Restaurant Style Kurma / Kurma Recipe Without Vegetables

Restaurant Style kurma / Kurma Recipe Without Vegetables is a popular side dish recipe in Dindugul ( South India) for and . I and my brother are a great fan to this kurma especially with hot idly for breakfast and we fondly call this as “Bangaru’s Kurma “. Because there is a famous hotel called Bangaru biryani restaruant in dindugul where they prepare this kurma for biryani. Also If you run out of vegetable, but still you want to make some side dish for breakfast then try this restaruant style kurma. I got this recipe from my grand ma, she makes this best hotel style kurma recipe for hot idly, appam and . If you love the aroma of spices, then you would definitely fall in love with this kurma. This kurma recipe without vegetables is a great side dish for idly, dosa, appam and . Preparation Time : 15 mins Cooking Time : 25 Mins Serves : 3-4 People

Ingredients for Restaurant Style Kurma

To Grind

2/3 Cup of grated 3 Tbsp of Potukadalai (Fried Gram) 1/2 Tsp of Fennel Seeds 2 Cloves 1 Small Cinnamon 1 2 Tsp of Ginger Garlic Paste 2 Green Chilies 5 Cashews 1 Tsp of Poppy Seeds (optional) Water as needed

Other Ingredients

1/4 Tsp of Fennel Seeds 1 Clove 1 Small Cinnamon Stick 1 Cardamom 2 Handful of Small Onions ( 12-15), Sliced 5-7 Mint Leaves 5 Leaves 2 Tbsp of Chopped Coriander Leaves 1 Green Chilly (Slit) 3 Tomato Salt and water as needed Method

In a Mixie, grind all the ingredients listed under ” To Grind” to a smooth paste. Heat a pan with oil, add fennel, clove, cinnamon, cardamom, curry leaves, small onion, fry this until it turns golden brown colour. add green chilly, mint, coriander leaves and tomato, sauté this until it turns mushy. Add ground paste and salt, sauté this until raw smell vanishes. Add water, let it boil for 10-12 mins until you see bubbles at the top. Turn off the flame and garnish it with curry leaves and coriander leaves. Hot, yummy kurma is ready to serve.


Serve it with appam or idiyappam or idly or dosa. If you want to add any vegetables, you can add it. Adjust number of green chillies according to your taste. You can use ground nut in place of fried gram for white kurma. If your want your kurma thick add water, simmer it until it gets thick. Avocado Milk Shake Recipe / Butter Fruit Milk Shake

I love avocado..In India, they are called Butter fruit. I usually make guacamole, guacamole sandwich, avocado pasta with avocado. But yesterday I tried avocado milk shake recipe / Butter fruit milk shake they are so creamy, yummy and tasty. The creaminess of avocado blends so perfectly with milk. You can also condensed or evaporated milk to make avocado milk shake. To make vegan version of milk shake, add coconut milk or almond milk. Try this amazing milk shake with avocado for summer and enjoy. Preparation Time : 10 mins

Cooking Time : 5 mins Serves : 2-3 people

Ingredients for Avoacado Milk Shake

1 Big Ripe Avocado 1 Cup of Milk 2 Tsp of Honey 4-5 Tbsp of Sugar 1/2 Cup of Ice Cold Water Few Pomegranate Seeds to garnish


Slice the avocado and scoop the flesh and add all the ingredients to the blender. Blend it to smooth consistency.. Transfer them to a glass and serve immediately.


You can use coconut milk or almond milk for vegan version. You can skip honey and add sugar alone or use agave.

Red Aval / Poha Ladoo Recipe

Red Aval laddu / Poha Ladoo is my most favourite among ladoos, it is such easy and simple recipe. This aval ladoo needs just few minutes for preparation and with just 3 ingredients. So if you are looking for easy and quick sweet recipe for jayanthi and , give this ladoo a try and let me know how it turned out. Preparation Time : 15 mins Cooking Time : 10 mins Makes : 10 ladoos


1 Cup of Red Aval 1/2 Cup of Powdered Sugar 1/4 Cup of (Clarified Butter) 2 Tbsp of Milk 10 Cashews, Chopped 3 Cardamom


Heat a pan, dry roast the red aval over medium heat, until golden brown in colour. Let it cool down. Transfer the roasted poha to mixie jar and grind it finely. On the other side, grind the sugar and cardamon to a fine powder. Heat ghee, roast the cashews. In a bowl, mix ground aval (poha), sugar, melted ghee, milk and cashews. Mix well and make ladoo out of it. Yummy aval laddu is ready. Store it in an airtight container.


You can make ladoo with brown sugar or . Use white aval or red aval to make ladoo. Adjust the amount of sugar to your taste. Add ground coconut for great taste.

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