aril fa t Jtiriiaj.

PUBLISHED EVERT THUB8DAY EVENING, BY Hartof made largo additions to our former variety a JOHN PORTER & SON, PLAIN AND PANOY Office, No. 5 Custom-House Block, JO B T “S’ B , W« art now prepared Io execute with sxxt« u i and oxa* rarna, ktcby niscatmoir of Job Work, each ee TERMS. Oiroiuara, Bill-Heads, Cards, Blanks, If.paid strictly in advance—per annum, $l»50 I f paym ent is delayed 6 m es. “ 1,75 Catalogues. Programmes, I f not paid till (he close o f the y ear, 2,00 Shop BUls, Labels, Auction and Hand EJ- No paper will be discontinued until all arreara­ B ills. See., Ate. ges are paid, unless at the option of the puplisher. Particular attention paid Io O ' Single copies, three cents —for sale, at the office. IEJ“ All letters and communications to be addressed PRINTING IN COLORS, o the Publishers. BRONZINO, See.

J efferson C u r, June 18. Baltimore, June 19. George Pesslee 1 Patrick Crowley Richard Moody The Virginia BUI of Bights. •Liberty and Union, Vow and Forever, Fourth Regiment of M. V. M. Eben E Pusher • West.W Cooper W m B Morse Mr. Gordon and other gentlemen from up the [Special despatch to the N. Y. Herald.] Henry O Davis Chandler F Perry Wm A Cummings Simon McCann The following is the text of the declaration One and Inseparable.” river, give the following account of the battle The following is a oiSmpletc Roll of tho Fourth Thurlow S Dallil John A Quinn Gaorge W Cunningham Morris Newbert Gen. Cadwalader has arrived at Martins- Moses A Dow Samuel Radcliff ' Elbridge II Durgan reported to the Union Convention at Wheeling, at Boonville: Regiment of Yfl#untcer Militia. Thomas O’Brien burgh with out-posts to Winchester. Joseph B Eaton Horatio Richards Jesse Drake John B Parker Virginia, of which a telegraphic abstract has Gen. Lyon landed, four miles below Boon­ ~ ~ f f . . . -- .. . Isaiah V Eaton Lafayette Richards James M Eugley Lawrence Rogers Col. Smith, of tho 13th New York regiment regimenal officers. J P Robinson I ville, and opened a heavy cannonade against Anthony Fields George Feyler AlmonJ Shepard already been given :— seized some of the Confederate State envelopes HIRAM G. BERR^ Colonel. J B Foss Roscoe G Robinson i Hollis Farnsworth Augustus Studley the rebels who retreated and dispersed into the which a boy was vending and tore them up.— John S Gray Abial P Rice Henderson Feyler Isaac Stahl The true purpose of all government is to adjacent wood, whence hidden by brush and The bystanders interfered and cautioned Smith Thomas F. Marshal}., Lieutenant-Colonel. Horace Haskell James Shallow Israel J Field Jeremiah Sullivan promote the. welfare and provide for the protec- F. S. Nickerson, Major. Peter Haskell Andrew Small William Feyler Wm n Simmons trees they opened a brisk fire on our troops.— not to repeat the act. Col. Smith soon after­ James M Hatch Albert Smith Adam Gray Isaac S Sanders and security of the governed, and when J . B. GRKENHALGU/Adjutant. Gen. Lyon then ordered a hasty retreat to the wards seized a lot of Jeff. Davis’ likenesses from Samuel Heath Joseph E Stenson Wm D Gilmore. James Turner any form or organization of government proves S. II. Chapman, Sergeant Mnjor. Samuel E Holden Henry B Stover Charles E Hodges John II Thomas inadequate for or subversive of this purpose, it boats, and the rebels encouraged by this move­ a man’s store and destroyed them, declaring if Thomas Iloran Mellen L Stickney Ezekiel P Hager Joseph Trim W m. A. Banks, Surgeon. ment rallied and followed the troops into a he sold any more he would have him taken to Cushing Jones Jacob A Sparhawk John»Ham Simeon Taylor ■" ‘■he right, it is tho duty of the latter to alter wheat field. Fort McHenry. The bystanders interfered, and E lisha Hopkins, Assistant Surgeon. Johnson Jones Andrew Savage Samuel Hall Alexander Wallace or abolish it. The Bill of Rights of Virginia, Isaac C. Abbott, Quartermaster. Edward II Joy Norman W Silver Wm Haskell Elisha Wardsworth Gen. Lyon halted, faced his troops about, and the excitement was growing intense, when the John O Johnson Orin O Thom as Amasa, Juckson Horace B Washburne framed in 1770, re-affirmed in 1830, and again bringing the whole force of his artillery to J . II. Crowell, Quartermaster-Sergeant. Thom as Kelley Ed W Thomas Alvin Jameson Robert Walsh in; 1851, expressly reserves this right to the ma­ Colonel retired. Marshal Kane said he would Hailus Thurston Geor/e Johnson bear opened a murderous fire on the rebels, 300 have arrested him if he had been present. J ulius A. Clark, Commissary-Sergeant. Alexandei B Kiff Rufus Wentworth jority of her people, and the existing constitu­ of whom were killed. The balance fled in all Chas. S. McCobb, Hospital Steward. Fred W Marsh William Thornton Miles Jackson Smith L Young tion does not confer upon the General Assem­ N ew York, June 20. Henry Marshall John Witham Silas S Jones Samuel Jackson directions, leaving their arms on the field.— H. B. Chase, Chaplain. John Miller Otis Whitmore bly the power to call a convention to alter its A Washington despatch to the Tribune says George W Sidelinger Samuel A Wood Gen. Lyon then moved forward and took pos­ J A Simmons Thomas Wyott C om pany I. provisions, or to change the relations of the session of Boonville. Lane of Kansas has been appointed Brigadeer C om pany A. Edwin Snow Jerome Watson commonwealth, without the previously express- COMMISSIONED OFFICERS. Gen. Price was taken with a violent diarhxa General in the Army. John S. Carlisle and G. commissioned officers John Smith sed consent of such majority. The act of the Old Love and Burglary. at the begining of the battle; ho was taken on P. Van Winkle will probably be the New General Assembly calling the convention which board a steamer and carried to his home at Virginia Senators. C om pany assembled at Richmond in Februrary last was About two weeks since, the wife of a Sacra­ Tiie Goose Creek Bridge, on the Leesburgh R icuadb Ayer 2d Lieutenant. therefore usurpation ; and the convention thus Chariton. Gov. Jackson viewed the battle commissioned officers. SERGEANTS. mento street merchant, whose residence is in from the distant hills and fled to parts un­ turnpike has been burnt by the rebels. SERGEANTS. called lias not only abused the powers nominal­ STEPHEN C. WHITEHOUSE, CapWln, James N Fowler, Stockton street, a little north Pacific, was sud­ known, after the defeat of his forces. Col. Rosseau is authorized to raise two rcgi- Alonzo E. Libby Charlea L. Doe J ames O. Dow, 2d Lieutenant, Charles 3 Bickmore ly entrusted to it, but, with the connivance denly awakened, late in the night, by footsteps There io great rejoicing among tho Union monts in Kentucky. Andrew J. Giey John A Phillips F red E. H ussey, 2d Lieutennnt. Robert H Gray and activo aid of the Executive has usurped Olin C. McGrny in her bed-room, and the next moment the men here. The Stars and Strips were hoisted The Steamer Mount Veruon, it is said, ncut SBRGEANTb. CORPORALS. and exercised other powers, to the manifest in- CORPORA light of a dark lantern flooded her face, so near on the Capitol. Guns fired and the “ Star to attack White House Point Battery. Arlemus Robinson Wilmot WhitehOusc F P Eam es Levi Temple jury of tho people, Which, if povxnittori, will that she could almost feci the heat and hear Spangled Banner” played by the rogimental There has been no advance as yet pushed Riley Greer Isaiah B. Merrick Freeman W Hall John G Auld Benjamin Haynes I W iBaird inevitably subject them to a military despotism. forward to occupy Vienna or Farfax Court Thoinns Dawson W illiam W . Gould James D Erskine Nelson P Staples Lemuel C G rant the suppressed breathing of the intruder. She Band. Fred D. Alders Lowellyn Lincoln Benjamin Ames Daniel Carley The convention, by its pretended ordinances, was entirely alone. Her husband had gone to Scouting parties will be sent out in all direct­ Houso. Fortifications are however being thrown Edw in A. Coffin Albert A- Haynes CORPORALS. has required the people of Virginia to separate Hiram Hatch Harvey Bearce MUSICIANS. Sacramento, two days before, and the only per­ ions to-morrow, to cut off the retreat of the up commanding Falls Church, 4 miles from MUSICIANS. from and wage war against the government of Emery J Hilton Abram T Gamage Samuel R Eames son in the house besides herself was a servant rebels. Farfax Court House. Eben M. Sanborn William II. Clifford Jam es E Ueath E G Snow the United States, and against the citizens of Robert Ames, Wagoner. girl, who slept in the story beneath. She com­ The steamer Swan has arrived with two can­ A despatch to the Times says three hundred Jonathan Doten, Wagoner. Charlea C Brown C II Haggett neighboring States with whom they have here­ prehended all. The house had been entered by Federal troops, under Capt. Gardiner of the PRIVATES. tofore maintained friendly, social and business non and ammunition which were pjanted at PRIVATES. MUSICIANS. burglars, who knew of the absence of the hus­ Col. BonBtein’s head quarters. Pennsylvania 1st regiment bad a skirmish George Hutchings L B Varney Fisher Ames Jacob A Lander relations. band, and the person who held the lantern was yesterday at Edward’s Ferry with a considerable Joseph M. Elliott Alonzo Jackson H H Bachelder Mellen Lothrop It has attempted to subvert the Union foun­ John Fitzpatrick, one of the most violent se­ Jam es M. Beckett William Metcalf Albert 8 Webb, Wagoner Jere Bowen Jonathan Mosman body of rebels. Tiie fight lasted nearly three Henry VV. Ladd probably armed and prepared to silence the first cessionists in the State took the oath of allcgi Elward K. Stevens PRIVATES. David Blanchard A D Mtftthews ded by Washington and his co-patriots in the attempt at alarm with the strong stroke of a ance to the U. S. Government to-day. hours, when the rebels tied, having had 19 or George W. Whitmore Epos M. Hatch George S Benson George A Millay purer days of the republic, which has conferred knife or a “ billy.” Her presence of mind did 20 killed and wounded. One private in Capt. Thomas II Gurney Stephen O. Curtis Stinson A Averill John Hull C M Clark Michael Malody unexampled prosperity upon every class of Louisville, June 18. Lewis Ordway Lorenzo Dickey W illiarJT Barstow Jumes II Hodgkins Nathan Chnse J S Meservey not forsake her. It doubtless requires resigna­ Gardiner's command was killed and three or Augustus A. Monroe liuiothy W. Abbott Orland C Bragdon Joseph L Hatch A A Cobb Samuel Maddocks citizens, and upon every section of the country. tion and fortitude in a woman to witness, or A regiment has been ordered hence to Colum­ four slightly wounded. The fight occurred George W. Sylvester Joseph P. Libby Nicholas Butler H arlow M Hail Samuel L Colcord Ephraim Maddocks It has attempted to transfer the allegiance of bus, Ky., to protect Union men from the depre­ Thomas Wentworth Demetrius J. Bryant Timothy Bragg Joseph Henry Oscar Colson Elias B Moore listen too, without expostulation, the ran­ from across a river. The attack was made by Frank A. Curtis George 8. Carver JernmeA Chapman Almond Hall Charles Crowley A Meriihew the people to an illegal confederacy of rebel­ sacking of her repositories of laoes and the ap­ dations of the secessionists. The Unionists had the enemy with the view of taking possession Albert Piper Martin L . Robertson John S Chapman Lorenzo A Hall Prentice Colson Juan Millano lious States, and required their submission to propriation of her jewelry and other valuables ; applied to Gen. Prentiss at Cairo for protec­ of the ferry. Dennis Sweeny Ephraim C. Cross Charles II Cotter Cyrus B Hagan Sanford Colson Albert Murray its pretended edicts and decrees. tion. Jacob Cunningham insel Cross Charles K Chapman D M Hastings Simon B Carlton Charles A Mudgett hut the lady very rationally deemed her life of A despatch to the World says Lieut. Tomp­ Janies M. Colley Jacob P. Davis Ensign Coombs James A Hatch H D Calderwood A 3 Merithew It has attempted to place the whole military more consideration than all the laces and dia­ The Memphis Avalanche proclaims a war of kins and company have been on a scout and re­ ~ lvine Whitaker Henry C. Hall Francis Chapman Moses W Hatch Marcus N Dodge Albert Nichols force and military operation of the common­ invasion against the Northwest to the knife, and Samuel M. Higgins William I.lnneken Edwiu M Campbell Wm M Ilathorn George W Dwelley Fred W Porter monds in the world, and without thinking of „ - , port that the rebeU have a masked battery on John McAllister Jerry Denning Everett B Chapman Samuel C Jones Thom as Doyle Lewis E Pendleton wealth under the control and direction of such what the rascals would help themselves to? or “ I’6 K,catucky '\ ‘ll extend to us a passage the road leading to Falls Church and Fairfax. George A. Russ Michael Darcy Rufus Clark Joshua Johnson John Donahue George W Patterson confederacy, for offensive as well as defensive what leave as worthless, she closed her eyes and throuEh her territory for our armies. Also Three pickets of the Michigan regiment are William Thompson Melvin Cooley Euos Clurk Samuel Jones G H Downs George W Pope purposes. awaited the result says taere are formidable combinations in , Charles Do ton llyrick Haggerty Robert S Blisbly Ephraim L Jones Calvin Emerson Charles A Phinney believed to have been picked off by the rebel William J. Moores Joseph Severance Thos. B Cambell Thomas P Keene Thomas D Eaton John G Patten It has, in conjunction with the State execu­ The light wm withdrawn from her face, and *ndiana and Illinoifl,to overthrow the Lincoln scouts. Thom as .Milher Bavid Snnborn Charles A Clement Jesse S Kinney John C Fowler Charles P Parker tive, instituted wherever their usurped power she heard the opening of drawers, the rustling ^ ’oasty, who are only waiting our arrival to Capt. Davis', ot tho 25th Pennsylvania regi­ Edmund Guy Joshua Lovejoy Charlea H Dow Frank II Lailer Fiauk Forbes Benjamin O Sargent extends, a reign of terror intended to suppress Talford Durham George Daniels J Roscoe Dunbar L D I.ight C C Gray Nelson Staples of silks, the picking of locks,Mind occasionally r,“ “P and aruah tlleir oppressors, ment, who served to aid Gen. Cushing in the William Cullman John B- Smith Samuel Foies Joseph E Mears C W Gray C 11 Stevens the free expression of the will of the people, a low whisper of surprise or disappointment.1, '5t 0 ,P° J n^ tl,D?.2.n barter Co., Ky. Mexican war, is authorized to raise a regiment Sunhird B- Sylvester Eorace Speed Isaac W Fountain Francis W Rhodes C W S Gunn Alvah Staples making elections a mockery and a fraud. Then there was silence full a minute—it seemed John C. Radcliffe second representa- Amasa J. Jackson Bazen B. McCastlsnd Wm C Tarr, Jr Jam es G Rhodes John S Hunter Benjamin F Snow The same combination, even before the pas­ for the war. Daniel D. William B. Gatchell Z C Gowen Fred J Stetson George W Hamilton John Towers an hour to her—and a soft footstep approached i y v.e county was shot, but before A Washington despatch to the Times says Hosea C. Heal William Kendrick John L Gowen WmH Stetson T Benton Haynes James Trimble sage of the pretended ordinance of secession, the bed, and the glare of the lantern fell upon ' ^•

BOSTON ADVERTISEMENTS. BOSTON ADVERTISEMENTS. WILDES’ HOTEL, THE GREAT INDIAN REMEDY. From S. M. PETTENGIL.L. A Co., Boston. From S. M. PETTENGILD Ac Co,, Boatou. PROGRESSION! Now Opening NO. 46 ELM STREET, AYER’S "PROGRESSION is the order of the day ; knowledge is FOR FEMALES. for the inspection of the Ladies, our usuaHupply of Rich COLDS! COUGHS!! BOSTON. A progression ; the arts are progressing, and especially MACHINE CUT FILES. • the Art or Science of Medicine. Dr. Mattiaon’a Indian Einmeuagogae. S arsaparilla Brown’s Bronchial Troches WESTON MERRITT, P roprietor. CONSUMPTION, that most insidious and malignant Jtl I L L IJV E R Y PRICES REDUCED. enemy of our race, bus, by progression, at length been This celebrated Female Medicine, pos­ September 12, 1660. 38tf checkmated, by the timely und judicious use of the sessing virtues unknown of anythiug else To Mechanics, Machinists, and all who use Files. Cure Cough, Cold, Hoarseness, of the kind, und proving effectual after all FOR PURIFYING THE BLOOD. rpllE WHIPPLE FILE MANUFACTURING CO., call Influenza, any Irritation or Latest, Safest, Cheapest and Most* Reliable Com­ others have failed, is prepared from an In­ And for the speedy cure of the following complaints: at No. 4 Perry Block, I your attention to their Flies because they are cheaper ‘ Soreness of the Throat, re­ BETHEL HOUSE, pound ever off ered to the Public, dian plant used by the natives for the same Scrofula and Scrofulous Affect Ions, sue li and better than any File you cun use,—Read the follow- purpose from lime immemorial, and now as Tumors, Ulcers, Sores? Eruptions, lug Testimonials :— lieve the Hacking Cough in ,'orucr of the Common ami Elm Street. HOWES’ COUGH FILLS. for the first time offered to tbe public. It Pimples? Pustules, Blotches? Boils, is designed for both married and single Blains? and all Skin Diseases. ’ 4 Doors Weft of the Post Office. Consumption, Bronchi­ The proprietors do not claim that confirmed, sealed N ew Y ork, F eb, 21,1861. ladies, and is ,he very best thing known Oakland, Ind., 6th June, 1859. BETHEL, ME. Consumption can be cured ; but they do claim that tis, Asthma, and Catarrh, clear for the purpose, as it will bring on the J. C. Ayer & Co. Gents: 1 feel it my duty to ac­ I have given the Files made by the “ Whipple File Man- Cong/zs, Colds, Asthma and llronchiol Affections can be u factoring Company,” at Ballard Vale. Mass., a fair trial, ond give strength to the voice of Wm. F. LOVEJOY, Proprietor. monthly sickness in cases of obstruc­ knowledge what your Sarsaparilla has done for me. Just received a new and desirable assortment of cured, and that the sufferings of the most hopeless victims tion, after all other remedies of the kind Having inherited a Scrofulous infection, I have suffered and I must say they far surpass any Files I have ever PUBLIC SPEAKERS AND SINGERS. o f confirmed Consumption are greatly ameliorated by used. have been tried in vain. This may seem Rout it in various ways for years. Sometimes it burst Spring and Summer Millinery, the use of their Pills. iucredible, but if it faff jn an case, the price J ohn W . A lexander, Few are aware of the Importance of checking a Cough This house has recently been remodeled and refurnished out in Ulcers on tuy hands and arms: sometimes it or “ blig h t cold ” in its first stage ; that which in the Asun earnest of the Proprietors’ confidence in the mer­ will be refunded. turned inward and distressed me at the stomach. Two ANU FANCY GOODS, Foreman Shop No. 2 Novelty Iron Works, N. Y. throughout, and now offers additional attractions to those its of their COUGH PILLS, and their desire to remove all beginning would yield to a mild remedy, if neglected, travelling for health or pleasure. p»lOOO BOTTLES have been years ago it broko out on iny head and covered my scalp rown s ronchial roches prejudice or skepticism from the minds of the public, they _ sold In eighteen mouths without a single consisting in part of the following articles: Island P ond, V t„ Sept. 24 1860. soon attacks the lungs. ‘ B ’ B T .’ Rockland, June 23. i860. 26tf ond ears witli oue sore, which was painful and loathsome STRAW fancy AND MOURNING BONNETd, are a most valuable article, especially so at this season of instruct their agents every where, in all cases, to refund failure when taken as directed, and without the least iujury beyond description. 1 tried many medicines and several I have given the Files made by the “ Whipple File Man­ the purchase money wherever the Pills fail to give satis­ RIBBONS, FLOWERS, LACES and EDGINGS ufacturing Company” a severe trial, and find that they not the year when Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Influenza, to health in any ense. O ’ Il is put up in bottles of three physicians, but without much relief from any thing. In of all descriptions. Hoarseness and Sore Throat are so prevalent. The Troch­ THORNDIKE HOTEL faction. different strengths, with full directions for using, and sent fact, the disorder grew worse. At length I was rejoiced only stand the roughest usage, but that their sharpness These Pills are perfectly safe for all ages and sexes; and by Express, closely sealed, to all parts of the country.— to read in the Gospel Messenger that you bad prepared holds out and equals any I have ever used. W hen this es give sure and almost immediate relief. G. W. HODGES, Proprietor. SHAKER HOODS in great variety. _ A simple and elegant combination for Coughs, A c, are sold at the low price of twenty-five cents per box, that PRICES:—Full strength, $10; Half strength, $5 ; Quar­ au alterative (Sarsaparilla), lor I knew from your reputa­ File comes into general use the expense of fitting up will all may be Leuefltted by their use. Agents are instructed “ f HOSIERY AN D GLOVES. he much reduced. D r . G. F. Big e l o w , Boston, CORNER MAIN AND SEA STREETS, ROCKLAND. ter strength, $3 per bottle. O ’ Remember! This medi­ tion that any tiling you made must be good. I sent to ALSO,—KNITTING and TIDY COTTON. WOOLEN “ Have proved extremely serviceable for H oarseness,” Single persons o- small Families accommodated with to furnish them gratis to persons unable 10 purchase cine is designed expressly for O bstinate C ases, in which Cincinnati and got it, and used it till it cured me. I took W arren N oyes, them. all other remedies of the kind have been tried in vain.— it, as you advise, in small doses of a teaspoonful over a YARN, ZEPHYR and GERMAN WORS1LD Foreman Grand Trunk R. R. Machine Shop.llsiand Pond, Vt board on liberal terms. Sold by Druggists i Druggists and Country Merchants supplied nt the usual O* Beware of imitations! None warren ted unless pur­ month, and used almost three bottles. New and healthy in great variety .. „ . -r , OFFICE AND SALES ROOM, Coaches always in attendance to take guests to and discount. skin soon began to form under tbe scab, which aft*r a SHETLAND YARN in all its shades. from the several steamers. chased directly of Dr. M. or at his office. Prepared and No. 19 LINDALE STREET, BOSTON. TRY THEM, EVERYBODY, sold only at D r . N IA T T E R SO N ’S R E M E D IA L while fell off. My skin is now dear, and I know by my R ockhnd April 17, 1860. 17tf feelings that the disease has gone from my system. You EMBROIDERING MATERIALS, CROCKERY WARE. and r efu te the long-established provetb, thut “ a prophet INSTITUTE forSPEClAL DISEASES. No. 28 Such as SADDLERS and EMBROIDERING SILK, Union street Providence, R. I. can well believe that I feel what I am saying when I tell D R . G R E E N E ’S We invite purchasers to call and examine several new is not without honor, except in his own\house.n Tambo, Moravian and Nuns Colton, Linen Floss, W. S. COCHRAN, Valuable certificates of benefits and cures are in out O ’ This Specially embraces all diseases of a Private you, that I hold you to be oue of the apostles of tlie age, “ SCIENCE OF INDIAN MEDICINE.” patterns of WHITE STONE WARE ironi the celebrated mire both o.1 MEN and WOMEN, by a regularly educat­ and remain ever gratefully. Yours, Gold Braid, and other small articles loo manufacturers in Staffordshire, England, hauds, but we prefer to give the Pills to the public ou ALFRED B. TALLEY. numerous to mention. By the Natural or Indian System of Medicine explained their own merits alone. ed physician of twenty years’ practice, giving his whole LI DOLE ELLIOTT 35 ation itself was soon cured. Nothing within my knowl­ buildings in process o No, 38 Leveret* «*>, B oston . YYlbUAM FJSBSEIGXBN, edge equals it for these female derangements.” D xV rEIl SCAlVUrliM LrS ! Edward 8. Marrow, of Nowbury, Ala., writes, “ A dan­ construction, and a I 1 a wfiW F T W H iT T IE K , 1 1 3 WASHINGTON STREET. gerous ovarian tumor on one of tbe females in my family, Attorney & Counsellor at Law. which bad defied all tbe remedies we could employ, has other insurable proper­ One of the most Com plete Assortments in Boston, a CONSUMPTIVES. Carriage Manufactory & Depository, E offer to the country trade nn«’. consumers, a An equal and normal circulation of the blood is health. at length been completely cured by your Extract of S-r- ty, in the following com­ 149 & 151 Merrimac and 115 &. 117 Friend Sts.. Boston, Prices to Suit the Times ! OFFICE IN BERRY'S NEW BLOCK, W plete assortment of every variety of LIQUORS, An abnormal, that is to say, an excessive or deficient cir­ saparilln. Our physician thought nothing but extirptv- culation or stagnation of tbe blood, is disease. To illus­ tion could afford relief, but he advised tbe trial of your panies, known to be safe T~7* Constantly on hand a large assortment of Custom WINES? &c.? and would say that our experience of Sarsaparilla as the last resort before cutting, and it maiie carriages, sleighs, harnesses, &c., Ac. H1TCHINGS & DENNETT, trate—-torpidity of the Liver is caused by stagnation of the ROCKLAND, ME. more than FORTY YEARS as Importers is not only proved effectual. After taking your remedy eight weeks and prompt in the ad­ which I offer lor sale on the most reasonable terms. 113 W ashington Street, Boston. blood in that organ ; diseases of tbe Kidneys, Intlammil­ no symptom of the disease remains.” Purchasers will find it for their advantage to call and , I860. sufficient guarantee for the Purity of our Good*, lion oi the Lungs, Disease of the H eart, dtc.., by the same justment of their losses examine our stock before buying. Carriages made to oause, viz: Improper Circulation; and from the same Syphilis and Mercurial Disease. hut that it enables us to offer advantages to buyers that cause spring all minor forms of disease. To discover a New Orleans, 25tlr August, 1859, "HARTFORD FIRE INSURANCE CO., der'and warranted. Particular attention paid to boxing B I NNE Y A: CO,, O . G. H A L L , and shipping. cannot be excelled by any house in Boston. Owing to certain cure then, for these diseases, the first great onquiry Dr. J. C. Ayer: Sir, I cheerfully comply with the io- Hartford Connecticut. Incorp. 1819. Charter perpetual. manufacturers and dealers in quest of your agent, and report to you some of the effects difficulty of procuring, in many towns, a strictly pure necessary is, What causes the blood to circulate? Capital $500,000,...... Surplus upwards of $210,000. a t For centuries it has been a mutter of much study among I have realized with your Sarsaparilla. H. Huntington, Pres’t. T. C. Allyn, Secretary. Paper, Twine and Straw reliable article of Liquors and Wines for medicinal and scientific and medical men ; and while many experiments I have cured with it, in my practice, moat of the com­ LEAVENED FLOUR. other purposes, we have for many years given special have been made and much lubor expended upon the en­ plaints for which it is recommended, and have found ita HOME INSURANCE CO. W hat every family w ants is GOOD BuEaD 5 how to BOAM), BERRY’S BLOCK, MAIN STREET, quiry; It has been leit to this century among its its other effects truly wonderful in the cure of Venereal and Mer­ tention to filling orders for P rivate Us e , and consumers curial Disease. One of my patients had Syphilitic ulcers Few York City. obtain it is the next consideration. Sometimes the flour is ALSO PAPER BAGS, ROCKLAND, MAINE. wonderful increase in knowledge, to make this grand dis­ Cash'Capilal 81,000,000...... Surplus $300,000. poor, yeast is sour, cream tartar is adulterated, saleratus will find it greatly to their advantage to send their orders covery, also. in his throat, which were consuming ills palate and tha is too strong or too weak, cook has got her hand out, bad NO. 04 KILBY STREET, BOSTON. Rockland, July 12, 1860. 291y top of his mouth. Your Sarsaparilla, steadily taken, " Chas. J. Marlin, President. to us direct, as we employ no travelling or other agents Acknowledging that life is the grift of the Creator, and A. F. Wilmarlh, Vice Pres’t. J. M. Smith, Stc’y. luck, Ac.;.some people use bakers’ bread altogether, in Paper of any size or weight made to order. that “ in Him we live and move and have our being,” we cured him in five weeks. Another was attacked by sec­ despair of ever obtaining good bread at borne. We wish WILLIAM BEATTIE^ whatever. Persons who require Pure Liquors and Wit still venture the remark, that as the planets move iu their ondary symptoms'iu bis nose, and tbe ulceration luoi to call your attention to an urticle which we call LEAV­ eaten away a considerable part of it, so that I lit-lieve tho CITY FIRE INSURANCE CO. in large or small quantities, may rest assured that all spheres, and all vegetable life is governed by certain abso­ ENED FLOUR, which, ton very great extent, obviates THE THIRTY-SEVENTH EXHIBI- Counsellor and Attorney at Law, lute laws, so animal life is traceable to a fixed cause, disorder would soon reach bis brain and kill him. But it Hartford. Connecticut...... Cash Capital 8230,000. these difficulties, so that with it all that is needed is a bak- ders will receive our best personal attention, and that yielded to my administration of your Sarsaparilla; the C. N. Bowers Pres’t. C. C. Waite, Sec y. 37 tf ROCKLAND MAINE. which remove or destroy, and death, the certain effect, tng-pun, cold wuter and a hot oven, to tnuke good rrea tion of Paintings and Statuary. every article sent from our house will be satisfactory in follows. ulcers healed, aud he is well again, not of course without a certainty. Analysis of the red corpuscles of the blood show them some disfiguration to liis face. A woman who had been MAINE INSURANCE CO. every respect. Communications by mail will receiv to be compounds of iron, sulphur and phosphorous. treated for the same disorder by mercury was suffering LEAVENED FLOUR PETER THACHER & BROTHER. from this poison iu her bones. They had become so sen­ Augusta, Maine...... Capital $60,000. the Alhenetitn. a collection prompt attention, with full und complete catalogue c The air we breathe, we know to contain a Tery large J. L. Cutler, President. J. H. Williams, Sec y. is made of choice wheat, and thoroughly mixed with it ai goods, prices, Ac. proportion of oxygen. sitive to the weather tliat ou a damp day she suffered ex­ the necessary rising ingredients, of the best quality, and i foreign artists, und busts of the Rom .1. x.» munity of Rockland and vicinity, that he has re­ tract, and hence the power which expels the blood and Dr. J. C. Ayer: Sir, I have been afflicted with a pain­ fair trial. Ii will be found equally well adapted to bread, | sumed his former practice, on the C li e n p fo r C a s Ii send j it tingling through the remotest arteries. What cake, pastry, doughnuts, Ac. S IL V E R SO A P—foi cleaning Silver, Brittanuia and ful chronic Itheumalism for a long time, which baffl' d tho SPRINGFIELD FIRE A MARINE INSURANCE CO. then, are the causes of CoiiMiimpliou? Dropsy. P al- skill of physicians, and stuck to me in spite of all tho Springfield, Mass. We also manufacture and offer for sale, Plated Wares, Jewalry, Mirrors, Marble. Artificial Teeth, IIoiiHPoputliic System, —also— ky. Pavalyaitf? St. Vita*’ Dance? Dyspepsia? remedies I could find, until I tried your Snn-apaiillu. Or.t> Cash Capital $200,000...... Assets over $416,000. LEAVENED WHEAT MEAL, Plate, A c.; warranted to’contain nothing that can’possibly eadinesj they all calls, w ith which his MRS. HARDING’S Epi2cp*y? Fever and A^ue? &c.I—a deficiency bottle cured mo in two weeks, and restored niy general Edmund Freeman, Pres’t. Win. Connor, Jr., Sec’s. Or GRAHAM FLOUR, vill fa\ he several branches of his pro- of the red corpuscles containing the iron,sulphur and phos­ health so much that I am far better than before I was injure the finest metals or stones—or even the most deli­ phorus, which causes a deficiency of electricity, and con­ attacked. I think it a wonderful medicine. J . FREAM. prepared in the same manner, which we think will make GREAT DISCOVERY EUREKA. CHARTER OAK FIRE A MARINE CO. cate skin, though not designed for toilet use. sequently sin abnormal circulation. The blood becomes the most wholesome and palatable bread a dyspeptic can The Eureka, is a Spanish preparation, whith will change watery, colds and bronchial complaints ensue—the suffer­ Jules Y. Getcliell, of St. Louis, writes: “ T have been H artford, Conn...... Capital, 8300,000. Many ol our largest Dealers in Silver Ware have given afflicted for years with an affection o f the Liver, which eat. gray, light or red hair or whiskers, to an auburn, dark er becomes nervous, and subject to rheumatic pains and R. Gillett, President. J. II. Sprague, Sec’y. For sale by all the Grocers. The price is low, perhaps it their unqualified approval. See testimonials and direc­ destroyed my health. I tried evory thing, and every thing Dr. T. L. ESTABROOK, brown or black color. For sale by neuralgia—ooniplaints of the liver and kidneys set in, in failed to relieve m e; and T have been a broken-down man lower than the same flour can be purchased and the com­ tions accompanying each cake. .1. I.. G IOFRAY, Sole Agent. short, altnoste evry type of disease but virulent levers may HAMPDEN FIRE INSURANCE CO. mon rising ingredients added to it. for some years front no other cause than derunpcjnfiitn/’ be traccil to this deficiency iu the blood, of the corpuscles the Liver. My beloved pastor, tlio Rev. Mr. Espy, advised Springfield. Mass...... C apital and assets,$220,000. It is superior to any other Soap for cleaning fine House iciair & C itron. rp ilE Public are hereby notified that at or red globules. W. B. Calhoun, Prea't. J. C. Pynchon, Sec’y. j S. G. BOWDLEAR CO., paint ; the alkaline strength being insufficient to affect in­ Old age causes a deficiency of corpuscles, and while we 192 & 194 State *( reel, Boston. juriously the j aim, which almost nt a touch becomes as No. 5 CUSTOM HOUSE BLOCK (Up Stair*) do not pretand to say that we have discovered the “ eiixir tins cured lue, aud lias so purified my blood CONWAY FIRE INSURANCE CO. OFFICE,— I’ILLLBURY’S NEW BLOCK. vita;,” we do say that life can be materially prolonged by as to make a new man of me. I feel young again. The fresh us when new. Thev can find a very line assortm ent of Conway, Maaa...... Capital $200,000. 1IIL L E N, PH IL L IP S & CO., * Board* at the Commercial Iloiine. WIGS, the use of the itest that can bo said of you is not half good enough.” J. S. Whitney, Prea’t. D. C. Rogets, Sec’y. j Dr. Estabrook will be pleased io attend to all calls with P U M IC E SO A P instantly removes Ink, Pilch, Var­ TOP-PIECES, Blood Food, ’ Sellirrus,Cancer Tumors? Enlargement? which he may be favored, at h is o ffic e , where lie may which restores the red globules, and thus the normal cir­ Ulcerntion, Caries aud Exfoliation of HOI.YOKE MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS nish, Acid, and other Stains from the hands, leaving them be found day or night. PRIZETTS, culation. Consumptives! Friends of consumptives!!— tk c B o n e s. Salem. Mass...... C ap italjn d Assets. 8350,000. I For the sale of soft and white. It is equal to the best French poucinc,and Rockland, July 31, 1660. 32tf BRAIDS,' Sufferers from auy organic disease !! ! Unfortunates, who J. T. Burnham,Sdc’y. A great variety of cases have been reported to us where A. S tory,P res’t, is sold for less than half the price. C U R L S & c., have by excess of the body or mind, reduced the standard cures of these formidable complaints havo resulted front “DR.J. ESTEN,“ of the blood nnd diminished the red globules: Ladies suf­ the use of this remedy, but our space here will not admit Boots. Shoes and Leather, of the French Style which are sure to retain both shape fering any of the distresses known as female complaints, THOMASTON MUTUAL INSURANCE CO. N o, IS Pearl Street, U oston. GOLD DOLL A It SOAP.—An extra fine Soap for und color until worn out. them. Some of them may be found in our American Thom aston, Maine. Hoceopatliic Physician. be persuaded the “ Blood Food” can cure you. It has Almanac, which tlie agents below named are pleased to J ohn R. Mu l l in , H enry M. P h il l ip s . Laundry and Family use, made of the best materials with j Ladies in particular are requested to call at my rooms cured thousands of desperate cases where all hope has Atwood Leveusaler, Pres’l. Wm. R. Keith, Sec’y. Office i» Wilrfou & W hile’* Block? and examine the work, as I am sure they will be satisfied furnish gratis to all who call for them. F rancis Loring. special regard to washing table dishes, napkins, und fine been given up. Do not reject it, do not throw away your Liberal cash udvances made on consignments. ROCKLAND, Me. with both price and tr aterial. only hope. The “ Blood Food ” is au unfailing rem edy; Dyspepsia, Heart Disease, Fits? Epilep­ clothing, especially flannels, without shrinking1 them. I l PENOBSCOT MUTUAL INSURANCE CO. O rders for C ustom W ork prom ptly executed nnd give it a trial. sy? M elanckoly? Neuralgiu R esidence on Water Street, first house north of A. C. entire satisfaction warranted. Bangor, Maine. Ti'ii**e*? Supporter.*, ami Shoulder Brace*. is wholly free from any earthy adulterution. Put up in Spalding’s. An elaborate treatise, carrying out and fully proving the Many remarkable cures of these affections havo been E. L. Hamlin, Pres’t. B. Plummer, Sec’y. Grateful for the liberal patronage bestowed upon my theory advanced here to correct, will be mailed to any in­ made by tbe alterative power of this medicine. It stimu­ Dr. J. W . P h elps, celebrated throughout New Eng­ boxes of 35 lbs. and 12 lbs. each, and sold at about the Rockland, Ju n e 5, 1850. 24tf humble efforts to please the public in the past, I shall en terested party, on the receipt of two 3 cent stamps,— lates tlie vital functions into vigorous action, and thus land and the West, as the inventor of various kinds of ap­ same price as common Brown Soap. tieavor to use my best effoits to retain the present trade overcomes disorders which would be supposed beyond its Life Insurance. paratus for the cure and correction of all kinds of defor­ THOMAS FRYE, Blood Food is sold by all druggists ; or w here it cannot be and respectfully solicit an extention of the same. had, I will send 6 bottles free of expense, for 4. Price reach. Such a remedy has long teen required by the ne­ Life Insurance effected in the fallowing sound companies mities. keeps constantly on hand at his establishment, No. B E N T A B SO A P, made expressly for (he Teeth, of a n d single bottle, $ 1. It is put tip in 8 oz. vials, in yellow cessities of the people, and wo are confident that this will 68 T remont Str e e t , Boston, a full assortm ent, of Patent SHAVINO DEPARTMNT. doing business on the most approved plans, and offering in­ the purest materials, and agreeable to the tnsie. Physic­ w rappers—the old kind, in small bottles, in red wrappers do for them all that medicine can do. ducements second to no other companies. Premiums may Trusses, Abdominal Supporters. Shoulder Braces, Knee X O . 1 «£I M O.V I-I- U L O O I t , Shaving, Hair Cutting, Shampooing, Coloring, Curling, Caps, Elastic Stockings, Ac., Ac. ians and other scientific men have demonstrated the fact H.m rrizzliug done a nine better man at any other eatui- having been done m vay w ith—and bears tire fuc-siinile be paid quarterly, semi-annually, or yearly. {Over tkc Slore o f M. C. Andrews.) Jishtneui in the State, this is what the people say. signature of Church & Dupont upon the f.ce of the wrap­ Dr.lPhelps’ Apparatus are used and recommended by the thatjthe Teeth and Gums of all are infested with Animal D well in;; H o u h c ? o u Spring Street, per. Beware of counisrfeits oed imitations. faculty at the Massachusetts General Hospital. PERFUMERY Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral, NEW ENGLAND MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. Parasites. Careful und repeated experiments have proved opposite Dirigo Engine House. C. T. DUPONT, Sole Propriclor. Boston, Mass...... Accumulated Capital, $1,200,000. ALL ORDERS BY DAY OR NIGHT of all descriptions for sale at this establishment. 409 Broadway, N ew York. FOR THE RAPID CURE OP FAIRBANKS A BEAKD that Soap is the on I) agent that will destroy them without will be promptly attended to. II. II. HAY, Portland, general Agent for Maine. Coughs? Colds, Influenza, Hoarseness? Rockland, N ov. 20 1858. 4Sl MR. .1 L. GIOFRAY will challenge the world to pro­ CONNECTICUT MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. ! w holesale dealer is injury to the organs. duce a Salve equal to his C. P. FESSENDEN and LEVI M ROBBINS, Agents Croup, Bronchitis? Incipient Con­ for Rockland and vicinity. (rs7) 43tf sumption, and for the Relief H artfo rd ,C o n n ecticu t... Accumulated Capital 3 000,000. L r t 'j X V r Y rr l It effectually rids the mouth of the ftelid matter and tar­ DENTISTRY. Samaritan Salve, of Consumptive Patients |£y The above are the oldest Life Insurance Companies A le, FO rteF, Lildef, M in e ra l W ateF , tar which renders the breath so impure and disagreeable which is for sale at his establishment and by Druggists ATWOOD’S in advanced Stages in the United S tates. T he insured participate in the profit. of the Disease. ______CONGRESS SPRING WATER, —it gives lone and strength to the gums, and a clear, pear­ n 'lIE Subscriber would respectful generally. Every mother should not fail to have a box in ly whiteness to the teeth, preventing their premature de- 'Zj j Y-V? b‘ inform the citizens of Rockland and the house in case of accident. Q U JX IX IT TO jNTIO This is a remedy so universally known to surpass any charter oak life INSURANCE co. Draught Ale, Porter, and Lager Beer. vicinity that he has fitted up an OFFICE in J. L. GIOFRAY. other for tlie cure of throat aud lung complaints, that it n a rtf° rJ’ C0D" ...... - C a p i t a l and, $500,000.; A l,m n & , B o s lg n Wilson A White’s block, for the practice of Dentistry — Rockland. Sept. 20. 1859. 39lf is useless here to publish tlie evidence of its virtues. Its Manufactured only by the Boston I ndbxi He is prepared to insert artificial teeth and io perform all unrivalled excellence for coughs and colds, aud its truly BITTERS, wonderful cures of pulmonary disease, have made it Life Insurance effected as above, on either stock or mu- — Company. operations connected with his profession in the m ost skill ful manner. The Best Aromatic Tonic ever o He re cl to known throughout the civilized nations of the earth. tuHipia_n._ _ ...... ‘PISTOLS FOR VOLUNTEERS, Few are the communities, or even families, among them p~r E. H. Cochran, thankful for the liberal patronage GEO. W . SAFFORD A CO., Ag< •its, E . I’. CHASE. the Public. heretofore received, pledges himself to give the most care­ For sale by JOHN P. LOVELL, 76 Sudbury St., Boston. Rockland. Nov. 17, 1858. 471y who have not some personal experience of its effects — importer and manufacturer of RECOMMENDED BY TH E FACULTY some living trophy in their midst of its victory over tho ful attention to all business entrusted to him in the insur­ Sold hv Druggists and Dealers generally, ance line. ______For its Superior M edicinal Qualities. subtle and dangerous disorders of the throat and lungs. DOUBLE AND SINGLE GUNS, As all know the dreadful fatality of these disorders, and 1)K. BAYNES, as they know, too, the effects of this remedy, we need not Rifles. Pistols, Gun Locks, and Gun Materials of all kinds. I'HOrOCHKOMATlC OIL 1‘AIYiIXG. rpIIIS elegant compond which has secured the confidence 27 D ock Square? (Up Stubs,) BOSTON. do more than to assure them that it has now all the vir­ SPRING STYLES! 1 and endorsement of most of the leading Physicians of tues that It did have when ntakiug tbe cures which have SOD Young .lien K’anted New England, is a palatable and efficient form of Quinine, won so strongly upon the confidence of mankind. contaiuining all the peculiar virtues of P ereuvian bark, W estern Transportation Company. To introduce ibis i •V art. This is a new business, iu T ’l i o m n s t o n , N f e . carefully combined with various tonics and stomachics, Preparod by Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Maaa. which our agents art " X ANU nuking Irotn $30 to $5u a month, and cannot fail to meet the wants of the debilitated. clear of expenses. : rcitnens o f this art can he seen by Agents, -F. G. COOK, C. P. FESSENDEN, J. S. HALL ident of Thomaston, for the past It is a mild tonic to the stomach, increasing the appe­ A CO., LEVI M. ROB3INS. Rockland; A. I). Almond, W. ' 6 , WESTERN EXPRESS, calling at our ofilce, Terms to Agents, and Descriptive tite, assisting digestion, pre-eminently good in dyspepsia, Circulars, sent f r e e , by addresi M. Conk, Thomaston; J. T. Dana, Damariscotta; Jas. WENTWORTH Ofllcc, No. 1 1 Stole Street. O ctober 16, I860. strengthening and invigorating to the digestive and nervous Peny, Camden ; C. Young, Jr., Rockport. L. L. TODI) A CO., systems after prostrating diseases ; and in fever and ague, Merchandise transported from Boston to the Western 112 Merrimack St., Lowell, Muss. W. L Alden & Co., Bangor, nnd W. F. Phillips, Port­ ; and Southwestern States with despatch, and at low rates. or kindred complaints, its aid is invaluable. land, Wholesale Agents. T. E. & F. J. SIMONTON, GIN For diarrhcea, dysentery and cholera inorbug, the public ! For rates. Bills Lading and Shipping Directions, apply to VTTANTED.-AGENTS TO SELL PACKAGES G IN AS A REMEDIAL AGENT. December 19, I860. Iy52 BEEBE S, LEARY’S and GENIVS W m. F. IIURU, Agent. (Successors to J. W. Brown,) may rest assured there is nor can be any belter general H of STATIONERY und JEWELRY, at prices one THIS DELICIOUS TONIC STIMULANT. remedy. GARDINER’S LATEST PATTERNS Also a very genteel sample for third less than can be purchased elsewhere. Call on or ----- D ealers in ------One of the very best Physicians in Boston has said Y ou ng ZVTcn I Especially designed for the use of the Medical Profession address (stamp cih-losed,) J. L. BAILEY, No. 15-1 Court and the F am ily, has all of those intrinsic medicinal quali­ “ that it is the best preparation of Bitters that has ever AMERICAN GUANO. been offered to the public.” LORD RENFREW. RAREY, UNION, AND S t., Boston, Mass. Silks, Dress Goods, Shawls, ties (tonic and diuretic) which beiong to an old and p u re Rheumatic and Neuralgia The undersigned, Agent for the States of Maine, New WHITE GOODS, EMBROIDERIES, LINENS, Gin. it has received the personal endorsement of over Put up iu half pint as well as quart bottles, in order POCKET CAPS! ' Hampshire, Vermont and Massachusetts, lor the sale of seven thousand physicians, who have recommended it iu , that all may convince themselves of its superior merits. COMPOUND TRIMMINGS, HOSIERY, Gl.OVES, Ac., further particulars reference is made to the prluted FUR. WOOL, and FRENCH HATS, all o the Guano imported by the American Guano Company, BROWNELL A WING’S the treatment of Gravel, Dropsy, RheumutLm, Obstruc-j . ,’or A certain safe nnd permanent cure fsr Rheumatism, Neu the Latest styles, together with a fresh assortment of CLOAKINGS & CLOAKS. lion or Suppression of the Menses, Affections of the Kid- circul’i puts now in store and offers for sale to dealers and farmers, rnlgia and Salt Rlteuin. It is an iuternal remedy, driving BOOTS, SHOES and RUBBERS ! DINTNG ROOMS, nevs. etc. i for sale by out and entirely eradicating the disease, requiring no change ' in any desired quuntity, the Company’s Jarvis Island Gu- For Ladies und Gentlemen, Put up in quait and pint bottles, and sold by all drug­ CHAS, hl, ATWOOD, in diet or business, and may be taken by children and per­ CASZPE THEKS. gists and Town Agents. unsurpassed in Excellence of Taste, Richness of Style, ano, of their own importation. 19 CENTRAL ST., BOSTON., sons of the most delicate constitutions with perfect safety. Economy and Durability! NO. 4 BRATTLE STREET, BOSTON. NO. 4 BERRY’S BLOCK. A. M. BIN1NGER & CO., Sole Proprietors, "orsalein Portland, Me., by H . II. IIAY', and by . The leim “ American Guano ” is the title or trade-mark Rockland, Feb. 15, I860. 8tf (Established iu 1778.) No 19 Broad street, N. Y. Teatiiuouial*. G IV E H I M AN EARLY CALL I PEKBV DAVIS, MANAGER, Dri 15 tf ,i by which we designate the fertilizer, which we are irnporl- vill please call. For sale in Boston by GEO. C. GOODWIN i:9« “'Kited by CIIAS.F.GAR- Railroads and Steameis, where it is now, and has been for Rockland, April 17, 1661. I7tf Ciape, Silk. Worsted and Colton Shawls, Yarn, and Billious und Liver Complaints ; Humors, from a pimple Is still selling Goods as years used. Warranted to give perfect satisfaction. Man­ Shipping & Commission Merchants, Worsted; High Colors for Lace Work, Carpets, &c.; to the worst putrid sore ; Ja-mdice; Costiveness; Head­ W FTl|brnJ|?riiN BArVCI1 * SON> Waldoboro: WM. H. ufactured solely by the undersigned. Also dealers in pENDLETON’S Italian and Fiench Crapes ; Ladies’ Dresses ol every des ache ; Piles, Dyspepsia; Indigestion; Weakness, «me meUicme ia also put up in n more concentrated March 1,1861. lltf I NEW YORK. Ag e n t s :—H. Hatch, Rockland ; R. Y. Crie, Waldobo­ j^lC E WHITE SUGAR for 8 cent* per pound. (East side of Maine R. R. Depot,) BOSTON. form called Or. LnuKlcy’s Sugar Coated Root HESE Pills are purely Vegetable, and a safe remedy ' Manila Rope, Tar’d Rope, Anchors and Chains, Bunting ro’; Hall & Co., Damariscotta ; John B. C arver, (Carver’s nnd Herb Plllu, a beautiful cathartic, w ithout uriD- GRANULATED- “ « 9 « « “ Buyers who wish to buy Carriages should not fail to ex­ T for Dyspepsia, Costivenehs, Loss of Appetite, Liver , Flags, WhiteLead, Paint Oil, Lamp Oil, Patent Wind Harbor) Vinalhaven ; H. A. Mills, North Haven; James mg or pain, and will cure Coaliveneneau and Piles. Sold Fertilizers. amine our stock, as we manufacture our own goods, and Complaint, and Impurities of the Blood, &c., and are the j lasses, Acc. Perry, Camden Harbor; John A. Wutts, (Tenant’s Har­ by all Dealers in Medicines. MERICAN Guano, Peruvian Guano, Super-Pbosphato Just received and for sale, bv bor) St. George; Mrs. N. Fuller, Thomaston; can warrant them to be ol the best workmanship, both in Pills to take when Physic is required. Can be found at STORAGE. II. H. p ooaS ie^ o !? J- °- La n g l e y or geo. c. of Lime, Ground Bone, dec., at the AGRICULTURAL KIMBALL ir INGRAHAM. style and finish : and it will be for the advantage of all THE SIGN OF THE GOLDEN EAGLE. J acob r o sev elt. marcus bo sev elt. Keen. McLain’s Mills ; J. W. Longfellow. Machias. GOODWIN «fc CO., Boston. A warehouse and seed s i ore, 3 palmek block. Rockland, May 22, 1861. 6w22 who wish anything in our line to give us a call. Rockland, May 7, 1861. 20tf J April 23,1857, 17 ly Rockland, April 2 , 166J, I5 tf March 5,1861. 15 tf- J. r. WISE, Agt.