Rockland Gazette : June 27, 1861
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aril fa t Jtiriiaj. PUBLISHED EVERT THUB8DAY EVENING, BY Hartof made largo additions to our former variety a JOHN PORTER & SON, PLAIN AND PANOY Office, No. 5 Custom-House Block, JO B T “S’ B , W« art now prepared Io execute with sxxt« u i and oxa* rarna, ktcby niscatmoir of Job Work, each ee TERMS. Oiroiuara, Bill-Heads, Cards, Blanks, If.paid strictly in advance—per annum, $l»50 I f paym ent is delayed 6 m es. “ 1,75 Catalogues. Programmes, I f not paid till (he close o f the y ear, 2,00 Shop BUls, Labels, Auction and Hand EJ- No paper will be discontinued until all arreara B ills. See., Ate. ges are paid, unless at the option of the puplisher. Particular attention paid Io O ' Single copies, three cents —for sale, at the office. IEJ“ All letters and communications to be addressed PRINTING IN COLORS, o the Publishers. BRONZINO, See. J efferson C u r, June 18. Baltimore, June 19. George Pesslee 1 Patrick Crowley Richard Moody The Virginia BUI of Bights. •Liberty and Union, Vow and Forever, Fourth Regiment of M. V. M. Eben E Pusher • West.W Cooper W m B Morse Mr. Gordon and other gentlemen from up the [Special despatch to the N. Y. Herald.] Henry O Davis Chandler F Perry Wm A Cummings Simon McCann The following is the text of the declaration One and Inseparable.” river, give the following account of the battle The following is a oiSmpletc Roll of tho Fourth Thurlow S Dallil John A Quinn Gaorge W Cunningham Morris Newbert Gen. Cadwalader has arrived at Martins- Moses A Dow Samuel Radcliff ' Elbridge II Durgan reported to the Union Convention at Wheeling, at Boonville: Regiment of Maine Yfl#untcer Militia. Thomas O’Brien burgh with out-posts to Winchester. Joseph B Eaton Horatio Richards Jesse Drake John B Parker Virginia, of which a telegraphic abstract has Gen. Lyon landed, four miles below Boon ~ ~ f f . -- .. Isaiah V Eaton Lafayette Richards James M Eugley Lawrence Rogers Col. Smith, of tho 13th New York regiment regimenal officers. J P Robinson I ville, and opened a heavy cannonade against Anthony Fields George Feyler AlmonJ Shepard already been given :— seized some of the Confederate State envelopes HIRAM G. BERR^ Colonel. J B Foss Roscoe G Robinson i Hollis Farnsworth Augustus Studley the rebels who retreated and dispersed into the which a boy was vending and tore them up.— John S Gray Abial P Rice Henderson Feyler Isaac Stahl The true purpose of all government is to adjacent wood, whence hidden by brush and The bystanders interfered and cautioned Smith Thomas F. Marshal}., Lieutenant-Colonel. Horace Haskell James Shallow Israel J Field Jeremiah Sullivan promote the. welfare and provide for the protec- F. S. Nickerson, Major. Peter Haskell Andrew Small William Feyler Wm n Simmons trees they opened a brisk fire on our troops.— not to repeat the act. Col. Smith soon after James M Hatch Albert Smith Adam Gray Isaac S Sanders and security of the governed, and when J . B. GRKENHALGU/Adjutant. Gen. Lyon then ordered a hasty retreat to the wards seized a lot of Jeff. Davis’ likenesses from Samuel Heath Joseph E Stenson Wm D Gilmore. James Turner any form or organization of government proves S. II. Chapman, Sergeant Mnjor. Samuel E Holden Henry B Stover Charles E Hodges John II Thomas inadequate for or subversive of this purpose, it boats, and the rebels encouraged by this move a man’s store and destroyed them, declaring if Thomas Iloran Mellen L Stickney Ezekiel P Hager Joseph Trim W m. A. Banks, Surgeon. ment rallied and followed the troops into a he sold any more he would have him taken to Cushing Jones Jacob A Sparhawk John»Ham Simeon Taylor ■" ‘■he right, it is tho duty of the latter to alter wheat field. Fort McHenry. The bystanders interfered, and E lisha Hopkins, Assistant Surgeon. Johnson Jones Andrew Savage Samuel Hall Alexander Wallace or abolish it. The Bill of Rights of Virginia, Isaac C. Abbott, Quartermaster. Edward II Joy Norman W Silver Wm Haskell Elisha Wardsworth Gen. Lyon halted, faced his troops about, and the excitement was growing intense, when the John O Johnson Orin O Thom as Amasa, Juckson Horace B Washburne framed in 1770, re-affirmed in 1830, and again bringing the whole force of his artillery to J . II. Crowell, Quartermaster-Sergeant. Thom as Kelley Ed W Thomas Alvin Jameson Robert Walsh in; 1851, expressly reserves this right to the ma Colonel retired. Marshal Kane said he would Hailus Thurston Geor/e Johnson bear opened a murderous fire on the rebels, 300 have arrested him if he had been present. J ulius A. Clark, Commissary-Sergeant. Alexandei B Kiff Rufus Wentworth jority of her people, and the existing constitu of whom were killed. The balance fled in all Chas. S. McCobb, Hospital Steward. Fred W Marsh William Thornton Miles Jackson Smith L Young tion does not confer upon the General Assem N ew York, June 20. Henry Marshall John Witham Silas S Jones Samuel Jackson directions, leaving their arms on the field.— H. B. Chase, Chaplain. John Miller Otis Whitmore bly the power to call a convention to alter its A Washington despatch to the Tribune says George W Sidelinger Samuel A Wood Gen. Lyon then moved forward and took pos J A Simmons Thomas Wyott C om pany I. provisions, or to change the relations of the session of Boonville. Lane of Kansas has been appointed Brigadeer C om pany A. Edwin Snow Jerome Watson commonwealth, without the previously express- COMMISSIONED OFFICERS. Gen. Price was taken with a violent diarhxa General in the Army. John S. Carlisle and G. commissioned officers John Smith sed consent of such majority. The act of the Old Love and Burglary. at the begining of the battle; ho was taken on P. Van Winkle will probably be the New General Assembly calling the convention which board a steamer and carried to his home at Virginia Senators. C om pany assembled at Richmond in Februrary last was About two weeks since, the wife of a Sacra Tiie Goose Creek Bridge, on the Leesburgh R icuadb Ayer 2d Lieutenant. therefore usurpation ; and the convention thus Chariton. Gov. Jackson viewed the battle commissioned officers. SERGEANTS. mento street merchant, whose residence is in from the distant hills and fled to parts un turnpike has been burnt by the rebels. SERGEANTS. called lias not only abused the powers nominal STEPHEN C. WHITEHOUSE, CapWln, James N Fowler, Stockton street, a little north Pacific, was sud known, after the defeat of his forces. Col. Rosseau is authorized to raise two rcgi- Alonzo E. Libby Charlea L. Doe J ames O. Dow, 2d Lieutenant, Charles 3 Bickmore ly entrusted to it, but, with the connivance denly awakened, late in the night, by footsteps There io great rejoicing among tho Union monts in Kentucky. Andrew J. Giey John A Phillips F red E. H ussey, 2d Lieutennnt. Robert H Gray and activo aid of the Executive has usurped Olin C. McGrny in her bed-room, and the next moment the men here. The Stars and Strips were hoisted The Steamer Mount Veruon, it is said, ncut SBRGEANTb. CORPORALS. and exercised other powers, to the manifest in- CORPORA light of a dark lantern flooded her face, so near on the Capitol. Guns fired and the “ Star to attack White House Point Battery. Arlemus Robinson Wilmot WhitehOusc F P Eam es Levi Temple jury of tho people, Which, if povxnittori, will that she could almost feci the heat and hear Spangled Banner” played by the rogimental There has been no advance as yet pushed Riley Greer Isaiah B. Merrick Freeman W Hall John G Auld Benjamin Haynes I W iBaird inevitably subject them to a military despotism. forward to occupy Vienna or Farfax Court Thoinns Dawson W illiam W . Gould James D Erskine Nelson P Staples Lemuel C G rant the suppressed breathing of the intruder. She Band. Fred D. Alders Lowellyn Lincoln Benjamin Ames Daniel Carley The convention, by its pretended ordinances, was entirely alone. Her husband had gone to Scouting parties will be sent out in all direct Houso. Fortifications are however being thrown Edw in A. Coffin Albert A- Haynes CORPORALS. has required the people of Virginia to separate Hiram Hatch Harvey Bearce MUSICIANS. Sacramento, two days before, and the only per ions to-morrow, to cut off the retreat of the up commanding Falls Church, 4 miles from MUSICIANS. from and wage war against the government of Emery J Hilton Abram T Gamage Samuel R Eames son in the house besides herself was a servant rebels. Farfax Court House. Eben M. Sanborn William II. Clifford Jam es E Ueath E G Snow the United States, and against the citizens of Robert Ames, Wagoner. girl, who slept in the story beneath. She com The steamer Swan has arrived with two can A despatch to the Times says three hundred Jonathan Doten, Wagoner. Charlea C Brown C II Haggett neighboring States with whom they have here prehended all. The house had been entered by Federal troops, under Capt. Gardiner of the PRIVATES. tofore maintained friendly, social and business non and ammunition which were pjanted at PRIVATES. MUSICIANS. burglars, who knew of the absence of the hus Col. BonBtein’s head quarters. Pennsylvania 1st regiment bad a skirmish George Hutchings L B Varney Fisher Ames Jacob A Lander relations. band, and the person who held the lantern was yesterday at Edward’s Ferry with a considerable Joseph M. Elliott Alonzo Jackson H H Bachelder Mellen Lothrop It has attempted to subvert the Union foun John Fitzpatrick, one of the most violent se Jam es M.