
EA~1ES-AMES GENEALOGY DESCENDANTS OF ROBERT of WOBURN AND THOMAS of FRAMINGHAM MASSACHUSETTS 1634 - 1931 Written and Compiled By WILMOT SPOFFORD AMES GARDINER, MAINE C<ll'\"RJC HT ) (JJ) BY \\"IDIOT SPOFFORD A\fES TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE Pre face 5 Descendants oi Rohert Eames oi \\"oburn, .\Iass. 9 Descendants oi Thomas Eames oi Framingham, }Iass. 167 Descendants of Anthony Ames oi }Iarshfield, }fass. 213 lJe,cendants of Robert Eames ni Andover, :Mass. 219 Descendant,; uf Eame,-Ames Ancestry Undetermined 230 .-\ddendum-Roster oi \\"orld \\'ar-5.Iaine Eames-Ames 245 I nde:-;: 250 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS PAGE \ \. ilmut Spofford Ames 4 Franc:is and .\Ian· ( Dou~las) Ames 26 \"imrod and Sall~ ( Linc~ln) .\mes 39 Residence oi \"i~1rod and Salh· Eames 40 Isaac and LYdia (\\"ebb) Ames 44 1Ii;s Rose ir. Ames 55 Paul Ames 56 :d rs. [ ane E. A. ( Lowell l Ames 57 \\.edd.ing Party-Swain-E\·erett et. al. 58 Obadiah and Sarah (Thompson) Ames 74 Alfred and Hannah (Salley) Eames 80 Wilmot Ames, et. al. .......... 92 F'alonia F. (Ames) Randall 94 :\fr. and .\frs. Tames H. Ames· and Famih· 106 lame, Carroll ·and X ora L. Oiathews) Ames 107 ·.\Ir. and :\Irs. Han-ev Ames and children 108 Seth George Ames · 109 Laban Lincoln and Louisa Chipman (Bray) :\mes 114 .\Ianle\· L. Ames et. al. 115 Frede;ick L. Ames and liaria L. (Ames) Garrett 121 f ohn and liahala (Eames) Renier 137 ·.\Irs. .\Iahala ( Eames) Renier and Grandchildren 138 r;race liarion 1 Ordway) Ames 147 Elmer L'ndine Ames 149 Arthur F. and Fannie lla\· (\\'iseman) Ames 160 l olm Griffith Ames · 162 Prescott Stephen Eames 203 :\f rs. L. .\I. X. Stevens 221 Edwin Leslie Eames 232 WIL1IOT SPOFFORD A1IES. 1866 PREFACE Family hi,;tory i,; a wry interesting and absorbing study. In tts pursuit one m(wes forward. passing one landmark after another, from generation to generation . \ ncestral clata is recognized as of e,,pecial importance. a Yalu- 1lile inheritance and worthy of permanent presen·ation. ( h·er 011e third of a century has found its place in history since> the as,;emhling of material fur this g·enealogy ,yas undertaken. This work ,,·as prompted hy a firm com·iction of the impor­ :ancc (,f presen·ing to future generation:,; such authentic record 1s could he gathered. It has heen the purpose of this office to reach and fully recng- 11ize cill belonging to this line. to cleYelop and assemble their rec­ Jrcls with bre,·ity. precision and accuracy. In pursuing thi,-; task. a persistent correspondence has been 111aintainecl. thus drawing material from indiYidual family records. 111(1 from pri,·ate sanctuaries oi many home firesides and remote sources not preYiously reached. :\fany town ancl state libraries haYe been Yisitecl. quantities of legal documents. genealogies and Yitai records haye be!':'n exam­ tned. and in fact. information has been sought from every aYail- 1ble source at our command. In many instances \\·here all e,·iclence seemed to connect certain groups "·ith this line. absence of proof sufficient to positiYely establish :-aid connection rendered exclusion im• perati,·e. The compiler confidently hopes that the data herein contained may aid in diffusing knowledge pertaining to this line. and prove =if permanent value to future generations. Due acknowledgment is hereby given. ancl expression of appre­ ciation recorded for all valuable assistance. \\'ritten at Grameswill on the Kennebec. \VIL.\fOT SPOFFORD A"'.'J:ES. Gardiner. :\faine. :\Iay 25. 1931. ROBERT AND THOMAS EAMES It is now definitely established that at least two brothers, hY name Eames ( Robert and Thomas) came frOJr, England about 1034; Robert resiclecl first in Charleston. "\lass .. mowd to Charles­ town Yillage, now \\.ohurn, "\lass. "\[any of his des,·enclants may lie found in \\.ohurn and \Yilrnington. Thumas li\·ed at Declh,rn1 ancl finally settled at Framingham "\Iass. It may he stated that some studenb of the ,mliject engaged in re~earch are of the opinion that John nf \Yoliurn 1630, Henry of Boston and .\nthony of Charlest,;ii and Hingham 1(,3-1- and later of "\Iarshfield were brothers of the alKJYe Robert and Thomas. From the history of the Sprague family hy George \Y. Cham­ lierlain 1023, we draw that .\nthony Eames of "\[arshfield :.\fa~s. was a snn nf Thomas and :.fillicent Eames of Fordingt(Jll, :,;t. Georg·e, Dorset, Englancl. The names of .\nthom·'s brothers anrl sisters are giyen and no mention is macle of a Robert or a Thonns in the list. This together with other information at hand leads t,1 the conclusion that .\nthony of :.Iarshfield. "\Iass. was not a brother to the ahoYe Rohert and Thomas of \Yolmrn and Fram­ ingham respectiYely. As to the source or root of the word, records w<1rrant the statement that the name is from Heismes or Exmas, Xormandy. The farnilv of DeHeimes descends from the ancient Yiscount of Heimes as early as 978. The name occurs prominently in ancient records ancl is spelled Eimes, Emes, Ems. Emas, Emis. Eames .. \mies, .\myes ..\111c1s. Amis . .\mes, &c. This yolnme deals chiefly with the genealogical records of the ahm·e Robert and Thomas, of \\.oburn and Framingham. "\[ass .. and their descendants. it also contains notes and data pertaining to others hy the name .:\mes or Eamb. not traced to the ahoye line. Xote: See Xew England Historical & Genealogical Register. Vol. 62, page 58 to 65 and 150 to 157 for genealogical records of descendants of Robert Eames of \\'olmrn. :.Iass. Vol. 69 January 1915 giwn by the same author A.rthur Green Loring the in!lowi11g: '·Eames additions" "The will of Robert Eames ( I. p. 580 of \ \. ohurn. :\Iass .. elated Oct. 30. 1699 and apparently not proYed. names wife Elizabeth. sons Samuel, John. and Joseph. and daughters Elizabeth Eames. :\fary Cousins, Pris­ cilla Polly, and .\hagail Barrett. This will show that Joseph Eames who married :\fay 20. 1097 :\fary E,·erett of Reading was ,on of Robert. and that Robert's daughter . ..'\.bagail \\'esson or \\'eston. married secondly June 26, 16]6. Jonathan Barrett. ~amuel 2. 1 2, p. 59) married January 6. 1689-90 :\Iary Death of ~her horn. daug·hter of Ensign John of Topsfield. Sherborn, and Framingham. Their daughter Hephzihath ( 2 V, p. 59) married Feli. 3. 17 32-3 Joseph East of Dracut. The :\Iary Eames who married at \\"olmrn. :\[arch 17. 1714. Jonathan Smith of Exeter ,,·as also a daughter of Samuel 2. and :\Jary. Joshua 3. Eames ( 5. p. 60) married Hannah Scales of \\'ilm­ ing·tr!ll. daughter of James and Sarah (Curtis). Daniel -+. 1 CJ. p. (J2) married. June 10. 1755. Sarah Hay of Stoneham. daughter of Capt. Peter." Signed hY Arthur Green Loring. The ..\.rrns of the .\mes family a,; gwen 111 the Sayles family ti1gether with a cut of same. are described as follows: '·.\rnb-.-\rgent. on a bend cottisecl between two annulets sable. quartrefoil foil between two roses of the field. Crest-.\ rose argent slipped and leaYed proper, in front thereof an annulet or. :\[01:to-Fama candida rose clulcior." The ahnYe may he expressed thus-The rose is silver, on the cre,t. and nn the shield. The Jeayes are green. The ring on the crest i,- gnld. The shield is sih·er, and the bands crossing it are Llack. The narrow liurder ui the shield is gold. The rings on the shield are black. \ Coat of ..\rms was granted hy England to Sir Henry Eames ior military sen·ice. THE F.\1IILY TREE The year was sixteen thirty four T,,·o hopeful brothers Eame~ by name Carne to X ew England's Yernal shore To build their home. tu ~take their claim. The data on the:--e pages placed The penciled records here enscrilJed Haye only dim and faintly traced The wealth of zeal their faith ernl1il>ed. How· well they builclecl time ha,; shown Their marked achie,·ements stand to pn,,·e \\'ell chiseled deep in histories st()ne To greet th where so e'er we rnuYe. From early time the line proceeds Down through the ages to this clay .\nd pride possesses him who reads Of kith and kin who blazed the way. Descendant sons their message bring Full ample shown from sea to sea .-\ncl leaws historic firmly cling On this expanding famih· tree. DESCE.\"D.-\.\"TS OF ROBERT EAMES OF WOBURN ROBERT1 (Eames). Born ---; died in \\'oburn, :.lass., Tu!v 30, 1712. · · Carne from England in 1634 with his brother Thomas, perhaps other brothers. His birthplace in England is not definitely known. Robert is said to ha \·e settled first in Charlestown, Mass. He was located in \\.olmrn as early as 1651. His first homestead was located at \\"oburn Center_, this he sold to his son John in 1697. He owned an estate on .\"ew Boston St. in \\"oburn in 1694. This locality became known as the Eames neighborhood. and here some of his descendants still reside. :.farried Elizabeth ---. She died in \\"oburn, }Iar. 22, 1710. This R0hert must not he confused with Robert of Chelms­ forcl. Children of Robert and Elizabeth. born in \\'oburn*: Samuel Eames h. A.pril 7; cl ..-\pril 14. 1653. John Eames b. Jan. 18. 1654; d. the same day. Elizabeth Eames h. June 4, 1659; cl. June 26, 1727; m. l\Iay 1682, John Eames of Sudbury, he was the son of Thomas of Dedham; she was his second wife; thev were cousins ; thev had se\·eral children. • }Iary Eames 1;. June 11. 1661; m. .\"ov. 19, 1684. Abraham Cousens (Cozzens), he d. Feb. 25, 1728-29 in Sherborn, }Iass.
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