Maine State Legislature
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MAINE STATE LEGISLATURE The following document is provided by the LAW AND LEGISLATIVE DIGITAL LIBRARY at the Maine State Law and Legislative Reference Library Reproduced from scanned originals with text recognition applied (searchable text may contain some errors and/or omissions) RESOLVES OF THE OF THE STATE OF MAINE, PASSED AT ITS SESSION, WI-IlCH COMMENCED ON THE THIRTY-FIRST DAY OF MAY, AND ENDED ON THE TWENTY-EIGHTH DAY OF JUNE, ONE THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED AND TWENTY. Published agreeably to a Resolution of June ~IJ, 18~O. G_ PORTLAND: PIUNTED I1Y FRANCIS DOU~LAS, PRINTE~ TO THE ST.Tl'l. 1820. CIVIL GOVERNMENT OF THE FOR THE POLITICAL YEAR 18~O .... :~n. - 'WILLIAM ](ING, ESQUIRE, GOVERNOR. - @® 'i][email protected] 'rRO~VU\S YILLE11RO,iVN') \VILL\.l\~l WE1)\lE\\~ ~1.l\ R ,'- R'\\"R IIIS .. a.~lEL woou, WM. C. Wlll'l\N'E"'i~ IS.I\.I\C L.I\N"FJ~ WILLI.l\~1 E~lERSOX\ "EsC\.uires, - ASHUR VI! ARE, ESQUIRE, SECRETARY OF THE STATE. JOSEPH C. BOYD, ESQUIRE, TREASURER OF THE S'l'A'fE, " JOHN CHANDLER, ESQUIRE, President. [Resigned, June 19, 1820.] WILLIAM MOODY, ESQUIRE, President. [Resigned, June 9213, 1820.] 'VILLIAM D. WILLIAMSON, ESQUIRE, President. COUNTY OF YORK. WILLIAM MOODY, JOHN lVlcDONALD, Esq'rs. JOSIAH W. SEAVER, COUNTY OF CU.lIfBERLAND. JOSEPH E. FOXOROFT, JONATHAN PAGE, Esq'l's. BARRETT POTTER, COUNTY OF LINCOLN. NATHANIEL GREEN, DANIEL ROSE, Esq'rs. ERASTUS FOOTE, COUNTY OF KENNEBEC. JOHN CHANDLER, TIMOTHY BOUTELLE, JOSHUA GAGE, *CHARLES MORSE, Esq'rs. COUNTY OF HANCOCK. ANDREW WITHAM, GEORGE ULMER, Esq'rs. COUNTY OF WASHINGTON. JEREMIAH O'BRIEN, Esq. COUN1'Y OF OXFORD. SAMUEL SMALL, JAMES W. 'RIPLEY, Esq'rs. COUNTY OF SOlVIERSET. JOHN MOORE, WILLIAM I~ENDALL, Esq'rsJ COUNTY OF PENOBSCOT. WILLIAM D. WILLIAMSON,·'Esq.- EBENEZER HERRICK, Esq. Secretary. RUFUS K. GOODENOW, .flssistnnt Secretary. Rev. ELIJAH KELLOGG, Chaplain. JOlIN lVI.ERRILL, :/lIcssenEer. -Vice, Ohandler, resigned'. HOUSE OF REPRESENrrArrIVES. -- BENJAMIN AMES, ESQUIRE, ~pealcel'. COUNTY OF YORK. ALFRED, Andrew Conant. Antndel. Simon Nowell. Biddeford, Samuel Merrill. Berwick, Nahum Heard. B~txton, Nathan Elden. Co rn'ish , Thomas A. J oh11son. Elliot, John Hammond. Hollis, John Dennett. Kittery, Mark Dennett. Lebanon, David Legro. Lyman, John Low. Limerick, John Burnham. Limington, Nathaniel Clark. Newfield, James AyeI'. P (U'sonsfield, Rufus M'Intire. Saco, John F. Scammon. Slwp leigh , John Bodwell. Sanford, Elisha Allen. So~tth Berwick, Joshua Chase. Waterboro' Henry Hobbs. Wells, Joseph Moody, Nahum Morrell. YORK, Elihu Bragdon, Alexander lVPlntire. CUMBERLAND. Bridgton, Harrison, and Baldwin, Phil1ehas Ingalls. Bmnswick, David Dunlap, Da.niel Stone. 6 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. f Cape Elizctbeth, Ebenezer Thrasher. Durham, Allen H. Cobb. F;J,lmouth, John Wait. Freeport, Solomon Dennison. Gorham, J ames Irish, Toppan Robie. Gray, Peter ·Whitney. Harpswell. Stephen Purington. ~1YIinot, Asaph Howard. New- GlO1tCester, Isaac Gross. North- Yarrnottth, Ephraim Sturdivant, Edward Russell. Nicholas Emery, PORTLAND, , Asa Clap, Simon Greenleaf. Powned, Isaac Cushman. Poland and DanvUle, Josiah Dunn,.Jun. RaY1nond and Otisfield, Zachariah Leach. Standish, Theodore Mussey. Scarborough, Cyrus Libby. Windham, Daniel Hall. Westbrook, Silas Estes. LINCOLN. Bowdoin, Joseph Carr. , Bristol, Samuel Tucker. Bowdoinhmn, Elihu Hatch. Boothbay, J aIm M'Kown. Bath, Benjamin Ames, Camden, Jonas Wheeler. Edgecomb, Stephen Parsons. Hope (tnd Appleton Ridge, Fergus lVl'Clain. Jefferson and Putnam, we. J esse Rowell. Litchfield, David C. Burr. Lewiston emd Welles, Dan Read. Lisbon, Nathaniel Eames. HOUSE OF REPRESEN'rATIVES, Newcastle, Ebenezer D. Robh~son. Nobleboro' Ephraim Rollins. Palermo,Montville and llfont~ ville Plctntation, Thomas Eastman• . Phipsburgh and Georgetown, Parker M'Cobb. St. George, Gushing and Friendship, Joel Miller. TOPSHAM, Abel Merrill. Thomaston, Isaac Barnard. Union, Nathaniel Batchelder. Whitfield and Alna, Joseph Bailey. WARREN, John Miller. Waldoboro' . Isaac G. Reed. WISCASSET, Samuel E. Smith. l¥oolwich and Dresden, Ebenezer Delano. HANCOCK, Bttcksport, Samuel Little. Belfctst and Northpo'l't, Alfred Johnson, Jun. Brooks, Knox, Jackson, and Thorndike, Samuel Whitney. Bluehill and Sedgewick, Amos Allen. Cctstine and Brooksville, William Abbot. Deer Isle, Pearl Spofford. Ellsworth,Surry, Trenton and lYlariav,ille Plantation, Benjamin Lord. Frankfort and JIIIonroe, Joshua Hall. Lincolnville, Searsmont and Belmont, Ephraim Fletcher. Mount Desert and Eden, David Richardson. Prospect and Swanv'ille, Abel W. Atherton. Penobscot and Orland, Charles Hutchings,J!'. Sullivan and Goldsboro'. John Sargent. Vincdlwven and Islesboro'. Tbomaiil Waterman. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, KENNEBEC. AUGUSTA, Robert C. Vose. Chesterville, Vienn(t and Rome, Ward Locke. Clinton, Herbert Moore. China and Winslow, Robert Fletcher. Dearborn and Belgrade, Peaslee Morrill, Jun. Faiifax lznd Freedom, Joel WeIIingtOll. Farmington, Jabez Gay. < , Fayette and Wayne, Samuel Tuck. Gardiner, Joshua Lord .. Green, Luther Robbins. ' Hallowell, Peleg Sprague. Harlem and lY]alta, Joseph Stewart. Leeds, Thomas Francis. Monmouth, Abraham Morrill. lYlount- Vernon, Nathaniel Rice. New-Sharon, Nehemiah Smith. Pittston, Thomas Coss. Readfield, Samuel Curl'ier. Sidney, Ambrose Howard. Unity, Joy and 25 mile Pond . Plantation, Rufus Burnham. Vassalborough, Samuel Redington. Waterville, Baxter Crowell. fVilton and Temple, Charles Morse. Winthrop, Andrew Wood. WASHINGTON. Columbia,Addison and Jones- borough, Thomas Ruggles. Eastport, John Burgin. Lubec,Dennysville,Plant(ttion No.9, 10, 11 and 12, H. G. Balch. MACHIAS, William Emerson. Robbinstown, Calais, P lantct- tion No.3, 6, 7,15 and 16, Thomas Vose. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. 9 Steuben, Cherryfield and Har- rington, Joseph Adams. OXFORD. B1lc7~field and Sumner, Enoch Hall. Bl'Ownfielcl,Porterand Hiram, Joseph Howai·d. Bethel, Gilead, Newry, Albany and How(trd 1s Gote, John Grover. Fryeburg, Denmark, we. Joseph Chandler. Jay and Hartford, Cornelius Holland. Livermore, Thomas Chase, Jun. lVlexico, Dixfield, T¥eld and Plantation No.4, Walter P. Carpenter. Norway and He~ron, Henry Rust, Jun. PARI s, TYoodstoclc, and Green- wood, James Hooper. Rttmford,East Andover,Plan- tations No. 7 and 8, Peter C. Virgin. Turner, John Turner. Wate1ford, Sweden, and Lovell, Josiah Shaw. SOJliERSET. Anson, I New-Portland, Emb- den and Plantation No.1, James Collins. Bloomfield and Norridgwoek, Eleazer Coburn. Bingham, Madison, Solon, lVloseow and Northhill, Obed Wilson. Canaan, Warsaw, Palmyra, St. Albans and Corinna, John Wyman. Cornville, Athens, Harmony, Ripley, ,and Warrentown, George Bixby. Fairfield, Ebenezer Lawrence. Freeman, Avon, Phillips and Kingfield, Jonathan Brown. A'S'tarks and _M~ereer, Joseph Burr. Strong, New Vineyard, ~'c. J olm Read. 10 HOUSE OF REPRESEN'.rATIVES. PENOBSCOT. Ouilford,Sangerville, Dexter, Garland and Plantation No.3, 6th Range, Joseph Kelsey. , , Hampden and Newburg, Jonathan Knowles Newport, Dixmont, Carmel, Herrnon,Stetson and Plan- tation No.4, 6th Range, Beluamin Shaw. N ew- Charleston, Blakesburg, Levant, Corinth, Exeter ,and Plantation No.1, 3d Range, and No.1, 4th Range, Daniel Wilkins. Orrington, Brewer and Ed- dington Plantations, Benjamin Nourse. Orono, Bangor and Sun1chase Plantation, Jackson Davis. Sebec, Atkinson, Foxcroft, Brownville, Willict1nsburg, Plantation No.1, 7th Range, and No.3, 7th Range, 'Vm. R. Lowney. JAMES LORING CHILD, ESQ. Clerk.. JOHN P. THURSTON, .f1ssistant Clel'k. Rev. ICHABOD NICHOLS, Chaplain. MOSES DA V'IS, JI[essenger. I AARON CHAMBERLAIN, Dool' Keepel" SA~IUEL DAVIS, Page. .