name. Overall, 566 cal variations, but Ella takes second place in girls got Sofie as second first name in 2012, Stavanger and Cornelia is 17th place in Tele- and that was when most who combined this mark. with Emma. Marie came in second place – Much of the inspiration for the Nor- 516 girls received this as a second first name Subscribe to the Norwegian wegian name trends come from Sweden. In name. 2012, it was Alice and William were the most The most commonly used second first American Weekly! popular names in the neighboring country. names for boys are Alexander with 424, An- dre with 328 and Leander with 206. Call (800) 305-0217 Sweden’s Top Five Girl and Boy Names In 2012, 17 percent of newborns had last in 2012 names ending in “sen.” For the total popula- or email [email protected]. 1. Alice William tion, this proportion has now fallen to 21.4 2. Elsa Oscar percent. Don’t let economic uncertainty affect your fi nancial future.

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