Campaign 2019 September—October 2019 Canadian Politics and Public Policy Campaign 2019 $6.95 Volume 7 – Issue 5 On On June 6, 1919, CN was created by an act of the Parliament of Canada. This year, we celebrate 100 years on the move. It took the best employees, retirees, customers, partners Track and neighbouring communities to make us a world leader in transportation. For our first 100 years and the next 100, we say thank you. for 100 Years CNC_191045_CN100_Policy_Magazine.indd 1 19-06-14 10:45 dossier : CNC-191045 client : CN date/modif. rédaction relecture D.A. épreuve à description : EN ad Juin 100% titre : CN & Aboriginal Communities 1 sc/client infographe production couleur(s) publication : On Track for 100 Years 14/06/19 format : 8,5" x 11" infographe : CM 4c 358, rue Beaubien Ouest, bureau 500 Montréal (Québec) H2V 4S6 t 514 285-1414 PDF/X-1a:2003 Love moving Canada in the right direction Together, we’re leading Canadians towards a more sustainable future We’re always We’re committed We help grow We’re connecting connected to the environment the economy communities With free Wi-Fi, phone charging Where next is up to all of us. Maximizing taxpayer We are connecting more than outlets and roomy seats, Making smart choices today value is good for 400 communities across the you’re in for a comfy ride will contribute to a greener your bottom line country by bringing some (and a productive one, too). tomorrow. (and Canada’s too). 4,8 million Canadians closer to the people and places they love.
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