UN-FORUM National Model United Nations 2007 Report of the Participation of Freie Universität Berlin, representing the Kingdom of Morocco, 15 – 25 March 2007, New York City “Morocco reaffirms its commitment to support the emergence of new multilateral system built on international legality, justice and equity and cooperation in social and economic relations, and based on an efficient and dynamic United Nations system.” His Majesty King Mohammed VI in his address to the General Assembly, September 2004 2007 1 GERMAN UNITED NATIONS ASSOCIATION Berlin-Brandenburg Chapter CHAIR Axel Berg * Prof. Dr. Claudia von Braunmühl * Reinhard Führer * Bernhard Gertz * Wolf-Rainer Hermel * Prof. Dr. Klaus Hüfner * Maybrit Illner * Prof. Dr. Eckart Klein * Prof. Dr. Philip Kunig * Dr. Kurt Kutzler * Wolfgang Lüder * Prof. Dr. Jürgen Mlynek * Matthias Platzeck * Prof. Dr. Albrecht Randelzhofer * Volker Rühe * Dr. Wolfgang Schäuble * Prof. Dr. Gesine Schwan * Dr. Hajo Vergau * Hans Wall * Klaus Wowereit BOARD MEMBERS Dr. Christine Kalb, President * Ralf Freiberg, Vice-President * Sachka Stefanova, Vice-President * Peggy Wittke, Vice-President * Klaus Strakos, Treasurer Christian Dietrich * Dr. Bardo Fassbender * Henni Hensen * Dr. Andreas Köhler * Timo Mahn * Oliver Maibaum * Hendrik Muschal * Dr. Carmen Thiele * Irene Weinz * Dr. Norman Weiß SECRETARIAT DGVN Berlin-Brandenburg, Am Karlsbad 4-5, 10785 Berlin, Tel. (+4930) 261.91.19 * Fax: (+4930) 264 54 14 * email:
[email protected] IMPRESSUM Publisher: German United Nations Association, Berlin-Brandenburg Chapter Editors: Nima Feyzi Shandi, Natalia Ruban, Natalie Spiesser, Marc Voelcker, Irene Weinz, Peggy Wittke Layout: Irene Weinz Photos: Natalie Spiesser, Marc Voelcker et al. Print: druckhaus köthen The different reports reflect the author’s opinion, not necessarily the opinion of the publisher.