97279 Connecting Food Staples and Input Markets in West Africa Public Disclosure Authorized A Regional Trade Agenda for ECOWAS Countries Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Connecting Food Staples and Input Markets in West Africa A Regional Trade Agenda for ECOWAS Countries Jean-Christophe Maur and Ben Shepherd Report No. 97279-AFR Disclaimer The organizations (that is, IBRD, IFC, and MIGA), using their best efforts in the time available, have en- deavored to provide high-quality services hereunder and have relied on information provided to them by a wide range of other sources. However, they do not make any representations or warranties regard- ing the completeness or accuracy of the information included this report, or the results that would be achieved by following its recommendations. June 2015 Trade and Competitiveness Africa Region Cover photo credit: Ami Vitale, 2002, cassava roots © 2015 The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank 1818 H Street NW Washington DC 20433 Telephone: 202-473-1000 Internet: http://www.worldbank.org E-mail:
[email protected] Contents Acknowledgments xi Introduction xiii Notes xvi References xvii Abbreviations and Acronyms xix Overview: An Imperfect Regional Market xxiii The Regional Agenda xxviii The National Agenda xxxvi 1. Regional Trade Flows in Food Staples in the Economic Community of West African States Space l ECOWAS Is Increasingly Dependent on External Markets for Its Staples Needs 2 Regional Trade Flows in Food Staples: What Do We Know? 8 Market Sheds without Borders: Informality as the Motor of Regional Trade 25 Connecting Markets 28 Conclusions and Policy Recommendations 34 Notes 38 References 41 2.