
Common Name: Green (Plumed) Basilisk Latin Name: plumifrons

Distribution: Central America Natural Habitat: Tropical rain forests Adult Size: 2' - 2.5' Diet: Life Span: 15+ years

NATURAL HABITAT This arboreal is found in the dense foliage of the tropical rain forests from Costa Rica to Guatemala.

BEHAVIOUR Males can become territorial, separate from other males. Usually tame but frequent handling will stress the . Likes dense foliage and a well ventilated enclosure.

HOUSING When captive, adults require a minimum 60"x 24"x 24" enclosure. Use full spectrum lighting 12-14 hours per day. Provide a basking area with access to a cooler zone. This like dense foliage for climbing hiding.

TEMPERATURE Day temperature should range between 85 to 105 degrees F. Maintain night temperature range between 64-72 degrees F. Use heating pads under water bowl for 24-hour heat.

HUMIDITY This species requires a constant high level of humidity. Mist every other day.

FOOD & FEEDING Provide a large fairly deep bowl for drinking and soaking. This species is an omnivore (eats both meat and plants). Food should be dusted at least twice a week with calcium/vitamin powder. Likes dark greens (collard, mustard, turnip, dandelions). Eats locust, crickets and worms morio, wax or calci worms Supplement leafy diet with (squash, sprouts, and zucchini). 10-15% of diet may include fruits (papayas, mangos, figs).

All possess zoonotic properties so ensure you wash your hands after handling your reptile.