The Glasgow Directory
CITY OF GLASGOW DISTRICT COUNCIL PUBLIC LIBRARIES THE MITCHELL LIBRARY Class No. Date W2493 /<^/o/ // Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from National Library of Scotland THfi ^^^^ G L^SGOW SIRECTOTi F? CONTAINING A LIST OF THE S^c, Sfc. Sfc, IN THE CITY ANg SUBURBS, ALPHABETICALWiSR».ANGED. Aifo, -^ Lift of Jhe magistrates, council, merchant and trades' houses* Page " Ti.Si'' LIST OF STREI.TSj ^'^ CARTtRil- -'=•'?, -V45 NAMF.S OMITTEP, TABLE OF FREIGHTS I jj BANKS, 347 PACKETS AND IRADERS UPONT PUBLIC OFFICES, 148 CLYDE AN.3 THE CANAL, J MAIL FARE roR HACKNEY COACHES 55' AND STAGE COACHES, IS-'- FORTEKS'FtES, 152 CARRIERS' QITARTERS, 1 5S' COAL-POR'i ERS' Dj. iS3 M/.NAGERS, &c. OF POLTCE» CORRJECTED TILL JVLY^ 1811, TO WHICH ARE PREFIXED, A TABLE OF APPOlNTxMENTS, From July 1811, till February I %\S^ AND A TABLE OF STAMP DUTIES. THIRTEENTH EDITION. GLASGOW:"^ TRINTED BY A, NAPIIR, FOR W MTEAT tf CO. STATIONERS, TRONGATE'. ^ ?:^-.«.:^^^v^- > The Public are requested^ m^hen Removals iahplaa^ w Change of Partners^ %c, to have notice thereof at the shop of the Publishersj on or before the Ist of June in order that they ..^yle inserted in their proper placf in the next Edition, ) ( 3 TA.'^I^ OF APPOINTMENTS, &c. Frc^m Jul rl 8 1 1 , till Febr UARr 1813. August i8li. Februart 18 1 2. , August I0I2. Thurf. I 8 15 21 49 .?atur. J 8 15 22 29 Safur. I 8 ij 22 ap Frid. % 9 16 23 30 Sua.
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