






1634 - 1931


PAGE Pre face 5 Descendants oi Rohert Eames oi \\"oburn, .\Iass. 9 Descendants oi Thomas Eames oi Framingham, }Iass. 167 Descendants of Anthony Ames oi }Iarshfield, }fass. 213 lJe,cendants of Robert Eames ni Andover, :Mass. 219 Descendant,; uf Eame,-Ames Ancestry Undetermined 230 .-\ddendum-Roster oi \\"orld \\'ar-5.Iaine Eames-Ames 245 I nde:-;: 250


PAGE \ \. ilmut Spofford Ames 4 Franc:is and .\Ian· ( Dou~las) Ames 26 \"imrod and Sall~ ( Linc~ln) .\mes 39 Residence oi \"i~1rod and Salh· Eames 40 Isaac and LYdia (\\"ebb) Ames 44 1Ii;s Rose ir. Ames 55 Paul Ames 56 :d rs. [ ane E. A. ( Lowell l Ames 57 \\.edd.ing Party-Swain-E\·erett et. al. 58 Obadiah and Sarah (Thompson) Ames 74 Alfred and Hannah (Salley) Eames 80 Wilmot Ames, et. al...... 92 F'alonia F. (Ames) Randall 94 :\fr. and .\frs. Tames H. Ames· and Famih· 106 lame, Carroll ·and X ora L. Oiathews) Ames 107 ·.\Ir. and :\Irs. Han-ev Ames and children 108 Seth George Ames · 109 Laban Lincoln and Louisa Chipman (Bray) :\mes 114 .\Ianle\· L. Ames et. al. 115 Frede;ick L. Ames and liaria L. (Ames) Garrett 121 f ohn and liahala (Eames) Renier 137 ·.\Irs. .\Iahala ( Eames) Renier and Grandchildren 138 r;race liarion 1 Ordway) Ames 147 Elmer L'ndine Ames 149 Arthur F. and Fannie lla\· (\\'iseman) Ames 160 l olm Griffith Ames · 162 Prescott Stephen Eames 203 :\f rs. L. .\I. X. Stevens 221 Edwin Leslie Eames 232



Family hi,;tory i,; a wry interesting and absorbing study. In tts pursuit one m(wes forward. passing one landmark after another, from generation to generation . . \ ncestral clata is recognized as of e,,pecial importance. a Yalu- 1lile inheritance and worthy of permanent presen·ation. ( h·er 011e third of a century has found its place in history since> the as,;emhling of material fur this g·enealogy ,yas undertaken. This work ,,·as prompted hy a firm com·iction of the impor­ :ancc (,f presen·ing to future generation:,; such authentic record 1s could he gathered. It has heen the purpose of this office to reach and fully recng- 11ize cill belonging to this line. to cleYelop and assemble their rec­ Jrcls with bre,·ity. precision and accuracy. In pursuing thi,-; task. a persistent correspondence has been 111aintainecl. thus drawing material from indiYidual family records. 111(1 from pri,·ate sanctuaries oi many home firesides and remote sources not preYiously reached. :\fany town ancl state libraries haYe been Yisitecl. quantities of legal documents. genealogies and Yitai records haye be!':'n exam­ tned. and in fact. information has been sought from every aYail- 1ble source at our command. In many instances \\·here all e,·iclence seemed to connect certain groups "·ith this line. absence of proof sufficient to positiYely establish :-aid connection rendered exclusion im• perati,·e. The compiler confidently hopes that the data herein contained may aid in diffusing knowledge pertaining to this line. and prove =if permanent value to future generations. Due acknowledgment is hereby given. ancl expression of appre­ ciation recorded for all valuable assistance. \\'ritten at Grameswill on the Kennebec.

\VIL.\fOT SPOFFORD A"'.'J:ES. Gardiner. :\faine. :\Iay 25. 1931.

ROBERT AND THOMAS EAMES It is now definitely established that at least two brothers, hY name Eames ( Robert and Thomas) came frOJr, England about 1034; Robert resiclecl first in Charleston. "\lass .. mowd to Charles­ town Yillage, now \\.ohurn, "\lass. "\[any of his des,·enclants may lie found in \\.ohurn and \Yilrnington. Thumas li\·ed at Declh,rn1 ancl finally settled at Framingham "\Iass. It may he stated that some studenb of the ,mliject engaged in re~earch are of the opinion that John nf \Yoliurn 1630, Henry of and .\nthony of Charlest,;ii and Hingham 1(,3-1- and later of "\Iarshfield were brothers of the alKJYe Robert and Thomas. From the history of the Sprague family hy George \Y. Cham­ lierlain 1023, we draw that .\nthony Eames of "\[arshfield :.\fa~s. was a snn nf Thomas and :.fillicent Eames of Fordingt(Jll, :,;t. Georg·e, Dorset, Englancl. The names of .\nthom·'s brothers anrl sisters are giyen and no mention is macle of a Robert or a Thonns in the list. This together with other information at hand leads t,1 the conclusion that .\nthony of :.Iarshfield. "\Iass. was not a brother to the ahoYe Rohert and Thomas of \Yolmrn and Fram­ ingham respectiYely. As to the source or root of the word, records w<1rrant the statement that the name is from Heismes or Exmas, Xormandy. The farnilv of DeHeimes descends from the ancient Yiscount of Heimes as early as 978. The name occurs prominently in ancient records ancl is spelled Eimes, Emes, Ems. Emas, Emis. Eames .. \mies, .\myes ..\111c1s. Amis . .\mes, &c. This yolnme deals chiefly with the genealogical records of the ahm·e Robert and Thomas, of \\.oburn and Framingham. "\[ass .. and their descendants. it also contains notes and data pertaining to others hy the name .:\mes or Eamb. not traced to the ahoye line. Xote: See Xew England Historical & Genealogical Register. Vol. 62, page 58 to 65 and 150 to 157 for genealogical records of descendants of Robert Eames of \\'olmrn. :.Iass. Vol. 69 January 1915 giwn by the same author A.rthur Green Loring the in!lowi11g: '·Eames additions" "The will of Robert Eames ( I. p. 580 of \ \. ohurn. :\Iass .. elated Oct. 30. 1699 and apparently not proYed. names wife Elizabeth. sons Samuel, John. and Joseph. and daughters Elizabeth Eames. :\fary Cousins, Pris­ cilla Polly, and .\hagail Barrett. This will show that Joseph Eames who married :\fay 20. 1097 :\fary E,·erett of Reading was ,on of Robert. and that Robert's daughter . ..'\.bagail \\'esson or \\'eston. married secondly June 26, 16]6. Jonathan Barrett. ~amuel 2. 1 2, p. 59) married January 6. 1689-90 :\Iary Death of ~her horn. daug·hter of Ensign John of Topsfield. Sherborn, and Framingham. Their daughter Hephzihath ( 2 V, p. 59) married Feli. 3. 17 32-3 Joseph East of Dracut. The :\Iary Eames who married at \\"olmrn. :\[arch 17. 1714. Jonathan Smith of Exeter ,,·as also a daughter of Samuel 2. and :\Jary. Joshua 3. Eames ( 5. p. 60) married Hannah Scales of \\'ilm­ ing·tr!ll. daughter of James and Sarah (Curtis). Daniel -+. 1 CJ. p. (J2) married. June 10. 1755. Sarah Hay of Stoneham. daughter of Capt. Peter." Signed hY Arthur Green Loring. The ..\.rrns of the .\mes family a,; gwen 111 the Sayles family ti1gether with a cut of same. are described as follows: '·.\rnb-.-\rgent. on a bend cottisecl between two annulets sable. quartrefoil foil between two roses of the field. Crest-.\ rose argent slipped and leaYed proper, in front thereof an annulet or. :\[01:to-Fama candida rose clulcior." The ahnYe may he expressed thus-The rose is silver, on the cre,t. and nn the shield. The Jeayes are green. The ring on the crest i,- gnld. The shield is sih·er, and the bands crossing it are Llack. The narrow liurder ui the shield is gold. The rings on the shield are black. . \ Coat of ..\rms was granted hy England to Sir Henry Eames ior military sen·ice. THE F.\1IILY TREE

The year was sixteen thirty four T,,·o hopeful brothers Eame~ by name Carne to X ew England's Yernal shore To build their home. tu ~take their claim.

The data on the:--e pages placed The penciled records here enscrilJed Haye only dim and faintly traced The wealth of zeal their faith ernl1il>ed.

How· well they builclecl time ha,; shown Their marked achie,·ements stand to pn,,·e \\'ell chiseled deep in histories st()ne To greet th where so e'er we rnuYe.

From early time the line proceeds Down through the ages to this clay .\nd pride possesses him who reads Of kith and kin who blazed the way.

Descendant sons their message bring Full ample shown from sea to sea .-\ncl leaws historic firmly cling On this expanding famih· tree.


ROBERT1 (Eames). Born ---; died in \\'oburn, :.lass., Tu!v 30, 1712. · · Carne from England in 1634 with his brother Thomas, perhaps other brothers. His birthplace in England is not definitely known. Robert is said to ha \·e settled first in Charlestown, Mass. He was located in \\.olmrn as early as 1651. His first homestead was located at \\"oburn Center_, this he sold to his son John in 1697. He owned an estate on .\"ew Boston St. in \\"oburn in 1694. This locality became known as the Eames neighborhood. and here some of his descendants still reside. :.farried Elizabeth ---. She died in \\"oburn, }Iar. 22, 1710. This R0hert must not he confused with Robert of Chelms­ forcl. Children of Robert and Elizabeth. born in \\'oburn*: Samuel Eames h. A.pril 7; cl ..-\pril 14. 1653. John Eames b. Jan. 18. 1654; d. the same day. Elizabeth Eames h. June 4, 1659; cl. June 26, 1727; m. l\Iay 1682, John Eames of Sudbury, he was the son of Thomas of Dedham; she was his second wife; thev were cousins ; thev had se\·eral children. • }Iary Eames 1;. June 11. 1661; m. .\"ov. 19, 1684. Abraham Cousens (Cozzens), he d. Feb. 25, 1728-29 in Sherborn, }Iass. Priscilla Eames b. :.Iav 2, 1663; m. Samuel Pollv. Samuel Eames h. Sept. 2. 1664; cl. :.Iarch 5, 1747. Abigail Eames b. Sept. 22, 1666; m. ( 1) Aug. 29. 1688, Samuel \\'esson of Reading, :.Iass.; m. (2) June 26, 1697, Jonathan Barrett. John Eames b. }fay 9, 1668; m. Abigail }Iorgan of .\"ew , Conn. Joseph Eames b. ---; 111. }Iary Everett.

SAl\ICEL2 ( Robert1). Born Sept. 2. 1664; died }Iarch 5, 1747. He mentions son Caleb and daughter Elizabeth Stearman in

*Xote. History of Wohurn by Sewall. Page 609. 10 EA:.lES-A:.fES GE;\EALOGY

his will. Samuel, hi, son. called Capt. Samuel. aclmini,tered hi,­ estate. Daniel re\·idently hi, ,on I wa,- t,i notih the heir, at la\L ( :\Iidcllesex Probate, file, -tCllG. the im·entun clatecl :\[arch 22. 17-.J.7.) He owned land near :\Iathe\\· Edwarcb bridge Ill 1710. now \\'ilmington. near the Reading line. ( Johnson, abstract of earh· \Yoburn Deeds. page 61.) :\Iarriecl Jan. 6. 1689. :\Iary'' ( Peahoch· Death c,f Framing­ ham. :\Iass., l1orn about 1656. widow of John Death ancl daughter of Lieut. Francis and :\Iary ( Fo,ter) Peahoc\y. a, ,ht1\Yll in \Yi11

+-Foster-Eame:=:.: :\Ialcolm III. King oi ScutL1.rnl. 1narrled 1Iargaret. daughttT nf F.d\\ar

JOH~2 ( R(Jhert 1 ). Born in \\'olmrn. ::\fass .. ::\Iay 9, 1668; died June 1. 1735. ::\Tarried .\bigail .\forgan. Resided in Xew London. Conn .. from 1696 to the time of his death. The children of John and Abigail Ames are given as below in the history of Xew London. Conn .. by Francis Ansthring Caulkins. page 374. Children: Samuel Eames h. ---. Robert Eames b. ---. John Eames h. ---; cl. Dec. 5. 1732, age 29 years.

JOSEPH2 ( Rohert1 ). Born ---. ::\Tarried .\Iay 20. 1697 . .\fary Everett, born April 19, 1678. She was a daughter of Francis and .\.Iary (Edwards) Everett. "The will of Robert Eames of \\'oburn. :Jass., elated Oct. 30. 1699. names wife Elizabeth, sons Samuel, John. and Joseph, and daughters Elizabeth Eames, .\Iary Cousins, Priscilla Polly and Abigail Barrett. This will shows that Joseph Eames, who mar­ ried .\Iary Ewrett of Reading, was son of Robert and that Rob­ ert's daughter.. -\higail \\'esson or \\'eston, married secondly. June 12 EA'.\1ES-A'.\1 ES GE.\ EA LOGY

26. 1696. Jonathan Barrett. ( See ):;ew England Historical Gene­ alugical Register, Vol. 69. January 1915 )." Children: John Eames h. FelJ. 15. 1()()8.

LYDL-\3 (SamueJ2. Rohert1 ). Born (kt. 28. 1(0-1-; died June 8, 1722. :.\Iarried ):;o\'. 25. 1713. Elienezer Buck. s,1n uf Ephrarn Buck and Sarah (Brooks) Buck horn in \\'olmrn. :.\Ia~s .. :.\fay 20. 1689. They had a son, Jonathan Buck horn about 171CJ. who rnarriecl Lydia :.\Iorse of Xewlmry in 17-1-3; they had nine children, three died young. the other six were Jonathan. :.\lary. Ebenezer .. \mns, Daniel and Lydia. Jonathan Buck ( 1719) moYed to Bucksp,irt. :\le .. accompanied by three sons. J unathan married Hannah Cale and ~ettlecl in Bucksport. :.\fe. This is the Col. Jonathan Buck for whnm the town of Bucksport was named.

JCJSHCA.3 ( S.amueJ2, Roliert 1 ). B()rn :.\lay 8. 1705 in \\'o­ liurn or \\'ilmington. :.\la~s.; diecl ..\ng. 17. 1775 in \\'ulmrn or \\'ilmington. :.\Iass. :.\Iarried Hannah Scale. She died at \\'olmrn. January 6, 1753. He was a priYate in Capt. Ebenezer Jones Company. Col. Ebenezer Xichols Regiment. at Lake George and Yicinity. :.\fay 2 to Sept. 10. 1759. Children: Joshua Eames h. at \\'ilrnington. :.\lass .. ( kt. 18. 17-1-1\ Dayic] Eames b. at \\'ohurn. :.\Iass .. lune l.7. 17-1-8. Jonathan Eames b. at \\'olmrn. :.\I;ss .. June 27. 17.+8; d. Xm·. 19, 1748.

3 C:\LEB ( Sarnuel2, Rohert1 ). Born :.\larch 17. 17C8 at \\'oburn. Mass.; died 1772. :.\farried Sarah Simons A.pril 15. 1732, daughter of John and Sarah (Johnson) Simons. she \\·as born Dec. 25. 1710. Her mother ,Yas a daughter of Capt. Ecl\\'ard and Sarah (\Valker) Johnson. granddaughter of Iviaj. \\'illiam and Estha ( \\'iswell) Johnson and great granddaughter of Capt. Ed\\'ard Johnson. the author of Johnson's "\Yonder \Vorking ProYi­ dence". EA..\rES-A..\IES GE:\'EALOGY 13

l re married ,;ecundly ..-\ug. 7. 1760 . .\Irs. Grace ( Tay­ \\.alker I Hathorne of \\.ilmington. \\·ho \\·as born at \Yoburn . .\Ia)· 18. 170+. died about 179+. daughter of Xathaniel and Bath,;helJa ( \\'ymon) Tay oi \\.ohurn. and \YidO\\' of Ben­ _iamin \\'aiker and of Samuel Hathorn of \\'ilrnington. ln the administration papers of the estate of Caleb Eames n11clcr elate ni .-\ug. 5. 1772. are named the follO\\·ing, Grace hi" \\·idem·. and the follo\\·ing. Caleb & Jonas 1st deceased. Children: 'Caleb Eames h. XoY. 7. 1732; d. fan. 9. 1737. Jc,11as Eames lJ. .\farch 15. 1734; ~I. Feb.10.1737. CaielJ Eames !J. Dec. 26. 1737. Smah Eames h. Dec. 1+. 17+0; m. Peter Low of \\'ilming- ton . .\far. 27. 1773. J,J11as Eames h. Feli. 2. 17..J.2-43; cl. Sept. 17, 1772. f oshua Eames h. .\fa\. 11. 17 44 ; d. he fore 1776 . .Tohn Eames 11. Oct. 25. 1746. ke!Jecca Eamb Ii ..-\ug . .?6. 1748; no children. Samuel Eames Ii. 1751; cl. .-\pril 18, 1751. Samuel Eames h ..\pril .?7. 1753; d. in infancy. Samuel Eames h . .\larch 5. 17.c;..i Johnathan Eames Ji. A.ug. 29. 1755.

JOX.-\ TH.-\X3 ( S::11nuel2. Rnbert1 ). Born in \\'olmrn, .\fa,;s .. Aug. 18. 1716 . .\fowcl from \\'olrnrn . .\fass .. to \\'oolwich, Me., and about 1770 to Jefferson . .\Ie. (corning up the river by boat). \Vith him \Yere his \Yife. Dorothy. and her son. AbiatC('"'Richardson, and their t\1·0 sons. Jonathan. born March 15, 1755, and Phinia:-. born Jan. 17. 1757 . .·\t this time the name \Yas spelled Eames and it is so recorded in all the old documents of the town. They settled at the place no,\· known as the Xorth \.illage, ancl the old family burying ground is on an island in the ri,·er that flows just back of the modern cemetery . .\Ir. Eames was one of the early settlers and traces of his log cabin could be seen up to a quite recent date. }farried first March 14. 1738, Sarah. born May 28, 1719,. daughter of Giles and Deborah Roberts. Married second at Hampton. X. H., Xov. 22. 1750, Joanna. horn Jan. 31. 1727. daughter of Philip and Joanna (Roberts) Alexander of \Yoburn. 1-+ EA~fES-A~IES GE,\;EALOGY

:\Iarried third f intentions elated June 15. 175-1- I l )on,thy. horn March 31. 1733. daughter of Lieut. Phinca,- and Rebecca (Fo\\'les) Richardson of \\"ohurn. 1Ias:-. The to\\'n of Jefferson. :\Ie .. ,\·as incorporated in 1807. and at the Centennial Celebration .-\.ug. 21. 1907. a bronze tali let. 2-1- hy 32 inches, fixed to a boulder \\'as Ulffeiled. Cpon thi,; tablet t,YelYe names \Yere inscribed, said to he the names of the first settlers of the tO\\·n. Said names \\·ere arranged in the order of their coming. The name of Jonathan ..\me,; heads the list. He came to Jefferson about 1770. Children by first ,yife: Sarah Eames haptisecl at \\"ilrningtun. ( kt. iO. 17-1-.:?; d. young . ..\higail Eames baptised at \\"ilmington. "'.\o\'. 13. 17-1-3; 111. July 2. 1761. Jonathan Butwell of \\"ilmington. They were the granclparenb of Ex-Go\'. Ceur_ge :=:ewell Eut­ well. :\Iary Eames Laptisecl at \\"ilrningtc,11, .\ug. 17. 17-1-(i; d. Sept. 27. 1749. Sarah Eames baptised at \\.ilmingt,m. Fe!,. 1.:?. 17-1-11. Children hY second ,Yi fe: Toanna.Earnes h. in \\"oliurn. 1fa\· .:?3. 1751; rn. T11lm Pit­ . nam. 1Iarch 22. 17 ; li\·ed in· Caml,riclge. :\[;,,__ Children by third wife ( see \\"olmrn records) : Tonathan Eames h. -1Iarch 13. 1755; !11(J\·ecl t() \\"ooh\·ich. · Jefferson and 1faclison. :\Ie. Phineas Eames h. Tan. 17. 1757; mowcl tll \\·oolwich and Jefferson. 1Ie. ·

DA"'.\IEI} ( Samuel2. Rllhertl ). Burn in \\"ohurn. 1lass .. Jan. 10, 1697; died in Hanrhill. 1781. Married first at Reading. :\larch 8. 1720 ...\higail. daughter of John and Susanna Harnden and \Yido\\. of Jonothan "'.\nr:e;e. Married second at Bradford. Aug. 9. 1748. 1lay. born Dec. 30. 1700, died before Dec. 29. 1755, daughter of Abraham and Mary (Green) Kimbell. and wiclO\Y of Edmond Chadwick. Married third at Bradford, Feb. 26, 1756. Priscilla, born at Haverhill, Nov. 25, 1698, died ~ov. 1. 1782. daughter of Richard and Ranah (Andrews) Hazen. and \\·idow of Ben­ jamin Kimbell. His will was dated Sept. 18, 1780; probated Feb. 26, 1781 ( see Essex County Probate Records). EA:\IES-A:\IES GE.\"EALOGY 15

Children: Daniel Eames h. :\farch 30. 1721 at Reading; cl. about 1772; m. Tune 10. 1755. Sarah Ha\· of Stoneham. :\Iass.; chil- clre;1, four daughters. · :\fary Eames h ...-\pril 12. 1723 at Reading; rn. :\Iarch 11. 1746. Jacob Butler of :-(otingham. John Eames h. Feb.19.1727 at \\'olmrn ( ..-\pril 19. 1727:J. Jonathan Eames h. :-(m·. 9. 1730 at \\'ilrnington. Jacob Eames h. June 12. 1732 at \\.ohurn or \\.ilmington. Samuel Eames h. Jan. 24. 1734 at \\'ilmington.

1 S. .-\:\ICEI} ( Samuel2. Rohert ). Born Sept. 8. 1692; died Jan. 20, 1775. :\Iarried first July 2. 1717. Tudith. hnrn Oct. 5. 1695. died Jan. 10. 1766. daughter of Benjamin and Rebecca Simons of \\'ohurn . .:\Iass. :\farried secund Jul_\· 4. 1770. Joanna. born Oct. 20. 1714, died July 12. 1813. daughter of :-(athaniel and Su,;ana ( Lane) Paige and \\ idow of Capt. Josiah Fassett of Bedford. He \\·as a lieutenant of militia. 1733-41; capt .. 1741-44; and deacon of \\"ohurn First Church fwm 1745. Hi,; ,\·ill elated Sept. 14. 1773: probated Feb. 28. 1775: names \Yife Joanna. son Jacob. daughter Judith Symmes. ,;;on-in-la\\' Elijah \\.ymon and daughter Hulda \\.ymon, \Yife of said Elijah. He is said to han built and o\\·ned the old house still standing on the south side of Plain Street, known in former years as the Jacob ..-\mes house. and later built the mansion on corner of X e\Y Boston and School Street nm\· occupied by his descendant. Charles 0. Ames.'' Children by first \\·ife: Judith Eames b. :\Iarch 22. 1718; cl. July 24. 1795; m. Oct. 29. 1741. Zachariah Symmes. cl. Avril 19. 1793. Samuel Eames b. Feb. 13, 1720; cl ...-\pril 13. 1727. Jacob Eames h ...-\ug. 10, 1723 in \\'ohurn; cl. Xov. 4. 1783. Rebecca Eames h. ---; cl. April 21, 1728. Samuel Eames h. June 28. 1727; cl. Dec. 12, 1756 Huldah Eames h. :\Iarch 4. 1733; cl. July 18. 1790; m. l\farch 13, 1765. Elijah \\'yman. who d. July 9. 1777. Children: Samuel Eames \\'vman b. ---. Elijah Wyman h. ----. ROBE!:\T3 1 John~. Ruhert1 ,. Burn :\Iarried Sarah ---. :\IO\·ed to \\'ethersfield. Conn. "This family orriginated frnm the .\mes iamilie of :.\Ia,-,;." page -J.9 Early Puritan settler,; of Conn. li~- H.. R. Hinman. Children: Juhn .\mesh. Xm·. 1733; d. July l(i, 17

4 3 1 JO"\'.\ Tl-L\:( (Junathan • SamtwP. Rnliert I Born :\larch 13. 1755. ?\foyed from Jefferson tu :.\Iacli,:.on. :\Ie. Hi::s de,;.cendants spread through Madison ..\nson. "\' e,\- Purtland. Flagstaff, Emhden, :.\Ie .. and some settled in the ,w,t. Married 1780. Olin Young. Children born in :.\Iadison. :.Ie.: Ximrod Eames h. ---; res. :.\fadison. :.\I arch 2. 1784 . .\!free! Eames h. ---; res. :.\ladison. :.\Ie.; m. Polly Lin­ coln; children. one daughter. Thankful Eames h. ---; m. --- Churchill; res. Starks. :.Ie. :\!aria Eames h. ---; m. --- Holbrook; res. :\1adi­ son. :.fe. ; children. six boys and one girl. Claressa Eames h. --~; m. --- Thurston; res. :.Iadi­ son, ::\Ie. Jonathan Eames h. July 18, 1805 in :\Iadison. :.Ie.

JOXAS4 (Caleb3• Samuel2. Robert1). Born Feb. 2. 1742; died Sept. 17, 1772. Had a fit and died in about six hours (from Samuel Thompsons Diary. \Yoburn Records). Married l\fary, daughter of Giles and 1fary (Hay,\'arcl)

* Genealogy of the Plnitan Early settlers of Conn., page 44, hy R. R. Hinman, states that thi~ Robert Jr. had a ~on, John. EA:--IES-A:--IES GE:\'L\LOGY Ii

.--\lexander of B()st<>n. She ,,as born .--\ng. 23. 1748 at \\-il­ mington. :\Ias,-. c\fter the death of Jona,;, the \\·idu,,· married James Dix. both of \Yilmington: this marriage took place Oct. 14. 1773. They had son. Gile:-. born .--\ng. 6. 1779. Children of Jona;; and ::\Iary Eames: Eliakim Eames b. XoY. 24. 1766. Jonas Eames Ii. :\Iarch 13. 1771. He dropped the letter ( E). lea Ying the name .-\mes. Settled in Boston as did also his half brothers. hy name Dix.

4 C.--\LEB (Caleh3• Samnel2. Robert1 ). Born at \Vilming­ ton. :\Iass .. Dec. 26. 1737; died at \\-ilmington. Mass .. 1804. ~Iarried 1Iay 22. 1760. ::\Iay. born at \\-oburn. :\Jass .. Oct. 3. 17-1-0. danghter of James and Sarah (Jenkins) Han·ell or Ha rye,·. Children ( eight. the first ,-e,·en burn in \\.ilmington. :\I ass. l : Jame,; Eames h ..--\ng. 1761; ,!, ):'oy_ 1761. Caleb Eames h. Tune 17. 1763; d. Tuh- 3. 1828. Sarah Eames 11.· June !(1. 17G5; 1;1. ·oct. 25. 1780. John Blnnt of . \mln~·er. :\fas,;. :\Ian· Eames h. fan. 2l), 17(18; m. Tune I+. 1785. Samuel F(;ster of Rea~ling. · James Haney Eames b ..--\ug. 30. 1773; cl. Oct. 16, 1820. Rnth Eames h. ]uh- 31. 177G; 111. Oct. 15. 1793. Isaac .--\b­ bott Tr. of .\1~1h~rst. X.H. Rehecc; Eame,; Ii. Oct. 2. 1779. Joel Eames b. ~--; hapti,;ed .\ng. 10, 1783; 111 ..--\11111 Emerson. Tnne 180+1 :). Children:. Eloiws li. Se1•t 2G. 1806. :\faria b. 1809.

4 JOJf):' (Caleb3• Samuel2. Rohert1 ). Born Oct.25.1746 in \\-ilmington. :\lass.; died Sept. 7. 1819 in Dracut. :\Iass. (,-ee gra,·estone at Dracut\. :\Iarried at \\-ilmington, :\Ia,;s., :\Iarch 18, 1773 . .--\zuhah, born June 27, 1753. died 1Iarch 19. 1820. daughter of lieut. Jonathan and Zen·iah (Baker) Tidd of \\'oburn. He \\'as a pri,·ate in Capt. Cad,,·ellader Ford, Jr.'s. Com­ pany. of Col. Ebenezer Bridges' Regiment ..--\pril 19, 1775; marched to Concord. Sen·ice 21 days. He did later service. 18 EA1fES-A1'1£S GEXEALOGY

His children were all born in \Yilmington, }lass .. after which he moyed to Dracut . .:\fass .. or Pelham. :\. H. Some of the children dropped the ( E). Children: John Eames b. Dec. 24, 177 3; cl. young. Betsy Eames h. Jan. 17, 1776; rn. ..\pril 28, 1793, Joel Carter of \\'ilmington, .:\Iass.; res. Hillsboro. :\. H. Jonathan Eames h. :\Iarch 4. 1778; d. July 22, 1824. Tohn Eames b. :\larch 13. 1780; settled in Belfast. :\le.; Josiah Eames b. Feb. 4, 1783; m. Prudence Thayer of Braintree; res. Dorchester and Dracut. :\lass. Daniel Eames h. Sept. 20. 1785. Huldah Eames h. Sept. 26, 1787; res. Dracut. Simon Eames h. April 15. 1790; res. Cambridge. :\[ass. Henn· Eames b. Oct. 15, 1792; res. Dracut. Gene;al A.nthonY \\'an1e Eames b. Feb. 22. 1796; res. Dra- cut.* · ·

4 PHIXEAS (Jonathan3 • Sarnuel2. Ro1Jert 1 ). Born in \Yo­ hurn. Mass .. Jan. 17. 1757. m

* HaYerhill, ::\lass .. Yital n·cords giYe..;. Joel C. Ames (:-ion of Anthony and Xanr-y). Born -~~. ).Iarrit-d Pri~cilla -:\1athews, Feb. 12, 1874. Children: James Ames, born XoY. 23. 1847. EA:VfES-A:VIES GEXEALOGY 19

Children: .\foll,· Eames h. Feb. 27. 1765. Ruth Eames b. June 2. 1766; cl. young. foshua Eames h. Dec. 20. 1767; d. 1847. Ruth Eames h. Oct. 25, 1769 Xathaniel Eames b. Jan. 12. 1772; cl ..'\.pril 8, 1827. \\.illiam Eames b. XoY. 14. 1773; m. June 28, 1792, Patty Dean; mO\·ecl to Xew Hampshire. Ezekial Eames h. Sept. 10. 1775. 4 1 SA:\1CEL (Caleb3• Samuel2. Robert ). Born in \Voburn, .\fas;; .. :\larch 4. 1754 :* died in Boston, Mass .. Jan. 29. 1829. :\Iarried Feb. 19. 1778. Betsy. born at Lexington, June 17, 1754. daughter nf .\mos and ::\fargaret ( PPrry) Blodgett; she ,,·a,- nf \Vilmington at the time of her marriage. He ,-;en·ed in the RenJlution and \\'as a C. S. pensioner.* He and his ,,·ife. Elizabeth, ,,·ere residing at Jacob Cald­ ,, ell',; in \\.olmrn. Dec. 12, 1778. Children: Polh· Eames h. ---. Peggy Eames h. ---. 1 J ..\COR 4 ( Daniel3. Samuel2, Robert ). Born June 12, 1732 . .\Iarriecl Jan. 22. 1756. Lucy. born .\pril 9, 1737, daughter ui \\.illiam and Elizabeth (\\-ilson) Frost. Chikhen: Jacob h. June 12, 1756; moYecl to \\'oolwich, .\Ie., 1783. Lun· h. Tune 14. 1757; m. .\fay 28. 1787, \Villiam Butters J~- of \\.ilmington . .\lass. · Betty h. June 6 1760; m. as "Betsy", July 6, 1780, Simon Butters of \Vilmington . .\Iass. Beulah h. Tune 5. 1761. Dolly h. S~pt. 9. 1762. Susanna h ...\pril 21. 1764. Daniel h . .\fay I. 1766. \\.illiam h. ()ct. 25. 1768. Annie h . .\fay 31, 1771; m. June 9. 1796 ...\sa Parker of Reacling. · Phebe b. July 4. 1774; m. .\larch 2. 1796. Benjamin Jaquith Jr. of \\.ilmington, .\lass.

SA.\Il"EL4 (DanieJ3, Samuel2, Robert1). Born Jan. 24, 1734-35; clied April 25. 1810. He \\'as horn in \Vilmington, .\'lass.

"" See Rohert Eames of \\~ohurn, by Arthur G. Loring, page 9. EA.\IES-:\.\fES r;E.'\EALOGY

:.Iarried first Elizabeth Emery uf _-\nclonr. :.Ias:-e .. June 2-1-. 1755. }Iarried second A.bag-ail Frye ui ..\ndowr. }Ias:-e. Children all born in Hanrhill. :.la,::s.: :\'abby Eames h ..\pril 23. 1758. Samuel Eames h. TulY 28. 1762. Sarah Eames h .. \.pril --1-. 17(1--1-. Daniel Eames h. Feb. 22. 176(1. Elizabeth Eames h .. \pril 7, 17(18. Jacob Eames h. Jan.11.1770; d .. \pril jlJ. 178'l. :-Ian· Eames h. lune 28. 177-1-. Toh1; Eames Ii. Feb. 1--1-. 1777. Ln!ia Eames h. Tan. 30. 1778. Theodore Eame~:1i. Tnh· 28. 1783. :.foses Eames h. Oct. 19. 1786; d. :-fay 3. 1787. 4 J ..\COB (Sarnuel3. SamueF. Robert1 ). Burn in \\'uln1rn. :'.Ia,-s ....\ug. 10. 1723; died in \\.nlmrn. :\'u\'. --1-. 1783. :.Tarried (intentions dated :.larch 1.3. 1748 l Rachal. hc,rn _Tt,ly 31. 172--1-. clie

JOI-IX-! (Daniel3. SamueF. Ruhert1 ). Burn Feh. 19 (or .-\pril 1 ). 1727 in \\'ohurn. "'.\Ias,: died }.fay 29. 180--1-. age 77 years. 3 months and 8 days. EA:-rES-A:-IES GE:\"EALOGY 21

:..Iarried fir,-;t .\larch 15. 1753 . .\Iary. born .\ug. 13. 1732. died f

IL\XfEU ( Uaniel3. Samuel2. Robert1 ). Born .\Jarch 30. li"21 at Reading . .\Ias;;.; died about 1772 . .\Iarried Sarah HaY. Residence. \\'ilmington. Mass. Children: Sarnh Eames h.. \pril 5. 1756 . .\far_,· Fame,; 11. .\mt. 21. 1757 . . \l1agail Farnes h. Xo\·. 17. 175<)_ Harniah Eames IL Jan. 17. 1705.

_fClX.\TH.\X1 (Caleb3, Sarnne12. Rubert1 ). Born at \\'il­ ming·ton, .\I ass ...-\ng. 19. 1755; died at \\.ilmington. :\lass .. before .-\p1·il 2-1-. 1822. '.\larriecl Sept. 25. 1781. Ruth. horn .\ug. 17. 1751. died before her hnshand. daughter of Thomas and Mary Parker of \\.ilmington. He \\·as a member of Capt. Cadwellader Ford. Jr.'s. Com­ pany of :\linute .\Ien, Col. Ebenezer Bridge's Regiment, which marched on the alarm of April 19, 1775, to Concord; served t,,·eh·e daYo-. He also performed other sen·ices in the Revo- 22 EA:.IES-A11ES GEXEALOGY

lntion, among \Yhich was the Crown Point Expedition. ,,·hen he was hired as a substitute by Rn. :\fr. :\forrell of \\'il­ mington. and was engaged to serve in the Continental .\rmy, to the credit of the t0\n1 of \\'ilmington, for the term of three years in 1777. During this period he ,yas a gunner oi an artil­ lery regiment. He sen·ed in the regular army of the Revolu­ tion in 1780. For a fuller account of his ,;en·ice ,;ee State printed list \·01. 5, pp. 143-144. Children: \\'alter Eames h. :\[arch 24. 1782. Benjamin Eames b. Feb. 4. 1786; d. Jan. 6. 1824. age 37 yrs.; m ...\pril 19. 1810. Hannah Burt of \\'ilmington, who cl. Oct. 17. 1848. age 60 yrs. Children: Tonathan Eames h. IR15; cl. Jan. 18. 1875. age 59 yrs. 2 months. · Joseph Eames h. Sept. 24. 1787; cl. ..\pril 16. 1817. Elijah Eames h. June 25. 1789. Ruth Eames h. June 3. 1794.

JOXA.. THAX4 ( Daniel3. SanmeJZ, Rohert1 ). Born XoY. 9, 1730 in \\'ilmington. :\las;;.; died in \\'ent,rnrth, X. H .. Sept. 3. 1800, age 70 years. He was graduated from Han-ard 1752. Settled as mini;;ter in Xewton. X. H .. Jan. 17. 1759, di;;rni;;sed a;; minister. 1791. He \\"as a land owner in \\'entworth. X. H .. on \\·hose land .\ha! Da,·e;; built a Log House in 1770. Thi,; huuse ,Yas soon occupied by Daniel Eames. There is (Juite a lengthy epitaph on his tombstone in \\'ent\yorth. X. H. :\.larried in Boxford. Dec. 15. 1763, Betsy Chacl\\·ick. kncl\rn as Bettee, his step sister. She was born in Bradford, Oct. 18. 1741. daughter of Edmond and :\lary (Kimbell) Chadwick. died May 8. 1815 in \\'ent,rnrth. X. H. Children: Elizabeth Eames h. 1770; cl. Aug. 17. 1788. Daniel Eames b. ---; left home when quite young; no further record; he is thought to haYe gone to Canada. Samuel Eames h. ---. Tonathan Eames b. ---. :.\ biah Eames b. ---. Dolly Eames b. ---. Robert Eames h. Feb. 9. 1784; d. 1871 111 \\'entworth. X. H .. age 87. EA.\IES-A.\fES GEKEALOGY 23

4 3 2 1 JOHX (Robert • John , Robert ). Born Xcff. 1733; died July 16. 1790. He ,vas of \Yeathersfield, (Rocky Hill) Conn. ::\Iarried Abigail Butler, born June 30, 1737. died Feb. 23. 1800. Children (eleven) : Daniel A.mes h. Feb. 1. 1751; d. Xov. 19, 1822. He lost an arm. after which he taught school. Philemore Ames h. Oct. 8, 1758; cl. June 9, 1797; m. Ruth Hurlhuert. b. Oct. 1760. John A.mes b. Aug. 31. 1760; cl. age 16 yrs. Benjamin .-\mes b. Oct. 29, 1762; d. XO\·. 1795. ::\Iahetable Ames h. :\!arch 21. 1765; d. age 10 yrs. \Yilliam .\mes h. TulY 31. 1765; d. Tuh- 2. 1811. Eunice .-\mes Ii. s·ept·. 4. 1769; d. 1775: Robert .\mes h ..-\pril 20. 1772; d. 1775 . .-\higail .\mes h. June 3. 1774; m. Russell ::\Iackee. She was living in 1840 in ::\fiddletown. Children: \\"illiarn ::\Iackee h. ---; res. Philadelphia. Henry ::\fackee h. ---. A sea captain in the \Yest India trade . .-\higail ::\fackee h. ---; 111. Capt. Joseph Stock- 1ng. Children: Twin sons. Joseph ::\Iackee h. ---. He was a merchant 111 X. Y. Tohn .\mesh. ::\Iav 1. 1777; cl. 1778. }fary .\mes h. Ju;1e 1. 1780; cl. 1821.

4 3 1 ELL\KDP (Jonas • Caleh • Samuel2. Robert ). Born in \\'ilmington. ::\Iass .. X ov. 24. 1766; died in Sko,vhegan. ::\Ie .. Xo,·. 8. 1825. O\\·ing to the early death of his father he ,vas reared to manhood hy his uncle Caleb (son of Caleb3). The letter (E) ,vas dropned hy this Eliakim and from this time \\·as spelled .-\::\IES. This Eliakim mond from \Yilmington. ~fass. about the year 1795 to ,vhat ,ns then the Province of Maine. and settled on the Sandy River. He is included in the census of 1800 in Starks. :\le., soon moving to what is now Skowhegan, ::\fe. 2-t EA:-IES-A:-.fb GE:'\EALOGY

::\Iarried Polly Patten. horn 1766. daug-hter oi \'athaniel Patten. a soldier ,d10 had at lea:-t t\\O son;;, Benjamin and Joseph Patten. She died \'oY. 8. 18jj_ Both are buried m the .-\mes ffnr:-ing ground at East Sko,Yhegan. :--Ie. Children: Eliakim .-\mesh. Tan. 1-1-. 179.2. Jonas .-\mesh.----; d. in Bangor. :--Ie. Isaac F ..-\mesh. Oct . .21. 1794; d. Tan. 12. 1876. \'athaniel .-\mes b. :--farch 1800. · Asa .-\mesh. Tan. 31. 1803; cl. Feh. 1-1-. 1889. Polly .-\mes h'. ---; cl. in Sangen·ille. }le.. age 8j yr,;.; m. ( 1) .-\nsel Baker; 111. ( .2) James Burrell. Children: --- Baker h. ---. --- Baker Ii. ---. Son --- Burrell h. ---. Daughter --- Burrell IJ. ---. Daughter --- Burrell Ii. ---. Daughter --- Burrell li. ---. One of PoUys· daughter,;, ( Jrincla, was adopted in a famih· ln· name Emen·. She married .-\lhert \\'ehl, in 18jj; to them \\·~,; horn one son, Stanle,· F. \\-ehh. Oct. 30. 1857 in Sangenille. :'lfe. R~chel. daughter of Polly. 111. a }Ir. }kClure and moyerJ t" Dubois. \'eh. Rachal c\mes h. Feli. 7. 1807 in Starb, :--le. or }[adison; rn. in 18.22. Joseph \\'ehli. li. Feh. 2. 1798 in Hlnomfielcl, }fe.. cl. Tune .20. 1879. }Ir. \\'ehh was a descendant of John .-\l~len. Children: .-\lhert \\'ebb li .. \pril 20. 1825 in \'ewhury. }le.; m. Orinda Emery. daughter oi Polly _\me,;. This mar­ riage took place in 18jj_ Children: Stanley F. \\'ehh h. Oct. 30. 1837 in Sangen·ille. :--f e:

JOSHl'.-\5 (Joshua4• Caleh3• Samuel2. Rohert1 ). Born Dec. 20. 17G7 in \Yilmington, :--lass.; died 1846-47 in Denmark, 1\Ie. ::\farried Jan. 22. 1793. Lydia Sno,Y. horn in Belmont. llass .. 1770-71, died 1848. He remembers hearing the guns of the battle of Lexington. He settled in Denmark. l\Ie. EA:\lES-A:\IES GE):EALOGY

Children: Ruth .\.mesh. Jan. 31. 179-1-; 111. Samuel Gilmon.t Lnlia Ames h. Feb. 17, 1796; 111. Samuel Gilmon.t J~slma .\.mesh .. \pril 6. 1798; cl. Sept. 15. 1799. · Toshua .\.mes h. Tan. 11. 1801; 111. Tennie Bern·. \'"athaniel .\mes ·h. Sept. 12. 1803;.m. Roxana.::\Iiller. \\'illiam .\mesh. ::\Iarch 7, 1805; 111. Betsv LeaYett. * Sarah Ames h. ::\larch 7. 1805; twin. · John .\.mesh.. -\ug. 6 1808; m. Lucy .-\1111 Flint. Stepl:en .\.mes h. ::\Iay 15. 1811; cl. ::\fay 8. 1835. James Ames h. Oct. 11. 1815; m. Sarah \\"arren.

FR.\.:\"CIS·; ( Phineas\ Jonathan3, SamueJ2. Robert1). Born .\.pril 18, 1786 in Jefferson. ::\le.; died July 31. 1863. ::\larried in Jefferson. ::\Iay 11. 1809, :\fary Douglas of .\.lhion. :\Ie., horn June 1. 1789. _died in l:nity, }le., ::\lay 12. 1879. Children: Thankful .\.mes h. Feb. 10. 1811. \\'illiam Douglas .-\mes Ii. .\.pril 1.3. 1814. ::\faria .\.mes b ..-\ug. 22. 1815. John .\.mes h. Feb. 5. 1817. Paul .\.mes h. Feb. 9. 1819. ::\[oses .\.mes h ..-\ug. 12. 1823; unmarried. Elizabeth Ames h. ::\Iarch 8. 1825. Frances .\.mes b. Dec. 8. 1829; no children; res. California.

PHIXEAS5 (Phineas4, Jonathan3, Samuel2, Robert1). Born 1784. l\Iarried ---. Residence. Jefferson, :\Ie. Children: Ruth Ames b. 1806. ::\fary .\.mes h. 1807. Joh~ .\.mes b. 1810; d. July 14. 1810 of croup. Rodney .-\mes b. 1811. Xanc}: .\.mes h. 1813.

t Of the aboYe daughters. Lydia married Samuel Gilmon, and after her death which occurred June 11, 1824, her sister Ruth (born January 31, li49) married the ahoYe Samuel Gilman. Children by Samuel and Ruth Gilmon: Asaph Gilman h --. Ly

* This Sarah may haYe married a ~Ir. Robbins of C\lilford ?) X, H. 26 EA~fES-A:\IES GE);"EALOGY

:,....,- -,:::::: :::

- ~ t<

; E" < ~-

;.::~ ;.r.,

Alace Ames b. 1815. Emilv Ames b. 1818. George Ames b. 1821; d. Oct. 12. 1845; unmarriecl Priscilla Ames b. 1825. Sarah Ann Ames b. 1826. Samuel \V. Ames b. 1829; d. Feb. 7. 1878. Charles B. Ames b. 1831; d. July 8. 1914.

CALEB5 (Caleb4• Caleb3• Samuel2. Robert1). Born at Wilmington. Mass .. June 17. 1763; died in \Vilmington. Mass., July 3. 1828. EA.\IES-A.\fES GEXEALOGY 27

:\Jarriccl tirst Xo,·. 22. 1792. Hannah ---. born :\Iay 20. 1764. daughter of Joseph and Sarah (Barron) Jenkins of \\.ilrningtnn. :\Iarriecl ~econcl :\Iay 3. 1796. Elizabeth (Betsy). horn Feb. 17. 1779. died Oct. 1. 1844. dat1ghter of James and Sally (Sylrnnes) Lock of \\'olrnrn. :\[ass. Children hy first \Yife: Hannah Tenkins Eames h. Feh. 21. 1797; m. Dec. 3. 1819. \\.illia~1 Brown of South Reading. :\Iass. Caleb Eames h. Dec. 30. 1798; m. Sally Gowing. Betsy Syman Eames h. A.ug. 17. 1800; m. ( 1) Samuel Con­ yerse. :\Iar. 1. 1821 ; m. ( 2) Tosiah Parker. Feb. 1838 of \\'ilton. X. H. · Children: Charles Samuel ConYerse· (by first husband) . .--\Iliert Parker (by seconcl husband). lieorge Parker ( l;y second husband). • Luther Eames b ..\pril 22. 1802; m. Esther Jaquith. :\fary Han·ey Eames b ..--\pril 24. 1804; m.Jarnes Gowing. Lotan Eames h. Tuh- 12. 1806; cl. Tuh- 14t'' 1846; m. (1) :\fay 18. 11'128. ·st;san Xichols; m: 12) :\'rary .\1111 \\"at­ son ( : ) . Children: Susan Eames h. ---. Betsy Eames b. ---. Electa lfingham Eames b. Jnne 23. 1808; m. Benjamin Hawks . .--\sgill Eames b ..--\ng. 10, 1810; moved to Waterville, :\Ie. Henn· Harrison Eames b. Tan. 14. 1813. Eley ·Parker Eames b. Aitg. 3. 1820; m. Sept. 1, 1841, \\'alter .--\hhott of :\Iilford. X. H. Children: £Icy Frances Lock .--\hbott h. :\Iarch 3. 1845. Helin Parker .--\hhott h. Oct. 4. 1849; cl. .\ug. 26. 1851.

J.-\:\IES H.--\R \'EP 1_Caleb4. Caleb3, SamueJ2. Robert1). Born in \\'ilmington, Mass .. At1g. 30. 1773; died in \\'ilming­ ton. Mass., Oct. 16. 1820. :Vlarried March 23, 1797, Judeth. born Feb. 26. 1770. died May 17. 1839. daughter of Ebenezer and J udeth (Xickerson) Emerson of Reading, Mass. Children born in \\'ilmington. Mass.: James Harvell Eames b. Jan. 14, 1798; m. (1) Hannah :\L Bacheller of Billerica ( int. June 2. 1822). she died April 28

3. 1838, age 37; he 111. 12) ..-\.1Jagail Flint. FelJ. 4. 1840. Children born in Reading . .\la,s.: Tames H. Eames h . .\larch 4. 1824. \ewton \\'ehster Eames IJ. ---; d .. \pril 27. 1828. Hannah .\leh·ina Eames h. ( Jct. L!. 1831. *Elienezer Emerson Eames h. Fel1. .?8. 1801; 111. .\far. 9. 18.?0. Xancy Chaney. Children: Sarah E. Eames h. ---; m. \p .. il .?l. 1844. Franci., Phelps . .-\.11na .\!aria Eames b. ---. Joshua Xichols Eames h. Feli. 7. 180.3. ·r udeth Emerson Eames h. 1an. 28. l 80:i. 1:mily Jaques Eames h ..-\.1;ril 21. 180(J; m. Jan. 1. 1828, fames H. Bancroft. Tiily ffhitcomh Eames Ii. Aug . .?0, J80

5 3 1 JOX ..-\.. TH ..-\..X 1John4. Caleh • SamueJ2. Roh,ert l. Born at \\"ilming-ton, .\Iass,. .\larch 4, 1778; died in \\"ilmin:.. rton. Jnly 22, 1824. ;ig-e 46 years. l\Iarriecl ..-\..pril 7. 1822, Susan. \YidmY of Samnd .\Imrell. She \Yas a daughter oi Samuel and Susanna Tufb. Children: Susan Eames b. Feb. 12. 182-1-; cl. Feb. 1-1-, 182-1-.

1 JOHX5 (John\ Caleh3, SamueJ2, Rohert ). Bc,rn .\larch 13. 1780; died 1854 . .\Io,·ed from Pelham. X. H. or Londondar~·. X. H. and settled in Belfast, l\le., in the part \\·hich is 110\\' Sear:-port . .\fe. Married He spelled his name ..-\...\fES. Children: Xancy :\mes b. Jan. 8. 1806. Sarah Ames b. April 21. 1807. Tonathan .\mes b . .\fay 11, 1810-11; d. 1868. :\Iargaret Ames b . .\Ia'rch 25, 1813. John :\mes b. June 15. 1814; d. 1880, Josiah Ames b. Aug. 18. 1812-17; d. 1838; no children. Samuel Ames b. April 20, 1824; cl. :\Iarch 10. 1875; m. Hannah Jane Lufkin. h. Feh. 6 ( 1827 :'). who d. Feb. 12, 1914.

* The vital records of Reading, ::\lass., page 324. records the marriage of Ebenezer E, Eames and :\~ancy Chaney, :\,larch 9, 1820; also the marriage of Sarah E., daughter of Ebenezer E. to Francis Phelps, April 21, 1844; aiso mentians the hapti:--m of Sarah £. and Anna :\[aria, daughters of Ebenezer E. Eames. EA:\IES-A:\IES GE~EALOGY 29

Children: (;eorge .-\mes b.---; res. Belfast, :\Ie. \ \'ill .\mes b. ---; res. Searsport. Daughter --- .-\mes h. ---; m. Thomas ---; res. Del fast, :\Ie. Daughter --- .-\mes h. ---; m. OliYer Reed; res. Searsport. Daughter --- .-\mes IJ. ---; rn. Joe Brooks; res. Searsport. Edmond J ..-\mes h. 18j8; m.; son. Edmond S ..-\mes, h.---. l )aughter --- .\mes b. ---; d. young.

S.\:\Il'EL5 (Samuel4• Daniel3, Samuel2, Robert1). Born July 28. 17n2 in H,l\·erhill. :\Iass.; died---. :\fo,·e

JOSL-\H·; (John4. Caleb3. Samuel2. Robert1). Born Feh. -1-. 1783; died in Dracut ..\ug. 23. 1841, age j8 years.

-lj. Ruelien 6 a.ml Priscilla (Bartlett) Lo,,·ell, Stephen 5, Girleon 4, Percival 3, Richard 2. Percind 1. 30 EA}IES-A}IES GE'.\EALOGY

::\Iarried Prudence Thayer in Braintree. :'lbs,-; .. danghter ui \\-illiam and Sarah ThaHr. She ,,·a,-; burn 1792 died .\ug. 24. 1849. age 57. This marriage occurred 1813. Residence. Dorche;;ter and J )racnt. Children: George .\mes IJ. \ng. 15. 1813 in Drarnt . .\f:t,,.; 111. .\lary A.nil .\farshall oi Chelmsiord .. \pril l'!. 18.~'! in ""· Chelrns for cl. Children: Charlott .\ 1111 . \ me, L. 18.+0 i 11 Drarnt . .\Ia,,. Sarah Jones .\mes h ..\pril -+. 1815. Josiah .\mes li. Dec. 17. 1817 in Drarnt . .\las,.; m. '\ann· C. \\.right. :\fay 30. 18-+-+. Children: \\'illiam C. .\mesh. :\Iarch n. 18-+5; cl. Sel't. 1(,. l~.+. :\Iary \\'right .\mes h. '\oy. 7. 18-+q in I !"llistone. \\'illiam \\' ..\mesh.---; d. yonng. Harriett .\mesh. Sept. 13. 181<). Tohn ..\mesh. Dec. L?. 18..?1 in Dracut . .\la,s.; m. ( kt. 11. · 18.+9 in Dracut. :\lass ...\lmin1 Hamlet. h. Ji(?..?. danghter of Life and H.achel I larnlet ( see ,·ital rernnb I ; occupa­ tion. wheelwright. Lucrecia ..\mesh. 1828; 111. Ceo. Hale of H:l\·erbill. June 13, 1848. son of Ezekiel and Hannah Hale.

SD.10:\'j (J ohn4. Caleb3• SanrneF. Rohert1 ). Born 111 \\-ilmington. ::\Jass ....\pril 15. 1790; died in Carnb1·idge. :\fas, .. Oct. 28, 1841. age 51 years. Married Oct. 20. 1816. Jane Rubinson. horn 1793. died Jan. 30, 1842. Residence Cambridge. :\Ia;;,;., ,, here he ,,·a;; Ueacun of the Cniyersalist Church from Dec. 28. 1831 until his cleath. Children born in Cambridge. :\la;;,;., ( see Yitai recurcl~):

Elizabeth Je111T"1gs :\mesh. Sept. 24. 1817; 111. Elias Hnwe Tr.. :.larch 3. 1841. said to be the inwntor of the Huwe Sewing ::\Iachine. John Gibson ,.\mes h. ,.\pril 1:i. 1819; 111 . .\Ianln Creen­ wood of Brighton. Oct. 20. 1846.

* The history of Bridgewater. ~1Iass .. by :\'ahem ::\Iitchell. undei· children of Daniel, sixth in descendants from Richanl. ( Bridge\,.;ater line) the fol lowing appear~; ''Josiah Ame::- m Prrn!ence Thaye1·. cbughter of Capt. \Yilliam Thayer of Braintree, and went to Dracut, and ha

Children: Rhoda Jane .-\mes h. in Brighton. XoY. 12, 18-1-9; cl. Oct. 3. 1900. Susan Elizabeth .-\mes h. Oct. 20. 185-1-. Simon .\mesh. :\fay 22. 1858; cl. July 1909. Henry Creenwood .-\mesh. :\farch 10. 1862; cl. ,\Iarch lri, ll/10. E

D.-\XI EL-; ( J()hn!_ Caleh3. ·samneF. Rohert1 I. Born at \\"ilrning-ton. ,\Iass .. Sept. 20. 1785: died at Dracut. :\Jass .. June 26, 18.n . .\Iarriecl :\Iay IC. 1811. :\Iary. horn at Pelham. X. H., :\Iay 15. 1789. died at l>racut. :\fa,-;:-., June 26. 1833. age 45. daugh­ ter 0f Benjamin and Phebe ( Butler) Barker of Pelham, X. H. Residence. \\"ilmington. Dracut. ~Ias,;., and Pelham, X. H. In Jan. 181-1- Daniel Eame,-;, then of Pelham, \Yith Josiah Eames. his brother. then li\·ing in Dorchester, ~lass .. pur­ chased of DaYid and Sibly (Abbott) \\.ilson of Drac.1t. land and lmildings in the north\\"esterly part of that town. nz: house. barn. sa,.nnill. gristmill. outhouses. etc. Children: Benjamin Barker Eames h. Feb. 26. 1812. Theodore Eames h. June 13. 1813; cl. Sept. 16. 1885 at Tus­ can ..-\riz .. on his way to Guatemala where he had spent a large portion of his Ii fe; m. :\I rs. Charlotte Tuttle. a resident of South Acton. :\lass. Phebe Butler Eames h. Jan. I 7. 1815; cl. June 9. 187 5; m . .-\ug. 2. 183-1-..-\ugustus Coburn of Dracut. Daniel Eames h. Jan. 2. 1817; cl. Feb. 6. 1895 at .\Iemphis. Tenn. }Iary .-\1111 Eames b. Feb. 5. 1819 at Stockbridge; cl. June 24. 1861; m. Daniel Kimbell at Dracut. Tune 9. 1842. Betsy Eames h. Dec. 25. 1821; cl. at \\.elis. :\Ie .. Tulv 13. 1891; m. Sept. 20. 1842. Darat :\[axwell. · · Abagail Eames b. Aug. 23. 1823; cl. ,\fay 1. 1856; m. Rob­ ert \ \"harton. 32 EA.\IES-A.\IES GEXEALOGY

:-Iahetable Eames b. Feb. 10. 1823; m. ( )ct. 14. 1873. \\"ar- ren Sherburne. Tona than Eames b. Oct. 4, 18.?7; cl. at Lincoln. fan. 12, - 1892; m. at Lowell. Xo\'. 16. 1869, :-Iaria E. HidleL Susan Eames b. Sept. 3, 1828; cl. at \\'ohurn. :\lass .. ·:\[ay 6. 1902; rn. at \\"ells. :\Ie., .-\pril 10. 1854, Daniel 1':im­ bell, who was the husband of her sister. :\Ian· .-\nn . .'\zubah Tidd Eames h. A.pril 11, 1830; cl. :\Iarcl{ 12. 1880; 111. June 22, 18S3. Luther D. Sawyer. 5 1 JOHX (Phinias4. Jonathan3• SamneF. R()hert ). Born 1788. l\Iarried ---. Residence. Jefferson. :\le. Children: Sallie Ames b. 181-t. fohn S ..-\mes lJ. 1813. Xancie .\mes b. 1818. A.Iden .-\. Ames b. 1820. Elizabeth .\mes h. 182.?. \\"arren .'\mes h. 1827.

P_\t'L·' (Phinias4. Jonathan3• SamueF. Rohert1). Born 1802. l\Iarried ---. Residence. Jefferson. :\le. Children: Cinthia Ames b. 1830; d. in Jefferson. 1911; rn. J. \\". Lash; res. Gardiner, :-Ie. Henry E. _.\mes b. 1831. .\lbe/t f ..-\mes b. 1833; d. Feh. 1917. Emily .\mes h. 1836. A.ugustus P ..-\mes b. 1837; res ..-\ulmrn. :-Ie.* Ellen Ames b. 1841. Sarah F ..-\mes Ii. ---; 111. :\Ir. Lash. lirother oi the a bow. J. \\-. Lash. X .\ TH.-\XIEL5 ! Joshua\ Caleb3• Samue!2. Rohert1). Born in \\"ilmington. 1'1ass ...!an. 12, 1772; died in \\"ehster. ::'Ile .. April 8, 1827. Occupation, sea captain, later a \'ery successful farmer in \\"ebster, l\1e. Memher of Legislature 1821. 24. 23. :\farried first Lucy Carter. l\farriecl second Martha Cotton (Thompson) Herrick of

* ~ame sometimes giYen Paul _--\ugustus, EA.\IES-A.\IES GE:\'EALOGY 33

Greene. \Ie., ,Yido,,· ui Henry Herrick, and daughter of Joel and \Iartha (Cotton) Thompson. Children In- first \\·ife: \fan· Eames h. ---. \\.illiam Eames I,.----; d. IR27. or little later. Children ll\· second wife : lthame~ Bellows Eames h. June 7. 1822. Lucy Eames b. ---; cl. i·oung.

_T..\COB·; (Jacob\ Samuel3. Samuel2. Robert1). Born in \\.uliurn. \Tass .. June 6. 17jl; died in \\'ohurn, Xov. 10. 1824. \Tarried .-\.ug. 3, 177j, Esther. horn ..\.ug. 22. 1755, died I )ec. 14. 1836. daughter of \\'illiam and Susanna (Jones) Ta,· of \\.ohurn. He and his descendants adopted the spelling A\IES. He \\·as a member of Capt. Fox',; \\'ohurn Company. that marched from \\.olrnrn to Concord. and thence to Cambridge . ..\pril 19, 1775. being· in ,;erdce three days at that time. He ,,·as also called ()l\t t() take part a,; a militia man at the time oi Shay's Rebellion. 1786 { see similar record by his father). Children: Jacob .\mesh. Fel1. 15. 1776; d. young. f acoh .\mesh. \[arch 27. 177R ·Samuel ..\mes h. \farch 4. 1780. Robert .\mes h .. \pril 4. 1782. Xathan .\mesh. Feb. 2. 1785; d. \[arch 1. 1822. Esther ..\mesh. \fay 4. 1787; d ..\ug. 7. 1854; m ..\pril 24, 180G. Eliiah \\.rn1an( ?) of \\'ohurn Ruth .. \mes.li. Ju1~e 12. 1798; d. \larch 31. 1878; m. Oct. 3 I. I 820. Samuel Lea the.

EZEKI EI} ( Joshua 1. Caleh3. Samt1el2. Robert1). Born Sept. 10. 1775: died in ::\.Iilford. X. H .. Sept. 12. 1857. The history of \Iilford, X. H .. contains records of one Ezekiel ..\mes. and all e,·idence at hand tends to establish his identity \Yith the one above. From said history the follo\\·­ ing is dra,Yn: "Ezekiel Ames horn in Te,Yksbury. Mass. in 1775. came here (to Milford) in 1800. settled upon a farm near Milford Springs. died there Dec. 15. 1856. married April 7. 1799. Sally Clark. horn 1778 in Te\\·ksbury. Mass., died in \Iilford Sept. 12. 1857". 3-1 EA'.\IES-A'.\IES GE.\'EALOGY

Children: \\'illiarn Eames li. in TewkshurY. :.Iass .. Dec. 24. 1799; cl. in :-Iii ford. :\lay 15. 1868; farmer; res. on the home­ stead; 111. .-\ug. ·31, 1832. Eliza. daughter of Joseph and Fann\' Steyens Knowlton of }Jiliorcl; children. none. Salh· Eames h. in :-Iilford. :\larch 15. 1802; d. Dec. 28, 1863; m. Oct. 28. 1824. Samuel . \. Howard oi Lynde­ borough. tuC\· Curtis Eames h. Tuh· 14. 1804; d .. \ug. 24. 18-1-3; u;m1arriecl. · - :-[an· .\nn Eames b. Tan. 9. lE'0il; d .. \pril 9. 18-1-1; un- m~rriecl. · lfoliert \\'ilkins Eames Ii ..-\pril 23. li"IO; cl. Sept. 18, 1888; res. Roxh11r,·. :-lass .. where he \\"as e 016aged in llllsiness for many year,; in the manufacturing oi patent leather; rn. 1833. Louise Danicdh (If Eoxhur,·. :-Iass. l3ets\' .-\deline Eames h. Oct. 2-1- .. 181..?; 111. Oct. 2. 1832. H~njamin Clark of :\lilford, I .\'.H.:); cl. in lfoxliury. :\fas,; .. :-[ay 15. 18.:i2. Eliza Haskeli Eames h . .\'(i,·. 2o. 1818; d. in :\filford. :\Iay 12. 18-W; unmarried.

J ..\CClB- 1 1Jacoh\ naniel3, SamueP, ],:_()liert 1 I. Born June 12. 1756 in \\'ilmington. :-fa,.;s.; died :\larch 12. 1839. :-Im·ed to \\'ouh\·ich. :-le. in 1783. :-Jarriecl .-\ug. 3. 1780. Lucy J"ne,-;. hum nee. 21. 1759. died Feh. 6. 18-1-2. Their fir,-t t\,-" children \\·ere h()rn in \\"il111in.c:ton. :-lass.; the other,; \\·ere born in \\-ooh,·ich. :-Je. Chil

:\Ie .. they haye a daughter. Virginia Jones. lfannah Eames b. fan. 11. 1798; d. Dec. 12, 1808. DaYid Jaquith Ea;1es b. :\fay 29 (30). 1800; res. Wool­ wich. ::\Ie. Samuel Eames b. July 11. 1804; res. Bath. ::\Ie.

1 IL\,\" I EI} ( Sarnuel4, Daniel3, Sarnuel2, Robert ). Born Feh. 22. 1766. Resided ;n H;l\"erhill. ::\fass. ::\Iarried Hannah \\'hite of Hanrhill. April 10. 1788. Children: James Eames h. Tuh· 19. 1788. °Johanna Eames 1;_ c'lct. 17. 1790. Hannah Eames h. Dec. 26. 1792. Eizaheth Eames h. ( let. lS. 1794.


S.·\::\ft-EL5 (John4• DanieJ3. Samuel2. Robert1). Born Oct. 14. 17j5 in \\-ilmington. :\.lass.; died Jan. 21, 1834 in Wilm­ ington. :\.lass. 36 EA.\fES-A.\IES GEXEALOGY

J\Iarried first Feb. 18. 1778. Esther. burn ..\ug. 27. 1741. died Sept. 6. 1821. age 80 years. daughter of Thomas and Hannah (Thompson) Pierce. and ,,·idm,· oi Joseph Harndon of \\"ilm­ ington. Married second XoY. 28, 1822. l\Ir;;. Rebecca (Butters) Hopkins, horn ..\ug. 18. 1776. died Sept. 23. 1848. buried at \\"ilmington. J\Iass., daughter of Samuel and Ruth (Killam) Butters, and \\·ido\\· of Samuel Hopkins. Jr., of \\"ilmingtun. He \\"a;; styled. "Esq". It "·a~ probably this Samuel \\·hn "as a member of Capt. Timothy \\"alker's ( \\"ilmington) Cum­ pa\ff, Col. Green's Regiment. \\"hich marched un the alarm of ..\pril 19, 1775; ;;en·ed t,rn and a half day:-. Children by first \\·ife: Thirza Eames b. Sept. 25. 1778; cl. Xo,·. 12. 1855; m. Xo,·. 28. 1799. Jonathan Jaquith of \ \" ilmington. who d. Fe!,. 2. 1836. Samuel Eames b. June 11. 1780; cl. .-\ug. 2. 1829.

\\'ILLIAJ\P (Jacob4• Daniel3. SamueF. l{ohert1 J. Bnrn at \\"ilmington. J\fa;;s .. Oct. 25. 1768; died at \\"ilmingtun. ]\fas~ .. Feb. 14, 1855. Married first 2\-Iay 28. 1792. Ruth. horn at \\"ilmingtc>J1. :;\Jass., Aug. 9. 1769. daughter of Enoch and Patience (\\"right) Kendell. l\Iarried second Martha --- "·hu died Feh. 16. 1840. age 59. Children by first ,,·ife: Ruth Eames b. Sept. 2G. 1792. Susanna Eames b. Tan. 16, J 7tJ5. \\"illiam Eames b. ·]\fay 23. 1797; d. Xo,·. 1--1-. 1822. Daniel Eames b. Sept.· 13. 1799. Tacob Eames h. :-.Ia,- 15. 1802. :.\lice Eames Ii. DeZ-. 9. 180--1-; m. July 3, 1828. Ebenezer Batchelder of Reading. ]\fass. Eliza Eames h. April 15. 1807.

JOXATHA"\"5 (John4• Danie 13. Samue12• Robert1 ). Born at \\"ilmington. Mass .. June 11. 1761; died at \\"ilrnington. l\fass., July 2. 1841. He \\"as a soldier of the Re,·olution ( see records uf Rohe rt Eames by Arthur Loring. page 12). Marriecl Dec. 30. 1784. :'.\Iahetah1e. born Oct. 4. 1758. died EA.\IES-A.\IES GE.\"EALOGY 3i

Xo\·. 8. 18j7, age c;9_ d:rnghter oi Daniel and Sarah I Burnett) Gowing· of \\.ilrnington. l\Iass. This Jonathan \ms called Jr. \\·hen he \,·as married. They had ,;ix children. iorty grandchildren and sixty-four great grandchildren. Children: Hannah Eames h. Tuh· 21. 1787; rn. Tune 7. 1812. Thomas l'pton. · · · · Salh· Eames h. Feb. 8. 1790; m. Dec. 1. 1814, DaYicl Bach­ elcler oi .Reading. :\I ass. Hitty Eames h. Jan. 2-t-. 1792; m. :\fay 30, 1819. Jabez (~owing Jr.; d. :\fay 8. 187-t-. age 82 yrs. 3 mos. Clara Eames baptised :\far. 20. 1796. Esther Eaaies IJ ..\ pril 6. 1798; rn. XO\·. 11. 1821. Simon Carter. Jonathan Eames IJ ..\ pril 11. 18C0; cl. Oct. 10, 1866.

ROBERT0 (Junathan\ Danie13, Samuel2• Robert1). Born Feh. 9. I 78-1-: died in \ \. entmirth. X. H .. 1871. :\Iarried Sally Steyens. horn .\pril 29, 1788. died 1850 in \\. ent\rnrth. X. ff. Children. ele,·en all horn in \\"entworth. X. H.: :\faria Eames h. Xo\·. 2-1-. 1806; cl. :\fa\· 3. 1844; m. Coburn .\iken. . Children: Edger .\iken I,, ---; cl. young. :\fil

Oscar Eames h. :\far. 20. 1826; cl ..-\ug. 21. 1850 in \ \·ent­ worth. X. H. Rush Eames b. Juh· 28. 1828; cl. :\fa,· 11. 1852 in \\'ent- worth. · - · Felicia .\ntionett Eames h. Jan 21. 1834; cl. June 1924; 111 . .\braham Collins. cl. Feb. 25. 1917; chilclren. three. 0 1 3 1 X.\TH.\X (John • Daniel , Samuel2. Rolwrt ). Born at \\'ilmington, :\-lass., Xov. 25. 1768; died at \\.ilmington. :\las,;., Sept. 28, 1818. :\-Iarried XO\·. 19, 1795. Susanna. burn Scpt. 12. 1772. clicd XO\-. 18, 1863. daughter of Col. Joshua and Sarah (Cornell) Hamdan of \\'ilmington, Mass. He is called Ensign on the \\.ilmington records. Children: Susanna Eames li. .-\ug. 28. 17, 1847. Xann· Eames h. :\h, 8. 1804; d. :\[arch 18. J.~

:\Jarriecl Pully \\'illiam5, daughter (1f ---·. Settled in Embden, :\le. Children: Caleb Eames h. :\fa, 24. 18.?7., Phineas Eames h . .\fa,· 24. 1827.· Tonathan Eames h. Dec. 23. lR.28. :\ustin Eames h. Feb. 16, 1831. :\lmoncl Eames h. Dec. 4. 1833; res. East Xew Portland. George L. Eames b. Xm·. 20. 1835; chilclren. none. C\Tene Eames b. Feb. 16, 1838 . .\deline Eames b. ---. :\Iartin Eames b. ---; cl. young. :\Iartin Eames b. ---; cl. in Ci,·il \\'ar; children, none. Orrin Eames b. ---. * Lemuel Cobb Eames. EA.\IES-A.\IES GEXEALOGY

3 2 1 XDIROD·; (Jonathan4. Jonathan . Samuel • Robert ). Born :'.\larch 2. 1784 in l\fadison, Me.; died Jan. 21, 1859. l\[arried Sally Linroln.* daughter of Elisha and ,\lolly ( Gerney) Lincoln, horn Feb. 5. 1787. died Aug. 26, 1864, resi­ dence. ::\.fadison, l\Ie. Children: . Deborah Eames b. XO\'. 22, 1807; rn. --- Flower; res. ::\Iaclison, ,\fe.; children, four.

Ximrod Eames, 1784-1859. Sally (Lincoln) Eames, 1787-1864.

- The LL\COL\" familv connect~ \\ith the £_-\.\JES family by the marriage nf S ..\1,1,\' Ll:\'COL:\' to :\'!~!ROD EA~IES in 1806 and traces hack from there as i11!lO\\S: Themas l.,incoln 1. Born in t:ngJan

Ithamer Eames b. Jan. 15. 18QlJ; cl. Dec. 27. 1853; re,;. :.Iaclison. :.le. on.Eames Hill. Edward Eames h. Sept. 28, 1810; cl. 1880; re,;. Bingham. :.Ie. ::\Iarv Eames b. :\Ia\· 18. 1~12; cl. XoL 9. 18-1-0; m. --­ Clark; lived in Skowhegan. }fe; children, two . .\bigail Eames b. :.lay 25. 181-t; cl. Sept. 8. 1883; twice married; one husband was Dote X utting. they had tw<, girls and four boys. She d. in Leeds. }fe. A:lfred Eame,; Ji .. \pril 2. 1816; cl. A.ug. 15. 1890; res. }fad­ ison. ::\Ie.; chilclren. nine. Obidiah Eames b. June 28. 1818; cl. Jan 19. 189-1-; c:ettlecl in \Yisconsin (::\Jaclison:) ; children. six. Eliza Ann Eames h ..\pril 7. 1820; d. Jan. 8. !R89; moyed \Yest; children. three. Emih- Eames b. Dec. 16. 1821; cl. ----; 111. Richard Cr.ass; res. X. H.; children, none.

Residence of Ximrod and Sally (Lincoln) Eames. ,\fadison. ,\fe .

3 1 .\LFRED 5 (Jonathan\ Jonathan , SamueF. Robert ). Born --- ; died Xo\·. 16. 1851. Resided in ::\ladison. :!\1e. l\f arried Polly Lincoln. She died :\fay 31. 1871. Children: Dolh- Eames b. :\Larch 28. 1809; cl. Tan. 13. 1889; 111. Rob- ert ::\Ioore. cl. Xov. 23. 1879. · EA:\IES-A:\IES GEXEALOGY 41

Children: A.nnette }[oore h ..-\ug. 21. 1845; cl. Jan. 1922; m. July 12, 1866, }Iarcellus Perkins, b. Feb. 10, 1847, cl. Dec. 2. 18?0. Children: Leon Perkins h. Sept. 24, 1867 . .\rah Perkins b. fuiY 2. 1876; m. Oct. 2. 1905, Frank DaYis b. ·o~t. 18. 1871. Guy Perkins b. April 16. 1884; m. June 3. 1905. Elizabeth DaYis. b. }Iarch 19, 1877. Children: Robert Perkins b. Sept. 20, 1?07; m. XoY. 10. 1927, Thalma Bird; b. fuh· 6. 1908. Children': . . Robert Tr. Perkins h. Feb. 18. 1928. RicharcI°Perkins h. }farch 7, 1929. }[argurite Perkins b. }!arch 7, 1929. Stella Perkins h. }larch 22. 1889; m ..-\pril 20, 1921. Frank X. }ferrill. Ii. XoY. 7. 1877. Children: Frank X. }ferrill Jr. h. Feb. 27, 1927.

3 2 \\'ILLL\::\P ( Robert4, Robert • John • Robert1). Born .-\ug. 7, 1768. ::\Iarried Looma Hines. Children: Benjamin .-\mes h. :\larch 23. 1798; cl. :\lay 28. 1866; m . .-\pril 1, 1821, Lydia Griffiith. Looina .-\mes b. ---; m ..-\lmer \\'ay; one child, cl. young. *Eli .-\mes b. ---; 111. Eliza Fenton. *Robert .-\mesh. ---; 111. .-\nna Smith. Tulia R. ~\mes b Feh. 27. 1817; cl. Tan. 18. 1868. Sarah .-\mes h. ---; 111. Samuel Pittefone. Children: Laura Pittefone. Julia Pittefone h. ---; m. F ulerton.

*D.-\XIEL5 {John4. Robert3, John2• Robert1). Born Feb. 1. 1751: died Xo,·. 19. 1822. ::\Iarried Sept. 7. 1780. :\Iercy Langdon, born Sept. 6. 1761. died in Southington. (Conn.:). Sept. 12. 1817.

* One of the~e sons had a son, Charle:, R. Ames, who was Post 1Iaster at ~Ian­ chester, \'t. in !91R.

* See g-en::-alugy of ~t'\\" Britian. Conn .. hy Alfred ..\.ndrews. E:nfES-A,\IES GE2\EALOGY

.\Jarried ,-;ec,Jnd Lucinea (Xorth) Sun,-httry. (Conn.). He \\'as a cabinet mal:er; lost one -arm in 1788. after \Yh1ch he tattght school. Children: John A.mes !J. Jan. 2-1-. 1781; cl. .-\ttg. 30. 178-1-. Laura .\mes Ii. Feh. 23. 178-1-; m. .\J,in-h 25. 1807. Timotl't\' CressY . .-\nn A1~1es h ..-\ pril 23. 1786; cl. fullo\\'ing clay. Horace .·\me,-; !J. Jul_\· 21. 1781-<; 111. Sophia L"_\Cl. He ,rn, a phy,-;ician at Cram·ille. John .'\me, h. June JU. 17%; d . .\la\· 11. 18Clii. \mon Langclo;1 :\me,- 1, .. \u~·. l(J, 17r1s; 111. Fel,. 17. 182.:;. Roqnna Heart. Ira Ames h . .\lay 7. 1800; 111 . .\la\· 23. 1822. Hannah Clark.

PHILE.\IORE; (John\ RJ,hert3. J"llJ1 2. ]{";l<:rt11. l3lll'!i Oct. 8. 1758: cliecl ,l UIH:' 9. 1187. :\farried Oct. 1780. Ruth Hurlbert. He ,,·as a ship !milder and c"ntractllr, and a lllaster uf a ,-;hipyard at Rock Hill: a man oi gr<:at tirn1nes~ "f character. Children: Eunice .-\mes l,, ---; 111. Frederick ]{ol,l,in,1111 of \ \. eatherstielcl. Cu 1111.

1 JOX.-\S6 ( Eliakim\ _Tunas\ Caleb3, Samuel:. Ruhert ). Bc,rn ---; died --·-. Bis death occurred in Bangur. :\le .. age 85 ,·ear, . ..\larried Catherine Creenough. Children: Tonas .-\mesh. 182-1-; cl. June 5. 188.J. in Bangor . .\fe.; m. . Children : . lsabel .-\mes Ji.---; cl. )uh 17. 1887. Emma .\mes h. ---; cl. . .\Ia,· 18. 18(/J. Charles .-\me:-; I,. ---; cl. i1; inianl'\'. 1Iaria .-\me~ h. ---;cl.in infanc\·.· Hattie ..\I. .-\mes h. ---; m. :\Ir.· Str1w; re,. lbn- gor, ..\Ie. Silas .-\mesh.---; cl. Ju:y 1907 in Bangor. :\fe. Eliza .-\mesh. ---; cl. in Bangor. :\[e. Catherine Arne, h. ---; cl. in Bangor. :\[e. Rosana .-\mes h. ---; cl. in Brewer. :\Ie. Saphronia .-\me~ Ji.---; cl. in Bangor. :\fe. :\Iary .-\mes b. ---; cl. in Bangor. :\fe. L-\:.1ES-A:.1ES GE:,(EALOGY 43

1 FLI.-\J,!}[0 ( Eliakim\ Junas4• Caleh3. Samuel2. Rubert ). Born Jan. 1-t. 1792: died Sept. 1.3. 1813 in Hodgdon. :.Ie., .-\ruostuok CuuntY. :.Iarried Prudence Ford. burn Xo,·. 1-t. 1790. died Feb. 13. 18-t7. He ,ms at one time a resident of Kents Hill. in Belgrade. 1Ie. Children: Harrison F ..-\mesh. April 25. 1819; res. Xorth Belgrade, :-Ie. A.hagail F ..-\mes h. :\Iarch 9. 1822; moyed to :-Iass.; mar­ ried and died there. John R. Ames Ii. Xm·. 1. 1826; res. South Belgrade. :\Ie. L\·dia S ..-\mes h. Feb. 19. 182cJ; m. Elcler Charles Pitcher ·of the town of Easton. :\fe. Children: \ \'ill Pitcher h. ---. Bert Pitcher h. ----. Samantha T. .-\mesh. fuh· 12. 1830; married; li,·ed 111 .-\roostooi Count\·. :\I~. · Xancy H ..-\mes b. ·(kt. 1. 1833. l'rsuia .-\ ..-\mesh. Feb. 19. 1833.

RE\·. lS.-\.-\C F.6 ( Eliakim5, Jonas\ Caleb3, Samuel2. l{ohert1 ). Born in \\'ilmington. l\Iass .. Oct. 21. 1794; died in Skm\·hegan, Me., Jan. 12. 1876. About 1795 he mm·ed \\·ith his parents to the ProYince of :.[aine, settled first on the Sandy RiYer, ,Yas_ undoubtedly settled in Sko,\·hegan as early as 1823. resided in a Log Cabin :situ;i.ted on the X orth side of the road leading from Sko\Y­ heg-an to Canaan, on Patten Hill. Their children, except Palonia, ,nre horn there. The family moyed to the George Richardson place on East Sko\,·hegan Plains in 1836. He mond to Bingham in 1866. to Solon ,·illage 1874, and in October of same year, mo,·ed to Sko,\·hegan. He ,ms buried in the family lot in East SkmYhegan. Lydia. his \\·ife, died in Bingham. ,ms buried first in Bing­ ham, then remm·ed to the .-\ mes burying ground at East Skowhegan. Records of the :\Ia:ssachusetts :\Iilitia of the \\'ar of 1812- 14. page 306. sho\\'S that Isaac F. Ames \\'as a priYate in Capt. F. Holt's Compan)·; Lieut. Col. J. \\'augh's Regiment from Isaac F. Ame,, l794-lts7(,. Lydia (Wdl\i) Ames, 171)4 \~70. EA:\fES-A:\fES GEXEALOGY 45

Sept. 1-t to Sept. 25. 1814; raised in Canaan; in camp at \Vater­ Yille a,,·aiting orders. Also under the same Captain, 111 Lieut. Col. E. Sherman's Regiment irom Sept. 24 to Nov. 10, 1814; service at \Yiscasset. Me. Occupation: Farmer and Minister. }Iarried Dec. 4, 1817. Lydia ·webb. daughter of Samuel and Sally (Ireland) \\'ebb. She ,Yas born Feb. 2. 1794, died in Bingham, Me .. Xo,·. 11. 1870. She was a descendant from John and Priscilla O-fullens) Alden.* Children: Prudence F. Ames b. Aug. 26, 1818; d. }lay 18, 1908. 0menia Ames b. Jan. 4. 1820; d. Jan. 21. 1906. Samuel \\' ....\mesh. July 13. 1821; cl. ).fay 22, 1910. Eliakim Ames h. Feb. 15. 1823; d. Dec. 28, 1873. Isaac F ....\mes b. Dec. 30. 1824; cl. ...\pril 14, 1909. Lafayette ...\mes b. Sept. 28. 1826; cl. June 30, 1914. Sarah \\' ....\mes h. Aug. 30. 1828; d. 1911. Leonidas ...\mes b. Sept. 28. 1830; d. Oct. 31, 1857. Philena Patten ...\mes h. Tune 28.1832; d. Dec. 17. 1913. Theodore .\mes b. Oct. 24, 1835; cl. Oct. 5. 1874. Palonia F ....\mes h ....\ug. 20. 1837; cl. ).fay 8, 1930.

:-(ATHAXI£Lf- (Eliakim.5. Jonas4, Caleb3• Samuel2, Rob- ert1). Born about 1800; died in Canaan, Me., 1882, age 82. Married Hannah Do\\·. Resided in Canaan, Me. Children: Francis Ames b. }larch 6. 1827. David S ....\mesh. Feb. 15, 1830.

* John and Priscilla (~[ullens) Alden, 1Iayfl.ower Pilgrims had daughter Ruth, \,-ho married Feb. 3, 1657, John Bass, son of Samuel Bass of Braintree, ~lass. Their daughter ~Iary Bass, born Dec. 11. 1669, married )lay 24, 1686, Christopher Wehh 3. (Christopher 2, Christopher !.), horn ).larch 25. 1663 at Braintree, :\lass., died .\larch --, 1690. Their son Christopher 4, born Aug. 19, 1690 in Braintree, :lfass., married at Boston. April 31, 1713, Anna \Vhite. Their son, Samuel 5, born in Bo~ton, Oct. 5, 1716.

Horace .\mes h. Dec. 26. 1831. Elizabeth .-\mes h. I une l(J, 183-1-; 111. ( 1 ) . \ 11Jert Cra \ ; m. (2) Robert Sinciair; m. ( 3 J :\athaniel Hall ui Ca"naan, ;o.fe.; mm·ecl to Topeka. Cal. Children ll\' first husliand: Ida Gra; h. ---; m. ( 1 ) Frank :\/u;-ri,un. the\· had one child. Yesta :\Jorrison. who m. ancl mu\·~d tu }Iass.; m. ( 2) \ \'illiam Sinclair. the\ had one child. Pearl Sinclair; they 111(J\'ed to Topeka. Cal. Perley Ames h. :\farch 18. 1837; cl. Dec. I CJ0(J. A.ugt;stus Ames Ii. Oct. 25. 1839 . . -'\ratus .-\mesh. Dec. 2--l-. 18-1-1; cl. Dec. JCJOli. Edger .-\mes h. Tan. 30. 18-1---l-. Helen :\mesh. 'rune 5. 18-1-7; 111. Charle,- Barns. Children : . Darias Barns IJ ..--\pril 19. 1867. Galen K. Barns h. Feb. 2. 186'). Child d. in infancy_ Child cl. in infanc~-- Eclger L. Barn:- 1i: Dec. 2'), -. Earl P. Barns Ji. Ian. 25. -. Carltone L. Ban;s Ji. ( let. 30. --.

6 4 1 .--\S.--\ ( Eliakim5• J unac- . Caleh3, SamueP. J:~olint ). B<,rn Jan. 31. 1803; died Feb. 14. 1889 in Chebea. }Ie. ~Iarried Betsy Huntoon. daughter of DaYid and Catherine Huntoon of Readfield. }fe .. died Jan. 4. 1884. Children: Catherine Ames h ..-\ pril 1828; 111. Russell . \. Cttmn1ing~ of \Yinthrop. :\fe. Children: Lizzie Cummings h. Jan. 9. 1850. Frank Cummings h. Dec. 2-1-. 185-1-. Fred Cummings h. :.Iay 6. 1861. Rachal .-\mes h. }fa\· 27. 1829; m. Tonas \ \'oncl of Rock- land, :\le .. 1848. · · Children: Ed dis \ Yoocl h. ---. Addie Wood ---. Jennie \\'oocl h. ---. Elizabeth Ames h. Oct. 7. 1832. David H. Ames h. Oc-t. 25. 1835. Sarah Ames h. Tttlv 22. 1837; m. \Yilliarn Spaulding of Rockland. ~Ie.· · Children: Judson Spaulding b. Jan. 10. 1855; cl. Jan. 24. 1855. EA:\fES-A.\IES GE.\"EALOGY 47

E\-a D. Spaulding li. Feh. :23. 18.'i7; 111. John Haskell of Rockland. }Ie .. 187:?. Lizzie E. Spaulding Ji. April 6. 18.'i8; 111. John \\.illiam­ son of Rockland. }fe. George \ r. Spaulding h. June .?. 1860; m. Bertha Con- don. 1881. Charles E. Spaulding li. ):m·. 7. 186-1-; d. same day . .-\dclie E. Spaulding h .. \pril .?9. 1866; cl. A.ug. 3. 187-1-. }[innie Spaulding h. }Iarch 6. 1868; cl. .-\ug. 9. 1874. Della }f. Spaulding h. June .?.'i. 187.?; 111. }farion E. }filler. 1891. George H .. \mesh. Feb. 1.'i. 18--1-0. }fary P .. \mes h. Aug. 28-. 184.?. Charles E ..-\mes h. }[arch 6. 18--1-(l .-\lieretta .\mes Ii. lune 27. 18.'i0. H.ussell .\ .. \mes 1;_ July 17. 18.'i.?; cl. Uct . .?8. 19.?0; un­ married.

JOSHT_'.-\6 / Joshua\ Joshua\ Caleh3. Samnel2. Rubert1 ). Burn Jan. 1 L 1801 in Bnnrntield. :\fe.: died 187j-77 in Den­ mark. }fe. }farried first Jennie Berry. horn .-\pril 1. 1805. died }farch 18.'ij in Denmark. :\fe. }farri•:d ~econd Sarah .-\lexander. Children of Joshua and Jennie .-\mes: OctaYia .\mes Ii. 1830; cl. 1913; married. Orlando .-\mes h. 183.?; cl. lk33. Tuliet .-\mes Ii. 1834; d. 183(>. Sarah Tane .-\mesh. 1836; cl. 1861; 111. Tacoh Black _-\fter the c·leath of his wife. Sarah. he m. / ·2) ---; and had a son George Black. who resides in Carcliner. }Ie. Children: Tohn .\mes Black h. ---. Edwin C. Black h. ---. Tennie S. Black h. ---. ·Francinea Black h. ---. .-\delis Black h. ---. Francenia .-\mes h. 1838; cl. 1841. Cordelia .-\mesh. 1841; cl. 186j_ Francenia .-\mes h. 1844; cl. 1877. Stephen .-\mes h. 1846; cl. 1894. Addie .-\mes h. 1849; m. --- Holbrook; res. in Somer­ ville. :.I ass. 6 XATHAXIEL (Joshua5. Joshua4. Caleb3, Samuel2, Rob­ ert1). Born Sept. 12. 1803: died Dec. 24, 1877. 48 EA.\IES-A.\IES GE:--:EALOGY

Married Roxana Miller. Children: Amanda }I. Ames b. );ov. 10. 1830; d. }!arch 7. 1858; m. John \V. Weeks. Children: Amanda .:\I. \\'eeks; m. C. B. Caswell of Harrison ::\Ie. l\Iaria L. Ames b. Jan. 27, 1834; d. Jan. 17, 1899; m. ::\Ioses Chandler of Fryeburg, ::\le.; children, none. Charles H. Ames b. Dec. 22, 1835; d. June 17, 1859; chil­ dren, none. Lavina B. Ames b. Tulv 6, 1841; cl. Xov. 1. 1910; rn. Charles E. Holt o(X~rway, ::\Ie .. cl . .\Iarcb 9, 1911. 1 \\.ILLIAM6 (Joshua5, Joshua4. Caleb3• Samuel2, Robert ). Born March 7, 1805; died 1886 in Otisfield. Me . .:\farried Betsy Leayett, born 1806, died 1861. Children: Clavissa Ames b. 1827; cl. 1905; 111. John .\Iaxfield of Xaples . .:\le. Roxana A.mes b. 1804; d. 1902; rn. Ben \\·entworth of \Vindharn, .\Ie. :\lgenon S ..-\mes h. 1845; married; res. Otisfield, ::\Ie. Children: \Villiam Ames b. ---. Florence Ames b. ---. Daisy Ames b. ---. Jessie Ames b. ---. Howard Ames b. ---. \Villiam Augustus Ames b. 1850; cl. Sept. 25, 1919; m. 1877, Ida l\Iayo, cl. June 17. 1918; res. \\.indham. ::\Je.; a wheelwright. Children: Carrol E. Ames b. 1900; m. Lottie ---. Erma Ames b. ---.

JOHX6 (Josbua5. Joshua4• Caleb3, SamueJ2, Robert1). Born Aug. 6, 1808; died ---. Married Lucy Ann Flint. Children: 11alisse c\mcs b. ---; cl. young. l\1ary Josiphene Ames b. ---; d. in Boston. ::\Iass.; m. Dr. Frost of Bangor, }Ie. Children: Lucy Ann Frost. Eliza Ames b. ---; cl. Sept. 27, 1907; m. Emery Orcult of Ashland, }fe. EA1IES-A1IES GEXEALOGY 49

Children: Charles Orcult h. ---. Leon Orcult b. ---. Dexter Orcult b. ---. John Urcult h. ---. Clarence Orcult h. ---. \\.illarcl Orcult li. ---. :\Iae Orcult h. ---; m. :\Ir. Smith of \\'ashburn, :\Ie. :\Iartha Orcult b. ---; rn. :\Ir. Drew of A.shland, :\I e. Isabell Orcult b. ---. John A.lhert .-\mes b. ---; married; res. in Lewiston or Lisbon, :\Ie.; n,oyecl in 1916 to Leeds. :\Ie. Children: One daughter.

6 5 1 JX:\IES (_Toshua • Joshua\ Caleh3, Samuel2, Robert ). Born Oct. 11, 1815; died---. :\Iarried Sarah \Yarren. Resided and died in BnJ\rnfield. :\Ie. Children: Dela Yan .-\mes b. ---; cl. unmarried. Freeman Ames h. ---; cl. unmarried. Isabell Ames b. ---; rn ..\lonzo \\·arren. now deceased; res. Denmark. :\Ie. Daughter b. ---; cl. young.

C.-\LEB6 ( Caleli. Caleb4. Caleh3• Samuel2, Robert1). Born Dec . .10. 1798: died 1866. :\Iarried Xm·. 30. 1826. Sally Go\Ying. born March 22. 1799. died 1893. daughter of Joseph and Sarah (Harnden) Gcrn·ing of \\.ilrnington, :\Ias;;. Children: Caleb Eames b. --- 1827; cl. 185--1-. Sarah G. Eames b. --- 1829; cl. 1838. Rebecca Eames b. --- 1831; cl. 1907; 111. James \Y. Towns. :\Iary H. Eames h. 1833; cl. 1838. Othniel Eames b --- 1835; cl. 1901; rn. 1863. Ellen Sophia Glover. Children: .-\rthur B. Eames b. 1863; res. \\.ilmington. Mass.; rn. 1895. :\Iargaret Collier. Edna Eames b. 1871; d. 1871. 50 EA1IES-A1IES GEXEALOGY

A.lclice Gould Eame;; h. 1872; res. \\'ilmington. :\Iass. Elizabeth Eames h. --- 1837; cl. 1838.

4 1 LCTHER6 ! Caleb5. Caleb • Caleb3. Samuel2. Robert ). Born April 22. 1802. Married Estella Jaquith. born Dec. 29. 1804. This mar­ riage took place Jan. 25, 1827. He became a yery prominent man of Lowell. :\Iass. Children (list furnished by Carrie I<'. Kimbell): Luther Eames h. ---. Esther Jaquith Eames h. ---. :\Ian· Haryey Eames b. ---. Electer Bingham Eames h. ---. Otis Henry Eames b. ---. Sarah Eli{abeth Eames b. ---. Asgill Henry Eames b. ---. James Look Eames h. ---.

ASGILL6 (Caleb5. Caleb4, Caleh3. Samuel2. Robert1). Born Aug. 10. 1810 in \Yilmington, :\lass.; died in \YaterYille. Me .. May 5, 1840. l\foyed to \Yaten·ille about 1830. Married Dec. 14, 1834. Sarah Sayage of _.\ugusta. :Me .. died May 1. 1867. Children: Thomas Asgill Eames h. ).larch 10. 1836; d. Sept 9, 1885 at ).Jed ford. :\lass.; m. _.\cleline Babhatt; children, none. Henry Harrison Eames h. June 5. 1837; cl. Xov. 25, 1916. Lucv Lock Eames h. Oct. 2. 1838; m. Charles E. :\Iorse. Dec. 4. 1860. at \Yaten·ille. :\Ie. He was a res. of "'o­ hurn, :\lass. They moyed to Stoneham and later to :\Ianchester. X. H: Children: Charles Xelson :\Iorse h. :\Iarch 12. 1862. Henrv Herbert :\Iorse h. Tulv 5. 1863; 111. :\fay 30, 1884. Cora Smith of :\Ia;1cl;ester. X.H. Children: Ralph Herbert :\Iorse h. :\Iarch 18. 1886; 111. Feb. 16. 1907. Emih- Guilhauth. Children: . Hazel :\forse h. Dec. 9. 1911. Stanly :\forse h. _.\pril 1. 1913. Xote Horace L. Ames moved from \Vaterdlle, ::\le .. to Xew Jersey; had children, Horace L., Jr., Thomas Fay, Helen and Sa1lie. The Horace L., Jr .. married Anna D. Apgar of X. J. and .had children, Earl. died young. and Xelson S. born 1887. mar• ried Helen Card. He is Superintenrlent of \Yood1awn Park at Trenton, X. J. Children, Jane Ames, horn 1912; c·arke Ames. horn 191i; Helen Ames. horn 1920: :\fillicent Stetson :.Iorse h. :.Iarch 9, 1866. Thomas Eames ::\Iorse h. Sept. 4, 1872. Luther Xelson Eames b. July 28. 1840; cl. in Boston, :\fay 11, 1927; children, none.

J()XATH.-\X6 (John5, John4. Caleb3, Samuel2, Robert1). Born :.fay 11, 1811-10 in Belfast or Searsport, Me.; died 1868. l\farried ---. Children: Adaline .-\mes h. XoY. 27, 1835. Robert G ..-\mes h. Oct. 27. 1837; res. Jersey City, ~- J. Albert Ames b. June 7, 1840; mO\·ed \\'est. John B.. -\mes b. Sept. 9, 1844; res. ::iearsport, :\le. Anna .-\mes b. ---; d. young. Sarah \\'.. -\mes h. Feh. 25, 1848; m. :\fial Sargant of Searsport, :\Ie. Eliza G. Ames h. Feb. 6, 1853. JOHX6 (John5, John4. Ca1eb3• Samuel2, Robert1). Born June 15. 1814; died 1880. Married Persis Pace. Children: Benjamin .-\mes b. 1841; cl. Feh. 7, 1917 at Thorndike. His home was at Thorndike and Searsport, :\fe., except a wry short time which was spent in Pittsfield. He m. (l) Clara White of Jackson, 1Ie., who cl. in 1893; m. (2) Olive Emily Coffin of Thorndike, Feb. 14, 1894, who cl. Xov. 1. 1921, age 77. He was a veteran of the Civil \\'ar. The,· are all buried at Thorndike Center. Children, none. · Elizabeth .-\mes h. 1843; m. :\Ir. :\Idfanis; res. Easton, :.Ie. Sarah J. .-\mes h. 1846; m. :.fr. Staples; res. Brooks, :\Ie. John \\' ..-\mes h. 1849; cl. 1909; res. Searsport, :\le. Emma C ..-\mes !J. 1852; cl. 1873; m. :.Ir. Roberts. Frank J.. -\mes b. 1858; d. 1890; m. at Searsport, :\le. Children: Elbert Ames b. ---; res. Brooks, :\fe. Daughter --- .-\mes h. ---. Daughter --- .-\mes b. ---. SA:.1CEL6 (Samuel5, Samuel4, Danie13, Samuel2. Robert1). Born l\fay 7, 1787. Settled in \\"ilton, Me. Married Hannah Bartlett of Farmington, Me. (his cousin). Children: Samuel Eames b. ---; cl. in DoYer, :\Ie.; taught school EA1IES-A1IES GE.\"EALOGY

in A.ppleton, }le., at the age of eighteen. hacl eighty scholars; m. 1834 at East \\-ilton. :sfe .. Sallie. daughter of Timothy \Yoodarcl of \Yilton. :-Ie.; mO\·ecl to Dowr. }Ie. . Children: Flora Eames lJ. in Deffer. }fe.. 1836; d ..\pril 8. 1920; m. Lewis P. Bracliorcl; res. Turner. :sfe.; children. none. Sarah Eames lJ. ---; children. none. Elmira Eames h. ---; children. none . .\lbina Eames h. ---; chilclren. none. George Timothy Bartlett Eames h. ---; children. none.

JACOB6 ( Samuel5. Samuel4. Danie 13. Samuel2. Rohert1 ). Born Oct. 1, 1789. Residence. Chesten·ille. }Ie. Married Feb. 28. 1816. Sarah. born :\lay 28, 1797_ daughter of Joshua B. LO\Yell. Children: LYdia H. Eames h. Tan. 16. 1817. :.fan· Ann Eames 1;_ }Ia\· 26. 1819. Lucia Eh·ira Eames b. D~c. 25. 1825. Tulia A. Eames h. Oct. 31. 1829. Josephene Eames b. July 19, 1832. :\Iarcie Eames h. Jan. 30. 1835.

JOSEPH6 (SamueP Samuel4• Danid3• Samne12. Robert1 ). Born July 29, 1798; died March 27. 1861 in X e\Y Sharon. :\Ie. Married (March 4. 1824 published\ Hannah Gould. she died Sept. 26. 1858. age 64 years. 1 month and 8 daYs. Children: Benjamin Ames h. in Xew Sharon. }fe.; rnoYed to Cam­ den, ?\. J.

BEXJAMIX B.-\RKER6 ( Daniel\ John4• Caleh3• Samuel2. Robert1). Born Feb. 26. 1812; died in X orth Lyndeborough. ~- H., Dec. 8, 1885. Married first Mary. born Dec. 23. 1814. daughter of Solo­ mon and Betsy (Butler) Barker of Pelham, X. H. Married second Jane \\'., daughter of DaYid and Marion (Durent) Butterfield. who died April 22. 1900. The tO\vn history of Lyndeborough. :--J. H .. giyes a record of a Benjamin Ames ,Yho mowd from Pelham. X. H .. 1865. EA1IES-A1IES GE:\"EALOGY 53 and settled in Xo. Lyndeborough. It also mentions a Daniel ,d10 lived in the same place.

ROBERT6 (Jacob5, Jacob4, Samuel3, Samuel2, Robert1). Born at \\-oburn, Mass .. April 4. 1782; died Nov. 10, 1866. 1Iarried first Dec. 30, 1822. Lucy. ,,·ido\\· of Capt. John Oystead formerly of Boston, daughter of \Villiam and Hannah (Pol!ard) Tay of \\"oburn, born Sept. 22, 1785, died June 7. 1825. :\Iarried second June 1. 1826, Sarah. born Aug. 1, 1797, dird Jan. 3, 1879. daughter of \Vi!liam and Sally (Bacon) Gleason of Bil!erica. Children by first wife: Charles O\"Stead .--\mesh. Xo,·. 3, 1823; cl. Xov. 9, 1920. Robert E;skins :-\mes b. July 15. 1824; cl. young. Children IJ\' second wife: Robert.Gleason .--\mes b. ---; cl ..--\pril 24, 1827, age two months. :€rskins .--\mes h. Tuh· 15. 1828; d. :\Iav 12, 1906. Henry Lymon .--\;1es· h . .--\ug. 29. 1834; ·c1. June 1, 1896; m. April 19. 1882. Charlotte E .. daughter of Sherman and Elizabeth C. (Tay) C01H"erse of \\"oburn, 1Iass.

RODXEY6 (Phineas5, Phineas4. Jonathan3, Samuel2, Rob­ ert1). Born 1811 in Jefferson, 1Ie. 1larriecl Mary D. Smith. born Jan. 23. 1828. died 1912 in Jefferson, 1Ie. Children born in Jefferson, Me.: Fred :\fanford Ames b. 1857; res. \\"orcester. :\Iass. :\[an· P . .-\mes b. 1861; res. Portland. :\[e. Siln{on R ..--\mes h. 1864; cl. Feb. 5, 1928; res. Jefferson. :\Ie.; unmarried. :\[orrell H ..--\mes h. 1866; res. Portland :\Ie.; unmarried; clothing merchant.

CI-L--\RLES B.6 (Phineas\ Phineas', Jonathan3, Samuel2, Rohert1). Born XoY. 23. 1831; died July 8, 1914. Married first ---. :\Iarried ;;econd Julia Mank. Children by first ,,·ife: Leonora Ames b. 1864. Children: Daughter Bernice. who is a nurse. 54 EA:\IES-A:\IES GE:\'EALOGY

Lillie D ..-\mes h. 1866; m. :\fr. Page; res. Plymouth. :\Iass. Children: Bessie Page b. Feb. lo, 1889. Julia Eames b. ---; rn . .\Ir. .\Jank; children. one. Addia T.. -\mesh. 1847; m. \Yarren H.. Peaslee. who d. Feh. 192J Children: *Irene F. Peaslee Ii ...\pril 22. 1895. *Lena G. Peaslee b. Sept. 11. 1898. 3 \YILLL.\.\I D.6 ( Francis\ Phineas\ J onathan • Samuel2. Robert1). Born April 13, 1814 in Jeffer,;on . .\Ie. Children: .-\mericus V ...\mes b. Dec. 13, 1843; cl. Tuh· 1-l-, 1930; m. Mrs. Sarah E. Taylor, a widow. whc; h~cl a daughter, .\Iamie, m. L. C. Bryant. .\Ir.. -\mes was a wheelwright in Jefferson, .\I e. Children: John H ...\mes h.. .\ug. 29. 1877 in Jefferson . .\Ie.; m. Eleanor Doyle. daughter of George and Rachal Doyle. He is a shiplmilder at Jefferson, .\Je. ( Bunker Hill). Children: George H. Ames b. June 28. 1903; m. Louise, daughter of Benjamin and X ellie Lincoln; oc­ cupation, lumberman. Children: }Iarjorie E. Ames b. Feh. 7. I 930. \Villiam L. ..\mes h. 1846; m. Clara Cmherharn. Children: .\fary ..\mes b. 1877; m . .\fr. Hodgkins . .-\lton .-\mes b. 1883; m. Fannie E. Xash Emma A ..-\mes b. 1848 . .-\lbert Lester Ames b. 1855; m:i.riecl. Children: Xellie E ...\mes h. 1880. Cora E. Ames b. 1893.

ALDEX .-\. 6 (John5, Phineas4, Jonathan3• Samuel2. Rob­ ert1). Born 1820. Married Martha Trask. Children: Norman E. Ames b. 1852; d. 1883; children, none. Charles H. Ames b. 1857; res . .\Iassachusetts. Dummer T ..\mesh. 1861; cl. Oct. 31, 1895; children. none. * Of these tv,:o girls, one married Harold Lovenseller, the other married James Hom. EA1IES-A1IES GE;o;EALOGY 55

1 PACL6 (Francis\ Phineas4. Jonathan3• Samuel2. Robert ). Born Feb. 9, 1819 in Jefferson, Me.; died Juh· 30. 1896. Re,-ided in Palermo. Me. 1f arried first Dec. 21. 1843. Alice .-\nn Lowell. horn March 18. 1820. died Oct. 14. 1853. daughter of *Abner8 and 11ary (Smith) Lo\\'ell.

:Miss Rose 11. Ames, 1867- Daughter of Paul and Jane E. A. Ames.

* Ahner 8 and James 8 \1vere brothers, being sons of Jacob i and wife Jane­ OlcFa

l\Iarried second in Dresden. l\Ie., l\Iay 28. 1854. Jane E. A .. Lm\·ell. born in Drescltcn, l\Ie., Sept. 14. 1829, died Sept. 5. 1895. daughter of *J amesB and Elizabeth (Decker) LO\Yell. Children all born in Palermo, l\Ie.. except }{ose l\I. in Cnity: Lauriston :'\mes b. Jia\· 27. 18-l-5; 111::n-ed \fest. Jacoh L. Ames h. Feb.·21. 1850; rnoYecl to Belfast . .:\Te. Ernest L. Ames h. Dec. 17, 1855.

Paul Ames. born Feb. 9, 1819. died July 30. 1896. EA'.\IES-A'.\IES GEXEALOGY

Paul .-'\mes b. Jan. 13, 1860; m. ( 1) Dec. 24, 1891, }Iami Virginia, daughter of Joseph and Sarah (Reed) Willis m. (2) Carrie, daughter of John Dodge of China. 1Ie. res. Bowdoinham, 1Ie. Children: Dwight L. Ames (adopted) b. 1897. James H. Ames b. Jan. 26, 1865; res. Bowdoinham, 11e. Lizzie J. Ames b. 1Iarch 7. 1866; m. Xov 15, 1894 in Bucy­ rus, , Frank C. Everett, b. June 4, 1865, cl. Oct. 20,

1frs. Jane E. A. (Lowell) Ames, 1829-1895. 58 EA'.\fES-A'.\fES GEXEALOGY

1930; res. California. _--\ mining engineer. Children: Bessie Frances EYerett h ..--\ug. 31. 189G. Hope Joy Ewrett b. );o\". 7. 1901; m. in :\fode,;to. Cal.. Dec. 1-+. 19.27. \ \'illiam Tomlins S,Yain. Ii. :\farch 1-+. 1897. occupation. ,n-iatur; res. Sacra­ mento. Cal. Seth G .-\mes h. Sept. 8. 18Ci7; re,;. San Diego. Cal. Rose :\I. .-\mes b ..--\ug. 30. 1870; res. Placen ille. Cal.; business woman of Placen·ille; unmarried.


\\.illiam Tomlins Swain, bridegroom; Hope Joy £yerett, bride; Lieut. Col. Harry Abbott, best man; Mary Erickson, bridesmaid. '.\fr. and Mrs. \'Villiam Tomlins Swain flew, in a Swallow Bi-plane. from the San Francisco, California, Municipal Airport, from which :\fr. Sv.ain operated, to Modesto, California, and were married Dec. 14, 1927. This was the first trip of its kind to be made from '.\fills Field. Lieut. Col. Harry Abbott, veteran fl:-,·er was killed in plane crash at Berkely, California Airport, Aug. 16. 1930. EA:\IES-A:\IES GEXEALOGY 59

J>.-\CL .\.6 ( Paul-\ Phinea,;\ Junathan3. SanrneF. Rubert1). Bm.n 1Iarch 6. 1837: died in .\uhurn . .\Ie .. June 18. 1921. .\Tarried .\Iartha Ella DaYi:', Dec. 3. 1872: c. July 2G. 1879; res. .-\uhurn; Shoe­ maker. Children: I3Hon Garcelon .\mes IJ. :\'u,·. 23. 1905. l';ul .-\ugustus .-\ mes IL July 2+. l ')09. Florence G ..-\mes IJ . .\larch 16. 1879; m. ( 1) Sept. 11. 1897. Leon Barker; 111. (2) June 25. 1923. Eben J. Har­ low of .\ulmrn . .\le .. lJ. Dec. 23. 1879 in Hebron . .\Ie.; re,;. ): u. Turner. :'I [ e.

6 4 JOH): S. (John.i_ Phineas . Jonathan3• Samuel2, Robert1 ). Burn 1815 . .\Tarried Hannah \\"aters. Children: George .\mes h. 18+5. Hora~e .-\mes lJ. 18+7; cl. :\Iarch 1+. 18+8. Etla .-\mes b. 1849. Lizzie \\" ..-\mes b. 1851. John L. .\mes h. IR63; res. Boston. :'If ass.

\\".\RR E:\' C. 6 (John.I_ Phineas\ Jonathan3. Sanmel2. Roh- ert1). Born 1827 . .\Iarried \"andelia Tukey. She resides at :\'e\\· Castle. T\Ie. Children: T\fary T. Ames b. 1872; res. Kew Castle . .\Ie.

SAMl"EL \Y.6 (Phineas5. Phineas4. Jonathan3, Samuel2. Robert1). Born 1829; died Feb. 7, 1878. Married Mary Fogg. Moved to Augusta, Me .. later to \\"altham. Mass .. after a fe\\· Years returned to Jefferson, Me .. \\"here he died Feb. 7, 60 EA1fES-A-YfES GEXEALOGY

1878. He \Yas a carpenter. His "·ido,,· moyed to \Yest Gar­ diner, Me. Children: None. HENRY E.6 (Pau15, Phineas4, Jonathan3, Samue12, Rob- ert1). Born 1831; died in Jefferson. l'lfe .. l\Iay 4. 1918. Married Sarah B. Sartell. Residence, Jefferson, Me. Children: Jennie E. Ames b. 1860; m. George D. Hallowell. Children: l\Iildrecl Hallowell ; cl. young. Cecil Hallowell b. about 1820.

ALBERT J.6 (Pau15• Phineas\ Jonathan3• SanJllcP. Rob­ ert1). Born Oct. 21, 1833; died Jan. 27, 1917. Married Oct. 4. 1856. Amanda Jackson. born Feh. 11. 183--1-, died Oct. 29, 1914. Residence. Jefferson, Me. Children born in Jefferson. :Me.: Addie C. Ames b. Feb. 19. 1858; unmarried. Albert LeRoy Ames b. Sept. 26. 1860; d ..\pril 28, 1927; rn. (1) *Flora A. Jones. b. April 1. 1858; d. Dec. 3. 1924; m. (2) April 13, 1927, ..\frs. Angie Skinner oi Jefferson. Me. Children by first wife: ..\lark Ames b. l\Iav 19. 1889 ( ior \\.orlcl \\'ar data see Addendum); m: July 5. 1910 . ..\frs. Grace Higgins; res. Tefferson . ..\Ie. Children: Lerov L Ames b. Tan. 19. 1911; cl. Tan. 3. 1919. Marforie Delight ,,\mes b. Feb. 12. 1913. Joy Ames b. June 30. 191--1-; rl. Sept. 30. 1914. Edith .M. Ames h. Oct 18. 18()..?; cl. .'\pril --1-. 1913; rn. Alfred J. Russell. June 2. l '11..?: children. one.

I'rHAMAR BELLO\YS6 (XathanieP. Jushua1. Caleh3• Samuel2, Robert1). Born in \\-ehster . ..\le .. lune 7. 1822: died June 11, 1889. He was liberally educated in the best ,;ense, a Yery tal­ ented man. He practiced la,y in . China, ,,·here he attained high rank as an international la\\'yer. His gra\'e

* Flora A. Jones' mother was an Ames (Line of Thomas). E.-\:\fES-A:\Ib C;E.\EALOGY 61

rna\· lie iut111d in 1Yhat i~ knu1n1 a,; the John L. Dayis Bun·­ i11g- Cr<>tllld ah,,ut hali a mile tll\Yard Lisbon. :\le .. from the fJld hrm in \\.ehster. ::\Je. :\Tarried nee. 14. 1862. Emma Hayden of Bath. daughter uf _hhn and :\fartha .-\. ( Bro1\'n) Hayden, great granddaughter 11f ( :eurg-e Hayden ur ( H rddenn I \I ho came from Scotland. Children: ''Hayden Eame,; l>. Jan. 181d in Shanghai. China; m. --­ Hamilton. daughter ui Cn\'. \\'illiam T. Hamilton of ::\faryland; re,.· Cincinnati. < )hin and Chicago. Ill. Children: Clara Earne, h. in Hartford: d. in London. England. :\11\·. 8. 1()30. .-\t the age ,1i ele\·en she rno\'ed with her parent, t,i Cle\·eland. ( lhio. She made her fir,t appearance on the proie,,innal stage in 1CJ!X. and rn,;e to iame in I CJ.? 1 ; 111. I()_? I-.?.? Sidney Coe How­ anl of San Franci,co. Cal. and .\"ew York. Children: Clara Eame, II01Yard. h. alinut 19.?6. Hamilton Eame, li. ---. Emma Fame,; li .. \ug. 13. 18(i5 in Shanghai, China. ( For ward).

4 D.-\ \.ID J.-\QCITH6 (Jacob\ Jacoh • DanieJ3. Samuel2. Rohert1). Bon, :\lay 29, 1800; died 1864. Resided in \\·oohYich, :\fe. Dropped the "E" and spelled his name A.::\[ES. ::\[arried Elizabeth Farnham. She died July 14, 1885, age 8CJ. Children: Gil!Jert .-\mes b. ---. Tames Farnham .-\ mes h. \Jaria Elizabeth .-\mes h. ---. David Costello .-\me, l>. ---; mm·ecl to Richmond, ::\Ie. Luc\' :\Iav .--\mes h. 1831; 111. Bradford D. Farnham of \\-:oolwich. :\Te. and their son Henrv or Isaiah Henn· Farnham, 111. :\farcie Skinner of Le~iston, l\Ie. , Children: Grace Farnham b. ---. Frank Farnham h. ---. George Farnham b. ---. Henrv Farnham b. ---. Ralpl; Farnham b. ---. * He has the title of l,ieutenant, dra\.vn from the XaYy, 62 EA.\fES-A.\fES GE?\EALOGY

Xancy Emilv Ames h. ---. Charl~s \\'iliiam .--\mes h. ---; cl. when alJnut two yrs. old. :'.\Iartha Jane Ames b. ---. Sarah Augusta Ames b. ---.

1 \VILLIAM6 (Jacob5, Jacoh4, Danie13, Samuel2, Robert ). Born Dec. 5, 1788; died April 19. 1852. Born in \VoohYich, Me.; died in Clinton, Me. Resided in Clinton. Dropped the E and spelled his name AMES. Married in Clinton, Me., June 30. 1816. Martha Holt. born in Amherst, N. H., April 10, 1793. Children: Infant son Ames b. April 6. 1817; d ..--\pril 17. 1817. Albert Ames b. in Clinton . .\Ie., .\fay 13. 1829. Otis Ames b. in Clinton, .\Ie .. Dec·. 26. 1831 ; d. Oct. 8, 1889; m. Alvira True of Clinton . .\Ie., who cl. at Clinton, l\Ie., Oct. 25, 1911. Children: \Villiam Ames b. in Clinton. Sept. 7. 1859. Orchard Ames b. in Clinton . .\Ie .. June 7. 1834.

JACOB6 (Jacoli, Jacob\ Daniel3. SamueJ2, Rohert1 ). Born Dec. 10, 1780; died in Clinton. Me .. Xo\'. 25. 1842. This Jacob and his brother \Villiam rnm·ecl to Clinton, Me. Married Hannah Holt. Children all born in Clinton. l\!e.: Charles Ames b. Sept. 9, 1804; cl. 1881; rn. Loina Atwood. Children: Adopted daughter, who m. a .\Ir . .\faxwell. Tacob Ames b. ---; m. Tamar .--\mes Daniel Ames b. Tuh· 16. 1814; cl. Xm·. 3, 1864; m. Philena Noble. . . Loren Ames h. Feb. 7. 1808; d. July 9. 1872.

SAMCEL6 (Jacob5• Jacob\ Daniel3, Samuel2. Robert1). Born July 11, 1804. Married Ann Pushard. Resided in Bath. Me.

* Jephthah Ames resided in \\~aten·ille, :.'\Ie.; died in Salem. X. H .. hlack~mith: is said to have made the first circular saw ever run in :.'\Iaine. His son, Charles Legraror Wilson Ames, was born in \\'aten·ille, ~Ie .. died in Enfield, X. H.; had a son \\pheeler \\~ilson Ames. b. in Salem, X. H., 1848; mo,·ed to Ha,·erhill, :'.\[a:-;s., and in 1919 he had been a resident of Graton, ~lass. for oYer thirty-five years. EA).IES-A1[ES GEXEALOGY 63

Children: .-\nna .\fay Eames b. ---; cl. young. Francis Eames b. ---; moved to Trenton . .\Iass. Lewis Eames h. ---; moved to Trenton, Mass. Henrv Eames b. Feb. 3. 1834; m. fan. 22. 1857 ..-\clelia Fr~delia .\Iorse. b . .\Iav 8. 1836 it; Gardiner . .\[e. .\Ir. Eames was ,-\ssistant C~shier and Cashier for forty years in the Sagadahoc Xational Bank of Bath . .\Ie. Children: * Frederick Henry Eames b. ---; became an M.D.; m. a daughter of Ex-Gov. \\·eston of X. H.; res. at 80 Ponder house Boulevard. \\.est Somerville, .\Iass. ; children. one or more. Ella Florence Eames b. ---; graduated from Smith's College. Xortharnpton; m. Edward E. \\'ood Jr. of X orthampton. Sept. 8. 1885. *\\'illiam .\Iorse Eames b. ---; 111. 1901; res . .\Ian­ chester. X. H. and Gossmore. X. H. Chidren: One adopted son.

6 5 4 3 2 J.-\.COB (Jacob • Jacob • Samuel • Samuel . Robert1). Born ;,\larch 27, 1778 at \\"oburn. Mass.; died 1837. Married (intentions dated) ..\ug. 22. 1809. Henrietta. born at Charlesto\\·n. Md .. died at \\'oburn. Mass .. Aug. 1. 1855. age 70. daughter of James and Rebecca Higgens. Children: .\farv .-\nn Ames b. fuh- 2. 1810; m. (intentions dated Oct. 18, 1840) Haskeli Bi'ttterfielcl of Tyngsborough. Rebecca .-\mes b. Feb. 9, 1814; rn. (intentions elated July 1. 1838) George \\'.. -\lien of Charlestown. whose name was changed from .-\lien Blood in 1837. Esther Tav .-\mes b. Oct. 14. 1816; m. (intentions elated Oct. 6. ·1832) \\'illiarn P. Thompson. whose name was changed to George Thompson in 1847; cl. in \Voburn, .\fass .. Sept. 14. 1892, age 75 yrs. 11 mos. Jacob .-\mes b. July 2. 1813; m. (1) .\.fay 8. 1846, Emily F .. b. Jan. 24. 1818; d. July 25, 1878. age 60 yrs .. daughter of Asa and Emily (Farrington) Richardson of ·woburn, .\Iass.; rn. ( 2) Jan. 3. 1883. Vilorea. of Reading. b. at Freedom . .\le .. daughter of Xehemiah and Eliza Smith. cl. Feb. 17. 1897. age 73 yrs. 7 mos. 15 days. \\'illiam .-\mes h. June 2. 1825; cl . .\Iarch 8. 1842.

* Frederick and \Villiam were graduated from and from the .:\fass. College~ of Pharmacy. They followed the Drug business in , partnership in .:\fanchester. :\. H. for se\·eral years and later became practising physicians. E:\\IES-.-\\IES f~E:-(E:\LOGY

1 SA.:.\ICEL6 (Samuel\ Juhn 1• I);111iel3. Sarnuel2. Rohert ). Born _Tune 11, 1780: died .-\ug. 2. 1829. :.\Iarried first Dolly ( Dorothy I Cil1,nn. horn at Lunen­ burg. Feb. 2j, 1782. died at \\.ilmington. :.\Ias,; .. :.\larch 2-1-. 18lj, daughter of Tirnothy and Sarah ( Foster) Gibson. died ::\larch 24. 18lj, :.\Ia rried second F eh. 14. 1816 ..-\ hagail ( Foster) Jone, of \\.ilmington. :.\Iass .. born .-\pril 20. 1777. died Sept. 2,;, 184R age 70. Children ll\· first \Yiie. eight: b~- second ,,ife. t,,·u: Samuel Eames !1. Oct. IR. 1800 in Lu11e11liurg, :\fa,s. *Dolly Eames Ii. July 27. !RO.?. \\"ilmington. :\[ass. John Eames lJ. June Ci. 180-1- in \\.i!mingtun. :\fa,,.; d. Oct. 16, 1805. *Louisa Eames IJ. Feli. 2..?. 180(J in \\.ilmington. :\[ass. C_rntha Earnes Ii. Jan. 17. 1808 in \\.il111i11gton. :\las,.; 111. Jacoh Eames. July..?,~. 18..?7: 110th nf \\.ilmington. John Eames Ii. :\farch .2-1-. 1810 in \\'il111ingtrn1. :\lass.; m. Oct . .25. 1836. Sarah .'.\' ichols of \ \'ilmingt< 111. :\ I ass. Henry Eames h. Jan . ..?..?. 181..? in \\.ilmington, :.\[as,;. Joseph Eames lJ. Oct. 13. 1813 in \\.ilmington, :.\Iass. Children hY second wife: Abagail Eames h. :.\Iarch .2. 1817 in \\'ilmington. :.\Iass.; m. Tacoh Eames. S_\:lwster Eames h.. -\ug. 25. 1819 in \\'ilmington, :.\Iass.

XATHAX6 /Xathan5. John4. Daniel3, Samue12. Rohert1). Born at \\.ohurn. Sept. 16. 1808; died in \\"ilmington. :.\-lass., Jan. 8, 1841. :'.\1arriecl March 22. 1827. :\lay. horn .-\ug. 2 1804. died XoY 20 1885. daughter of X a than and Elizabeth (Thompson) Buck of \\.ilmington. :\las~. Children: }Iary Ann Eames h ..-\ug. 2j, 18.27; m. :\fay 14, 1846. James Hale of Exeter, X. H. Kathan Bradley Eames h. Tune 18. 18.29; 111. Sarah Swan. John Newton Eames h. Se1;t. 21, 1831; 111. Sarah P. Hohhs. \Varren Eames h. Tuh- 30, 1833; 111. Elizabeth Carter. George Thompson ·E;mes h. June 27. 1837; m. ( 1) Lucy E. Dana; m. ( 2) Carrie .-\. Bancroft.

* The foJlowing Yita1 records of \Vilmington appear to belong with the abo\·e. Dolly Eames married Aaron ParJons Sept. 20, 1821: both of \Vilmington, Louisa Eames married Samuel Carter April 5. 1829, both of \Vilmington, ).lass. EA:\IES-A~IES GE:-S:EALOGY 65

LE:\Il'EL COBB6 (Xathan.i, John4• Daniel3, Samuel2. 1 Rohert ). Born at \\'ilmington. :\Iass .. Dec. 7, 1813; died at \\'ilrnington. :\Iass .. Sept. 1. 1895. ':\Iarried Jan. 30, 1837, Catherine. horn at X o. Reading. May 25. 1814. daughter of John and Lucinda (Sheldon) HO\rnrcl. Children: Lemuel Holmes Eames b. (let. 15. 1838; 111. Helen Eames. Catherine Elizabeth Eames b. :\Ia\' 15. 18-J.O; cl. Tune 23; 1860. . . Charles Henry Eames Ii. fan. 9. 1842; cl. fuh· 16. 1843. :\Iary Ellin Eames h. A.p;il 24. 1844; cl. Dec: 20. 1871; 111. A.pril 24. 1866. G. :\I. :\Iulligan of Plymouth. X. H. Henn· :\fartin Eames h. June 13. 1846; 111. fan. 31. 1872. Ca~oline Frances \\'alk~r of Fryeburg, :\Ie·. Clara .\1111 Eames h. Dec. 2. 1848; cl. Xo\'. 10. 1929; res. \\'olmrn. :\fass. John Howard Eames h. Sept. .24. 18S3; m. :\Iartha .--\. Joy. :\fyron Eames h. Oct. 31. 18S5; cl. Oct. 10. 1881. .--\cla Florence Eames h. Oct. 10. 1857; cl. :\Tay 17, 1859.

4 _T.--\C0B 6 ( \\'il!iam.5. Jacoh • Daniel 3. Samuel2, Rohert1 ) Born :\Jay 15. 1802: died :\larch 3, 1869. :\farried first July 28. 1827. Cyntha, born Jan. 17, 1807, died July 10 .. 1838, daughter oi Samuel and Dorothy (Gibson) Eames. :\Iarried second .--\bagail. born :\larch 2. 1817, died April 26. 1848. half sister of his first \\ife. daughter of Samuel and .--\bagail (Jones) Eames. :\Tarried third :\'(l\'. 16. 1848, Rachel. horn .--\ug. 17, 1817. died Sept. 27. 1887, age 70. daughter of Thomas £\'ans and Hannah

JOHXti (John5, John4, Daniel3, Samuel2, Robert1). Born in \\'ilmington. Mass., Feb. 13. 1780; died at Medford, Mass., Oct. 30. 1855. 1Iarried June 10, 1806. Polly, born at Xew Ipswich, X. H., Dec. 30. 1780. died at ~Tedford. :\fass .. April 15, 1852,

ter of Ezra and Sally (Hulmes) Kimbell. He ,,·as a member of the East Company of 1Iilitia of \\'ohnrn, being Sergeant of that company in 1811: Ensign 1811-13; Lieut. 1813-15 and Capt. 1815-17. Children: John Eames h. Dec. 9, 1807; cl. July 23. 1809 . .\Ian· K. Eames Ii. Tune 8. 1810; cl. at .\filforcl . .\Ia,· 20. 1893; 111. .\Ia\' 18·. 1834 . .-\ddison Richardson of '.\fed- ford. . John Eames Ii ..-\pril 1812; cl. June 14. 1849; m. July 7, 1833. Louise. horn at Lynfielcl ..-\pril 1. 1817; cl. at .\Iil­ ford. Dec. 22. 1875. daughter of \\'illiam and Betsy (Skinner) X orwood. Abagail Thompson Eames h. June l. 1814; cl. June 9, 1815 . .-\hagail Thompson Eames h. .\fay 19. 1816; cl. July 23, 1817. Xanc\' Eames h . .\fa\' 28. 1818; cl. f une 8. 1830. Harriett Eames h . .\(arch l(J, ]819;.d. Feb. 2..?. 1878 at .\Til­ ford; m. Dec. 25. 1840. \ \'illiam J. Xickerson of .\I iii onl.

LEOX.-\RD6 (John5• John4• Daniel3. Samuel2. Rohert1 ). Born at \\'oburn. ;,.fass .. Sept. 18. 1784: died at \\-ilmingtun . .l\fass .. Dec. 12. 1840. Married May 7. 1808, .-\hagail oi \Yilmington. l)orn June 20. 1787. died XO\'. 8. 1855.

* One of these sons was named Rufus C. He married Elmira E. Carter April 25, 18/3, in \Voburn. They were hath of \\'ilmington, ;\lass. EA1IES-A1IES GE'.\"EALOG\" 67

STEPHE.\'6 (John-5• Jol111 4• Daniel3, Samuel2. Robert1). Born at \\'olmrn. :\lass .. July 7. 1790; died at \\'ohurn, ~fass .. Dec. 17. 1839. :\Iarried }lay 30. 1813. Susanna. born at Harvard. Aug. 8. 1791. died at \\'olmrn, June 8. 1859. daughter of Jesse and Susanna (Tidd) Barnard. Children: Stephen Eames b ..-\pril 8. 1815; cl. :\Iay 19. 1815. Samuel Eames h. Feb. 20, 1816; cl. Tune 28, 1817. Susan (Tidd) Eames h.. -\pril 16. 1825; d. Oct. 16 ,1859. Child Eames h. ---; cl. Oct. 9. 1830.

H EXR \. ff-\RRISOX 6 ( Caleb-\ Caleh4. Caleb3, Samue12, Rohert1 ). Born Jan. 14, 1813 at \\'ilmington. ~lass.; died July 8. 1869 at Cambridge. 1lass. :\Iarried .-\pril 1. 1835. Hannah Shores Eaton, at \\.ater­ ville. :Me. He \\·as Superintendent of Cambridge Cemetery. Children: Reuben Eaton Eames h. Sept. 2. 1838 at \\'aten·ille, :\Ie.; cl. Dec. 12. 1839 at \\'aten·ille. :\fe. Charles Henn- Eames h. Oct. 16, 1839 at \\'aten-ille. :\Ie.; d. f uh· 14. 1842 at \\'aterville, :\Ie. \\'alt~r :\bbott Eames b. Sept. 30. 1841 at \\·est Cambridge, }lass. Thomas Henry Eames b ..-\ug. 30, 1843 at \Yest Cam­ bridge. :\lass. Joseph Edwin Eames h. Oct. 12. 1845 at Cambridge. :\Iass. Rebecca Eaton Eames b. .-\ug. 6, 1848 at Cambridge, :dass.; cl. July 25. 1894 at \\'atertown. :\Iass.; m. Xov. 28. 1867 at Cambridge. :\lass .. \\'ilhur Ellis Halladay, an accountant. Children: O!anclo \\'illmr Halladay h. Jan. 31, 1871; m. Dec. 2. 1892 at \\.atertown. Ketemar Y. Rudolph. Children: Julia Rebecca Halladay b. }lay 9, 1898 at Wal­ tham, :\lass. Rubie S. Hallaclav b. Oct. 24, 1873 at Somen·ille, :\lass.; cl. Oct. is. 1873. Edna Tuliette Halliclav b. Oct. 3, 1874 at Somen-ille, :\fas·s. · Sarah Richardson Eames h. July 12. 1850 at Cambridge, :\fass.; d ..-\ug. 22. 1850 at Cambridge, :\lass. 68 EA'.\fES-A:\fES GE\"EALOGY

Sarah Elizabeth Eames I>. Fel> . .?4. 185.? at Camhriclge . .\Iass.; m. ( 1) Feb. 27. 1889 at BeYerly . .\Jass., :-\.ustin Sperry Richardson. a merchant; 111. (.?) .\fay 2.?. 1890 at Dan.-ers . .\Jass .. Tnhn Perle,· Pealmch·. a merchant; chil- dren, none. · · · Hannah Etta Eames h. Oct. 14. 1856 at Cambridge . .\Tass.; m. :-\.pril 11. 1894 at Cambridge . .\Tass .. Frank Xe,Yell Baker; res. Cambridge, .\Tass . .\Iary Ella Eames b. :-\.ug. 9, 1858 at Cambridge . .\Tass.; 111. June 6, 1877. Samuel Hamilton; res. Cambridge . .\Ias,. Carrie Frances Eames h. Jan. 13. 1861 at Cambridge . .\Iass.; rn. Jan. 7. 1891 at Cambridge . .\fa'..? at Beln](lnt . .\lass. Harrison Shattuck Kendell h. Fe!,. 19. 1894 at Bel­ mont . .\Iass.

::\L-\.RY HAR\.E\"6 ( Caleh5, Caleb1• Caleh3. Sarnnel2. Ruh- ert1). Born April 24. 1804. ::\Iarried Jan. 23. 1823. James Gc,\\·ing of \\-ilmington . .\las~. Residence, La,n-ence . .\las;;. Children born in \\"ilmington . .\Iass.: James Gowing h. --- . .\Jary Gowing Ii.---. Charles Gowing !,. ---. George Gowing b. ---. Henry Gowing h. ---. .\Iary Harwy Gowing h. ---. \\"illiam Everett Gowing h. ---. .\Iary Eames Gowing h. ---. Charlott K. Gowing h. ---. Sarah Lock Gowing h. ---. 3 ELECT A BIXGHA. .\cI 6 ( Caleb5• Caleh4. Caleh . SarnucF. Robert1). Born June 23. 1808. Married Benjamin Hawks of South Reading . .\Ias,;. Children: Winfield Scott Hawks h. ---. Henn: Hawks b. ---. Elect; Eames Hawks b. ---.

HA~~A.H JEXKIXS6 ( Caleb5. Caleb4. Caleb3, Samne12. 1 Rohert ). Born Feb. 21 or 23. 1797. EA:\IES-A:\IES GE.'\EALOGY 69

:\larriecl Dec. 3. 1819. \\-illiam Brom1 uf South Reading. :\Ias8. Children: \ \-i11iam Luck Brown h. ---. Lvclia Smith Brown h. ---. Thomas Baldwin Burnap Brown h. ---. Hannah Elizabeth Brown lJ. -~-; twin. Xicholas Brown b. ---; cl. c\a\· of birth; twin . .-'\.hhie Trull Brown h. ---. . :dary Han-ey Brown h. ---.

S.-'\.:\lCEL6 (Jacoh5• Jacoh4. Samuel3, Samuel2. Robert1). Born at \\-ohurn. :\lass .. 1Iarch 4, 1780; died Aug. 31. 1817. :\larried :\lay 30. 180j, Elizabeth. called Betsy. Tay of \\-olmrn. :\las;;., daughter of Joshua and Susanna (Richard­ son\ Tay . ..\fter the death of Samuel. she married second Jacob Con­ verse of \\-ohurn. :\la;;s. Children: Eliza .\mes lJ. }.[av 12. 1806.* Samuel ..\mes h. T~n. 15. 1811. .\mariah .\mes b~ptisecl June 26. 1814.* Oli\·er \\"arren .\mes baptised Sept. 29. 1816.

JOX ..\ THAX6 (Jonathan5• John4. Daniel3, Samuel2. Rob­ ert1 \. Born in \\-ilrnington. :\Ia;;s ....\pril 11. 1800; died in \\'ilrning-ton. :\Iass .. Oct. 10. 1866. :\Iarried Sally Ta.dor Dec. 2. 1824. Children all born in \\"ilming-ton. :\lass.: Jonathan Baxter Eames b. Sept. 23. 182j; m. Eliza Caro­ line Xickerson. Horatio Xelson Eames h. Tuh· 17. 1827; 111. :\Ieh·ina Eames. James Taylor Eames h. )a1;. 18. 1829; m. ( 1) Harriett Xickerson; rn. ( 2) Betsy Gowing Keath. Henrv \\-ebster Eames h. Tune 27. 1838; m. Olive :\leads. Hora~e Emmons Eames 1;.. .\pril 18. 1842; m. Anna :\I. Fletcher. Children: Henry E. Eames h. :\larch 27. 1873.

+. One of these daughters marrie

1 JOH.\" 6 (Francis5, Phineas4, Jonathan 3, Samuel2. Robert ). Born in Jefferson, l\Ie., Feb. 5. 1817; died in Kendu~keag. Me., Jan. 11. 1898. :Married Betsy P. Stockbridge. born in \\.oliburo . .\". H., Oct. 19, 1819. died in Corinth. :'.\Ie .. July 18. 1870. Children: Ella :'.\I. Ames b . .\"o.-. 22. 1844 in Le,·ant. :'.\le.; d. June 3. 1898; m. Robert Cushman of Corinth. :\le. Children: Anna Cushman b. ---; 111. Herl,ert Thornton Children: Harold Thornton h. ---. :'.\laud Thornton h. ---. Lizzie Cushman b. ---; m. George Cu~hman. Tohn F. Ames h. Tune 25. 1846 in LeYant. :'.\le. Isaac\\'. A.mesh.· fan. 22. 184fJ in Clenlmrn. :'.\le.; 111. Lilla Ferber; res. Ea;t Burke, Vt. Orion S. Ames b. :'.\larch 11. 1851; 111. :\far_, .\1111 :'.\ldlan­ nus; res. Glenrn. Cal. :'.\Iarcellus .-\mes b. April 2i), 1853 in I,el](lt1skeag. :'.\Je.; cl. A.ug. 16. 1898 in \\.alla \\'alla. \\'ash.; m. :\fargaret Finn. }Iargery A.. Ames h. April 14. 1855 in Corinth. }fe.; d. TulY 2. 1882; rn . .:\I ilia rel }farro\\·s; res. lfandolph. :\fe. Children: :'.\fildrecl l\Iarrows h. ---; 111. Ernest Burgess of Gardiner. Herbert }farrows h. ---. :.Iary E. Ames b. Xo.-. 21. 1857 in Corinth. :\le.; cl. :'.\Iarch 8. 1876 in Corinth. :'.\Ie. Charles H. Ames h ...\ug. 16. 1859 in Corinth. :\Ie. Freel L. ..\mesh. Sept. 13. 1861 in Corinth. :'.\le.; cl. young. Frank L. Ames b. Sept. 13. 1861 in Corinth. }le .. twin to Freel; m. Gene.-ieve Keizer. Dec. 5. 1885. Jennie V. Ames b. XO\'. 11. 1864; 111. . \ .. \. Tuttle; cl. :.Iav 4. 1921 at Carmel. :'.\fe.; children. none.

EDMCXD C. 6 (Robert''. Jonathan4. Daniel3, Sanrnel2, 1 Robert ). Born in \Yent\\·orth . .\". H .. :.larch 14, 1809; died in Elgin. Ill .. Xm·. 4. 1857. Married first Charlotte :'.\Ia tilda :'.\I errnYeather ( nee Cooke). born in Orange County. Ya .. in 1812. This mar­ riage took place in Springfield. Ala .. Dec. 1836. She died May 6. 1854 in \\'entworth. X. H. EA1IES-A1IES GEXEALOGY 71

:\[arried ,second at \\'entworth. X. H .. Dec. 6. 1854. :\Irs. :\Iary \\'. Cole (nee \\'right). born at Dalton. ~-- H .. :\fay 3. 1822. Children: :\fortier V. Eames b. :\larch 10. 1838 at Springfield. A.la.* £yancler R. Eames h . .--\.ug. 5. 1840 at Springfield, Ala.; cl. Juh· 24. 19:?l; 111. Tune 24. 1868. Celia E. CorbeY at :\urora. . III.. who cl. Sq~t. 8. 1924. He was employed for 54 ¼ years as patternmaker for the Elgin Xational \\'atch Co. in their factory at Elgin. Ill.* Children { fiw) : Charles R. Eames I>. ---; res. Elgin. Ill. Hermoine S. Eames b. :\[arch 2 at Springfield, ..\la. Eugene Eames b. ---; d. in Springfield ...\la., 1839. age 6 mimths. tEdmund C. Jr. Eames IJ. Jan. 30. 1844 at \\'entworth, X. H.* Charlotte :\f. Eames h. f uh· 22. 1846 at \\'entworth. X. H.; 111. John Hadlock; re~. Elgin. Ill. The widow resides in Elgin. Ill.. with her son. Frank \\'. Hadlock. Betsie C. Eames I>. :\fa\· l..J.. 1850 at \\'entworth. X. H. Children 1)\· second wiie: · · Fdwin 'r.elian Eames b. Tuh- 6. 1856 at \\'entworth. X. H.; cl. at Elgin. Ill .. XoY. :+. i857.

HOR.-\CE6 ( Robert", Jonathan4• Daniel3. Samuel2• Rob- ert1 ). Born .-\pril 2. 1811: died July 17. 1854. He was a merchant in \\.ent,Yorth. X. H .. and at one time kept a hotel or ta,·ern. :\Tarried .-\deline True. Children: Estella Eames b. ---; m. Oli fe Tewett; had one son Freel. Olife enlisted in the Ci\·il \\'ar. and was killed at Freclerickshurg. and buried there; 111. ( 2) Theodore Gardiner of Concord. :\Jelle Eames b. ---; cl. young. Legar Eames b. ---; married; 1110\·ecl to Braclforcl, Vt. :\fary Eames b. ---; rn. James Emery. Children: :\[ell Ernen- b. ---. Bert Erner~· b. ---.

t He was called Chadwick. * Of the abo,·e children of Edmunrl C .. it should he stated that when the Civil \\'ar broke out. ::\fortier \~., E\·an war, while Chadwick, heing wounded, was honorably cl,:-charged. 72 EA~fES-A:-.fES GE:\"EALOGY

Eugene Emery b. ---. Several others.

JOX_--\ TH_--\X6 ( Rohert5• Jonathan!. Daniel3, SamueF, Robert1). Born XoY. 9, 1813; died Oct. 19. 18-1--1-. He kept a store for a time, then learned the blacksmith's trade. l\Iarriecl Mary Ann Flanders. Children: Baby boy; d. in infancy.

RODXEY6 ( Robert\ Jonathan4. Daniel3. Samuel2• Rob- ert1). Born March 23, 1821 ; died Dec. 5. 1886 in \ \-ent\HHth. X. H. He \Yent to California in 18-1-9, around the Cape. He enlisted in the CiYil \\-ar, ancl \\·as an inyalid enr after, and died of disease contracted ,Yhile in the sernce. 2\Iarried Lydia H. Bailey 18-1-3. \,·ho died 1889. Children: .-\.rista R. Eames h. Dec. 18-1--1-; 111. 1876 :\[rs. Sarah \\.il­ liams of Derlff, Conn. :\Iaria E. Eame~ h. June 30. 18-1-8; 111. June 5. 1869, (~er­ rish C. Hines of (aconia. X. H., who ·d. in 1908. age ol; children. none.

6 5 4 FELICL--\ .--\XTOIXETTE (Robert , Jonathan • Daniel3. 2 Samuel • Robert1). Born June 21. 1834-35; died June 2, 192-1-. ~Iarried .-\.bram Cu!lin,; of Laconia. X. H. Children: Loen Chadwick Collins Ii. ( let. 2-1-. 1858; rn. ( 1) .\nnie Tarbox; 111. ( 2) .--\nnie Brown. Children: :\Iaucl Collins h. ---; cl. in infanc,·. Edmund Lincoln Collins h. --~-; 1;1_ :\farion .--\nder­ son. Children: Lincoln Chadwick Collins h. ---. Bertram Frederick Collins h. ---. Children ln· second wife: Antoinette Ellen Collins h. ---. Child --- Collins h. ---; cl. young. Albert Rush Collins h ..--\ug. 2. 1867; 111. :\Iartha .--\1111 Poole of :\fontague Bridge. P. E. I.. b. Jan. 25. 1873. daughter of J. B. and :\faria (Campbell) Poole. L\.\IES-A.\IE~. GE:'\EALOGY 73

Children: Lilla Dessa Eames Cullins h. :\fa\· 30. 18%. Izetta Gertrude Cullins lJ. Jan. 11. 1898; 111. Philip C. Da\·is. son uf Hila, and Charl()tte ( Crehore) DaYi,; res. Laconia. :\. H. Children: Philip Crel10re Da\·is h. Feh. 9. 1927. :\Iartha .\1111 Collin, D,nis Ji ..\ug. 22. 1929. Richard Poole DaYi, 1,. :\farch 3. J()3J. Fred :\ fnrtier Collins h. I une I.+. 187 2; cl. Tune 1-+. 1889 on his 17th l,irthrla\·. . .

PHIXE.\S6 (Junathanl_ Junathan4• Tonathan3, Samuel", Robert1 ). Burn in :\fadi,crn: :\Ie .. :\I,l\_- 2.+. 182°7"; died 111 Embden. :\[e .. Feli. 12. 1903. Re,cciclence. Embden. :\le. Occupation. lumberman. :\Iarried Dec. 6. 18.+0. Philena :\. Thompson, born 1831. daughter uf Fletcher and :\Iartha (Cray) Thompson; she died '\()\", 1917. Childrt>n: .\hhie Eames h. ---; d. 111 PoTtlancl. :\fe. ( :\o.. \n­ son ?) ; m. --- D

Children: Clara B. Eames b. June 26. 1889; d. A.ug·. 21. 1911. .-\rthur Eames b. --- 1892; rn. Tune 17. 191-1-. India Scofield; res. Seattle. \ \'ash. · Cora :-I. Eames h. X o\·. 25. 1898; rn. .-\ ug. 7. 19.29. Gm· Oli\·i; res. San Francisco. Cal. George c:Eames h. ---; res. Bangor. :-Ie.

OB.-\DL-\H6 (Ximrodj. Jonathan4• Jonathan3• Samuel2, 1 Robert ). Born June 28. 1818 at l\Iadison. l\Ie.; died Jan. 19. 1894 near l\Ionroe. in Green Co .. \\'isconsin. l\farried A.ug. 15. 1839, Sarah H. Thompson of Embden, :rvie .. born April 14. 1816 in Embden. l\Ie .. died at Farmt>rs Yalley, :'.\eh .. July 20. 1883. They moYed to \Yisconsin in 1850 and settled near l\Ionroe. 111 Green Co., \\·here he resided until the time of hi" death. Children. six: l\Iaria Louise Ames h. Dec. 17. 18-1-0 at Embden. :-Ie.; m. }dcob Garrett. Feb. 20. 1859.

Obadiah Ames, 1818-1894. Sarah M. (Thompson) .-\mes, 1816-1883.

l\ote. The decendants of the aboYe Obadiah ..\mes and wife. trace their ancestry back through three (3) lines of ReYolutionary \\~ar participants as follo\\'S: To JOXATHAK A'.\IES who enlisted at Wilmington, '.\lass., and marched on the alarm April 19, 1775, to Concord. To '.\IOSES AYER who enlisted from .\lass. and his record is established in the history of \-Vinthrop, :\Iaine, by Daniel Thurston. To ELISHA LIXCOLX who enlisted from '.\lass. and is on the pension list of Somerset Co., for 1818. EA1IES-A:VIES GE;(EALOGY 75

Laban Lincoln .-\mes b. June 3. 1842 at Brighton, .\Ie.; µ1 . .--\pril 23. 1867. Louisa C. Berry. George Rice .-\mes b. Sept. 30, 1843 at .\Iaclison . .\Ie.; m. ( 1 ) OliYe .--\. Tibbetts; m. ( 2) _--\cla .--\1111 Thompson (cousin). Lucinda Ames b. Feb. 20. 1847 at Embden . .\Ie.; 111. Clar­ ence 0. \\-estcott Elwin Llonl Ame,; b. June 10. 1849 at .\Iaclison . .\fe.; m. Hattie ()wen. · Frederick Leland .-\mes b . .\Iarch 26, 1854 at York \\'is.; m. Letha Gabriel.

A.L.\IOXD6 (Jonathan\ Jonathan\ Jonathan3, Samuel2• Robert1). Born Dec. 4. 1833 in Madison. Me.; died May 1924. :,\farriecl :May 23. 1861, l\l?rian Kershner. Residence. :\' e\\· Portland, l\fe. Children: .--\nsel A. Eames b . .\farch 2. 1863 in Embden . .\Ie.; d. Oct. 10. 1912 in Flagstaff. .\Ie. Cornelia Eames b. Jan. 30. 1864 in Embden . .\fe.; m. Frank Deming; res. St;atto11 . .\Ie. Children: .--\llie Deming IJ. Xo\'. 23, 1888 in Bigelow; m. .\Iay Peltine. Ray Deming h. July 3. 1890 in Stratton. Cora Deming b. :\°o\·. 3. 1892 in Stratton. Velzora H. Eames b . .\Iarch 5. 1866 in Bigelow Plantation . .\Ie. ; m. George Emerson; res. Hayerhill, .\Iass.; chil­ dren, none. Otis :\I. Eames h . .\farch 1. 1869 in Bigelow Plantation . .\Ie.; m. Elizabeth .\fc Ka\-. Children: . Hazel Eames b. --- in Xew Portland. Greenlief Eames h ..--\ug. 17. 1871 ; cl . .\Iarch 24, 1872. HarYey J. Eames h. Dec. 16. 1873 in Bigelow Pl .. .\Ie.; m. r 1) .\Iarch 6. 1898 Edith Clark who cl. Oct. 1917; m. ( 2) June 30. 1925. Stella Brown; res. Jamaica Plain . .\Iass. Omar L. Eames b . .\Iay 1. 1883 in Bigelow Pi.. .\Ie.; cl. Oct. 1917; res. Xew Portland, .\Ie.

ACSTIX6 (Jonathan5• Jonathan4, Jonathan3• Samue12• Robert1 ). Born Feb. 16. 1831; died 1893. l\Iarried .--\1111 Holli,;, horn 1853. died 1890. Children: .\Ielzer Eames h. 1857; m. Etta Thompson of X o ..--\nson. 76

::\ [e .. daughter of .--\lliert Thump,un; re,. l·:mliden. :\: "· .--\nson and Skowhegan. :\[e. :\Ir. Eames for many years had charge uf log clri\·ing un a ,ecti,111 uf the I--::ennel,ec RiYer. Children: Grace Eames li. 1F?80; 111. Perley Ste\·ens ()i Sk()\\"- began. ::\Je. .-\ustin Eames lJ. 18')3; Ill. l,,nt E. :\Jaliury (Ir Cl"ud- man. Ida Eames 1>. 185<); cl. I ll28; 111 .. \lliert I I,iq ui l\u,-;t"11. Rosco Eames Ii. 1862; d. I ')28; 111. Jna1{ch I 'ad ham , , i Solon. :\[e .. daughter "f .\[ichel Padlnrn. Children: Linwood Eames li. 18')8 in Emliden. :\le.; 111. l

2 ITHE::\IER6 (Ximrod5• Jonathan\ Jnnathan3• Samuel • Rohert1 ). Born June 13. ---; died Dec. 27. ---. Resided on the old farm on Eames Hill, ::\ladi,;on. ::\fe. ::\Iarried .--\pril 17, 1848. Phylene Sally. Children: Lm·isa Eames h. ::\larch 4. 1850 in :\[acli:-;on. :\fe.; rn. Dec. 17. 1868, Frank .--\clams; res. on the old farm on Eames Hill. ::\laclison. ::\le. Children: Delbert .--\clams b. Dec. 20. 1872 in :\fadison. :\Te.; rn . •--\1111 :\Iorse. Children: h-y Adams h ..--\ug. 11. 1900. George .--\clams h. Feb. 21. 1°m. Chisper Adams h. ::\lay 8. 1905. ::\Ian: Adams b. ::\fay 2. 1907. Bla,;ch .--\clams h. Xm·. 27. 1909. Ethel .--\dams h. :\fay 9. 1911. Perlev .--\clams h. Dec. 1~. 1847 in ::\Iadison, ::\fe.; m. Saiah Jewett. EAMES-AMES GENEALOGY 77

Children: Earl Adams h. Tune 30. 1910. Omar Eames b. June 7. · 1861 in :\Iaclison. :\Ie.; m. Flora Savage. Children: Carol Eames b. Xov. 7. 1883; m. (1) Netey Adams; m. ( 2) :\Irs. Claudia Blanchard ; children, none. Stella Eames b. 1889; m. :\Ir. Brown. Children: Arthur Brown b. ---. Edna Brown b. ---.

ED\\"ARD6 (Ximrod5• Jonathan4. Jonathan3, Samuel2, Rohert1). Born ---. Married ---. Children: Serena Eames h. :\Iarch 11. 1831 ; cl. Sept. 17, 1909; m. Svlwster Tozier. children: Isiah Tozier h. ---. \\"arren Tozier h. Xcl\·. --; d. Oct. 1922. Charles Tozier h. Tuh· 4 --; cl. :\Iarch --. .--\.lwilda Tozier h. ·_·__ _ :\Ielincla Tozier h. :\fay 1. ·--; cl. April --. David Tozier h. :\Iarch 2. 1863; cl. :\Iav 2, 1922; rn. Lulu Eames. daughter of Elfonzo. · · \\'illiarn Tozier b. XO\·. 9, 1867. Orra Tozier h. A.pril 20. 1876. Eh·ira Eames h. ---; rn. in Bingham. :\Ie .. Aug. 9. 1856, Leonard Gilmon. b,· Rev. Isaac .-\mes. Children: . Ida \'. Gilmon Ii. June 21. 1~57 in Bingham. :\fe.; m. :\(l\'. 27. 1881. Rosco B. Safford. Children: Georgie B. Safford h. :\far. 24, 1892; m. Dec. 13, 1909. Dana \\"augh. Children: Harold Waugh b. 1910. Charles \Yaugh b. :\fay 31. 1912 in Solon. :\Ie. :\nnstazzia :\fary Gilmon h. in Bingham. ".\[e .. Aug. 8, 1858; m. (I) Leander Cooley. June 6, 1878; m. (2) Jonah Longley of Solon, :\fe. Children: :\Iyrtle B. Cooley b. April 8. 1880; m. P. A. Row­ ell. Jan. 15. 1901 in Solon, ".\[e. 78 EA1IES-A1IES GE.\ EALOGY

Children: Doris E ...\. Rowell b. ---; m ...\lhert P. Lowd ...\ug. 29. 1925 . . \cton. \fe. Children: Enid .\f. Lowd h. :\'en·. 25. 1926. Lois A. Lowd h. Tuh- 29, 1928. George \\'. H. Cooley h. :-far~h 9. 1882; m. .-\~e­ nath L. Hargrayes, ..\pril 29. 1908; re~ . .\Tilton \fills. :\'. H. \\.elcome S. Gilmon b. June 11, 1860 in Bingham. \Ie.; d. Tuh- 31. 1860. \\'infield s·. Gilmon h. July 1. 1861 in Bingham. :\Ie.; 111. \Iartha J. Hunt of Skowhegan . .\fe.; children. none. Dam·ille E. Cilmon h. July 23. 1863 in Hingh_am . .\[e.; 111. ( 1) Blanch Powers; 111. ( 2) .\[arjnrie Guenlif; children. none. Lillie E. Gilmon b. Sept. 13. 1865 in Brighton. \[e. Sidney ::-:.. Gilmon !J. Dec. 11. 18o7 in Bingham ..\fe.; m. 1901. Jennie \fartin of Caratunk. \fe. Children: Susie Gilrnon h. luh· 1902. Effie Gilmon b. i 90--1-. \Ialcom Gilmon h. 1910; d. 1<)11. Fannie\[. Gilmon h. Feb. 22. 1870 in Bingham. \fe. Edmund L Gilmon Ii. \Iarch 22. 187-+ in Cormille. \Ie; m. ( 1) Ora Jewett of Skowhegan. :\fe.; m. ( 2) Sept. 1908 . ..\lice Hodgdon. Children ln· first wife: G-uy L..G-ilmon Ii . .\Iarch 1:-. 1W)9; rn . ..\rlene Butean. :\' ov. 29. 1922. Children: Laurence G. Gilmon Ii ..-\ug. 13. !<)22. Helen ..\. Gilmon b. \Iarch 23. 192--1-. Ro\· H. Gilmon Ii. 1926. Children ];y second wife: Raymon~! Gilmon b. 1909. Esther C. Gilmon h. April 11. 1877; m. .-\pril 19. 1897. Oliver B. Porter of Skowhegan. \Ie. Children: Hazel G. Porter h. Xo\'. 10. 1897; m. (1) Leon Cookson. 1916; m. (2) Omer Boudreau. Children: Leon Cookson h. Feb. 28. 1917 ( :'). :\furiel E. Cookson b. April 30. 1918. Jerold P. Cookson b. Sept. 9. 1919. EA1IES-A1.IES GEXEALOGY 79

Orel B. Cookson h. f uh· 7. 1923; cl. Jan. 1. 1924. . - Cecelia Boudreau h ...\ug. 1924. Y \·onne Boudreau h.. \pril 1926. \ \' rnona Boudreau h. fuh· 1927; cl. ,\larch 1928. . . Jacqulyn Boudreau b. Jan. 1929. Orel Porter h ..\pril 7. 1899; cl. ,\fay 7. 1901. Leo Porter h. Tuh- 28. 1902; m. fuh- 1. 1923, Carrie Cole Greem·ille. . . Children: Ba\·eh· .\. Porter h. Tune 9. 192-l-. Cecil Porter h. Sept. 4. 1925. Leo Porter h. Feb 2. 1927. Gloria E. Porter h. ,\farch 27. 1928 . .\ \·is Porter b. ---; 111. Harry Treet. 192-l-. Children: \\"illiam L. Treet b. );ov. 2-l-. 192..J.. Richard G. Treet h. Dec. 11. 1925. Doris I. Treet li. Feb. 2-1. 1927. Elizaheth Treet h. ,\Iay 1 :,. 1929 . ..\nthea Porter h. June 19. 191..J.. Della Gilmon b. Sept. 3. 1878; m. June 28. 1899. ,\far­ cellus I n·ine. Children:. Korman "'· In·ine b. July 9. 1902; m. Dorothy Killian, 1927. Children: Cla,·ton S. Ir\'ine h. ,\fav 2. 1908. Ten;1ette Irvine h. ---·. Venessa R. Irvine h. Xo\·. 5. 1910. ,\fadena ..\. In·ine h. Dec. 26, 1915. Ithemer Eames b. July 1836; d. Xov. 8. 1901. Eldora Eame~ h. 1846; d. :\fay 16. 1909; 111. Joseph Clark. Children: ,\Jathew Clark h. June 2-l-, 1868. John Clark b. Fel;. 12. 1870. Dam·ille Eames h. ---; d. in the west; children. none. Elfonzo Eames h. in Bingham. ,\Ie. ( or Embden). Dec. 16. 1849; cl. in Solon. ,\Ie .. Dec. 27, 1912; m. fune 1871. ,\[ae York. who cl. July 13. 1906 in Solon. ,\fe." Children: Lulu Eames h. Feb. 1872 in Bingham. ,\fe.; m. ,\fav 7. 1893. David Tozier of Solon. ,\fe .. who cl. ,\Ia}· 2, 1922. 80 EAMES-A1fES GENEALOGY

Children: Keno E. Tozier b. May 3, 1900 in Bingham. :\Ie. Roland E. Tozier b. Jan. 11, 1903 in Solon. :\Ie.; m. Hazel Boyington, 1921. Children: Enid Frances Tozier b. :\farch 28. 1922 111 Solon. :\Ie. Keith Erland Tozier b. A.pril 3. 1925 111 Solon, :\Ie. Orman Allen Tozier b. June 7. 1926 in Solon, ::\Ie.

Alfred Eames. 1816-1890. Hannah (Sally) Eames. 1809-1895.

3 _-\LFRED6 ( ~imrocl5 • Jonathan\ Jonathan . Samnel2. Robert1). Born in ::\Iadison. :\Ie ...-\pril 2. 1816; died .-\ng. 16, 1890. :\Tarried Hannah Salley. horn Jan. 20, 1809. died Dec. 6. 1895. Children: Joseph R. Eames b. Oct.31.1837; cl ..\pril 9, 1927. Philancler F. Eames h. June 25. 1839; cl. .\pril 31. 1864; unmarried. EA1fES-A1IES GEl\'EALOGY 81

Susan J. Eames h. Jan. 10. 1841; m. Freel Palmer; cl. 1913 in Skowhegan. ,\Ie. Children: Gertrude Palmer h. ---. Tosie Palmer b. ---. Dolli-e ,\f. Eames b. Sept. 25, 1842; cl. Jan. 1895; m. Bow­ man :\'. Ricker, d. in Canaan. ,\fe. Phedora S. Eames b. Sept. 12. 1844; m. ( 1) Cyrus Emery; 111. ( 2) Sullivan Russell; res. Skowhegan Children bY first wife: Ida Emery, h. ---. Frost Ernerv b. ---. .-\rn\· Ernen: h. ---. Children· ln- sec;nd wife: Elrnar· Russell h. ---. Irene Russell h. ---. FlaYilla Eames b. Sept. 10. 1846; d. about 1870; unmarried. ,\Iahala Eames b. ,\farch 20. 1848; m. John Renier. Children: f ennie Renier h. ---. Stanlev Renier b. ---. . \ngie Renier h. ---. Percv Renier h. ---. ,\fart\· Renier b. ---. Rosalie Renier h. ---. Rosco R. ,\I. Eames h. Oct. 2. 1850; cl. in ,\Iadison. ,\le.; unmarried. age 22 yrs. Richard F. C. Eames h. Tune 12. 1853; cl. Tan. 30. 1931; res. ,\fadison. :\Ie.; un~arried. · Cora F. Eames h ..-\pril 16. 1859; res. Belgrade, :\Ie.; un­ married in 1918.

4 BEXJX:\II:\'6 (\\'illiam5• Robert • Rohert3• John2• Rohert1 ). Bor•1 1Iarch 2.3. 1798. Residence. East Dor~et. \·t. :\Tarried Lydia Criffith ..-\pril 1. 1821. Children: Plympton De\\'itt .-\mes b. ,\Iarch 23. 1824; m. Jane \\'il­ liams. Children ( res. East Dorset, \'t.) : George \\'inthrop Ames b. ---; cl.; unmarried. Caroline Ames b. ---; cl. ; unmarried. Dr. George Lapham .-\mes b. July 2. 1832; cl. April 3. 1869; 111. .-\ug. 2. 1859, Elizabeth Lena Bacon; mm·ecl to Xiles. :\fich. about 1868. Children ( res. :\Ianchester. Vt.) : 82 EA:\IES-A:\IES GE:\EALOGY

Joseph Sweetman .-\mesh. July 3. 18CA in :\fanchester. Vt.; 111. Sept. 14. 1899. :\[rs. :\lary Boykin ( \\.il­ liarns) Harrison. ReY. John Griffith _-\mes h. Dec. 11. 1834; 111. Oct. 4. 1864. Eli;abeth Delano. \Yilliam DaYid .\mes h. "\°oY. 19. 1836; m. :\Ian· E. ( ltis. Children ( res. Dorset. \"t.) : Theodore B ..-\mes b. --~. George .-\mes h. ---. Bertha .-\mes h. ---. Elida Grace .-\mesh.-~-; 111. Lawrence.\. \\.ade; res. East Durset. \'t.

HE"'.\RY KDIBELLti ( Simon.\_ _lullll4. Caleh3• SanmeF. 1 Robert \. Born at Cambridge. :\Iass .. Feb. 2-1. 1836: died in San Francisco. Cal., :\larch 10. 1890. }farried in San Franci"co. Cal.. Feb. 23. 1859. :\Ian- .--\1111 SkiYington. horn in "'.\ e,Y York Cit_1·. Dec. 4. 1841.

:\faria Rose .-\mes b ..-\ug. 9. 1865 at San Francisco, Cal.; m. :\f arch .?3. 1892. William Best. Children: CeneYiew :\fay Best h. Feb. 18. 1894; d. :.\Iarch 27, 1899. . Helen Gwendolrn Best h. Feb. 4. 1903 in San Fran- cisco. Cal. · \\·m. Edward .\mes Best b. :\Iarch 28. 1906. :\Jan· Ella .\mes h. Feb. 17. 18n8 at San Francisco, Cal.; d.-.\pril 10. 1928; 111. July 3. 1894. Charles Edward Han­ cock. Children: Dnrotln- Deane Hancock b. ( kt. 10, 1895 at Berkeley, Cal. . Euth .\mes Hancock b ..\ug. 22. 1897 at Oakland, Cal.; d ..\ug. 6. 1898 at Berkeley, Cal. Sherwood Charles Hancock b.. \ug. 19. 1900 at San Francisco. Cal. Henry Kimbell Jr. Ames b ..\pril 12. 1870; cl. Dec. 22. 1911 at Klamath Falls, ( )re. [()hn Howe .\mes Ii. Tuh· 18. 1872 in Proyidence, R. I.; . d. [ uh· 24. 187.?. . . Edw;r

~ote. For Royal Descent of this branch see (Browning's "Americans of Royal Descent," page 396-7) "Genealogical and Family Df ;\laine," \'ol. IV., p. 1968. 34 EA'.\fES-A'.\f~S GEXEALOGY 3 PRCDEXCE F.7 < Isaac F.6, Eliakim5• Jonas\ CaleiJ • Samuel2. Robert1 ). Born in Sko,,·hegan, ).le., ...\ug. 26. 1818; died .May 18. 1908. Married Alonzo Richardson. born in Belgrade . .;1,Ie .. Juh· 29, 1820, died in Skowhegan. Me .. Oct. 16. 1914. Residence, East Sk0\d1egan. l\Ie.. on the ,Yell knC!\l"n Richardson farm. Mr. Richardson taught school for many years, \Yas justice of the peace and a prominent citizen. Children: Infant son Richarclson b. Sept. 16. 1847; cl. same clay. Ella F. Richardson IJ. Dec. 29, 1848 in Skowhegan. :\fe.; cl. in ...\uburn. ::\Ie .. Dec. 28. 1927; m. ( 1 ) April 4. 1869, ...\lbert F. Holt of Skowhegan. :\Ie.; 111. ( 2) ( )!i,-er Laverty, Oct. 18. 1882. Children h,· first husband: E,·erett ·B. Holt b. Feb. 19. 1871 in Lewiston. :\Ie.; cl. Tuh· 29. 1876 in Lewiston. :\fe. Flor~ .--\. Holt h. Tune 27. 1873 in Lewiston. :\Ie.; 111. ::\Ie!Yin S. Lem;arcl. 1892. Children: Enola E. Leonard lJ. Tuh· 24. 1893; 111. XO\·. 16, 1912. Clarence .-'\rn~ld: Children: Ernest Clyde ..\mold h.. ..\pril 20. 1914. Elclrith ::\Ieh·in Arnold h. XoY. 24. 191 S. ::\farion ::\Iilclrecl .-\.rnold h. Feh. 10. 1918. Ernest.·\. Holt b. :,.,;m-. 18. 1874 in Lewiston. :\Te. Lena P. LaYert,· h. ---; rn. ---. 1920. Samuel Bouchard. · Children: Stanh· Carleton Bouchard h. ---; rn. Dorotl1\· Hughes. Jan. 5. 1929; res. Prm·iclence. R. I. . \ \' esle,· T. Boucharcl b. ---; 111. Gertrude To~ns;nd; res. East Providence. R. I. Fannie L. Richardson b. Jan. 24. 1851 in Skowhegan. :\f e. ; rn. June 22. 1872. Charles J. Gammon. who cl ....\pril 12. 1920 in Ewrett. ::\Iass .. age 71; res. Lewiston. :\fe. Children: Afton H. Gammon h. Oct. 2. 1875 in Lewiston. ::\[e.; m. Dec. 10, 1902. Charles Sumner Barns; res. \ \'ash­ ington. D. C. Lydia E. Richardson h ....\ug. 7. 1853 in Skowhegan. :\fe.; m. Sept. 2. 1875, Siclnev Pooler. h. Tune 18. 18:il in Skowhegan. ::\[e .. d. Aug. 15. l'J20 in· Skowhegan. :\fe .. EA1fES-A1fES GE.\"EALOGY 85

sun of Joseph and Jane (Dow) Pooler; res. East Skow­ hegan, .:\Ie. Children: Co~a E. Pooler b. Aug. 30. 1876; m . .:\Iay 4. 1895. Freel C. Xye; res. Skowhegan . .:\Ie. Children: Effie .:\Iargaret Xye b . .:\fay 4. 1896. }label Pooler b. Oct. 31. 1880 in Skowhegan . .:\Ie.; m. I. L. Caler; res. Philadelphia. Pa .. Salem. Oregon. Skowhegan . .:\Ie. Frank U. Pooler b. Sept. 20. 1894; was in the \\-oriel \\-ar; m. Sept. 1. 1920. Verna Davis. Children ( res. Skowhegan . .:\Ie.) : Constance .:\Iarie Pooler b. 1921. Frank \\'illard Pooler b. 1924. Eh·yn U. Richardson b. Jan. 14. 1856 in Skowhegan . .:\Ie.; m. ( 1) Sept. 2. 1879 in Skowhegan . .:\fe .. Xellie .\pplehy of Xe·wport. who d. July 1. 1917. age 58 yrs.; rn. ( 2) Dec. 5. 1917 . .:\frs. Ellen Hall Barns of Canaan . .:\Ie.; occupation. farmer. Children: \\'illmr Richard~on Ii. Jan. 1. 1880 in Canaan . .:\Ie.; married. Pauline L. Richarcbon I>. l uh· 5. 1859; rn. Dec. 25. 1879. Frank Brav; res. \\'orce~te~. }[ass. Theodore .\.' Richardson b. }[arch 11. 1862: cl. Sept. 9. 1897; res. Skowhegan . .:\Ie.; m. Jan. 6. 1888. Kate Cur­ rier. .\ fter his death she m. \\'ill Hill of Skowhegan, :'Ile .. who d. Feb.- 24. 1929. son of John 0. and .\deline ( Brown) Hill. Children of Theodore and Kate Richardson: Fred \\'. Richardson h ..\pril 4. 1892 in Canaan . .:\Ie.; m . .:\label Ou!ton; res. So. Portland . .:\Ie.

()}l EX.\7 ( baac F.6• Eliakim;. Jonas4• Caleb3• Samuel2. Ruhert1 ). Born Jan.4.1820 in Sko,,hegan . .:\Te.; died Jan. 21, 19C6 in \\'aten·ille . .:\Ie . .:\Iarried Jan. 11. 1843. Da ,·id Cross. born at Cross Hill. \-assalboro . .:\Ie .. Sept. 22. 1814. died Jan. 22. 1879 at Sko\\·­ hegan. ;\Ie. Children all born in \-assalboro . .:\Ie.: \\'atson \\'inslow Cross b. Oct. 7, 1843 in Vassalboro. }le.; cl . .:\Iav 20, 1902 in \\'aten·ille . .:\fe.; rn. (1) Tulv 5, 1866. Xancy J . .:\Iurphy at .\lbion . .:\Ie.; m. (2) .:\Iay· 12. 1881, Elizabeth T. Henderson; res. Vassalboro and \\'aten·ille . .:\Ie.; occuiiation. carpenter and contractor. 86 EA.\IES-A1IES GE:'\EALOGY

Children: Edward Fletcher Cross h. Feh. 14. 1868 in China . .\le.; cl. Sept. 2. 1870 in Benton . .\le. Orison Orlando Cross h. Sept. 20. 1849; rn. Feb. 26. 1868, Flora .-\lmont Getchell, who cl. Dec. 26, 1896 in \\.ater­ ville . .\Ie. ; res. Vassalboro. Skowhegan and \ \' atenille; occupation, carpenter and contractor. Children: Sarah .-\Jena Cross h ..-\ug. 19. 1869; 111. Jan. 2:i. 18')3, John Burton Childs of ~ew Sharon . .\le. Children born in \\'aten·ille . .\le.: Ethel .-\lmont Childs h. July 1. 1903; 111. Sept. 1:i. 1930 at \\'atenille. Perle\· ~athan Storer of Portsmouth. ~. H. · John .-\!ired Childs h. Sept. 2:i. l 1J07; m. Jan. 13, 1931. Florie .\f. SheYies, both ui \\.aten·ille. Edith Ornena Cross h . .\la\' 26. 1879. Infant son Cross h .. \ug. :31. IF?81; d. Sept. 30. 1881. EYelyn Cross h. June 4. 188:i; cl .. \ug. 11. 188

SAMl."EL \\"EBB7 ( Isaac F.6 • Eliakim5 • Jonas4• Caleh3• SamueF, Robert1 ). Born July 13, 1821 in Sk0\d1egan. :\le.; died l\fay 23. 1910 in Doyer, ::\J e. He \\'a,;: a farmer, carpenter and minister. He \Yas buried at Branch l\1ills. Sonth Sangen·ille. In early manhood he mm·ed to South Sangen·ille. ::\le .. and later to Dm·er. :\le. :Married first Clara C. Rand of :\lonroe. daughter of Henry and Hannah ( Haines) Rand. She \\·as born Oct. 30. 1828. died July 19. 1858, no children. Marriecl second Abbie P. Trundy, Sept. 11. 1859. daughter of Daniel and Sally ( \Yard) Trundy. born Feb. 8. 1830, died 1894. Children: Clara C. Ames b. July 9, 1860; m. Feh. 15. 1879, Frank Dexter, b. :\fav 21. 1854 in Fall River. :\Iass .. son of Henry P. and Eunice ( Reymond) Dexter of Fall Ri,·er and Boston, :\lass., who mm·ed to Dover, :\Ie., about 1860, and grandson of Gideon Dexter. who d. in Dover. ::\fe. EA1IES-A1fES GE:--EALOGY 87

.\uralian L ..\mes lJ ..\ug. 10. 1861. \\'illmr F. A.mes b . .\fay 27. 1863; d. in inianc\'. Luther D. Ames b. Fel;. 6. 1866. · .\loses L. .\mes h . .\Ia\" 9. 1868. baac F ..\mesh. June· 24. 1871.

3 ELL\ KDI7 ( Isaac F.6, Eliakim5, J onas4. Caleb . SarnueJZ. Rohert1). Born Feb. 15. 1823 in Sko,\·hegan . .\le .. died in Bingham . ..\Ie .. Dec. 28. 1873. Occupation, farmer and joiner. Residence, Sk0\d1egan. Sangen·ille and Bingham, ..\Ie. :\Tarried .\.ug. 9. 1849. Eliza Bragg·.* daughter of .:\"athaniel and Rebecca ( \\"ooclson) Bragg of China, ~Ie. Children: Fhl\·ious J oseplms . \ mes b. June 20. 1851. Thaddeus C ..\mes Ii . .\larch 1?. 185.3; cl .. \pril 1. 1870 in Bingham . ..\f e. Edwin F ..\mes h. July .25. IS55; d. Jan. 20. 1857 in San­ gerYille. Flora E. :\mesh. ( kt. 20. 1858; d. June 14. 1888 in ..\finne­ apolis . ..\[ inn.

0 5 fS ..\.-\C 7 ( baac F. • Eliakim • Junas4. Caleli. Samuel2. J./.( bert1 ). Burn Dec.30.1824 in Shrnhegan, .\le.; died April 14. 1909 in Sk0\d1egan . ..\Ie. Occnpation, Farmer. Residence. SkcJ\diegan. on the road bet\Yeen Canaan and Skowhc>gan. :Harried July 18. 1852. Sarah Lambert, daughter of Richard Lambert. She \\·as horn Dec. 12. 1828. died .\.pril 2. 1898. Children: Clara E. Ames h. Tune 14. 1853; cl. Tuh- 29. 1902; m. fuh· 6. 1873. John x·. Brawn. · · · · Children: Charles Drew Brawn b . .:\"o\". 21. 1875; cl. Feb. 4. 1919. Frank Ruel Brawn b. Aug. 26. 1877; cl. ---. Eugene John Brawn b. July 18, 1882; married. Children: Roland Brawn b. ---. ..\fildred Brawn b. ---; cl. Feb. 8. 1923. age 8 yrs.

* Two sisters hy name of Bragg who married. one Kendell Webb, the other Far· well Wehh, brothers. were sisters of Xathaniel Bragg; these two sisters were aunts to this Eliza Bragg. 88 EA.\IES-A.\fES GEXEALOGY

Ruel Fremont .-\.mes b. Sept. 30. 1856. George S ..-\mes b. Jan. 3, 1861. Lilla .\Jay .-\mes b. Dec. 23. 1863; d . .-\pril Ii. 1930; m. Evancler J . .\Iitchell. Dec. 12. 1888. cl. April i. 1930 in Fairfield, .\le.; res. Fairfield ( Hinkley). :\Ie.; children, none. Kate Currier .-\mes Ii. Xov. 16. 18i1; cl. Oct. 13. 1905; m . .\lay 2. 1891. Daniel Bowman. d ..-\ug. 22. 1()23; res. Fairfield . .\Ie. Children: .-\!ton Durrell Bowman lJ. Sept. 29. 1891. Hazel Gertrude Bowman h. June 2. 1893.

3 L-\F.-\. YETTE7 ( Isaac F. 6, Eliakim\ Jonas\ Caleb • SarnueF, Robert1 ). Born Sept. 28. 1826 in SkcJ\\·hegan, 1Je.: died June 30. 1914 in Pittsfield, l\Ie. Buried in Canaan. l\fe. :\Iarried Oct. 9. 1851. Sarah .-\nn Roli. daughter of Phineas Rolf. Children: .-\.rahella .-\mes b. Dec. 28. 1851 ; d. Dec. 13. 1856. Lydia .-\nn Ames b ..-\pril 15. 1855; d. Dec. 25. 1856 . .\label .-\mes h. Feb. 11. 185i; rl. Dec. 21. 1865. Roscoe \ \' ..-\mes b ..-\ pril Q. 1858. Charles R. Ames b. XO\'. 11. 1866; cl. .\larch 12. 18i0. .-\nnie .\f. Ames b. Feb. 11. 1868; cl. Tuh· 21. 1886. Charles R. .-\mes h. July 22. 1870; ~1. ·, I ) .-\pril 6. 1892. Lilla Burrill. h ..-\pril 6. 18il. d. 1925. daughter of Wes­ ley S. Burrill of Pittsfield. :\I e.; 111. ( 2) Sept. 29. 1930, H . .\Iae Jacobs. Children: Hazel E ..-\mes b ..-\ug. 18. 1893; 111. Sept. 1911. .\I. Leslie Brooks. Children: Llonl .\I. Brooks b. Tuh· 10. 1915. Th~ra L. Brooks h. Xo~-- 24. 1918. Lawrence .\I. Brooks b. Oct. 8. 1924 . .\Ialcolm L. Brooks b. Dec. 26. 1929 . .\Iarjorie H. b. Dec. 26. 1929. Cna .\I. .-\mes b. Sept. 29. 1896; cl. Feb. 9. 1930; 111. Sept. 1914. Hiram \\·. Inman of Pittsfield . .\le. Children: Leland .-\. Inman b ..-\ug. 17. 1915. Liston Inman b. Xov. 19. 1918. Charles Clifton Inman b. Feb. 1920. Ernest Inman h. Tan. 12, 1922. Virginia Inman 1~. June 24. 1926. EA:.IES-A:.IES GEXEALOGY 89

Earl \\· ..-\mes b. ::\Iav 3. 1898 in Pittsfield. ::\Ie.; m. Feb. 28, 1920. Hester Irene ::\Iathews, formerly of Providence, R. I., daughter of \Villiam ::\Iathews of Pittsfield, and Providence, R. I. ; occupation, R. R. ::\Iail Clerk; res. Springfield, ::\Iass. Children: ::\Iarnard Ames h. Feb. 6, 1921. Ire~e Elizabeth Ames b. April 20, 1923. Stanley L. b. Jan. 30, 1927. Leland C. Ames b. Oct. 4, 1902; d. Xov. 27, 1902. Ina B. .-\mes b. Aug. 20, 1906; m. July 11, 1925, .-\lfred C. Brooks; res. Pittsfield, ::\Ie. Children: ::\Iuriel L. Brooks b. Dec. 4, 1925. Shirlev Brooks b. Dec. 18, 1928. Alton Vin~ent .-\mes b. June 4, 1916.

7 6 S.-\R.-\H \\'. ( Isaac F. , Eliakim5, Jonas4, Caleb3, Samuel2, 1 Robert ). Born .-\ug. 30. 1828 in Skmvhegan, .Me.; died 1911 in Augusta. Ylarried Jan. 8. 1850 ..-\lbert Randell, born Feb. 10, 1822. He died Jan. 3. 1892 in \"assalboro. ::\Ie. He was a farmer and for many years their home \\·as at Cross Hill, \·assalboro, ::\!Ie. Children: Henrietta A.. Randell b. Dec. 28. 1850; cl. Aug. 20. 1925; rn. :\'o\·. 20, 1872. \\'illiam A.. \\.illiams, h. ---; cl. Jan. 12. 1929. age 83. Children: Lelia.-\. \\"illiams h. Dec.31.1873; cl. Sept. 8. 1924; rn. (1) July 1898. Charles Savage; rn. (2) Frank Stuart of Cal. Sadie E. \\.illiam~ lJ. Oct. 25. 18~2; rn. .-\ug. 4. 1909, Hoyt I-I. .-\ustin. Children: Katherin A ..-\ustin h. ::\fay 24. 1910. Laura H . .-\ustin h. Xov. 30. 1914. \\"arren Hovt .-\ustin b. Tulv 30, 1924. Georgianna Randell 1~ ..-\ug. 24. i°852; d. Oct. 12. 1853. Perle\· Randell h.. \ug. 3. 1854; cl. A.pril 29. 1925; m. ::\Iav 24.-1881. ::\!rs. Emma ::\kCorrison; res. Vassalboro. :\1~. Children: Sadie Frances Randell h. Xov. 26. 1882 in Augusta. ::\Ie.; cl. April 7. 1904 in .-\ugusta, ::\Ie.; 111. Xov. 11, 1901. Charles Edwards. 90 EA1IES-A1IES GE:,.;-EALOGY

Children: Ethel Frances Edwarcls lJ. June .?6. 1903; d. Dec. 20. 1918 in ,-\ugusta. :\Ie. :\[attie Randell b. Aug. 28. IR84; cl. Dec. 5. 1889. Thomas Edwin Randell h ..-\ug. 10. 1887 in Augusta. :\Ie.; m. :\Iay 2-1-. 1915. Delia Church at .-\ugusta. :\Ie. Children: Charlotte Louise kandell h. Sept. 27. 1916. Donald Edwin Randell h ..-\pril 20. 1919. Doris Elizabeth Randell h. X ()\'. 1-1-. 19.?6. Freel Perle,· lfandell b. Tune 7. 1889 in \'assall)()ro. :\fe.; rn. ·April 13. 1909. Dessie \\.arc! at .-\ugusta. :\Ie. Children: :\[acleline Ella Randell b. Xm·. 19. 1910. Perley Elclri

7 6 4 LEOXID ..\S (Isaac F. • Eliakim5• Jonas • Caleh3, SamueF. 1 Robert ). Born in Skmd1egan. l\Ie., Sept. 28 1830; died in \-assalhoro. 1Ie., Oct. 31. 1856. Buried in E. \-assalboro. Me. l\farried in \-assalboro. l\Ie .. Feb. 25, 1855 (by James R,rn·e. Esq.). Helen B. Brag·g, born ..\ug. 5. 1831 in \-assal­ boro. 1Ie .. died l\,farch 12. 1875 in China. l\,Ie. She had brothers. Erastus. \\-ashington, Albert and Charles \\-. Residence. \-assalboro. l\Ie. Children: Dulceina P ...\mes b. l\Iarch 5. 1856 at Canaan. l\Ie.; m. l\Iarch 1874 ...\mhrose H. \\'ithee at Vassalboro. hv Re\'. James Varney. ·

PHILEX ..\ P ..\ TTEX7 ( Isaac F 6• Eliakim5. Jonas4, Caleb3• 1 Samuel2. Robert ). Born June 28. 1832: died Dec. 17, 1913 in Sko\Yhegan. l\Iarried June 4. 1854. Ruel \\-eston Homsted. born July 2-1- 1828. died ..\pril 1. 1899. Residence, Skmd1egan, Me. Occupation, farmer. Children: l\Iay Frances Homstecl b. Sept. 30. 1855 in Skowhegan. l\Ie.; cl. Sept. 30. 1883 in Skowhegan. l\Ie.; m. June 16. 1879. Samuel F. Parsons. Children: Ruella Bell Parsons b. April 3. 1880; m. Ed ware! Stats; res. X ewport, R. I. Freel Flint Parsons h. l\fay 3. 1882; cl. Feb. 23, 1887. Ruel Fremont Homsted b. At~g. 30, 1863 in Skowhegan. }Ie.; m. Oct. 13. 1886. l\Iartha \Yinona Pollard, b. April 1. 1866; res. Skowhegan. l\Ie. Children: Ruth \Yinona Homsted b. l\Ia\· 21, 1903; m. Oct. 22. 1924 at Skowhegan. }le .. · In-ing Lee Can·er of Bethel. }Ie. Children: Priscilla Jane Caryer b. ·}Iarch 5, 1927 at Bethel. Me. frying Lee Carver h. April 5. 1931.

6 5 THEODORE7 (Isaac F. , Eliakim , Jonas\ Caleb3• Samuel2, Robert1). Born Oct. 24. 1835 in Sko,Yhegan, Me.: died Oct. 5. 1874 in Solon. l\Ie. He \\'as a school teacher. farmer and merchant. Resided 92 EAMES-AMES GE.t-;EALOGY in Skowhegan, Me .. until the fall of 1866 \\·hen he moyed to Bingham. Me., where he became a prosperous farmer and where he remained, with the exception of six months' resi­ dence in Athens during the summer of 1872. until the spring of 1874. \\"hen he sold his farm to Albion Clark and became a merchant in the village of Solon, Me.. \Yhere his death occurred Oct. 5, 1874.

\\"ilmot S. Ames, 1866- . Elmer lJ. Ames. 1874-1929. Charles T. :\mes, 1863-1922.. \ddie B. (.\me,) Xeal. 1860- EA1IES-A1IES GEXEALOGY 93

He \Yas a }[ayflm,·er descendant through the line of \Vebb, Bass. and John _-\Iden (see Isaac F. and Lydia (\Vebb) Ames). :\Iarried Oct. 3. 1858. Abbie Lombard Clark, born in Brighton. :\le., Oct. 1, 1840, daughter of Charles and Bulah (Lombard) Clark. She died in Dover. X. H., Dec. 6, 1899, a remarkable \\"oman. a noble mother. This Abbie Lombard ( Clark) _-\mes ,vas a descendant of Xathaniel Lombard of Corham. ;\fe .. a Re,·olutionary soldier. as follows: Xathaniel Lombard. born 1757, soldier in the Revolution, married Ruth Hamlin, daughter of Daniel and Dillar (Peten­ g-ill) Hamlin. and close relatin of Hon. Hannabel Hamlin, \"ice-President of the Cnited States. Their son. X athaniel, Jr.. Lombard. born 1786, married .-\higail York (?)and had daughter. Bulah Lombard, who mar­ ried Charles Clark ( son of Samuel) and their daughter, Abbie Lombard Clark, born 1840. died 1899, married Theodore .-\mes. born 1835, died 1874. as given above. Theodore and Abbie Lombard (Clark) Ames are buried in the family lot at East Sko,vhegan. Me. Children of Theodore and Abbie Lombard (Clark) Ames: .-\ddie Bulah .-\mes b. July 31. 1860 in Skowhegan, Me.; m. George I. Xeal. Charles Theodore _-\mes b. }Iarch 12, 1863 in Skowhegan, }le. \\'ilmot Spofford .-\mes b. Jan. 12, 1866 in Skowhegan, Me. Zelma Cndine Ames b. April 16, 1871 in Bingham, Me.; cl. Jan. 1872 in Bingham. }fe. Elmer l:"ncline .-\mes b. July 28. 1874 in Solon, 1Ie.

7 5 3 P.-\LOXL-\ F. ( Isaac F.6, Eliakim , Jonas4. Caleb , SarnueF. Robert1 ). Born .-\ug. 20. 1837 in Skowhegan, Me.; died :\Iay 8. 1930. :\Iarried June 23. 1857. Eldridge Randell of Vassalboro, }Ic>. He \\·as a farmer in \"assalboro. died Jan. 20. 1921. Children all born in \"assalboro. }le.: Elmer E. Randell b. }farch 12. 1861; m. ( 1) Jan. 20. 1884, Alice }I. Perly in \ \. aterville. }Ie .. who cl. 1918; 111. ( 2) Tan. 11, 1920. Isa---. Children ( one by adoption) : Hazel }I. Randell b. Jan. 9, 1899; 111. Jan. 16, 1920. \\.illiam L. Randell h. Feb. 6. 1867; 111. }Iav 30. 1898, Olive }fay Bradstreet; res. in Vassalboro t;ntil about 1922 94 EAMES-AMES GENEALOGY

Palonia F. (Ames) Randell. 1837-1930. when he moved to Greenwich. R. I.. then to Boston. Mass. Children ( one by adoption) : Lilla B. Randell b. l\Iav 15. 1898; m. Dec. 27. 1916, Roy A. Coombs of Vassalboro. l\1e. Children: \Yinefred Olive Coombs h. Dec. 10. 1917. EAMES-AMES GENEALOGY 95 Theodore A. Randell b. Aug. 12, 1870; d. Sept. 1, 1907; m. NO\·. 17. 1897. Alice Weeks Kowell; res. Vassalboro, Me.; after his death she married a l\Ir. Haynes. Theo­ dore and Alice Randell had no children.

7 6 SAMCEL (Samuel , Jacob5, Jacob\ Samuel8, Samuel2, Robert1). Born in \Voburn, Mass., Feb. 15, 1812; died X OY. 28. 1890. \\·as a cooper. came from Brooklin to Milford, X. H .. in 1843 . .Married Jan. 1832, Marantha, daughter of John and Bridget (Cunningham) Daniels. She was born March 1, 1814, and died in Amherst Jan. 25. 1894. Children: :Mary Ann .-\mes b. in 1Iil ford Jan. 1838; m. Jason \V. Bills of Townsend. Mass.; res. Lowell. l\Iass. George L. .-\mes b. Xov. 18, 1839; cl. Dec. 8. 1897 in Hol­ lis; res. Hollis; a farmer; unmarried. Sarah 11. :\mesh. XoY. 6. 1841; cl. in ~filford or ~fedford, Aug. 26, 1867; m. Dec.31.1859. Augustus G. Colby of \ \'are. son of John and ~Iary H. (Holt) Colby.

OLr\'ER \\'ARREX7 (Samuel6• Jacob\ Jacob4, Samue!3, 1 SamueF. Robert ). Born in \Voburn, Mass .. July 15. 1815: died Jan. 12. 1899 in Grassmere. \Vas a cooper, came to Mil­ ford. X. H .. in 1843. and later moved to Hollis. Married Aug. 13. 1844. Sarah E. Boutwell of Amherst, born ;\lay 19. 1825-27. daughter of Abram and Xancy (Bro,vn) Boutwell. Children all born in Milford. X. H.: James \\'arren Ames b. Jan. 4. 1846-47; m. Harriet F. ~Ioss. b. Sept. 18, 1855 in l\Iilford. Elizabeth Ames b ..-\ug. 6 or 4. 1847-50; m. Gideon l\for- set; res. Chicago. III. Charles Edward Ames b. l\Ia\· 15. 1853; res. Lvnn. l\Iass. Fred Ames b. Dec. 16-21. 1854-56; d. May 23, ,1856. George Frank Ames b. Sept. 2. 1867-68. Anna Mabel Ames b. l\Iay 1. 1863; m. May L 1879, Harry Grav of :\filford; res. Nashua. Children: l\Iaud Alice Gray b. June 1, 1881. l\Iabel Blanch Gray b. June 16, 1884. Bessie Josephene Gray b. Sept. 17. 1887. 96 EA.\1ES-A.\IES GEXEALOGY

6 CI-L\RLES OYSTEA.1)7 ( Robert • JacCJb5. Jacob4, Samuel3, Sarnuel2, Robert1). Born XoY. 3. 1823; died XoY. 9. 1920. Married first May 28, 1846, :\Iary B., born at Georgeto,,n about 1824, died at \\-oburn, :\lass .. Sept. 23. 1876. daughter of Benjamin and Abagail Plummer. l\farried second Feb. 12, 1876, Sarah C. of \\'oburn. born at Georgeto\\'n, daughter of John and Sarah Knapp. Children all by first wife: Charles \\'arren A.mesh. April 28. 1851 in \\'olmrn, ::\Iass. Clarence E. Ames b. Sept. 21, 1853 in \\'olmrn. :\Iass. ::\lary Jane Ames b. Aug. 1855 in \\'olrnrn. ::\Tass.; rn. June 11, 1884, Howard.-\. Thompson of Ha,-erhill.

4 ERSKIXE7 (Robert6, Jacoli. Jacob • Samuel3. Samuel2, Robert1). Born July 15. 1828; died :\fay 12. 19C6. Married first Jan. 1, 1862, Sarah :\Iatilcla. born at Andowr. died Feb. 15. 1873, daughter of Benjamin and Harriet ( Farns­ worth) Farrington. Married second March 1. 1874. :\Iarianna. born .\pril 21. 1848. daughter of Criel and ::\fary Jane ( Hall I Seyeran,; of \\'oburn. Mass. Children: - Clara :\Iatilcla Ames h. Feb. 26, 1867; 111. in \ \' ohurn. Oct. 22, 1888, \\'illiam Prior of Tro\'; res. \\'olmrn. ::\lass. Children: . Allen Ames Prior b. ---. Ruth Tisdale Prior h. ---. Erskins LU\'ille A.mesh. July 18. 1870 in \\'olmrn. ::\[ass.; m. June 1. 1896, :\Iary :\.. Goodale. h. Xo\'. 7, 1871. daughter of 0. B. Goodale; res. \\'ohurn. ::\Tass. Children: Harold Farrington .-\mes h. Dec. 1. 1896; ser\'ed 111 Co. B. 101. C. S. Engineers. \\'arren Goodale Ames h. Sept 3. 1899; sen·ecl 111 Troop B. 14th C. S. CaY. Charles Xathan .-\mes b. ::\larch 16. 1906; cl. Jan. 5. 1916.

6 JAMES FARXHA-:\17 ( Dayid Jaquith • J acob5• Jacoh4. Danie 13, Samue!2. Rohert1 ). Born Jan. 2. 1826; died June 1908. Married April 15. 1849, Courtney P. Sparks. died ::\larch 25. 1898. EA.:\fES-A:\IES GEXEALOGY 97

Children: :\Ian· Elizabeth .:\mes Ii. :\Ia\· 25. 1850 in \\.iscasset. :\Ie.; 111: (I) Dr. E. X. Harris. fuh· 16. 1872. cl. 1893; m. ( 2) fohn Curtis. Tune 1915. cl.' :\l~Y 11. 1916. Cl{arles E. Am~s h. in Bath. :\Ie·.. f une 27. 1851 ; m. Rose SaYage, Sept. 25. 1876. · Frank S ...\mes h. in Richmond. :\le .. :\farch 14. 1863; d. Tuh- 27. 1877. G~orge E ...\mes b. in Richmond, :\Ie .. Jan. 15. 1861; m. Luella E. Tha\·er.

...\L13ERTi (\\'illiam6, Jacoh5• Jacoh4• DanieJ3, SamueF. Robert1 ). Born :\fay 13. 1829 in Clinton. Me.; died May 4, 1894 in Etna. 1Ie. :\Iarried Feb. 18. 1857. Julia ..\mes. horn ---, died Feb. 3. 1907 in Roxbun·. :\Iass .. daughter of Jacob and Tamar ..\mes of Fairfield :\Ie. The relationship of this Alhert and his \\·ife Julia may he expressed thus: A.lbert's father. \\'il­ 6 Iiarn6. and Julia's grandfather. J acoh • \\·ere brothers, the two branches uniting ,,·ith Jacoh·;; in other words they were cot1,;in,;, once remo\·ed. Children: \\'alter .\mes b. June 18. 1859 in Clinton. :\Ie.; res. Etna, :\Ie. . Etta .\mes b. X o\". 9. 1859 in Clinton. :\fe.; d. July 27, 1930 in Orono. :\fe.; m. Sept. 29. 1878. Edwin Thomas of Etna. :\fe. Children: E. Loisa Thomas h. Oct. 22. 1879. :\Iary U. Thomas h. Xov. 23. 1881; m. Fremont D. Bean of Bangor. Charles\\'. Thomas b. Tune 2-t. 1885; cl. :\Iav 13. 1886. Benjamin B. Thomas 1;. June 10. 1890. · Xancy P. Thomas h ....\pril 14. 1894. Emma .\mes h. July 7. 1861 in Clinton. :\fe.; m. July 15, 1890, Edwin Dearmont in Boston . ...\lhert Jr ....\mes h ....\pril 29. 1863 in Clinton, :\fe. Scott ...\h-in ..\mes h. :\Iav 16, 1865 in Clinton. ::\Ie. Lottie Daphne Ames h. ·sept. 29. 1872 in Clinton. :\Ie.; m. ( l) X ov. 11. 1896. Percy E. Xason. cl. Dec. 12, 1896; rn. (2) :\Iay 13. 1900, ...\lhert X. \\'arren. Children: Lottie Adelia \\'arren h. Sept. 4. 1901; res. Roxbury, :\lass. 98 EAMES-AlfES GENEALOGY

ORCHARD7 (\\'illiam6, Jacoh5. Jacob4• Daniel3. SamueF. Robert1). Born in Clinton. Me .. June 7. 18.34; died in Etna. 2\fe .. April 1, 1898. 7 Married first Jennie Ames, daughter of Jacob . 2\farried second Ada Lo1·d. \\'ho died I 911. The relation­ ship of Orchard and his first \\'ife Jennie may be expressed thus: Orchard's father. \\'illiam6. and Jennie',; g-randiather. Jacob6, \\'ere brothers, the t,,·o Jines uniting \\'ith Jacuh;; in other \\'Orcls they \\'ere cousins once remcl\·ed. Children one son by second "·ife: Earl E ..-\mes b . .\fav 12. 18?1; res. British Ifondurm. Central America; m. .\Iariorie Swazn of Pittsfield . .\Ie. Children: . . Donald Swazey Ames h . .\Iarch 16. 1916.

7 JACOB (Jacob6, Jacoh5• Tacoh4. Daniel3. Samuel2. Roh­ ert1). Born ---; died .\larch 6. 1876 in Etna. :-le. ::\Iarriecl Tamar .-\me,;. She died .\larch 18. 186.5 in Benton. Me. Children: Tulia .-\mesh.---; m ..-\l!Jert .\me,;7 1 son ni \\'illiam6). Victoria Ames h. ---; rn. ( 1) \\'illiam Sanborn; m. (2) Samuel P. Dennet of Etna . .\Je. Children: Charles D. Dennet b. ---; res. Bangor, .\Ie. Fred A. Dennet b. ---; res. XeYada. Leon P. Dennet b. ---; res. Augusta . .\Ie. Florence ::\1. Dennet b. ---; m. --- Donaldson of Etna, ::\fe. Lun- Ames h. ---; m. Joel Sanborn of Etna, .\Ie. Children: George Sanborn b. ---; res. Xewport, l\fe. John Sanborn b. ---; res. in the west. Lester Sanborn b. ---; deceased. Ella Sanborn b. ---; res. Etna, .\Te. Anna Sanborn b. ---; res. Someryille. Florence Sanborn b. ---; deceased. Jennie Ames b. ---; m. Orchard Ames7 ( son of \\'il­ liam6).

7 DAXIEL (Jacob6, Jacob5• Jacob4, Daniel3. Samue!2. Rob­ ert1). Born June 16. 1814; died in Clinton. Me .. Xo,·. 3. 1864. Married Phylonia Xoble. died Feb. 18. 1898 .. age 77. EA1IES-A1fES GEXEALOGY 99

Children: Daniel :\lmon .-\mes b. Dec. 16. 1846; cl. Oct. 15. 1906. 1Iarietta E. Ames h ..--\pril 16. 1848; d. July 1907. William Sanford .-\mes b. Dec. 31, 1849; res. Shawmut, :\Ie. :\Ieh·ille .\mesh.. --\ug. 5. 1851; cl. 1863. Lamont .-\mes h. June 7, 1853; m. Salena Perry, daughter of .-\mos Perr\'. John.--\ ..-\mes 1i: .--\pril 8. 1855; d. :\lay 30, 1915; married. Son Percie .-\mes h. ---. Charles .-\mes h. Oct. 3. 1856; cl. Tan. 2, 1872. Fayette .-\mes h ..--\ug. 29. 1858; ~- Elizabeth Trufant. Carrie E ..-\mes h. :( O\'. 22, 1862; cl. Feb. 10, 1904; m. --- I,awrence. Children: Harry Lawrence h. ---. Ro~e .--\ltl~ea .-\mes h. :\fay 25. 1866; m. :\Ir. Carlis.

7 6 4 LORl:\' . Jacoh • Daniel3. Samuel2. Rob­ ert1 I. Burn Feb. 7. 1808: died July 9. 1872. :\Tarried Lucinda Stilphen. Children: Celestia.--\ ..-\mesh. July 14, 1827 in Clinton, :\Te.; cl. April 12. 1910; m. :\Ir. Gerald. Charles\\'. Ames Ji. Oct. 15. 1830 in Canaan, :\Ie. \\'ashington I. .-\mes h. Oct. 10. 1832 in Benton, :\fe.; d. 1905. Jacob .-\mes b. :\'O\·. 1. 1834; cl. July 9. 1857 Lorin .-\mes b. XoY. 8. 1837. Czziah .-\mes b. July 16, 1838 in Benton; cl. April 6, 1854. Frances L. .\mes h. Sept. 1840; cl. :\Iarch 18, 1904; m. Runnells Frank L. .-\mesh. Oct. 1, 1842; cl. July 9, 1865. :\Iartha :\mes b ..--\ug. 12. 1844; cl. Sept. 5, 1860. John S ..-\mesh. Tune 10. 1846; m. Adeline Colcord. Lafayette G ..--\m~s h. Jan. 11. 1848; cl. Aug. 4, 1852. Printhia H. Ames h. Oct. 3, 1849; cl. }.larch 7. 1894; m. Credi ford. An·illa J. Ames b. Sept. 20, 1850 in Benton; m Rowell. Rose £yerline :\mes h. Aug. 7, 1852; m. Bridges; child, .--\cla. Sylvia S. Ames b. April 24, 1854; d. July 1888.

7 6 JOXATHAX BAXTER (Jonathan , Jonathan5. John4, Daniel3, SamueJ2. Robert1). Born in \Vilmington, Mass., Sept. 23. 1825. EA:\IES-A:\fES GE.\"EALOGY

:\Iarried daughter of Luther and Rebecca .'\ickcrson: her first name is yarionsly gi,·en as A.daline. Caroline and Eliza. Xickerson .. Children: Son --- Eames Ii. ---; cl. Feb. 29. 1852, age one yr.

HORA. TIO XELS0.'\7 (Jonathan6• Junathan·5. John4. Daniel3, Samue12, Robert1 ). Born in \\-ilmington. ::\Ia;;s., July 17. 1827: died XoY. 22, 1896. ::\Iarriecl Eliza ::\Ieh·ina Eames oi \\.ilmingtCJn. :\Ia,;,-;. Children: \\·alter Horatio Eames b. ]uh· 2. 1852 111 \\"ilmington, :\lass. · · Leonard Thomas Eames b. ]uh· 7, 185-1- in \\"ilmington, :\lass.; 111. Emih· L. Trull.. D~c. 24. U:(7 3. Edward Xelson Eames b. Oct. 19. 1858 in \\"il111ingto11, :\lass. Ida Eliz~·~Nfe,µ.,..$ept.: 9, ~~60 in \\"ilmington, :\lass.; m. A. tr.. r, S"'ept 1. 181c. ::\Iyra Eames b.. -\ug. 11. 1870; cl. Feb. 19. 1873.

6 4 JAMES T.-\ YLOR7 (Jonathan • Jonathan\ John • Daniel3, SamueJ2, Rohert1). Born in \\"ilmingtun, :\lass., Jan. 18. 1829. Married first March 8. 1852. Harriet .'\icker,;on oi Reading·. Married second Betsy Gcrn·ing Keach. Children: Daughter --- Eames h ..\ug. 15, 1853; d. Dec. 23, 1853. Jonathan Allen Eames b. Jan. 12. 1857.

4 HEXRY \\"EBSTER7 (Jonathan6• Jonathan5• Joh 11 • Daniel3. SanrneJ2, Robert1 ). Born hme 27, 1839 in \\"ilming­ ton. Mass. l\hrried XoY. 28, 1856, Oliw S. ::\Ieade. Children: In·en Eames h. XO\·. 1. 1867; m. in \\"ohurn. Sept. 20. 1890. Irene L. Buck of \\"ilmington. :\Jass.

"\'ATHAX BRADLE'i-7 (.'\athan6• Xathan5. John4 Daniel3. 2 Sam ue\ , Robert1 ). Born June 18. 1829. Married Xo,·. 25. 1852. Sarah \\". S,Ya·n of \\.ilmington. Mass. Children born in \\"ilmington. Mass. :Mary Emma Eames h. Dec. 10. 1853. EA~[ES-A~[ES GE:\"EALOGY 101

Edward B. Eames lJ .. \pril 15. 1856. Frank Lawrence Eames h. Feb. 14. 1858 . . \rthur \\". Eames b ..-\pril 15. 1860 in \\"ilmington. }Iass.; m .. \nna L. Currier of }lalclen. }fass .. April 26. 1887. Children: Gertrude \\". Eames h. }farch 28. 1889. Ernest \\.arren Eames h. Aug. 12. 1890. Frederick .-\Iden Eames h. Oct. 24. 1865.

JOH,\" .\"E\\"TO.\"7 (.\°athan6 . ,\"athan\ John4. Daniel3. Samuel2. lfohert1 ). Born Sept. 21. 1831; died ...\pril 12. 1917 111 }Iilford. }Iass. ::\Iarried }Iay 29. 185-. Sarah P. Hobbs of \\"ilmington. Children born in \\"ilmington. ,\Ia,;s. ( see \Yilmington records): Lizzie .\ugusta Eames h. Feb. 14. 1853. Sarah Florence Eames b. Tan. 24. 1857 Edger Xewton Eames b. irarch 24. 1858; 111. in \Yilming­ ton. July 24. 1878. I,;:ate Gowing. Children: ::\farion G. Earnes b. Tune 10. 1880. ,\fabel \\·. Earnes b.. -\pril.17. 1864. Lema T. Eames b. Dec. 10. 1865. Gertie ,\L Earnes h. Sept. 4. 1875.

\\" ...\RRE.\" 7 ( .\"athan6, .\"athan5, John4, Daniel3. SamueJ2. 1 Robert ). Born Jul:· 30, 1833. Married .\"oy. 29. 1860. Elizabeth ...\. Carter. Children born in \\"ilmington. Mass.: ,\Iary Stone Eames b. Sept. 15 . .1861. Xellie B. Eames b. TuJy 4. 1863. c\gnes C. Eames h. ·,\" ov. 26. 1865. ,\feh·ille Eames b. Sept. 1867; cl. Sept. 23, 1867. Ewlrn R. Eames b. Xm·. 22. 1873. Rav~1ond \\·. Eames b. Xov. 23. 1875; cl. Tuh- 14, 1876. \\"inthrop I3. Eames h. Dec. 22. 1879. · · .-\Iden X. Eames b ..-\pril 11. 1885. Beulah E. Eames b. Oct. 22. 1886.

6 GEORGE THOMPSOX7 (Xathan , Xathan5, John4, Danie 13, Samue12, Robert1 ). Born June 27, 1837. Married first Aug. 1858. Lucv E. Dane of Andover, died March 3, 1891. age 53. Married second Carrie A. Bancroft. 102 EA).IES-A).fES GE~EALOGY.

Children horn in \\'ilmington. :\fa,c;;;_: \ \'illiam Thompson Eames h. ( kt. 17. 1859; rn. Dec. 31. 1885. Lillian C. Gorden of Somen-ille. Children: Clarence G. Eames b. April 6. 188G. Lizzie E. Eames h. April 11. 186.?; d. July.?.?. 1864. George Sherman Eames h. :\Iay 29, 186(1. \\'alter A.. Eames h. Dec.7.1868; rl. Dec. 31. 1870. Xathan U. Eames b. :\Iarch 15. 1870. Lillian F. Eames b. Dec. 27. 1873. Robert L. Eames li. .\ug. 17. 1875; d. Sept. 25. 1883. \\'esley Dana Eames Ji. July 31. 1881; d. Sept. 3. 1883.

4 JOHX HO\\'.-\RD7 ( Lemuel Cohh6• Xathal1';. John • DanieF. Sarnuel2. Robert1 ). Born Sept. 24. 1851 ::'lfarried Oct. 18. 1883. ::\Iartha .-\. Joy of \\.ilmington. :-Iass. Children burn in \\'ilrnington. :\lass.: ::\Iyron .-\. Eames li. Aug. 1. IR84. Edna H. Eames h. Sept. 30. 1885. Helen ::\I. Eames h. Sept. 6. 1889; 111. :\I ay 2. 1928. Harn· Lawrence \\'iggin. son of P. C. \\'iggin of Brookline. :\Tass. H uhert B. Eames h. :'lfarch 9. U<95.

7 6 ROBERT C. I Junathan • John·S. John4. Caleh3 • SarnneF. 1 Robert ). Born Oct. 27, 1837. Mowd to Jersey City. X. J. Married Dec. 25. 1866. Phoebe :\i. Collin,-_ Children: Herbert F ..-\mes lJ. Oct. 19. 1871: res. Jersey CitY. X. J.; m. Xm·. 2. 1893. Harriett E. Weller. · · · Children: Eclith ::\Iyrtle .-\mes h. Aug. 26, 1893; m. Dec. 25, 1916. Francis T. Courtne\'. Althea Ames h. ::\larch 4. · Adelbert E. :\mesh. July 9. 1870; rn. Dec. 25. 1895. Anna Fitzgerald; res. Essex, Conn.

7 6 5 JOHX B. (Jonathan , John • John4. Caleh3, SamneJ2. 1 Robert ). Born Sept. 9, 1824. Married April 26. 1863. ---. born Jnh· 30. 1845. Children: Charles H . .-\ mes h. ::\I arch 10, 1864; res. Dixfield. :-Ie. ; m.---. EA1IES-A'.\IES GE;(EALOGY 103

Children: Robert Eugene Ames h. Sept. 7. 1898; ( for \ \·orld \\"ar data see A.cldenclum); m. Jan. 4. 1922. Grace OliYe Coburn. daughter of H. \\·. Coburn. Dixfield, .\Ie. Eugene F ..-\mes b . .\[arch 6. 1869; m. --- DaYis. Children : Clarence B. .-\mes h ..-\ug. 28-, 1894; ( for \\.oriel \\·ar data see .-\ddenclum).

3 E.\DL-\ 7 ( Ithamar6• Xathaniel5• Joshua4• Caleb • Samuel2. Rchert 1 ). Born in Shanghai. China ..-\ug. 13. 1867 . .\Ime. Emma Eame,; passed her childhood \Yith her grand­ parents in Rath . .\Ie. This famous oper:1 ,inger studied in Boston ,,·ith .\Ii;,,; .\lunger. in ,,·ith .\Iarchesi. and \\·ith others. She made her clehut in in :March 1889 as Juliette. in ,,·hich she \\'as a great success; she created De Lu Xux\ "Zaire", and abo Saint Saen's ".-\scanio". and others. She appeared for a brief sea;;on at .\Iadrid. In addition to the ahm·e much more might he stated. Later she appeared chiefly in England and .-\merica. The name ".\1me. Emma Eame;;'' i;; kno,,·n the \\·oriel (n·er. She married hr,-t Julian Story. the famous painter, from whom she \\·as granted a diYorce April 27. 1907. She married second J u]y 12. 1911. at the City Hall in the eighth arrondissement Emilio de Gogorza. the famous Bari­ tone. born in Brooklyn. X. Y .. of Spanish descent. Much of his early life \\'as spent in England and France. and on com­ pleting his musical training at Paris he came to Xe\\· York, and has become a famous Baritone. Mme. Emma Eames' mother \\·as a Ha,·den. From the history of Bath . .\le., by Parker .\1cCohh Reed page 361 ,Ye trace the Ha,·den line thus: From Scotland. George Heddenn1 William Heddenn2 Tohn Hayden3 m. ~fartha A. Brown Emma Ha \'Clen4 m. Ithama; Eames Emma Eames5 (.\Ime. Emma Eames). EA:\fES-A..\fES GE'.\"EALOGY

7 6 1 JOHX \\-. ( John • John5. John\ Ca!eli. Samuel2. R.ol1ert ). Born in Searsport. :\I e .. 18+9; died 19C9 . .:\larried Lizzie \\·ard of Thorndike. 1Ie. Children: Ralph \\·. A.mes h. :\larch 25. 1883; 111. \\'innifred E. Seekins of Belfast. :\[e .. :\Ia\· 1. 1001. Children: . Eunice I. .-\mes h ..-\pril l+. 1908 in Belfa~t. :\fe. Clyde E . .-\.mesh.----; cl. :\'o\·. 27. 1923. age 33 yrs. (j mos.; 111. ---; res. Pittsfield. Hallowell . .-\.ugusta. Gardiner. Children: Lena E ..-\mh li. ---; cl. Jan.

6 4 3 FRED :\I.1 ( Roclney • Phineas\ Phinea,- • Jonathan , SamueF, Robert1). Born 1857 in Jefferson . .:\Ie. Married ---. Residence, \\.orcester, l\.Iass. Childrt'n: :\faude .-\lice .-\mes b. 1891; 111. Tune 22. 1929. \\'illiam .--\ lien Stephenson; res. X ew Britain. Conn.

L\TRESTOX7 ( Paul6• Francis\ Phineas\ Jonathan 3. SamueF. Robert1 ). Burn May 27. 18+5; died Feh. 21. 1914 111 the \\'est . .--\ soldier in the CiYil \\a1·. joined at Belfast, :\Ie. Married Oct. 7, 1876. Susie Ha\\·ley, born June 20. 1856, in California. Children: Carrie L. Ames b. April 12. 1879; m. :\fr. Carl C. Tidd; res. Xevada; children, five.

7 6 JACOB L. (Paul , Francis5• Phineas4, Jonathan3• Samuel2• 1 Robert ). Born Feb. 24. 1850; died April 27. 1927 in "Gnity, Me. EA1IES-A1fES GEXEALOGY 105

i\farried Ada B. Simmons. born at Seekonk . .:\fass .. April 28, 1857. Residence, Belfast, Me. Children: Alice .:\I. Ames b. 1877 . .:\Iarv A ..\mes b. 1883; 111. Carleton Kiclcler, Cnitv, Me. Jacoh L. A.mes b. 1889; rn. Bernice Cates of Cnit)·, i\le. Children: Son Claton .\mesh.---. Charles F ..\mes h. 1896; res. Cnity, .:\Ie.; m. April 12, 1916. Hazel P. Ham. b. Xm·. 14, 1895 in Burnham, Me., daughter of Freel and Effie (Fogg) Harn.

3 ERXEST L. 7 ( Paul6, Francis5, Phineas4. Jonathan , Samuel2. Rohert1 ). Born Dec. 17_. 1855. :Harried Martha Decker, born .:\Iarch 3, 1858. Residence. Benton, Me. Children: .\melia .\mesh. 1879; rn. Tune 6, 1908, R. P. Decker. Leslie E. :\me~ h. 1882; m'. Sept. 7. 1921, Ruth :\lay Hatch, daughter of . \. L. Hatch. He is a dental graduate; occu­ pation. farmer; re~. Shawmut, :\Ie. Franklin V. :\me~ h. 1884; cl. Dec. 1, 1902. Clare D ..\mes b. 1889; 111. .:\Iary .:\Iann. Children: .:\Iartha .\mes h. ---. \\'illiam E ..\mes h. ---.

JAMES H.7 (Paul6, Francis5, Phineas4, Jonathan3• Samuel2, Robert1). Born in Palermo. Me., Jan. 26. 1865. Moved \Yith his parents to Cnity and in 1900 moved \Yith his family to Bo\\'doinham, Me. Occupation. produce dealer and manufacturer. Married Dec. 29. 1887. Xettie C. Dodge. daughter of John and Jane Dodge of China. ::\Ie. She was born March 3, 1861, died Jul/ 24. 1924. Children: Guv Linwood .\mesh. Tan. 1. 1890; d. fan. 28, 1908. _fa~es Carroll .\mesh. july 8. 18':JZ; m. ·o) Bernice Hamil­ ton Lawton, b. Jan. 3, 1896, d. :\larch 24, 1923, daughter of Edwin E. and Carrie Lawton; m. (2) 1928, Nora L. .:\Iathews of San Francisco, Cal. ; res. Mountain View, Santa Clara Co., Cal. (For \Vorld \Var data see Adden­ dum.) t'I1 > rs:: t'I1 [fl

>t,,' t'I1 [fl- C'J t'I1 Y, t'I1 > I""' 0 C, ,..-:

Standing: Left to right, John Wallace Ames, James Carroll Ames, Harvev Ames and Jessie M. Ames. Sitting: Left to right, Bessie J. V. Ames Sawyer, (kuth (;_ Sawyer, daughter of Bes~ie), James H. Ames, Celia Belle Ames, Mrs. Nettie C. Ames and Pearle vV. Ames Wall. EAMES-AMES GENEALOGY 107 Bessie J. V. Ames b. Jan. 29. 1894; m. Sept. 26, 1914, Rev. J. Lewis Sawyer; res. Penn. Children: Ruth Genevieve Sawyer b. ~ov. 28. 1916. John Ames Sawyer b. June 7, 1920. James Lewis Sawyer b. June 28, 1922. Winifred Jane Sawyer b. May 8, 1927. Jessie ::\Iarion Ames b. June 11, 1895. Harvey Ames b. :\-fay 11. 1898; m. ( 1) ::\Iildred \Yallace,

James Carroll Ames, 1892- , wife Nora L. (Mathews) Ames. 108 EA).fES-A).fES GE~EALOGY

h. Jan. 16, 1899, d. June 5, 1930. daughter of Isaiah H. and Bessie \\'allace; m. (2) June 20. 1931, Bessie H . \\'allace. sister of first wife . .\Iilclred; res. \\'atertown, .\lass. (For \\'oriel \\'ar record see .--\ddenclum.) Children: Dorotlw \\'allace .--\mes IJ . .\[arch 10. l'J21. Harve,: fr. .--\mes Ii . .\I arch 22. 1924. Pearle \\·i;1i£red .-\mes Ii. April 10. 1900; 111. Furrest A,.. \\'all of Tenants Harber . .\fe .. Xov. :!.7. 1919. ...: -,

:r~ :.., E < ,.,;..., ....;... ..,.."'

'Jc E" < :., ~N:.., " -8' ,_ct!...- 5 ~ -0 .::: 1:; C -0 :;::..:.<: ~~

lf,. re"' 6 ~ < ....V ~.:::::: :..,> -u l- ·- "' 0. "' i\C E::-s < 3: :::, 0.... :2

·cCL .s '- ~ EA:\fES-A:\fES GE:-."EALOGY 109

Children: Celia Belle \\.all h. Uct. 2. 1920. :\[arjorie Jean \\"all h. Dec. 28. 1921. Phdlis .-\lberta \\"all h. Xm·. 10. 1923. John \\'allace :\mes b.. -\pril 22. 1902. m. April 16, 1931, :\Iiss Lovey Ethel Bryant of Brooklyn. X. V .. daughter of :\Irs. Lottie Bryant of Li\'ermore. she was graduated from Canton High School. He received his education in Bowdoinham. graduating from Coombs High School and from Eastern Xazarene College at \\'ollaston. :\fass. He was pastor at the Xazarene Church in Auburn, :\Ie., for

Seth George Ames, born Sept. 6, 1867. 110 EA'.\IES-A'.\!ES GEXEALOGY

four years and is now located as pastor at :,;-ew Ha\·en, Conn. Celia Belle ...\mes h. Dec. L?. 1905; cl. Jan. 4, 1919.

SETH GEORGE7 ( Paul6• Francis·\ Phineas4• Jonathan3• Samuel2. Robert1 ). Born Sept. 6. 1867 in Palermo. ::\le. He spent his boyhood in ::\Iaine. Graduated frum the high school in t,·nity. ::\Ie. \\·ent \\·est at the age of 18. first to X enda. then to Lakeport. Cal. in 1892. San Diego in 1893. \\·as in the fruit business. moHd t() Los ...\ngeles ahout 1910. returned to San Diego. He organized the Ames Realty Co .. has deyeloped one of the most reliable organizations for the handling of San Dieg·,-, County and Southern California real estate properties. He is a practical horticulturist and an able lrn:,;iness man. l\farried at Lakeport. Cal.. 1893. Lizzie ...\. \Y. Xiclwll. daughter of D. C. and ;\Iary _Tane (Dodge) Xicholl of \Yards­ boro, \-t. She died Dec. 19. 1896. He married second 1904, Helen Clapp. daughter of James D. Clapp. native of Connecticut. later a resident of Langstc•n County, Xew York, and later of Riyerside. California. Children. one by first ,vife and one hv second \Yife: Hope \V. Ames b. Jan. 1. 1895. :\Iary G. Ames b. Jan. 10. 1905.

FR ...\XK L. 7 (John6, Francis5 • Phineas4• Jonathan3. 1 Samuel2, Robert ). Born Sept. 13, 1861 in Corinth. 1Ie. Married Dec. 5, 1885, Genevieye Keizer. died Feb. 1927. Residence, Kenduskeag. l\Ie. Children: Frank \\·esley Ames b ....\pril 22, 1886. Percv Stanwood ...\mes b. Tune 16. 1888; 111. Sept. 1, 191-t, Cl~ra Estella Pearsons. · Alma B. Ames b. Tan. 30. 1890. Xellie :\I. Ames b: Tune 7. 1891; rn. Vernon L. Be\·erage of :Xo. Haven, ::\I~ .. Oct. 1915. Children: ~~Vernon Beverage b. Dec. 6. 1916. CHARL S I.7 (John6, Francis5, Phineas4. Jonathan3. SamueJ2, Robert1). Born in Corinth. Me .....\ug. 16. 1859. Married June 10. 1885. ~fay G. \·ernev. Residence. Bangor. l\'le. EA).IE5-A1IES GEXEALOGY 111

Children: Leroy\\-. _\mesh. July 10. 1886; 111. Jan. 1, 1914, Xettelie E. Eldridge; occupation. educational work. Children: Bertrand \\.endell .\mes h. Sept. 1. 1915. :\[ahelle Ames h. ---. Forest B ..\mes Ii. ---; 111. June 8, 1921. :\Iildred \\'. \\'ilcler. daughter of Edward Baker \\'ilder of Dorches­ ter. }lass. He \\'as graduated from Han·ard :\Iedical.

6 5 3 JOHX F. 7 (John • Francis • Phineas4, Jonathan • Samuel2. Robert1). Born in LeYant. :\le .. June 25. 1846; died l\Iay 20. 1929. :\Iarriecl fir;;t Etta :\lesser of Corinth, :Me. :\Iarried second .\ddie Lamson. :\Iarried third X ancy Lamson. Children: .\rletta .\mes 1,_ ---; d. young. }laurice h. ---; cl. young. Freel .\mesh. Feb. 3. 1875; m. 1901. Gertrude :\Iarsh; res. Kenduskeag. :\fe. Children: :\larion .\mes Ii. Sept. 22. 1902; 111. Clemont. John H. Ames b. Feb. 17. 1879 in Kenduskeag, :\Ie.; m. June 29. 1901. Jessie :\Iay Fairbanks. b. in Bangor. :\Ie .. Aug. 30. 1878; res. Bangor, Eddington. Veazie and Skowhegan. :\le. Children: June Frances .\mes h. }fay 27. 1902 in Bangor. :\Ie.; rn. Jan. 19. 1922. Dr ..-\rthur EYerett Rodden. den­ tist in Skowhegan. :\Ie .. formerly of DoYer. X. H. Ralph Eugene :\mes h. Jan. 3. 1904 in Bangor, :\Ie.; rn. April 1927 in Bound Brook. X. J .. :\Iiss Bonnie Finch of Bound Brook. X. f .. she cl. Dec. 28. 1930 at Bound Brook. X. T. - Children: . Ralph Eugene Jr. .\mes b. ---. Gladys :\lay Ames h. :\Iar. 20. 1905 in Bangor. :\Ie.; m. Basil Larkin. April 18. 1927 of \\'ateryille. :\le. Helen Xina .-\mes b. Jan. 28. 1909 in Eddington. :\fe.; m. Tan. 25. 1931. Robert \\'m. Haines. £ya Fairbanks Ames b ..-\pr. 22. 1911 in Eddington, :\le. Ruth .-\mes b. June 23. 1915 in Eddington, Me. Flora Velzora .-\mesh. :\larch 13. 1890; m. June 25. 1912. llZ EA:\IES-A:\fES GEXEALOGY

ln·in E. Doane of Bangor. :\Ie., he was a soldier in the regular .-\rmy. Children: Edna Velzora Doane b. X oY. 1. 1913. In-in Paul Doane b.. .\pril 1. 1917. Heman \\'esley Ames b. Sept. 11. 1884; res. Kenduskeag, .'.\1e. Theodore Roosevelt Ames b. Xo,·. 17, 1904; res. Rochester, X. H.

JOHX LIXCOLX7 (John S. 6, John5• Phi111ca;;4. Jonathan3, Samuel2, Robert1). Born in Jefferson, :\Ie .. :\Iarch 16. 1863. Preparatory education, \\'altham. ::\Ia,-s .. 1880-81. Phillips Exeter Academy 1881-83. A.B. Han·ard 1887. ::\I.U. Han-arcl Med. School 1892. Formerly Prof. of Theory and Practic1c of ?11eclicine in Tufts .:\fed. Sclwol. and ,·i,-iting phy;;ician Boston City Hospital. He is a m1cmber of ::\Ia,.:s. :\Iedical Society. Has practiced in Boston. Ma~s .. ,.:ince 1892. Residence. Boston, 1\Iass. Married Oct. 25. 1893, Elizabeth J. :\lcGrachy of Clinton, .:\lass. Children: Tohn Lincoln fr. Ames b. fu]y 22. 1895. He was at Platts­ . burg Training Camp Xoy~ 1917; Commissioned 1st Lt. in C. S. A .. served in A. E. F. in France. ach-anced to Capt. 28th Inf.; Lt. Cl. in :\I. S. Resen·e Corps. Constance Ames h. Oct. 13, 1898; was graduated from .'.\fiss :\Iaxy's School. 1918; m. in Boston. :\Iass .. April 20. 1921. \\'illiam Laird Orr of St. Tohns. X. F .. son of Tohn Baldwin Orr. He is an ,.\lum1;us of the ::\Iiddlesex School of Concord, :.Iass. Saw senice in the French Army and in the American Expeditionary Force in the \\'orld \\'ar. ),Iuriel :\mes h. Jan. 24. 1901; educated in pri\'ate schools and in music.

JOSEPH R. 7 (Alfred6, Ximrod5• Jonathan4, Jonathan3, Samuel2, Rohert1 ). Born Oct. 31. 1837 in ::\lacli,;(,n, ::\Ie.: died April 9. 1926. He was a CiYil \\·ar Yeteran. Married Sophia Pooler. July 1864 in Canaan. :\Ie. Children: Charles P. Eame~ h. Feb. 3. 1866; cl. .\ug. 6. 1866. EA:.IES-A11ES GE:(EALOGY 113

Clara E. Eames Ii ..-\pril 13. 1867; 111. ( kt. 19. 1890. Fred B. Brown; res. Cornville, :\Ie. Children: Charles H. Brown h. :\fav 4. 1891. Clifford Brown h. Tulv o'. urn. Perle\· P. Brown 1;. Feb. 14. 1895. Joseph .\. Brown h. :\lay 29. 1897. E\·a S. Brown Ii. ..\pril 28. 1898; 111. Sept. 4. 1915, Edward T. :\IcOuelkin; res. Solon. :--Ie. Le,m \\'. B·rown G'. Dec. 2. 1901.

4 3 ITHF:\l l•:Ri ( Ed\\·ard6• Xirnro

FR.\ XCIS7 ( Xathaniel6, Eliakim\ Jonas4• Caleh3• Samuel2. Robert1 ). Born !\larch 6. 1827 ( in Canaan, :\Ie. ?). 1Iarried Amelia Harris. Children: Elijah H. Ames b. :\larch 2. 1850 in Skowhegan. :\Ie.: cl . .-\pril 23. 1917 in Skowhegan, :\.Ie.; m. ( 1) Abagail Burns; m. (2) ---. Children: :\[eh·in .-\me5 h. ---;res.Guilford. :\Ie. 114 EA1fES-A'.\fES GEXEALOGY

:\fay .\mes b. ---; res. Guilford. :\Ie. Ge~rge .\mes h. ---; res. Guilford, :\Ie. Hattie .\mes h. ---; m. Frank Downes. E11a .\mesh. ---; m. \\"alter Brigg~ of Hartland. Oct. 7, 1879. Children: Flora Briggs b. ---. Flora A.mes b. ---; 111. :\fr. Shaw.

4 L\K\\' LI\'COL\'7 ( Obadiah6• \'imrocl'\ Jonathan • 2 1 Jonathan3, Samuel , Robert ). Born June 3. 1842 at Brighton. :\Ie.; died .\pril 29. 1910 at Sutton. \'eh. :\lanlev L. Ames, !S6S-1'J27. Ralph L. Atnl's, 1K77- Clara lklk Aml's, Ci1arlcs H. i\nH·s, 1Kf,')- l·:J\·a :\I. ( 1\t11l's) JK72-JX95. l'ickard, 11'1'0- . Artlim F. Atrn:s, 1:-S75- ,.,, 116 EA.\fES-A.\fES GE:-;EALOGY

:\[arried April 23. 18o7 at :\Ionrnc. \\.i,-;., L( u1,-;a Chipman Bray.** l\Io\·ed tu northern \\"iscun,-in in 1872 and in 1885 to Sut­ ton, Xeh. ..\fter lea\·ing the farlll in 189-1- he \1·a,; emplnyed in the Post Office at Sutton. He enlisted and ,;erYed in the Ci\·il \\'ar f()r three , ear·~ in Co. E. 8th \\"is. \"ed. Infy. and \\"a,-; in thirteen hattle:3. He and hi,-; brother G. R ...\me,-; during the entire can1pa1:-:11 bunked together. :\Jrs ...\mes.* born 18-1-6. died Oct. 26. 1910. The, an: h"t! 0 buried in the Cemetery at Sutton. X eb. Children: .\fan]y Lloyd h. Tan. 19. 1868 at ..\dams. \\"is.; lll. FelJ. 1-1-. 1913 at ·xorf(;ll,. Xeh.. .\Jrs. Ella :,[. Bra\·. He \,·a,-; a carpenter. built many grain ele,·ators in :-:;1, __ Iowa. and X o. and So. Dakota. Charles Burton ..\me, b. XoY. 26. 186CJ at .\clam,. \\"i,.; 111. Rose He II \ \ ·estcott ( cousin ) .

HQ_\.ORABLE fl!SC!!ARC:E To All lf·/10111 ft .Hay ConoT11 * K-"O\\" YE. That L-\B.\:\ L . .\,I ES. Pri\"a"e of Captain \\"illiam C. Young's Company. (E) 8th Regiment of \\-i,consin Inft. \-OLl~XTEERS \,·hn was enrnlled 011 the Twenty-fourth t. }>Iaint>: married Dec. 25. 1767 to Jemima Dad~. I.-;real Bray 5. Born Cape .Ann .:\la:--:--., )lay 5, 1770: died at Freeman. :'\laiue. Jan. 23, 1854; married .\"o'-·· 18. 1797 to Polly. daughter of ~richael and Jud'.th (Ball) \\"ellcome of .'.llinot, ~Iaine. She died Sept. 17, 186R. Eliphlet Day Bray 6. Born in ~Ii11ot . .:\Jaine, Aug. 24. li9~; died .\dam.-,;. \\'i~­ consin. summer of 1860; marrie

Cora Belle .\mes h. Feh. --1-. 1872 at .\clams. \\.is.; cl. :\fay l'J. 189j in Sutton. Xeh . . \rthur Francis .-\mesh ..\ug. 28. 187j at Fall City. \\"is.; 111. Fannie :\fay \\"iseman. Ralph Lealand .-\mesh. :'\O\·. 2. 1877 at Fall City, \\.is.; m. at Sutton. Xeh ...\pril 23. 1901. Rose :\L :\Ierrill. Eh·a :\Jaria .\mes h ..\pril 10. 1882 at Fall City. \\"is.; m. .\ ug. 13. 190() at Sutton. :'\ eh .. \ \"illiam D. Pickard. She was graduated irom the Sutton High School; member of the D ..-\. R. Children: Frances :\[aurine Pickard Ii. Sutton, Xeh .. :\Jarch 23. l\J07; 111. Raymond J. Beackner. Sept. 12. 1927. Children: James \\·m. Beackner 11. , ict. 1--1-. 19.29. Ruhirt DaYid Pickard IJ. .\pril 7. 1913 at Suttoi1, Xeh.

6 :\L\RL-\ LOCISEi (Obadiah • :'\irnrod5. Jonathant, Jona­ than3. SarnueF, Robert!). Born Dec. 17. 18--1-0 at Embden. :\Ie.: died Sept. 27. 1929 at St. Paul. :\Iinn .. buried at Ean Clair. \\"i,;;. :\farried Jacob t.arrett, Feb. 20. 18j9 at Farmers Gron. \\"i.~ .. nwn

engineer on the C. :\I. and St. Paul R. R .. was killed in a wreck Tune 5, 1915. Children: Lyle D. Shane b. Sept. 7. 1890. Laban L. Garrett b. XoY. 21, 1867 at :\Ienornonie. \\'is.; 111. Orra Bullmore at Tower. X. Dak. Children: 3 sons, 2 daughters.

GEORGE RICE7 (Obadiah6• Xirnrod·\ Jonathan4• Jona­ than3, Samuel2. Robert1 ). Burn Sept. 30. 18-B at ::\Iadison. ::\le. ::\Iarried first Olin A.lbina Tibbetts of Dam·ille. \\.is .. in 1867. clied Jan. 4. 1888 at Yuma. Colo. :\larried second A.da Ann Thompson (cousin) .-\ug. 15. 1889. died Aug. 17. 1916 at Leanmrnrth. Kansas. He sened three years in the CiyiJ \\'ar in Co. E. 8th \\'i,-­ consin Inf. \'ol. Kn0\\"11 also as the Rough and Ready Guards. He died at the Xational Old Soldiers' Horne in Leayem,·orth. Kansas. Dec. 4. 19Io. Children four sons and t,wi daughters h:· first ,Yife. one daughter by second: \\'alter Harry Ames h. Jan. 2. 1868 in Green Co. \\'is.; d. Sept. 3. · 1918 at Boston. ::\[ass.; unmarried. He was Vice-President of the International :\Iachinist Cnion and assisted in settling many labor strikes throughout the C nited States. Hartley Clifton .-\mes b ..-\pril 28. 1870 in Green Co .. \\'is. :\fay :\fable Ames b ..-\pril 14. 1873; d. Sept. 22. 1873. :\Iaud Della .-\mes h. Dec. 28. 1874; m. ( 1 ) Tohn Hald (Hall)-Danish-Aug. 30. 1893; m. (2) Charl~s L. Steh­ hins. Dec. 31. 1897. he was a descendent of Charles Stebbins who emigrated from England at an early elate. and in whose honor a monument has been erected in the Cit\" of Boston. :\lass. She now liws at Long Beach. Cal. Children bY first husband: Elmira ifarie Hall b ..-\pril 5. 1894; m. Feh. I 4. Fl! 5, Fred \\'ills. Son --- Hall b. 1895. cl. same war. Children bv second husband : · Charles Leslie Stebbins b. Feb. 3. 1899; 111. Xm·. El25. Gertrude Simms \\'essner. Pauline Grace Stebbins h. Xm·. 28. 1901; m. :\Jay 25, 1920. Harry Lenox. EA11ES-A11ES GE:--:EALOGY 119

Paul Richard Stebbins b. Dec. 2. 1903; m. Aug. 24, 1927, Elizabeth \\'otring. Children: Richard \\'hiting Stebbins. :-I. Rachal Stebbins h. Dec. 9, 1907. Ruth Irene Stebbins b. Sept. 30. 1910. Theodore Frederick Stebbins h. Feb. 18. 1915. Lee .-\mes b ..-\ug. 5, 1881; cl. same year. Earl :\urora .-\mes b. April 27. 1883 at Aurora. Xeb.; m. :-Iay 2.2. 1913. :-Iaucl Reeder of Olathe. Kansas; res. Olathe. Kansas. Lydia .-\1111 .-\mes b. :-farch 18. 1899 at Kansas City, Kan.; 111 .•-\ug. 11. 1916. Henry Lohrey; res. Kansas City, Kan.

LCCI.\"D.-\7 (Obadiah6, Ximrocl5. Jonathan4. Jonathan3• 1 SamueF. Rohert ). Born Feb. 20. 1847 at 1fadison, Me.; died .-\ug. 21 1907 at the home of her uncle ..·\Iden Thompson. in Kalispell. ~Iontana. and \\'as buried on her fifty-first \Yedding anniYersary .-\ug. 23, ---. ~larried .-\ug. 23. 1866 in Green Co .. \\'is., Clarence 0. \\'estcott. and mm·ed to .\"ebraska in the ;;pring of 1867. set­ tled in Hamilton Co., .\"eb .. was a new country at that time, and their oldest child was the first "·hite child horn in the countv. In 1898 the \\'escott;; moyed to Xorth Dakota. Lucy \\' estcott and her sister-in-law, Cornelia (\Yestcott) Berry, made the first American Flag that ever waved in Hamilton Co .. X eb. It is now preserved with other relics of early clays in the Court House at Aurora, Xeh. Clarence 0. \\'estcott died July 1. 1920. Children: Elwyn On·ill \\'estcott h. July 8. 1867; m. Jessie Littlefield h. ---; he cl. Dec. 24, 1920 in Eugenia. Oreg .. where they had moyecl in 1919. Children: --- \\'estcott b. ---; cl. agr two weeks. Lee \\'estcott h. ---; m. Helen Harrington in Xorth Dakota; res. in Oregon. Children: Two daughters. Grace ~Iaud \\'estcott h. Dec. 5 --; m. Ro, Viall; res. in Xo. Dakota. · Children: Son Viall b. ---. Son Viall h. April 8. 1926. 120 EA:-.IES-A:-.IES GE.'\EALOGY

Charles Eugene \\-estc(Jtt Ji. Dec. 7. 1896; 111. Bertha \rinters; res. in Xo. Dak()ta. Clarence \ \-estcott Li. ---; 11'.. "1 ll:' cl 11 >1; res. in Oregon. Josephene \\-estcott Ji. ---; r,- .. 111 Oreg()t1 Rose Belle \\"estcott h. Sept. 7. 1873; 111. Charle-- J\11nun .-\mes (cousin) ; two sons. Children ( see forward ) . Charles \\-estccitt h. at Farme:·s \-alle1·. June G. 188-J.; d. XoY. 5. 1896.

3 EL\\T', L. 7 (0hadiah6. Ximrud-5, Jcmathan1. Jonathan . Samuel2• Rohert1 ). Born June 10. 18-1-9 at .\Iadi;;on. :'de.;

Dr. Durnam Dlaine :\mes b. Dec. 24. 18?2 at Henderson, X eh.; m. Dolla IriYan. He i,; a Dentist in Seattle. \\"ash.; gracluatecl from Xeb. State Cniyersity and State Dental School. Children: \\'alter Elwin _-\mes h. ---.

FREDERICK LEALAXD7 (Obadiah6, Ximrod5• Jona­ than4. Jonathan 3• Sarnuel2. Robert1 ). Born 1farch 26, 1854 at York. Green Co .. \\'is.; died 1929 at Pittsburg. Cal.. buried at X e\\·berg. Ore. ~Iarriecl Letha Gabriel, Dec. 23, 1875 at Ylonticello. \Vis. She died at the home of EhYin L. ~-\mes in Lincoln, X eb., Oct. 16. 1916 ancl \\·as buried at Lake City. lmYa. They hacl 1110\·ed from \\"is. to X eb. in 1884 and in 1891

Frederick L. Ames, 1854-1929. 1Iaria L. (:\mes) Garrett, 1840-1929. 122 EA11ES-A11ES GEXEALOGY

moved to Lake City. Imm. then back to Sutton. XelJ .. in 1893. later going to X e,Yherg. Ore. Children: Theodore Josias A.mes Ii. Sept. 7. 1880 at York. Green Co .. \\.is.; 111. July 3. 1912. Anna :.\IcLaughlin oi Omaha. :\'eh.; res. Bend. Ore. Children: Kenneth .\mes b. :\fay 15. 1913 at Omaha. :.\Iina A.mes b. Feb. 5. 1896 at Sutton. Xeb.; Ii,·e5 at Pitts­ burg. Cal.. where she is a successful teacher in the schools of that cit\'. She attended the State Cni\'. of Xeb., State Cniv. of ()re .. and was graduated from State Teachers College of San Jose. Cal.. majoring in Home Economics.

PERLEY7 (Xathaniel6, Eliakim5, Jonas4. Caleh3• Samuel2. Robert1). Born l\Iarch 18. 1837 in Canaan. :.\Ie.: died Dec. 9. 1906 in Skowhegan, Me. Occupation, carpenter and \\·heehnight. Residence. Canaan. Me., until 1874 \\·hen he 1110,·ed to Skmd1egan. Me. :.\Iarried Sept. 24. 1859. Betsy Ann Barns of Canaan. :de .. daughter of \Yilliam and Lucinda (Fitzgerald) Barne,;. Children: Chester .\mes b. Tuh· 22. 1862 in Canaan. :.\Ie.; rn. Dec. 24, 1884 in Prince.tot;, :.\Iinn., :.\Iinnie Young. Children: l\Ionroe Ames h. at Princeton. :.\I inn .. Sept. 2(). 1887; grad.. Princeton High School; attended Hamlin CniL 1906-07; Cniv. of l\Iaine. 1907-08; grad., Cal. Osteo. Phys. and Surg.. 1915; 111. Dr. :\da :.\fay De­ \Yitt. Sept. 10. 1915; interned at Los .\ngeles Gen. Hospital. 1918-19; practicing medicine in Lo~ .\n­ geles. Cal. Children: Ada :.\fav Ames b. l\Iav 22. 1921. Grace Vivia1{Ames h. Prin~eton. :.\Iinn .. Tuh· 16. 1895; grad .. Glendale High School. Glenda!~. Cal.. 1913; Cniv. of California. Los Angeles, 1928. Perlev Edwin Ames h. Princeton. l\Iinn., Feb. 17. 1897; grad .. Glendale High School. 1915; C. S. C. Dental College. 1923 at Los Angeles. Cal.; m. ba­ belle fa·erett. Dec. 19. 1927. Julian Gorden A.mes h. Princeton. :.\Iinn .. Xm·. 17. 1899; student at Osteo. Phys. and Surg. College. Justin D. :\mes h. Dec. 7. 1864 in Canaan, :.\fe.; grad .. EAMES-A1fES GE~EALOGY 123

Skowhegan High School; attended Colby College; grad .. Bowdoin ;,,led. College; practised medicine in Xorridge­ wock and Oakland. ;,,le .. also in Bangor State Hospital and in Hospitals in Parsons and Osawatomie. Kansas; m. ( 1 ) 1888. Carrie B. Leighton of Skowhegan, .\Ie.; m. ( 2) Lillian E. Bergman of Pennsyh-ania. Galen .\.mes b. Oct. lj, 1866 in Canaan. ;,,le.; cl. Tune 14. 1869. . Della .\mes h. fuh· 31. 1868 in Canaan. ;,,le.; attended Skowhegan High. School and Farmington State Xormal; m ..\1111011 F. Sandford. ;,,lay 20. 1893. Children: Joseph Ralph Sandford b. Oct. 16. 189j; grad .. Skow­ hegan High School; Bowdoin College. Class of 1918; First Lieut.. British Royal Flying Corps; killed in France during \\'oriel \\'ar, .\pril 12, 1918 . .\nnie .\mes I>. .\pril 18, 1870; grad .. Skowhegan High School, Skowhegan. ;,,le.; m. Dec. 21. 1893, Freel \\'. Loomis. Children. ;,,fyron .\mes Loomis Ii. Skowhegan. ;,,le .. Oct. 22. JR()j; grad .. Skowhegan High School. 1913; m. Lil­ lian Holmberg, XoL 11. 1919. daughter of Xelson. Byron \Yarren Loomis b. Dec. 12. 1901; attended Skowhegan High School; 111. Ruth \\'illmr of .\!­ ham, X. Y., Xo,·. j, 1924. Perle; .\mes Loomis b. Xo\'. 23, 1906; grad .. Skow­ hegan High School; attended Xortheastern l_'niY .. Boston; grad .. Chicago Tech. College. Chicago. Ill., ;,,[ay 2j, 1930; 111. Helen ).f. Hawes. Dec. 30. 1929, daughter of ;,,fr. and ;,,f rs. \ \'. H. Hawes. Lura .\1111 Loomis b. ;,,[arch 4. 1911; grad .. Skowhegan High School; student. Xew England Consen·atory of .\fusic. Frank L. .\mes Ii ..\pril 8. 1872 in Canaan. ;,,le.; grad .. Skowhegan High School in 1890; Colby College. 1894; admitted to the Bar at Skowhegan. ;,,Ie., Sept. Term. 1899; rn. Helena Bartlett, June 22. 1898. daughter of Charles Bartlett of Cnity. ;,,fe. Children: Basil B ..\mes b. April j_ 1901; grad .. Xorriclgewock High; Colby College, June 1923; admitted to Bar in Jan. 1928 at Skowhegan S. J. Court; rn ..\ug. 2j 1930. Frances G. Dresser, daughter of Frank .-\. and Rhoda (French) Dresser of Kennehunk, ;,,Ie. £ya ;,,I. .-\mes h. Feh. 22. 1874 in Canaan, ;,,Ie.; grad .. 124 EA).fES-A).IES GEXEALOGY

Skowhegan High School; attendee! Colby College; m. Freel :\f. \\.ehster. :\Iarch 31, Fl()4. Children: Bessie P. \ \. ebster h . .-\. ugust 3. 1907; grad.. Skow­ hegan High School. 1924; Farmington :\orrnal. 1927. Ralph \\'. E ..\mes h. Feh. 22. 1877; grad .. Skowhegan High School; rn. Ethel \\'bittier of Skowhegan . .\fe .. 1902. Children: Virginia \\'bittier .·\mesh . .\fay 18. 1904; grad .. Skow­ hegan High School. 19.?.?; Bates Colletie. 1CJ.?6. Smith \\"bittier .\mesh. June .'i. 1907; grad .. Skow­ hegan High School. 19.?5; attended L'niY. of :\Iaine, 1929-30; 111. in Ornno . .\f e .. .\lay 2.?. 1930. Louise A. Bates. daughter of Judge and .\!rs. Samuel Lewis Bates of Portland. :\Ie. She was graduated from C niYersitY of :'If aine in 1930.

HOR.\CE7 (:\"athanie1 6• Eliakim\ Jona,-; 4, Caleh3, SamueP, Robert1). Born Dec. 26, 1831. Ivfarried Triphenia Barne:-. Children: Frank \\"ill .-\mes h. 18.'iG; cl. in Canaan . .\le., ] lllO; 111. Laura \Yhite; children. none. George H ..\mesh. 18.'i8; cl. June 21. 19.?.'i; 111. \'iola .\f. Bragg. April .'i. 1883. Children: .\fabel V ..\mesh. 1890; rn. Tune 1. 1912. Horace 0. Bean of \\'ilmington; res. Canaan . .\fe. Children: Harold Lester Bean h. :\fa, 6. 1913. John .\. Ames h. 1866; 111. Dec. +. ·1887 .. \lherta Burrell; res. Canaan. :\Ie. Children: Frank Ames h. Oct.15.1888; cl. June 1914; rn ..-\ug. 7. 1913. Glenna E. Lancaster. cl. Sept. 30. 1921. age 24 yrs .. daughter of Lemuel and CeneYa (.\Toure) Lancaster of Canaan. :\Ie. Dc:nalcl .\mes h. Dec. 15, 1890; m. Sept. 27. 1914, Eunice Barye Peayey of Canaan. :\fe.; re< Fairfield. :\Ie. Aubine :-\mes h. Jan. 24. 1895; cl. .-\ug. 15. 1<)]9 in Skowhegan. :\Ie. Dora.\. Ames h. 1868; m ..-\rthur Fernald of Solon. :\[e.; res. Lynn. :\Tass. EA:.IES-A:.IES GEXEALOGY

Children: Hamiel Fernald b. ---. \\'ilcler Fernald h. ---. l.izzie A.mes h. 1872; cl. 1897; unmarried.

ACGl'STl-S7 (::\'athaniel6, Eliakim5• Jonas4, Caleb3, 1 Samuel2. Rohert ). Born Oct. 25. 1839-40; died :-\ug. 15, 1928 . .\Iarried June 26. 1868. :-\nna E. Bragg. :\Io,·ed tu .\Iaclison . .\Ie. Children: Enin .\I. Ames b. Oct. 13. 1871; m. Dec. 24, 1896 . .\Irs. Della Gilrnon; res. Cornwall. ::\'. Y. Stella B ..-\mes h. :-\pril 6, 1874; m . .\Iay 23. 1896, Perlie \ \'ithee; res. East ,\[aclison . .\Ie. Children: E\'a P. \\'ithee h. ,\fay 5. 11'97; m. E. E . .\Iaguire. Harold.-\. \\'ithee h. Sept. 12. 1901. .\[_non X. \\'ithee h. June 6. 1906; m. June 1930, .\Iiss .-\hhie Jane Dexter. daughter of .\Ir. and :Urs. Ber­ nanl T. Dexter of Lexington, .\le.; res . .\Iadison, .\le. Lillace .-\ ..-\mesh ..-\ug. 31. 1879; m. Sept. 1, 1901, Lewis \ \·. l{ussell. Children: .\[ilclml Russell h. ,\fay 12. 1902 . .\Ia,· G. Russell h. Tul/9, 1904. Ge;trude Faye Ru~seil h. Sept. 18. 1907; m. Leander I-to~s. Lm,,1120 \\' ..-\me, h ..-\pril 14, 1883; m ..-\pril 14. 1921 in Skowhegan . .\le .. .\Iiss Flora Jeanie Gleason, daughter of Thomas B. Gleason of Canaan, .\Ie. ; occupation, farmer; res. East .\[aclison . .\Ie. Helen :\ . .-\mes b. lune 24, 1893; m. Dec. 25. 1915. How­ anl Stanley Clark in Skowhegan . .\Ie.; res . .\Iaclison, .\le .

.-\R,\ TCS7 ( .\'athaniel6. Eliakim5• Jonas4, Caleb3. SamueP. 1 Rubcrt ). Burn Dec. 24. 1841; died 1909 . .-\ n:'teran of the Ci\'il \\'ar. ,\[arrie(! Paulina \\'ymon . .\Iarriecl second .\Iar:,· Eldridge. )Jarried third Emma DO\rns. Children, one by first, t\\'O by second. four by third: .-\ddie Frances .-\mes h. Jan. 10, 1860; m. Sept. 29, 1881. Thomas Gould. 126 EA1fES-A1IES GENEALOGY

Children: Xorman F. Gould b. :\Iay 1. 188.?; 111 .•\pril 19. 191.?, Xellie Luscomh; res. :\Iec!fielcl. :\lass. Jennette .\mes b. April 27. 1867. Frederick A. Ames b. :\fay l.?. 1869; m. 1 1) Georgiana \\'ellington; m. ( 2) Har;iett Frost. Sadie A.mes b. ---. Xathaniel Ames b. ---; res. Clinton. :\Ie. l\Iearl .\mes b. ---. Edger Ames b. ---.

EDG.\R D.7 ( Xathaniel6• Eliakim.i_ Jonas\ Caleh3. Sanrnl'P. 1 Robert ). Born Jan. 30. 184.J. in Canaan. :\k.; died .\ug. 1. 192.J. in Canaan, ::\Ie. 1\Iarriecl first Sarah E. Glea;;on. :\()\·. 18. 18ri6. shl' dil'd I·\ 1, 26, 1907. :\Iarried second Eliza Burrell Crommett. ( let. Fl. lq09. ,iL· died July 27. 1912. He \\'as a Yeteran of the Ci,·il \\.ar. Resided in Canaan. :\Ie. Children bY first ,Yifc: 1 :\Ioses G ..\mes h. Sept. 7. 18f,7; rn. r 1 r i 1,·1 . .J.. ].1s •] • .\ngie :\I. Badger. "·h,> d. ( let. 18. ]'JO.?; 111. , .? , \'cttil' _I. X utter. Sept. 11. 1()()_;. Children: Carl LL .\mes ]J. (let..?.?. 181).?; m. :\fa,· 1. 1' 1 1.,. !~elm D. Humphrey. daughter of Ephran; J I 111111 ,hre_, "i Canaan. :\fe.; res. \'. Hartland. :\Ie. Raymond :\J. .\me,; h .. \ug. 11. 18()-. Elmer .\mes h. Sept . .?.?. 190.?. Howard .\me,; h. \ug . .?3. 1906. Effie .\mes b. Feb. 16. 1871; d. :\larch 17. l/F5. Lilla B .. \mes b. :\Jarch .?8. 187.J.; 111. 1 1 1 \:",·· '27. 1W>3. John F. Hubbard. \\·hod. :\fay .?7. l

HEXRY H ..\RRISOX 7 ( ..\sgill 6• Caleb;. Call'l,4, C_';1lel1". SamueJZ. Rohert1 l. Born in '.\'aten·ille. :\Ie .. June 5. lRF: died in \\'inslo\\', ;,fe .. Xlw. 22. 1916. EA1IES-A:MES GENEALOGY 127

.\fter completing his education in \Vaterville he followed the printing business and in 1866 purchased a farm in \Vins­ low, Me. Married Dec. 4, 1860, Sarah :\.1111 Robinson, daughter of Jesse Robinson, she died Dec. 25. 1905. Children: .\nn Elizabeth Eames b. July 6, 1862; d. Oct. 16, 1884. George Henry Eames b ..\ug. 26, 1864; m. .\pril 26. 1894. Sarah L. Drake. who cl . .\Iarch 24. 1913. daughter of Hannilile ancl Caroline \\·oocl Drake. Children: :d innie Drake Eames b . .\farch 4, 1895. Elizabeth Robinson Eames h. ~O\". 5. 1897. John Henry Eames h .. \ ug. 6. 1900; rn. ( 1 ) Oct. 16, JC)J8, Doris H. Thurston. daughter of Elbridge and .\f>Ta \\"inn Thurston. clin,rcecl ~O\". l(i. 1922; m. ( 2) Sept. 28. ]<)23. Haz:el .\.Thurston.daughter of l{oland and lllanch .\ re Kennn· Thurston. Children: . John llenn· Ir. Eames L. !uh· 27. 1919. <~eorge Th~ir-ston Ea me,; L'. n·ec. 27. 1<)20. Carrie Sll()res l•:ames L. Sept. 5. 18(£1; cl . .\[arch 13, 1870.

\\._\f.Tl·:I{ .\llB< lTT7 ( Henry llarri,.;nn6. Caleh5• Caleb4• Caleb3. SamueP. Ruberti). Born at \\.e,;t Cambridge . .\Iass .. Sept. 30. 1841: clit"d at \\.e,;t Cambridge . .\Ia,;s .. :\larch 28. 1905 . .\Iarriecl July 18. 1861 at Fitchburg . .\fas,; .. Sarah.\ ..\mes. Occupation. in,;pector. Children: \\"alter Clifton Eames h. Jan. 12. 1867 at Cambridge. :\fass.; d ..\pril 30. JR85 at Pamona. Fla . . \nnie Raymond Eames h. :\fay 12. 1873; m ..\ug. 28. 1901. Charles Henry .\loses at Fitchburg. :\Iass.; res. Leo­ mi;i,;ter. :\ rass. ~ ellie Eaton Eames L. Jan. 8. 187

6 THO.\L\S HE~RY7 ( Henry Ifarri,;on • Caleb\ Caleb4. 3 Caleb • Sanmel2. Roberti). Born .\ug. 30. 1843 at \\" est Cam­ bridge. :\lass.: died .\pril 4, 1899 at \\"est SomerYille, Mass. Occupation. Supt. Streets. :\Iarried Oct. 13. 1868 at Cambridge. Mass .. Caroline Jane Ho,Ye. 1.28 EA~IES-A~IES GE~EALOGY

Children: Henry Howe Eames h. July 30. 1869 at Cambridge . .\Jass.; m . .\farch 7. 1896 at \\"est Sornen-ille, .\Iass .. Cora Blanch HoYey. Children: Thomas Harrison Eames b. Tuh· 1. 1902 at \\-est Sorn­ en-ille . .\lass. ; m. Sept. i2, · 1929 at \\"est Somer­ Yille, .\lass .. .\Iarjorie L Robinson. Estha Adelia Eames h. XoY. 2. 1908 at \\'est Somer­ Yi lie. .\lass.

JOSEPH ED\\'IX7 ( Henry Harri,-on6• Caleb.S. Caleb4. Caleh3• SamueJ2, Robert1). Bqrn at Cambridge, 11ass .. Oct. 12. 1845 . .\Iarried at Cambridge, .\Iass .. XoY. 28. 1867. Delia .-\u­ gusta Barker. Residence. J acbo1wille, Fla. Children: Joseph Henry Eames h. Jan. 3. 1870; m. ( 1) Jan. 1. 1895. Rachal Ellen C. Coburn. who cl. .\Ia\· 15. 1900; rn. (2) July 21. 1906. Laura J. Siler. who cl. .\.pril 1913. Children hv first wife: .-\h·in K: Eames !J. XoY. 12. 1896; d. Dec.29.1900. Elinor Eames b . .-\pril 3. 1898. Edwin Leissuer Eames h . .\larch 7, 1875; m. Sept. 2. 1903, .\Ian· Smith . .-\h-in Harrison Eames b. June 10, 1877; d. fan. 24. 1913; 111. July 11. 1907. Bessie ·Ruth Hamilton. · Children: .-\lene Eames h ..-\ug. 2. 1908. Helen .-\ugusta Eames h. Dec. 10. 1881; res. Bangor . .\fe.

H.-\RRISOX F.7 ( Eliakim6• Eliakim.S, Jona.,4• Caleb3• Samue]2. Robert1 ). Born .-\pril 25. 1819: died .\[arch 27. 1891. .\Iarried Frances \\-est. Resided in Belgrade . .\Ie. Children: Prudelia .-\mes h. about 18-42; cl. Jan. 8. 1865, age 23 yrs; m. Eastman T. Strickland. Children: Frances Strickland b. ---; rn. Tames Steyens. Charity Strickland h. ---; m: ,-\sa Stewns; res. X. Belgrade. EA:\fES-A:\fES GE~EALOGY 129

4 3 JOH\' R. 7 ( Eliakim6• Eliakim5. Jonas • Caleb • Samuel2, Robert1). Born \'oy. 1. 1826;

ELIZ.-\BET!-F ( :\;;a6. Eliakim.i_ Jona~\ Caleh3• Samnel2, Rubert'). B(1rn Oct. 1. 1832. :.\[arriecl June 17. 1852. Charle,- H. Fo,-ter uf \\'inthrop, :.\Ie. Re,-idence. Presque !,;le, :.\le. ( 1915) Children: Tohn H. Foster b. :.\larch 18, 1853; 111. :.\fay 10, 1876, Susan ii. SeclY. . Lestina ·F. Foster h. :\[arch 20. 1857. Estella.\. Foster h. \'ov. 5, 1861; m ..-\ug. 12. 1882, \\"il­ liarn E. Carter. Elizabeth .\. Foster Ii. Tan. 31. 1863; m. Oct. 20. 1886, Guilford Duc!le,·. . Charles H. Foste~ h. Sept. 25, 18(;4; m. Sept. 25. 1884, f ulia .-\. Carter. C(;ra E. Foster h. :.[arch 2. 1868; 111. Jan. 28, 18?1. Elvin 13. Tador. Frank C. Foster h. Dec. 14. 1872.

GEORGE H.7 (.-\sa6, Eliakim5, Jonas4, Caleb3, Samuel2, 1 Robert ). Born Feh. 15. 1840; died Feb. 23, 1920 in Chelsea. 1,Ie. Married Pamelia .-\lice Evans, daughter of George \V. and Julia .-\. £yans of Chelsea . .:\fr. 130 EA11ES-A1fES GEXEALOGY

He ,\·as a farmer and for many years a l.'nited States Deputy Sheriff. re~icling in Chelsea. :-Ie. Children: Carrie A ..\mes h. June 25. 1866; cl. 1914; m. Xo.-. 17, 1886. Fred A. Hinkley. Children: • George\\'. Hinkley b. Dec. 7. 1887. Charles A.. Hinkle.- b. Xov. 10. 1889. Fred .\. Hinkley 1;. Sept. 11, 1892. Alice A. Hinkle.- b. ::\Ia.- 6. 1894. Curtis S. Hinkley b. Sept. 9. 1896. Pearl A. Hinklev b. ::\Iav 12. 1899. Etta A. Hinkle.-·b. ::\Iar;h 9, 1903. Henry A. Hinkley h. July 4. 1907.

D.\ \-ID H.7 ( Asa 6. Eliakim5. Jonas4, Caleb3, Samue12, Robert1 ). Born Oct. 25. 1835; died Feb. 28. 1914. Married Elizabeth Bartlett of Rockland. }le .. 1854. He served in the CiYil \Yar. Children: Ada :\I. A.mes I>. Jan. 16. 1855; rn. 1877. Fred S. Sanborn of Sanford. George\\-. Ames h ..\pril 2. 1?-59; 111. ~!aria---. Children: Perlev .\mes h. ---. Benjamin.D. Ames b. ---;cl.June 21. 1927; m. ( 1) Lizzie---; 111. (2) Phoney Young of Cnion. }Ie.; res. Rockland. Hallowell. :\ugusta. ::\le. Children ln- first wife: Victor ..\mes h. ---. :\Iilicent Ames b. in Rockland ( l 896 :) ; she 1~ an adopted daughter. Children bv second wife: Ravmond L. B. Ames h. in Thomaston. :.le. about 1902; m. Tune 17. 1920. Gla\·dis V. Emerv. }Iary .\ ..\mes b. Sept. 25. 1865. · · Alice E ..\mes h. ---; 111. John Cetchell of Chelsea. ~Ie. Bertha G. :\mes h. JulY 8. 1869; 111. Oswell Cram of San­ ford, ::\Ie. ; res. Thornaston. :'.\Ie.

MARY P.7 (Asa6• Eliakim5• Jonas4, Caleh3, Samuel2. Roh­ ert1). Born Aug. 28, 1842; died June 21, 1897. :.'\farried Silas H. Beane of Readfield, ::\fe .. ::\lay 20. 1860. EA1IES-AMES GEXEALOGY 131

:\Iarried second Isaac Ed\\·in Bonny of \\"inthrop. July 16, 1871. :\Ir. Beane ,Yas killed at the battle of Cedar ~Iountain Aug. 9. 1862. Children: Lillian E. Beane b. :\fay 8, 1861; 111. Xelson G. Dickson of \\"ales. :\Ie. -

CH.-\RLES £.i (.-\sa6, Eliakim5. Jonas4. Caleb3, SamueJ2. R(;bert1 1. Born :\larch 6. 1846; died Feb. 17. 1918 in Chelsea, :\le. He ,,·as a yeteran of the Ci \·ii \ \" ar. served one year and nine months. or till the close of the \\"ar; \\"as a member of Co. L. First :\Iaine Reg. Heayy .-\rtillery, a volunteer. :\larried 1866. Lois .-\. \\"eeks of Hallo\,·ell. Me. Residence. Chelsea. :\Ie. Children: Flora E. Ames h. Sept. 11. 1867; 111. Ruel Getchell of Chel­ sea. \\'alter .-\ ..-\mes b. June 17. 1871; cl. Sept. 30, 1929 at Rohhindale. :\I inn.; m. Jennie :\IcGuire of Presque Isle; res. :\Iinneapolis. :\Iinn. Crace C. .\mesh. :\larch 16; cl. :\lay 7. 1893 .

.-\LFERETT.-\ 7 (.-\sa6• Eliakim5• Jonas4• Caleb3, SamueJ2, 1 Robert ). Born June 20. 1850. :\larried first Leonard Dixon of Le\\"iston. Me. in 1870, died in 1881. :\larried second Charles Young of Peru in 1883. Children by first husband three. by second husband t\\"o: Edith :\fay Dixon b. Oct. 12. 1871. :\focldie R. Dixon b. Juh- 1873; cl. Tune 1. 1879. Binnie Dixon lJ. :\Ia,~ 20, 1875-79. · Charles H. Young h~ July 2, 1884.

DA\.ID COSTELLO7 (David Jaquith6, Jacob5, Jacob4, 1 Davicl3. Samuel2, Robert ). Born in \\"oohYich, Me., Sept. 4, 1828. :\1arried first Laura C. Bro\\"n of Xe\\" Castle. :\Iarried second Laura C. \ \" ade of \ \' ool wich. Me., born June 16. 1840, died Jan. 23. 1922. Children two by first wife, three by second \Yife: Fred E ..-\mes h. Oct. 3, 1856 in Richmond, :\Ie.; cl. Oct. 132 EA:.fES-A:.IES GE:'\EALOGY

14. 1921 in Auburn. :..Ie.; occupation. for 30 years a shoe factory foreman; m. Clara Fracbham of Turonto. Canada. Children: \\'illiam F ..\me, h. :'.larch 3. 1881 in Turnntll, Can­ ada. Edwin D .. -\mes h. ( let. 27. 1883 in Turontu. Canada; came to .\uhurn with his parent,; when Yery young; he was a machinist. electrician; m. Sept. 8. 1\J08. Flor­ ence E. \\.atson. h. ]uh· 12. 1885 in St ..\lhan,. :'lfe .. cl. 1917 in Aulmn{. ire .. daughter of 1-lenry and Tennie ( kussell ) \ \. atson. T. Edw.in A mes h. ] an. G. 1858 in l<.ichmond. :'II e. ; 111. ( 1) · H. Laura :'IIcBri"cle; rn. (2) :'.Ian J-1. \\'illiams; 111. (3) .-\nnie Bryant. · Laura Coop-er .\me::- li. Sept. 10. 18G8 in Richmond. :'lfe. DaYid C. c\mes h. Sept. -1-. 1872 in l,{ichmuncl. ;1fe.; rn. :'lfildrecl Bear . .\"ew Castle. Pa . .\"ellie :'.Jay .-\mes h. Sept. 10. 187-1- in Richmond. :'Ile.; 111. :'.Ieh·in E. \\ itham. Children born in \'irginia: James :'If. \\'itham h. Jan. 11. 18rJ5. \\'infred A. \\'itham l>. Feb. 2-1-. 18%. Laura :'II. \\'itham h. .\"m·. 29. 18()7; m. \\'illiam R. Bnd. Children: \\'. R. Tr. lhrd h. Tan. 19. 19U:(_ Hattie L. \\'itha"rn h. Dec. 27. 18\JlJ. Carleton C. \\'itham b. Tune 10. lCJ0l. Davie! E. \\.itham h. Feb. 6. 1')07. \\'illiam \\'. \\'itham h. July 9. 1917.

CH.--\RLES7 ( Phineas6• Jonathan°, Jonathan\ Junathan3. Samuel2. Robert1). Born -~-. Married Restella Durrell. horn -~-. died 1925. Children: Clavton Earl Eames b. :-Iarch 16. 1891 in .\"o .. \nson. :-le. He was graduated from .--\nson .--\caclemy in 1908. After attending Colby College for two years he went to the l:-niv. of :-Iaine where he studied law. graduating in 1917. He taught school in Xo ..--\nson . .\"ew Vineyard and Emb­ den. In 1913 he was a member of the \\'est .\"ew Port­ land high school faculty. and an instructor at Harmony High in 1915; was admitted to the Somerset Count,· Har at Skowhegan. :-Ie ...--\pril 2. 1918; practiced l~w in Solon. :\Ie. until 1927 when he became the junior member EA11ES-A1[ES GE,\;EALOGY 133

of the law firm of Gower and Eames at Skowhegan, :\fe.; m. ( 1) :\[arion E. Baker of Bingham. :\le .. who d. in 1918; m. (2) Doris L. Paine of :\'o ..\nson, :\fe., June 1921. Children h\· first wife: 0 Stanle\· Baker Eames h. 1918. Children· hv second wife: Harold f:arl Eames h. 1923. Donald Eugene Eames h. 1926.

CEORGE C. 7 (Phineas6, Jonathan5, Jonathan\ Jonathan3, 1 Samuel2. Robert ). Born Dec. 10. 1869. Residence, Bangor, l\Ie . .\ Clwistian Science Practi tinner. :\Iarriecl Jan. 23. 1895. l\[ary Lamb oi r1aklancl. :\Ie .. horn June 23, 1867. Children: Paul Hartford Eames h. Dec. 24, 1898 in Bingham, :\fe.; graduated from Bowdoin College; m. Elizabeth Head of l.Lngor. :\Ie.; res. Alliance. Ohio. Cl,ildren: Paul Hartford Eames h. Sept. 30, 1924-25. Richard Ewrett Eames h. lulv 30, 1926-27. Donald EYerett Eames h. in Bi;1gl{am, :\Ie., Jan .. 12, 1900; graduated from lfowdoin College; m. Sept. 19, 1925 in Bangor, :\[e., Frances \\'. Bragg, daughter of :\[r. and :\I rs. Franklin E. Bragg; occupation, hardware; res. Bangor. :\Ie. Children: George Clifton Eames h ..\pril 14. 1927. :\Iary Grace Eames b. :\[ay 7, 1929.

[).\\"I[) S.7 ( ;( athaniel6, Eliakim5, Jonas!, Caleb3, Samuel2. Rohert1 ). Born Feh. 15. 1830 in Canaan, Me. :Married Hannah Ireland. :\Iarried second Saphronia Richardson (.Mrs. FO\de). Children one by first \Yife. others by second wife: Georgia Ames h. ---. :\Iary Ames h. ---; m. C. H. Bragg; res. Vassalboro, :\Ie. Children. :\[at1C! Bragg. Edna Bragg h. ---; m. George H. Smith; res. Vassalboro, l\Ie . . \rimenta .\mes h. ---; m. Henry Frank. 134 EA1fES-AMES GEXEALOGY

\ \'innie .-\mes h. m. Peter \\-elch of Skowhegan, :\fe. Children: .-\nna \\-elch h. ---; m. --- Smith. Lula \Yelch h. ---; m. --- Scott. Harold \\"elch h. ---. Belle Ames h. ---; m. George Garland. Children: Elmer Garland. Charles .-\mesh.---; d. 1917; m. ---. Children: Cecil .-\mes b. ---; 111. fostenia Garland. Children: Son Ames b. ---. Clyde .-\mes b. ---.

AXSEL7 ( .-\lmond6, Jouathan5• jonathan4. Jonatha1i. Samuel2. Rohert1 ). Born :\larch 2. 1862 in Embden. :\le.; died Oct. 10. 1912 in Flagstaff. Me. Married Oct. 22. 1887. :\fay He,,·ett. Children: Lottie Eames b. July 2.'i. 1888 in Bigelow Pl.. :\fe.; 111. Jan. 1. 1907. Xorris B. Tador. Children: . :\Iethd G. Tador b. Feb. 18. 1914. Lettie E. Eames 1i: .-\ug. 27. 1890 in Bigelow Pl.. :\Te.; 111. Sept. 28. 1909 :\Ierton F. Crymhle. Children: Charles E. Crrn1hle h. !uh· 17. 1910. Lora L. Crrn{JJle b. Tai;. 24. 1913. Inez :\f. Cr~·mhle h. Dec. 7. 191j. Erma B. c·n-mhle b. Tan. 16. 1917. Lottie F. cr;•mhle b . .\ug. 19. 1924. Edith J. Eames h. Sept. 29. 1894 at Dead RiYer. :\le.; d. :\Ia,· 8. 1926; m. :\fay 16, 1917. Rm· X. Paddock. cl. :\fa~ch 18, 1923. · · Children: Edith :\Iay Paddock h. Tul" 7. 1'.J21 in Skowhegan. :\fe. \\-alter E. Eames h. Sept. 20. JR97 in Flagstaff, :\fe. 7 6 GILBERT ( DaYid • Jacoh5• Jacoli1• Da:1iel3. Sarnue12. 1 Robert ). Born XoY. lj, 1824; died in \\-ooh,·ich. :\le .. July 7. 1876. Resided 011 the old farm in \\-oolffich. :\le. :\Iarried Dec. 2j. 18jj_ Caroliue T. Reed. horn Jan. 21. 1829. died July 28. 1894. EAMES-A:\IES GENEALOGY 135

Children: Lillie F. Ames b. Feb. 13. 1857; cl. Oct. 21. 1917; rn. Fred B. Reed, ).Jav 21, 1878. Children: . Harold Reed b. ---; d. Sept. 1919. Alfred R. Ames b. June 4, 1858. Laura G. :\mesh. ).Jay 17, 1860; rn. April 2. 1890, Andrew J. Blanch. Children: Edgar.-\. Blanch b ..-\ug. 11. 1893; m. Oct. 21, 1914, Harriett R. Brookings. Lucv ).I. Ames b. X ov. 1, 1864; cl. lune 3, 1916 in Gardi­ n~r. ).Ie.; m. Irving H. Coombs ..c\ug. 2, 1885. Children: Harry G. Coombs b. Xov. 2, 1887; m. July 24, 1912, ).faucl Cutts, daughter of John Cutts of Gardiner; ).Ie. Edith C. Coombs b. Xo,·. 20, 1888. Certrucle ).fary Coombs b. Aug. 15, 1890. Ralph I. Coombs b. Aug. 20, 1894. David J.. .\mesh. ).fay 19, 1867; cl. Oct. 31, 1903. Lottie h. ..\mes b. Feii. 9. 1870; rn. Xm·. 1, 1896. Ivon· B . .-\ lien. · • Children: ).ferton L. ..\lien b. ).fay 27. 1898; d. June 11, 1918. Died in the service at Tuetoric Section, France. Belonged to Co. L. 101 Inf. 26th Div. Xeva B. :\lien b. Sept. 29, 1900; m. Sept. 2, 1922, Forest L. Tracey. ORIO:"\ S. 7 (John6, Francis5, Phineas4• Jonathan3, SamueJ2, Rohert1). Born March 11, 1851 in Levant, Me. }Tarried X o,·. 15. 1881. "'.\Iary .-\1111 :\Ic"'.\fanus in ~fokelurnne Hill. Cal. Children ele,·en. three boys died at birth, balance given helm,·: Lester ..\ ..-\mes b. Jan. 30, 1885 near Glencoe, Cal. ; m . .·\pril 19, 1922 in Hanford, Cal.. Lavina B. Todd Lan­ caster. Children: Orion L. ..\mes b. ).Jay 23. 1923, near Railroad Flats, Cal. Charles S. Ames b. Feb. 6, 1925, near Railroad Flats, Cal. ).faud }f. Ames b. Aug. 19, 1887 near Glencoe, Cal.; m. June 10. 1908 in Stockton, Cal.. Orrin L. Howard. 136 EA~IES-A~IES GE:'\EALOGY

Children: Beula 13. Howard lJ ..--\pril IO. 1909. near Sonora, Cal. Geraldine Y. Howard lJ. Tuh· 28. 1910. near Railroad Flats, Cal. · · }Ieh-in C. Howard h. ;\CJ\'. 27. 1920. near (~lencoe. Cal.; cl. Xm·. 27. 1920. Lettie B ..-\mes b. Sept. IO. 1889. near Clencoe. Cal.; m. John .--\. }Ioran. Oct. 31. 1917 at Stockton. Children: John.--\. }Ioran lJ ..--\ug. 25. 1919 in Bellingham. \\'ash. }fan· E. }f oran h. Dec. 11. 1922 in Stockton; cl. Tune 24, 1929. . Rull\· E ..-\mes lJ. Feh. 4. 1892. near Glencoe. Cal.; 111. July 31, 1911 in San Andreas. Cal.. }Iaurice E. Taylor. Children: Charles E. Tadur h. Oct. 22. 1C) 13. near Railroad Flats, Cal. · Thomas .--\. Tador h. ;\OY. 25. 1CJ! 9. near l\ailrnacl Flats, Cal. · £ya .--\. TaYlur h. fah· 21. ll/23, near kailroacl Flats. Cal. . . .

Elba R. .-\mes lJ ..--\pril 2o. 1895. near Glencoe. Cal.; 111 . .--\ug. 17. 1919. Casimir Dornenghini. who cl. Sept. 4, 1925; children. none. \\'illiam }I. Ames b. Juh- 19. 1897. near Glencoe. Cal.; 111. .\Iarch 5, 1927, Do~otl;\' L. .\Iohr. Children: . Kenneth E ..-\mes b. Tuh· 18. 1928. Beverley Jane .-\mes ·b. Xm·. 19. 1929 . .--\rchie S ..-\mes b . .\Iarch 25. 1900. near Glencoe. Cal. Charles J. Ames b. Jan. 1. 1903. near .\Iokelurnne Hill. Cal.

.\L\H.--\L--\7 (.--\lfrecl 6• Xirnrnd\ Jonathan\ Junathan3, 1 SamueJ2, Robert ). Born March 20. 1848. l\Iarried July 31. 1870_. fohn Renier. born .\pril 3. 1845. Residence, Madison. l\le. Children: Tennie .\Iari Renier h. X ov. 20. 1871 ; d. Tan. 24. 1920; 111. · July 11. 1891. .--\lhert Joseph :.\Ic Farland. b. Aug. 8. 1869. Children: Violet Agatha .\le Farland h. Jan. 13, 1R93; m. Sept. 12. 1921. Wm. :\I. CassiclY, h. :-Ia,· 22. 1893. Stanly P. Renier b. June 3. 1873; m. SeJ;t. 23. 1898. Dora Louise Jeffers. h . .\Iarch 20. 1879. Children: EA1IES-A1IES GEXEALOG\ lj/

John l'lmer Renier h. Oct. 17. 1900; m. XoY. 28. 1923, Patricia Thurber. b ....\ug. 9. 1902 . .\Ian· Deborah Renier b. XoY. 8. 1904; m. Oct. 4. 1924. F~ancis Vincent Cah·ert, b. Oct. 4. 1902. · Children: .\[an· Jeanette Cah·ert b . .\Iav 6. 1926 . .\nit~ Louise Calwrt h. Sept~ 28. 1929. \\·111. Stanley Renier b. XoY. 5. 1908 . .\ ngie \'ictoria Re;1ier h. Oct. 3, 1877; m. Dec. 31, 1896. Charles Lancaster. b. June 16, 1873.

John Renier, 1845- . 1Iahala (Eames) Renier, 184R- 133 EA.\fES-AMES GE:,.,'EALOGY

Children: Elon Flovd Lancaster b. Dec. 8, 1897. :.fay Ion :Roscoe Lancaster h. Jan. 11. 1903. Percy Leon Renier h. :.lay 20. 1883; m. :.lay 20. 1908, Rubv Bono. b. :.larch 25. 1884. :.Iyrtl~ :\Ioore Renier b. April 22. 1885; 111. );ov. 27. 1903. Sanford Reynolds. b. Feb. 19. 1881. Children: Rupert Clarence Reynolds Ii. June 29. 1904; d. Dec. 7. 1906 .

.\Irs . .\fahala (Eames I Renier. born .\Iarch 20, 1848. Anita Louise CahTrt, born Sept. 28, 1929. .\fary Jeanette Calvert. born .\fay 6, 1926. EAMES-AMES GENEALOGY 139

Rosalie Berdena Renier b. Mav 16, 1892; cl. Dec. 18. 1926; m. June 8, 1913, Eugene C~Ilins, b. Dec. 8. 1889. Children: Lindon James Collins h. :\lay 16, 1914. Roydon Vance Collins b. :\lay 31, 19lj_

5 3 Sl'S ..\X J ..\XF:7 ( :\lfred6, Ximrod , Jonathan!. Jonathan . 1 SanrneJ2. Robei-t ). Born Jan. 10, 1841. i\1arried Fred Palmer. \dw died in Skmd1egan, 1Ie .. 1913. Children all horn in ..\nson or Xorth Anson. :\fe.: Gertrude Palmer h. ---. Josie Palmer b. Aug. 2:?, 1871; cl . .\larch 6, 1897; m. 1888, Elden \\'. Quint. I>. Feb. 6, 1866. Children: Florence .\f. Cluint h . .\fa\· 7, 1889; m ...\pril 13, 1912. Clyde Ear!~Sa\'age. · Children: \'i\·ia11 .\fay Sa\·age h. Dec. 1. 19L?. Clara Elizalieth Sa\'age Ii. ..\ug. 30. 101-1-. Eugene Clyde Scl\·age h. July 19, 19:?3 . .\fa\·i,; .\rlene S,l\·age h. Sept. 5. 1925. Ceorge \\'illiam SaYage h. Feb. 21. 1927. Bertha Uuint 11. Sept. 22. 189-1-; 111. Dec. 30, 1911. Ceorg·e Cram·ille Bickford. Children: DaYirl I•:ugene Bickford Ii. XoY. 2q. 1CJl-1-. Jn,ephene Ellen Bickford h . .\la!-ch 28. 191n. Cra11\'ille Elden Bickford h. c\ug. 18. 1917 . .\[ervin Leland Bickford IJ. XO\·. 15. 1919 . .\[Ha Tune Bickford h. Tune 5. 1921. Ew.;en~ Be~tel Quint h. Fe!;. 23. 1892; 111. .\pril 13, 1()12 . .\feh·ina Chase . .\[ildred t.ertrude Quint h. Xo\'. 23. 18CJ7; m. Tan. 20, lC)l5. Clifton H.r;y Frazier. h. Sept. 7. 1887 in '.\on Scotia. Children: Certrur1e .\fildred Frazier h. Tan. 2. 1910. Jo,ephine .\hy Frazier b. F~b. lj, 1919.

6 5 JO}f'\' C-R TFFITH7 ( Benjamin • \\'illiam , Robert4. Rob­ 1 ert3). J ohn2• Robert ). Born Dec. 11. 1834 at East Dorset. \-t.: died---. \\'as graduated from \\'illiams College in 1854. entered the Episcopal ministry. graduating· from the Bexley Theo­ logical Seminary at Gambier. Ohio. Re,-idence. X. Y. and \\'a:=-hington. D. C. 140 EA~fES-A~fES GE~EALOGY

;,,Iarried Elizabeth. daughter uf Hon()rahle Culurnlrn,; Delano of ;,,It. \-ernon, Ohio. formerly of Connecticut. Children: Dorothea .\mes b. fan. 16. 18fai. d. in infann·. Delano .\mes lJ. F~li. 25. 1868; cl. 18CJper. who was daughter of Charles Cooper of :\It. \-ernon. ( )hio. Children: Elizabeth .\mes h. ---; m. Ph'illip Klingsmith of X ew York; res. Roswell. X. :\I. Children: Phillip Jr. Klingsrnith 1>. ---. .\nn Klingsrnith h. ----. Kirk Delano .-\mes h. ---; rn. ---; res. Xew York CitY. Benjamin _(r. Ames h. ---; m. ---. Delano Ames h. ---; m. ---; res. England. John Griffith Ames h. Sept. 28, 1872 in \'ew York City; 111.---. Clara .\mes b. ---; cl. about 1903; 111 .•\rthur Bertram Skekling of \\'ilmington. \'. Carolina. Children: Elizabeth Skelding b. ---; 111 .•\ndrew Harris of \\'ilmington, X. C.; children. two.

PHEDOR.\ S.7 (.\lfred6, Xirnru(P. Jonathan4• Jonathan3• 1 Samuel2• Rohert I. Born Sept. 12. 1844; died Sept. 1916. ::\Iarried first XoY. 14, 1864, Cyrus Emery. :\1arried second :\fay 1880. Snlliyan Russell. Children: .\da :\I. Emery h. Xcl\". 12. 1865; m. June 28. 1885, Joseph Spaulding. · Children: Clarence Eldred Spaulding h. Sept. 26. 1894; rn. Dec. 26. 1917, Eunice L. Penln. Forest Emery h. :\fay 28. 1867; ~1. Bertha Luce. Children:. . Grace L. Emery h. ---. Xellie Emery b. :\I~rch 3, 1869; cl. in infancy. EA11ES-A11ES GEXEALOGY 141

.\m,· Emery h. Feb. 11. 187.?; m. :'.\ov. 11, 1889, Harry Hamm. · Children: Jennie Hamm h.. -\pril 26. 1891; m. July 15. 1909, G. H. Knox. Children: Helen :.\I. Knox b ..-\pril 6, 1920. Rul)\· L. Knox b. Dec. 4. 19.23. :.\Iaidie Hamm h. June 21. 1892; m. Oct. 1916, Arthur L. Berrv. Chilclre;1: George E. Berry b. Feh. 17. 1924. Grace Hamm b. Tune 26. 1893; m. :'.\o,·. 25, 1913, \\"alter S. Steye~1s. Children: Kenneth Ste,·ens b. Tune 26. 1915. Carrol :.\f. Stevens 1i: FeL. 11. 1919. Ruby\·. Hamm h. Sept. 26, 1894; cl. Feb. 10, 1919; rn. (Jct. 1916. Ora Eastman. Children: Ech-the C. Eastman b. Tan. 19. 1918 . .\da S. ·Hamm b. TulY 22. i896; cl. Feb. 13. 1929; rn . .\lbert H. Farra·r. · Children: Beatrice :.\f. Farrar h. :.\Iarch 5. 1919. Children ll\" second husband : Elmer ku~sell b. fan. 29, 1881; 111. Stella Dav. Children: . . Tryphena Russell b. ---; m. Earl Andrews. Dorisa Russell b. ---; m. Bert Searls. John Russell b. ---. Le,·i Russell b. ---. Irene Russell h. April 24. 1882; m. Charles \Valls Currier, h. Xm·. 14, 1878. Children: Fatima .-\manda Currier b. Xov. 19. 1904. Lm·ica Olive Currier b. Tan. 25, 1906. Opal Louise Currier b. Feb. 12, 1908. Russell Charles Currier b. Xm·. 10, 1910. Gladys Irene Currier b. Oct. 22, 1912.

JOSEPH S\\.EET:.\L-\X8 (George Lapham7, James6• Wil­ 1 liam5, Robert4, Robert3• John2, Robert ). Born July 3, 1864 in 1Ianchester, \"t. A.B .. Johns Hopkins, 1886; Fellow. 1887-88; Ph.D .. 1890; LL.D .. Washington Coll., 1907; .-\sst. in Physics. 1888-91; 142 EA:\IES-A:\IES GE:-;EALOGY

.--\sso., 1891-93: .--\sso. Prof.. 1893-99: Pruf. PhYsic~. 1899- 1926: Dir. Physical Lab .. 1901-1926: Prorn,.;t. 1926-. John~ Hopkins. Hon. Mem. Royal Instu. Gt. Britain. French Physical Soc.: Fellow Am ..--\cad. Arts and Sciences; ":\lem. Xat ..\cad. Sci­ ences ..--\111. Philos. Soc ...--\m. Phys. Soc .. Franklin Institute. etc. Author: Theory of Phy;;ics. 1897: :\Ianual of Experi­ ments in Phy;;ics. 1898; Elements of Physics. 1900: Free Ex­ pansion of Gases. 1898; Prismatic ancl Diffraction Spectre. 1898: Induction of Electric Current:- ( 2 \·,,I.). 1900: Text­ Book of General Physics. 1904; The Constitutiun of :\latter. 1913. Mem. · Xat. Ach·isory Com. for .--\eronautic:-. :-ince 1917 (Chnrn. 1927); Chmn. Foreig·n Seryice Com. of Xat. Research Council when yisitecl France and Eng. in :\lay and June 19li". to study origin and deYelopment of scientific actiYities in c,,11- nection \\·ith \Yarfare. and became President of Johns Hnp­ kins l:'"ninrsity July 1. 1929. Home. Charlecote Pl.. Cuilforcl. Baltimore. :\Id. ":\farried Sept. 14. 1899. :'.I.fr,;. :\Iary B. ( \\'illia111~·1 Harri­ ,:;on of Baltimore. l\Icl. Children none .

4 .--\l"RELL--\X L.8 (Samuel \\".7• Isaac F.6• Eliakim\ _T,,na~ • Caleb3• SamueJ2. Robert1). Born .--\ug. 10 1861: died in Donr-Foxcroft. Me .. l\Iarch 8. 1930. Residence. DO\·er-Foxcroft. t-Ie. Married April 15. 1896. EYie S. Chase of Donr. :\Ie .. daughter of John Chase. and half-sister to the ,Yife of hi-. hrother. Isaac. Children none.

Ll"THEP. B. 8 (Samuel \\-.7• l;;aac F.6• Eliakim". J,,nas4• 3 1 Caleb • Sanrnel2• Robert ). Born Feb. 6. 1866. Residence, Brockton. l\fass. Married first Annie B. Terry. Oct. 25. 1891. died Jan. 10. 1905. Married second Elizabeth Fairchild of Campbell. X. Y .. April 17, 1907. EA1IES-A1IES GEXEALOGY 143

Children by first \Yife: Robert .\mes h. Jan. 15. 1901; cl. :Jay 3. 1903. 5 1IOSES F. 8 (Samuel \\-.7• Isaac F.6• Eliakim , Jonas\ 3 1 Caleh , SamueF. Robert \. Born :\fay 9. 1868. Residence. Dcffer-Foxcroft. :'.\Ie. Occupation. ne\,·spapei-. :'.\[arried first Sept. 6. 1890. Bertha L. Gilmon of DO\·er. ~Ie .. died :'.\Iay 16. 1897. :'.\Tarried second Sept. 7. 1898. Blanch E. Xorton of Donr. Me. Childr<:>n by second \Yife: Joyce X ..\mesh. Xo,·. 4. 1899; m. :'.\Iarch 27. 1923. Lester Starbird of Farmington.

IS.\.-\C F.8 (Samuel \\-.7. Isaac F.6• Eliakim5 . Jonas\ Caleb3. SamueJ2. Rohert1 l: Born June 2-1-. 1871. :'.\Tarried Dec. 23. 1899. Susie .\. Chase. daughter of John and Susan *( Barber) Chase and half ,;ister of EYie Sarah Cha.,e ,Yho married .-\. L. Ames. a brother to the abore Isaac. Isaac .-\mes i,: connected "·ith the :'.\Iaine Central Car Shops at \\"aten-ille. :'.\Ie. Re;;iclence, Fairfield. Children none.

FL.\ \"IOCS JOSEPHCS8 ( Eliakim7• Isaac F.6• Eliakirn5. 4 3 1 Jonas • Caleb • Sam11el2. Robert ). Born June 20. 1851 111 Sangen·ille. Me.; died May 25. 1916 in \·assalborn. Me. Married Carrie ~I. Austin. March 4, 1886. daughter of Henry H. and Emeline Jones .-\ustin. Residence. \"assalboro. :'.\Ie. Occupation. farmer. Children: Lena E ..-\mesh. Dec, 2-1-. 1887 in Vassalboro. :'.\Ie.; m. Feb. 18. 1917. Frank :'.\Ieh-in Robinson of Vassalboro, }le., b. Sept. 30. 1872. Children. RaYmoncl .-\mes Robinson b. Oct. 23. 1917. Do~a }fay Robinson b. }Iay 14. 1919. 6 FLORA E.8 (Eliakim7• Isaac F. . Eliakim5, Jonas4, Caleb3• SamueJ2. Robert1). Born Oct. 20. 1858; died June 14. 1888 in Minneapolis. Minn.

* Susan Barber was daughter of Rohert and Sarah Patten Barher. She was born in ~[onson, ~[e. in 18-19; m. John Chase and Ih·ed in Dover, ,Ie. She died Feb. 10. 1920 in Fairfield at the home of her dau. ,[rs. Isaac F. Ames. 144 EA:\IES-A:\fES GEXEALOGY

.\Iarried ::\fa_Y 1857, \\.illia111 Hodgdon. They ,soon moyed to .\Tinneapolis, :.'\Iinn. Children: Leola A. Hodgdon h. July 2. IR82; 111. --- .\kLain; res. Los .·\ngeles, Cal. Children: .\Iargaret .\IcLain h. ---. Gladn .\IcLain b. ---. EYeriin .\IcLain Ii. ---. .-\rdee .\IcLain b. ---. Edwin F. Hoclgclon h. Sept. 14. 1887. He ,ms in the \\.orlcl \\.ar and went clown with a ,-e~sel off the coast of South Carolina ( 1918:).

GEORGF S. 8 ( f;;aaci. baac F. 6• Eliakimj. Jun;,,-4• Ca!ch3• SamueJ2. Rohert 11. Born Jan. 3. 1861. Residence. E. Skm\"11egan . .\Ie. Occupation. farmer. :\Tarried .\Jay 10. 1905 . .\Irs . .\Iartha Ca_dord. died 1909. Children: Earl \\·alter .\mes h. June 25. 1905; cl. June 12. 1921.

6 4 ROSCOE \\·.s ( Lafayette7• Isaac F. • Eliakim5• Jonas • Caleh3• SamueP. Robert 1 ). Born .-\nril 6. 1858: died ;\(JY. 30. 1921 in Pittsfield . .\Ie. Occupation, farmer . .\Iarried first .-\ug. 28. 1884. X el lie .\I. Taylor. died June 29. 1889. Married second .-\nnie B. Patterson. ;\O\". 8. 1892. born Feb. 26. 1873. Children. one by first \\·ife. three by second \Yife: Bonnie T ..-\mes Ii. June 20. 1889; rn. 1911, .-\nnie .\Iath­ ews. Percy P. Ames b ..-\ug. 9, 1893; rn. XoY. 1916. Children: .-\fton .-\mes b. ---. Harry R. Ames h ..-\ug. 25, 1894; cl. Sept. 12. 1912 . .\Ien·ine L. .-\mes h ..-\pril 12. 1898; married.

4 RCEL FRE:\10XT8 (Isaac7• Isaac F.6• Eliakim5, Jonas , Caleb3• Samuel2, Robert1). Born Sept. 30. 1856 in Skow­ hegan. :.'\1:e. He went to Southern California in .-\pril 1884. going soon to Stockton, soon after 1887 he ,yent to LyonsYille. spent EA1IES-A).1ES GEXEALOGY 145 some time in Calaveras Co. and in Tuolumne Co. From 1903 to 1916 his residence ,ms Stockton. then he moved to Sacramento \\·here he has continued to reside. Occupation. carpenter and contractor, also a merchant . .\farried Dec. 22. 1887, Jennie Harald of Stockton. Cal. She died in Sacramento, Cal.. Oct. 29, 1928. age 67. Children: Sarah Lilla ..\mes b. Oct. 10. 1888 in Pasadena. Cal.; grad., Stockton High School, 1907. She went to Sacramento, Cal. in 1914 to enter the service of the State of Cal., _having sen·ecl in the office of the State Civil Service Commission and the State Comptroller in clerical capaci­ ties and since 1923 Sec. in the office of the Attornev General of the State oi California. She is a member o·f the Descendants of the :\[ayflower. the line running back through \\'ebb, Bass. to John ..\Iden and Priscilla :\[ullen . ..\lwilda .\Iay Ames h. :\[arch 8, 1892; cl ...\ug. 5. 1892 at Lrnnsville. Cal. Eln{er Ruel .-\mes h. Oct. 8, 1895 at ..\ngeb Camp. Cal. H ..-\. Civil Engineering, Leland Stanford Jr. Cniversity . .\fay ]<)17 to Sept. 1919 with C. S.. .\rmy at 1st Officers Training Camp, Presidio of San Francisco, Cal., Com­ missioned 2nd Lieut. of Infantry. 0. R. C., Aug. 1917. PrO\·isional 2nd Lieut. of Infantry. Regular Army, Oct. 1917 and 1st Lieut. ...\pril 1918 in France, 9 months; Commanded Infantry Co .. 5 months. Student Sorbonne Cniversity. Paris. 4 i"-i1onths. Expert Engineer, and since the war has been associated with various oil companies; now engineer in charge of Petroleum Department, Texas Creosoting Co .. Orange. Texas; m .•.\ug. 22. 1917, :\Iiss Pauline :\[arie \\"inchmann at Los Angeles. Cal. Children: Jeanne :\larie ..\mes b. :\Iay 2. 1920.

ADDIE BCL..\H8 ( Theodore7• baac F.6• Eliakim5, Jonas4, Caleb3• SamueF. Robert1). Born July 31. 1860 in Skowhegan. l\Ie. Married Oct.23.1889. George I. Xeal. born in Mt. Vernon, Me. Residence, Do,·ec X. H. Children: Ernest Leon Xeal b. Feb. 14, 1890 in Dover, N. H. En­ listed in the \Yorld War, July 1, 1918 in Dover, N". H.; discharged June 16, 1919 at Fort Leavett. Portland. ~Ie.; 1-!6 EA:.IES-A:.IES GE.'\EALOGY

was 1st Sergeant. 6th Co., Portland. C. .-\. C.; occupation, letter carrier. Dowr. X. H.; m ..-\pril 27. 1920 at Doyer. X. H .. :\Iarion E. \\'elch. daughter oi :\Ir. and :\[rs. Charles\\-. \\"elch of DoYer. X. H. Children horn in Doyer. X. H.: Robert .-\Iden X ea! b. :\I arch 7. 1921. Sherwood \\"ilmot Xeal h. June 14, 1922. Barbara Louise X ea! b. S~pt. 2. 1923. Ewret Lester Xeal IJ. :\Im· 23, 1930. \\-ilcler Ames Xeal b. Dec. 22: 1893 in Dowr. X. H.; 111. :\Iarch 2. 1914, :\Iarguerite \\·. Emmons of Somersworth, X. H .. daughter of Joseph E. and :\h ina ( H uton) Em­ mons; occupation. hardware; res. Doyer. X. H. Children: Infant Xeal b. Feh. 21. 1916; cl. Feb. 21, 1916. Doris :\Iarguerite Xeal b. Oct. 30. 1917. Xorman Emmons Xeal h.. -\pril 25. 1922.

6 CH ..\RLES THEODORE8 ( Theodore7• Isaac F. • Elia­ 3 1 kinr\ Jonas4. Caleb . Samuel2. Robert ). Born in Skowhegan, :\Ie .. March 12, 1863; died in Minford, Ohio. Arri! 21. 1922. In early life a farmer, later engaged in the manufacture of shoes in Sko,yhegan. Me., L_nrn. 1Iass .. and P01·tsmouth. Ohio and about 1916 returned to the pursuit of farming in Sioto and Minford. Ohio. Married first Oct. 6. 1891, Leora Willard. daughter of LeYi and Orilla (Robinson) \\-illard. He \\·as then a resident of Lynn, Mass .. soon moyed to Xew Sharon, l\Ie. He "·ent to \Vyoming in May 1901. On March 26, 1902 a divorce was granted, and Leora \\-illard ..\mes married a l\1r. Stoyer of Xe\\· Sharon. Charles T. Ames married second Dec. 14. 1905 ..-\nna Heid of Portsmouth. Ohio. born in Portsmouth. Ohio, Sept. 8. 1868. daughter of Michael Heid. Children. three by first ,Yife. t,Yo b:· second: Infant daughter Ames b. and d. Oct. 1892. Carleton \Yillard Ames b. Xov. 3. 1894 in Xew Sharon, l\Ie.; moved to California and later returned to l\faine; settled at Farmington, l\Ie. ; 111. July 2. 1921, l\.fiss Cassie Nile, daughter of Dennis and Lillian Xile of Rangeley. :'.\Ie.* * :\Irs. Lillian Xile died Feb. 22, I 930; she was the widow of Dennis Xile who

Children: Carlene Leora .-\mes h. Tuh- 6. 1925. :-filclrecl \Yinfrecl .-\mes b. J;n.' 22. 1898 in Xew Sharon. :-Ie.; m ..-\ug, 21. 1927. Ben F. \Yaters of Riyerside, Cal. Elmer \\.ilmot .-\mes h. Sept. 10. 1912 in Portsmouth. Clhio; cl ..-\pril 22. 1913 in Portsmouth. Ohio. Kenneth Sheldon Ames b. :-Iarch 1. 1915 in Portsmouth. Ohio.

\\'IL:\IOT SPOFFORD8 (Theoclore7, Isaac6• Eliakim5• 3 1 Jonas\ Caleh , SamueJ2. Rohert ). Born Jan. 12. 1866 in Skmd1egan. }Ie .. }foyed \Yith his parents to Bingham. }Ie.. in 1866. to Solon in 1874. and after the death of his father. moyed with his mother to Sko,Yhegan, ,\Ie. By profession a pharmacist. X OY. 16. 1885 he entered a drug store in Skowhegan. ,\fe. \\'as in Augusta from June 1890. to .-\ug. 1894 ,Yhen he settled in Gardiner, Me., "·here he has since resided, continuing as a pharmacist. He is a clo;;e student of genealogy and compiler of this work. He

Grace }.Iarion (Ordway) Ames, 1870. 148 EA1IES-A1IES GE.'.\EALOGY

was Grand Patron of the Grand Chapter 0. E. S. of the state of Maine 1897-98. He is a member of the S. A.. R.* and of the SucietY of ?.Iayflo,Yer Descendants.i" 1farried Jan. 27. 1897. Grace :\Iarion Ord\\·ay. born .-'\ug. 29.1870. daughter of George H. and :\Iary (.'.\orri,-) Ord,,ay uf Hallowell. l\Ie.t She is a member of the D. .-'\. R., \\-a~ Grand :\Iatron 0. E. S. state of :\Iaine 190-1--05. Children: Theodore \\'ilmot A.mes h. :\larch 1-1-. 1899 111 Gardiner. :\Ie.; cl. June 21. 1899.

EL'MER CXDI.'.\E8 ( Theodore7• Isaac F.6. Eliakim5. 3 1 Jonas4. Caleb , SamueJ2. Rohert ). Born in Solon. ::\Ie .. July 28, 1874; died in Collingswood . .'.\. J., Jan. 2. 1929. Moyecl from Sko,Yhegan. :\le. to DO\·er. X. H .. July 8. 189J. Entered the Cocheco Print \\'orb. the John .-'\. \\.hite :\Ia­ chine shop, and in 1899 \\ent \Yith the ~Iayo :\Iachine Co. at Franklin Falls, X. H., a;; Draft:m1an. In 1906 \\·ith the \\'inci­ sor Machine Co., \\'incbor, \'t. In 1907 \Yith the H. Brinton Co. of Philadelphia, Pa. In 1909 "·ith the E. Jenks Cu. at Pa,Ytucket. R. l. and in 1913 he returned tu the H. Brinton Co. "·here he remained until time of his death. He was a designing engineer employed by the H. Brinton Co .. makers of knitting machines upon ,Yhich patents \Yere obtained a1Hl assigned to the Briton Co. Included are seYeral inYention~ ,Yhich are considered among the basic patents of modern knitting mill equipment. He \Yas a member of Collings,H>c,d Lodge, F. & .-'\. M., \Yas master during 1927. and ,,·as wry actiYe in Masonic circles. being a member of \' an Houk

* This line runs thus: Ahagial Clark 6. Bulah Lombard 5. X athaniel Lombard 4. Xathaniel Lombard 3. horn 1757, d. 1837 (m. 1783 Ruth Hamlin. I he assisted in establishing American Independence, while acting in the capacity of Pri,·ate; Corp­ oral; Sergeant. Reference. ~lass. Soldiers and Sailors page 36, Yol. X. History of Gorham. ::\le, page 638, by ~lcLe!lan. History of Xorridgewock & Canaan, :\le. page 369. hy J. H. Hanson. t As follows. Theodore Ames h. 1835, Lydia (\\'ebb) Ames h. Feb. 2. 179-l. Samnel Webb b. 1774. Christopher b. --. Samuel. Christopher. Christopher, m. !\lary dau. of John and Ruth (Alden) Bass. Ruth Alden dau. of John and Pris­ cilla C\1ullens) Alden. \fary was sister to Hannah Bass who married Joseph Adams and became the grandmother of John Adams. 2d president of the l~nited States. ~ Thi~ line runs thus: Grace ~Iarion (Ordway) Ames 9. George Ordway 8. Lydia (~ason) Ordway i. \\"i1liam Xason 6. Samuel Xason 5. Rev. Sol of York ~le. Also descendent from Simon Frost, son of Judge Simon Frost and ::\[arY Sev,:ell Frost who was a Rev. Sol. from Berwick, )Jaine. Also descendant from Ebenezer ·~esse Re,·. Sol. enlisted from \\·areham, :\[ass., afterward remO\·ed to \Yavne. ~le .. d. 111 Peru, )le. - EA1fES-A1fES GENEALOGY 149

Elmer Undine Ames, 1874-1929. 150 EA'.\IES-A'.\IES GE.'\EALOGY

Council X o. 8. R. & S. :\I., Raboni Chapter X o. -1-8. Excelsior Consistory, A ..-\. S. R., and Cyrene Commanclery. Knights Templar. A 32nd degree Mason. Interment in Harleigh Cemetery, Collings,rnod. X. J. l\farried Dec. 31, 1900, Caroline. daughter of George H. and ),gnes ( Stuart Shearer) Smith of Don·r. X. H. She was horn Dec. 16, 1875. her former residence being Syracuse. X. Y. Children: Florence Zelma Ames b. Xov. 11. 1901 in Franklin Falls, X. H.; m. Sept. 28. 1925 in Collingswood, X. J .. Dean Henderson Ashton; res. Trenton. X. T. Children: . . Paul Ames Ashton h. Tune 25. 1926 in Trenton. X. 1. Infant son Ames b. Oct. 1: 1908; cl. same

FREDERICK A.8 (Aratus7• Xathaniel6• Eliakim5• Jonas4, Caleb3• Samuel2• Robert1). Born l\fav 12. 1869 in Sko\\'he­ gan. Me., Occupation, farmer. :Married first Jan. 31. 1890. Georgiana \\'ellington. :Married second Dec:. 29. 1893. Harriet Frost. Children by first wife one, by second ,vife thirteen: William Francis Ames b. Oct. 24. 1892; m. :\Iav 16, 1916, :\Irs. Lillian l\I. Loomis, daughter of Isaac· Brown of Oakland; res. Skowhegan, l\Ie. Children: Elizabeth Ames b. ---. Ida Ames b. ---. "Mildred Ames b. ---. Delbert Ames b. Oct. 18, 1894 in Dover, l\Ie. David Ames b. l\farch 19, 1896 in Dover, Me. Charles Ames b. Feb. 2t 1898 in Atkinson. Susie Ames b. Xov. 4. 1899 in Skowhegan, l\Ie.; 111. Charles Henrv Towns. Carletm; L. Ames b. July 23. 1901 in Skowhegan. :\Ie . .-\ratus Ames b. June 27, 1903 in Skowhegan, l\Ie. Xorman Ames b. April 13, 1905 in Skowhegan, l\Ie.; m. Sept. 29. 1930. l\Iiss Antoinetta Bolduc. daughter of :\Ir. and l\Irs. Joseph Bolduc of Skowhegan. l\Ie. Horace Ames b ..-\pril 25. 1906 in Skowhegan. :\Ie. Perley .\mes b. June 27. 1908 in Skowhegan. l\fe . .\clclie .\mes b. l\Iay 31. 1910 in Skowhegan. :\Ie. Dorace .\mesh. Dec. 20. 1911 in Skowhegan, :\Ie. EA.\IES-A.\fES GE'.\EALOGY 151

Son .-\mes h.. -\ug . .21. 191.2 i11 Skowhegan. :\fe. Child .-\mes h. 1915 in Skowhegan. :\Ie.

\\'.-\L TER8 (.-\lbert7• \\'illiam6. Jacoh5• Jacob\ Daniel3. 1 Samuel2 Robert ). Born June 18 1858 in Clinton. :\Ie.; died 111 Etna. :\Ie .. Jan. 22. 1929. Residence. Etna. :\fe. :\farried first Xo,·. 28 1888. Bessie Bo,der. :\Iarried second Feb. 18. 1909. Edith L. :\Iitchell. daughter oi R. Har\'ey and .-\nna :\I. :\Iitchell. born in Plymouth. :\fe .. Feb. 9. 188-.

.-\LBERT JR.8 ( _-\]bert7, \\"illiam6. Jacoh5• Jacoh4. DanieF, 1 SamueJ2. Rohert ). Born .-\pril 29. 1863 in Clinton, :\Ie. \Iarriecl Oct. 1. 1891. :\label Long. Re,-idence. So. \\'inclham. :.\'Ie. Station .-\gt. :\I. C. R. R. Children: Velma E. Ames b. :\larch 12. 1893. Edna :\I. .-\mes b. Feh. 10. 1894. Philip .-\mes h. ---.

SCOTT AL\'I:\'8 (.-\lbert7. \\'illiam6• Jacob5. Jacob4• Daniel3. Samuel2. Robert1 ). Born :\fay 16. 1865 in Clinton. 1Ie :\Tarried first June 27. 1893 in \\'arren, :\Ie .. Edey Parker. died Oct. 12. 1898. :Married second June 11. 1902 in Thomaston. :Me .. Lilla E. Cranford. Children h,· first ,Yife one. hy ,;econd one: Earl Harris .-\mes h. :\Ia,· 6. 1895; rn. Tuh- 1. 1922 in .-\ ugusta. :\Ie .. Julia Tun;er Swan. b. in Sid11ey. :\Ie. ; res . .-\ugusta. :\Ie. ( For \\'oriel \\'ar data see .-\clclendurn.) Edger .-\lbert .-\mes h. :\larch 3. 1909 .

6 D.-\XIEL .-\L1iOX8 ( DanieF. .f acob • Jacob5• Jacoli. Daniel3. Samuel2. Rohert1). Born Dec. 16, 1846; died Oct. 15, 1906. Residence. Clinton or Benton. Me. Married first 1873. Hattie Hayden of Clinton. \ie .. died 1875. Married second Oct. 30. 1880, Hannah .-\hiah Emery of East Sko,Yhegan. :Me. 15.? EA:\IES-A:\IES GE'.\EALOGY

Children b_1· first \\'ife one. by ,:;econd wife four: Herbert Leon .-\mes h. '.\Iay 8. 187..J.; 111. .-\pril 18()8, Susan Huntoon of Xorridgewock; res. Corinna. Sk<>whegan. '.\Ie. Children: \\"alter Huntoon Ames IJ. Tan. 26. 1899. '.\Iildred Elizabeth ..\mesh.· .-\pril 29. 1900; rn. Uct. rn. 1919. \\"alter P. Thornhill.* Horace ..\!111011 ..\mes h. :'-farch 31. JCJ06; 111. ]an. 2.;, 1931. :'-Iiss Lorna Eleana. daughter of Han-;• Daniel :'-Ic.-\llester of Freeport. '.\Ie. Helen Riba Ames h. July 23. 1910. Alton Edwin .-\mes h. Jan. 19. 1882; res. Topsham. :'-Ie.; m. Aug. 10. 1904. Alice :'-fildrecl Strout of Brunswick. Children: Ralph Franklin ..\mes h ..\pril 29. 1903. Orris In·in ..\mesh. July 12. 1900; 111. Sept. 7. 1029, Ruth E. Jordan. daughter of :-Ir. and '.\frs. Howard C. Jordan of ..\ulmrn. :'-fe.; res. Brunswick. :-Te. Daniel Edwin Ames h. :-[arch 21. 1909. Kathenne :'-f atilda ..\mes h. Tune 27. 1910. Charles Linwood ..\mes b. D~c. 16. 1912. Xellie :'-Iav .-\mes b. Tan. 21. 188..J.; 111. Henn- Cle\'eland Blake: .-\ug. 19. i908, Carden City. X. '( Children: James Harold Blake h. '.\Iarch 7. 1914. :'.\Iargaret Blake h. ---. ..\nnie Estella Ames h ..\ug-. 13, 1887; m. Dec. 27. 1909,, Freel Arthur Sa\'age of Fairfield. :'-fe. Children: Leon Emery Savage h. :-fay 6. 1911. Carleton X. Sa\'age h. about 1913. ha Velzora .-\mes b ...\i)ril 9. 1892; m. Oct.4.1914. Horner Henry Hunt of Laum·ille. Incl. Children: Homer Harris Hunt h. Oct. 11. 1913. Valorie Ames Hunt b. ---.

Xote. \.Yalter P. Thornhill h. in Fortune Bay. X. B. mo\·ed eariy \•:ith hi..; parents :\Ir. and ::\.frs. Arthur Thornhill, to Xo. Vassalboro. :\Te. Enlisted in the \Vorld \Yar Apri] 16, 191i as a private in Co. E. Skowhegan. ~le .. wa:- transferred April 29, 1917 to Co. H. Waterville, of the 103rd Infantry, 36th Di,·.: served until Aug, i. 1919, saw twenty-two months of noteworthy sen-ice. Rec. the Distinguished Service Cross at St. '!\IihieL Rec. from the French Gov. for sen-ice at Remey VVoods the Croix de Guene with the Palms. He was awarded the ~fedai11e ~lilitaire of the Legion of Honor of France. He has the Yictory :Medal of the enited States Go\-. with two battle clasps for Aisne-:ilarne July 18, 1918. EA.\IES-A.\IES GEXEALOGY 153

5 C\LESTL\ .\.R ( Lorini. Jacob6, Jacob • Jacob4. Daniel3, Sanrnel2 Robert1 ). BPrn Jul:, 14, 1827 in Canaan, .\Ie.; died April 12. 1910. l\!arried --- Gerald. Children: Christana Gerald h. ---; 111. --- Dode. Ella Gerald h. --- ; m. --- .\Iain. · Estella Gerakl h. ---; 111. --- fohnson. Sephronia Gerald h. ---; 111. --·- Thomas. fane Gerald h. ---; 111. --- Kenne\". ·):ellie Gerald h. ---; 111. ---. • .\finnie Carr Gerald h. ---.

7 FR.-\ ):CES L.x ( Lorin , Jacoh6• Jacob5, Jacob4• Danicl3. 1 SarnueJ2. Rohert ). Burn Sept. 16. 18-t0; died .\larch 18. 1904 . .\farried .\Ir. Runnel!:-. Children: .\Ian- Runnel I,; h. ---; 111 . .\Ir. Horn. LHlia Runnells h. ---; 111 . .\Ir. Priest . .-\-nnie Runnells h. ---; 111 . .\Ir. Howe. Frank Runnells b. ---; cl.

7 _·\R\'ILL.-\ .P (Lnrin • Jacoh6• Jacoh5• Jacoh4• DanieJ3. 1 SamueJ2. Rohert ). Born Sept. 20 1850 in Benton. l\Ie . .\farried .\Ir. Ro\\·ell: residence. Fairfield, };le. Children: Ethylin Rowell h.----; 111. --- Jenkins.

6 J()H): S. 8 ( Lorini. Jacoh • Jacob5• Jacob4. Daniel3, Samuel2, Robert 1 J. Born Jan. 10 1846 . .\Iarried .-\delia Colcord. Residence. Fairfield . .\Ie. Children: (;ertrucle .-\mes b. ---; cl. ---. Lorin \\'ilson Ames b. ---. frying Ellsworth Ames b. ---. Ra\·mond S ..·\mes h. ---. G. ·Frances .-\mes h. ---; m. Ruggles An·illa .-\mes h. ---; rn. Tackson. Bessie .-\mes h. ---; cl. · Earl L. Ames b. ---. Lynwood P ..-\mes b. ---. 13-l EA1IES-A1IES GE'.\EALOGY

CH.-\RLES \\-.8 (Lorin7, Jacc,1 10 . l:tc,,h;. hrnli1. naniel3. 1 SamueJZ. Robert ). Bon1 Oct. 1~ 1,;,1• i; ,·:111a:111. \!,·.: died :.\Iarch 6. 1919 in Fairfield. 1 1Ir. .--\.mes moyed \\·ith his fat ,, •• t 1 L1:rtil'ld alJ<1t1t 1831. ,d1ere he ha~ since resided. He 1\:.1- a11 ,·:\1,nt 1i11li11 maker. though he ne,-er played the in,;trunl'lll. :.\Iarried first 11ary E. Bailey. :.\Iarried second Eh-ira B. X c:t!. 1H,rn 111 l'ittsfield. :.\fe. about 1842. died in Fairfield, :.\Ie .. \la\ R. ]QJR. age 76. She ,Yas a daug·hter of .-\mos and Charlutte Carr. she married first Thomp;;nn X eale of Pittsfie!

\\'.-\SHJXCTOX J. 8 ( Lorin 7. Jacob6• Jacoh5 . Jacoh4• Daniel3. Sanmel2. Rohert1 ). Born Oct. 10. 1832 111 Benton. ~Ie.

::\Iarried first Sarah Colcord. died 111 1865. :Married second Clara Brack. Children: Fessenclon C ..-\mes b. Feb. 11. ( 1861:); rn. A.ug. 6. 1883. Eldora Osburn of Lewiston; res. :\' ashua. X. H. Children: Ethel .-\mesh. Xo,·. 22. 1884 in Xehraska . .-\lice .-\mes h. Oct. 17. 1892 in :.\Iaine. Thelma .-\mesh. April 19. 1901 in X. H. Sadie .-\mes h. ---; cl. in childhood. Alice .-\mes h. ---; cl. in childhood. Harry Ames h. ---; d. frying Ames h. ---; d. Linwood P ..-\mes b. ---; m. ( 1) m. ( 2) He is an artist in X. Y. Children. two hy first wife. both died young. EA).IES-A1fES GEXEALOGY

Owen B ..-\mes b.. -\ug. 29. 1876; m. Harriett Louise Lan­ gell. b ..-\pril 19, 1882. He is a prominent :\I.D., office in Fairfield. :\fe. and Boston. :\Iass. (For \\.orld \\.ar data see .-\ddendum.) Children: :\Tona Lisa Ames b. :\Iay 13. 1902; receiwd her A.::\I. degree at Columbia Cni\'ersity. 1927; m. July 15. 1927 in Fairfield. ::\Ie., Terrell Belknap ::\Iarsh. son of ::\Ir. and ::\Irs. Charles Capron ::\Iarsh of East Orange. X. J. He was graduated at Columbia Col­ lege. 1927 with .-\. :\f. degree. Cora .-\mes b. ---; cl. young. 6 CH.-\RLES \Y.-\RREX8 (Charles 0.7, Robert , Jacob\ 1 Jacob4. Samuel3, SamueJ2. Robert ). Born in \\.oburn. l\Iass .. April 28. 1851. :\Iarried Dec. 29. 1875. Lucy E. Gordon of Georgetom1. Children: Francis \\'endell .\mes b. April 27. 1876; m. :Xo\'. 30. 1899. Ida ::\I. Hawkins. He is callee! Frank. Children: Gladys Rachel .-\mes lJ. .-\ug. 30. 1900. Luc\' Verna .-\mes b. }fay 1902. Eveh·n Frances .-\mes h. -·~- . Robert \\'enclell Ames h. ---.

ED\\._-\RD :XELSOX8 ( Horatio X. 7• Jonathan6, Jonathan\ John\ Daniel3. Samuel2. Rohert1 ). Born in \Yilmington. Mass .. Oct. 19, 1858. :\Iarrie

GEORGE FR.-\XK8 ( Oli,·er \\·arren7• Samuel6• Jacob". 1 J acob4. Samuel3. Samuel2. Rohert ). Born Sept. 2. 1857 in l\Iilford X. H.; died Aug. 8. 1912. Occupation. linry. :\Tarried Jan. 17. 1877, Etta C. Dodge. born March 20. 1858. daughter of Marton .-\. and Laura C. (Baily) Dodge o.f Stoddard. Children: Flora Belle Ames b. April 15. 1880 in ::\Iunsonyi!le. Bertha Edith .-\mes b. Dec. 3, 1883. Ernest George .-\mes h. June 7. 1887 in :\Iilford. Harold Claude .-\mes b. ~larch 3, 1895. 156 EA.\fES-A.\fES GE~EALOGY

JA:.IES \\._-\RRE.\'0 (Olinr \\·arren7. Sarnuel6• Jacoh5. 1 1 Jacoh • Samuel3. SanrneJ2. Robert ). Born in :.Iiliord. X. H .. Jan. 4. 1847. :-.Iarried Harriette Frances :.Iur,;e, born in :.Iilford. X. H .. Sept. 18. 1855. Children: Harr\' \\'arren .\mes h. Tuh· 2. 1873 in \\'e.

CH.-\RLES ED\\'.-\R])' (Oli\·er \\.arreni. ~arnuel 6• ]acc1h5. 1 Jacob\ Sarnuel3. SamueJ2. R()hert ). B()rn :.Ln· 1:i. 18:i3 in Lyndehoro. X. H. :\farriec! fir;;t :\fan· E. Heald. :\Iarriecl seco11cl Jessie E. Ticehur,;t, Feh. 20. 1909. Re,;iclence. P()nemah. ::,(_ H .. Br()ukline. ::,(_ H. Children b,· fir:-t \,·ife: Charles C. .\me, h. ---; i11 1020 his re,;. \\'a, East L\'1111. :\Iass. ·

ELIZA.BETH" ( Oli\·er \\·arren7• Sarnuel6. _Tacoh5. Jacuh4. 1 Samuel3. Samuel2. Rohert ). B()rn .-\ug. 6-4. 1850. :\Tarried Gideon :\forsette ::,(u\·. 7. 1867. h"rn in St. Regine. C(Jnn .. X m·. 25. 18-1-4. Children: Fred :\Iorsette b . .\"o\'. 18. 1868 in Lrndehoro. X. H. Frank :.Iorsette b. :\Iarch 22, 1870 i;1 \\'ilton. X. H. Tohn :\Iorsette h. Tan. 10. 1872 in \\'ilton, X. H. Charles :\Iorsette ·h. :\Iarch 12, 1873 in \\.ilton. X. H .. twin. George 1Iorsette b. :\larch 12, 1873 in \\'ilton. X. H .. twin. Effie :\Iorsette h. Feb. 20. 1876 in Sil horn Falls, X. H. Josephene :\Jorsette h. Dec. 29, 1881 in \\'illarcl. Ont. 8 7 6 CHA.RLES E. (Jame:- F. • Da\'id J. • Jacci'Y\ Jacob4. 3 1 Danie1 • SamueJ2, Rohert ). Born in Bath. ~le .. June 27, 1851. Married Sept. 25. 1876. Rose Sange. daughter cf Chandler SaYage of Concord, Me. Re~iclence. Doyer. X. H. EA:.fES-A:.IES GEXEALOGV 157

Children: Tennie Courtney ..\mes h. Tan. 30. 1879 in Richmond. ~Ie.; · m. Richard S. \\". Rohe~ts, Sept. 14, 1904. Children: ~Iarion Roherts b. July 19. 1909 in X orthhridge. :iiass. Eleanor Roberts b. Dec. 6, 1910 in Xorthbridge. ~Tass. Richard A. Roberts b. Feb. 3, 1913 in \Vhitesville, ~Iass. Grace ~I. ..\mes b. ~Iay 25, 1881 in Richmond, ~Ie. 7 GEORGE E.8 (James F. , David6• Jacoh5• Jacoh4. Daniel3. SamueJ2, Robert1). Born in Richmond, Me .. Jan. 15, 1861. ).,Tarried Luella E. Thayer. Xov. 29. 1888. Children: Courtnev L. Ames h. Tuh· 4. 1891 in Richmond, ~[e.; m. Tohn C. Flinn. Feb. i 9(1. Children: ~Iarjorie Flinn h. Tune 13. 1912 in Yonkers, X. Y. Tohn Flinn b. Tu!~- 1917. . ~Ieh:ille ~I. ..\mes 1i: i11 Richmond. ~Ie .. June 4. 1895. 8 6 \\"ILLL.\l\I SAXFORD < DanieF. Jacoh • Jacob5, Jacob4, 1 Daniel3, SamueJ2. Robert ). Born Dec. 31. 1849. ::\1arried ---. daughter of Isaac Kimbell Residence. Sha,,·mut. l\fe. Occupation, ri,·erman. Children: Guv Ames b. ---; cl. Dec. 3, 1918. Wi'lliam Carlyle Ames b. about 1904; m. Sept. 27. 1925 in Shawmut. ~Ie .. ~Iiss Rita F. Anthony. 6 5 FA YETTE8 ( DanieF, Jacob • Jacob , Jacob4. Daniel3. 1 SamueJ2, Robert ). Born ..\ug. 29. 1858. Residence, Farmingdale. 1Ie. Occupation, ri,·erman. l\Iarried Elizabeth Trufant. died July 29. 1922. age 56. Children: Lottie ~I. Ames b. 1892; cl. 1898.

ALFRED R.8 (Gilbert7• Da,·id6, Jacoh5, Jacob4, Daniel3, 1 SamueJ2, Robert ). Born June 4, 1858. Married Feb. 3, 1890, Isabelle C. Wright. Residence. \\"oolwich. Me. Children: Gilbert J ...\mes b. Sept. 10, 1895; cl. Feb. 16, 1911. 158 EA.\IES-A.\IES GEXEALOGY

6 DA \"ID J.8 (Gilberti. Da,·id . Jaculi. Jacoh4. Daniel3. Samuel2, Robert1 ). Born ?IIaY 19. 1867; died Oct. 31. 1903. Married Dec. 25, 1886. Blanch E. Ho,Ye. Children: Annie H. Ames h. :\farch 2--1-. 1888; 111. Feh. 17. 1909. DaYicl S. Henderson. Children: Stanlv S. Henderson b. Tuh· 5. 1912. Vincint .-\. Henderson 1;_ :\-Iarch 25. 191-t. E,·a :\I. Henderson h. Sept. 12. 1917. Doris H. Henderson h. Aug. 9. 1919. Leona E. Henderson h. Sept. 12. 1CJ.?4. George :\I. Ames h.. -\pril 8. 189.?; m ..-\pril 8. l'J!3. Ida E. Knowlton. Children: H.uth K ..\mes h. Tuh 5. 1915. Harold A ..·\mes L. .\"o.-. 11. 191G. Gilbert T. .-\mes h. Tune 30. 1CJ.? 1. George ·11. .-\mes b.· :\Ia,· 17. 19.?4. 6 FORREST BERTR.-\:\!8 ( Charle,J. Ju h n . Frnnci~S. 1 Phineas4. Jonathan3• SarnueF. Rohert ). Burn :\Ia,· 16. 18<11. Bangor, :\Te. \\·as graduated frum Cni,·ersit~· uf :\faine 1913. Han ar

6 '.\L\RSH.-\LL G. 8 ( Ithemer7• Echvard , Ximrod5, Jona- than4. Jonathan 3, SamueJ2, Robert1 ). Born in Madison. Me .. Aug. 4_. 1864. l\Iarried first Lizzie Evans. l\farried second .-\nnie Fields, died l\Iay 7, 1922. Children one by first wife: George Eames b. ::\Iarch 20. 1894; 111. Ethel Tramley. Children: \\'illiam J. Eames b. Dec. 16. 1913. Hattie D. Eames h. Dec. 10, 1915. CH.-\RLES BCRTOX8 ( Laban Lincoln 7, Obadiah6, Xim­ 1 rod5, Jonathan4, Jonathan3, SamueP. Robert ). Born at Adam,;, \\'is .. Xo\·. 26. 1869. l\Iarried 1892. Rose Belle \\' escott (cousin) at Farmers Yalley, Xeb. He is a carpenter and rancher. Residence. Readley, Cal. Children: .\delbert Burton .\mes b. at Farmer~ Valles,. Xeb .. Oct. 25. 1892; enlisted in the \\-oriel \\.ar and se1:,ed till after the .-\r;nistice was signed; was badly gassed while in the Argonne woods campaign; m. 1925. Viola Bartison of Sanish. X. D.; res. Rav, X. D. Children: - LeRoy .-\clelhert .-\mes b ..\pril 9, 1926 at Fargo. X. D. Lyle Charley .-\mes h. at Farmers Valley, Xeh. l\Iarch 18. 1894; res. Ray, X. D.; an extensiye farmer . .\RTHCR FR.-\XCIS8 (Laban Lincoln7, Obadiah6, Xim­ 4 1 rod5, Jonathan • Jonathan3• Samuel2. Robert ). Born at Fall City. Wis .. Aug. 28, 1875. Married in York Co .. Xeh .. Xo\·. 30, 1909. Fannie l\Iay \\'iseman. Mr.. -\n{es is'a ~arpenter by trade having built Flour l\Iills and Grain Ele\·ators in ~ eb., Iowa. Ill .. l\Io., and the two Dakotas. Member of A. F. & A. l\f.. I. 0. 0. F .. and S. A. R. Mrs. Ames was a very successful teacher in both the rural and city schoois of York Co., X eb. She is a member and enthusiastic \\·orker in the Order of Eastern Star and Re­ bekahs. Residence. Omaha. Xeb. Children none. 160 EA1fES-A1fES GEXEALOGY

Arthur F. Ames, Fannie 1fay (Wiseman) Ames. Taken X oY. 30, 1909. EA:\IES-A:\IES GE~EALOGY 161

R.-\1.PH LEL-\:\"[)~ , Laban Lincoln7• Obadiah6• :\"imrocP. 1 Jonathan4, Jonathan3• SamueJ2. Robert ). Born in Fall City. \\.is., :\°O\·. 2. 1877. :\Tarried at Sutton, Xeh., April 23. 1901, Rose M. Merrill. He is a carpenter by trade. ha\·ing built Grain Elevators m IO\Ya, Xeb .. \\·yo., Colo .. and Texas. Member I. 0. 0. F. Re"idence. Dem·er, Col. Children: Dorothea Ames b. Sutton. X eh .. 1902; m. ( 1) James Rob­ erts of Lincoln. Xeb.; m. (2) James \\"oods of Omaha, Xeb.; res. St. Louis. :\fo. Children: ::\Iarjory Roberts b. 1921. Blanch Ames b. at Trenton, X eh.. 1904; m. ::\Iarch 1921. Clarence Leopold; d. Sept. 21. 1921 at Lincoln. Xeb.; one child.

C.-\RRIE L. 6 (Laure:-ton7• Paul6• Francis5. Phineas4, Jona­ 1 than3. SarnueJ2, Robert ). Born April 12, 1879 in X e\·ada. ::\Iarried Dec. 25. 1899. Carl C. Tidd. hori1 July 29. 1876 in Ohio. Children: Charles Robert Tidd h. in Cal.. Feb. 14. 1901, adopted son. Alice :\I. Tick! h. Jan. 10. 1904; m. Sept. 7. 1921, Yoman Dickson. Children. Yoma Jane Dickson h. Sept. 29. 1922. Lois Jean Dickson b. July 9, 1926. Agnes E. Tidd b. July 5, 1905; m. Kov. 6, 1926, Earl Cole­ grove. Susie A.. Tidd h. Aug. 16. 1908; m. April 15. 1928, Meri­ dith Steele. Carle Leslie Tidd h. July 3. 1911. Clarence Donald Tidd h. :\Iarch 25, 1915.

JOHX GRIFFITH' (John Griffith7. Benjamin6, \\"illiam5• 3 1 Rohert4, Robert • John2• Rohert ). Born in Xew York City Sept. 28, 1872. Attended the public schools of \\"ashington, D. C., in which city he resided from 1877 until 1890. He was gradu­ ated from Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, with the degree of Bachelor of Arts, in June 1894. During the year 1894-95 he attended the Graduate School of Harvard "Cni- 162 EAMES-A11ES GEKEALOGY

John Griffith Ames. acting President Illinois College in 1930. yersity, Cambridge. Mass. From 1895-97 he was on the fac­ ulty of Kenyon College. Gambier. Ohio. teaching English. From 1897-99 he attended St. Katherine's Hall. Oxford Cni­ ycrsity, Oxford. England, rccciYing the degree of B.Litt. in June 1899. In Sept. 1900 he became Professor of English at Illinois College, JacksonYille, Ill. During the year 1929-30 and at the present time he is ..\cting-President of lllinois College. EAMES-AMES GENEALOGY 163

:\Iarried Oct. 11, 1898. Elinor Hogg Kirk. daughter of Desault B. Kirk of ::Vft. \'ernon, Ohio. Children: John Griffith Ames h ..--\ug. 2, 1899 at Sanford-on Thames, Oxford, England; res. Los .--\ltos. Cal.; m. June 1921, Elinor. daughter of .--\nclrew Russel and Clara Robins his wife. Children: John Griffith .-\mes b. June 1922 in Jacksonville. I!L babel Kirk b. :\Iarch 22. 1903 in Jacksonville, Ill.; m. Jan. 1925. James Bertram Overton Jr., son of James B. and :\Iary ( Cochran) ()yerton. :\Iary Cochran was daughter of Judge Cochran of Brule. \\'is. Children. res. :\Iaclison, \\'is.: Cornelia .-\mes 0Yerton b. XoY. 1928. Desault Kirk .-\mes b. :\lay 22. 1904 at Jacksonville. Ill.; m. XoY. 1924. :\Iarian Jones of Glendale, Cal.. daughter of :\Ir. and :\I rs. Huston Jones of Glendale. Children. res. Glendale. Cal. : Desault Kirk .-\mesh. 1926. Elinor :\[ay .-\mes b. X o,·. 29. 1906 at J acksom·ille. Ill.; m. Jan. 1. 1928 ..--\nclrew Kerr Rule of Xew Zealand; res. St. :\Iathews. Ky.; her husband being Professor in the Presbyterian Theological Seminary. LouisYille, Ky.

\\'l LLL-\:\P ( Otis7• \\'illiam6, Jarnh5. Jacoh4. Daniel3. Samuel2 Roberti\. Born in Clinton. Me .. Sept. 7. 1859. :\foyed \\'ith his parents. "·hen four years of age, to Fort Fairfield. :\le .. this becoming his permanent residence. Married Jan. 25. 1881. ::\Iary L.. daughter of Samuel G. and Mary L. (.-\mes) Spearin of Fort Fairfield. formerly of Clinton. :\te. Children all born in Fort Fairfield. :vie.: Etta :\Iav .-\mes b. :\larch 27. 1882; m. Dec. 14. 1910. Xor­ man ( Gallagher; res. Limestone. :\Ie. Children: :\[ariel .-\lberta Gallagher h. June 27, 1912. Erwin .-\mes Gallagher b. :\[ay 13, 1914. Thelma \\'anetta Gallagher b. July 15, 1915. Erma Louisa Gallagher h. Aug. 4, 1916. Burnell Lorin Gallagher b. Aug. 27, 1919. Vaughan Samuel Gallagher h. Feb. 11, 1921. Xorman Wilson Gallagher h. Oct. 7. 1922. Edith C. Ames h. April 1. 1883; m. April 29, 1903, Joseph _-\llison Emery. 164 EA\fES-A\fES GE'.\EALOGY

Children: Elvira :.Iae Emen· h. Juh· 1. 1904; m. Daniel Thomas Hilyard. Oct. i6. 1923: Children: Clarence Emery Hilyard b ..-\ug. 8. 1924. Bett\· :\Iae Hih-ard b. Dec. 29, 1923. Elsie :\fabel Hih·ard b. :\Iarch 23. 1927. Dawn :\Iarie Hih·arcl h. :\Ia\· 26. 1929. Carl :\llison Emery,;_ June 4. 1906; rn. .-\ug. 3. 1927. Edna Louise \Yhite. Children: Duwarcl .-\llison Emen· h. :\[a\. 3. 1929. Helen Ellen Emery b ..-\p(il 10, 190(>. Cecil Damon Emery h. Sept. 24. 1913. Ruby Hazel Emery b ..-\pril 22. 1917. Otis Ames b. XoY. 10. 1884; m. LeYina Barn~ .. \pril 12, 1906, who d. Tuh· 26. 1929; children. none. Hattie E ..-\mes il. l)ct. 13, 1886; m. June 13. 1921. Jo~eph .-\llison Emen. Children: . Irio Elizabeth Emery h. June 11. 1922. Enoch \\.illiam Eme.n· h.· Feb. 18. 1929; twin. Ec!eth :.Ian· Emen· 1;, Feb. 18, 19.?r); twin. Abner T ..-\mes·b. Dec: 11. 1888; m. Susie :\I. Shea. XrlY. 26. 1913. Children: X eva :.I. Ames b ..-\ ug. 21. 1922. \\'ayne \\-..-\mes h. Feb. 28. 1923. Henry H ..-\mesh. Oct. 14. 1890; m. Dec. 4. 1912. Inez Sloan. Charles L. .-\mes b. XoY. 21. 1892; m ..-\pril 12. 1922. Calista Ada Holt. Samuel H ..--\mes h. Dec. 19. 1896. Cecil }I. Ames b. Jan.11.1900; cl. Sept. 23. 1903. EAMES-AMES


1634 1931



BORN 1618 DIED 1680




THO:\L--\S £.--\:\[ES1. Born 111 England 1618: died 111 Framingham. :\Ia;:s., Jan. 25. 1680. age 62 years. Came to America 1634. Resided at Dedham. ).;[ass., 1640, :\Iedford 1652 to 1659. Cambridge 1664-65. Sudbury 1669. Sherborn 1674-75. the por­ tion no\\· Framingham. :\la;:;s. :Married first ':\Iargaret. :\Iarried second at Cambridge. 1662. :\lary. daughter of John I3lanford, \,·idow of Jonathan Paddlefoot (Padelford). He had a large house and barn and a large stock of cattle ,Yhich ,,·ere burned hy the Indians Feb. 1. 1676. They killed hi,; \\'ife and fin children. took captiYe four. of these, three escaped. Samuel and t,Yo others. The stone which marks the c'ite of the Thomas Eames house at :\Iount,,·ait, Framingham reads: "Here stood the house of Thomas Eames burned by the Indians in King Phillips \\-ar Feb. 1. 1675-76. His \Yife and fiye children \\'ere slain and four carried into captiYity. This :\Jemorial Is Placed by the Descendants .--\.D. 1890." .--\ soldier in Pequot \Yar 1637. \Ye ha ,·e record of the names of ten of his children. the marriag-e of six anc\ carry fonyard descendants of three. Children: John Eames b. :\Iay 16. 1641; cl. Sept. 17. 1641. John Eames b. Oct. 6, 1642. Xote. "Thomas Eames (ha,·ing pre\·iously resided in Dedham, where he had John b. :\lay 16. 1641. d. Sept. I 7, 1641. John b. Oct. 6. 1642. :V!ary b. .\lay 24, 1645,) m. :\fary, dau. of John Blanford and widow of Jonathan Paddlefoot and had Thoma& hapt. here July 12. 1663; ~t Sudbury. Samuel h. June 15, 1664-5; .\largaret b. July 8, 1666;' Xathaniel b. Dec. 30, 1668; and at Framingham, Sarah b. Oct. 3, 1670; Lydia h. June 29, 1672. While at Framingham his house was ."EALOGY

:\Ian- Eames b. :\Ia\· 2--1-. 16--1-5. Eliz;beth Eames h.· -~-; m. Dec. 18. 1673. Thomas Blanford. Thomas Eames h. July 12. 1663 at Sucllmry; killed hy Indians. Samuel Eames h. Tan. Li. l(m--1- at Sudhun·; cl. 1737. :\Iargaret Eames i"J. July 8. 1666; rn. Feh.-21. 1688. Ju~eph 1 .\clams3 ( Tohn 2• Henn· ?). Xathaniel E;mes b. Dec: 30. l(i68. Sarah Eames b. Oct. 3. 1670; killed ll\· the Indian,-;. Lydia Eames h. June 26. 1672; killed 1;y the lnclian,-;.

JC)!-J:;(2 ( Thomas1 ). Born Oct. 6. 1642 in Dedham, :\Ia,;,;,: {lied Dec. 14, 1733. Occupation. blacksmith . .\ resident of Sherburn. :\Iass.. 1679. Selectman 1682. Selectman of Framingham. :.\lass .. 1701. .:.\larried first l\Iary .\dams. died .\pril 3. 1681. daughter of John Adams of Cambridge. :\lass. ::\Jarriecl second :\lay 1682. Elizabeth Eame,-;, died June 26. 1727. daughter of Robert Eames of \\-olmrn. Elizabeth and John \\'ere cousins. Children, three by first \Yife. seyen by second \\·ife: :\Iargaret Eames h. Oct. 1676 in \ \'atertown; cl. young. Anna Eames h. ---; 111. --- Flagg. :\Iartha Eames b. Feb. 28. 1678-79 in Framingham; 111. -.-- Smith. Priscilla Eames h. Feh. 2. 1683. Elizabeth Eames b ..\pril 11. 16-; 111. Caleb Drury. John Eames h. Jan. 10. 1687. Thomas Eames h. Tuh- 22. 1694. :\Ian· Eames h. Ta;1. 4. 1697; m. Tohn Pike. Hen~y Eames b.-April 28. 1698. · A.bagail Eames b. :\larch 9, 1705; m. :\Iichel Drury.

1 SAMCEL2 (Thomas ). Born Jan. 15. 1664: died 1737. He ,ms taken captin by the Indians Feb. 1, 1675-76. Escaped or released. Married April 21. 1698, Patience. daughter of Joseph T\\'itchell. Children: Gersham Eames b. Dec. 29. 1698; cl. 1762; res. Holliston. Patience Eames b. Feb. 7. 1702; m. Abraham Rice. l\Iargaret Eames h. Jan. 13. 1703-04; m. Phineas Rice. EAlIES-AlfES GEXEALOGY 169

:\Iartha Eames h. July 9. 1706; m. Criah Drury. Sarah Eames b. Tune 28. 1709; m. Daniel Gowing. Jonathan Eames iJ. Jan. 28. 1711-12; m. ( 1) Abagail Gould- ing; rn. ( 2) Ruth ---; res. in Holliston. Samuel Eames b. April 16, 1714. Lydia Eames b. :\Iay 1. 1716; m. James Clayer. David Eames b ...\ug. 26. 1718; m. Elizabeth Butler. Joseph Eames b. Sept. 9, 1720 .

.\." A TH ..\.\." I £L2 ( Thomas1 ). Born Dec. 30, 1668; died Jan. 1. 1746. Taken captive by the Indians. escaped or released. Built the East part of the Jona Eames house in 1693. \\'as Selectman of his tmvn. Married Anna---. died :\larch 12. 1743. Children: Lydia Eames b. Dec. 10. 1694--; m . .\."ov. 15, 1716, Benj. :\Iuzzey of Lexington. Rebecca Eames b. July 25. 1697; m. Daniel Bigelow. Sarah Eames b . .\."O\·. 1. 1701; m . .\."athaniel Cov . .\."athaniel Eames b ...\pril 18. 1703. · Anna Eames b. Jan. 27. 1706-07; m. Samuel Knight, :-\_priI 23. 1740. William Eames b. ---; m. 17 33. Sarah Perry; settled in Holliston. Daniel Eames b. :\larch 20. 1711-12; m. Silence Lealand; settled in Holliston, :\Iass.

1 TOH.\." 3 (John2, Thomas ). Born Jan. 10, 1687; died 1738-39. Resided in Framingham. ::\fass. and Hopkinston. :VIarried June 23. 1712. Johanna Buckrninster. daughter of Joseph. She married second John Butler. :March 19. 1740. Children of John and Johanna: Elizabeth Eames h . .\."OY. 15. 1713. Robert Eames b. July 15. 1714; cl. :-\ug. 18. 1747; occupa­ tion, blacksmith; res. Framingham, :\Iass.; m. July 16, 1740. Deberoh Adams; after his death she m . .\."ov. 29, 1750, Dr. Ebenezer Hemmenway.

Xote. Gershom Eames of 1lar!horo. 1Iass.. died 1676, had by wife Hannah, a daughter Hannah horn 1671, died 1721. Note. There was a David Eames m. 1Iahetable -- and had in Dedham. Children: Margery Eames b. Xov. 15, 1691. Ephram Eames b. Dec. 14, 1692. David Eames b. April I, 1693. Ezekiel Eames h. July 5, 170J. liO EAMES-AMES GEKEALOGY

Children of Robert and Deberoh: Tohn Eames h. Dec. 15. 1742. -:\folly Eames h. XoY. 7. 1744; cl. young. Robert Eames b. :\larch 30. 1747; cl. young. John Eames baptised Aug. 10. 1718. Joanna Eames b. June 26. 1720 in Hopkinston; m. July 2-1-. 1745. Ephram Stone. Thomas Eames h. Oct. 3. 1722. \Yilliam Eames h ..-\ug. 31. 1724 . .-\aron Eames h. Tuh· 27. 1726; rn. :\1111 ---;res.Rut- land and SudhttrY.· Priscilla Eames h. ·.-\ug. 11. 1728; cl. young. Benjamin Eames h. July 9. 1733. Abagail Eames h. XO\·. 15. 1736. Priscilla Eames h. :\Iay 17. 1738; d. young.

1 THO:\L-\S3 (John2• 1'horna~ ). Burn _fol:· 22. 169-1-. He was deaf and dumb. built about 1727 a hou~e \\·hich stood \\·hete later \\·as ..-\ugustu~ Richards' cl,>nryarcl. ,-old Xm. 2. 1754 to Joseph Ho\\'. The tlJ\\·n built a hou,;e fur him. :\Iarried .-\bagail Leonard. Children: Thomas Eames h. :\Iay 20. 172') in Framingham. :\fa~s.; m. Sept. 21. 1748. H.achal Grayes. daughter of Joseph Grayes. This farnih· rnrJ\·ecl out of town. Children: . *Thomas Eames h. Dec. 28. 1748. Rebecca Eames h. Oct. 23. 1750 . .-\nna Eames baptised Dec. 31. 1752. Eliza Eames baptised :\Iay 11. 1755. Rachal Eames baptised April 2. 1758. Jerusha Eames baptised .-\ug. 22. 1762.

3 1 HEXRY (Tohn2• Thomas J. Born .-\oril 28. 1698; died ~fay 26. 1761. Resided in Framingham. ':\Ias:-. Married XoY. 12. 1722. Ruth X e\\'ton. died ~larch 11. 1777. aged 75. daughter of John of ~Iarlhoro. Children: Phineas Eames h. Sept. 2. 1723; cl. :\Iarch 6. 1752; 111. Feh. 20. 1752 ..-\hagail Blandin of Xewton.

Xote. Yitai records of Dedham giYe:--,. the following: Rebecca Eames m. Dec. 3, 1772, Timothy Allen of Dedham: Jerusha Eame, of Dedham and Luther Gales of Stow published Feb. 25. 178~: Anna Eames m. Thomas Xewel\ Oct. 21. 1771 both of Dedham, :'.\lass. * There was a Thomas Eames. Tr. who m. :\lary Can·er of Xatick ..--\pril 13. 17i3. is this the Thomas? · EAMES-AMES GENEALOGY 171

:\Iary Eames b. :\Iarch 15, 1724-25; m. ( l) :\Iicah Ha\·en; m. ( 2 ) Jeremiah Pike. Henry Eames b . .-\.pril 30. 1726. Ruth Eames h. 1727; m. John Rice. Gersham Eames h. Feb. 16. 1728-29; cl. 1752; unmarried. Hannah Eames h. April 8. 1731; m. Daniel :\Iorse at Xatick. Tirnotln- Eames h. Xo\". 23. 1732. Bets\· Eames b. Dec. 10. 1734; m. 1758. Beniah :\Iorse. Lydia Eames b. :\Iarch 20. 17 36-37; m. Jacoh Pratt. f esse Eames h. fulv 14. 1739. }uhn Eames b. hct. 30. 1743.

1 CERSI-1.-\:\P ( SarnueF. Thomas ). Born Dec. 29. 1698: died 1762. In the records. this family ,;pelling is often ginn E.-\:\IS. :\Iarried hr,-;t Susan \\.hiting·. died .-\pril 28. 1739. :\Tarried ,-;ewnd June 11. 1741. :\Iary (Hunt) Lealancl. \I icl,rn· of J ,c:aac Lealand. Children: Susan Eames li. Feb. 16. 1725; m. Joseph Cuzzens. Patience Eames h. :\I,\\" 5. 1728. Gursham Eames lJ. ft111e 20. 1730. :\fartha Eames b. f tih· 20. 1732; m. Thomas Drury. Lois Eames lJ. ~\ ug. 28, 17 34. Lydia Eames h ..-\ug. 19, 1736. :\Iary Eames h ..-\pril 22, 1739; cl. :\fay 6, 1739. Ruben Eames h ..-\pril 10. 1743. Ezra Eames b. 1745. Lewis Eames h. Jan. 3, 1747.

1 JO:---.:.-\TH.-\X 3 (Samuel2, Thomas ). Born Jan. 28. 1711- 12. :\Iarriecl first .-\bagail Giddings. :\Iarried second Ruth Giddings. Settled in Holliston, .Mass. >i-Children: Jonathan Eames baptised June 22, 1746 . .-\hagail Eames baptised :\Iay 8. 1748. Elizabeth Eames baptised Feb. 4, 1749-50. Ruth Eames baptised March 15. 1752. John Eames baptised June 9, 1754. Sarah Eames baptised Xo\". 19. 1758 .

.. The Yital reconl.-; of Holliston. ~Iass., gives records of the baptism of the aho\·e children which appear to belong with Jonathan 3. 172 EA.\IES-A.\IES GE);"EALOGY

Lydia Eames baptised Jan. 17, 1762. ~loses Eames baptised :\Jay 10, 1764.

1 SA}ICEL3 (SamueJ2, Thomas ). Born .-\pril 16. 1,14 at Framingham, Mass. Married first Jan. 11, 1739. Syhella Hawn. died Feh. 19, 1749. Married second Dec. 13. 1750. Eunice Fuller uf Xe,vton, Mass., died in Xatick. Mass. Children: Patience Eames h. Tan. 6, 1740; m. Feb. 29. 1764 ...\mos Perrv of Sherhor;1. Samuel Eames b. Feb. 1, 1742; d. in the arnn·; unmarried. Ebenezer Eames h. Sept. 1. 1744; cl. young. · Sybella Eames h. April 3. 1747; m. Daniel Lealand of Holliston. Eunice Eames h. Feb. 21. 1753; cl. young. Eunice Eames b. June 6, 1754; cl. young. Ebenezer Eames h ...\pril 26. 1756; m. Elizabeth Coolidge, daughter of Capt. John Coolidge; lived in Bethel. ::\.Ie. Eunice Eames b. Sept. 9. 1758; rn. July 27, 1780. John Coolidge of X atick. Alexander Eames baptised June 26, 1763; accidentally killed while hunting. James Eames baptised June 26, 1763; moved to Dublin, X. H. and Hollis. Lydia Eames b. :\lay 10, 1767.

3 DAYID (SamueJ2. Thomas1 ). Born Aug. 26, 1718. Moved to Peterbqro. X. H. about 1772 with some of his family. and died about the beginning of the Revolution. Married Elizabeth Butler, daughter of John Butler. Children: Elizabeth Eames b. Jan. 5, 1747; 111. Benjamin Baker of :\Iarlboro. Lydia Eames b. }Iarch 28. 1748; m. Benjamin Baker of Shewsberg. widower of her sister Elizabeth. Molly Eames b. Dec. 16, 1750; m. 1769. Timothv :\Iixer of Shewsherg. lived in Framingham. :.Vfass. and ·x. H. Anna Eames b. Sept. 1, 1753; 111. Feb. 12. 1782. Henry Gates. Nelly Eames b. Oct. 5, 1755. ~abbv Eames b. Oct. 28, 1758. Sarah Eames b. Oct. 7. 1761. twin. Katy Eames h. Oct. 7, 1761, twin. EA1fES-AMES GEi\EALOGY 173

DaYicl Eames b. June 26. 1764; m. Esther Bacon, sister of Catherine; mm·ecl to \\~t~ngham, Vt. w.f..,+,..,,~, "' \\-alter Eames b. Feb. 27. 1767 in Framingham, 1Iass.; m. Catherine Bacon. sister of Esther, she cl. Sept. 11, 1811.

1 _10SEPH3

:\".-\TH.-\:--..:IEI} 1:\"athaniel2. Thumas1 ). Born :\pril 18. 1703; died }larch 13. 1796. Known a:s Corporal Eame,;, re5icled in Framingham. }lass. }farriecl :\"oy. 27. 1735. Rachal Lm·ell of }Iedford. she died Oct. 19. 1778. age 68 years. Children: Be11j~mi11 Eames h. Sept. 15. 1737; cl. young. Xatha11el Eames b. July 31. 1739; cl. young. William Eames b. Feb. 21. 1741; cl. young. :\1111 Eames b ..-\ug. 6. 1744; cl. young. Xathanel Eames h. Sept. 11. 1747 . . \lexander Eames b. Oct. 5. 1784. Benjamin Eames b. }larch 16. 1751. Rachal Eames h. ---; m .Richard Gleason; cl. 111 Fitz­ william. X. H. 174 EA~IES-A~[ES GEXEALOGY

1 \\.ILLL'I..\I3 / :\"athanieF. Th<>mas ). Burn ahullt 17C9. }Iond to Holliston . .\las,-_ ::\[arried Sarah Perry of Sherhl!rn Feh. 8. 1732-,<3, hum 1708, died Oct. 6. 1787 in 79th year. Children: Sarah Eames h. April 13. 1.73-1-. Hannah Eames h. Sept.:?:!. l.737; cl. Uct. 15. 1737.

1 D.-\.XIEL3 (:\"athanieP. Thumas ). Born .\larch 20. 1711- at Framingham. l\Tas,-;. Settled in Holli,-;ton . .\la,;,;_ .\larriecl Silence Lea land of Sherhl! rn Sept. 21. 1738. Children: Daniel Eames h . .\larch 29, 17-1-0; d. June 22. 1812. Hopsti!! Eames h .. \ pril 28. 17-+2; d.· Dec. 3, I 7-+3. Hopsti!l Eames h. Jnne 28. 17-+-+; d ..-\.pril 5, 1821; 111. Oct. 13, 1768 . .\lary. daughter of J)ayici Lealand; re,. H<>J'· kinston . .\lass. Children: DaYicl Eames 1>. Dec. 5. 1769; d. luh· I-+. 18.+3; 111. .\IerC\· .\forse. daughter of Ezek.iel ·of .\fed ford. Children: A.aron Eames h. Dec. 10, 179-+. Cornelia Eames h. Feb. 19. 1800; d. I une 1. 18()(, A.ppleton Eame, !J. Jan.4.1803; d. )an. 3, 18-1--+; unmarried. DaYicl Eames h. June 20. 1808; m. Dickinson; re~. Hopkinston. · Children: .-\.!mer .\I. Eames b. ---. DaYicl Eames h. ---. Dorindle Eames h. Oct. 25. 1810; 111. Elisha P. \\'akefiekl. .-\.nna Eames h. ---; 111. Roland Iacuhs of '['homa,;- ton . .\le. · \\'illiarn Eames h. -~-; 111. Sa!h· Parker. John Eames b . .\fay 2. 1779; 111 .•-\..nna \\.hitne\·. ':\Iary Eames h. Ja;1. 7, 1781; m . .\fartin Eame's. Peter Eames h ..-\.ug. 1 L 1783; m . .\Iartha Tones. Larnnia Eames h. :\O\". 9. 1785; 111. Tonah Holbrook of S. · Hopstill Eames h . .\lay 7. 1788; d. Aug. 5. 1791. Xathan Eames h. Feb. 18. 1792; m. ( 1) Crntha Ha\·- ward; m. ( 2) \\"idow Poll\· Fisk. 1826_- · Children: - EAMES-A1IES GE~EALOGY li5

.-\aron Eames li. Xm·. 12. 1784; cl. young. Lydia Eames h. 1746; cl. June 5. 1814; m. Joshua Cncler­ woocl . .-\nna Eames b. ---; m. Col. John Gleason of Framing­ ham . .\lass. \rilliam Eames b. ---; cl. in Bodston; m. ( 1) Lois Fisk; m. (2) ---. · · .-\aron Eames baptised 1753; cl. Feb. 11. 1827; m. Sarah Lealand. daughter of DaYid L.

1 EBEXEZER4 ( Samuel3. SarnueF. Thomas ). Born .-\pril 26. 1756: died at Bethel. .\Ie ...-\ug. 19. 1853. Came to Bethel, ~le. from Dublin. ):_ H . .\larried Elizabeth Coolidg·e of ):atick. ~Iass ...-\pril 11. li"78. Children: Betsy Eames b_ Sept. 13. 1778 in Dublin. X. H.; cl. Sept. 17. 1856 in ):orridgewock. :\[e.; m. July 6, 1801 at Bethel. .\le .. Leonard Rus~ell. Ii ..-\ug. 9. 1781 in \\'est .\Ioreland. X. H. Children: Eleanor E. lfossell Ii. Sept. G. 1805 in Bethel. .\fe.; d. Sept. 28. 1902. Presque ble. :\[e.; m. ( 1) .\lay 1829. l ohn Baston. cl. at Sea; m. ( 2) about 1831 at Elb­ ;_.,.orth . .\le., Dayid Gilmon Cook. h. Dec. 19. 1810. cl. f ulv 29. 1886. Chilcl;en: .\nnette Baston h. ]uh- 3. 1830 at Ellsworth, .\le.; cl. Oct. 6. 1878 at B~ngor, .\le.; rn. Feb. 6. 1853. LeYi Bradley. h. Oct. 3. 1835 in Bangor, .\fe. Children: Henry k. Bradley Ji. ---.

.'\ute. History of Bethel, ~Iaine (Formerly :-::.udhury, Canarla) Oxfoni County . .\laine 17(18-1890 hy \\·. B. Lapham 1891 page 62, in 1798 the go\·ernment of the t ·. S. imposed a

George F. Bradley b. ---. John B. Cook b. Dec. 30, 1832; cl. Sept. 10, 1834. Gustarns A. Cook b. Jan. 21, 1835; cl. Jan. 29, 1908 in Presque Isle, ~Ie.; m. ~Jay 8, 1858, Helen ~I. Patten of Bangor, ~Ie., cl. Feb. 24, 1876. The,· resided at Stillwater. ~I inn.. re- turnee! to ~Ie. · Children: Eugene Cook b. ---; cl. about 1886. \\-illiam Henry Cook h. 1861; rn. .-\ug. 7, 1884. at Littleton, X. H., A.bbie Smith, b. TulY 13, 1862 at .-\ tkinson, ~Ie .. cl. 1Iarch 31,' 1898. Children: .-\rnanda Cook h. XO\·. 1885 at Presque Isle, ~I e. ; m. 1904. Clinton Gallagher. Children: Carol Gallagher b. 1904; cl. 1920. .-\ hhie t.allagher b. 1913. Howard Patten C'ook h. ~Iarch 8. 1890. Harry Cook b. ---; cl. age about 15 yrs. Daughter Cook 11. ---; cl. in chilclhoocl. Sidney Cookb. ~Iarch 17. 1837; cl. Aug.24.1919; 111. ~Iarch 20, 1865. Harriett Perry. h. Oct. 30, 1841. cl. Sept. 21. 1898. Children: Xathan R. Cook h. ~Iarch 12. 1866; m. ~Iarch 19, 1902. Endora L. ~IcGnire, h . .-\ug. 13, 1876. Children: Sidney F. Cook Ii. Jan. 14. 1904; m. Edna B. Gerion. Harriett .\. Cook h. ~fay 25 --. Charles Xathan Cook h. ·---. Henry H. Cook b. Dec. 30. 1839; cl. Sept. 2, 1911; m. Celia B. Libby h. ~Iarch 26. 1837. cl. Dec. 15, 1870. Children: .-\nnette B. Cook h. Dec. 7. 1866; cl. - 13, 1896 m. June 5. 1885. George \\'.. \keley, b. Feb. 26, 1862. Children: Henn· Cook .-\kele,· h. Dec. 13. 1887. Celia ·w. AkeleY h'. Tan. 17. 1890. Russel B. Akel~" h. ·Feb. 25. 1892. Elizabeth ~I. Akeley lJ. ~fay 17. 1895. EA:\IES-A:\lES GE:,"EALOGY 177

Fred \Yilmot Cook b. April 26. 1868; d. Oct. 5. 1908; 111. :\Iyra \\'ashburn. Children: T. \\"ashl;urn Cook b. XoY. 15, 1896; m. · XO\·. 1929 at Chicago. Helen Gray. Florence L. Cook b. Feb. 26, 1903. \\.infield S. Cook b. Tune 12. 1842; d. Sept. 3, 1862. . Frederick Cook b. Feb. I. 18-1-7; cl. Sept. 3. 1849. Charles R. Cook b. XO\·. 18. 1849. Charles Russell b. Tune 28, 1807 in Bethel, :\Ie.; d. in Xorridgewock. ire.; m. 18-1-1. Susan Smith b. Jan. I. 1811; cl. Sept. 1. 1851. Eben E. Russell h. Feb. 15, 1809 in Xewry, :\Ie.; cl. Tune 6. 1838 in LouisYille, K,·. Bitse,· C. Russell b. f uh- 6, 1811 in :\fercer, ::\Ie.; d. X o~·- 13. 1862 in Sebec. :\[e. :\fan- P. Russell h. Dec. 6. 1813 in :\Iercer, :\Ie.; cl. Feb. 28. 1852 in :\Iercer, :\Ie. Leonard H. Russell b. Tan. 2. 1819 in :\Iercer, :\Ie.; d . .-\pril 5. 18-1-1. . Eunice Eames b. TulY 9. 1780. Polly Eames h ..--\ug: 1. 1782; m. John Swan. Patt,· Eames b. Tune 30. 178-1-. Xell}· Eames h. ·.-\ug. 15. 1786; m. John Copeland. Xancy Eames b. Oct. 3, 1788; m. John Copeland. Tulia Eames h. Oct. 1. 1790; m. Ahel Hubbard. Ebenezer Eames b. Oct. 29, 1792; m. Hapsabeth Kimbell. Kathan Eames b ..-\pril 30. 1797; m. :\Iary Abbott. Luther Eames h. ---; cl. Dec. 5. 1883; m. Abagail P. Russell. Sally Eames h. ---; m ..-\hner Brown. 1 J.-\:\IES4 ( Samuel3. Samuel2• Thomas ). Baptized June 26. 1763. Of Xeeclham. ::\fa,-s., moYed to Dublin. X. H .. buried in Xatick. :Mass. ::\Iarried in Xe,ny, :\Ie., Sept. 9, 1784. Ruth Felch, born Dec. 4. 1762. daughter of John and ::\Iary Felch. Settled in Dublin. X. H. Children all but three born in Dublin. X. H.: Tohn Eames b. :\farch 26. 1785. Persis Eames h. :\fay 29. 1786; m. Tames Swan 3d. Tames Eames b. Feb'. 9. 1789; m. :\f'ary Russell. Lydia (Patty) Eames h. April 1. 1791; m. Capt. Jose Baker. EA).IES-A).fES GEXEALOGY

Ruth Eames Ji. :\[arch-+. 1793; 111. Tulm Paine. Samuel Eames Ji .. \pril .?3. 1795; 1~1. A.nn Foster. Christopher Columh. Eames h. ---; cl. ---; unmar- ried. :\Iaria Eames h. ]uh ..?3. 1799; m. Ruben T. Sargent . . \lexander Eame'., 1;. :\[arch l(l, 180..?; m. :\larinda }fowe.

3 1 l-IE:\"RY4 ( Henry • Juhn 2.Thurna, 1. Burn .-'\pril 30. li'Hl. Residence. l'ramingham, :\Iass. :\Tarried :\lay 13. 1750. L,lis Hern·. daughter (Ji Peter Hu,,· oi Hopkinton. Children: Henn Eames il. :\fa, (). l 1.' 1. Gersl;am Eame,; I la]'ti,ed \ ]Jril I..?. 1; 5..?; ~t'ttled in H11, 1- ston; m. Fel1. ];8-1-. I ,l'

1 Tl\IOTilY 1 1 Henry3. Juhn 2. Thomas ). Horn :\"(11·. 23. 1132: died Sept. 3. 1191. LiYed on the horcler <>i Sudbury. 11111,·ed to Clinton. :\". Y. :\Iarried Sarah Stone. died .\pril 25. 1763. :,ge 23. :\Iarried second Hannah Hill. Sept. 23, 1163. died 1795. Children: Lucy Eame;; 11. :\fay 1. 17_:;g; d. young. Sarah Eames h. Feb. 1. 176_';; 111. Benjamin Stone. 1785. Phineas Eames h. :\fay 1-.J.. 17(J6; m. Iane Hu\\· oi Sucllmr\'. Lucencla Eames h. J uiy 30. 176R; m. ·sept. 18. 178?. :\" ath~n Smith. Chloe Eames h. Sept. 3. 1770; 111. :\Ioses Ha yen. Hannah Eames h. Dec. 18. 1774; m. :-Iatthew Stone.

4 3 1 JESSE (Henry • John2• Thomas ). Born July 14. 1738-39 ( in Framingham. 1Iass. ?) : died 1829 in Strasburg. :\". Y. He commanded a company c,f :\Ias,,;achusetts ~Iilitia at EA).IES-A:\IES GE'.\EALOGY 179

Ln,ingtun .\larm r::we Lineage Buuk \'ational Society D ..\. R. \·01. .'\_LT[ page 1. 1Q03. .\lsu numbers 41001. 33187, i63Cl0.) 'darrie

_l<)]l:\ 1 (l:-lenn·3• Jul111 2. Thoma,1 1. Burn Oct. 30. 11-t3: ,lier! :\larch 13. 1832. \\·a, Lieutenant. Re,-iclence. Framingham. 1Iass. :\farried tir,ct .\nne Bent. daughter of :\Ialhias. :\Iarriecl second ;\(ff. 15, 1798. widu\\· :\lercy Fuller uf X eedham. :),Tarried third Sall:, King"Iey. died Sept. 27. 1839. age 68. Children: \'al1h,· Eames li. ----; d. Dec. IO. 1839. age 72; unmar­ ried. Tr,hn Eames li. ----. \ancy Eames h. ---; unmarried. 1 ~IOSFS4 (Juseph3• SamueP. Thomas ). Born (baptized \pril 8. 1752) ---. Resided on his father's estate in Framingham. :\-las;;., \Yhich he bought in 1785 anrl ,-ulc! in 1809 to Samuel Clark and 1110\'ecl to Jeffry. X. H. He died in \Yhitingham, \'t. 1farriecl Xo,·. 16. 1780. Lois. daughter of Asa Adams of Holliston. intentions 1Iarch 25. 1780.

~ There wa:-- a Jesse who hy wife Ann had at Holli~ton, ~lass. the following: Children: :\ma1·a Eame:-= Ii. :\°(n-. 23, 1 i95 . . \nna F:ames Ii. :\lar. 20, 1798., 180 EA~rES-A~IES GEXEALOGY

Children: Sally Eames h. Aug. 25. 1783. Debby Eames h. A.pril 24. 1788 . .--\chsah Eames h. Feb. 27. 1790. }Ioses Eames h. Dec. 8. 1791; li,·ed in So. ~atick. Lois Eames b. XoY. 27. 1793; d. }Iarch 14, 18(18. Joseph Eames h. Jan. 27. 1796. OliYe Eames b ..--\pril IO. 1798 . .--\aron Eames b. Feb. 27. 1800; cl. ,oung. Leonard Eames h. Xm·. 26. 1802.·

1 \\'.-\L TER4 ( DaYid3, SamueJ2. Thoma,-; ). Burn in Fram­ ingham. l\fass .. Feb. 27. 1767: died in \\'hitingharn. \.t.. Sept. 11. 1811. l\IoYed to \\'hitingham. \-t.. \\ith hi,-; brother DaYid. He ,ms Lieutenant in \\'ar of 1812. Clerk oi Comb 1808. l\farried Catherine Bacon. Children : Oe-n-.\'> Joel Eames b. ---; 111. Demias Hunt. OJiye Eames h. ( kt. lS. 1792; d. ~la\· 16. 18fllJ; m. < let. 22. 1815. \\'illiam Plumb. cl. 1872. wa,-; in the \\.ar oi 181.?. Catherin Eames h. ---; m. ( 1) Ja,-;nn Reed; 111. 1 2) David Chase. · Prescott Eames h. ---; cl. young. Xellie Eames b. ---; cl. young. Benjamin Eames b. Oct. 3. 1803; cl. XoY. 11. 1864; 111. }lay 15. 1826. Rebecca Tainter. b. 1806. Stephen Eames h. Dec. 5. 1804; cl. Feb. 20. 1879; 111. :\Ialinda }Iorlev; children. none. Xellie Eames h. July I. 1806; d ..\.ug. 11. 1815. Roda Eames b. April 11. 1808; m. Isreal Boyd; res. Peru. Ill. Children: Jane Boyd b. Jan. 30. 1832; 111. Feb. 4. 1855 ..-\. L. Shephard. Children. two sons and one daughter. Prescott Eames h. June 15, 1810; d. Sept. 1. 1813.

Xote. A communication from A. A. Butterfield daterl JacksonYille, \·r.. June 2S. 1920, states that at \\.hitingham. Yt. the Baptist Church was organized Oct. 18, l~O.~. and among its original members was \Yalter Eames. Esther Eame:,:;,, Katherin Eame::-. Joel B. Eames, Olive Eames and Esther Eames, 2d. ..-\lso \\·alter and Kate Eame:'­ had five chi]dren recorded here from 1803 to 1810. Joel B. Eames and wife Dimia, had four children born here hetween 1814 and lRli. Eleipel B. Eames and wife had four children horn here between 1814 and 1819. David Eames. Jr. and \\·ife Fanney had three children recorded here from 18..2J to 1828, their nlcle"-t. Fanne'\· A .. rnanied Deacon s~reater. He al:--o states that he kne\,· them all. · EAMES-A1fES GENEALOGY 181

1 \'.\TH.\\'I EL4 ( \'athaniel3. \'athanieJ2. Thomas ). Born Sept. 11. 17--1-7: died Sept. 8. 1820. Resided on the Jona Eames place. :Harried Kate Rice. daughter of _Tona Rice. died .\Ia,· 30. 1833. Children: .\nna Eames L. Feb. 5. 1772; 111 ..\ug. 1. 1802 ..\rno,;a Foba . .\lexander Eames b. Tuh· 5. 177--1-. Zedekiah Eames h. F~h. · 13. 1776; cl. age two years . .\be! Eames b . .\fa,· 23. 1778. Rachal Eames h . .\·[ay 20. 1780; 111. Seth Fohe,.;; re,. Pari~ . .\Ie. Stephen Eames 1>. July 6. 178..?; d. age four yr~. Lcn·ell Eame,; b. Feb. 7. 1785. Zedekiah Eames h. ( kt. 1787; d. in Georgia. Patty Eames hapti;;ed .\ug. 1791; cl. July 29. 1880; unmar­ ried. Jonathan Eames h. July 5. 1793.

1 C\PT. l).\\'IEL4 ( Daniel3. \'athanieJ2. Thomas ). Born (.\[arch 29. 17--1-0: died June 22. 1812. age 73?). Hi,; name appear;; in the lineage hook \'ational Society D ..\. R. \'ol. 1. re,·ised edition page 11. \\·here he is giYen a, Capt. of a :.\Iassachu;;ett;; Regt . .\farried \'O\·. 26. 1761. :.\:Ian· Cutler. Children: Daniel Eames b. ---; m. Feb. 19. 1789 . .\Iolly. daughter of .\aron \\'right. They mm·ecl to Black River. \'. Y. Children: Kitriclge Eames b. June 30. 1789. Daniel Eames b. Dec. 26. 1790 . .\[innie Eames h. Tune 23. 1792. Lowll Eames h. _: __ ; rn. Luc\' C . .\Iorgan. Children: . Lucia Eames h. ---; m. Henry F. Blount; res. \\'ashington. D. C. Children: Bessie Herrick Blount h. in Indiana.

1 RCBE\'4 (Gersham3• Samuel2• Thomas ). Born April 10. 17--1-:l in Holli,-ton . .\!ass: died May 16. 1818. He is kno,,·n a,; Lieutenant.

See Lineage Buok D ..-\.R. \·01 IX Page -L3 Xo. 8115. also \·01. I Page 11 ~o . .?4. 18.2 EA:\IES-A:\IES c;EXEALOGY

.\Iarried tirst Elizah':"th \\.hipple. clied Feh. 6. 1768 . .\larried ;;econd Jane Kendell. Children (see :(ote): :\Ioses Ean1e~ h. 1763; 111. 1~1izal)eth l~an1es int. _\ug:. ~, 1786. Children: .\Joses Eames h. Jan. :i. 178;; 111. ----. Children: DaYid Eames Ii. ----; 111. ---• Children: Stephen 1 I. Eame, Ji. 1:,.;_=iO. Jonathan Eames h. Ian. 2\), 17:,i.\/. ifatsy Eames Ii .. \ug. 8, 17()]. Ruth Eames h .. \ug. 8. ]7tJJ. Clarra Eames 11. =--:o,·. 11. 17\/_;_ Ruben Eames I>. (let. 3. 17tJ7. 1 El.I\..\'. ( (-;er,;harn 3• SamueP. Tlwma,; I. B"rn 17-L;: kip­ tized Sept. 7. 17-1-6: died 1Sept. :i. 18i13:J . .\Iarrie

_-\LEX.-\:;DER5 ( =--:athaniel4. :;athaniel3 • :-;atlianie1 2• Tho:nas1 ). Born July 5. 1774: died Oct. 28. 1861. Resided in Framingham . .\lass . .\.farried .-\hagail Lcl\·ell of .\.Iedford. died Jan. 31. 18S2 .

..,. Thi~ appear~ to he the Gen,ham who settled in Dm·e1-, \'t., a blacksmith am! had a son ]Dhn of Brattleboro, \~t. ~ote. \·ital records of Holliston, ).las~. gives as children of a Ruben and Jane Eames the follo·wing: Sarah Eames h. Oct. 25. 1769, )Iartha h. Jan. 14, 1771, \\'arren h. April '7. 1776. d. Jan. 12. 1781, Hannah h. Jan. 24. J iii m. David Fish, \Yilliam h. April 21. 1778 cl • .\'o,·. 24. 1790 Eli h. April 15, 1782'. Joseph h. )larch 23. 1787, This Eli' m. Salley Dedman July 21, l 801 and had son \\.illiam h. Sept. i, 1801 ** anlay 29. 1R4J, EA~1ES-A11ES GE'.\EALOGY 183

Children: DaYid Eames b. ]uh· 12. 1802; was a wheelwright; m. :.\Ian· Pratt. wh~) d: Oct. 22. 18-+8. daughter of .\aron. Children: Louisa.\. Eames lJ. lune 23. UQq_ \ \"illiam F. Eames h'. :.\larch 1. 1831 ; d. Feh. 12. 1886; 111. Julia .\. 1-!itchcnck of Strong. :.\fe.; 1110\·ed to \,.ore-ester. Twin hrn. Fame,; Ii. ----; d. 1833. Sarah E. Eames h. Ian. 16. I 835; rl. lune 23. 1881 ; m. \\'arren C. Chan~Lerlain. · D,l\·id l{ingharn Eames IL .\ug. 2, I 8 31; cl. June 22. 18(: ➔; killed in battle . . \lfred :.\1. Eames h. Feh. 13. 18--1--!; rn .. \da F. Teh­ hetb. h. in Ro:-;lmn·. :.\lass. :\Ian· bal1el Eames ·1l. \:o\·. 11. 18--!,;; res. Jamaica l'fain; 111. Erlwarrl Se\·erans. l•:cl\\·,ml Eames 11. < kt. -+. 180--l-; d .. \ug. 2tJ. 1850; res. Framingham. :.\fass.; 111. ( 1) Fel>. 3. 183--l-. Catherine Eames. daughter of . \ lieP Eames ( :'\ athaniel\ :'\ athan­ 1 ieP. \athaniel2. Thornas I; 111. I 2) Charles .-\mes nf II nelson. :.\lich. i...'hildren: Charles.\. Fame,; 1>. Feh. 11. 1835; 111. Rose "\L John­ sc Ill. .\ngelia .\. Eames 11. :\[arch 22. 183(>; m. James Cage of :-.fnnson. II arriett L. Eames h. 1u 1\· (>. 18--10; 111. Charles C. Fitch . . \lice :.\f. Eames h. Dec.· 18. 18-+2; rn. Samuel Butter- tield. \\ illi,1111 Eames h. Sept. 22. 1806; rl. July 22. 182G. !'her L. Eames h. :.\la\' I. 180(); d. :.\fa\·-+. 1815; unmarried . . \Lagail Eames h ..\p~il 8. 1812; 111 .. \aron Pratt Jr. Charles Eames h. "\fay-+. 1815; cl. :.\farch 23. 183--l-; unmar- ried. · "\fary .\1111 Eames h .. \pril 27. 1818; d. Sept. lo. 1820.

1 c\BEI} (\:athanie14. Xathaniel3. XathanieJ2. Thomas ). Born :.\Jay 23. 1778; died .\ug·. 18. 1859. l{esided in Frnmingham. ~.fass. ~Tarried Hattie Eames. died .\ug. 20. 18f,8. daughter of Henn·. Children: ":.\fary Eames h. Oct. 18. 1804; m. Thomas C. Sterns. Hen~y Eames h. April 14. 1807. Catherin Eames b. :.\fay 17. mu; m. ( 1) Edwanl Eames. 18-+ EA11ES-A1IES GE:(EALOGY

a first cousin; rn. ( 2) Charles Eames or .\mes of :-Iichi­ gan. Luther Eames h. Sept. 7. 1813. Harriett Eames h. June 7. 18l(i; rn. Lorenzo E. Rice. Edwin Eames b. S~pt. 24. 1818. twin. Eleanor H. Eames h. Sept. 24. 1818. twin; cl. :\'o,·. 1920 in :-Ianchester. :\'. H .. age 102; m. :\'m·. 13. 18+4. George :-I. Herring. George Eames b. :\'oY. 5. 1822; cl ..\ug. 13. 18(,3; m. Dec. 9, 1851. Rosella \\·yrnon; children. none.

LO\'ELL5 ( :\' athanie14. \" athaniel3. ;( athanieF. Thomas 11. Born Feb. 7. 1785: died Dec. 4. 1865. Occupation, blacksmith. Residence. Framingham. :-Ia,-s. Married April 5. 1810. Lucy Eames. died July 11. 1870.

JO:\' ATHA :\'5 (Xathaniel4. :\'athaniel3. Xathaniel2. 1 Thomas ). Born July 5. 1793; died Feb. 6. 1877. Married Susan Eames. died Dec. 23. 1875. daughter of Henry Eames. Children: Zedekiah Eames h. Oct. 28. 1818; d. young. Lawson Eames h. :\'O\·. 6. 1819; lost on the steamer ".-\tlan­ tic", :\'O\·. 27. 1846. Emerson Eames h. Xov. 10, 1821; cl. Aug.19.1870; un­ married. EAMES-AMES GENEALOGY 185

Clarissa Eames h . .:\fay 16. 1824; m. Oct. 4. 1849. Ben- jamin Foster. · Eliphalet Eames b. April 10. 1826; m. 1Iary E. ---. Children: ..\nna Jennette Eames b. Feb. 20, 1854; d. age 4 yrs. Etta OrYella Eames b ...\pril 21. 1856; d. Dec. 20, 1870. EYerett 0. Eames b. Tan. 1858. 1finnie (adopted) Eimes b. ---. Fannev C. Eames h. Feb. 24. 1828. Emil/ B. Eames h. Feb. 18. 1830. Hen;y Gardiner Eames b. July 10. 1832; m. Dec. 25, 1856, Sarah 1I.. daughter of John ..\nnetts. Children: Hattie Fonna Eames h. Dec. 19, 1897. \\.illmr ..\. Eames h. Feb. 26. 1864. \\'illiarn R. Eames b . .:\farch 30. 1834.

EBE.\'EZER5 ( Ehenezer4. Samuel3. Samuel2_, Thomas1). Born Oct. 2G. 1792; died XoY. 19. 1870. He resided opposite .:\Iiddle Inten·ale. Bethel. Me .. on the north ,-;i

Children: Donald Chapman b. ---; rn. Elsie Bolster. Children: .\Iarian Chapman b. ---. Katherine Chapman b. ---. Barbara Chapman b. ---; m. Raymond Farrar. Timothy H. Chapman b. Sept. 21. 1861; m. Eva .\Iason; had one daughter. .\ugustus \\·. Eames h. Xov. 26. 1824; cl. July 31. 1853 in Cal. Ebenezer Eames h. Dec. 3. 1826; cl. Dec. 6. 1827. Pauline K. Eames h. Sept. 13. 1825; cl. young. Paulene E. Eames h. Avril 13. 1840; 111. John Philbrook. Children: Edith Philbrook h. ---; 111. F. I. Brown . .\I. D Freel G. Philbrook h. ---; m. Daisy Cunningham.

1 X.-\TH.-\X·5 (Ebenezer\ Samuel3. Samne12. Thoma:- ). Born A_pril 30. 1797; died June 8. 1838. Resided near \Yalkers .\Iilb. Bethel . .\Ie. Married .\Iary c\hbott. daughter of Jonathan .-\hhott. Children: Curtis Cooleclge Eames h. Feli. 1826; res. Tennessee. Daniel Eames h. Tune 10. 1827; m. Amelia P. Grm·er. Elizabeth Eames ii. Sept. 24. 1829; 111. .\lbert Gro.-er. wa;; killed by lightning in .\I innesota. £leaner Eames b. June 8. 1830; m. Edger Stacy; res . .\Tin­ nesota . .\Iary .-\. Eames h ..-\ug. 3. 1832; rn. J. Bradley Lock; re!< . .\Iinnesota . .\Iartha .\I. Eames h ..\ug. 3. 1832; m. 1860. Daniel B. Grover; cl. in Bethel. .\Ie. Children: .\fary L. Grover h. April 13. 1861; m ..\ug. 24. 1881. Geo. A. Chenev .. Xathan E. Crov~r h . .\fay 25. 186-; d. in infancv. Sumner .-\. Grm·er b ..-\pril 24. 1865. Xathan C. Crover b. Jan. 31. 1862 . .\rthur C. Grover b. Aug. 21. 1870. Oscar L. Grover b ..-\ug. 28. 1874. Xancy Eames b . .\larch 27. 1834; m. Josiah Ballard. Kathan Eames b. A.pril 20. 1836; moved to California.

LCTHER5 ( Ebenezer4. Samuel3. Samuel2. Thorna~1 ). Born ---; died Dec. 5. 1883. Resided in the north part of the tO\rn of Bethel. .\Ie. EA11ES-A1IES GEXEALOGY 187

:\Iarried .-\hagail Pease Russell. died .-\pril 6. 1888: daugh­ ter of \\.illiam Rtts,-ell. Children: Albert C. Eames b. Sept. 30, 1825; cl. .-\pril 2. 1860 in Cal. Luc\· Russell Eames b. Feh. 19. 1827; cl. Tune 23. 1849. \\.iliiam Russell Eames h. Sept. 9, 1832 in. Bethel. :\Ie.; res. on the homestead of his father; sen·ecl seyeral years on the Board of Selectmen; 111. :\[a\· 1. 1863. Elizah~th Clar­ essa. daughter of \\"illiam ancl ·sarah ( \\"itham) Barker of Xewn·. ::\fe. Children·: :\Ian· H.ussell E;mes h. Feb. 28. 186-1-. Ella· Blanch Eames h ..-\ug. 6. 1866; 111. \ \'alter G. Emery. Bethel. :\re . .\.lhert Cooleclge Eames li. A.ug. 15. 1871. Ethel Elizabeth Eames h. Sept. .25. 1879.

S.-\:\ICEI} (Jame,-4, Sarnuel3. Sarnuel2. Thuma,;1 ). Born .-\pril 23. 1795. :\Iarried A.1111a Fu;;ter. :\l"\·ed tu ~e\ny. :\Ie. Children: LoYina Eames h. Sept. 16. 1819; cl. Sept. 5. l8CJ8; 111 .•-\pril 23. 1838. H.ufus SteYelb. Children: .\sa F. SteYens IJ. :\farch 8. 1848; 111 ..-\ngie Power~. Eli F. Stnens h. Tan. 2-1-. 18-1-9; m. Ella Bryant. ln-ing SteYens h. ·~O\·. 1. 185(); m. :\Iinnie Littlehale. Ruben Eames h. June 22. 1821; cl. :\larch 8. 1883 . .:-\nna F. Eames 1;. June 28. 1823; cl. Sept. 1. 1913. Cyntha Eames h. :\lay 2. 1825; d. Sept. 30. 1880. Lydia F. Eames h. Feh. 9. 1828; cl ..-\pril 9. 1830. Lydia F. Eames h. :\fay 12. 1830; cl. Sept. 8. 1868; m. George Emery. b·elin Eames h. Seµt. 3. 1832; cl. Dec. 22. 1916. Vienna Eames h. Jan. 6. 1835; d. :\Iay 16. 1904; 111. Oti~ Hadorcl. :\Ian:F. Eames h. June 13. 1837; cl. ]an.•+. 1913. Sarah F. Eames h. XoY. 8. 1839. . Helena Eames h. Feb. 27. 1846; cl. July 26. 1866 .

.-\LEX.-\XDER 5 (James4. Samuel3. Samuel2. Thoma;:; 1 \. Born :\larch 16. 1802. :\Iarriecl :\Iarinda Ho\Ye, born in Bridgton. :\Ie .. :\fay 13. 1805. a de;:;cendant in the line of Israel Putnam. EAMES-AMES GENEALOGY

Children all born in So . .\'e,ny. :.le. :.Iarinda Howe Eames b. Sept. 1. 1824; cl. .\pril 15. 1904; unmarried. Lnlia Swan Eames b. Tuh· 21. 1826; m. ( 1) .\ug. 1. 1855, ·John Safford Parsm{s; ·111. (2) 1863. H.eY. :.foses Patten . .\l~xander Eames b. June 6. 1828. Salome Greenwood E~mes h. ( let. 13. 18.30. Child --- Eames h. :.farch 3. 1833; cl. same da,· . .\nna Foster Eames h. Fell. 24. 1834; m ..\nson ~r John Schofield. Perris Foster Eames li. :\Ia,· 30. 183(1; 111. Elin· .\lbee. John Felch Eames h . .\pril 6. 1839. · Ellen Lucelia Eames h. Feb. 8. I 1841 :- ) ; rn. Solon .\!bee. Children: Ellen· _\!bee h. ---; m. ~--; res . .\'. Y. He is a J;rofessor in Cornell L"niY., Ithaca. :\'. Y. Edward Howe Eames h. :.Jay 23. 1844; d.; unmarried.* Corliss Taylor Eames h. :\fa~- 10. 184(1; d. Tune 11. 1920; unmarri~d. · ·

5 4 3 2 1 HE:\'RY (Henry • Henry • _luhn • Thumas ). Born :.Ia\' 6. 1751; died Jan. 21. 1829. Resided in Framingham. :,,Ia,-;,-;., on the Eben Eames estate. :.Iarried hrst :\larch 1. 1781. .\zuhiah HaHn. died Oct. 10. 1820. :.Iarried second Feb. 14. 1822. \\'idu,,· Elizabeth Kendell. died .\'oy_ 13. 1848. Children of Henry and .'\.zuhiah ( Ha yen I Eames: Hattie Eames b . .\'m·. 13. 1871; 111 •.\he] Eames5 ( .\'athan­ ie14). :Ruth Eames h. :.larch 30. 1784; m. :,,"nY. 30. 1806. :,,"ehe­ rnial.1 Howe of Hopkinston . .\'ahhy Eames h. July 3. 1786; 111. Joseph Sayage. Lucy Eames h. :\larch 16. 178':J; 111. LoYell Eames5 1 :,," athaniel4). SukeY Eames h. Tan. 16. 1792; rn. Tona Eames. Henr·y Eames h. ·.\ug. 30. 1795; cl.· 1803.

JOTH.\l\15 (Henry4. Henry3• John2. Thornas1 ). Born 1756. Settled in S,Yanzey, :,,". H. ::\larriecl ::\fay 24. 1787. En,;J1ebia. daughter of Re,·. \Vm. <;oddard.

- Hi" name may be Edwin. Ek\IES-A~IES 1:;E'.':EALOG'\ 189


1 !OH\:·; (John\ Henry3. Juhn2• Th,nna,; ). Born died :.\Ia,· 13. 1838. :.\Tarried Feh. 13. 1811. Sall_,. Littletield. died Feh. 17. 1827. ch11.l.!:ht1cr uf Ephram uf Hollistun. l'hilclren: Caruline Eames Ii. \:o,·. L!. 1811; m ..-\pril 19. 1836 ..-\rch­ dens C-as,;ett. :'llarcia I(. Eames Ii. :.\fay 2. 1813; m. Sept. 10. 1836. Royal Crant. Elizabeth Eames IJ. :.\larch 7. 1P13; 111. Ra,· :.\Iann. Harrison Eames h. :\°()Y . .?. !8H1; re,. Fra~1ingha111. :.\las,;.; m. Eunice\\·. Harris. Children: Linda Eames h. lune 18-t0; rn. \:. S. Robinson. Jnhn H. Eames ii. \:m· . .?.?, 1846; m. Julia F ..\lcle­ man. Edward C. Eames h. \:11\'. 1. 1848; cl. Feb. 3, 1861. Elmira Eames h. \:oY. 7. 1819; rn. Feb. 25. 1840. :.\[artin .\. Jones of \:atick. :.\[as,. Ch(ldren: Camelia Jones h. ---. :'lhrcia Jone, !J. ----. Rcl\'al Tone,; h. ---. \rthur. Jones h. ---. .-\!ton T~nes IJ. 1839; twin. Floran~e Jones h. 1859; twin; m ..-\ lhert Leroy .\mes of Jefferson. :.\le .. son of .-\lhert J. 6 in the.line of Rol;ert of \\.olmrn. :.\lass. :.\Ian B. Eames h. Oct . .?4. 1821: m. :.\larch 30. 1843. Ti1omas E ..-\ndrews of Buffalo. X. Y . .-\ntonette Ophelia Eames h. Oct. 17. 1824; m. Stephen .-\ nclrews. E,·erline Cornelia .-\me:-; h. Oct. 17. 1824; twin; rn. Geo. E. Cutler of Framingham. :.\Iass. 190 EAMES-A~IES GE.1',;EALOGY

TI:.\fOTHY5 (_)esse4. Henr_..- 3• John2• Thumas1 ). Born Sept. 9. 1762; died March 19. 1846. Knmn1 as Col. Eames. Occupation. brickmaker. Married Mary Johnson. died ..\ug. 11. 1834. ag·e 66. daugh · ter of Peter of ;\Iayland. Children: Charles F. Eames b . .\I arch 25. 1800; cl. .\larL:h 5. 1~3.1 . .\Iary F. Eames h. June 2. 1807; cl .. -\ug·. 30. 1831. George .\I. Eames h. Jan. 11, 1811; cl. June 2lJ. 1~51; m. Dulcena; res. on his father's place. Children: .\Iarv Ann Eames h. Tune 16. 1835. Geo;ge P. Eames b. Dec. 1. 1830.

1 JOI-L'( 5 (Rohert4• Jolrn 3, John2• Thoma,; ). Hurn l)ec. 15. 1742; died April 18. 1806. In 1776 this John \\·as Second Lieutenant in Capt. Xixun';; Cu. of ;\1inute Men (see Lineage Book Xat. Society D ...\. R. \·01. n· page 32). ;\farriecl May 1809, Ruth Sterne. Children: .\Iary Eames b. June 8. 1763; 111. Capt. Criah Rice. Ruth Eames h. :\farch 18. 1765; 111. Ezra Rice . Robert Eames b. Tulv 24. 1767; settled in \\"hitestown. X. Y.; m. June i4. i793. Polly Clayer. Huldah Eames h. Feb. 17. 1769; cl. young. John Eames h . .\Iay 28. 1770; m. Sally Sanger; settled m Xew Hartford. X. Y. Children: *Jedediah Sanger Eames h. 111. Helen Jane Crary. Children: Helen Eames h. ---; 111. Charles Hamelton. Children: Sarah Stafford Hamelton b. in X. Y. Hezekiah Eames b. July 8. 1774; cl. young . ..\nna Eames b . .\-larch 26, 1776; 111. Xathan :\Ianson. Deborah Eames b. Feb. 10. 1778; m. Xathaniel \Vhiting. Hezekiah Eames baptised .\fay 27. 1780; m. Percis Butler; lived in ~- Y. Children: Edward Eames b. ---; 111 . .\Iaria Broadwell. Children:

See lineage hook Xat. Soc. D.A.R. Yo!. \.III. JI. 329. EA1[ES-A11ES GENEALOGY 191

tLuuise Eames b. in X. Y.; m ..\lonzo :\father. .\sa Eames b. ---; m. --- Butler; res. in X. Y. ;\athaniel G. Eames b ..-\pril 9. 1782; cl. unmarried at Bata­ Yia. X. Y. :\fathew B. Eames b. Dec. 6. 1785; cl. Aug. 10. 1816 at Paris. X. Y. Sally Eames b. Sept. 9. 1787; rn. ---- Smith of Xew Hartford. X. Y.

1 BE:-,;-_J.\:\IIX·; ( \\'alter4. l)ayicl3• Sanmel2• Thomas ). Burn Oct. 3. 1803: died Xov. 11. 1864. :\Iarried :\Iay 15. 1825. Rebecca Tainter, died July 14. 1874. Children: Benjamin Franklin Eames b. Jan. 19. 1827; cl. :\Iay 31, 1864; 111. Dec. 31. 1851. Orindia Smith. b. A.ug. 2, 1827, cl. :\fay 16. 1907. Children: Kate Eames b. June 28. 1853; d ..\ug. 18, 1863. . :\fardelia Rebecca Eames h. Jan. 23. 1827-29; cl. ),fay 5, 1908; m. :\fay 17. 1849, Horace Kingsbury, cl. Jan. 23. 1849. Children: Horace Edward Kingsbury b. Dec. 18, 1850 in Hali­ fax. \'t.; d. Sept. 18, 1877; 111. Florence Plornpteaux, :\fay 28. 1871. Chiidren: .-\lbert Edward Kingsbury h. Dec. 25, 1875; cl. Sept. 24. 1877. :\fardelia Grace Kingsbury b. Sept. 15, 1877. Delia Emma Kingsbury b. April 6. 1853; cl. Dec. 5, 1861. Stella Eh·ira Kingsbury b. Aug. 28. 1855; cl. Dec. 3. 1861. Charles H. Kingsbury h. Sept. 22. 1861. in :\Iinn.; cl. Sept. 20. 1877. . \\"illie Eugene Kingsbury h. :\fay 6, 1863 in :\-Iinn.; cl. :\fay 24. 1866. Clara Delle Kingsbury b. Feb. 25, 1865; cl. Oct. 5. 1877. Gertrude B. Kingsbury h. Jan. 16, 1871; cl. Sept. 18, 1877. \\'alter Joseph Eames b. Dec. 1831; cl. :\Iay 19, 1866; m. Almira Bishop. Lucenda Tainter Eames b. Sept. 25. 1834; cl. Sept. 1871 at Beckenhridge, :\Io.; m. James William Plumb.

See lineage l,oek Xat. Soc. D.A.R. \'ol. [\', p. 32, 192 Ek\fES-A1fES GEXEALOGY

\\.illiam Plumb Eame,; h ..·\ug. 15. 1838; cl. in CiYil \\-ar, .--\pril 4. 1863. Prescott Stephen Eames h. Aug. 2. 1840; cl. June 30. 1908; m. Tan. 29. 186-1-. Ella .--\rahelle Dunklee. Tame; :\Iaclison Earne,; h. :\larch 9. ( 1) 1843; cl. [une 2. · 1884; m. ~ept. 6. 1865. l'ersis .--\. Howe. cl. Jan. 10. 1921. Children: Benjamin L. Eames Ji .•--\ug. 22. J8(i6; cl. Dec. 1. 1872 . .-\lice :'Ilaria Eames ii. Feb. 3. 1875; twin . .-\!ta Rebecca Eames h. FeiJ. 3 .1875; twin. Gardiner Eames h ..·\pril 21. 1877; cl. Jan. 8. 188(>. Florence.--\. Eames h. [an. 7. 1881; d. l)ec. 3. ](J05. ~"-'¥( )!jye Per,;i,; Eames h. :\pril 8. !88.1; d. Sept. 10. 1884. 1 [OEI.5 (\\-alter'. lla\·ict3. SamueJZ. Tlwma" ). Burn :;.c Tu\~~/ died '1 ~l-4 ~'&3"\ :\farried Dimia:- Hunt. !lee. 24. Residence whru~hc,..mJ 'Lt: Children: \\"ashington Eames h. ~;:.r~ ~'irt'"{ EYeline Eames h.UL~y___; m. \ \' illiarn l'e11nel; re". '.\1Jrmal. Ill. Children: ·de.cl. •) Tennie Pennel h. ---; m. Io~eph Carter. ,...... - t'"t1- '5' \!f-.:> • I i5.Q___ • , r;\ L.~1$,. sl :\lary Pennel I>. - ; 111. .--\lhert H. Barber ~ 1 :,.,,. ""' ,.1 ~c...r"""1!'>L 1') Flora Pennel h. ---. I"'\', -- l~l'e>"'' r. ti 1,,., ....;u110, ~ E p I I Ya enne i. -----::..-- \ ,_ :i.~ Theodosia Eames h . .:l.1.. J...,\~; 111. Lewi:; \\.eston; re". 1.rand- Yille. Ill. Children: Ella \\'eston b. -f:i.."7. Julia Eames h. ti...EP_I; m. --- Bullock. Children: Henn· Bullock h. ---. Eliza· Bullock h. ---. Lura Bullock h. ---.

0LI\.E5 (\\"alter4. DaYid3• Samuel2• Thonns1). Born Oct. 15. 1792; died :Vfay 18. 1869. :VIarried Oct. 22. 1815. \\"illiam Plumb. He \\·as in the \\·ar of 1812. died Sept. 11. 1872. Children: Olfre L. Plumb h. July 14. 1817; 111. Feh. 5. 183R. Lewis Hall. Children: :'Ilaria Hall li. ---; 111. H ud~on. EA1fES-AMES GEXEALOGY 193

Sally :-[aria Plumb b. Sept. 13. 1819; m. Russell Bascom. Children: George P. Bascom h. Xo\'. 3. lf-:43; m. XoY. 18, 1866. Josephine Hicks. Children: Ernest Bascom Ii. ---. George Bascom b. ---. Ellen L. Bascom b. fan. 12. 1846; m. Jan. 2. 1870. Alhert L. Thurber." Children: Grace Thurber b. ---; m. Geo. Hill. \\"m. Russell Bascom b. Sept. 8. 1848; m. ( 1) _.\bigail HoYe\'; m. ( 2) X ellie Smith. Child~en: Russel B. b. :-Ia\' 24-. 1873. Lelia b. :-Iar. 3( 1875. Freel b. July 27. 1877. Harry H. 1;. April 15. 1879. George R. b. June 25. 1882. Burton H. b. :-Iarch 1887. Children h\· second wife: Dean S. ·h. Tan. 25. 1895. :-fan· .'\.1111 Plumb h. ·oct. 28. 1881; cl. f uh- 15, 1838. \\"ill~am L. Plumb b. :-[arch 19, 1827; ~I. Aug. 29, 1829. Henry C. Plumb b. :-[arch 8. 1831; cl ...\pril 20. 1862 m Ci,:il \\.ar; m. Eliza S. Grayes. Children: Effie Plumb b. ---. \Yilliam Plumh b. ---. ..\lice Plumb b. ---. :\Ielinda E. Plumb h. Oct. 22. 1833; cl. age 85 yrs.; m. :\[arch 15. 1S59. Elijah \\·. Smith. cl. Dec. 31. 1901. Children: Lula Smith h. ---. X ellie Smith h. ---. ..\lice Smith h. ---; twin. Kate Smith b. ---; twin. 1 J ..\:\IES 5 (James4. Samuel3. Sarnuel2. Thomas ). Born Feb. 9, 1789; died Sept. 10. 1849. Residence. ---. :\Iarried Feb. 27, 1812. Polly or Mar~- Russell born Feb. 29. 1794. daughter of Benjamin and Mihetable Russell. Children probably all born at East ..\ncioyer, Surplus. or East Xe\\Ty. :Me.: Christopher Columbus Eames h. XoY. 18. 1817. 194 EA1IES-AMES GEXEALOGY

Benjamin Eames h. ---; cl. Xov. 28, 1860, age 3..? yrs.; an inventor anc! moved to Xorthborough. ::\Iass. and apparently died there as he is buried in the Family lot and the stone states that he cl. X o,·. 28, 1860 at the age of 32 yrs. The stone of Benjamin Eames is marked ''Husband"; we have no record of his wiie. ::\Iiranda Eames h. ---; she is said to ha,·e moved to :.\Iassachusetts. Levi F. Eames b. ---. There may have heen other chilclre11.

EZRA·; (Jesse4. Henry3, John2, Thoma,-1) Born July 14, 1738-39 in Framingham, ::\lass. ~farried about 1790, Lucy Car,-;elon of Le,vistu11. ::\Ie .. horn at Cape Ann, Mass., 1farch 1773, moved \\"ith her parenb to Lewiston, Me., in 1776 and her youngest ,-ister Sally ,,·as the first \\·hite girl born in Le,viston. Children: Isaac .--\mes h. Dec. 1S. J 7CJ..?; twin. Ezra Ames h. Dec. 1S. 179..?; twin; res. Freeman. Eben .-\mes h. Sept. 30. 1794; res. Freeman . .-\aron .--\mesh. Jan. 29. 1797; res. Farmington. :\Ie. Daniel .-\mes h. Feh. 20. 1799. James G. Ames h. A.ug. 1. 1801; cl. young. Deiclamia .-\mesh. Juh- 14. 1804; cl. about 1886; m. Con­ verse ::\foocly; re~. }'armington. ::\[e. Children: \\'illiam ::\looch· h. ---. Celena ::\fooch··h. ---. :\Iary :\Ioocly · h. ---. Columbus :'.\Iooch· h. ---. Tames G. Ames h. Jt;h- 9, 1907. \nnis .--\mes h ..-\ug. 7. 1810; cl. 1877. *Elizabeth .--\mes h. ::\fav 21. 1813; cl. :\larch 30. 1886; 111. Feb. 4, 1848. Joseph. Russell. h. Jan. 29. 1789 in Lunen­ burg, ::\[ass .. cl. ::\larch 1..?. 1860. he wa, a :\[ethoclist ::\finister, located then at Farmington. :\le., a brother to Gen. Xathan Russell. Children: John S. Russell h. Sept. 17. 1850; cl. Sept. 6. 1834. }Iary Elizabeth Russell h ..-\pril 8, 1832; cl. Sept. 4, 1854. John :-\.nclrew Russell h. Xo,·. 17. 1857; was principal of a school in Boston for years. was pensioned. re­ turned to Farmington. ::\fe.; unmarried. * See history of Farmington. :'.\J e. EA11ES-A11ES GEXEALOGY 195

3 \\-lLLL\~I C,Ol)D.\RD" (Jotham5• Henry4. Henry • John2• Thomas1 I. Born June 16. 1788: died ( .\pril 2. 1861 ?) . :vrarried .\pril 22. 1813. Claressa. horn :'.\ov_ 28. 1792. died Jan. 14. 1867. daughter of .\mos Bailey. Children: Crntha Eames h. :\!av 1. 1814. L~mi,;a Eames h. Sept. 22, 1815; d. Feb. 12, 1844. Henn· Eames b. Tulv 24. 1817. Zelpha Eames h ...\1~ril 4. 1821; d. July 3L 1837. Claressa Eames h. Aug. 10, 1828; m. Lymon Hawes. \\'illiam Eames h. :\larch 22. 1831; cl. June 26. 1884 in Cal. Eusebia Eames h. Oct. 21. 1834; cl. :\fay 25. 1880; m. Geo. :\Ioore. · 6 1 JOTH.\:\[ (Jothamj. Henry\ Henr_\· 3• John2• Thomas ). Born Clct. 11. 1793: died :\[arch 11. 1850. :\[arriecl Sept. 7. 1819, Kezia 11.. horn Sept. 23. 1794, died Sept. 1891. daughter uf UaYid El_\· of Lynn. ::\Ia~s. Children: Lucy Eames h. ---; d. young. Sarah .\nn Eames h. June 30, 1820; cl. July 19, 1820. DaYid Ely Eames h. Feb. 22. 1822; d ..\pril 3, 1864. Lucy .\nn Eames h ..\ug. 28; m. Jan. 27. 1854. Ephram Kidder of ::\Iichigan. Tames C. Eames h. lune 17. 1825. \ann· Eames h. Fell. 27, 1827; m. Henry H ..\twoocl. Kezii :\I. Eames b. Jan. 1. 1829; m. H~stings Carpenter. Rhoda Eames b ..\pril 10. 1830. Rhoda ::\L Eames h. Tan. 25. 183-; m. Orlando Ames of ::\Iichigan. · Jntham C. Eames h. Dec. 9. 1834; cl. Feb. 2, 1841. i:rederic P. Eames h. Jan. 21. 1838; cl. ).Iarch 25, 1840.

6 4 1 LE\'I F. (_lames5• _Tames • Sanmel3 Samuel2. Thornas ). Bnrn -----. Residence.---. 1Iarriecl ---. Children: Lewis C. Eames h. ---; cl. :\larch 1925. :\[. Lusena Eames h. ---; m. --- Baker.. -\fter the death of ::\L Lusena. :\Ir. Baker. rn. her sister. Cora .\. Eames b. ---; m. --- Baker, who cl. about 1885. Bennj. Eames h. ---;cl.young. Charles C. Eames h. ---; m ..\pril 7, 1888, ::\fary 196 EA1fES-A11ES GE:-:EALOGY

Eames b. Sept. 3. 1861 in Bethel. .\fe .. cl. .\pril 23. ICl3l. daughter oi Johni and Helen I Stewns) Eames; res. Bethel. .\Ie. Children: Grace Eames li. .\[arch 29. 1896; cl . .\fa\· 2. 1898. Edith .\. Eames h. ---; 111. Daniel Fo:s.: of Berlin. X. H. Freel G. Eames b. Dec. 15. 1866 in Xe\n\· . .\le.; res. Rum- ford Point . .\Ie. ; m. Carrie Carr. ·

6 3 1 RCBEX ( Sanmel5. James\ Sanrnel • SarnueF. Thomas ). Born June 22. 1821; died .\larch 8. 1883. :Married Dolly Jackson. Residence, ---. Children: Leona Eames b. ---. Fannie Eames b. ---. Helen Eames b. ---. Charles Eames h. res. 111 or near Bethel. .\fe.; married. Children: Oren Eames b. ---. Fannie Eames Ii. ---. Tesse Eames b. --- . Gladys Eames b. ---.

.--\XX.-\ F. E.-\MES6 ( SamueP. James4• Sanrnel3, SamueF. 1 Thomas ). Born June 28. 1823; died Sept. 1. 1913. Married Daniel Flint . .:\larch 1850. Children: Orrin F. Flint 1-J • .\farch 18. 1851; cl. .-\pril 2.?. 1l/07; m. Rebecca SYIYester. Children: . Willis Flint b. ---; 111. .-\cldie Lilil>Y. Children: Bessie B. Flint b. ---. Harriett Flint b. ---. Hazel Flint b. ---. Carleton\\'. Flint b. ---. Lawrence L. Flint h. ---. Lafavette Flint b. ---. Charles R. Flint h. June 26. 1878; cl. X cl\·. 11. I 908. Lillian Flint b. ---. Parker X. Flint b. Jan. 26. 1855; 111. Xellie Fernald. Children: :'.\fattie .\I. Flint h. XoY. 6. 1882; 111. 1 I) Xm·. 10. EA:\lES-A:\lES GEXEALOGY 197

1900. Henry P. Rugg; m. ( 2) Sept. 11. 1918. \\·. \\'. Bird. Children: X ellie .\f. kugg b. .--\pril 6. 1902; m. --­ Fields. Children: Richard Fields h. July 23. --. Gladys .\I. Rugg b. June 5. 1903. Edith E. Rugg b. :.\fay 24. 1904. Charley H. Rugg b. July 3, 1905. Bertrand Rugg h. July 6. 1908. Charles Flint h. July 25. 1858; m. Laura Patch. Children: Eugene Flint b. ---. .--\nna Flint h. ---; m. --- :.\fcKeen.

CY~THI.-\ E.\.\IES6 (Samuel5. James4, Samue13, Samuel2. Thuma,;1 I. B()rn .-\ug. 2. 1825; died Sept. 30, 1880. :.\farried Joshua D. Kilgore . .\lay 18. 1845. Children: George A. Kilgore Ii ..-\pril 14. 1846; m. Jan. 8. 1880, .--\nna C. J. Crum. Children: Scott Kilgore h. 1882; cL 1886. Leatha Kilgore h. Feh. 4. 1884; m. ( 1) --­ Kitchen; m. ( 2) \\· ..--\. Smith. Edna Viola Kilgore b. June 9, 1888, twin; m. Frank D. Bailev. Etna Viol~ Kilgore b. June 9, 1888. twin. Freel J. Kilgore h. Sept. 26. 1890 . .-\ltha G. Kilgore b. Feb. 4, 1892; m. Everet ).[. \Ying. Sarah.\. Kilgore h. Feb. 6. 1849; m. XoY. 30. 1871. \\'. L. Fickett. Vio 1a V. Kilgore b ..--\pril 1. 1852. Ralph\\". Kilgore h. Sept. 26. 1854. :\laria :-\. Kilgore h. :.\fay 31. 1856; m. Dec. 1878. \\". F. Henderson . .-\delhert Kilgore h. :\lay 2. 1858. Clifton F. Kilgore h. July 6, 1863; cl. Jan. 22, 1916. Baby Kilgore b. Oct. 10. 1866; cl. June 29. 1868.

6 E\'ELIXE E.--\11£S ( Samuel5. James4. Samuel3. SamueJ2. 1 Thomas ). Bon, Sept. 3. 1832; died Dec. 22. 1916 . .\Iarriecl Ida H. Saunders. May 22. 1854. l(J8 EA11ES-A1fES GEXEALOGY

Children: ( )ra H. Saunders h ..\pril 2.?. 1855; m. \'o,. ltJ. 1887. Etta ( San horn) E\·ans. Children: Carleton Saunders h. ]uh· 1. 1R88; rn. I 1) Laura Bar­ rett; rn. I 2) Sarah· E~1er,. Children: . Elmer E. h. Jan . .29. 1914. Irene L. b ..\ug. 25. 1916. Elmer E. Saunders ]J. :\Ia, 6. 1894. Freddie Saunders h. :\Iarcl; 15. 18lJ7; cl. :\Ia, .22. 18'F. Eli Kendell Saunders h. :\larch 11. 1858; cl. \'ti,. 3. 187(). Elbridge Saunders Ii. :\[arch 29. 1860; cl. ( kt. l(J, 1871. Elmer E. Saunders li. Sept. 22. 1865; cl. :\larch 14. 189.2 . . \.glena F. Saunders Ii. June 15. 18(J8; d. Feh. 14. 1()20; m. Jan. 1(>. 1887. \\"allace Farwell. Chiiclren: :\Iildrecl E. Farwell h. Dec. 18, 18()]; Ill. 1909. James \Jarrowa,. Children·: Iennie :\I. Carrowa\· h. \'t1\·. 22. 1tJl 1. \\·allace C. Carrm,;\. h. June 15. 1t)l4. :\larian F. Carrowa{ lL ·fan. 25. 1918. Verna Farwell h .. \ug. 2l. 189-1-; d. ( kt. 28. 18()8. \'ora Farn·ell h ..\ug. 22. 18%; cl. !uh· 2r;, Ji~()()_ 0 :\ I ary R Saunders h. Feh . .22. 1R7 4; cl.·\'(>\·. 2). 18' 17; 111. Jan. 30, 1897, James Keating. Children: Elmer E. Keating h. ( kt. 12. 1897; d.

6 \'IE\'\".\ E.\:\1ES (Samuel5• Jame,-4• Samuel3. Samuel2• 1 Thomas ). Born Jan. 6. 1835: died :\Ia:, 16. 1904. :\Jarritd Otis Ha_dord. \'O\·. 18.55. Residence. ---. Children: Iniz .\. Hayford h. Jan. 4. 1857; d. July 2. 188(i; 111. Julm Hapgood . .\nson ( ). Hadorcl h. Feb. 18. 1859; m. :\Ia, 3. 1884. --. Children~ . Charles 0. h. ---. Robert E. b. ---. Edson 0. Had ore! h. Dec. 23. 1860; Ill. Jan. 31, 1888. E,a .-\bbott. . Children: James .\. Hayford h. :\Iay 2. 1897. Ida L. Hayford h. Oct. 4. 1862; cl. Jan. 22, 1918; rn. Oct. EA1[ES-A1fES GE:-;EALOGY 199

4. 1885. James Bragg. Children: Leroy H. Bragg b. :\ug. 9. 1886; m. Cora Bennett Eliott L. Bragg h. Oct. 20. 1894. fennie F. Hadorcl h. f une 5. 1866; m. Dec. 25. 1888, · Charles \Y. Cobb. · Children: Guy 0. Cobb b. Dec. 11. 1891; m. Sept. 17, 1915. :\fay Low. Children: Ethel F. Cobb b. Avril 27. 1917. Russell :\f. Cobb b. Dec. 17, 1918.

:\L-\RY EAMES6 ( Samuel\ James4, Samuel3, Samuel2. Thomas1). Born June 13. 1837; died Jan.4.1913. :\Tarried James Flint. Xo\'. 30. 1854. Child1·en: Ella T. Flint h. Xm·. 5. 1856; m. ( 1) Tune 2. 1875 ..--\mos Fr~nch; m. ( 2) :\fay 1. 1880. \Yall;ce B. Cunningham. Children: .\rthur G. French h. :\farch 23. 1876; d. fan. 4. 1877. Dase\' E. Cunningham h. July 27. 1883-; m. Jan. 1. 1902. Freel Philbrook. Lilla E. Cunningham h ..\ug. 25. 1885; m. Jan. 1, 1904. Robbin Steyens. Children: Hugh \\-. Stewns b. Oct. 21. 1906. Leo G. SteYens b. June 9. 1909. Kenneth SteYens h. Sept. 2. 1912. Lilla G. Flint h. Sept. 7. 1859; cl. Feb. 1885; m. :\fay 1. 1879. Isaac \\.adwell. Children: Roy G. \Yadwell h.. \pril 23. 1882; m. Hazel Kimbell. Children: .-\rthur E. \\.adwell h. Tuh- 19. 1916. \rtff \\.aclwell h. Tan. 16, 1885.· John Flint b. Feb. 8. ·1862; d. July 1905; m. Vina Drew; had three children. A. Lannn Flint b. :\Jareb 23, 1874; m. Howard Allen.

S:\RA.H F. E ..\:\JES~ ( Samuel 5. Tames 4• Samuel3, Samuel2. Thomas1). Born X o,·. 8. 1839. :\1Iarried Charles P. Jorden, XoY. 24, 1859. Children: :\finnie ..\. Jorden h. Dec. 15. 1860; 111. :\Iav 12. 1880, Ben- jamin Sanborn. · 2,10 EA;-,IES-A;-,IES GEXEALOGY

Children: Carrol Sanborn I>. ( let. 18. 1881; 111. Jan. 17. 1CJ06. :'.\Iaud Leonard. Children: Charles B. Sanborn IJ. .-'\.ug. 23. 1907. Richard C. Sanborn b. Oct. 2. 1909. Paul F. Sanborn b. fan. 1. 19Jj_ \ \'ill E. Torden b. }Iarch j, i86j_ Helena ir. forden b. }Jay 7. IR67; 111. June 10. 1891. Her- bert F ..-\;1clrews. · · Children: Donald T.. -\ndrews h. }fa,· 17. 1896; 111 .•-\nna '.\ew­ comb.· Children: Francis Andrews b ..-\pril 23. 1920. Francis S. Andrews b . .-'\.ug. j_ 1898; cl. Jan. 2. 1920. He rec'd 2nd Lieut Commission, Oct. 5. 1918 ..-\Yia­ tion. ancl 2nd Lieut. Commission. Resene Corps. Feb. 21. 1919; was attending Dartmouth College. Glenn C. .-\ndrews b. Aug. 6. 1906.

L YDL-\ S\\'.-\'.\ E.-\~IES6 (.-\lexander\ James4, Sarnuel3. 1 Sarnue\2, Thornas ). Born July 21. 1826. }Iarriecl first in AndoYer. l\Iass .. John Safford Parson,;. . .-\ug. 1. 1855; died in 1863. }Iarried second ReY. 1foses Patten. XoY. 26. 1863 of lh­ field. Mass., died 1884. Children. one h:'· first. t\Yo by second husband: Edith Parsons b. July 13. 1862 in '.\ewbury. }Jass.; 111. Sept. 16. 1885. E

.-\LEXAXDER 6 (.-\lexander5• James4_. Sanrnel3, SamueP. 1 Thornas ) Born June 6. 1828. }Iarriecl Hulda Jackson of Xewry. Me. Children: Della Eames h. ---; 111. ---- Hanks; res. Portland, :'.\Ie . .-\nna Eames b. ---; 111. Orrin Hooper; res. Portland. :'.\Ie. EA).!ES-A).fES GE:\"EALOG\" .201

.-\:\':\'.-\ F. E.-\:.\IES6 (.-\lexander5• Jame,-4_ SamueJ3. 1 SamueF. Thomas ). Born Feb. 24. 1834. :.\Iarried .-\nsel or John Schofield. Children: .--\nna Schofield h. ---; 111. ln·ing :.\Ioulton oi San Fran­ cisco. Cal. Children: Helen :.\!oulton h. ---; rn. --- Baker.

6 5 4 J () H :\' FELC H ( .-\lexander • James • Samue]J. SamueP. Th()mas1 \. Born .-\ pril 6. 1839. :.\larried Helen SteHns of Bethel. :.\le .. ahout 1860. Children: ~\fay Eame,; h. Sept. 3. 1801; cl .. \pril 23. 1931; rn .. \pril 7. 1888. Charle,; Earne,;. a ,;ecnnd cousin. Children: Grace Eames h. :\farch l.9. 18%; d. :\[ay :!.. 1898. A.da Eames h. June 16. 1870; m. Charles ·.-\. Baker 11f :\'ewn·. :\fe.; ;·es. Bethel. :\le. Child;en: He1en lf. Baker h ..-\ug. 25. 1894; 111. --- Goodwin. Florence Baker h. Sept. l.6. 1899; m. --- SteYens . .-\lhert G. Eames h.. \ug. n. 1876; res . .\"ewry. :\le.; moyed to .-\uhurn. lie.; rn. Sept. 26, 1901. Cora F. Cook oi HaYerhill. l[ass .. cl. :\Ltrch. 7. 1924. Children: .\lice Louise Eames b ..-\ug. 5. 1903; entered Bates College. 1922. grad .. 1925; m. --- Bearden of :\[ichigan.

S.-\LOlIE GREE.\"\YOOD E.-\:\lES6 (.-\Iexander5• James4• 3 1 Samuel • Samuel2. Thomas ). Born Oct. 13. 1830. :\Iarried .--\pril 14. 1850. Ruben Ball Foster. horn in Bethel. :.\le .. July 25. 1826, died in Waltham. :.\lass .. July 29. 1892. Children: Francella .-\manda Foster b. :.\Iav 7. 1851; d. 1855. Lillian .--\ugusta Foster h. Jan: 3. 1859 in Charlestown. :.\lass. ; d. 1861. Grace :\fay Foster h. Sept. 1. 1865 in Lexington. :.\lass.; m. Feb. 11. 1885, Frank B. Reynolds; res. \\'altham. :\lass. Children: Caroline A. Rernokls h. Feb. 15. 1886. Ruben Foster Reynolds h. July 17. 1887; m. June 6. 1914. Eleanor .-\ndrews. EA1IES-A1IES GEXEALOGY

Caroline Salome Foster h. fuh· 17. 1867 in \\"altha111, :\I ass. ; 111. ( 1) Jan. 14. 1893 at· X ew York. X. Y .. Joseph StickneY. cl. Dec.22.1903; m (2) fuh· 2. 1913 in Lon­ don. E;1g .. Prince -\ymon De Fanclgn~- Lucinge.

PERCIS FOSTER E.-\:\IES6• ( .-\lexander5 . Jame,-'. 1 Samuel3• Samuel2. Thomas ). Born :\Ia:· 30. 1836. ::VIarried in Brookl_\·n. X. Y .. Ellery .-\lhee. horn in Lang­ don. X. H., Jan. 16. 1832. Children: Elbert .'\!bee b. Xu\·. 26. 1~68; d. X(n-. 28. 1868 in \\ in­ chester. X. H. Ellen· Eames .-\!bee b. :\Iav 15. 1870 in \\.inchester. X. H.; 111. ·Aug. 19. 1916. Julia ·E. Peck. Lynn. :\Iass. Children: Xancy J ..-\!bee b. June 2. 1917. Dobbs Ferry. Ellen Lucillia .-\!bee b. July 10. 1873 in \\"inchester. X. H.; m. :\Iay 23. 1908. Lorey Dwight Day; res. Balclwimille. :\Iass.

\\._-\L TER JOSEPH6 ( Benjamin5• \\'alter\ David3• 1 Sa111uel2, Thomas ). Born Dec. 3. 1831; died :'.\Iay 19. 1866. He was in the CiYil \\'ar. died in Breckenbridge. Missouri. buried in \\'ashington (Arlington). Married Sept. 25. 1854. Almira Bishop of Readsboro. horn Sept. 22. 1833. Children: Rvlancl \\"alter Eames h. Tune 10. 1855; cl. Dec. 1920 in 'Tacoma, \\'ash.; m. :\Ia~ch 15. 1883. :\fan· \\"estfall or Pippen. · Children: \\'alter Eames b. 1889; cl. 1927. Benjamin \\"ilmore Eames h. Oct. 16. 1858; m. Jan. 1. 1883. Jennie Diwarcler or Dinuidie. Children: Prescott Eames b. 1886; m. Tune 30. 1909.. -\lice Bal- low. · Children: Alicia Eames b. 1910. \Vilmore B. Eames b. 1914. Ethel Eames h. 1888; m. Walter DaYis. Children: :'.\Iargaret Davis b. 1910. \\'illard Eames b. 1896; m. Loretta Cnderwoocl. EA.\fES-AMES GE.\'EALOGY 203

Children: f ean Eames b. 1926. Cora .\ln;ira Eames Ii. :\fay 2. 1860; d. Sept. 21. 1887. Ellsworth Daniel Eames h. Feb. 14. 1862; cl. Feb. 1922-25; m. :\fa,· 11. 1891. LuC\· Chadbourn. cl. Tuh· 10. 1892; res. Delph~s. Kansas; chiiclren. none. · ·

Prescott Stephen Eames, 1840-1908.

PRESCOTT STEPHEX6 (Benjamin5, Walter4. David3, 1 SarnueF. Thomas ). Born in Halifax. \·t., Aug. 2. 1840; died in Brattleboro, \'t .. June 30, 1908. His early life \\"as spent in Halifax. About 1861 he became a stage dri,·er het\\"een Brattleboro. \'t .. and Xorth 204 EA.\IES-A.\IES GE;(EALOGY

_-\dams. ;,Jass. In 1872 he mond to Springfield, ;,lass .. and about three Years later moyed to Guilford. \·t. .-\bout 1884 he settled in Brattleboro. \·t.. and became yery prominent in affairs oi the city. ::\Iarriecl Jmw (Jan.) 29. 1864. Ella Uunkee uf Halifax. \'t. Children: \\"illiam Prescott Eames h. Sept. 27. 1865; a merchant 111 ,'\ewfan. Vt.; m. Tune o. 1900, H8.ttie C. Benson. Children: . ;,Jarjorie B. Eames h. ,'\O\·. 7. 190.?. Em Rebecca Eames h. Jan. 29. 1868; 111. Feb. I. 1888. lames \\"alker. cl. .'da;·ch .?6. 1923; re,. \\'est Somer­ ~·ille. ;,Iass. Children: Ernest \\'illiam \\'alker h. July 31. 1889; m. .-\pril 24. 1919. ;,Iarion Da\·. He enlisted in the \'an Dec. 10. 1917. . . Children: Ernest \\"111. \\'alker h. :\Jay 2. 19..?0. Tames Frederick \\'alker b.· --~. Haz~l Ella \\"alker h. ,'\o\'. 19. 1893; 111. Forrest Roul­ stone. Cora .-\merith Eames h. ,'\m·. 10. 1873; 111. Sept. 14. 1898. George \\". Harris; res. Brattleboro. Vt. Children: Earl :\lilton Harris h. Xo\'. 11, 1900. Ernest Charles Eames h. Sept. 12. 1875; cl. Jan. 7, 1877. Belle :\farion Eames Ii. :\[arch 21. 1878; m. Feb. 2. 1898. \\"ilson In-in Brown. Children: Eunice ;,[ae Brown h. Sept. 2. 1905; 111. R(Jland LackeY. Scott Perlev ·Eames h. Dec. 20. 1881; m. :\larch 30. 1910. ,'\ ellie Di~kinson; res. Brattleboro. Vt. Children: Ernest Dickinson Eames h. Dec. 8, 1912. Ralph Prescott Eames b. Dec. 18. 1915. Delia :\Jay Eames h. :\fay 9. 1884; cl. XoY. 8. 1884. Clara Eli~abeth Eames 1;. Oct. 6. 1887; m. June 25. 1913. Dorr \\" ..-\llen. ·

Ll_"THER0 (.-\bel5, Xathaniel4. ,'\athaniel3, \'athanieF. 1 Thuma~ ). Born Sept. 7. 1813: died Sept. 30. 1896. Residence. ---. ;,farried ::\Iay 9. 1849. Eliza \\"oudhun· of .-\ndoYer. X. H. EA:\fES-A~fES GEXEALOGY 205 born Dec. 24. 1824, died Oct. 21. 1891. daughter of John and Elizabeth ( Dyer) \\·oodbury. Children: Pollv Eames h. :\larch 15. 1850 in \Yilrnot, X. H.; d. Sept. 24. 1851. Carlos Sidnev Eames h. Xov. 8. 1851 in \\'ilmot, X. H.; rn. Clarahell Stillman; res. Bridgeport. Conn. Hattie E. Eames b. Feb. 1. 1854 in \Yilmot, X. H.; d. Sept. 24. 1864. '.\IarY .-\1111 Eames h. XoY. 3. 1856 in Framingham. '.\Iass.; m: J. Sherman Phillips of Xew London. X. H. Children: Sidney E. Phillips b. ---; rn. Olive Holt. Children: Doris H. Phillips b. --- :-:rel:a E. Phillips h. ---; m. Robert .-\bild. Children: Clarence .-\bild h. ---; re~. \ \'. Hartford, Conn. \\.alter F. Eames b ..-\pril 9. 1860; 111. :\Jillie Brindige; res. Bridgepurt. Conn. Childre,1: E\·eln1 Eames h. Frank E.· Eames b. :\larch 3. 1863. *<:enrge H. Eames b. Feb. 7. 1867; res. Framingham, :\lass.; m. June 7. 1893. Hattie :\f. Staples. h. July 9, 1870. daughter oi Samuel and Emily :\!aria (Boynton) :--taples. Children: Dlanch \\·. Eames b. Tan. 26. 1895. Doroth\· B. Eames. 1; . .:\larch 15. 1903; m. Oct. 26, 1927: \\'illard \\'. Rice; res. Xewton. :\lass. Clarance Eames b. 1876; cl. 1894. HEX R Y 6 \.-\beJ-i. Xathaniel4. Xathaniel3. Xathanie12. 1 Thomas ). Born .-\pril 14. 1807. Occupation. carriage maker. .:\farried July 4. 183.3. Ella Perr_\·. daughter of David of Xatick. Children: Jane E. Eames b. Dec. 16. 1835 . .-\ugustus X. Eames b. June 5. 1838; m. Harriett Upton of Springfield.

"" Part of the al)O\:e data is taken from records in the hands of the above George H. Eames, \\-'ho in a letter dated XO\·. 5, 1929 says ''In regard to the house in which I li\·e. and am now writing this letter on grandfather's old slant top desk, the house was built by Henry, son of John in 17 21 on the original Eames land and has always been in the Eames family." 206 EA1IES-A1IES GEXEALOGY

Luc,· Ann Eame;-; h. Sept. 12. 1840; m. E,·erett Dean 111 A.°mherst. £1)\\T\'6 (A.beP. Xathaniel4, Xathaniel3. XathanieP. 1 Thomas .) Born Sept. 24. 1818 . .'\farried June 5. 1847. Eliza J. Huhh,-;. Children: Ellen Frances Eames IJ. :\Ia,· 29. 1848. Daughter --- Eames h. Jan. 1. 1854; cl. young. Herbert H. Earne, h ..\ng. 5. rnss; accidentally ,-h"t July 26. 1875. 0 1 CHRISTOPHER COL l. :\f BC S (.James\ James • 1 Samuel3. Samuel2• Thomas ). Born at East .\n1. died at Lee"· hu~g. Va. He was "Xorthhorough's first martyr t11 Liberty". Tohn Andrew Eames l>. :\larch 15. JEq6 at Xorthhornug-h. · Mass. Ellen l\laria Eames b. :\Iay 19. 1848 at :"\" orthhorough. Mass.; cl. :\Iarch 3. 1916 at Hudson. :\Iass.; m. Tan. Hi. 1873 Edger P. Larkin; res. Hudson. :\Iass. · *Susan (Ella Jane) Eames b. Sept. 25. 1852; cl. Oct. 3. 183.?. * F. \\'. Eames who has so kin

1 D.-\:---:IEI} ( Ezra\ Jesse4• Henr:-· 3. Julm2• Thomas ). Born Feb. 20. 1799; died--. 1larried ~fary Dingley. horn ::\larch 15. 1799 in Lisbon. 1[e Chi!clren: :dar\' Jane .\mesh. :---:oY. 2-1-. 1822; cl. fan. 9. 1851 in Lew- ist01;, }le. · Salh· (Sarah) .-\mesh. fuh· 2.1825; 111. }Ioses Beal of L~wiston. }[e. · · Children: Fannie Beal h. ---; m. --- Teal. Children: }[and Teal b. ---; m. --- }Iurrav. Lun· .\mes h. ( kt. 18. 1826. · \Yil!iam Dingley .-\mes h. Xo\'. 8. 1829-30 in Lewiston. }Ie.; m. }larimla L. E. Greenwood. h. fuh· 22. 1832 in Hebron; cl. Feb. 10. 1900 in \\'ales. }·[e.; she m. ( 2) \\·m. F. Dingley. Children: Luce Ila .\mes h. f une 7. 1852; m. !uh- 10. 1870, Francis H ..\hb~tt. · · Children: }foses .-\bbott b ..-\ug. 15. 1871 at Lisbon; cl. Oct. 22. 1876 at .\ulmrn . .\rtlmr L. .-\hhott h. Aug. 18. 1873; cl. Jan. 9. 1881 in \\'ales. Emma f. .-\mes h. Xo\'. 3. 1853 in \\.ehster. :-Ie.; cl. Oct. 9. 1854 . .-\lYah D ..-\mes b. Xm·. 8. 1855 in \\'ebster. 1Ie.; cl. Sept. 6. 1929 in Lewiston. :-Ie.; m. June 8. 1878-79, }lary Etta Spofford of Greene. }le .. b. Oct. 29. 1858 in Greene; res. Lewiston. }[e. Children: Daughter cl. in infancy. Louise S. .-\mes h. f une 11. 1897; m. Oct. 28, 1916, :-fr. Emerso~1 or Emmons. Children: George L. S. b. ---. Lizzie E ..-\mes b. Oct. 28. 1859; cl. April 22. 1863 in Lisbon. }fe. Daniel Ames b. Jan. 27. 1833. Levi Ames b. Feb. 14, 1836. Caroline .\mes b. Jan. 14, 1840. 3 JAMES G.6 (Ezra5, Jesse4, Henn· , John2• Thomas1). Born July 9. 1807. 208 EAMES-AMES GENEALOGY

Married X ancy C. Decker. Reside11ce, Pittst'on. Me. Children: Laura :-\mes b. Tuh· 14. 1835 in Pittston, :\Ie.; m. Thomas Plummer; liY~d ;t Head Tide, :\Ie. Children: Georgie Plummer b. ---; m. Richard Russell. Xancy C. :-\mes b. Xo\'. 6, 1839; d. age ten months. George :-\mes h. Dec. 15. 1846; res. Bath, :\Ie.

3 2 1 :-\XXIS G. 6 (Ezra5. Jesse4. Henry • John , Thomas ). Born Aug. 7, 1810; died 1877. age 66. Residence, Farmington. :\le. Married Priscilla Luce. Children: :\Iarian L. :-\mes h. 1831 ; cl. 1864; 111. ·--- Ru~sell. Franklin I. :-\mesh.~--; cl. in Xew Orleans in the CiYil \\'ar. Xancy S ...\mesh. 18-iB in Strnng. :\Ie.; cl. 1915 in Lowell, :\lass., age 77 years; 111. --- \\"elch. Charlotte E. Ames b. 1849; cl. :\larch 5. 1920; m. ( 1) Eben Russell; 111. ( 2) George H. \\"alker; res. Farmington. Me. Children: C na :\Iay \ \" alker h. ( adopted). Timothy H. :\mes b. 1851 in Temple. :\Ie.; d. Dec. 14, 1913, in Portland, :\Ie.; res. Farmington, :\Ie.; m. ( 1) Ella Stuart; rn. ( 2) Ethel Greenlief. Children: Charlotte ..\mes h. :\Jareb 26, 1895 in Farmington. :\fe.; 111. Aug. 26. 1917 in Portland. :\le., Laurence Dewing Cobb. b. June 24, 1895 in Portland. :\Ie. ; occupation. instructor. Children: Charles ..\mes Cobb b. XoY. 18. 1930 in Portland, :\Ie.

*HEXR)'7 ( \\'illiam G. 6, Jotham5, Henry4• Henry3, John2, 1 Thomas ). Born July 24, 1817; died Xo\·. 7, 1886. Married first May L 1844, Eliza :-\nn. born June 15, 1820. died Dec. 8, 1867. daughter of Joseph Brown. Married second Sept. 20, 1868. Mrs. E. :-\ . ..\lien, born A.ug. 14, 1827.

* See history of Swanzey, :,.;. I-I., page 330-331. EA~IES-A~1ES GEKEALOGY 209

Children: Frank H. Eames h. Feh. 22. 18-1-j; moyecl west; m. Ella A.. \\'illiams. Children: Percy Eames h. ---. \\'illis Eames h. ---. George H. Eames h. ~fay 2j, 18-1-7; 111. ~larch 22. 1867. ~fargaret .-\nderson of Keene. X. H.; moved to Keene, :-:. H. in 1870; ~Iayor of Keene. X. H., 1898 and 1899. ( See history of Swanzey. :-: . H.) Children: Ceorge H. Jr. Eames h.. -\ug. 2j. 1884 in Keene; m. :-: O\'. 1. l 90j .-\my ~Iyrtle Ballou; became a partner with his father in the flour and grain business, 1906 in Keene and ~Iarlhuo. :-:. H.; ~favor of Keene. X. H .. 1917 and 1918. . Children: Herbert Howell Eames b ..-\ug. 6, 1909. Floretta ~I. Eames b. ~larch 11. 1849; m. John Ballou. Freel B. Eames h. Dec. 3. 18jl; moved west; m. June 1876, Louise Toze. Children: Henn· Eames h. 1883. Harriett .-\. Eames h. Sept. 16, 18j6; m. \Yilliam Hutchin­ son. Eliza A. Eames h. June 14. 1859; m. Simon E. Cameron of Keene. X. H.

7 5 J .-\ :'.\TES C. (Jotham6• Jotham • Henry4. Henry3• John2• Thomas1). Born June 17, 182j; died .-\pril 19. 1888. :'.\Iarried first Aug. 13. 1844. Martha 11.. born March 13. 1827, daug:hter of Lanser :'.\foore. ~larried second July 23, 1864. Ellen F. Higgens of Hins­ dale. ,Yido\\' of Francis J. Porter. Children: Emma F. Eames h. Xo,·. 7 18-1-7; cl. Xov. 9. 1863; m. George S. Ellis. Ella ~I. Eames h. Sept. 2, 1851 ; m. Thomas H. ~Iiller of \\'ashington. D. C. Clarence J. Eames b. Aug. 7, 1853; 111. Xm·. 8, 1875, Addie Jane. h. Xm·. 19. 1859. daughter of Xathaniel Dickinson 3d. Children: Clarence X. Eames b. XoY. 1. 1876.

):qte. See history of S\\anzey. X. H .. page 330-331. 210 EAMES-AMES GEXEALOGY

\\.alter L. Ames b. Sept. 30. 18/R; cl. FelJ. 28. 1880. Cressie Eames h. ~\pril 9. 1884. Ozro C. Eames h. Dec. 10. 1857; d. XO\·. 21, 1863 . .\rthur E. Eames h. ( kt. 15. 1870.

6 5 JOHX .\.XDRE\\·7 (Christopher C. , James • James". Samuel3. Samue12, Thornas1 ). Born at X orth borough. :\la,:;s .. :\larch 15. 1846; died at Xorthboroug·h. :\lass .. :\fay 2. 1929. He ,YaS a carpenter. Married XoY. 13. 1867 at Xorthborough. :\Ias,;., ;\bby Cornelia \\'arren, born Feb. 16. 1849. died June 13. 1920 at X orth borough. :\lass. Children: Alice Cornelia Eames b. ( kt. 13. 1871; 111. Sept. 10. 1922. Henry .\. :\[acgowen at Xorthhorough, :\Iass.; res. \\-orcester. :\Iass. She was instructor in drawing in Xorthborough. Southborough. Berlin. Leominster and Fitchburg. :\Iass. for seyeral years. Frank \\'arren Eames h ..\.ug. 21. 1875 at Xorthhorough, :\fass.; 111. June 29. 1905 .. \nnie :\fay Potter. h. XO\·. l.?. 1871 at Xo~thhorough. :\lass. He g·raduated from :\lass. Xormal .\rt School. June 25. 1896; engaged in CiYil Engineering ·with the :\Ietropolitan \Yater Board from 1896 to 1902, since which time he has been special agent with the Facton- Insurance .-\s,;oc. of Hartford, Conn. Children: . Tohn Potter Eames h. Jan. 13. 1912 at \\·orcester. · :\Iass.; finished his se~ond \·ear at Dartmouth Col­ lege. 1930. \\.alter Eames h. :\larch 1. 1880; d. :\larch 29. 1880.

STEPHEX 1--P ( Ua,·icF. :\Iose~6• :\I,,;;es\ Ruhen4• Ger- 1 sham3. SamueJ2. Thomas ). Born 1850. :\Iarriecl ---. Occupation. minister. Re,cidence. L'pt()n, ::\Ia,:;s. Children: Burton Edward Eames h. 1875; .\. B. Han·anl 1900; L.L. 1903; admitted. to ::\Iass. Bar 1903 and has since practiced law in Boston. :\fass.; member uf the firm of 'l\·Jer. Comean & Eames; res. Dorchester. :\fass. · F. LeRoy Eames h. 1882; married; occupation. Denti~t at \ Yest Somen·ille. :\ f ass. Children: Elizabeth Eames h. ---. VOL 3




3 *JOSL\H6 (Josiah·\ Anthony4. .\nthony • Justu,/ ..\n­ thony1). Born :\farch 23. 1765 ( \\"ihninson says in \\'ilming­ ton. :\lass.) ? ; died Sept. 11. 1815. :Married June 17 .. 1787, Sally Black. Settled in Stockton Spring·,;. Me. Children: Henry .\mesh. :\farch 31, 1789; cl. 1844. age 54 yrs. 8 mos. Sally .\mesh. July 1. 17()0; m. \\'illiam Colcord. Children: Tosiah Colcord h. ---; m. Jane Berry_ \\'illiam Colcord h. ---; n~. Eleanor' Hushlmrn. :\[ary Tane Colcord h. ---; m. Benjamin Bacheler. Sara·h ·colconl h. ---; m. ( 1) :\Iarshall Dutch; m. ( 2) Jotham Staples. Tolm S. Colcord h. ---. \elson S. Colcord h. ---; m. Luc,· .\nn Brackett. Susan Colcord b. ---; m. --- George. J usiah .-\ mes h ..-\ pril 2. 1792; cl. :\Iarch 21. 1860 in Pa. t; m. :\f aria Tailno. a Jewish lady and settled in Phila­ delphia. He amassed a fortune. Children. none. Joseph .-\mesh. Jan. 17. 1794; cl. Jan. 29, 1882. Daniel .\mes h. Sept. 14. 1795; d. 1814 in Plattsburg. Pa. It is also claimed that he was taken prisoner in \\'ar of 1812 and died in Dartin's prison. Eng. fane .\mesh. Tan. 13. 1797; m. Tan. 5. 1815. Peter Perkins. - Children : . . :\Iartha P. Perkins b. ---; res. Boston, :\Iass. DaYid .\mes h. Sept. 16. 1798; lost at sea. John .\mes h. June 3, 1800 in Searsport. :\le. (Sandy Point) ; d. 1885. Hannah .\mes h. Tan. 31. 1802; m. Dec. 31, 1814, Ben­ jamin Partridge· Children: Adeline Partridge h. ---; rn. Daniel .\mes. son of Joseph. and grandson of Josiah and Sally (Black) .\mes. Caroline Partridge h. ---; m. Peter Ellis. Sarah Partridge b. ---. Hannah J. Partridge h. ---; m. --- .\yer. Arletta Partridge h. ---; rn. --- Shermon . .\lien Partridge b. ---; m. Charles Griffin.

* (The abundant. though perhops not conclusive evidence supporting the claim leaHs little if any doubt that the Josiah h. :\1arch 23, 1765 is son of Josiah S h. 1729-32. (Anthony 4. Anthony 3. Justus 2. Anthony 1.) of :\[arshfield. '.\lass.) 7 Capt. Josiah Ames d. '.\larch 26. 1862 age 65 years, heart disease. Page 216. Lot l 09 Philadelphia. 214 EA.\fES-A.\fES GE?\EALOGY

James Partridge b. - - ; 111. Clara Criftin. Reuben Partridge h. ---; 111. :\fary F. Eustice. Ezra Partridge b. ---. Samuel Partridge b. ---. Benjamin Partridge h. ---. AJbert Partridge h. ---; 111. Emma Cunningham. Elizabeth A.mes b. June 3, 1805; cl. Feb. 11. 1876 in Chel­ sea, age 71 yrs.; m. :\lay 30. 1824. Dayicl G. Ames. b. about 1787( ?) in Ossippee, ;\. H .. cl ..\pril 18. 1870, age 83. He was Lieutenant CaYalry Battalion First Brigade 3d Division, date of commission .\ug. 10. 1822. becatue Capt. July 22. 1824. date of commission .\ug. 16. 1824, promoted to ::\Iajor .\ug. 29. 1829. elate oi commission Sept. 5, 1829; he was noted for his remarkable memory; came to Belfast in 1812. Children as giYen in Belfast Yitai records: George H ..\mes b. Sept. 13. 1824. Emeline .\. Ames h. Tan. l L 1828. :\!aria E ..\mes b. Fib. 9. 1826. Sarah L. :\mes h. Oct. 27. 1831. James .-\mes b. Xo\'. 3. 1803; ·111. Susan Brown. :\Ian· .\mes Ii. :\farch 19. 1807; rn. fames Condell of Xmth- po'rt. :\le. · Charity .\mes b. :\pril 13. lPO

2 HEXRY7 (Jo,-;iah6 , Josiah5, .\nthony4. .-\nthony3 , Jnstn,-; , 1 . \nthony ). Born J\Iarch 31. 1789: died X o\'. 18-1-4. Married Jennette Eame,;, horn Feb. 27. 1792. daughter of Jacoh and Janette (:\1cKeen) Eames oi Belfa,-;t, ::\le .. \\ho had Renilutionary record ( ,;ee History ui Belfast by \\"illiamson ). After the death of Henry ,;he married :\fr. J--fayner and 1110\-ed to California. Children: :\!aria :\mes b. ---; m. Joseph Huwe of Belfast. :\fe. \\'elthy .\mes b. ---; 111. Xo\·. 10. 1844, Joseph Harner. Jennette .\mes b. ---. :\Iartha .\mes b. Dec. 6. 181-1- in Prospect. :\[e.;

.--\lthia Thurlow Priest h. :\fay 10. 1838 at Vassalboro, :\Ie.; m. Sept. 10. 1855. Charles Parmenta. b. Xov. 10. 1836 in Houlton. :\Ie .. d. July 19. 1882 at China, :\Ie. Children ( first two born in China. :\Ie.) : Charles Freemont Parmenta b. Juh- 2, 1856. Henry Russell Parmenta h ..--\p;il 3. 1858. Russell Henry Parmenta h. :\larch 6. 1860. :\hra Parme,;ta b. :\Iarch 10, 1861. :\I~nena Parmenta b. :\larch 25, 1862. \\"e.sley Parmenta h ..--\ug. 6. 1864. Jenney Parmenta b. Tune 9. 1866. ( his Danforth Parme.nta h. Feb. 28. 1868. :\Iartha Emma Parmenta b. Tuh- 27, 1870; rn . .--\pril 28. 1891. Edson Lin._"vo~d \\"orthing. h . .-\pril 2. 1868 in Palermo. :\[e.; res ..--\ugusta. :\Ie. Children: Gladys :\Ialiel \\.orthing h. Feh. 4. 1892. \\.illmr Edson \\.orthing h.. --\ug. 7. 1895. Jasper :\Iartin \\"orthing h. Oct. 20. 1898. Ruyden ( his \\"orthing h. July 9. 1906. Henn· Oaks Parmenta h. Tune 2. 1872. :daricm .--\lthia Parmenta ·1i. Iuk 9. 1874; res. Gardiner. :\Ie.; 111 ••-\rthur :\Ie.linck Caroline Salh· Parmenta h. Dec. 2.{ 1875. Fredrick Ch;rles Parmenta h ..-\pril 15. 1877. Daniel Priest h. ---. l Ienn· Priest h. ---. lame~ Priest h. ---. \1111 Priest h. ---; 111. Thomas Clark. Edmond Priest li. ---. Hehecca .\mes h. ----; d. :\larch 23. 1843. age 13 yr~. 10 mos. Josiah .-\me,; li. I 111. Sarah Reed Feh. 22. 1845 :- ) ; he fnl­ lo,ved the sea and d. at sea. John .-\mes h. ---; cl. at sea. ifenr\· _-\me,- h. ----; m. :'\u\". 20. ll-<44. :\Ian· _-\1111 \\-~lk :'\athaniel .\me,- h. ---. Ed11101J

.., There i~ an old cemetery at Xo. Searsport (Jit. E11hrem l and a monument to Cr)l. Jo:-:.eph .--\me~. \Ye arc informe

Married second July 15. 1823. Elizabeth Kingsbury. :'.\Iarried third Dorothy Berry. Children: Daniel .-\mes h. about I 820; m. ( 1) .-\deline Partridge. daughter of Hannah and granddaughter of Josiah and Sal:y (Black) Ames; m. ( 2) :\Iary Dickey. DaYid G ..-\mes h. about 182--1-; 111. :\farguerite \\'. Berry. Children: Eldon .-\mes h. ---. \Yilliam .-\mes h. ---. Capt. Charles \\· ..-\mes h. about 1861; cl. 1920 in .-\ ustralia. Charles Ames h. ---; m. ( 1) :\Ian· Cates; m. (2) Xancy Crowell; m. ( 3) Frances Stackpole. Joseph .-\mes h. ---; m. Pauline Berry. Phineas Ames b. ---; unmarried. Sarah .-\mes h. ---; unmarried. Hannah T.. -\mesh.---; m. F. H ..\. Boock Tames .-\: Ames h. ---; m. Caroline Seaw~-- }ohn :\Iarion .-\mesh.---; m. Dec. 31. 1865. :\Iary S. Griffin. Children: .-\lbert :\L :\mes h. Sept. 17. 1866; m. Sept. 17, 1889, Florence :\Iarclen. Frank G ..-\mes b. Tuh· 26, 1869; cl. :\fay 10. 1886. Clara .-\mes h. Oct. i. 1875; cl. \'oY. is. 1912; m. Charles E. Deyauex. Florin H ..-\mes b. ---; m. Rosella Keen. :\Iarguerite .-\mes h. ---; cl. in childhood. Leonard .-\mes b. ---; cl. in childhood. :\Iary Ellen .-\mes h. ---; cl. in childhood . .-\mancla Ames h. ---; m. Harold Costiga11. 7 JOHX (Josiah6• Josiah·; ..-\nthon_\-4)_ B()rn in Searsport. }le .. June 3. 1800; died 1885. }Iarried first Elizabeth Sherman. Married second :\fary ( To,de) Bas,;ett ( she had a son Ed,rnrd). :\Iarriecl third Xancy Tibbetts. Children ln· first "·ife se,·en. by second "·ife. one: RosillaH ..-\mes b. Dec. 15. 1828; cl. young. Franklin l. .-\mes h. Tuh- 5. 1831. :\Iary E. \mes h. Oct. i. 1833; rn. --- Thompson. Lemuel L. .-\mes h. :\Ian~h 30. 18J6. Asa L. .-\mes h. Dec. 27. 1838. EAMES-A1fES GENEALOGY 217

Seraphene F. :-\mes h. July 4. 1841 in Searsport, :.\le.; cl. Feb. 23. 1926 in :.\Ionmouth, :.\Ie.; m. Aug. 4, 1860 111 Rockland. :.\Ie .. Rosco Spear, h. Feb. 27, 1837. Children: Lida Spear b. Sept. 4. 1861 in Searsport, :.\Ie.; m. ( 1) 1878, Eugene Coombs of Vinal Haven, b. 1860, d. 1883; m. ( 2) *CalYin :-\mes. b. Oct. 12, 1862 in Vinal Haven. :.\Ie .. son of Ezekiel9 (Xathaniel8, Joseph7, Justus6 ) Line of :-\nthony of :.\[arshfielcl, :.\I ass. Children: :.\Iinnie Coombs b. 1879; d. Jan. 14, 1900; m. Ernest :.\Iills. Clifton Coombs b. Xov. 24. 1880; cl. Dec. 4, 1918. Lida Ames b. Xov. 26. 1900. _\lliert Spear b. Sept. 30, 1862 in Rockland, :.\Ie. Jennie Spear b. Oct. 19. 1868 in Searsport. :.\le.; cl. :.\larch 6. 1925; m. Han·ey A.mes, 1888. Children: Ralph H. :-\mes h. July 28. 1889. Harwy E. _-\mes h. July 28. 1893. Sadie _-\_ .-\mes h. :.\larch 27. 1902. Ruel .-\mes b. ---. Charles Thomas .-\mes h. :.\larch 15. 1850.

6 4 FR.-\XK J.~

* Calvin Ames m. first Lizzie Creed and had \,\:innie h. Dec. 5, 1886. Carrie b. July 7, 1888, Fernald h. Dec. 1889. Che\"ier h. Sept. 26, 1891. and Xina b. 1893 d .. age 5 months. 218 EA\IES-A\IES GEXEALOGY

LF;\IL'EL L. 8 (Juhn7• Ju,;iah6• Josiah\ A.nthony4 ). Born ;\larch 30. 1836: died ;\lay 20. 1925. ;\larried ::\Iary E. Carley. Residence. Stockton Springs. ::\Ie. Children: *Tohn H ..--\me,; h. ---. ~--\clelia .--\mes I>. ---; 111. \ \"illiam H. Kelley; res. Brewer, :-I e. Children: Kelle· h. Kelle~ h. Kelle,· li. Luther .\me,; h. ---; m. ---•; res. Prospect, ;\Je. Children. seyeral.

4 .--\S.--\ L. 8 (John7• Jusiah6, Josiah\ .\ntlwny ). Burn in Sear,-;port. ;\Ie .. Dec. 27. 1838; died in l'ortlan

CH.--\RLES THO.'.\-L--\S~ (Juhn7• Jusiah6• Josiah5• :\n­ thony4J. Born in Searsport. l\le .. March 15. 1850; died in \\·estbrook, Me., Aug. 1, 1926. :Vlarried first July 6. 1871. £ya Sprague, born Sept. 17.

- Prospect, :\le. census gh·es a John H. Ames who married Carce D. Tre,·ell. childr~n :\laurice L. and \\.illiam S. Ames. EA~IES-A1IES GE~EALOGY 219

lRSl in Frankfurt. }le ..

See page 92, 15i, .329, 230, 231, 232, 233, Genealogy of Robert Eame:-. \~\me:-;1 of Andcn·er and Boxford. hy Atnes. * Daniel Ames famil) of Xew )larket, X. H, This family line reaches hack to Robert Eames (Ame:-.) of £\ntloYer. ~[ass. who married Rebecca Blake daughter of (;eorge and Dorothy Blake of Gloucester and Boxford. ~[ass. X athaniel Ames of ~ ew ).f arket signed the Association Test with his sons X athaniel and John, Sept. 15, 1775. Children: Xathaniel. John bcrn in :'sew :\larket. :\. H. 1746, and Elizaheth who married Dec. 2i. li73 John Doe. Alfred Court House, Book i8. page 218. :\atban:el Ames of Parsonfidd, yoeman for $2000.00 paid by Xathaniel Ames. Tr. of Parsonfield, yoeman. I I being the land I bought from Japhah Bean. And I wife of said, do release and relinquish all my right of dower in the premises. Dec. 29, 1806. Xathaniel Ame,. Book 82 page 228. Xathaniel Ames of Parsonfi~lrl, mortgaged this ]and for $206.78. Land I put­ cPased of my honored father, Xathan1el Ames and leased to him during his natural life. If Xathanief Ames, Jr. or his heirs pay $206.iB in five months with interest the above sha ·1 he void. :\lay 13, 1810. Xathaniel Ames, Jr. Book 82, page 2i 4. This m_ortgage was foreclosed July _18 .. 1810 and he was called X athaniel Ames. :\athaniel A_mes marned -- Philbnck and had the following chi'.dren; Phineas Ames m. Harnett ~{oul··on or S~art; had a son John m. Ahl:>y Ricker. Sally Ames b. Feb. 2, 1774 '': Parsonfiel.d; d. _ in CornvilJe, Me. 1849; m. li95 Joseph Pars~ns; she ha

Of these Jacob married Sarah Hersey, daughter of Peter Hersey, they had children Jacob, Daniel, and Sarah. Of these Daniel married Anna Philbrick, had children. Sally born in Parsonfield ..Me .. 1774. married 1795 Joseph Parsons. tJoshua born about 1775, died in Corndlle, .\Ie.

1 tJOSHC.-\.6 (Daniel5, Jacob4, Daniel3. Daniel2, Rohert ). Born about 1775; died in Cornville, Me .. 1844-45. Married Rebecca Quimby. born 1776 in Brighton . .\Ie .. died July 26, 1842. age 66 years and 5 months. They resided in Parsonfield. Harmony. Doyer, and Corn­ Yille. Me. Children: Ira .-\mes h. July 4, 1800 in Pa;·sonfield . .\Ie.; 111. Estha Stevens; children. ten. Loisa .-\mes Ii. ---; 111. Benjamin Ste\·en, ui S(llon . .\le. Children. three sons and two ( iour:) daughters. Xathaniel .-\mes b. Tune 19, 180fi ( see iorward ). Peter Q . .-\mes Ii. -1808; Jiyed in Dm·er . .\le.; m. Calista and had two sons and one daughter; mm·ecl to :S:evv York. .-\higail .-\mesh . .\larch 29, 1810; cl. Jan. I. 1878; 111. 1843, Joseph French of Brighton. :\Ie.; children. fiYe. Sophia .-\mes h. 1814; m. and moYed to :S:ew York; had daughter, Theodosa . Lm·ina .-\mes h. Jan. 31. 181(> in Brighton . .\le. i see for­ ward); d. :\larch 22. 189.? in Champlin . .\!inn. Emerline .-\mes b. Tune 8, 1818; d. in Hartland . .\Ie; m. Lawrence \\'illia~1s; children. none. Both died in Hart­ land . .\Ie.

X.-\ TH.-\XIEL7 (Joshua6, DanieP. Jacub4• Daniel3, Danie 12. 1 Robert ). Born June 19, 1806; died Jan. 1860 at Cape Eliza­ beth, Me. Married first Xancy Par,-ons. born :\Ia_Y 27. 1813. died Dec.

+Joshua ..-\.mes b. in Parsonfield . .:\le .. d. in Corn,·ille. :\le., 184-l--45: was of Brown­ field 1796 when he se11s land; was a signer for the incorporation of Brownfield Plantation into a town named Dover. Dec. 20, 1i99. .'.\'ame wa"' changed to Brown­ field when passed on Feb. 18, 1802. He was one of the selectmen in 1803-180-t, a tax­ payer in 1805; and the ).larch mee~ing 1806 met at the house of Joshua .:\mes. The :.VIarch 2, 180i meeting was held at his house. After that date hi~ name disappeared from the records of Brownfield. He boug-ht land in :\'orth Hill Sept. 15, 1806 and soon after mo,·ed his fami]Y there, Brighton now. There is a question as to whom he married. Henrv Parson-, in his Parsons Fami 1 y says he married Ann Xancy Parsons b. ~Iav ,: 1 /83 at ~arsonfield,

:\Ir,. L. :\f. ~- Ste,ens, born '.\Iarch I. 1843, died April 6, 1914. ))) EA'.\fES-A'.\fES GE:\'EALOGY

--L 1857, daughter of Joseph and Sally (.-\mes) Par,-011,-, hi,:. u\\·n cousin. l\Iarried second Jan. 1859 at Cape Elizabeth, :de .. ---. Xathaniel and his first \Yiie \\'ere buried at DoHr. :.\le. Children by first \\'iie: John Csher Ames h. Jan. 5. 1837; cl, .-\pril 27. 1837 . . \doniram Ames !J. :.\[ay 5, 1839; cl ..-\ug. 24. 1853. Amanda V. Ames h. Oct. 18. 1841; cl. Dec 12. 1841. Lillian ::\Iarilla Xanc\· .-\mes h. :.\larch 1. 1843; d ..-\pril 6. 1914; 111. 1865. :.\iichael Stewns of Portland. :.\le. In 1878 ::\!rs. L. :.\I. X. SteYens was elected president of the :.\Taine \\'. C. T. C .. holding this office during the rtc­ mainder of her life. She was identifier! with the \'atiunal \\·. C. T. C. from its earh· \·ears. She attendee! the Xational Com·ention at .\"e,~·a;k in 187(J. In 1880 she was chosen .-\ssistant Recording Secretary and a te\,. years later, Recording Secretary. In 1894 she was elected Vice-Pre:-;iclent-at-large. I 11 1898 at the passing of Frances \\"illard she became act­ ing president; at the Xational Con\'ention held at St. Paul in 1898 was elected president. In 1900 she was chosen \'ice-President-at-large oi the \\'oriel's \\'. C. T. C. Presided oyer the International Convention at GeneYa, Switzerland in 1903; Boston. :.\lass. in 1906; Glasgow, Scotland in 1910. and Brooklyn. X. Y. in 1912. \\'hen she died .-\pril 6. 1914 •'for the first time in thtc history of the State of :.\[aine the Flag was at half ma~t for a woman". Children: Gertrude Ste\·ens h :.\Iarrh 14. rn67; 111 . .-\ pril -I-. 1888. \\'m. J. LeaYitt. who cl. Feli. 5. 1926. ::\Iary Ella Ames h. Sept 28. 1845. Sarah Frances .-\mesh. Jan. 15. 1850.

LO\"IXA7 (Joshua6• Daniel5. Jacob4. Danie13. DanieP. 1 Robert , \Yife Rebecca). Burn in Brighton. ::\Ie .. Jan. 31. 1816;

From page 230 history of Edme::.-Ames family line uf Robert an{l Rebecca ( Blake ,,f Ando\·er an

Hiram C. Hayden Ii. .-\ug. 19. 1840; d. in infancy. }1elissa Hanlen b. Dec. 15. 1842; m. }fay 18. 1862. Thomas Prentice ·Hill; children. one son. one cl~ughter. DaYid \\'. Hayden b. Dec. 28. 1844; cl. Jan 12. 1912 at Blackduck. :\I inn; m. 1868. lennie Xash; children. five. Charles Hanlen b. Tan. 19, 1847; cl. Oct. 22, 1914-24 at Blackduck; m ..-\~g. 31. 1893. Lettie Pierson. Sadie C. Hayden b. July 2. 1850 at Lexington. :\Ie.; d. June 27. 1890 at .-\noke. }Iinn.; m. Feb. 14. 1868 at Champlin. :,[inn .. John T. Pomeroy, b.. -\pril 11. 1840 at \\'eston. }fe .. d. Oct. 7. 1916 at :\Iinneapolis. :,finn. Children ( all horn in Anoka. :\[inn.) : :\Iina E. Pomeroy li. Jan. 15. 1870; m. Sept. 5. 1920 at Gorham. :,[e .. Ellsworth F. Hanlen. h. Dec. 11. 1868 in Presque Isle. :\Ie.; res. Portland. :\fe. :\Iilo .-\. Pomeroy b.. -\pril 27, 1872. Ralph F. Pomeroy h. :\lay 6. 1875; m. Fannie Robbins. Children: Donald Pomeroy b. ---. Kenneth Pomer~y b. ---. Edith L. Pomeroy b. ·:\[arch 31. 1878; 111. ( 1) Uct. 30. 1895. Samuel \·nea; 111. (2) Jan. 3. 1924. John Bentle; res. :\Iinneapolis. :\finn: Children: Irma Ve\·ea h. ---. John Ve\·ea b. ---. Xellie Eclna Pomeroy h. :\fay 17.1880; cl ..-\ug. 9, 1923; m. Xov. 29,-1899, L~ui~ Xolte. Children: Henrietta Xolte b. ---. Ella :\f. Han!en h. Xov. 2. 1852; d. Sept. 6. 1922 at Champlin. ·:-.I inn. Lilla D. Hayden h ..April 1. 1854; d. J u!y 26. 1895 m Brainard, :\[inn.; m. Oct. 25. 1873. \\illiam Seeln. Children: . ]:{aymond Seeley b. ---. Edith 1( Hayden 1i: Oct. 9. 1858 at Champlin. :\Iinn.; m. John French; had four sons and two daughters.

6 3 2 1 lL-\XiEL ( Phineus5• Samuel4, Jacob • John • Robert and Rebecca (Blake) Eames of :-\ndo\·er and Boxford). Born in Hancock. X. H .. June 1786; died April 6. 1866 in Guilford, Me. :\Iarried first ]\far:· \\'eymottth. died Jul:· 7. 1837. :\(arried second Mrs. Shaw. Children all horn in Sanger~·ille. 1Ie.: 224 EAYfES-A).fES GEXEALOGY

*John S ..-\mes b . .\Iay 1. lRl.?; d. June '.?7, 1804 at City Point. Va. *.\Iark Trafton .\mesh . .\Jay 181..J-; d . .\larch 1897 at Park­ man, .\le. Charles Vaughan .\mes h. July 181(1; cl. Sept. 18--1-7; killed in battle of CitY of .\Iexico. Ruth .-\mesh.. -\u-g. 14. 1818; cl. June 6. 18'.?2 . .\Iahala .-\mes h. ( kt . .?3. IR.?0; cl. J uh· 3. l 8lJ0. Sabina C. .\mes h. X o\". 17. 1821; ZI. Sept . .?6. 18')2; 111. \Yilliam F. Sarnpscm of D<)\·er . .\le.; a11 m·erseer in a woolen mill. Children: .\[ary Sampsrn1 Ii. ---; 111. Saco . .\I e. \\'illiam L. Sampson Ii. ill. Dm·er . .\Ie. Ed,Yin Prescott Samp,,>11 h. f'ri11cipal 11i Thornt()n .\cad., Saco . .\le. *True Presrntt .\mesh. Feli. !.?. 1:-<..?5: cl. ',Lt\· .\0. 18'11. *Cah·in .-\mes L. 1 R.?7; d. I uh· .?8. I 85(). . Edwin L. .\mes IJ. .\fay { 18.?'J; cl. .\Lt\· 30. ]8')i' at :-=el)ec. ?lfe.; wa, a hlacbn;ith. settled in ])()\'er . .\le.; in 18<,5 moyed to Sebec. .\le.; 111. 1 I J 1854 . .\liriam E . .\ld,eeh­ nie. Doyer . .\le .. h ..-\ug. 1831. d. ( kt. C), 18(13; m. 12) .\Irs. Sarah Fogg oi Sel:er. .\I e. ; 111. 1 3) .\ I arch 15. 187(> . .\delia L. Decker of \\'illiamslmrg . .\le .. I> . . \ug. 31. 18--1-'! in Patten . .\Ie .. daughter of Daniel and .\l>igal I \\'ilkin­ son ) Decker. Children ll\· first wife: Lizzie Emma .\mesh. Dec. 3. 1855; :I. \pril 1--1-. 1P-7(i; 111. Re\". S. \\·. Tindell; one daughter. Lillia11 .-\hbie Frances .\mes h. ( kt. 1857; cl. Sept. 2~1. 1 R(,3. Children ll\· third wife: .\hbie Eii:rnheth .-\me, I> . .\la\ IJ. 1<'17,-! ;11 :-:.elier. .\le.; m. (1) .\la\· ..?2. l'JC-1-. Ce,,•·c;e L. (~:,,;,;; rn. 12) .\larch Ci, 1919. Harold T . .\lalmney. Children: .\Ian· L. Coss h. Feb. 23. 1905; 111. :(o\'. 11. l

);ote. In the Ge-11ealo,1Iy uf dt:--.cendam~ of RoLert and Hel)e::-ca ! Blake J En.mt-.<:. i:r Ames page 104. li(i. 19J. 19.:::.. 191). 19; and 199 the name, nnrk-:-d t 11,1-. a;·t- ctnicd forward. ( A.ndoYer-Boxford J. EA.\[ES-A.\tES GE~EALOGY

Edythe .-\mes IJ. .--\ug. 19. 1881 in Sebec. :-..re.; 111. April 20. 1902 ..--\Jyah B. Lord of .--\hbott. :-..re. Children: :-..rarguerite .--\. Lord h. Dec.14.1903; cl. .\ug. 9. 1924 . .\ferech·the E. Lord h. :-..far. .22. 1903. Eben Ames Lord b. Oct. 9. 1906. Eciwin Decker .-\mes h. June 11. 1~83 in Sebec. :-..re.; m. Uct. 4. 1913. :-..rrs. Ethel Lancaster. Children: Edwin Decker .-\mes h. Oct. 13. 1914. :-..laynarcl L. .-\mes li. .--\pril 23. 1920 . . \nella Ames h. 1832; cl. 1892 . .-\n1\· Emma .-\mes h. 1834; cl. f ulY 3. 18j3. *Fra~1eis .\I. :\mes b. :-..Iarcn 6. (837; d. Sept. 24. 1914.

4 SETH' ( Ira7. Stephen6• Samuel5, Samuel • Samuel3. Ruh­ 1 ert2. Ruhert • ancl ,,·ife Rebecca of .--\ndoyer and Boxford 1. B"rn 184+: died ---. :-..rarried Lydia :-..IcKeen. Re"ided in Oxford . .\le. (\\.elch,·ille). Children: l31is,:; Charles :\mes h . .\fay 19. 1867 at ~orth Chatham. ~. H.; m. Dec. 19. 1891. \ran· D ..-\mes*. b. Oct. 2. 1868 at BnnYnYille. Pa .. daughter· of Jabez Frank9 ( Doyle'. :\fark7. :-..lark6• descendant from .--\nthon\' Eames or .\mes of :-..Iarshfleld. :-..rass.). She had l;rothers ..-\sa Frank. Frederick Eugene and Ambrose. Children of Bliss C. and :-..ran· D.: \\.arren .-\mes h. Dec. 8. ·1892; m. Sept. 29. 1917. :-..rarion H. Chapin of \\'altham. :-..Iass.; he is presi­ dent of the B. C. .\me,; Co. of \\'altham. :-..[ass. Children: Florence :-..rary .-\mes b. Sept. 29. 1918 . .--\nna Beatrice .-\mes h. :-..fay 13. 1922. Bliss Chapin .-\mes h. Sept. 27. 1927. Ira Ralph Ames h ..--\ug. 23. 1894; Yice-president and treasurer of the B. C. :\mes Co. Eldora .-\mes h. ---; m. John :-..rc.-\rthur; res. Pittsfield . .:\[ass.

Xote. The aboYe Asa Frank had sons Ambrose and Ray who moYed to San Francisco. Cal., the balance of his family settled at \Valtham, ~lass. The above Frederick Eugene resided at Waldohoro, ~le.. m. Anna R. Jackson. The above Ambrose ?>:. (son of Jabez Frank) m. Cora Towle, daughter of Alden and Philena (Ames) Towle. He was a sea captain; was shipwrecked six times and was washed o~:erhoard in a wreck of Schooner ·'Allen Green" off \\~estport in Bay of Fundy. ~- S., '.\[arch 16. 1910-11. * ).{rs. 1lary D ..-\mes connects on her mother's si

Children three; one· daughte·· t II'', ,, ,11- lra J ..-\mes IJ. ---; m .. \1J1ne \11,ec: n·, \\.altha111. :\I ass. Clifton .-\mes b. ---; res. \\ althalll ..\h" This group descends from Robert l·:aJllv, a11d 11 i,·,. 1-'.clwcca Blake of .-\ndoYer. ~[as,;. and ,,·ife ]\ebecca ). Born .-\ug-. 2(J. 173_; 111 :\larlhurough. :\[as,-;.; died 1821 in .-\sh field. :\Ias,;. Sen·ed as priyate in Capt. Xeherniah :\fa<:- company. Col. DaYid Leonard's Reg. 1777 Conti11l'11tal ..\rrny. :\Tarried Dec. 8. 1761. :\Iahetahle l la1·i,; of Rutland. :\Ias:-. Children born in Holland. :\[a,;s. and X. Y. state: Rebecca ..\mes Ii. 1763. Xathan ..\mes Ii. ---. Ebenezer ..\me,-, Ji. 1767; 111. Elizabeth I Behy) Jewett of Deerfield. ChiJdren: Ebenezer .\mes li . .\'()\·. JlJ, 17'13; d. lune 5. 1873; m. Dec. 15, 1815. Emma :\Iontague iii Sunderland. h. :\Iarch 10. 171N, cl. Sept. 2. IR80; res. Conway. :\lass. Children I see histo1T oi Conwa\·. :\Iass.) : Ebenezer .\mes r). Sept. 1. ·18!6; m. Cawli11e Shaw. Emma .-\mes h . .-\pril 6. 1818; m. \\.illiam C. Campbell. Sept. 14. 1840. Children: Eizabeth Campbell h. ----; 111. James Fur­ ber Bannester. Edwin .\mes b. June -1-, 1820; d. Dec. 2-t, 1850; m. Sept. 12. i843, Harriett T. Thompson of .-\mherst. EYan Fisher .\mes Ii. :\fay 10. 1822; m. (l) E. C. Child; m. (2) Caroline :\f. Brown. John :\fontague .\mes b. .\ ug. 10. 1824; m. Caro­ line P. Bates. Elizabeth Ames h .. \ug. 29. 1825; d. Dec. 14, 1838. Elihu Carlos A.mes h. Sept. 11. l 82ts; d ..-\pril 29, 1848. Emily Houghton .-\mesh. Sept. 30. 1831; d. Sn\'. 16. 1846. Samuel . .\mes h. ----; cl. young. EA:\IES-A:\IES GE:-;EALOGY 227

Filena ,\mes h. ---; 111. --- :.\Ialley. Elizabeth .\mes h. ---; m. --- Elmair. .-\h·in .\mes h. ---; m. Salley Thompson. Their son :.\Iilo rn. Lnlia Child. Lona. daughter of :.\Jilu and Lnlia. rn. fohn .--\. Brown. their daughter. Eury­ dice.\. Brown: b. in E!h-. .\'. Y .. rn. Hn;ner .\. \\-il­ liams ( ,;ee Lineage hook \'ol. L. p:tge qc_ D ..\. R.) Clara .\mes h. ----. Phebe .-\mes h. ---. :.\Iahetable .\mes b. ---. Salh- .\mes h. ---.

3 EBE.\' EZElF ( Ehenezer6, Ebenezer·5• Jam es 1. Robert • Ruhert2• R,,;,ert1 and Rebecca (Blake) Eames). Born Sept 1. 1816; died in Holyoke .\'o,·. 22, 1880. :.\Tarried Caroline Sha,L :--"oY. 29. 1848. l'hildren: Elihu Burrett .\mes h. Oct. 20. 1849; m. Dec. 7 1873. Faith Bennester. \\"il1iam C ..-\mesh ..\ug . .?(1. 185.?. Eben .\mes h. ---. Eunice .\mesh.---. Frank . \mes h. ----.

1 JOH.\' :.\IU.\'T.\CL'E7 ( Ehenezer6, Ehenezer5• Jame::: . 1 Robert3, Robert2• Rohert ). Born .\ug. 10. 1824;

6 E\'.-\:--" FISHER7 (Ehenezer , Ebenezer°, James4. Robert3• Robert2• Robert1 of ~'\ndoYer). Born May 10. 1822 in Con­ "·ay. :'.\Tass.; died in :\fontreal June 13. 1895. ::\Iarried first Sept. 20, 1849. Fleeter C. Child. died Aug. 11. 1850. 228 EA.:-.IES-A.:-.IES GE:--;EALOGY

Married second Caroline '.\I. Bro\Yn. hum .\" u\·. 2Q. 1822. Occupation. hoot and shoe manufacturing. Resided at Com,·aY, \Iass. '.\Iun,d to :\Iuntreal. l'anada. Children: Sir Hed;ert Brown .\n,es Ii. Ju11e .?3. 18Ci3 i11 .\I()ntreal. Can.; m. Louise :\f. Kennech·. He Ins Lra\·eled exten­ sively. ancl has rnacle a special study of ~ocial and ecn­ nomic conditions. bis written many l:ouks. He was :t member of the Canac'ian l'arl:ament in I CJJ(i; was ap­ pointed Fin:rncial Director oi ,he League (Ii .\"aticms. From '·The Americana" \·ul. I. page :i(if/ we quote "Sir Herbert Brow11 .-\mes. Canadian legislator; h . .\Tontreal. June 23. rn63. of .-\rnerican pare:its. He was •(raduaterl B. .-\. at Amherst College . .\fass. in 188:i. \nalderman of :\Iontreal. I 89..J.-1906. and Chairman of the :\I unicipal Boarcl of Health 1900-0+; he Ins represented the Saint Antoine di,·ision of :\Iontreal in the House oi Comm1111, in the Consen·atiye interest since J(JO..J.. and in 191 I was made Chairman oi the Hou;;e\ Standing Committee 1Jt1 Banking and Commerce. I le is Honorary Secretary (Ii the Canaclian Patriotic Fune! and was knighted in I q I:=;, He is a c1ose stuclent oi economic and s·>cial condition~. and is the authir oi "The :\lachine in Honest Hands'" (189..J.); "The Cit\ Bel,n,· tl,e Hill" 1 rnq7 I ; "The Cit\ Problem" I I <;o 1 ) : etc... -

\\.ILLI.-\:\I CREE .-\:\IES6 (Jonathan Rolibins5 • Juna­ than4, Stephen3• John2• Rcihert 1 and Rebecca Blake Eames ui Boxford and .-\ndO\·er ). Born at Clearfield. Pa .. net. 1_:;, 183Q: died at BttrrsYille . .'.\Tel.. '.\larch 10. 1879. Prepared for the ministry at the cullege at Dayt(Jn, Pa. At the outbreak of the Ci\·il \\.ar enlisted as Sergeant in Com­ pany K, 14th Penna. CaYalry, \Yith "·hich he :c;en·ed until he ,ms honorably discharged in '.\fay. 1865. at the close of the war. He entered the ministry of the '.\Iethodist Church in 1869, and continued his pastoral labors until his death on March 10, 1878, from the effects of a \\·otmd receiYed in the army. Married Jan. 14. 1865, Margaret Catherin Demory. born near Harpers Ferry. \V. \'a .. in London Co., April 12, 1838, died at Carlisle. Pa .. March 21, 1907.

See page 46, 93, 158, 234. 235. Genealogy of Robert Eames (Ames) of Andover, l\Iass. See history of Conway. ~{ass., also vital records of ~Iarlhorough, :.\!ass. EA11ES-A.MES GE~EALOGY 229

Children: :\nnie Rebecca A.mes h. :\Iav 20. 1866; .-\mes ville. Pa.; 1_11. 1888. Thomas Edward Davis. Joseph :\mesh. Sept. 10. 1867 at .\'ewburg. Pa.; d. Dec. :?.?. 1867. Chester .\'ichols ..\mes h. July 15. 1871 in .-\lexandria Co .. \'a.; d. Feb. 3. llJ21 at Chicago. Ill. \\"illiam Homer .-\mes b. :\Iarch 19. 1876 at Pittsville. \\.is­ comico Co .. :\fd.; received his preliminary education in the public st::hools of \\'estminster, .:\Id .. and Dickinson Preparatory school. Carlisle. Pa .. to which place he came with his mother and brother. Chester .\'. in ..\ugust 1888. He entered Dickinson College in 1897 and was graduated with the degree of Ph.B. in 1901. During his college course. he recei,·ed literary and newspaper training as .\ssociate Editor of the college publications. The Dick­ i11sonia11 and the Jficrocosm. and as reporter on the Carlisle Leader. and Carlisle Sc11tincl. also as ..\ssistant Compiler of the Fourth Series of Pennsylvania ..\rchiws ( Papers of the Governors). He was ..\ssistant in the Preparatory :\Ieclical Department of Dickinson College. 18t)().1

has in preparation a genealug\· to lJe called "The .\rnes Famih· in .\merica". He is·a member of the :\fethodist Episcupal Church. the Sigma .\lpha Epsilon college fraternity. Independent Order of Odd Fellows. The Benenllent and l'rotectiYe Order of Elks. the . \merican Sociological Society. the PennsdYania State Lihran· .\ss,iciation. and the l'enn­ sylYan.ia State Federation ()f H istorial Societies. He is of Renilutionary ancestry through both father and mother. In the .\mes line. Ensign Stephen .\mesh. Sept. 1. 1712 wa:,; representatiYe t() the Ceneral Court 11f X. H .. 1775-7Ci-77; Selectman oi l lolli~. :(_ H. and mern­ her of the Cornmitte of Saiet\·. l lollis. 1777. fonathan .\mes enlisted at Hollis.:(_ ll.-(m .\pril ltJ. 177_;· in Capt. Reuben Dow's Cornpany oi :(_ II. :\linute :\!en. and abu responded to the Ticonderoga .\!arm in 1777. In the Demon· ( his mother\ line). \\.illiam Homer .\mes is the gr~at-gramlson oi .\darn Link. ,,·h()se daugh­ ter was Rebecca Link. \\·h·.i,;e daughter \\'as :\fargaret Catheri,1e ( Den:on·) .\mes. .\rlarn Link. (1n June ,2(), 1782 was Commis~irnierl En,;ign in Captain l'~ter Bar­ rick's Compa•,y 11i the Satacktrn1 Battali(,n of Frederick County. :\[cl .. :\lilita. I le is unmarried.

DAXI EL. :\ncestn· undetermined. Burn died

Xatiye of Massachusetb ur :\'e"· Hampshire. Married Lydia ·woodhury. Children: Seymour .\mes b. about 1804 in '.\. H.; cl. 18<)2JJ3 in Perry, Iowa; m. Eunice Beanbly. natin.' of '.\ew York orK H. Children: Amanda Rosella .\mes h. ---; cl. in :\finneapolis, Minn; m. --- Tomlinson of Cedar Rapids. Children: Richard Burton Tomlinson h. ---; m. ---. Children: Royal Tomlinson h. ---; 111. ---. Children: Barbara Tomlinson b. ---. John Tomlinson h. ---. Joshua Beardsly .\mes b. ---; cl. at San Juan Bau­ tista. Cal.. about 1911-12. Prior to his death he had EAMES-A:.IES GE:\"EALOGY 231

resic\ec\ for ~eYeral ,·ears in San Tuan Bautista ancl hacl at various time~ resided at Kenosha, \\'is .. and during his early years at Storm Lake. Iowa; married. Children: .-\delbert .-\mes h. ----; res. Hollister_ Cal. .-\rthur Burton .-\mes h. ---; an attorney of Kenosha. \ \'is. \\'illmr .\mes lJ. ---. Shirle,· .-\mes lJ. ---; res. Xapa. Cal. Katheine ·E'iz ..\mes b. ---; d. in Los .\ngeles about 1920 age 80. She resided in Los Angeles about two Years before her death. Prior to that she resided· for seYeral Years in Santa .-\nna, Cal. ; she spent a greater part of her married life in Perry, Iowa; m. --- Pratt. OrYancl Durance .·\mes b. 1842 in Clinton Co .. Xew York; cl. ---; res. San Bernardino, Cal.. m.

Children. Freel E ..-\me~ Ii. ---; res. San Bernardino. Cal. Edna .-\mes h. ---; res. Hullvwoocl. Cal. .-\rthur \ ,. oodhury .-\mes h. 1845 t;ear Plattsburg. X. Y.; d. 1920 in Santa .\nna, Cal. He moved with his parents to Iowa when a small hoy; m. Sarah Aletha \\'alker, b. about 1848. a native of Elkhart Co .. Ind. Children: Homer George .-\mes b. Xov. 29, 1877 in \\'inter­ set, Iowa; J uclge of the Superior Court of Orange Co., Cal. (1929). Daniel .-\mes h. ---; native of Xew Hampshire; cl. in Denver. Col.. about 1908. leaving a widow and seYeral children. James Ames h. ---. John .-\mesh.---. E.-\:.IES. SAl\lCEL ( .-\ncestry undetermined). Born .-\ug. 16. 179J 111 England; died in America Oct. 15. 1868. Married Xancy Castura. horn in England 1792. died in England. Children: John Eames b. 1819 in England; d. 1863 in .-\merica; m. Hannah Powell. h. in England. cl. 1854 in England. 232 EA~IES-A~IES GE:-EALOGY

Edwin Leslie Eames. D.D.S .. 1886. Children: Edwin Samuel Eames b. [an. 7. 185:2 in Hereford. England ; d. Dec. 1:2. 1928 in .\me,ica; he came in 18c8; 111. Cora .\1111 Cah·in h. Oct. :21. IR60 in BrYan. Ohio. cl. Dec. :28. 19:24. - Children: James \\"alter Eames h. :\'o\'. 19. 1878 in .\Iont­ gomery . .\Io. ; res. Grand Junction. Col. *Edwin Leslie Eames h. Feb. 5. 1886 in .\Iontgom­ ery . .\Io.; 111. Sept. :2:2. 1909.

- The aho,·e Edwin and John ha,·e the title D.D.S. AhoYe data from E. Le~lie Eame~ D.D.S. Lo.;; Angeles, 615 Auditorium Building. EA1IES-A1fES GEXEALOG\" 233

Lela Eames h. Tuh· 21. 1889; m. Bishop. Inez Eames h. _(ul): 24. 1892 in :-Iontgomery. :-fo.; m. --- Gliser. * fohn Edison Eames h. A. pril 13. 1896 in :\Iont­ . gomery. :-Io.; res. Los .-\ngeles. Cal.

CH.-\RLES HE:,.,;RY (.-\ncestry undetermined). Born in \\'ohurn. ,\la,ss .. 1831: died in .-\ttleboro. :-.Jass .. June 9. 1908. :\Iarriecl -----. Children: \\.alter E .. \me,; 11. Feh. 24. 1867 in :,.,;orth .-\ttlehorn. ,\Ia,;s.; 111 •.-\mia D. ---. li. :\far. 13. 1867 in Ports­ mouth. :,.,;_ H. Children: \\'. Fran:: .\me,; li. Dec. 4. 1892 m ::\"orth .\ttlelioro. :\fa,;,;.; m. ---. Children: .\1rna L"ui,;e .-\me, 11 .. \ug. 18. 1924 in Carn­ liridge. :\la,;,. l'lara D .. \me,; h. :\(1\·. 4. 18 )-1, Ill :\,r-th Brattlebom. :\la,;,;_; m. --- Beausoliel. l'hilrlren: :\larion .\mes Beau,,iliel h. Dec. -1-. 191-1- in :,.,;orth .\ttlelinro. :\fas5. Paul .\!hen Beansoliel h. Feh. 17. 1916 in ::\"nrth .-\ttlelioru. :\lass. Rol:ert Beausoliel li. June 29. 1')28 in .-\ttleboro. :\f ass. :\ewel! S.. \mes Ii. Dec. 31. 1897 in :,.,;onh .-\ttleborn. :\lass.; rn. ----; res. ::\:ew Britain. Conn. Children: l{uth .\mes h. < >ct. G. 192-1- in Rochester. :,.,;_ H. l{ichard .\mes Ji ..-\pril 29, 1929 in Xew Britain. Cunn. Charles H ..-\mesh. ( ).·t. 6. 1899. :\lyrn,1 H ..-\mes 1:. Sept. 25. 1907.

Recently it \\'as my priYilege to examine a chart and other data indicating that Jacob Eame,;, born June 12. 1756. 5011 of J acuh and Lucy (Frost) Eames moyed to Belfast. :\Ie .. an

Jacob son of Jacob and Lucy (Frust) Eames ,,·a;; horn June 12. 1756 in \\.ilmington, ::\Ias:o. \\.ith the e,·idence at hand I am co1n-inced that Jacob horn .I une 12, 1756 son of Jacob and Lucy ( Fro;;t) Eames is the Jacob \\·ho married Aug. 3. 1780 Lucy Jones and moyed to \\·ool\\'ich, l\Ie. Record of their marriage and of birth ui their t\Yo children appears in the \\.ilmingtun. l\la;;s .. Yitai records. The Jacob of \Yilmington \\·Im married Lucy Jones had a .~ister Phebe \\·ho married Benjamin Jaquith. and the Jacul, ,d10 moyed to \\·ooh\·ich, :.\le., had a ,;on D,l\·id Jaqueth Eames. The eyidence appears such as to exclude Jacob of Belfast from this position in the \\.ilrnington line and therefore ,Yith uncletenmnecl ancestry thi:o record \\·ill prnceed.

,L-\COB (.-\nce,:;try undetermined I. Burn :.\I arch 10. 17~-+: died in S,Ya1n-ille. l\[e .. Xo,·. 7. 1851. age 97 year,; . .-\ natiye of \\.ilmington. :.\Ia,;,;., and a participant in the battle of Lexington. came tu Belfa,;t, l\Ie .. from Chester. X. H .. in 1784 and settled on one of the lot:o in Belfast ,Yhich later became a part of Searsport. ::\Ie. .-\fter some year;; he 1110,·ed to the :'\arrows. or Cpper Bridge, built a large t\yo story house. He aftenyard,;, year 1804. became a re,;ident of S,,·an­ Yiile ,d1ere he died XO\·. 7. 1851. age 97. \\'illiamson's history says. "He \Ya;; t,,-ice married, had four children by his fir;;t ,Yife and t,\·o by hi,; second 1\·iie. all born in Belfast''. Further inYestigation indicate;; that he ,Yas married three times and that he had more children. Married first 1780. Jennett :\IcKeen. born Feb. 5. 1762. died Feb. 22. 1793. l\farried second Feh. 24. 1802. :\Iarian :\'icker,;on Par,;on,;, died .\.ug. 24, 1814. \Yido,\· oi John Xickerson. :.\Iarried third Feb. 6. 1815. :\fary Elizabeth Hartson. burn Feb 17. 1780. died Feb. 15. 1863. Children: Jacoli Eames Ii. Jan. 13, 1781; cl. !RIO; m. (Sally Eame~:1. EA~lES-A~lES GE:\'EALOGY

:-lartha Polly Eames h .. \ug. 18. 178.2; cl. ( Jct. _?(). 1861; m. :\fay 8. 1816 ..\lexander Black. .\bigail Eames h ..\pril 15. 1784; cl .•\ug. 18. 1864; m. Eben Cunningham. John Eames b. July 16. 178(J; d. Sept. 13. 1839; 111 ..\ug. 23. 1814. Sa!h· :\fathews. Samuel Eames 1;. XoY. 13. 1788; d. Dec.13.1873; 111. Xo\· . .20. 1809 .. \higail Xickerson. lane Eames h. :\farch 2.2. 1791; cl. ( kt. IG. 179.2. )ennette Eames h. Feb . .27. 1793; cl. .\pril 11. 1873; m. ( 1) Henry .·\mes; m. ( 2) --- HaYiner. Toanna Eames h. Feb . .24. lfl03; cl. Feb . .21. 188.2; twin; 111. · Dec. 31. 1830. \\'inslow Holmes. son of .-\nnanias ( per­ haps of :\fachias. :\fe.). Drusella Eames h. Feb. 14. 1803; d. Xm·. 11. 1864; twin: m. Ruben Crosb\'. Salh· Eames b. :\[a·\' .21. 1805; d. Jul\' 9. 1835. H a1~nah Eames b. ( kt . .24. 1816; ·cl. ·Feb . .24. 1886; m. July 9. IR35. Ifamlin Dich. Jamb H. Eames b. :\larch 19. 1818; m. :\larch 9. 1843. :\lartha .\1111 Creel\·. DaYicl Cage Eames 1;.. -\pril 18. 1820; cl ..-\ug. 1.2. 1883. Caro'ine E. Eames h. Sept. 4. 18.2.2; d. Feh. 11. 1891; rn. :\fay 8. 184--1-. :\[arias SteYens. :\laria'm Eames h. Jan. 1.2. 182-; cl. Sept. 2.2.1893; 111., 1) :\[ay .2. 1848, lJenj. F. \\"bittier; m. (2) Dec. 11. 1861. Horatio Carter. *JACOB (Jacob'). Born in Swall\·ille. Me... Jan. 13, 1781: died 1810-29. Son of Jacoh ancl .I ennette ( ).lt Keen) Eame;;. Diec! soon after g-racluating from college. :\Iarried Sally (Eames:). Children one son: Franklin Prince Eames h. July .24. 1825; d. July 25. 1886. :\L-\RTH.\ (Pollyi Jacob:). Born Aug. 18. 1782: died Clct. 29. 1861. :\larried .\lexander Black of Sandy Point. l\Ie. Children: Leonard Black b. ---; cl. young. Jacob Black b. ---; cl. young . .\lfrecl Ulack b. ---; cl. young .

.., Frcm recurds in the hands of George F. _Eamc:-, ~I.D. of Boston arnl his si'-te 1• Jennie Eames LeaYitt of Belfast, ~re. as ft!rmsherl me ~fay 7. 1917. The ahoH• childre11 may not he giYen in p1·oper order. 236 EA:-.IES-A).fES GEXEALOGY

A.lexander Black b. ---; cl. young. Sumner Black b. ---; cl. young. Eliza Tane Black Ii. ---. ::\Iartha A.nn Black h. ---. Sarah _'\ higail Black b. ---. :\BIG ..\IL (Jacob'). Born A.pril 15. 1784: died ..\ug. 18. 1864. }Iarriecl Eben Cunningham of Swam·ille . .:\le. Children: Jacob Cuningham li . 111. Jane Holme,; (If Belfast. .:\le. Henry Cuningham 1>. ---; 111. Sallie Holmes of Belfa"t, .:\Ie. \\'illiarn Cuningham Ii. - - ; 111. Dianna >-"icker,on <1i Swam·ille. ::\Ie. Parsons Cuningham h. --- ; 111. Harriett :-:,picer <1f llel­ fast. ::\le. Jane Cuningham l!. ---; 111. C\Ttb Patter,on oi Belfa,t. }Ie. Dollie Cuningham h. ---; :n. S\·h·anu,; :\'ickerson ui Swam·ille. ).J e. Lucy Cuningham h. ---; 111. 1 1 ) Holmes of Belfa"t. ). Ie. JOH:\' !Jacob'). Born July 16. 1786 in Belfa,-;t. ::\le.: diecl

::\Iarried .'\ug. 23. 1814. Salh· ::\lathe\\S uf Ca,;tine. :\le-. }loYed tu Jack,-;un. ::\le. Children: :\fartb lane Eame,; h. June 21. 1;-!13; 111. Luther ( ;;:umett of Beifa;;t. ::\le. Harriett :\'. Eames h. Feb. 2(i. li'il7; m. --- \\.i,well of :\'. H. :\' e!son Eames li. :\larch .n. 1821 ; 111. ----; lll()Yed t,, :\'. r. Chiidren: \\'ilberforce Eames h. Oct. 12. 1833 in >-"ewark. >-". J. In 1893 he became Librarian at the Lenox Lihran· at :\'ew York. He was a writer of consideralil~ note; collected a ;;pecialized Library oi more than 2000 yoJumes. considered the best of its kind owned by a priYate person in _-\merica. Edward C. Eames h. Sept. 1837. Sarah _.\nn Eames h. Uct. 2(>. 1824; cl. :\ny_ 28. 1846. Charlotte Eames h ..\pril 10. 1821; unmarried. EA1fES-A.\fES GEXEALOGY 237

John Eames h. Dec. 30. 1829; unmarried. Loomis Eames h. Dec. 3. 1831 in Jackson. }Ie.; cl. Dec. 18, 1913 in Searsport. :\Ie. S:\:\ICEL (Jacoh? \. Born XoY. 25, 1788 in Belfast. Me.; clied in S\\·a1n-ille. :\Ie., Dec. 13. 1873-74. :\farried XoY. 30. 1809, :\.bigail Xickerson. born at Cape Cod, :\Iass. Children: Tane Eames 11. Oct. 5. 1810; cl. Feb. 8. 1890; m. Tully · Xickerson of Swanyil!e. :\Ie. Children ten of which we giye the following: George Xickerson h. ---. Laura :\"ickerson b. ---. Tohn ;(ickerson h. ---. Charles ;(ickerson b. ---. :\nnie :\"ickerson h. ---. Hep,;ibeth Eames h. ,\ug. 29. 1812; m. Henry Carleton; res. Oakland. Cal. Jacob Freeman Eames h. :\[arch 4. 1815; cl. Feb. 1892; m. Sally .\nn :\Iarnthan; res. Xorth Searsport; children. ten . .\higail Eames h. Oct.3.1817; d. :\[arch 1900; m. Emery ;(ickerson of Swam·ille; children. twelve. Samuel Lorenzo Eames h. Jan. 29. 1820; cl. Aug. 28, 1883; m. Jane Stnens of Belfast. :\Ie. Benjamin F. Eames h. Feh. 28. 1822; cl. Sept. 1851 ; m. 1844. Syh·ia Rowe of Bangor; children, four. John .\. Eames h. Sept. 15, 1824; cl. Dec. 1826. John :\.lexancler Eames b. :\[arch 31, 1827; cl. Jan. 31. 1891; 111. Lizzie Edwards of Tackson. :\Ie. Laura .\. Eames b. Oct. 17, 1829; cl. April 1910; m. Levi TrunfES GE;\EALOGY

::\fartha ..\mes IJ. Dec. Ci. 1814 in Prospect. :\le.; m. ( Jfr; Priest. Rebecca ..\mes Ii. ---; cl. :\I arch 25. 1843. age 13 yr~. 10 mos. Tosiah ..\mes h. ---; followed the sea and d. at ~ea; m. · Feb. 22. 1845. Sarah Reed. Tohn ..\mes Ii. ---; cl. at sea. Henn· ..\mes b. ---; 111. ~o,·. 20. 18-1--1-. :\Ian· ..\1111 \\'~11s. Xathaniel ..\mes h. ---. Edmond \ \' ...\mes h. ---.

JACOB H ..\RTSO~ (Jacob'). Born in S\\am·illc. :\l 1 • .• March 19. 1818; died ----. Married 1843 . .:\lartha ..\1111 Creeh· uf S\\·anyille . .:\le. Children: ::\Iary G. Eames b . .:\Iay 19, 1845; m. George\\'. :\[,>ore r,f Presque Isle . .:\Ie. George H. Eames h. Dec. 25. 1848; m. in Scotland; re,;. Tacoma. \\'ash. Children: --- Eames h. ---; d.; buried in Hong Kong. E. Jennette Eames b ..-\pril 19. 1851; cl. about 1885; m. E . .:\larks of Concord . .:\Jass. Cora E. Eames b. Dec. 5. 1857; 111. Charles Rice of Sears­ port, ::\Ie. Charles Eames h. June 9. 1862; 111. Helen Clark of \\'inter­ port, ::\Ie. Children: Christena Eames b. ---; res. Searsport. :\le. Daughter Eames h. ---; cl. in infancy. E ..\.'.\1ES. CAROLI~£ E. (Jacob'). Born Sept. 4. 1822: died

Married Marias SteHns. Residence ---. Children: \\'illiarn Tohnson Ste\'ens b. cl. :\fay 7. 1913; m. Sept. 21, 1881. Laura B. Rogers. Children: Harriette .:\Iabel Ste\'ens b. Dec. 10. 1882 . ..\lice Stewns b ...\pr. 27. 1885. Frank Rogers Stnens h. Dec. 15. 1887. Laura Stewns h. Feb. 13. 1889; 111. Cecil .:\[. Creel. EAlIES-AlIES GEXEALOGY 239

Children: :\Iarshall Stevens Creel h. Dec. 23. 1916. Tane Creel b. 1924-25. :\Iartha T~ckson Stevens b. ---; cl. :\Iarch 5, 1910; 111. :\fav io. 1869. Ahrum Littlefield. Children: Caroline :\1. Littlefield h. Dec. 4. 1870. Uertha Louise Littlefield h. Oct. 29. 1872; 111. Fred Osburn. Frank Russell Littlefield b. :\fay 21. 1875; m. Alice Thompson. Children: Ethel Lindsy Littlefield b ..-\pril 1904. Ellen Stevens Littlefield h ..-\pril 1910. Harriett Jane Steyens h. fuh· 4. 1851; cl. fan. 17. 1899; unmar;iecl. · · · Frank :\[arias SteYens h. June 23, 1853; m. Dec. 8, 1888, Ida :\L .\'ickerson. :\lary Elizabeth Steven,-; h .•-\pril 23. 1857; m. July 10. 1907. Isaac E. :\Ic Keen. Carrie :\lav Stevens h . .\'ov. 22, 1860; cl. Tan. 8. 1878. l{alph Da,:id Stevens h. June 3. 1865; cl.· Dec. 20, 1877. E~-\11£S. HEPSIB ETH ( Sanrnel'. Jacob?). Born .\ug. 29. 1812; died---. :'.\larried Hanry Carleton. Residence. Oakland. Cal. Children: George Carleton h. ---. Charles Carleton h. ---. Hattie Carleton b. ---. .\BIGAIL (Samuel'. Jacob'). Born Oct. 3, 1817; died March 1900. ~Iarried Emery Xickerson of S,vanville, Me. Children: Alfred Xickerson b. ---. .\nclrew Xickerson h. ---. Augusta Johnson Xickerson b. ---. Abbie Xickerson h. ---. Flora Xickerson h. ---. Edwin Xickerson b. ---; cl. in childhood. Jennett Xickerson h. ---. Harriett Xickerson h. ---. 240 EAlfES-AlfES GE~EALOGY

Helen Augusta Xickerson h. ---. Carrie Xickerson li. ---. Edwin Xickerson b. ---. Lorenzo Xickerson h. ---; cl. in infancy.

JACOB FREE.\L\X (Samuel:. Jacob:). Born .\larch 4, 1815; died Feb. 1892. Resided in Stockton Springs . .\Ie. Married Dec. 22, 1836 in Searsport . .\Ie .. Sally ..\1111 1fathe,Ys. Children: Freeman .-\.lonzo Eames h. Feb. 1. 1838. Sarah Tane Eames h. Tune '.!.7. 1839; m. Josiah Littlefield of \felds. · Samuel Rosco Eames h . .\[arch 15. 1841. .\!aria .-\nn Eames h. Feb. 12. 1843; 111. Capt. Frank Blake of Stockton . .\Ie. Benjamin .\Iathews Eames h. Xn\·. 15. 1844; m. ( 1) Yiola Gray; m. t '.!.) Emma Black; 111. ( 3) Xellie Hopkins. Xanc,: Theodata Eames h . .\Iarch 10. 1847. Clara· .\hiah Eames h . .\farch 22. 1850. Frederick Jacob Eames h .. \ug . .?6. 1853; 111 .• \hhie Keen. Syh·ina .-\.ugusta Eames h. Jan. 5. 1856; m. Peter Shute of Boston . .\Iass. Frances .\Iarion Eames b. Tan. 13. 1858 . .-\.lhert .\Ielvin Eames h. Aj>ril .?6. 1864; rn. .\manda .\Iath­ ews of Boothbay Harbor. Children: - Butler .\Iathews Eames h. ---; m. Oct. 20. 19n. Irene Xickerson. Hartford. Conn. Children: John Hagan Eames b. ---. John Hagan Eames h. ---; 111. .\fay 17. 1924 . .\Iuriel .\Ic.\ficken in Brooklrn. X. Y. Robert Eames b. ---. · .\lbert Eames b. ---.

JOHX ALEXAXDER (SarnueF. Jacob'). Born March 31, 1827; died Jan. 31. 1891. Residence, Passadumkeag, Me., and .\shland . .\Tass. Married Elizabeth Edwards. Children: Ralph Eames b. ---. Julia E. Eames h. ---; m. 1918, Edward E. \ \" entworth. Elizabeth Eames h. ---; rn. 1890. Henry C. Cross. EA1IES-A11ES GE).;EALOGY 241

Lucia \\·. Eames h. ---. }fabell H. Eames b. ---. L.\CR:-\. :-\ .. (Samuel°. Jacob'). Born Oct. 17. 1829; died .-\pril 1910. Residence, Searsport, l\Ie. :-farried Lni Tnmd,· 1854. Children: X ettie Trunch· b. ---. Ella Trnmh· li. ---. .-\lfred Tninch- b. ---. Jennette Trunch· h. ---. (:eorge Trundy· h. ---; d. in childhood. S.-\:\ICEL LOREXZO (Samuel', Jacoh'1. Born Jan. 29. 1820: died .-\ug. 28. 1883. :\[arried Jane Sten'n,-; of Belfast. ).[e. Re,-idence. California. Children: Jane Eh·ira Eames h. ---. Rose<> Loring Eame" h. ---; rn. Xannetta \\'illy. res. Cal. }fan· SteYen" Eames b. ---; m: --- }(am·ais; res. C~l. .-\1111 1[atilda Eame~ h. ---; 111. Tohn 1IcCrea. Jane SteYens Eames h. ---. ·

BEXJX:\IIX F. (SamueF. Jacob'). Born Feb. 28. 1822; died Sept. 1851. :\Tarried Syh·ia Rc)\\·e of Bangor. :\Ie. Re,-iclencc. ---. Children: Fannie Eames h. Tan. 8. 1846; 111. Charles Goyen. Ceor~ianna Eame; b. Oct. 23. 1847. · Charles F. Eames h ..\ug. 16. 1849; m. 1869. ).[ary Hu111by. Benjamin .-\llen Eames Ii. Oct. 22. U~50; m. :\(innie Rowe of Portland. Children: OliYe Eames h. ---. FRAXKLIX PRIXCE (Jacob?, Jacob'). Born July 24. 1825; died July 25. 1886. age 61. His father was lost at sea. in fact both his parents died \Yhen he ,,·as a llahy. During the \Yar he was Lieut. in Co. I. 242 EA:\1ES-A:\fES c;E:'.\EALOGY

4th 1Iaine Regt. Had represented "\Yard 5 111 Common Council. was .-\lderman in 1877-1878. 1Iarried .-\bigail Ho\\'e. born Xo\'. 4. 1829. died .-\ng. 1895. Children all burn in S,\'am·ille, :-le.: :-Ian· Eames b. ---; d. in infanc\'. Geo;ge F. Eames h. :-Ia, 26, 1854. · .-\nnahel Eames h ..\pril ·17. 1857; 111. Charles :,[. Ellis. X ell ie Jane Eames h. Sept. 18, 18(i 1 ; m. Ceorge .-\. LeYett of Bel fast. :-Ie. Cora .-\liigail Eames h ..\pril 5. 18Ci4; nnmarriecl in EJ25. BEXJ.-\1IIX :-I. (Jacob'. Samuel°, Jacob'). Born~--; clied 1929, age 84. Residence. Prospect. :,[e .. and Inglnrnod, Cal. Occupation ---. :-Iarried first "\'iola Cray. :\Iarriecl second Emma Black. :-Iarried third Xellie Hupkins oi Ikliast, :-le ...\ng. Fl21. Children hy fast \\'ife: Fanstine Eames h. ---; 111. Daniel Hammon of I'rns­ pect, :-Ie. Susan Eames h. ---; m. Fred Chapin of Prnspect. :-le. Clifton :-T. Eames h. --- ; 111. Lizzie Randell oi Prns­ pect, :-[e. Children: Randell Eames h. ---. Viola Eame,, h. ---. Frances V. Eames li. ---; 111. Fred Chapin uf Ing·le­ woocl. Cal. FRED (Jacob'. Samuel°, Jacob'). Burn rliccl

:-Iarried Xo\'. 3. 1877 ..-\hhie Keen. Residence, Stockton. :-le. Children: Tacoh F. Eames h. ---; 111. Sept. 1905 111 Seaqisort. · :-Ie .. :-Ina :-leader. Chilclre{1: .-\ndrew :-foses Eames h. ---. Elmer Eames h. ---. Teresa Eames h. ---. Beatrice Eames h. ---; m. Xo\'. Jlll 5, 111 Do\'er-Fo:-;.­ croft. Ormand Cobon.

Xote. ~-\11 except _Tarn: rc,,idtd in Boston. 1fass. EA11ES-A1fES GEXEALOGY 243

CI-L-\RLES F. (Benjamin F.?. Samuel?, Jacob'). Born ---:died---. :\farried 1869. Ellen Humby. Residence.---. Children: Benjamin Eame,; li. ---; d. in infancy. Charles H. Eames h. ---. Fred S. Eames h. ---. :\fahell Eames h. ---. Ralph G. Eames h. ---. Benjamin.-\. Eames h. ---. .\'ellie P. Eames lJ. ---. Fannie G. Eames h. ---. Stella Eames h. ---. Emma Eames h. ---.

CEO RC. E FR.-\XKLI.\' ( Franklin Prince?. Jacob?. Jacob?). Born :\[a_1,· 26. 185-1-: died Sept. 5. 1920. He recei Yed the degTee of ]) . I) .S. from the Philadelphia Dental College in 1877. and that of \I.D. from the Jefferson :\feckal College. Philadelphia. in 1882. He ,Yas Prof. of Pathulogy and Therapeutics in Bu,-;ton Dental College from 1888 to 1899: Pre;;ident of the »fa,-;s. Dental Society 1888-89. of the Dental Section :-\merican ~fedical .-\ssociation 1904-05. and of the .-\merican .-\cademY of Dental Science 1900. He is a member of the ~Iass. »fedical Society and an Active Fel­ low of the Boston ~Iedical Library Ass'n. He is author of "Practice of Dental ~fedicine''. a "·ork of "·hich ,yas adopted a,; a text book in Dental Colleges b:· the Xational Ass'n of Dental Facultie,:. and wa;; the originator of the Individual Communion Cup in Churche,:.. From 1900 to 1905 he ,vas an .-\me:-ican correspondent of the French Journal "La Revue Stomatologie". He took Post Cracluate course in London. England. Practiced Dentistry in R:iston since 1883. Lecturer in Tufts »Ied. School 1892-94. :-farrie

:\lass.; m. Sept. 27. 1911. Bertha :\[ unroe of Somen·ille. ::\.Tass.; he was a Lieut. in the C. S. Dental Corps from 1917 to 1920; a Dentist in Boston. :\[ass. Children: Barbara Eames h . .'.\oY. 12. 1913 in .'.\eedharn. ::\.[ass. Frederic Buvnton Eames h. Jan. 28. 1918 in .'.\ewton Center. · · David ::\.Iunroe Eames h. A.pril 17. 1921 in \\-ahrnocl, :\I ass. XELLIE J_\.'.\E (Franklin Prince:. J acuh'. Jacuh' ). Born in Swam·ille, :\Ie., Sept. 18. 1861. Married in Belfast. :\Ie .. Dec. 25. 1882. Ceorge .\lnwn Lea,·itt of Clinton. ::\Ie. Children: Lena Eames Lea,·itt h. :\Ia\ 12. 1~84 in Uint,in. :\le.; 111. Perle,· D. Stanle,· of Cra.nl)\ Island, :\Ie. Chilcl~en ( two h~rn in Cra;1ll\' bland ) : Shermon LeaYitt Stanle,· h. ·June 23, l'Jl0. Lucella Stanle\' b. Tune· 22. ·1913. \\'illiam Franklin I~ea,·itt b. :\la,· llJ. 18:-((1 in Clinton. :\fe. m. EYelyn Haynes of .\ugusta. :\fe. Children: Gerald Haynes Leavitt h. Jan. 1~. FJ14 in l\urlingt,in, Vt. - . Raphnel .-\ttee Leavitt h. Feb. 10. 1892 in Clinton, :\fe.; m. Bernice ::\Iuore of S,,·anYille. ::\Ie. Children: Raplmel A.ttee Jr. Lea\'itt b. in Kittery. ::\.Ie.; cl. age 8 months. George Robert Lea,·itt h. :\Iay 10. J

AXXABEL (Franklin Prince:. Jacob', Jacob:). Burn April 17. 1857 in S\\am·illc, ::\.le. Married in Belfast, ::\.le .. Dec. 11. 1884. Charles ::\Ianning Ellis. Residence, ----. Children: Florence Eames Ellis h. Sept. 20, 1885 in Plymouth. :\[ass. Franklin Timotl1\· Ellis li. Oct. 10, 1887 in Ph-mouth. ::\Iass.; m. Oct.- 5. 1921. :\[arion Dunbar of .\n

The Fullu,,·ing Data Dra\\·n From ROSTER OF .:\L\L\"E 1:--; THE \\.ORLD \\'.\R Pages 33. 34. 35. 607. 608.

Ame,c;, Clarence 388-1-38. Born in Portland. J.fe ...-\ug. 28. 1894. Res. Rumford. Incl: Portland L. B. Xo. 1, J.Iay 31/18. PYt; Cpl .-\ng. 14/18. Org: Orel Det C 2 Btry Edge,rnod .--\rs l\Id to July 10/18: Co B 2nd Bn Edge,rnocl .-\rs J.Id to disch. ·O,·erseas ser­ Yice: ;(one. Hon disch on demoh: l\Iarch 10. 1919 . .-\me,;, Earl H. 572625. Born in \\"arren. J.Ie .. J.Iay 6. 1895. Res. Gardiner. Incl: \\"aten·ille. Kennebec Co. ;(o. 2. 1Iarch 18/18. PriYate. Org: Co D 58th Inf tu disch. Owrseas sen·ice: Xone. Hon di,ch on clenwb: Dec. 14. 1918 . .-\mes. EHrett H. 255486. Born in Browm·ille. J.le. .-\ge 19~'.t Years. Res. Bro,yn­ ,·ille. En!: R.-'\. Ft. Slocum. ;(. Y .. Apr. 17 /17. Pri,·ate. Org: Co .-\ 22nd Inf to .--\ug. 3/17; Hq Co Inf Tng & i\lPC to .-\ug. 11/17: Hq Tr 1 l)jy to di,c;ch. O,·erseas: .-\ug. 7/17 to July 1/19. Hon disch on demob: July 10. 1919 . .-\mes, Fred H. 2725607. Born in Rockland. 1Ie., .-\ug. 30, 1891. Res. Rockland. Ind: Rockland. Knc;x Co .. May 29/18. Private. Org 12th Co 3rd Bn Dep Brig Cp De yens to June 15/18; Co K 302r1d Inf to Oct. 15/18; Co C 306th Inf to disch. Eng: l\Ieuse Argonne. O,·erseas: July 5/18 to Apr. 25/19. Hon disch on demob: :May 16, 1919. Ames, Fred L. 1666321. Born in East Boston_. Mass .. Feb. 8. 1896. Res. Orono. Incl: Bangor. Penobscot Co. Xo. 2. Sept. 18/17. PYt; PYt EA:\IES-A:\IES GE:\"EALOGY

1st cl Dec. 11 117: \\·ag ::\Iar. 1/18: Sgt .\ug. 30/18: Sup Sgt Sept. 9/18. Org: Caisson 2 301,;t :-\.m Tn to Oct. 4/17: Co A. 301st .--\rn Tn to June 27/18; Co 1) 73d Inf tu di,;ch. Qyerseas sen·ice: Xone. Hon clisch on demob: Jan. 17. 1919. Ames. George F. 1231143. Born in Xonrn:·, ~Ie. :-\.ge 21 7/12 Hars. Res. Xonyay. En!: XG Xorn·ay ..--\pril 5 17. Repurted iur federal sen·: Sept. 8/17. PYt; PYt 1st cl Jan. 7/IG. Org: :\ID :\Ie XC to Oct. 5/17; Cp Hosp Cp Bartlett :\[a:-s. to XoY. 21/17: 1st Inf \'t. XG :.ID (:\ID 57th Pioneer Jni\ to ::\fay 7/18; Hq Pro\' Dep for Corps & .--\rmy Trps to disch. Cherseas ser­ \'Ice: Xone. Hon disch on demob: Feli. 6. 1919 . .\me,-;, Harold F. 400228. Born in .--\thens. ::\Ie. Age 20 years. Res. Portland. Enl: R.\ Ft. Slocum. X. Y., :\larch 2/18. P, t: Cpl Sept. 1/18: Sgt Oct. 1/18. Urg: 13th Det .\S Sig C Kelh· Field to Jnly 9/18; 882 .\ero Sq tu disch. (h·ersea, sen·ice: Xone. Hon disch on demob: Jan. 24, 1919 . .\mes. Harold L. 4916890. Born in Lincolm·ille. :\Ie., .\pril 15. 1899. R.es. Camden. Incl: Boston, :\Iass .. for Ruckland. Knox Cu .. :\Iaine. Oct. 21/18. Printe. Org: S.\TC Boston Cniy Boston :\lass. to disch. Qyerseas sen·ice: Xone. Hun cli"ch on demob: Dec. 11, 1918 . .--\mes. HarHY 589914. Born in l."nity, :'.\le. .--\ge 19 3/12 year:-. Res. BmHbin­ ham. En!: XC Bnms,,·ick ..\pr. 11/17. Reported for Federal Sen-: July 25,117. P,·t: PYt l,-t cl Jan. 19/19. Org: 10th Co C.--\ :\le. XC (21 Co C.\C Portland) to June 1/18; Btry F 72nd Arty C.--\C to disch. Onrseas: Aug. 8/18 to ::\larch 14/19. Hon clisch on demob: :\Iar. 25. 1919. Ames. Hobart F. 683399. Born in Xeedham. :\Jass._. Dec. 9. 1891. Re,; ..--\ulrnrn. ::\Ie. Incl: .\.uburn, .\.nclro,;coggin Co. Xo. 2. Sept. 18/17. PYt; Cpl XoY. 1/17: Sgt Jan. -/18. Org: Hq Co 303 F.\ to disch. Qyerseas sen·1ce: Xone. Hon disch on demob: Dec. 13, 1918. EA1fES-A1fES GEXEALOGY 247

:\mes. Ho,\'ard E. 3162782. Born in Otisfield. 1Ie .. June 8. 1895. Res. Oxford. Ind: \\·estbrook. Cumberland Co. ~o. 2. July 26/18. Priyate. Org: 45th Co 12th Bn 151 Dep Brig to .\ug. 15/18; Co H 42nd Inf to clisch. (}yerseas sen·1ce: Xone. Hon clisch on clemoh: Jan. 9. 1919 . .\me;;. Ira L. 2727987. Born in LakeYille. :\1e .. Oct. 3. 1888. Res. York Harbor. Ind: Kennebunk. York Co. Xo. 2. June 24/18 P,·t; P,·t 1st cl Dec. 24/18: PYt Feb. 3/19; \\·ag Apr. 11/19. Org: 9th Co 3rd Tng Bn 151 Dep Brig to Oct. 28/18; Hq Det 3 Rec Bn 151 l kp Brig to )qw. 3/19; Hq Co 151 Dep Brig to disch. O,erseas sen·ice: ~one. Hon clisch on demob: .-\ pr. 18. 1919 .

.-\me;;, James C. A.rrny Field Clerk. Born in Cnit_Y. :\[e .. _Tuly 8. 1892. Res. BO\Ydoinham. Ind: Rath. Sagadahoc Co .. :\lay 28/18. Pyt: Cpl ~o,·. 1/18; Sgt Dec. Wl8. C>rg: 4th Co 1st Bn 151 Dep Brig to Oct. 17/18: Cant Hq Det Cp De,·ens 11a,-s. to disch. Hon clisch t() acpt appointment: :\larch 14/19. .\ptd: Army Field Clerk .\CD :\larch 15/19 from CS.\. Org: AGD to disch. Hnn clisch ior cony of Coyt: Oct. 17. 1919. :-\.mes. John F. 582378. Born in Orland. :.\Ie ...\pril 19, 1890. Res. Orland. Ind: Ells\\·orth. Hancock Co.. Dec. 16/17. Pri,·ate. Org: C\C f\,rtlancl 27th Cu Ft :.\le Kinley :\fe. to Dec. 25/17; Htry E ,;-!th .\rty to :\lay 17 /18; Btry D 57th .\rty CAC to cl i;; ch. Eng: St 1Iihiel Off; .\rgonne Off. OYerseas: :\Iarch 22·18 to Jan. 21/19. Hon clisch on demob: Jan. 25. 1919 . .\mes. Lee \\'i!lis 129027. Born in Bath. 11e .. 1lay 16, 1900. Res. Yinalhayen. Enl: \\'oonsocket. R. I., June 5/17. Printe. Org: 12th FA. Hon di:c;ch: Jan. 2, 1919 . .\ mes. Lo\\·ell F. 68882. Born in 1Iontague. Me. Age 19 8/12 years. Res. Mac­ wahoc. En!: XG Augusta, June 6/17. Priyate. 0 r g: 248 EA:\IES-A:MES GE'.\EALOGY

Co I 2nd Inf l\Ie ::-.:G (Co I 103rd Inf) to disch. Eng: Champagne-1\Iarne; Aisne Marne; St Mihiel; Meuse Ar­ gonne. OYerseas: Sept. 27/17 to Apr. 5/19. Hon disch 011 demnb: A.pril 28. 1919. A.mes. :Maland H. 4186777. Born in HallrJ\\·ell. ::-.re .. April 27. 1892. Res. YinalhaH·n. Ind: l:xhriclge ::-.:o. 17. Mass., .-\ug. 6/18; P,·t; Bglr Oct. 17 /18. Org: 29th Co 8th Tng Bn Dep Brig Cp !)eyens l\fa;;s to _-\ug. 21 /18; l\IC Co 74th Inf to disch. (h·crseas sernce: Xone. Hon disch on demob: Jan. 22, 1919. Ames. l\Iark Born in Hallns l\Ias;;. Re;;ignation .-\ccepted. Contract Annulled Sept. 9, 1919. Ames. Ray C. 68035. Born in Blanchard. ).fe. Age 19 year;;. Res. La Grange. E11l: ::-.:G Donr. Dec. U 113. Heported for Federal Ser­ vice: April 13/17. P,·t: Cpl July 5/16; Sgt Sept. 1/16; 1st Sgt Fe.1), 1/19. Org: Co F 2nd Inf l\Ie. XG ( Co F 103d Inf)' to di sch. Eng: Xh·ray; .-\isne Marne; St l\Jihiel; \·erdttn; ::'dettse Argonne. \\"otmded in action: July 10/18. Onrseas: Sept. 27/17 to June 9/19. Hon disch on demob: June 18, 1919 . .-\n;es. Robert E. 364796. Born in Dixfield, l\Ie. 19 7/12 years. Re~. Dixfielcl. En!: R.-\ Ft. Slocum. X. Y ...-\pril 24/18. Priyate. ::\Iu~ 3rd cl EAMES-AMES GE~EALOGY 249

:\Iay 22/18: :\Itts 2nd cl June 28/18. Org: 25th CAC Band Ft Wadsworth X. Y. to June 18/18; Hq Co 70 Arty CA.C to disch. O\·erseas: July 15/18 to Feb. 22/19. Hon disch on demob: :'.\larch 14, 1919 . .-\mes, Roy C. 68056. Born in Blanchard, ,\le. Age 21 years. Res. La Grange. En!: DO\·er XG March 2/16. Reported for Federal Ser­ vice: April 13 · 17. Pvt; Sgt; Cpl Sept. 5/17. Org: Co F 2nd Inf i\Ie. :\'"G (Co F 103d Inf) Hoboken Cas Co 339; 5th Co 151 Dep Brig. Eng: Xinay. \\"ounded: June 16/lR. Qyerseas: Sept. 24/17 to ,\larch 23/19. Hon disch on demob: .-\pril 5, 1919 . .-\mes. Silas E. 1665294. Rom in Bancroft, :Me., "\o\·. 27. 1895. Res. S. Bancroft. Ind: Houlton. Aroostook Co. :.\"o. 1. Sept. 19/17. Pvt; P,t 1st cl Oct. 1/18. Org: Btry D 303 FA to Oct. 3/17; Sup Co 303 F .-\ to di sch. Eng: Toul Sector. Oyerseas: July 16/18 to .\pril 26 19. Hon disc:1 on demob: May 1. 1919. Eame,-;. Charles F. 3162479. Born in Bangor. :\Ie .. Feb. 1. 1895. Res. BrO\ynville, l\1e. Ind: Dm·er, Piscataquis Co .. July 25/18. PriYate. Org: Co L 42 Inf to Sept. 30/18; Inf Cnasgd to disch. Overseas service: Xone. Hon disch on demob: Jan. 5, 1919. Eame~. George .\. Born in Sko,Yhegan, ,\le. Age 24 years. Res. Skowhegan. Enl: Xr'r Augusta, July 28117. Printe. Org: Btry E 1st F:-\ :\Ie XG. Overseas sen·ice: :\'"one. Hon disch on SCD: .-\ug. 14. 1917. Eames, John H. 4915957. Born in Lo\Yell, ,\lass .. July 19. 1900. Res. Portland, Me. Ind: Portland LB X o. 2. Oct. 11/18. Private. Org: S.-\TC Cni,· of :\:Ie. Orono to disch. Overseas service: :\'" one. Hon clisch to demob: Dec. 8, 1918. Fames, John H. A. 4915956. Born in Bangor, :\fe., Dec. 17, 1898. Res. Bangor. Ind Bangor, Penobo-cot Co. Xo. 2. Oct. 21/18. Private. Org SATC "Cniv o{ r.fe. Orono to disch. Overseas service Xone. Hon disch on demob: Dec. 8. 1918. INDEX Heads of Generations

For Other Persons Reier to Fir::-t -:,.; a111e~ uf Famib Head~.

AMES AMES Asa 46, 21S Josiah 29 . .? 13 Alden 54 Jacob 33. 62. 63. 98. 104 Albert 60, 9i. l 31 ,Tunas 42 Augustus 12 5 James 49. 96. l!l:i. 136 . .?ni. 226 .Aratus 125 Jonathan 51 Alferetta 131 Joseph 52. 141. 215 ~\1.·-elian 142 Jennette 2 3 i Addie 145 Arvilla 153 Lafavette 88 .c\Jfred 157 Le()tlidas 91 .,\rthur 159 Lorin 99 Annis 208 L,aureston 1 n+ Laban 114 Benjamin 52, 81 Lucinda 119 Luther 1 +.? Charles 53, 96, 110, 131. 146. 154. Lemuel 21F: 155, 156, 159, 218. 233 l..,o ...·ina 212 Calestia 153 Carrie 161 1faria 117 ).[oses 1 +3 Daniel 41, 98, 151. 20i, 219. 223. 23() David 61, 130, 131. 133, 158 X athan'.el -Li. -47, .?21]

Eliakim 23, 43, 87 Obadiah i 4 Erskine 96 Omena ~5 Ecnest 105 Oliver 95 Elwin 120 Orchard 98 Edgar 126 Orion 135 Elizabeth 129, 156 Elmer 148 Phineas 25 Ezra 194 Paul 32. 55, 59 Ebenezer 227 Philemore 42 Evan 227. Prudence 8-t Philena 91 Francis 25, 113, 153 Palonia 93 Fred 104 Perlev 122 Frank 110, 217 Phedora 140 Frederick 121, 150 Flavious 143 Robert 16. 53. 102 Flora 143 Rodnev 53 Fayette 157 Rosco~ 144 Forrest 158 Ruel 144 Ralph 161 George 118, 129, 144, 155. 157 Gilbert 134 Simon 30 Samuel 59. 69. 86. 95 Henry 60, 82, 214 Sarah 89 Horace 124 Seth 110. 225 Harrison 128 Scott 151 Theodore 91 Isaac 43, 87, 143 William 41. 4R. 54. 62. 157, 163. 228 John 23, 28, 32. 48. 51. 59, 70, 102, \Yarren 59 104, Ill, 112, 129, U9, 153, 161, Wilmot 147 216, 227 Walter 151 Joshua 24, 47, 220 \Yashington 154