Geotourism 1–2 (40–41) 2015: 19–36 Granite tors of Waldviertel (Lower Austria) as sites of geotourist interest Granitowe skałki regionu Waldviertel (Dolna Austria) jako obiekty geoturystyczne Aleksandra Michniewicz, Milena Różycka, Piotr Migoń University of Wrocław, Institute of Geography and Regional Development, pl. Uniwersytecki 1, 50-137 Wrocław, Poland e-mails:
[email protected];
[email protected];
[email protected] Introduction Geoheritage sites are the principal resources of geotour- ism and may have different values associated with them and exploited by tourism industry. Whilst scientific values of ge- osites are often emphasized in regional assessments, as they directly translate into educational opportunities to tell ge- oscientific stories, scenic component of geosites is equally important, at least from the perspective of tourism industry. This refers particularly to landforms which may take intrigu- Abstract: Granites of the South Bohemian Pluton are among the ing, unusual, or even bizarre shapes and hence, would attract main rocks in the region of Waldviertel in the northern part of tourists whose interest in Earth history is minimal or non- Lower Austria. The overall topography is gently rolling, with -existent. Then, an opportunity arises to provide more in- higher elevations and medium-altitude mountainous relief present depth explanation and interpretation. Thus, it is assumed that only in the south-western part. Tors are the most characteristic telling the story about rocks may be easier at natural rock residual landforms and occupy different settings, from mountain outcrops rather than in quarries, particularly since in the for- tops to valley floors.