Maine Legislative Manual, 1869

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Maine Legislative Manual, 1869 MAINE STATE LEGISLATURE The following document is provided by the LAW AND LEGISLATIVE DIGITAL LIBRARY at the Maine State Law and Legislative Reference Library Reproduced from scanned originals with text recognition applied (searchable text may contain some errors and/or omissions) Public Documents of Maine.. : BETNG THE • ANNUAL lll~~PORrrs uf' VARTOUS -PUBLIC OFFICERS AND INSTITUTIONS f'llR Tlrn YEAR 18G8-~. AUGUSTA: ;-;1·HA<HJI!] Oi\ 1,;.\i & NASH, PRINTERS TO TIU:: STATK 1 8 6 9. MAINE LEGISLATIVE MANUAL. 1.869. COMPILED BY THE SECRETARY OF THE SENATE AND CLERK OF THE HOUSE. AUGUSTA: SPRAGUE, OWEN & NASH, PRINTERS TO THE STATE. 1869. STATE OF MAINE. IN SENATE, January 14th, 1869. ORDERED, That the Secretary of the Senate and Clerk of the House of Representatives be directed to prepar~ a Legislative Manual for 1869, containing a diagram of the Senate Chamber and House of Representatives, and the usual statistical matter, and that three hundred copies be printed for the use of the Senate, and the usual number for the use of the House. Read and passed. Sent down for concurrence. THOMAS P. CLEAVES, Secretary. IN HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, ! January 15, 1869. 5 Read and passed in concurrence. S. J, CHADBOURNE, Clerk. A true copy. ATTEST : THOMAS P, CLEAVES, Secretary. CIVIL GOVERNMENT OF THE STATE OF MAINE, FOR THE POLITICAL YEAR 1869. GOVERNOR: JOSHUA L. CHAMBERLAIN, OF BRUNSWICK. COUNCILLORS: HENRY C. REED, NORWAY, GEORGE w. RANDALL, PORTLAND, HORACE B. PRESCOTT, NEW SHARON, WILLIAM PHILBRICK, SKOWHEGAN, ELIAS MILLIKEN, BURNHAM. JOSEPH w. PORTER, BURLINGTON. SAMUEL K. WHITING, ELLSWORTH, FRANKLIN M. DREW, BRUNSWICK, Secretary of State; WILLIAM CALDWELL, AUGUSTA, Treasurer of State. JOHN C. CALDWELL, ELLSWORTH, Adjutant General. WILLIAM P. FRYE, LEWISTON, Attorney General. PARKER P. BURLEIGH, LINNEUS, Land Agent. PRENTISS .M. FOGLER, AUGUSTA, Messenger to Governor and Council. GOVERNOR'S STAFF. SELDEN CONNOR, FAIRFIELD. THOMAS W. HYDE, BATH. GEORGE VARNEY, BANGOR, JOHN M. BROWN' PORTLAND, PRIVATE SECRETARY TO THE GOVERNOR. ALBERT 0. MORGAN, LEWISTON. OFFICERS. SECRETARY OF STATE. SUPERINTENDENT OP PUBLIC BUILDINGS. Franklin M. Drew, Brunswick. Benjamin F. Harris, Machias. Deputy Sec'y-Geo. G. Stacy, Kezar Falls. Chief Clerk-James R. Milliken, Portland. STATE ASSAYER, George L. Goodale, Saco. TRBASURER OF STATE. William Caldwell, Augusta.. Chief Clerk-Sylvanus Caldwell, Augusta. BANK AND INSURANCE EXAMINER. Albert W. Paine, Bangor. ADJUTANT GENERAL AND ACTING QUARTER· MASTER GENERAL, John C. Caldwell, Ellsworth. RAILROAD COMMISSIONERS, Chief Clerk-Napoleon Trudeau, Augusta. Asa w. Wildes, Skowhegan. Samuel H. Blake, Bangor. Solomon T. Corser, Portland. ATTORNEY GENERAL, William P. Frye, Lewiston. INSPECTOR GENERAL BEEF AND PORK, Daniel Winslow, Westbrook. LAND AGENT. Parker P. Burleigh, Linneus. INSPECTOR GENERAL OF FISH. Thomas Warren, Deer Isle. REPORTER OF DBCISIONS S. J, COURT, William Wirt Virgin, Norway. AGENT PENOBSCOT TRIBE !Nm.A.NS, George F. Dillingham, Oldtown. SUPERINTENDENT OF COMMON SCHOOLS, Warren Johnson, Topsham. STATE LIBRARIAN. AGENT PASSAMAQUODDY TRIBE INDIANS. Joseph T. Woodward, Sidney. George F. Wadsworth, Eastport. Window, \Vindow. STEPHEN D. LIND8EY, President. Trros. P. CLEA. VES, SAM'L W. LANE, Secretary. Ass't Sect'y. ?; 0 ~ ,,,·r. .s 7. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ [fl ~u ""' "' .....,-1 ~ SENATE CHAlUBER. J 8CH. L Door. Door. SENATORS. 08UNTIBS. DISTRICTS. NA.MES. RESIDENCE. YeRK, First, GEORGE GOODWIN, Wells. WILLIAM M. McARTHUR, Limington. SAMUEL HANSON, Buxton. 0ux:BJ:RLA.MD, Second, FRED. G. MESSER, Portland. JEREMIAH MITCHELL, Pownal. MARQUIS D. L. LANE, Standish. CHARLES E. GIBBS, Bridgton. Ox:roRl,, Third, WILLIAM W. BOLSTER, Dixfield. SAMUEL TYLER, Brownfield. ANDROSCOGGIN, Fourth, MANDEVILLE T. LUDDEN, Turner. FRA.l(KLlN' Fifth, REUJiL B. FULLER, Wilton. SA.GA.DA.HOC, Sixth, JACOB P. MORSE, Bath. K11annrnEc, Seventh, JOHN L. STEVENS, Augusta.. WILLIAM B. SNELL, Monmouth. THOMAS S. LANG, Vassalborough. SOMERSET, Eighth, STEPHEN D. LINDSEY, Norridgewock. LUTHER H. WEBB, Hartland. PISCATAQUIS, Ninth, ~UMNER A. PATTEN, Monson. PBMOB:!COT, Tenth, JOHN GARDNER, Patten. SAMUEL F. HERSEY, Bangor. THOMAS R. KINGSBURY, Bradford. LINOOLN, Eleventh, BENJAMIN D. METCALF, Damariscotta. KNOX, Twelfth, EDWARD K. O'BRIEN, Thomaston. MOSES R. MATHEWS, Warren. WALDO, Thirteenth, THEOPHILUS H. CUSHING, Winterport. LORENZO GARCELON, Troy. HAM COCK, Fourteenth, JOSEPH H. WEST, Franklin. JOHN A. BUCK, Orland. WA.SWNGTON, Fifteenth, F. LORING TALBOT, East Maohia.s. BENJAMIN B. MURRAY, Jn., Pembroke. AROOSTOOK,, GEORGE CARY, Houlton. SENATE OF MAINE. STEPHEN D. LINDSEY, PRESIDE1'T. THOMAS P. CLEAVES, SECRETARY, SENATORS. RESIDENCE. P. O. ADDRESS. BOARDING-PLACE, William W. Bolster, Dixfield, Dixfield, Mansion House. John A. Buck, Orland, Orland, Augusta House. George Cary, Houlton, Houlton, Mansion House. Theophilus H. Cushing, Winterport, · Winterport, Augusta House. Reuel B. Fuller, Wilton, Wilton, Mr. Scruton. Lorenzo Garcelon, Troy, Troy, Charles Turner. John Gardner, Patten, Patten, J. J. Fuller. Charles E. Gibbs, Bridgton, Bridgton, Augusta House. George Goodwin, Wells, Wells Depot, Mrs. Butler. Samuel Hanson, Buxton, Buxton Centre, Augusta House. Samuel F. Hersey, Bangor, Bangor, Augusta House. Thomas R. Kingsbury, Bradford, Bradford, Mansion House. Marquis D. L. Lane, Standish, Standish, Mrs. Lemont. Thomas S. Lang, Vassalborough, North Vassalboro', Augusta House. Stephen D. Lindsey, Norridgewock, Norridgewock, Mrs. Lemont. Mandeville T. Ludden, Turner, Turner, Augusta House. Moses R. Mathews, Warren, Warren, Mansion House. William M. McArthur, Limington, Limington, Augusta House. Fred. G. Messer, Portland, Portland, Augusta House. Benjamin D. Metcalf, Damariscotta, Damariscotta, Augusta House. Jeremiah Mitchell, Pownal, West Pownal, Central House. Jacob P. Morse, Bath, Bath, Augusta House. Benjamin B. Murray, Jr., Pembroke, Pembroke, Mansion House. Edward K. O'Brien, Thomaston, Thomaston, Mansion House. Sumner A. Patten, Monson, Monson, Mrs. Lemont. William B. Snell, Monmouth, Monmouth, Mr. Scruton. John L. Stevens, Augusta, Augusta, At Home. F. Loring Talbot, East Machias, East Machias, Augusta House. Samuel 'l'yler, Brownfield, Brownfield, M. A. Chandler. Luther H. Webb, Hartland, Hartland, No. 20 Crescent St. Joseph II. West, Franklin, Franklin, Augusta House. OFFICERS. NAME AYD OFFICE. P. O. ADDRESS, BOARDING-PLACE. STEPHEN D. LINDSEY, President, Norridgewock, Mrs. Lemont. THOMAS P. CLEAVES, Secretary, Brownfield, Mansion House. SAMUEL W. LANE, Assi1<tant Secretary, Augusta, At Home. JABEZ MARRINER, Messenger, Portland, Otis W. Turner. JAMES H. BANKS, Assistant .LWessenger, Freeport, Mr. Williams. HERBERT M. HEATH, Page, Gardiner, At Home. REUEL SMALL, Reporter, Auburn, Augusta House. 152 141 142 143 144 145 lJG 147 148 149 150 151 I \ Enoch Fisher. Elij,1h Wyman, Cyrus Waugh, Johu W. B,1rker, John R. Bridges, Hir:1m S. Ba.rtlett, 3 os. Cra m1on, ,Jr., : Rolwrt E·les. .T. A. :F,irrington, Cbrnks Junkins, Yo1k. Ch:ir1otte. Newport. Levant. Montville. Castine. Trenton. nf D.,t~l.l ias. N::cplcs. Lovell. 137 138 139 140 125 126 127 128 129 132 133 13-1 1.35 13G Eleazn Kelley, E. P. Bl,t:s:Jell, Cyrns Dunn, Willi,un Dickey, Ellery Turner. Jethro Brown. O:::co.r Pike, Culeb Holyoke, Is:1ac Foster, D. VV. Clrnpm,m, James :u. Coffin, Joslnrn Whitney, Peru. Fort Kent. North Cut1er. Perry. Princeton. Brewer. Axgyle. Kittery. Bowdoin. Northport. Thorndike. Jonesborough. F:ome. 12] 123 124 109 110 111 113 llJ 115 116 117 113 119 G. W. Ctltlwe11, A. C,Lldenvoo(l. W. D. Ferguson, Charles V. Minot.' Jacob F. Frederic, ' G. C. Lynam, J. S. P. H,1m, Whitman 811,wyer, 1L C. Clrnucllei·, Wm. i\I. Longley, E. IL Bennett, Isaac B. Goodwin, '1'. S. Somes, ! Vlaldoboruug;h. Ju,y. W::tldo. Dixmont. Phips1mrg. Starks. Sullivan. Lewiston. Falmouth. New Glouccoter. Greene. Sanford. Penobscot. 10± ]05 106 107 108 93 91: 95 96 97 98 99 100 102 lOJ ,Julin G. :\1:iyo, D.iuiel Wbite, A. ,J. H,1teh, D,1Yicl 'l'. Giveen, N. Thompson, P,trker G. Eaton, Abnel' Toothaker, G. W. Hammond, Thomas B. Reed, Leon:ird Lord, A. Greely, L. H. Stover, William Hopkins, E.W. \Ved;.;e 1rnod, Dover. A;ton. Newfield. Friencl~hip. Prospect. Phillip,. Wectbrook. Portlanr1. Detroit. Cumberland, Harpswell. Bluebill. Bid clefurd. 83 85 86 87 83 89 uo 91 92 n 78 79 80 81 82 I I :\I. Jos. S. Dowler, S. D. Riclrnrilson, .J uhw A. Driggs, T. Henry Brawn, :-fames James R. Haley, Thos. E. Henry 0. Perry, 1 Geo. S. Holman, C. M. Powers, .\fas on J. :VI etcalf, S. T. Hiuks, G. W. Ilo'lle, Freeport. North ILu·cn, Oldtown. Gorham. .. ~~~o~ :,k, .. 1 D~:l_R Pole:, Dayton. Portland. Mars Hill. Dixfield. Ilonlton. Monmouth. \\'hitofield. - - - G~~::t~~ - - - - - ~~~1~~ - - - 1-0 Iv 75 76 61 62 63 61 65 6G 67 68 G. C. G.,ss, A\rner Dinsmore, A. C. Pl'rly, Robert Cl'ockett, Onin iUcFa,lLlen. I I. G. Kimball, Francis H. Foss, Oran ville Bl.1ke, ,John i\lears, Ch:u·les Y. Tuel, Josi,th Simmous, Geo. L. Hosmer, G. L. Baker, Francis TI. Lt1ne, B. Livermore. Roekbnrl. Dre~clen. i Bothel. · Uuion. Deer Isle. Steuben. Unity Pfa,ntation, J<'arming<lllle. Dath. :Fa,irfielcl. Auburn. Bristol. ·-~~~~~~I~. 56 57 58 59 60 45 46 47 48 50 51 53 I S B. Gunnis'.m, 1 A . ,John RnSdlll, E. C. ,Andrew J. Weston, P. J. C,uleton, William. Dolbier, S. A. Plummer, Ir,1 D. Sturgis, .Jon:1tl1:1n Libby, Joseph 0. Smith, William Irish, Ezra Kempton, Reuben Srnnll, E. W. Thompson, Sca.rhorou.;h. Stc,cktiln. Kingfie1r1. Dexter. V,1ss:11 J,oru'. Durham. llodgdon, Sbenu:111. Mt. Vernon. Cornish. l\lndison. qq 4{) 29 30 31 "')0 ... i) •.) 36 ' ,J. Yi'. P.tlm8t\ :\l,,rslinll Cmin, Willi.1111 S. Do,Jgr, A B. F:trwell, Alfred Watts, John S. Case, S. 1'11. Newhall, Wm. :.\1. Rust, W. Luc,1s, Tohi:lS Lord, G. ,L Ifommoud, Plimy B. Soulr, H._Trirr, Joseph \V. D:i.n!!;or. Bruaswick. Oxfur,l. Thomaston. Rockland. Paris. Guilford. Wn tcrborou,J1. 1 •) 2;') 26 21 28 ,0 15 16 18 19 20 ! den Dr·,,,Jfur,l, U. W. S,twyer, Clrnrks G. Klrnuml Il.ussell, E.
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