Cardiovascular and Lymphatic Systems

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Cardiovascular and Lymphatic Systems Cardiovascular and 7 Lymphatic Systems Chapter Outline Anatomy and Physiology, 196 Prefi xes, 205 Functions of the Cardiovascular Suffi xes, 205 System, 196 Medical Terms, 209 Structures of the Cardiovascular Adjectives and Other Related System, 196 Terms, 209 Functions of the Lymphatic Symptoms and Medical Conditions, 211 System, 196 Tests and Procedures, 221 Structures of the Lymphatic Surgical Interventions and System, 197 Therapeutic Procedures, 226 Terms Related to the Cardiovascular Medications and Drug Therapies, 231 and Lymphatic Systems, 197 Specialties and Specialists, 232 Word Parts, 204 Abbreviations, 233 Combining Forms, 204 Chapter Review, 236 Objectives After completion of this chapter you will be able to: 1. Describe the location of the main cardiovascular and lymphatic structures in the body. 2. Defi ne terms related to the heart, the vascular system, and the lymphatic system. 3. Defi ne combining forms, prefi xes, and suffi xes related to the cardiovascular and lymphatic systems. 4. Defi ne common medical terminology related to the cardiovascular and lymphatic systems, including adjectives and related terms, symptoms and conditions, tests and procedures, surgical interventions and therapeutic procedures, medications and drug therapies, and specialties. 5. Explain abbreviations for terms related to the cardiovascular and lymphatic systems. 6. Successfully complete all chapter exercises. 7. Explain terms used in medical records and case studies involving the cardiovascular and lymphatic systems. 8. Successfully complete all pronunciation and spelling exercises, and complete all interactive exercises included with the companion Student Resources. LLWBK568-C07_195-252.inddWBK568-C07_195-252.indd 119595 110/19/100/19/10 99:43:06:43:06 PPMM 196 MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY Functions of the Cardiovascular System ᭿ To transport blood throughout the body (Fig. 7-1) ᭿ To deliver oxygen and nutrients to body cells through arteries and capillaries ᭿ To remove waste products from body cells through capillaries and veins ᭿ To pump blood through the heart with the aid of electrical conduction Structures of the Cardiovascular System ᭿ The heart wall consists of three tissue layers. ᭿ The heart has four chambers aided by four valves to keep blood moving in one direction. ᭿ The heart has specialized tissue that transmits electrical impulses. ᭿ The heart muscle contracts in a rhythmic sequence, pushing blood through the chambers and vessels. ᭿ The arteries carry blood away from the heart. ᭿ The capillaries allow exchange of gasses, nutrients, and wastes between the blood and body cells. ᭿ The veins return blood back to the heart. Functions of the Lymphatic System ᭿ To return lymph from body tissues to the blood (Fig. 7-1) ᭿ To protect the body by fi ltering microorganisms and foreign particles from the lymph ᭿ To maintain the body’s internal fl uid level ᭿ To absorb fats from the small intestines Circulation to upper body Lymph Venule nodes Lymph capillary Blood capillary Lymph vessel Lymph vessel Arteriole Tissue cells Circulation to lower body Figure 7-1 Blood and lymph fl ow in the cervical region. LLWBK568-C07_195-252.inddWBK568-C07_195-252.indd 119696 110/19/100/19/10 99:43:08:43:08 PPMM Chapter 7 Cardiovascular and Lymphatic Systems 197 Structures of the Lymphatic System ᭿ The lymph is clear tissue fl uid consisting of white blood cells and a few red blood cells. ᭿ The lymph nodes fi lter the lymph. ᭿ The lymph nodes are primarily concentrated in the neck, chest, armpits, and groin. ᭿ The lymph vessels transport the lymph from the body tissues to the venous system. ᭿ The lymph vessels have valves that facilitate one-way transport of lymph. Terms Related to the Cardiovascular and Lymphatic Systems Term Pronunciation Meaning The Heart (Fig. 7-2) cardiovascular system kahr’dē-ō-vas’kyū-lăr heart and blood vessels carrying oxygen and nutrients to the sis’tĕm body cells and carrying away waste (Fig. 7-3) heart hahrt muscular organ taking deoxygenated blood from the veins, pumping it to the lungs for oxygen, and returning it to the body through the arteries (Fig. 7-4) (continued) View the animation Cardiac Cycle on the Student Resources to learn how blood fl ows through the heart. Aorta Superior vena cava Left pulmonary artery Right pulmonary artery Right pulmonary veins Left pulmonary veins Pulmonary valve Left atrium Right atrium Aortic valve Mitral valve Tricuspid valve Endocardium Epicardium Left ventricle Right ventricle Myocardium Inferior vena cava Septum Apex Figure 7-2 Heart and great vessels. LLWBK568-C07_195-252.inddWBK568-C07_195-252.indd 119797 110/19/100/19/10 99:43:12:43:12 PPMM 198 MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY Heart Artery Vein Pericardial sac (cut edge) Superior vena cava Left pulmonary artery Right lung Left atrium Pericardial sac (cut edge) Capillaries Left lung Right atrium Pericardium (cut edge) Right ventricle Left ventricle Apex of heart Figure 7-3 The cardiovascular system. Figure 7-4 Cross-section of the heart and lungs showing the heart’s relative position in the body. Terms Related to the Cardiovascular and Lymphatic Systems (continued) Term Pronunciation Meaning apex ā’peks the lower pointed end of the heart septum sep’tŭm wall of heart tissue separating the right and left sides atrium ā’terē-ŭm upper receiving chamber of the heart; right and left ventricle ven’tri-kĕl lower pumping chamber of the heart; right and left structures endocardium en’dō-kahr’dē-ŭm inner lining of the heart myocardium mī’ō-kahr’dē-ŭm middle muscular layer of heart tissue epicardium ep’i-kahr’dē-ŭm outer lining of the heart pericardium per’i-kahr’dē-ŭm sac around the heart that facilitates movement of the heart as it beats (continued) LLWBK568-C07_195-252.inddWBK568-C07_195-252.indd 119898 110/19/100/19/10 99:43:13:43:13 PPMM Chapter 7 Cardiovascular and Lymphatic Systems 199 Terms Related to the Cardiovascular and Lymphatic Systems (continued) Term Pronunciation Meaning aortic valve ā-ōr’tik valv heart valve between the left ventricle and aorta mitral valve mī’trăl valv heart valve between the left atrium and left ventricle; also called a bicuspid valve pulmonary valve pul’mŏ-nār-ē valv heart valve between the right ventricle and the pulmonary artery; also called a semilunar valve due to the half-moon shape of its three cusps tricuspid valve trī-kŭs’pid valv heart valve between the right atrium and right ventricle; also called a semilunar valve due to the half-moon shape of its three cusps The Vascular System blood vessels blŭd ves’ĕlz structures that carry or transport blood artery ar’tĕr-ē vessel carrying blood away from the heart (Fig. 7-5) arteriole ahr-tēr’ē-ōl small artery (continued) Superficial temporal Superior temporal Frontal Common Vertebral carotid Transverse Occipital facial Subclavian Aortic arch Brachiocephalic Vertebral Labial Intercostals External Axillary Celiac carotid Maxillary Brachial Renal Internal Testicular carotid Superior Radial Common thyroid Ulnar Inferior carotid mesenteric Volar arch Thoracic aorta Common Volar iliac Superior metacarpals Internal mesenteric iliac Digitals Femoral External iliac Deep femoral Popliteal Anterior tibial Genicular Posterior tibial Peroneal Dorsalis pedis Dorsal metatarsals Figure 7-5 The principal arteries. LLWBK568-C07_195-252.inddWBK568-C07_195-252.indd 119999 110/19/100/19/10 99:43:16:43:16 PPMM 200 MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY Terms Related to the Cardiovascular and Lymphatic Systems (continued) Term Pronunciation Meaning capillary kap’i-lār-ē microscopic thin-walled vessel connecting arterioles and venules where gas, nutrient, and waste exchange take place between the blood and cells of the body lumen lū’mĕn interior space of a vessel venule ven’yūl small vein vein vān vessel carrying blood to the heart aorta ā-ōr’tă largest artery that begins as an arch from the left ventricle then branches and descends through the thoracic and abdominal cavities; carries oxygenated blood away from the heart inferior vena cava in-fēr’ē-ŏr vē’nă kā’vă large vein carrying blood to the heart from the lower part of the body (Fig. 7-6) superior vena cava sŭ-pēr’ē-ŏr vē’nă kā’vă large vein carrying blood to the heart from the upper part of the body (Fig. 7-6) The Lymphatic System (Fig. 7-7) lymph limf clear fl uid consisting of fl uctuating amounts of white blood cells and a few red blood cells that accumulates in tissue and is removed by the lymphatic capillaries lymph nodes, syn. limf nōdz, limf glandz small bean-shaped masses of lymphatic tissue that fi lter lymph glands bacteria and foreign material from the lymph; located on larger lymph vessels in the axillary, cervical, inguinal, and mediastinal areas (Fig. 7-8) lymph vessels limf ves’ĕlz vessels transporting lymph from body tissues to the venous system lymph capillaries limf kap’i-lar-ēz microscopic thin-walled lymph vessels that pick up lymph, proteins, and waste from body tissues lymph ducts limf dŭkts the largest lymph vessels that transport lymph to the venous system Superior vena cava Inferior vena cava Figure 7-6 The venae cavae carry blood to the heart. LLWBK568-C07_195-252.inddWBK568-C07_195-252.indd 220000 110/19/100/19/10 99:43:16:43:16 PPMM Chapter 7 Cardiovascular and Lymphatic Systems 201 Cervical lymph node Mediastinal lymph node Axillary lymph node Inguinal lymph node Figure 7-7 Major lymph node locations. Afferent lymphatic vessel Lymph node artery (red) and vein (blue) Lymph continuing Efferent toward venous system Lymph from lymphatic body tissues vessel Figure 7-8 The interior of a lymph Lymph nodule node. LLWBK568-C07_195-252.inddWBK568-C07_195-252.indd 220101 110/19/100/19/10 99:43:17:43:17 PPMM 202 MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY ᭿ Exercises: Anatomy and Physiology Exercise 1 Write the correct anatomic structure for the meaning given. 1. upper chamber of the heart 2. small vein 3. middle muscular layer of heart 4.
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